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#2745 Southern Charm S10E12 Garsh Expectations on Shudder Island
Fri, 28 Feb 2025
Southern Charm time! JT shows up to the group trip only to have a vacation walk off and a quick straddle, then Shep is ignored some more by the beauty queen. Don’t worry, though, he gets to parade around a boat with a shorts romper and it’s…something. To watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Patreon.com/watchwhatcrappens. Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Chapter 1: What is the Southern Charm Mounting Hysteria Tour?
So I think listeners can expect me to be chatting with folks, both recognizable and unrecognizable names, about the way that people have navigated roads to triumph. My hope is that people will finish an episode of Reclaiming and feel like they filled their tank up. They connected with the people that I'm talking to and leave with maybe some nuggets that help them feel a little more hopeful.
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So Sally at least is trying to earn a paycheck. She's like, JT, don't you think it's a problem when there's like four people in here that you have to apologize to? And he's like, I'm going to add a little hot water for a while. I'm good. I'm good. She's like, don't you feel weird about it? He's like, you know what? There's a lot to say to a lot of people, but I prefer that it's one-on-one.
And I feel this with my heart, my soul, my gut, my ankle bones, my kneecaps. Feel it with every bit of my being.
But how are you going to make room for everyone you've upset? Because it's a lot. Well, I'm trying to show respect to each of you by not bringing stuff up at the table. I'm like, that's showing disrespect because people's paychecks depend on being able to fight at a dinner table on a TV show. So it's totally disrespectful what you're doing.
Yeah. And they're like, leave him alone. She's like, no, everything's on his term. I don't want to talk about it later. I want to talk about it now. And he's like, okay, that's fine. And she's like, fine, then don't talk to me.
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Chapter 2: What happened on Southern Charm Season 10 Episode 12?
Here she comes to the boat. Then great.
Well, that's what it is. Like you get to spend another day with her another day and you get to see what it looks like at the end of the day. Right? So meanwhile, JT goes over to Madison.
uh madison's room and he has a little red box as a as a gift and uh he's like hi can you give me another pillow sorry i got a bad back diabetes bad back i'm getting old oh hey so uh thanks thanks for giving that pillow it's nice thing you ever done for me don't get used to it yeah well it's the little things anyway i want to give you this this to give to whitney it's a very nice box of cigars but i got this from his patricia and whitney after craig made that bullshit up but you know you can smoke them if you want oh
It's like, I'll keep them. Which I liked. So it's like, okay, you can also decide who gets to smoke them, all right? Well, thank you. Thank you for taking this time because I didn't want to get it into the table. But, you know, I didn't want to have those conversations at dinner. But thank you for volunteering to talk to me. Just where do I start to dive in?
I'm sorry I brought up that FaceTime call that you actually made to Craig. And that was a huge mistake, you know? I bet... And she doesn't deny that the phone call happened. And he's like, it wasn't a hit job on you.
And she's like, well, that hurt my feelings.
And he's like, okay, wait, hurt your feelings? Because didn't you hear what I said? You heard what Craig said that I said. I mean, this was a conversation for us. And, you know, now we're stuck in Craig's telephone game of bullshit. And it's fucked up. And I want our relationship back.
okay and she's like i'm just i just want this friendship to work okay i chose the best of two pairs of shoes last night and i was eviscerated eviscerated to my core so um madison's like well i'm glad that he got to say his piece but we can move on i am done with this he's like well thank you for your audience and i hope you guys have a great day on the boat because i shall not be there and she's like you're not going to show up
No, I'm going to go back and take care of some business. My mama sent me a rug, so I'm going to put it somewhere.
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Chapter 3: How are JT's actions affecting the Southern Charm group dynamics?
Why don't you just date Shep? Yeah. You're both pathetic at this point. Like, stop. The man said he doesn't want you. Stop texting him.
Rodrigo's like, plot twist, JT's with Sienna. I'm shook. So JT's packing up all his stuff. And then we go back to Vanita and she's like, JT's my best friend. So it's hard to have everyone come at him at the table. He was like, I'm stressed. I feel like I'm getting beat up all the time. And I'm like, well, you got to make it right.
Like you're allowing everyone to beat you up right now because you're not speaking. So JT's like, well, I'm leaving the Bahamas because I see Mission Impossible right now with the friend group.
And so- Oh, please, you're just picking that movie because he's also short.
So then he's packing up and it's the longest five minute packing scene I've ever seen. Like, well, we're paying this man, so we might as well get him doing something. Let's watch him put his stuff into packing cubes. So we watch that for a while and then he leaves and he's like-
we'll see you later nasa and he's out so then uh back to the boat austin's like hey sally show him your tits there's a boat over there why is everybody telling sally to do that all the time for sally so um sal so then um austin's like hey molly molly do you think uh chef's tongue would taste like sandpaper and she's like do i think his tongue would taste like sandpaper well why don't you try it out
He's like, gosh, it's been a year. It's been a year. I'm doing her a favor.
So Molly's like, I feel like I'm at a middle school dance and everybody's like, go dance with him. But then I'm dancing with a tuba. Oh, flashbacks. So then they hug and it's like cute and everything. And I'm not buying it either.
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