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The Toast

As Ever, With Love, Orchard: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Tue, 18 Feb 2025


SNL 50 Recap (21:15)How Meghan Markle Has Been Not-So-Subtly Hinting at her 'As Ever' Rebrand For Weeks (Page Six) (33:41)Craig Conover Reveals if He's 'Started Dating' After Paige Desorbo Split (Page Six) (44:12)Jonas Brothers Reveal JonasCon, a One Day Fan Event in NJ - How To Go (Today Show) (54:50)How Patrick Schwarzenegger "Eye-F--ed" His Way Onto The White Lotus (Vanity Fair) (59:43)White Lotus RecapDear Toasters Advice Segment (1:10:51)The Toast with Jackie (@JackieOshry) and Claudia Oshry (@girlwithnojob) Lean InThe Camper and The Counselor by Jackie OshryMerchThe Toast PatreonGirl With No Job by Claudia OshrySee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


Chapter 1: How does the holiday weekend impact the podcast recording?

2.298 - 16.465 Claudia Oshry

Good morning, millennials. And welcome back to the toast. Happy Tuesday. That feels like a Monday because yesterday was a bank holiday that we, of course, observed in the most honorable and respectful of ways. Thank you to all the presidents, whoever, you know, served, did their thing. And it's Tuesday. It feels like a Monday.


16.485 - 20.167 Claudia Oshry

It's the beginning of a new week, beginning of a party week where Jackie and I will. First of all, hey, Jack, how are you?


20.447 - 27.314 Jackie Oshry

Hey, Turtle Lou. I'm good. Thank you. Yes, I am here. Things, plans changed as they often do around these parts.


Chapter 2: Why did Claudia extend her stay in Florida?

27.414 - 44.611 Claudia Oshry

We let the chips fall where they may. And I am still in Florida. Now I was supposed to be back after the wedding today, back in studio, back to our beloved frames. Yeah. And of course I'm not. And I know there's like a running joke. Like every time Trudy comes to Florida, she ends up like extending. I really was not planning on it. I really was not planning.


44.651 - 55.742 Jackie Oshry

She said up, down, left, right, center. Like, I'm not coming to see you. Like, I'm not doing. Don't count on me. Yeah. No, I'm seriously like not coming. So we planned accordingly. And lo and behold.


56.182 - 73.877 Claudia Oshry

The thing is, I really wasn't expecting the. physical implications of a five day Moroccan wedding to hit me so hard. You know, as a pregnant person, the idea of waking up after the wedding and going on a plane, it was just kind of unfathomable. And I'm like, what am I going home for? You know, besides for Romeo, I don't really have much waiting for me back in New York.


74.277 - 86.327 Claudia Oshry

So I figured I would spend a couple of days here at the beach extended with Ben. We're staying at a hotel. We're not staying at Jackie's. So it's still very much like vacation energy, but we've met in the middle. We're also testing out all the different podcast studios Southern Florida has to offer today.


86.367 - 87.287 Jackie Oshry

There are a lot.

87.507 - 97.731 Claudia Oshry

By the way, So many options. You'd love to see the business of podcasting booming. Business is booming. I like to think that's our influence, but we never know.

98.031 - 102.292 Jackie Oshry

We're happy to be here in a new setup, a great American tour of podcast studios.

102.312 - 103.813 Claudia Oshry

I like sitting across from a desk from you.

103.933 - 106.834 Jackie Oshry

I know, it's very intense. It's giving. News desk.

Chapter 3: What are the highlights from SNL 50?

889.685 - 891.086 Jackie Oshry

Yeah, he's in the closet.


891.627 - 898.874 Claudia Oshry

As in a physical space. I understand. Not a place. It just sounds like I'm being like, like I'm calling him gay.


898.894 - 899.555 Jackie Oshry



899.735 - 900.096 Claudia Oshry

I'm not.


900.476 - 902.178 Jackie Oshry

No, it's just the closet.

902.836 - 908.661 Claudia Oshry

Right, the closet is also a physical place in addition to a figurative one. A mental place. A mental place as well.

908.962 - 933.188 Jackie Oshry

I understand. I think that's enough Matt and Abby talk. Good speed to Matt and Abby. Good luck. Good speed. Good God speed. Also good speed. I hope you catch that mouse. Try raid. Try raid. And I think without further ado to do, do you think time? Yeah, I think so. We've got a lot to talk about. We've got a lot to do today. White Lotus, dear toasters. Oh yeah. Dear toasters.

933.888 - 934.789 Claudia Oshry

You're being like really slow.

934.829 - 943.129 Jackie Oshry

Give me your phone. I was just trying to help you. Crazy pants. Without further ado, it is time for the Fast Five stories that you need to know.

Chapter 4: What is Meghan Markle's new business venture?

1749.73 - 1768.142 Jackie Oshry

Yeah, no, or work less. I actually feel like they probably ended fine. I don't know if it was serious. Yeah, but it was so serious. So serious. Nothing was ever more serious. No, I saw like some crowd shots and it's weird. It's like Kim Kardashian. Oh my God. And then in front of her is Lady Gaga. Oh my God. And then like Adam Driver sitting there in the tux, like just so crazy.


1768.303 - 1778.693 Claudia Oshry

It was also a big night for power couple, Martin Short and Meryl Streep. Yeah. They were both there separately and together. You'd love to see her showing up supporting her man.


1780.066 - 1796.761 Jackie Oshry

Yeah. So I do think that Snow 50 like had the effect that. The intended effect. People wanted it to have. They had their moment. Bill Murray, like the great Bill Farrell. They also had their like documentary too. So there's like a lot of like just news coming out and like old clips resurfacing and behind the scenes tidbits. So like everyone's talking about Snow. I'm happy for them.


1796.841 - 1806.35 Jackie Oshry

The show fucking stinks all the time. I know. Just make it better. Hire better people. Like bring it back, you know. Restore it to its glory maybe. Maybe this would be a good reminder of that. Yeah. That's what I'm saying.


1806.39 - 1824.542 Claudia Oshry

Like it really highlighted this thing that was once great and it's still here. And I know there are like people who really like it, but I think overall, like you can't deny that the impact of SNL on like comedy on American culture is nominal compared to what it once was. And that's so cool to see like Chevy Chase there. He's like really like the biggest thing to ever come out. I love Chevy.

1824.602 - 1826.263 Claudia Oshry

He's so chevilicious.

Chapter 5: How is Meghan Markle rebranding her business?

1826.524 - 1826.724 Unknown



1827.304 - 1849.057 Claudia Oshry

And like, who is the Chevy Chase? Do you know what I mean? Of today? Yeah. Of course. Because I like to think of like the biggest male lead right now on SNL. Of course it's Mikey Day. It's Kenan. But like Kenan doesn't have, like Kenan had a. Kenan's not a movie star. I know. He's an SNL star. He did a sitcom and it didn't like, it didn't do well.


1849.538 - 1853.018 Claudia Oshry

It's, I just think of SNL's like impact is not what it was.


1853.058 - 1854.318 Jackie Oshry

And so. It's Mikey Day.


1854.898 - 1856.019 Claudia Oshry

It's a thousand percent Mikey Day.

1856.039 - 1866.335 Jackie Oshry

It's always Mikey Day. And it's always been Mikey Day. Okay. Get that finger out of my face. We're so close. Hey. Hand heart. Okay.

1866.355 - 1867.495 Claudia Oshry

You should bring back the hand hug.

1868.435 - 1879.258 Jackie Oshry

Do we? My palms are a little sweaty. It's hot in here. Yeah. We're just working hard. We're hardworking ladies at the office. I'm working late. I can't believe I didn't even talk about my commute. Like, let me tell you.

1879.278 - 1883.279 Claudia Oshry

Jackie commuted to work today. As somebody who works from home, like this is revolutionary. What podcast did you listen to?


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