Jennifer Welch
Live with Senator Booker
Happy Sunday, everyone, and welcome to IHIP News. The Lord rests on Sunday, but pumps and I do not.
Live with Senator Booker
nuanced answers, and you can inject that shit into my veins all day. I love it. I'm a political junkie. But what's going to motivate these people to protest more is having Democrats like you say something's up with Donald Trump and Putin, and I'm saying it clear, and you have to start speaking in some sound bites. Because we all have ADD, the entire world.
Live with Senator Booker
It's not just an American problem because we're all addicted to these phones. And what's going to fire up your base is using very strong language. And it's not... playing the way they're playing, but it's saying what you're seeing is happening to you. What you're seeing, the dismantling of the United States government, it is happening.
Live with Senator Booker
And this is a moment Donald Trump and everybody he is surrounded by seems to be more loyal to Vladimir Putin than they are to the United States and the Constitution. And we've got to get in the streets. We've got to get on social media and we've got to fight. And I think that That's what's missing from the Democratic Party because we all like to speak historically and nuance.
Live with Senator Booker
And listen, you speak my love language. I love it. But I think we have to toughen it up, grow some things, and pardon my language here, but I think the Democrats need to take on Fuck you politics and drop the integrity politics. And in saying fuck you, it's fuck you for fucking our country up. That's what we need to hear. We need it from you all.
Live with Senator Booker
That's going to get us out in these cold streets and marching when we see it from Democratic leadership. And we are begging. I mean, begging, Senator.
Live with Senator Booker
So the economy is already starting to completely destabilize. And for a lot of people, we live in a red state, viewer, and a lot of people that I know that were trying to justify their Trump vote, it was inflation. And the economy. And now we see that everything that he's doing is inflationary. And the stock market is going to start correcting very quickly.
Live with Senator Booker
But everybody needs to remember stocks like stability. And when I think of convicted felon Donald Trump, I can think of a lot of things to say. And one of the top would be unstable. Right. Yeah.
Live with Senator Booker
I think when you all are speaking to us because we feel very helpless and we feel like everything that you just said assumes that the other side is going to honor the rule of law. And from what I've seen, when you have Pam Bondi's DOJ say, oh, we're just going to drop charges against Eric Adams because it's a quid pro quo. That's unprecedented. So that assumes some things.
Live with Senator Booker
So we need to hear you say these people are criminals. They're actively breaking the law. What you're seeing is happening. That's going to motivate us to all of our followers to get behind you. You know, I feel like everybody's kind of mad that we got this far, but we did get this far and we have to fight like hell to get this man out. In check somehow.
Live with Senator Booker
And I don't know that I have a whole lot of faith in the Supreme Court. I don't know that I have faith in the administration to honor any judicial rulings, considering they would send out the federal marshals.
Live with Senator Booker
do that the federal marshals are going to be controlled by pam bondi who bizarrely said the other day she's been issuing executive orders which she can't even do that that's not even legal but i think really blunt um acknowledgements to what we're seeing and that you breed of politics and And I think it is having integrity.
Live with Senator Booker
I agree with you in saying, fuck you for coming at our constitutional rights. Fuck you for trying to wreck our country. And all of these layoffs are starting to hit red states. And I'll give you an example. My brother has a guy that works for him part-time because his wife works for the IRS. She had insurance, pension. This is in Oklahoma City. And they're triple Trumpers. meaning all three times.
Live with Senator Booker
These are triple Trumpers. I mean, Tucker Carlson, Freebase, Fox News, the whole nine. She gets laid off. He calls my brother, wants a full-time job back. So it's starting to hit around to where a lot of us don't really want to reach out to them. They're going to be reaching out to us and saying, oh shit, we screwed up.
Live with Senator Booker
And so I feel like the only thing that's missing, because we drop two times a day and we're in the comment sections all the time, I mean, and I think you've got it in you, Senator Booker, but it's more direct. What you're seeing is illegal. This guy is clearly compromised by Russia. I mean, hell, Kevin McCarthy is saying it back in 2017 on tape. I mean, come on.
Live with Senator Booker
I mean, we all know all of these policies every single day. One person wakes up so happy, and that's a very weakly positioned Vladimir Putin. And because of everything that Trump has done, it has strengthened his position, and he hasn't had to fire one missile over here to the United States. It's all psychological warfare.
Live with Senator Booker
In a few minutes, we're going to be joined by Senator Cory Booker. So everybody join the chat, and if you have any questions for the senator, pop those in there. Let's talk briefly. I read an article this morning that Kash Patel— as we know, is a total nut and is now at the FBI. And he has told everybody in the FBI to ignore
Live with Senator Booker
what had what got me to be the fourth black person i'm only the fourth black person popularly elected to the united states senate only number four and you know what scares me about this is white people have been so privileged i don't know that as a group of people we have that kind of fight in us I hate to say that.
Live with Senator Booker
I hate to say that, but I'm on TikTok and on Instagram and I see these black influencers and I agree with them. They're like, look, we showed up in record numbers. We did our job. We're not joining you guys. He's your problem. And I get their fatigue. I have empathy for their fatigue. And I feel like as a person who grew up in white America, white privileged America, I'm realizing like, wow.
Live with Senator Booker
Well, you know, I would think that, but I feel like that should be the top headline everywhere, and it's not.
Live with Senator Booker
We're all sitting around thinking this problem is going to self-correct because nobody's ever really dicked us over like this before. But if you're black, that's in your DNA. You fought that hard your whole entire life. And it is phenomenal. And you had to work so much harder to get to where you are. I worry about the tenacity of white people in this fight. I do.
Live with Senator Booker
He bought, you know, he bought Tucker Carlson and other right-wing podcasters. And it's rumored that he bought Trump many years ago. And Elon Musk and Putin... all have the same ideas, which is to dismantle democracy. Because at the end of the day, these oligarchs are very scared of the public.
Live with Senator Booker
I have to I have to say, I think this is an error we make. because we live in a red state, not one county went blue, not one. And assuming that these people voted in earnest for the good of the country or that they feel left behind completely does not acknowledge the fact that they freebase Fox News. And I'm telling you, Senator Booker, they are racist. There are racist default settings.
Live with Senator Booker
I've grown up in white America my whole life. And when I'm in white circles, A lot of racist things are said, both covert and overt. Trump gave the permission structures to these people, emboldened then by Fox News, to say, oh, it's about inflation. But really, everybody's been pissed off ever since a black man. Not everybody. I'm talking about the MAGA base, not all MAGA.
Live with Senator Booker
but a big portion of the base. And until we start acknowledging that and saying it more and more, because we all know, I know triple Trumpers, and I'm telling you, they're racist. They're still racist. Now they've moved the goalpost on the price of eggs and inflation. Their votes are bigger than just that they think that's what's best for the country.
Live with Senator Booker
They've fallen prey to all of this massive propaganda. And it feels like sometimes Democratic politicians always provide cover. for their immoral ways. And I don't like that because I've lived around these people in Oklahoma City. I grew up around these people. I had a person at my house after Obama won that called Air Force One Afro One. And it was all white people there.
Live with Senator Booker
And this is the kind of shit that goes on every day. And it's a million times worse now that Trump is in office. It's a million times worse. I see it and hear it so much more. And I think this is a moment for white people, especially because we're here, we're out of the beltway.
Live with Senator Booker
We're here in Flyover State, the homeland of America, to inspire other white people about all of the good things that this diversity brings us. Now, they might still freebase Fox News or not, but I cannot get on board because I know too many triple Trumpers that some of them do need to be demonized.
Live with Senator Booker
Some of them do think terrible things about black people and about gay people and about trans people. And that's a deal breaker for me. And that should be a deal breaker for all Americans because we believe in equality and fair chance for all. And so I have to push back on that a little bit because I just cannot give a lot of these triple Trumpers that kind of space.
Live with Senator Booker
We threw you right in live. We just threw you right at the wolves, Senator. I am so sorry.
Live with Senator Booker
I'm going to give Pumps the last question because I've kind of bogarted the interview. I know.
Live with Senator Booker
Senator Booker, I love our, we ended up being your, your staff said 15 to 20 minutes and you've been so gracious. You've given us 42 minutes. We stole you. I think that these conversations are healthy because we have a big following here and for everybody to get engaged. You're welcome back anytime. We could have Sunday therapy sessions, progress reports.
Live with Senator Booker
We're so excited to have you. And I was joking with somebody on your staff and he wrote, if it's Sunday, it's I've had it. And in Trump's America, I think the title of our podcast has never been more appropriate because this is a shit show of epic proportions. It is Painful to watch, but I want to jump in and I want to talk to you about something I've been thinking about a lot lately.
Live with Senator Booker
It's important, I think, that we stay connected to our leaders. You hear what we're hearing from our followers. We hear about, I mean, honestly, everything that you reminded us of about what we fought for and how important and difficult those battles were was something I needed to hear because this is why you're a politician and I'm not because I get into the burn it all down stage.
Live with Senator Booker
Do you remember in 2016, McCarthy and then Speaker of the House Paul Ryan were on a hot tape talking about that they believed that Trump was on Putin's payroll? And then they had to come back out of that and say, oh, no, no, we were joking. We were just joking about that. But clearly they weren't because they said, hey, this stays in here and this is family talk.
Live with Senator Booker
Senator Booker, that's so powerful. Our office experienced gun violence. October 12th, I had a young black kid that started working for me when he was 17 years old. And October 12th of 2024, he was shot. He was robbed in a parking lot and he was shot. He'd worked for me for six years, stayed in my home when I traveled, worked at my office with me for 40, 45 hours a week.
Live with Senator Booker
It's still so difficult for me to process because he was such a good person. bright light and I stay connected to his family and his mother. But I realized, you know, I'd always as a white woman, always heard that, you know, this shooting here, this shooting there, this shooting here. And I realized if you live in America long enough, somebody you love is going to get shot.
Live with Senator Booker
And I've been thinking a lot as we all have been big, bigger thoughts that we've allowed this kind of lawlessness as a way of kind of slowly starting to appease a little bit to this moment, that we as a nation haven't stopped these injustices quick enough, which led to the biggest injustice we're all seeing right now. When you love somebody and this hobby was his name and he was like a son to me.
Live with Senator Booker
And I just, I walk in the studio every day and I see his desk and I go over to his, I can't, I can't replace him. I haven't hired anybody to replace him. I touched the keyboard that his fingers tapped and I touched the little mouse. He took care of this plant and I just, he made my life so much better. I'm a much better person. I'm, I'm the lucky one that this kid got to work for me.
Live with Senator Booker
And so I, I, I, I'm so upset that we're at a stage right now where you and I aren't talking about what can we do to solve gun violence because now we have to solve the fascist problem first. But I hope that we all continue because all of these things aren't going anywhere. And as we're speaking here, young kids are getting shot.
Live with Senator Booker
And, you know, the saddest thing, the saddest thing that was said to me at Javi's funeral was said, by his aunt. I just said, I can't believe these guns. And she said, well, you know what we all think? And I said, what? She's a black woman. She said, they just put them in our community, so we'll kill each other. And I just...
Live with Senator Booker
it was just overwhelming and I felt so naive and so white and ridiculous, but that's that reality. And that's a fight that I want to fight. And that's a fight that I want to partner with people to fight. And that's a fight back to one of your earlier points.
Live with Senator Booker
That's going to take all of us lifting each other up and understanding that we are all Americans as, you know, big of a statement as that is, but it's true. And I want to stand with all of the people, members of the Black community because my life is inherently better because of Black culture. and all of the black people in my life, it's a million times better.
Live with Senator Booker
And then we had Hillary Clinton in 2016 that was like, he's totally a puppet of Putin. And now we see. this president of the United States do everything to appease Vladimir Putin. And I was wondering for the longest time, why are they after Canada? And it dawned on me that Justin Trudeau said under oath that Vladimir Putin pays Tucker Carlson.
Live with Senator Booker
And my life is a million times better. I'm an interior designer when I'm not a podcaster. So you can imagine I work with a lot of gay men. My life is a million times better because of the LGBTQ plus community. If I just lived in a white hetero normative world, snooze city, baby. I mean, that is not anything I wanna be a part of. I love... and embrace the diversity that we have in this country.
Live with Senator Booker
So thank you so much. For sure, I'm no guarding the Senator again. Thank you.
Live with Senator Booker
Thank you, Senator Booker. And I would like to apologize to my co-host, Pumps, for bogarting Senator Booker. You don't have a fistfight after this. No, we love working with your staff.
Live with Senator Booker
And we want every Democratic senator or any anti-Trump senator to know, as long as you're spitting facts and not propaganda, we're trying to build a community here because it's going to take all of us to get through this. And you're welcome any time. And we plan to come to D.C. soon in April to do some in-person interviews. And you're the top of my list.
Live with Senator Booker
And then all of a sudden Trump's in and it's like, ta-da, Canada is going to be our 51st state. And I feel like we're not freaking out enough about this, Senator. And I want your take on this.
Live with Senator Booker
Well, and then some podcasts resurfaced where Kash Patel had been bashing Elon in the past. And so I just think there's going to be a lot of trouble when you have all of these dysfunctional, broken people with unaddressed inner childhood trauma. what I also like to call is the cabinet of dipshits, dangerous dipshits.
Live with Senator Booker
OK, I feel like we're kind of playing two games here. If you and Nancy Pelosi and let's say Chuck Schumer were talking about Barack Obama being on Putin's payroll, they would move at such lightning speed. There would be so many committees. Fox News would hyperventilate. I don't know if this country has enough ERs that could treat the panic attacks that they would have, right?
Live with Senator Booker
And then we always, as Democrats, we assume the right thing is gonna prevail. And so we assumed with Trump, we assumed, oh, he'll never get reelected again. And all these four years come back and then here he is. And there are all these roads lead to this man being compromised by Russia. And is the Democratic Party prepared to say, we think this MF-er is compromised by Vladimir Putin.
Live with Senator Booker
It is obvious. And you've seen Senator more than I have because you have all these security clearances and all this cool shit with the U.S. government. I'm just piecing it together over here in this blood red Oklahoma City. And I think Putin has him by the balls. It's the only thing that makes sense.
Live with Senator Booker
The personalities, they're not always going to be on the same page at the same time. And you're going to have some people that want to play hero and want to jockey themselves to be the big dick in charge. And so it's going to be interesting to watch over the next, I would say, 60, 90 days as who is the point person. Right now, it seems like Musk is, even over Trump.
Live with Senator Booker
So it's going to be interesting to see how all of the chips fall.
Live with Senator Booker
is getting more people to stop being witnesses to what's going on and becoming activists we don't have to become i want to jump in here really quick please i'm sorry i went on too long senator i can listen to you forever and as you talk about the way activism worked in the past i agree with you but the media landscape has changed and i can sit and listen to a democrat give 10 minute long