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Watch What Crappens

#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


Like I want to go on a safari, like in Africa, because like, I want to learn about like, I don't know, like where do dogs come from? Where do cats come from? Why are they always fighting? Am I right?

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#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


And she tells us, obviously we're like hitting it off really fast, but like my fear is not getting my heart broken.

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#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


And then it would be better than wondering like, maybe what could have happened? Like if I just gave him a chance, you know what I mean?

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#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


So she's like, I'm happy you're here.

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#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


She's like, no, in the house and this bed. They've literally been looking at my butt.

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#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


When are you going to vote him out already?

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#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


Um, what are you thinking about?

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#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


She's like, Oh my God, we're picking out dresses for my gender reveal party. Yeah.

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#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


I wanna see 12 Monkeys, I'm going on safari.

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#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


Well, I want someone who like sees me and they're like, that's my girl. And they like go for it, you know? Because like, I think guys can be like intimidated because like by my exes, you know, or like my lifestyle. You've seen Tiffany, right? We get a lot of free makeup. So that's hard. So I'm going to have to talk with them.

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#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


Cause like, you know, I don't like gray.

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#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


And she's like, well, but like, we need to go with her gut. And then if it doesn't go out great, it doesn't work out great, then we'll work that out too.

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#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


She's like, they told me it was like the size of a mango this week. So I just partnered with the mango company. It's pretty good. It's 20K.

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#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


Wrong hashtag, bitch. Hashtag mango. So...

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#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


That's my baby, baby mango. So yeah, we're like hashtagging it and like Carl wasn't here, don't worry.

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#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


And they're like, oh my God, that is so cute.

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#2744 Summer House S09E03: UnDiplo-matic Relations


She goes, I'm like dying to know how it went.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


Oh my God, you're so tall.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


And Lexi goes, oh, perr.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


Let's see what they're like.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


So Lindsay's like, but here we are almost a year later. Cheers into a new summer.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


Okay, I'm going to say a couple of words, all right? So, uh, Anyway, you know, back when I was born in 1933, times were different then. It was the Great Depression. It was hard to find fruit in the supermarket.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


Here's me with Rob Lowe in 1987.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


But you know who also was sexy, too? Mickey Rooney.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


Sometimes I still have debates over which Rooney was my favorite Mickey or Andy.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


Anyway, the point is, George Burns, am I right?

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


We are in the final stages of a contract with Carvel for the gender reveals. So we'll just have to wait.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


I'm going to bring in a line of Fudgy the Whale cakes, and each one of them is going to have a different color in them, and you're going to have to decide, are there more blues or more reds on the inside?

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


So we are in negotiations with Cookie Bust to be part of our gender reveal.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


Hold on. George Washington Carver. Oh my bad. By the way, peanut butter, it's still a love it. Favorite version of the thing to put on bread. Okay.

Watch What Crappens

#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


Well, we went right to the source. We go from straight to the rosé to straight to the source. Peanut butter is first and jelly on top, according to George Washington Carver, my ex-boyfriend.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


She goes, Turner is very private. He's not on social media. He's a doctor and he's like a nerdy, but he also is like fun and funny and like normal. He's like a normie. I found myself a fucking normie and I love it.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


I'm going to tell everyone on camera and then I will then press post. So boom, it is up on iTunes.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


Fine, I'll make her middle name Brit.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


but we are thinking of big bang if it's a boy or i'm not gonna say like what her name is gonna be or his name but like it will rhyme with fate tittleton so then um so sierra's like well i don't know turner so i'm just asking questions where do we where do we meet turner say

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


Yes, I am a model actor, but I don't get what you're getting at. He's like, well, I just don't know you enough. That's it. She's like, um, I'm just like free and fun loving and we stress out on weekend work. So like, why would I stress out on the weekends? I'm not ditzy.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


Kyle, you just lost your best friend.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


Like tonight he's like, do you describe yourself as ditzy? And like in my head, I was like, I want to be able to show you how multifaceted I am. I'm not just like a fun loving model. Um,

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


And she's like, but, you know, I used to I also used to think go to the tanning bed and, you know, you grow up and you learn things.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


I'm giving birth to a hub cap.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


And Lindsay goes, oh, what a bummer.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


Craig's whole like, oh, I was blindsided.

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#2727 Summer House S09E01: Taco Contract in the Oven


Yeah, Kyle. She's like the sweetest and like, she's like, um, like on the younger side. Like what's young? Five years old. Whoa, that's pretty young. We'll take her.