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The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


I just remember that some, I mean, I remember all the videos coming out of China and being like, what is going on with this? Cause I would read and I still do from time to time, not as much as I did back then, but I would read like Chinese social media in, in read the Mandarin stuff and be like,

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


wait, China has never acted like this in response to anything before, because there's this whole thing in Chinese history where the idea that the arrival of pestilence or the arrival of a plague or like invasion or something means that the current leadership has lost the mandate of history and lost the mandate of heaven. And so, um,

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


on the very first episode of War Room Pandemic, which started right around that same week, I came on and I was talking about how the people were like, oh, China's just trying to get us scared. And I was like, no, no, no, no, no. China wouldn't do that.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Like, that's why Xi Jinping says this virus is a demon from hell, because he doesn't want people to think that means the CCP has lost the mandate of heaven. So I was like, this is very out of character for the CCP to do anything like this. And that's what really clued me in that something was going on.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


God's time. Yeah. And her time is the time of God.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


But if Charlie wants to side with FDR – Daylight savings time is an affront to God. It flies in the face of God's physics and God's creation.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


You know, Huberman totally disagrees with that.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


No, Huberman, then maybe it was the wording because Huberman is totally against it.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


I have a whole philosophy that – Some of us actually just live on the East Coast. Well, I'm temporarily on the East Coast.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


You're at East Coast time at all times. Imagine how the West Coast would operate without the guiding hand of the East Coast. Imagine if California woke up before us. They would have no idea what to do because we on the East Coast – I am very much an East Coast supremacist. I'm not. I'm anti-East Coast.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


We set the tone for the entire day, and the Californians wake up leisurely three hours later and think, oh, you know, let's see what's going on today. Let's check in. Let's do whatever. No, those of us on the East Coast understand. We set the majority. By the way, the only thing that I would change isn't, so for sure, I'm with Huberman.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


I would do get rid of daylight savings time, standard time only. Huberman always says light in the morning, darkness in the evening. But because the East Coast of the United States United States does set the standard for the entire world, we should actually be GMT.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


We should actually be the center focal point of all the time zones, the East Coast of the United States, because London has been superseded by us.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Well, it's healthy. I'm cribbing off of Huberman here, but his whole point is we need more light in the morning. And it is better for you to have that blast of sunlight in the morning. And then it is also better for you to have more darkness in the evening. It is healthier. It's natural. It's biological. Obviously, all animals operate off of that cycle because they don't change their clocks.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


And most of the rest of the world, by the way, operates off that cycle. It's something where Tanya Tay, when she came to the United States and even to this day, she's like, what is wrong with you? Why are you doing this? There's no purpose to this other than confusion and pain and suffering. And it should be ended.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


And I'll come in and say I said, like, guys, it's it is the most thought crimey topic in like the history of the show. I think we're at what, 65, 66 episodes this week. And, you know, this really is like the most viral story on the entire Internet right now. And so we would we would not be thought crime if we didn't comment on it. We just wouldn't.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for another edition of Thought Crime Thursday. Yes, we are here. We are all here, though not all in the same room because we've got coverage from Phoenix, Arizona. myself in Washington, D.C. with Charlie Kirk over there in West Palm Beach. Yes, that's right.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


I mean, this is do we do we have this? So do we have the clip afterwards? So there's I think it's. I can't tell which clip it is where she's kind of like, she's kind of like tearing up. That was the one that had caught my attention where she's like, She's like actually I mean, she could be faking it. Of course, I'm sure she's. Yeah. I mean, a thousand people's a lot.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


That's like like that seems like she's like really sad.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Okay, I think 71 is the clip. Can we play that?

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


I want to ask Charlie about, I don't know if you heard this, but apparently her mother is her business manager and she claims that her father is very supportive and has watched some of her interviews. And I guess my question here is, can we fall any lower as a society? Is there any bottom that is lower than this?

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


And the celebration of it. I mean at least people don't seem to be celebrating it. But it's like you lose all your guardrails and this is what gets celebrated. Whoever can be the – and it's just smut. It's just whoever is the smuttiest. Prostitution has always been around. But yeah.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


The thought crime crew will come to you covering the entire nation because there's a lot of thought crimes out there, aren't there?

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Yeah, I threw this out on. this came up the other day on my daily show and I threw a piece out that I actually, and you know, I could be wrong, but you know, hot take that I don't think she's actually going to do the 1000 guy thing and that she's actually setting herself up. And, you know, maybe this is a cynical take, but what can I say?

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


I'm a cynic and, uh, typically, typically serves you pretty well in the clown world in which we all, uh, live at this point. But, That perhaps she's setting herself up in this video and with these crying scenes as as that she's going to make this like public redemption arc. And she's setting herself up. Oh, I've seen the error of my ways and I'm reformed.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


And that now she's going to get booked as like there's a bunch of these. Oh, gosh, what's the one who does Mia Khalifa? She's like, oh, I'm a former porn actress and now I'm a former OnlyFans star. And she's going to come out and say, I'm redeemed and I'm better now and everything is great. And maybe she'll even try to work Christianity into that. And I just hope, and I'll say it this way.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


that I hope that if anything like that does end up happening, that it's done for the right reasons and with an understanding that true redemption requires atonement. And atonement requires actually going through a personal moral inventory of yourself and getting right with God. And that's not something that we should be glib about. And I assure you that is not something that God is glib about.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


I thought Charlie was the most followed person on Instagram.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


And so it's not like, oh, you just say the magic words and it's all gravy, right? And these are some very serious things that she did. And I'll put it this way. When you do things like this, it costs you a piece of your soul. And God can give you all of that back. There's no sin so great that God cannot forgive it, obviously. But I don't think that it's just going to be given back on a whim.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


I think it's only going to be given back. And I think that it only works through serious reflection and serious atonement. God doesn't want us to just, again, God doesn't want us to just say, oh, I love you and everything is good now. And that gets into this like modern Christianity, woke Christianity thing of like, oh, you know, God created everybody perfect. Don't judge. God said, don't judge.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


And it's like, no, that's not what the Bible says at all.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Get a big discount. code poso for your big discount. Now, I kind of want to go keep going with this, guys, if we if we can, because, you know, I do think it's a big thing. I think it's a real thing that there there have been a lot of this. It's

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


And I don't even want to necessarily get theological with it, but I do see a lot of people, you see this with Blake, I'm sure, I think we talked about it once, like the Tradwife movement. I want to say we covered that on the show at one point, that there are people who are trying on these different...

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


uh identities uh for social media clout and for followers rather than actually making these true conversions and i'm like yeah if you're an actual trad wife you're not gonna be on social media because that's actually a lot of what drives this that's just not a thing a lot of what drives and so it's being driven by my clicks

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


It blows out their brains. I don't want to do the, what do they call it, the Naxalt fallacy. Not all X are like that. So, yes, when when we say things like that here on the program, that doesn't mean that there are no men who are attention driven. I mean, look at look at us, for example. Charlie just left. But we love Charlie. But what Blake is saying is that attention driven, Jack, we're mission.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


We're saying on average, on average, we are. No, I think I think that's right. We are. I use that with my kids all the time. When I want my little kids to do something, I say, guys, we have a mission. And the mission is we have to get the house ready because mom is coming home. And, you know, so we want the toys cleaned up and we want to get ready for dinner and all this. And it's when you...

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


You know, you know, and I do like a little military thing. I'm like, boys, this is Commander Pozo. All right, gentlemen. Like they like stand at attention and we get up on we do like a little we go online. I we do this on vacations. You know, I say that like we're checking for spies while we walk a certain way or something. And they totally respond.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


like blake there are certain things that are at a at a higher classification level so let's let's just all right i guess i should i should correct i've been reading it i've been following up on it rear admiral crandall did retire there's a new person overseeing the real raw news tribunals the only new by the way the only news site that blake reads every day is real raw news which is basically like um which is basically like the great uh oh gosh what was it called um

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Weekly World News. It was kind of like Weekly World News. If you remember that one, the classic with with Bat Boy and and everything that you would get at the supermarket aisle. It is basically that for the Internet. And it is amazing and obviously 100 percent accurate in every single thing.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Oh, do my kids. My kids can't get off. It's clout chasing.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


It's this is it is digital opium. It is digital opium. And people who get sucked into it, the endless scroll. Josh Hawley has talked about this a ton. The endless scroll, the gamification. And we're all guilty of it. Every single one of us, everyone, you know, especially me, totally guilty of this. And I do try to be cognizant of it that, hey, if I'm going to use my social media for anything,

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Number one, it is, of course, the most important thing that I only use it for good and making sure that people get the best night's sleep in the whole wide world with And there's no question that that's what the purpose of social media is for, not just for self, you know, for self gain or self interest. No, no, no. It is to make sure that I spread that news to everyone.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


No, in all seriousness, though, It's like you... Look, it's like any new technology. We're all still kind of wrestling with it. Obviously, this played a huge role in the election where the Republican candidate, President Trump, went all in on new media and social media and technology. And Kamala Harris played this legacy media route and totally was destroyed.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


And it wasn't even a good legacy media route. And was destroyed over it where Trump was all X and podcasts. And so the... The way that we as a society react to the Internet, we're still kind of going through those growing pains. But it's going to be something where, I mean, look, you know, Elon Musk, hey, this guy is the founder.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Well, not the founder, the owner of X. And as the owner of X, you know, I have to imagine it's something that he's going to want to discuss. I think Rock is probably the best AI that's out there right now. But at the same time, the gamification of X has certainly made X just a less quality platform than it used to be. Because you see, they call this a lot, they call it slop.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


I don't know if you guys have seen this slop posting. So slop posting is, which is similar kind of what I would say to what Lily Phillips is doing. It's just another form of slop posting where you're just posting something that you know is going to get engagement because it generates either controversy or

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


I want to. Yeah, so the plan is that we are going to, I'd love if we can all be out there. And I think, I know Charlie's been kind of camped out doing the transition stuff and being involved down there in West Palm. I came back. to DC, but I'm going to be heading out to Phoenix. You guys are in Phoenix. Charlie's heading back to Phoenix.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


or it's like, you know, something that's just going to get obvious retweets and it's not actually contributing anything to anyone. And that's clearly what Lily Phillips, who does this contribute anything to? What is she trying to search for? I mean, it reminds me of, if anything, it just, I keep going back to, um, the character of Fontaine in, uh, in Les Mis.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


And, um, you know, if anyone's seen that in the novel, by the way, the original novel, the Victor Hugo novel of Les Mis, I mean, it's just horrible. Like she, Gets her teeth pulled out and the guys are lying to her. She sells herself into prostitution because she wants to help her daughter after her husband dies in the Napoleonic Wars.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


And the people that are watching her daughter lie to her and tell her that her daughter is sick. And so she's like doing worse and worse prostitution and more and more men in a single night, which is what makes me think of it. And she eventually dies basically of a, you know, an STD. And she's like selling her hair, she's selling her teeth. It's just horrible.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


And of course, this is the background and musical side of it for the famous song, I Dreamed a Dream. And it's like, you know, and that so people read that song as being in earnest, but in actuality, in the context of the musical, It's like the character is dreaming a dream or did dream a dream once that has been completely lost. And it's the character of a lost soul.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


And I look at somebody like Lily Phillips and I just see a lost soul.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Guys, if we're all in Phoenix for AmFest, and by the way, big, big news that came out that President Donald J. Trump will be conducting, I believe, and Tyler, correct me if I'm wrong, but be there at AmFest. So make sure you go and get your tickets right now because, you know, Tyler, you can probably give me a better update.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Do you think – so people have talked about an internet bill of rights or a digital bill of rights. Do you think, from a consumer protection standpoint, do you think that these are the types of things – so people talk about it in terms of the ownership of your data. People talk about it in terms of censorship.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


But do you think things like this ought to be brought into a digital bill of rights in that conversation?

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Well, so I guess in this case, it would be a right to, you know, you know, force social media companies to allow you to opt out in a sense or to allow you to take a break. I think I think Instagram used to do it. Yeah, no, no, no. I think I think Instagram used to have like a you're all caught up if you swipe if you swiped for like. more than 10 minutes, it would give you you're all caught up.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


And it would like give you a message that said that. And they found that that actually allowed people to like come off of the of the platform more frequently. But they got rid of it because too many people were going off the platform. And I want to say Twitter had one of them at one point as well. Like, there you go, you're all caught up.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


And it would give you that sort of like, endpoint that would come in. So I wonder – I'm just brainstorming here. I'm not talking about from a constitutional or legal perspective, but I'm just saying from a strict public health perspective, do you think that's something that would be useful?

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Interesting. We'll send us your comments in if you think that's something you've been interested in. But I think we do have to kind of start wrapping up here. I've got my out as well. So, uh, any, any final thoughts on this one, Tyler, Tyler, you've been doom scrolling.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


But the last I heard talking to the guys is that there is actually not a lot of tickets left.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Yeah, or if Charlie were here, I'm sure he would point out that he takes an entire day every week off of social media and text messages and phone calls where he does every Saturday. He sort of does a digital Shabbos and he kind of.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


you know, it's, it's, I don't think he goes off of the internet, like he can still go to websites, but just email, texting, anything where the telegram, anything where there's communication involved, he cuts that all out and phone calls as well. So it's, you know, that's just another great example of something that you can do to take a day away from all of the nonsense.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


And I think it's something that we should probably all think of as well. And so that is the crimiest thought crime that I can think of. So as we are in this Christmas season, I will bid you a Merry Christmas and go on out there and commit more thought crimes.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


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The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


when you say charlie's usually wait wasn't there an article that came out like earlier this year that said they were tracking what was it tracking the rise and fall of megastars based on no it was based on the rows and based on the placement of the rows so now every time a new row drops or a new image drops i'm like oh no has charlie gone down in his own state It's like it's so funny.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Yeah, because that's a Vera Wang tux. That is the golden age right there.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


miraculously and i'm wearing a black there you go dress tie jack's the only one not okay so oh he throws jack under the bus origin so the origin of why i photoshopped this to begin with was actually if we if we're zooming in can we go can we zoom in on tyler in the original in the original photo can we can my ties all messed up because i was like

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


i i sent it to my photoshop guy and i was like we got to clean up tyler a little bit like it's such a nice picture and this dude is just like all over the place in the shot so we started with that and they were like do you want to give me a boat give him a bow tie i said yeah and i said oh why don't you give us all bow ties and that'll look like a nice picture all together so yeah we went all we went all in with it because tyler someone shut up by the way uh andrew

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


On the background of that, that actually is a tuxedo that he bought from the balaclava guy down by the airport in West Palm Beach. For some reason. Because he flew all the way across the country without a tuxedo. And...

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


bought it there and the guy he bought it from this guy who is and i know the guy because i've been there before um with uh with my brother and that guy is the one who's like who's like come on you can't just you can't just buy it uh you know you can't just rent a tuxedo you gotta you gotta buy one buddy you gotta buy one in here he's got like the salami arms and the uh the uh

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


the um the crusty knuckles so mr crusty knuckles with the balaclava was was like you gotta buy it and i was like andrew you bought the ducks didn't you like i bought the airport even give him the buttons because i have to be yeah i was like let's give him the buttons so we gave andrew the buttons and i was like look if we're doing all this we might as well throw a bow tie on me as well

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


Dude, I love that guy. That's what you need. And Mar-a-Lago, by the way, so this was at Mar-a-Lago. This is in the ballroom. But for folks who... If you do ever end up there, that when you go on that patio, they're very strict, by the way, about your dress code just for the patio.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


So when you see those photos, I don't know if anyone has any around, but when like where President Trump goes to eat and he's got the, you know, like the velvet ropes around the table and he's always holding these big dinners, not the ones inside. That's what I'm trying to say. The one outside.

The Charlie Kirk Show

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 66 — Gala-Gate? OnlyFans Apocalypse? Summer Time or Winter Time


he sits for dinner it's it's actually formal dress code there and if you do not have a a coat uh now i don't think you need a tie but if you don't have a coat they will not even let you sit down for dinner although i do know for a fact that the man himself the president trump is very big on people wearing ties he really so charlie that might go to it right there so if if the president's there he wants to see people in ties