The gang goes to Vegas to see DJ Maddi Reese play the biggest gig EVAR on Southern Hospitality. But wait! What if Grace doesn’t wake up in time? And will Will show up? To watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Patreon.com/watchwhatcrappens. Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at watchwhatcrappens.com You can still buy tickets to Stream the 2025 Golden Crappies until Feb 14 on our site.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Chapter 1: How did Ben and Ronnie's recent live shows go?
Hello, and welcome to Watch Our Crap Ends, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker, and joining me today is the wonderful and hilarious Cherubic, Mr. Ronnie Karam. Hi, Ronnie. How are you? Cherubic. I like it. Good. How are you doing today? Fantastic. We had such a wonderful weekend out in the mountain zone of the United States.
It was really so tremendous. Thanks to everyone who came out to Salt Lake City and to Denver. And of course, thanks to Angie Kay, who joined us for our Salt Lake City recap. That was so fun. A dream come true.
How are you doing? good i'm a little under the weather um i had some i had someone with the flu or something but hey at least it happened now when i'm not back home and i can curl up so it's all good whoever gave it to me you're a lovely person and it's a lovely illness so
so far good uh we've got um a few days left just four days left to stream the crappies if you're so inclined to go do that get the link over at watch out crappins.com and that's where you'll also find ticket links for guess what next month's shows we start again in march and we're going crazy in march we're going to be is march number three january february march
Okay, we're going to be in Ludlow Garage in Cincinnati, Ohio, Minneapolis, Toronto, Charlotte, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia. So go get your tickets now at watchwhatcrappens.com. Also, if you want Traders Recaps, we got them over on our Patreon. So go over there, okay?
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Chapter 2: Why is Southern Hospitality considered a breakthrough show?
Yeah. March is going to be bananas, but we're going to be here for a few weeks, which is nice. But yeah, can't wait to go check out all those cities, including the Super Bowl-winning Philadelphia. So, anywho, today we are talking about a very important show.
I know the Super Bowl was a very important show for the world yesterday, but an even more important show, Southern Hospitality, which continues just to be the best show ever. I think they're having a breakthrough season. I think there was an article, was it in Rolling Stone or was it in Vanity Fair?
But there was some ink that was spilled by some legacy media about this show, saying how basically Southern Hospitality, Yeah, it was just one of those articles that's like, hey, you should be watching this show because it's picking up where Vanderpump Rules left off. And it makes me really excited. I mean, this has really been a tremendous season.
And the two seasons that came before it were really good. But this season is just kind of out of control. Good, great cast. Everyone is really entertaining. So I'm hoping new people start watching the show because it's kind of the future of Bravo right now.
The future of Bravo. That's a big statement.
Well, cause there are still people in their twenties, right? Like all our shows about 20 year olds, they're now all in their late thirties and forties.
And you know, it's, we need, I think of things as like an apocalypse movie, you know, cause I've watched so many apocalypse TV shows where you always have to be prepared for the world to end. And God knows looking around the past few years, it could happen at any moment. These are the people leading you in the apocalypse. Think about that. Okay.
Wouldn't you need some canned corn or, you know, when people start like just clubbing the old people and stealing their stuff, it's Maddie.
Okay. Yeah. Oh, fucking L. So let's get into it. I think there was something I wanted to bring up at the top of the show. I cannot remember it for the life of me. So let's dive into it. Season three, episode six.
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Chapter 3: What is the latest drama involving Will and Emmy?
will a lot of people in bathrooms yeah it's very gay lifestyle yeah i know i mean come on bro i mean it kind of is so he's been in bathrooms at parties and stuff and um also we learned that austin's kind of a dick uh in this episode which i was sad because you know you can usually put any kind of personality on a silent person and when they're kind of hot and lift logs i tend to give them the benefit of the doubt and just give them a good personality
Nope. His sucks. And then when we hear why he sucks, it's even worse. So we'll get to that later, but you know, just stay, just stay tight in your chairs. You're going to learn that this guy sucks. We should have known from the mustache. And if you're sitting there with some man who's like, Hey, wait a minute. How dare you? I got a mustache. We're looking at you this way too. Okay.
If you don't want to be looked at like a douche bag, shave that shit. Cause you could tell that's the sign of douche.
Listen, You can lift logs, you can have a mustache, but you can't lift logs and have a mustache, okay? Like the writing was on the wall. The guy was a dick. Yeah, the writing was on the log. The writing's on the, yes. So we go back to Maddie's car, she's gossiping still.
And she's like, it's just like dark as fuck that people are like talking again around town about what he's doing behind her back. I'm like, people, it's you. You're the one who's actively talking behind his back. As you should be, by the way.
Yeah. So then we see a flashback montage of people talking about Will. And we see my favorite character, Siobhan. She's just like, I just heard that Will was saying that she's like boring. She's like anorexic. He hates her body. She smells. She's like a rolled up booger in the shape of a face, but you can't really figure out what the face is. I hate her. I want Siobhan. Can we just follow Siobhan?
I know. I really like Siobhan. Did she get invited? I don't think she made it to Vegas, right? She didn't get on the cast trip, huh? No. Wow. That's rough. That's rough. So then justice for Siobhan and justice for Cloris Leachman too, who deserves to be on that trip. Cloris Leachman has put in some solid years on this show in the background and she needs to be on the cast trip at this point.
Yeah, what the hell? That's age-shaming. I think you guys need to bring the rundown train, too. I mean, that was the character in Starlight Express. Remember the rundown train? It was like, I'm a train that don't run very well anymore. I don't. That's that lady, Cloris Leachman. They need to bring her on. I want to know.
Yeah, well, I was stuck in the bathroom. Guess who had to clean that fucking bathroom? Me. Why didn't anybody feel bad for me?
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Chapter 4: What are the group's plans for their trip to Vegas?
Yeah, come to Sin City. But I think we have, before we say anything about the cheating stuff, we have to have the facts. Yeah, except for now. Settle down, Kathy Bates. This isn't Matlock, okay? There's enough circumstantial stuff that you can bring it to Matt, to Emmy.
Yeah, but now she doesn't know that this latest rumor is on camera and you guys are still bringing it on camera and talking shit. Now, I don't think that they're in the wrong here, but yeah, what are you going to do? Hire a PI, you know? Yeah. So upbeat music. Here we go. I just need you to be mine, be mine. Tell me, baby, baby, that you're mine. We're at Brad's house, and his brother's over.
And I like that our note taker, Chandler, says, the brother, Sean, is on the couch. Open concept layout, of course. Damn, Chandler. Chandler's like, I'm over this open concept. Yeah, I've had it. I've fucking had it. I'm saying something.
Why doesn't Brad have rooms already? Okay. So Brad's asking his brother if he has any advice. And Sean is like, learn to leave the table when you're up so you don't leave down. Oh, God. Yeah, duh. I don't know.
You don't know what that means? When you're winning, leave the table. That's not how gambling works, okay? Here's why gambling sucks. Because you sit down and you win $10. And then all your friends start going, walk away, Ronnie. Walk away. You won $10. I don't want $10. I want that pink fucking convertible Mercedes in the front that you have to win the progressive for.
You got to get the three Betty Boops or whatever. I'm not happy with $10. I want it all.
you want more you want more from this life i was so confused by what sean said because i had not fully moved my brain over to vegas mode so i was thinking he was talking about going to the like going to dinner so like learn to leave the table when you're up so you don't leave down and i was like i don't understand what is this what is this supposed to mean so now we're old-fashioned gambling baby
We then go over to Lake's crumbling apartment with the roof that is literally sagging in, and she's picking out her stuff, and she's packing in front of her adorable gray cat. I feel like we haven't really spent enough time appreciating this super, super cute cat. I don't know if the cat has a name, but I would say this is... There are not a lot of cats on Bravo.
Bravo is definitely a dog network. They always highlight the dogs, but this is probably my favorite cat since Captain Gizmo. But also I think it's the only cat since Captain... Is it Captain Gizmo? Is that Naomi's cat? Yeah. Or just Gizmo. Great cat.
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Chapter 5: How does the cast react to Maddie's big Vegas gig?
No, but I've taken a dump there, and I'm trying to say it's really lovely. I was trying to be discreet about it, Ronnie, but you forced my hand.
We're talking about fucking in bathrooms, and of course you bring your own personal Idaho into it, which is pooping.
Yeah. Well, of course. Well, I'm trying to provide a public service announcement, which is that they have the most soft, they have the softest, most lovely tissue paper that I've ever encountered in my life. Wow. That's a free endorsement.
So we go back to Emmy's apartment and he puts on one of her sun hats. He's like, aren't I wacky? I'm wearing a sun hat.
She goes, Oh my God. Well, take it off. Take it off. Well, take it off right now. Take it off. Well, what the hell?
Why does she get so scared of the sun hat?
Cause the rumor is that will fucked a girl in a sun hat. I just made that up.
Um, so she, I didn't understand why she got so mad about the sun.
She really lost her mind. I think cause she's just so on the edge. Like she's just holding on. She's white and knuckling her ability to hold onto this image that they, everything is fine. That like the idea that he might want to wear a sun hat, which would be like frowned upon by his like circle of lawyer friends. She just can't even deal with that. Um,
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Chapter 6: What are the underlying tensions among the cast in Vegas?
I want to be on the side of the Zook. Okay, guess what? We're going to move our venue to the Zook building, everyone. We should. Ben and Ronnie play the Zook. Zook.
This is the best day bar I've ever seen in my life.
Oh my God, Zook, Zook. What is Zook, by the way? It's Zook, a musical movie.
It's like the Italian brother of Zeus. It's like the Italian little brother of Zeus who never gets any attention.
It's just like the royalty-free version of like Shoop. It's like the Shoop that's like slightly different. It's like Zook, Zook-a-Zook, Zook-a-Zook, Zook-a-Zook-a-Zook-a-Zook. It sounds just close enough.
My girlfriend is on the side of a fucking building. I don't even know whether to call my mom or my, like, I don't know where to call her mom or my mom first or, like, that who taught me how to do that chicken parm. Nana. I'm going to call Nana. I'm calling Nana first. So then Maddie's like, oh, my God. I'm like, holy shit.
Like, the whole city can see my face.
In other news, tourism has declined, has dropped 3% in Vegas for some strange reason. Oh, God.
The sphere has started bouncing itself against the Zouk building. Oh, my God. The sphere has gone crazy.
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