Kyle rage texts Paige before his DJ gig on Summer House and a new, proud f boy joins the house. To watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Patreon.com/watchwhatcrappens. Get Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria tour at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Chapter 1: What is the introduction for Watch What Crappens?
Hello and welcome to Watch What Crappens, a podcast for all the crap we love to talk about on Yield Brovs. I'm Ronnie. Over there is the handsome and talented Mr. Ben Mandelker. Hello, Ben. Hi, how are you? Good. Everybody, welcome to the show today. It's Summer House Day. We are on tour also, the Mounting Hysteria Tour, all across America and kind of the world.
Chapter 2: Where is the Mounting Hysteria tour going?
We're going to this next month, March, here. Okay, March. March. We're going to be in Cincinnati, Minneapolis, Toronto, Charlotte, Atlanta, Washington, Philly. And then after that, we're in Boston, Detroit, Chicago, Austin, Dallas, and Vegas. We're going to add another couple of cities to this.
If you want ticket links to the shows and the calendar and all that, you're going to find that at WatchWhatCrappens.com. That's also where you'll find a Patreon link to our Patreon, which is where we do video recaps like this one. Hi. And it's also where you will find our Traders Recaps and other fun stuff. A lot of good premium content over there.
If you don't want to pay for videos, you can get them for free a week later over on our YouTube. Just go find us on YouTube. We love it over there. Okay. So how are you feeling today, Ben? Good.
I'm feeling great. It's Thursday, which means that when we're done with this podcast, I'm going to go get a bagel, and I'm really, really, really excited about it. I'm going to try a new bagel place, so I'm excited about that. And, you know, Summer House. I mean, you know, here we are at Summer House. I love this show. I will always love this show. These...
Chapter 3: What are the dynamics in the Summer House?
this this girl lexi she is trying me and i don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing because i am rolling my eyes so hard with this girl and then at the same time i think but isn't that what we tune in for don't we come to these shows to have idiots make us just cringe and scowl so i don't know i i i think i'm landing on um i'm feeling great how about you
well as far as lexi goes you know she's kind of a ding-dong but i love a ding-dong and i've had this girl as my friend multiple times in my life and will always have this this kind of archetype of a girl as my friend i just think they're so fun just someone who's like i'm just gonna jump in no matter what who cares if it hurts me you know now they're the ones i pick up from jail usually at some point in their lives because they've gone crazy and put a brick through someone's windshield but
I mean, if she's a dodo bird, I like her. The guys that are making me crazy are the two guys. For me, it's Wes and Jesse. Jesse especially. I already knew Wes was such a douchebag, and we got little hints of douchebag from Jesse, but Jesse's just so grody to me. He's just the worst, and he's the worst qualities in a man. That, like, charm your pants off, literally, and then be like...
But wait, I think we're moving a little fast. Get your dick out of me then. How about that? How about get your dick? I don't understand when it became so crazy to expect that if you're fucking someone, they're not fucking half the town. And I'm saying that as a gay person. Our natural state, a lot of us, is fucking half the town.
But like, if you're, if you're hooking up with someone, I don't think it's so crazy to be like, I don't want to be hooking up with you. Plus all of the other Petri dishes that you've been stuck sticking your penis in, sir. You know, I don't think that that's equal to asking for marriage. So that's where I am. I'm starting with some man race, a male rage.
Yeah, I think we said last season that Jesse really was benefiting from the fact that all of his hookups happened with people who were outside the house and sort of like after hours. And we predicted that, you know, as soon as he starts going after someone that's in the house, he's going to have his douchebag season. And I think he's on his way. He's laying the foundation.
He's doing the good boys thing. He's being cute and sweet and flirty. But we definitely can see that the bottom is going to fall out of this situation very soon.
Yeah, so we start with this 4th of July party and Bailey is blowing up a balloon with confetti inside of it and then accidentally breathes some of it in. I mean, who does that? Who breathes back in balloon air? You shouldn't do that when there's not confetti in there. Stop breathing in balloon air. And then she's like, oh my God, I wasn't ready for that.
And I was like, well, you would be if you'd ever hooked up with a guy in this house because you know that's how they are. You know they don't even give any kind of warning. You're lucky you left.
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Chapter 4: Why is Lexi's family on the show?
Like hamster, hamster-esque. Yeah.
Like hamster mom nipples. I can see that. I don't know, but it was disturbing because I'd never thought to be insecure about my nipples. I mean, with everything else I've got going on, I just never even thought about that. So I had like a long, hard look at my nipples in the mirror and I was like, not so bad. I've got nipple pride.
So that was good for you. Thanks. Good for you. It's been a good one. Well, Sierra then goes and tells Amanda that she had a conversation with West and she's like, do you feel better than yesterday? Do you feel good to get it off your chest? And she's like, yeah, I just feel like I can't fucking wait to meet the person I'm supposed to be with so I can literally go and hide away on a farm.
And Amanda's like, wow, maybe you've already met him at some point in your life. So I was like, okay, whatever. But then fast forward to later in the episode, there's like a moment with Sierra and Carl and Carl's like, I just got a compliment from Sierra. I'm like, please don't sow the seeds that Carl has been like,
sierra's mr right all this time i am just not going to co-sign this i'm going to nip this in the bud i am not shipping sierra and carl yeah they better not be i mean i would hope that sierra's smarter than that but i have watched her with austin wes and who's the other one luke i guess well i don't know do we even count luke
know because she was luke was pre-show that was either way we've seen her she she does gravitate towards boys and carl despite his like oh just like awkward now he is still a boy through and through and it is very it's very scary for him to get out yeah he's still a boy it's just harder for him to you know get it up i would of course it's harder for me to get hard because i really pay attention to things that are soft
My branding is all soft now.
So our lovemaking is a little bit different. I'm not allowed to get hard. I don't want to go off brand. So Sierra's like, yeah, I just need to talk to my psychic. No, no more psychics on this show. Last time you had a psychic, they said that Lindsay fucked Luke. Remember? That was that page. It's like, oh my God, let's tell Hannah. Let's tell everybody about the psychic.
How about instead of consulting your psychic, why don't you consult your factict? And let's look at your facts, which is don't find love on this show and you'll be much better off. There you go. That's the facts. Yeah. Get some taste.
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Chapter 5: How do the hosts feel about Jesse and Lexi?
Finally getting back on my feet. And now those feet are stepping in a puddle.
So Lexi and Jake wake up, or Jesse. Lexi and Jesse wake up together. Lexi. What would their nickname be? Their couple name? Lexi? That's the same thing? It's probably gonna be Jexy. Jexy, yeah.
Which is very like Brexit. But I like Lessie because- Jexit. That'll be their break up. Jigset is what I would love. I'm ready for Jigset.
All right, the episode title when they break up has to be Jigset. Yeah, it will be.
So she's like, I'm happy you're here.
And he's like, oh, you mean like in your bedroom?
She's like, no, in the house and this bed. They've literally been looking at my butt.
So then Sierra is like, are the guys going to do the dunk tank? I feel like there needs to be some sort of edge to it. And Amanda says that they should dump the hot dog juice in the water. And Paige goes, that's diabolical. Okay.
It would have been like kerosene. I mean, come on. There's something more diabolical than hot dog water. Knives, razor blades. Sierra, so they come up with their grand idea. So now they're going to get the hot dog cart water and the hot dogs. And they're pouring it into the dunk tank for the guys. So the guys see that, that they're doing it.
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Chapter 6: Why is Lindsay's pregnancy significant?
I mean, yeah, they all get dunked into this hot dog juice. There's like a little window in the dunk tank so you can see people underwater as they're dunked. And seeing those hot dogs swirl around in that window was pretty visceral. Like that was up there with that Wes nipple drawing for me. They were just like floating around like little hot dog fish. It was unpleasant.
Yeah, I didn't watch this because it was like a, you know, it's like a funny games. We're going to a dunk tank. I was like, I'm going to Instagram. Bye. Yeah, it did last 45 minutes. So I understand. I felt like it was, it was a while. So then they're going back home and, um, Paige hugs Amanda. I was like, uh, you know, you're going in the same car, right? So you don't need to hug. Shut up.
Hot dog, man. So now it's a city. Finally, we're back in the city. I kind of have been missing this when they're in the city. I love that.
Cause we've, we've all let's bring three episodes in and we've been on the same weekend this entire time. It's only been one weekend. So all this stuff with Jesse and Lexi has only taken place over two days. Yeah.
so lindsay walks into a maternity store and she's like this lady's like hi you look so cute i love your bump out which is so nice of this woman but you know she says this to anyone who walks into her store like you're contractually obligated to say that to anyone who walks into the store what does that mean what she just means that she has her bump out like i love that you have your bump out
I know, but like how many times, like, could you imagine this woman saying like, oh, you have your bump out? Like, of course she's going to, if you're a maternity store, you'd be like, all right, look at that bump. I can't look. Charlene, a lady with a bump came in. I cannot believe it.
It is so nice, honey, to see people not hiding their bumps these days. Gosh, look at her bump out.
Wow, you came to the right place for that bump, a maternity store. It's like, ladies, stop being so surprised that a lady with a bump came into your store. You're a maternity store.
Sorry, mid-show critique. Can we please stop saying the word bump? It's been like a really rough few years for me.
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Chapter 7: What are the commercial ads during the podcast?
Chapter 8: What are the girls planning for the dunk tank?
And so I'm excited to see what they bring because I can guarantee you it's going to be very thirsty.
I can't even imagine life without my sister and, like, with my mom, too. My mom's, like, my best, best, best friend. And, like, growing up, I think a lot of people thought that because I was, like, a model. You know, they thought I thought I was better than them. So kids, like, weren't always nice to me. So I think that's why I'm, like, so close to my family because they allow me to be myself.
It's just like so hard when you're pretty, because when you're really pretty and like a model, people are so mean to you. I'm like, okay, Trevor Project, okay. It gets better, Lexi.
Go for it.
God. So, Jesse is called over. She's like, Jesse, get your American ass over here. Because we're from Canada. So he comes over and meets the family. And Tiffany's like, hi, nice to meet you. I'm Tiffany. We know Tiffany. Girl, I knew your name before you even walked in the door. I could sense you were a Tiffany.
No offense to all the Tiffany's out there. She's doing like Aida Totoro drag. It's wild. And so Tiffany's like, nice to meet you. And Jesse's like, hey, Tiffany, great to meet you. Your sister likes me. Yeah. And Jesse's like, I mean, what's not to like? And Lexi's like, for you. Like, wouldn't you look at her? Look at her.
Have you ever seen such a juicy booty? And we cut around to the guest partying and Carl's like, hey, hey everybody, who voted for me? High fives for soft.
Oh, it was too hard of a high five. Try it again. Try it again. Try it again. I'm gonna have to talk about this in the kitchen later. That was traumatizing.
Anyone looking to grab a hot dog? And if you are, do you mind grabbing that hot dog a little tighter? Tighter, tighter. Put your weight on this hot dog.
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