This is part one of a two-part recap! Garcelle tries to sit down and have a talk with Sutton’s mama on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and it doesn’t go well. To watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Patreon.com/watchwhatcrappens. Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Chapter 1: What is the setup for this RHOBH recap episode?
Well, hello and welcome to Watch What Crappens, a podcast for all the crap we love to talk about on your bravs. I'm Ronnie. That's Ben. Hi, Ben. How are you? Hi, Ronnie. How are you? Well, I've got bad news. There's only two days left to stream the golden crappies. Get your tickets at watchwhatcrappens.com. But good news is we are on tour.
We have an insane March coming up for the mounting hysteria tour. We will be in your city very soon. Everybody get ready to come. Okay. You ready to hear the cities for March? It's going to be crazy. Hope you're holding on to something. Okay. Um, we are going to, uh, Cincinnati, Minneapolis, Toronto, Charlotte, Atlanta, and Washington, DC, followed by Philadelphia all in March.
Chapter 2: What cities are included in the Mounting Hysteria Tour?
So go get your tickets and other cities at watch what crappens.com. Also we're doing traders recaps over on our Patreon. Patreon is also where you get videos like this one that we're on today. If you want them right when they're released, uh, be a Patreon member. If you want them a week later. Get them for free over on YouTube. What do I care? Okay?
We've got a huge library over there, so go watch and watch all day and night. Ben, it's so good to see you and have you back home again.
It's great to be here. Great to see you also, especially to recap this episode of Beverly Hills, which...
i don't know i thought it was absolutely amazing i thought this was just like a phenomenal episode it was i was riveted the entire time i mean it felt like watching an old like a play you know a lady southern belle comes back home from beverly hills to deal with the death of a father and a mother who's a tough battle axe you know it was just it was it was both like i was like crying i was laughing i was cringing it really had you know everything
Chapter 3: How does Sutton's family drama unfold in this episode?
Yeah, it was dark episode, a lot of darkness here. And there's a lot of talk of suicide and stuff like that. So if that doesn't, if that triggers you, okay, then turn this off. Okay. If you didn't watch the episode and don't know what it is, there will be a lot of talk of that today. Not a lot of jokes about it, but a lot of talk probably about it because it happened.
Okay, it happened on the show. So here we go. We are still in Augusta, Georgia. And the episode I like is just called Mind Your Business.
Chapter 4: Why is Reba such a central figure in this RHOBH episode?
They're not even trying to get clever with that one. No, they're like, let's just quote Reba's big moment. So, God, this episode was so good. Like, this was just... This was a Sutton extravaganza. I just am so excited by this. Okay, so Sutton is, she's putting on makeup and everything. She's like, I've got to put on my makeup on. Where have I taken off my diamonds?
And they're all just getting ready. Kyle comes in. She went out for a jog in the morning. She returns to the house. It's 1118. And Sutton's mother, Reba, is in the kitchen holding a blue watering can, just standing there. And Kyle comes back in and she's like panting. And she's like, And Reba's like, you've been running. She goes, I've been running. I mean, I have a boat.
By the way, I have a bone to pick with your daughter. She told me to go out of the house and make a left and then go to the left on Henry. And there was no Henry.
She's like, well, Henry's back there, stupid. In fact, you'd go to the cemetery the way you were going. You'd run to China and back without seeing it. But don't ever go again this late. You'll die in this heat. When I used to do it, it was 530 or 630 in the morning. You lazy, simpering fool. She's like, geez.
Also, I have to say, when Sutton was in her room, and I think that every child who grew up in the South might have thought this, but Sutton's like, where are my diamonds? And she's looking around her room, and I was like, oh, God. In five minutes, she's going to be blaming the maid. I just want to see this play out. I've seen it play out before, and I just want to see it play out again.
But it didn't. And I was actually really disappointed. I really thought I was going to get some justice. I thought I was going to get some cleaning lady justice on this, but I never got it. You know, and I'm very offended.
It seemed like it was going to go that way. The best part about Reba is that she does have kind of like the most stereotypical Southern drawl. Like it's slow, it's rounded, it's lilting. And so it just makes everything that she's saying seem more evil. Not that if you're evil, if you're from the South or if you have a Southern accent, it's just that like,
You know, it's that thing where someone sort of is smiling with a slow Southern accent where you can tell they hate you, but they're being nice to your face. And it's just like the nicer they are, the more lilty their voice becomes, the more evil the undertone is. And her voice is really lilty. So she's like, you know, Kyle, I'm very strong mentally. And I blame that on my father.
I was also his favorite child, so he taught me how to be very strong and independent, something clearly you never learned in your life with your 11 a.m. jogging.
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Chapter 5: How does Garcelle attempt to mediate between Sutton and Reba?
But that like clearly Sutton could never pry out of her own mother.
Well, it's also a moment of just someone not from the South being there because people who aren't from the South don't have the same rules of not speaking, you know, like, so how do you feel? What's your sign? What do you like? What do you like? And you don't like, you know, people, you're not used to talking about feelings like that. So Sutton's like, wow, how'd you get this out of my mother?
I asked her how gauche. So Sutton tells us that she was in her twenties when she got the call that she needs to come home. And it was surprising because she didn't understand how her father who was their rock could be starting to break. And I guess that she's talking about his mental illness and depression and stuff. And she talks about how they put him in the hospital twice.
And Kyle goes, really? I didn't know that. Because you don't fucking listen, Kyle. I did not know that.
Kyle, we know this. Even I knew that, Kyle. And then she's like, what was going on with him? I'm like, Kyle, can't you read between the lines? So Sutton is like, Sutton's like, talks about how he was in a depressive state and they want to put him on drugs. And then he was on sleeping pills. And he just was, he was on those drugs. And Kyle goes,
For depression?
No, Kyle. For erectile dysfunction. For erectile dysfunction.
For his dick, Kyle.
Jesus. Kyle is so useless in these situations. It's actually kind of hilarious. Like, it actually makes me like Kyle more because she plays the role of Rose Nyland. So then Sutton is like, you know, talks about how he had chronic depression and then he was on pills to regulate everything and we see all these...
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Chapter 6: What memorable insights and quotes are shared in this RHOBH recap?
Oh my God. I'd come home all giddy and just getting abused at therapy. So Reba and Garcelle go out to the back porch and Reba's like, do you want some ice? And Garcelle goes, no, I'm good. Being tropical. I don't really have a lot of ice. Well, you are in English. That's for sure. Congrats, English people. You just got a stray.
Like, what the fuck kind of thing is that to say? But the reason I'm laughing so hard is because of Garcelle's reaction. She goes, oh, what? And they just go sit down. She goes, well, this is so lovely. Thank you so much for indulging us. You know, I have such an affinity for your daughter, and I think she would give you the shirt off her back. She goes, well, she would do that.
She's always been like that. Unfortunately, she has terrible taste. Get the shirt off her back. You're not going to be invited anywhere. I'm going to tell you that right now.
On the other hand, she might look a little prettier without that hideous shirt.
So giving her the shirt off your back helps only her.
Well, I'm so happy we're having this one-on-one time together. And I wanted to talk to you because Sutton and I have had intimate conversations. We see a month earlier Sutton is crying about Reba and saying that she knows that her mom loves her, but doesn't ever feel like her mom is ever proud of her. So Garcelle says...
You know, she's so proud of how far she's come and she would just love to hear you say you're proud and you love her too. And I feel like I can say something to that.
Well, I don't think that's any of your business.
Reba just leans in.
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