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First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


Um, well, it's been a few days now.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


Yeah, it's just like a weird vibe, you know?

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


I sent them a text, yeah, and nothing back. So I don't know. I don't get it.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


I mean, it wasn't, like, you know, a wild date or anything. We just, like, went to this cute little Italian place, and it was really low-key, but, like, vibey and, I don't know, romantic and candles and all that good stuff, you know? And conversation was awesome, which...

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


you know isn't always the case and yeah okay there was like wine involved and all that but you know it was it was good I thought it was good and I liked that he wasn't really trying to like impress me you know or anything like it wasn't like flashy or he was just grounded and we talked about music and like you know wanting to travel and our favorite shows and

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


It just felt real, you know, like good and real. And he seemed real. And so, yeah, I'm like into him. And I don't know. I just felt like he was different.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


you know, we made out and I felt like it was good. And I felt like, oh yeah, this could kind of like go somewhere. It was right outside of the restaurant, you know, felt super perfect. So I don't know. I just, he was just like this calming presence and I've had so many dates where they're like showing off, but like, I don't know with him. It was just different.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


And I felt like I could really be myself and like, I don't have to be cheesy, but I felt like really seen and it doesn't hurt that he's like super hot.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


At dinner. Like, I might have gotten, like, too excited, you know? Like, we were just talking about travel, and I told him about this trip, and then, like, the wine was talking, and I just told him to come along and, like, pretend we were newlyweds and get free toast.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


After, you know, and it was like a total joke. Like I was like, oh, you know, like it would be wild kind of thing, you know, but like. Oh my God. I mean, why am I already doing talking about trips? I don't know. And he laughed at the time, but like, Oh, he's been totally radio silent ever since. And I've texted him and like, now it's just, you know, I just been like, Oh, Hope you're doing well.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


I had a great time. I'd love to see you again, but we don't have to pretend to be married anymore.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


you know, it was a great date and I kind of maybe let the wine do some talking and told him to come on a trip to Greece with me.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


Oh, it sounds so bad.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


Yeah, really. Yeah, I guess. I mean, is that not enough?

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?



First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?



First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?



First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


Um, I do want to talk to you because I actually did pick up on that and, I also picked up on the fact that you were using me as like a little pawn in whatever game the two of you are playing. I mean, you take the place, buddy. Like that was clear. And then once you were replying my texts, then I knew that that was the case. Yeah. Like clearly you're still sleeping with this girl.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


And I was just there. So that you could make her jealous and you were not responding to me because, yeah, you're right. I wanted to confront you and you used me in this little game. So I'm now using you in a little game to get me on the radio.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


A little bit, yeah. Okay. I mean, come on, he takes a place, and then, like, he's all, like, flirty with the bartender, and they're, like, pretending they don't know each other. But, yeah, I saw when she would, like, touch your hand or, like, rub your back as she walked by you. Clearly, it was, like, I don't know if it's, like, a little sex game or whatever. Oh, no. What?

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


rather jealous, but I don't really want to be a part of it.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


Okay. So it makes sense that you didn't bring me there in front of her because she cheated on you. And then you're like, Like, oh, look, I'm with a girl. And like, whatever. And you made out with me in front of the restaurant.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


You know what? It was a weekend night, and, you know, she's a bartender, and you know where she works. So I'm sorry, but my guess is you did.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


If you want another date with the bartender, maybe you have to pay for that one. All right.

First Date Follow Up - The Jubal Show

Why is Ben ghosting Natalie?


Well, this is what I expected and at least I can move forward because I knew my instincts were actually right. You know what I mean? Like that getting ghosted and not knowing why, that's the worst. So also when I said that Ben was different, what I meant by that is he's exactly the same as every other. Yeah, it's a crisis. Jubal's first date follow up.

The Oprah Podcast

Can Psychedelics Heal Mental Trauma? With Harvard Professor Michael Pollan


I saw God in everything. I came away just completely transformed.

The Oprah Podcast

Can Psychedelics Heal Mental Trauma? With Harvard Professor Michael Pollan


Oh, Oprah and Michael, it is an honor to be here. And Michael, I have to say that when my son and daughter-in-law heard that I was going to be on the show, they're big fans of yours on the podcast. And they literally squealed when they heard. I thought that I was going to meet you and Oprah.

The Oprah Podcast

Can Psychedelics Heal Mental Trauma? With Harvard Professor Michael Pollan


And Oprah, I just have to tell you that you have been a guiding light on my path to purpose and a being of service for decades. And I just want to thank you.

The Oprah Podcast

Can Psychedelics Heal Mental Trauma? With Harvard Professor Michael Pollan


My question is, Michael, what is your advice for someone going further with this experience legally? So my experience was I knew I was aware about the use of psychedelics for mental wellness, but never experienced. seriously considered it for myself until I experienced my life's greatest fear. And that was losing my father back in 2018. And he was my rock, my solid place.

The Oprah Podcast

Can Psychedelics Heal Mental Trauma? With Harvard Professor Michael Pollan


And initially when he passed, I felt his presence all the time. He was right there with me. And it was amazing. And then gradually that presence started to dissipate. And I went into a deeper level of grief. and just couldn't really seem to get out of it. I tried other things. I tried going to a float tank, which was kind of like a sensory deprivation experience, which made it actually worse.

The Oprah Podcast

Can Psychedelics Heal Mental Trauma? With Harvard Professor Michael Pollan


And my son, suggested psilocybin. And I went for it and it was out in nature. And it was an incredible experience. It strengthened my level of faith. The colors in nature were brighter. I saw God in everything. And I just had this Incredible heart opening. I love that. And similar to you, Michael, where you mentioned doing psilocybin to deal with the grief of your father.

The Oprah Podcast

Can Psychedelics Heal Mental Trauma? With Harvard Professor Michael Pollan


Thank you for me is I'm a mother. I have three adult children, two adorable grandkids and a wonderful husband. And they all came up. It was it was just so much gratitude, so much peace. And I came away with it just completely transformed. And the way that I could say that.

The Oprah Podcast

Can Psychedelics Heal Mental Trauma? With Harvard Professor Michael Pollan


that transformation occurred is that there was a stark contrast between the truth of who I really am, which is love as well, and my ego, that ego, dark.

The Oprah Podcast

Can Psychedelics Heal Mental Trauma? With Harvard Professor Michael Pollan


Yeah. Going further in the journey. Further into the journey. Legally.

The Oprah Podcast

Can Psychedelics Heal Mental Trauma? With Harvard Professor Michael Pollan


Today, there's a new and growing fight to make psychedelics legal again in the United States.