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First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?

Thu, 06 Mar 2025


Ben is misguided, for sure. But at least he admits something refreshing. Let's see if Natalie will get a second date or not.  Ever been ghosted after what you thought was an amazing date? Do you REALLY want that Second Date? The Jubal Show has your back! On First Date Follow Up, we track down the person who disappeared to get the real reason why. Awkward, hilarious, and sometimes downright shocking—First Date Follow Up delivers the truth, whether you want to hear it or not. Will there be a second date or just secondhand embarrassment? Subscribe to The Jubal Show's First Date Follow Up and find out! ➡︎ Get on The Jubal Show with your story - This is just a tiny piece of The Jubal Show. You can find every podcast we have, including the full show every weekday right here…➡︎ The Jubal Show is everywhere, and also these places: Website ➡︎  Instagram ➡︎  X/Twitter ➡︎  Tiktok ➡︎ Facebook ➡︎  YouTube ➡︎  Support the show: for privacy information.


Chapter 1: Who is getting ghosted and why?

129.523 - 139.929 Jubal

Natalie is on the phone today and she's getting ghosted by Ben. So we're going to talk to her and then in a few minutes call Ben and see if he'll tell us why he's ghosting her and maybe get her another date. But first, Natalie, how long has it been since you heard from Ben?


141.01 - 145.232 Natalie

Um, well, it's been a few days now.


146.033 - 147.954 Jubal

Just a couple days? Are you sure you're getting ghosted?


148.59 - 152.332 Natalie

Yeah, it's just like a weird vibe, you know?


152.552 - 163.257 Nina

Like, I just want to know what's going on. Well, after a couple days, I feel like you know you're getting ghosted if you've tried to reach out to them a few times and they don't respond. Did you try to reach out to them?

Chapter 2: How did Natalie and Ben's date go?

163.518 - 168.08 Natalie

I sent them a text, yeah, and nothing back. So I don't know. I don't get it.


168.38 - 173.583 Nina

So the vibe feels like it shifted somehow. Well, let's talk about your date. How did that go? How did you guys meet?


175.269 - 192.27 Natalie

I mean, it wasn't, like, you know, a wild date or anything. We just, like, went to this cute little Italian place, and it was really low-key, but, like, vibey and, I don't know, romantic and candles and all that good stuff, you know? And conversation was awesome, which...


192.911 - 215.226 Natalie

you know isn't always the case and yeah okay there was like wine involved and all that but you know it was it was good I thought it was good and I liked that he wasn't really trying to like impress me you know or anything like it wasn't like flashy or he was just grounded and we talked about music and like you know wanting to travel and our favorite shows and


216.149 - 225.98 Natalie

It just felt real, you know, like good and real. And he seemed real. And so, yeah, I'm like into him. And I don't know. I just felt like he was different.

226.36 - 230.545 Jubal

He was different when you were on the date or like at a certain point he got different.

231.152 - 235.156 Nina

No, like, I feel like, like, as a guy, as opposed to, like, other guys I've got.

235.196 - 236.618 Jubal

Oh, like, he was, oh, oh, I see.

236.698 - 250.311 Nina

Also, like, as in a good thing that he was different. Yeah, yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah, like, he's just, like, a different, different kind of dude, you know? Did you feel like he was vibing with you, too? I don't know. I don't know. Is there anything that happened?

Chapter 3: What might have gone wrong on their date?

280.892 - 287.499 Jubal

I mean, did anything happen on the date that was awkward or could be a reason that you're getting ghosted?


302.763 - 318.488 Natalie

At dinner. Like, I might have gotten, like, too excited, you know? Like, we were just talking about travel, and I told him about this trip, and then, like, the wine was talking, and I just told him to come along and, like, pretend we were newlyweds and get free toast.


318.568 - 329.085 Jubal

Okay, the newlyweds part might have done it. Yeah. We should go to Greece and pretend to be married. I like you. Yeah, I could see how that would, you know.


329.606 - 337.871 Nina

But that feels like it also could be like, oh, she's clearly had some wine. This is fun. I don't know. But he made out with you after that or before that?

338.691 - 365.037 Natalie

After, you know, and it was like a total joke. Like I was like, oh, you know, like it would be wild kind of thing, you know, but like. Oh my God. I mean, why am I already doing talking about trips? I don't know. And he laughed at the time, but like, Oh, he's been totally radio silent ever since. And I've texted him and like, now it's just, you know, I just been like, Oh, Hope you're doing well.

365.177 - 371.3 Natalie

I had a great time. I'd love to see you again, but we don't have to pretend to be married anymore.

371.32 - 378.304 Jubal

Yeah. Well, we'll see if we can figure it out for you. We'll play a song, come back and then call him and see if he'll tell us why he's ghosting you and maybe get you another date. Okay.

378.584 - 379.064 Ashlyn Harris


Chapter 4: What is Ben's side of the story?

425.207 - 430.571 Jubal

Joel's reaction was polarized by it. All right, well, let's see. Are you ready for us to call him?


431.489 - 431.789 Natalie



432.13 - 444.679 Jubal

Okay, here we go. Hello? Hi, may I speak to Ben, please?


444.699 - 446.06 Ben

This is Ben.


446.521 - 449.163 Jubal

Hey, Ben, how are you? This is a radio show. It's called The Jubal Show.

449.183 - 451.364 Nina

Hi, I'm Nina. Hi, I'm Victoria.

451.424 - 452.025 Jubal

And I'm Jubal.

452.365 - 456.528 Ben

How are you? I'm good. We're on the radio right now.

457.048 - 476.674 Jubal

Yeah. Have you ever listened to the show before? Yeah, I have actually. I don't know if you've heard a first date follow-up before, but that's where if you go out on a date with somebody and then you ghost them, that person can email us to get you on the phone and ask why you're ghosting them. So that's why we're calling you today, Ben. You're ghosting somebody, and they're very confused.


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