The sous makes a stand on Below Deck Down Under, and he does it on the International Douche Cruise, featuring a self-help guru who thanks God every day for his handsomeness. To watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Patreon.com/watchwhatcrappens. Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Chapter 1: What is the main theme of Below Deck Down Under S03E03?
Welcome to Crappens! Don't wait a week for a new video. Join our Patreon at the Crappens On Demand level for instant recap access. Link in description. Enjoy the show! Well, hello, and welcome to What What's Wrapping, the podcast for all the crap we love to talk about on Yield Robs. I'm Ronnie. That's Ben over there. Hi, Ben. Hi, Ronnie. What's going on? Nothing. Hi, everybody.
Welcome to the show. It's Below Dick Down Under Day. All right. So welcome. Crypto Bros. Crypto Bros Edition. And we're excited. We're also on tour. The Mounting Hysteria Tour is in your city soon. Here's what's coming up in March. I'll just list the cities real quick. We are going to Cincinnati, Minneapolis, Toronto, Charlotte, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia. And that is for March.
We're also going to be on tour in April and May. So check watchwhatcrappens.com for ticket links and your city. Also, we did Crappy Hour last night. That's our biweekly live show. It was so fun. And if you want to join us, that's every other Monday at 530 Pacific Time on our Patreon or our YouTube channel. Just free. Both of those events are free. And it's also where you get Patreon, that is.
It's also where you get our bonus episodes and our videos, which we are on today. If you want free videos, you can get them a week after they're released over on our YouTube. Watch what crappens. Well, what's going on with you today, Ben?
Also, I just want to give a shout out to Carlos King, who had us on his podcast. Reality with the King. Go listen to that. We talk about very extensively about the Potomac reunion, which was a lot of fun. So he is an angel and we love talking with him. So go talk, go listen to an angel talk with reality, with the king, the king of all reality television.
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Chapter 2: What are the hosts' thoughts on the sous chef's behavior?
Let's join below deck down under. So, you know, This one's pretty good because Below Decks was so good about giving us douchebags to shoot down, you know, and they really did with the sous chef.
What a little fucker this guy is. What a little fucker. What a little fucker with such an entitlement complex that he has. Like, it is so ridiculous. And he fucked up. He was given a big task and he fucked up. You know what? Like I found myself.
So, OK, I have to say YouTube TV has I watch on YouTube TV and YouTube TV has been doing this thing lately that has made me furious, which is that it has cut off like the last. 15 seconds of an episode. And so when I, so when we got to the end of this episode and Captain Jason goes, and let me tell you something else. And then all of a sudden it's just like, and that's the end of the episode.
And I was furious. I had to go hunt down the last 15 seconds because like my blood, it was so weird, Ronnie. I'm like, I was pretty chilled the whole episode. I was like, oh, it's fine. There's like, there's our favorite moray eel again, you know? And then like all of a sudden at that last like 30 seconds, it's, I became so rageful. I can't explain it. I got so, so angry out of nowhere.
And so I just loved, I loved how this episode ended when I finally tracked it down. Yeah. Oh, wow. You had to put a lot of effort in this thing to end.
I needed, I was like, it was the strangest thing. I just got overwhelmed with rage. Well, I was super surprised that they even gave us the ending, because normally it's like a dun-dun-dun, and then we have to wait till next week, you know? But not this time. We got it all this time. So it was very good. So we start where we left off last time, which is the crew.
having their night out and serena has just been told by that messy messy little goofball harry that uh the sous chef is talking shit about her so she's like i'm gonna smoke and so she goes off to smoke but then no one joins her which i think hurts her feelings more because when you go off on below deck and people don't join you to smoke that's something because everybody gets somebody to join them smoking who smokes alone on that show everybody smokes
Yeah, that's pretty bad if you're if you're a solo smoker, you know, just the by the way, the mere invocation of Harry made me remember his whole storyline. And I just had like an instinctual like a cringe moment. I have to brace myself for all that.
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Chapter 3: Who are the standout characters in this episode?
So Harry's I love that they're leaning into Harry's cringe this season. It's so funny. He'll be like, no, I feel so sexy. And then it's just him like making that goofy, goofy face.
Yeah, and so he's like, well, she's all right. I'm like, what, after you told her that her sous chef doesn't like her and talk shit about her behind her back?
I'm telling you, it's a season two bitch flower blooming. That's what's happening with Harry, and he's loving it. I love that when Harry laughs, he looks like pictures. You know when you go on a roller coaster and then you come down the roller coaster and they have a picture of you and you're usually like... That's how he laughs. He has that frozen in midair, terrified, but also giggling face.
It's like Chris Noth on a roller coaster. So Marina's like, oh, you guys were having deep conversation. And he's like, I know. So Harry is saying like, well, you know, everyone's tired. You know, she's tired. Everyone's tired. And Anthony goes, I feel all right. I don't know why, but I feel all right.
Oh, because you're a fucking superhero, Anthony. Wow. You're amazing, Anthony. The way you can do dishes and then still, you know, stand is just amazing when poor Serena is tired and you're not. Congratulations. Here's a fucking gold medal.
Anthony. Exactly. You know, this is really upsetting me because it's the complete opposite of what I thought Anthony and I would be like. I saw us making amazing food together, having great banter and British jokes. And I imagined us at the last charter and everyone's cheering and he was going to be my right-hand man. It's fucking ridiculous. This is Zarina saying this.
And while she's saying it... production just like makes all these cartoons around her face they like put like a british like like one of those british like buckingham palace guards hats on her head and they just do all these they just like make all this silly stuff on the screen her romanticizing emojis are popping up all over the screen
So then Marina senses that something's wrong with her. But she's like, she just wanted to smoke. And Harry's like, yeah, don't know why.
No idea. No idea why. She's upset over their smoking.
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Chapter 4: How does the crew's night out unfold?
Yeah, with fries. And they're like, oh my God. Oh my God. Brianna's like, oh my God, you said with fries. That is so American. You're going to confuse me. That was so American. This is hilarious, isn't it? He said French fries. They're like, oh my God, Brianna.
I would die for her. So Zarina comes back and then she's like, let's go to the next place. So now they're going to go, they get in their cars and, you know, they're going to go to the club and they're going to talk about the, all the girls are going to talk about the boys and the boys. Vihon is like, so Johnny, do you fancy anyone on the boat? And Johnny is like, I fancy a little bit Harry. Yeah.
Hot. I'm like, that might just be what Harry means. An angry Greek man.
You know, that's kind of like, that's, that's, this is, we're into this one. I know. I was like, I hope the show has come this far where we finally get this storyline. And I know that there have been gays on there, but we haven't really had any gay storylines. Not really. There have been some like... I don't know. What have we even had on this show?
There was like a below deck where there was a guy – there was like a bosun or someone who had like that handlebar mustache who like I think made out with Fraser at one point.
Oh, yeah. So we've had a gay makeout. But come on. We need a little more. It's 2025. Yeah. Yeah, I need some like closeted Greek action.
I need some closeted drunk Greek action. We need some infrared closeted Greek action. Like this is the redemption arc for Johnny that we want, okay? Like I could see it happening now.
Yeah. So and also Vion sleeps naked, which pretty bold. I mean, you're on camera the whole time, but he's naked. So I was into that. You know, it's a good it's a good season for the boys so far. Not to be a pervert, but I mean, you have what you have. You know what I mean? Okay, so they're talking boys and girls and Johnny jokes about Harry. Okay, so they're all laughing.
Then we go to the girl's car and Serene is like, oh my God, so far the instant was Vian. I mean, wow. And they're like, oh yeah, smile. Out of this world, Vian. And then back to the guys. Vian's like, I like Brie. I like Brie's smile. It's just so beautiful. And Harry's like, oh, you like Brie? Yeah.
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Chapter 5: What happens during the crew's morning after?
We have the exact same coloring. I just can't get over it. Do you see it now? They both have the exact same color skin and hair. It's just confusing to me. It looks like they were colored by the same Wii character designer. And I don't know why it bothers me, but it does. I just feel like that's the most tenuous reason to like somebody is because they're the exact same hair shade as you.
Because it's an odd hair shade, you know?
Unique-ish. I don't even know. It's like red, red-brown, russet.
Yeah, it's kind of like a brown crayon, but like with some copper in it. I don't know what you would call it.
Russet. Yeah, I guess Russet works. Copper feels right. So Brie is talking about the boys and she goes, I do have to say Harry's personality is out of this world. I'm like, which world are we talking about here? Because I haven't quite, this is our second season with Harry and I'm not sure if I've really picked up on his like out of this world persona at this moment.
Well, you know, some people like goofballs. You know, I mean, maybe some people just have that desire for a mate that they know is going to be good at like skeeball. Don't you think that's Harry? He definitely has Dave and Buster's energy. He definitely has like whack-a-mole energy or like, I can squirt.
Yeah, maybe.
So they get to the other bar and everyone's dancing and it's fun. And then Lara hugs Harry and Harry's saying, Harry's again saying, Zorina's not too happy because of you, because you were messy to her and you like shattered her like nice night out. And Lara's like, I know, I heard.
You know, I've known her for a long time, and with all her bravado and deep down, you know, despite everything, deep down, she's still a huge bitch. Don't like her at all. But she's also very insecure. She needs people to support her, so if you want to be that person, it's not going to be me. And Harry's like, we need to have a back.
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Chapter 6: What are the dynamics between the crew members?
So then he sees Bree in the kitchen. So it's like the morning after. How's he going to be?
And he's like, did you sleep well? Yeah. Nailed it, nailed it.
She's like, yeah. And then Jason and Zarina are chatting about last night and it's just like patterns. She's saying everyone had a nice time and everything.
And then- And you can see her struggling not to tattletale. Right, because Serena knows that the captain thinks she's a mess, which is why she got a sous chef. So she doesn't want to look like a mess and be like, this guy's an asshole. So she's trying to not tell him.
So she's like, I think everyone really enjoyed themselves, especially the people who got the chance to smoke alone all night while they were having a nervous breakdown inside. Rattled their teeth. But it was great. And he's like, good. Good to hear it. Damn it. Yeah. It's time.
At 24, I lost my narrative, or rather it was stolen from me. And the Monica Lewinsky that my friends and family knew was usurped by false narratives, callous jokes, and politics. I would define reclaiming as to take back what was yours. Something you possess is lost or stolen, and ultimately you triumph in finding it again.
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Chapter 7: How does the charter preparation go?
I'm so sorry. Let's stay on schedule here.
Sorry. I was swept away by all these non-traditional Below Deck elements that I actually thought a scene started actually at the top of the hour and not two minutes after.
It's a completely different time. The stars are in different places, Ben. Okay. So it's crew meeting time and it's preference sheet meeting. So here we go. Charter 2. Here we go. Is this robe making anyone uncomfortable? No. Kind of. All right. Well, just roll with it. I'll get a cotton one for next time.
Now, listen, Eric is an entrepreneur, investor, brand and performance transformation coach, which means douchebag. Does everybody understand?
Yeah. Performance transformation coach. That is just a formal synonym for douchebag. And Lara's like, oh, the boys have nice teeth. I wonder if they'll notice my eyelash that's on my chin. So Jason says, on day one, Eric and his group would like a sunset cocktail session on the beach before dinner on board. And they would also like to indulge in local cuisine.
So we're going to make some Seychellian food.
Yeah, and so far I like them because they're not asking for anything stupid, right? They're not like, we'd like a clown prom, a clown drag prom, you know? Yeah. So far it sounds normal. So day two, they want three of his guests. I don't know. And Jason's like, well, I might join. Oh, they're going to go diving. And Jason's like, well, I might join that dive party with Harry. Righto.
Thank you very much, everybody. Let's get to it. Douchebag alert. So at first I was like, maybe they're not so bad because they didn't ask for something stupid. And that's kind of my dream on Below Deck is to not have to sit through costume parties. I hate those.
Yeah, same. So then we go to the galley and Anthony is wiping a counter. So Zarina walks in and she goes, sorry, I always sit up on the counters. I know you probably hate it. And then she sits on the counter and he's like, yeah. Yeah, I do.
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