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I don't think that someone's genetics should determine race. whether or not they go to a school. And I think that their socioeconomic background, experience set, values, successes, failures are the things that they could have affected or that I think probably better define whether we want to take a moral stance on giving other people opportunity.
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So I think that that's a kind of good and reasonable place for us to end up.
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What do you guys think about... creating a leg up for people that came from a disadvantaged socioeconomic background. So put race aside.
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but an individual that grew up in a difficult circumstance that didn't have the privilege of going to a good school or having a good education, worked hard, tried, but didn't end up with the best test scores or didn't end up with the best GPA because of the conditions they were born into.
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Do you think it's appropriate to give those individuals a leg up in the application process, putting race aside, but just call it socioeconomic disadvantages?
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And they went to school in Atherton.
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Or a rural district with no education. Appalachia. Appalachia. Both are kind of equivalently disadvantaged or differently, but both disadvantaged. Yep.
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Totally. I 100% agree. And I feel like we've used race as a heuristic for that conditional background.
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And that's what makes it hard because race is not necessarily, it's certainly there's a correlation, but it's not necessarily indicative of the socioeconomic disadvantage that someone may have faced and had to overcome in order to perform and succeed at the level that they could have given their conditions.
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And so I certainly think that the incorporation of one's socioeconomic background should be a critical part of the application process. And it's certainly in the same in the job setting, ultimately.
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Well, I think that would go a long way. Because we do still have a college application process, Chamath. So there are still going to be a set of criteria used to determine whether or not our kids end up getting into a specific school if we and they all kind of say, hey, it makes sense.
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Well, in my work cohort, North Carolina State's a great school. We hire a ton of people from there. So that's a great school, actually.
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I think the structural... Monopoly is that they then get and have the most capital, which they can then use to build facilities and support staff that can come and do core research. And so you then get all these research staff, particularly in technical fields, in science and medical fields and so on, that want to come and be on campus.
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And that then creates the network effect of undergrads getting a better education because they're getting exposed to the best talent.
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I think you're the only Ivy Leaguer here.
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But did you get exposed to it? I mean, I know when I went to Berkeley, I worked at Lawrence Berkeley Labs. I got to be exposed to Nobel laureates. It was actually like... I think particularly in my field, like I majored in astrophysics and physics, like that was a great school to get exposure and you actually had that opportunity. I think that's part of the challenge.
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Schools with really great graduate programs and research that goes on on campus actually can give a better educational experience to the undergrads. It's almost like you're getting these internships and these fellowships and these TAs and professors.
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Yeah, that's right.
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I think that that's a lie we tell ourselves. I'm talking about applied work too much. So I'm talking about you go up to Lawrence Berkeley Lab and you work in an actual lab that does really interesting research. Okay, so my point is, if we both agree that these fundamental sciences is the key. Definitely, yeah, yeah. That's what I'm pointing out, yeah.
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Well, I do think in a digital era, core education has commoditized. And I think most people can get most of the way there without necessarily paying 60 to $80,000 a year, and then being partnered in some way with that on the ground internship or integrated kind of program where you get actual hands on experience.
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So I don't know, like, I mean, the university model, maybe does not make sense for most fields. J. Cal, what do you think?
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Where did you go to school, Jake?
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I will say, I feel like my experience in the workplace is that One's college or university is completely decoupled from one's performance or ability to succeed in the workplace in an meritocratic workplace. And when I say meritocratic, I mean excluding nepotistic workplace settings and excluding demographically biased workplace settings. 100%.
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And if you exclude those two, it honestly does not matter what school someone went to. They could be brilliant. They could be hardworking. They could be passionate. They could be a leader. The school doesn't matter.
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And in fact, perhaps the corollary is true, which is the people that went to the schools that determine success generally have a very hard time succeeding in the workplace because anytime they face failure, it is a challenging circumstance for them that they are unable to overcome.
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And that's particularly true in entrepreneurship, that's been my experience, perhaps in the broader workplace setting, they could work well, where they're told all the time, if you do this, then you get that they do this, they get that they feel good, they succeed in that model. But in the in the real world, that's not the model.
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And I think that that's a really important fact that's colored my point of view on how the higher education system actually does perform with respect to improving the quality of our workforce in the US. Separate of that, I will say that in technical fields, the research environment on certain college campuses can be incredibly, to Chamath's point,
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opportunistic for getting exposure to hands-on work that you might not otherwise get in technical field.
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That's what I mean by like the basic, the base education has been commoditized. You know, it's the hands-on experience that one gets that makes a huge difference.
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Well, I think you and we keep... Everyone keeps trying to reduce this down to some deterministic binary system, which is like it works or it doesn't. And the truth is... that the conditions of the world are changing all the time. The news is changing all the time. People are taking action all the time. There's a shift in current events all the time.
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As a result, the forecast is changing all the time. And so what a betting market or a poll does is provide a probabilistic forecast of the future. There is a probability of something happening. It is not trying to say I as a poll or I as a market am right 100% of the time or not. It is saying here's the estimated distribution of outcomes in the future.
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So there is a 20% chance or an 80% chance of Shapiro, 20% chance of him not being the case. Turns out that that 20% is where Harris ended up going based on some meeting she had in some room with some group of people that we aren't privy to and that the market in that case was not privy to. What Nate Silver does, and I think people need to understand this a little bit,
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When you gather polling data, that poll has some predictive power based on how the pollsters conduct their poll, who they call, how they screen candidates for the poll, et cetera, et cetera. So different polling companies, it turns out, are better or worse at making that directional probability bet than others.
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And what Nate's models do is they account for the historical performance of different pollsters and weight them differently to create a basically a multipole prediction. And so that's what his system is set up to do. And remember, he similarly doesn't give you one outcome. He gives you a distribution of outcomes.
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I think his simulation model has probably a thousand or 10,000 simulations that come out of it. And those simulations, he says, look, there's a 29% chance of this happening, 70%. He's not trying to say, here's what's going to happen. He's trying to give everyone a point of view on the distribution of things happening in the future, just like weather forecasting is not perfectly predictable.
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It's very predictable for tomorrow. It's less predictable for three days from now. And it's very unpredictable 12 days from now. And that's how these polls also work out. And that's also how these massive mega models of polls and it's also how prediction markets work.
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So basically, when I read those polls... or I read the summary of the polls, I have a bias based on my interest in the outcome that says that thing is BS, that thing is right. Oh, look at this. And everyone points to this stuff for confirmation bias of their opinion and to denounce the other side. And so it all gets caught up as kind of a media angle when people use polling data.
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And also fundamentally when people kind of get involved in polls and create polls, there's also the risk of bias. And part of what Nate Silver and others try and do is figure out, does that bias come out in the polling performance historically?
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And that's how they kind of weight whether or not this poll is gonna be a better or worse indicator than other polls of the distribution of things that might happen in the future.
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So I think it's actually a step a little bit deeper than that. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have only ever worked for government. Trump and Vance have worked in private industry. It's not just their perspective being colored by the lack of participation in the private economy, but the lack of employment in the private economy. They've never worked for a private business.
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They've never been employees of a private business. They've never built a private business. I'm not trying to be disparaging, but I do think, I'm just trying to underline the point here, Chamath, which is the voters' choice is, do you want candidates that are not typically government operatives? Or do you want candidates that have spent their whole career as government operatives?
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And that is effectively what the voters are going to be voting for. And they're going to make a decision, they may want to have someone that's going to lead the biggest government in history, because they've spent their whole careers in government. Or they're going to say, you know what, the biggest government in history needs to be significantly altered.
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And we want to bring someone in from the outside that's worked in private industry. And that is the voter's choice. That's one way to view the voter's choice here.
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That could be because he's never, it could be because he's never, it's because he's never, maybe it's because he's never had a private sector job.
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It might be a feature to their ticket. And I think that there's a perception of experience in government that is deemed to make a government leader more appropriately suited to be a government leader. A career politician. Well, not even a politician, just career experience, either being employed by or working within a government, local, state, or federal.
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And remember, Kamala started her career at the DA's office in Alameda County before moving over to San Francisco DA's office. And then she was DA of San Francisco and then attorney general and so on and so forth.
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And how the free market incentivizes the creation of improved productivity, which over time translates into improved prosperity for the society within which that is taking place. That is so critical. And we saw that happen even in China in the last 30 years when the government allowed entrepreneurship to flourish in certain parts of the country.
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As a result, there were significant productivity gains and they brought a billion people out of poverty.
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Three, two. I just had to take a leak. I just, I go outside my office and then I come back. Oh, you like a nature pee? You're a nature pee guy? Me too. I love a great nature. Well, I have this great office at home, which is like a building outside of my house.
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Yeah, so just to give a little more detail to it, J. Cal, and you can actually see it, I think, Nick, if you want to pull up the page 8283. in the document. So the wealth tax is 25% of your unrealized capital gains if your net worth is above 100 million. And the first time this happens, you can split up the payments over nine years.
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You have nine years to kind of pay down the assets or sell the assets or borrow the money you need to make those tax payments. After that, you can actually make those payments over five years. Those payments are ultimately treated as prepayments on taxes that will be due when you realize the capital gains.
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Every year you have to report to the IRS, separated by asset class, the cost basis and the estimated value of every asset you have. You then have to determine your tax that you owe because of the difference from last year. You start out with tradable assets of stocks. Those are just valued at the end of year. Illiquid assets like private companies or real estate.
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You don't have to get a valuation. If there was a financing event or some other sort of major revaluation, you have to use that value. And if there isn't, the number goes up every year by some nominal rate that will be set by the treasury. So the treasury is basically gonna tell you what they think the value of your company has gone up on an annual basis. And that's the determination evaluation.
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You can file an appeal. So for all the entrepreneurs and startup people listening, There's a process that they're proposing that is basically the government saying, if you didn't get a new financing round done, the price goes up. And if you disagree with the price going up, you go back and you appeal it.
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So they've addressed this and that's the final provision. And what they said is that if a taxpayer is treated as what they're calling illiquid, meaning that their tradable assets, the stocks that they own or the cash that they have is less than 20% of their total wealth, then they may elect to include only the unrealized gain in their tradable assets to determine their tax liability.
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However, if you do this, you will actually have a deferral charge, which means you'll ultimately pay a higher tax on the capital gains on your illiquid asset when you do have a realized capital gain on it. So they're trying to cover the fact that people might have all their assets tied up in real estate or all their assets tied up in private company stock.
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And again, I feel like we're kind of shouting into an abyss here because this is only going to affect such a small number of people. But they've really tried to write this in a way that ultimately covers the kind of pushback that you're highlighting. I'll say one other piece of pushback that's been received and tested in the Supreme Court.
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A lot of people have said that the 16th Amendment prohibits this taxation. A ruling from the Supreme Court was published June of this year. And in that particular case, there was a repatriation tax for folks that left the country. It's the Moore versus United States tax case.
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And when people left the country, the government under the Tax and Jobs Act, which was passed under the Trump administration, the government had a right to go after people's assets and tax them on their unrealized gains, even after they give up their US citizenry. This was challenged to the Supreme Court, and there was a number of amicus briefs filed
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on this case that said the government does not have the authority and Congress doesn't have the authority to actually tax on unrealized capital gains. And at the end of the day, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case. And they did not overturn on the position that the government actually did not overstep their authority to be able to tax unrealized capital gains.
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So there is some Supreme Court case precedents here that indicates that this will not get thrown out on an unconstitutional ground basis. So there is a lot of conversation that this might actually become a real case. I'll pause there. And I actually have a theory I want to talk about in a minute, but it's a little bit of an extension from this point. But that's a summary.
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Okay, I've got a theory.
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I was trying to figure out why we seem to be like embracing socialist principles and why I keep seeing more of this stuff become mainstream and almost become normalized. And I was looking at the total GDP of the United States is $25 trillion. The federal budget for next year is proposed to be 7.2 trillion. And state and local budgets combined is about 4 trillion.
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So if you look at government spending, it's about half of GDP now, state, local and federal, which roughly equates to about half of people in the United States are employed directly by government, or indirectly, because the government is the primary revenue source of their business.
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And I think that that's why this set of policies, and I'm not talking about the tax on the centimillionaires as much as a simple disregard for the fact that the United States over time, the prosperity that we've realized has been driven by a free market economy. by enterprising individuals going out and saying, there are people that are asking for things.
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I'm gonna figure out a way to build those things and make it for them and sell it to them. People will pay for it. They will work hard to do it. And the incentive structure in a free market has enabled productivity improvements and enabled ultimately prosperity. but we've reached a tipping point.
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And the tipping point is when half or more of the population begins to be employed by the government, at which point that concept is lost because now it is the government that is the employer, not one's own individual liberties and ability to go out and be enterprising. And so I think that the budget of government tipping to 50% of GDP is the reason why these policies become mainstream.
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That's my theory. And so it's a relationship of government spending as a percent of total GDP, which translates into employment. Very reasonable.
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I wouldn't use the term taker sacks because there are hardworking people that work for the government. And so it's not necessarily about just taking a free check or there's certainly an aspect of that to some degree. But it is about the government becoming the primary supporter of individuals in this country through employment or through subsidies or through checks or through what have you.
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Or private company workers that just happen to have the government as their only customer.
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What's the political affiliation of like, has there ever been surveys done of employees at the federal level and what their political affiliations are?
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Do you support the Trump tariffs as a solution there, Sachs? Because those are fundamentally going to be inflationary, which is going to make the costs go up for everyone. Well, I don't know.
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Sachs, let me ask you one more question. Do you think that the Biden administration's bills, the Inflation Reduction Act and the CHIPS Act, both of which were meant to revitalize that middle class kind of industrial economy through government funding of developing new facilities in the US to onshore manufacturing, is that not a good, reasonable solution to that problem?
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It should have been renamed the Inflation Maximization Act, the IRA.
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What about the chipsack?
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you know, they can't manufacture.
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Buenos Aires is a beautiful, beautiful city.
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No, this is great. Sitting while urinating aids in muscle relaxation, benefiting men with tight pelvic floor muscles, or symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Sitting to pee enhances stability, reduces the risk of falls, and minimizes messiness, especially for him.
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I mean, I think the Fed target is 4%, which is kind of where we're at. I think we're at 4.2 or 4.3 now. And so the Fed tries to balance inflation, unemployment and rates. That's kind of the three things that they're looking at. So they make adjustments to rates. Obviously, if you take rates too low, too fast, you have an increase in inflation. So they're targeting inflation's 2%.
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They're targeting unemployment's 4%. So if you take rates too high, you can certainly reduce inflation, but then the economy can contract or slow down and job cuts start to come through. So now...
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With inflation kind of supposedly approaching 2% and unemployment over 4%, the market, if you look at the trading markets, they are now estimating a 100% chance of a three-quarter of a percent rate cut by the end of 2024 and a 70% chance of a one-point rate cut by the end of 2024. So the question is, are they going to do three quarter point cuts by the end of the year?
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Are they going to do a 50 basis point cut and then a 25 or a 50 and a 50? The next couple of weeks will determine which direction. And then obviously, Chairman Powell has his big speech happening on Friday.
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50 or 75% chance of a quarter point cut, 20% chance of a 50 basis point cut. and then 6% chance of no cut, which is kind of strange because the trading markets, this is obviously a prediction market, but the trading markets are showing effectively 100% chance of a three-quarter point cut by the end of 24.
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Like, do they hold you?
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I don't think they'll be seeing me pulling tits on the dairy farm anytime soon. That's colloquial for milking, by the way.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
Okay, perfect. So now do you want me to add that to my bet for this one?
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
One and done is absolutely the way to go about this. Here we go. First part we've got to do here is pick out a dealer.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
These definitely are real dealers. They're certainly Eastern European as far as I know. I don't know what their quality of life is like. I imagine they're warehoused somewhere and put on the tools. Now, I went with a young lassie today and she rolled bold and asked for me. So I'm going back to the boats because they've been good to me.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
Yeah, it's gone from 15,000 to 1.3 million in this entire journey. So, yeah, a little bit nonsensical, but... Okay, this looks like a good... He looks like a hot worker.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
He's going to work for us. You're going to cop the insult live as I do it. All righty. It is day 15, going to Blackjack and betting $1.73 I've got. We have a $14,000 bet going on the line for me personally, but I actually have some absolute legends with me today. I'm betting for the besties from the All In podcast as well.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
They're going to bring the luck, having been rolled, bowled, and arsed by a young lassie yesterday. So $34,000 goes on the line. Oh, no, no, you guys want $10,000, right? Not $20,000? Jeez, I better not take it.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
did. 24,000 is going on the line. Aldela looks like the kind of bloke who stops at red lights playing GTA. We won't hold that again. I will not, if you will. I need to see good cards. Jackets! Jackets!
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
Gentlemen, that has really just happened. You've just turned 10 into 25. Holy. Holy cow.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
Mate, I'm actually breaking my own rules for you guys. I filmed today's hand, day 14, but I'm going to film tomorrow's hand for you guys right now. It'll roll out.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
We just keep rolling every week.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
I wouldn't have to run anything if I could just play one hand of blackjack with you guys and I'd land jack ace every week. That is unbelievable.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
How about I go first class to the Orland Summit? Now there's a guy.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
Correct. Yep. Kiwi living in Calgary. Been here since September 2022. The missus and I.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
From Taranaki, so West Coast, North Island, certainly not somewhere, it's not a holiday destination for certain if you're going there. It's like dairy farming country. It's beautiful, but it's off the beaten path. So, yeah.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
Gentlemen, what an absolute pleasure to walk amongst some goddamn greats. Let me see if I can put a bit of pep in your step with a one-time blackjack hand to kickstart one of the greatest podcasts on earth. It is, I can't confirm this is not AI. You did this? We're going to rock and roll proper today.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
Do you know what? We holidayed here, my fiance and I, May 2022. And we thought it was just going to be a holiday then back to the farm.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Elon gets paid, Apple's AI pop, OpenAI revenue rip, Macro debate & Inside Trump Fundraiser
But I guess we had that COVID cabin fever like the rest of the world and loved our time here so much that we just decided before we even finished the holiday that we cracked on to getting our visas and got back, sold up my livestock and leased the farm back to my parents. And and made the move. And we haven't looked back.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
It's funny. About five minutes ago, I was in my daughter's bedroom, which is a little smaller and probably better for the sound. And our neighbor across the street is doing a construction project and just whipped up their drywall mixer. Do you live across the street from me? Yeah. In the last five minutes, I've been frantic.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
I have been. I was working in the wine industry for almost 20 years.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
What were you? I worked in marketing, social media.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
So now I work at our regional food bank called the Redwood Empire Food Bank. And I do grant writing and corporate partnerships. Busy time of year?
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
We do. This takes place in a little town called Windsor, just north of Santa Rosa. That's the home of Charles Schultz. That's right.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
It's January 2000. I'm 18 years old. In between my semesters at my freshman year of college, I was going to the junior college here in town. Most of my friends had already left to go back to their schools. Some post-holiday blues, post-Y2K excitement.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
So I was just kind of moping around the house and my sister lived at home. She was a little bit older than me and she loved going to the gym. So she dragged me to the gym one day. Put on, you know, new pair of warm-up pants that I had, a big hooded sweatshirt. Exactly what I thought someone who would go to the gym would wear, you know, but not at all. Ooh.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
it's not a very big gym it was the first time i'd ever been to a public gym they kind of had the check area and the machines kind of in the front and then tucked in the back were a few treadmills and all the free weights so we went in hopped up on a couple of the treadmills to do a little warm-up we were jogging for a few minutes and my sister she'd hopped off and went to go do like her routine whatever she was going to do and i decided to stay on the treadmill i did a little running in high school so
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
Started building my confidence a little bit, putting up the speed, trying to get familiar with, you know, being on a treadmill. You know, probably five minutes go by and I'm going pretty fast and feeling good. Of course, I've got lined sweatpants on and a big hooded sweatshirt. So I'm getting hot. I'm way overdressed. Decided I need to take my sweatshirt off.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
The thought does not even cross my mind to like stop the treadmill, take my sweatshirt off and start up again. I'm going to just go ahead and try and take my sweatshirt off while I'm on the trip.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
Yeah, you know that move in the car where you're driving and they take a sweatshirt off or something and you can kind of do it real quick.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
No, if anything, I wanted to be anonymous. I was a pretty shy kid. Luckily, it wasn't very busy. I was kind of off on my own. You know, got one arm out of the sweatshirt, pulled the sweatshirt over my head. And that was when I lost sight for the first time. Oh, wow. And immediately stopped feet. I fly off the back of the truck. Oh, no. And I wish it would have ended there.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
And that would have been fine. I probably would have been okay. But the way this gym was set up was that, you know, it was 2000. It was pre-flat screen TVs. So the TVs were hanging on the ceiling. And they were the big tube TVs. And they were down the middle of the gym. So the treadmills were turned to face the middle of the gym, backed against a wall. Oh, no. Okay, okay, okay.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
Bounced off the wall, landed back on the treadmill. Back on the wall. Wait, what?
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
So I'm basically like in a dryer and a tumble cycle is kind of what it felt like. Are you still blinded by the sweatshirt? Completely blinded. Sweatshirt completely halfway over my head. Can't see anything. I'm just kind of bouncing back and forth between the treadmill and the wall over and over again.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
So, you know, eventually I hear my sister screaming, not really helping, but she's screaming from the other side of the room, you know, somebody help. All this is happening so fast. It was probably only 30 seconds, but it feels like 10 minutes that I'm just bouncing back and forth between treadmill and wall. Eventually somebody came and stopped the treadmill.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
I took inventory outside of my torn warm-up pants. No, this is so sad.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
I mean, I feel fortunate that it wasn't too busy. There wasn't that many people there. I pretty much left immediately after that. I was like, I'll wait in the car while you finish your workout. I'm not hanging out anymore. I'm done with the workout. I'm never ever going to exercise again.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
I have a feeling that people who work there probably had that on security footage and probably got a real charge.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
I was pretty sore the next day. Burnt up knees a little bit, but more bruised ego than anything.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
Call 911! I called her last night to kind of corroborate the story. And she was like, what I remember is I was working out and all of a sudden I hear this big thud. And then I turn around and I see her arms flailing around on the treadmill.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
I have. Stayed outside for my running for a while.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
I wouldn't say I'm the most graceful person either, so I've been known to trip just on the sidewalk.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
You just start telling people, you know who I look like. Shout out to my daughter, Grace, and my son, Sam. I let them listen to a very choice few of these.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
Oh, God. I'll wait until they're a little older for that one.
The Ramsey Show
Don’t Let Toxic Money Situations Keep You Trapped
Hey, how you doing? Doing good. Thanks for having me on your show.
The Ramsey Show
Don’t Let Toxic Money Situations Keep You Trapped
My wife is a longtime listener and I just became a, started to listen to you guys. And I wanted to ask a couple of questions in regards to I co-signed on a loan for my friend seven years ago now with a verbal agreement that in a few years he's going to refinance and get me off.
The Ramsey Show
Don’t Let Toxic Money Situations Keep You Trapped
And, you know, COVID hit and he had a COVID assist program where they stopped paying on the loan, but obviously the interest rates were continuing to add up. And then life happened. So he had surgery. So he went through a couple of rough times. I mean, the good thing is he's still paying on the loan. The only bad thing was the original loan was for 367.
The Ramsey Show
Don’t Let Toxic Money Situations Keep You Trapped
And now because of the COVID program, it went up to 376. So after I just got married with my wife and we want to start our life and buy our first home. And I reached out to him in regards to options of getting off the loan. Excuse me. And we tried to do a loan assumption, but his debt ratio was not where it needed to be because of the surgeries and everything.
The Ramsey Show
Don’t Let Toxic Money Situations Keep You Trapped
And then I approached him in regards to, hey, let's refinance. Even though it's going to be at a higher rate, it's going to be on you only. It's not on me anymore. I did my part as a friend of helping you get this house. And what did he say?
The Ramsey Show
Don’t Let Toxic Money Situations Keep You Trapped
um no obviously he said no because of the rates not being low enough and um he so my question for you would be uh obviously we've been going back and forth with him about it um and i want to know what would should be my next step i mean the relationship can't be too good after all this is it So no, so the relationship has definitely suffered.
The Ramsey Show
Delayed Gratification Is a Key Ingredient to Building Wealth
Hey Dave, I'm doing good. How are you guys doing?
The Ramsey Show
Delayed Gratification Is a Key Ingredient to Building Wealth
So I'm in a little predicament here. Uh, I've been running my business. I started about eight years ago. Um, it's a party and event rental company. We're located in South Florida. And I have just recently, probably within the last six months, kind of been listening to a lot of your videos and watching you guys consistently starting the baby steps.
The Ramsey Show
Delayed Gratification Is a Key Ingredient to Building Wealth
I've had about a little over $70,000 in debt between a vehicle or two, as well as just mainly credit card debt. Within the last six months, I've paid off over half of that. I have about $30,000 in debt remaining with $22,000 of that being one of my vehicles and then about $8,000 left in credit cards.
The Ramsey Show
Delayed Gratification Is a Key Ingredient to Building Wealth
And now with it being December, I've got Christmas bonuses that need to be going out that I'm normally paying every year and that I've got about 10 employees total and Uh, I'd say four or five of them have been with me for a few years now and are used to, you know, that Christmas bonus.
The Ramsey Show
Delayed Gratification Is a Key Ingredient to Building Wealth
Um, this year I've just been, you know, I've been tightening everything up and I'm just in a predicament right now and wondering, you know, if, if I should pay those Christmas bonuses or if I should have a, you know, a conversation with my employees about, you know, I've got the money. Yeah. I, you know, I've, I definitely have the money to pay them for sure right now.
The Ramsey Show
Delayed Gratification Is a Key Ingredient to Building Wealth
Not a lot. I would say over the 10 employees, they're all going to be small bonuses, maybe totaling up to $3,000. Okay.
The Ramsey Show
Delayed Gratification Is a Key Ingredient to Building Wealth
I mean, right now, just liquid in the bank between my personal accounts and my business accounts, I'd say approximately maybe $35,000.
The Ramsey Show
Delayed Gratification Is a Key Ingredient to Building Wealth
Right. That's my why. How do you think they're going to react to that?
The Ramsey Show
Delayed Gratification Is a Key Ingredient to Building Wealth
Definitely some disappointment for sure. I'm sure they're kind of counting on it. It's later in the month than I would have normally paid it to them because I'm just, you know what I mean?
The Ramsey Show
Delayed Gratification Is a Key Ingredient to Building Wealth
I haven't, unfortunately, no.
The Ramsey Show
Your Debt Should Make You Uncomfortable
Yeah. So you would just instead of investing it because I'm able to, you'd say just save it in a high yield and then just put it to the next.
The Ramsey Show
Your Debt Should Make You Uncomfortable
I only have one more. So three more semesters total next semester and then senior year.
The Ramsey Show
Your Debt Should Make You Uncomfortable
The way to go. And then would you also recommend me taking that out of that investment and then putting it back or just leave it there and from here on out just save the money?
The Ramsey Show
Your Debt Should Make You Uncomfortable
Okay. Thank you so much. That provides a lot of clarity.
The Ramsey Show
Your Debt Should Make You Uncomfortable
My question is, I'm 21. I'm in college. I paid for my education with my dad and I've got baby steps one done and I have no debt. I need to pay $3,000 per semester so that I don't go out of college with student loan debt. And would it be more beneficial for me to any additional money that I don't make? So putting into step three, I don't feel like I can be gazelle intense with that.
The Ramsey Show
Your Debt Should Make You Uncomfortable
Or would it be more beneficial to take 15% of my income and put it into mutual funds for something further down the line?
The Ramsey Show
Your Debt Should Make You Uncomfortable
Mainly to, I won't, me and my dad have got it covered. I just need $3,000. Should I put it towards the three to six month emergency fund, which is baby step three? Or should I just put it to a mutual fund and be able to