Watch What Crappens
#2753 Summer House S09E4 Part One: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle
Thu, 06 Mar 2025
This is part one of a two-parterThe long shadow of Hannah Berner continues to rankle Kyle on Summer House, and Paige has had enough of it. Also, Lindsay has a gender reveal scavenger hunt that’s as fun as it sounds! To watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Patreon.com/watchwhatcrappens. Get Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria tour at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Chapter 1: How can I listen to Watcher Crappin's ad-free?
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Reclaiming with Monica Lewinsky Who cares what happens when there's so much that crappens? Who cares what happens when there's so much that crappens?
I'm good. How are you? Got some extra pep in your step today. I do have some extra pep because I just had a bagel. It's bagel Thursday for me and I'm just like full of life and happiness. And I got to talk to you about cameras before we started recording. Um, yeah, we had a fun time. So, uh, very excited to talk some summer house today before we do that.
Chapter 2: What are the upcoming live shows for Watch What Crappens?
Um, some housekeeping first and foremost, as you may know, we are going to Cincinnati, Minneapolis and Toronto next weekend. Um, and we're doing live shows, not just going there for fun. We're doing live shows. Uh, obviously tickets are at watch what happens.com. Please come join us. We are here to tell you what we are recapping on each of those nights. Um,
So, the first night in Cincinnati, we will do Summer House. The second night in Minneapolis, we will do Southern Charm. And the third night, which is a Sunday in Toronto, we're going to do a classic Real Housewives episode. We are going to do... December, Berkshires County, Roney. You know it. It's the Berkshires episode. It's the I made it nice. It's the, you know, you stole my hair episode.
It's the episode. We're doing it on Sunday in Toronto. So it's going to be three great shows. We love doing all three of those shows in person at live shows. So we're going to have a great time with it. So, definitely go to WatchForCrappens.com to get your tickets for that. And then Patreon, of course, you can watch us. Hello, everyone.
With Crappens on Demand at Patreon.com slash WatchForCrappens. If you sign up for Patreon, we are making this announcement all week because we really want to make sure that you don't get impacted by this. Apple has introduced a tax. And in this era of tariffs and surcharges, of course, Apple adds a tax.
to patreon so if you sign up through the patreon app that you got from the apple store you are going to pay a surcharge but if you just go to the website if you just go to patreon.com and sign up that way you don't have to deal with a surcharge so go to the website use your browser and go to the website
And there have been questions. If you're already signed up on Patreon, this won't affect you. It's only if you're a new sign up. So yeah, don't give Apple that money for doing nothing.
Go sign up through the website. Traders finale is tonight, which I am. That's also probably why I have a pep in my step. I cannot wait to see what happens. We are recapping it like we have all season and that's exclusively on our Patreon. So yeah, that's all the really fun stuff to talk about for today. Yeah. Exciting times, guys.
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Chapter 3: What is the gender reveal event in Summer House S09E4?
Okay, so here we are with Summerhausen, season nine, episode four.
It's a big day because it's a gender reveal. Whoa. It's a gender reveal. It's also a big deal because this is the episode where Hannah Berner makes her triumphant return to Summerhausen. Not in a physical form, but in spectral form because she is haunting Kyle Cook this episode and it is hilarious.
Chapter 4: Why is Hannah Berner's return significant in this episode?
Well, it's super interesting that this is her kind of comeback to Summer House in ghost form because she's getting ripped apart right now on the internet.
Have you read her stuff? What happened? I did not see this at all.
Dave and Hannah were on the red carpet for the Oscars interviewing people. And it was, you know, maybe a little cringy. And they had Megan Thee Stallion, or as I call her, Megan Thee Stallion, on the red carpet. And they just couldn't shut up. They were talking over her. And Hannah's like, oh, my God, I'm going to cry. Yeah. You know, I love your music.
Every time I listen to you, like I listen to you when I want to fight someone. I listen to you when I want to fight someone. This poor lady's just like, uh-huh. And she's taking it pretty well, but they're like fanning out all over her acting crazy. So first they were just getting ripped apart for being bad interviewers. You know, people are like, don't put podcasters on the red carpet.
Which I don't know, as an overall blanket statement, I don't know that that's fair. I know that you shouldn't put me on the red carpet because I'd be like, oh my God, what's your favorite color M&M? Do you think M&M's really talk? Have you ever put an M&M in your belly button to save it for later?
Like, I'd be crazy. I would not be able to do it. I've done red carpet work before, and that was literally, like, I did red carpet once, and I asked Padma Lakshmi, I said, I'm going to a potluck later tonight, what should I make? And she was like, um, wow, I don't understand even what that is. Actually, she was really nice. Go on, Rami.
So... Well, if you want some pot belly unluck, just cook something Gail likes. LAUGHTER You know, it was kind of cringy, but it was our first time, whatever. I didn't think that much of it, but there have been thread after thread about these two. So then Hannah today came out with a big apology on... Which, this is what I saw.
yeah she came out with a big apology like oh my god i you know i met one of my idols and i got to speak to her and it's always been my dream to interview her and so i used the word fight because i guess people are you know inferring like a microaggression because she yeah you know she said she uses that music to fight or whatever i mean i would have said with violence you know yeah how did you know it's so funny too easy in your name you know i would have asked i would have been dumber let me just
i i started to read this i started to read she posted something that was like it's always been my dream to interview megan the stallion and i interviewed her and then i just stopped reading it because i was like oh she's just having a moment where she was like reflecting on being at the vanity fair moving on i had no idea she was apologizing for something yeah it was like her apology for microaggressions or whatever for megan the stallion and uh i thought wow she's having quite a week this week
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Chapter 5: What controversy surrounds Hannah Berner and Kyle Cook?
Chapter 6: How does Summer House S09E4 address gender reveal parties?
You know what though, gays can get away with a lot more things on a red carpet. Cause if you watch like this is okay, this is what we can get away with on a red carpet. Oh my God, your ankle, I die. It's like a beautiful little Mount Everest, but on your foot in the best possible way. It's iconic. If you put it sideways, it looks like the logo for Toblerone, which I know is a different mountain.
But if you think about it, that's honestly my favorite candy bar. People be like, oh my God, I love you. I love you. If we're gay guys, you could do it. But anyone else that's like, why are you talking about my ankle?
I'd have been like, oh my God, girl, you're the reason women used to have to hide their ankles. Because that is scandal. That is scandal.
Your ankle is living. Can I talk to your ankle really quick?
Hey, ankle. Here, put the mic up to the ankle. Icon, mother! What do you have to say about that?
Your icon is, your ankle is a sleigh right now. Toblerone. I wanna fuck your ankle. Like, I just get so weird, you know? Matterhorn. Can I rub your ankle? I don't know why that's where I went. But the point is this. I think we would be a disaster on the red carpet, but I think it would be fun. No, don't put that out into the universe. No, I'm not doing that. And yeah, it is.
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Chapter 7: What are the podcast hosts’ opinions on gender reveals?
No, no, no.
I'm not saying I'm not trying to solicit it. I'm not trying to solicit. I just think it would be fun. It's hard, but it's fun. Yeah. Um, like everything.
Okay. Oh God. My Botox is so wearing off. Look how much I can move my face. This is disgusting. This is supposed to last three months. How much am I supposed to pay for Botox for fuck's sake? My, my eyebrow muscles are okay. I'm going to do the rest of the podcast. Just holding my eyebrows like this. All right, Ben. Go ahead. Sure, I'll do it too in unison as support.
I'm going to need to hold my face like this for Summer House. It's Summer House Day, so let's get into it. So, Sierra has just learned about the text from Kyle. And Paige has just said... You're lucky I don't buy Loverboy and sell it. So now a big group is sitting outside relaxing and Jesse's like, you know what, guys? No beef this weekend. Just vibes.
Just vibes, guys. Paige is like, I'll tell you what vibe I want. Fuck Kyle.
so kyle comes out he hugs everyone and rule and everything and jesse's like daddy's home so yeah why is jesse like how is it that jesse is so young i mean he's so young but he's like a divorced dad you know like dropping his cheerleader daughter off at like a party, a senior party. Being like, hey girls, hey. He's like unbuttoned one extra button before he goes in. Why does he give those vibes?
It's so creepy. He really does. He really also has the vibe of like a baby Bjorn dad. Like he's ready to go into that. Like as much as he's like, I love girls, I love, you know. You can see Jesse in like seven years walking around barbecues with a little baby strapped to his chest. Yeah.
the whole time and that's nothing nothing wrong with it it's just i really can see it which is good because he has that sort of chest dent that he talks about that's perfect to sort of nestle a little baby right in there you know but that's kind of his vibe he's like a dad i'm not gonna i'm not gonna even put that image in my head
What, a nestled baby? No, just Jesse jumping over into dad mode. I don't think I'm ready for that. I need time, you know? This is summer house. This has taken nine years to get someone into parent mode. I need my time.
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Chapter 8: What is the resolution for Carl and Lindsay's relationship in this episode?
Sure. Okay, fine.
I don't know. I think it's like hiding sexuality. It's like hiding anything else. It's like when you finally come out of the closet, you're just like, Give it over. You know, where's the nearest wiener factory? You know, you're just like, I'm so gay. Oh, my God, Chaparron. I love Chaparron. I love Cher. I love Cher, too. Have you ever seen Big Business? Oh, my God.
I'm tearing up my Lincoln Park posters. I'm putting up Chaparron.
Just do it all at one time. It took me so long to get here. Although it only took me until I was 15. But I was still really excited. Hence the gender reveal party I told you about earlier. Okay, so next up, Danielle's like, I feel like a gender reveal usually includes the baby daddy for one. You know, I mean, I just spent such a lot, you know, Turner, like, I don't think Turner's coming to this.
In fact, I know he's not coming to this, but you know who is? Her ex-fiance. So maybe she's just trying to rub it in Carl's face.
shut the fuck up danielle do you have any loyalty to anybody on this show don't start shaming somebody because i'm glad that she didn't bring fucking turner to this and i'm glad she's gonna raise that damn baby alone what kind of lady are you leave her alone yeah and ted turner's old he doesn't have time to go to these things so i say is he still with us he's still popping out children men will still men will still get the baby till they're 90 years old al pacino
Yeah, here's what I got to say. I don't think that Lindsay's doing this to rub it in Carl's face. She's doing it to rub it in America's face because she's been trying to have this baby for so long. And so I don't like a gender reveal. I think it's excessive and annoying and stupid. You have to force enthusiasm for something you don't inherently care that much about. It's like, okay, great.
But, that being said, Lindsay's been trying to get pregnant for a long time. And so, she does want to milk it. And I get it, because that's what Lindsay does. And so, for Danielle, who knows Lindsay so well, to think that Lindsay might actually be doing this from a place of passive aggression, I think it's actually pretty shitty of Danielle. It's not from a place of passive aggression.
It's from a place of wanting a huge amount of attention.
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