Jay Shetty
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
What's your local version of movement? Not doing it leads to never winning. Starting small guarantees winning and especially more important than winning, it guarantees you're building your confidence. I find most of us, we don't do things because we don't feel confident. We feel, well, what's it going to do? What's the value? And therefore we have to build our confidence to that level.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
I couldn't be more excited to share something truly special with all you tea lovers out there. And even if you don't love tea, if you love refreshing, rejuvenating, refueling sodas that are good for you, listen to this.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Radhi and I poured our hearts into creating Juni Sparkling Tea with adaptogens for you because we believe in nurturing your body and with every sip, you'll experience calmness of mind, a refreshing vitality, and a burst of brightness to your day.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Juni is infused with adaptogens that are amazing natural substances that act like superheroes for your body to help you adapt to stress and find balance in your busy life. Our Super 5 blend of these powerful ingredients include green tea, ashwagandha,
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
acerola cherry and lion's mane mushroom and these may help boost your metabolism give you a natural kick of caffeine combat stress pack your body with antioxidants and stimulate brain function even better juni has zero sugar and only five calories per can we believe in nurturing and energizing your body while enjoying a truly delicious and refreshing drink
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
So visit drinkjuni.com today to elevate your wellness journey and use code on purpose to receive 15% off your first order. That's drinkjuni.com and make sure you use the code on purpose.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Now I want to share something with you that is kind of counterintuitive, but I love it. It's called the reverse gratitude shift. Here's the experiment. Instead of listing what you're grateful for, which I'm sure you've been asked to do a million times, and maybe you've done it, maybe you haven't done it. If it hasn't worked for you, try this. List three things you'd hate to lose.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
And then realize you still have them and how you feel about that. Sometimes I find that when we're saying like, oh, I'm grateful for the day. I'm grateful for the sky. I'm grateful for whatever it may be. It doesn't hit hard. It doesn't hit home. But when you think, wait a minute, what would I hate to lose? oh my gosh, I'm so grateful. I am so grateful that I have that.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
I'm so thankful that I have that. Wow, I'm so lucky. This reverses your brain's perspective. Instead of, yeah, I guess I'm grateful for my home, you feel the deep relief of, wow, I still have my home. It makes gratitude hit way deeper. upgrade it and say each one out loud for extra emotional impact. I think it's so important to speak these things into existence, the thankfulness, the gratitude.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
I really hope that you're going to come and see me. If you want to know where to come, head over to www.jshetty.me forward slash forward slash tour. That's www.jshetty.me forward slash tour. I can't wait to see you in the audience. Now, today I wanted to talk about how we set our day up for success, how we set ourselves up for success.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Notice how positive thinking is just like, yeah, I'm feeling great. I'm doing good. And you know, it doesn't stack up. So as you can see, I'm walking through from waking up Stepping outdoors for a second, cold shock reset in the shower, drinking a little bit of water, a movement, a gratitude moment. And now when you're about to eat, I call this the first bite ritual. Here's the experiment.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Take one slow, intentional bite of your first meal while thinking about something you're grateful for. then chew the rest slowly without distractions. There's a really, really interesting phrase in Ayurveda, which is the science of health from India. And it says we should drink our food, drink our solids and chew our drinks. Let me say that again. Drink your food and chew your drinks.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Does that make any sense? Let me break it down. What does it mean when it says drink your food? It means we should bite our food to the point where it's close enough to liquid. Why do we do this? It's easier on our digestion. If any of you are having gut issues, digestive issues, I found two things make a massive difference. Slow down your eating. Put the knife and fork down in between each bite.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Don't keep a hold of them. Slow down the pace of eating. Most of us are scoffing down a burrito, whatever it may be, eating as fast as we can, trying to finish up the plate, get back to work, get to this, get to that. That's what's causing bloating, indigestion. Maybe you're getting heartburn. Maybe you're getting acid reflux. Slow down your eating process.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
And number two, try and bite each morsel of food 16 to 32 times.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
count while you do it it will naturally slow down the process and you'll be able to drink that food it makes it easier on your digestion your stomach's now not complaining it's not reacting badly and when it says to it says drink your foods because you've chewed it down that much and then it says chew your drinks what does that mean when you're drinking instead of just gulping it down instead of just taking it down as quickly as you can chew your drink almost taste it
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
deeply, properly, closely, and all of a sudden you're digesting that better too. And if you really want to mix it up, you want to try something new, eat with your non-dominant hand. It forces your brain to focus and be present and reset as well. Now I want to share one more tip. This one is called the future you signal. Here's the experiment.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Put on one item of clothing or an accessory that your future self would wear. Something that makes you feel unstoppable. So it's almost like when you think about it, when Clark Kent takes off his glasses, right? Or when some people put them on, they become someone. Why it works. This is enclosed cognition. Your brain adapts its behavior based on what you're wearing.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Dress for the energy you want to embody. And if you upgrade it, as you put it on, say, I'm stepping into my next level. What is it? What clothing? Is it a pair of shoes? Is it a jacket? Is it a smaller item like a bracelet or a ring? What is it that makes you step into your future self, that reminds you of that future self?
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Allow it to be something physical, something tangible that you can see, because all of a sudden you start to see the impact. of how it changes you. And you're reminded of that throughout the day, especially as the day gets more difficult, whatever it may be, it can be huge. And I want to throw one more in there. I call this the identity download. Here's the experiment.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Instead of journaling about your goals, write a three-sentence manifesto of the person you're becoming. Here's an example. I'm the kind of person who moves through life with clarity and courage. My energy is magnetic and I attract the right opportunities effortlessly. Today I show up as my highest self. Now what's the difference between that and positive thinking?
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
It's about changes in who you are, not in how the day will go. Positive thinking is almost like it's going to be a great day. The day may not be great. but you can still be great. And I think that's the difference with positive thinking. Positive thinking says, today's going to be a great day. Everything's going to go really well. Not true. Today could be a really tough day.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
How many times have you had it where halfway through the day you say to yourself, this isn't working out? It's not going my way today. It's another write-off. How many times at the end of the day have you said to yourself, I didn't get through it today. I didn't get enough done. It wasn't the right day. It didn't work out. Hopefully tomorrow. Hopefully next week. Hopefully next month.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Everything could be really hard, but you can still be great. I can be great on a bad day. That's what we want to build. That's the muscle that we're trying to strengthen. And why does it work? The brain clings to identity over goals. Listen to that carefully. The brain clings to identity over goals. If you keep telling yourself who you are,
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Instead of what you want, you naturally act in alignment with that identity. Let me say this again. Your brain clings on to identity over goals. So you may say, I want to build something successful. but I'm not good enough, right? So your identity is I'm not good enough. Your goal is I want to build something successful. Notice the lack of alignment. Now listen to this.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
If you keep telling yourself who you are instead of what you want, you naturally act in alignment with that identity. I am a focused, productive individual. That's naturally going to get you to your goal, right? That leads to your goal. And you can read it out loud for more conviction. The identity download should not be underestimated. We always say, I want this. I want this.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
I wish this would happen. I'm hoping this works out. No, I am. But what is following I am? If you're always saying, I'm not good enough. I'm tired. I'm exhausted. I'm just all over the place. but then I want this. So we're focused more on what we want than who we are, but who we are gets us what we want. I hope that you internalize that in today's message.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
When I think about my morning routine, I think about four steps. T-I-M-E, time. Thankfulness, inspiration, meditation, and exercise. These four steps are how you should structure your morning routine. What's your thankfulness habit? We talked about the benefits of gratitude. What's your inspiration habit? The future you signal and the identity download. What's your meditation habit?
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Similar to those with the first bite and the anti-gratitude reset or the reverse gratitude reset. And then finally exercise, that power shift.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
that will get you right every morning that you try it and all i want you to do is try one of these for this week then the next week add another one then the next week add another one do not add all of these this week because it won't work so just try one maybe you're going to try the 30 seconds in the shower maybe you're going to try getting that sunlight in the morning Make it simple.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Make it stick. Make it easy. Thank you so much for listening. I'm always rooting for you. I'm forever in your corner. Please leave a review. Please share this episode. I want to see what's sticking out to you. Share on your stories. Share your best favorite audio moments on TikTok. I can't wait to see how it's resonated. And I look forward to you listening to another episode today, tomorrow, soon.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Remember, we have new episodes coming out every single week, multiple new episodes, and you have six years worth to go back on. Some of your favorite guests have been on before and you may not even know. So go and take a look through the library. Thank you for being here. See you soon. Thank you so much for listening to this conversation.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
If you enjoyed it, you'll love my chat with Adam Grant on why discomfort is the key to growth and the strategies for unlocking your hidden potential. If you know you wanna be more and achieve more this year, go check it out right now.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Hopefully next year. We postpone our greatness and success every single day. Why is that? It's because we don't often set ourselves up for success. Now, I know what you're thinking. You're like, Jay, I am a positive thinker. I do think that tomorrow is going to be a better day and I do want it to be a better day. Well, here's the reality. Positive thinking doesn't work. It's about habits.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
It's about systems. It's about processes. The biggest mistake we've made over the last few decades is we think it's all about positive thinking. And this idea has created somewhat of a barrier for people. For the people that don't believe it anyway, they think it's a weakness of personal growth and self-development.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
And for the people who believe it, you're doing it and you're wondering, wait a minute, I was feeling positive about tomorrow. Why wasn't it a good day? Because we have this underlying belief that if I think positive, then tomorrow will be great. If I think good, tomorrow will be great. It's not how it works.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
The way we set ourselves up for success is by the habits we choose, the systems we build, and the practices we focus on. That can transform your entire day. I have found... That I can conquer my day if I master my morning. And you can too. You can conquer your day if you master your morning. Your morning can either set you up for success or set you up for failure.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Your morning can either build you up for greatness or lead you towards weakness. Your morning is the divining factor of how your day is going to go. It's almost like the first quarter of a game. right? For anyone who watches sports, you've got four quarters in the United States and you've got four quarters of your day, your first quarter. You want to set yourself up for success.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Now, of course, you can have a comeback, right? You can be down in the first quarter, down in the second quarter and have an unbelievable comeback, but that requires so much from you. What if you could set yourself up for an amazing game? if you had an amazing first quarter.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
That's what today is all about, how to master your morning so that you're not tired, unproductive, or overthinking for the rest of the day. The first step that I wanna share with you is what I call a dopamine detox dose. Here's your experiment that I wanna set for you. Before reaching for your phone, sit in stillness for five minutes. No social media, no notifications, just breathing.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Being conscious of your breath, letting yourself wake up naturally, your eyes opening gently. Take that time. So many of us rush our brains, rush our minds into an awake state before we're even ready. We wake up with a jolt or a shock thinking that we're ready for the day when actually we're shocking and jolting our brains. I've never really liked the word alarm or alert.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Why would you want to wake up to an alarm, an alarm alarm? sets off your cortisol levels, right? If you hear an alarm, you think, I've got to get out of here. There's fire. There's some problem. I hate the word alarm. I want us to stop using the word alarm. Don't wake up to an alarm. Wake up to an intention. Wake up to an energy.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
When we pick up our phones first thing in the morning, it's like letting 100 people into the bedroom of your mind at that time. You would never let 100 people Walk into your bedroom in the morning before you brush your teeth, before you put your makeup on, before you were ready for the day, before you showered.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Wake up to a sound that creates a sense of synchronicity and serenity in your life. Find that sound. Find that tone. and see how your day changes. When we pick up our phones first thing in the morning, it's like letting 100 people into the bedroom of your mind at that time. You would never let 100 people
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Walk into your bedroom in the morning before you brush your teeth, before you put your makeup on, before you were ready for the day, before you showered. But every day we let a hundred notifications, news stories, updates, messages walk into the bedroom of our mind. Think about that for a second.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Imagine 100 people, the people from work, your family, your friends, everyone walked into your bedroom in the morning and started telling you everything. Your work colleague was like, that project's due right now. Sounds like an email you probably got. Your boss walks in and says, hey, where were you last Friday? Did you get that report done?
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
All of a sudden, that sounds like a message you got as well. Then your mom's checking in with you. How was your weekend? I hope you're well. Then your friends are checking with you. How did your date go? I hope it was okay. Right? You've got all these things that you're waking up to. And chances are, You went to bed late. That dopamine detox can save you. Why?
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Because it resets your brain's dopamine levels, reducing the need for instant gratification and helping you focus better throughout the day. So many of us don't realize that we all have something that's known as decision fatigue. It means the more decisions you make per day, the more tired you get of making decisions.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
And here's the thing, if you're making lots of small decisions in the morning, do I reply to this message? Do I need to check that email? Do I need to go and look on Instagram? Should I reply to this comment right now? What haven't I not posted?
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
All of a sudden you're using up your brain's power for all of these small insignificant decisions that by the time it gets to the morning in the middle of the day where you may actually have to make some bigger decisions in life, you have lowered your ability, energy, and capacity to actually do that.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Don't waste all of your decision, focus, and energy on small, insignificant, irrelevant decisions. So what I want to do here is a dopamine detox with a dopamine swap. I want to give you a better way of getting dopamine. Here's the experiment. Step number two, step outside within 10 minutes of waking up and let the natural light hit your eyes. No sunglasses.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Morning sunshine signals to your brain that it's time to wake up, regulates your circadian rhythm, and boosts dopamine, the motivation chemical. And bonus tip, if you can't go outside, stand near a bright window or use a daylight lamp. I've been using the Hatch on darker days where the hatch has this beautiful light that comes on.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
It doesn't feel like the harsh lights that you put on in your room or in your home or in your apartment. It mimics that of the sun coming in through your window. If you can do natural sunlight, obviously that's best. But this is a really beautiful start to the day. Get that dopamine for the sun. Notice how none of these things take too long. Don't look at your phone for five minutes.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
But every day we let a hundred notifications, news stories, updates, messages, walk into the bedroom of our mind. Think about that for a second. The number one health and wellness podcast. Jay Shetty. Jay Shetty. The one, the only, Jay Shetty. Ha ha. Hey everyone, welcome back to On Purpose. I'm your host, Jay Shetty, and I'm so excited that you're back to listen, learn, and grow.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Step outside for five minutes. That's all it takes. I promise you that when you give your mind that peace and quiet, that gentle awakening in the morning, it will set you up for success. Because now you're not stressed, you're not feeling pressure, you're not waking up with this feeling of already being behind. How many of you wake up feeling behind? It's not your fault.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
The world will make you feel that way. You wake up and you've already got 29 messages and you're thinking, I'm so behind. Taking that five minute gap in the morning resets your brain to say, I'm not behind. I'm actually going to be able to be more productive, more decisive, more effective because I'm not rushing. When you're rushing, you make mistakes.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
When you're peaceful, you make better decisions. When you're rushing around, you forget stuff. When you take a moment to take a breath, you're going to remember everything you need to. Allowing yourself that space doesn't make you lose five minutes. It potentially could make you gain five hours back.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Because think about how many things you rush through, break through, make mistakes on because you're just trying to get out of bed. Now, this one may be a bit challenging for you all, but I'm going to set it out because it can be amazing. It's called the cold shock reset. Here's the experiment. End your shower with around 30 seconds of cold water.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
And you can challenge yourself every week to increase the time daily from 30 seconds to 60 seconds, whatever it may be. And why do you do this? It boosts your mood. It improves circulation. It jump starts energy levels like a natural espresso shot. It's super simple. Listen to this. Cold exposure increases dopamine by 250%. It improves circulation and gives you an instant mental reset.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
And if a full cold shower is too much for you, you can do the hot cold sandwich. Start warm, turn cold, and then go warm again. Just giving yourself that experience. So many of us are tired. We're feeling heavy. We're feeling drained. We're feeling overworked. And that cold shock reset for 30 seconds, just 30 seconds. That's all I'm asking you to do.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
I'm not telling you to do a cold plunge and sit in a tub for three to four minutes. A 30 seconds in the shower can totally revitalize you. Totally revitalize you. And then another hydration one. Instead of reaching for coffee first, drink a large glass of water with a pinch of sea salt, maybe a bit of lemon. And if you can do it at room temperature or warmer, that's even better.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
And why does it work? After seven hours of sleep, your body feels dehydrated, which can make you feel groggy. And electrolytes from salt and vitamin C from lemon jumpstart hydration and energy. And if you're one of those people who really wants to go all the way, you can add a few drops of chlorophyll for an extra detox boost as well. That's how water can change your life.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
The 30 seconds in the shower and taking water before you take anything else. It's these tiny, small habits. that stop us from feeling like we're pulling ourselves through the day or pushing ourselves through the day. but actually we're able to perform and power through the rest of the day. It's these little things that affect our mood, affect our mindset, affect our body.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
We think, oh, wow, I'm not motivated. I'm not engaged. Yeah, that could be the case, but give yourself the best chemical chance. Give yourself the best biological chance to succeed and win throughout the day. Now, the next one is movement. The one move power shift. Here's the experiment. Do one explosive movement, jump squat, clap push up, high knee sprint in place for just 10 to 15 seconds.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
10 to 15 seconds. Jump squat, clap push up, high energy sprint in place for just 10 to 15 seconds. Then stand tall, take a deep breath and feel the energy surge. Why does it work? Just one high intensity move sends a surge of adrenaline, dopamine, and oxygen to your brain, like an instant shot without the crash.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
And if you want to upgrade it, you can pair it with a power phrase like, I'm built for this. Let's go. Let's do this. Whatever it is that works for you. One explosive movement can reset your energy. We underestimate the value of small changes and we overestimate the value of big steps. We think if I can't get a 30 minute workout, what is 10 to 15 minutes going to do?
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
As always, I'm so deeply grateful that you've taken out the time to connect here, and I hope you're loving all the episodes. It's so exciting that I'll actually be going out on tour with the podcast across North America this year. That means you can come and watch me live with a surprise guest, do an interview on stage, ask questions, and be a part of the show.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
What is 10 to 15 seconds going to do? I'll tell you this. You start doing 10 to 15 seconds and you feel the benefit. You want to do five minutes. You want to do 10 minutes. You want to do 15 minutes. That's how confidence builds. You do something that is achievable, that's manageable, that you win at, and then you want to win again and again and again. Think about it in any sport.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Do This Every Morning to NOT Feel Tired & Focus Your Mind
Someone didn't play Wimbledon on the first day of the tennis tour. They played their local tournament. Maybe they even started at their school. And then they upgraded all the way through to the Grand Slams. You look at the most amazing athletes on the planet. They didn't start their career at the Super Bowl. They didn't start their career at the World Cup. They played local.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Juni is infused with adaptogens that are amazing natural substances that act like superheroes for your body to help you adapt to stress and find balance in your busy life. Our Super 5 blend of these powerful ingredients include green tea, ashwagandha,
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
acerola cherry and lion's mane mushroom and these may help boost your metabolism give you a natural kick of caffeine combat stress pack your body with antioxidants and stimulate brain function even better juni has zero sugar and only five calories per can we believe in nurturing and energizing your body while enjoying a truly delicious and refreshing drink
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
So visit drinkjuni.com today to elevate your wellness journey and use code on purpose to receive 15% off your first order. That's drinkjuni.com and make sure you use the code on purpose.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Day 16 to 20 is called the mind shift. Notice how we went body, people, mind, right? So we started with the purge. So we kind of blocked out everything we didn't want in. But then we started with the body because it's great to feel shift in the body. Then we went the people around us and now we do the mind. So what we often do with the mind is we just listen to love songs.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
We watch our favorite romantic movies. And guess what? You sit there and you cry and you eat ice cream. And by the way, there's nothing wrong with any of that. That's okay if you want to do that. But when you're ready, this is the 30 days that's going to change it for you. The no love songs, no sad movies detox.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Cut out all breakup music and movies for 30 days when you're ready to really get over this breakup, right? This 30 days may come three months after you break up. For some of you, it may come immediately after you break up. For some people, it may come six years after you break up. But these 30 days have to happen at some point. Replace them with uplifting, neutral or empowering content.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Start a new book. Listen to a new podcast. Maybe you're listening to this one right now for that reason. Start a new course, a masterclass. Flood your brain with new ideas. It's time to change your mind. Now, why did we go body, people, mind? Because if you try and do this one first, it's really hard. When you've already shifted your body, you're feeling a new state.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
We all know the feeling when we change something physical, because we live in our physical selves, it changes everything for us. When you change your hairstyle, you almost are surprised every time you look in the mirror. When you change your workout routine, you're more surprised about the energy you feel. When you change your environment, like the color of a room, you feel different.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
This episode is dedicated to anyone who's struggling with a breakup. If you or your friend has gone through a recent breakup, And even though you're putting on a brave face or they're putting on a brave face, you know this has affected you. It's affected them. This episode is for you and them. If you're someone who is scared of breaking up because of what might come, this episode is for you.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
So we want to change physical states first, then the people around us, then our mind. A lot of us try and do the mind shift first and it doesn't work, right? It doesn't work. And this works wonders. This mind shift fuels you with so many different ideas. And a good thing you can add to this is something I call the reverse bucket list.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Instead of listing things you want to do, list things you never want to do or repeat in a relationship. Right? We're used to writing down all the things we want to do before we die. List all the things you never want to do again in a relationship. And use this as a guide when you start dating again. So you don't just heal, but you upgrade. I think this is one of the biggest mistakes we make.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
People are just trying to get over their ex. We're just trying to move on, but we're not upgrading. And I think when you choose to say, hey, this is what I'm never going to do again. I'm never going to fall fast. I'm never just going to give up my trust. I'm never just going to hand them, you know, whatever it is that you made mistakes on. And again, you don't want these things to be extreme.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
You want them to be real. And you may edit them. You may review them. And you may change them over time, but it's great to start with a reverse bucket list. I wanna go back to that idea about a new identity for a second. It's so important that if your Sunday routine used to involve snuggling up to a movie, make Sundays your workout and meal prep day.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
The goal is all about erasing patterns and building new ones. That doesn't mean you'll never go back to that park. It doesn't mean you'll never go back to that restaurant that you loved, right? That's not the point I'm making. The point I'm making is that we need to shift pattern. We need to edit pattern
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
as quickly as possible right we have to do that another thing that usually happens by this date is there are things you want to say to that person right by this point you've reflected you've thought about it and now you're like wait a minute there's stuff i want to say to that person that i never got to say and sometimes it's an excuse to just get back in touch
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
feel a bit of, you know, interest again, a lot of the time it's just a painful point that you never got closure from them. So what you want to do in this regard is create a private note or text thread where you vent instead of texting them. So you're not texting yourself. You're now texting them, but it's not going to them. You're not pressing send.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Every time you feel an emotional wave, type out what you'd say to them, but don't send it. And you can read it back later, see how fast your emotions shift. And this helps you break the illusion that they are the solution to your feelings. You believe that they're the ones to give you closure. This process makes you realize that you're the only person who can give you closure.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
What this evolves into is something I call the reverse closure letter that you never send. Write a letter from your future healed self to your present self. It could sound like this. I know this hurts now, but trust me, it will all make sense. You'll be grateful for this in the future. This will turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
And you can read this every time you doubt yourself. I hope that this is helping. I hope it's resonating. I hope it's connecting. I want you to find one or two things in here that really move the needle for you, that really help you. And a few quick ways to think about it is the opposite day technique. If you feel like isolating, make yourself go out.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
If you feel like crying in bed, make yourself journal. The goal is to retrain your nervous system so that you're not just sinking into emotional autopilot. The opposite day technique is one of my favorite ways because it shifts you out of your thing. And that's really what we're talking about here.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
What we're talking about with all of this is how can you quickly shift yourself, not to make things better, not to negate your feelings, not to neglect how you feel, but to put yourself in a position of strength of being able to actually deal with this in a healthy way. Day 21 to day 25, adventure mode. Do something you've never done before, right? It's fun. It's exciting.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Set up a solo date night, set up an activity night, whatever you want to do with some friends, find people that you want to do interesting things with that you've never done before. All of a sudden you realize your life is filled with more adventure and
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
And if you're someone who just got broken up with and you're trying to figure out what healing looks like, whether it's possible, what are the things that are about to come your way, this episode is for you. I really want you to use this episode as a map, as a guideline to create your own reinvention, to create your own rejuvenation and to create your own comeback.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
you ever thought and day 26 to day 30 is reflection in the reflection phase i want you to set a 90 day reminder mark a date 90 days from today on your calendar write down where you want to be emotionally one new skill, hobby, or milestone you will have accomplished or worked towards. And then in 90 days, you have something to look at.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Something to look at how far you've come, something to look at how far you've broken. And remember when you thought you'd never get over this? Look at you now. Now, healing isn't linear. You'll have moments where you go back and forth, but it will blow your mind how far you've come. You have to set a future date from which you can look back at where you are now.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
One of my favorite reflections that I've encouraged clients to do in this regard is at one point when you're ready to call what I call is visualizing them as a stranger. Imagine running into them 10 years from now at a coffee shop. Picture them as just some person, no emotional charge, no judgment, just neutral.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
It tricks your brain into fast forwarding the healing process and reducing emotional intensity. Now you can't rush to that, but it's a really great way of realizing that one day, right now there's all these emotions, there's all this pain, there's all this stress, which you're allowed to feel. One day you won't feel it, not in the same intensity at least.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
And another thing that's really helped me is what I call removing the storyline. Take a brutally honest inventory of the relationship's worst moments. Look at the facts. Did they make you feel insecure? Did you have to shrink yourself and reframe it? You didn't lose them. You freed yourself, right? You didn't lose them. You actually became free.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
And I think to so many of us, that's what we're trying to recognize, is that in some way, somewhere, deep down, we know, you know, that this is actually going to be good for you. It's just that we're holding so strongly onto the idea. And then if all of that doesn't work, here's my favorite.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Change their contact name or delete it, but if you don't change it, save their name as do not text or call. That simple reminder will block you when you're about to do something. Remove the shared Google photo access, mute and block on Spotify, Venmo, anywhere that it may come up, because all it is is a trigger. Instagram, TikTok, all it is is a trigger.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
And you don't have to be strong enough to not be triggered. I think a lot of us think, well, I'm not weak. I can still see them and not be affected. We are that weak. All of us are sent back right down nostalgia lane, memory lane, and that's where we go. Give it a moment. I really hope this helps. I really hope this supports you. Let me know who you shared this with.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
I really believe that these techniques will help you through a breakup. Thank you for trusting me with your time. Remember, I'm always in your corner and forever rooting for you. Thanks for listening. And I really, really can't wait for you to listen to another episode.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Hey everyone, if you loved that conversation, go and check out my episode with the world's leading therapist, Laurie Gottlieb, where she answers the biggest questions that people ask in therapy when it comes to love, relationships, heartbreak, and dating. If you're trying to figure out that space right now, you won't want to miss this conversation.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
I really believe that this episode will give you ideas, insights, ways in which you can apply to see how to use this as a transformative experience. These moments in our lives come at us hard and fast. They hit us really hard and they affect all areas of our life. And often when we're going through a breakup, we really feel like there will be no better day.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
There is no light at the end of the tunnel. We can often experience this. But this episode is here to remind you, not only will you rise, but you will rise stronger, better, and more resilient. I also want to make this episode extremely practical and tactical for you.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
So write down notes, whether you're using your phone or whether you're writing down in your journal, and make sure you come back to this one as well. So the first thing I want to set you is this idea called a 30-day no-contact reinvention challenge. Instead of just avoiding contact, I want you to actively reinvent yourself each day.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
The reason why breakups hurt so much is because we feel parts of ourself are lost, broken, or gone forever. And when we realize that actually we're not trying to hold on to what was there, we're trying to rebuild from what's left. We're looking at what has been left behind and what we can do with that, not what we once had.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
So I'm going to break this down into five day experiences, because often what we think about is we hear things like time will heal all wounds. That's not untrue. I actually think that is true. But here's the thing. We need to make it smaller. We need to make it more measurable. We need to make it more actionable. Does time mean six months, 12 months, three months?
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
So I'm going to give you a 30-day no-contact reinvention challenge. Day one to five, potentially the most difficult, hardest, painful days. You just broke up with them. They just broke up with you. This is the time that you're most likely to run back to them or they're most likely to try and get you back. or they're most likely to ignore you and you really want them back.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Day one to five will be the hardest days you experience. Here's what you do. Delete messages. Remove reminders. Block social media. Create a breakup-free digital space. It's so needed. It's so, so needed. And a big part of this is something I call the anti-ritual disruption. You had a ritual with this person that started to feel like your life. You always texted them goodnight.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
You always got a good morning message from them. You always went out to coffee together on Saturday, Sundays for brunch. Break those patterns. Purge. Delete the messages, remove the reminders, block, mute, break up free digital space and break the patterns of those rituals. If you always texted them goodnight, text someone else goodnight.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
A friend, a family member, someone who's always been there for you, someone who's always around, someone that you may not even remember that often. Send them a goodnight message. You used to go with them every Saturday to get a coffee, every Sunday to get brunch. Change your coffee shop. Change your brunch spot. I don't really, it doesn't matter how much you loved that place or how amazing it was.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Change the memory. Break the pattern. Take yourself out for coffee. Go out with someone else for brunch. Switch the pattern up. One of the biggest mistakes we make is we stay in the same pattern wanting to get rid of something. It is pretty impossible to remove an emotional feeling from a physical place if that physical place mattered to you both. Break the patterns.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Hey everyone, it's Jay Shetty, and I'm thrilled to announce my podcast tour. For the first time ever, you can experience On Purpose in person. Join me in a city near you for meaningful, insightful conversations with surprise guests. It could be a celebrity, top wellness expert, or a CEO or business leader.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Your brain links routines to them. If you change your routine, you will change the attachment. Too many of us don't change our pattern, don't change our routine, and expect to change the attachment. Now it is true. we kind of want to feel close to it. There's a part of us that secretly even enjoys the fact that that place mattered to us. We still go there. We have some feelings. I get it.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
But we have to purge day one to five. Day six to 10, body reset. Change something physical. Maybe you're going to change a new hairstyle, a fitness routine, a sleep schedule. We're going back to breaking patterns, but we're breaking patterns of our own. So the first half was breaking patterns from the relationships, day one to five. You used to mess with them, you mess with someone else.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Day six to 10... You're breaking your own patterns, a new fitness routine, a new sleep schedule, a new hairstyle, whatever it may be that works for you. The reason why we want to break things so quickly and organically as well, of course, it has to be things you want to do, is because you're shifting and moving. We're not used to change, especially when you're in relationships.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
When you get into a long-term relationship or an invested relationship, Routines are at the heart of that relationship Rituals are at the heart of that relationship The quicker you shift your rituals and routines The quicker you change your memories of that relationship Too many of us stay
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
in the same physical state we don't do a body reset we stay in the same place for a long long time it's one of the reasons why revenge body which i'm not encouraging i encourage you to work out for yourself and your own health but a reason why that idea makes sense because you're getting active you're shifting something about yourself but ideally do it for yourself Day 11 to 15 is a social reset.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Reach out to three old friends or make a new connection. By day 11 to 15... You're going to want to text that ex. You might even have been strong up until now, and now you can't bear it. It's not harder than the first five days. It's harder than it felt in those first five days to not message them. You get pulled back. into that old habit.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
So I'm going to give you what I call the five text rule for breaking the urge to reach out. This is called the five text rule. Before you text your ex, send five texts. One to a friend, one to someone you admire, one to a family member, One to yourself, yep, literally text yourself. And five, one to a new connection.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
We'll dive into experiences designed to experience growth, spark learning, and build real connections. I can't wait to meet you. There are a limited number of VIP experiences for a private Q&A, intimate meditation, and a meet and greet with photos. Tickets are on sale now. Head to jsheddy.me forward slash tour and get yours today. Break the patterns. Your brain links routines to them.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
By the end of that, the urge usually passes because you've created five conversations. Now you may message your friend and your friend's not available. So usually you'd message your friend and then you'd go message your ex. Especially if you asked your friend, hey, should I message my ex? Don't make the conversation about your ex. Make it about something else.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Message your friend and ask them what they're doing later. What are they doing this weekend? How's their day going? Ask them questions about them. Shift the energy from your problems to helping them. Too many of us will reach out to everyone in our life and only talk about our problems. Hey, I really need to talk to you. I'm really struggling with this. Hey, I just need to talk about my ex.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Hey, I think I should take them back. Hey, I really want to message them. What should I do? You use the people that are trying to help you to solve the situation about the person who hurt you. Make it about that person. Help them, support them, be there for them. Ask them how their day's going. You will get out of your own head.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
So send a message to a friend and don't make it, hey, should I text my ex? Second, someone you admire. Maybe a professor or maybe a DM to someone online, whatever it may be, just someone you look up to. And again, make it separate from the conversation. One to a family member.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
I promise you there's a family member in your life who loves you, who supports you, who's there for you, and you forgot about them. During that relationship, you ignored them, you disconnected from them, and you don't need to do that. Send a message to that person. Number four, send a message to yourself. It's a great place to store your thoughts. Often we try and solve our thoughts in our head.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Pretty difficult to do that. It's almost like when you think about it, there's a courtroom and then there's a jury room, right? In the courtroom, the jury room listens, but they go to the jury room to make a decision. You need to have a conversation with yourself in text form in the jury room.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Your mind's like the courtroom where you think you have to make the big decisions, where you think you have to solve everything. But that's not true. You need to be able to go to a jury room to discuss it, to think about it, to reflect. And the courtroom is just the place you announce the decision. Notice that distinction is huge. Often we're just having conversations in our head.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Should I stay with them? Should I text them? Should I take them back? What should I do? And you're almost trying to make this big decision in the courtroom. Text yourself. Build a log of how you feel different at different times. How do you really feel about that person? And I'll come back to that point. But what do you really think? What do you really believe?
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
The courtroom, your mind, is a place to listen, is a place to absorb. It's there. But the decision is made in the jury room and announced in the courtroom. When you've taken out that personal time to reflect, to introspect, to think, you can come back to your mind and whenever your mind says, let's text them, you go, no, we thought about this. I'm going to text five people first.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
The five text rule for breaking the urge to reach out is a game changer. One to a friend, one to someone you admire, one to a family friend, one to yourself, and fifth to a new connection. Could be someone you're networking with, a community member. Obviously, if it's brand new, ideally not someone you're dating, but if you're further down the line, it could be that.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
And all of a sudden, you've started five conversations. And here's what you learn through this. You start to learn that there is more connection out there than you actually believe. There is more love out there than you actually believe. There is more support out there than you actually believe. Let me say that again. You have to remember that there is more love in your life than you believe.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
You have more support in your life than you believe. And you have more people rooting for you than you believe. The problem is you've learned to believe that there's only one person who can love you perfectly. You've learned to believe that there's only one person who knows what you need. You have trained yourself to believe that there's only one person who can satisfy you.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
If you change your routine, you will change the attachment. Too many of us don't change our pattern, don't change our routine, and expect to change the attachment. The number one health and wellness podcast. Jay Shetty. Jay Shetty. He won the only Jay Shetty. Ha ha. Hey everyone, welcome back to On Purpose. It's your host, Jay Shetty, and I am so happy, so grateful that you've joined me today.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
And when you text five people, you start recognizing that's just not true. There are so many people who understand you. There are so many people who care about you. There are so many people who value you. And you have to experience it. You can't just remind yourself. You can't just talk yourself through it. You actually have to practice it.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
And when you get messages back from your friend, someone you admire, a family member, yourself, you're not going to get a text back from, but you now have that jury room, courtroom breakdown. And finally... a person maybe that you're networking with, a community member, someone you're dating, all of a sudden you realize you always had that value.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
We have to unlearn this idea that there's only one person who knows how to love you, that there's only one person who knows how to help you. I couldn't be more excited to share something truly special with all you tea lovers out there. And even if you don't love tea, if you love refreshing, rejuvenating, refueling sodas that are good for you, listen to this.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
30-Day Breakup Detox to Reclaim Your Life & Rebuild Your Confidence
Radhi and I poured our hearts into creating Juni Sparkling Tea with adaptogens for you because we believe in nurturing your body and with every sip, you'll experience calmness of mind, a refreshing vitality, and a burst of brightness to your day.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
I've put in so much effort into this. I would never be here with you today So much of what you'll create tomorrow Is when you'll let go of what you do today Don't let your attachment hold you back I couldn't be more excited to share something truly special with all you tea lovers out there.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
And even if you don't love tea, if you love refreshing, rejuvenating, refueling sodas that are good for you, listen to this. Radhi and I poured our hearts into creating Juni Sparkling Tea with adaptogens for you because we believe in nurturing your body and with every sip, you'll experience calmness of mind, a refreshing vitality, and a burst of brightness to your day.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
Juni is infused with adaptogens that are amazing natural substances that act like superheroes for your body to help you adapt to stress and find balance in your busy life. Our Super 5 blend of these powerful ingredients include green tea, ashwagandha,
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
acerola cherry, and lion's mane mushroom, and these may help boost your metabolism, give you a natural kick of caffeine, combat stress, pack your body with antioxidants, and stimulate brain function. Even better, Juni has zero sugar and only five calories per can. We believe in nurturing and energizing your body while enjoying a truly delicious and refreshing drink.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
So visit drinkjuni.com today to elevate your wellness journey and use code on purpose to receive 15% off your first order. That's drinkjuni.com and make sure you use the code on purpose.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
Now, step three is something called the Pygmalion effect. What if I told you that the key to your success isn't just hard work or talent, but someone else's belief in you? What if their faith in you could actually shape who you become? Imagine this, you're in a classroom and the teacher believes you're destined for greatness.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
She sees your potential and without even realizing it, she starts treating you differently. More encouragement, more attention, more opportunities. And then something incredible happens. You start to live up to her expectations. Your grades soar, your confidence grows, and you begin to believe in yourself more. But here's the twist. It wasn't just about your ability.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
The number one health and wellness podcast. Jay Shetty. Jay Shetty. The one, the only Jay Shetty. Hey everyone, welcome back to On Purpose. I'm your host, Jay Shetty, and I'm so grateful that you're back here to listen, learn, and grow. Now today, I'm going to talk to you about how you can become more successful than 90% of people.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
It was about the belief someone else had in you. Welcome to the Pygmalion Effect, a psychological phenomenon where higher expectations lead to better performance. And this isn't just some motivational theory, it's scientifically proven. Researchers discovered this by conducting an experiment with students.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
Teachers were told that certain students were intellectual boomers, though in reality these students were picked at random. But by believing in their potential, those students performed significantly better by the end of the year. The Pygmalion effect shows how our expectations shape our reality. When others believe in us, it shifts our behavior.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
It boosts our self-esteem and it unlocks our abilities that we didn't even know we had. But I know what you're thinking. Jay, no one believes in me. Well, maybe you've had a coach, a mentor, a family member, or a friend. But I know some of you are still thinking, Jay, I don't really have people like that around me. Well, here's the most amazing thing.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
The real power of the Pygmalion effect is it's about your own belief in yourself. If you start holding yourself to a higher standard, if you expect more from yourself, you'll start to see that belief reflected in your actions. Think about someone like Kobe Bryant, who had his Mamba mentality. It was a mentality that he aspired for, that he channeled during a game.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
It was a belief he had in himself, a potential that existed. You look at the alter ego of Beyonce, Sasha Fierce. She knows who she is in that moment. It allows her to almost be acting out of her body to be a different level of herself. What's the beast mode version of you? What's the version of you that you aspire to be like and you notice you have the potential, but you need to unleash it?
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
I've thought about this for a long time in my own life. When I first met my mentor who believed in me, I'd always say to him, no, I'm not an entrepreneur. I'm just a creative. I'm just an artist. I need to work for someone. I can't work for myself. I'm not an entrepreneur. I would say this to him again and again and again. And again, today I realize that I was wrong.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
I have the ability to be an entrepreneur. I have the ability to be a business owner. Why? Because I allowed myself to have that vision for myself. When people don't have a greater vision for you, remember to hold a greater vision for yourself. Not that you believe you are those things now, but that you're working towards, you're aspiring towards all of those things being possible.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
I know you can do it. I know it's possible. And I'm here telling you that. If you've never had someone in your life tell you they believe in you, here I am now. I do believe in you. I see your potential. I notice you're trying. I acknowledge that you show up here every day, every week, and you're ready for the next level. I want you to start seeing your future self and aspiring towards them.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
This next one is probably my favorite one when it comes to the things the 10% do that the 90% don't. And I want you to think about it like this. Imagine you just learned about a new concept. Maybe it's a word, a brand, or even a type of food. It's on your mind, and suddenly you start seeing it everywhere.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
You hear it in conversation, you spot it in social media, and you even see a billboard for it. It's like the universe is throwing this thing at you from all directions. It could be numerology. You see 1111 everywhere. Literally while I'm recording this, it's 1222 and I just saw 222, right? Maybe it's the Cybertruck, the Tesla Cybertruck. You've been talking about it.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
You now see it everywhere in the world. Me and my friend were talking about the other day how we don't see a particular color of a particular car. The next thing you know, we could see it everywhere. But here's the truth. It's not happening more. It's just you notice it more, right? It's only 12.22 or 11.11 at certain times of the day. It's not happening more often, but you notice it more.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
Most of us believe that the people who achieve greatness, the people who do amazing things are special, that in some way they're different from us. And here's the reality. They're different in their consistency. They're different in their creativity. They're different in their work ethic. But at the core, they're not different. I believed this myself for years.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
Your brain's playing a trick. Welcome to what's known as the Bader-Manoff phenomenon. The mind-bending illusion where once you notice something, you suddenly think it's everywhere. Your brain filters out everything that's irrelevant, and once it's noticed something, it starts to pay attention to it more.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
This makes you believe that it's appearing all around you, when in reality, your brain's just hyper-focused on it. And this phenomenon happens because of cognitive bias. Our brains are bombarded with information every second of the day. So to avoid being overwhelmed, they filter out things that don't seem important.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
But the moment something catches your attention, maybe a new word or idea, your brain suddenly relearns to look for it. And because you're now hyper aware of it, it appears to be popping up everywhere, even though it was always there. So how do you use this like successful people? Well, let's say you're thinking about starting a business.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
You read an article about entrepreneurship and boom, you start noticing entrepreneurship stories everywhere. podcasts, YouTube videos, friends talking about their side gigs, the Bader-Manoff effect has kicked in. It's not that there's more entrepreneurship around you, it's that your brain is now hyper-focused on it.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
So whatever it is that you want to find in life, whatever it is that you want to learn about in life, plant the seed, become hyper-focused on it, and you'll see it everywhere. But hey, this also works negatively. If you think there aren't enough opportunities, you will find proof around you that there aren't enough opportunities.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
If you feel to yourself you're not an entrepreneur, you will see signs that you're not an entrepreneur. Our mind will latch on to any idea that we have planted. So the next time you want to get good at something, plant the thought. For example, if I want to launch a podcast, let me think about all the ways in which I would be a good podcast host. Let me notice those things.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
Let me surround myself with them and that will develop my confidence. Whereas if I start noticing all the ways I'm not, that will also dent my confidence. To get started, you want to use this principle to your advantage. Now I want to share a couple more with you. This is a big one. Don't compare your chapter one to someone else's chapter 20. Stop measuring your success by others' timelines.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
Everyone has their own path and success isn't linear. Focus on your own journey without getting distracted by others' perceived achievements. unsuccessful people look at where people are today and wonder how far they are. Successful people look at and learn how those people started. They turn envy into study. Instead of envying where someone is, study where they started.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
Instead of envying what someone has, study how they got it. Instead of envying the life someone's living, Study the parts of their life that are unseen. That's what it takes to become great. Two more things I wanted to share with you. You don't need everyone to like you. It's okay to be misunderstood.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
Successful people understand that when you're doing things that are new, fresh, innovative, exciting, it can be too overwhelming and surprising for others. Your work ethic, your work rate, your dedication, your discipline might scare people. And when people are scared, their fear usually comes out as insecurity or noticing flaws in you. It's not about them. It's not about you.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
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It's what fear does to people. You don't need everyone to like you and you will never like everyone. That's the reality. And that's the final step to realize. Some relationships are meant to be short chapters, not lifelong books. Not every friendship, partnership, or connection is meant to last forever, and that's okay. Some of us never grow because we're scared to outgrow the people around us.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
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I used to always think, I'm not made for more. I don't think I can achieve that. I don't think I'm good enough. Things like that never happened to me. And I'm guessing that you've said similar things to yourself multiple times. How many times have you actually had an amazing opportunity?
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
Some of us never move forward because we're held back by the people around us. And some of us never become who we're meant to be because we think we have to be like the people we're around.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
it's okay to let go it's okay to move on and to do it respectfully gracefully and kindly you don't do this because you think you're better than people you do this because you want to be better than who you were yesterday I really hope that these principles, actually, I know these principles will transform your life. Let me know when you tag me in the stories which one resonated with you.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
And I can't wait for you to join in to another episode. Thank you for listening today. I will see you on the next one. Remember, I'm forever in your corner and I'm always rooting for you. Take care. If you love this episode, you'll love my interview with Kobe Bryant on how to be strategic and obsessive to find your purpose.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
You get invited to a potential client's dinner and you don't even show up because you're so scared of ruining it, you don't even try. Or what about this? Someone says to you, you know what? I know you're trying to get good at website design. I'll actually pay you to do it. And you say, no, no, no, I'll just do it for free because I'm not that experienced.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
We sabotage ourselves, we sell ourselves short, and we don't build even when opportunities are coming. This is why I truly believe that all of us have had opportunities. We've had moments where we could have been better, performed better, had opportunities to grow, but we weren't ready for them. And it's because we're not doing what the 10%, what the 5%, what the 1% are doing.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
And that's what today's all about. I want to walk you through the tools, through the ideas, through the insights that you may miss, that you may not notice. Maybe you didn't grow up around an entrepreneur. Maybe you didn't grow up around a high achiever and you didn't get the opportunity to learn this from them.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
I believe that productivity, effectiveness, and achievement are all possible for you and for me. And here's what I want you to do. I want you to get your notebook out. And if you're walking, if you're running, if you're at the gym, don't worry. Just take a screenshot of the moments I mention things that you know you need to come back to.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
And this is one of those episodes that you're going to want to send to a friend, a family member, because I want you to share the insights so you get better at practicing them. Here's the first one. If I told you that to become more successful than 90% of people, you had to focus on one thing. And that one thing was patterns. Would you believe me? Would you get it?
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
I mean, I've even wanted to write a book about this and I don't because I just think everyone's going to look at me and think, Jay, patterns, what do you even mean? Well, here's the point. If you look at anyone who's had success in any industry, it's because they understand patterns. If you look at people who are brilliant at investing,
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
whether it's property or stocks, they know when to get involved. They've followed the pattern long enough to know when to get in and when to get out. It's a pattern that they've analyzed and observed and learned. If you look at people like Mr. Beast, who've had incredible success on YouTube, why does that happen? Because he's understood the pattern.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
He's understood the algorithm, which is just another word for pattern. And he's observed that pattern, mastered that pattern, and then delivered to it. He knows what to do in the first three seconds. He knows what to do in the last nine seconds. He knows what to do in the middle to keep your attention. He's mastered a pattern.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
If you look at your favorite movie, you look at your favorite TV shows, there's a rhythm to the script. There's a pattern. And here's what's true. The most successful people in the world are either pattern observers or pattern makers, pattern disruptors, but they're definitely not one thing, pattern followers.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
See, what's really interesting about the 10% is that they're pattern observers, pattern makers, pattern disruptors, but most of us are pattern followers. We're the consumer. We follow the pattern. We follow pages. We use what we're given and we use it to consume. We don't use it to create. We don't use it to build. We don't use it to think. We use it to consume. We use it to consume our time.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
We use it to pass time. We use it to pass waste energy. We don't use it to create, build, disrupt, or observe. If you think about the amount of creators there are in the world that are social media creators versus the number of social media consumers, we have the numbers in front of us. The majority of people in the world, the 90% of the world are consumers.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
They're watching, liking, commenting, sharing. Now there's nothing wrong with that. I too am a consumer. And sometimes to be a good disruptor, maker or observer, you have to be a follower. You have to be a consumer. But then you have to do more with it. Once you have followed, once you've lived in the established patterns, systems or structures, you have to get good at observing them.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
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A pattern observer or a pattern seer is great at recognizing existing patterns, trends, or connections. They can observe and identify relationships, often excelling in analysis and foresight. They have the ability to strategize based on their findings. So for example, if a social media creator sees, oh, when I start a video that says, hey, did you know?
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
they realize that people click five times as more times. And when they put a call to action at the end, they realize people share the video more than three times. If I observe that, I can now apply that when I create. If you see that some of the biggest brands in the world today, before they launch, they start a mailing list. Something exciting is coming soon. Be the first to find out.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
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Everyone subscribes to the mailing list. They discover how many people are interested. If you observe that pattern, you too can use it for your business. Too often we're trying to reinvent the wheel. We're trying to start from scratch. We're trying to build from the beginning, from the bottom. The reality is someone else has figured it out. Can you watch that pattern? Can you notice that pattern?
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
And if you can, you become a pattern observer and then ideally you apply it. Now, if you get good at observing patterns, you might have the ability to become a pattern maker. These individuals create new patterns, systems or frameworks. They're innovators who build solutions, processes or artistic work that didn't exist before.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
And they've studied the pattern so well that they know how to build for it. They know how to create for it. But now, there's one more person, the pattern disruptor, the rarest of them all. These people challenge or break existing patterns. Take someone like Steve Jobs, who invents the smartphone at a time when everyone still had buttons on their phone and small screens.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
when you think about the origination of Spotify by Daniel Ek, when you think about the rise of computers, when people didn't think everyone needed a personal computer, they just believed that there'd be a few for the whole world. These people are rebels or revolutionaries.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
If you think about the founders of social media apps who created an online universe that didn't exist before, but even disrupted the patterns. So you can see that anyone who is successful is obsessed with patterns. And I want to ask you, whatever industry you're in, whatever place you're in, Have you understood the pattern of the industry? What's the pattern of the person who gets promoted?
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
What's the pattern of the person who gets selected? Now, our mind will try and say things like, oh, it's just because they've been sucking up. Oh, it's just because they're the ones who's, you know, they've just been around the longest. All of that may be true, but challenge yourself. Challenge yourself to observe the pattern. If you observe the pattern, you will master that place.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
If you look at good health, it's a pattern. How much protein? How much cardio? How much strength training? If you look at anything you want to be successful at life, learn the patterns. And learn the patterns from the pattern makers and observe it. And sometimes... Don't even listen to what they say. Watch what they do.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
A lot of us sit there and we listen to someone teaching us the pattern when actually, if you want to be the best pattern reader, watch it. Watch the person do their art masterfully. That's step one. Now, the second step about becoming more successful and impactful than 90% of people is asking yourself this question. Are you busy? but doing all the wrong things. Think about this for a second.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
Hey everyone, it's Jay Shetty, and I'm thrilled to announce my podcast tour. For the first time ever, you can experience On Purpose in person. Join me in a city near you for meaningful, insightful conversations with surprise guests. It could be a celebrity, top wellness expert, or a CEO or business leader.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
Imagine this, two people walk into a room. One sees a handcrafted desk and thinks, that's pretty nice. The other sees the same desk, but gasps. This is a masterpiece. Why do they have a different reaction? The second person spent two frustrating hours assembling it from flat pack pieces, cursing over missing screws and doing the work. This is known as the IKEA effect.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
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It hijacks your brain and makes you believe your effort has magically transformed something ordinary into something extraordinary. And this isn't just about furniture. It's why parents treasure their child's scribbled drawing more than a piece of Picasso's art. It's why startups cling to ideas others call doomed. It's why your half-baked project feels like a work of art.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
Psychologists discovered the IKEA effect through experiments where participants built simple things like Lego models or origami. The shocking result? People were willing to pay significantly more for the creations they built, even when they looked objectively worse than a professional version. effort plus ownership equals value. And why is that?
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
Our brains crave meaning and effort creates attachment. The harder we work on something, the more we feel it's part of us. Now, that's not a bad thing. It means we should take ownership. We should grow. But here's what successful people do. They realize that the IKEA effect can blind us.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
It makes us cling to bad ideas, dysfunctional relationships, or failing projects simply because we've poured so much of ourselves into them. It's a psychological trap. The more effort you invest, the harder it becomes to let go. So the next time you find yourself obsessively defending something you've built, ask yourself, do I love this because it's great? or because I made it.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
The most successful people in the world are good at being detached. They're good at quitting something. They're good at leaving something behind when it isn't great and they can't make it better. They're not so attached to their ideas that they think there's only one way. If this doesn't happen, nothing else will. They find another way. They build another path. They're open to the idea.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
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A lot of us are too attached to the work we've put into something that we don't want to work on building something else. You've studied something for three years and graduated. So now even though you have an amazing opportunity to do something completely different, you You feel like you're wasting the three years.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
You feel like you're leaving something behind that's valuable rather than feeling the inspiration and excitement of the new opportunity in front of you. You're letting what's known in economics as sunk cost bias slow you down. Sunk cost bias is where you're biased by sunk cost.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
We'll dive into experiences designed to experience growth, spark learning, and build real connections. I can't wait to meet you. There are a limited number of VIP experiences for a private Q&A, intimate meditation, and a meet and greet with photos. Tickets are on sale now. Head to jsheddy.me forward slash tour and get yours today. but doing all the wrong things. Think about this for a second.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
You've already invested so much time and energy into something, you need it to become meaningful, to give your life meaning. Rather than recognizing this doesn't serve me anymore, this isn't valuable anymore, this isn't my goal anymore, and that's okay. I'll give you an example where I had to practice this. Some of you may not even know this. Originally, my community built on Facebook.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
This Mindset Shift Will Instantly Make You More Successful Than 90% of People
I have around 30 million followers on Facebook, which is where I first started as a creator. And at one point, I realized that it wasn't serving me. The content I was creating, the platform was hard to grow on. And I realized I really wanted to launch a podcast. So here we are. And if I had said to myself, no, no, no, I'm a Facebooker. That's what I'm known as. That's what I have to do.
Pod Meets World
Listen to On Purpose with Jay Shetty on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Pod Meets World
Listen to On Purpose with Jay Shetty on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Stuff You Should Know
Why is Chinese art being stolen?
Hey, I'm Jay Shetty, and my latest interview is with Kai Dickens.
Stuff You Should Know
Why is Chinese art being stolen?
Listen to On Purpose with Jay Shetty on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Stuff You Should Know
Why is Chinese art being stolen?
Hey, I'm Jay Shetty, and my latest interview is with Kai Dickens.
Stuff You Should Know
Why is Chinese art being stolen?
Listen to On Purpose with Jay Shetty on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.