Watch What Crappens
#2734 Crappy Hour 2/17/2025 Summer House V Southern Charm War Brews and Married 2 Med Update
Wed, 19 Feb 2025
This week on Crappy Hour, there’s a war a brewin between the North and South as the rhetoric from Southern Charm and Summer House cast members heats up amid the Craige Uncoupling. Also, Anne Marie sues a year after leaving RHOBH and leaves the Democrat party. We give the move a solid 8.5. Also, we catch up with the latest mess on Married to Medicine. Join us live every other Monday at 5:30PT on YouTube Live (Youtube.com/watchwhatcrappens) or Instagram (@watchwhatcrappens) To watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Patreon.com/watchwhatcrappens. Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at watchwhatcrappens.com Join us live every other Monday at 5:30PT on YouTube Live (Youtube.com/watchwhatcrappens) or Instagram (@watchwhatcrappens) To watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Patreon.com/watchwhatcrappens. Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Chapter 1: How is the Summer House vs Southern Charm feud unfolding?
It's Watch What Crappens, a live every other Monday show. Hi, Ben. How are you? Great. Thank you, Ronnie. How are you doing? Oh, good. That's Ben over there. I'm Rondal. And today, we're going to be talking about some Bravo Goss. What's been on your mind for the past two weeks with all this?
craziness happening in the world I mean not the real craziness obviously we avoid that but um the bravo craziness yeah it's the usual bravo stuff I mean there's like I'm not gonna you know me I'm gonna be very respectful and I'm not gonna start crappy hour on like any sort of downer notes but there's been some downer news in the world of bravo and then but there's also been the usual petty stuff honestly I've just been really like I've just been really enjoying you know after our after the crappies were done and everything
Chapter 2: What are the latest updates on Married to Medicine?
just coming back and relaxing and having like, finally having an exhale. And, you know, I've just been sort of reading the headlines and enjoying our it's fun to get back to watching Bravo and enjoying it for enjoying it and not being stressed because you have to get ready for the crappies. So that's where I'm at mentally. How about you?
Oh, good. I'm great mentally. I mean, I slept all last week because I was sick. And so I just slept and it was amazing. But one thing that happens when you do that is you read a lot of Reddit. Well, I read a lot of Reddit, you know. So I was reading a ton of Bravo news. Yeah. First up is a sad one is that Teddy has like brain tumors and stuff. Ted has brain tumors, which is so sad. So
um you know sending our best out to her because jesus absolutely i mean obviously teddy has been you know like a punching bag for so many of us in the bravo universe and everything become a villain etc but i don't think anyone wishes this on anyone um so you know we just hope a very speedy and healthy and quick recovery for teddy it's so scary and um just wishing her all the best
And otherwise I've just been reading Craig and page news. Cause that's all there. I mean, that's mostly what's out there is like, Oh my God, pageant Craig broke up and then war is breaking out between the two fandoms, I guess. And cast kind of.
Chapter 3: What caused the Paige and Craig breakup drama?
So that's been super fun to read. And then stuff to traders is always on my mind. So I've been talking a lot about the traders, et cetera, you know, cause that hits our Bravo universe.
All right, well, why don't we start out with a little bit of Southern Charm versus, not Southern Hospitality, what's the Northern one? The North versus the South, they're calling it. It's the new Civil War, Summer House in the North versus Southern Charm in the South. First, we've got an innocent breakup, and then it turns out it wasn't so innocent because everyone's going for each other.
And then you've got Paige saying that, she hid this breakup for a month to shield, you know, because Craig needed some time. And then Craig pretended like it was all this ambush and he had no idea and got on Instagram all charming about it. And then Paige got mad and said, he's been texting two bitches. I caught him texting two bitches. Um,
when we were together and that was the end of summer house. And then we had Patricia and Austin kind of coming for a page on watch what happens live, which we got to see behind the bar, which is cool. And then, um, Amanda and Kyle went on some other show and basically dissed Craig and called him a wuss and said he should have stood up for page and
And then we have Patricia on Southern Charm saying that Paige is mean. So the latest in what's happened is Sierra. You know, I think that Sierra wasn't meant to be on Traders. It was supposed to be Lindsay. And I think that Sierra was hired after Lindsay was let go after Dorinda left. outed her pregnancy and told everybody that she either had a miscarriage or was going to miscarry.
I mean, I don't know. That was a whole mess from another couple of crappy hours ago. But the latest is Sierra being on Traders. And I have to say, that show's given her a lot more confidence and, may I say, personality.
What do you think? You know, it's kind of funny about the personality part because after last season of summer house, she had a really strong season last year and we kept on saying, wow, Sierra's really come out of her shell. Like we're really finally seeing so much personality from Sierra. And then the season sort of ends and the old image of Sierra kind of like returned to my head of like, Oh,
sierra she has no personality she doesn't say anything so it's like seeing her at personality and the traitors is funny because we're like oh wow look at her she has personality all of a sudden but the truth was she actually already came out of her shell we just she has that kind of persona like an emily simpson where when you're sort of like out of sight out of mind they kind of like she's not like emily i'm just saying then we're out of sight out of mind you're like elisa
You know, it's just you're like, Emily's only OK, why she's on the show. And then you watch her and you're like, oh, yeah, Emily, like, does good work on this show. So I think sometimes it's hard to remember that Sierra does actually have a lot of personality. It's just that, you know, it's just not always, you know, the problem is she's not always a funny personality.
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Chapter 4: Who is Bailey and what is the controversy around her?
there were a lot of people who took a very long time to watch summer house and maybe never even made that, that crossover. And they probably just stayed with the summer house with, um, with Southern charm. And what they, if they're, if they're not watching, uh, summer house, what they're probably seeing is Craig, who is a fuck up, but now gets this like sweet little boy at it.
on the show where he's like i face my life and i sew pillows and he's adorable and he has a pool now and he has his house looks cleaner but it's like it's not even that many seasons ago it's maybe about two seasons ago when he was a total disaster everything about his life was chaotic and terrible and he has been a liar all this time and i think that like maybe maybe if you're not like as beholden to summer to a southern charm uh you may be
more open to seeing that. But if you're like a super devotee of the show, you kind of just want to go along with what the editor is giving you.
So then she says, Paige is mean to Craig. Naomi is mean to Craig. Let's ask ourselves if people are mean to him, why are they mean to him? Now that's a good, that I think is the most important question in this whole little segment. And then she says, if that's your perception of mean, what's your definition of mean? Is it's not kissing the ground that he walks on?
She has an opinion about other things. She's steadfast in what she wants of herself and her future and what her future family is going to look like. Is that mean? So I agree with her. But, you know, there is kind of a war brewing. So I'm loving it. I don't feel like I have to choose sides. I can just sit here and watch it.
I mean, my side is Paige so far because I think Paige, I think Craig's such a faker little fuck. And I think Paige is more upfront with who she is, where Craig hides behind this little dimples and, We saw it this week when they went on their group vacation and the mask slipped a bit. And Craig was like, I have to share a room. What am I, poor? I'm not a poor person. I'm not going to share a room.
No, but you are a cheap person because you still didn't go get your own room. So, yeah, just fucking baby. Just fucking baby Craig. So I'm going to choose whoever dumps Craig. I chose my only side during that whole thing. I think the whole time we were like, dump him. I'm going to usually choose anybody's side who dumps Craig until he truly gets his shit together.
yeah i i'm i'm with that and i i think that like you know you've been saying that there's been so much hate for paige and i haven't actually seen it but i haven't actually followed too much of what people live on the internet and it's just like i don't understand the hate for paige i think that he is like a man baby and she's been very clear of what she wants and he's been trying to kind of like wedge her into this idea of what he wants so that way he can feel like an adult uh instead of actually being an adult
He is just going to do all the things that signify being an adult like Jax did and so many other guys on on this on this network. So, you know, forever team team page on this one in terms of other summer house news. I want to talk a moment about Bailey.
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Chapter 5: What are the casting rumors for Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 15?
I don't know, but I can tell you this. They're not shooting more money at anybody right now in TV. Anything they can do with the dollar, they're going to do it. So that's that. We're kind of just watching this war unfold. But if I was Southern Charm, I would not take on the cast of Summer House. That cast has the girls, all of them.
I mean, really, probably even Lexi by the end of the season will be able to fight in a decent way because I'll train her ass, you know. But you've got Lindsay. You've got Sierra. You've got Paige. You've got Amanda. Amanda will wind your damn head off.
Yeah. Oh, well, anyway.
Southern Charm! Please stop. Just stop the fighting. Paige and Sierra will eviscerate them. Lindsay will threaten their lives. And then Amanda will just wind them to death for the final nail in the coffin. So team North. Team North.
Did you see there was a picture, a BTS picture of Amanda from the summer house making guacamole this week? Yes, they cut it. Can't believe they would cut Amanda's signature meal. guacamole ever since her first season on the show, she's been making guacamole. Like that's her thing. She comes on the, she arrives in the Hamptons. She takes out that bowl and she makes a classic guacamole.
And I don't know why we're not getting more scenes of it.
That's like cutting Rosa's turn at a gypsy. Like, why would you do that? It's just not fair.
It's the 11 o'clock number.
I'm not here to watch the dancing cow.
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Chapter 6: Are Melissa Gorga's sprinkle cookies worth trying?
and murder. With a .22 caliber bullet to the head. What started with a scheme to mislabel wine spilled into a blood-soaked battle for succession. Welcome to Blood Vines. You can binge listen to Blood Vines exclusively and ad-free on Wondery Plus. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify.
It's time for a commercial. It's time for a Crappin's commercial.
So that is a pretty light drama, but it's been keeping me reading for whatever reason. So then today, some news came out that I was so excited to read because I feel like the world can't properly start to heal. Well, first of all, the world hasn't stopped being attacked. It can't heal until it's stopped attack, but it can't begin to I don't know.
We can't begin to mentally heal from everything that's happened from the last season of Jersey without knowing who's going to stay, who's going to go. I mean, that's a big question. So today I saw the headline, Real Housewives of New Jersey, season 15 cast revealed. Find out who was retained by Bravo and who was fired. And I should have known when I clicked and it was OK Magazine.
Listen here, Oklahoma Magazine. I'm not going to be tricked by you anymore. This is the last time.
Also known as a magazine built in the spirit of Dolores. Okay.
You know what? Do you have some new headlines? Yeah, okay.
Here's some headlines. Hey, Dolores, we need a statement. What magazine is this? Okay. Okay.
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