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Jackie Oshry


The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


It's Jackson, Claude, and we're your hosts. It's your favorite show, the fast five things you need to know. We'll start your day off swirly.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


League of Jews. Like I don't think you have to be Jewish. You just happen to be Jewish. Got it, got it. Cool, cool. So I guess now without further ado-da-do-da-do, it is time for the Fast Five Stories that you need to know.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Of course it was a she because 98% of our audience is women.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Oh, okay. So now, now, right now, without further ado-da-do-da-do, it is time for the Fast Five Stories that you need to know.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Oh, okay. So there is controversy. Do you know this? Tell me and I'll let you know.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


You're timeless to me. Our first story. Meghan Markle.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Our first story. Yesterday, Variety dropped an exclusive article saying that Alex Earle's Hot Mess podcast has been dropped by Alex Cooper's Unwell Network. So here's the deets from Variety as it dropped. And this feels like more of like a press release.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


And they had all the info and then everybody else is like extrapolating from that. So. Alex Earle's Hot Mess podcast has been dropped by Alex Cooper's Unwell Network. Sources say SiriusXM will also no longer sell ads for the show and that the Unwell Network has renounced all rights to Hot Mess so that Earle can freely explore future opportunities.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


The move comes amid growing chatter on social media and the toast of a feud between Cooper...

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


cooper host of call her daddy and earl the party girl influencer with a massive tiktok following speculation of a rift grew when earl skipped an unwell super bowl party in new orleans even though she was in town and then this is me adding also don't forget the spencer pratt stuff in august 2023 as a reminder cooper announced that she was launching the unwell network and signed earl to join the fold so like unwell and and hot mess like

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


It's Jackson Turdy, we're your hosts.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yes, their initial talent signings included Pretty Lonesome with Madeline Argy, who alongside Cooper and Earle would, quote, develop a variety of multi-platform concepts and projects across such silos as pop culture, beauty, fashion, and lifestyle.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Earl goes somewhere else and then we hear later on like Earl is with podcast one or whatever like and that's what you would do if you wanted things to like remain peaceful but considering they're already going their separate ways I feel like this was you know One more kick in the butt, like, and your drop because it makes hot mess look unsuccessful, which I don't think it is.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


There are some like metrics that are public, which like her YouTube views, which are very high. I think it is the biggest show on the network and that doesn't make sense why you would drop your biggest show.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Well, she might still be a podcaster and she might still lug all that luggage because part of her YouTube channel will still be sitting on the couch talking, but recognizing that people aren't listening to it as much as they're watching it. But still, you want to have all that podcasting. production. So I don't know. She has the IP to her show, which was also interesting.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


But when I saw that, like, I feel like there's no way Alex Cooper could not have given her the IP after everything that happened with call her dad. That's exactly what Alex and Sophia wanted. And what Alex ultimately got was like the rights to her show and to her name and everything that she built. So if she had withheld that from Alex Earl, I think that would just, it wouldn't have looked good.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


So bad. So small, really bad. So Alex,

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah, I know. I think that she had to give that up, especially with the Call Her Daddy drama of yore.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Or we just like keep re-recording the song every time you change your name. It's an expensive venture, but I'm down. Yeah, no, but Jax and Claude are the hosts of this show. Correct. We can riff off that all day long, but when you come to this show, just know we're Jax and Claude and we're your hosts.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


And I think the publicist gets a lot of credit for bringing Earl to Unwell.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Bringing these two together.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah. Right? Like if we're just extrapolating, interpolating. Like it's definitely an interesting tidbit that could point to larger issues, but could also just be a coincidence. Like not everyone works together forever. Like either one of them could have moved on.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


It's been a year and a half.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah, of course there's something going on. And then also the use of the word dropped. Like that is one final like middle finger to Alex Earl because it makes her look unsuccessful. But that we know to be not true. So that's why it's even more nefarious.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Right, and then you want to give him the finger on his way out the door. Correct. And a way for them to control the narrative a little bit. And who knows what Alex Earl will do if she'll say anything or if she's just happy to be gone and is going to continue on her merry way.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


So she does Hot Mess with her sister mostly. And they like do remote episodes, right?

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Because I think she'll still do that. I think that's been good for them. So-

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah. I think she's still going to do that.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


You can't compare a TikTok view to a YouTube video, long form video. Of course not.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah, but like you have to if it's a podcast looking at like say 150,000 downloads per episode for a podcast is really strong. In the podcasting world.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah. Well, that's like in the hindsight. Hindsight is 2020. You think she'll still continue doing a podcast? Yeah.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah. And it looks great. That's because of the YouTube.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah, well, that could be next for them. I do feel like sometimes her content like is trending that way when she's like, oh, girls, like that's obviously the name of their show. And it's adorable. Yeah, it's I don't know why it hasn't happened yet. That feels like a no brainer.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Like, every great thing that we do, it will evolve in six months. Like, maybe a re-recording. Maybe, of course, people were asking for theme song 10-minute version, which we'll have to work with Becca on that.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


But think of like, I'm thinking like D'Amelio's on Hulu. How much do you think they get paid by Hulu?

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah. So we'll see what happens next. Do you think Alex Earl is gonna say something about this and like be like, here's my truth?

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah. I think it's like, if nothing more happens, then it will stay quiet.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah. So I think, I think she might be able to let that go and just be like, carry on. Cause as you said, she doesn't like drama, but I don't know. I think if, if more, if more happens, this is like what we said about Brianna and grace. Remember? We're like, if nothing more happens, they could be friends again.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Oh, and then of course, speaking of grace, Dave Portnoy chimed in. This was really funny because Dave Portnoy posted a TikTok of a screenshot of him having had a call with Alex Earle's new cell phone number for 22 minutes. And then he was playing Circle of Life in the background. and drinking.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah, no, she wouldn't. But it was just a funny thing that he posted. And then it points, is there drama between Dave and Alex Cooper?

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


And then him making this video, it's like you wouldn't do that to a friend.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I don't know. It might just be like a business.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Like where it's like we're not going to start up because it's like it's not personal, but it's not like we're best friends and I would trust you.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah. I wonder who it's going to be. I think they're already in acquisition mode, so...

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah. And then they also had the other drama recently.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


You told me a little bit about it and then I saw like a transcript of what was said.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


No, it's like I, until it's like pressing and completely top of mind, like I'm not thinking, but now this is how we do. Like we are just like riffers.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah, that's like people have been like people have said that.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


That's not like a new thought.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Okay. Instead of Jesus, like I'm just gonna say blank so that I can't be taken out. Blank is going to spank you lady. If you keep it up, he's going to bend you over and fuck your ass. Blank is going to go poop pirate on your ass. If you keep up this bullshit, they deserve it with no lube.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I think it's what you think, you know?

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I have a thought. So tell me if I'm right.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I feel like it's just the obvious progression of what she's saying.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Oh, maybe it's an original term.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


That's not what I was thinking. I don't know if that's what she meant. But anyway, so this is actually a very big controversy. Like I have been seeing it a lot. And she's very much like a TikTok person and I am not.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


So they just came out of that one now into this one. But that's on just working with influencers and being on the internet.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah. So now this we'll see what happens next.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Are you ready for our next story? Mm-hmm. Travis Kelce is making news in two parts. One, he's saying how he listens to Taylor Swift's music when he's depressed. He said she has something for every mood. So him and Jay's face got a little emo on the pod talking about what kind of music they like to listen to when they're down in the dumps.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I don't know. I would sing it. This is how we do. Yeah. Chillin' straight back there. And then we do it like that. This is how we do. Hey.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


So Travis had said that he listens to Taylor songs when he's depressed because she has something for everything. And Jason agreed that no matter what mood you're in, you can find some Taylor music to relate to. Then he said, it's true. It's a universal truth. And then Jason said that he prefers sad country when he's feeling down.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


He said, no matter how bad I'm feeling, there's a country guy who was singing about it and feeling way worse for me. And that gives me joy.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


And then also the Chiefs GM reveals that Travis was battling a pretty big illness ahead of the Super Bowl loss. So he didn't say what it was. He said, we're never going to make excuses and talk about it. But I mean, yeah, he was battling with a pretty big illness there before the Super Bowl.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


He said it probably like considering the way that the Eagles played, it wouldn't have made a difference how he was feeling. Right. But that, yeah, he was sick. He didn't share the diagnosis. But to me, like, what comes to mind is, like, I was sick for the Super Bowl, too, and I felt really, really bad. And maybe Travi felt maybe he had the flu, COVID long flu as well.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


No, and like in this day and age, like if you play sick, and you're like contagious with other people, like you're canceled. And I actually think that- It's no longer admirable. No, it's like you seriously could lose everything. I actually think Travis probably had COVID and that's why he won't say what it is because for years you- Super spreader, super spreader.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yes. However, we need to get the song on Spotify. Like, and I'm not, we're working on it. This is so important to me because I was playing it on repeat in my house. The kids love it. It's 30 seconds though. So I literally was starting the podcast over, over, over, over.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


You literally couldn't play football if you hadn't been exposed to someone who had it. So to take a positive test and then like go sweat on everybody, canceled.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


100%. And now he's detoxing on a, in a warm destination because that's like good for his sinuses because he had COVID and maybe he has long COVID too.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


The oceans aren't closed anymore.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


It is. It's good for the soul. You got to heal mind, body and soul.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah. Travis said he listens to music that is very telling of his mood. OK, we need him to go public.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I think he really likes LMFAO.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


No, I'm serious. That's something that I got from watching Catching Kelsey. He like had them at a party and everyone was like so excited, like party rock. Those were like his guys. Like I think that's his favorite kind of music, party rock anthem.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


But not when he's feeling sad. Do they have any ballads?

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


He also said the only way you can find yourself in the light is to find yourself in the dark first.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I'm trying to think about that. I feel like it's easier to find yourself in the light.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Um, and I know other mamas out there, especially like if they want to bring their kids into like, they want to educate their kids into the world of the toast. It's a clean song. There's no explicit version.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I'm speaking from like just practically speaking like it's easier to find oneself in the light.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


But I understand what Travis means. He probably saw that Michael Phelps commercial too.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


But it's like one that was like botched.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


No, it's just like they like mistyped, they typed it wrong. But I understand what you mean, Travi.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I'm so glad my Travi made it to the big game, even though he had COVID and he played like arse.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


In English, Claudia is a girl's name that means lame or enclosure. Yeah. It comes from the Latin word claudus, which means lame or crippled.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


That's so funny. That's like those videos of like, here are words that would be beautiful names except for what they mean. Like syphilis. That would be a beautiful name.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I don't know if gallbladder would be a beautiful name. I like it. I saw one that was like oatmeal.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Oh my gosh, funny. Okay, lame. It's Jackson Laman, we're your host. What does Jackie mean? What story number are we on? Who knows? I know, I'm just... Claudia, if you have to ask, then you know. Did you see that? Oh, three.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Get to the story. Jackie comes from meaning God is gracious, holder of the heel, and supplanter.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Okay, I'll go to the next story. And you know what? I might skip over one story, okay? Will that make it better?

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Because we kind of did like two or three with Unwell. Because we did like Unwell, then we did Avery, and we did Dave.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


And Claudia says we're at an hour. But our next story is like some tragically beautiful news, actually. Okay. Jesus Guerrero's family is thanking Kylie Jenner for covering the hairstylist's funeral expenses and plan to honor him the best way that they can. So first of all, I want to correct because we were saying his name wrong the other day and it's Jesus. No, Jesus.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


No, you literally said it right back to me. I thought you were going to call me.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Oh, okay. But you didn't know it any more than I did.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


You're always correcting me. You're always clowning on how I say things.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Of how I say things. But anyways, not only is she covering his funeral cause, she put out like a really beautiful tribute yesterday. And I think that they were even closer than...

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


people expected them to be like he's been with her for a very long time and i think one of the kids friends she shared videos and photos of them traveling and in her home like not just working together but just like living together and she shared how like he was a light who got her through so many Dark Times. So I think she's really grieving.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I also know she wasn't at the SAG Awards with Timmy on Sunday. I think because this was all very, like I think that's, I think she would have been there otherwise.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


like good with kids too because so many of the things that i've seen is like pictures of him and everybody's kids yeah that's really it's really sad it is really sad um but they had a gofundme set up for his funeral costs and then she covered the whole thing so they said like um the other the money that was raised previously will go towards costs associated with securing his belongings home and other unexpected expenses to settle his yeah so that just like makes this really difficult time a little bit easier for his family which is very kind

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Very sad. What's going to be our fifth and final story is a little more Hollywood news.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Let me tell you, I'm so glad that that's not a thing.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I'm doing good, and it's nice that it's day two of the theme song, but it's day three of the week. It feels like we're cheating the week a little bit, because you would expect it to be a Tuesday, but then it is a Wednesday. That's so true. So, life hack, drop a new song on a Tuesday.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah, to a degree, but we have to be true to ourselves.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


So our fifth and final story has actually been a last minute swap for some breaking news.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


We have to be true to ourselves. To sound off. Actually, the commenters popped off yesterday being really helpful for Toast Playlist. So I just. Yes. Of course, right where you left me.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Real housewife Karen Huger gets a far longer prison sentence than she expected for her DUI. She has been sentenced to two years in jail with one year suspended over her DUI conviction. It wasn't? Yeah. They said Mrs. Miss Huger's mother died on Thanksgiving morning in 2017 for kidney failure and sepsis.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Her father died seven months later on June 18th from the complications of Alzheimer's and of a broken heart. Those two losses in quick succession were for Miss Huger personally devastating and in her opinion may have been the straws that broke her back, arguably leading to several errors in judgment.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


However, she was found guilty of driving at a speed too high for the conditions before she ultimately struck a median and two signs. Now she has been sentenced with two years in prison.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I think it's very different if it's your first versus your second. Yeah.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Well, and also some people get a DUI and they go to jail for a few days or a week, like back in the Lindsay Lohan, Chloe Paris Hilton era. But again, different for your first versus your second. And I just want to get clarity because they said two years in jail with one year suspended. Does that mean net net one year in jail?

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah. No, and she had been arrested twice. I think it's like 2006 for drunk driving. Like they, like it strikes established a pattern matter. That is not something you could do once, let alone more than once. And now she's serving up to a year in jail, I guess. It definitely seems harsh, especially because the prosecution was only going for six months and like that.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Like you really can kill someone. And she crashed. It's not like she just was pulled over. They noticed she was being weird. Like she literally crashed and that could have been a person. And then she would be facing like, I don't know what the law is in that state, but a lifetime in jail.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


No, this is really shocking. The length.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Probably. let me look hold on probably and then of course there are songs like the climb but that's not what we don't like sing the i mean except for jisno but we don't like work lyrics of the climb into everyday life oh no i'm looking for what people said yeah it was right where you left me like obvious i'm having his baby yeah yeah i agree yeah It could be on like the extended playlist.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah. Especially because she's like an older woman. I don't know. It's just like really sad.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah. So shit. We'll see what happens there. Now, speaking of Bravo, time for a real.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I know. Not expected at all.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


That's true. She's a 60-year-old. She's also, like, grieving as they shared. And it probably hasn't been the same since. That's really traumatizing. But it doesn't mean you can get behind the wheel of being drunk and, like, on pills.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Fourth of July party, Caviar Caspia. Like seriously bring me a fucking baked potato with caviar right now.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


And it seemed like nobody wanted to be there already.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


And unfortunately the first three people who came were like the people, the we hate Dorit clubs. So the vibes were off from the start. But then everyone's like complaining that it's hot. Like it's 4th of July in California. Of course it's hot. Like can everyone cheer up? This is a beautiful party. Look at that spread.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah, but like when you hate someone and you guys have beef, like no, you cannot make a joke. Like of course everything is going to be taken out of context. Of course. But I actually, and in that moment, of course, like Dorit was wrong and then Sutton was wronger. Yep.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


But then when she was explaining at Caviar Caspia, like if she was like, if you just said to me, like Dorit, that upsets me, don't say that. Like it just, it would have changed. Like Sutton didn't have to react like that, but it's really hard in the moment to like tempt. And Sutton was already on one. She came, she didn't want to be there. She waited, she didn't want to be there.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


The thing with the Birkin was very awkward. Yeah. She didn't want to be there. And then the comment about the alcohol and she didn't want to be there, but Sutton also acting like to reach the only one who ever commented about Sutton's alcohol consumption. And then I love that they flashback to like everything that was said about it.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


And like, the thing is, I think Sutton drinks a lot, but I don't think she has a problem. Like there are plenty of people like that.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah. Also, it seems like after July 4th, Sutton has been completely activated to become like the worst possible version of herself. She wants to take down Dorit at all costs and she's going to dig in on the fact that Dorit doesn't have a lot of money, which is like a really weird thing to do and not something that's probably going to play well with the Bravo audience.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Except I was looking on Twitter and people are like, yeah, like it's like they're here.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


They pay their rent. They pay their mortgage. They pay their taxes. They're still in the house. Like, until something happens, I have to move on from it.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


She has new clothes. She has boxes everywhere. Everything she's wearing is this season. She's got Farfetch receipts in the house. Like, I'm sorry. There's nothing there at the moment. I think when they get divorced, things will come to light. But as of right now, like, it's... There's nothing. Agreed.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


But for her to decide, like, I'm going after Doreen, I'm going to make it about money, was, like, seriously the worst idea.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


She completely lost everyone, like, all of the women. That's just, like, and she's calling her in her confessional, poor Reed. And the women in this particular group actually do not like to talk about money. Like, you are on the wokest network. Like, what do you think? You think this is a slay? Yeah.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Talking about money is de classe. And I think the more money you have, the less you want to talk about it. Like someone like Sutton, who's obviously from money, married money, just has money pouring out of her purses and her wallets, like is the last person who should talk about money because she is so much...

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


higher so what is she saying like her and Dorit aren't on the same level and they shouldn't even fight with her because she has more money like what is your money even like not only is that an awful thing to say but like practically speaking why can't you fight with someone who has more money that what are you going to do to her it's yeah it's not a good argument and Jennifer Tilly who is really growing on me she was being really funny this episode when talking about she was really growing on me and I loved all the tidbits about the caviar like I seriously loved

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


No, I mean, she's also like, I don't know what's the best kind. I ordered the most expensive one. I don't know if that's class.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Meanwhile... She was being really cute. Right, and it was, like, a really great display of, like, two women who have... Wealth. So much wealth. Jennifer and Sutton. And then, like, Sutton is being such a snob about the caviar, saying how, like, Dorit can eat salmon roe. Like, I know it's, like, stupid, but it's so fucking classist. Like...

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


we're not we don't talk like that that's not how like civilized people talk to each other so like I think she completely buried herself with that and that she says in her commercial I'm proud I said it I would say it again two more times three more like it's seriously crazy and whatever if Dorit was ever wrong which you know to me she never was

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


she's certainly not now no she was she was never wrong but with the july 4th thing in particular like sutton had a little bit of a leg to stand on like stop starting but then at the table she was like when durie was like apologized and when garcelle was like apologized to her and so she apologized didn't feel that genuine but then she was like no if i hurt your feelings i offended you like i am sorry i just would have wish you would have told me that that upset you and then think of all the things that durie could say to sutton and she doesn't you know yeah

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


She said in her confessional, all your money's gotten you is a horse and not a date. But she doesn't go there. She has not sunk very low. What, to make a comment about her alcohol? They all drink. Dorit has a drink in her hand in every episode.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


By the way, I feel like there's even meaner things that you could say.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


One step closer to dirty being my life.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I'll tell you, not something specific. Not something like an event or anything like that.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Okay, we'll talk offline. But anyways, I just feel like, I don't, how do you even answer to that at the reunion? While also having said in your confessional months later, like I completely stand by that. Right. But then I was also confused because the fans on Twitter like are on Sutton's side with that. And they're like. They are? Yeah, they're like, it's giving like NeNe leaks, I'm rich, bitch.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


That's not what it was. It wasn't a self, it wasn't an impression. an empowering thing about oneself. It was putting someone else down.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Right, and Sun wasn't saying, I'm an amazing, wealthy woman. Because if she wants to... congratulate herself all day long. Go ahead. No, but Nene's a self-made woman.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


No, but it's also, then she didn't turn around and call someone poor.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


So if Sun wants to talk about how much money she has, but not in relation to like what other people do or don't have, okay, fine. It's about poor Reet.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


When I heard her say poor Reet and I watched with subtitles, otherwise I might have missed it.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I texted you. I said, poor Reet?

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


So she's going all in on this. Meanwhile, Dorita's going all in on her confessionals about Sutton when she was like, you could tell it's like all activated. Everything's off because she was like, I mean, I don't know why Sutton would have such an issue with me making a joke about her drinking unless there's something really dark and sinister there. And it's like, oh, she's going all in.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Now we can say whatever we want.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Also, Faye Resnick with the icebreaker.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


And she was really adding a lot to the conversation in the sense of jovial jests and ice breaking.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


No, Kathy cracks me up because like, even though I love Bo's, but like Bo's sitting at Kathy's house being like, Kyle's cold and like, I don't get her and I don't like her. Kathy's like, yummy. Like, yeah, that's so crazy. That's your sister. Like, don't let someone talk like that.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Took my magnesium for the evening. How that passed the Bechdel test. Turned on the heated blanket for him. I don't know what was said. And by the way, I missed his subtitle of who his name is. So I had no idea who that person on her couch was.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I didn't know that. I thought like... I don't know, man, I don't know.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


a curse yeah no she's stuck with all the memories and all the tethers and the anchors and he just gets like pick out pargy furniture in a pargy apartment but also because their kids are out of the house she does like Dorit should get her house her kids need her house yeah then Dorit might wind up in an apartment and that's not that would be sad it just really depends when you have young kids like to keep some sense of stability like the mother keeps the house like it makes sense but with Kyle's kids being grown I'm like oh that does sound like kind of miserable and lonely

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


yeah and like they just they moved in a few years ago but it takes time to settle and I'm sure she was probably like just starting to feel like at home and then it goes and changes again but yeah that was um that was a tough watch to answer what you said about bows and the pregnancy journey I don't mind it I found it very interesting however and at first when I'm like she's 47 and she wants to have a baby it's like giving Diana Jenkins like and and

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


These people haven't even said I love you yet. Oh no, but I'm like, that's biblical. That's fascinating. And like if she could do it at 47, like I would love to see that. But then to find out that she actually had two extremely high risk pregnancies.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


That she should not have another, let alone an older, that this is a bad idea. And if she wants a baby, like maybe a surrogate should have it or something. Then I'm like, now I'm like, what, why?

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Oh, I didn't feel that way. And I do love that, like, Bose brings everything in-house. That was nice to see.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


You could literally get a sonic ring in your house.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


best first of all she does always come in for Dorit but like she's not wrong in the things that she's saying like when she said that they're rude for being in the corner like I haven't found her to like blindly and wrongly defend Dorit yet not wrongly yeah she comes in she calls it how she sees it and she's she's been like 10 for 10 so far when Dorit when Erica said like everyone needs to be stop being so threatened by Dorit and Bose's friendship that's exactly what it is like

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Because we decided to watch, what was it?

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


two people just sometimes people click faster than other people you might think you get along with someone but they just connected with someone faster and stronger and like I think people are mad that Dorit has this person in her corner who is having her back and Dorit isn't like in a really fierce kind of way yeah Dorit isn't on an island and Erica has her back too but she also has Kyle's back and she definitely plays the fence plays yeah um but it's nice and the thing is Sutton also and Erica said this like Garcelle

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Oh, by the way, I've been doing my homework a little bit every night. Makes a big difference. And I am out of Honduras. And I am in the big city, the Twin Cities, Minneapolis, St.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


does the same thing for Sutton. Like always.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


If it's going to be Dorit versus Sutton and Garcelle, like she deserves to have someone.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I do like their friendship and I'm glad that Dorit has that.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


And then also I thought the window into Dorit's room and Kyle seeing that, like really, um, put things into perspective when Kyle was like, Dorit is a very meticulous person. She's very clean. Like to see her bedroom look like this. And it's so funny because Dorit is so open and she gets accused of not being open when she's literally sitting down. She's like, I don't even see it. I'm not myself.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Like I would never, like, I don't see there's dead orchids there. I can't see it. Like, I feel like everyone is, acts like she doesn't share what's going on, but like, it's literally right there in front of you. So if she says an off remark, like she's not herself and she's trying to tell everyone that.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah, the boxes like that really was so crazy for someone who even her best friend knows like she wouldn't live like that.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I saw that the preview, like Paige shows a text message. I saw someone like as much as they could transcribe what's in the message. Like it's, is this play about us? Yes. I can't frigging wait.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I hope it's not like a to be continued and we just are getting to the beginning of it.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


We should all be caught up. So that's very exciting. Progress has been made and I watched the last two Rehob and there's a lot to recap actually.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


On Tuesday. We're so glad to see the reception from the song.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


And like turned out where there was smoke there was a big blazing fire.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Our conjecture as well. Just being ladies in the industry.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Because you don't just drop your biggest show. We're going to talk about it.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Of course it's our lead story. It's really, like, everyone's really talking about it. Usually, like, some podcast news, like, we're more jazzed over than the people. But the people want to know the status of Licks vs. Lex.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


But Licks would be Alex with an I. Alex.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Okay. Who are you texting?

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


The toast is brain camp, so get to work.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


We said that like two weeks ago.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


That would be really crazy.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I hate not being able to see my food.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


No, I feel like when you put a cookie in a skillet, like things are going to go well for you in life.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Like a person, like the size of a cookie.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


No, I don't think so. I think I have to go to the, like you say, outlet. You're right.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Oh, my God. I would love to make you a cookie in a skillet.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


No, no, no. But I'm determined now. Hold on. Just view menu. View menu. Okay, everyone. So we can all make it at home.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Oh, concert dining menu, not restaurant menu, right?

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Oh, my God. Thank you for City Winery. Okay.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I got to go to... Dessert. Dark chocolate mousse. Jack's skillet cookie. Jack's. Okay. House made cookie milk ice cream and port ganache. That sounds like alcohol.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Made from chocolate and cream. That sounds like you definitely had port ganache.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


It was like a cookie crumble. Similar question. What the heck is ganache? What the heck is ganache? It's a glazed icing sauce or filling for pastries made from chocolate and cream.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I saw one negative comment and she was like, I see that I'm the only one who's thinking this, so I'm probably wrong.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


It's important in life to not compare yourself to Shannon Ford because you will always come up short. So true. Like waking up at 5.30 a.m. like on her own.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Picking down her Christmas tree hungover. Like you can't compare yourself to this girl.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


So, but I love having Shannons in this world to aspire to.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I kind of love that. She wasn't even trolling. She was like, I don't even want to give voice to what she was saying, but she was very much aware that she was the only one.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


Yeah. She's coming to Florida. She's doing a couple of shows in the sunshine state. So check it out.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


good you know yeah that's the best feeling to feel good I only I only peed one time in the night so like I'm ready oh nothing's holding her back I actually wanted to tell you something funny because my husband played basketball last night in his intramural league as husbands do and he texted me he was like when it was like late I guess he was on his way home he's like I got hit in the face I'm bleeding oh

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


And he came home and he really got hit in the face. He had like a scar in his eyebrow, but there was also a lot of blood. So like, it was unclear what, like where, what exactly.

The Toast

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025


I wasn't sensing any beef. Like I think he just got hit in the face with the ball. I was not hearing. He didn't even like mention anyone. Like I don't think it went down in a bad way. Like just classic, you know, things happen when you're playing intramural basketball. Yeah. With your friends.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


And I also did see a clip of a woman. It's definitely a spoiler for later in the season, but it's what's happening. And I'll talk about what I saw.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


No one has said anything, though. I know.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Or if they keep it slash toast, because like, of course, that's a show. But then they also make turt like the same one. So when I say it, either one would work. Two codes for the price of one. Just something to think about, brand managers.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah, turt. Our first story, some legal news. A$AP Rocky jumps into tearful Rihanna's arms after being found not guilty in his shooting trial.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Are there some states where you're not allowed to even like film with your phone? Yeah, of course. Like no media allowed. And that's why we get court cartoons.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


So he was overwhelmed with excitement after receiving his not guilty verdict in his shooting trial on Tuesday as he was seen jumping into longtime girlfriend Rihanna's arms upon hearing the news. Yeah, he literally like jumped over the banister. He was going to cry.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


crazy video to give riri a hug i mean it's very exciting news like it's huge to be a free man versus he was looking at 24 years in prison no and it was like pretty serious charges right two shootings right and he was found not guilty on both counts there was a lot to celebrate his lawyers looked really pleased with themselves um the first person he hugged was actually his lawyer but i think she was just kind of in the way i saw a woman that he hugged i thought it was like a mother

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah, so now this goes back to the question, like the NFL players who hug their girlfriends and their wives. I think the order of how it went was appropriate. They're not married, but they might as well be. They're long-term partners. They have two kids together.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I didn't have an opportunity to doubt him or believe him because I don't know a single detail about the case. Yeah, I feel like this is like a big celebrity case. We're like, we're all talking about it. Who got shot? But by the way, we're literally not talking about it. No, we're talking about like the verdict and we're talking about the fact that Rihanna has been coming in and out.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


We talked about the Girardi of it all and then the verdict. And seriously, in the time in between, on a grand scale, like this was not headline news.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah. To be honest, I see these photos now, but like this was not headline news. Not as big as it should have been. Yeah.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yes, but like the Rihanna of it all. Makes it huge. Makes it huge, yet it wasn't. Yet it wasn't.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


which I think was also probably good for the case because then it's like sometimes when it gets so big the judge feels like he has to make an example again the you know and people start so I think operating under the radar is good yeah the way you just said good you sounded like Tamara I don't think he's good for you what did I say you said I think it's good like you just said good weird oh okay so can I don't think he's good for you can I breathe or no

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah, but there's no other way around it. Like it was really bad. Apparently it's like six episodes of pods of nonsense about these people who really think that both liking Taco Bell like means that you should spend your life with someone.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Nah. Nah. So happy for the Rocky family.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah. Our next story is some more legal news. Big day for the courts. Big day for the Claudias.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


So Blake Lively has filed an amended complaint against Justin Baldoni, saying it wasn't just me who felt uncomfortable. Blake Lively says Justin Baldoni not only sexually harassed her, but he also made two other women feel uncomfortable on the set of It Ends With Us, and both are willing to testify against him at trial, according to a new court filing.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Last night, Blake filed an amended complaint to her original lawsuit against Justin, which lays out new allegations that paint him in a negative light. In the 141-page document, she says she was not alone in complaining about Baldoni and raising concerns about his behavior during their work together on the movie produced by Sony and Wayfarer starting in 2023.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


She says he, quote, acknowledged the complaints in writing at the time, which runs contrary to his current narrative that he has, quote, invented. Blake says Justin knew that women other than Miss Lively were also uncomfortable and had complained about his behavior.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yes, there aren't many other women in the movie. It could have been extras, but when it comes to leading female actresses who were working with Justin on an everyday basis, there really aren't that many.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Who else could it be? In a leading role. And I'm just going back to the book. Did it say leading? No, it didn't. But in a way that more than an extra. Like Lily's mom? Not the waitress at a restaurant, even though that was Atlas.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


That's literally the only woman in the book. Yeah, yeah. Other than these three.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


It doesn't matter what people believe. I mean, yes, it does, but her case.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


If people don't believe that she was sexually harassed, not if, people don't believe that, period. If there are two other women on set who come forward and say that they experienced sex,

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


um sexual harassment as well that is a major difference checking her column and corroborating her story that just is so if that happened that changes things yeah and if they well if people refuse if people refuse to believe or believe it then that's on them but like that changes the story because then it's not just like blake's perception or her experience and

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


It's a pattern, and there's literally only three young women on the set.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Frog got your throat? Classic Jax. Take a sip of your coffee.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Take a sip of something, perhaps? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Perchance I think someone's bringing you a water also because I know you don't like the coffee today. I'm okay. Thank you so much. I'm at so much drama. So much drama.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


my dad also makes really good steak yeah it was so i love christmas so vanilla and every time they agreed on something that was like so basic being like i love oxygen the things that they agree on do not make a relationship and they're not having deep enough conversations or i hope they're having deep conversations and we're not seeing them but they're literally showing us every time someone farts oh my god i don't remember this much conversation

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


This is definitely a big check for team Blake that she is responding, that it seems like there's more where this comes from.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Not necessarily. I feel like I could see different ways that that could happen. Assuming she's a liar, which I'm not saying that she is, but let's say this person's a liar. They might have had a meeting. Justin just wants to get this movie done. So he just agrees to stuff. Agree, whatever. Just do your job. There's a million things that could have happened.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


To me, that's not... Like a confirmation. No, not anymore. No. Okay.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I think that we're back in the game. You think so? We've got a match now, yeah.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I don't read, like I read rhetoric online and I don't know if I'm in my own echo chamber or I only follow people who are like of sound mind. I don't get a bunch of like idiots and their opinions because I don't give a shit. Your algorithm knows better. My algorithm knows better. So I'm not like following in the ping pong match of public opinion.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


But as someone in my own, I was very much, not very much, I'm not very much anything on this. I was moving over here, now I'm moving. And now I think we've got ourselves a match when it was looking very uneven.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Like for me, I'm like, okay, Blake's back in the game.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Not that it's a game. This is very serious allegations. It's a metaphor.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yes, but that's where principles come in. Scruples. And it's nice when people are scrupled and they're like, I can't see this go down this way. What's unfortunate is like, it's Hollywood and there aren't any scruple. There's not a scruple to be found. And it's like, oh, I don't care if Blake goes down. I'm not going down with her. I got, you know. My career to think about.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah, I've got movies to shoot. So I think that sometimes it's like when you see something wrong happening, you can't help but speak up and it doesn't.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah. As opposed to just bearing it down, maybe a studio will be like, if you don't, we got you here.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yes, but I also sometimes find sometimes you have to speak up. It'll kill you. It doesn't matter. Yeah, I feel like sometimes that happens to people. You're only as sick as your secrets.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah. No, and I mean, I feel that way sometimes where it's like, I don't care what this means. Like, I'm going to say it because it's so wrong not to. Right. You feel compelled by just, like, your ethics. Your conscience. Yeah. And I think that. Conscience is a powerful thing. It is when you have one.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I think a couple things. I think it's hard to get into the later episodes of the show when we don't know why they had such established connections in the first place. So I feel like Netflix is like, we want you guys to see how these people connected.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Some people try out all the pizza. Some people try out all the bagels, coffee. We are trying out all the podcast studios. And I feel like Goldie Rocks because this one- Goldie Rocks.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah, I guess things are changing in that sense, but I do think, you know, this blanket believe women, like women could lie. So that doesn't really work and probably never did. And they could also be telling the truth, but just like, you got to back it up a little bit, you know? Our next story, Mindy Kaling got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She brought BJ Novak with her.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Well, they call him the godfather. The BD Novak. Yeah. He's her children's godfather.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


No, you would make him the godfather. Like, you want him to have a role in your kids' lives. He's obviously not taking on the role of father because he doesn't want to, like, you know, or else you'd be a family. Like, not everyone who gives their sperm, like, wants to be a full-time dad, but, like, wants to help out a friend in need and procreate. Yeah, I just think, like, a lot of women.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I think godfather is exactly what you'd call him.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


No, not even cover it up, but, like, give that person a role in your children's life.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I don't know. Those titles are transient, uncle. Like if he's the godfather, he's always the godfather.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


That way, when they are engaged or whatever, like there's just more because I felt like in some of the other seasons, I'm like, we never saw them talk.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I don't know enough to say, but I think he would be a great choice. Like... for her, for a trusted friend would be preferred to anonymous, right?

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah, no, it affects them all the time. You don't see all these stories. Man had 80 kids. They all got together for a reunion. They're all best friends.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


It's also a movie with Vince Vaughn. Yes, it is. That's like people's favorite trope is like the sperm donor in college who has 100 kids. Right. I feel like we do talk about it enough.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Deer toasters. Also, I want to say there's been like a lot of conspiracies. I've seen a lot of chatter that like deer toasters is an industry plant. No, it's like fabricated. Either we make them up or other people make them up. I need to say we've never made up a deer toasters in our lives. Now, if people are writing in. With fake stories, we could smell out.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Like there are some that are so stupid we don't choose them. I've never, ever thought that. Everything that we read, I'm like, that's a tough situation.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Never. If we weren't getting submissions, we would just not do it. We'd say there's no demand, like problem solved.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I didn't think of it as a potential... He was talking about his wife. He was talking about like... Sex with his wife. Yeah, so maybe it was a sex therapist that he wrote mom because he didn't want her to know. But I don't think it was... That's not how you talk to your mistress. I'm just saying. It was a good theory. It's not. It's devoid of facts. He was talking about his wife.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah, but like people are freaks. Like... I think if anything, it was like a little mother's helper.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Or like maybe a hooker that is helping you get more intimate with your wife. Like it's all in service to the wife. It's not just an affair. It's not as cut and dry. It's kind of like pretty woman.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


That's really beautiful. Okay. Well, we'll just have to wait.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Also just check the phone number of the contact mom. Like it's very simple stuff. Give it a ring.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah, no, I think you have to be extremely established to the point where it's like, how did they not have one already? Right, unignorable. Yeah, and so I think that's good. There's no one that's just like a flash in the pan, even the 10-year flash.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I feel like they're typically in March and it's still February. That feels right. Yeah. You can't stop caring. You watched all those bad movies.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


You're going to be shocked. Labiaplasty? Very close.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Oh, so it's just the Spanish version of labiaplasty. Sorry, excuse me.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Stream it. Oh, you're going to play it. Can I not? You're going to wind up paying Netflix. Oh, you think we'll get it? After they should be paying you. Okay, so I'll forget it.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Let's get to our next story. You're just feeling bold because you have a computer. I feel different. You know, I'm wearing my sunglasses. You're like Jamie on Joe Rogan, just like looking things up.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I love Mexico. They're going to Honduras. I love Honduras.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


You have a layer of protection. Can't see the haters.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Sure. And they'd like to see those beautiful eyes.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Even though we never look at the monitor?

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Okay, I'll move on to the next story. So just like leave them on. I'll make the decision. That way, if you regret it, you can blame me. What's the number, Story? Four. Parge. Nike teams up with Kim Kardashian shapewear brand Skims as it looks to reach more women. So Nike and Skims have signed like a serious partnership, a long-term partnership to launch a new brand called Nike Skims.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


And when they meet their fellow castmates and they're looking them up and down and talking.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I feel like they really could have workshopped the name. I agree. It's one word, capital N, lowercase I-K-E, capital Skims. Nike Skims. It should be called like Psyche. Or. Nims. Yeah. I don't know. It's not a good name. I don't know. They love a name like this, though. This is so Nike Skims. There's too many Ks. There's two Ks. It's like, it's a bumpy word, Nike Skims. It's weird.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Especially if you were to lowercase everything. It's like. Nick Heskims. Nick Heskims. If we were to pronounce things the way they should be pronounced. Nick Heskims. That's why they had to do all this capitalization. Otherwise, it's Nick Heskims.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


It's not really an X at this point because it's its own company. Yeah, they're not. It's not a short term collaboration. It's a new brand. The new brand will include a collection of apparel, footwear and accessories that will debut this spring with a global rollout planned for 2026. Now, I think this is really great for Kim's wallet. For Kim's self. And also for the customers.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Like, they just did a collab with North Face. I know Marco Washer got some things. But, like, it sells out in two seconds. Like, Nike is great for distribution. They have a million stores. They have a lot of product. Like, whatever they make, people will be able to get it. And I think it will be, like, top quality fabric. I think this is really just makes a lot of sense.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


It's so great for Nike because Skims is so cool. And it's so great for Skims because Nike is so legit.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


What kind of business you in? Like socks? Apparel, footwear. Oh, sneakers. Nike makes sneakers. Oh, okay. Okay. And like, maybe they'll have like a cool, like they're comparing this to like Jordan. Yeah. Like she is the Michael Jordan of women.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I mean, it could be men's too, but like, I think when you think of it for women, like Michael Jordan is to Nike is to men, what Kim Kardashian will be to Nike to women.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah. That wasn't it. We will get into it. And then other than that, it's just another great morning commuting with my girl, going to work. Something really funny happened this morning.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Oh, I mean like it should be Kim because to me, like the Caitlin Clark, like that's, she has her own shoe. This isn't that. To me, this is like competes with Aloe and women's athleisure. That's what it feels like to me.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah, because Caitlin Clark has her own shoe. This isn't for like, I mean, maybe they'll have women's athletes a part of it, but this feels different.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Whereas like, Aloe, Lululemon. It's not a bad name because it's like straight facts.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


It's Nike and Skims, like whatever. But it doesn't roll off the tongue.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Makes me sad. But maybe, who knows, maybe in meetings they'll start to call it a nickname, then it'll rebrand.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah, but I feel like if it rhymes, then it's part of the pargy world. Everything that rhymes with pargy is pargy. Gargy, pargy, pargy, pargy. So it inherently needs to not rhyme. It's yucky. I think in toast to lingo.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


It's so true. That would really enhance my vibe. Are you vaping again? No. Oh my gosh. Yucky.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I was on the wrong side of the street. So like, even if I didn't hesitate, he still would have gotten the spot and I'm happy for him.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Our fifth and final story, a little flirtatious news, who knows what it means, but Glen Powell and Lily James.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


You did? I don't know if she was right for the role.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Glenn Powell and Lily James, though, break into a fit of giggles as they leave a BAFTAs party together. So Glenn Powell and Lily James were photographed in a car in the back of an SUV together, leaving the BAFTAs. They walked out at the same time, but separately. So we don't have photos of them walking together, but she's wearing his jacket.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I love to see a Model Y thriving in this world.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I don't think that it is. I think that they were at the same party. They like got along and they're going to the next place together. Where it goes from there, I don't know. Oh, I didn't consider that there would be another party after this party.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Or like nightcap, we're going to someone's place. That's very sexy nightcap. In the moment, they're like... This is good for both of us. Let's get in the same car. Why should we not? Even if this goes nowhere and they just either hooked up or whatever, this is good. This is good. Well, okay.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


So then I drive a little bit more down the street and there's a beautiful spot, pargy spot, just across the way from Cogers.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I actually, the more I think about this, like, I think it's nothing. I think Glenn Powell likes to be seen with like, you know, talking to Gracie Abrams, talking to Sidney Sweeney. Like, I love him as an actor, but I just feel like he kind of loves these moments and they mean nothing to him. And I don't know what he's actually up to. Wow. So you hate Glenn Powell?

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


No, because what he actually might be up to might be something amazing.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah. Or not. Or like he's using these young women for clout. Glenn would never. Clout chaser. No, Jackie, let me tell you something. Claudia, you know I love him. I know.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


No, no. I'm just like... Until he's like really with someone, I'm seeing a lot of this. Party, having fun. I like being spotted with you. It's like a good moment on Dumois.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


And he needs like a personal life that we can all get invested in because I don't know what Glenn does. That's what I'm saying.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Like where does Glenn even live? What does Glenn even do?

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I think he's stressed out. And it's important that we not read into this too much. I think he's cultivated this perfect image. Life, yeah. No, image. He's so perfect. I love him. He is so perfect. And it must be so hard to live up to that. What if Glenn Powell is imperfect? And does Glenn have a bad day? I'm sure Glenn has bad days, and he's not allowed.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


And I'm sure he's one of these actors where his team is like, Glenn, get up!

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I don't know. I could see him really getting sucked into a toxic whirlpool.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


It's a little, yeah. Especially because- Not to say that they don't get along and that they're not going to have a fun night together, but they want us to know that.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah, and it's February. So it's cold.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


But it's a crop top, so her belly might have been cold.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


belly's not the right word she kind of reminds me and looks like i'm sure we've said this before who is her celebrity doppelganger she has one grace van patten yeah yeah they look like a lot alike like i could see them playing like sisters in a film in a twisted film where one goes missing and the other is pretending to be her correct they should make that movie they did make that movie a simple favor yeah we just watched it just watched it

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Wait, I was about the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society. It's based on a book and I was going to read it. It's on my want to read. It's a historical fiction book.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


It's quirky. And no, I think it was like a very popular book. Oh, this looks so good. It's a historical fiction book. I think it's like World War II and you know how the Potato Peel Society was affected by like probably rations and like lack of potatoes.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


How does that affect a society? It's giving kitchen front. If you're a redhead, that means something to you.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I just wanna say though, the seasons being amazing happens after the pods. One of my favorite seasons is Jimmy and Chelsea and Jessica. And it didn't get amazing until all that stuff happened back in North Carolina at the lake and the honeymoon.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


But they're always not the most interesting. Now, it's unfortunate they have so many pod episodes. It is what it is. But whether this season will be good or not, we can't say. I will say, though, that the trailer for this season, like, someone saw me on Instagram and he knew what I looked like. And that's the clip that I'm seeing. Do you want me to tell you who it is? Does it even matter?

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Because this already happened. Don't tell me. Okay, one of the girls.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


but I'm not gonna tell you who. One of the girls is talking to camera. They obviously got together and she's in one of the apartments. And she was like, when I saw him, like I knew that he actually followed me on Instagram like a few months ago or whatever. I remember seeing his profile, I remember seeing a photo of him in front of a Christmas tree or something.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


So like she remembered what he looked like. And she was like, and all this stuff is in my Instagram bio about things that I like. And I think that he knew who I was and what I looked like and maybe tailored to all of his answers. However, Nothing that's in your Instagram bio should be enough for someone to convince you that you're in love with them. Right, like how long is your bio?

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


No, but it's like when you're going to get married to someone based on conversations, like it should be about more than like, I like pizza too. Right. You know, so he shouldn't have even been able to really get you by just that. So I feel like she'll probably break up with him because she's obviously like, she said, my God, I have to trust my God. But I'm sorry, like if you fell for that... Ooh.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I just want to say the first reveal is always the strongest. Yes.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


And I think that's coming through. They are. They had like actually good conversations about things that a couple should talk about. And they are physically matched.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah, if someone said those things to me, I'd say, have a good day, sir. Like, and I'd walk out of there. Not a match. And my question is like, so he's kind of like down. He's like, yeah, yeah, and from how totally. And are two people who are both and aren't people, like should they be together or no?

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


There was a person in my car. Let me tell you what happened. So I found a cute parking spot. Perfect for me. Right in front of the office. And I've never parallel parked by myself before. So I had no clue what I was doing. And I was like, beep, boop, beep, boop, like inching. Beep, beep, boop. Beep, beep, boop. like really struggling to get into this parking spot.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Like I feel like opposites attract and it's nice to have common interests, but at what point are you just dating yourself and you're not supposed to do that?

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah. But Leo was like super transparent and almost like funny. No. Remember that guy that, who was it that got with him? No. AD was talking to this guy. No, not the one she ended up with. Matthew. Yeah, of course.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


He's a Matthew where it's like, he thinks he's too good to be on the show, but he's going through the experiment, but it will not work out for him because ultimately he thinks it's stupid.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


There was a woman on the curb with her two kids. And at a certain point she sees me struggling and she's trying to give me like, she's like, pull up here. Okay. And then she went behind my car. She's like, drive back here. And I really wasn't making any headway. And then she comes around to the door. She's like, get out of the car. And she got in my car and she parked it.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah, that's like crazy, but also good because they don't know each other. Yeah, it's annoying. I guess that's like what happens if you go to like a smaller town to do this, like people know each other. No. And so we need to talk about. But I also like the small town elements because there's a lot of common ground and sometimes people want to stay where they are and meet someone where they are.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


So like we not everything has to be like Chicago or L.A.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


At the time, it wasn't the best season. But now that we've had so much worse, we look back fondly.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


And they weirdly have, like, a couple couples come out.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I think it's more the editing. And especially, so okay, they trend vanilla. And you gave us six episodes of pods. Whereas other cities are a little more interesting. And there was only two. So I didn't hear about your dad's steak. Like I didn't hear about all these really, I like Taco Bell. Your dad's steak. Yeah. Taco B. I didn't hear about every fucking tattoo that everyone has.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


They're operating at a disadvantage because they're not the most interesting and they're filling the most airtime. So it's a combination. And I don't think you can blame the Midwest. No, I think the Midwest has a wonderful elk. That's fair.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


And of course I'm like, wait, is this woman going to steal my car?

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


But I will be curious to see if it yields good relationships. They're all so normal. They can all kind of work with each other. Are we going to have a lot of marriages? That'll be interesting. As far as continuing to watch, like, of course, last night was like really hard. But I do think like the best is yet to come. And like you put in the hard work. for the payoff.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


There might be some fast forwarding that has to happen. And also we'll see how people are talking about it. Like some seasons it's like, I mean that Chelsea season, the Megan Fox, like it was everywhere before I started watching. So if it's really gaining steam, we can continue to watch and we'll see what happens.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


She left her kids. So I think it was fair collateral. I'm watching the kids. You have my car. She's parking the car. She parked my car. And they moved on with my day. It was a little scary when she was in there. And then she pulled up. When we were coming in from the back, I'm like, she's driving away. Literally. But no, she did the damn thing. No, it was mothers helping mothers.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


The funniest was Monica showing Joey how her dad dances and like she's describing and he's doing something completely different because he can't see her. And that made me chuckle. Also Madison like twerking with the golf club. I haven't gotten there, unfortunately. Was she doing it with Ben Platt?

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Should two artists be together? I feel like no. Well, who's going to pay the bills? Dude, but like you really have to think like opposites attract.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I just want to say, like, I do feel like some people might have pod sex. Like, you know, and they should talk about sex. They're definitely having pod sex. And two sexual beings. But because there's not usually six pod episodes, we don't see it. And I do think people should be able to have pod sex.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


And then not film it. And I feel like that this probably happens a lot and it's unfortunate that we're seeing it because it's kind of had to be there.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


It's about dollars and cents. Like it's about time spent streaming. And I'm just letting you know, Netflix, like it's bad business because I'm not going to watch a show. However, we have to make it to honeymoons because that's when you can decide. Like we watched DC till honeymoons and it was still bad, but that is the best time. And maybe we'll get there slowly.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


And I just want to say like, I don't mind not understanding the people and not knowing like why they connected. I'm just going to trust you. Okay. I don't trust the process. Now give me the juice. Go to Guatemala.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Get your ass to Honduras. Get on island time. Show me the reveals. Start sleeping in the same bed. Oh, so they've made the reveals a little too long. Like where they now sit and chat. They put a bench.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Women supporting women. I love to see it. Yeah. And I told her it's my first time parallel parking. Like, duh. And her kid was like, when she was done, she was like, good job trying to drive. She said that to you, the kid? That's what the kid said to me. Good job trying to drive.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Then it goes on longer. Like, no, I want you guys to see each other. Initial thoughts, first impression. We'll see you on Honeymoons. Agreed. It's too much. We need to check in with them back in Honduras. It's just too much and it's too weird. Like, I clocked. You know, I saw what they saw. I've seen what I needed to see. Move it along.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I'm actually starting to get worried how I'm going to get my car out of the spot now.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Okay, thank you. It was kind of crazy that you didn't come and help me. Oh, you couldn't help me.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I was on like minute seven before she got in the car.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I actually think getting out is easier. I'll back up onto the curb and then just drive straight.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Well, tell her I had a commute. I did a good job all this way.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah. So I'm going to learn how to parallel park. My car does have like a parking assistance feature. I've never used it. Maybe that's tomorrow. My car does have it as well. My car at home.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Classic feature not available. Also, these new cars have 360 degree wheels like the Hummer that you rented. And like so the wheels can just like turn towards the curb and you can scoot in.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah, they just did it with luggage. And look, we're all like rolling through the airport.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


I think I saw a video of like a bunch of Mercedeses doing donuts in Vegas with their 360 degree wheels. I think the Hummer does it. I think maybe the Cybertruck does it. Maybe I should call Jerry and say, Gerald. What if you just call Jerry up? Every time like something happens in my life, I'm like, Jerry, I think we need a Cybertruck. And they don't pay Jerry enough for that. No, they don't.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Jerry is also my therapist. Jerry, Jerry, Jerry.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


But I also feel like with Jerry, Jerry is who meets the eye. There's not a subplot. There's not all these things that you need to know about Jerry. We thought he's a good guy. I think he is a good guy. There's not all this stuff that we don't know. I hate to be so obnoxious.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Look at me, thriving. And now it's too late. They need to rip. You couldn't even go on his show.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Maybe Jerry O'Connell, and they call it Jerry. Wait. That's a brilliant idea.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah. No, he's like ready, willing and able to be on television. RWA. And nobody asked me because I would just tell them that straight up. People don't want to hear hard truths, Jackie. No. And nobody wants to ask for help. They just think they know what the viewers want to see and they don't. And that's why we got six episodes of pods. That's right.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


No, that's sometimes what happens. If I'm reading a book or I'm watching a TV show, when I am sleeping, I am in whatever that is. But when it's a good TV show. When it's anything remotely engaging and stimulating. But yeah, with this, and then like the next morning, it's like the first thing I'm thinking about. With this, I'm like,

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Yeah, I spent legit four hours and I got through an episode and a half. Feel free to spoil anything. Like I could give a rip.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


He was literally Ben Platt. Oh, man, that's funny. So yeah, I think they all have like little monikers and there's ways to remember them. The girls, it's a little tough. Really, I think the guys is harder. I don't know. The girls, like who's the girl? David Daniel. Who's the teacher who's like trying to get with that guy who's an asshole.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


And it's like the teacher and the asshole do not go together. I wrote her name down. And then she's always wearing like with her breasts, like a V-neck. She's always wearing cleavage.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


Lauren is her name. Okay, her name is Lauren. That's hard to remember. Oh, and nobody has like a special name, you know? It's like Laura, Ashley, Sarah. And I didn't remember Molly's name, but of course she's the redhead with the bangs.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


And then there was the girl who was laying there in the jeans.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


And then there's the girl who's a dancer, not a singer. The NBA dancer? Yeah. Yeah. I don't know her name, but she's a dancer. Yeah. I said, these are my notes. Devin likes Britanny. Britanny is not the dancer. No. Britanny is a former basketball player.

The Toast

Love is Bland: The Toast, Wednesday, February 19th, 2025


No, no, no. Okay. So let's just, we have like shit to do, right? We have shit to do. We have stories to get to. So I think without further ado-da-do-da-do. Yeah, I'm done. It is time for the Fast Five Stories that you need to know.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Now let's get into the fast five stories that you need to know.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


For all the... For all the... Yeah, that's what I thought. It's like, yeah, it's a little Lin-Manuel rap.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Our first story, Kylie Kelsey is on Call Her Daddy this week talking about, you know, Kylie, but also talking about Taylor. She answered a bunch of questions about her and Taylor's relationship, when she met Taylor, when she found out Taylor and Travis were dating. Yeah.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


But it's still there. You know, should I just let her in?

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Of course. So Kylie Kelsey revealed when Travis told her that he was dating Taylor, or when they found out, actually, because she said that Travis didn't tell her and Jason that they found out together, but she didn't say how they found out. OK. Anyways, on the new episode of Call Her Daddy, Alex was asking how her and Jason learned that Taylor had come to the picture.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


She said, I'm assuming your family was like getting told this in some capacity, Alex said, to which Kylie responded, we were not. I will say we knew before everyone else, but it was not like it did not hit the group chat. They said that they found out together, but we knew before they hard launched at a game together.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Right, so they didn't find out with everyone, but they didn't find out from Travis. How do you else find, I guess they have like mutual friends and stuff.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Or maybe the parents, like maybe Donna knew and she slipped it.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I agree, and I don't think that that's necessary. It seems like, I also feel like in this interview, Kylie answered every question. She didn't give a ton of extra information. She wasn't like glowing about Taylor, but it was reminding me of like Donna Kelsey on GMA. It's fine. You know?

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


It's media trained and just like not wanting to talk about Taylor if she doesn't want to be spoken about. So like she's answering questions like from her perspective but not like going in on all these details. She shared that they bonded over vacationing like down the shore in the same towns when they were

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


People in like Pennsylvania, yeah, they go- Yes, I know, I know. Down the shore.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah, they were in Seaside. They were just at their local beach.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


And then Alex had also asked Kylie if she tried Taylor's food, like homemade cooking before, because they said that they've been on a double date, not to a restaurant, but to a house. She was like, yeah, but I haven't eaten her food because I was eight weeks pregnant and everything just like made me sick.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah, so like there wasn't that much there there, but now we have a little bit more information.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah, I think it was just like a piece of the interview. I think it's what Kylie expects going into any interview. And I don't know. And if you don't ask any questions, that's also weird.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


You have to for the audience, but also it's a part of Kylie's life. Like it's a very big, like interesting part of her life now.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I'll go do a powder outage at Olivia's house.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Well, it's not like natural to fizzle when you work together. Well, you legally can't. Yeah, it's not like they were besties and now they've gone in different directions or someone got a boyfriend or whatever. They were seeing a lot together and doing a lot together because they're working together.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


They're still technically working together. So that's what makes it unlike an other fizzle.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Right. And they're in the same town. It's not like much of a lift. There's definitely beef. And we were talking about this with like the Spencer Pratt of it all. And the more that I think about that situation, like in the same day that he's dragging Cooper. Her boss. Licks versus Lexx. Licks. It's Licks versus Lex. It's Licks versus Lex.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Licks is on IG live with him dancing to his wife's song while he's dragging the boss out by her hair. Like there is something. And then Nola just completely confirms that. Like there's no, the question now is like what happened, not did something happen.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


It's not even the right word. It's just like. Personal. It's very personal in a way that only people who don't know you are allowed to know these things.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yes, but him managing them is kind of new. He wasn't managing since the beginning, right?

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


And why are people drawing from that?

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah. But there's definitely something going on, but she's still at the network.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah. Yeah. Yes, storms of ruin.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


It's internet and podcast drama, very much so. TikTok and pod. The convergence of our two favorite things. Yeah. We'll see what happens. Right now, there's nothing to know because it's just the dearth. That's there. You know, it's just the absence of something.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah. It's not the presence of anything yet.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah. Well, also just a little more Kelsey family news is that Jason and Taylor's. Nope. Jason and Travis's. Jason and Taylor. Yeah. Ship. Jason and Travis's new episode of New Heights came out. And I just want to give Travi a lot of credit for showing up on the podcast with this tail between his legs like he has had a.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Classic. Coincidence is God's way of letting us know he exists.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


rough emotional few days and to go and talk about your big man feelings like about the game is very big of him and I feel like he could have they could have pushed a week yeah and he didn't mad respect and I wanted to give credit to Jason because that's also like a hard job for you to do where like

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Don't worry. I won't watch. Like I saw it.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah, yeah. So Travis and Jason- released a new episode of new heights. Travis was talking about, you know, the motionality of the game, how they just like, couldn't get any momentum going. He had made a couple of bad decisions that he regrets. And he's obviously just feeling in his feelings about the game.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


They also, um, said that they've, before they started new heights, they went months without talking to each other sometimes and how the podcast has really kept them close. Um,

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


okay well that's just not true like you all were bad just like we sound as a team collectively being a team like you want to it's part of being a leader and you yeah you want to protect your teammates you just beat yourself up for the things that you could have done that you didn't do and I think it's going to be a little bit of time before he's moved on

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I don't think he's going to retire, but I do think now this is the march to retirement. But like, I don't think you start dating Taylor two years in and now you're like unemployed and you used to be busy every day and now you're sitting on the couch recording your podcast. It's giving Joe Alwyn, like it's giving Joe Alwyn get a job. I think for his relationship, like he wants to still be that guy.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I agree. I saw the clips and I was like, wow, this looks amazing. I wish I could watch it, but I can't. This episode is not available to me.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I don't think he wants to go out this way. I think he wants to prove them all wrong at least one more time. And I think he's going to keep going. He's just going to work harder and then he'll retire in like two years or whatever. I don't think it's this time, but I definitely, for the first time, in a serious way, he's, it's like in the air.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Oh, I thought you were about to say Travis. I was like, oh, my God. No, that makes sense. That tracks for Patrick. No, Jackie, Travis was born in 1989.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I also feel like even though Travis isn't as good as he once was, he's probably still better than a lot of tight ends.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Until he's the worst tight end on the field, like – Don't give up.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Not until you're the absolute worst.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I don't think he will retire right now. And I know that I'm speaking with a lot of confidence about this. But why can't I? Like all the other analysts do it. What do they know?

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Call me Colin Cowherd, my mortal fucking enemy. It's crazy. My husband can't go one day without listening to Colin Cowherd. It must be how toaster husbands feel about us when they hear our voices coming down the pipe with these people with these bad takes and annoying voices. That's how I feel about Colin Cowherd. Worst fucking takes.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I know the feeling. I just want to say. And it's tough.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


But what about creators that are always piping through his phone?

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Okay. I guess I'm trying to think.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


That's so funny. He also loves golf. Does he follow any golf commentators?

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah, but these people will comment on anything when it comes to sports. Like it's so, so crazy.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Are you ready for our next story?

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Cool. Mandy Moore is slamming Amazon for allegedly delivering a package to her in-laws home that was destroyed in the LA wildfires. So Mandy Moore posted a photo to her story of like a totally burnt down home. And in front of it is an Amazon package. And she wrote, do better Amazon. Can we not have better discretion than to leave a package at a residence that no longer exists?

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


This is my mother and father-in-law's home. SMH shaking my head.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Just such a busy morning. I have such a busy day today and I'm still recovering. I was telling you, like, this is taking a while for me to recover from this sickness. I'm now hearing that what I've had was COVID because I was having dinner at Trout's last night, as one does.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


amazon's like in that moment the driver had a package to deliver to an address and he was probably just as confused as we are all watching this picture but like that might be someone might not have an address where they could ship things but they have right this address and so you would go and pick it up i don't like this is obviously like a weird visual you know and it's not how it is but i have some more logistical questions something's so terribly wrong

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


GPS. Like, your destination's on your left. And just plop.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I don't think so either. And I, I don't know what the, the solve would have been here. Like, so they just should have lost the package because really like, if you're not delivering any take it back to where has you like, it's gone. Yeah.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


It's kind of like Amazon can deliver anywhere, anytime.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I never heard that. You've never heard that? Coincidence is just a wink from God.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah, we all had dinner last night. Margo is staying at my house. She's only here for a night because like you guys, we're all going to be together this weekend. And we were having dinner at Olivia's and I was saying how it's like kind of taking me a long time to like recover from this. Like I just feel like so like knocked.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


It's kind of a good advertisement for Amazon.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


You think people, the Moors get their towels on Amazon?

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Exactly. What's her husband's name?

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Does Goldsmith get his towels on Amazon?

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Me neither. I get like everything on Amazon. I wouldn't get towels on Amazon.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


That just cracks me up. Me too. We're hilarious. We are hilarious.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Are you ready for our next story? Mm-hmm. It's for you and you alone. Tarek El Moussa admits that he accidentally... that he accidentally called his wife Heather by his ex Christina's name. He said, I'm lucky to be alive.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Tarik El Moussa makes mistakes like the rest of us, shockingly. And one was almost deadly. So in behind the scenes clip of an upcoming episode of The Flip Off posted on TikTok. I love that The Flip Off is making so much news.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


It's literally the most newsworthy thing that's ever happened. Amazing thing, yeah. He revealed that he accidentally once called his current wife Heather by his ex-wife Christina's name. He made the admission after one of his contractors, Brian, called Heather by Christina's name. Tarik joked, what did you call her? One more time, say it for us. And Heather was like, Christina.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


down like not no longer actively sick but like weird yeah foggy everything I'm like it's kind of like when people like would have COVID and you just like still had like the symptoms and she was like oh well it's COVID that's going around I was like but you said Kayla had the flu and then like Kayla got Harry and Charlie's like and that's how it all went she was like no I think it was COVID and I'm like oh so I had COVID

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


And Tarek goes, oh shit, I did that one time. I'm lucky to be alive.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


You are. I think that's why you get along so well.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah, perhaps. I think, I mean, Tarek's only had two wives, so it's not like... he'll get out of the habit of Christina. But I feel like for someone who goes through a lot of partners, it's better to just call them all a pet name, like babe or something. That way you never have to really switch it out. Christina needs to do that. Yeah, Christina. I'm sure she has a pet name for her boyfriends.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


That way she doesn't have to constantly remember their name.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Muffalish. You guys are so Muffalish.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Except how you should say Bruno first.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Also, babies love bees. So Bruno is actually a great dog name. Like if you have little ones and you want to get a dog. Like it's so easy for them to say. It's really fun.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


You do, but also secretly you want me to take Romeo.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


It's going on eight days. It's long COVID.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Why, because he's in the home or because he's abused by his brothers?

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Oh, I don't know. I put a heated blanket down on my bed this week because I was sick. He's a grandma. That's the thing. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, he's a grandma. How old is he? Four. Four? And a half.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


And a half. But Bruno loves cozy. Ever since I've met him, even when I was pregnant with Harry, so Bruno wasn't even a year and I got a heated blanket, the way the boy's eyes lit up. Bruno loves cozy.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Well, he goes on an hour walk every day. Bruno's living the life of Riley.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Bruno is... Ben is so crazy about the dogs. Like, I'm not taking... Yes. No offense. Like, I'm not taking advice from him. I don't want to be like that.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah. Like when you guys are here.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


When you guys are here, like the concern for Romeo when he's like completely fine.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Are you ready for our fourth story?

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I completely agree. I didn't know that I... had like long COVID, let alone COVID. And when I was labeling my sickness last week, it's important to label sometimes. It is, it feels good to have a name. But I mislabeled it. I was saying flu, flu. Meanwhile, I should have said COVID.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Our next story, a little Skims news, because Kim Kardashian flaunts her comedy skills as the fairy butt mother in a new Skims ad.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah, but I'm going to fight it. You know, I'm going to get out there. I'm going to push through. I'm going to try and work my brain past the brain fog. I feel like doing the toast, like when it comes to like pregnancy brain, even postpartum brain, brain fog from sickness. I actually love doing the show because it forces me to exercise my brain and move past the fogginess.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


i'm sure it's good you know by the way it wasn't bad like i'm not i'm not ashamed of what i put out there it's like people know too much about me now yeah people just know too much about you but that's always been the case so just like try and forget about it yeah um kim showcased her comedy skills in a new advertisement for skims because they are like releasing shapewear that's like butt enhancers enhancing and like

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


like, bigger butt, bigger boobs. Which is so her. So she's the fairy butt mother in this new ad, which was actually really cute.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


And that was like before, yeah, so there was no butt implant in there but like there, I think, you know, what they've done. Allegedly, it's like BBL, which is just like injecting with fat, which wouldn't come up on an x-ray. It's not in, you know, a foreign object.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


No, it's so weird how like for a while everyone was talking about it and then we don't talk about it and she doesn't talk about it. And like I feel like she would never answer a question about it. still probably to this day, but this ad is kind of bringing the questions up again.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Where it's like, we have all just sort of accepted. We'll never get the truth or the answers that we want. Also in all the time that she's like lost all this weight, even on the show, like she'll complain about her butt without saying any more. Yeah.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


It is like my brain would be mush after like pregnancy and everything. If I weren't required, I wasn't required to, you know, use my words. I think reading has helped you get your brain back. Yeah. No, honest. Everything that they say helps the toast.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


And Kylie, Not Kourtney, least interesting to look at, famously. Kendall.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah. So things have been quiet since then because we also like don't talk about sex. Women's bodies. But now she's helping women get a little junk in the trunk artificially, which is a really good product, but it definitely brings up the question again.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I think anything that makes you feel more comfortable in your body, especially if it's something that you don't have to get surgery or do something permanent or do something dangerous or go somewhere to get a surgery because you can't get one. I think it's great.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


If she comes out with like, it's not like something I've ever thought about, but like maybe I'm, maybe I should be thinking about it.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah. I think it's really great.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah, so get your butt pants. What are they calling them? It was the fairy butt mother. She's the fairy butt mother, but what's the product called? The Ultimate Butt Collection. Cute. Yeah, cute. Are you ready for our fifth and final story? Yes. Kylie Jenner is out supporting Timothee Chalamet at the Santa Barbara, the Santa Babra International Film Festival.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


So, Timothee took the stage to collect.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I actively have to use my brain every day and it's good. So I'm fighting past long COVID. It will not get me down long COVID strong.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


The S-B-I-F-F, the Spiff. Oh, oh, oh, oh, you didn't say that it was the Spiff. It's not the Tiff, it's the Spiff.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


He took the stage to collect the Arlington Artist of the Year Award, the prestigious Arlington.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


So of course she had to go for the Arlington at the Spiff.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


And you could tell she was loving every minute of being his girl, rubbing his back, sending him up there, clapping. She's just Mrs. Chalamet.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


No, because they come from different worlds, but then visually, like if you look at a... By the way, have they ever even done a red carpet together? No.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


That's so crazy. No, they're both like...

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah. I don't know. I feel like obviously it works.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Oh, I get it now. And she looks so happy.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Or one of my favorite quotes about God, man plans, God laughs.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Just between you and I. Not even, we're on the same side. But like, seriously, he's like world's sexiest man for some people.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


But he's not short, Claudia. He's just skinny. Okay, I'm going to get his height. I just want to come to the Chalamet family.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


No, I have no issue with Timothy. And he makes my girl happy. No, it's all good. It's all good. It's all good. So I'm rooting for them. I'm rooting for happiness for Kylie and a baby between the two of them.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I don't think they'll get married. She's not really the marriage type, but she wants a really big family. And so if that's her partner, like that's who she's going to have a baby with. Great. So. Get on it. I'm ready. Little Wolf Chalamet. That's beautiful.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Rocky is not Jewish. They are both very Christian.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I think, yeah. He'll get other things.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


You could, but you missed the treat of Kathy's house. It was a treat.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Glucose test. I was gonna get there. That was seriously my next guess.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah. That's a fair assessment. It's nice that you watched it so closely to really get that.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah. To me, it was just crazy that she like, can't really talk. This is always so weird when people do this, when it's like someone who they have a really hard time connecting with emotionally, they need to have a hard conversation 20 years in the making. And like, we're going to do it with cameras in front of us. Like that is like, that is so weird to me.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


And I actually felt like she tried to, you know, put her like have this conversation with her mom, like show how she's so evolved and that her mom is like, you know, so hard and backwards. And I felt like her mom's responses to everything she said was like, you know, tough, but fair.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Right. But like not completely unreasonable, definitely, you know, stoic, hard, hard, but like it wasn't totally what evil, like it had expected either.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah. For two episodes. And who knows if it will end after next episode.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


And the way they treat him is also wrong. Like he's not great, but like he deserves to be spoken to like a human being, like a human being. So crazy. Yeah. The whole thing was so weird. It was weird. And it's also like her and her mom aren't close yet. Like Sutton has a house in her hometown and her mom lives there. Like that's pretty close.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


And she wants praise for the store. And she wants her mom to be proud of everything she's done in the store.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


They're talking about the store. Yeah.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


And the Sutton Green line, which was really reminding me of like, what was it? Fallon Unlimited when she starts that, what's the green initiative she does? Oh, she uses her mom's maiden name. What is it with the? Hold on.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


No, it's the first season. She starts like her green initiative, Fallon.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Green. And then eventually, I don't want to spoil it.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah, and especially to do it on TV is really odd to me.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah. Yeah, that was, yeah. I mean, clearly she admits that she's something she struggles with.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Do we even dare? It's like tearing us apart.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


You know what you need actually and something that really helped Dana in her GD journey, which you're obviously not on yet, but if you, you know. If that's what my future holds. But would have also helped you in the lead up to the test is sourdough because it's sugarless bread. Like when I saw Dana.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


And did you see yesterday? I was right. You and like your sideways heart. I know. Okay. So I'm trying to do like a better heart hand, but I am in the right spot every time.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


When I saw Dana and she had GD and I gave her like a loaf of sourdough and we had sourdough sandwiches and whatever. And she then did her glucose moniker after. Zero degree. Spike. Like we had like pargy sandwiches and.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah, we'll see. Anyways, good luck drinking it. Good luck not eating.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I mean, it's yucky in the way that like drinkable medicine is like a little yucky. But somebody said it tastes like orange soda. Like I heard it's good. Really, really sweet orange soda. Like, OK, it's a little yucky, but then you drink it. It's not horrible. It's just like not my favorite tasty beverage.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah, but it's a small it's one of the shirt bottles shirt. Oh, very shirt.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah, people want to have their moment.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


People want to have their moment, Claudia.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah, and then it's a blood test. Not fun.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Let me tell you, I've had a morning Claudia, I've had a morning as well, but you go first.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah, we just get to like walk into an office, throw our handbags down.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah, we will discuss. Summer House premieres tonight.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I'm pretty sure that's what I saw on the gram.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


It is hump day. Don't forget to hump someone you love. I couldn't forget because Broody decided to join us in studio today for hump day, and I don't think it's a coincidence.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


So. That's exciting. Yeah. We'll watch that. I have such a busy night. I'm like, I'm going to an event. I'm speaking a little bit. I'll tell you guys more about it tomorrow because I don't want to jinx it. Wait, what? You don't know about this? I have like an event and I'm like. That you're speaking at? Yeah. In a way. Yeah. Yeah.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


what is it it's a women's event it's um young professionals no uh it's like it's about someone else and i'm just like i'm moderating something what i didn't tell you about this oh my god you have like ever since you moved you're so distant like i don't know anything about you also um we're supposed to podcast tonight yeah are we not doing no we are after what time we'll have to confer but now also with summer house like we kind of have to watch summer house

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I saw. I'm not watching. Don't worry. I won't watch.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


No. Literally no. No. We will schedule. Okay.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


But after this, I'm also podcasting with Satchel for the Patreon. Yes.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I love podcasting with my little sister because she has to talk to me and she has to answer your questions about what's going on in her life.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


It's not that I want to know those things because I really would rather not know.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I know. And you know how nervous I get. Can you text me what it is? I'll try and give you info.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yes. I just don't want to jinx it. I feel like talking about it.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


a wee bit yeah wow okay pop off I can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow you guys and just know this isn't like secret project she's just nervous it's like not a big deal yeah no I'm just nervous and I feel like if I talk about it and I brag about it before it happens then like of course I'm gonna be like standing there like hey guys how y'all doing look at me

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


When I saw your Instagram story last night about how you tried on lots of dresses and they were bad and you didn't send me any pictures. Like I figured it was bad.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I just want to say like that part, I don't agree with that. Like you can't have an expensive or nice dress because you're at a certain size and you would have spent this much on the same wedding at a different size.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


okay but like you shouldn't spend less because you don't like how you look versus how much you would spend if you liked how you looked because one you're fucking pregnant and no it's just it's more so about like spending a lot of money on a dress that I could wear a couple of times is great but I don't know when I would be able to wear this dress again when would I ever be invited to a wedding ever again at this exact size but even at a different size if you wore the dress to a wedding like you're not going to wear it again that soon like you just wore it like

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


you're not gonna wear it to the next wedding. Like it's a wedding dress. So it's a special occasion dress. You're allowed to have like one expensive special occasion dress that makes you feel good when you're pregnant. Like, I don't know where you made this law up.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


You just said it wasn't bad. That's how, did you love it? Like, was it great?

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


If it was greatness, yeah. Like you deserve to like feel great.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I feel like people do that all the time. Meanwhile, I should be working at a department store in sales because I can make, like literally nobody can push you to spend money. Push anyone to spend money on clothes like me.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


And you could tell it's top quality fabric. Now text me the price. It was top quality fabric. Text me the price.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I think you deserve it. You look like a queen that you are.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


That I understand, and that could be true at any size. But don't punish yourself with an uglier, lesser dress.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


I have, you know, those like Norma Kamali long, like the ruched dress with Diana. I have like a long sleeve one in green, if that's of interest to you, that I wore when I was pregnant.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Yeah. But that's the only like pregnancy fancy dress I have, I think. Are you interested? I'm going to a party without a dress. Okay. Well, treat yourself is what I'll say.

The Toast

Shakin' Our Heads: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Okay. I look forward to seeing what you wear.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So the funny thing is, is that like the really the only episode that focused on the really heinous like physical abuse, starving, tying up her kids, leaving them out in the sun in Utah in the middle of the desert for days on end. No food like that. That was in the third episode.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Well, because I think that like she just has a team of people. That's how I felt about when they made their own candles out of the beeswax, which is very like TikTok. Like I actually, I could, before watching the episode, I know how to make,

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yeah, I feel like what bothered me, like the only real critique I have of the show, because yes, it's unstructured and it's like, who is this for? What are we learning? But at the end of the day, I think it's really meant to be like Par-G aesthetic. And if you don't look too much into it, like it's a beautiful woman in a beautiful home doing beautiful things.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


But I remember when we announced the show and it was like every episode is a guest. You and I were like, oh, like I hate guests. And I do hate guests. And I have to say that guest that I saw, her makeup artist, Daniel, was a particularly low point. And it was the first episode. Like, I don't know if that was the best call.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


But the first two episodes, they have the two older kids talking about life growing up on a family channel and how it made her really crazy. And she was like abusive light, you know, like yelling a lot and hitting the kids, but not even close to what she ended up doing to the younger kids once the older kids moved out of the house.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


But I think that the guests are necessary because anytime Megan was on screen alone, she's not a host. She's an actress. She's used to having. lines written for her and that's her skill. So I felt like she was looking down at her hands a lot. She wasn't making eye contact a lot. Like she wasn't hosting super well. So having that person to bounce off of was great.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I just wish that they had had a little bit more like real conversations. It felt like every person from the clips I've seen in the Mindy episode and then the episode I saw with Daniel was like, told to come on and share nice things about Megan. Like, remember when we first worked together and you didn't have a publicist? Oh, you were so humble. And then you got me coffee from room service.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Like everyone's like say something that makes Megan look nice. Megan look Hamish. Megan look down to earth. Megan look like. And so it just wasn't giving real conversation.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yeah. Yeah. So I feel like two ways because I feel like the show is getting like really unfairly criticized, even though I'm sitting here criticizing it like because that's what I do. I think people are making like a lot of like overarching like generalizations about the show when it's supposed to be just like not that serious.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Oh, that cake she made with Daniel was pargy.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So it made it seem like... But she couldn't have gotten to that place without... Without the family channel? Being a family channel. And also, like you just talked about... It was nice to hear from like grown up kids what it was like to grow up like with a camera in your face. And they had so much footage, Jackie. I guess the family turned over like all the hard drives.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


No, the thing is, if you're going to carry a show like about homemaking and family and it's just you, like you have to share.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


No, just Ladybug, Ladybird. Now, the reviews in terms of like... are split because either you like her or you don't like her. But the reviews in terms of like media, like writing like people who write like TV show and film critic reviews have been really scathing, which I found to be so shocking. You've definitely felt like this shift in how the media works writes about Meghan in the last year.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I feel like for a while it was like Meghan can do no wrong, queen, queen, queen. And now it's like she's being, I think, overly criticized.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


No, American culture and media was very protective of her.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


No, I know. Like the clip of her saying that her outfit was high-low because her pants were Zara, her sweater is Laura Piano. I found that, first of all, fascinating. I thought that was the most chic outfit and everybody being like, well, who cooks with a sweater on their neck? Someone who's on TV.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So she's like, this is all footage that was left on the cutting room floor. So she's like, thumbnail, smile. And she's like, if you don't smile. Like she's fucking crazy. I'm like, you see all that. That was most of the footage. Just her like... not getting what she needs from people and like threatening them.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So, like, it's just, I agree completely. So much of the criticism is so unwarranted and so random when there wasn't, like, there was a period where, like, she could do no wrong. So, like, I really am so curious, like, what caused that shift in how the media talks about her. Like, that variety of... review from like the critic was scathing. Like really, like the person who wrote it hates her.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Now I'm not someone like who thinks- And then that Vanity Fair, that piece that kind of went a little bit under the radar, but that big sort of expose about them- The divorce book. Right. Yeah. And the podcast for psychotic men.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yeah, no, it is really weird. And so us to like- Oh, now finally I have her back when everybody hates her. It's Blake Lively. It's Blake Lively. No, really, because it does make you really, it makes somebody sympathetic when they're, there's no reason that this show is being as criticized as it is.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And she like accidentally bumped them at a party and didn't say sorry. And now he's like enacting his revenge.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


No, it does feel like there's a switch you flip.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


It happened after the book, after the documentary.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yeah. But the book was, it was well received in the sense that like, at least he said stuff, you know, like it made news. Like I appreciated that even though he is my nemesis, like I seriously can't stand him. And I, when I'm talking about her, I'm never talking about him. Like I hate him. I don't even

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And the funny thing is, is that I guess like if you were following her family channel, eight passengers, that was the name because they had six kids. You kind of knew that she was an abuser, which is so crazy because one time she was just a family channel, family channel, all fun, fun, fun, fun, la la la. Until she shared and she thought it was fine because she's so crazy.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


think the book was so negatively but it was the first time people were legitimately criticizing them and then maybe it's like a slippery slope I don't know I do and now here we are saying her pasta stupid and that her charcuterie board is stolen from Pinterest yeah I do and but I don't mind if she got it from Pinterest just say that just be like I find the cutest stuff on it's so relatable these are things that I use every day that I found Pinterest this year things I tried and I didn't like these are things I want to try let's try it together just like

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So relatable if she had said like, no, doom scrolling on Pinterest while Harry sleeps and watches Duolingo, you know?

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


She should open up. By the way, and I know we say this, like she should open up more, but look what happens when she does. Like she literally made a TV show and like if I'm her, I'm sharing less now. People are so mean.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yes. Does she share at any point in the future how she makes her jam? Yes. Okay, good. Because like when they were making the jam cake and she's like, yeah, I made this. I thought it would have been great to like cut to a pre-made clip of her jam recipe.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


She just like has- But the garden that they film at.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Celestial seasonings. These offerings at the grocery store are good enough for me.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I was gonna say ballerina farm.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Well, honestly, that gift shop is fabulous and people in America don't know about it and don't shop it. So if Megan's like ideas to bring that to the States, like that's a party business idea.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


She shared that like they punished their oldest son by taking his bedroom away for seven months that he slept on a beanbag in the basement. And people were like,

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So classic. You are Miss Patricia in the making.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Only the elk of Patricia can get us here to this conclusion. I'm probably not going to watch more. And I don't think that's a testament to the show being bad. It's just a testament to like, I find cooking shows. I don't cook. I didn't realize until I sat down to watch. I was like, wait, I literally don't want to be watching this. Like, I don't like cooking shows.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Correct, but you know my ass would. And if they redid Suits or something, she should definitely go back into acting.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I feel like, I mean, Netflix is invested in as ever. Like, I actually think there's more to be done here. Contractually.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And was the concept that every guest comes in is also staying at her house?

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


like not a normal punishment and people are like this is kind of borderline abuse and so that if you were following like you were really on to it but even just the level before the abuse like that they were talking about their kids online like chad the older son like had some behavioral issues and he got expelled from school and she's like talking about him being expelled and what their plans are it's like can your kid like go through a moment by himself yeah can he rebel and grow up in peace

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Wait. The one thing that I didn't see anybody talking about is I've never seen handwriting like that in my life.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Whoever's hand, that handwriting, she should make stationery. Like it's beautiful.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yeah, no, I didn't. I actually don't think it was fake. Like it's really on brand for her to have like a Par-G signature. But I've never, it's like, it's perfectly straight too. Without, she's writing like without lines. She's writing on like these little, and it's totally straight.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And by the way, always good to put in case your guests have allergic to nuts.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I would have all the walls in my house be like chalkboard or Expo marker walls.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So I would just like whiteboard the shit out of my house.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And it's kind of making me want to say leave Megan alone.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Oh, and I love that she put the boiling water like from the kettle. Like who has time to boil water? Love that.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I'm pretty sure it is like the best place on earth to live. It's, I would say LA's version of the Hamptons.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Okay. It's like people have their second homes there, but then like when you're really wealthy, you just like live there.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yeah, but by the way, you should take a trip. I follow this girl. No, I'll never come back. So I follow this girl. I think you know her, too. She's the one who coined the term coastal grandmother. She, like, made it up, and she, like, lives the Nancy Meyers lifestyle.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I think she, like, lives in L.A., somewhere near there, but she's always taking trips to, like, Montecito, Santa Barbara, and she does these, like, big trip itineraries. You should follow them. She's so you. She wears, like, linen pants. Like, she's so... She's so Patricia, the elk of Patricia.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


No, she's not Patricia because she doesn't do like crazy wallpapers. It's all very muted, but it's all very elegant. Um, and she just had a baby too. And she's like always making just like cheese boards or whatever. And it's very Nancy Meyers. Like, I think that's her aesthetic, but she does great itineraries. Her name is Lex. Um, I think you would like her.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And if you do ever do a trip, she does like all, there are a lot of party places you could visit around LA, like Sonoma. So she's like, here's my Sonoma rec, but she's always going to Santa Barbara and Montecito, which I don't know if those are two different places.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yeah. Right. Like East Hampton and South Hampton.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yeah, that's like their thing. Oprah saw the chickens.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I could see Megan not eating meat. Let me say this. It was enjoyable to just watch a beautiful woman. Like, she is really exceptional looking.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So I'll talk about it in the TV recap. Just my brief thoughts on the matter. I also watch Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. It was a big TV night for me last night.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


No, like the takeaway here, obsessive indicating like more than I ever thought I could be.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Now, probably one of my major flaws is that I'm a Jax Taylor apologist. So you're going to hear some of my Jax Taylor apologist energy come through. I've seen people be like really not sympathetic, being like, no, the sky is also blue. Like Jax does cocaine and like, duh. And yes, if you've been watching the show, monitoring his behavior, like,

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


It was clear there were moments where they were doing drugs, at least for me. I didn't think of it so much as an addiction. I was just like, they're young Hollywood kids and they're doing drugs. And, you know, a lot of them have spoken about how in the very beginning they were like doing a lot of Adderall. Like, I don't know.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I didn't think of it as like a real issue, but it did seem like everybody sort of grew out of that behavior, started having kids like you have that party era of your life. And it felt like Jax didn't. give up on it like others did. And that was maybe part of the reason why him and Britney broke up. So I have sympathy for him.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I think people don't, they just like see him as this villain and they don't care, but 83 days is huge.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


That's how I feel about the toast.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


That's a really good point. And did you see Britney's statement on her Instagram stories? I think people, she was probably getting a lot of reception being like, well, look, he's changing. She's like, listen, I've been on this roller coaster. This is not, you know, new to me. It's too late for her. Yeah, and I agree.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I don't even think, let's say he turned his whole life around and he became this amazing guy. I don't think these two should get back together ever.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Agreed, because in order to get to that place, you have to put up with so much shit.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I saw this. To my doppelganger.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Welcome back to The Chose and happy Wednesday. Hope everybody's having a gargy-pargy hump day. Speaking of somebody I'd love to hump, but who would never let me get that close to her.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


January. So they're only now sharing that they're married? Yeah. That's cute. I like that.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And she's having a real moment, Gabby Wendy.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


She's popping off her on social media. They love her on the Traders. I think for a lot of people, because she was on, like, a relatively unpopular season of The Bachelor. Like, it was post-Bachelor fame. So she's from The Bachelor, yeah. But I feel like most people know her, like, from social media and now The Traders.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I don't think so. I think she was just like a regular contestant, you know? Yeah. And then once she like got off the show, I think –

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


started to show her personality more and I think that people were really receptive to it on her podcast so it only encouraged her even more to like lean into her kind of weird or quirkier side and people love it and I agree I love the moment that she's having just like for truly being herself because she's kind of weird like yeah and I love that you know at the height of her fame what does she decide to do marry her girlfriend who loved her before everybody else did you know I just I love the story and you're right them being 35 like they'll be together forever yeah

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And I think they've been dating now for like two years. So it's a legit thing.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So I'm happy for her. I really like her. She's very funny.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I would tune in just to see Robin Dixon. I told you about that viral tweet, right? No.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Oh, my God, yes, I did. I'm, like, having deja vu. Whatever. When they announced the Traitors cast, like, months ago, people who watch Traitors who don't watch Bravo, like, you don't know who half the people are. Same, like, we watch Bravo, but I don't know who any of these Survivor castmates are.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So one of the people who watches, like, Big Brother and Survivor was, like, doing tweets about all the different castmates, and they put up a picture of Robin Dixon. They were like, I don't know who this woman is, but I just know she's, like, going to be the most slay traitorous.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Sir, there was a traitor laying in her bed for 10 years and she didn't know. She's not going to sniff out anyone. It was really funny. So I would love to know how Robin fared on traitors. That's why I would tune in. That's really funny. Yeah, for the Robin Dixon of it all.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Do I have a minute to let you know that the reality star that's making news is brought to you by Carraway?

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And Carraway is famous, just like us, for their iconic cookware set. But also, don't sleep on their other products. I would say that's probably their best seller, but I love their bakeware. I made muffins once. I love all their different kitchen utensils, their knives, their cutting boards. Anytime I need something from the kitchen, now I just go to Carraway.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And anytime I'm shopping someone's registry, I find almost all the girlies have Carraway on their registry, and that's always the thing that I buy because I have first-hand experience with how pargy it is. Yeah. But their prep boards, their prep and set boards are so fabulous. It's an 18-piece prep and board set.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


It's designed with everything that you need to be more organized and efficient for prepping. It features high-quality knives, shears, sustainable SC-certified birchwood utensils and boards and storage organizers. Also, their food storage containers are fabulous, too, for, like, leftovers. Yeah.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


What I like about Caraway is like the aesthetic, you know, it's all made well, free of chemicals, yada, yada. But like, it's not clunky and it's perfect for like the sweeper in me. It's like, they don't give you more than you need. They don't make it like extra bulky and stupid for your countertops. It's really pargy. And then of course it's, cooking without toxins.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


95% of home goods are made with toxic chemicals like PTFE or Teflon. Over 70% of frying pans are sold in the United States with Teflon, but not Carraway. Make the swap to non-toxic living today with any of Carraway's internet famous sets to save you money and keep your meals clean. Plus, if you visit slash toasty10, you can take an additional 10% off your next purchase.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


This deal is exclusive for our listeners. So visit slash toasty10 or use code toasty10 at checkout. Carraway, it's non-toxic cookware made. modern. Today's episode is also brought to you by Bowling Branch. So if you really want to change the way you sleep, you need to upgrade to Bowling Branch's 100% organic cotton sheets. You will fall asleep faster.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


You will feel that luxurious softness. It'll put you in an instant state of relaxation. And you'll spend every night in better breathable comfort. Feel your sheets get softer with every wash. So discover the difference with Bowling Branch's 30-night guarantee. The quality is really unmatched when it comes to Bowling Branch. And you... can shop all their different bed accessories.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


They have great throw blankets. I love their signature sheet sets. That's what I've had in my house forever. They're made with 100% organic cotton. It's woven. They're made differently, their products. So you'll really sleep better at night and you will feel the difference. Also like sleep is so hard for me these days. So my temperature is just like high, low, high, low. I'm like sweating.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I'm freezing. And I love Bowling Branch because they really are perfect for all temperatures. Like you can use them through all the different seasons. It really regulates your temperature super nicely. And the signature hemmed sheets have colors and sizes for every bedroom. Imagine while they go.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


really well um i like the the natural color i think it's called so now you can change the way you sleep with bowl and branch get 15 off plus free shipping on your first set of sheets at our promo code is toast that's t-o-a-s-t that's promo code toast to save 15 off exclusions do apply see site for details promo code toast thank you claudia you're welcome oh okay claudia not the government name things are getting serious

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


It's always nice when satch is on your side.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. It was giving swirly smart list.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I'm surprised someone had this idea. Because she's really made for reality TV.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yes, that was like a weird thing about the smart list. Extremely. Compared to that. We gotta get Shannon on there. Shannon should open for her. Shannon should open for her. Honestly.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I'm sorry, I just wanna say, if you're listening as an audio and you hear like a little bit of like a humming, I'm sorry, I need to turn my fan on. It's a thousand degrees in here and I'm carrying a child. So like, please don't complain.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I didn't even watch the show. I don't even know like what the tea is, but I know that Shannon would do it. Like, I think that she would like to close the circle. I feel like Kristen wouldn't. And that sucks.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


No, this is like really, I kind of want to give it like a Toasty Lions award. It's really firing on all cylinders.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Because it brings her back to reality TV, which people loved. It's a great win for E because they can't seem to get anything right. It's huge for podcasting. It's just, it's really brilliant. Yes.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I also watched the first episode.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


She's the common denominator. She's had multiple successful reality TV shows. It's her.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Because, yeah, but she's also, like, a shit-stirring, like, personality hire. Like, she doesn't need to be in the kitchen. Like, she could be doing that while out having cocktails with Justin. That's more interesting. But she could do the shit-talking personality while cooking. Not everything needs to be a cooking show, Jackie.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yes, but I just think Kristen's, like the best version of a Kristen show is not her in the kitchen. But I'm sure it would be good. I think everything, she's just got it. She's got the star quality. She does. So I think that this will be very good. I also love to see, I love podcast content. I didn't even think about us.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Selfishly, I find what other people with podcasts do and how they work and travel. I find that really interesting.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


What size venues is she selling out? What is the context of the show? You know, we just spent like the last year putting together a live show. It's very hard. And I haven't been to a lot of other people's live shows. So I don't know what goes on there. So I'm looking forward to finding out some industry secrets.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Okay, let's see. Raise your hand if you care.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


No, Kyla? Kyla. Tyga is kind of like a nepo boyfriend. He is always like punching above his, what's the phrase? Weight class? Yeah. Yeah. Like he's always like dating better looking, more successful, more famous women than him. And they bring him up. He very much subscribes to the ideology of rising tides, rise all shides. Yes. He dated Kylie. He dated Avril Lavigne.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Well, of course, but that's not really who I was referring to. Tyga dated, yeah, Avril Lavigne.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I knew I wasn't just making that up.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So they dated, oh my God, totally.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


March, April, May, June for four months in 2023. Good times. He also dated Cameron Swanson. I don't know her, an influencer and fashion designer. Aren't we all? Bella Porch. Tyga dated Bella Porch, the TikTok girl.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Big TV day. It's giving TV dinner.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I just, I feel like I would have known about that.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And it says that he was 30 and she was 19.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yucky. Oh, Tammy Hembrough, classic. Iggy Azalea, Kylie Jenner. So let me tell you, he does quite well for himself.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Jackie. Guess who he dated for a year in 2007. We're cheetah girls, cheetah sisters. From 3LW, Keeley Williams.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


No, no. That would have been so crazy. Cute. No, he has good taste. I know. Am I crazy? Like, how does he keep pulling these women? He's, like, not that cute, in my opinion.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Oh, I guess like he is kind of a Pete Davidson, but Pete Davidson is really successful in his job. And that makes you more attractive. Like when you're at the top of the game in whatever field it is that you do. I mean, I think maybe at a time Tyga was rock, rock city, bitch, rock, rock city, bitch.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Like I think for a point he was, I don't know if he's currently like still the hit maker he once was.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Maybe he's like hysterical or something.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So I forgot, who's he dating? Madeline Petsch. That's really random. I thought she was dating that guy like forever. I thought they never broke up.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Oh, we forget nothing. She don't know. Elephants never forget.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Back to our roots. And then what else is going on in the world besides like TV?

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


There's literally a picture of them on a red carpet. I'm dying. She looks like so Cheryl Blossom in the photo because it's from 2014. She's so Cheryl Blossom. She's so random. She is. And this couple's really random.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yeah. And they're like, you know, she's your doppelganger. So they're kind of like you and Zach coded.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


But that first season of Riverdale, like if you were alive to experience it, you remember the tectonic plates of the universe shifted in that moment. Like we were all watching this one show on the CW and it was probably one of the best singular seasons of television in the last 20 years.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


besides like what are the stories oh the story's actually really good but the common denominator is reality tv stars in one way or another oh oh my god i actually had like a really hard day on the internet yesterday because i'm sure we're going to talk about jax taylor um and his big revelation on the bravo podcast but everybody just like i kept seeing tweets and tiktoks about jax and i'm like my sister's addicted to cocaine that's hard for you that they were talking about me

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Like, I forget what the big twist was at the end, but it was something about Cheryl and Jason Blossom. Like when you figured out like what it was, like who killed Jason or whatever. Not that we remember. No, I don't. But I remember being like, that's one of the greatest twists I've ever seen.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


No, that was like much later on when the show got stupid. Yeah, the dad had like an evil twin.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Oh, we don't know. I thought you were going to say.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


We don't know. Like, yeah, she's so confusing. I thought what you were going to say is like, you don't want to talk about this. You don't want anyone to question your marriage. But we all last season had to deal with you doing the music video, you bringing Morgan around. Morgan's on camera. Morgan's at the party. Morgan's here. Morgan's there. And now we can't talk about any of that.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I am also just like really losing interest. Like I don't care anymore. When they got divorced, I thought it was really crazy. I'm like, oh, I wonder what happened. And then the Morgan thing, I'm like, okay, this is getting like interesting. I officially like don't care. Even when I saw the pictures of Mauricio, they wanted us to be like, okay. I literally didn't care.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And to be honest, I don't even think it was staged. I think, like, it's Mykonos in the summer. There was definitely, like, some Bravo gay in the airport being like, that's Mauricio, and took a picture. Like, it's not that deep.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


But no, it appeared to have been like a homemade video. And then like a TMZ or somebody buys it and then they get the photo credit for it. Hold on. Not like splash... Or then the person who took it sells it to Splash.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Okay. Or yes, one of their photographers happened to be at the airport.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


She has no leg to stand on. And that's why she's not visibly angry because she knows she can't be, but she might feel that way just like, because she does.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


No, no, I was like doing a double take. I'm like, why are they talking about my sister like that? Like, excuse me, keep my sister's name out your fucking mouth.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


No, Maurizio's done nothing wrong.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


No, I don't even know if I want them to.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yeah, she's just, like, asking everyone to stop. Stop what?

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Now, another take I had on the episode was that I loved, you know, all the women getting together at this event. But, like, throwing fashion shows is just... So OC season one. Thank you. It's, like, the lowest bar of Real Housewives entertainment. And I think as far as they go, like, Sutton's was really nice. You know, they had, like, a full red carpet. But, like, I can't watch that.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Like, I really can't. It's hard to watch. It is. And Kathy made it bearable when she, like, literally walked to the back. Because she obviously thought this was, like, some low-budget loser-ass production. Being like, would you like to have Dorit MC? Yeah.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And then walking back out and not realizing the show started and not realizing that she was on the runway because the runway was like this small slab of concrete because it was a pool. So I actually understood Kathy's confusion.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


That's actually a good point. When she's leaving the backstage and she's limping.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Hysterical. Oh, and we did finally get, not even finally, because we were saying a couple of weeks ago, we hope we see the final result of Erica's house. And we did. And I have to say, I thought it looked so good except that hallway.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


That hallway, like when she leads to the bedroom and then they make that big blue.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


What the hell? Yeah, that was terrible.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Like I was shocked. It was like somebody designed the whole house and then somebody else designed that hallway. Like I thought it was so random and weird.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And I think her mom is so beautiful. Like I just, I loved, she oddly had like, I guess like the most uninteresting storyline that episode, but cause it's like your mom comes to visit and you're redecorating your house to me. That's like the lowest bar of housewives entertainment.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


We just spent three episodes at Sutton's childhood home. And like, I could not have cared less about her and her mother.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


But this was really beautiful.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Oh, oh, I never made the distinction until yesterday.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


But other than that, it was a relatively non-starter episode.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Every time she talks, I like her even more.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Now, the other thing I watched was the Ruby Frankie documentary. Now, I explained a little bit at the top of the episode, but I just want to tell you, like, what my takeaways were. And, like, I have to tell you about this husband, okay? Okay. Because basically the first two episodes are just, like, she has six kids. And the older two are on the documentary in addition to the dad.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


The younger two – the younger four, actually, are – Nameless, faceless. They do a really good job of protecting because their custody battle is still actively ongoing.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Ruby Frank and her business partner, Jodi, who both were the abusers, are both serving up to 30 years in prison.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So basically what happens is they take you through this journey. She was a mommy vlogger for a really long time, at first making a lot of money. And then the big scandal happens where she says, my son's been sleeping on a beanbag for seven months. And she kind of loses a lot of her revenue, a lot of her viewership. Things turn really dark. And so they then become a different type of channel.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


They turn their name from Eight Passengers, which is like Family Van, to Moms of Truth. And it gets dark. She meets this woman, Jodi, who does religious conventions and therapy. And she's a psychologist who lost her license. And this woman, Jodi, infiltrates the family. She eventually moves in with the family.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And she's brought in to work with the older son, Chad, who's having a lot of behavioral issues. He got expelled. And she ends up really indoctrinating the members of the family into some sort of cult. Connections is her company name. And she holds these seminars. And They're all really buying it, especially the mom. So much so that the mom and Jodi get really close.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And they say that they... The oldest daughter was like, I believe that they were sleeping together. Jodi used to sleep... I mean, Ruby used to sleep in the business partner's bed every night. The mom used to sleep in the business partner's bed. Because she would have these religious exorcisms. And then Jodi very slowly got Ruby to leave her husband. So the husband's in the documentary and...

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


the abuse that she's gone to prison for occurs over the period of 10 months at the very end of this whole saga. And it's to the two youngest kids.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And the husband is not in the picture. So basically right before this crazy abuse starts, Jodi has really infiltrated the mom. And the mom says to the husband, you know, for the sake of our marriage, and they're very religious Mormons. So getting divorced is like not really an option, but she's clearly as a lesbian lover and they have plans and they need the dad out of the house.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Maybe today's the day, though, that you do decide to announce it.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So she says, dad, Kevin, whatever the husband's name is, For the sake of our marriage, we need a separation. You need to move out. You need to go completely no contact with me and all the kids. So this guy sees this freak move into his house. Things are getting really weird. The mom's acting crazy. And now he's being told to leave.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Now a dad with even the smallest intuition would say, fuck no, right? There's something weird going on in this house. I'm not leaving. What does this man do? He leaves. He gets an apartment. He blocks all of his children's phone numbers because some of the older kids are like starting to see that this is weird and like going to their dad for help. And he literally will not respond to them. Okay.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And for like 10 months, he lives in this apartment, just like doing what Ruby said, which was not talking to anyone. He's like a hermit. And during those 10 months, she has four kids left.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Kids three and four go to like live with a friend and kids five and six live with the mom, Ruby, Jodi, the crazy religious psychologist friend at her house four hours away in this like really deserted part of Utah. Okay. And what goes on in those 10 months is like some of the most horrific shit you can ever imagine. And they only know because the little boy escapes and they have the ring footage.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


It's actually so heartbreaking. He walks up and you could see he's emaciated. Like you could see only bones. He walks up to the house, rings the doorbell. Nobody answers. He's at the neighbor's house. Nobody answers. And he walks away and thank God somebody, he was like an older guy. He took a while to get to the door. He's like, what's up?

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And the guy's like, the kid's like, can you do me a favor? And the old man's like, well, it depends what it is. He was like, will you take me to the police station? And then the old man comes out of the house and he sees this kid weighs seriously five pounds. He has duct tape on his ankles and wrists. His ankles and wrists are also like bleeding and

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


and he sits him down him and his wife like give him a snack and pretzels and water and they call the police and they have the the phone call to the police and the guy's like this kid just showed up at my house and oh my god this old man starts crying on the phone like just based on what he's seeing like it was so upsetting he was like this kid's emaciated so the police then go to jody's house

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


They knock down the door. They got to find the other two kids. They don't realize the other two kids have been sent to live with a friend. Okay. But there's other one kid. Their other daughter. Yes. And this house is huge. And she's got like this huge basement with a safe room. And it's really fucking weird. So they find the other daughter. She's like shaking, sitting in a dark closet.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Her head has been shaved. She's emaciated. She has, you know, a rope burn all around her ankles and her wrists. Like the same exact thing. And they... They can't find the other two kids, but there's this like big safe in the basement. Like it's a vault door. And Ruby's like, I don't know the code. Sorry. And the police officer just guests one, two, three, four, five, six. And it opens. Okay.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And I thought the other two kids were going to be in there and I was so glad that they weren't. But it was clearly like their torture chamber. There was like these Tupperwares full of cayenne and water that like they would throw on the kids wounds like really fucking evil shit.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


For you, it's a with love Wednesday. For me, it's a woman-hating Wednesday. And that woman- How is this woman-hating Wednesday different from all other woman-hating Wednesdays? I'm so glad you asked. I met a new woman to hate. Last night, her name is Ruby Frankie. Obviously, like I've heard about the saga on social media. I had no idea like what it was really about.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


uh i believe they were like 10 and 11 or 12 and 13 yeah 12 to 13 so all of this the kids get taken to the police ruby they're looking for ruby jody gets arrested and they call the dad oh actually no i'm sorry ruby calls the dad and is like well you want me back here's your chance go pick up our kids at the police station bring them back

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So this idiot is following orders, goes to the police station. The police are like, do you know what's been going on with your kids? He's like, no, I haven't seen them in 11 months. The police is like, you haven't seen your kids in 11 months? He's like, yeah, no, we're separated. And he's like, well, your kid went and rang the neighbor's doorbell. He's emaciated.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And this guy, who's been so dumb the whole documentary, you want to punch him in the face. But he's a smart guy. He has a job. I think he went to college. He got a PhD. What's emaciated mean? Like real fucking moron. And he still does not believe anything. He's like, well, they hate us because we're different and we're moral and religious.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Okay, also you just reminded me of something.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


He ends up like seeing the light at way past the 11th hour. And you just want to fucking slap him because he should be in jail too. Like he knew what was going on in that house and he like –

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


left um but now i was like the only thing the documentary didn't tell us is like what happened to the kids where do they live because the mom and jody both went to prison the dad is free but who is taking care of those two kids who actually there's four kids left but especially the younger ones so it's all in family court and it's all like sealed records yeah um but a report is that the dad is filing for custody like seriously i i

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Once. You just put the emphasis on... The wrong syllable. Yeah, you said TV.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


don't know what a better alternative is, but please, if those kids end up with that idiotic dad, I'll die. He was, you wanted to shake the screen. And I know the whole documentary is about Ruby and she's really fucking evil.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Oh my God, him. And so the oldest daughter is like an advocate now. She's trying to bring that California law to Utah. She wrote a book that was really well received, The House of My Mother. And the older kids didn't even really experience that abuse because it was really like that 10. But she was like, like I said, abusive light mother up until that point with the crazy.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And it was all started from the family channel.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Because they liked it at first. They were making a lot of money. And especially the kid. He became really popular with girls. But it very quickly turned really dark. Before it even got abusive. It's just no way to live. A camera in your face every fucking second. You can't enjoy anything. Kids go through things like... embarrassing things, all of it splayed out on the internet.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


That wasn't the point of the documentary, because obviously the abuse took over, but it's such a conversation worth having. It really made me see, and I think a lot of people come to family channels, I think Ruby did fairly innocently.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And everybody knows it's TV, right? Of course. I was being silly. Oh, okay. Because when people say TV, I'm like... TV. Did you just say? TV.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Right, where like each kid is a character.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Jackie, they got paid $10 when they were in a video. She was making at one point $100,000 a month from YouTube.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yeah, evil. And her ugly face, every time she was smiling with that big gummy smile, I wanted to fucking smack her. She's really evil, and I love that the courts did their thing, you know? Yeah, okay, well, I feel sick, thanks. Yeah, no, I wouldn't recommend you watch it.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And it was a good documentary, though, and I'm glad that I watched it because there was like, she was being spoken about so much online, and I knew very little.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yeah, yeah. Really crazy stuff.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


your pit of the day. And that's our show, you guys. Make sure to come back tomorrow. We've got Summer House Recap.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


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The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


All the places where you can visit the podcast find us at Toast on Monday Morning Show. We have a beautiful setting and we can lay down. There we are.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yeah. It's just the way it's done here in America.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And if you don't like it, you could scram.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Oh, I saw that clip. It's funny how clips have gone viral. And the episode with the most clippable moments is the Mindy Kaling one.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


she has so much personality and it was kind of it like highlighted a little bit like the lack yeah of humor from Megan but that episode was really enjoyable because Mindy was just like bringing so much I mean I implore you Mindy is us just Indian like she grew up like obsessed with movies obsessed with celebrities it's like all she ever wanted to be she like was chubby most of her life like just not not by choice like she just but she was in the mind of a thin girl like

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Shaggy, Shaggy, she's so us and she loves Judaism. Like she has a million jokes like in all of her shows about like Jews and there's Jewish characters. But I think she also like participates in a lot of Jewish culture. She like celebrates Rosh Hashanah too. I saw that on her Instagram once. So she's so us coded. I implore you to watch The Mindy Project.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Right, right. That's the fair critique. I only watched one episode and I think overall we'll get into it, but it was like fine. The second I put it on, I started to remember that like, I find shows like this boring. Like every time Ben puts on a cooking show, yeah, every time Ben puts on any cooking show, I'm like, oh, this is fun. And then 20 minutes later, I'm asleep.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Like I was just watching the Magnolia show and like I was tired and bored. So while I'm excited that the project is finally here, I feel like I overhyped it a little bit in terms of how much I could actually watch in one sitting. You can't binge cooking shows.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And holy shit, I watched her documentary last night. Shout out to Hulu for making three normal length episodes and teaching me everything that I could watch in one night. Like, I appreciate that. Like Ashley Madison. Correct. Oh, my God. It was so upsetting. I actually don't even think I would recommend you to watch it.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So should we just dive in since we're already there?

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yeah, and you cut it short. It's the Fast Five stories.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


What about the, what are the Fast Five stories? Like, what kind of stories? They're the ones you need to know.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Yeah, I thought we were, like, permanently incorporating that.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Okay, well, work on it. Work on it after hours. Today's episode is brought to you by Wayfair. And I actually placed a Wayfair order this morning. I'm in like the era of nesting where I'm just throwing everything away and I want new things, especially because Romeo peed on my carpet yesterday, so I bought a new- Well, that'll do it. Zarin rug, Jill Zarin for Wayfair.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


You know, they do amazing Q-Lab. So Wayfair is everything you could possibly need from furniture to decor, outdoor furniture, storage solutions, organization, kitchen essentials, things for the bed and bath.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Whether you're moving, whether you're refreshing, whether you're just bored of the guest room upstairs and you want a new pargy wallpaper, Wayfair has everything for every budget for every room in your house. And they do have some amazing... But what's best about it is like their range of products.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Like if you're looking for a rug or whatever it is, you can find like the fanciest of the fancies to the most affordable. So whatever mood you're in, if you're in the mood to splurge or you're in the mood to, you know.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


budget a little bit Wayfair's got you covered there's something for every style every home and no matter your space or your budget Wayfair makes it easy to tackle any project with endless inspiration whether you need a light refresh or an organizational overhaul their delivery is free and easy and it is the best delivery in the furniture game like I'm used to waiting six months for something Wayfair no my carpet's getting here on Saturday I ordered it this morning

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


They have great deals and you just, like if you're not shopping on Wayfair, like your home sucks, sorry. Head to, find something that's just your style today. That's, Wayfair. Every style, every home. Today's episode is also brought to you by Quince. Who doesn't love the good things in life? You know, we enjoy a little luxury, Jackie and I, very quietly.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


We're very quiet, luxurious people. But it doesn't mean you always want to splurge. And that's where Quince comes in. Quince is now our go-to for luxury essentials, but at an affordable price. So, Quinn's is a fabulous place to shop for clothes, for loungewear. They offer a range of high-quality items, but at prices within reach.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So, for example, some of the products they sell are like Mongolian cashmere sweaters, and they start at just $50. They have washable silk tops and dresses. They have organic cotton sweaters, 14-karat gold jewelry. The best part is that Quinn's items are priced 50% to 80% less than similar brands.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Although now I'm thinking a lot of things about like children on the Internet, family channels that I think you probably have a lot of interesting thoughts on, too. But I fucking hate this bitch and her ugly, bald, fat, stupid husband.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


By partnering directly with top factories, Quinn's is able to cut out the cost of the middleman and then they pass the savings on to you, the customer. So you're getting like parjalicious things that are on par with other fancy brands, but you're paying way less than people who didn't shop at Quinn's.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


They only work with factories that use safe, ethical, and responsible manufacturing practices, which we love, and premium fabrics and finishes. Everything I've ever bought from Quinn's has really withstood the test of time. I have parjy cardigans and none of it that fits me right now, but I'm trying not to be negative. I have great trousers, Mongolian cashmere sweaters.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Everything I get is really stylish, really classic. I'm great if you're building like a capsule wardrobe. And I paid less than if I bought it somewhere else. So give yourself the luxury that you deserve with Quince and go to slash toast for free shipping on your order and 365 day returns. That's Q-U-I-N-C-E dot com slash toast. You'll get free shipping and 365 day returns.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


Now, tell me if – this was my assessment based on one episode. And tell me if you agree or if it changes at all. Because I saw the show being like heavily criticized on social media for little things. Like the recipe is not being inspired enough and she's not filming in her own house. It's a set – And to be honest, like none of that really bothered me.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I understand a lot of people have sets like for cooking shows. They don't necessarily tell the audience. So that's like Megan being transparent. The only thing I wish that she had done, which was like not focused so much on like homeware projects and homemaking projects, because she's making all these things for her guest room. And then we don't see them in her guest room.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


She just like packs them up and it's like, I'm taking them home to the guest room. So that was, like, a little annoying because I would have loved to have seen – like, I actually find that more interesting than cooking, like, how you decorate your house. So, like, I would love to see the bath salts in the tub and the nightstand snacks.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


So the fact that, like, we only saw her making bags for the nightstand, not, like, displaying them was a little silly. She should just – if she's not going to film in her own house, which, to be honest, I have no issue with people criticizing that. Like, she's entitled to, like, have a place of work. Like, it doesn't bother me.

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


I just wish then that she didn't do homemaking things or give us a fake –

The Toast

With Love Wednesday: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025


And, like, Megan thinks that... Then she also has a second set, right? It's, like, the craft room where they were making the candles. That's not the kitchen.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I know, it's very intense. It's giving. News desk.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Our first story, SNL 50 went off this weekend.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Of course. But the Syrian had like also Moroccan in him as well. Correct. Correct. Very Ian Mueller. So I would say it was like, would you say 60-40? Moroccan to Syrian. In terms of the guests? In terms of the vibes. Just like in terms of the lineage of the couple, because he has a little bit of Moroccan. No, I would say it was like 90, 10. Oh, he has 40% Moroccan. Oh, sorry. Yeah, 60, 40.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Everyone else was at Snill 50. They really made the most of this moment. I don't know who decided like, hey, let's have like the biggest deal moment for our 50th anniversary. I remember SNL 40 and it was also a really big deal.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I feel like I remember SNL 45 and that was just like, hey, we're 45. Yeah, I don't think 45 should be like as big as 50 or 40. But everyone really has like a really big 50th birthday. So like all the celebrities who have ever hosted SNL, like everyone was there in the audience. They had a three hour live show. They also had like another thing the night before. Yeah, I thought that was the thing.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


And like Miley performed, what the fuck was that?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yes, I agree. So is that what they did? They redid old sketches? Kind of. Because I saw the Sabrina one.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


So it was a lot. Okay. So a few of the noteworthy moments that I've seen, cause I didn't watch the whole thing, but it was on like Zach was watching it. So I caught a little bit. I've seen some stuff online, like Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds were there. That's kind of like the headline. Not only did they show up, but like Ryan participated in like a bit in the monologue.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Where, who was the person talking to him?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Oh, it was the girl. It was Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I agree. I do think it's a net positive. I'm someone who's like been pretty much team Blake, but now I'm like, I'm just gonna out of here.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Actually, I'm not even doing it quietly. Like I'm letting you guys know, like I am- You're sharing your thought process. I am flip, flop, flippity flopping on this because I don't know these people. I don't know the situation. I don't understand it. So anytime someone says something, I'm like, well, that sounds bad. You make a good point. I'm like, that's really bad that you did that. Yeah, yeah.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Not a good thing. So I feel like I'm actually in that sense unbiased. I'm not stuck on a team that I now can't get off of. So for my POV, this was good for them to just like see them out, to see them laugh about it. The only thing that I thought was a little confusing was like Blake's reaction to that. Everyone said she was in on the bit.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Ryan's not standing up without her knowing about it, but she's not that good of an actress. Okay.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


When I was watching Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Kyle Richards said that she had had a mentee bee and she did have a mental breakdown.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


A thing that they talk about every day. They can't leave their house. This is their Roman Empire. Jackie, there's no fucking way. I know, I know that logically, but watching it, that was a look of genuine shock and confusion and horror.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I do agree with you. And I have seen things turn towards, this is like a Justin versus Ryan situation and like Ryan bamboozled Justin, just like he does Blake. And I just want to go back to what we thought about these two a year ago before any of this. It ends with us.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


But now that I'm saying it, I'm like, is it an acronym? Menti B, she said she had. And this is like a 55-year-old woman. And it just invalidated everything that preceded it. She'd been through up until this point. Yeah. Like that is such an unserious term.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah. Yeah. So that's a theory too. And that also I think would be a relief for people who don't want to think like Blake is that bad of a person. Cause they're like, Oh, it was Ryan. Right. She's just being manipulated. Yeah. But I don't know now.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Right. Right, and I actually don't think that anymore in seeing her in interviews and the way that she talks. Like I do see her differently. But something.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


It's kind of like the Met Gala, but probably even more famous people because there was also probably people that wouldn't ordinarily get invited to the Met Gala. And half the Met Gala, that's what I meant. It's like really like high society.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


So I would imagine that anyone who's ever hosted got invited and everyone who's ever performed.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah, no, or work less. I actually feel like they probably ended fine. I don't know if it was serious. Yeah, but it was so serious. So serious. Nothing was ever more serious. No, I saw like some crowd shots and it's weird. It's like Kim Kardashian. Oh my God. And then in front of her is Lady Gaga. Oh my God. And then like Adam Driver sitting there in the tux, like just so crazy.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


It's really true. I don't know how they got away with that.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah. So I do think that Snow 50 like had the effect that. The intended effect. People wanted it to have. They had their moment. Bill Murray, like the great Bill Farrell. They also had their like documentary too. So there's like a lot of like just news coming out and like old clips resurfacing and behind the scenes tidbits. So like everyone's talking about Snow. I'm happy for them.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


The show fucking stinks all the time. I know. Just make it better. Hire better people. Like bring it back, you know. Restore it to its glory maybe. Maybe this would be a good reminder of that. Yeah. That's what I'm saying.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


It's always Mikey Day. And it's always been Mikey Day. Okay. Get that finger out of my face. We're so close. Hey. Hand heart. Okay.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Do we? My palms are a little sweaty. It's hot in here. Yeah. We're just working hard. We're hardworking ladies at the office. I'm working late. I can't believe I didn't even talk about my commute. Like, let me tell you.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


As somebody who works from home, I was listening to the short and sweet bonus tracks, but then I realized I can't listen to new music on a new drive. I need familiarity in these new streets. So I went back to F1 Trillion. But as someone who has always lived in a city, but I never had my license, I have never in my life driven myself to work. Oh my gosh. Does it ever get old?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Oh my God. Me and my coffee with my lipstick. Like, Hey, what's going on?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


It was so exciting. Like I just, Oh my gosh, you guys. You and Tessie. Me and Tessie. We had a great drive over here. Next time we'll like, we'll work some coffee into the route. But you know, I just wanted to get my route mapped. And Tessie definitely took me like a crazy way. There were so many turns when there did not need to be so many turns. She wanted to see me turn. I'm like, girl, stop.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


She said, do a flip. I said, Tessie, stop challenging me.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I'm getting a new car soon. And I feel like I haven't even made a big deal about it.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Even though I did a whole vlog test driving different cars.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Um, I was this close to getting the cyber truck. This like, seriously, if, if Jerry had called me on a different day, like it would have been the cyber.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


He's like the guy who's been assigned to my account. He's been so patient with me, really talking through all the options. Um, But at the end of the day, Jerry and I decided that I love my car. Like I seriously wouldn't change a hair on its head. I'm so happy. I'm so comfortable. And you and Jerry like need to do what's best for you and Jerry. Right. Of course.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Hey, Turtle Lou. I'm good. Thank you. Yes, I am here. Things, plans changed as they often do around these parts.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


So I have an extension. I've had my car for two years. So I'm on a lease extension until the new Model Y drops. So I'm getting my car, but like the newer version. They say it looks like a Cybertruck.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


So yeah, I'll have to commute in that one. See how it goes.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Big things. You know who else has big things coming? Meghan Markle.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


She is embracing transparency and I want her to go back the other way. Oh, wow. I want her to go back into opaqueness because this is too much that she's telling us without telling us enough. First of all, she has her new business launching. As she said, she posted a video. Formerly American Riviera Orchard. Yeah, I feel like people might not be putting this together because it took me a minute.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


American Riviera Orchard which was launched almost a year ago because I remember that was the week that you were off and I was talking about it with like Stassi everyone came on the show I'm like let's talk about it so and that was in April so almost a year ago ARO then nothing came of it and it was supposed to be like a jam company it was supposed to be like wears like a million things it started with jam but then it went nowhere I think she didn't even get much we just got like a logo

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I think there were trademark issues and she had to like stop what she was doing. So now it has been rebranded. It's called as ever. Now, if you've been following Megan as an influencer for the last two weeks, you will see she signs her posts as ever Megan. Oh, I didn't even put that together.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


No, I think she wanted you to think it wasn't a big deal, but it was a very big deal.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah. So she's doing her show with Netflix and then she's also doing her business with Netflix. Now she kept using the word business like Romy and Michelle do. Like I've got a business. What kind of business y'all in? Seriously, what kind of business y'all in? You know, calling it a business as opposed to like a company is weird.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


She kept saying like, I have my show and I have my business and my business and my business. It's like, what? kind of business y'all in. So she's going to have to clear that up. What's so crazy to me is that they chose American Riviera, which I'm sure it was Q score tested, focus groups, et cetera, lawyers. They didn't check the trademarks? No.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


And the fact that that was like a non-usable name, because she said in her transparent video, which I do feel like is not all the way transparent, which is why it's like, go back to opaqueness. She said if they did

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


The fact that like Lisa didn't let her say that.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


American Riviera Orchard which is like the nickname for Montecito and her neighborhood she would have been limited to only sell like things that come from locally sourced in Santa Barbara says who you know that's not a good reason to change your name and that's not the actual reason so the fact that she had to change her name before her business even launched is so crazy it is however when these businesses however have been years in the making however

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


It's not an automatic. I just want to say that was like a two week period and it was very swift. And like, it's crazy that no one like had the thought up until that point, but like, okay, but this is like years, years and whatever stopped them from being able to use it. Like, I just don't know how that didn't come up. in the year long process.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


And she keeps saying, I've been waiting years to put this out. Like what, why years? Yeah.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah. I don't understand. Also, why not call it With Love, which is the name of her cooking show? There are so many, and I said this a few weeks ago, there are so many isms in their world. Under her umbrella. Duke, Duchess, Royal Highness, Harry, Meghan, Mountbatten. Harvey? Harry. Harry, yeah. Archwell, Archetype. Yeah. With Love, As Ever. American Riviera Orchard, The Tig.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


too much and also like with love and as ever like those are like the same thing the same thing they're also like nothing isms they're like um signatures they're not like hard names yeah i also like don't love that the e and ever isn't capitalized it is or it isn't it's not and it's like bothering me that's interesting in what i've seen yeah every time she writes it it's capital a lowercase e that's a pretty logo though i want to say like the font is pretty

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


You can find that on Instagram. I mean, you're such a hater. I'm sorry. Like I've given her so much runway. I was excited for the show. I like, I've been begging for the show. The show is still not here. The brand is a mess.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


The brand is a mess. These videos are a mess. She can't even make a video without cutting every three seconds. The cuts were really bad in this one. After every phrase. Like it's just, she's being the person that like everyone said. She was. To look out for.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I don't know where the ejaculation is.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


No, it's a pretty good metaphor. It is, right? And I've heard the term. Edging. Yeah, I forgot.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I think I learned it in like a reel.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


But maybe like someone's edging experience was their highlight.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Justin Baldoni, bad. Interesting facts about the Titanic. That I wouldn't mind. Historical anecdotes I would find interesting. Beef stew. Beef stew recipes.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Thank you. Oh, I need your phone still. Oh, enjoy.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


You need to be unburdened by what has been. But like, I actually think Megan falls into my bucket of life. Definitely. So I think it will be good for you. And that's why I want her show to come. And I want her products to like influence. But like when there's nothing, I'm sorry. I'm getting impatient.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


No, and like when you're rooting for her, it's like, yeah, she's got a Netflix show and she's got a business with a capital B. And it's like, until that day comes, she doesn't have those things. It's fair. And I've really been hyping up like this era of content creation for her. You have. I'm looking like a fool. And I just have one question. Now you know how I feel. What kind of business you in?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I know, they kind of remixed it. It was a totally new song.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


That's a good question. What the fuck is she selling? I know she said she's gonna sell jams because quote, jam is my jam. Loved that. What else is she selling? No, now you know how I felt.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah, and because I don't freaking know these people, I'm woman enough to say I'm out of here.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Well, okay, let's say she was a bitch. No, that's not, that's fine if she's a bitch. Unprompted meaning like she wasn't on the attack so then he attacked her. No, correct. Unprompted in that sense. Correct. Okay, cool. Our next story, Craig Econover is on the Tamron Hall show. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, sorry, I said it like bad news. No, it's just like Craig now making news as a single man.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


It's been a lot of days. I still didn't watch Southern Charm because now I'm going to batch them because my friend told me that this week in the Bahamas episode is kind of like a primer for next week. So I'm like, that'll be more fun to watch together. But I do think that ever since that clip teased a page saying Craig texting two bitches, like Craig's gonna- Kick it into high gear.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I just think they are trying something new. Do, do, do, do, do, do.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Kick into high gear. Like, hey guys, I'm still Craigie. Like- I wouldn't do such things. Yeah.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah. Because like nefarious behavior, he has been alleged. Yeah. So on the Tamron Hall show, he was asked if he started dating again. He said, I'm trying to move forward. So I downloaded a dating app and it wasn't what, probably Raya. He said, it wasn't what I, it didn't feel as good as I thought it would be. He said, he confirmed that he's matched with people, but he's not talked to anyone yet.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


He said, I'm still healing on myself because I really did think I was going to spend my life with Paige and it's okay, but I don't think rushing into something, he began to say before cutting off his thoughts and changing his tune. He said, well, I don't know if the right person comes around while Tamron interrupted him and pointed out that he's giving mixed signals. It's confusing. Yeah.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


He acknowledged his differing views, but also explained that he has never done this before and is still just figuring it out, the weird new chapter. He said, I just think for me, I think it's about going back to my routine and living my life. And if I meet someone through that, then just go with it, but I'm not going to overthink it.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I feel like I get what he's saying, which it's like, I'm not like, I want to find someone. I also recognize that I'm not ready, but if the right person came around, like I would be ready. But it also leaves a lot of space for the wrong person to come around and then him like give off bad energy.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


But like if the perfect girl was in front of him, but would he even be able to identify the perfect girl when he's not healed?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah, is she like on the same network?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


But I'm sure there's also a nice queue of like girls who want to use Craig and they might all look alike. So he's gonna have to really have his picker strong. Yeah.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah, I mean, it sounds bad the way that she said it. Like I caught him texting two bitches. I need more information before I'm like gonna drop the gavel on it, you know? But that's disrespectful. Right. We'll have to see. But like, I also am gonna trust my fave. I'm gonna hear Craig out on this. We need to hear the final episodes of both of their seasons.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Whatever Craig says that I need to hear Paige's response to that.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I was on the cusp of forgetting. Right. Thank you for reminding me.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


That's a flaw. Add Paige's clips to the episode of Southern Charm. Just think about it, Bravo. No, add. Wait. Like we're going to watch Craig say whatever he says on Southern Charm. Then they should play Paige's. It's the same day that it happened. So like put the Southern Summer House footage in Southern Charm.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Thank you, slash turt. You're welcome, Jenny Love. Even though it's slash toast, like that could get confusing sometimes. Actually, yeah. The sponsor being like, what the fuck are you doing? You see them backing out, like seriously. What the fuck are you doing? This is, what kind of business you in?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Our next story, can I have some of your coffee? I've been eyeing it. Oh, it's disgusting, enjoy. That's just been like sort of a problem with my commute. This was really my first coffee.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Like it's not like actually tasty. Yeah. People don't space coffee. Of course.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yes. No, that's exactly what it is. You just drink it. It's a means to an end. I don't actually like the taste. I like what it does for me. Right. Like even the world. Cause I like sometimes like I crave. Unless I'm having like a vanilla bean macchiato frappuccino.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


It's like if you gave it to a child, the coffee or the, obviously you wouldn't give them anything, but they would say that's gross.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


It's kind of the theme of the day. The Jonas Brothers have revealed JonasCon, a one-day fan event in New Jersey centered around the Jonas Bronis. This makes me sad. In honor of their 20th anniversary, yes, you are old, if you are listening.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Like, don't get comfortable. It's unsettling, yeah. Yeah. They cancel tours, they cancel the band, they fight. They can't look at each other on stage. This is their last show, this is how it ends.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


That's really funny. In honor of their 20th anniversary, the Jonas Brothers are giving fans once in a lifetime experience. On February 14th, they announced that they'll host a special one-day event called JonasCon in their home state of New Jersey.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


The event will feature live performances, DJ sets, Q&A panels, fan activations, pop-up surprises, immersive experience, and special guest appearances to celebrate the band's 20th anniversary. Now, of course, the Jonas Brothers will be there. I should hope so. And I imagine they'll be playing Play My Music.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


We rock. Camp Rock. Oh my God, that's so crazy. Have you seen, oh no, that wasn't the Alison Stoner clip, the Alison Stoner Demi Lovato. I love them for that. But the Jonas Brothers like should be there performing. Unclear who else is performing, like who's doing the Q and A's and the DJ sets. They have a lot of DJ friends actually. So I could see like, you know, the boys coming through.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


But I would just like to- Literally I was the negative complaining bitch about Megan. I think people tune in for the truth. So whatever that is.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Like cash grabs. Cash grabs. I just feel like they always think it's the end because they don't know what's gonna set off Joe and Nick next. So it's like, let's make the money today. They live on the edge. Just like their fans. Yeah, and I remember we were talking about this because I think a while ago, what, do my feet smell? No, I was wondering, am I touching your feet? I'm touching something.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Oh my God, no. I took my shoes off. I'm just like playing footsies with something. With my shoe. And I was like, is it her? No.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah. I'll be curious to see how many people... Maybe this is a big... Maybe they can make a couple mil in a day. Like BravoCon, yeah, where everybody comes to see them. They don't have to go on tour. They do all have young children. So it's like, this could be a good model. It could, it could. That's a good way of looking at it. It just doesn't sound like it.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


And it also depends, what's the venue?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Is it like a convention center? That's not the vibe. Convention center is like giving retired, you know, come see your favorite stars from the 80s. No, but there are...

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


It would be cool if it's like in an arena or a stadium.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah, but maybe it's more of a, I think they're still thinking what it looks like.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


It's a con. Oh, for me, it's giving legacy.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah. Yeah. Saved by the bell. We'll be there. Yes. Right. Right.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah. Okay. Are you ready for a fifth and final story that will lead into our white Lotus recap? Yes. Because one of the biggest names on the new season of white Lotus is Patrick Schwarzenegger making a lot of headlines. He sat down with vanity fair to talk about the role and the fact that we saw his penis and how he quote, I fucked his way onto the white Lotus.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


And Patrick's the one that dated Miley? Yes, of course. Because I confused him with Connor Kennedy.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Maybe he's toiling away somewhere. Maybe he's in a military academy or something. And he's gonna be the president.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Just in general, but specifically- Was it hard for you to find a seat?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I don't know. I feel like he's at West Point.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Okay, so I had high hopes for him. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he enlisted after. Or maybe he had the night off. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he came to the big city. And you know, the military loves to go to Zero Bond. And West Point's not that far from Zero Bond. No, for sure. For sure. Patrick Schwarzenegger, you saw him.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yes. A little bit. There are some like cringy tidbits, but also interesting. Like, first of all, he was set, it opens how he talked about like every Sunday night, he would like get together for dinner with his family and they all watch white Lotus together, which is just like, Weird. That's like a weird. What? No, like. Oh, it's like a sexual show. It's just like a random sexual show.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


And it's like, that's what you guys are like glued to. It's not like Game of Thrones. That's a really good point. So, and then how it was his dream to one day be on a season. I think it's a lot of people's dream because like, look at, you know, Megan Fahey. It makes a star. Yeah. Jennifer Coolidge. Every time we would watch, my family would just be yapping at me. Why aren't you on this show?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Why didn't you audition for this show? It's actually funny. You need to talk to someone to get you on this show. That's really funny.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Interesting. Maybe she was commuting to work.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Because we all kind of do business and we have to get there. The American Riviera Orchard office building. Yeah, we have to get to work. And that's probably what she was doing. Yeah. If only she had like was driving herself.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Well, Chris Pratt, he talks a lot about, not a lot, but he talks a bit about Chris Pratt in this interview. First of all, his whole family went to the premiere and then he was asking for, he got an audition. They didn't tell him it was the white Lotus, but like, I don't know how much I believe this. He said, they said it was a show called like secret garden.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


And they gave him like one line about who this character is. And he has to like make it his own. And Chris Pratt was like, They only really watch five seconds. In the first five seconds, they know if you're right for the role. I just wanna say, I do believe that.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Or it's like undercover boss. We're in a blender. Oh, that too. But like undercover boss, like he has to go undercover because everyone knows the formula. I kind of see that. So Chris had told him like, they'll know if you're right for it within the first five seconds. So like do something interesting.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


So because he knew this guy was like kind of like misogynist, he was like, he said they're the first five seconds. He kind of like, I fucked the camera.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


and was like acting like it was a girl like and that he got the role and then when he knew it was white lotus very exciting and even when they were filming in thailand like the whole family parker posey and the gang they like did everything together as a family like people would be like you want to go to dinner they're like i'm having dinner with my family okay we need to talk about watching movies and like they would all even before they started filming like do zooms to like get into this that's cute it's giving where the millers like um

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


This is my new family. But I guess that's good. Again, it's just acting. You have a nice family at home, but okay, sure, yeah.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Wait, I'm going to go Gilded Age actress. Oh my God. She is. She tied her hair blonde. She thought we wouldn't know. Jackie, this is her last name. Oh, I see. I see. I'm not saying that. Okay. Bertha Russell.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


When I saw Parker Posey like on the credits in the beginning when they changed the song, I was like, excuse me, Josie.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah, like a bed wench. Yeah, she was a bed wench. Thank you. Okay, let me go to just White Lotus season three cast. I was just- And the little brother, what is he from? Oh, he's like, you know, classic up and comer. He's classic, like summer, I turn pretty.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


But like, actually, what is he from?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Outside of pregnancy, like you're the kind of gal one gets up for.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Well, you know, I never watched season two, but that's not like, I like the show actually. Cause you can kind of jump back in. Except that you kind of can't. The little brother's from perfect couple. So we just saw him. Oh yeah. Yeah.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


So, oh my God, I didn't realize that the celebrity of the three friends, girls, Jacqueline, that's Michelle Monaghan. Yes. I didn't know that was Michelle Monaghan. And our queen, Leslie Bibb. We love Leslie Bibb. I mean, give Leslie Bibb all the jobs. More jobs. All of them. She should be in every show. She's such a good actress and she did amazing.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


But I saw in the credits, Michelle Monaghan's in this. I'm like, oh, I love that for her. Like after Tom Brady and everything, she'll be on my bonus.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Something to do with Jennifer Coolidge. Season one. He was her boyfriend there, right?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


that too. But I just feel like if we're in a group, like even if we're in a group of friends and there's one chair and none of us are pregnant, like it's for Claudia.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Resetting the stage. Exactly. And it's a nice environment. Yeah. It's part delicious. I miss the pineapple room guy.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


But I reference the pineapple room guy all the time. Yeah. We've all been the pineapple room guy. If someone's complaining about anything, I'm like, don't be the pineapple room guy. And it's a really good and important lesson. Yeah, it's so true. So I didn't watch the second season. I'm sure I would enjoy it. It's like very...

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


established characters a little bit infuriating obviously very entitled it's the way people behave on vacation um so we'll see what this season holds we will but um literally when you're like obsessed with tv and celebrities like watching the white lotus requires 20 minutes of research prior because it was just infuriating trying to place people yeah i was just i didn't watch um

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


With anything else in mind, I was just like trying to be present. I feel like I was present.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then he's looking for his mom. Yeah, right. Oh. So I think he gets there in a little bit. Okay, that makes sense. I thought he was a guest, but then I'm like, he's not here. This is just the first season. And Belinda's in the second season, so she's also like a- Belinda's in every season.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I was like, what is this, a fat farm? Oh my God, I was laughing so hard. I didn't realize that's like a term everyone uses. When his girlfriend said,

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Is that even his girlfriend? There's something not girlfriend-like. Yeah. We'll see. There's something weird with everyone. So we'll see on all counts. That's your White Lotus recap and we'll try and stay up on it.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah. So as long as you're finding what you need, you should be okay. And I know you just missed me so much and you just weren't ready to part with me.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Okay, obviously not cool. I have to really put myself in...

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


this situation imagine like a friend we're both like nursing mamas the friend is what makes it weird like I think that if I was if you were doing me a favor coming over and getting the shower the baby started crying you happen to have also just had a baby and I came back and you were nursing my baby like I would not think that's weird because we're family right but I would ask you still even being your sister like I would have to know so that's like really crazy that she did that if it was a friend um I would just like also I would want to know like

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


are you guys aligned on other stuff? Like what is she eating? Like, is it, do you think like her milk, if her milk is like finding you guys are on the same page about everything. And so like, it's more so about the, like the not asking versus like what actually your child got. So I'm going to go ahead and say like the milk was fine. It was just about the act of doing it. Right.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


She's not like doing meth and breastfeeding. Right, right, right, right. Um, I would, uh, have a conversation with her, but like there's a path to forgiveness. I think, you know, it's, I guess like. She was trying to help. It's not a malicious coming like from a bad place. And just like give yourself fine comfort in the fact that like for centuries, this is what women did. So true.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


What is that called? Wet nurse? A wet nurse. Children breastfed off. It's really not a big deal. People even go to like a breast milk bank and get other women's breast milk.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Right. So that's why I'm like, if you, if this woman's milk like seems good to you. She makes good choices. She makes good choices. Like it's,

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


She said up, down, left, right, center. Like, I'm not coming to see you. Like, I'm not doing. Don't count on me. Yeah. No, I'm seriously like not coming. So we planned accordingly. And lo and behold.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah, I just feel like anyone that I'm super, super close with would 100% ask me because I'm not close with a crazy person. And so if it was someone that I'm not that close with that they felt like they wouldn't ask me, yeah, I don't need to be your friend anymore because we weren't that close.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


You had told me so many times you weren't coming.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah, you're not being crazy, but you know, it's also hard to make friends. Especially mom friends. Sometimes we just gotta be like, okay, you go this way, you think this, I'll think that, but let's like still have a- I know, but like touching someone's baby, like I do fear. Well, touching is, she was always gonna touch him. He was crying.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Maybe we're all a little too uptight about it. Oh wow, okay. I don't think so. I mean, if it were me, like seriously, I would punch you in the face. But I actually don't know someone, I would not have someone in my house who would do this. So like, it's really hard to say. To put yourself in her. It is.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


What kind of friend, what level of friendship that the person is in my house when I have a baby, like so we're close. So they're alone with the new baby so I can shower. But doesn't know me well enough to know, like this is just something I would ask.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Right. So I threw a birthday party. But I was being selfish. I said, listen. Yeah. No, no, no. And I was like, okay, yeah, you can't come to every single party. It's a kid's party, whatever. But just... due to all the different circumstances, like everyone wound up coming to this party and it was already such like a pargy event, like really fun. I love a kid's party.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Because she was trying to help the baby. I think really when I think about who would do this to me, it's like, is this someone that I like low-key want to cut out anyway? Because if it was like you and I. Let's evaluate the friendship. They say it was you and I was like, Claudia, what on earth are you doing? Don't ever. Would you be mad? Well, you're my sister. So like it's kind of similar.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Even though I eat sugary cereal. You do eat sugary cereal. I wouldn't like be about it. I wouldn't be like, do that again. But I would 100% forgive you and we would move on because like, I love you and I cherish our relationship and I wanna work on things.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


She needs to know. 1000% because- You just walk on over there and you tell her straight up. You don't need Easter eggs. You don't need to write us no dear Sam the other night at karma. At bed. Tell her straight up.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I 100% agree. Also, they're just dating right now. Stop her from making a big mistake. Right. You should 100%. It's not like they are married.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


And then my family was there and it was so beautiful.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I don't care if it gets back to you. He talks about it with his friends. It's not a secret. Right. Everybody knows. But seriously. once this episode's over and listen until the end, walk on over there and tell her. You don't need to come up with some hijinks in order for her to know. You know what, we should wait for something bad to happen because this person's obviously really crazy.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Just tell her straight up. And maybe it won't matter to her and she won't see it as an issue and now she has all the information. Maybe she's the only one who could get him to stop and come off his phone and pick up his head up.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


They were literally playing in all the blow up stuff as they were breaking it down.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


But like- Do you not see how the pronouns are confusing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But she's saying like they're making a joke.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Okay, we'll go to the next one. Go and break that down.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Um, I think you got to let it go. This is his story. This is his life and his experience. He's telling it on his show. Now I hope he has an audience. Otherwise this is just like sad.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Thank you. I really enjoy doing it. I do hire a party planner because I can take that on and I make it as easy as possible for myself. And I would recommend doing so because it was just I had so much fun. It was space themed. Zach and I wore like NASA jackets. So cute. Dressed like a little space family.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


And it's unfortunate if he's sharing like really private stuff, but it doesn't sound like he necessarily- She said the sex life. I don't like that. I don't like that. But that's what people do every day on their podcasts.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Taylor Strucker would never, I don't think, be mad if her husband went on a podcast and started talking about this. Because she goes on her podcast and talks about Her husband. Her former life, yeah. Right. So I think the answer for you is to start a podcast and take your power back.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


He told his story, like, okay. And then next week there'll be a new episode and that's it.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


So I think you just... Just ignore, by the way. Ignore, yeah.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah, just move on from it. Yeah. That's all.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah. And it's just like a couple of things, like a ball pit, a bouncy house, like the regular stuff. And they'll have fun. Not to put Margo Washer on blast, but I had a coffee cart and like the whole theme of the party was like outer space. So the coffee cart had a sign that said space coffee, like just to be like a part of the party.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


The photographer was like, let me get a picture of the sisters. I was like, are my sisters here? Are we all here? All present and accounted for.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


It was so random. It was so nice. It was so nice. It was so, so nice. It was a really nice weekend and we got to spend the day together after we worked really hard on Friday.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Exactly. We celebrated game tunes with so much love and tunage. Did you celebrate game tunes? I did not celebrate game tunes in an official capacity.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


So I clocked it because I could tell he had no idea. And then when we were all by the pool, I was like, do you have anything to say to me? And he was like, you look pretty. I was like, no. Happy anniversary. And then he realized, and it was 2.37 p.m. I clocked the time, that he remembered it was Valentine's Day after being prompted. Could be worse. Yeah. Could be better.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Listen, he dropped the ball on game tunes. Did you get flowers? I got flowers in the evening. I don't know where.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


It was clearly sold out. The neighbor had already thrown hers away, and he doesn't have them. But yesterday was our anniversary, and so he really made up for it with cards, and he got me the most beautiful flower arrangement. Oh, that's nice. So it was nice yesterday to have the party, and then also be like a celebration of our anniversary and just a nice moment.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


This week is always our big, but we still haven't gone out for our dinner, I'll say.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I do. Cause it's always just like a really nice special week. And I look forward to this time of year. Plus it's around like president's day. So sometimes we'll do a staycation. do a little something. I really, I do like it. Cause I'm sure it'd also be nice if it was all spread out, but we have other stuff. You know, I don't want to be like an ingrate. You don't like your timing.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Well, you know what I was just thinking about?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


No. You get celebrated? I just want you to know. God willing, God willing, God willing. God willing, God willing, God willing. I am not texting Ben that day. Good. I am not. You better not get it. I'm so sorry, Ben, but like this has to be. It has to be this way. It has to be like a calendar year. And you do not get him a card. I could just see you being like, he's been so amazing.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


No, what are they up to, those crazy kids?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


We need a director of cinematography. That's what I'm saying.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


No, but just like to understand their like workflow.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


No, not for their person, but just for their workflow. Like how do you keep the content consistent in Park G?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Well, I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


As there always is with Matt and Abby, but they're like rage bait click baiters and they want you to listen to the podcast and I'm not going to give into it. I'm not gonna be like, oh my God, he's so crazy. Like I'm sure there's a perfectly logical in Matt's brain reason. Right.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Yeah. Or like there's a mouse in the closet and he's like trying to trap it. Totally. It's just like something so Matt. So Matt. Are you more of a Matt or an Abby?

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


I understand. I think that's enough Matt and Abby talk. Good speed to Matt and Abby. Good luck. Good speed. Good God speed. Also good speed. I hope you catch that mouse. Try raid. Try raid. And I think without further ado to do, do you think time? Yeah, I think so. We've got a lot to talk about. We've got a lot to do today. White Lotus, dear toasters. Oh yeah. Dear toasters.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


Give me your phone. I was just trying to help you. Crazy pants. Without further ado, it is time for the Fast Five stories that you need to know.

The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


We're happy to be here in a new setup, a great American tour of podcast studios.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Okay, so I guess, I mean, it's time. And you've said it, sister, you know.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I love that. Well, we can get into the Fast Five stories that you need to know, dear reader.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


It's so crazy. And you'll follow a recipe and you'll give it your all and like something goes so terribly wrong.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Our first story, Jason Kelsey is having a tough time processing the Eagles win with Travis's loss after the Super Bowl blowout. So Jason Kelsey has finally put out a statement. Not finally. I mean, yeah, I wasn't waiting. I wasn't waiting. But yeah, I do wonder how he feels about the win.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, put out a Congrats Eagles graphic and then they took it down. I think people thought they took it down because it was like disrespectful to Travis. But then Jason clarified that he asked them to take it down because it was like, and I guess, yeah, it was a lot of pictures of him and different Eagles players. And then there was a quote.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


There was a quote about how like so many of the Eagles players feels like family to Jason. And then like,

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


congrats Eagles it was very like Jason centric and he was like I didn't win the Super Bowl like it's a weird thing to post I just want to say I think it's weird too not even because of the reasons Jason stated because your co-host lost and it's not like Jason played he didn't so I think it's weird yeah they could have just sat it out but I also understand why Jason wanted them to take it down I don't think it had to do with congratulating the Eagles I think it was also it was just like

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


But the Eagles are a big part of their show.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Like, well, that's the most annoying part. But this is what he said. He said, congratulations to the Philadelphia Eagles, my former teammates and friends on being Super Bowl licks champions. There were a lot of emotions last night. And now that I've collected my thoughts, I'll attempt to share them in the longest tweet ever. The game was odd for me to watch if I'm being completely honest.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I knew it was going to be mixed emotions before, during and after. And I now know what my parents had to deal with two years ago. On the one hand, I wanted what is best for my brother and to see his success. And on the other hand, there are so many people, teammates and coaches in the Philadelphia Eagles organization that I care deeply about, many of whom I owe my success to throughout my career.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I'm very proud for Jalen Hurts, Nick Santini and this entire team. They have persevered greatly, answered their critics amazingly, improved themselves undoubtedly to be the best team this season, etc., etc., As for my brother, there isn't a person I love or care about more.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


It has been tough to process these feelings, but of course I feel for him and I'm always rooting for him, but I know he does not need nor want my pity. He has amassed greatness few on this planet could ever dream of, as has his team, and they should feel pride in their accomplishments this season and in the past.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I know right now they're still thinking of that last night and the shortcomings in the last game, but in time that will fade and the greatness they've exhibited as a group will remain as one of the most dominant eras of football ever.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Well, the field playing was giving the vibes that Travis was retiring. Well, of course, the lack of talent.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Speaking your truth. and walking in your own light.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Maybe that's what he was feeling.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I think it's really hard for us to understand. I think so too. Like, I think we can't put ourselves in those shoes. I think for Jason, it's like, yes, his brother's on one team rooting for him, but on this other side are people that not, they're not his brothers, but like very, very close. Like there is joy in seeing them win. Of course.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I think if he could have chosen, he wouldn't say, I don't think he would have answered this question of who, maybe he did, but it was of course be Travis.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I'm not getting that vibe. Yes, I think. Did anybody ask Jason who's he rooting for? I think if they did, we wouldn't have gotten a straight answer. Yeah. But I think like the, the correct answer is Travis.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


However, like it's a very, you know, the Eagles are right behind because like the coaches, those are people who he wants to see family and like the amount of work that goes in to being on the team. This was the only team he ever played for. Like this is his, it's different than people who like bounce around that part of like the brotherhood we could never understand. Yeah.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


With turdy. But then us real ones know like you're not the Barefoot Contessa.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I didn't see... I didn't see that so much, so I can't say. But if that's what was going on, like, yes, of course, we're rooting for Travis. Like, yeah, we'll find joy. And if the Eagles win, because it'll be good for our friends. Of course. We're rooting for Uncle Travi. And I can't believe I haven't sang this yet. I'm so glad. I'm so glad my Travi made it to the big game.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


One step closer to Kelsey being my last name.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


You should have just, like, teased the Purdy line and, like, saw his reaction. And, like, if you're going to tell him eventually, maybe he would figure it out. But let him think for one second.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I literally need to record something today. My voice, like, isn't. Get on the horn. I'm going to get on the horn.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


It's totally giving series regular.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Are you ready for our next story? Speaking of Pargy vocals. Yeah. Sabrina Carpenter is on the cover of Vogue.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, this is major. So the cover and the cover story have dropped. The pictures are beautiful. She's on the cover of the March issue of Vogue. And yeah, the photos are very Marilyn Monroe inspired. She's talking about her career. She made mention of skin, just want to say.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


No, but our Gen Z intern gave me a little heads up.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


She said that she never planned to release it. Like it was a song that she wrote to like get her feelings out as artists do. And then she did release it. But like when she was writing it, it was just meant for her to like heal.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Do you think he's quaking a little bit?

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, I wonder how long after that, till she got to that place of like writing that song. And that's how she felt. Cause she couldn't like not respond for that long. So I don't, I wonder like if she wrote them at the same time yet, then maybe we could.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Instead. I wonder, I don't know, but I liked skin because it wasn't like, I feel like all because I liked the boys, more like coming from it.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


No, like a victim, like everybody hates me all because of that. Whereas skin was like kind of tough and I liked that response.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


You should be, I'm all out of your man, yeah, like. I just, I thought it was just like a strong response as opposed to, oh, because I like to, boy, everybody hates me.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Did you give one to Olive and Butters?

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah. So, but I just, I agree with you that maybe the world would have received it better if she came out with like.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


People love a victim. They love a victim. So yeah, actually I like, I think that it probably would have played better, but for me.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


But for a while, Sabrina took like a big L. I respect strength. And that's why I respect the Bream.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah. I agree. That's why it's so impressive. Yeah.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yes, worth it. I don't think she's over it. I don't, I think she'll like, that's her Roman empire. And it's not, it's been a few years. Like it's her chip. Yeah. A hundred percent. And she'll hug her at the Grammys. Cause like, she doesn't want to, that would look bad. You know, people don't like that. But the North remembers.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Okay, but if you could have one open and honest conversation with any celebrity.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Well, all the friendships, too. Hayley.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah. Kelly, that we were just saying.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Are you ready for our next story?

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Pete Davidson strips down to his undies for reformation after his tattoo removal. So Pete Davidson.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, but I feel like now he looks different than when people were finding him attractive.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Imagine how many would have eaten.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, he's looking hunky. Pete Davidson has spent the last several years removing his nearly 200 tattoos. And now he's ready to show off his clean slate just in time for Valentine's Day. He stars in Reformation's latest campaign, showing off his buff bod in boxer briefs. So I guess Reformation has some menswear now, and he is the face.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I didn't either, but I guess everyone wears. And I mean, if you think about it, I feel like they operate. It's been around forever. They look like a small business, but they're like mass consumed. And they probably have like low overhead because they act small.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


And I'm sure Taylor wearing the dress to the US Open was the budget for Pete Davidson.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Why you could have eaten all of them.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


You know, I was watching Kardashians and Kim was saying, talking about her work ethic, how she works so much. She was actually, cause she's in therapy now. And so she's like thinking about working less and questioning why she works so much. And she says, Courtney was right. Like I didn't need to sort of figure out what was driving me.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Like what, why I'm working so much, like what drives me, whatever. And she was like, but in the past, like all I want to do is work. Anybody who tries to tell me to like work less, like get out of my way. And she was like, I mean, that's what happened with, and they bleeped out the name. I'm pretty sure it was Pete. I'm pretty sure because she was like, that's what happened with blank.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


He said like, why don't you take the week off? Like, why do you work so much? She said, and that was the beginning of the end.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Like it just, it only really makes sense for Pete. Like, I don't think that's why she broke up with Kanye. Yeah.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Dave. It's always maybe it was Dave. But anyways, I think Pete Davidson looks great. I think this is such a good message for young people. He was on one of the late shows at talking about the process to remove them. He's had over 200 tattoos like how he obviously regrets them. And I think people should, when they go to the tattoo salon, should have to watch that interview.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


So is he more so quaking that you're coming for his culinary throne or that you're bringing all this talent into the house and he's going to be eating more?

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Right. That was really crazy. And I think most people have not. I actually I don't know most. A lot of people have a lot of tattoos. No regrets. Love them all. They all deeply mean something. But it's a hard thing to regret. Like there's it's very hard to come back from. It's very expensive. It's very expensive. And so. I think thinking twice or three times about it is just a good message.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


And if you still want to do it, still do it.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, for sure. She has, like, on her fingers. I can so see.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I was going to say, Chloe feels like she might have.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, or on, like, a wrist, a little wrist action.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


But I could also see her having some from back in the day.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Are you ready for our next story?

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah. I think that that's what happened. I don't think they like me.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah. But I think the way it went down is what happened. So I don't think they would just like lie about how it works.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


And like back in the day, those episodes like that, they were just following them around with cameras that like wasn't so produced.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Our fourth story, speaking of reality TV, coming to podcasting, Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin are starting a podcast called Let's Not Talk About the Husband. It will be with Dear Media, and the first episode premieres on February 14th, Valentine's Day. Pargie.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah. Also, they've been together for 30 plus years. Like that is something that gives you a level of expertise that and wisdom that you can share.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


with the world I also was thinking recently about podcasting at a glance as as you do when you have a chip when you have a chip no because I'm always like watching clips on Instagram I get like served podcasts I never heard of like this or that and like I'm I was like trying to think like so many people start a podcast but like what makes really a good podcast host and like I think one thing that really makes can make someone great amongst other things but it's like someone who says like

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Just having a lot of food. Oh, you mean the...

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


hard truths who said, who has like genuine hot takes who like, who's like yelling at people almost, you know, telling you things you might not want to hear. And like, I think Lisa Rinna like has that energy of just being unapologetic and just saying things that might not be popular, but are interesting to listen to. Cause like the people with like the lukewarm, just like circling the drain, like,

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah. That's kind of what I meant. It's all one in the same.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


It's hard to stand out that way.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Do you know what I mean? Like it's very much a medium for lightning rods. There's ways to have success in other ways, but that is a big vertical. And I think that she is that. And so I think that this could really work.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, so this is what the statement says. After 30 plus years together, some more fabulous than others. We've seen a lot and we're ready to dish on everything from marriage and family to friendships, business and fame. So it seems like they will be dishing. Whatever we're talking about, you can be sure it will be unfiltered. So tune in because we're owning it all.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Oh, well, okay, okay. But she didn't, like, make a gap.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Take it to the podcast. It's always funny when you find someone's, like, inspo, you know? Yes. Like Kendall Jenner and J.C. Murray.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Totally. Or Megan and the Martinez.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


You're the anti-comfort creator. You're like the influence.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


So good luck to our dear media sisters and brothers.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Chaos creator. I love that. And I feel like you like chaos creation. Like mukbangs.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah. No, I think that they've got the stuff. I think they've got the stuff.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


And even the popular celebrity ones, because there are, it's not the most popular celebrities. Like even the office ladies, like they're not the most popular celebrities. Random.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Not for the faint of heart. It's a flaw in the system that you really can't sit while you cook.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


where I came from. And then while I was sick, some clothing deliveries had arrived. I was finally able to try them on today and I'm obsessed. This is the bodysuit t-shirt I was telling everyone about. And it's everything and more, like no midriff, no problem.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Our fifth and final story is a little TV programming news because The Bachelorette has been paused for summer 2025. Yeah, ABC will be skipping this cycle of The Bachelorette. ABC is pausing its female-led spinoff of The Bachelor, which will be a blow for fans of the long-running dating show series. The show generally starts production shortly. And the last three seasons have aired in July.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


The series, however, has not been canceled and will likely come back to Disney's own network in the future. It's unlikely to air this year, but insiders have not completely ruled out It's returned later this year. It's not entirely clear why this decision has been made, but it's not without precedent in the Bachelor universe.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Last year, for example, Bachelor in Paradise didn't air because Golden Bachelorette happened instead. But I don't know. Skipping the Bachelorette seems bigger than skipping a Paradise.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah. That's one where you could kind of schedule a break, but not even, they should make some sort of contraption. Like, cause if you're over the stove, like you cannot sit. They should make a something.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Claudia, I keep seeing this everywhere. What is it? Okay. What show is it from?

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


That's what I thought. But then I saw a bunch of like barstool people talking about it. So I'm like, is this barstool, you know, their reality show?

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, but I do think Bachelor in Paradise, like, it's a pretty good answer to Love Island. It's not... good enough sometimes, but it's hard. You can't really have bachelor in paradise without the bachelor and bachelorette because like you fall in love with these cast members.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


You want them to have a second chance at love, but that is like having to watch 50 hours of television so that you'll be excited for bachelor in paradise. I don't think they make it too hard.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


For a mid-season episode five, for it to be two hours, stop. If you want a two hour premiere, a two hour finale, I'll let you have it. Sell your ads. Episode five, you know, March. Leave me alone.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I have a question shows like that are on Netflix that are going straight to Netflix. Why do they still do commercial breaks? Like they fade to black, they fade to black and then they come back and they play what we just saw. I think it's like, that's actually a good point.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I think it's like, I think it's so weird. It's like, It is.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


And especially when they repeat the last line of what we just saw. It's like, wait, I'm right here. 10 seconds ago.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


When I was watching Kardashians, that's what I was like. This is made for Hulu.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


So those are the fast five stories. I hope you're scared.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Because you said they don't want to scare people, but people should be scared.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Ooh, that's so tough. I feel like he might have legitimate reasons for asking. It's like he can't see you. So he just like wants to know. Doesn't want to pick you up and hurt his back or something. But it's actually like he can feel you and he could pick you up. Like he actually knows what he needs to know.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


But I don't know, like maybe he needs this as an aid just to like understand what his girl looks like. I feel like anything else, like yeah, you could shave a few pounds off.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


so I just I I just want to not to make the blind man the villain here but I think it's a weird question well I would just ask him like why he wants to know because I'm holding space for like it's something that blind people need to know like in order to orient themselves I don't know I'm giving him like the benefit of the doubt so I would just ask him like to what purpose does it serve for you to know like I will tell you um but I just would love to understand why that's information that you want

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Maybe. But remember, he's a perfect angel otherwise, so we're going to give him the benefit of the doubt. Yeah, we are. We are.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


max because you also like it's just like when you are on a plane like they do need to know for safety purposes like you can't really lie yeah i don't know i don't think he needs to know for safety purposes but okay i don't know like i don't know because i'm just gonna yeah i don't know because he's blind so i don't want to give him like bad information did you hear me i'm blind i don't want to give what's that from

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


But how did you use protein powder? Like in your house, they're in fancy aesthetic containers?

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I'm not really lying to or fucking with the PJOM blind guy.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, like I just feel like he might need to know. It's like you wouldn't tell him something is 50 feet away if it's 20 feet away.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, I just think this is, like, so weird. And, like, this relationship will be a part of your life for so long. I wonder what she does for work, though. Because I could see a scenario. Who, the mom? The mom. Like, I could see a scenario where she is either, like, a sex therapist. Some sort of therapist. Maybe even, like, a gynecologist. Something.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I do feel like the toaster would have included that. Yeah. But I could see a mom like that being very involved in her son's sex life. And yeah, it's like not ideal, but it's like, that's just how we are. And like, you don't have to break up with him over it. It's just like a crazy fact about your in-laws, your macha tandem sister.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Okay. I don't know. Maybe she has like a side hustle of like women's health. I think if you can look at it from that angle where it's like, she's interested.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


In the vagina. Just, and you're like in the woo woo family. Listen, Claudia, if she loves him and she wants to make it work, some things you just have to accept.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, because it's not like he's coming to you and being like, my mom says that you should try this. How would you know this? It's illegally obtained information. It's not admissible in a court of law.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I do know what you mean. But I just, I want to help her.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I want to help her think it's not a big deal. He's just from an open family.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


No, but you could say the other night a text popped up on your phone. I don't know.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Really? You'd rather him talk to his friends about the end?

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


People that you have to go out with?

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I think there's more history here. that you should find a way for him to open up to you. I think there's more to this story. Maybe it has to do with him and the past relationships.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, or what his mom likes to get into in her free time. I think there's more here. So find a way to dig in without it being about the snooping.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Maybe just sit down and have a state of the union about your relationship and then take it into your sex life.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I think it's very reasonable to ask and insist that he uses the toilet instead of the sink where you wash your face and brush your teeth. And if he can't agree to that, you're not even asking for anything other than for him to move over three inches, then you put a lock on the door.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, I'm not worried about where it's going. I'm worried about what's touching on its way.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I wouldn't wash my face in the toilet bowl.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, yeah, when there's a toilet right there.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


That's crazy. Cause who even has the lid on their hairspray to begin with?

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Totally. Yours is so mean. This is so you. But you can't see, but these are barrel jeans. I got barrel jeans. You'll see on my Instagram stories. Check me out later. They're so sickening.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Who doesn't lose it along the way? Oh, that's not a problem I have. And what part do you cause to lose it to?

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


And if this is something that men do just because they all do it, if everyone jumped off a bridge, like then all men should stop.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


And we wonder why women have all these skin issues. Literally, we're washing our faces with urine. Meanwhile, the men get to be like, I don't wash my face and I feel great. It's because everything in your life is clean. You don't have pee in the pores.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Stop moving me Tuesday every day.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


As am I. Now let's get the heart right for her, okay? We're sending you love.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Even though every time I watch, I'm perfect.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I look so awesome. Oh my, you do look great. No, you can't even, I don't even need comments because I know you can't really see me and you can't appreciate the barrel nature of my outfit, but I'm a barrel chest of freedom fighter, okay?

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


those were the days. But I have just one thing more to say about my barrel pants. Yeah, please bring it back. I actually don't think I look that much different to myself because I always judge like how different my outfits are based on Zach's reaction. Like the one time I wore those jeans and a t-shirt, like he literally dropped to the floor in the kitchen.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I know, I was thinking about that because that's always what you say when you're sick. You're like, I'll never miss...

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Like he like literally was like, can I have a hug? Like he was like, Oh my God, he wanted a hug.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


No, I have this joke with my college friends.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Whenever I would dress normal like that, so I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt like that, they would call me Jackie Cohen. Just like a normal girl.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Literally, I would never have worn just like jeans and a t-shirt. And if I did, like I was being Jackie Cohen. So now.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


When I posted my jeans and a t-shirt the other day, I was like, this is so not a me outfit. My friend Sam commented. She was like, it's so Jackie Cohen.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Like sometimes I just like be like be normal. Just like be Jackie Cohen. I'm like, I can't. It's so hard.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Anyways, my husband walked into the kitchen this morning. I was about to film him because I wanted to get on camera his reaction, walk right past me. So we're good. I'm not that changed. I'm still me.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


For me, what I will appreciate is just my ability to do things, like, to get things done, to stand up, to cook, to just, like, have a little bit of strength. Like, I will not take that for granted. And sometimes when I'm feeling, like, good, aka normal, I'm just like... Acknowledge the space. Because you know me, I'm always bogged down by something, migraine, whatever it is.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


They're good. I don't think there's anything that you haven't heard of yet, but we're going to discuss a lot of things. A lot of things need to be discussed by the stories.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, now we're all going to split off into our different corners of the internet. But we were all together for a time.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


And that's why it's like even sadder that the Chiefs fucking stunk because we all came together for you guys. Like we were all rooting for your game. Not even, I know people rooting for the Eagles people. We were all rooting for the game. They couldn't even get us the game, but whatever. It's fine. I'm a fan.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I think because we were making so much of the fact that the Chiefs played so badly that it almost sounded like we were saying the Eagles won because the Chiefs stunk so hard. They wanted us to acknowledge how fantastically the Eagles played.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


But I guess even in what you just said, there's a backhanded compliment. Turns out. No, I'm saying I was wrong. Right. And they just want acknowledgement that the Eagles have been amazing all season, that they've slayed all season. And the Chiefs actually keep winning. And then if you really want to go down what they're saying, it's that the Chiefs...

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


one they've kind of eked out everyone this season like by the hair of their chinny chin chin and that this is where it gets crazy the refs and i cannot speak to this like i i just got into football like i am the thing is i'm not going away from criticizing the refs

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I know. I think just for them, it's like they were the better team, but it's like the other team was barely a team. So it's like we didn't say enough good things about the Eagles. I think that's how they felt. I think, honestly, it's giving chip. I think the Eagles have a chip. I think they would admit that. It's giving chip.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


As those with a chip, like I see your chip. We see them at the meetings. Yeah. Where like we get chips for how long we've had a chip.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


I see your chip and you know what? It is kind of annoying to hear about. Maybe we'll stop.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah, like if you're a new listener, you don't even know what we were talking about. And let me just tell you briefly.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


No, there are people who couldn't possibly.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


So when something's not ailing me, it's so pargy. And we have to ATS.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Oh yeah. Like, and if we were any other people who were like top podcasts, so obsessed with Kelly Clarkson, they'd be banging down our door to have her on. Like, it's so weird. It's so true. Now a chip. Okay. Chip. The chip is so real. What I will also say about the chip is that it propels us towards greatness. Like we are constantly fighting against the chip and that is what makes us great.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


And I feel the same about the Eagles. Like I think we actually have more in common. We're more similar than we are different. Yeah.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah. Even though like at every turn she is so worthy.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


And then when I think of people, I'm gonna text you someone's name of like the anti-chip. Like someone. Oh girl, I know what you're gonna say before you even say it. Wait, do you? Yeah. And this is like, and it's not shade to this person. It's like, we'll never know what it's like in this world.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Yeah. But I don't want to go down.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


If you're new here, we have a chip and it informs everything. what we do for good and for bad, but mostly for good.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


We should tape a potato chip in the middle.

The Toast

The Philadelphia Chips: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Everyone wants them to be filled, the frames. There you go, one big delay.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, that's very exciting. I just think we need more music. Like, now that we've cracked, like,

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


No, I really think like Toast Tunes, the original songs, like everything, it's time to really dig in to our musical selves. Side. We haven't been musical enough up until this point.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


So now without further ado, here are the stories.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


We have an artist page. We have a producer. We have a songwriter, Becca.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Well, Jackson, Claude, you're always beside me. I'm always beside you. That goes without saying. And then right behind us is State Farm, the whole company.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


We've been working on our songwriting for years. I keep running away with you to dance with your heart. Yeah, we'll have to go back to that episode to hear this original song that we wrote.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


That is really funny. I remember that episode.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


We're going to get into the stories, but something that's developing and will probably come out after we wrap today, classic, is that the Jeffrey Epstein lists are like set to be released today. Some names and flight logs. The new attorney general, Pam Bondi, said like Thursday, they're dropping names.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


No, she didn't, which is rude.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


However, even if they came out at this point during the show, I need a minute to see what I'm reading.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, especially if it's like legal.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Would you have wanted me to shelf it?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Okay, so maybe if the list breaks, I'll tell you that the list breaks and then we'll like talk about it in depth tomorrow. Sounds good?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah. Have you been seeing, like, the odds makers?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Thursday is February 27th. Did we say like something like a year ago? Remind us.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Who's, like, yeah, who's going to be, like, the top. Now, do you think somebody being on a flight log? It made news because now the number one person that people are suspecting would be on it is Jay-Z. Yeah.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Even though he has his own plane. I know he's definitely got stuff going on, but I never fully associated him with Epstein.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


maybe two it depends how far apart they are i think maybe you maybe you gotta like people hit your ride all the time and like rich people love to pick up other rich people on their planes friends was you know that's how the there will be people who are back and forth back and forth back and forth like take me to bill clinton yeah and then there will probably be people that it's like a little suspicious but not as much you know so i think there'll be degrees but just because you're on it once like

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


The day before February 28th. No. No. What is it?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


But the flight log will also say where they went. So if they just got, like, a ride home from the Super Bowl, that's different. Oh, oh, good call.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, so that's why you need to like, but there will be, hopefully it goes in order of frequency.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, no, like don't put it in alphabetical order.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Wait, speaking of Luke's, I dropped a Patreon vlog yesterday. Oh my God, the worst kind of Patreon vlog. No, but I was having fun. I think people really enjoyed it.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


And all the new stuff I'm liking and my new style and just taking you guys on a style journey. The only thing that was treacherous about it was cleaning up my closet after because I pulled out everything I bought in the last week. Putting it back on hangers. Tried them all on, threw them on the floor to try on the next one, next one. So that was the hardest part.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


But it's a really fun fashion vlog if you are into that sort of thing. slash your toast.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Okay, so now should we get into the stories?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


i agreed i like loved her when i've seen her and then like seeing everything all of these tributes to her just reminds me so much of how fantastic she was and also like the kind of person she was we didn't know her anything but the things that people are writing about her just like so above and beyond in terms of how like electric and um full of light she was and personality and so this is just really sad but here are the details because

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Michelle Trachtenberg, Gossip Girl, Harriet the Spy, Buffy the Vampire. Well, that's the other thing.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yes. She was found dead in New York City on Wednesday at 39 years old. A source told people that in the year prior, she was quote really down emotionally. She had also been dealing with health issues. She told friends she was struggling. The source says she was really, really sick and open with those in her circle about how much she was struggling physically.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


They claim that she looked pale, gone and very thin. Yes. And the most recent photos of her, both on her Instagram and also like professional photos, she does look very thin and very pale. Um, Around 8 a.m. on February 26th, police responded to a 911 call at One Columbus Place in New York City.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


The NYPD confirmed to People upon arrival they discovered a 39-year-old female unconscious and unresponsive. They responded to location and pronounced the victim deceased. Criminality is not suspected. Also, she had recently undergone a liver transplant.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


They're the lowest form of content.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Especially, it was so shocking, because I guess, I personally hadn't like kept up with her in the last few years. I didn't even really know she was so unwell. Like some people. Oh, I did. Pass like due to sickness or drug use or whatever. Like you see the signs leading up. They're publicly kind of deteriorating. Yeah. Or they're up and then they're down and they're up and down.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


And for me, like she's just been so quiet for the last few years that like this came out of nowhere for me.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


What's her name? Taylor Momsen.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Jenny Humphrey. Everyone that she's ever worked with. And like, I'm sure, you know, anytime someone passes, people are going to say something nice. But just something about the way people were talking about her. about her. Like she just seemed like a really special person. Yeah.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


No, when you work in social media, national days, like, are your... Are your bread and butter. Saving grace. There's nothing better than a National Margarita Day.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


I didn't know or didn't remember that she's Jewish. Yeah.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Michelle, yeah, no, now that I think about it, of course, but I, when I think of, like, Jewish celebrities and actresses, like, I never thought of her.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Your memory playing tricks on you.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


And then our next story, which is also sad news, is that legendary actor Gene Hackman and his wife Betsy Arakawa and their dog found dead in New Mexico home.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


So no one's like spelling it out completely because they say like Gene and his wife and dog. And the dog were found. Or like Gene and his wife found dead with dog. I don't know. Right. And so was the dog there or was the dog also dead? I don't know exactly. I'm feeling like the dog was dead. And also how long were they dead for? Like did, you know.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah. A good one should let you know when they're not functioning.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Okay. Well, they were found dead in their New Mexico home, Santa Fe County. Police discovered the bodies of the two-time Oscar winner, the classical pianist, and one of their dogs while performing a welfare check. Okay. they did not provide a cause of death or say when they may have died. His daughter suspects carbon monoxide poisoning as well. Wow. I feel like vomiting.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Okay, so he's best known for his role in The French Connection, 1971. Then he also starred in Bonnie and Clyde, heard of it. Young Frankenstein, heard of it. Night Moves. Bite the Bullet, Superman, Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven, which earned him his second Academy Award, and The Royal Tenenbaums, a classic.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


I guess that really proves like how- Oh, they're disgusting, sorry. How did they not put that in there?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


It also must like his other movies must be so amazing that they outrank Heartbreakers. Think about that.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


It is. Watch Heartbreakers in honor of Gene Hackman today.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


That's so true. And if we're not going to acknowledge a National Chili Day, like literally who would?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah. Let me see if he's in anything else that like we like. Because I do feel like we know him from other stuff.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, they are. So now we can move on to something a little more extraterrestrial.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Katy Perry, Gayle King, and Lauren Sanchez will be flying into space on Jeff Bezos' Blue Arch in Next Mission.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


I love that, keeping you on your feet.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


So Blue Origin, which is Jeff Bezos' aerospace company, is sending an all-women crew into space on its next flight, including singer Katy Perry. Gayle King, and Lauren Sanchez, his fiance. The company on Thursday announced the six people flying on the NS-31 mission sent to launch in the spring of 2025. Okay, so like months away. I love the short lead time. Thanks, Jeff.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


The crew also includes Bahamian American aerospace engineer Asha Bowe, civil rights activist Amanda Nguyen, and film producer Carrie Ann Flynn.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


By the way, speaking of National Margarita Day, did you see that Lifetime is doing a sponsored movie with Chili's and it's called like It All Happens on National Margarita Day?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


I understand. I see like why you think that. And I don't not think that. However, like we have to remember that Jeff Bezos like is a nerd. And like this is what nerds get off on. Like the fact that he has all this money in the world. Like what does he want to do? He wants to go to space because he's a nerd. Also because he's so competitive.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


For him also, no, like this is a hobby. Like he sends people up to space like for sport and then also like for his ego, but we're just, hey, want to go to space today? Because we can. And also I feel like these things are a little misleading because when I hear this, I'm like, oh, like Katy Perry's going to the moon. Like,

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


They are literally taking a rocket. They're leaving the orbit and they're coming right back down. Like it's not, you know, a multi-day. It's still crazy, but yes. But now these things are so much more commonplace just to like take a trip to outer space.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


And also of course, like if a podcaster is going to space, like it will be Joe Rogan because he loves space.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


It's not going to be you. Like, and there's so many podcasters who are into space and like, we're not, we kind of like clown on this. So I don't think we have to worry about what to do with our invitations. Yeah.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Well, it's unclear if it's just the crew is, it's just like the passengers are all women or like everyone operating the rocket as well are also women. Like if it's fully woman, I think it's full woman.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, like Guinness, like break a record. Yes. All women.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Oldest, youngest, fattest, skinniest.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


It's like a real movie about like two people who connect at Chili's on National Margarita Day. Unless like what I saw was a parody, but there was scenes filmed.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


I think every nerd is into space. I don't.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah. Not to stereotype, but I think like every nerd is into the galaxy. Yeah, I do.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


She's such a nerd. She's such a nerd. Nerds love space. They just do.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah. Are you ready for our next story? Our fourth story? Yeah. Yeah. Inside the six-figure goodie bag given to the Oscar nominees. Oh, this is always good. This is always fun. So Oscar nominees this year will receive an array of luxury products and services, including a complimentary home renovation project management from Mason Construction. Wait.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


That's insane. They will also get a stay at a five-star resort in the Maldives.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


They will also get a five-night luxury wellness retreat in Sri Lanka. Wow. They will also be getting a stay at the Cotton House Hotel Five Star in Barcelona. Okay, so lots of trips. Lots of trips. Then they're also getting cosmetic... surgeon specialties that they would want. Then they're also getting, like, all the luxury skincare, all of that.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


The full range of Miage skincare, estimated to cost more than $500. L'Oreal Paris is also contributing Miage, M-I-A-G. And what was the second one, Paris? L'Oreal Paris are also contributing a selection of hair care to the swag bags. Danicero will supply their D22 tonic and then a bunch of other, you know, the crap, too. But there's a lot of non-crap in here.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Claudia, watch I'll Be Home for National Margarita Day on Lifetime presented by Chili's. Celebrating National Margarita Day at the local Chili's is the highlight of the year. But when a big city developer threatens a town. Hold on. I'm agreeing to their terms. Threatens a town holiday tradition. Exes Liz Maria Menounos and Sam Taye Diggs must team up to stop him. Star studded.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Well, it's also like management.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


He probably wants it more. He needs the free one more. Yeah. Also, the gift bag is subject to tax laws, so some celebrities don't cash in on all the items offered to them.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah. Oh my God. The list, like the whole list is so, so long. Like an ancestry DNA kit. Body contouring procedures. Ooh, I'd cash in on that. Karma nuts, air roasted cashews, yummy.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Just like a lot of shit. Like it's still a gift bag with their shite, but like multiple trips.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Or there's like cards in like, come to Sri Lanka.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yes. So congrats to the nominees. It pays to be nominated. I guess it really is an honor. Now I know why people get so upset when they don't get nominated because they're not getting a home renovation.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Damn, that's crazy. Are you ready for our fifth and final story?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Who knows how long the movie actually is? 15 minutes. Okay, it's a short film. Oh, okay, okay. It's a short film. But that's a lot. I like that. I don't hate it. I would like it. And maybe if it's good enough, like it would get the extended version. I'll be home for National Margarita Day.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Just something to keep in mind as we learn more.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah. Our fifth and final story is some big news for the kids. Big news in the kid community. Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig's mother, is pregnant. I heard she's knocked up. She's expecting baby number three with Daddy Pig. So it is... It's all good. It's all in the faith. Within wedlock. And fellow pregnant mom, Kylie Kelsey, broke the news. So this is just like.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah. Cute, sweet news. The star of Peppa Pig is expecting her third baby with Daddy Pig. Sharing the news exclusively on Kylie's podcast, Not Gonna Lie. That's really funny. The couple is, of course, already parents to daughter Peppa and son George. And so the show, this is from Peppa Pig, the show, the kids show. I know, I know.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, but for anyone who doesn't know, and like the show has been on for a really long time and it's Peppa and George, mommy pig, daddy pig. You never consider that like mommy pigs.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, I feel like so often, like, family shows, like, the cast is set in stone.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


They don't really age, especially, like, does Bluey get older? Cartoons, right. No, like, it's just, like, they don't exist in time. Right.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


No, I didn't watch the video. So that's why I didn't choose it.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


This is big news in the community. And I agree with you. Like, it will be helpful for families that are growing. But for some reason, like, I just, I didn't know that Mommy Pig was, like, still getting down.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


They are very British. And I'm sure you've also seen, I think like back in the day we reported on this, that like American kids are starting to speak, who love Peppa Pig and watch it all the time, are developing a British accent, which I think is good.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah. And then the Kylie Kelsey bit is actually cute too that they partnered for the announcement. That's a good partnership. And I think they're a big Peppa household. In our house we call her Peppers. Of course you do.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


The Peppa Pig Tony is how we got into Peppa because it pops off like really early in the beginning.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


When is National Margarita? Is it not Cinco de Mayo?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


and then play it for the kids but it's also nice like say you're traveling and you want to tell them a good night story you would you could record yourself put it on a tony they put it on like it's actually a brilliant idea this is the best use i've seen agreed i'm gonna get like one of those creative tony's and just be sitting in the studio all day i like being alone too much to dance with you by the way we should record something for we should record like one kids episode and then a whole hour long episode like 25 20 25 minutes like that's for the children

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


We could edit it. Oh, true, true. And that way we could send it to people and they could put it on the Tony. And that way we'll never age out of Toast fans.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, that's how we're going to capture new audiences, coaches. Tell the marketing team. Me and you.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, also Kyle seems to be like an annoying person, right?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Right, and I think that like Paige and a lot of people just like put up with him because like they love Amanda and like that's her husband. He would do that for any friend. But like once he gives her cause to unleash, like now we are hearing what she really thinks. And it's fascinating.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Right, oh my God. When she was like, the house feels different. Literally, it was three days that you missed. You might as well be a cast member. You're here. Yeah, you've missed just as much as Emeril. No, and then you're in a confessional. You're on the show. Yeah, that was disappointing. There was so much made of her decision to leave. The fact that she has a confessional, she's on the show.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


For sure. But if she were visiting, she would come to like a party or a pool day, not be the first one in the house setting up.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Like she's there for the weekend for sure.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, because he said a couple things in last night's episode that were, like, incongruous, and, like, I love how all-in he is on Lexi, but, like, if you want to be all-in on someone, like, you wouldn't even look at another girl. Like, the way that he feels about her, like, it shouldn't be hard at all. Like, duh, we're exclusive. Like, I couldn't even look at someone else.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Like, especially, she's so, like, wonderful, and they're so cute together. So the fact that he had pause about, like, wait, you really think that we're going to dive in like this so quickly and, like, literally share a room and see each other every day, and you would talk to another. Are you crazy?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah. No, she can't be stopped from drinking and driving. So maybe some time in the slammer would put things into perspective for her.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Not at all. I liked that she said that, that she's not going to be like a doormat and just like so glad that Jesse's looking my way. And also she doesn't have to be that way because like, you know.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


She's her. So if anyone can say like, I'm glad that she's saying it. And also she's right about the Instagram comments. Like they're in, once you're in a relationship, they're inappropriate.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


And he left Amanda a nice comment once and people thought he was like with Amanda. So then he like kept doing it because it's like a funny.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


And I didn't like that the girls...

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


didn't agree that he should stop they were kind of like oh that's weird that she said that like no it's not it's no it's not at all they should have been like yeah you know it's time to change your comments if you're going to be seeing someone so I thought that that was weird that they couldn't see that but that also like speaks to this issue that we always have where like people in the house like don't know how to function around a relationship and they just want everyone to just be like acting single all the time while being in a relationship and things change when you're in a relationship so I would say like and I was saying this last week I think that's like

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


One of the downfalls of them moving so quickly is Jesse doesn't have enough time to change. Like when you, when you slowly progress into a relationship, you dial back things slowly. You realize, but like to go overnight, like I have a girlfriend and I have to change every single thing about my life. Like that's hard for a man. Like an immature guy. Yeah. Cause they're like, why should I change?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Like, but when it's a slower progression, you don't notice how much you're changing. Yeah.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah. Sex parties. It's like so my least favorite. Like, OK, it's like, wait, that's what you have to. OK.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, and then also it's like, yeah, it's fun to have a single guy in the house, but when we just heard you had sex with two and a half girls in one day, like nobody in the house wants to get with you.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


why I want like I want Jesse's and Wes to like come in and connect with girls but if all the girls like that's not a suitor someone like no he's like I think meant to be like a social person where it's like they're supposed to be going out throwing parties inviting people that's how we got to know like so many random castmates like friends who come over and I think that's more his thing I just feel like guys who come into the house who don't have any sort of like romantic potential with any girl just get forgotten and

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


He's going to stick it out. She has rode with him through some tough times for him as well.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


That was a preview for next week. And I agree when I saw him like leading the charge, like running, like the running. I'm like, oh, okay. I like that. And what's also so funny is like, they keep being like, if Lindsay and Carl can be at the same table in the same house, like so can Wes and Sierra.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


I know that they were engaged, but like Wes and Sierra's situation was like more heartbreaking than Lindsay and Carl's.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Because I guess, like, by the time Lindsay and Carl broke up, they kind of hated each other. Wes and Ciara broke up when, like, she still loved him.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


And she was there for him. So if he leaves, like seriously despicable. And it's like he didn't leave for the first three DUIs. So like you'd always have to. Now you've developed a moral compass. No.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


It's really true. Like in hindsight, Austin and West are just like the same kind of guy that are like.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


having fun they're not bad guys they're not serious guys especially at the times that she's meeting them like Wes came on this reality show for a million things like to be all of it like and the fact that he's interested in watch parties like he just was not there to get married and so yeah to like keep seeking out the same thing and then being like so disappointed in the results doesn't work out yeah it's it's time to try something different I agree

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


And seriously, right? Like you should drive her.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, I agree. Some people just, like, don't like change. And maybe those young people, like, make them feel old. But that's what a summer house is. And I do think right now, like, it all works together. Even though they're, like, more split, there's interconnecting storylines. It works. So it totally works. I'd love to see Paige and Lindsay. I agree about Wes that I've moved on.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


And I, like, seriously couldn't stand him. But he's, like, taken his... You know, like he's he's gotten like hate and now it's time to move on. You're not just going to hate someone forever. He said something really funny last night, which is like, do you think that Danielle is going to say something to Jesse and Lexi about moving too quickly? L.O.L.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


So that was just like, yeah, I'm ready to move on. Like he made a mistake. He did his time. He did his time. Like what am I going to hold on to it?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah. And he should know she likes to drink and drive. Maybe I'll drop her off and pick her up.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, I agree. I loved it. It's blending really well. Like even if she doesn't want to stay in the house the whole weekend, like seeing her in the city scene.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


None of them do. You would think that the cast members have like, even like a small percent, 0.5%, 1% of Loverboy because they're hawking it every single week. They're drinking it. They're making it look good. They have all zero. They've not made a cent.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


And that's really harks back. The expectation from Kyle that everyone will keep doing this. And like that for nothing in the beginning, wearing a lover boy hat the whole episode. he didn't want anyone doing anything else, but like, it's been years now. Like people are able to do other things like that, but that you would still be like that rigid while you're giving them nothing, but really people.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


And they're on a show that's like about alcohol and they can't work with other alcohol. They can't drink anything else. So like Hannah and Craig who are not on the show can't do a partnership. And that is, so they talked also about Hannah on BFFs pod when she said that like she got fired from the show. Cause Kyle got her fired because she had done a,

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Who would have had a lower Q score than West after the reunion?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


No, it's more interesting to keep him on.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


No, but also, like, not only what everyone does for Loverboy, which is, like, insane, and for them, but that he does nothing for anyone else. Like... I don't follow him, but does he ever talk about Giggly Squad? Does he ever talk about her tour? Does he ever talk about her Amazon Live? Probably not.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, no, she's so activated. Like she's just saying everything. And it probably things that were like obvious truths, but she would never say because of Amanda.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Right. Well, just you, because you take a really strong stance. Not that I'm like pro.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Paige is not going to get fired. And I feel like for Paige, she's not scared of getting fired. And that's why she will say whatever she wants. Because I'm sure at some point if she leaves the show or the show leaves her, like she knows that she's going to be, she has all this stuff off of the show. I wouldn't be surprised if she left on her own accord. So to not care. Is power.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


She doesn't need to care and she doesn't need the show.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


They're not getting paid by lover boy. Unless you're an employee, Carl. They're being good friends. They're being above and beyond every single party, every single episode.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


It's time. And I'm actually grateful to Spritz and Craig for bringing this conversation to the fore.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Hey, Clurd. I'm good. Happy to be back at the toast with you. We've got a lot to do today. I'm very excited for a lot of things to talk about. Watched Summer House last night. Me too. Endeavored to watch a little more Lib. Didn't happen, really. Okay, it happens. Did it happen in a meaningful way?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


No, I think he like storms out and says, I'm done. Classic.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


The evisceration. Of Kyle Cook. Yeah. Yeah.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, our shows. Don't forget Southern Charm's on tonight. I know you forgot.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah. Oh, I missed it. I was having my Southern Charm persecution complex.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


And now that, like, Southern Charm is, like, so, you know, white loaded. Prevalent.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Oh, Paige and Craig, of course. There's just intel coming in from all the different things.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, so I will be enjoying my Southern Charm this evening.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


No, you would lose all credibility.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


And you live in a city. It's not so hard. Right. But just wait till y'all list sticks. You might not be talking such a big game, everyone get an Uber.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


You literally just said I could see how it could happen.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


I'm sorry for the divider that she hit. I'm sorry for the person who had to clean it up and build a new one.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah. Well, we actually have a lot of news today. A lot of stories broke yesterday.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Is it? Of course. I feel like vomiting. That man is like so- So I think-

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


We say it all the time. We love that movie. And if you've been around for a while and you do your homework, it was definitely a toast movie of the week during COVID. So hopefully you've watched it and that you also have a warm spot in your heart for Gene Hackman and are affected by the news today.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


We'll get into the details in the Fast Five, but this is not the Fast Five.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, also yesterday, Brutus got a haircut. How is Brutus doing? My baby boy never misses an appointment. He's good, but his groomer said he seems a little stressed.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


I did. Bruno got your PR package.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Oh, you think that would move the needle?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


sales highly influential he is highly influential because he's the type like he's very brand loyal he doesn't use a lot of different products and like when he hones in on what he likes like he will use it forever that's so bruno like the sunbeam heating pad high bar yeah okay well i'll have to get him on his wagwell because like he was very stressed very tight in the neck

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


And it's still sitting by the door.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


No, that's because you want to know why he got right into everything before he could take an aesthetic photo.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


I made homemade tomato sauce last night and hamburger meatballs with Italian seasoning which is just meatballs but if you've been following along it's really funny. It's just a funny bit.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


I thought I told you this when my friends Sam and Ben were here. I know. And, like, it was really good.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


So much so that Rayo's doesn't taste the same. And that's why, like, every time I now make tomatoes, I was like, I'm not doing it happily. I'm cursing them for ever making me homemade tomato sauce because I can't go back.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Like when you know, it's like the only way you could have a piece of bread that has zero sugar.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


So yes, if you leave discard in the fridge for a while, it can get black on top. Some people, you could just like take that off and still move on forward with it. But I know you probably won't do that, but are you feeling better? Can I, you can, and then start feeding it. Are you going to start feeding it?

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


until and then you know I'll bring you a little more next time I see you just in case and then you could swap out I almost threw it out it looked like mold yeah that's like what it is but like it's not it's not bad yet I don't know that I would go with black but I'll bring you fresh kumsa okay are you feeling sourdough curious

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


But just know I could bring you the same thing again in a month. I think Ben should get into sourdough. Actually, not for your sake. You will be flour all over the kitchen. But like for his life. Yeah.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


I really, like, I pushed and pushed because I need it on repeat.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


No, you need a lot of things. You need to keep them clean. They're not dishwasher safe. No.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Nevermind. Thank you for understanding.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah. I saw wild green had something wild green. Not that this is a spot, an ad though. They are a sponsor has frozen fresh pasta, which like, I don't want to start making my own pasta. It's just not something I can take on, but I want fresher pasta.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah. The more you do it, the easier it gets. But I do understand. Like that's why like tonight just might be a factor meal.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


None of them are sponsors today.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


It is. So maybe we should get into the actual sponsors for today's episode. And the fast five stories that you that do need to know.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Samantha's was but in terms of what I thought would be the best theme song Becca's was I love Samantha's song I love Samantha's song it was my number one until like Becca's song like really was growing on me and like Becca's song was exactly what we needed like just four lines the top of the show like Samantha's song had like a chorus but it's a song I mean I was saying like can we put Samantha's song at the end of the episode but then it's just like too many songs no I got a bunch of suggestions now especially now that we're gonna have a Spotify profile like we should just record it and release it as a song like buy it from her agreed agreed

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


Yeah, we'll have to talk to Samantha.

The Toast

National Toast Day: Thursday, February 27th, 2025


It's always in my head. It's always in my house. It's always in my heart. And it's always in my heart. It's true. And then it's always in my feed because, like, everyone's enjoying it.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


And the guest who came, her name is Joyce Azria, might sound familiar because her dad is BCBG Max Azria. So she was the creative director of BCBG and she's also an Orthodox Jewish woman and And so it was just all about her life and her journey through Judaism. But this woman just had, like, such a great energy and such a great approach to, like, spirituality and, like, being religious.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Our first story is actually some sad and shocking news. Teddy Mellencamp reveals that doctors have found multiple tumors on her brain that have been growing for at least six months. So Teddy Mellencamp posted on her Instagram that for the last several weeks she'd been dealing with severe and debilitating headaches. Yesterday, the pain was unbearable and required hospitalization.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


After a CT scan and MRI, doctors found multiple tumors on her brain, which they believe have been growing for the last six months at least. She said two of the tumors will be surgically removed today. The remaining smaller tumors will be dealt with via radiation at a later date.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


I am blessed to be surrounded by my children, family, friends, doctors, nurses, and surgeons who are doing everything possible to get me back into better health.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. Same. I was watching Watch What Happens Live last night, and that's where I actually heard about it because Andy was giving her the muscle of the day, and I think she went into surgery last night. So I hope today she's recovering. I hope they got what they needed to get and that they're able to attack this. But that is so scary. Of course.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Right. It's not like someone who's just let it slip by and doesn't pay attention.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. Like a healthy person, active. Right. But those should add up to like... A healthy life. Yeah.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah, a crazy story. Just really incredibly sad, and we're thinking of her. We'll wait more news. Correct. Are you ready for our next story, which is also a bit of crazy news because Naya Rivera's ex, Ryan Dorsey, is speaking out for the first time. No, that's such sad stories today. I know. Just these two, and then we'll move to a better place, but the two big ones.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah, so the actor Ryan Dorsey sat down with People Magazine to talk about Naya and his son...

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


almost five years since her death so he's talking about how it's been um how he's working at warner brothers and forest lawn cemetery where she's buried is on the other side talking about songs that remind him of her and just raising their son and on the trauma that he's been through you know when at four years old he was on the boat when his mom drowned um and just not doing his best

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


And, like, you would have really loved her, Claude, because she just, like – she was just, like, talking about her relationship with Hashem. And it's not as, like, you know, Bible thumping as you would think it would be. Like, it's very energetic. It's very alive. And we just had, like, a really great conversation. And it was a great evening. It really was. Yeah.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yes, but it's also really hard to know when it was just the two of them and he's so young.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


And, like, why exactly, what made her drown. And Ryan Dorsey was saying, like, it must have been some, like, freak sort of... Whirlpool.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Right, but you don't know that for sure because, like, the only person who was there to see it would probably know what a whirlpool is. He's four years old.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah, or there was a rope on the road. He didn't throw it, and I think he said that there was a spider on it, and, like, it's just, like, something that haunts him, but he was saying the rope probably wouldn't have reached and...

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


yeah yeah it's just really it's a sad story every time it comes up it's so sad I can't believe it like she's gone and in that way in that way and it was like so cryptic when it happened yeah like because remind me the boat just sort of turned up with him on it alone right yeah him napping on it yeah like three hours after they chartered it him napping on it that's so sad I'm gonna cry um and so the way it all unfolded was just like so scary um

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. Yeah. Lots of money, lots of joy. The boat didn't have an anchor, so it was drifting away when she and her son were swimming.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


No, and so they sued over that. Got it. I don't know how much money, if they won any money, but that was a part of it as well.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Well, now are you ready for our next story? A little love news. A little love news. Our girl, my favorite person, Lainey Wilson, is engaged. What? Yeah. Country star Lainey Wilson reveals her engagement to former NFL player Duck Hodges after four years of dating. So I knew she had a man.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


It's giving early bird gets the worm.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


No, so that's, like, good. You know, knows life in the spotlight. Has, you know, has worked well under pressure. Works well with others.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah, she posted a picture on a party porch saying, Four by four by you forever. Oh, wait, say it again. The caption is four by four by you forever.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


I like that. They don't make houses like that anymore. You know, when you call a builder, I don't think they even know how to do this. What like design is that? Like brick is a brick.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. I would love to like, you know, bring some back to, I feel like every time you go to a Torah class, like you always come back with like a little nugget, a little nugget. Last night was to be shot. I don't know if you saw that moon, that moon though. I did see that moon.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


You look like you love me. They have such matching energies, I just want to say. They have such matching auras, plus 10,000, right?

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Oh, my God. That's so funny that she's like a small business owner and has to like work with local town. Slum it. Yeah. But I just I love that. I hope that there was enough time for them to strike up a friendship and real recognize real.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


One thousand percent. One thousand percent.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah, and they have just like similar swag. Definitely. I could see Kylie, excuse me.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


She definitely knows the song because she's on the internet.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Lainey Wilson, four by four by you forever.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


After today's episode, I don't know if I'll be able to go back to the way I used to.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


By the way, her name would be Lainey Hodges. Oh my god, she's related to Orson? Isn't that the girl from She's All That?

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Okay, so she's all that. What's that girl's name? Rachel Lee Cook?

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


So very exciting time for the Wilson-Hodge family. Big time.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Like, at this point, if they don't last, then it wasn't forever. It was for-naver. Are you ready for our next story? I am. Some rock and roll news. It's still rock and roll to me. Yeah. The 2025 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominees are here.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


I feel like we never talk about it, but I saw it yesterday. I was like, nah, I can do without.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. It's Because it's the festival of the trees. Like, it's obviously not one of the huge ones. It's giving Arbor Day. It's underrated. The trees deserve love, too. You know who else deserves love? Who? Me. Why? Because you passed your glucose test?

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


So here are the nominees, which is weird, like not all of them. I didn't realize it was a competition at this stage in the game. Oh, me neither. Billy Idol, which feels like right. Wait.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Oh, he deserves it just for that. Agreed. Dancing with myself.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Okay, so maybe he won't win. Billboard has his odds as 10 to 1 on getting in. That doesn't sound right.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Oh, I don't know. I think they are. Well, okay.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Next, we have Joy Division slash New Order. My favorite. Like, those are four words I've never said. Yeah. Next to each other, aligned. Yeah. Then there's Bad Company, which, of course, has the classic rock staples, feel like making love, can't get enough, shooting star. Of course. Front man is Paul Rogers.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Their odds are 8 to 1, as are Joy Division New Order's odds.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Then Soundgarden, which, of course, Soundgarden has the radio staples, the critical peer respect, the commercial profile, and the relatively enduring importance.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Oh, well, I don't think what they, I think they don't have a compelling answer to the question, why now? Right, right, right. That's what it sounds like. Of course, the band has been dormant since the death of frontman Chris Cornell.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah, so I think we're getting closer. Oh, wait.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


3 to 1 is good, I think. Better than 10 to 1. 100%.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Okay. I think this is like descending.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


baseball whatever it's called oh of course backyard sessions jolene but like so much of her career is about covers and like now takes on yeah like even though she puts out original music she does a lot of performances where she's cut like she's a go-to cover they should tap her more for like the grammys and stuff to like do tributes tributes because she really like becomes the person it's giving kelly oaky

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


We need to see Kelly and Miley do a Miley Oki. We do. And then next one on the list that you do know, Mariah Carey. Oh.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. Then Phish. I mean, how are they not in there? How are they not there?

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. And then OutKast. Love, hey, yeah. Yeah, why not? Sure, let them in. Hey, yeah. The White Stripes.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


And then Oasis. Yes. Which Billboard says is like the only true shoe-in for this class. Like that's the best odds, one to two.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it is vibes. But, well, here's Wonderwall. Anyway, here's Wonderwall forever. And after all, you're my Wonderwall.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah, I know. I was thinking that when I woke up this morning. Kind of woke me up. Yeah.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Wow, you're taking on a lot this early morning.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Hopefully I can use some of the lessons that I've learned from my party evening to help you through your torturous afternoon.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


So our fifth and final story, which is going to lead into a summer house recap and not to start at the end, but in the trailer for the rest of the season, cameras picked up on Paige when she and Craig broke up. So Paige just sort of claims.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


A hundred percent. I'm glad that she did it because otherwise I could see her being like mad at Craig for putting it on camera. What is that? And now it will be like totally balanced. It'll have the same sort of runway to share what happened.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


She said she caught Craig texting two bitches over the course of their relationship. She said that some snippets included, Craig, what are you talking about? I feel like you're so betraying me right now. She also said you are dead to me.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. And then also on Watch What Happens Live last night, like, Sierra and Lindsay were talking about it. Andy asked them, like, how surprised were you that Paige and Craig both grew up one to ten, ten being the most surprising? Sierra was like, one.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah, but she was like, that's my best friend. Like, you know what's going on. You know when someone's, like, close to a breakup. But it sounds like she knew more than maybe Craig.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


upsetting yeah she's so beautiful this new girl is so beautiful oh yeah Lexi Lexi it's so crazy to like see someone come off of Instagram like I've seen her Instagram because I knew she was joining the cast and on Instagram she like seriously looks like a perfect individual and then like to see her in 3D on a show like and she's just so adorable and perfect looking like it's really a pleasure and it's it was such a fun episode with her

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


But she has a very different personality than what I would have expected. I would have expected her to be, like, a little more, like, aloof, like, cool girl. Too cool. But she's, like, very bubbly, very outgoing, like... Very fun.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Of course, it's always that way.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


yeah it has it doesn't like bother me yet maybe that will become like very clear over the season but what I thought was so great it's like this is like what shows used to be like where it was like a couple singles and like a couple guys and girls and like people would immediately click like it's giving not in a bad way like Ron and Sam where you just like see someone in your house you're like that's my person I like how you look I like how you talk like watching her and Jessie immediately hit it off like I had a smile on my face the entire time we haven't seen that like on TV in a very long time of I guess also West and Sierra sort of had that and

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


No, that was always the weirdest thing that they weren't in the next season.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


because she was great by the way uh-huh and he was like super cute what's not to like like frat boy energy perfect for that show yeah no it's really always so fun to watch it's like what the all the good shows started out like so to have a little bit of that last night and like jesse solomon seems like such a great guy like a great catch everyone wants love for him and then like i'm sorry he's so funny too being like i love her

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


I'm durn good early morning, so I'm just sort of getting my bearings. I have to ask myself how I'm durn. I have no idea.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


No, he's so funny and, like, he's serious. I mean, we'll see. It looks like the rest of the season, and I do feel like his fatal flaw is that he's a really big flirt and, like, doesn't take things seriously. But that he's, like...

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. No, but I also could see even last night, like Jesse flirts with Sierra a lot. He's very touchy with her.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. He flirts. He's a flirt, but I noticed it the most with Sierra. And I think if she and Jesse start hooking up and it's like, we're not hooking up with other people. We'll just focus on this right now. But he still feels like it's okay to flirt with Sierra. Yeah. That would bother a girl.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


No, and then there's just like when you're taking steps forward in a relationship, like you change the way you behave to the rest of the world. And if you're not ready to do that, like you're not mature.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Especially when two people are also willing to share. CRM page. Yeah. But I also feel like the house is growing. Like there's always more rooms. There's always more people.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. So there really doesn't seem like a really bad room. And when there are bad rooms, like you just give those to the boys.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


And those should go to the boys. Like the girls need ensuite.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah no but you do well we will get into an inflection point I don't feel like I'm there yet it's probably where we're headed though where you do have to like shake up the cast a little bit.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


I think I've heard a rumor Lindsay's pregnant. And I was like, oh, well, I hope that's true. And so, obviously, if we heard that, then her castmates heard that. And it's like, just shut up, okay? Like, let the woman have her moment.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


No, in that moment, I needed to hear it because I was worried about her. Oh, and this idea, I just need to say, this idea that Lindsay has moved on to quickly from Kyle, anyone who is even remotely floating. From Carl. Oh, just get ready for that. From Carl. Some people are floating that idea like, well, she's pregnant four and a half months. Kyle was saying that.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


the day that carl broke up with lindsey i wouldn't care if she got together with the next person the next day he is in the past when you're a woman of a certain age and you want to have children there is no time to waste there's no grace period we need to get over it we need closure i need to be by myself like no i need to find my future now and day one starts now anyone who remotely goes with that i don't know if that will become a storyline or it's just people like being shady like

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


It's really ridiculous and just, like, goes to show an immaturity because there is no time to waste around here. And Lindsay did not waste time. And Carl wasted her time. So now we got to get time back.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. No, even however she wants to get rid, like, get over Carl, do it in the next, like, she's got to keep moving forward. There's no time to waste and mope and find yourself and eat, pray, love, like, like Carl's doing.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


No, and the producer's like, that's really normal, man.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Well, what I was going to say is like he started to be like, I can't believe she's moved on. You know, I'm still processing. Like that's a luxury that you have being a man.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


No, it's just like nobody feels bad for you, bro. And if you do feel bad for him, you've gotten got like we don't care how much time you want. The two of you are on completely different journeys now. Apples and oranges. I don't care what she's doing versus what you're doing or what you're doing versus what she's doing. Like just because she's moved on that and you didn't doesn't make you.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Oh, it's so sad. Carl didn't have a kiss yet.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Right. Why couldn't she wear leggings and then be like, boom. Boom. I guess she really didn't want people. I think she wanted to get them surprised as much as she could. Like she was drinking fake alcohol because everyone kind of knew. But then like Wes sees her drinking and it's like, oh, never mind. Never mind.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah, I completely agree. I love Gabby. She's a really good friend. Yeah, she really is. And I do look forward to seeing her shine. But she's been wonderful in this role. Wes is like...

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Well, that's... I do think, like, people... That's the lesson. ...start to regret sharing because, yeah, everyone comes in either thinking they're an expert or wanting to be an expert and want to be like, hey, well, one time for me. Right. And it's like... It's not your time.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. No, it's a very much of a weenie energy. Um, What can you do?

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


No, but they have their act together. Like, you just go in, they hit record.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


We're just, like, talent. Like, should we get our hair and makeup done?

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Right? We're just like walking in like, hey, how y'all doing? Look at me.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


I saw that one and it made me chuckle. Okay.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


The other one has merit. It's like, you love this sugar because you're always eating sugar.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Well, yeah, because you're still waking up.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Okay, but it can stay still because it's funny. All's that to say... It provides value in the humor department.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Hmm. Is there a way for you to share your journey and then tune out these bitches? Like if you were to share your journey, like maybe it's because you're a little too.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Are we? Oh, my God. Zach was like to me last night. He was like, do you see that clip of Claudia and Jay Shetty? I'm like, oh, no, no, no. That's not for me. He was like, what do you mean? I'm like, well, we're too close. I can't watch. Of course. He was like, what do you mean? And he's like, what do you mean you need to watch a clip? I was like. He didn't get it? He didn't get it.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


I guess it's kind of like an odd thing to say at a glance. We're too close. I can't watch her.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Well, I just want you to know he was very moved by your words.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Actually, my house is asleep right now, which is crazy. The one time I have to get up early, you know, not on a Sunday, not on a Sunday. We're sleeping in.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


And unless, like, Cal and Cowherd was on your episode with Jay Shetty.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


What'd you call him? I will rein it in. I will do better. Just for that, if I ever have a surprise. We have to start kissing Cowherd ass? Like, if I need to get a Callan Cowherd cameo.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


It's a certain type of animal on Cameo.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. So it takes all kinds.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Of course I did. Oh my gosh. Summer House premiere. Summer House premiere. I also watched Watch What Happens Live. We are so back. I'm so excited about this season. It looks so good. I really enjoyed my time watching it last night after my meaningful evening with Hashem.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. No, but he definitely would have because I was like in bed with my warm blanket. Cozy. Yeah. cozy, feeling fulfilled.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Well, at least for last night's episode, he's not really a part of it. Like, I wouldn't... Honestly... I probably wouldn't have mentioned him in my recap, like, not even as a boycott.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Got it. Oh, that's so funny. I literally forgot about him. I thought you were going to say, like, Carl or Wes.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


I'll also say just because I forgot about him.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah. Well, I'm really excited to recap that. And I don't want to rush through the rest of the show to do that. But that's kind of what I feel like doing. So down. Because also that's kind of the big thing that happened. It wasn't like a crazy news making 24 hours.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


I feel like everyone was just kind of on a spiritual journey. That's how it felt. Or take your glucose test.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah, it'll knock your socks off. And that just is like a little taste of a sugar high. So next time you're consuming loads of sugar, just remember.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


I just want to tell you guys, my evening was so amazing. So thank you for asking. because I went to a women's event at a local shul. They had asked me to... They were having a guest speaker come. I'll explain who she is in a moment. And they asked me to moderate the conversation. That does fall in my wheelhouse of talents, technically, and I am a Jewish woman. So you're a speaker.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


I actually have seen someone say, like... Oh, good, good.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Well, actually, if you want to go deep, I wonder if you've seen this in the glucose discourse, that, like, the real crunchy ones. Bring their own? They won't drink that drink. I mean, some people skip the test altogether, but some people, like, drink their own sugary concoction because what you drank is, like, literal toxic waste. I mean, and I drank it, too. Okay.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah, it's kind of crazy. It's like drink this disgusting, toxic liquid. Then we'll let you know if something's wrong with you. I'm like, well, there is now.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Yeah, and I wonder what – I've seen like what people bring, but it's kind of hard to match the level of craziness. That's demanded of the G.E.T.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Or you bring like a sugary drink. I don't know. Oh, like a Powerade. Yeah, but Mayhem wouldn't drink Powerade, so like. Of course, of course. Something else sugary.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


It was kind of an inspired choice. I agree. And I would like love to give back to my community and do something like that. And anytime I go to an event, especially like a religious event, like the manifesting one, like I always get so much out of it. So I'm like, why not have a meaningful evening? Why not? So I agreed to do it.

The Toast

4x4xU Furever: Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


It's the biggest organ. Like me, when I leave my house, I'm like, shit, you've got to let the skin breathe.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I didn't recognize you I saw BSC rude BSC so done with him yeah no I had a Saturday like that like yucky well my skin was breathing and that was good okay and I was not only was my skin breathing I didn't even tell you I went out Saturday night do you know that You went out? You didn't even post anything. I know, because I didn't have my files in order, but I might post it tonight.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Saturday night, and we in the spot. Where'd you go? Don't believe me. Just watch. I went to a charity event. My friend Erica invited me.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


No, no, no. I went to an event. I was out very late. Did you have a cocktail? No. You didn't go out.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Because I was driving us home. I said, Zach, you could drink. I'll drive. Oh, okay, okay.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Did Zach get wasted? I'll use my signals. Did Zach get wasted? No, he didn't. He actually wound up driving us home.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I would love to see that again. Maybe one day. Let's roofie Zach. We're kind of in the same boat now. You and Zach? Yeah, you know, we got shit to do.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


We haven't been in this setup since, like, almost two weeks. Because we were in Miami, trick. Yes. And we did a remote the day before. So we are back with our frames. Nature is healing. Yes. The wind's coating is coating. Yes.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Can't be doing that. So anyways, that's why I went free of Fotch on Saturday because I know I was getting ready Saturday night because I went out.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


No, it's really not. So now... Without further ado, I guess. I guess.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Actually, there's a couple things we need to talk about. So without further ado, it is time for the Fast Five Stories that you not do need to know.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Thank you, Turt Grain. What can I say? Our first story, some legal news. Oh. Diddy's lawyer has quit his defense team. He said, under no circumstances can I continue.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


lawyers don't really turn down high profile cases like this like eat win or lose it's how you play the game no and of course like ethically it's like a dilemma but a job is a job that's sort of like a thing lawyers just have made peace with you know yeah but I think that's also like part of being a lawyer I don't know what kind of oath they take but it's like even if everybody has a right sin I will defend you well think about everyone who's ever been on trial

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I was watching this documentary client privilege. So like the attorney could even know if you did it and they still have to defend you like you didn't.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I'm suspicious. No, so it's not like something that a lawyer's ever going to shy away from a case just because you're guilty as sin. So this is- And the more high profile it is, even if it's like so guilty- That makes your career.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah. So Anthony Rico did not provide a reason for his request in which he wrote, under no circumstances can I continue to effectively serve as counsel- for Sean Combs, according to an affidavit obtained by People. A judge will need to grant Rico's motion before he is officially removed from the case.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Combs would still have five other attorneys defending him in his federal sex trafficking case, including lead counsel Mark Agnifilio. So it's not his lead counsel, but one of six.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah. As we said, like even Nazis got lawyers. So I don't think it's someone who like saw too much and is like, or even I think people are now starting to feel like Diddy couldn't possibly win this. Like I think a lot of stuff is going to come out.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Okay, good. Cause I was going to say like, I do need to be able to see as much of your face as possible since our presences and our auras are not physically together. So I was going- to be on the side, the sunglasses side, which is the side I never wanted to be on.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


yeah i don't think that stops you and again it's like one of six so i agree with you that it's probably something more inside baseball or maybe this man like attended a party or something you know maybe and they just realized like maybe he's innocent but one time he went to a party and it turned out to be a ditty party with a client or maybe he just found god and was like i don't wanna but i i'm sure there are godly lawyers who defend the guilty for sure

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Like maybe he's beefing with one of the five. Think about that. Maybe one of the five. Oh, perhaps there's an internal conflict.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


No, no, no, because he already wanted to defend a freaky ass. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I think there's drama.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I think they went out to team drinks and it was the classic deer toasters. Someone's man flirting with someone's lady.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


If we got a submission from Anthony Rico.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Are you ready for our next story? Which I really tried to not choose, but then just all the thoughts inside of me were bursting to the top. Okay. I would love to know what you're referring to. Megan Markle's latest set of Instagram stories.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


There are so many things here. She posted a set of stories, maybe like six stories, each ranging five to 10 seconds. So like very little snippets. And the first story said, small break from work to soak in the weekend, sunshine emoji. So it's different.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


videos like around her estate of the flowers and then the grass and the dog running in the grass and it didn't matter that you didn't listen to sound it was just the sounds of nature and then there's one selfie of her that's like three seconds you can see that she's wearing a northwestern sweatshirt which like you know princess diana famously wore and like it's just a three second selfie video nothing happens but megan is laughing classic megan so unbelievably classic now i have no issue with this except for one tiny thing okay

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I think she naturally wakes up early. She seems like an early riser.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


But also, this is her work, actually. Like, when you say, what does Megan even do? Like, if you had to actually nail down what she does, like, it's being a lifestyle content influencer now. So, you're not even taking a break from the work. It's more work. And this is the work.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah. So it's not really a break. But she's soaking in the weekend. She's wearing the Northwestern shirt. She's making a little chuckle to herself. There's literally nothing. There's absolutely... What do you think she was laughing at? What is anyone ever laughing at when they're running through the backyard filming themselves? Like, nothing. It's... Yeah, yeah. Totally. I... I need her to stop.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Do you know what I mean? No, it's... Like...

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


just stop until the show comes because then you can post like show clips there is seriously zero substance here and like every time we say there's no substance and she puts out something with even less substance and it's just it's it's like comical at this point I didn't even want to talk about it because not every time she posts an Instagram story does it have to be news but like this was wild honestly and some of the videos she was recording like this I think she did cinematic mode so it's like out of focus on a flower and then it focuses in like it's giving Britney Spears

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Oh, no. What I was going to say is, like, she should spend $100,000 to get this right. Like, the way it's filmed, like, I really think she filmed it. I don't think anyone that's a professional in this would, like, have put it out this way. Like, she should have someone filming her picking the orange. Like, we want to see her. I don't want to see her hand.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


It could be anyone's hand picking the orange. Yeah.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


like no I think pretty ways to package this because she lives on a beautiful house like I love like mindless lifestyle gardening nature content love like you literally don't even have to say anything even though it would be helpful if you did so we just like know who you are but it's fine you don't even have to but there are ways to make this like more beautiful it's a naturally beautiful environment and like I don't know how this is such a flop

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Great. I'm so happy for you and your sunglasses and the bravery. It's a brave new world.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


That's a crying shame. And I, I, I still think it's just her like being like, I know how to do this. I've got this guys.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Well, I look forward to what's next. Still looking forward to the show. Um, it's not looking good.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Did I write down the new date in my notebook? Oh, the good thing about being back in the studio is having my notebook. Yeah, you have to fill in Queenie and Weenie. Even though, like, I kind of was, like, fine without it, but it's nice to have. Okay. I do miss. Okay, you went from January 15th and moved to March 4th.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


You should, like, see if they want to do, like, an Eloise sort of partnership with you. Where I live there? Where you could live there.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


And... be kind of like a character who lives at the hotel. People could come and see you.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


We got your money's worth. We got your money's worth. Even the day she checked out, we're like, hey, yeah, Claudia's room.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


everything no and also what they're so good about is so kid friendly but they have like very much like cordoned off adult spaces like it doesn't feel like we were at the beach club which is like a little bit more adult even though they have like a bunch of kids pools we had a couple like hours you and i have just like adult time like we went to the spa we had lunch at the pool we had lunch at the adult pool yeah where jackie was gossiping so loud like was that where i was gossiping loud yes and i said like could you lower your voice we had lunch at another adult pool too

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


At the beach. On the lawn chairs where we like. Yeah, yeah. But you weren't, you weren't gossiping there. I didn't feel like, I don't remember saying anything memorable there.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Anyways, good times. Good times. Are you ready for our next story? Whenever? Number three.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Oh, it's sad. But speaking of sad, like we've made the executive decision to just skip over the SAG-AFTRA Awards. Like you guys barely care when we talk about the Grammys and the Oscars. Like we're certainly not talking about SAG-AFTRA Awards.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I think less than 10% of our audience watched the SAG Awards last night. And so. Great.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Right. So we're not going to like do a whole recap of this thing that like there's plenty awards. We're just skipping over that one. Agreed. But the sad news is that. Sad duh. Sad duh. Is that Jesus Guerrero, a celebrity hairstylist of Kylie Jenner, Jennifer Lopez, tons of celebrities, has died suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 34.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yes, a lot to catch up on since we haven't been together yet.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


All the girlies. And then this weekend, news of his death... It came out on Instagram from the family announced the news on in a series of Instagram stories on Sunday. And then I'm sure you saw everyone's like favorite celebrities posting about him. He was just like apparently this great guy, talented hairstylist, like an amazing person, an amazing friend.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


in three days but also yesterday was white lotus episode two which we both watched and i'm fully caught up on love is blind i don't know where you're at but like i'm loving spoiling it for you so you're just gonna have to deal with it spoil it for me i tried my best to to watch stuff and i got so hard i maybe cumulatively got through another whole episode but it just takes forever the episodes are so long and i had the busiest weekend so i like

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Like people are the community is really torn up about it. And it's very, very sad.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah. But I think... what is somewhat known as that he, yeah, he fell ill and then passed away of pneumonia abroad, but he was able to make it back. And whoever he was with, like did everything they could to get him back to get proper care, but he still passed, which is just so sad. So, so sad.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


People are saying obviously the nicest things about him, but just, he seems like someone who's just, you know, larger than life.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Are you ready for our next story, which is some happy news?

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


It's actually some very happy news. I don't know if you've seen this. You probably have.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Dolores Catania's son, Frankie Jr. Of course I've seen my best friend Frank's son getting married. Frankie Jr. is engaged to his girlfriend, Nicole Perico. They posted photos of the engagement. They got engaged on February 22nd in August. at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City. So there's a lot to note here. They're so Italian. One, Frankie Jr. is engaged. He did not mess around.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


How old is he? He's young. He's young, but he is serious. He's 26, which nowadays is young. That's young for a guy. They got engaged at St. Patrick's Cathedral. She is so beautiful. I didn't even know he had a girlfriend. I don't need to know anything more than these pictures to know that they are a match made in heaven.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


There was a third name, though. I'm with you. Yeah, there was, right? There was a third name.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I agree. Like maybe the absolute decision hasn't been made, but like this is like what's.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


all my spare time that I could devote to it I did but then last night I had to watch White Lotus and then that was that on that for me so I probably made like very little headway but I just know like I spent all my time watching it I just didn't have a lot of time

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


They want to have their cake and eat it too. It's true. And he's shirking that. I love it. I love it as well.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Nicole Catania. No, it's perfect. She was born for it.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


That's good. Yeah, I think he'll really like it.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Are you ready for our fifth and final story that will lead into all the TV recaps?

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I watched so much Claudia and I watched nothing.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


And I'm only watching things that like you've already told me about. So I'm so behind.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Our fifth and final story that will lead into the White Lotus recap is that Sam Nivola, who plays the little weird little brother on White Lotus of the Ratliff family.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


is revealing the surprising muse for his character in White Lotus. So he revealed to People Magazine that Mike White, the creative White Lotus, modeled the Ratliff family in the show after Bravo's Southern Charm.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah. No, and they're just such like interesting characters that when you're trying to like character develop on a show, it's like all the work is done for you. Just study.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah, well, they did. So the little brother told people earlier this month that he prepared to play Lachlan Ratliff before heading to Thailand to film. He says Mike White told him to watch one of Bravo's popular reality shows as inspiration for the role. He said, Mike told us to go watch Southern Charm.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


In fact, Jason Isaacs, who plays our dad, kind of modeled his whole accent and character off of that cast. He went on to joke that his on-screen sister got to skip out on the homework because she already had it down. She's from Alabama. She found out through everyone else that they were all told to watch Southern Charm. She felt left out.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


A little bit, but then he's also a little Austin because he's younger. Mm-hmm. But, yeah, definitely for the accents, it's really good.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I'm talking more like characters. I actually think Patrick Schwarzenegger does, like, a really good job of carrying himself in the role where he, like, just, like, walks, like, with his butt out like a preppy guy. Yeah. It's more than just accents. Like, it's a whole... Persona, yes.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


It's true. Or at least it doesn't get fun until the end. Cause like right now we're world building and character development.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


So it's a little bit, and people like act like, Oh my God, that was an amazing episode. Like, no, it wasn't.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Like I was bored. Like half the time was like scenery and animals. And then they are pouring tea. Like it's very slow. Okay. And it's all about like sideways glances. Like, Actually, the only group that's actually having like, you know, fast paced conversation where things are moving forward are the three women.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


The one who's staying in the room outside the house.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yes. Oh yeah. No, but she's definitely like losing her mind. Like, and she's also like drinking a lot at the other, but there's definitely dynamics between all three of them, but she is like on the edge for sure. Yeah.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


No, they're definitely going to start talking about her because she was also being weird. Like there's things to say about her.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


No, Parker Posey was weird for that. And why doesn't why was she either rude or doesn't remember? No.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Parker Posey said 10 years ago to her family.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I don't know. She might have just said that to her family to explain why she was being rude. But like Leslie Bibb didn't say that.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I don't think so because they were talking about that girl like she's five years old and she's like... That's what I thought also. Yeah, because also this girl's not still in school.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah. Well, Lisa also has her own solo career. She performed at Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. How's she doing all this?

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Of course. Well, now she's looking at him differently because he had a brush with death.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


And he's telling the guard, like, I'll get you tickets. There's not going to be any tickets. And the guard was just excited to be included. Yeah.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


No, I don't see it. So then what's the theory about the guy that was at the gate, like just that he was in on it?

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


What's the theory about the balding with the girl?

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I guess so. But if she knew the robbery was happening, why would she say, let's go to the store?

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah. Yeah. They weren't going to hurt her.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah. But what's with the balding guy? Like, what does he want? He's obsessed with the owner's husband. I don't know.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


And they're leaving a lot of questions. Like, so they're going to have a lot to answer for. And then, of course, like, who's the shooter?

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


It's not my favorite. It's not... my favorite everyone is like oh my god the incest vibes oh my god mike white what yeah It's not my favorite. Like, I'm just, like, not paying attention to it. Even, like, when the two freaks are, like.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


When they're on the hammock, like, well, how could you ask me about my sex life? Like, seriously, I'm not paying attention. This is so uninteresting to me.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah. And I just, like, even if they are weird and disgusting and, like, say the three of them have a threesome, like, I seriously don't care. Like, I'm, I'm, don't care.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


It did look very peaceful until your little brother comes up and ends up being annoying.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah, except the wellness, like you could just like choose massages. Opt out of, yeah. But like, is it only healthy food?

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


And then I'm sad for the dad that he's like going to.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I know. And I don't even know him, but I just want things to work out for him.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I am rooting. I don't know why I am, but I'm rooting for him.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Okay. Well, we will recap that at the end of the show. Not right now.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah. And I don't know if he's like a good guy or a bad guy, but like, I don't know. I just feel bad that when he goes home, he's going to jail. Like that's sad.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


And when the lady was like, can I take your phone? And on the one hand, like, of course, no. I have to find out, like, if I'm going to jail. But maybe, like, let's find out in seven days.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


It wouldn't be. Like, it's happening regardless. Yeah, but then it's like, if he is going to jail when he goes home, like, should he just disappear?

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah, so have you seen the Instagram thing play out? I've seen a clip where she says, like, I saw them.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Okay, no. No, my God, Claudia, I literally am still at ibuprofen. Like, stop.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I'm sorry, but if that's what you fell in love over, then your picker was off to begin with.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


That's the craziest part of this story that she has.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Oh my God. She literally made it up. I don't know, but she seems like a little paranoid. Plus she has the unfollow app and she's a little Instagram crazy. This doesn't bode well. Yeah.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah. Sometimes it's like, we're just trying to make it till the end. Don't notice us.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah. Also, the car's too high up. Like how? Like, yes, you give a Duna. Oh, my gosh, you would have to be tired.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I feel like the trailers are so misleading. Like remember when they had us thinking that Jimmy slept with Jessica after he was with Chelsea and it turned out it was just about his girlfriend from the past, like his friend girl. They're so misleading. She probably was talking to someone just being like, I feel like I like him more than me.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I feel like I like him more than just because I like him so much.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Gay sister and church every week, but I barely believe in God.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


So people love the Volvo. That was like what I almost got before I was put on to Tesla. I was probably going to get the Volvo mom car. And you're saying it like Volvo. What is it?

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Even in the pods. My sister likes that music too. Yeah. And my sister and I kiss. I think you really get along with my sister.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I already knew the sister was skeptical about the process because Dave told me.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Well, yeah, you have to trust the person that you're with. And even if you have nothing to go on, like you have to believe them until they give you a reason not to. So if he can't do that, it's not a relationship.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


But I think it's just someone who's like just wants his cake and eat it too. Like. is always gonna be looking at the next thing. So unless like the other girl was like much less attractive, he was always gonna be like, hey, what's going on over there? That's like the other people. Oh, what's going on with Ben Platt?

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


But you know, the car mom is a toaster. Yeah, I got to watch some of her videos. She could be your Jerry. No, she'll hear this. And she gave me like a really long...

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I haven't gotten to that part yet, but so far I actually have respect for her that like, no, when she breaks up with Mason, like I saw a totally different side of her. Oh, okay. Cause right now I'm like, usually people drag the two till the end. Cause they're just sort of like playing both odds. And I actually liked that she broke up with one and like made a strong choice for a band.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah, because that he's saying, no, that's really crazy. Like, I actually liked the fact that she like early on was like, I'm going with Ben. And I guess I guess she did like and throw the other girl under the bus. But I haven't gotten there yet.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


She reviews like the cyber truck and evaluates it from a mom's perspective. Like she will give you like whatever car you want. I'm trying to think, I guess like a real, like the coolest mom cars are like, you know, The Escalade.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Okay. Yeah. Well, I look forward to hopefully getting there one day, maybe next year at the rate I'm going. But if I were you, seriously, like fast forward to the pods.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Maybe I'll just start watching Honduras now. Because I want to see that. That's fun.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Okay, I'll skip to the end of the pods. But I do like to see people's reaction when they see each other because I just know.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Like was anybody is there a physical like issue between anyone where it's like someone. No, please.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Sometimes it's like so obvious that someone is more attractive than the other person. And it's like even if they're not acting like it, it's like, well, we all know.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah, this isn't a question of like, is love blind? I mean, the show never actually sets out to answer that question because... Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Like love is not blind. And when you're in a pod, like you're really just talking to yourself.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


like it's actually like yeah some people have found relationships like coincidentally but it's not because like love is so blind like because then you could have the same conversation with someone in person and just like the way that people speak it's not even about what they look like how they move their hands how they you know squat over like who am i how they squat over like they're a table you're blind you're love no being blind love you are love being blind

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


um so new episodes come out in four days you have four days to catch up oh my gosh well why it comes out on friday the 28th i think what did i also get the weekend then it's a yeah again okay that's good yeah they do it on the on friday and i literally forgot like i have to read a 600 page book for the redheads so like it's not the freaking weekend okay and it's only monday

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah. Should we wrap up? Yeah, we should so I can start reading.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Love you, goodbye. I have given up on hard hands now that I couldn't even do it with a monitor. Now that you see that you're the problem, right? I couldn't even do it with a monitor in front of you. We have video proof and I'm so glad everybody was able to see it.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Something that's just as important as never giving up on your dreams is also giving up on your dreams when you realize they're out of your reach. They're not realistic. Yeah, I love that. So goodbye.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


But also like an Escalade is like a bit much for one child.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


On that note, love ya. We could both go like this. Love ya, bye. Love ya, bye.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


What about and then parking? Like that's going to be a...

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah. How was the hotel bed? Sometimes hotel beds are like the best bed you've ever been in, but a lot of times it's like scratchy.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


It's a Porsche. I know, but I feel like the Porsche Cayenne, like it looks like a BMW X5 or whatever. And it's like, that's just how bad you want to be driving a Porsche. Like it looks like all the other mom cars. You just like couldn't concede.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


But do they make a, I don't know if they make non-electric Hummer these days.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Yeah. Bon Voyage Range Rover. It's been fun. That car is so hard to get into. It is so tall.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Oh my gosh. And when we did a mukbang and I was literally nine months pregnant trying to get it. I'm glad that you're actually getting rid of the car like ASAP because you're not gonna be able to get in it for much longer.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I'm looking forward to that too for you. And it's also very exciting.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


You guys are such car snobs, which is so funny because like I'm not a car snob. And I'm not saying I'm not like snobby about other stuff. I'm just like weirdly not a car snob. And now that I drive like a Tesla, I feel like I'm not even in the conversation. Like, I don't even know where Tesla ranks. It's just like on another planet.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


But I do think I once saw like a list of like cars, like.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


When we got the Kia, I didn't even have my license yet. So I really let Zach take the reins on the decision making and that he didn't like the Kia had the Telluride had been having a moment in that moment when we were looking for a car and he got totally swept up in the car of the moment. And like now he would admit like that and he got a three year lease like.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


we can't get rid of this thing uh he would admit that like it wasn't everything that was promised to him um so we're really looking forward to moving on but what's so funny is like now that i have my license like now and now that i drive a lot when i drive with zach now like now i notice i used to think he was like the best driver yeah she's a little critical but now i'm like noticing stuff like he's kind of like on the fence about using his turn signals i'm like i'm

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Okay. So now you have your necessities.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


I noticed all the stuff. He's also like always so late to like get into the right lane for the correct lane for his turn.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


No, like we were literally at the light in the right lane, but we were going left and he's like literally driving perpendicular to get into his lane. I'm like, yeah, what are you doing? Yeah.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


No, it's easy to become critical. Yeah. So I'm sure like he rues the day. I used to not notice. That's a project I'm taking on. Very, very exciting. I should be getting my new car soon, which is exciting for me. Also, we had one of those weekends where we lived out of my car. We were just out all day, diaper changes in the trunk, change of clothes everywhere. It was literally our mobile home.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Nomadic. So I'm getting another Model Y. I love it. Highly recommend. But I won't even go there with you. I'm sure in a few years you'll be like, I'm thinking about a Tesla.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


And, like, the stories are, like, meh. Like, I'm not, like, itching. Like, it just doesn't feel right. I feel like we talked about one thing, and that was, like, cars. That's not enough for pre-Fast Five banter. I also know there are people out there who only listen to this show for the pre-Fast Dive Banter. So that would mean they were leaving us. It's too soon.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Because you don't put captions on your stories. They are not accessible stories.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Don't even edit it. Just give us the captions. We can decipher Parchee.

The Toast

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025


Oh, I thought you meant the toast that like the groom made at the wedding. Yeah.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


First story, Super Bowl recap. Let's talk sports first. First. So the Eagles beat the Chiefs at Super Bowl licks. Finals. Blicks. Final score 40 to 22 in New Orleans.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, the offensive linemen.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, I guess it's like good that there's not blame on one person. Like one person doesn't feel like they ruined it. And also sometimes I feel like when the game is so close, it's like even more heartbreaking because it's like we were so close to greatness, but they literally didn't have a chance.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


To me, what's so crazy is like this, the whole weekend is literally like a multi-billion dollar endeavor. Like everyone coming and traveling and all the celebrities and all the entertainment and all the parties leading up to the weekend in the hotel, all around this game. And it was literally like- The worst game I've ever seen in my life. Little League, they were playing.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


And it was so not entertaining. All of the fanfare is for this game. And they couldn't even play football.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, and the reporters had said that too. So I'm glad that most people that were, imagine being a Chiefs fan and like you finally are gonna go to the Super Bowl. Spending $8,000. Spending that much money to see them play like dog shit.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Like, it was seriously embarrassing.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Right, of course. I think it was 24-2.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


No. And what was so weird, it was like for the last 10 or 12 minutes, like the gap was too big to close really. But like, they can't celebrate yet. They haven't won. Like we have to like still play 12 more minutes, but like, we know that they won. And so it was so anticlimactic because it was like, we knew for 12 minutes that.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


the Eagles had won the Super Bowl, but they're still like having to play the game. They're on the sidelines, like dumping Gatorade on with five minutes left. I want to talk about the Gatorade. And it's just like, but we can't celebrate yet. And then by the time like we had a winner, it's like, well, we knew it was just so anticlimactic.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


What the hell is his name? Okay, I'll find out. Eagles coach. They poured it on him.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, that was really crazy. But I guess overall, like the final score, 40 to 20 or 22. Doesn't sound so bad. It doesn't sound like what we watched. Yeah, but they got to 20 like in the last three minutes. I know. But at least like they got a respectable-ish score up on the board because the whole game was like 37-0. Zero. Zero. Zero.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, I guess. But that's the chance that you take with the Superbowl and advertising. I don't feel like so bad for them in their $8 million commercials. No, me neither.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah. What year was that? Oh, 59 years ago.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


I was actually, like, thinking that I feel like soon they'll stop using Roman numerals, and that will be a sad day, I just want to say.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah. And I X is one minus 10. Yeah. I think it's good. I think we need this refresher.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah. So I don't know what happened. Like seriously, it was as if they all like forgot how to play the sport. It was genuinely like an embarrassment to the whole country.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


And it's not like they lost valiantly, you know? totally there was no valiance no there was no honor it was as if they were body snatched by a bunch yes it was like we were playing seriously i have no idea what happened it was so crazy and so embarrassing and like what do you even do after that

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Not at that level. But I feel like something bad happened. And not at their ages. You know, that happens when you have like your party friends. Yeah, yeah. And your first cousins, second cousins. Cousins, yeah, yeah, yeah.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


But not at their age. They've been friends for so long and they were like so, so tight to go from.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, I feel like throughout the years, like Kelly like had a bunch of stuff. I feel like she was like friendly with Taylor throughout the years.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


And her suite like was a little lackluster.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Got it. Oh, and Taylor got booed, which to me, like it was just because like, I saw it as the whole stadium is Eagles fans and she's such a chiefs. Not because like everybody hates Taylor. So like, I think it was in the spirit of the game.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Right. As the number one sports podcast among women, I couldn't not show up for the Super Bowl recap episode. And because I was so sick all weekend, like last night, I just laid in bed and watched the Super Bowl every minute. I did fall asleep for the first two quarters. That's just on being sick.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


But sports fans boo. That's like what they do. Yeah, they're freaks. Yeah, they're crazy. So that's the game and that's the ball game. And it was a real stinker. Big one. And next, we're going to talk about all the entertainment from the evening, including Kendrick Lamar halftime show. Let's go in order. Yeah.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


So Lady Gaga actually opened the show with a touching rendition of Hold My Hand in honor of the New Orleans terrorist attack victims and the L.A. fires.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


No, no. On the pre show, they kept saying Lady Gaga coming up and I was like, what is she doing?

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah. Agreed. And then we had the National Anthem, John Batiste, and America the Beautiful.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


There was like a whole pre-show.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah. How was Warren Daigle in Trombone Shorty? I missed it because it was bedtime.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Which is not Super Bowl caliber.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, he did. And I think he did like the best job of him. So it's like, if it wasn't for you, then maybe he wasn't the right choice.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, I feel that. And then Kendrick Lamar halftime show. So he did a 13 minute performance and there were guest appearance from SZA. Serena Williams showed up dancing. He performed a bunch of his songs.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Protein. That's the correct answer, Alex. What is protein? But I know you're not going to sit down with a rotisserie chicken. Like what am I on the carnivore diet? It's just not, it's not happening. I think just be mindful. Like don't eat extraneously. Don't go on a bender. But like, I think if you're eating your usual, just eat your usual.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


But you know them and they're familiar.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Well, so he thought that the visuals were like amazing, which I totally agree. Like the stage and the dancers and like the way, like the different scenarios. But musically, it wasn't like probably the best choice for Kendrick. especially because not a lot of people, not everyone knows all of his songs. Now I am familiar with two. Not like us.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


And I feel the same way where it's like, at first I didn't mind that he was like, not every artist that they pick is going to be my favorite, but like it's a jolly good show and it's music and it's fun, but like, we're going to know it regardless of who it is. Yeah. And if it's good music, like I don't mind hearing a song for the first time, but it's just like, it just didn't translate. Um,

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah. I feel like with usher, it was the opposite issue where it's like the songs and the music were great. The performance like wasn't. Yeah.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


I'm just saying like, I feel like that was like we had the opposite issue because it didn't. it didn't hit in the way that it was meant to.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


And I think a lot of people felt that way. And I think a lot of people, like I was seeing, like a lot of the criticism is falling to Jay-Z because he programs the live entertainment for the Super Bowl. Roc Nation is like partnered with NFL and Apple. And like, he's the one who made this choice. And as you said, like, it's not entirely the right choice.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


What did I eat? tea with honey and lemon and saltines like seriously my Super Bowl was taken from me I was honestly not even because I was sick like but including the fact that I was sick it was the worst Super Bowl of all time I will say start to finish from all different elements the game the commercials the performances it was for me the least entertaining Super Bowl in my in recent memory

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Like, let's do a cool show. We're on the... That represents the year. Yeah. Yeah, no, and we're just like, cool, and we're doing a cool show.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


People who would just like encompass as many possible people as possible, even though you're never gonna get someone who everybody loves or everybody likes even, but like someone who can capture as many people as possible.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


And yes, time will tell, but you also have to give credit to how you felt just watching it in the moment.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


And then also a lot of it was like, you know, more of the diss to Drake because the song Not Like Us is a Drake diss track. And then there were a bunch of like things in there. Even the necklace A is apparently for A minor.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


But like there's just so, and on the one hand, I'm like, yes, take this grudge all the way to the Super Bowl. Like never let your haters like stop. Stop. Stop you from doing your thing. Never stop hating your haters. But it's like so crazy that this whole thing was like put together to like give an F you to Drake.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


You did it by yourself. So Serena Williams was there, and I just assumed it was because she has history with Drake, so it's like a fellow Drake enemy, but then also people said that it was because of something with Wimbledon.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, but I do think it had to do, I'm sorry, it has to do with Drake.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


I don't know, but honestly, Drake would have been a better halftime show.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah. Plus being sick, like didn't help. I didn't get to eat like anything. Nachos, hot dogs, nothing. Yeah. I couldn't, I can't even taste. So yeah, I could have eaten like Zach could have brought me something home, but I can't even taste. That sucks.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Does it have to be American? I was wondering that too, because I was like, Harry Styles, but it's not American.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


I would immensely enjoy it, but it would not be the vibe.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


French-Canadian? Like, honestly.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah. I don't even think he would be, like... That's a performance I would enjoy, but I wouldn't even, like, put him on my list of, like, this is a great idea.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah. Yeah. Especially with like Jay-Z as the curator. Right. What is Jay-Z like? I don't know if Jay-Z listens to Pink. No, I don't think Jay-Z is going to put Pink up for the job.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Okay. I agree. I think they need an expert curator. And I don't think that Jay-Z is the expert curator.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


It's just, it's such a sick, twisted industry. It's too much. Like, you can't hold any of them. None of them are like beyond approach. It's a Spider-Man meme. It's a Spider-Man meme. Where they're all just pointing at each other. Right. That's why, if you need an expert curator, Kenny Ortega should do the Super Bowl. I was actually just watching a clip of Michael Jackson.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


I was watching a clip of Michael Jackson's Super Bowl appearance. And it was like probably a part of some documentary because people were speaking on it. Like the people that he worked with and Kenny Ortega was talking about. I think he directed Michael Jackson's Super Bowl appearance. He should be the official director of the Super Bowl.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


And we should have a say on like who does it because he knows talent.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Okay. They would be bot farming. Those are the Super Bowl stories.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


I thought the commercials were so bad. I can't remember one of them.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


I feel like the front traps aren't so bad. Like there's some protein there.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


That's so funny. The only commercials I remember are like Intuit TurboTax, which actually looks like really good. What'd they do? No, they just had like, literally they were in every single block of commercials, just like about how you can like go for a run and someone's doing your taxes. And it looks like a good service.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Oh, we're going to get into that. And then the only other.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yes. The other commercial. Do you know these Dunkin's commercials? Like, why does it feel like an inside joke that I'm on the outside of? Um, cause you are. No, but like, what are they doing? Like they're like beings like fools.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Like Ben Affleck and the Dunkings and then Bill Belichick and his girlfriend. Like, what are you guys doing? I just, I feel like such a outsider.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


no but then there's like rap battles like i just feel like i've missed it i've missed you have but you're not the only one a lot of us got left behind like i'm not even 100 sure okay great um and then yes poppy had a commercial with influencers but they are also getting dragged canceled due to a decision to send 25 000 vending machines to influencers ahead of their super bowl commercial

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


You could put it in your lobby for the whole building.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Like this is people's jobs. It's true. It's just like weird when like there's something that's like so commonplace, like everyone does. It's just like part of the business. And then like people just like seek out one company who's doing it and like get mad about it.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Some people made the point, like, why would you, like, apparently it's about $800,000 that they spent sending 32 people these gifts when you could have put the vending machines somewhere with more traffic. Like, which one influencer needs hundreds of poppies? Ready? So...

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, I saw Rachel Kirkconnell got a vending machine. So I saw her video and I just thought, I didn't even know about this controversy. I just thought that was like so cute. And then she said she had to give it back. I was like, oh damn. But I guess, yeah, who needs a thousand cans of Poppy?

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


But it was just like a fun, cute concept. Like it's called marketing. And Poppy's a-

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah. Doritos has a lot of bad commercials.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


I saw some, like some space orb was like stealing the Doritos from a guy on his couch.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


They were serious. The commercials were so bad.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Oh, yeah. And it's also funny, like who gets tapped? Yes. I would love to be a fly on the wall. The most random ideas, which are sometimes so good. Here's a random idea that was actually good. It was the circle water bottle and Adam Devine. Yeah. That was actually a really cute commercial. You know what was a good one?

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


When the person in the room was like, what if we got Adam Devine to call his wife? What? What?

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Oh, look, everyone should be so happy. Right.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


That's good. There's different seasons for everything. Like you're pregnant. Eat what you want.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


That to me, it's like, I hate the celebrities in the commercials. Like, It's just, it's so not creative. And it looks like a waste of money when they could be doing so many other things using their real customers.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


And I think that people online, instead of getting mad at Poppy, like a startup business that's like working with influencers, should get mad at the big celebrities, how much they get paid for these commercials.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Bring it back. Celebrities, LeBron James.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Oh, that's the best, by the way. When someone can do a commercial about a celebrity and they like make a regular person a star.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


No. I wasn't feeling very moved.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Sad. So that's Super Bowl commercials. Are you ready for our next story, a little? By the way, what story are we up to right now? This is technically number four.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Oh, yeah. No, we're not ready.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Sorry, I told you it was a mush mash.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah. But you will be a changed person. Like, don't even worry about her. You don't even know her yet. You don't even know her.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


She's a problem for another day. But that's a song for another time. I'm literally like sweating sitting here. Like, because I have like the sweats and the chills. I have a heating pad on, which is actually really nice. But I'm like, if you guys see me sweating, just, just ignore. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Thank you, T-U-R-T. You're welcome. Our next story, Brianna Chicken Fry playing coy, addressing rumors about a romance with West Wilson from Summer House. I thought his name was Wes. So I think his name is West, and then his friends call him Wes.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Or his friends are too lazy to pronounce the T.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


What did Wes say? Because she was asked by Page Six about Wes and how they're spending time together. And she's like, who, what? And spun around nervously. She said, I haven't really thought about it. I've just been thinking about the Super Bowl, thinking about who's going to win the game, placing my bets. I haven't had time to think about West. No, no.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


But she did post a picture, like a selfie of the two of them, like partying. I think it's just like, maybe they were having fun this weekend. Like, do you think that they knew each other before this weekend?

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Well, the first two quarters are like the least important quarters, especially in this game. But then I woke up and I watched the halftime show and literally Zach and I were watching till the last player was in the stadium. Like we were. Oh, that's so funny. He really wanted to see MVP. I'm like, of course it's Jalen Hurts. They never even gave the ball to Saquon.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


It's just crazy that we know about it. Like, I feel like this is the sort of thing that in a few months, like one of them shares on their podcast and we're like, Oh my God. Yeah. Like that. We know that they were probably together this weekend. It's just like, it's so crazy. It's so much to know. I do not chip just because we've seen a lot from him. Not my favorite. Brianna deserves better.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


And I just want the absolute best for her. Yeah. But I'm glad she's having fun. And she is having fun. And like fun is very important to her right now. And like, I think it's good.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Why does Craig root for the Eagles?

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


When she said that guy's not my boyfriend, yeah, because they've probably been dating for a few weeks. That person's not your boyfriend yet.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


The temperature control issues of this flu are unlike anything I've experienced. Every time I get out of bed, I'm shivering like freezing cold. It's so crazy. This is like the sickest I've been in years. This flu this season is not to be messed with.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


What friend takes you to a game in a box?

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Okay, I hadn't considered that there was someone else in the mix and that it wasn't a date.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


no I didn't even think about him backstage of the show I just remember the picture of them like in the box and I was like okay Jackie but it's just not even a picture it's two people sitting next to each other in a box and the most blurry zoom in photo of all time but like I never considered like there might be other that like he didn't invite her there she could be a plus one yeah totally but she also like could be on a date which is totally fine and normal totally fine and normal now they've been broken up like eight weeks it's more yeah what they wear it's February

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Are you ready for our fifth and final story? Mm-hmm. A little anniversary news. SNL 50 Anniversary Special will feature Bad Bunny, Sabrina Carpenter, John Mulaney, Tom Hanks, and more. Okay, I'm sorry.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


I know. She's performing or contributing to the special. Steve Martin, Sabrina Carpenter, Bad Bunny, John Mulaney, Dave Chappelle, and numerous other stars who've been associated with the show over the years. Scar Jo will make an appearance. It will air on February 16th. It's a three-hour long live telecast honoring SNL's 50th anniversary. It's SNL at a glance.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


February 16th is a Sunday. Oh, so it's a Sunday evening broadcast.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, and like SNL history, there's a lot to pull from. There's so many great moments, performances, like people who have come out of it. So like when they go into the archives, it's always good.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, like the current stuff is what's bad, but this is great because it's not current.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, so this has the makings to be something good.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Oh, yeah, but it's like... Whose idea was that to have like Barry Keoghan riding? Like I just would like to be on the fly on the wall for some of these meetings. And it's like they pick the most random people or even the Ritz Salty and it was like Auburn Plaza.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Who was that? I forget. His name is like Napoleon from Nine Perfect Strangers.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


I'll tell you his name. You're not going to... Michael Shannon. You have to Google him. Google him.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


He's like in so many things. Oh yeah.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


And it's like, why those two? That's not even who I would think of as salty.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


No, I feel like that was everything. Jaylen won MVP. Of course. Like, who else?

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, no, they have a lot of other really strong players and, you know, notoriously don't have the strongest quarterback.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, that is interesting to think about.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah. Yeah. It's already started. But congrats to the Philly fans. I'm happy for you. Me too. It's a nice group.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


And they had a great team. They played some beautiful ball and they deserved it. And they had a good season too. And you know what?

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, but it's a shame. We'll never really know. The Chiefs were just like falling over themselves.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


No, I don't think that you were.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


I understand why you didn't do that. And ultimately you're right because the sister-in-law is like a very mature term. Oh, I wasn't even thinking mature.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


It's literally not weird, but I do feel like when someone is younger and, they feel less like an in-law. And it's just like Ben's sister. If you had an older sister, it's very mature, sister-in-law. But when they're younger, it's like, what if you have a 12 year old sister? Like that's a sister-in-law?

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


They just don't know you and they don't know her.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


They don't know her like you do.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


No. But I understand what you mean that it's more like familial to say Ben's parents.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Well, you could start saying machatunim.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


sister sister um so you were just like sick all weekend not much to share with the class sick all weekend and i didn't even get to watch that much tv because i was like that sick i actually had to google how to turn the brightness down on my television because i couldn't even look at it wow and i figured it out and it's i'm leaving it that way of course you gotta get the tv remote not the apple tv like the actual tv remote and then you go to menu settings

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


I did it on Apple TV. Like it was this accessibility display brightness, turned it all down. So I was able to watch a little bit. I watched new Kardashians episode, but then I also watched a bunch of episodes from last season. So I don't know which one was like, yeah, this week's episode. So I can't remember. Yeah. I saw the Lamar conversation, but I forget what else happened.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Like to me, Kourtney is in Australia with her family.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah. But now I'm caught up. And then I watch. So I really was looking for something mindless because I couldn't pay attention to anything. So I watched a little bit of quarterback on Netflix, which wound up being like the perfect thing to watch in the lead up to the Super Bowl because they followed three quarterbacks. Patrick Mahomes being one of them.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


And so I was really getting to know Patty really well right before the Super Bowl. Like instead of watching the Fox countdown to red carpet, I watched quarterback. And right as I'm falling in love with Patrick, like he stunk up the joint.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


I was so impressed by him learning about his protocols, his training, this and that. I'm like, this guy's got it in the bag.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah. And he's just, like, some people are just, like, physically more gifted in the sport. Like, he also trained as a baseball player coming up. So, like, he was going to be a baseball player. And so, like, a lot of his quarterback throws, he throws, like, a baseball, which really helps him. Like, he, like, hits him with that swivel. And his, like, his head always stays straight.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


So, like, it just reminds me of, like, how Michael Phelps was, like, born to be the best swimmer.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Like, just... built to be a swimmer like Patrick Mahomes is is that quarterback but um last night he was not but something that was really funny that I wanted to tell you is that they were talking about all their different plays and how they have like all these weird names for them like cat bag lion and they have one play it's like for Travis and they call it catching Kelsey

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


And he said Travis hates it because that was the show he was on.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


I love that. So funny. And then they showed a clip of Catch and Kelsey where Travis is like being just so ridiculous. Cringe. Like about how he wants to meet someone.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Oh yeah. I wonder who they are following. Netflix like does a lot of sports content.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


It's that quote that I keep looking for. If anybody knows the quote, it's like, if you're not blooming where you're planted, you need to replant. Like Saquon replanted.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah. Their absence was glaring.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


The DCC. Oh my God. My husband's going to kill me. The DCC remind me of bring it on when like the cheerleaders are just like so much better than the football team.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, it wasn't. They're getting their season two and they're keeping the franchise alive.

The Toast

Super Bowl Licks: Monday, February 10th, 2025


Yeah, let's get into the Super Bowl without further ado-do-do-do-do. It is time for the Fast Five Stories that you need to know.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


No, it's nice. And we don't hate by choice. We are dedicated to the truth. And if things shake out in a hateful way, that's literally not our fault.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, I, first of all, I'm offended they started at 7 p.m. Like some of us have shit to do. So I didn't.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I didn't know about that until like 7.40. So that's when I was able to start recording.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, especially after the last few weeks when they've complete like not that they ever hid who they were in Gaza, but like they have been so horrible, literally dancing and parading around the coffins of Jewish babies like.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


this is what you want to say today really that's who you are like I it's really sickening um so I watched from like 740 up until no other land or whatever won the best documentary I'm like why am I watching this what I watched wasn't even enjoyable these people are morons I don't like them I don't like this like let me go back to my book um so I'll recap what I saw and we'll talk about the winners and tell me what you think like from a

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


a cinematic perspective.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


It also looks like shit. Like every preview for every movie looks like shit. And the good movies, and I know I only saw one, but like Wicked was an amazing movie. And the fact that that- Yeah, and it should have won every award. And I've seen clips of Anor and Amelia President. It's a joke. The girl writhing on the floor with the song, fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


It says fuck over, Conan O'Brien said it says fuck over 400 times in the movie. Like, and that's the best movie?

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I think you should just let it rip. I'm feeling really motivated by the truth. Like that's really what's guiding me. I don't go through a hater era like where I'm just like angry at stuff. It's like if it's good, it's good. And if it's not good, I'll say so. Let the truth guide you, Cogers.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, so of the movies that you saw, what do you think should have won Best Picture? You saw Conclave, Amelia Perez, Onora, The Substance, and Wicked.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


No, it's not even corny because it's, like, it was really artistic. It's really theatrical. Like, Cynthia Erivo has the most amazing voice on the planet. It will go down as a movie as big as... The Wizard of Oz. Yeah, Titanic. That was our movie of the year, our big budget movie. La La Land, which didn't win, by the way, which is a perfect example.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Because the movie that won, nobody talks about today.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Oh, yeah, and we're waiting for the hot takes as well.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


So I saw that you said that before I watched it. I saw you say, like, Ari's vocals are eh. And then when I watched it, I was like, oh, no, they sounded good considering I was expecting them to be eh. I wonder what I would have thought if I just watched it without any expectation. Because I was like, oh, no, she sounds nice.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


The only thing is that I never noticed this, but I could hear her breathing. I feel like that's part of the trade where it's like your breath work. You know where to take your breath so that we don't hear it, so that we don't know. Yeah, no, she was shaking. Yeah.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Oh yeah, that's so good, because they love to say, you didn't even watch the movies.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, that's what we're looking for. Funny.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


playing into it because i don't know where she goes from here but um no she goes nowhere from here that was the craziest story like this is the wokest movie of the year and she was like everywhere the darling and then the tweets they're so antithetical to like everything that the movie stands for it's just like womp womp womp no it was so ironic would have won best picture if not for that

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Okay. No, not the production, the nominees, but something.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Coders, it was a nice weekend, but it wasn't my finest, and it was actually quite boring, so I'll be brief. Sick again this weekend, which really put a damper on things. Like, had like, I guess it's just a cold. At one point I was like, do I have allergies? I looked up like what's the allergy count right now? Because it was just like so sneezy. So sniffly was Ms.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


No, they said no, just the nominee announcement. But also that would mean they had more time to vote.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah. So for the acting awards, Best Actress went to Mikey Madison, Anora. She beat out Demi Moore. That's the big snub.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah. Then best actor went to Adrian Brody for The Brutalist, which I feel like is always a good choice. His second Oscar.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


That's funny. I wish it went to Timothy.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


He just won the SAG award. He made a speech, but Kylie wasn't there because she was grieving. And then she's there last night, like with the camera. I just would have loved to see it. And I don't have a horse in this race. And Adrian Brody like disappointed his whole community. So like, why not Timothy?

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


And you cannot accept an Oscar with gum in your mouth.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Um, I have to read the 600 paid books for the redhead. So all my free time was dedicated to reading this book that started out as like a, a demon copperhead type. And now I hate this author. You know, you know when that happens? Like he set out to do something. He bit off more than he could chew. He doesn't know where he's going.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Another reason why it's a disgusting program.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


zoom out Kylie's here and then when they did show her she seemed to like not want to be laughing at jokes either she didn't understand them or she didn't want to like you know a laugh is an endorsement yeah she was just being very political yeah no she she definitely is diplomatic and doesn't want to like and also something could she might have yeah just staying out of it but they can't keep their hands off each other those two and they've been dating a while now so you would think like the lust era might have ended but no they're obsessed yeah

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


More so than Barbie. Also, even though I really liked Elvis... I wouldn't even I didn't I don't think it was that good.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


You know, I enjoy what I mean. I'm saying like that's kind of like like Rocket Man. That was like a good stupid movie. And it's like Bohemian Rhapsody was a more serious version. I don't know what the difference was, but like Bohemian Rhapsody deserves awards. Rocket Man doesn't.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Give her an Oscar, especially because this wasn't a year where there was, you know, a let it go from Frozen, like something undeniable. Of course, we could have skipped Amelia Perez. And also, Oscars are about a body of work, right? Sometimes it's not just about what you did this year, but like everything in the past. Leonardo DiCaprio winning for Revenant. Give it to Diane Warren.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


So I didn't even watch anything fun because I was reading this book, which I don't hate, but I've just been like knee deep in reading. Yesterday we did go on a local safari. So that was fun. I got to see exotic animals and that was the highlight of my weekend. So yeah, like really nothing fabulous to share on Forge.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Also, that song sounded parchy.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Like, this was the year to give it to Diane Warren.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Then best supporting actor man went to Kiernan Culkin, A Real Pain. I really liked his speech. I didn't realize what it was lacking until you shared, but your bar is very, very high.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


to the camps, you know, to kind of put things in perspective, like life's not so bad. I saw there was a funny quote. It's like, you're the product of like a thousand miracles. Cause like their grandma survived and you're going to overdose on sleeping pills. Like, I don't think so.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah. And so I was like, actually, this looks good. I actually might watch it. But then they showed a clip from it. The two boys are on the train, like talking about the train ticket. And they're like, uh, something about the $12 train ticket and how they used to live here, but they were all kicked out cause they're cheap. They thought we were cheap. I'm like, really? Right.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


That's what we're going to do?

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Because it needs to be perfect. I need to pick and choose my battles. And it's definitely not going to be. But I did see a good review. I feel like there's hope, except for then I saw the clip. And I had a problem with him. Who else was nominated in the category? Nora, Yura, Edward Norton, a complete unknown, Motherfucker Pierce, the Brutalist, and Jeremy Strong, the Apprentice.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Oh, no, sorry. I meant to go back. Yeah, best supporting actress Zoe Saldana.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, no, but I mean not by critics. By people.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


She really gaslit her. Cause she was like, I'm so sorry. I never mean to cause any offense, but this movie was made with love.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


What was her name before she becomes Emilia?

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah. Yeah. Like a like a nickname. Yeah. A nickname like dirty. Yeah. Like a surname, you know? Yeah.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Oh, I guess so. Yeah. I thought you were going to say it was one of those nights that was written in the stars.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I agree. And just to circle back, Amelia Perez's original name, the nickname was Manitas. Does that sound right? That's what I mean.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Means handyman or man who does jobs.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, that was just kind of like a great end to this run for Amelia Perez.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Oh, I saw. I saw. Slaw and schnitzel.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I guess no other musicals really came out this year that were...

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Usually it's like an animated movie. Like Coco.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Moana. Yeah. So that's why it's surprising. And that's why this was the year to give it to Diane Warren because there was nothing that was undeniable.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Do you feel like you're done talking about the Oscars?

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


No, I'm in a place where I'm very removed from this year's Oscars, the movies, the ceremony, like turning it off. Like, thank you for- It was a good year for you to skip. Thank you for offending me because I wanted to turn it off and now I had cause. Just pile of shit. It was a good year to skip. Yeah, well, maybe next year. Better luck next year. Are you ready for our next story? Yeah.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Kourtney Kardashian addresses the viral rumors that her son Mason 15. Reminder 15.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Reminder to us, 15 has a baby in a rare statement. So this is what she said. I rarely address rumors or conspiracies regarding myself or my family, but this is about my child and it feels wrong to let anyone think for a second that these lies are remotely true. They are not. I'm hanging my head in shape.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I'm sorry. Unquote, Jackie saying, as I read this, I am hanging my head in shame. Back to the quote. Mason does not have a child. These accounts that pretend to be him are definitely not. They are fake. My son really values his privacy and I'm asking all media to please be respectful. He's a kid with feelings and a beautiful life ahead of him.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Please stop spreading false narratives and spinning lies. And to all the other people making videos about my kids, who by the way are minors, please stop and leave them alone. Okay.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I just want to say Claudia brought it up. Oh, bitch. I didn't make it a story and Claudia brought it up. That's what I want to say.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, the video that I saw where it's like someone talking, talking ahead of green screen in front of this fake screenshot of Mason's fake Finsta. She's talking to that person.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Also, something that's been in the news is that new California law that we haven't spoken about. But California now has a law that if your kids are in your content, if you do like a family channel, if they're in like, what is it, 30%?

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Then you need to give them earnings and like put it in an account for them by law.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, there are other valid reasons for wanting to move out of California.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


It's not because people don't want to pay their kids. I also follow Brittany Xavier, and it's like, she's not like a family channel. Yeah, her kids are there sometimes for something, but it's like, that's not what she does. Yeah.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Oh my gosh, you guys, you're not going to believe this. If you've been here a while, you will not believe this story.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, they're a family channel. And a family like that, 100%, this law is good for them.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


And as long as they're good people, they would have already been doing something like this. So it shouldn't change. And if this really changes their operation, then they're not operating in good faith.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Like, this should be something that, like, doesn't even change people's day-to-day because they were doing something like this.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah. So we'll see if any big people start leaving, but I really don't think that's why.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I believe I said there's beauty in it. Which, if true, I would stand by, because I think it would be a beautiful thing.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, and there was actually some sweet parts, like a baby would have a great, great living grandmother. There was beauty in it.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I'm going to scoop that back. We were wrong for bringing it up. I blame Claudia, and now we're moving on.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


We will think five times before we speak. Are you ready for our next story? Number four? Number three. Claudia, if you have to ask. Oh my God, we need to hustle. I'm testing this theory because someone said every time Claudia asks what number story it is, it's always number three. So like now every time you ask, we need to check.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I just need to move my Rodecaster away from the light because it's the reflection that stops me from being able to see it. But it is our third story and I'm going to carry on with it. Please. Because Bethany Frankel says that Alex Earl stood her up for dinner. So Bethany had a long weekend in Miami that was very early because she was supposed to go to dinner with Alex and Braxton at Carbone.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


She gets to the restaurant. She starts filming for everyone that Alex and Braxton stood her up. So she eats alone. with her phone and takes everyone through the menu and whatnot. But there was like no bad blood. She said that they're going to reschedule. Then they were seen together. They made some TikToks together.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


They went out. Apparently Alex was sick from all of her travel and she couldn't make the original dinner.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


And she was like, I'm going to sit here for you guys so I could take you. I hate that. It's like, I'm I'm fine and I'm hungry.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


And what was annoying, it's like she's at Carbone and she's like, I'm not having pasta tonight. I'm going to have a fish and a salad. Like, I don't need to see we eat a fish and a salad. I want to see that rigatoni.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, Miami dinner fit to not meet Alex.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


You think Alex Earl is being too nice about this?

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Is it your truth? Then let it guide you.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, I think there was a point to where it was like, okay, now we're eating. And if I was Alex, I'd be glad that she's getting all this content from me because it's like, okay, now I don't feel so bad.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


She had a viral dinner. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I do hope that like at some point it stops. you know, and it's, or it stopped like at dinner. I hope they had a nice dinner. We don't know what happened at their dinner, like what they were talking about, what their relationship was before this. Cause I just saw Bethany doing a video about the licks versus Lex drama.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


And she was saying that she's met both women. There's no drama. They're both amazing.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I thought it was a bad take too, but I think it was just like, she wanted to weigh in. I think she has relationships with both of them and just didn't want to say anything that would piss off the other. And so, and maybe this is actually how she sees it. Cause I think what she's saying is, I think what she wants, like, it's definitely a thing that could happen.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Just two people in business and it's business and it's whatever. And that's true sometimes. I think she wants that to be true. But I don't think that's what happened here.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I think there's so many things that can mean and she left us like

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


leaving it to interpretation one I think surprised by the use of the word drop that that's how that they would phrase it she was definitely surprised by that or two it's like maybe they were battling for a while like I want to leave I want to take my show no you can't you're with us blah blah blah and maybe it was going on for months ever since the papa got involved the papa and then maybe all of a sudden they let her go like maybe they just laid down their arms for whatever reason and she was surprised that they just gave it up

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, or that, like, she was surprised when she heard the news. Like, actually, you can walk and here's your show and bye-bye. And then the drop. I think that there were elements of it that were surprising to her. So I feel like that is a good way of phrasing it. Okay. Euphemistic. But, you know, she's keeping her cards close. She's very shrewd.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I feel like they have a deeper friendship. What I got from this is that they have a deeper friendship than we know where they can like barb like this on social media. But what do I know?

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Hiya, Dern. I'm Dern good. We have a lot to cover on this Monday that feels like a Monday. First Monday in March. Let's get this bread. Oh, wait, it's almost the Met Gala. Just like a fun fact.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah. I wonder what they're having dinner about.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Before we continue. Are you ready for the next story?

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


They've harvested the first milk of the cows to get all of that.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Our next story I must share. Meghan Markle is on the cover of People magazine ahead of her new Netflix show in a wide-ranging interview. The title is The Meghan Interview. Harry, the kids, and my life now. An intimate conversation with the Duchess of Sussex.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


With a new show and lifestyle brand, Meghan is returning to her roots inside her private world in Montecito while she's back in a honeymoon period with Harry and what life is really like with Archie and Lilibet. from pancake mornings to cozy takeout nights.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I saw it this morning when I was reading People Mag. It's their top story that she's on the cover. And at first I just read the interview to see what she's saying. And it's exactly what you would think. It's the vibes and the cozy mornings. They love a fried egg. We love a lot of bacon.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Um, a couple interesting things, which I'll share, but then finishing it, I'm like, Hmm, this is your big magazine interview before your big Netflix show, which by the way, I just saw is only eight episodes. Like that's not enough, but okay. Um, I would have thought, okay, maybe not Vogue. Reach for the stars.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, no, but also it's where people go when they want to give an interview and be intimate and personal, but not the queen.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah. And it's not even like it's September. Even something like Home and Garden would have, Town and Country would have been inspired. And would have been like super party. But like we see this from reality stars like, you know, The Bachelor.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Now that I think about it, it really is.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah. She's not really saying much that we don't already know. However, the Lemonada podcast was mentioned. It says that it's coming in the spring. That's all it said. But now it's like, well, she's going to have a TV show and a product brand. Like, you don't also need a podcast. That's too much.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah. Well, I do think this is like her, you know, goal for spreading it out is to March 4th. Wait, it premieres today. It's coronation day.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


can't okay that's good i have to finish my book thank god honestly thank you megan because like i have to read all day but to the list of things we're still waiting for say spring 2025 write that down wait wait megan's lemonada claudia it's it's already on the list i just know us did you say spring to megan x lemonada what does it say spring oh no now i'll add our trajectory now we have now we have a general window okay but spring like so she has until june 21st

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, well, you know my beef with this. March 20th, I think, with Rebecca. But I'm saying it's technically three weeks away. So Lemonada could be dropping as soon as three weeks. Or as late as three months. Okay, we have our window. What else? Mayhem Lady Gaga we're waiting for. I would have forgotten about that.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Things we needed to follow up on. Beyonce announcement. We can check that off. Thank you. Oh, yeah, tour. Keeping Up With Sports. Unfortunately, we can't check that off yet. Still Radio Silence. And then the Carrie Underwood concert DVD, which I do think has come out.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


And then our content plate. Let's see if we got to any of this.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I'm going to leave it. Lioness. Back in action. Oh, that's Cameron Diaz, Jamie Foxx. Wait, I need to add that to the list of family. Next time we need a movie as a family.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


What if it was like me, you, and our husbands? That's kind of perfect.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I know, but these days, like, you'll hear if it's bad, too. There'll be, like, clips clowning on it.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Okay, so see you tomorrow, Megan. I can't friggin' wait.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I can't wait for next summer. I'm counting the days.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


We are ready for the fifth and final, and I do feel like you might have not seen it yet. Which is exciting.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Ingrid Andres has taken another stab at the National Anthem. And I do mean stab. The people are saying that she slayed, but I don't think that she did.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Like Maggie Rogers. I don't need to hear Maggie Rogers sing the national anthem.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Well, so here's what I got from this. She sang the national anthem, like the Ingrid Andres way, not drunk. And now I can understand, like, I thought it was like not a good- What she was trying to do? Yes, yes.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Like the other one was so crazy, but it was like the drunk version of this, which is already a little crazy because it's not like, there was just a lot of long notes and a lot of like riffs and- I didn't love the like she nailed what she tried to do, but I don't like what she tried to do.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


So now I can also understand how things got so off the rails at the last one because she was already going with like a twisted version.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Also, like even her best sober version, like sounds drunk. So then when she's drunk, like it's a mess. Yeah.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


No, it's hysterical, and I did feel like the audience... I don't know if they were briefed, like, okay, she's coming back, redemption, because it felt like everyone was, like, rooting for her to, like, get it right this time. It felt like everyone in the room, like, knew the assignment, so... I agree that, and I'm a huge, huge Ingrid Andres fan. I don't feel like I've said that.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Her songs like actually make me cry and I love them.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I love, no, I absolutely, like if she drops an album, I'm listening backwards and forwards. So this is as a fan. I'm glad that we can move on from this because I wasn't even going to hold a grudge, but we do just need to close the chapter. Chapter equals closed. I hope Ingrid is doing well.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


By the way, if you're a new toaster in Claudia Penn's old apartment, so just to say like two years ago, this exact thing happened. She went up to pee in the middle of the night. She opened the door and there was someone in her bathroom and they screamed at each other. And it was Ben.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah. Yeah. And so good on her team for for recognizing this moment. Completing the circle.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


That should be the title of today's episode.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah. So I'm still on the honeymoons, but from Dave and Lauren, what I find surprising is like, I feel like she's very unsure about him. And so it's kind of, this is before all the drama with the guy that he knows, whatever. But I do feel like she's like projecting these things onto their relationship. Like they never even had a fair shot.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Like I feel like from the minute she saw him, like she knew something was wrong and she never let him in even not that she should. Cause he turned out to not be a great guy, but like, there was always a blockage between them. And it wasn't like she was like, oh, Dave, I love you.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Okay, and no one got together.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


But, whatever. No, I know, but Ben Platt explained it really well to Madison when he was defending Mason. Because he was like... Yeah, sometimes you feel stronger, but then when someone else feels better about you, like then you go in that way. I don't think it's such a bad thing. And yet, if your first choice doesn't want you, then let me go with my second choice.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Like, I just don't think that that's a big deal. I think we need to normalize that.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I know I seriously hate.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Hate. I had a bad feeling about him in the pods, but this is worse than I imagined.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


You don't have to go anywhere else.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Is everyone like freaking out because of like friends, like Monica and Joey? Every time you say Monica and Joey, I think of friends.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, but it just sounds like the Friends. It does. It does. Like, when you say Monica and Joey, I'm transported.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


And I saw their kerfuffle with the follows. And Jackie, the kerfuffle with the follows, Jackie never comes up again. Okay, it was so weird, but it definitely made them stronger. Like any conflict would.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Like his reaction was too good because he was like, whatever you need. He looks guilty. Yeah, it was too, like there's something. There is something because his reaction was too perfect that it was wrong.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Oh my God. Well, they at least have plans for the future.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


That could ruin your life.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


But I'm sure also there's, I'm sure they've spoken about some stuff off camera. So it's like they have what to go off of a little bit, but we don't.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


They're not getting married. And are there issues outside of the politics, do you think? Or is this really?

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


And how do you not talk about politics in the pod? Offline. Oh, yeah. And I think that the pods should allow people to talk about politics and that they shouldn't air it.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah. Yeah. Where you could talk about those things because like they could air it and it might not play well, but you should be able to share what you feel. Because if you if you're someone whose politics is really important to you and someone's is diametrically opposed, like you shouldn't you can't be together. You shouldn't be together. Like with Virginia issue.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


He seems pretty apolitical, which I think someone who's like passionate about politics and someone who's apolitical, like I think that works great. I think it's when two people are passionate like an opposing, I feel like there's just too many issues like that arise, but I feel like they could work out.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


tiptoeing in the night no he's not welcome in your bathroom anymore that's that has to be like we can't have this happen again he needs to use the other bathroom maybe you guys need a nightlight various nightlights in your bedroom so that it's never like pitch black and when you see it's it's not like the the the reason that this happened had nothing to do with the level of darkness like well it doesn't happen in the

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


And I think it sounds like she's going to ruin it for herself or feels like she shouldn't be with him. Cause she should be with someone more passionate, but she could, if these things are important to her and he loves her, like they will become important to him.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah. And and he like he says all the right things and sounds like he means them. And he's yeah. Yeah. He's open to whatever like.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Well, that's tough when someone's saying everything you want to hear and it's like, I don't believe the words coming out of your mouth.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


So maybe he's going to say no.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah. Who do they ask first? Sarah?

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I think she might say no. And he would have said no.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Well, the weddings, you can fast forward all the way, so we don't need to hear the recap of what we just spent five years watching. Correct. So that's where I do hit the fast forward. Hit the fast five. I don't need to watch them in the mirror being like, and also fucking lying to us. Cause they're about to say no.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


That's what's crazy. I will like, I can't get over that. They seriously act like they're having a wedding and it's like, you're a saying no.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


I think we did too. We didn't watch White Lotus last night.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah. Yeah. We listen and we don't judge. We listen and we don't judge.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


You guys are the craziest two people. That's the thing. You and Ben are so crazy. You're seriously perfect for each other. Can I tell you something? You're crazy.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Is it? You're so mainstream these days. I can't keep up with you.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Unless, like, your scream scared him, because, like, screams are scary. By the way, that is what happened.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Like, you guys are so crazy.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Sound off in the comments, does this happen to you? Like, is this something that happens?

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah. A small price to pay.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Yeah, well, the lack of sleep, the need.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Or it was the pregnancy. I think it was the vasovagal. I think it was so vas. It's giving vagal. Vags. Vags.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


um so that's like literally the only thing i have to report from the weekend because it was seriously it wasn't real it was literally a movie like oh my god yeah well speaking of the movies the oscars were on last night i endeavored to watch them we'll share all of our thoughts in the fast five which i think without i mean we should like make haste today there's a lot to talk about fast five stories we're doing you're doing love is blind recap

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


You never know what's gonna come up along the way.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Oh, okay. These better be good. I feel like you're really, there's nothing worse than when someone's like, I have a hot take.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


Okay, without further do-do-do-do-do, here are the Fast Five stories you need to know.

The Toast

Oscar is Blind: Monday, March 3rd, 2025


When I wear my hair like this, like for the show, and I see there's a little bit of scalp, I can't watch the episode.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Really quick shipping. I love the auto ship because I'm not going to lie, I don't remember everything Bruno needs every single month. Who possibly could? But Chewy remembers. The North remembers. Chewy has everything you need to keep your pet happy and healthy. And right now you can save $20 on your first order and get free shipping by going to slash toast.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


That's slash toast to save $20 on your first order with free shipping. slash toast. Minimum purchase required. New customers only. Terms and conditions apply. See site for complete details.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Sheryl Crow is the Meg Ryan of singing.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Our first story, in honor of Chewy, is actually giving us a lot to chew on.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Meghan Markle is teasing her first as-ever product launch in a memory-filled vision board.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


So she teased that she may be releasing a raspberry spread as the first ever product of her new as ever rebrand. Oh, that Easter egg went completely over my head. She took to Instagram Thursday night to share a photo of her personal memory vision board, which included three white as ever labels with raspberry spread written in the center.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


She also hinted at the launch earlier this week when she had said like jam is her jam. And she shared an Instagram snap of a luscious bunch of Brunch spread featuring two unlabeled jam jars. The mystery of the jam. But I want to pull up the vision board because there's a lot of clues. It's like kind of giving Taylor Swift like... It's a cork board.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


It's a cork board with... Different things pinned to it. Photos, you know, a real life Pinterest board. Quotes, trips to the Cape. So here are some highlights, if I may. Top left, the biggest thing that you can read is... It says, farm fresh eggs, carrots two ways, sweet treats. I just have one question.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Well, I'm all caught up on Southern Charm. I watched the last two episodes. The Bahamas are on and Sienna is off. Let me just tell you.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Wait, then some of the other things that are written that we can read. One, stay close to people who feel like sunshine. Next, happiness looks gorgeous on you. Next, you cannot make everybody happy. You're not a charm, Nutella.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Not to spoil the ending for you, but everything's going to be okay. I do like that quote. So, I love you with all my butt. I would say my heart, but my butt is bigger.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


There's also some photos, some that look like stock photos, others that are like black and white of Meghan and her children. There's a little illustration of what looks to be Meghan and Harry and honestly, Bruno right there. Some pancakes that have like, look like a little man or Mr. Potato Head. California 33, like a highway sign. So it's just like kind of the aesthetic of the brand.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


But there is also some Tig... throw memorabilia because all of those cool cards have the tig logo on the bottom and then another one is like signature tig cup and it's a little recipe so there's tigginess

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


That's classic. Honestly, this wouldn't be a story if they weren't doing that. And I'm sorry for them. It's giving road.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I do know that because a lot of times when I'm affiliate linking my road products, road comes up first and I click it and they're like, sorry, we're not working anymore.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


If I had a small business and a celebrity like name, there's the same like it's it's amazing for your small business when it's great for SEO to like then you get to make this video. They stole my brand and then everybody like hears about you and feel sorry for you. And it's a boost.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah, when I saw it, I didn't even really register. I'm like, of course there's as ever. Any word there, someone's trademarked it somewhere.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


But what if two women are named Monique Lulier? You can't have your own name? And they both want to be business owners.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


And what if they both want to make dresses? Yeah.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


It's giving like the word salad of brands, like a lot of lettuce.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


But like what? The only allegation against her is just that she doesn't like Shep. Like she just doesn't like him. I don't think she's fighting that. I think it has something to do with Whitney. Whitney had said that they matched on Raya. He didn't say that like they were together. He said they matched on Raya.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


To me, it's congruous with the mishmash of branding and words and verbiage that she's put out up until this point. And until there's a product, something tangible, I will continue to ask the question. Never stop asking why. Never stop asking what kind of business you're in. People need to be able to answer that question.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I feel like people don't get that. What about the final jam? Do you think they'll be serving jam? Like, this is the first jam. And I think hopefully the final jam would be in years to come. I think it's wares. Okay? Wares.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Carrots two ways. Oh, right, I forgot. Carrots two ways. I think it's jams, recipes, sweet treats.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


jams right the thing is everything else is like extremely fresh like am i coming to your house to buy it jams are obviously preserved so that can be sold mass market but like is she gonna can other things i think the carrots was like more a nod towards recipes like i think the tig element will be a part of her company like will be some sort of like push goop online web

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Or a cookbook eventually, but I don't want to buy your cookbook until I've seen what you make. And the Netflix show is launching when? In March. And then would the cookbook be called With Love Megan or As Ever Megan?

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I feel like when you are a brand, you have to put out a bunch of things that you do, your business, but then also nonsense, just like content, things that look nice. And this is like every single Instagram post that they could have ever posted on one board. And seeing it all together shows you that they're actually not saying anything. They actually don't stand for anything.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


They have no unique point of view. Well, as always with Megan and her companies, we'll just have to wait and see. Though I do think it's unique to think that happiness looks gorgeous on you. I feel like that's not universal.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


You feel like sunshine to me. My eternal sunshine. So another day.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Oh, like maybe Whitney was up her butt.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Another clue. Less clarity. More clues, less clarity.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


With a mason jar. With love. As ever. So we should wait and see. As always, queen pop off. As ever, we shall wait and see.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Are you ready for our next story? Everyone's really excited about this. Nobody Wants This season two has cast Leighton Meester and Miles Fowler. Leighton Meester, the real life wife of Adam Brody, who's in Nobody Wants This, has been cast in season two of Nobody Wants This. And obviously she's an acclaimed actress, country strong, gossip girl. She will actually be playing...

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Okay. Whatever, I actually don't care.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Abby, who is Kristen Bell's middle school nemesis, who is now an Instagram mommy influencer. 10 out of 10 idea.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


No, this is amazing for the Fosters because we were just saying like get Leighton back in the game. And now she's going to be on this hit show. She'll get to be with her husband, work with her husband. She's a great actress. I love this role. Sounds great. Like I actually might watch this season two. Sounds so good. I might watch season one now.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Okay, thanks very much. I'll give you a little Southern Charm recap at the end. I watched a tiny bit of Love is Blind as I fell asleep last night, but like nothing really of note, except I did see all the stuff that you described with the golf and the twerk. Oh, cringe. Yeah.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I know, I talk about it all the time.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


The reason why I don't watch it is because I'm worried I won't like it. Because you hate everything? No. I've just seen and heard some stuff, and I'm worried I wouldn't like it. But I want to like it, so it's better if I don't confirm that.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I don't think it's, would I like it? So you couldn't even say. And the thing is, I want to like it.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Okay, so I think now I will watch it, but I'm just letting you know, up until this point, I was worried about that. So I was like, maybe it's better if I don't watch it and I can just talk about it. And if I didn't not like it, then I liked it.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


And because I need to see the podcast. Now it's come up in my life so many times.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


And he's, that guy's going to pick her even though the other girl maybe is the better choice, but like, he's so like sexed up for her.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I feel like you told us something about Hale one time.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah, my husband just joined an intramural basketball league down here. Yeah, he plays all the time. He comes back with like black and blue marks. He's like, a fight broke out. He came home early, like early-ish because he was like, it was usually going later. He came home early-ish. I was like, what happened? He was like, a fight broke out. I had to leave.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


It's like they act like they're not going to see each other at the grocery store tomorrow morning.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I'm sorry. He needs to stay and fight.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I was so mad. That is so crazy. See, there's drama. Anyways, that's very real, all's to say.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


So I'm very excited about this casting, and I do think that I'm going to watch.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


And I'll support anything the Fosters do from now until the end of time. Yes.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Her book hasn't come out yet and they've already optioned it.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah. So I'll support that too. So can't wait to give them my money. I don't give a fuck. I'll support the Fosters no matter what. All of them. David too. You know what?

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


i can't do that just like i can't like change a song in the middle like i can't just like skip over whole episodes i could once i establish the couples i could fast forward through couples i don't like but like i have to do my research i'm sorry okay fine and i do want to say i don't care about the spoilers because i don't care about this show so go off queen to the toasters two days ago who said like jackie and claudia you can't stop watching it one because we need the recaps and two because it gets better i believed you and i was right like it does get better the show is so good like

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I'm sure he's an amazing guy. Yeah. With an amazing girl. 100%. Our next story is some really shocking news. I'm going to be shocked. I don't know if you're ready for this. I'm not. The actor who played Daniel Meade has been arrested for battery. And a shocking mugshot is accompanying this story. For anybody.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah, the CEO's son. Caleb Nichols' son.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


You would have thought it would be because- He's a handsome guy. He's a handsome guy and like, I would just say- He has a black eye in the photo.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


So he was arrested in Florida on Thursday morning for battery and resisting an officer without violence. He was taken into custody by officers from the Nassau County Sheriff's Department.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I know, but it literally says Florida at 2.13 a.m. local time after allegedly being involved in a bar fight with a woman. per the arrest report obtained by the Post. He was then booked into the Nassau County Jail. Oh, Nassau County is also a county in Florida. Oh, okay, I figured. Nassau County Jail and Detention Center at 5.45 a.m. on the two misdemeanors.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


The actor appeared to have sustained injuries in the alleged bar brawl as his mugshot showed him with a bruise on the corner of his right eye. It's like near Jacksonville area, if anybody cares. who want to see, like, this is Daniel Meade as we know him. Correct. Wearing an ascot. Before and after. Damn. I mean, I guess. And he's also, like, kind of in every show.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Like, he's very much like a... Yeah, he's in, like, a bunch of random shit. That's classic him.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


According to the arrest report, he was at the bar with a female friend who was asked several times by the bartender and other patrons to leave because she was continuously being disrespectful.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


the situation turned nasty when the woman allegedly began spitting on people before turning to the alleged victim as if she was going to spit on her when the alleged victim told the woman that she needed to leave the woman started shoving her per the report that's when the cruel intentions actor i guess he was also in cruel intentions allegedly jumped into the altercation knocking both his companion and the alleged victim to the ground what's his name in real life eric mabeus the alleged victim told officers that yeah that's also a good detail to know

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


It's such an amazing Friday. I feel like somebody who says happy Friday in earnest. Like I want to walk down the street and say happy Friday to my fellow man.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Oh, by the way, classic Cruel Intentions. Yeah. And he was in like Dirty Sexy Money or whatever.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah, he definitely had a contract with ABC and they were like, this is our next big star.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


So he allegedly jumped into the altercation, knocking them to the ground. The alleged victim told officers that while she was on the floor, Eric got on top of her. He's the positive football player in Cruel Intentions. Eric got on top of the alleged victim and was pulling her hair, ripping a handful of her hair from her scalp.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Multiple people at the bar then pulled him and his friend off the victim.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah, like he joined in. It was like a girl fight and he joined in.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I didn't even know that this was like...

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


There's a fly. You haven't noticed it the whole time?

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


No, no, no. It comes in and out. Oh, here he is. Take a pair.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


They always find their way back to me. I actually don't like this look. I'm not feeling it, but thank you, and that would give me a migraine. I don't know how you do it. It is a little dark in here. No, but the tightness of the sunglasses with the tightness of the headphones.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Angela Bassett defends her disappointment. She did the thing by looking disappointed after she lost the Oscar to Jamie Lee Curtis. And she is talking about that moment. So. I kind of am loving this reaction. She's not apologizing for her viral reaction after the Oscars loss to Jamie Lee Curtis.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


After two years of facing criticism for her facial expression when Jamie won and she didn't, she defended the look. She said, I found it interesting. Interesting that I wouldn't be allowed to be disappointed at an outcome where I thought I was deserving. I love applauding people. But in that moment. I have put in, put in the time, put in good work over time. I didn't think that was a gift.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I thought it was a given. So she's like, this is exactly what we're saying. Like she thought she deserved to win. She didn't win. Ergo disappointment. And that's what showed on her face. And she's allowed to have that emotion.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


And I actually feel like when celebrities don't have emotions over these awards and like the person who wins, it's kind of just expected and everyone else just sits there. It invalidates the legitimacy of the award show. Cause it's like, Is it, do you never expect to win? Like, I don't know.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I feel like when people actually like have hopes and they think they might win and then they don't win, it makes it more real as opposed to like when everyone's just like, oh yeah, that person's gonna win because these things aren't fair. Yeah, no, it's a competition.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I think she was like the first lead actor nominee for an Oscar. For a Marvel film.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah. And both for actors but also musicians, it's like you get the part. You do the work. You do so good. You're so close. And then if you don't win, it's like you have to do it all over again. over again if you want to win it. Same for an actor, a musician who writes an album.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah. It's a nice freer way to be like not constantly boring. Dive deep, dive and dodge in spoilers.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


It's like, I put my year's worth of experiences into an album, produced it, da-da-da, put it out, marketed it, sang it, went on tour, didn't win. I have to do it again if I want it.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


If I want that, I have to do all that over again.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


But then when I think about it that way, and that really exhausts me, like thinking we have to do it again to win the award. Then I'm like, let's put less stock in these awards because you just look at you things you did all of that. And you're going to let that get you down when it's like not even a fair playing field to begin with.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Are you ready for our fifth and final story?

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


There was drama on my commute. So now that I have my auto park button, like I'm... The world was my oyster. I was like, I could drive in New York City. I can parallel park. Like, queen, go off. I went to the grocery store, and I parallel parked. Just cut. Nothing stands in your way. So this morning, I was like, I'm going to get the best spot in the whole village. But the village was popping today.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Oh, we also have Queenie and Weenie of the Week.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


We do, and that's why the fifth and final story is TV recaps. Okay, you want to go first or second? I'll go first, because, like, Summer House is very much in the news, right?

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Summer Charm. Southern Charm is very much in the news right now. So I watched the last two episodes and I'm glad that I did because the first episode was just like them traveling down to the Bahamas, preparing to see Sienna. They land at the airport. Shep's like calling. My phone is talk to texting.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


It's your worst nightmare come true. Okay, go, go, sorry. So they land at the airport. So the thing with Shep and Sienna, it's like, they're seeing each other. They're not, Shep is exclusive, but he hasn't had the conversation with her. She goes like days, I guess, without answering his text messages.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


And it's like, he's, she's just not that into you, but he takes the whole cast down to the Bahamas. So she's kind of like hosting and ghosting. I think they should have titled the episode that, but they didn't ask me. That's a good title. Thank you. So he gets to the airport. He has to call her three times before she picks up. Cause like she should be like meeting them at the airport.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Of course, sending a car. Right, no. Then she's like, I'll meet you at the hotel at like 6.45 before they're going to dinner.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


They're staying at the Baja Mar. The boys have like a presidential suite and the girls have a suite. And actually I'm loving the group of girls together. Taylor's like getting, you can see she's like making friends. So it's Taylor, Madison, my queen. I just want to say Madison LaCroix is my queen.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


My spot was gone. Your spot was gone. My spot was gone. The spot that you say, all the spots were gone. But then I drive further down the street. I see Kojir's, and there's a spot behind you. So I pull up next to Kojir's. I go to my screen to hit my P button and it's not there. And the car is not registering that this is a parking spot and I can't press the button if it's not registering.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Just in case I don't find a way to work that in later. My queen.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Taylor, Madison, Molly, love. Molly. And Sally Ann, growing on me. So it's just the four of them because Vanita missed her flight and so she'll be there tomorrow. But the girls are like really getting along in there.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah. And she got turned down by JT. Oh, right. So the four of them are getting along and having fun, even though it's like so weird because Taylor used to date Shep. Molly has a crush on Shep. Shep is there with his new girlfriend. We're all there for Shep's new girlfriend. Taylor's new boyfriend used to date Sally Ann. Okay. Taylor hooked up with Austin, who used to date Madison.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


So, like, all the girls, like, like the same guy.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


But we're also all there to meet Sienna. And she comes up to the boys' suite, like, right before dinner. They're, like, having a couple drinks. And Shep wants to talk to her. Oh, my God, Claudia. It was the most painful thing. He's wearing his, like, fisherman clothes because he's like, Sienna will help me get dressed. Like, I need her help. Do you get any dress?

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Like, this girl is not your girlfriend and she doesn't want to be your girlfriend. I love it. You should show up like looking nice. So like, first of all, she comes and meets the guys and Craig is like, I've never felt energy like that from another human being. Like I had to leave. I said, I'm going to check on the reservation. Like I couldn't, I can't even explain like the energy was so off.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I don't even know what he's talking about, but like, I will believe you to be there.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


So then the boys go downstairs. He's in the room with Sienna, like trying, he was like, let's go to my room and you can help me get dressed. And so his room was like a mess too. And it's like weird. Cause he's like, he like Craig's brushing his hair. They're so nervous.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I don't know why he would leave his room a mess. Like he should know better than that. But literally Craig was brushing his hair because he had had hair. Like they're so nervous to see Sienna.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Like they're afraid by doing nothing.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


It's a powerful thing. She literally, she picks out an outfit for him like, oh yeah, that's really great. She don't give a fuck. Oh, he's like, okay, I'll put it on. So she's like, okay. And she leaves to let him try it on. His face drops. Cause he's like, why won't you like. Your girlfriend can see you naked. Right.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Claudia, I've never seen this man's face like this in my whole time, 10 seasons of Southern Charm. Like his face drops, he's crestfallen that she's leaving the room. And he's like, don't leave. Claudia was so crazy.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I mean, that's what everyone's saying. It's a taste of his own medicine. Like every girl that he's ever been with, he never gave them enough. And they always felt like that. Even Madison is like he came after my relationship with Austin for so many years. Of course, I love seeing him go through it. And I love poking at him, too, even though they're like fine now.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah, it's just a taste of his own medicine. And as Taylor said, it doesn't taste so good. Yeah, I agree. So then they have this like really weird conversation where he tells her that he's in love with her, which he's already told her that. And then they're like, we'll talk rest later. So they go downstairs and have dinner with the rest of the group. And like on TV, it looked okay.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


But then the next day when the rest of the cast were recapping it, they were like, it was so weird. Her vibes are just like so weird. They don't know what she wants. And I think she obviously doesn't want to be with Shep. She's 26. He's 46. I think like she's 26. He's 46.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


That's what they said on the episode. Maybe it's like 43, but that's what Madison said. Shep Rose age.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah. So like, obviously that's not his person. Yeah. And then the following episode, Vanita comes, Whitney comes, Ryan comes. Classic ride. It's Rodrigo's husband.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I only know the major players. He's been on the seasons for, I never can remember his name, but then last night I committed it to memory. I was like, Olivia Rodrigo.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


So now we have Rodrigo and Ryan. We're waiting for JT to arrive. That will be, you know, a bag of fun. But they're just having like a good time. It's definitely weird. Austin and Craig are like still fighting, like just being girly. Yeah. Because like they hate each other. Yeah. And that's about it.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


No, it was very odd that that one wasn't coming up, that first one. Then I...

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


We'll see what happens next. Yeah. And Molly's just like waiting in the wings. Yeah.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


My queen, she couldn't go out. She had a migraine. Meanwhile, she was just hungover. But like that, that does manifest as a migraine sometimes. So I see you.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Oh, when she said that she was avoidant personality?

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


skirted around then they told me there was parking in the back and there is a back entrance and it's just like it's actually probably a few feet closer so i tried and i did that and then when i was in that parking spot of course everything was coming up p so i don't know what happened it definitely like makes me realize that you can't rely on technology for everything without technology but i'll just go back to like parking in the parking lot okay right right i heard you also use the p button in the regular parking lot though i did just because i was like i wanted to do something like prove yourself right right piece of shit piece of

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


She said avoidant, and then I picked up my head back up, and he got weird. So I was like, what'd I miss?

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah, you can tell there's a little crazy there.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I actually think they're not. So the craziest love triangle, it gets resolved. So does Ben propose to Madison? Did they get engaged? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So is Mason going to go with Sarah?

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Oh, I actually think they might have been a good match, except then he might've seen Madison in Guatemala.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


But I just want to say that situation was interesting. Cause it's like, if he had chose Madison and then saw Meg on vacation, like he would have been like, ooh, Meg. And even if he chose, and if he chose Meg, like they were the same level of attractiveness. And I feel like his head would have been turned no matter what. Cause he just like, couldn't make a choice.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


And that's like, it's not because one of them is more beautiful than the other. They're actually exactly as beautiful as the other.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


And not only did I use the P button, it backed into the spot, which is something I've never been able to do. So when I get out of here, I'm out.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


No, I feel like if it was a harder narcotic, he would have said. People share that stuff on the show.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Oh, I saw the reveal between. Between who? Joey and Monica.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah. So that was kind of cool. Redeemed itself a little bit. But no, like embarrassed me in front of my friends, in front of my coworkers. Everyone like came out of the building to watch the South Park. And I was gonna be like, look, I'm on no hands. And I was embarrassed. So no.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I'm sorry. Sometimes... The way that people on the show carry themselves, like their gait, even like Chelsea running. Yeah. Like her folded over on the floor. She got down on her knee when he did.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I think they're perfect for each other, except I thought that her physical gesticulations and her presence was too much. And he probably didn't notice it in the moment, but it's like, that's the sort of thing that was- Claudia.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I guess all the other time in the show, she was always sitting.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Oh, it was so weird. Cause he was like downplaying, he was like, I know I'm not super religious. I believe in God, but like that's kind of about it. And then she's like, do you go to church every week? And he's like, yeah, I think that would qualify you as like a religious person.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


But you didn't follow Leo and Brittany. I'll never fucking forgive them for that.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


That sounds like my fast forward couple if I want to save time.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Tell me who he is. It sounds like not completely unfamiliar, so give me a clue.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Do you think it's weird that if he like had seen her and then somehow in the pods piece together that like she's that girl from Instagram, that that really matters?

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Because to me, I'm not like convinced that this is like a cardinal sin. Me neither. But I need to see, I need to see, I need to see more. She just shares her first name in the pods, really. Taylor. So out of everyone who he can't see, a girl named Taylor, how does he know that that's a girl from Instagram? I think it's a little far-fetched.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Okay, I knew that. Okay. You know, you've definitely seen.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


That's why I will watch it, because hopefully they make the case as to why this is so crazy.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I think people said that you looked like her in your sunglasses. That's why I was just on her page.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


cosmetology sales I agree I actually think he's way better suited with Molly I don't think he would last with either of them like actually get married to either of them but I think he might be happier with his choice for a longer amount of time with Molly because like Lauren is just like he's just like, he seems like a mean guy. And she's like, she's soft.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


And yeah, I think Molly has a bit of a thicker skin that would like just, she could tolerate him more for a little bit longer, but still they wouldn't work out. So it actually doesn't matter who he chooses. One thing I really liked, he's just like not right for this process.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Like I may have just gotten the chill.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


No, and a lot of them I see are like kind of using their sexuality. Like they're getting their guys like hard to like, that's how I felt about. The golf. The golf, but other things where it's like, there's like the sexual, there's like the choice that's like the sensible choice. And then there's like the sexual choice, which I've never really like seen that before.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I've seen people, you know, of course, like Megan Fox comes to mind, like that's a way, you know, I'm not going to decline getting engaged to Megan Fox.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


No. She did that. Like, that's attractive. And she did it.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


And she's allowed to have had a job. Like if a guy was like anything. Or that was like when someone was a football player last season. And then she chooses him and meets him.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


She is truly. She already looked for flights to extend. They are sold out. So she is going.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I'll go first because my Queenie of the Week is like more of an abstract concept and that my Queenie of the Week is the week. Like is the studios, is the production, is the commute, is the lady who parked my car, is the button that self parks my car sometimes. Like just the week in general was so Queenie-like and I could have chosen any one of those things, but just the ambiance of the week.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


If we can allow a concept. You can. Concepts are always welcome at Queenie. First in place or thing.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I guess. But you're going to come visit me all the time.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Okay, so it sounds like we're aligned.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


What's her trade outside of being Gabby's girlfriend?

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


And they both are faking pregnancies right now. Bonnie Blue is not pregnant. And is my culture a costume to you? I actually saw a headline, I didn't click it, that Bonnie Blue faked her pregnancy to raise money for someone else's IVF treatment. And then labiaplasty Lily was faking a pregnancy as a role play for a video of hers.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Okay, she's a comedian. Yeah, no, she like has a job. Okay, because you were just saying that she's a former orthodox Jew and Gabby's girlfriend. It's like, so how'd she end up on the good guys?

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


You could asterisk the O. We'll talk about it.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Okay, and we have a monitor up. Okay, I see I have to pull it back. Pull back, pull down.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Wait, wait. I'm so glad we're doing this.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Wait, wait, no, Claudia, get back here.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Wait, let me organize. Hold on, I'm having a really hard time. Yeah, it's cramping. No, no, I'm just like not, we were closer before. This is crazy.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Wait, wait, wait, I'm coming in. I'm coming in hot.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Okay, that is actually really educational to let me know that it's never gonna fucking happen.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


No, no, it's never gonna happen. I think I have to give up on my dreams, but my car parks itself. So when one door closes, another one opens.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah, no, no. I had to go look when they said that and I saw what they were saying.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Okay. Except, like, be careful with your comparisons because you just never know when it goes down a dark, slippery slope.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


That's different. You're just wearing sunglasses while podcasting. They're not saying, like, you look like him.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah, but that was different. That's different than being like doppelganger. No one was saying like Tim Dillon's your doppelganger. They were just saying you both podcast in sunglasses. Yeah. Groundbreaking. Truly. Groundbreaking stuff. And the stories, like if you had to describe them. You know, it was a slow start, but they came together. And Houston, we've got a show.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


That was kind of like us this week. A slow start, but we came together. I actually feel like we came out of the gate with a bang, like all week, firing on all cylinders. Studio, studio, studio. Last week, a week ago, we were in Miami.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


The thing is, we have so much to do today that we can't just go down tangents about a cute video that you saw. No, and also, nobody cares about the cute video you saw.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Especially on a busy Friday when we're catching flights, not feelings. You wrecked. I'm excited to see Romeo. We're catching little feelings of, like, missing you.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


It's so true. We went back to the beach yesterday. So Kristen Cavallari and Stephen Coletti coded and we had a really nice, lovely time. We're kind of like becoming beach people. I'm trying to tell you bitches. I mean, you're a water sign, of course. Correct. I'm not, like, I don't love the ocean like you do. And we do live, like, close to the ocean. So we should go more. And I'm definitely. Open.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Like, all the vitamins you need in this world are at the beach.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


The sun, the vitamin D, the sand. It's a natural exfoliator.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


It was extra crazy that they closed the beaches during COVID. Like when you think about that.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Like all we needed, like vitamin D was going to be what got you through. And instead like we closed it off and said, staying your house with no sunshine.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


close the air no it was like it was a bit crazy it was a bit much that's another thing about the wedding people the book that i'm really struggling to get through is she references a pandemic a little too much for me well if you listen to the red if you finish the book and listen to the redheads we discuss that and this do you want to let me just spoil for you what we said because one of the redheads was like why did you have to talk about the pandemic like it's really annoying um like that's what happened what are we just not going to write books between 2020 and

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah, but we're going to make the most of it. We're going to soak up each other's awesomeness while we're still together.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


and 2022 like just we had to live it like we have to like talk about and also some of the things that happened like during covid affected people's lives in terms of like the girl in the book she's depressed she was depressed she was the other girl's a covid bride she got a divorce like a bit of an alcoholic i just think books that like reference the pandemic in a real way need to have like a little symbol on the front so i know to stay away from them like yes i lived it and that was enough for me they stole some of the best years of my life and i don't want to read

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I'm open to things that represent it in an honest way about how it really changed people's lives. What, we're not going to write books about World War I because it's a drag?

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Yeah. So anyways, I actually didn't mind it considering I don't like reading about the pandemic. Some of my least favorite books were about it. But that's what happened. We've got to talk about it. If you were a young person, if you were a relatively young person during that time, your life changed in some way. Maybe you had a breakup. Maybe you had a divorce. Maybe you became an alcoholic.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Maybe you became depressed. Maybe you're a COVID bride. Maybe you lost weight. Some people lost weight. Maybe you gained weight. Well, we did. So, like, I actually liked the way that she did it, considering it could go either way.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


should we dive in to the stories oh yes but i also just wanted to say something about what we were talking about yesterday about the bebis family because i think after yesterday we thought that that like was the beginning of the end of the story and like the the grieving could begin um but then last night it came out they've been they were identifying all the bodies that came back from gaza yesterday and the babies were positively identified the mother's body was not the mother it's just some like random woman doesn't they can't identify who

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


It is. Doesn't match the DNA of any female hostage, even though the bodies that are still there.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


So it's not over. And I feel like some influencers maybe like breathes a sigh of relief yesterday if they like got away with never posting about it. It's not over. Like the world needs to put so much pressure and speak out. Like where is Cherie Bibas? Like as much as I saw 40 million people post all eyes on Rafa.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Speak up now more than ever. and it came out that also the babies were killed by their hands. They weren't shot or anything, they were killed. They were murdered with their hands. a month after they were taken hostage. So you're not off the hook. Keep up the energy. We'll keep up the energy. How about you guys fucking start?

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I don't know why you would want to go down a Sheryl Crow rabbit hole.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


If you said anything about Elon and you have not said anything about this, you're the last person I want to fucking know.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I think we did it a few months ago and it was fruitless. It was a fruitless endeavor.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


And at the very least, if you have that issue, don't pretend to care about some made up shit that you saw. One thousand percent. Just stay out of it completely. Yeah. But hopefully you care a little bit.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


The two babies were kidnapped from their home.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Now I feel like we can get into the Fast Five stories. Do you think? Now that that's off my chest.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


We can get into the Fast Five stories. And today's episode, I'm so thrilled to let you know, is brought to you by Chewy. Correct. You know who loves Chewy?

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I don't want to talk about Sheryl Crow. Sorry.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


So I have, I'm on auto ship over at Chewy. Like I'm getting Chewy every month in addition to the things that I'm like, oh, you know what? Bruno needs a little something special today. So we get so many things on auto ship from Chewy, like his dental sticks, food, everything, prescriptions. You can connect them with your vet. Chewy is like the one-stop shop for pet supplies, period.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


If you're a pet parent like us, you know about Chewy. And when they say that they have everything that you need to keep your pet happy, they're not messing around. Chewy does not play. That's one thing about Chewy. To keep them happy, Chewy has over 100,000 products from all the brands our pets love at prices that I love. Food, treats, beds, you name it, they have it.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


And it gets shipped directly to your door in one to two days. And not just for dogs and cats. Birds, fish, reptiles.

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


Is Sheryl Crow the one that dated John Mellencamp for a hot minute?

The Toast

Summer Charm is Blind: Friday, February 21st, 2025


I've had an amazing experience with Chewy. Not only is it so user-friendly on the site, it comes in like one day, two days.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I could forget because after all of the murmurs that I made about it this week, I did not watch because I went to sleep early last night, which I never do because yesterday we had a huge day, first of all. We recorded at 7 a.m., and I was up so late at, like, my big event that I literally got, like, five hours of sleep that night, and my cough was keeping me up.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


So much is happening. So much has happened. It is a Friday. So much will happen. And so many ways it does feel like a Friday because it's a celebration that we're together, that we're in this pargy professional studio.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


So I was so tired all day yesterday, and I had such a huge day because it was Harry's birthday. Oh, my God. It was Harry's birthday. So it was just a totally full day. By the end of the day, I literally got into bed at 9 and, like, went to sleep, and I was like, Southern Charm can wait, and I know Claudia will barely remember, and, like, no one's waiting for my recap. You know what's so funny?

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Many years on, I think I've been using Home Chef for about seven years. Yes, I love it so much. A couple nights a week, we do Home Chef. It allows me to make creative things. I don't have to think of what's for dinner. That's sometimes the hardest part. I don't have to grocery shop because everything is sent in a meal kit. And I know it's going to be an easy meal.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


It's an easy recipe to follow, step-by-step instructions. You can customize your boxes every week based on your dietary preferences. It's so fabulous. Whether you're an expert chef, a novice chef, you are a home chef.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Thank you. I want a free detert. Well...

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Our first story, Jason Kelsey, it's been a very Kelsey week. Okay, just accepted, okay? It was a Super Bowl. Jason Kelsey and Kylie Kelsey podcasted together for her podcast, Not Gonna Lie. It was a little Valentine's Day special. A little what? A little Game Tunes Day special between the two of them. They broke down the key to keeping the spark alive while raising young kids.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Okay, what's the key? So the pair discussed the dangers of falling into the whole mom and dad routine in Friday's episode of Not Gonna Lie. Jason acknowledged that every couple raising young children struggles with that dynamic from time to time. They are so real.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


they are so real when kylie said quote always dating your spouse helps he agreed saying it reminds you to spend time and take the time to do things with that person and that can get lost very easily especially with kids they said they're in that phase of their life obviously their main focus right now is the kids but getting that rare moment to enjoy time together is even more special in this time

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Ready? You think so little of me. I appreciate that.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


So go out on a date. Honestly, like I know I'm going to roll my eyes, but like, that's good advice. And like, I don't do it. Yeah.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Never stop dating. And it's like, well, I'm tired. So no. And it's like, okay. Logistically speaking, like when we finally get the kids down, like I'm bone tired and now I'm going to go out to dinner. I guess you could go out to dinner before they go down and like get a couple hours back. I don't know. It's just exhausting.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Just because by the end of the day, like my idea of a good time is relaxing. Right. We could relax together, sure, but like we're not going to go dating.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Like that's the vibe. More. I agree, but this is good advice. Zach and I are going to go on a date this week because this is like- It's game tunes. It's game tunes day. It's our anniversary. And then it's always nice to like celebrate a kid's birthday because it is a milestone for the two of us. So this week, historically, we've always done something. It's your annual date. It's our annual date.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


At his birthday, because he does like to go out. I mean, but for him, he would love to go to the movies. Like, that's not dating. We're not talking. No, but you go. We'll talk on the way there.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


No, no, no. And that's not my idea of a great time. So it has to be more 50-50. But on his birthday, it's like, what do you want to do? Of course. We're headed to the movies using my secret Santa gift. But yes, our annual date is coming up. Which is great. What are you going to wear? Oh, I don't know. I've been shopping a lot, but I feel like I've really been hungry. Like I want a meal.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


And because I've been sick with long COVID, it's like if I don't. How's it going, by the way? It's getting better. I took so many vitamins last night.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Um, first of all. And who are they to like deny your diagnosis? Yeah. Like the erasure of long COVID. It's disgusting. It makes me sick. Like it's going on nine days now. Okay. Like you try it. You try having long COVID for a day. You try it. Let alone nine. Okay. So like, this is my truth. This is my struggle and you're not going to silence me.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


And like them doubting long COVID, like how disgusting and despicable they would do such a thing. Who would do such a thing?

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Sounds like a fun date night. Well, I'm- Candlelit dinner in the tent in the garage. I'm pushing past my long COVID by going- You won't let it stop you. Yeah, we're gonna go out to dinner because what I was saying, it's like, because I've had long COVID, I haven't been cooking as much because I find I don't have the stamina.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


And it's like, if I don't cook a pargy meal, like there is not a pargy meal to eat.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


It really was kind of gross. I mean, it's like what I've been trying to tell you is like there's nothing better than home cooking. Homemade wares. But this week I have been craving like restaurant. I want it all done for me. Honestly, I blame Miss Patricia because ever since her Napoleon party last week, like I just wanted a big fat meal and I've not been able to get one.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Well, we can have one after this. I'm always game for a big fat meal. I made one last night for dinner. We had like meatballs, of course, pasta. Um... fresh basil from Olivia's garden. So it was a party meal. I had a party meal too. I don't feel done. Cause I was at this event, this henna and there was like a lot of like meats being passed around. I did. I'm like extremely cultured.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


People don't realize that about me. Like that's something that's kind of slipping through the cracks here is like, I know a lot.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


And you love like henna meats. I love meats. Yeah. Like meat cigars, which is one of the craziest things about you.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah, which is just like spiced meat you like. And now that I'm slightly anemic, I need to be eating a lot of meat. Load up, Turnie. Load it up, yeah. So all's to say, great reminder from Jason and Kylie. Travis. It's hard not to say Jason and Kelsey. It's also hard to say Jason and Travis. I was going Jason and Kelsey, Kylie.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


You want to be my friend? Change your name. Are you ready for our next story? Mm-hmm. Miles Teller went on Watch What Happens Live last night. Of course, the one night I don't fucking watch. Wait.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah, that was a crazy time. And not us getting the exclusive interview with Ashley Jacobs. And Thomas in the stands. Correct. Thomas coming to our studio in Long Island City.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


He's promoting his new movie with Anya Taylor-Joy. Yes. I don't know who he was on with because I didn't watch, and I always watch after Southern Charm. Did he have the first chair? He looks to have had the first. No, it looks like he had the second chair, so it was a woman. Okay, I'm gonna go on the Bravo. Yeah, I'm sorry.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I missed this too, because I was actually- I'm sorry, because I was in the car.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


And I was going to sleep early, because I work really hard. Right. And then in the car this morning, I can't be on my devices, because I'm old.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah, well, no, he gets a lot of big stars, but I just, I do feel like recently, and also the newsmaking episodes are more so the Bravo episodes. And so even if he has Diane Sawyer on, like, we don't hear about it because it wasn't after Southern Charm.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah. So Miles Teller hilariously called out Andy Cohen for looking at his crotch on Watch What Happens Live on Thursday as he recalled learning Michael Jackson's iconic dance moves after a fan called in to the late-night broadcast. asking about the upcoming Michael biopic in which Teller plays entertainment lawyer John Branca.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Okay, I thought you were saying Miles Teller's playing Michael Jackson. I actually just, like, I didn't even think about it. I assumed that he was, and now I realize that he's not.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


No, or they will, like... transform the original actor. I think it's one actor. It's definitely like a murky line of like woke-ism. Yeah, plus you add in all the allegations. I would maybe skip the biopic entirely. No, for sure. I think it's going to be a tough one to get right. Who does Miles play? His entertainment lawyer, John Branca.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


But he shared that he's always been a massive fan of Michael. He said, I think I learned to do the moonwalk when I was like 11 and I would grab my crotch as a little kid. He said I got into so much trouble in school. While Cohen was not on camera at the time, Miles was quick to expose that the host was checking him out. And when he said that.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


It's kind of a weird story. It is a weird story. I need to watch a clip. Because for me, it does highlight something that always happens on Bravo, which is Andy really objectifying all of the guys, ignoring all of the girls, of course. We didn't even know I was on the show.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah. And he admitted that he did. Yeah. And that's, I feel like it was funny, but it depends how the rest of the episode went, which I hope to watch one day.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I don't know. It's just like, so such, you never encourage anyone to watch an old episode. I'm not even worried about her. Like I'm worried about us. Of course. No, how fat was I? I don't even want to know. Are we like simping?

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah, and that this show is so different from other shows that he's going on, like GMA. Right. You know.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


We're here to have fun. Camel, yeah. Yeah, with Jimmy Kimmel Howell. Jimmy Kimmel Howell. Camel. Jimmy Kimmel Howell. Colin. Colin. Are you ready for our next story? What number? Number three. Oh, yeah. Selena and Benny are making news today. The singer has debuted a new song titled Scared of Loving You off her upcoming collaborative album with her fiance, Benny Blanco.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Did you see Jessica Simpson's really singing music? I saw it. And she's putting her whole justice into it. She's putting her sympathy into it. Listen, she is so talented. She is. Everyone sleeps on her all of the time. Super Bowl splits next year. Jessica Simpson. You know who I was actually thinking should do the next Super Bowl? And it's like, it's the move. Like, so cross genre.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Like, for everyone. Post Malone. Yes. Not only, like, he's...

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Literally you're fired. It's true. And I feel like we could also come to an agreement that Bruno Mars could do it every year and everyone would be happy every year. And what's wrong with that?

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


The kids would love it. Die With a Smile. Yes, so many collaborators. So many, I mean, of course, but also every year after the Super Bowl, then this rumor starts that like Miley's being tapped for next year.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


She would be amazing. Yep. And I fully endorse that. And I just don't think it's remotely true whatsoever. And like somehow it becomes a rumor every year and it's like not fair to all of us and to her. Agreed.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


And it was just because... No, she was starting out like in earnest doing interviews. And so she came on the toast and it was really early in the season. I don't think a lot of people like wanted her on yet, but we're like, yeah, sure. Yeah. We love Southern Charm. It was a bonus that he came. We didn't expect him to come. And then things got bad for him and she stopped doing press.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I guess. I hope that she's, I think what she's doing is really working for her between acting and Rare Beauty and like, she was never my pop star. Yeah. So like, and I feel like based on the documentary, like every time she's gone into music, like it's been really bad for her. It probably would be better with her man by her side, but it could also ruin the good thing in her life.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I would stay away, but she released a single with him instead.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah. And it's a collaborative album with him. So it's like going to be a lot. Does he sing? Yeah. Well, produce.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


She said in the lyric, she says, I'm not scared of loving you. I'm just scared of losing you. Because how could they love you as much as I do?

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


When I was young, I would love to fast. Who didn't? Hope I don't repeat my past.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Correct. Last. Past. Past. So stream new Selina and Benny. If you want to. We'll see how it is. Yeah. This is like a new era.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I don't get it. It must be. Well, it's different for different people. But I think it's also something about like living in L.A. Actors must just get like they must just seem like a different tier. And you just like want to be a part of that. And you're just drinking the Kool-Aid living there.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I do think for Selena, like coming from Disney and everything, I think acting was always her favorite thing. So that, for Lady Gaga, don't try and understand what, she's not doing it to be part of the A-list. She's doing it for the art. Yeah. That's so Gaga. Yeah. Our fourth story, are you ready for our fourth story?

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


But I think she had intended to do a lot of press. It just like she, her press tour got cut short.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


We need to talk about the studio in the room.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


And she was an early cast member. And in those early days, like you go on, I mean, we've always been the biggest show in our hearts and minds.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


But I think then it was like, you know, she wasn't doing E! News yet, but The Toast. We were just like both the right size at the right time. So there's your Southern Term recap. There's your Southern Term recap. I didn't watch, but I got like a full night's sleep. I woke up on my own so early, way before my alarm to get ready for my big day in the city.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


It feels like the last day of camp.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yes, you do. Our next story, Colleen Hoover is back on Instagram, deleted all of her pictures with both Blake and Justin. What does it mean, Turdy?

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


And I'm just such a city slicker today, like commuting to work with my coffee, with my bag.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Like she's, she's a public- She has books to sell too. She has books to write. Right, but it's not even about that anymore.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah, but she has like a lot of jobs. Yeah. A lot of torches in the fire. I feel a little sorry for her in thinking about like what I think must have happened here. I could see her getting- duped by either one of these people. These are big Hollywood stars. Colleen Hoover, she's had a lot of writing success, but take out the money and stuff. She's just from a small town.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


This is her first foray into Hollywood, and she just gets completely ripped to shreds. I don't think she really knows how to handle anything that's happened. Everyone else is just very...

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


She's just like a regular lady, so even if she took the wrong side, we don't know what happened. Blake Lively seems like the biggest deal in the world. It's easy to get caught up. And also, part of her what people say and the way she like manipulates people. It's like with her charm and her smile and like, you know, women empowerment.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


No, I know, but you know I like to make a big deal out of small things. Of course.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


And like, I could see just Colleen wasn't ready for any of this. And so I feel bad for her because no matter how it went down, like I just feel like she was not one of these types of people.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


No, and I just like to give every day its own exciting brand. Today's my city slicker day.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah. But even if she had like taken Justin's side over the summer when things were going well for Justin, then like people who were team Blake might've excavated this story about her son. Like I just, I feel like no matter what, like she's caught in the middle of this like really big, bad thing that happened that has like seriously like disturbed the entire industry. And no matter what,

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


what she did, like she's at the center of it because it's her movie and like everyone's looking to her to be like, well, what happened on set? And like, who do you think is right or wrong?

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah. She doesn't know. She's not in those backroom meetings.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Nor does she have, like, the experience or the prowess to, like, see what's going on. So I just feel, like, bad for her because she's in the center no matter how you slice it.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


But I do think there's a lesson here for her. I feel like she really was involved in this and posting on Instagram about getting this off the ground. And I do feel like she needs to establish a production company and take herself out of it a little bit and not be so arm and arm with the cast because there's all this stuff that can go down. You know, it was fun. She needs a little distance.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


And I think that that's just a good thing to do anyway. Yeah. Because she was very much in the weeds.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


It's hard for them. But I think the distance would protect them a little bit. And I think she needs that. I agree. And with all her books being turned into movies, it's a good lesson to learn. Yeah.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


This whole story is so crazy. This little book that all the women for the girlies has turned into one of the biggest scandals in Hollywood in years. It's not the biggest of this type.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Stranger than fiction. Correct. Our fifth and final story, a little sports news. Aaron Rodgers has been cut from the Jets. I'm very like, I'm not happy about this.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I spent a lot of my time watching his documentary. And so when I saw that, like, you know, they're telling this comeback story about how he's going to like be with the Jets and win the Super Bowl. And by the time I watch the documentary, like they're already at, they're not even in the playoffs. So I was like, oh damn, it's not their season. But you know, I'm still like rooting for that moment.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


And now he's been cut from the Jets. He will not return as quarterback. And I have to assume like he's going to retire, right? It's such a bad way to go out. I don't think he's going to retire. He spent, he worked so hard healing himself. I think he wants another season. Where does he go? You know where he should go? The 49ers? Yeah.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


You guys, I already know that's why it's not news to me, but I'm going to still act like I don't.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I think he has got his work cut out for him, but I think it's also the Jets. I think he's still a great quarterback. He works so hard. He trains so hard. He literally broke records in how quickly he healed his heel. And he's such a mentally...

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


If you love something, set it free.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


He can't. I think he should go... Well, he'll go to another team. I like the 49ers. I know. Even though, like, Brock's really working things out. He's not, like, amazing, but he's good. I do think... He just got married. You can cut him. In watching his doc... No, not cut, because it would be, like, a short-term thing. He'd be back up. He'd be like a... In watching his documentary, like...

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


The 49ers were like where he was supposed to go. That's like where he. Really? Yeah, like when he was drafted.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


The way I remember it, he's from the Bay Area. When he was drafted, they needed a quarterback and he was hoping that that's where he was going. He had a really bad draft experience. It was a draft day situation where nobody really wanted him. He wound up being drafted to the Packers, but they already had Brett Favre who refused to retire.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


So he had to ride the bench for a number of years until it was his time. And the 49ers have always been the one that got away. Well, I think it's actually late. And maybe Brock could train under him. I think Brock needs a little bit of that Aaron Rodgers toughness. Who's Aaron dating right now?

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


So no one at the moment, but I do think the 49ers are where you go to find love. Oh, to settle down. I just feel like the 49ers have good... romantic energy they seem a lot of them seem like very happily and like stable partners I love that and because you could be with a girl from LA right Olivia Culpo it opens up the pool Olivia Culpo you're not saying like we have to move to Boise yeah

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Oh my God. And I could just get so excited for every game.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Oh, I was like, what was my Queenie? My Queenie is a Friday edition. This part of your new studio.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


This studio and this experience is totally my Queenie. They had a great way to end the week. It's giving such like Monday energy on a Friday. Like we're bringing out the big guns and it's just been like so gargy to look at and have a fresh new environment. It's brought out some freshness in us. So the studio is my Queenie.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Like I, I'm good. My weenie of the week is unfortunately the Kansas City Chiefs. Oh, wow. They played in such a weenie-like manner.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


They barely gave us a Super Bowl. Like, we might as well have not. We didn't even have a game. Even though, like, towards the end, Patrick kind of, like, threw the greatest touchdown of all time. It's so irrelevant. Which is so crazy. Yeah. Like, the longest... The longest yard. The longest yard. Very much weenie behavior. Like we were all rooting for you. We all like got dressed and cooked.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


In our faces. People traveled and they got hotels. Sitters. Everyone was just like showing up for a game and like you guys couldn't hack it. And then you didn't even show up. Right. Very much weenie like behavior. They are an instance of I'm sure in the future they'll be the queenies. Yeah. But like the week isn't over and like you're still nursing that L. Yeah.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I'm sorry, she is. I feel like the discourse that I've seen about it, people are thinking that it's, they're not disagreeing with Mandy about the craziness.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


And I'm sorry, everything that's happened to you, but you are wrong. No, you are wrong. When I think about that picture, I'm like, damn, Amazon. You can get it anywhere, anytime. Imagine if they didn't deliver and it was the person's only receiving address to get stuff and they're like, we're being discriminated against because our house is burned down. Right, but we still have land. Right.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I just, I think it's preposterous. I understand seeing that picture, like seeing that image like driving up and there's a box in front of the rebel and it would be more like a ha ha moment. Not even a ha ha, it's kind of like a cultural statement. I could see that winning like photo of the year. Yeah, rather than like a shame on you for doing the job that I asked you to do. Yeah.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


So it's poetic, but it's not unjust. I agree. She's gotten like a little carried away. With the praise.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah. Okay. I'm so glad because I actually kept thinking about it. I saw people's takes and I'm like, wait, I disagree with all of you. Every time I see the picture more and more, I'm just like so impressed of that box standing there. Like a phoenix from the ashes.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Love ya. Bye. Just in time for games day. Games tune. Games tune. Games tune. I hope this brings a little games to your life. Thumbnail.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I think it would just have been too... Too much content. Yeah, no, I didn't see that for you. And you have made a lot of it now that I think about it.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah, and now I hear like it's optional. What? You know, like some people are like, I'm not doing that. I'm not drinking that.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


No, by the way, I don't have a friend who's not taken the test. It's more so like things I've seen on the internet. Of course. People being like, by the way, do you know like you don't have to do that? No, I didn't know that.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah, I wonder what Dr. Fox would say if you said, I don't want to do the test. The thing about Dr. Fox is like- He's very understanding. He is, but I also don't question him, like whatever he says. Yeah, no, but I just wonder like what he would say. Would he say you have to do it? What would he say? I don't know. What would the fox say? What does the fox say?

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I am yours, I will forever be yours, and today especially, I am yours. I'm yours. I love that. Yeah. It's really beautiful that we're spending Valentine's Day together. My driver driving me down here, he was like, oh, are you having like a big Valentine's Day dinner with your family? And I was like, no. Like, why would you say that? And I'm like, oh, it's Valentine's Day. That's why.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Zach and I have yet to acknowledge that it's Valentine's Day. I feel like he forgot. And I feel like because I've so lowered the bar over the years on gifts, those things don't matter to me as much anymore. I feel like he thinks I don't need flowers. I don't know if he got me flowers. He needed to have gotten me flowers.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I really thought you were. And I hate to brag, you know, I hate to brag. I thought you were about to read something sappy and I was like, wow, Jay Shetty got the best of you. She's changed.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Oh my God. I was like, ever since she got some validation about her Jay Shetty clip, about her relationship with Ben, she's like bringing more of that energy to the show.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Oh, my God. Shorty, that's beautiful. I just wanted to. I want to love, like, all the time.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


don't cry get you a man who wishes you a happy game tunes day by the way remember when Jeff Bezos' text got leaked and all the toasters like recreated his text messages text your man happy game tunes day and let us know what he says well at least you've gotten wished a happy game tunes day right because my husband and I we haven't exchanged pleasantries yet but we were also like on different tracks this morning like we haven't like looked each other in the eye yet so let's see I think I'm gonna leave it to him to like

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


wait to see when he's going to acknowledge that it's Valentine's day. And it doesn't like matter to me so much, but now I'm curious, like, does he remember? Will I be getting flowers? And I'll know if they were ones that were ordered, like, or like picked up from Publix. He loves that. Yeah. He loves. And you know what?

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Like I've like clowned on him for like getting me flowers from the grocery store. But like they're nice. They are nice, by the way. But there's something about like, you know, ordering something a few days before. A little preparation. I don't think I'm getting a gift because like usually we would discuss such a thing. But a flower would be nice.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Cargy or what, like scale one to ten?

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Gen X is above us. Above Y. We are Y. Right.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


No, they could never. It's such a treat for us to be in like such a professional studio and just sit down like a bunch of talent. I commuted to work today.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I think they would like that though.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


It would be like those crazy kids.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Like kind of random, just like little anecdotes, I would say. Little anecdotes to wrap up the week. Today is more so about us being together, though. I would say like that's the theme of the day. Love. That's kind of the big story. Game tunes. City slickers. Being in a party new environment. Extraordinary Americans. Extraordinary Americans. Yes. And that's all, really.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I never like, I had an answer until you asked me that question. You always do that to me. And I'm like, now I don't know. I shouldn't have given you the options. What kind of pants are you wearing? Capris. Yeah, I would say capris too. These are capris. And aren't they nice? It's like a trouser capris. It's really lovely. Well, because I was coming to the big city.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


So I wanted to wear something nice. All the way from Boise. While also we have a day with the kids. So then I could take my sweater off. I'm wearing a t-shirt bodysuit.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


No, we came all this way to our PNS, Parsi New Studio.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Just like a very regular but extraordinary day for me. We're so American. We're so regular but extraordinary.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah. So I need my outfit to have some versatility. Of course, of course. While also respecting homage to being in the city.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah. Oh, also, I drove on the highway yesterday. It's beautiful. I don't know if you heard. Everyone was kind of talking about it. Actually, I didn't hear. I read about it on page six. Yeah, everyone was talking about it. And I just have to say, like, I don't know how people text and drive. Like, I can barely breathe and drive. I can barely scratch my leg and drive.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Like, when I got on the highway, I was like, whatever the music is, I'm not going to be able to change it forever.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


eating oh I don't know how people do anything and drive on the highway also my leg was gonna cramp I couldn't you can't move your foot an inch you couldn't reposition on the pedal like oh my god it's stressful out here I don't know how you guys do it yeah well us big city slickers does it get easier like yes which part gets more comfortable like

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


My hands were like stuck. White knuckling. My leg was seriously going to cramp.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Relax and be myself. Right. Well, I had to give myself a lot of pep talks. Of course, my number one thing is like Margo Ashery drove on the highway after like three months of getting her license. I can do this.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Oh, I didn't even think of her. Constantly must be thinking of her. My role model. Mm-hmm. That was one. And then I'm like, you know what, Jackie, you are an intelligent, capable person. Yep. You can do this. You've built a successful business. You've birthed two children. What is the highway? I have sense. You know, I've got my eyes open. You have sense. I'm very comfortable in my vehicle. Mm-hmm.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I can do this, and I did it. Oh, did you see my henna tattoo?

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


It looks like spray tan that, like, got stuck. Okay, yeah, so I messed it up, but basically... Looks like Beauty by Beats. You forgot to wash your hands.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


I'll take some, but you know, I was feeling spiritual and holy too.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah. And just the universe and the way things work. And so I'm glad that we're aligned on that.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah. Now, I think without further ado, we can get into the stories because, you know, our family's waiting for us. Our family is waiting for us. We only have so much time booked at the PNS.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Not today. I don't feel weird. No. It's the vibes in the studio. Yeah.

The Toast

Game Tunes In The Big City: Friday, February 14th, 2025


Yeah. So, without further do-dat-do-dat-do, it is time for the Fast Five Stories that you-dat-do need to know.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Glad to hear it. Now I feel like without further ado-da-do-da-do, here are the fast five stories that you need to know. And... I beat the crunch. The crunch. I beat it. We've let so many things go from our past on the show. Like we're really evolving and moving forward that I totally forgot about the crunch. That was the first man down.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


He did beat it because there was no creature to beat. Today's episode of The Toast is brought to you by Thrive Market. My life is brought to you Thrive Market. I actually placed an order last night. I didn't even know we had this ad coming up today and that I would be reading the ads, but that's just how simpatico. And how much vertical integration goes on here at the toast.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Let me tell you what Thrive Market is. And I feel like so many people, friends, people DM me like, how are you making clean swaps? Like, where do we do? What do we do? Where do we start? You go to because everything there is Thrive Market approved. It's made with better ingredients than things on the grocery store shelf. It's made with good, clean ingredients.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


And you can really trust the brands that they have because they've done all the vetting. So it is an online grocery store. I get all of my pantry items, cooking items, snacks for the kids, snacks for me, spices for my spice jar. Everything that I need to stock my kitchen, I get from Thrive Market and I don't have to go diving through ingredient lists because they've done that for me.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


And when I do get my products and I look at the ingredients, I'm like, this is so parchy. Avocado oil, coconut as sweetener. They just have the best products and it has made making this swap from a toxic to a non-toxic flex lifestyle So easy. And you don't have to carry home groceries from the grocery store. You don't have to stand there in the aisle like looking for the best product.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


It's amazing. I stock my whole kitchen with Thrive Market and you should get on the Thrive Market train. So if you are ready to make the switch, go to slash the toast for 30% off your first order plus a free $60 gift. That's slash the toast. slash thetoast. You will never go back. I look forward to my next order arriving.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Today's episode of The Toast is also brought to you by Avara. If you've been wondering where all the party sweaters Claudia and I have been wearing have been from, they're from Avara. Also, my new favorite pair of jeans are from Avara. They are some of the most fashionable, affordable things that I have in my closet right now. And we are thrilled to share some spring fashion finds with you today.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Avara, your new go-to for stylish, compliment-worthy women's fashion. Founded by Emily Wickard, a Dallas mom who wanted to bring accessible, high-quality fashion to women everywhere, and she did it. I wear Avara sweaters. I have so many. They're just like, they're all fun. They're great basics, but they also have a lot of personality and flair. And you'll be shocked at these prices.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


And the quality is amazing. The look is so great. If you're looking for on-trend, high-quality pieces that are perfect for spring, Avara is the place to go. And I feel like I cannot understate the affordability of their pieces. Like, you will be shocked. So Avara's new spring collection is now live. Head over to and use the code TOAST at checkout for 20% off your first purchase.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Well, lucky for me, at this angle, I can't see your feet.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Trust us, once your order arrives, you'll be hooked. That's Remember the name Avara because everyone's going to ask where you got your outfit. Yes, the name on everybody's lips these days is Avara. The name on my closet's lips is Avara these days. So check it out and enjoy. Today's episode of The Toast is also brought to you by Yeah.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Every time I use to find a place to stay in the U.S., I know they'll have exactly what I'm looking for. So is a great way to plan a trip, to find everything that you need for your itinerary activities, you know, what's going to be walking distance for where you're staying.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I actually have a trip coming up, and I've been really thinking about all of this, especially when you're traveling with kids. You want to be somewhere that's like walking distance from the places that you're going to be in the neighborhood that you want to be in If you're traveling to New York, no matter who you are, helps you find the stay that's ridiculously right for you.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Cool. What I do see is you are wearing socks, so it's not a raw dog.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Make traveling so much easier with and you can get really excited for your trip because it shouldn't be stressful. You're going on a vacation. You're going on a trip, even a work trip. Make it fun. Be in the best place that's going to work with where you're going in a new city. You know, it can be very hard to navigate a new city and is there to help you do that.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


So find exactly what you're booking for on,

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Yeah. Thank you. And thank you to our wonderful sponsors. Now we can get into the episode. So our first story is some relationship news because Post Malone has a new lady love.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Oh, no. I'll put the rumors to bed. It is not me. But Post Malone was apparently engaged recently. And not only has he called off his engagement recently,

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


to his ex but he has a new lady that he was just spotted with so apparently posty and his ex separated toward the end of last year and he and his new boo whose name is christy lee have been seeing each other at least since the beginning of this year in a recent tiktok video they were all about the pda they couldn't have looked more smitten as her hand was wrapped tightly around his arm on the upper level of a bar while he was spotted by a fan below and gave a friendly wave

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


The couple was also spotted strolling in Rome in January, going out to dinner at the famed Mascogne Hotel. You ever been there?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


You know I've obviously pronounced it wrong. The famed Mascogne Hotel? Not a whole lot is known about Christy, but a quick peek at her LinkedIn reveals that she's a design student based in New York City. So she's not like a famous girl. She's just a girl working hard in the city.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Not in a long time. So we have a lot of new listeners. No, like seriously, not in a very long time. So can you share your relationship?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Well, that's a special treat for you guys today. We don't always give you something so exciting, but you do have Ben's foot. You do. I feel like you always have Ben's foot. This is what I'm saying. No, there are only so many certainties in life. Death, taxes, and Ben showing us his foot.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I feel like Klaus O'Claude would have clocked that. She'd be like, oh, you know, she would have had a pit about something that you said, even if it didn't offend him. You know what I mean? Like, I feel like she'd been on alert for that.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Yeah, he's not engaged. He doesn't require a gift. He's just dating a new girl.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


It's true. I don't know why we talk about Post Malone all the time. He's so fabulous. He's so fantastic. He's like really the greatest right now. Like he does everything like love him. We never think about him as like an eligible bachelor. He's not even on our list of singles. Like I'm never like, oh, he should go out with so-and-so. I don't know why. That just doesn't come to mind for me.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I never think about like who he's dating, but maybe that's also because I just assume that he's someone who's just always like with a million girls. It's possible. But then he's also so down to earth and like, as Taylor said, like so respectful and has such manners. And I feel like a man like that wouldn't, you know, be, I don't want to use a derogatory term. Out on the town.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I don't know, but he has a daughter with— Oh, okay.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


He does. Incredibly eligible. I want to put him now on the list of eligibles, but he does have a girlfriend. But I do think you don't come off the list until... I wonder how Claudia will feel about me tinkering with the lists when she's not here. But I do think she would approve of this.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I'll read the whole list to you. You want to hear men?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Jason Momoa, Michael B. Jordan, Trevor Noah, Shaquille O'Neal, Shawn Mendes, Bill Hader, even though he isn't a really, he should actually come up the list. Josh Groban, Kenan Thompson, Tom Brady, Taylor Kinney, Harry Styles, Devin Booker, Jeremy Allen White, Joe Manganiello, Joe Jonas, Hugh Jackman, Elon Musk, Glenn Powell, and now Post Malone.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Okay, yeah, because you just helped me put someone on.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


No, it's like people who always find themselves in celebrity relationships. We also have a list of women. And then we like to like put these people together.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


What's going on? I'm excited for the weekend. You know, I've got a fun, relaxing weekend planned. Nothing too much. I'm just like looking forward to some time off. But Claudia being off today just really shook up the week. But I'm very much embracing the Buongelicious definition on the show. I tailored the stories to you as much as I could while also talking about what's relevant. Yeah.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Trevor Noah is like weirdly kind of germane to the list. He's always dating a swirly. The women. Khloe Kardashian. Aza Gonzalez. I do think she just got married. Selena Gomez. Time to take her off. Lori Harvey. Minka Kelly. Kim Kardashian. Florence Pugh. Kelsey Ballerini. Giselle. Okay, it's time to take her off.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Cammy Marone, Kendall Jenner, Stassi Baby, Ariana Grande, Sofia Vergara, Sophie Turner, Kristen Cavallari, Kacey Musgraves, Kim Kardashian again. And Kristen Cavallari again.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


This is a horrible list. When we go through the list, we're like, this is horrible. And so uninspired. Like, I don't feel. No. I don't feel like I want to set any of these people up.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


You think they are OTP? I actually don't have an issue like with them choosing each other.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


When Claudia comes back, maybe it's time to update the list. Just anytime a couple breaks up, it's like when we're sad, we console ourselves by being like, oh, well, now there are two great people who can both go on the list, like Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


You know, like it's not about, it's not like an A-list thing. It's just more of a, like an interesting thing. Like who we would like, like even when Kaya Gerber and Austin Butler broke up, then they had to the list. Who can we put Austin with next?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I'm not sure how familiar you are with this person, but it's pretty big news in the Bravo sphere because Teddy Mellencamp, do you know? I do. Okay.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


She says that doctors have found five more tumors in her body amid her cancer battle. So Teddy Mellencamp shared an update with fans as she has been going through it the last few weeks. We hadn't really heard from her because she had found brain tumors after having had skin cancer. And she said,

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


The doctors discovered five more tumors in her body after they previously removed four from her brain last month. She said, update for my scans today. I have three more tumors in my brain and two tumors on my legs. These are all a direct result of my melanoma. So yeah, when we first reported this, we were like shocked at how someone could be going through so many of these things.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


And I'm excited to co-host with you because we haven't done a Bunch and Sponge spectacular.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Like what are the odds? But apparently they are connected, the melanoma and the tumors. So yeah. People had explained that to us, and now she's also explaining it. Despite the news, she said that she's feeling positive about her outcome, adding that her doctors are hopeful that immunotherapy and radiation will effectively treat them.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


She said she's feeling positive that she'll win this battle, that she got this wig. She said, I like the short hair, just not the bald spots, and that I can remember the name of all of Angelina's kids. That's funny. She has a sense of humor still.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


And you haven't been in the new studio. What are your thoughts?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


And she's hopeful and there's treatment ahead of her. And so just really praying for her, hoping for the best. How do you know Teddy Mellencamp?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Oh, that's so funny. But you did have a Housewives era this morning when I was talking to Ben. We were planning for the show. I was like, is there anything that you want to talk about? I'm going to cater the stories to you. except for this one. And he was like, I want to talk about Desperate Housewives. So I feel like this would be a good time for you.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Oh, do people know that they're starting a podcast? Is that like embargoed information?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


They're very different. Like, one is drama series scripted and the other is reality TV. Yeah.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Well, Desperate Housewives was the inspiration behind Real Housewives, just like the OC was the inspiration behind Laguna Beach, where this fictional show was so popular, and they were like, let's show the real people.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Okay. You know, Claudia's been sharing updates with us. Okay, she has.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Do you have a little bit of anyone else in you? Like I think I'm a Brie Lynette.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Because Mindy Kaling is reacting to all of the fanfare around her appearance on Meghan Markle's Netflix show. So I'm sure you've seen the clips of Mindy on With Love, Meghan and that moment where Meghan in the Sussex of it all, you've seen that.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


It's a GSV. It's a gorgeous, swirly vibe. And what are your thoughts on the frames?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Oh, you haven't seen, I feel like I've been inundated with this one moment and like so many like think pieces about when Mindy was called her Meghan Markle and she's like, you'd suck six now, don't you know?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Yeah. When we first talked about it, I was like, well, yeah, Sussex is their little family name. I've since learned that no Sussex is not their last name. Like that's inaccurate. Like it's not like, yeah, it's not like Kate is like Kate Wales. It's just like when the kids go to school in the Royal family, they give them that as a last name just to like make them normal.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Um, but that it's just really for school. Like it's not their family name. their last name is Mountbatten Windsor. That is Harry's last name. I think that's what's on her kid's birth certificates. Unless like, what's the last name? Mountbatten dash Windsor.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Yeah, no, but her name is Meghan Markle to all of us. Like, colloquially, she is Meghan Markle. On the show, then I started to notice the credits. It says, like, starring Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, which sounds nice, but, like, what's your last name?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


And also, it's like, one, what do you go by? Like, say, you know, for paperwork and stuff. And also, what's your legal last name? Did you change your last name when you got married? Before this, I didn't care the answer because, like, royals and last names are weird. But now it's a conversation. There's so much discourse around it. I am very curious. Like, what does your driver's license say?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Oh, I shared them on this show, so I don't want to bore people. I was very excited for this show because this is the kind of content that I crave right now. Like, I do really like cooking shows and just, like, how to enhance your life and things that will inspire me to cook clean. Not craft. I'm not a crafter. But, you know, better myself. Sure. And it just like really lacked purpose.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


You can speak about the frames if you have something positive to say.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Like each episode was so unstructured. It's not that I need structure, but I do need a point. And like she starts with the bath salts. Then we're putting snacks in a bag. Then we're making candles. And like all of these things, it's like... I want more information from her on like why she's passionate about these things.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Like even the cooking, she talks about how she didn't cook much growing up and now she like loves to cook. But I just like would love to know how she learned to cook. Like when did she learn to cook? Just like more personal anecdotes. And then also the point of the show of like, if you're not an expert chef, like what are we doing? Are we trying new recipes together? Are you teaching us something?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


It's just, it's kind of a mess. I feel like they took on too much and they just thought that like her doing pretty things in her kitchen would be enough and And as I watch more episodes, like it's it's like it's way. The first few were like light and sweet. But now in the subsequent one, she's doing the same things and just like putting like flower sprinkles on everything.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


It's like ridiculous at this point. And it's it's not really strong at the moment. What did you think?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Welcome back to the Toast Happy Fried Dairies. Today is a very exciting day. I would say it's a little bittersweet because my girl, Koj, is sick. However, on the bright side, her wonderful husband, Buon Gelish, Ben Sopper, is stepping up to the plate. Hey, Buon, how you doing?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


No, but also there are shows, like we said, Selena and Chef, where she was learning how to cook with expert chefs. And so we're all learning together. That works for me.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I'm cooking all the time. And I think that's really what it is for her, which is something that I seriously relate to. That's exactly my same experience. And I find none of it really relatable, which it should be.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


And she's also trying to be, like the whole aesthetic, like it's not like she's making things, she's in the kitchen is like trying to inspire us to do things and trying to make things relatable. So the fact that it's not is a miss. Like there are things about Martha Stewart that are not relatable. I just want to watch like an incredible person do an incredible thing.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Yeah, Megan also seems to be very passionate about gardening, which, like, I want to learn how to garden. Like, no one will teach me. Can she teach me? I feel like that's something that she knows how to do. There's not a lot. She's just, like, picking from her garden, but, like, what about seeds?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Yeah, but, like, she's the one who got a TV show, so get to work, you know?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


She makes her own honey and now she sells it too. I also think the product – she launched the product – It'll be available in a few months. Like I think she should have waited. I think she should have waited because it looks silly. She should have done the show like built up demand like, oh, everybody wants flower sprinkles, honey, and my preserves. Here you go.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


As opposed to just like assuming that everyone would because it looks just so self-promotional. And of course, at the end of the day, it is because this is a business and you want to sell things. But there's ways of making it look more organic, I think.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


She's selling these motherfucking flower sprinkles that in the first episode I was like, oh, that's cool.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


It's like flower petals, like really small flower petals that you sprinkle on top of the food. They're edible. They only provide like prettiness, nothing else. Like a sprinkle. But like you wouldn't put sprinkles on like everything. She made avocado toast with a fried egg and put on top flower sprinkles.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Well, she was like – no, it was like she was starting off the show, but she was hungry, hadn't had breakfast, so she made her and her producer like just a little – whipped up a little something, which is actually the kind of stuff I like to see because that's like real life, just like whipping up an avocado toast with an egg.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


No, it's so true. You could put like, if I want to co-host with someone in my house, like we could both sit on the chair.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


It's good show wants to be. And I think that I think between that and apparently the Pamela Anderson cooking show, like that's the template. Joanna Gaines is so good.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I gotta send you this recipe. I gotta send you this recipe. Send me. My life has changed, Ben. I can't eat Oreos anymore. Can you imagine?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Onions caramelized, like, for 20 minutes of, like, slow stir.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Oh, my gosh. Sam and Ben made it for me when they came over. They've ruined me. And then I saw another recipe for tomato sauce on Reels last night. I want to try it.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


It lends itself to relaxation and comfortability, which are great when you're trying to podcast and be yourself.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Like, rolling out the strands. They're never the right size.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I once read somewhere that literally ruined me. I read this, like, a few months ago that was, like, you can eat whatever you want if you make it yourself. Which I think is actually, like, a good premise. Like, if you make, like, cookies from scratch, like, you can eat them, you know, because... It's healthier, one, and I don't know, two, and like the time, all the calories you burn making them.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I was going to say. Or like pasta and all those things. But I do think like she didn't have us in mind when the person said that.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


No, but I think you will be healthy because you're eating like healthy ingredients in home. For sure.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


If you're a person who eats a lot, like you're not going to lose weight that way.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I eat because I'm unhappy. I'm unhappy because I eat.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Anyways, to go back to the story, and I actually don't want to go back to talking about Megan, but what Mindy Kaling did say about like the fact that this clip has gone so viral, she said, you know, I had a great time. I've noticed that whenever I do something, anything related to Megan, it becomes big news.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


She said, we were making sandwiches and then they'll push in on my face on TikTok and they'll be like, look at this emotion you felt. And I honestly didn't even remember it because we shot it like nine months ago. She said, I loved my time with Megan. I'm also like, let her promote her show. It was great and really fascinating seeing the reaction. So she's coming to her defense a bit.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


No, and I just had this conversation with Claudia, so I don't want to bore people.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I have a list of, like, things I want to watch in my notebook. Mindy Project. How does that sound?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Actually, something really funny. Because CW's Powerpuff Girls live-action reboot footage has leaked. So CW was set to reboot Powerpuff Girls like an adult-centric version starring Dove Cameron, Chloe Bennett, and Yana Peralt, and Donald Faison from Scrubs and...

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


clueless and the reboot was like canceled and now footage from the show which they did film and they put together a trailer for the trailer leaked it's hard to find um because they keep taking it down from everywhere that puts it up but ben and i got to watch it and it's seriously a train wreck um bubbles is drunk buttercup hates gender normative costumes and the other one is what was the other one

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


That's how bad it was. And you can see from the trailer, like it's like AI's version of, you know, what they think they should be making these days. That just turned out so bad. And you know, I loved Cameron Descendants for Life and I really enjoy watching stuff that she's in. This really would have been the same.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


So bad, like would have ruined Powerpuff Girls for everyone. And like Powerpuff Girls are for kids. And so to make an adult version of like a kid's thing is always just weird to me and has to really be done perfectly.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


No, it's nuts. Like seriously, one of the worst ideas I've ever heard. I'm shocked that the people who approved the idea were also smart enough to be like, you know what? This can't see the light of day.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


But then like it was weird. I mean, it's only a trailer, but it was just like this one house. And they keep like filming the outside of the house.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Try and find the trailer. It's taken down on YouTube. We were able to find it on X, but like every post I was sending back, it was like still coming down. But just search Powerpuff Girls trailer and like try and watch it because it's really painful.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Oh, yeah. Look on TikTok and just know that we were saved. We were saved.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


So that's what's the latest. And our next story is our fifth and final story. And I have to let you know that our fifth and final story is brought to you by Haya. So Haya is fantastic.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


They are children's vitamins that children enjoy taking, which is what you're looking for because typical children's vitamins are basically candy in disguise, filled with two teaspoons of sugar, unhealthy chemicals, and other gummy additives that growing kids should never eat. That's why Haya created a super-powered chewable vitamin.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


While many children's vitamins are filled with five grams of sugar, Haya is made with zero sugar and zero gummy additives, yet it tastes great and is perfect for picky eaters. Yes, the kids love Haya. The parents love Haya. Everybody loves Haya.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


No sugar, but still the kids want to eat it, which is a feat. Haya fills in the most common gaps in modern children's diets to provide the full body nourishment the kids need and with a yummy taste that the kids love. It's formulated with the help of pediatricians and nutritional experts.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


It is pressed with a blend of 12 organic fruits and veggies, then supercharged with 15 essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, B12, C, zinc, folate, and many others to help support immune system, energy, brain function, mood, concentration, teeth, bones, and more. Basically everything that you want your kid to get is packed into this high of vitamin. So...

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


We've worked out a special deal with Haya for their best-selling children's vitamin. Receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal, you must go to slash toast. This deal is not available on their regular website. Go to H-I-Y-A-H-E-A-L T H dot com slash toast and get your kids the full body nourishment that they need to grow into healthy adults.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Claudia always talks about how like Kayla goes wild when it's high a time. She loves taking her gummies and it's so funny and it's so true though. They give you stickers to decorate the bottle. So the kids, it just makes it very fun for them. Something that would otherwise perhaps be a drag is not.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


That's really funny, and it's not seared into my memory. Is Josh in Heavyweights?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Let me ask you something as a friend and fan of Josh. Like what project of his like are you most obsessed with is like most a core part of your.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Because also this is in the middle of an ad break. A lot of people here.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Will you text me it? Sorry, guys. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is your phone, like, not?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


My favorite Josh role is something I only put together recently that it was him in my favorite part of this movie. You know the wedding ringer?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I love that movie. Do you know that he's in it? He plays like the groom who gives that really bad speech, who like rips up his speech when they go to see a sample wedding. And he gets so like panicked, he starts quoting Hitler.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Today's episode of The Toast is also brought to you by Rowe. Do you want the fastest working GLP-1 for half the list price? Rowe's got you. Rowe's got your back. Ready to lose an average of 15% of your weight faster? Meet the latest offering through Rowe. Yes. Yes, I am.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Rowe now offers FDA-approved weight loss vials for half the list price of auto-injector pens without applying insurance or saving cards and with results you can see faster. If you're prescribed, lose 15% of your weight on average in a year. This formula from Eli Lilly hits not one, but two hormones to curb hunger and lessen nausea.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


just give me like one second. It better be good. Will I care or is it more?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Your Roe-affiliated provider can help you understand if GLP-1s are right for you and your goals, but that's just the beginning. Roe members have support throughout the process. Plus, you can sign up online from the comfort of your own home. That means no waiting for an in-person doctor's appointment, no commute to the doctor's office, and no waiting rooms. This is a dream come true.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Weight loss, faster confidence, higher price, cheaper. Join the over 385,000 people have already chosen row to access GLP runs. GLP ones go to slash toast to see if you qualify. That's R O dot C O slash toast. Go to slash safety for boxed warning and full safety information about GLP-1 medications.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Okay. Also, I don't really know if we can hear you because your mic is separate.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


You could, but I also need to let you know that 15% weight loss is based on a study in non-diabetics with obesity or with overweight with a weight-related condition on five milligrams of medication and when paired with diet and exercise. It is half the list price when compared to water injector pens and when paying cash without applying insurance or saving cards.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I got to say, I never get to do the ads because that's Claudia's job. I love it.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


You could also use my Thrive Market link. You could.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Claudia, I don't think Claudia will listen to this episode because she knows everything that we're saying and she's sick. But if she were, she would be vomiting at how long we took to do these ads.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I just texted it to you. I see that you texted me.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I feel like the teacher's gone. The kids can do what they want. Yeah, I'm sorry. She's so funny.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Our fifth and final story is a little Masked Singer news, which we never talk about the Masked Singer here, especially because they do a really good job of like never telling us who won or who was under those costumes. But I did see that our girl, spoiler alert, Sheena Shea was the bat.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I'm so happy for Sheena that she made it onto like a really big competition reality show like this because we all know she really wanted to be on Dancing with the Stars. And she also does sing. So her being on the Masked Singer is really pargy for her. She was revealed to be the latest celebrity on Wednesday's episode of Fox's hit music competition series, The Masked Singer.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


She was unmasked as the bat during the show's Voices of Olympus unmasking of the gods themed night. I do not understand the show or what they do or what the fuck I'm saying. Same. For Bat, though, no one got it right. Everyone, so the judges got to guess. Robin Thicke said Bethany Frankel. Jenny McCarthy Wahlberg went with Larsa Pippen. Rita Ora thought Heidi Montag.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Then went with Bethany as well. Ken Jeong thought it was Lisa Rinna. Turned out it was Sheener, Marie Shea, and then she sang Espresso for the crowd.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


No, because this song, this show is like people doing covers, like celebrities with pretty decent voices. Like they mask who they are. People have to try and guess who it is. And then you get eliminated like based on performance. And I'm also just gleaning based on everything I've seen. And then you reveal yourself.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


No, I didn't know that. What, you want to be a Masked Singer?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Oh yeah, we've said this. She would be really great.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Well, those are the fast five stories for you. Now it is time for our Southern Charm recap. The crew last episode in the Bahamas last night is just a mess. Shep and Sienna. I don't know if like that, if you know what's going on with Shep and Sienna, but basically he's like been dating this girl or he thought he was dating this girl in the Bahamas for the last few weeks.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


They took a cast trip down there, went to, at least they went to a Parchee destination. They went to the Rosewood, I believe in the Bahamas. And so that like she could be with them and you know, meet everyone and blah, blah, blah. And she literally won't give him the time of day and it's like breaking up with him. And it's really, really.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Good morning, girlies, it's the toast. It's Jackson, Claude, and we're your hosts. It's your favorite show, the fast five things you need to know. We'll start your day off swirly. It's the toast. They sound amazing.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


weird to watch him just not get a clue and the fact that she stayed at the dinner after she had broken up with him when like nobody really wanted her there because she'd ruined their trip because Shep was like so upset by everything and they're all there for her they could have gone anywhere else and they're just like okay if you guys aren't even together like why are you at the dinner table and because she was at the dinner table they were kind of grilling her with questions which also wasn't fair because it's like listen you guys are all friends this girl's like coming on to this show and

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


It's just like not right. It just was uncomfortable for everyone. And thankfully she left and that was the right thing for everyone involved. But Craig and Austin made up, which was very exciting as Craig and Austin fans. They finally had a breakthrough in this fight that they have kept having where like Austin just thinks,

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


that Craig, you know, doesn't want to hang out with him and is kind of blowing him off and that he just wants to like be home in his garden. And Craig finally understood like what Austin was trying to say and where he was coming from. And so he opened up that he'd actually been struggling with addiction and like not doing the things that he used to do with Austin.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Like he needed to not do those things in order to stay on the straight and narrow and And Austin had said like, he felt like Craig doesn't go out because he wants to protect this like image that he's portrayed, you know, this like very clean image and that he's trying to convince other people of this image. And Craig was like, no, I, that image is what I aspire to be.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Yeah, let me ask you, who has been or have been, it could be multiple people, like your favorite guests?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Like that image helps me stay in line. I'm trying to convince myself to be that person. I felt like that was a really good distinction and help them like see each other. And like Craig was able to see what Austin had been thinking of him. And Austin was able to understand why,

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


what Craig's actually been doing and how it's not coming from a place of, like, I'm better than you and I'm just going to stay home and I'm boring now, but, like, really trying to better himself. And I'm so glad that they had that breakthrough because I think that things will be going up from here. But I think for Craig this was obviously a big moment.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


And I think since he broke up with Paige, people have been alluding to the fact that, like, Paige helped him through a really tough time and she'd always been there for him and, like, I think forgave some stuff. And then coupled with this episode – you do like seem to understand. And it was sad because he talked about how like Paige was so there for him.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


And like, he's never, he, he's never been so connected with another person, like through everything that they've been through and like how grateful he is that she like saw him. And even when he was, wasn't at his best, like she saw that there was a person there and like, It just was like, oh, sucks that they're not together.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


And you've spent time with them, like, would you say – When's the most time you spent with them? Because this was filmed in June. So like before June or after?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Do you feel a difference in their friendship before this breakthrough conversation versus after? Do they seem closer now?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


yeah i think that like austin had said i feel like yes maybe he had talked about it before but i think the depth of how much it affected him was something that not a lot of people knew and he talked about addiction before even in his books he talked about his previous adderall addiction which we saw play out on the show yeah um but i think just like being really honest about that maybe he had it maybe he was more honest on good guys maybe austin missed that episode

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Yeah, all I know... That's what happens when you don't listen to good guys.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Having interviewed them, I totally agree. And having had them on the show. Also, Craig also has bees. Have you met his bees?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Especially because like he's a recent student. And so I find that so relatable when someone's like, you know, they don't have this in their blood. They weren't doing this since they could talk. Like they learned recently and then they're sharing that now. I feel like that's more how I would relate to someone. It's like, oh, you learned this a year ago and you're an expert now.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Yeah, but what was your personal favorite person to talk to?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Even if they were like, okay, Ben, we like your idea, but we don't have a need for you.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Probably not. Probably not. Okay, well, that's the Southern Charm recap. Oh, my God, except next week, like, seriously looks crazy because they're back in Charleston. And do you know who JT is?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


They're, like, literally, how are you spending all this time in Charleston?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I know, but it's like that you go into parties with JT.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Okay, also I need to mention something that I saw this week that I wanted to mention when we talked about Southern Charm, which is Vanita. So she shared that basically she had a conversation with JT before they went to the Bahamas where she was like, I'm ready to tell him how I feel about him. I'm making him Branzino. I know he feels the same way. Like, I'm ready to, like...

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


take this thing to the next level they're really good friends but they've been flirting all season so she lays it on thick and you know unabashedly is like I like you like I'm ready to go let's go and JT who's literally flirting with her and leading her on this entire time says that he has a girlfriend damn okay she's like crestfallen and upset about this then they go to Bahamas and the whole time in the Bahamas she's kind of like throwing herself at him flirting with him going up to his room when he's sad

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Apparently she like mounted him and he had to like push her off of him. And we're like, what are you doing? Not only is that wrong because he has a girlfriend, it's just like embarrassing. And what are you doing? She posted on her Instagram that the conversation with the Branzino happened after the Bahamas.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


The editors did her dirty looking like she knew that he already had a girlfriend and she's still trying to get with him. So I feel like everybody needs to know that, that even though, I mean, I don't know why she's like so obsessed with JT. That's a whole other story. And he's sending her these like paragraphs and it's just all weird. That conversation happened after the Bahamas.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


So when she went up to his room, she had no idea he had a girlfriend and justice for PETA because that's wrong. Wrong. Next week, Leva is having coffee with JT and she says, you go to the same barber as Ryan and the barber told Ryan that you said...

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


cut and something crazy i don't know what he said but it's via the barber and i just have to say shout out to ryan because i was watching last night's episode and i was like who is ryan in this world and why is he on the show and why is he on this trip i thought he was rodrigo's husband but then everyone said that he's not i have no idea who he is but now i'm feeling really grateful to ryan and i look forward to hearing what the barber said that jc said yes yes that's your southern term recap you give a great recap

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Okay. I've got to pencil it in. You know, I have a notebook now. So if you need me to write anything down, just let me know. Got it.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Well, there's just a lot to say and also the craggy of it all.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Okay, thank you. Now it's time for our Queenie and Weenie of the Week.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Yeah, Claudia usually introduces what the segment is, but I feel like most people really know. It's pretty self-explanatory. Queenie of the week, someone who behaved in a Queenie-like way. Weenie, someone who behaved in a Weenie-like way. I will hold the title for the next seven days, and it's not that serious. Who is your Queenie this week?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Oh, my God. I really knew you were going to say that.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


That's what I wrote. That's what I wrote. Okay. I think that's really good. Usually we both, like, do queenie and then we both do weenie. But it's fine. Oh, so sorry. We're switching up. There's no rules on this Fry Dairies. My Queenie of the Week are the people who have brought me the most joy this week, and that's Rascal Flatts in announcing their refueled duets album.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Like, let me just tell you, this has given me such a joie de vivre and a pep in my step. And I love Rascal Flatts, and I do hope that they give us a discount on their private concerts.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


rate because we really want to have them come out for Claudia's birthday to our house in the Hamptons love yeah but now I'm seeing it's like kind of like a million dollars yeah it's a little it's much more or less so we've been priced out how much is Papa Roach how I don't know can't you do a Google apparently you guys did this on good guys yeah we did we did a lot of them are what you think they'd be and a lot of them are actually much cheaper so you just got to find like who's like a little bit down on their luck

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


You're seriously asking the wrong person. All of these questions are being asked towards the wrong person.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Yeah, I think so. My weenie of the week. It's always so tough, isn't it? I think my weenie of the week is going to be... I don't know. I was going to go Mark Zuckerberg with the Benson Boone performance. But like, I don't know. He was having fun. Yeah. Doesn't that like make me a weenie for clowning on someone for having fun?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Yeah, yeah. That's the end of the show, so say whatever you'd like.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


We should do that in our spare time. And you guys should collaborate with Gabby Barrett for a version of her song, Good Ones, instead called Good Guys. You're one of the good guys.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I love you like you should one like you wrote the book one you know that song love it of course I wonder what she cost you guys should have her on the pod I'm in I'm in we should do it we should do it we're just such musicians I mean we have music just flowing out of us we're such musicians it's so true we can't stop the beat can't stop the beat is that it you can't or is that we got the beat

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


But it's probably also been used. We got the beat. The Go-Go's?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Okay, maybe we should end the show before the cards run out. So thank you so much for listening to The Toast, the greatest show on the planet, eons ahead of the good guys. That's what I hear. We love you so much, and we will see you on Mondays. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Make sure to follow Ben at BoyWithNoJob, follow Spritz at Spritz, and we will see you on the next one. Love ya, bye.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Oh, okay, great. Oh my gosh, maybe I need to get caught up on my GGs.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


And also some other news out of good guys, which is very sweet, is that you and Josh are both expecting fathers. How has that changed the tone and tenor of the show? Even though he already has two kids.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


So, Simpatico, are you guys, what's the paternity leave policy at Good Guys?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Okay, well, I look forward to you bringing that conversationalism to our show today. We've got a great show for you because we've got Fast Five Stories, a little bit Southern Charm recap. You know I would never miss an episode. And Queenie and Weenie of the Week. And you will be submitting your Queenie and Weenie.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


It's not a real brunch episode. No. Until we can hear.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


As a holistic man who's currently in a cycle of amoxicillin.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I actually wonder about this. Like what does the holistic community say? Like if you have an infection or say you have an ear infection where you like an antibiotic, like, but they're, they don't really do antibiotics. What's the protocol?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I understand. But that's you because I feel like you are, you know, as much as we joke, you are very much a blend of Eastern and Western.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


You're a central medicine kind of guy. Central? Yeah. But someone who's like fully Eastern, what would they do?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


But perhaps they are a little bit. She keeps us abreast of her schedule here at the toast. And like she did go out to dinner this week, right?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I don't know if I'm allergic. I just had a reaction. It caused a lot of... Dermatitis was the word. It gave me like really bad itchy red skin, which I already have. So it's just worse.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


It's like, yeah, I mean, you do strain it. It's made by Melissa's recipe, so I'm not taking offense. And the times that I have done it.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I love it. I know you work with her. I'm like, what do you think of it?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Does she not strain it? She does. And I didn't. But you need some of that pulp.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


It's crazy that over the summer you did a video and cooked something every single day. And now we barely hear from you. You're kind of, like, off the grid.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


I feel like in this season of like March, it's hard to find inspiration. Like what are we eating right now? I don't know. It's not cozy fall, cozy winter, but it's also not like spring yet. And it's hard to know what the vibe is. So blame it on the season.

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


So I understand. And how are things with Alex Guarnaschelli?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


Wait, and I have to ask you, have you watched With Love Megan as a cooking content connoisseur?

The Toast

Throwing The Rule Book Out The Window with Ben Soffer: Friday, March 7th, 2025


You know what? We're actually talking about Mindy Kaling later in the show. So let's table the conversation for then so that we can get into everything. Now that my 20 questions are up, I think I'll let you off. Actually, I have one more question. How spritz?