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Lindsay Hubbard


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#2698 Crappy Hour 1/20/25 Lindsay V Dorinda, Carl is Soft, Sold on Britani


And Lindsay's like, oh, why? Why wouldn't you tell people that I had a miscarriage when I didn't?

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#2698 Crappy Hour 1/20/25 Lindsay V Dorinda, Carl is Soft, Sold on Britani


So she's talking to Lindsay and Lindsay's like, and Amanda, I have never opened up about this and never until now. Like you've really made it, Amanda.

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#2698 Crappy Hour 1/20/25 Lindsay V Dorinda, Carl is Soft, Sold on Britani


Congratulations. But yeah. I'm talking about in here, everybody.

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#2698 Crappy Hour 1/20/25 Lindsay V Dorinda, Carl is Soft, Sold on Britani


I need you to be here with me. Stay with me.

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#2698 Crappy Hour 1/20/25 Lindsay V Dorinda, Carl is Soft, Sold on Britani


They're like, thank God. Thank you, President Trump, for saving TikTok and democracy.

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#2753 Summer House S09E4 Part One: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle


I don't know. Why are you yelling? Why are you yelling? Maybe it can help me understand. I don't know.

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#2753 Summer House S09E4 Part One: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle


Well, why can't I be upset, too? Maybe I can understand if you lower your fucking tone.

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#2753 Summer House S09E4 Part One: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle


Now everyone has to wear pink to dinner.

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#2753 Summer House S09E4 Part One: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle


Hi, everyone. Okay, everyone, everything, this is like pink food. So, like, thank you for participating in my entertainment, which was watching you guys run around the house. So, guys, please enjoy my pink food.

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#2753 Summer House S09E4 Part One: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle


I got everyone sad watermelon in honor of pink.

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#2753 Summer House S09E4 Part One: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle


And she's like, um, so my mom and my sister actually like work with me. And so like in the last year, they've just been here like more, like just because like I need them for like meetings and like selfies and stuff.

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#2753 Summer House S09E4 Part One: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle


they just stay with me it's great and Wes goes oh fuck yeah it's literally like the other two I don't know if you ever saw that show but that's literally the setup of that entire show is this so Lexi describes her family situation she goes my relationship with my family is like definitely closer probably than like most people like we're all friends and like we're all like business partners and we're all like family and like I don't think I've ever really partied without my mom and my sister so it's kind of like great I'm like

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#2753 Summer House S09E4 Part One: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle


Well, we all know that Kyle did not get Hannah fired.

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#2753 Summer House S09E4 Part One: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle


And Paige is like, I don't even care about the Hannah stuff. What I'm saying is that history is repeating itself again. But it's just a new player and now it's Craig. And now you aren't going to be friends. And it's again me and Amanda there to pick up the pieces. And I'll be damned if I let what happened to Hannah and Amanda happen to me and Amanda.

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#2753 Summer House S09E4 Part One: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle


And Kyle said that he thought he had an opportunity to talk to him about it in between. And then he was like, I don't know.

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#2753 Summer House S09E4 Part One: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle


All right, everyone, we're going to do a scavenger hunt to find out the gender of my baby.

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#2753 Summer House S09E4 Part One: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle


Lindsay's like, the whole point and purpose of celebrating this is because I just spent such a long time. And then she just burps. She's like, sorry. Things just happen in pregnancy. Anyway, I just spent a long time hiding this, and now I want to celebrate as much as I can.

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#2753 Summer House S09E4 Part One: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle


So Lindsay's like, okay, everyone, here's how it works. If you think I'm having a boy, you're going to go stand by the blue team and get a blue shirt. And then if you think I'm having a girl, you're going to stand by the girl's side and put on a pink shirt. And then there's going to be clues in treasure boxes. You're going to follow the clues, and then we're going to come back to the big box.

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#2753 Summer House S09E4 Part One: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle


You're going to find out what it is. And if you're wearing a blue shirt, but it's actually supposed to be pink, you'll put on a pink shirt, but if you're wearing a pink shirt, it's supposed to be blue, you can put on a blue shirt, and then you'll know what the baby is.

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#2753 Summer House S09E4 Part One: The Hannah That Rocks The Cradle


And then for dinner, we're gonna have something that's gonna be either blue or it's gonna be pink, depending on what's in the box, because again, the rules are you have to get into the, it's like, okay, we get it, like pink and blue.