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Patrick Bet-David


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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Or as they say, dual use. Sean, from your end, what is the sensitivity from the talent sensitivity versus the director's sensitivity? How different is that?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


All right. Okay, so are we live, Rob? Yes, sir. Listen, can you imagine we're watching the intro here together, okay, with the great Oliver Stone and his son, Sean, who is here. They're working. Sean just finished up a documentary, All the President's Men, which we'll talk about later on with Tucker, with a bunch of different guys, about Trump. And I'm going through the list.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


While the movie's being shot, you're recording him and talking to him.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


But what I'm saying is, as a director, is a part of the director not being afraid of getting under their skin?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


How do you manage that versus walking on eggshells around you? Was there an element of walking on eggshells around you? And is that okay?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


you're walking on eggshells or the people around you were walking on eggshells so i don't know come on you know what i'm asking because to me that's a good point is is is the idea of keeping the standards so high where the actors coming and saying oh this isn't i gotta deal with him I got to be ready for it. And then, you know, he's going to say something to upset you.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


And again, we had you on March of 2022, which when you were on at that time, the whole Ukraine thing was new. It had just happened. So we started talking about it. And, you know, it was kind of risky to give the opinions and you gave and we talked about it. But again, reminder to everybody what movies you've been a part of. If you don't mind me taking a moment and sharing this. Okay, Wall Street.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


So you did Wall Street One. The main cast is all in two, right? Money Never Sleeps.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Oh, you're right. Charlie just does a cameo, but he is in it at least, right? There is a cameo of him. How much when you were doing Money Never Sleeps, because the movie did so well, did you call Charlie or talk to him and say, hey, here's what I'm thinking about doing. What do you think about this? Or no, hey, Charlie, I'm doing this. I need you to do this.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


That's part of the story. Did that kind of like, hey, what's up, Dad? What's the story all about?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


By the way, I love Josh as well. Josh was great. Josh is phenomenal. And Michael is always underrated, but he was really good in the movie. So the reason why I ask this question, did you watch Gladiator 2?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I was so upset after watching two. I was so upset. My wife's like, babe, give it a break. I said, no, babe, I'm... You know why? Because I don't think, you know, I'm not in the world to know it, but with the risk of after you make a movie that's a 10 to come out and do another one. And to me, they show that it was the biggest movie Denzel's ever done money-wise.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


We just watched it with the kids the other day, okay? Writer and director. Wall Street Money Never Sleeps with Shia LaBeouf, director. Midnight Express, writer. Conan the Barbarian, writer. Scarface, writer. Platoon, writer and director. Born on 4th of July, writer, director, producer. JFK, all three. Natural Born Killers, all three. Nixon. By the way, I loved, loved Nixon.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I think it was a quarter of a billion dollars or whatever the money made. I saw the numbers. But I gave it a six and a half at best.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I just, the story was okay, but there was something about it. And the reason why I'm asking this question, because did you see the clip of Russell Crowe being asked about Gladiator 2 and what he said? Have you seen this or no? No. Please tell me neither one of you guys have seen this. Okay, so then I want to get the raw reaction from you. Jesus. Can you pull this up, Rob?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Can you pull up the one I sent you? I texted you the clip. If you can play this clip. He's being asked about Gladiator. This one guy says he's doing a reaction on... Russell Crowe's question about it. And Russell says, oh my God, they better start paying me because, you know, I'm being asked so much about this movie and I'm not even in the movie.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


And the question was right here, if you can play this clip and then I'll just get to it. Go for it, Rob.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


If the part was right, why are you barking up this street for? I'll tell you why. I'll tell you exactly why. The reason why I'm asking this question, Oliver, is because for me, like,

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


gladiator is a top 50 movie of all time my opinion in my opinion you can go and debate movies it's all in the eye of the beholder you know how this works like hey that's my type she says your type you talk to mary i'll talk to jennifer we're scored away right

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


And for you to make the movie, is it normal when a movie is this big of a hit to not even talk to Russell and say, here's what we're... I would have never expected anything to happen with 2 without him not being asked about it. Or is that pretty normal?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Why don't you put a cameo in it, though? Why don't you put something to like a... Well, they did.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I can't believe most people don't watch that. It's such a great, Anthony Hopkins, phenomenal movie with the stories you see. Evita, Any Given Sunday, Alexander Snowden. I can keep going on. Things you've done with Lula, 2024 writer, director, Putin, all the interviews. It's great to have you here again. Oh, that's right. Nuclear energy with Russia, which we'll get into that as well.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


But he knew nothing about what's going to happen with the movie, though. Would you have done it that way, or would you have done it too differently?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Well, I get what you're saying when you're talking to the previous dinosaur, but if you watch Jurassic Park, I don't know if Jurassic Park is tied to an actor that I emotionally was affected by. That's because you're a gladiator. That's the only reason. You don't see the movie. So how do you watch the movie? How different does a guy like you watch a movie? I watch the whole thing.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Got it. So you just called me one-dimensional, Oliver. You hurt my feelings. Well, you're a businessman. I'm walking on eggshells around you now, right? I just got the feeling of the stories you tell. But for you, just out of curiosity, what are your favorite movies? What kind of stuff do you like?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


What have you watched the most? The most? The most times. Over and over and over and over again.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Right. I agree, but was there a flick where you guys- But that's the problem.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Enjoy the whole thing. Do you know what movie I watched like God knows how many times that nobody would ever say it's like one of the greatest movies of all time? Cocktails. I swear to God. Cocktails with Tom Cruise and what's his name? Not Christopher. Who's in Cocktails? What's the other guy's name? Yeah, Brian Brown. Oh, my God. He crushed it in that movie, right?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


The barman poet or whatever it was, you know? Well, there's hundreds of those movies. I get that. But to me, that movie I watched in the army probably 200 times. Like we literally at our unit.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


You know what it was? And maybe this is the part about the story because remember, what's the story of Cocktails? It's the story of this guy that's got a dream of one day being a business owner, right? And eventually, what does he do? He opens up Cocktail and Dreams, right? And the restaurant and all this other stuff. And then, hey, I bet you'll never spook me again. I bet I will. What's that?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Oliver, if you want to get a little closer to the mic, that'd be great. But it's great to have you guys here. So let me ask you for you, you know.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


You know, these moments, but... No one, Cocktail is not on anybody's 100 list. I feel like taste is different than criticism, if that makes sense. Criticism is criticizing this movie or that movie versus, now listen, I can watch a movie like that simple over and over again. I love it.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


You have so many cameras. For you, when you think about it yourself, Sean, to you, he's your dad. But I mean, what is it for you when maybe we miss it? What do you think is the most impressive thing he's done in his career?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Oh, I fully agree. I agree. To me, it's the moments of Rocky IV. You know why I watched that movie so many times? My mother's side, they were communists. They were all part of the two-day party. Two-day party back in the days. You may know the two-day party from back in the days. They were communists. My dad, imperialist. So watching Rocky... you know, is mom and dad.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Can communists and Americans come together, right? Can these two guys find a way to agree? Didn't happen. They got married and divorced twice to each other, right? But there's a story to it. So for me, Rocky IV, I watched it in Iran in Farsi. Think about how Rocky sounds speaking Farsi, right?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Because that's how we would, when you would buy it, the guy would sell it to you with a guy that speaks Farsi. Now, I agree with you. 80s, to me, not only some of the best movies, but I think 80s is also Days of Thunder. You know, 80s music. 80s music is the best. I think it's the best decade of music, period.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


So maybe, let me go a different angle here, question-wise, for you guys. Yeah, Oliver. Sports. Are you a sports guy? Do you like sports? Okay. Sean, are you also sports? You're a big guy yourself.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Is it just football or is it all sports? All sports. Okay, so, you know, when you talk about guys that play two sports, Brian Jordan, Deion Sanders, you know, you got a few of these, Bo Jackson, right? You got like a handful of these guys that did both and they did pretty well. Deion's probably one of the better ones that was able to- Michael Jordan tried it.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Michael Jordan tried it, but Deion actually succeeded. Deion was great. Deion was great on both, Braves and all the stuff that he did. But the question is, in movie- Is it a different sport to go from making movies to making documentaries, or is it the same sport?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


But is it common for guys at your level? There's only a handful of you guys to do movies and to do docs. That's what I mean. Is that a multi-sport type of thing?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Yeah, I mean, I'm just trying to find out, like, you know, Justin Timberlake is a triple threat. He can sing, act, and dance, when they talk about that. Those are different skill sets. I don't know if Denzel can dance, and I don't know if Denzel can sing. So, okay, maybe he's not in that sense, A triple threat, right? That's what I'm saying. At this level, is it, I'm just making movies.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I'm not doing documentaries, okay? For me to go do both is not common at this level. That's why I thought, I mean, I'm asking a question about whether it's two separate sports to be played. And, you know, Oliver, what gets you to say, I want to make this movie or I want to, what is the first spark that I want to write about this? I want to go... pursue this and maybe even do a documentary on it.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


This is disgusting. Right. This is why, you know, Rob, this is U.S. nuclear power capacity.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


additions by your initial operations don't go by the u.s you should go by china or russia that's a good point so your china and russia is a different story but this is for us right so for you that did the documentary do you have the other one as well rob that we we went away from it for a while whether you want to call it oh that's for sure yeah whatever the reasons are well because of the uh all the fear it was a fear that drove us away from it

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


This is the one that answers your question for you. Construction starts of nuclear reactors in the world. From 51 to today, the orange is China. From 95, if you look at 85, 89, you barely see one or two in China and other countries. Majority of those are us. And then when you come to the last 10 years, majority of it is China. Last 20 years. And the rest of the world isn't doing anything.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


You saw him being born. He did. He did. That's cool. So what do you think it is? What do you think it is from your end? Because for us, again, as fans, you're on the inside.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


It's interesting when you're going into something like this, because for me, like, you know, it's getting into a business. We run nine companies. Okay. So, all right. So nine goes, how do you get into this company? You find a problem and then you look for the solution on how you would fix it. That's maybe different than others. And then what demo are people not in?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


And then maybe use a certain strategy, blue ocean strategy that, you know, Hey, they're not in this market or whatever. And then you make the adjustments. In a movie sense, what is that process? What is the process of doing a movie or doing a documentary? Is it let me see what story hasn't been told? Or is it, man, I like the story. I'm going to write a script.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


What's that process of starting a business? Because each movie, I remember sitting down with Aaron Spicer. He said each movie is a business. That's right. You're an entrepreneur. You've got to look at every movie as a business, right? Yeah. So what is the process of saying the next business I'm going to build is is going to be Wall Street. The next business we're going to build is going to be XYZ.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


One film for himself and one film for Hollywood. Right. And Hollywood is the money one. For himself, it's the art. Right. That's what he said, at least. Interesting. Would you agree with that? Like that format?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


He's found his way. You're a disagreeable man is the feeling I get, which is needed to be a strong man. That's a compliment. I don't say that in a... The only reason you would be willing to entertain these documentaries or movies is because you don't give a shit what the market thinks. You're trying to find out what you're interested in, right? My impression... I follow my heart.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Yeah, that's exactly the point. So to me, one of the qualities of an alpha male... is that you disagree, you debate. You're like, no, I don't know if I agree with that. I don't think that's the right way to go about it, right? So when you did go through Scorsese and you're learning from whoever it is, were you at any point as a young man coming to want to get into space?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I don't know if I agree with that. I wouldn't do it that way. Did you have those moments as a young man? In his class? Not that, no, because I was learning the trade.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


So your father, you're talking Lewis, your grandfather Lewis? Okay. So I just looked it up right now. He passed away March 16th, 85. Right. Next year it'll be 40 years. What movie did he get a chance to see? Did he get a chance to see anything, any of your work or no? Not the features.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Did he watch Scarface? Yeah, yeah, sure you did. What did he say about it? He got a kick out of him. But when you watched it with him, were you uncomfortable? Were you like watching him watch it or no? Were you just, hey, here's the art we made, let's watch it?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Did you write Wall Street based on stories he would tell you from Wall Street or no?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


It all changed. Yeah. And later on, the movie that a lot of guys watch that was, you know, form of Wall Street was Boiler Room, right? Where the J.T. Marlin, I don't know, I think that's what it was called. They quoted a lot of Wall Street.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Marlin or whatever. Yeah, that's right. That's right. So this was a first time, you know, we got a chance to watch Vin Diesel on what he did. You know, Noah Wood or whatever the call was. Ben Affleck, you know, talking about his... You know, Ferrari, this is my house, this is my this, this is my that. It's a phenomenal movie, but it shows the world of penny stock.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


And I think I even remember somebody saying this was depicting what Jordan Belfort did that later on ended up being the Wolf of Wall Street. I read that somewhere. I may be wrong. That's true.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Did he ever inspire you to want to do a movie on him or a documentary on him?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


So you wouldn't have interest in doing a movie like that? I'd love to see you do something on Joseph Kennedy.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


why why you are you what angle do you think are you kidding me like if there's a yeah so if I ever wanted to get into in two to five years we're going to get into movies not right now we're building this whole thing we're going to you know build the Burbank of east coast here in Fort Lauderdale we think that's a great market for it I suggest a book if you're interested in Joe Kennedy there's a wonderful book fiction by Richard Condon who wrote Manchurian candidate it's called Mile High

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Mile high. What does it say? Rob, can you send that to me so I can buy it? I'm looking right now. That's a great story. That'd be great. It's a wonderful story. Is it called Seat of Destruction? No, Mile High. I don't see Mile High anywhere. But anyways, if you find it, send it to me. Richard Condon, C-O-N-D-O-N. Come on, Rob, you find everything.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Oh, wow. Oh, there you go. Yeah, send it over to me. That'd be great. So it's an older book that was written. Nothing wrong with that. No, I love it. I don't have any problem with that. That's why you're here. I'm borrowing your wisdom. But Joseph Kennedy, why not, right? To me... like what is a bigger last name than the Kennedy last name? Who was the visionary behind it?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


The amount of stories of him sitting down with the kids at night, who's going to be the president, all these different things you hear about and never wanted to get, at least from the books I read, didn't want to give credit to the family that he came from, a family of money where he wanted to kind of, there's some of those stories that comes out that he went to Harvard, president of a bank, 28 years old,

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Laura Swanson. I don't know. I think it's a very interesting story. I think it's a very, very interesting story. And it's got such a long lifespan that it's an 80 years into... Yeah, but that's hard for movies. Remember that. I know. So you have to go like 20 years, right? You have to go like to a scene. Is that kind of... No rule. No rule at all.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


But why are you saying it's hard to do it like that? Because of the span, the time span. So then you can pick an era to go through, right? But you just limited it. then if you're gonna make it, I trust you to do it. I'm not. You gotta find your significant points that you wanna make.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Yeah, I just think that guy is one of the biggest power players we had in America, and he'd be a very interesting guy to study. I think the new era doesn't know as much about him to realize the impact he made.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Is it 312? Yeah, it's a long movie. But I could not stop watching that film to learn the history and the acting and the 312. Wow, you know the exact minute. That's pretty wild that you know the minute.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I can't tell you that one. Okay. All right. Well, listen, your thoughts, with all these total amount of hours you put into the JFK assassination story, investigating it, right? All the hours that you put into it, okay? Yeah.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


There's this guy that just, I don't know if you've been following it closely. I'm sure you're very busy making movies, so maybe you're not following the news. There's this guy named Donald J. Trump that just became this guy, this thing they call in America. What do you mean I don't follow the news? Right? And, you know, Bobby is now involved. He's got a pretty heavy job, right? Yeah, I know Bobby.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Do you think, you know, since his involvement being in there, we're finally going to get to the bottom of the CIA documents to see what really happens?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Twice in exile, you know, living in France, Paris, making tapes that they're spreading all over Iran, spreading the message. Very, very interesting what happened with that. And the Shah had the 25-year all-year agreement that they had from 54 to 79 that was expiring. So these guys had a meeting because they knew when it, he was about to be a very, very powerful man.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


And that was a concern of theirs, of what happened there. But I wonder, like, some of these, for you, like, do you have selfish reasons on things, you know, like even right now, it just happened where I said I can't find a book. And it's a mile high. Richard Condon, can you go look it up? He looks at it and says, here we go. We found it, right?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


You have a, you know, the element of doing a doc to say I was right. This is what happened. You know, all the criticism that they write about whatever you make. Is there a desire for you to see, get to the bottom of JFK? Of course.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


That makes sense. You can't play that many. Exactly. I can do two, five times. I can do three, maybe three or four times. Right. That's the way they think.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


How do you feel for you? Because the documentary you did with all the president's men, this is, Sean, as a guy in this documentary, you have Steve Bannon, Kash Patel, right? You have Roger Stone. You have Tucker. You have a bunch of Giuliani. Flynn. Flynn. Okay, you got all these guys where, you know, the media would say, Sean, what are you doing talking to all these people?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


conspiracy theorists, you know, they're all, you know, MAGA and all this other stuff, you know, for you. And they went through this. What was it for you going through it as a director at the beginning with the level of skepticism you had when you're hearing about election interference, election for all this other stuff?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


What did you go personally yourself as a director and evolution from the beginning to the end on Trump, your impression of Trump?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


That's what they like. Hour 45. Hour 40 even. Well, I mean, what do they prefer? Do they prefer a three-hour hit that gets hundreds of people coming in or an hour 45 that, you know, five people show up?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Do you know that because you and your dad always talk about this stuff and you've been curious about this topic? Or through investigating it, you're like, this is the CIA words they use.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


There is proof. I don't know what word he used, but saying the fact that we have proof that there was collusion.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


But it worked, though, if you think about it. It worked on so many people. Yeah, it worked. But what did you learn at the end of it? You're spending time. Kash Patel has now got the head of FBI job, right? Yeah. Steve Bannon, who strategically, that guy's brain, the amount of credit he gets on the right for being strategic, he's up there, right?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


What they did to most of these guys, now they're in there, right? What was it at the end for you? I'm assuming you didn't vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020. Is that a fair assessment?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


If your friends from 10 years ago who were closest to you hear you say something like that, would they say, yeah, Sean would say something like that? Or do you have anybody from 10 years ago that are like, Sean, stop it?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


but already dead. Well, I mean, election for sure, but that's one term, right? But do you think this is going to be the types of an event that happened with Barry Goldwater, 60-64, where Democrats, Republicans lost the African-American vote for decades and from 60, 64% of African-Americans voted Democrat. The rest were conservative or independent.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Four years later, it went from 60% to 92% voting Democrat, and they got the black vote for 60 years. Do you think this was so monumental that Democrats may have had a blow to them that could last decades, or do you think it's just one term?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Oh, I'm sorry. Silence of the Lambs. Yes, you're right. So Nixon is post-Silence of the Lambs? Yes. Meaning Anthony Hopkins. Yeah, Anthony Hopkins, to me, you know, do you put him up there for you with guys you worked at? Oh, I put him at the top, one of the top, you know, up there with Al Pacino.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


You're a constitutional Republican. Yes. And Oliver, what would you say you are? Independent?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


What makes, because for you, we were talking and the audience doesn't see this. And I said, guys, let's go, let's go because we're already having a podcast, right? And what did you say? You said you want all of it to be, what was the word you used? You said authentic or you want it to be, you used some word where he said he just wanted to be off the cuff.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Why do you think they're able to do that? Why do you think they're able to do that? Because the part about the dual citizenship, when you ask somebody who is pro-Israel Zionist, they'll say the reason why... we have the dual citizenship is because when Israel became a country, they want a lot of Americans to go back, but they didn't want to give up their U S citizenship.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


So they made it where you could have dual citizenship. So that's the argument for that.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


But what I want to ask you, Because in order to be able to do that, okay, so you're in a space where the controversy came out about Harvey, right, in Hollywood, Harvey Weinstein. And for the longest time, you saw pictures of Michelle Obama. You know, Harvey Weinstein is such a, you know, I don't know if you have this clip or not, Rob.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


And I said, yeah, that's interesting because in your world, do it again. Second take, third take, fourth take. What's the most takes you've ever done in a scene? Not that many.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


It's such a wonderful, you know, beacon of, I mean, she would use some words that you talk about a Billy Graham type, right? Is that the one, Rob? Can you play this clip? You know, go back and play the clip.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


You see this, right? You see Oprah. You see all these guys in Hollywood. Hillary. All of these guys that would say stuff about Harvey Weinstein. What a freaking great guy. And then all of a sudden, Why are people saying all this stuff? What control does he have over everybody? You want a job in Hollywood? You want a job in this? You got to go, no, no, no, no, no. And then disruption shows up.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Oh, shit. Now everybody wants to throw him under the bus. What happened to those 30 years you said nothing about? Sure. What happened? Because he had power and control. So this is where I'm going with it. He had leverage. The leverage was if you want a job, you got to do X, Y, Z. For me, and I'm a boss, okay? I'm not in the world. I've read about it just like what everybody else has read about it.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


If Israel is Israel, AIPAC, all of these guys, right? And, you know, Sachs, the interview that was done with Tucker, you know, there's many of these right now that are coming up. If they have this much power, what leverage do they have to be able to constantly negotiate more favorably for themselves over the American people?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


And by the way, you know what I'll say to that? So here's... I trust my enemies very well. By the way, I trust my enemies more than I trust my friends sometimes. You know why? Because what does your enemy think about next movie coming up? I don't know the competitive space. I'm assuming there's competition with... your name and all these other guys that are making movies, right?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I'm assuming the competition, if they can find a way to have 7,500 negative reviews written on Rotten Tomatoes about a movie you come out with, I'm assuming the dirty enemy would probably do something like that to hurt you, right? Yeah.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I'm assuming the enemy would do whatever they can that I'm trying to raise a billion dollars from somebody or half a billion dollars from somebody to find a way for that deal to not get done if it becomes public, right? I've experienced this with guys.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


When I was trying to sell my company, the enemy would call the guy that wanted to buy the company and say, hey, you sure you want to go through this? And then boom. We were able to get the deal done and we sold it for a quarter of a billion dollars, okay? But I know, I trust the enemy. All I'm trying to ask, I'm not surprised that Israel did that. Good for them that they're doing that.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I applaud you for being a good negotiator. Great. But all I'm asking is, if America, you read these books, you know, and we've all read these books. When you go through the book, the question I want to ask is, what leverage do they have for America to continue to cave when negotiating. We also want this, and this, and that, and this. Okay, okay, that's not how negotiation works.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Like earlier, we were talking about when you're signing a talent, right? Hey, I want six massages a day. I want my gym to be here. I want that, I want this. No, at some point, we're not doing that. But what leverage does this person have for you to say yes to 80% of their requests? What are we getting in exchange to say yes to this? And no matter how many people I ask that question of,

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I don't know if I disagree with that. But I think the question I ask is, The leverage, what leverage should it have? Is it just money? Is it really just money? What about APAC?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


But even if you go with that, right, and you look at how much APAC gives, for example, okay. And again, I'm just playing devil's advocate here to get to the bottom of the argument. You always do. Yeah, and I enjoy that. I think that's the right way to be. But think about Elon Musk, right? Okay, so how much did APAC give? Total contribution 2024. Can you pull that up, Rob?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


So pro-Israel, is this AIPAC? Two Republicans, they gave $2.2 million. Two Democrats, they gave $2.2 million. So a total of $4.4 million and they gave it to pro-Israel PAC candidates. So they give $29,000 more to Republicans than Democrats. Not a big difference. But can you tell me, look up total how much money AIPAC gave to everybody last year. Total money AIPAC gave. In 2024. In 2024.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Yeah, just typing in 2024. I actually just want to know. I guess you pulled the first one out. It's the same number? Really? So the number is how much? Okay, they give $2.4 million in lobbying. The amount of contribution they got was $43 million. Okay, that's a PAC. By the way, I thought the number was in the billions. So $43 million.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


So watch this. Elon Musk spends $277 million to back Trump and Republican candidates. realistically, one could say that's 50 times more, right? 55 times more. So again, for me, I really want to know. You're ignoring the concept of influence and how long APAC is going to run. I don't think it's the right number you're pulling up because I think, Rob, they spent $25 million to get rid of Bowman.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


So that's why I don't think that's the right number. Type in how much did APAC spend to get rid of Bowman. Can you just Google that? Go for it.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Well, the NGOs are the ones that we don't know who the contributors are, right? The NGOs which, okay, there it is, that one right there. AIPAC has spent over $100 million on 2024 elections. That's the number I want to see. So very bad sign for democracy. AIPAC has spent over $100 million. AIPAC billionaire funded. Super PAC has helped defeat two of the most vocal,

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


opponents of Israel, which one of them was, yeah, Jamal Bowman. And they spent a lot of money to get rid of that guy. How much was it to get rid of him? Can you pull up that number? I don't know why I think it was $25 million. Could have been a little bit more than that. But the reason why I'm making this argument is I'm making the argument to say,

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Some may not say anything about Ilan because maybe Ilan is supporting what you support. It's like, okay, hey, great. And by the way, I'm pro-Ilan. I like what Ilan is doing. But all I'm trying to say is I get the frustration with the Israeli. I lived in Iran, so I have my own story with Muslims. I saw what that was like. And I witnessed it every day, 11 years.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I went to Germany, lived at a refugee camp. There's a lot of Muslims there, a lot of them, Pakistani, Afghanis, a lot of them, okay? I saw what happened there. I've had an insurance company I built from zero to 60,000 agents. We have a lot of Muslims in the company. Guess what? Phenomenal experience. I had the experience there. But it's not... 100% across the board with everybody, right?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


America's 13% black. Our agency was 24% black. America's 24% Hispanic. Our agency was 51% Hispanic when we built the insurance agency. And I got a chance to watch these guys because we're in 50 states. But sometimes, you know, it's... it can go in a direction where I just want to know what is their leverage? Is the leverage holding people hostage? I wrote a book, fiction book called The Academy.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


And The Academy is about a secret society that's been around for a couple thousand years that they recruit young kids and they build them into the future leaders of the world. Many presidents, many have gone through this. you know, secret society called the Academy.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


And one of the stories in there is about the villain is a former deputy director of SAVAK in Iran under the Shah, who left early and he was working with the Shah. His name is Parviz Sabeti. I think if you can look him up, it's a very common American name. Rob, you should be able to spell that out easily. And this deputy director of SAVAK, who ends up having some of the qualities of the villain,

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


eventually finds me, okay? And he reaches out to me. He says, you wrote a book. I said, yes. He reads the book. Type in P-A-R-V-I-Z, and then P-A-R-V-I-Z, right, P-A-R-V-I-Z, right there, okay. So this is him. He was a former deputy director of SAVAG. And... You know, you watch documentaries on him and what the SAVAK did in Iran.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


so the director goes through some hells what you know when when you when you see stuff for for again for us who were not in it we see the christian bale loses mind clip right i don't know if you've seen it or not right we you ever seen christian bale getting upset at the camera guys at the light guys you know have you seen that on terminator uh three or four right he flipped out he was he wasn't really happy with film in general i think that he was it was not his kind of movie right

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


You know, these guys had, well, some of it is awful, but some of it is, you know, where they were the CIA, the Mossad, the, you know, so all of it can be said awful. CIA, Mossad, you know, SAVAK, MI6. They were all training them too, the Mossad and CIA. So we can say all of them are awful, right? They've all been trained by. And then you hear what he was able to record with MOLOS.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


and Hezbollahs, who were these clergy, and then he would get stuff with women. And so he had this footage on them, right? And that's a form of hostage. You better say this or else. I'm trying to find out, is there anything Israel has as a leverage? I'm not just saying Blackman, that's one of the forms.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I asked him. He was very gray, and he was uncomfortable answering that. We did a two-hour podcast. He did tell me that he had a mentor. Who's the mentor that he talked about Epstein? Do you remember the mentor he brought up? He talked about a mentor that taught Epstein everything. And then when I brought it up, he got very, very uncomfortable very quickly. That guy right there. Steven Hoffenberg.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I don't know if you've ever heard of this guy or not. He helped... He was one of the guys that apparently played a role of a mentor, but there was another guy as well, Rob. Epstein's mentor right there.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Yeah, he was found dead. Jeffrey Epstein convicted fraudster, found dead in his apartment. But meaning he learned his model. So on the Epstein side, Mark never told me anything about Mossad. I asked him, I said, were you also Mossad himself? He was uncomfortable answering that directly. I wouldn't be surprised. But that's the question. My biggest question is the leverage. What did they have?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


There's no way... Do they have it on Congress so many times? I think it's both.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I don't think that's a... anything bad to say right i think go research it and investigate it i mean march 2022 when you were here and ukraine had happened when did russia ukraine happen a month prior to that february and if you remember you were uncomfortable like you know at first you're like ah and you and i were both a little bit skeptical about Zelensky in Ukraine.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


And at that time, when you said it, everybody's like, oh my God, you know, how could you say that? The dictator Putin is the next Hitler. Oliver Stone is so out of touch.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Zelensky calling and saying... The documentary you did was just insane. Ukraine on fire. Yeah, Ukraine on fire was phenomenal.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


You met a lot of people, right? World leaders. You met Putin. You met Maduro, I think. You met Chavez, Lula, Castro, Netanyahu. Which one of them?

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Yeah, I mean, and Christian Bale is, you know, a phenomenal actor. In my opinion, he's a phenomenal actor. But you see him, you see Tom Cruise, you see some of those. Is that pretty common with the temper flaring? Because as an artist, as a creator, in that moment, you're getting in such a unique state that you need zero, zero distractions. Is that kind of...

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Which one of them that after you spent time with them, walked away, you had a bad impression of them first, but later on you're like, well, now what? I don't have a bad impression. Which one of them were you like, oh, I was neutral, but I walked away saying, I don't know if I like this guy.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


So the angle you're taking with him is the moment you realize what happened to his brother in Uganda, which was the only one you're saying that died, from that moment on, this went from being... you know, just a job or a career that I'm going to do because I love Israel to... Personal passion. A personal passion crusade caused correcting an injustice.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


So Yontan was an Israeli military officer who commanded the Seyret Matkal during the... He was a Harvard graduate, I think. Was he a Harvard graduate? Yeah, he briefly attended. He was a real hero. After serving in the Israeli military during the Six-Day War, he briefly attended Harvard University before transferring to Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1960.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


This is his older brother. Yes. How many years apart are they? Can you check to see when B.B. was born? Because he's 46. I don't think B.B. 's into it. Okay. So three years older. Got it. Interesting. And this has been a commitment he's made to his brother to seek his vengeance. Is that kind of how you process it? It's the origin of this passion. Don't you think for somebody to get...

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


to that level of power, you almost need something like this to get to that level. I mean, look at Trump. He doesn't drink any alcohol. Why not? You know the story with his brother Fred, right? We hear those stories, right? Although it was a decision before. It was a decision before, you're right, because he told him, look, listen to me, never drink alcohol, never drink alcohol.

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And he finally, he's like, I'm not going to do it. And he tells his kids.

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How different do you think the relationship's going to be? When you're saying Kennedy and Israel, how do you think the relationship's going to be Trump with them?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I get that. We're not allowing them to be the power in the Middle East.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Well, this is a key moment then in history, isn't it? But I don't think – here's my impression of Trump. I was on Jesse Waters two nights ago, and I said, you know what happens when you're handsome, rich, and met every famous celebrity in the world? You know what edge you have? One, no girl can sway you because you've been around beautiful women your entire life.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Number two, there's nothing you can give him financially for him to be, ooh, oh, my God, what a great painting, all this, nothing. so he can't buy him. And number three is he's not enamored by anybody. There is no celebrity he's going to meet where he's going to be like, oh, my God, I can't believe I'm.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Well, I think, but I think after he does what he does. But don't give it to him like Obama prematurely. But I think one thing with him, every single time I've heard him talk about Netanyahu, it's always the will see. And that's key. I hope so. Because we'll see is the pressures on who? You. Yeah. Bibi. Meaning you can't try to abuse this relationship.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


We'll see. Yeah. We'll see what you're going to be doing. Delivered Syria. That's right. But that's. That's Biden. Right. That's not under his watch. That's under Biden's. I wonder. Yeah.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Well, again, it goes back to seeing if there's one thing we learned from Trump in first term, he's not a guy that likes war. He's just not a fan of it. And how many people he said the other day in an interview,

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


after winning he's spoken personally did you hear how many world leaders he said he's spoken to he said he's spoken over a hundred world leaders already world leaders this is not jamie dimon this is not billionaires this is not jeff bezos this is not tim cook although he's met with them as well and look at trudeau canada all of a sudden you're getting stories about the fact that he may be stepping down and designing and all this stuff yeah

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The reason why you're unique and it's tough to put you in a place is one minute you'll say one thing.

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I know, but what I'm saying is this guy's not for his people. This guy's not for his people. Not the man I met. The inflation, lifestyle. The inflation has a lot to do with the United States too. The lifestyle, I don't know. Yeah, but it has to do with the United States. You're saying we put the sanctions on buying oil and doing all of that stuff.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


What happened with you and Shia? Something happened with Shia? Shia LaBeouf?

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


He just lost the election to... How do you know? That's America's interpretation of it. Not necessarily. His interpretation is the fact that he won 51.2% or something like that.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I'll tell you this. Here's what I would tell you. Maduro, if you are able to go to Venezuela to do an interview with him, I'd love to join you. I'd love to talk to him.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Iran and Venezuela. I have a lot of educated Venezuelans who are good family people. Yes, I know those people. Who escaped, who came here, who will say things about Maduro that is absolutely... Yes, I've heard them.

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Respectfully, you are weird, different, and I love it. They're not necessarily a contradiction. Well, I know you got a flight to catch. By the way, Sean, before we wrap up, where can people find All the President's Men?

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Okay, so go to your website, and then from there they can go directly to this. Exactly.

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Well, we're going to drive to that. And Sean, I've spent time with your dad. I hadn't spent time with you, but dude, you're freaking interesting as hell. And I really enjoyed talking to you as just talking to you. You know, it was interesting hearing your perspective. We know the great Oliver Stone, but this was phenomenal having both of you guys here. What a great conversation.

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Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


And, again, put the link below. Till next time. And maybe our next time we'll be in Venezuela sometime. Maybe so. Maybe we'll go to Venezuela together.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


I'm joking. Anyways, guys, God bless everybody. Take care. Bye-bye, bye-bye.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Wow. You don't think of these things, do you? I mean, is it, is it, but is, does it get like, you know, there's a story of Maradona who they said, Hey, we want you to be the coach of whatever Argentine. I don't know if you've heard about this or not, where he says, yeah, yeah, no problem. But you know what? To do that, I need a bathroom and I need my bathroom to be gold.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


They said, what do you mean? You ever heard this story or no? Yeah, Rob, can you pull this up to see if Maradona gold, Maradona gold bathroom. Just you type in gold bathroom. Let's see if it comes up or not. Diego Maradona's toiled seat evokes memorable memories. Maybe you heard Maradona, zoom in a little bit.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Argentina World Cup, Diego Maradona reportedly requested that his two high-tech toilets, heated seats, cost $150 each, to which page he won. There's $50,000 office bathroom overhaul requesting. Anyways, maybe it's not this one. If you go to the picture, images, he wanted a bathroom that was golden, okay? His request was. Is that the one? It's one of those.

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


says maradona yeah what is the weirdest request an actor's made and oliver how do you handle that when they like they come to you and say hey oliver listen this guy wants us to do xyz i mean i can't imagine if they say val wants to do six massages a day six massages a day yes what's the weirdest request you got you remember i wouldn't know

PBD Podcast

Russia vs Ukraine, JFK Assassination, Trump vs Deep State w/ Oliver & Sean Stone | PBD Podcast | Ep. 522


Oliver, who is a big, big, big shot, award-winning, that's the chillest, humblest, easiest to work with? Well, I don't know.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


This world you guys are in... words matter, technicalities, right? Right. So for you, John, is it the fact that you went and met with the feds because you were civilian and had left alive, you didn't feel guilty for meeting with them? Is that how you process it?

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Is the outcome of this conviction that I'm listening to you, the last 30, 40 minutes, is this because it's important to you to clear your rep that maybe some are calling you?

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Yeah, you know, obviously, I'm not in this world, but... I got a call from Phil Leonetti one time. You know Phil Leonetti.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Right. I don't know the guy. He calls me and we go to a nice Italian restaurant. And the next thing we do, I interview him. He asked me to cover his face so it's not shown. Why?

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Because he did some maybe... surgeries that he didn't want his face to be seen or whatever made men. Like your father did? He had stories that he said about Nicky Scarfo, right? And then we had Ralph Natalidel there. And then he told his stories. Then we had Frank Collado, no longer with us, the late Frank Collado. And he was part of the Spallatra crew, I believe.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Oscar Goodman, great conversation. Great lawyer. Oscar Goodman's a great lawyer. Michael Francis, multiple sit-downs. Sammy the Bull, multiple. And then eventually we did... Mafia States of America. And you know what is common, like a threat amongst everybody?

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


And I think this goes credit to the life, you know, which whatever the orientation is, when you're being indoctrinated in this world, whatever that is, whoever explained the pain of Omerta, they did such a great job selling it. Because it's like at this age, look, man, let me say face. Here's why I did it. Here's why I did it. To the average person.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


To the person that's not in this world, we're not in it. We're just watching and it's interesting stories. But there is this pride to say, this is why I had the meeting with Feds. And what is consistent amongst everybody across the board, none of them like them. They all are not fans of the government, and they all feel like the story has been told in a different way.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Because I think the only thing, and would you ever sit across with Sammy? Never. Tell me why.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Now, you're born in 64. That's 86. So you're 22 when this is happening. So you're there every day. You're watching the whole thing.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


John, you know, first of all, James, if you're watching this, I never said a million and a half million. Why are you over-negotiating?

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Don't count my money, James. I'm going to call James. We're going to have a conversation. But this is what I was going to say to you. Here's what I was going to say to you. You know... You said something about, you know, you're blue, independent. I've been a registered independent for 17 years. I like Clinton. I voted for him. I like Trump. I voted for him. I fought for him. I defended him.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


When he beat Rico. This has never happened before. Never happened. Okay, so when that happened... Did other made men or whoever, were they sitting there saying, who's the lawyer you used? We can beat these guys. Let's use the same method. Is that kind of what became the model?

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


I think he's the right guy right now for America where we are. Love him or hate him. I don't care where you are. It's my position. I'm not saying you love him or hate him. I'm talking to the audience. But that's a part of it, why we have something in America, which is fantastic, which is called debate. And the reason why I bring this up is if I'm watching, like the way I watch interviews, John,

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


is when a conversation is taking place, I'm saying, ask this. Ask this. This is my question. I'm the audience. Ask me the question I want to ask. The question I would ask is the following. I think the question fans will want to ask. If you're willing to meet with the Feds for 40 minutes, why don't you meet with Sammy? By the way, Sammy also doesn't want to do it. I can't.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


I must be the worst negotiator in the world. Because I can't get neither side to understand. I should retire from sales and go sell, make some Starbucks or something. Here's the answer to that question.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


He was not complimentary at all with Sammy the Bull Gravano, and Sammy and I have done many podcasts together, Mafia States of America. I told him about some of the questions. Hey... If you're saying all these bad things about Sammy, why is it that your father put him as an underboss? Isn't that on your father? You have to kind of hear his answer.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Can you pull up what age, what year was it? Okay, 86. 86, he died. But at that time, he's no longer as active, right? He had already slowed down. Did he still carry on?

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


I'm actually being serious. You would have made a great lawyer. Some of that IQ passed over to you. I mean, you got to take some credit. Thank you.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


No, I'm just telling you, just listening to you make the case, it's very impressive how you communicate. I think there's a few things that's been my takeaway from this. I go home tonight. My wife's going to say, babe, how was the conversation with John Gotti Jr.? I'm going to say, babe.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


My wife always asks me, she says, Babe... You know, we were doing election night podcast, and I went eight hours straight sitting down with 2,000 people in front of me, not once I went to the bathroom. John, I have so much respect for you.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


You've not gone to the restroom one time yet. We've been going through this entire conversation. I should go another two, three hours if you want. Your fire is incredible just listening to these stories.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


But that's why I said, when you first thing I said, when I looked at you, when you walked in, I'm like, Johnny, you look good. I appreciate it. Thank you. I appreciate you coming out this conversation. I hope we'll do a couple more in the future as well. On your flight back, just consider on if we were to do a sit down together with, uh, pray about it because Sammy's from God.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


I want to say that's three years before he died. So was he already sick and was he already going through it or no? Somewhat. Okay. Somewhat. What did your dad think about him?

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


John, I'm going to get a lot of weird phone calls when this thing goes live. And they're going to be interesting phone calls. But regardless of it, I really enjoyed speaking with you. I appreciate you for coming out. And I wish you had five more hours to sit down and talk to me. As do I. You really enjoyed this. Thank you.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


But I appreciate you for coming up, man. This was fantastic. Thank you so much for this. Absolutely.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Anytime, anytime. And at the end of the day, you know who wins with these types of conversations? The audience wins. The audience hears it, and for you, you get to tell your... Because you don't do a lot of this stuff. I don't see a lot of stuff with you.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Very interesting. Very interesting. And you had no aspirations or wanted to be a lawyer? No.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


And let me tell you, that love is felt. It's like so amazing watching your loyalty and love for your pops.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Then his case about when he met 40 Minutes with the feds years ago, he got criticized for meeting with feds and cooperating, and he gave his argument. He showed all the documents. on when he did it. You'll be able to decide for yourself. I asked him an interesting question about how his father would have felt about him meeting with the feds when he spoke to them for the 40 minutes.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Did you watch the recent movie that came out called The Apprentice? The story of Trump? No. Because he's the main character in the movie that makes it. Right. What was his business model for having the kind of power that he had? Was it the OG blackmail business model? Is that what he had?

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


You have to hear the answer he gives. Then there was a couple moments where he got very emotional and we talked about his youngest brother, Frankie. I asked him about a lot of different folks. John A. Light's name came up. His answer is very surprising. It's not what you would have thought he would have said about him.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


That's wild. The Velvet Mafia. Yeah, yeah. So is it like when you say what they knew, the bodies were buried? Is it like they knew who liked men and they knew who came to those parties?

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Did your dad ever tell you a story about a time that somebody wanted to kill him and take him out? Because that's too much power.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


And many others we talked about, the history, New York today versus the past, the two presidents he was very complimentary about, his family, himself, what he's doing now since he's been out for 15 years, how aggressively – how negative and critical he was about the U.S. government and the RICO system. We talked about that a lot.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Wow. So he was hated more by the government than by the mob. He was actually friendly with the mob.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Yeah, that's wild. I mean, when you hear stories about this guy, there's so many documentaries on him and interesting books on him. He's a very unique character. Yeah. Very interesting to read about. Going back, John, I think... I'm going to be sure to watch that. I think it'll be entertaining, especially for you to watch. Absolutely.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Going back, when I go through the story, and I think about the young John, yourself, with your father. Right. Is it true that the first time you met your father, you were eight years old?

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Anyways, it'll be a historic type of a interview where, when I mean historic, if you've been watching the other interviews in the past of the mobsters I've had on, Michael Francis, Sammy Frankolata, Oscar Goodman, you know, Phil Leonetti, Ralph Natal, there's a lot of them. You're definitely going to love this. But if you're somebody that's also...

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


So 13 years old, he's only been with you for four years in the house. When you come home, you see him. Yeah. And at this point, you still don't know what he's doing. You don't know what business he's in.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


a person who fancies with movies like Godfather or Goodfellas or Power Plays or Strategies or Communication, he's going to make a case to you where for the last two hours, you're going to think you're sitting down with a lawyer making an argument. The question is, do you buy it or do you find some leaks in his argument? You will be the judge of that.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


That makes sense because even back, I mean, there's not internet. It's not like you're on TikTok. John Gotti, you know, is back in, you don't have access to that, right? You're living in this community.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


That's it. Pony Express. You go to Military Academy in your, is it 79 when you go? I think 79.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Right. So when you go there, what's the story where you're sitting there and there comes a story on TV? Right. You know, John Gotti, and everybody's watching. Like, wait a minute. What was that story? What did that happen?

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


When I try to, you know, over the years, when you read about your father. Right. So many different stories written about him, right? Persona, personality, King of New York, all this stuff, you know, all these great nicknames that he has. But at some point, you know, something happens where the level of rage can go to a whole different level for different people.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


For me, one day my dad and I are sitting down and we're having a conversation. He's watching all these mob interviews. He says, what do you think about these guys? They did this and they did that and they killed and they did this. And I said, yeah, I mean, that's the life they were raised in. He says, well, you know, I could never kill anybody. I could never do this. I could never do that.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


I'm like, look, at the time, he had only one grandkid and daughter, I mean, Grace. I said, what would you do? What are you capable of if somebody does something to your granddaughter? You just see my dad like... you know, suddenly gets the rage going, right? And he says, I'd be capable of doing anything to protect my granddaughter. I said, totally, totally right.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


The story with Joseph Kennedy, Joseph Kennedy for me is one of the guys I really like to study on because He's the guy that could have been a gangster. Some say he was a gangster. For him to be able to build a family. You're talking about the father or son? The father, the father, Joseph Kennedy, the OG OG. That's right.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


That's right. That's right. I mean, he was, you know, later on he became the, you know, chairman of SEC. And I think it was all these different things that he did.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


But something happened to him when his oldest son died. Right? When that took place. It changed him.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


The story about your, I think it's your younger brother. My brother Frankie Boy, yeah. Frankie. What happened to Frankie and what influence did that have on your father?

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


So the history of America is filled with a lot of different last names. If your name is Kennedy, you know you're going to be tied to the Kennedy family. You got Trump's, you got Bush, you got Rockefeller. But when it comes down to this last name and first name, you know where it goes. And it's John Gotti. And today, after I think six years of us trying to do this interview. Seven.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Man, I am so sorry. I did not know this whole story. Wow. And at this point, while this is taking place, I mean, it's... Holy moly.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Is it when that took place, and I'm wondering, like, is that what got... Did anything about his temperament, rage, anything change? And I've read a lot of different things about the story of the individual. Was it intentional? Was it accidental? Did you ever get to the bottom of what this accident... You know, I don't know all the particulars...

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


This is a miracle. At the fight. At my son Johnny's fight. At the fight. That's right. Good memory. Yes, at the fight. His pro debut. I remember that. And I had something going, I don't know what it was. I'm like, he was talking to Chris, but it's great to have you here.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


So the speculation is that it may have been somebody, like he may have been directly involved in him being missing four months later.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


What did you that I heard you say something. You said something about if you were a prosecutor, if you were a cop, you know, what did he love? What did he fear? What did he hate?

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


It's great to have you. It's an honor. Yes, likewise. And you know, for me, when I accidentally got into this world of interviewing, you know, the world and different folks, And it was always, Pat, you got to get John. You got to get John. You got to get John. I'm like, look, we got to figure out a way to make this work. And I'm glad we finally did.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Yeah, that's, and by the way, while you were there, at the peak of your father's popularity, where he can't walk anywhere, who else at this time is, who else are the kings of New York at the time? Would you put Trump at that level or not yet? Trump, I mean, 80s, he is already, right? He's established.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


I got so many things I want to talk to you about. I mean, your history, family, things that are going on today. Things that are going on both politically, how some things are legal today that used to be illegal, where some of the stuff that the life was doing. But starters, just very basic question before we get into the story. John, how much of the life still exists today?

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Yeah, there was a story I think Sammy did. Sammy DiBolli says, we tried to buy him out and we couldn't do it. He turned us down and- Well, I could tell you this much.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Like, are they still acting like active gangsters, mobsters in America? You know, I'm so far removed.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Can I ask you a question? So for me, when I did that interview, I go to New York all the time. I love New York. I love the people. I get along with the people. And later on in life, when I did Ancestry, when you find out what your background's all about, apparently I'm 18% Italian. Someone in my family hooked up with an Italian we don't know about, right? So I've always gotten along with Italians.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


I go to New York and you have to, you would be like, how could you interview Sammy? He is lying. He's this, he's that. And then I would have some guys that would come up to me and say, but look, you heard the recording, you know, recording when John kind of threw Sammy under the bus. And what I'm saying to you is in the recording. So Sammy- John should have killed Sammy, quite frankly.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


John, let me, is it fair to say, you know, for the audience that's watching this, Rightfully so. You have to defend 100% your father, nothing, you know, so emotionally. And always will. And by the way, no one expects anything different, right? Right, right. Now, you know, for the viewer who is not emotionally connected, like I remember when I interviewed Sammy, your sister came after me.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


I don't know if you remember the, you know, I've never watched the interview. Okay, well, I'll tell you.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


I don't do it. Well, I think that's good for you because it's more peaceful. I just don't do it. But, I mean, I got tweets after tweets. You realize what, you know, all this stuff. And I'm like, okay, messages, phone calls, all this stuff. But for somebody that's not attached to it emotionally, did you ever listen to the recording? You know, the recording that they say where your father is.

PBD Podcast

“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Oh, my God. Yeah, yeah. Did Gravano tell you how he became a rat? You would never call him that to his face. Sammy said, once a mafioso, you're a mafioso for life. Is he still a mafioso, he thinks?

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


So you know what it does. Like in life, I get judged for who I befriend. I get judged for who I marry. We get judged for choices we make, investments, all this other stuff. But then you also get judged for who you make your right-hand guy. Your dad made him the underboss.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


So if he is who you say he is, Sam, that means your dad's a bad judge of character because the underboss is like... I mean, it's who John, wasn't John that too, who was the underboss with Paul Castellano before, you know, he was taken out of state?

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Do you think the situation where he put a hit on Paul Castellano, you think that was the right move? You said two bad moves, right? Gambling, and you said Sammy. But how about the hit on Paul?

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Wait, you're saying now that Your father didn't tell Sammy to go do the job to take out Paul?

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


That's a very interesting twist right there. It is. For me, this stuff, I understand the emotional stuff that when it's blood, it's blood. And not just blood, admiration for father. You're not going to be able to... I adore my father. That's exactly the point. So there's no winning there. But at the same time... You get judged for hiring him. You get judged for promoting him.

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And I would assume when it comes later on, like let's just say if you got the job of being a boss by taking out your boss, let's just say if that's the story that we see in the world,

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


What I'm saying is, you know, for what's been documented and the people you sit down and talk to who were maybe in that world where they were that age, I've sat with a lot of different people who are older, would come to me, you know, Ralph Natale and Philly and Nettie and Francise, and I had a chance.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


to one time, I had three visits with Sonny Francis, Michael's father, who did, I think, 55 years in jail. I think he died at 103 or 104 years.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


That's what everybody says. Like, he was a guy that was, Omerta was like the face of Omerta. He would not break four.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


I took him to an Italian restaurant. And John, I got to tell you, I'm trying to get him to say, Sonny, I'm his driver. I'm driving him to his favorite Italian restaurant. I came and got him from the old, I think it's like an old folks home. And Michael's there and we're going out. His lawyer's there. I don't know what we went to. I can figure out the name to see where it was.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


But we went there for three hours, nothing. When I tell you nothing, John. Did he say anything? No, he spoke. Oh, okay. But I told him, tell me about Meyer. Good guy. Tell me about Bugsy. You would never call him that to his face. I'm sorry. He's Mr. Siegel to you. Tell me about this. Tell me about that, right?

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


But in the world, if you come up fast in the limelight and showmanship and all this stuff, You know, like the movie, American Gangster, which is a story of Frank Lucas, where, you know, Denzel is like, hey, why'd you give me that jacket? I don't want to be seen. I don't want to have this, right? And sometimes, you know, the criticism is the fact that he was seen all the time.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


So he was, in my mind, when I'm asking Sammy, Was he at a point that he's worried that Sammy's about to take him out to do to him what he may have done to Paul? Listen. That was my understanding.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Do you think... I remember one time, Sammy and I were speaking, and the story was about the fact that, you know, when... Let's just say you're running a business.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


And, you know... I'm the guy that's not golfing six days a week. And I'm not even saying that's just an analogy. So I'm a guy that I started a company. I'm rich now. I'm worth 50 million. I'm golfing six days a week. I'm going to the spa. Maybe I'll come and check out the office and all this stuff. But my right-hand guy is the one that goes and checks on everybody. He's there every day.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


And he's at the office six days a week. Now the crew, the field, the customers, the clients are closer to him than they're closer to the one at the top that's the famous guy. Do you think something like that happened with Sammy and your father? You know what I'm saying? The shaking hands.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Was it risky beating him or no? No. Like if you beat him, he'd pay you and he wouldn't be upset.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


350 and 83 is 1.1 million today. That's a lot of money. Think about that. That's a lot of money. Think about that. So going back to New York City, you've been there since 64. The only place you've ever lived is New York, minus being out, right?

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


How much has New York changed, and is it, in your opinion, safer today, or is it safer back in the days?

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


is it even, is it non-existent or is it still out there? People are talking, you know, they're doing their thing.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


You're gonna think I'm crazy when I tell you this, but the last 13 and a half years, I've been working on my first fiction book to write ever, fiction book to write.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


And while I finished this book a year ago, I got the strangest phone call about one of the characters in a book where the guy wanted to meet with me and he read the book and afterwards was like, wait a minute, am I the villain in the book? This is a story about a character named Asher, who is half Armenian, half Assyrian, whose father was involved

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


in the Iranian revolution linked to Savak working with the Shah that they escape and he gets recruited to a secret society. Well, when you go to the secret society, it's been around for a couple thousand years, they've developed some of the craziest leaders of all time and they test you. There's unique tests that they have at the society where they test to see your emotional mental toughness.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


One of the tests that they have is very rigorous. It's purely mental. Of course, there's a physical one, but one is mental and emotional. If you're Armenian, if you're Syrian, if you're Persian, this is a book you're gonna be reading and saying, holy moly, this is the kind of stuff you talk about in here? Yes. If you're somebody that's fascinated by history, this is a book for you.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Characters, there's a technology that this society, secret society builds, where you go into a vault, I won't spoil it for you, when you go down, They have a technology where you get to sit down and watch and have a three, four hour conversation with Tupac. You can set up a debate between Karl Marx and Ayn Rand. Karl Marx is in the book who wrote Communist Manifesto.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Ayn Rand who wrote Atlas Shrugged is in the book. Marilyn Monroe explains the concept of seduction and sex in the book. When you read the book, It's about development of the next leaders in the world and how they do it and how they've been doing it for many years. And it's also about how to prevent the end of civilization and how this organization goes about doing it.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


So I've never written a parenting book before, but if I ever wrote a parenting book, this is the closest thing to it because it's all mindset. A lot of crazy stories. Again, 13 and a half years. Trust me, I told myself I will not publish this book. until I sell my insurance company and I'm fully disconnected from it, where it's no longer my responsibility 100%.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


When you read this, if you're a creative person, if you like fiction books, if you... enjoyed Atlas Shrugged or if you enjoy Divergent, if you like books like that, I think you can enjoy reading this book. It's the creative side. Business books is very easy. Here's how you do it. Here's how this works. This is very creative.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


If you haven't placed your order yet, now you can order it on Simon & Schuster, Amazon. I'm going to put the link up below somewhere here, maybe even in my profile. Go order the book

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


and read it i sincerely i've never written a book where i can't wait to read your reviews to see what you think about this book so i'm going on this wild journey and we have some plans with this book here uh if you support the things that i work on i would appreciate you going to reading the book order the book on amazon and then post a review when's the last time you hugged him

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


So before he's had that 90-minute visit with you, that the federal... So before, he knew you were coming in to have that conversation with him. He knew I was having that conversation.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Wow. So when she, like at what point did she, I mean, even if you know some of these stories, at what point did she know how he provides?

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


It's kind of like one of those things where it's like, hey, but I thought it would be more from the standpoint of, I'm the new tough guy. Let me tell you what I did. It wasn't for that. It was for a different reason.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Now, let me ask you, is the culture of when you get into it, because when my wife and I were getting ready to get married, I told her, I said, listen, I don't know what you're looking for as a, for a husband.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


02, right. 61 years old, June 10th of 02. Right, June 10th of 02. Right. Have you ever seen that recording? Because I know it was being recorded.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


I'm going to be running, gunning, and this is going to be the life. Are you okay with it?

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


They're brilliant. Brilliant, manipulative, deceptive. They're the ultimate gangsters, if you think about what they do. I got two last things I want to talk to you about before we wrap up. One is, story comes out this last week. it could have been two weeks ago, about a story of O.J. Simpson, a guy named John Denton. I don't know if you saw this or not. Police witness.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


He says a key witness claims O.J. hired Gambino family to kill his wife. Do you know anything about the story or not? That's absurd. Okay, so this one you don't know about.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


Oh, no, we don't. I'm dating myself. We'll take a picture and show it. I know what an Elmo is. We like Elmos.

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“Should’ve Had Him Killed” - John Gotti Jr Finally OPENS UP On His Father, Gravano & Gambino Family | PBD Podcast | Ep. 519


After six to seven years of speaking with John Gotti Jr. 's camp, he finally agreed to come and do a long-form podcast, and it wasn't one hour, not two, three and a half hours. On top of that, he brought a folder this big with a stack of documents of himself, of Sammy the Bull Gravano.

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ABC Pays Trump $15M, January 6 Cover Up, Trudeau To Resign, NJ Drone Theories | PBD Podcast | Ep. 521


On top of that, there's a bunch of other things going on. Apparently, there was a phone call made from Jamie Dimon to Trump where Trump looked at the phone and let it go to voicemail. Anyways, we'll read that story over to you. A bunch of guys are giving Trump's inaugural fund a million dollars. You got Jeff Bezos. You got Zuck. You got Sam Altman.

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They know, but they won't tell us. No, but the public doesn't know. Yeah, so listen. There's a couple things. One is a John Ferguson guy that Rogan shared this clip of John talking about, look, I don't know what it is, and I'm not a guy. I'm in the business. I'm somebody that does stuff. Rob, is this a clip, a shorter one? Because I don't want the longer one.

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We can pause right there. So when you hear what he says, then there's another guy that's on MSNBC, Michael B., who's a drone specialist. He's like, look, I don't know what's going on here. Here's all I can tell you. I went out there where all these drones are in the sky, and I said, okay, let me take my drone up there so I can get close to it and see what's going on.

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He said, the weirdest thing happened. He says, as I'm about to go up, it didn't give me clearance. He says, how did everybody else get clearance, but I'm not getting clearance? Why am I not getting clearance? While he's trying to get up there. It's kind of weird. He says, look, I'm not telling you anything. All I'm saying is I do this for a living. And I couldn't get up there to use the drone.

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Anyways, then Gordon Chang, who has been on a podcast before, he's on Forbes. And he's sitting there saying, you got to be ready for the worst case scenario. He says 50% chance China's behind it. and they're working on something. They've been talking about war for a while. Now, this guy's speculation is the fact that the lady asked him a question at the end. Should we be worried?

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And on top of that, Apple CEO Tim Cook visits Mar-a-Lago. There was an interview done with Trump that I want to show you a clip. He seems uncomfortable and a bit paranoid when I show it to you, but not in a negative way. In a way where, well, I'll just play the clip to you here in a minute, then we'll look at it together. And go through it.

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It says 50% chance there is something going on here, and we have to be ready for it. That's the interview with Maggie. You don't need to play the clip. It's 15 minutes, but I'll watch it. So I'm like, okay. Then it said, Pentagon says it's not military drones nor foreign. That's what the Pentagon says. It's drones not ran by individuals. So those are two things we know. Not foreign, not military.

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That's what's being said. Individuals. Exactly. Maybe CIA, maybe Department of Homeland Security, maybe FBI. But he says, we've not had a war in our soil since 1812. That's what Gordon Chang is talking about. And we have to be ready for this to be a war. He is saying this. Now, whether it is or not, it is what it is.

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Then Chase Hughes, who's a Navy intelligence guy, chief, and he's got very interesting views that he talks about. He says, look, let me just kind of give you guys a breakdown. And he breaks down how to spot a PSYOP, okay? And this guy talks about 25 things that he trained CIA agents on. and how to identify a PSYOP. He's written a couple books, very interesting.

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He says, number one, okay, is distraction is a tactic. Is this happening because they're distracting us from a major event that's going on? Well, what is a major event that's going on? Well, a new guy's about to take office. And what's going to happen if he takes office? A lot of people who have power and control for a long time may lose a lot of their privileges.

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So it could be a distraction tactic. Number two. Using fear as a tool to unite. Fear. The government uses fear a lot as a tool to unite. So if there's a threat big enough, we will unite. Cold War was called what? A Red Scare, right? Post 9-11, they used 9-11 as weapons of mass destruction for them to introduce what to us? Terror. The Patriot Act, right?

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And what came after 9-11 in November of 2001? TSA. Before that, you would just go. So everything became more surveillance of the people. You need a mass. So this could be a way. To say, here's what's going on. Let me tell you, because of this, we need to introduce the next, you know, da-da-da. So we need to kind of be careful with that. Then testing the waters.

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The government, he's saying, could use this method to test the waters to see how willing are we. Like, look at what they did with COVID. We may need to shut down. We may need to shut down. We may need to shut down. We may need to shut down. We may need to shut down. Every outlet that says the same thing, then we're like, we may need to shut down. What are you saying?

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We may need to take the kids out of school. This is horrible. Is it worth it? One life, one life. So everybody was like, yeah, we need to shut down schools. And then the government was like, wow, these guys are dumb enough to buy into it. That's great. Let's push a little bit more by using this fear. In 1964, the Gulf of Tonkin is a body of water in Southeast Asia.

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They used the fear of that to be able to escalate the war on Vietnam. The reports of fake naval ships that are out there, guess what? That helped them as well. And then he continues, continues. He says, while this is happening, the phases are three phases. Normalization phase keeps us curious but not panicked. Number two, setting stage for a big event you can't ignore. That's the second one.

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Kareem Jean-Pierre confirms Biden and talks to potentially Barton allies. Some of those allies you may not like. And one of the guys name is Anthony, you know, like a Tony with the last name of a Fauci. We'll talk about that. Forget about it. Exactly. Drone. We'll talk about drones. Some some things going on there.

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Number three, a need for a savior, increasing defense budget, more control in –

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hands hey we're gonna do this and we're gonna do that and he goes into go look up project blue beam which by the way i know a lot of people when you look at project blue beam hey it's really this it's really that you gotta you gotta be careful with this theory it's not but guess what news nation did a story on project blue beam this is news nation what is project blue beam drone conspiracy theory drone sightings have been consistent across new jersey it has spread over

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beyond the Northeast to Ohio and San Diego. State and local officials are calling for greater transparency. It can go a little bit lower. What is Project Canadian? Journalist Serge Monas is credited with coming up with the theory of Project Bluebeam, wherein there's a plot to engender

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a dictatorial universal government that abolishes Abrahamic religious Christianity, Judaism, Islam, in favor of a new world order, by the way. So, hey, aliens are coming. We have to be ready. So who's talking about this? Several prominent figures have discussed how they believe Continue drone sightings and Project Blooming is being interwined. Actress Roseanne Barr.

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Anyways, all these other names that they talk about here, right? And you can go up and look through some of the names. And they're saying, well, all these conservatives are, you know, you got to be careful what they're saying here. Anyways, he continues. Here's how to spot a PSYOP. Step number one, analyze the source. Okay. Sensational headlines. All right. Two, who owns the platform?

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Whoever owns the platform can drive intentions and motives through the platform. Three, question the timing. Does this happen during a time of a bigger issue? Well, yes. A new guy is a president-elect that's about to be a president whose administration is who? Musk, Vivek, RFK, Tulsi. All of these guys, they don't want them on the inside.

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Cash Patel, they don't want these guys on the inside, right? Okay. So we know that's happening. Then it says, follow the narrative. Are multiple outlets saying the same things to condition the mind? We're not there yet. We're not there yet. Five, look for an emotional trigger, like using certain words to get a reaction from you. Six, check evidence. Seven, ask one question. Ready?

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With all that going on, is this going to expand government control or create new laws? What a great question to ask. What a great question to ask. If they drive this, are they going to use this to expand budget? Who wins if they expand budget? We go from $800 billion to $2 trillion. Guess who wins?

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That money is going through some business that's going to be weapons of mass, whatever you want to, military industrial complex, right? So then eight, look for follow-ups. PSYOPs will vanish when they have served their purpose with no follow-up as a distraction, and it goes away. And number nine, trust your instincts. Cultivate critical thinking.

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Number 10, look for patterns on how they're sharing the news with us. Who benefits from this? What evidence is being shown? Is it verifiable? Why now? Then he wraps it up with a very interesting thing that I suggest everybody do this as well. I'm always a fan of this. This may not be a bad time to have some cash. This may not be a bad time to go protect your family.

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Michael Moore wants to pour gasoline on 1000 percent justified anger after United Health Care CEO murder. We'll read that. Stephen A. Smith goes lights out. Stephen A., I think you've got some bad influences in your life, man, that they're kind of giving you this conservative mojo. Stop hanging out with those people. Go stick to the people on ESPN that just keep feeding them.

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Whatever state you're living in, whatever the laws are, may not be a bad time for you to be prepared. We don't know what's going on. Guess what? Future looks bright, but only the paranoid survive. Go lock it up. Go protect yourself.

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Because if something happens to the grid, if power goes down, if accounts are shut down, if you have no access to credit cards, if, guess what, and you ain't got cash, then what happens? And how long can that lead to insanity? By the way, again, keep this in mind. This is not an idea of injecting fear and scaring the crap out of you, okay? It's not the case.

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It's like a father talking to the son, saying, hey... You just hung out with that guy, yes. You were supposed to be at that party tonight, yes. They got caught with some cocaine, yes. They went to jail, yes. They're going to be kicked out of college that they're going to, yes. How many times have I told you, if you hang out with this guy, that's going to happen? I know who this kid is, okay?

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And the father or the mother is not selling fear, it's selling the nightmare. Sometimes you've got to sell the dream, sometimes you've got to sell the nightmare, okay? In situations like this, this may not be a bad time for you to stay calm. Don't be emotional. Don't lose control. Don't panic. That's not what you do. Matter of fact, when tensions go high, you got to go here.

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And you just kind of watch and monitor to see how everybody's reacting. And you just kind of move very slow, methodical, but you're being prepared for this. It's not a bad time to be Checking all the things that you need to be checking. Generator, cash, some supply, protection. And by the way, I don't have a sponsor. It's not like, hey, and today's sponsor is generator XYZ. No, no, no.

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I don't have one. I'm just telling you, be prepared right now. Your job is to protect your family. When you hear what this guy Chase Hughes has to say, Tom, where does your mind go when he's breaking it down the way he does? How much credibility do you give to what he's saying?

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You know what I'm saying? Something's going on with this Stephen A. guy. I don't know, man. I like him. He's a good guy. He's a good guy. He is a good guy. He was raised the right way by an incredible mother. So that's a different story.

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Yes, he is. Okay, Shark Tank star Kevin O'Leary supports Elon. By the way, I like the way he broke down Elon, comparing him to Jobs in ways I've not seen it before. And I think it's worth everybody seeing Kevin's analysis. I like that a lot. All right. Social media erupts as kids correct the first lady. The first lady says, happy holidays. You should see what kids say to her.

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So what is the distraction? So what are they trying to distract us from right now?

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Because guess what's going to happen? You're so right. Maybe it's number one, Tom, because it's the future. You control kids. You can shape their mindset. So anyways, we can move past the story to the next one. All I'm saying is, gang, in the military, Vinny, you may remember this, the saying was, stay alert, stay alive. Stay alert, stay alive. Stay alert, stay alive.

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It's like, oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. And then I'll tell you why something happened to us that you just kind of need to know about. All right, LeBron is having a rough week, taking a week off, but people are not stopping attacking this guy. BuzzFeed had to sell off massively popular media property to pay debts, apparently an $85 million podcast.

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Stay paranoid, stay aware, stay curious, do your own due diligence, question everything, question everybody. Whatever they're saying, don't jump to conclusion. No matter who's saying it, Go do your own due diligence and see what you come up with.

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That's a good point. And by the way, you know what? George Stephanopoulos and ABC apologized to Trump are forced to pay $15 million to settle defamation lawsuit. Rob, is this the one of them apologizing? This is the actual clip that got them sued. Oh, go ahead. Let's see the clip.

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You can pause it right here. So ABC and George Stephanopoulos settled Trump's lawsuit with $50 million, filed in Florida Southern District Federal Court. The settlement includes $1 million for Trump's legal fees and $50 million allocated as a charitable...

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contribution to presidential foundation and museum trump plans to establish abc uh also issued a public statement expressing regret for inaccurate claims made during march 2024 which is by the way just nine months ago interview with representative nancy mays which we just showed during the interview stephanopoulos repeatedly claimed trump was liable for rape in a case involving eugene carroll however a jury found trump liable for sexual abuse not rape

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Under New York law, Judge Lewis Kaplan later clarified that while Carol didn't prove rape legally, it didn't mean Trump hadn't raped her as the term is commonly understood. Tom.

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Palantir surges over 3% overnight trading after Army-Navy spotlight with Trump and Musk's presence. You got to see this clip. Maybe we'll show it to you. Left-wing doubt plays the role of FBI informants at J6. And 60 Minutes reporter Leslie Stahl admits worry about the future of legacy media with Trump taking office again. I'm very dark about it. You're part of the darkness, lady.

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You cause this darkness. When Trump asks you, there's stuff in there, there's nothing in there. You can't say something like that, that one interview that they did. Whoopi Goldberg says RFK Jr. is fat-shaming people by encouraging healthy diet and exercise. Let me read this one more time to you. Whoopi Goldberg says RFK Jr. is fat-shaming people by encouraging healthy diets and exercise.

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Why don't you have time? Yeah, weird. Why don't you have time? You made many people believe the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax was real. You, Adam Schiff, hey, we have plenty of sources showing that this is real, right? Everybody, and then we learn about it later on, and it's like, ah, let's just kind of move on. Let's just kind of move on and go to a different thing. Yeah, let the nation heal. BS.

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Look, this is the part that you have to realize with this. Words have power. That level of accountability is to everybody. And the bigger you get, you just have to realize you can talk shit all you want until all of a sudden you like the limelight, but then the limelight also brings responsibility. This applies to everybody. That includes us. That includes everyone. That we have to be...

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ABC Pays Trump $15M, January 6 Cover Up, Trudeau To Resign, NJ Drone Theories | PBD Podcast | Ep. 521


Tell me that is not crazy. To think about. Greg Popovich cannot help himself but destroy the NBA even more. By the way, they're down 48% in the last 12 years. And when you watch Popovich, say what he just said. You're like, it's obvious Popovich hates half of America. Not disagrees with, not dislikes. Absolute sheer hate for this community.

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Careful about it. It's easy when you're sitting here, you know, laughing at them. You just have to make sure it doesn't happen to you. I'll never forget. We had a guy in our company that one of our guys was going through an ugly divorce and it was very nasty. And behind closed doors, the other guy was kind of, well, you know, you thought he was this and I'm doing the right thing.

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And I said, listen, whatever you do. Don't ever act like you walk on water. Ever do that. Let me tell you, because when it comes your turn, you're going to want people to have grace with you. Don't ever act like you walk on water. And then when his turn came, and then his turn happened a year later.

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And I'm like, hey, you want some grace? You're getting it. Just remember, though. No, no, no. Totally makes sense. So, you know, to me, something like this is when you're, like, even right now, the people that are on Trump's side, you have to be very careful to not be overly arrogant and and confident yourself. Like, you feel like you have what's immunity? Is that the word? Immunity?

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You can't play like that because that's how you cause, you know, if you look at the way the Godfather handled when they had power, And Sean, not Sean Connery. What's his name? Marlon Brando. And you can tell this other guy he sits with that he wants the power and is a younger boss. I don't know if you remember that one scene. I think so. And hey, lower the arrogance, guys. Lower it.

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Stop being so cocky and arrogant. This is how you get the whole thing. Family in trouble. Talk facts. Talk in my opinion. Talk allegedly. Be careful the words and titles you give to people that is criminal. Like you can say stuff like Pocahontas. You can say stuff like, you know, all these other things. But you yourself have to also be protective of the words you're choosing to use.

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I think that part's very, very important. And it's just going to get more and more of where it's going to go. And this organization, CNN, NMSNBC, What they're going through that now, I think Time Warner, and who is it, Warner, and who's the other company that owns Discovery? Warner Discovery. That owns CNN, that now words are being dropped as toxic asset. You're reading that in certain articles.

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How did that happen all of a sudden, right? How did that happen all of a sudden where you're losing that kind of credibility? Here you go, Warner Brothers Discovery looks to split from toxic TV assets like CNN. Hmm. Warner and Discovery is now claiming CNN as a toxic asset. Rob, go a little lower to what page is the story on, Rob?

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Once key assets in the entertainment world now have become toxic, which is why Comcast unloads them last month and Warner Brothers unloaded them last month. Discovery is now looking to do the same. I mean, this is not a joke. People are starting to realize it's... This model does not work.

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When Ted Turner started CNN, his idea was for the news to be the star, not the anchors to be the star, and it changed. Tell us the news. Walter Cronkite was a liberal. Nobody knew about it. He told you the news. By the way, David Stern has said proudly, I'm a Democrat, but when Colby and others were going through their challenges, you know what he said? He said something very interesting.

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Can you type in David Stern, I'm a Democrat... I'm a proud Democrat, and you go to that article. Yeah, there's a part that says I'm a Democrat. I'm a loyal Democrat. Go to the second article, Rob. If you can go right there, I'm a loyal Democrat. And if you can do Control-F Kobe on Twitter, Rob, on the second article, if you can go to that and then type in Control-F Kobe, if you could do that.

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And that's why they can't stand watching a game because of people like you, Pop. And I'm surprised that Adam Silver... Unlike a Roger Godel is okay with you speaking the way they do. At least the NFL found a way to get some control over her. Adam Silver is not David Stern. I can say that for a fact. He doesn't have the types of brass that Stern had.

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Just type in Control-F Kobe and see if that comes up. If it's giving us a hard time, all right, then don't worry about it. Maybe go back to the other story. Type in Kobe, Control-F Kobe, see if it comes up. And you'll see he says something so interesting. He says Stern never shield from revealing his political affiliation. I'm a loyal Democrat, he proclaimed at the 2010 finals.

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Yet it is still surprising to hear him attach his views to a topic that was already explosive enough in 2003, the sexual charge against Copeland. When I asked Stern before the season if Bryant should continue to play amid the legal proceedings, Stern's response, absolutely. We don't have a Patriot Act in the NBA. That means you're innocent until proven guilty.

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Sounds like a Republican to me, doesn't it? Yes, it does. But back in the days, these guys had a backbone. They were leaders, right? Today, soft. And so, you know, you got to kind of be careful what direction it's going to. CNN, Cronkite, NBA, Stern. I'm a Democrat, but guess what?

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I'm still a guy that's understanding what it is to protect the game and protect the players and protect everyone being innocent until proven guilty. We're kind of going back to that. That's the biggest thing. We're kind of going back to that. We're kind of going back. And by the way, we went so far the other side, DOJ, oh, lawsuit, lawsuit, lawsuit. Hey, Mar-a-Lago is only worth $18 million.

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And people are like, who the hell said it's worth $18 million? Oh, you know, E.G. and Carol. Oh, yeah, $451 million case. Oh, yeah, you got to put all this money for Bill. Yeah, oh, you got to do this. They try to destroy this guy's life. Did you forget a year ago? Nine months ago? Ten months ago? And you want this guy to stand around? Jake Tapper? How quickly you forget.

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So, yeah, he's going to do his part. And you act like it's – you guys were celebrating when Fox went through it with the whole – what do you call the – Dominion, right? And now it's a whole different story. So anyways, I mean, listen, it's great that this is happening, but accountability is across the board to everybody.

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And folks have to realize, and by the way, since we're talking about this, Rob, can you do me a favor? Can you pull up Greg Popovich? Numbers came out. Colin Coward. If you can actually pull up the Colin Coward clip first, and then we'll go to – am I even saying his name right?

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Colin Coward is saying the following, and this guy works for – is this ESPN or is this Fox? FS1 is Fox, right? Yes, Fox. So what – which, by the way, I like what Colin does. I mean, he's a – He's sensational. He's entertaining. And he'll have Bill Barr come up. Bill Burr come up and talk shit to him. But watch what he says here about the NBA. Go ahead, Rob.

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Adam Silver walks on eggshells around these guys, just wants to be cool amongst these guys. Again, that's my speculation. Chief of Russia's nuclear defense force killed by explosive device in Moscow. Cost of raising a child twice as high in some states as others. We'll talk about that. Maybe we'll help you move to some states that are cheaper.

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By the way, I want to know how long this guy's going to keep his job. Honestly, I want to know how long he's going to keep his job. Then, this is what Popovich, this man here that you're about to hear, guys, he is idolized in the NBA by a lot of people, okay? Yeah.

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Governor Trudeau, I'm sorry, Canada's Trudeau is on the brink. Potentially stepping down after a chaotic day in Ottawa. We'll talk about that. Shooter at Abundant Life Christian School in Wisconsin. ID'd as 15-year-old Natalie Samantha Rupnow. We'll share that tragic story that took place there.

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His voters are giving their fingers to the world. There's a big difference, Popovich. People like you. By the way, you know, pull up the numbers on NBA's viewership is down what percentage? NBA viewership is down 48% the last 12 years. Can you type it, Rob? Just type in 48%. That's it. Watch. It should come up. They're going to be the WNBA soon. Watch this.

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And this year, 28% alone. TNT Games averaged 1.8 million viewers, while ESPN ratings down 28% from last year, sitting at 1.77 million. By the way, Adam Silver, message for you. This falls on you. You know why? You know when Adam Silver became the commissioner? I looked it up last night, 2014. David Stern was a great commissioner. A great commissioner. Under David Stern, we watch the game.

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Under you, you're okay with a owner talking like this, with a coach talking like this. You're not going to call him and have a conversation saying, hey, what are we doing? By the way, Adam Silver, who are your customers? I'm curious. Who are Roger Godel's customers? Who are Rob Manfred's customers? NBA that's passed you up as a product. MLB that's passed you up as a product.

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Who are Roger Goodell's customers? You got the fans? And who else? Owners. Do you think other owners are sitting there celebrating the way Popovich speaks about half of their customers that are coming to the store to buy something? You think Pop speaking like that in San Antonio affects... You know, a Houston team affects a Miami team, affects a Clippers team, affects everybody else.

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72, and he won a championship. And he used to be friends with this other guy that used to be on the team that they used to have debates with. What was his name?

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Bradley. Bradley ended up running as a Democrat, didn't he? Phil Jackson was a guy that was a left-leaning guy. But when he was the best coach in the NBA, how did he handle the situation here? Nothing. Michael Jordan is a Democrat. He is probably today an independent, right? His family, last dance, the position he took when Obama said, I was kind of disappointed when Michael didn't come out.

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George Stephanopoulos comment that led ABC News to $15 million lawsuit settlement with Trump seems to hold up, MSNBC host. Prisoner CNN helped free Syrian prison was actually notorious Assad's regime torture. And then you got Japan's soft bank plans to invest $100 billion in U.S. projects over the next four years. And we got a couple other stories that we may get into.

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What happened to the NBA under Michael? What happened to the NBA under Phil Jackson? What happened to the NBA under Kobe? What happened to the NBA under some of these coaches? What happened to them? Pat Riley. Where are these guys politically? But what do they do to have their customers? You're okay with Popovich speaking to me like this? A customer?

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to millions of customers that at one point we grew up listening to this game and watching this game. We grew up to this. You're taking that away from us? We have two grown men. I'm 46 years old. I got four kids. I want to sit and watch a game. You want me to hear this bullshit? Get the... No, we're not watching this. Adam Silver, it's on you. I put it on you.

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I put it on you for walking on eggshells around guys like LeBron. Walking on eggshells around guys like Steve Kerr. They don't respect you, Adam Silver. They don't look at you as a commissioner. They look at you as a lawyer who got lucky. And David Stern was not just a lawyer. He was not just a commissioner, but he was a leader. You are not a leader, Adam.

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You're a nice guy who's afraid to put his foot down and fix this. By the way, your legacy and your resume, when people look at the data, here's what they're going to say. Where was the NBA in 2014 when he took over? And where's the NBA today? Maybe the worst... Resume in the history of commissioners of sports. Adam Silver, you may go down as the worst commissioner ever for your customers.

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And I used to love this game. Diehard Laker fan until LeBron came over. Diehard. I was a diehard NBA fan until this spectacle happened and... Every time I have to watch people like Popovich, I can't just watch and see his greatness as a coach. I have to sit there and feel judged.

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And your Kamala Harris, Popovich, your idea, all the money they spend giving all these celebrities, Stallion, what is that? Megan Thee Stallion twerking. You think Megan Thee Stallion twerking? At an event for Kamala is a classy way to gain voters? Really, Popovich? Really? And if she's so great, how come she lost seven states? How come? How come she lost seven states?

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Now, it's a sad situation when you're watching this. It's an absolute sad situation that they're doing this to a... Great game that we used to spend tens of thousands of dollars every year. When I was broke, we used to spend hundreds of dollars every year going to a game and enjoying great memories with our friends. This is how much interest I got in watching the game today. See how much that is?

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Zero. Zero. Shout out to Godel for getting rid of all the BS they had in 2017 and allowing us to watch a football game today. And they stand. Hey, boom. Shout out to them, to MLB. It's a shame what happened to the product of the NBA.

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Eric Adams, Trump, very, very unique story there. And yeah, that's it. Okay, with that being said, a couple things I do want to tell you guys. You asked for it, it's here. By the way, this hat, remember this hat that we showed? I told the crew, I said, I don't know how this hat's going to do. Let me put it to you this way. We don't have this for sale, so you can't even buy it. It's done.

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By the way, though, here's the part. They can choose to go there. Someone has to whisper to them, what are you doing? Let me tell you my opinion. If Stephen A. Smith... is talking gibberish the way he is, if you have this clip, Rob, if you want to play it. Talking that talk. If he's talking like this, and I'm going to tell you this. It's going to sound strange what I'm about to say.

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If he talks like this that I'm about to show you, and still Bob Iger gives him a contract, Bob Iger's making some progress because they still haven't given it to him. You understand what I'm saying?

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First of all, listen to what he said. Tell me if this guy sounds like somebody that works for the left, the center, or the right. Go ahead. Play this clip.

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We're shipping 1,000 of these out today. So for some of you guys that are waiting for it, it's officially at our warehouse. It's going out to you. Merry Christmas. By the way... This, Rob, can you play the clip with Jill Biden talking about happy holidays and a kid corrects it?

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You can pause it right there. By the way, if he still gets the contract from Disney, props to Bob Iger. Big time. Because if Stephen A is talking like this, Bob calls and says, hey, lower your tone, buddy. Yeah, what are you doing? It's a little too much.

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Because Bob Iger, in his book, Right of a Lifetime, talks about that when Rupert Murdoch or Roger Ailes asked him a question when they were in the process of buying Disney or whatever they were doing, He says, hey, Bob, are you going to run for president? He says, I told him no, even though deep down inside I knew I wanted to run for president, right? And Bob is a Democrat.

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His family is Democrat, right? He cannot like what Stephen A. Smith is saying. He can't. But he's saying it. So your thoughts when you hear what Stephen A. says.

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We're at a point that kids are correcting the first lady that, hey, why can't you just say Merry Christmas that a kid has to lecture the president's wife? Watch this clip here. It's so funny. It's 13 seconds. Go ahead.

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What do you think about this, Tom, when you see this? What do you think about Stephen A.? What do you think about Popovich? What do you think about all this stuff? Well, first of all, I'll take it in order, and I'll be really, really quick.

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Happy holidays to happy Christmas. You can pause it right there. The kid is more comfortable saying Merry Christmas than our first lady is. But anyways, this sold, the USA hat versus this hat, in six weeks it sold the same amount as the USA hat did in six months.

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This hat, Christmas. So I'm not selling it to you. We don't have it. We still have these Christmas hats left, these two Merry Christmas. One thing I will tell you that moved insanely fast were these sweaters. These sweaters, that the quality is insane. You can literally sleep in these things with winter being around the corner. This one here, hot item going off the shelf. This is 3D quality.

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Owners are calling Adam Silver saying, what are you doing about Popovich?

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What percentage of NBA owners are Republicans? Can you type that? I'm going to say 20. What percentage?

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Inside the donation history of the – okay, let's look at that. Can we find out what owners went to – okay, go to that.

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But no, MBA. I specifically want MBA. Go a little lower. So a minimum of 124 million a dozen committees, Republican leanings, and $5.2 million went to Democratic leanings. Federal Trade Commission, 2% went to bipartisan. Okay, go a little bit lower. So 95%. So, okay, so just look at that. Just look at that. Go a little lower, Rob. When you think about that, Adelson, oh, so a lot of it is them.

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Let's look at NBA, Rob. If you can go see if you can just go to NBA, MLB. Jeez. Well, because it's all the owners.

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So, Adelson, skip that. We know that. That's more Cuban, right? That's one. That's Dallas Mavericks. Let's see what other team does it show. Well, she gave a lot of Orlando Magic. What was it with Orlando Magic? Orlando Magic has to be Republican because they are rich in the ball. Look, she supported every state.

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That's a DeVos family. That's Betsy DeVos. That's Republican. That's Amway, right? Amway, yep. Miami Heat. Mickey Harrison. Can we see what Miami Heat gave money to or no, Rob? Mickey Harrison. Victory Fund 22 is who? Is that a left guy?

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Okay. Harris Action Fund, that's Milwaukee Bucks. Nathan, Dallas. Okay, keep going. Miami Heat.

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Dan Gilbert is going to be what side? Dan Gilbert's going to be conservative. So keep going, keep going, keep going.

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Cleveland Cavs, keep going, keep going. Well, listen, they don't have everybody. Keep going a little lower, Rob. So it's all Dallas Mavericks. Clippers. Okay, right there. Okay, so he's going to be on the left, and he's openly said it. Keep going lower, lower, lower. Houston Rockets for Tita. Okay, Vance, he's on the right. So this is the point I'm trying to make to you.

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These guys are not sitting there saying no contributions made. These owners didn't make any kind of contributions. Hawks, Celtics, Hornets, Pistons, Warriors, Lakers, Grizzlies, Blazers, Kings, Spurs, Raptors made nothing. No contribution. Knicks, Dolan, left. And it's pretty much all left on the Dolan side. No contributions, Jazz. Wizards, no contributions. The point is this.

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And on the back, it shows future looks bright. These are still out there.

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These owners are not sitting there saying, hey, keep doing what you're doing. If you got 48% fewer people watching your game, guess what sponsorships look at? How many people watch the game? And guess what owners don't have leverage to negotiate? If people are not watching, I'm not paying you the same thing.

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When a podcast gets a certain amount of views, you get paid a certain amount of dollars for what? For the amount of million views you get, right? You're not going to get paid if you're not doing that. During 2020, approximately 81% of contributions from me and Oren were toward Republican candidates. Okay, boom. So 81% in 2020, and that's Biden. That's not even Trump.

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So majority of NBA owners are Republicans. How does that relationship work? When you're trashing them the way you do, think about that. I don't know. I put this on Adam Silver, if you ask me. This is purely an Adam Silver issue. Is he a Democrat? Oh, okay. Well, then, yeah. He is. For sure he is. Okay, so let's go to the next story here. Next story I want to get to while we're on this.

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Is there a J6 story, Rob, that we have or no? Is there a J6 story for me to read here? Because we just looked at the clip. What page is that on? Is it addendum or is it regular? All right, so let me go to that.

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I'm not even joking. Seriously? You're 44. Hot rep. But let me go back to this part here. Can we start the podcast? I'm ready for that. If you go to VT Merch, what we do have right now is gift cards. And this is what we're doing with the gift cards. You can buy a gift card for a friend, relative, fan, somebody that's watching this.

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Okay, so page five. Trump threatens jail time for January 6th committee members. How did Schiff respond? Okay, if you want to go to that, Rob, while I'm reading this. President-elect Donald Trump claimed during an NBC Meet the Press interview that members of January 6th committee, including...

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Vice Chair Liz Cheney and Chairman Benny Thompson should go to jail for allegedly destroying records while Trump stated he wouldn't personally direct investigations yet. Is this the clip?

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Now go to Schiff's response, Rob. Go to Schiff's response. Shifty Schiff.

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I had a husband today say, hey, Pat, can you send me a Manecto My Wife? She absolutely loves PBD Podcasts. And can you, can you please make sure you say Merry Christmas to my wife, which I did. And let me even give her a quick shout-out. The last name was Lynch, if I can find this thing here. Chris Lynch, shout-out to you for sending a Manech to give a shout-out to your wife, Caroline Lynch.

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So you got a Manech, and you're getting a shout-out here. But go order a gift card. The first 50 people that order a $50 gift card, we're also sending a hat, Future Looks Bright hat in there for you as well. Give it to somebody you love for this Christmas. It's a lot of merch moving right now, guys, and people are in a very optimistic mode of Future Looks Bright.

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We want a million people around the world wearing this gear. Future Looks Bright. Go to the sweater. It's cold. Get one for yourself and a loved one. Again, go to Place your order. With that being said, let's get right into it. Rob, the president is being asked about drones. His response made me think about something.

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I want you to watch president's body language here when he's being asked about drones. You know his language when he's playful. You know his language when he's having fun. You know his language when he's prepared for tough questions. None of those body language are you going to feel here. But I want you to watch this, not from what he's saying. Watch his mannerisms.

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Okay. All right. Well, that's that. We'll see what's going to happen. Listen, if on day one he pardons, how many people are in jail right now for J6? What's the number?

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How many are in jail for J6 right now? For a long time. For a long time. I think he will. 562 have been sentenced to periods of incarceration. He will, approximately 9,400, have had their case. Adjudicated and received sentences for the government. Okay. He has claimed, if I'm not mistaken, that he's going to pardon every one of those guys on day one. I hope so. Okay. On day one.

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So we'll see what will happen with that on day one. Okay. Next story here on what's going on with... Costs of raising a child, twice as high in some states as others. Rob, can you pull up the story on – oh, there's not a video on this. Okay. So the annual cost of raising a child varies widely across the U.S. with Massachusetts being the most expensive, $35,841 per year per child. Damn.

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You have three kids. It costs you $100,000 a year just to raise a kid. This is after-tax money.

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That's after-tax money. That means you've got to make $200,000, pay half in taxes to be able to afford to raise three kids. Larger by child care costs of $21,000. In contrast, in Mississippi, it's $16,000. Significantly lower cost of child care, $4,700. The lifetime cost of raising a child between the two states is a staggering difference of $439,000.

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Additional housing expenses for raising a child are the highest in Hawaii. $61.88. California, $55.73. While food and medical costs remains other significant contributors across states. For instance, in Hawaii, food costs $24.81 annually, while New York records medical costs at $24.42. Child care alone exceeds $15,000 in annual states. In Hawaii, $19,592. Connecticut, $19,554.

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and creating a stark contrast to states like Arkansas that's only $7,300 and Louisiana $7,800, where the total annual cost remains under $18,000. Tom, when you see a number like this, okay, how many different states have you lived in for more than a year, you personally?

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And tell me, if you're a poker player, what vibe does he have? Rob, if you can play. Again, it's about drones. Watch this clip. Go for it, Rob.

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Right. Okay. So California, Florida, and Texas, right? If you're a family that is looking at numbers like this, you're in places like New York, California, Boston, you want a fighting chance. What do you do if you want to have kids and at the same time you see what's going on with the cost of living?

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Very quiet, Tom. Things just got very, very quiet. So, no, I'm looking at this. Meanwhile, our friend Humberto in the back is, I think, asking for some paid leave, Rob, if you want to pull up one of the... You know which one I'm talking about, Rob. If you can pull this up, watch this here. Paid maternity leave in the West. Sweden, 15 months at 80% pay. Norway, 46 weeks.

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That's almost a year at 100% pay. Germany, 14 weeks. That's four months, right, at 100% pay. Then France, 16 weeks, 100% pay. Spain, 16 weeks, 100% pay. Czech, 28 weeks, 70% pay. Brazil, 17 weeks, 100% pay. Colombia, 18 weeks, 100% pay. Guatemala, 12 weeks, 100% pay. And U.S., zero weeks. The U.S. is the only developed country in the world with no federal maternity leave.

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Yeah, exactly. I mean, if you're smart. Yeah. I mean, you know, sometimes when I see charts like this, what it makes me think about, here's what it makes me think about. Okay, Rob, let's do, let's do something. Let's do something. Can you go to every one of those countries and see how many babies they're having per year? The women in those countries, how many kids are having per year?

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Because this data could be like, well, this is why they're having more kids than us. Maybe you're right. Let's see. Let's check every one of these guys and let's check all the countries to see if they're really having more. More kids than we are, Rob. So just go one at a time. What did Sweden tell us? Sweden says how many? Sweden is the lowest number of birds in the last decade. Wow.

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So it doesn't make a difference if you're doing that. Go to the next one, which is who? Norway, 1.4. 1.4, 2.1 is what you need for your population to grow. U.S. is at 1.7, and they're at 1.4. Go to the next one. Go to the next one. What's Germany at? Maybe Germany is a very big number, and they're just absolutely crushing it. Again, the number of people in Germany has decreasing in recent years.

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Go a little, okay, 1.35. You see that right there? The fertility rate in Germany has been dropping, falling to 1.35 per child. Okay, so here's the point. Even with that, it's not working. Go to the left with that one tweet that you had. No, to the left, Rob, to the one tweet. Yeah, right there.

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Even with that, it's not working because sometimes you'll see data like this and they'll say, wait, we need to be like Europe. We need to be like this. Yeah, why don't we go become socialist? Let's just do that. Let's just kind of go become like Brazil and some of these other places. Let's go ahead and do that. You know how many sick days, maternity?

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I mean, it's just staggering when you're watching this. However, let me do tell you this part. We pulled up a number on Dinks and Dwicks. You know, Dinks are what? Dual income, no kids. And then the other one is Dwicks. Dual with dual income with kids. It's kind of like Dicks. It's D-I-W-K-S. My favorite. Yeah, Dicks. So Dinks and the Wicks. You know between the two, who makes more money?

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No, without kids makes more money. $9,000 per year. With kids. No, without kids they make more money. Without kids they make $9,000 more. But the point right now when you're going and looking at some of the stuff here on the cost of living, of raising a child, hey man, you got two things you have to sacrifice. What's one thing you're going to sacrifice? One is not having kids.

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What's the other thing you're going to sacrifice? The other one is your maybe personal time that you have or maybe that nice moment clothes you're going to buy or nice restaurant you go to or more barbecue money to be spent and stuff like that versus, no, man, we're going to have a family. We're going to have kids. We're going to invest money into our family, into the stuff that we're doing.

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We're going to make that investment rather than the cost and the expense. That's the difference, right? There is a sacrifice no matter what. One sacrifice lasts a few years. The other one comes with the benefit of a companion. It's something you look forward to for decades and decades and decades to come. I once read a proverb, which I think is a Jewish proverb, and I've said this many times.

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Adam, fact check this. There's three things every man ought to do. Plant a tree, write a book, have a son. This is why this afternoon we're planting a few trees here. Because it's the only one I haven't yet planted a tree. Outside we've got to go plant a few trees. Adam, any thoughts on this with all your kids that you have?

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There you go. Choose wisely. Yes, I agree. Last clip I want to play here. I like the way Kevin O'Leary explained the difference between Elon Musk and Steve Jobs. It's very interesting, especially the fact that Elon is in there now with Doge and Vivek and Trump. I just want you to hear this because Kevin has a very unique way of breaking things down in a simple way.

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You can pause it right there. Okay, so mannerisms. You know what vibe it gives me? Here's a vibe it gives me. When you're selling a business and the buyer agrees to buy it at a price and you're selling it, we've been through this process, you're raising money, you're doing all this stuff, we've done it many times.

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Can you break down to the average person signal versus noise? Like signal is you're paying attention to what's going to grow the company, the stuff that you should actually look at. Noise is just a bunch of gibberish and noise that's being made, and you're not getting distracted by the noise.

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And by the way, here's what Van Jones said about Trump, Rob, if you want to play this clip. Here's conversations about Van Jones finally saying Trump is smarter than all of us. Go ahead, Rob.

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But when you're selling a business and it's going through the 90-day process, the six-month process, whatever it is, the seller is never convinced that it's going to be done until the money hits the account. The feeling you have is, what if? What if the lawyer screwed up? What if last minute they try to change the price? What if some surprise comes?

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He risked it for the biscuit. All right, let's go through this. By the way, Justin Trudeau. Governor. Rumors were spreading yesterday that he may be stepping down and resigning. So there's two clips up here, Rob. If you can play the other one where he's in the house. I don't know if you have the one. No, it's not this one. But go ahead and play this clip.

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This will tell us a little bit, and then I'll send you the other clip. Go for it.

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Because the buyer's job is to pay as little as possible for anything they're buying, right? So there's a little bit of games going on. The feeling I get when I watch this year with his interview is I have a feeling some people on the inside have reached out to him and spoken to him that you and I don't know that, but a lot of people are going to Mar-a-Lago.

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And he knows some stuff, but obviously he can't give those names. And those people have probably also said, don't say anything. When you come in, we're going to work on it together. But he also seemed a little bit paranoid between now and January 20th. Like, listen, don't over-celebrate. Don't be anything until we get in. We got to get in.

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And by the way, this is this is Trump tweeting this. Not tweeting. Truth Social. The great state of Canada stunned as the finance minister resigns or was fired from her position by Governor Justin Trudeau. Her behavior was totally toxic and not at all conducive to making deals which are good for very unhappy citizens of Canada. She will not be missed. I mean, this guy has no...

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uh, uh, uh, hesitation when it comes down to gamesmanship like that. And you're seeing Canadians sitting there saying, man, that 25% is going to really be affecting us. Adam, your thoughts on the story.

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There was some feeling of that that I felt here that maybe they're using this as a tactic to get something through. It could be 20%, 30%, 40%, but it could be something there. I'm watching this guy. named Chase Hughes, who is a U.S. Navy intelligence chief. I'll share with you what breakdown he gave. But before I go to it, very interesting what he said that you've got to think about this year.

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I love how he uses the word twice, and then he says the F word. I told you to brace for impact. I've been very cautious about cursing and saying things. I'm being diplomatic. Vinny, I'll give you the final words. Am I wrong, though? Go ahead. Am I wrong?

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By the way, Canada, you got one man to thank for this. Yep. It's a guy that's got a house in Southern White House. They call it Mar-a-Lago, okay? Pero Mar-a-Lago, he's got a place there. He gets in, and things start moving very quickly right after Justin comes and visits Mar-a-Lago. The following week, something like this happens. So Canada... Send a Manek to Trump real quick. Manek with him.

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Send a message to him. Give him some love. Anyways, by the way, for the rest of you guys, I got stories that you want to send us to cover on the podcast here. And you want to ask us or say stuff to us. You can always Manek this year. Somebody sent me a Manek yesterday talking trash about Adam. I said, why are you Manek to me? Manect him. Because I'm scared. Message him directly. Don't message me.

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Manect him directly. Big news coming out with Manect here soon. Stay tuned, guys. God bless. Have a great day. I think we got podcasts we're doing Thursday. We got a few other surprises. Stay tuned here. God bless. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

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But, Tom, what are your thoughts when you're following this drone story? Anything new you're hearing or reading about?

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521 game. We got a lot of weird stories going on. I got a whole breakdown of the drone situation I want to talk to you about from a guy that broke it down, and I went through it last night, going through a rabbit hole on what's going on here. A former U.S. Navy intelligence chief that breaks down what signals to look out for, and we'll talk about that today later. With the drone.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


How many did you say were missing? Did you say a couple warheads? Like nuclear warheads from Ukraine?

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Oh, so, by the way, is this somebody we would know or we wouldn't know? No. Okay, but this is somebody that the people that are in that space have a very high level of respect for that when he says something, they listen.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


And he shared with you that he saw what it was. So are you speculating that they're looking for something that may be out there in the greater Jersey and New York area?

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Anyway, guys, episode 523, lots of stories to cover. Quick shout-out to Kelly, who was here. Look at this. Look at this. She wrapped the PBD. Wherever you are, Kelly, you're amazing. We love you. Phenomenal job. She's always good at doing these things of going above and beyond. Great job on this thing. I appreciate you.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


So, John, let me ask you this. So while you go and your video all of a sudden pops, when that happens, you're going to be swamped with emails, text messages, people who know you and say, hey, John, oh, my God, I saw this. But you're also going to get a few weird phone calls, right? You're going to get a few weird text messages. And

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


People that are going to say, John, that's actually not what it is. It's actually this. It's actually that. Did you get any credible phone calls from credible people that disagreed with you and said, John, what's actually going on is this. I know what's going on, and it's X, Y, Z because I got a friend there.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Did you get any calls from people that disagreed with you and said, you're wrong, that's not what it is?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Yeah, you're everywhere. You're literally everywhere. Tom, did you have a question for John?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


She's throwing up right now, but this is the mission. And by the way, for some of you that are watching yesterday's Oliver Stone podcast and you're like, the sound sucks. Rap sucks. Everybody. Unfollow.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


uh protocol out there at all well listen if you had to give a percentage of two questions one the government knowing what it is that's one and two it being us and nobody else, what percentage would you say the government knows? 80% they know or two. 80% it's us, the U.S. government. It's not anybody else on the outside. And when I say U.S. government, I don't mean our military. It could be CIA.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


This is amazing. And then I'm like, guys, this place was in the middle of a hurricane storm, whatever you want to call it. The entire outside. Maybe I should show you because we have something going on here. Okay. Rob, do you have a video showing what the outside looked like? I'll send you what happened two hours later, just yesterday in the podcast. A car was underwater. Is that it, Rob?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


It could be whatever that's us that's here. Where would you put those two?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Yes. One, are the drones operators ours or a foreign country entity that's using them?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Yeah, the fact that it's taken this long, it's mind-boggling that it's taken since November 18th to have known, give or take. That's the date that started being reported on it. By the way, Chase Hughes, a couple other guys are talking about this could be a psyop, this could be a way of distracting everybody to be talking about something like this because there's nothing there.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Okay, right there. Guys, look at that. By the way, we don't have a lake here. That's where we're shooting the podcast is in that building. That's our parking lot. That's our parking lot. While we're doing a podcast, we're getting hit by this. But anyways, it was fun. A lot of good conversation with Oliver and Sean Stone. It was great. But let's get into some of the stories here that we have.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


and they're just kind of saying, hey, hey, hey, keep talking about this, keep talking about this. Why we got to get this big spending bill through? Why we got to make Trump stuff a little bit more difficult? Why we got to pin Trump against Musk? Why we got to do this?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


This guy ain't wavering right now. I'm with it. Well, John, appreciate you for your time to get on here with us. I'm glad now we're in contact with each other because, you know, I don't know if, because the way you said it, I thought maybe it sounds like you specialize in rednecks using drones. That's got it. Hell yeah, America, buddy.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


But you said 80-plus countries, so there's not a lot of rednecks in some of these other places you're talking about. Rednecks in Greece. We look forward to staying in contact with you and having you back on because I don't think the drone situation is going away anytime soon. I think we'll be dealing with that for many, many years to come. Again, appreciate your time. God bless. Merry Christmas.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Take care. All right, so interesting. What do you think about what John just said?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


So a couple months ago, I predicted and I said, guys, I don't know why now that if Trump wins, this is like the last week of October, first week of November. I said, if he wins, they're going to say the new president of the United States is President Elon Musk.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Look, here's the reality of it. We're not going to know. uh on what's going on but the more the biggest thing you need as for someone like me i just want in any situation i'm going through it doesn't matter what it is okay if if it's a war if it's finances if it's valuation of a business if it's a client complaint if it's a lawsuit if it's a mistake someone made

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


I want as many testimonies as possible. I want as many angles as possible. Because once you have this person, that person, this person, that person, this person, today a guy sends me a MNEC and he tells me about his business partners. And he says, you know, his business partners are having a challenging time. And I gave him a strategy of what to do.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


And they're going to call him a puppet master, and they're going to do a cover of a magazine all over the place, and everyone's going to talk. Just this week, we're going to show you a clip of how many different people are saying that. The likes of Adam Kinzinger. Bernie Sanders just yesterday. You're going to hear them do this just to create a wedge between the two of them.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


But I also said to him, I said, you have to know that I have to also assume everything you're telling me is right, the fact that your business partners are being nefarious. What if you're the one that's being like that? I'm not hearing their side of the story. But if what you're telling me is true, here's some feedback for you, right? I think we need intel. This is very helpful.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


By the way, just because we have John on doesn't mean he's 100% right. It doesn't mean it can't be China. It doesn't mean it can't be Iran. It doesn't mean it can't be nothing. It doesn't mean everything is there. You and I get to choose and say, I think it's 42% here, 22% here. And then at the end of the day, we find out.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


No, no, let me... I'm curious. But let me give you an idea on how this works. Okay. If something's going on with our family and it's a real issue, You know what I'm talking about. So, you know what I'm saying? And that's why when Tom does that, it drives me insane. I hate when he does that. Every time. By the way, Rob knows. You know what I want to give Rob a shout out to?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


He knows the language that Jesus spoke. Yeah, the Duolingo. Tom, all you got to say is... He's been one of their guys that's been on street for a million.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Oh, garshok. Did you get one or no? Did anybody send it to you?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


The best. I use it every night. All right, so let me go back to this point. When you're going through family stuff that's taking place, there are certain levels of things that you want your kids to know what's going on.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


But some of the things, they're not ready. You may be ready for something to know at 18, but you weren't ready at 14 to know about it.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


You may be ready to know at 14, but not at 10. You may be ready at 10, but not at 6. Vice versa, some of the things you have to talk about, right? The only reason the U.S. government doesn't want the public to know if it really is a nuclear warhead or whatever it is, is because the government looks at the American people as kids, and they're not. They're adults. I think the more straight up

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


American people are, the government is with the American people, that trust goes up. The reason, like, when I had President Trump on a podcast, and I'm going to transition to the next stories, but we got a bunch of other things to cover. When I showed him, I said, one of my favorite things you ever did is when you brought Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer into

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


your office, the White House, with 50 cameras, and you said, I'm willing to shut the government down. Guess what? We're back to shutting the government down again. You said, I'm ready to shut the government down, and it was a vlog type. You know what it did? It got us to realize who the a-hole was and who was willing to lean and take responsibility. And you know what?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Go ahead and play this clip, Rob. Look how intense it gets. I love it.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


The question is, will it work? Next, billionaire Reid Hoffman. He says the odds of Trump's retaliation is greater than 50%. Trump is willing to pardon New York Mayor Adams. He's considering it. He's also considering raising minimum wage. MSNBC Stephanie Ruhl, I really want to talk about this story, says Trump is more accessible than Biden.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Show it to us, right? The trust goes up. Where we're in there with you. Okay, I got it. I got it. Does that need to be every single thing you do? No, because the enemy's also watching. Exactly. But I think there's 5, 10, 15, 20% of the stuff that you can do for us to see as well to increase the level of trust the American people have in the government.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


You know what would be one of the biggest accomplishments in Trump by 2028? Go to the trust in the U.S. government, Rob, percentage. If I was Trump's camp, and I'm doing a business plan for our team, and we said, hey, guys, go to 2028, what five milestones can we reach to call or decide? I have my own list that I would share with the administration, but I'm going to give one of them.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


If the president and his camp, Musk, Vivek, Tulsi, Patel, Bobby, all of these names. I don't want to miss any one of them. Susie, every one of these guys. If by 2028, the trust in the U.S. government suddenly goes up to 45%, that may be one of the biggest victories on their top five. Because what the people said is they're not saying they trust the U.S. government.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


What they're saying is we trust today's administration. They're not saying they trust the government. They're saying we trust you today. Not we trust you, period, right? That could be one of the biggest victories. And one of the ways he could do it is by doing an open forum vlog style talking where we're kind of seeing what's going on. I want to go to the next story. I want to go to the next story.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


I want to go to the next story. So next story I want to get into is... UnitedHealthcare CEO murder suspect, Luigi Mangione, indicted in New York. Rob, do you have that clip to show? Yes. He's indicted in New York. President Trump finally comments on it, and he says a few things.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


While that's taking place, you got a stunning poll comes out that finds more younger Americans think that CEO assassination was acceptable than those who don't, which is absolutely insane to think about this poll. A poll by Emerson College revealed that 41%,

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


of Americans ages 18 to 29 viewed the assassination of UnitedHealthcare's CEO as either somewhat or completely acceptable, while 33% deemed it completely unacceptable. I mean, to think about that's what they're saying. This was something that happened. Then on top of that, there's two documentaries that may be able to get done on him, which, by the way, I understand a documentary on him.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Hollywood should do that. We should learn more. And then there's also a defense fund that just surpassed $100,000 as of a couple days ago. I don't even know where it's at right now. Rob, if you can play a couple of these clips that you have, that'd be great.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


But jokes, he told her to go F herself, okay, about doing the interview. But at least he picked up. And it's a very good story while she's telling the story. UnitedHealthcare CEO murder suspect Luigi Mangione indicted in New York. And while this is going on, Trump comments on it. I kind of like what he said. Luigi Mangione at the same time has a defense fund that surpassed $100,000.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


We can skip this part here, Rob. If you can go to what the president said, go right ahead.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


That wanted to kill him. This is very dangerous. This is close to home for him. It's a very dangerous place to go to, guys.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


First of all, I got to tell you. I can't even tell what that is. That's a horrible tattoo.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


She should get a refund. That looks like, honestly, zoom in a little bit. Is it backwards? It looks like a guy is going fishing. And that's a lake with water on the bottom.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


And their stunning poll finds that more young Americans think CEO assassination was acceptable than those who don't. And apparently Hollywood is right now working on two documentaries on that. Musk ready to bankroll Farage. Musk is facing conflict with Doge. And Elizabeth Warren said some stuff. We'll give you some thoughts on that. Apparently Musk was worth $400 billion last week.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


You're going to do something like this. Like, warn us in advance.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


These are a bunch of people getting tattoos of this guy. Okay. Well, I'm not. Listen. People will do a lot of weird things. Nowadays, tattoos have a different kind of a story and different meaning. But to me, Tony Robbins was here two days ago? Yesterday. Was it yesterday or two days ago? He was here two days ago. We did a two-and-a-half-hour podcast.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


It was supposed to be a short podcast turned into two hours and 15 minutes. Great conversation. I asked him about this. And you know how long it took him? Rob, what would you say, you watched it, what was his reaction to Luigi Mangione?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Would you say he was a – did he look at it as, you know, well, you don't know what he's going through, poor guy and all this stuff? Or was it like, no, this guy's a guy that grew up spoiled, family was rich, hates the capitalism, all this other stuff? The latter. The latter, yeah. It was interesting that he went there like this.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Tom, your thoughts when you're seeing this right now and what the president said and what the hearing said. What would you say about this?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


He just got to half a billion. At this pace, he's going to get to a trillion in no time. 14 detained in armed Aurora, Colorado home invasion are likely illegal gang members. We'll talk about that. EPA approves California's plan to ban gas-only cars starting in 2035. Brilliant. I mean, just a smart move by Newsom, obviously being sarcastic here.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Yeah, you know the business model. It's the business model. You know, we have a neighbor that their health insurance program, you know how it works, the insurance that they have, they pay you if you take care of your body more and have fewer visits.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


You understand what just happened? So let's just say your premium is $1,000 a month. Okay. But if you take care of your body, you lose weight, you're in shape, you're doing your physical, things are going better, triglycerides, everything's getting lower, and you have fewer need for the health insurance, they actually lower your premium. That's great.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


So they reward you for not needing to go to the doctor. Correct.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


So our business model for hospitals sucks. So you know a lot of these companies. The other day I had an executive from a major $250 billion company over at our house. And Tom, you know who I'm talking about. I texted you about her because her CEO, the son, you know what I'm talking about. We're an investor in one of the companies. And she was over at the house.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


And she said, hey, we used to be this and da-da-da-da-da. We're now working from home. I said, really? Yeah. I said, okay. And so who works out of the office? Honestly, nobody now. I said, what percentage? Less than 10%. Wow. I said, and I look at her husband. What does he do? He says, we're actually at a company where we work from home. And we work from the office. And I love it. So it's funny.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


The wife... Work from home, the other, boom. But she's always on the road because she's always selling. So she's on the road six, seven months out of the year. So that comes at a price, which that's what wholesaler salespeople do. You're always living in a hotel, okay? And typically when we have a soccer match, she's never there. He's there.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


She's normally out of daughter stuff, but he's normally there, okay? Great. So much, probably I enjoy talking to her the most at night, just learning about the story. I said, so what do you guys do with all the real estate assets you guys have? We're selling them off. Really? One by one by one. Actually, give me some number. I don't know what the number was.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Biden calls for ban on congressional stock trading, calling out Nancy Pelosi. And apparently he didn't even call Nancy Pelosi to see how she was doing after the surgery or the injury that she had. So we'll talk about that a little bit. AOC got some love from Trump, but not from her party. So her party didn't give her love, but Trump did.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


We've sold over 50% of our real estate assets that we've had because we're not renting it anymore. You know what happens when you have so many different hospitals? You have to use it. But what if the incentive program changed? What if it changed? What if it's, hey... We're going to give you this if your body is this.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


What if somebody right now that's listing their 300 pounds, eating cheesecake, pizza, all this stuff, what if all of a sudden, hey, if your body weight is this and you go do this and you do this physical, your cost of insurance goes this and da-da-da-da-da. Now people have an incentive to do what? Be in shape. You know, military, like you had to run a certain amount of minutes for two miles.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


What if something like that is tied as an incentive program for me to be in shape, right? An insurance carrier did this program one time called Vitality.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


It was JH, right? Yeah, John Hancock, yeah. And anyways, you're right. I hope it goes that direction. But the hero-making machine right now where they're talking about this guy being a hero, I've been talking about the fact that the hero-making machine problem in America is horrible, and we've got to fix it, and this is an example of it. Rob?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


All of a sudden, the last, I want to say week, about two months ago on the podcast, and I'll show you the clip here in a minute, I was being asked, you know, everywhere I'm going, I'm being asked, what do you think about this? What do you think about this? Can you give us an analysis?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


And, you know, I mean, I said, the biggest thing you have to worry about, between now and November 5th, Trump is enemy of the state number one. November 6th, it will be Elon Musk one, Vance two, then it's Trump. And they said, why? I said, because Musk is going to be around for a while, and Trump is a one-term president. Once he's in, he's in. And then, Elon's going to be around for many years.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


J.D. Vance is going to be a two-term president, so he's going to be the enemy. I said, but they're going to try to divide. I said, I predicted what I said. I said, they're going to call who the president is.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


They're going to call Elon Musk the president, and they're going to call him puppet master, and they're going to put him on the cover of a magazine with a puppet master whatever. You remember that? And you even went on ChatGBT. I'll send it to Rob. If you can send it to Rob, right? I say this two months ago, and watch what's been happening right now. Okay, I want you to watch this clip.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Vice President Trump. On purpose. President Elon Musk. Do you have another clip, Rob? You saw nonchalant?

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Yeah. Nonchalant. That's Adam Kinzinger. Then there's another one that you have here. Go ahead, Rob.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


And I suggested at AOC yesterday on Twitter, I said, maybe it's time for a trip to Mar-a-Lago. Maybe you got to take a trip and come visit the guy. Who knows? Olbermann. Losing his mind, still. Wrote an article. By the way, we're going to play a game today with Oberman. We did it with Dear Abby a month ago. We're going to have some fun with him today. Can we do that? Warm up your fingers.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


And then go to Bernie Sanders yesterday. Go to Bernie Sanders yesterday, tweet. This is Bernie Sanders' tweet yesterday. Zoom in a little bit. Democrats and Republicans spend months negotiating a bipartisan agreement to fund our program. The richest man on earth, President Elon Musk, doesn't like it. Will Republicans kiss the ring? Billionaires must not be allowed to run our government, right?

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Meaning that's Elon's in the back and Trump's in the front. By the way, this is not a real cover. This is real. Brock or this is Chad GBT?

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


If you can go to my Twitter account, Rob. If you don't mind going to the Twitter account. So on my Twitter profile, you'll see the most recent tweets. Go a little bit. I said, the only way the enemy can win is to divide and conquer. Expect to hear President Musk and Puppet Master as a way to get under Trump's skin. They'll plaster this everywhere. I predict that. Watch the clip.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Play the clip, Rob, if you can. Go ahead and play. He's showing that. Put it on 1.5. I'm the richest man in the world, and I want nothing from you, Trump. But they're going to do the following. And I'm telling you, it could work effectively if it gets under Trump's skin. And here's what it is. 40 laws of power, law number one, Rob. Can you go to 40 laws of power, law number one?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Do you know what law number one is? Never outshine the master. Never outshine the master. Law number one, never outshine the master. For the next four years, nobody can outshine Trump. And I mean nobody. If anything happens... And credit is given. And they spin it. This is how they do it. You ready? Elon Musk is Trump's puppet master. Wow. That's what they're going to do.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


By the way, that was Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving, look at the set. Shout out to Kelly. You guys are like, you're predicting all this stuff. And it was a funny thing that he's saying. But I know they have to create that friction between those two. It's not even J.D. right now. They'll do J.D. and you're 3-4. But they have to do Musk right now. You're one, you're two.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


First, they're going to have to find that play between the two, and they're going to have to write it all over the place. Cover of Time magazine. It's got to be a puppet master. We call it a picture of Musk and Trump on the bottom holding him just to poke the bear. That's what they're going to do. And they're going to say, the president of the United States is really Elon Musk. It's not Trump.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Elon Musk is the president of the United States, and he's toying with Trump. Pastor Damas. You can pause it right there. Pastor Damas over here. Tom, the question is, Will it work? Do you think President Trump, seeing this kind of stuff and watching it, do you think at all in his mind it's going to upset him?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


We're going to have some fun with him because I sincerely think he needs some attention. He definitely does. And we're going to have some fun with the guy today. God willing, it'll be something everybody will participate in. Classified Mystery Drone Briefing. Lady asks a question, you have to see this clip.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


She says, hey, if the drone is nothing, why is the hearing classified and not free to the public? What are you guys hiding? And we have John Ferguson that's going to join us any moment now. And he is the founder and chairman of Saxon Aerospace. He'll be with us here in a minute. While I'm going through this, I'll do what I'm doing here. Then I'll bring up, because it'll be the first story.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Tom, you know, when Tom gets pissed, guys, seriously, there's a part of me that gets scared and I want to walk out. He doesn't mess around. But let me tell you something here. I got a question for you. Tom, I got a question for you as well. You ready? So what used to upset you when you were 20 that no longer upsets you at 30? Stay with me.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


What used to upset you when you were 30 that no longer upsets you at 40? What used to upset you at 40 that no longer upsets you in your 50s? And then here's a follow-up question. What used to upset you in your 20s that whether you're 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, it's still going to upset you? Those two questions will dictate what's going to happen here. So answer it for yourself.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


What used to upset you in your 20s that no longer does in your 40s? I can tell you mine. I have a lot of them. Wait, the 20s that bothered you? Yeah. What used to upset you in your 20s? That things were said about you or, you know, words that no longer upsets you today?

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But think about that. But by the way, at one point, how much did it? Oh, of course, because I was really small. Okay, what else? What used to bother you in your 20s that no longer upsets you today? Okay, look. He went somewhere. Did you see that? Yeah. All of us.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Wow. But that still upsets you. I mean, even earlier today, I don't even want to tell him what you told me earlier. Let's not talk about it. But be serious for a second. And folks, I'm asking you, the audience, let's answer this question here.

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But was there things that would destroy you, keep you up at night, and all that stuff that no longer does today?

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Okay. So, now... What used to bother in your 20s, it doesn't matter if you're 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, it's still going to bother you. What is it? So what bothered me? In your 20s that will still bother you today at 46.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


He's a former vet, a bunch of things. He's been to 80 different countries, advised different leaders, including Sudan's president and sovereign council. We'll get to that here in a minute. Stay tuned. But we want to find out what he thinks. He thinks it's something else, but we'll see. Pornhub. Set to block all Floridians from accessing their site on January 1st.

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You probably thought about a friend that was like that. You went somewhere. Maybe your former roommate, you had something like that. Because I had a guy like that as well. His name was Speedy Espinosa. He would leave his underwear on his bed and go for the weekend with this girl in Nashville who – I don't want to say who the... Anyway, so he... You don't want to say what? Just called out Speedy?

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One weekend. One weekend, Speedy. And this guy was five, six years older than me. I mean, I was 18 years old, but I was done. One weekend, I took all his clothes and I dumped... The weekend he was gone, because he would leave his underwear. And I don't even want to tell you what it looked like. He would leave his briefs. I took his clothes and a plastic bag. I dumped it in the trash.

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My room would smell. I can't deal with smell. He came back saying, where are my clothes? I said, in the trash outside. I said, don't ever leave your underwear here before you leave. Wash them before you leave. Every time you leave dirty clothes here, and if I smell anything, it's going to the trash every single time. And he very quickly realized he needs to wash his clothes.

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And that drove me effing insane. I'm with you. But let me tell you what it is. You ready? Okay. What hasn't changed? People you do a lot for that betray you. And again, I'm going back to Trump on what he's thinking about. What else? Stuff with my dad. Just don't do it. Anything with my dad, family. Don't go there. He's a very good man, okay?

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Faith, God, values, principle, America, very protective of that. It's very important. Betrayal, it's always going to be there. Betrayal is always going to be there because I'm always going to do more for you than you're going to do for me. Lack of gratitude will always be unattractive. I had a call yesterday. A guy comes to my office, brings me the nicest painting.

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And he says, well, you know, you're such and such. We just fired a couple people recently. And one of the guys that we fired, you were there. You were in the building. We brought security. We're like, hey, this is your last day. You're getting fired. Oh, no way. Shell shock, boom. He says, yeah, he called me and told me that he quit. I said, oh, he told you you quit. Yeah, wow. Really?

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I told him, I said, you're an idiot. This guy introduced you to all these different people, you quit? So then I sent a message, are you telling people, I said, well, I'm telling them this. Interesting. That's permanent. Because when Tom and I were working together, and over the years, Gerard used to be on a podcast. He sent me the nicest message the other day. Guess what?

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I don't know why we got a PTO request to RJ yesterday from Adam for January 1st. So we haven't granted it yet, but we're considering it. We've got a lot of things. I know you've got a lot on your mind. We'll figure that part out. Starbucks Workers Union authorizes potential U.S. strike. Zuckerberg meta sides with rival Elon Musk in fight to stop AI from becoming for-profit.

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When things were happening two years ago, three years ago, we never said anything about him. So I like him till today. I think he's a talent. You know what his Instagram profile says? Fired from Peabody Podcast.

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Yeah, funny as hell, right? But you know what it is? Here's what it is. I will forever remember how you value the relationship. Permanent. We'll remember. It's always going to be here. You publicly undermined everything that happened, no problem. I don't think it'll happen here because I don't think... You see, neither one of the men made the other man.

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So Trump didn't make Musk, and Musk didn't make Trump. So, you know, when it's like that, it's not like... Trump is, you know, Musk wears Trump's gear. Exactly. He wears the Make America Great Again gear. Dark MAGA. You know, and it's like just puts it on. And guess what? Great. Good for you. And so he's given that respect to him. Musk is coming over here to Mar-a-Lago all the time.

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Of course there's motives on both sides and there's incentives on both sides. That's very important. The biggest factor internally is I think the person that controls if Trump gets upset about this or not here, believe it or not, is actually not Trump. Guy sends me a message, another guy. We love this guy. He was with us for three years, and he quit. He didn't get fired. He actually quit.

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He came to me and said, Pat, today's my last day. I quit. I'm like, oh, wow. When you're in business for 25 years, you're going to get spooked sometimes, and you're going to do the firing, right? Both 50-50. And... That decision takes place. And I said, so do you have any final thoughts? Because we're done. I mean, you already made your decision. I wish you nothing but the best. Great. Boom.

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Do your thing. Fantastic. He says, what do I do with this relationship long term? I said, I don't dictate what direction this relationship goes long term. You do. I'm going to continue to grow. You dictate where we go long term. And guess what? Been very respectful, all the stuff that we're doing. In this relationship with Trump and Elon, Elon controls what happens, not Trump.

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Elon has to be the first to jump out and defend Trump. Elon has to jump out and call these people out. Elon has to go out after these guys and be the flag carrier because in this role, Elon is the flag carrier.

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Trump put his life on the line and took the heat debating when nobody believed in him for the whole four years after 2020 where everybody wrote him out and they're like, this guy's done with... He went through those DOJ. He went to court. He went and did all that stuff. He traveled to New York and mugshot and embarrassing and family and wife's drawn. He went through those humiliating moments.

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Nobody's above this guy. So that's why I'm saying, and the reason why I don't think it'll happen, because I think Elon understands this dynamic. Because Elon has a lot of people that he changed their lives as well. They owe Elon the favor, not the other way around. Many people don't understand this. And the reason why they don't understand is because they think life is only one year.

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And only think about, well, I got the other guy to give me $20,000 because I'm doing business right now. Patrick will never find that. We find out everything. And then guess what happens long-term? You sacrifice a role. You don't think your kids are going to need that phone call in 10 years or 20 years or 30 years? You just did it for this one reason? Man, you're short-term thinking.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Some Walmart employees are right now wearing body cameras. Vatican, ready for this one? You know Vatican, you hear the stats. Tom was sharing it yesterday with us. that the Catholic Church owns the most real estate worldwide, but they're on the brink of bankruptcy due to dramatic decline in donations. Maybe they got to watch Godfather 3. I don't know.

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Elon's not short-term thinking. Elon's long-term thinking. So I don't think it's going to happen because I think Elon's been, all this stuff that they're doing to Trump, I think it's happened to him in business so many times, that Elon is what? He's locked in. My opinion. My opinion. But the person that controls where this relationship goes here... I think it's going to be Ilan.

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I think Trump has the right to be upset. I think Trump has the right, if somebody throws him under the bus behind closed doors, I think Trump has the right to be a little bit agitated if any of that stuff happens. He has the right to have that. He's a man. He had all the pressure.

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And everyone just needs to stay as united as possible, do the job, and if we do, history books could potentially consider this four years the most monumental four years that took America to the next level. And I'm being sincere that everybody benefits from it. And whoever's locked into that vision, you're in a good place. Whoever's not, hey, no problem. We understand.

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But everybody will be filtered out. It doesn't take a long time to filter people out. There's a famous quote that I tweeted out two weeks ago. And it was very intentional. It said, when a man with experience meets a man with money, The man with the money leaves with the experience. The man with the experience leaves with the money. Did you hear what I just said?

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When a man with money meets a man with experience. The man with experience leaves with the money. The man with the money leaves with the experience. But every once in a while, you meet somebody that has both money and experience. Never cross a man like that. That's Trump and that's Musk. Never make that mistake. You're a fool if you do so.

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because they've been around the block and they have the right resources. Keep those people close to you. They're very hard to find. They're a great asset to you and your family. Your future kids will benefit from these relationships. Trump's grandkids will benefit from the relationship with Musk. Vice versa, everybody. It's very, very important. Anyways, okay.

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So let's go to this next one here, which is something that happened that I really like. Rob, do you mind pulling up the clip with MSNBC Stephanie Ruhl says Trump is more accessible than Biden, but jokes he had, he told her to go F herself. By the way, I actually love this. Folks, if you're running a business, you're in sales, you have to watch this. There's such a big lesson in this.

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Russia says it's developed a cancer vaccine and will give it for free Great, noble idea of cancer vaccine. I don't know if I would take it to year one, year two, year three, but maybe we would entertain it later on after a bunch of people tested it. Dow had a rough day yesterday, 1,100-point drop, marking its longest losing streak since 1974 is what we're talking about.

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Jerome Powell came out and cut the rate. Tom will give you some thoughts on it. Mortgage rates jump abruptly higher after the rate cut. How the hell does that even make any sense, right? Trump's got a new haircut. Some people are deeply concerned about the new haircut. We'll address it. I think it's an edgy haircut.

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Such a good point. You know, it's funny. For me, being in sales, this is even bigger than that, Vinny. And I said this on Charlie Crook's shows yesterday. So I'm in a meeting. We're in Diamond Bar. And these two guys are debating on stage on what's important. One guy who's this macho, arrogant, cocky guy says, never pick up the phone call of your guys and wait 24 hours. Because if you do...

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It makes them think you're not busy. If you answer it a day later, you're training them to think you're so busy that they also work so hard because they'll say, oh, my God, such and such is so busy. So never be accessible, right? This is what the guy is saying. And this other lady, she's up there. She's like, no, I like to be accessible. And they're going back and forth.

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And another guy who's a former Marine jumps in. No, you can't. You guys need to know your time is valuable. And if you don't respond, they'll go, wow. Party heated debate. I'm sitting there. I'm like, yeah, I'm a street guy. And I like that she is accessible. Yep. You could get a hold of her and she would respond back. And guess what? You know, whatever business dealings, I'm no longer with them.

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You have no, I went up to her. I said, listen, I just want you to know this. You're right. Don't listen to them. I told her that she may remember this. I said, you're right. Don't listen to them. She's my boss.

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I said, stay that way. We like it. Yeah, of course. We like it. You just have to protect the views, right? So in sales, in PHP, I watch my sales guys. I had one guy whom I gave somebody for him to go visit and train in his state. Three years, the lady's there. He never visited her ever. And she would say, I could never get a hold of him. I gave another guy like this.

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I like it's an edgy haircut. And then we've got a few other stories we'll cover. Bernie Sanders, AOC, CNN, hidden prisoner that is, I haven't seen this clip, but Vinny's telling me when I see it, I will react to it in a very unique way. By the way, Christmas, around the corner, we are wearing this sweater that is the most incredibly comfortable sweater. It hugs you.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Accessible, accessible, accessible. This guy built a massive agency. This guy never built a vice president ever himself, ever. And he's probably more talented than the other guy, was never accessible. The key to accessibility is important. And then you got to protect yourself as well. But you got to be accessible for the people that want to get a hold of you. Guy calls me the other day.

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He's like, hey, so Patrick, I haven't spoken to you for three years. Dylan's sitting right next to me. I'm like, why is he calling me? Former commercial real estate agent. When I first moved to Florida, I was interviewing a few guys to be a commercial real estate agent. And one night, I'm calling him two, three times after 6 o'clock.

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He's not picking up because I got an opportunity I want to get some questions on. He calls me the next morning. He says, hi, I noticed you called me last night. I said, yeah, I called you three times. He says, I have a rule. I don't answer phone after six o'clock. I said, oh, really? Yeah. I said, well, I'm planning on buying hundreds of millions of dollars of properties. I also have a rule.

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My commercial real estate agent needs to work for me. We're not going to work it together. He calls me. He says, how are things? Are you still doing that business? Is it going good? I said, yeah, it's going good. You know, we've grown. He says, that's good. Do you need any, did you ever end up buying any real estate? And I'm like, this guy doesn't check any story. I'm like, yeah, I bought this.

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I bought that. I bought this. I bought this. How come you never called me? My answer, I never wanted to break your code of don't call me after 6 o'clock. Silence for 10 seconds. Oh. Well, I don't get it. Okay. I said, God bless. Got off the phone. Bye. And I told Dylan. I said, Dylan, you want to get into sales? People got to get a hold of you.

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Never be too big of a big shot to think that people can't get a hold of you. And by the way, sometimes your people that are your handlers, if you're not too careful, they'll make you look like an asshole because they're not getting back to anybody. And like, dude, you got to get back to people. And so you got to also be careful where...

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You're training your guys to also be available, accessible, and get back to people quickly. If you don't have an answer right now, you're like, well, I didn't get back to them for three days because I didn't have an answer. Tell them, I don't have an answer, but can I get back to you Friday at such and such time? Yes. Put in a calendar, get back to them. That's an addition.

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


And by the way, the reason why Trump has that is why he's good in sales. You can't not have that and be good in sales. You have to be accessible.

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That wasn't me. That was Will Guidero, that Mario's assistant sent an email saying, very urgent. Yes. Mario gets on with Will. Will is like, did somebody die? Okay, gotcha. No, why is it that, you know, so it was a very interesting thing. Anyways, breaking news that just came in right now, Rob, if you want to pull it up, appeals court removes,

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Prosecutor Fannie Willis from the Georgia election case against Trump and others. Interesting. Interesting. You remove her? Why did you remove her? A state appeals court on Thursday removed Fulton County District Attorney Fannie Willis from the Georgia election interference case against Trump and others. Others but didn't dismiss the indictment, leaving the future of the prosecution uncertain.

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The case against Trump and more dozen others have been already largely stalled for months while the new ruling means it's up to the prosecuting attorneys, a council of Georgia to find another prosecutor to take over the case and to decide whether to continue. Tom, what does this really mean?

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I dare you to order one and two for your family and wear it and say, I don't like it. I dare you to do it on the back. If you're proud to say Merry Christmas, this one says Merry Christmas. If the camera can zoom in on Tom, Vinny, or Adam, Adam says Happy Hanukkah, but we're mainly going to focus on Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Special order. It crosses out Happy Holidays.

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Rob, if you can put the picture up there so people can see it. It says Chappie Hanukkah. Instead it says... Merry Christmas. It's out there. And then we have a couple of the Merry Christmas hats that are left. If you can go back to the Merry Christmas hat, Rob, that we have left at the top. Those two are still here with scripture in it for some of you guys that want that.

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Well, there you go. That's the update. Let's go to the next one here. Miami judge approves bail for wealthy Alexander Twinn twins in state rape case. Now, for this story, Rob, if we can read it, because some people may not know what's going on. Um, these guys in Miami, uh, Florida, I'm not just Miami. They're known for being top producers in real estate for many, many years. Okay.

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And they're, they're the Oren, uh, Alexander brothers, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, the twins.

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So Miami judge grants bill to real estate broker twins, uh, Oren, uh, uh, and, uh, uh, Alon who faced state sexual charges with bond set at 3 million and 2 million respectively secured by the father's home. In Ball Harbor, Florida, Circuit Judge Lodi Jean approved house arrest. ordered the twins to stay away from victims, stating, I'm satisfied that these are reasonable conditions.

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The twins, along with their brother, Tal Alexander, also implicated in the federal sex trafficking case in New York. Authorities allege the brothers used their wealth to lure, drug, and sexually assault, rape multiple women. Over more than a decade, Tal Alexander, co-founder of a luxury real estate firm official, appeared in federal court on related charges.

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Rob, do you have a clip on this, or is it exactly what I just read?

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Oh, is that the one where he said he's got a son? He's got a child on the way. Go ahead, Rob. Go ahead.

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And then we have the pajamas. We have a bunch of your Future Looks Bright pajamas, Future Looks Bright shirts. And these pants are here matching the sweater that I'm wearing. That's got the Valuetainment logo. Future looks bright on the site. And if future looks bright, what do you call this stuff? I'm taking those. What is this thing called?

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And then, Rob, there's another one that came out, a friend of theirs, friend of Alexander Real Estate Brothers, surrenders in sexual assault case. Surrenders? I just texted it to you. The whole crew, huh? Yeah, I mean, this is not good. If you go online, Rob, and you just type in Alexander Twins. The story will come up as a first one. Just go to Google and type in Alexander Twins. It'll pop up.

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Right there. There you go. You got it. So friend of Alexander Real Estate Brothers surrenders who are prominent luxury real estate in Florida and New York are some of the traffickers. Okay, so to face an allegation that he helped two of them rape a woman nearly a decade ago. Go a little bit lower, Rob.

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A friend of brothers who are prominent real estate in Florida, one's allegation, Oad Fisherman, 39, returned early from his honeymoon in Japan to surrender at the Miami-Dade County Courthouse. on sexual battery of multiple perpetrators. He was later released on a $25,000 bond with his new wife and mother-in-law, putting up another $216,000 collateral.

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According to investigators, Fisherman helped twins Alon and Oren rape a woman December 31, 2016. They say that woman to his Miami Beach apartment for New Year's barbecue. sending her photos and people already in attendance when she arrived. However, the only people present were the twins, fisherman, and two maids.

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The woman told police that Alexander and fisherman took her into a bedroom where fisherman held her down while the twins took turns. Fisherman is anxious to resolve this and vindicate his name. Wow. Adam, what do you know? This is a Miami story. You know these guys. You know of them in the Florida market. What do you know more about the story?

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Acquaintances were good. Oh, really? So one of the brothers has nothing to do with these allegations?

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I swear to God. I don't wear sweaters in Miami. This is ridiculous. Go place the order today. And the way you get it pre-Christmas is to put shipping that it's shipped out today. You do that. Today is the last day to get it. First 50. A unique Future Looks Bright mug coming your way. By the way, Rob, did you get the picture I sent you with the Santa Claus that was wearing the Merry Christmas hat?

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Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Guys, you have to see this. This is... By the way, when you get the gear, post the picture. We're sharing the pictures online as well on the podcast. Post a picture when you wear the gear. It was in the comments section, Rob, that I sent it to you. If you have it, I can send it to you as well. It's phenomenal.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Why do you think it was? Is it because they're known in Miami?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


By the way, for some of you guys that still don't believe in Santa Claus and you've grown up and you call this thing called logic and common sense, he's real. I don't know if you guys know this or not. Santa? This is Santa. Look at this. Look at the hat he's wearing. Oh, snap. Look at the hat he's wearing. That's my boy. Look at that great hat.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


While he's doing a live somewhere with thousands of people watching. That's sick. We even shipped to North Pole, folks. This is incredible. This is phenomenal, Rob. That's Santa. By the way, that hat is gone. So that one you can't order because that we sold thousands of. That sold out in no time. Everything else, place your orders. If you're proud and comfortable, say Merry Christmas.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


I don't get it. You crossed the line a little bit. Anybody would have slept with Bill Cosby? No. But look, I get what you're saying. This guy, my story with this guy was he just gave me

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


vibes of the types of people that were the annoying rich kids in high school that we were looking at a property in boca he comes up to show it to us it's a 25 million dollar property it's a beautiful problem i think yeah i even took you one time to see the property and then i made an offer whatever i made a uh they had it at 25 million i made a 60 million dollar offer he comes back and lowers it to 24 5 it's an asshole move guess what i said i'm out

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


So then they start calling saying, no, no, no, no, no. They're open. I'm like, I'm out. I'm telling you, I'm out. Okay. And then another lady who is very well known in Palm Beach as a realtor, she says, hey, would you entertain a $20 million offer? I said, I would entertain a $20 million offer. She says, well, you know, they're saying they would like, but now they're saying 22.5. I said, I'm out.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


I just told you guys, you keep playing games. This guy plays game, not my type of guy. When he said the event we went to, I didn't go to an event with him. Ken Golden, who invited us to an event to look at a couple Spider-Man, what do you call it? It was like baseball cards. Comic book stuff.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Collectibles. And I went to a collectible event that others were there. And he comes up and he says, man, you missed out on the opportunity. I said, don't tell me you missed out. You just sold it for $17 million. I was right. He's like, oh, oh, oh. No, no, no. I said, so you're that guy.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


I said, I don't know this guy. I know nothing about the credibility of this. But I do know the credibility of being a, you know, that...

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


spoiled brat whatever whatever that you know uh annoying types of guys that you are listen if you're telling me this stuff stories 40 cases we spend more time on this story that we need to yeah there's a couple stories here for whoever's watching okay because let's see what whatever the lesson is how painful that is on the father how painful this is on the father and the family

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Think about the pain of the father, like how hard you've worked to build this legacy. And now every dinner he goes to, every restaurant he goes to, everywhere they go, employees, executive, investors, how are your sons? I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. The last 10 years of his life, whatever age this man is, he's going to be living with this?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


And sporting them when you go to the mall, anywhere during this season. Go to, place your order. Having said that, let's go to the drone that everybody's asking about what it is. Michael B. is up there saying, well, I wanted to find out if it was okay for me to get clearance to take my drone up. He tries to take it up. Nope, he's declined. He can't do that.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Let's just say these habits weren't passed on from him, okay, and they picked it up from others. That is a very painful experience for parents to be going through. And on top of that, guys, some of you guys that are watching this, you're younger, you're 18, 22, 25, whatever age you are, dude, it's end of the year. Guess what? Check your friends list. Fire the bottom 50% who have bad habits.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


You're one bad event away from getting caught in some stupid events like this as well. It's time to fire half of your friends. The bottom third needs to go. If the attitudes are not in the right place, if they're not living by the right values and principles, if they're screwing up, if they're doing drugs, if they're doing some stupid things, eliminate those friends. They can destroy your life.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


One bad association in your life can destroy your life. I've seen it happen one too many times.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


All right, so let's move on. Okay, let's go to the next one. We got a few people here outside about to do subpoena. So Dow plunges more than 1,100 points and marked its longest streak since 1974. A CNN story here. And this happens when? Right after they cut the rate. So the Dow Jones drops 1123, 2.6%, marking its 10th consecutive losing session, the longest streaks in 74.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


President Gerald Ford, this follows the Federal Reserve's projection of only two interest rate cuts in 2025 compared to previous, the anticipated four. Jay Hatfield, CEO of Infrastructure Capital Advisor, described the Fed's actions as hawkish cut, a signal and prolonged tight monetary conditions. The S&P 500 Nasdaq composite dropped 3% and 3.6%. Damn. Respectively, as investors reacted to...

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


The Fed shared Jerome Powell's comments. Futures data showed a dramatic shift in expectations with a 98% predicted chance of a January rate cut plummeting to 6%. Wow. From 98% to 6%, Chris Zaccarelli, CIO at Northlight Asset Management, said markets were underwhelmed by the likely future paths.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


And by the way, while this is taking place, guess what happens with mortgage rates when this announcement was made? Mortgage rates surged following the Federal Reserve rate cut with the average lender increasing rates by 0.2%, pushing the top tier conventional 30-year fixed rate back above 7%. Jesus. The spike was unrelated to the actual cuts as Jerome Powell.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


We moved pretty quickly to get to here. And I think going forward, obviously, we're moving slower. And that is what scared the crap out of everybody. Tom, thoughts?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


There's a bunch of other people talking about what the possibilities would be. And then here, while they're having a hearing for the drones, a journalist asks a question, and this is what the response was. Go ahead, Rob.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


All right, guys, we're a couple days away from Santa Claus coming to town. Hopefully you're getting ready for it, buying the gifts. If you forgot, like some of the family members, the bigger the family you have, the more people you have to remember to get gifts for, right? So that's the challenging part. But there's a lot of stuff going on.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Well, that meeting hasn't happened yet. Right. The two of them meeting. And the part you have to realize is that Trump's background is what? How did he make his money? Real estate. Okay. So there's a few things he did when he became a president. Do you remember the tax write-offs, Tom, on how it was limited to a certain amount of money back in the day?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Like the bigger houses could get a bigger write-off. Do you remember that?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Which hurt rich people. In blue states. Which hurt rich people in blue states. So you're kind of like, whoa, what was that all about? I thought you're a rich real estate guy that understands other rich people. So this whole thing about all the things he does is about rich, it's not necessarily 100% true. He understands real estate. The other thing that's going to be happening is the following.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Remember this. How do you cause Congress to pay attention? How do you cause certain laws to change? How do you cause certain cities to pay attention? The other day, Sonos, which the worst update ever. I loved Sonos until they did this recent change. And even their own employees don't like what Sonos was doing. I got online and I'm like, look. This is the worst thing ever.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


I said, what's a good replacement? There was another tweet I put before this because I first gave him an opportunity when I asked about Sonos. So I asked about something about Sonos. I said, hey, Sonos, I'm having a hard time with this upgrade. Can somebody help me out? Is anyone else having problems with Sonos? We love Sonos and had it all at our home at latest. Absolute sucks.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


And we can only listen to Sonos radio and not our own music. Even our local AV companies can't fix it. Does anyone know how to fix it? Sonos reaches out to me. I give a phone number to call an email. They don't follow up for one week. So then finally I put this next tweet. What's a good replacement to Sonos? We're getting rid of all our Sonos products at our buildings. Their app, new app sucks.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Customer service is lazy, fake at best. Not surprised why their market cap dropped from $5 billion in 2021 to $1.7 billion today. Look at the amount of views it gets. It gets one million. So then they start responding to other people bitching about Sonos, and the people say, don't respond to me. If you can't fix PBD's Sonos system, what are you going to do with mine? I don't trust you, right?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


So they're kind of going through this. Eventually, the guy calls, talks to Jen. They fix the Sonos system. It's pretty complicated, but the guy was able to help out. And the guy that's helping Jen out says, hey, just to be honest with you, We are not fans of the new update. It's making us have to work twice as hard because it was easier to work before. So even Sonos knows that, right?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


But guess what? Public pressure got Sonos to pay attention to a couple of these updates and do something about it. When one of Trump's next three to-do lists becomes interest rates... You're going to see Jerome Powell get the kind of pressure he's never gotten from millions of people to lower rates. You'll see. And you know when I predict that will happen? Q2 of next year. Q2.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


End of Q1, beginning of Q2 next year, you're going to see Trump put the kind of pressure on Jerome Powell you've never seen before. And it's going to be Elon, Vivek, Trump, everybody. It's going to be everybody going after it. similar to what happened with Justin Trudeau, that he says, hey, man, I may be stepping down. It's going to be that kind of pressure. Tom?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Yeah. I mean, listen, change is coming. It's just. Right now, they're sitting there and they're like, we don't need to give Powell pressure right now, but we will soon. But not right now. Let's kind of let him enjoy Christmas.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


I think he can keep his job, but he needs to kind of play ball. If he doesn't, he's going to get a lot of pressure, a lot of pressure. Let me get to the next story here. Pornhub.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Tom, you ready? Set to block all Floridians from accessing their site on January 1st. Now, keep in mind, we had the new owners of Pornhub on, Solomon Friedman and another one of their people. But then I had Layla Micklewaite from the lady who is from Rob. What is that website called for, Layla Micklewaite? Trafficking Hub?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523

7509.935, she got nearly 2.5 million signatures to prevent access of Pornhub because a bunch of videos that were there from teenagers and all this other stuff. They used to have 54 million videos. I think they removed 94% of the videos. They're down to like 5 million videos left on Pornhub.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Well, I mean, listen. I don't watch porn. It's extremely competitive. But Pornhub, owned by ILO, will block all Florida users starting January 1st. New law, HB3, requiring adult websites to verify users' ages via photo ID or face $50,000 fine. ILO stated that complying with similar laws such as Louisiana...

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


led to an 80% traffic drops as users, and I told the owner, I said, it's going to drop 90% because what I asked them is, I said, here's what you need to do. They said, we're not going to do that. Turn to unregulated site, which don't take user safety seriously and make the internet more dangerous for adults and children.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Florida joins other states like Texas, Idaho, and Oklahoma in being blocked by Pornhub over laws. ALO emailed, noted, these people did not stop looking for porn. They just migrated to dark corners of the internet, underscoring the ineffectiveness of the law. Rob, do you have a clip of what's going on with Pornhub? I mean, last time we went to Pornhub. Rob, we can't go to again.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Adam, I'll come to you first. Yes, sir. You know, as somebody who specializes in this website, for you, do you think this is a fair decision to make to have people show their ID before they're going to watch some porn?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


And that's the discussion I had with Layla Mickle to say, if they don't go to Pornhub, they're going to go somewhere. My concern is the underage videos that you have, you know, that somebody is selling to them. How do you get rid of all of that? And the Pornhub CEO and the lady that was here, they couldn't answer that.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


You can use the word whack-a-mole on a lot of different stories. When we're talking Pornhub, you say whack-a-mole.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


14 detained in armed Aurora, Colorado home invasion are likely illegal gang members. Rob, if you have a clip, I'll read this, and we can go to Aurora Police. Is this the gentleman that's speaking? He is. Go ahead and play this clip here, Rob.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Okay, so then the question becomes, do you believe any of it? No. Biden's being asked the question. I don't know if you have that clip or not, Rob. If there's a clip of President Biden being asked what it is, and, you know, you have to listen, guys. So whatever you do, try to listen as closely as possible and raise the audio a little bit.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


He is next to a plane or a helicopter, so it's a little choppy, literally. But try to see if you can hear what he's saying. Go ahead, Rob.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Well, listen. Accountability is on its way. Oh, I hope to God. And the right people are hired that are going to be trying to get to the bottom of this. Folks, protect your families. Take care of them this holiday season, Christmas season. When you're with them, do your part to offer that protection, the relationship. Give them a kiss. Give them a hug. Enjoy that time together.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


We will not be doing another podcast till after. No, we have one more.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


No, no, hang on one second. Okay, my bad. I have an interview that I'm doing later on today. Is that going live tomorrow, Rob, or when is that going?

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Right. The day after Christmas is when we're going to be doing it. You'll get the details. We'll give it to you. We'll do it. But between now and then, expect that interview to come out. It'll be epic. I think it'll come out most likely Monday. And everybody else, Merry Christmas. Enjoy the time with your family. Go play steward with your Christmas gear.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Last shop and order shipping and handling today. So it comes pre-Christmas. God bless everybody. Take care. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


So look, if you're somebody that's naive and innocent and you believe everything the government tells you, which is what, you know, you're supposed to do that, right? Your teacher tells you that in high school, you know, the government is all good and they do everything but good. Some people want to question it. They're part of this annoying community called, I have questions.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


We're going to have somebody that's going to call in here today. Maybe at the end of the podcast today we'll show you the new intro and get some feedback from you guys on the comments section on what you think about the new intro for PBD Podcast for 2025. And we will have – Tom, you're trying to say something. Go ahead. I know you want to say something. Tom, say it.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


I have some curiosity. Is it real? What's going on? Here's John Ferguson. Before I bring him up, I want to properly introduce him. He's a highly accomplished professional with over 25 years of experience in expanding aerospace, telecommunication, critical infrastructure, and unmanned systems. And as the founder and chairman of Saxon Aerospace, based in Kansas.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


He's developed innovative technologies like unmanned aerial vehicles and other things. Former vet Marine. He did recon operations during a desert storm, followed by deep sea diving and additionally spanning global work to 80 plus countries working on fiber optic cables and many other things. So he's got a different perspective that he's given here.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


John, first of all, thank you for your service and thank you for joining us.

PBD Podcast

Fani Willis DISQUALIFIED, President Elon Musk, Luigi Mangione Indicted | PBD Podcast | Ep. 523


Well, listen, when Joe tweets out your video and he says, this is the realest guy, this is the first thing that I see that I actually believe, and then all of a sudden, hundreds of millions of views, everybody's watching your answer, if you don't mind maybe taking a minute for somebody the audience hasn't seen, give your idea of what you said in the video, and maybe we'll have some follow-up questions.

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


By the way, here's a question. The U.S. government is saying it's not theirs, right? Yes. Okay. So here's a question, Tom. If you're in your backyard, okay? Your job as a man of the household is to protect the backyard of your house, okay? You see something, a drone on top of your house, a small little drone on top of your house, and not just you got a good-sized house with an acre,

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


You ask your kids, hey, is this one of ours? No. Hey, is this any of the guys? No. Shoot it down. Absolutely.

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


By the way, what if it's a drone above a military base? What if you fly a drone above an airport? If you fly a drone over an airport, what do you do to the drone? You shoot it down. Right. When we were in Acropolis, I don't know if you remember when we were in Greece, and we were trying to get the drone.

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


Do you remember that? Yeah. It's like, hey, immediately it's like, hey, bring the drone down. You know, one of the camera guys was using a drone. But if we don't know what it is, why are we even questioning it?

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


If it's not ours, what are you doing? If it's not yours, why are you okay with that staying up there? Rob, what is this next clip? Is this Pentagon?

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


She came out and she said they were not. Let's hear what she has to say.

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


This is kind of weird. So check this out. Go back to the beginning. She points at Jen. then moves the page to the page that she's going to read the question. Oh, beforehand. Wait, watch this again, the body language. Tell me if I'm off a little bit. See if she is already knowing what Jen is going to ask her. Go ahead, Rob.

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


How do you not know what it is, right? They know. Simultaneously, Chris Wray decides to step down before being fired, which is a pretty wise move. For your resume, because when you write the book, you get to say what? I resigned. I resigned. Wise move two, three weeks away when you're saying something like that.

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


No, no, what I'm asking is, how long does it stay up there? Five minutes? It's been two, three days. 50 of them. No, listen, it's immediate, immediate attack ahead of it rather than staying and keeping it up there. Now, the only reason why you may not attack it immediately, where the everything's going to fall and it could destroy some homes and things like that. But think about it this way.

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


The other plane that was flying into Pentagon, what did they do to that plane, 9-11? There was two planes, right? The one attack, the one was 9-11. The one that hit the Pentagon.

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


That's exactly the point. So that story is, why'd you shoot it down?

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


Why'd you shoot it down? Yeah, because they know. Why didn't you hesitate? Yeah. Why didn't you hesitate? Why'd you shoot it down? How did you know whose it was? So you don't know what this is? So in five minutes, you could figure out who playing that was, but you can't figure this out in three days? Yeah. Don't give me this bullshit. Yeah. So what are you allowing this?

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


Is this a exchange for someone that, watch this, could this be the enemy? You just gave me $10 billion. My country is Iran. Mm-hmm. Iran made a video showing how a little drone goes and follows Trump while he's golfing. Remember that video they made two years ago? It was an older video, two, three years ago.

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


You think they would want, like how often you think Trump's going to golf the next four years? A bunch. A bunch. At the Jersey place. At the Bedminster place. How often do you think Trump's going to golf at Bedminster the next four years?

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


That's exactly what I'm saying. So let's just say 50 to 100 times. Correct. How valuable is that for me to send a drone to learn everything I can about that golf course above it? Like, are you dumb? to think these drones could have gone anywhere. They're above Bedminster? Why do you think they're above Bedminster?

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


Do you think this is a famous golfer that's trying to improve their golf skills because they want to build a better golf course than the one in Bedminster? Or do you think this is a place that this guy's going to go, look at this, they gave you a glimpse of what they did. This is an Iranian video. This is an Iranian video that came out a few years ago. Hey, you want to mess with us?

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


Mel Gibson was at Mar-a-Lago, the new White House of the East Coast, hanging out, saying a few different words. And we'll play a couple of clips when that happens. You'll see it here shortly. Trump's going to ring the New York Stock Exchange opening bell, a mid-time person of the year. I asked Mark Benioff, can we change it back to... Man of the year.

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


Look what kind of technology we have access to. We can get you. Go back a little bit, Rob. That shows the Mar-a-Lago clip because that's what I wanted to show you. Go back a little bit. You know the part that was above it? Maybe go forward like five seconds. Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going. Okay, right there. Right there. Back up a little bit. So what is that?

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Yeah. It's a drone shot. So you don't think they want to learn every single piece of the property on what to do? I don't know, man. So this gets me to, you know, the people that are questioning. When did Chris Wray resign? Yesterday. He stepped down. Yep. The former FBI. He's the head of FBI.

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He steps down. Okay. He allowed somebody to go through Melania's drawer in her, in Mar-a-Lago. Yep. Even though Trump was working with them to get the files back, they went and embarrassed them and, you know, Mayorkas, all that stuff. Garland, right?

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While they're doing all that stuff, investigating Kim, nothing with Joe, nothing with the laptop, nothing with anybody, but you do that, and then you're doing this at this time with Iran getting $10 billion on the same day? What the hell is going on here? No wonder people are not trusting you. By the way,

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By the way, this is the part where when they ask the questions and they say, are you going to do anything to have a revenge on these guys? Are you? Am I going to... Can I ask you a question? Kristen Welker? What's her name? Exactly. Okay. Can I ask you a question?

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What would you do if 50 drones were over your house where you and your husband and kids live in?

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Would you want to know who was behind it? Yes. Is that called revenge? No. What do you call that? It's called wanting to know. Would you say... What if I told you, wow, what a vengeful person you are, Kristen Welker. Why do you want to know why these drones are trying to see what you're doing? You're such a pervert. You think they want to know what you're doing in the bedroom?

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They're just a bunch of innocent drones, Kristen. Except the difference is you're just a journalist. I'm the damn president.

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And we're moving this slow? This is pathetic. You know, last year, every year I do my business plan and I choose two words on December 31st, I already know one of my words for 2025. Two words I had for 2024 were sell and drive. One of the words in 2025 is speed. Speed. We had an executive meeting. I told them the theme this year is LFG. It's all speed. Nothing going slow.

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You have a crisis like this going on? You're moving this slow on it? What? What? Hell no. Go. Intel, what do we know? We don't know? Call everybody. Are these yours? Are these yours? Are these yours? Everybody call everybody and ask them if they're there. It's not yours?

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I don't care if you do woman of the year or man of the year. What is this person of the year? Just doesn't sound right. By the way, Elon Musk. Poor guy, man. He just crossed $400 billion net worth. Yeah, $600 a week from a trillion. I told you guys it'll take two to four years for him to be a first trillionaire. He's at $400 billion. Imagine how many... $400 billion he just crossed.

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If we find that it's yours, 300% tariff on you and public humiliation, we're shooting the shit down and going and getting it right now. You ready? Boom, shoot it. Open area? Yes. Right now, shoot them down because it's going to drop here in open area. Let's investigate exactly whose it is. We go back to them publicly. This was X, Y, Zs.

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Every once in a while, you have to make an example of a country. If you don't do it, they'll keep doing it. And you leave it like this? I don't know. This is frustrating to me.

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Protection and safety and security is so important that when you do something like this to the man that just became a president before he's about to become the president, president-elect, and we're just kind of like, yeah, yeah, Jen, yes, I don't know. Yeah, I mean, we don't think it's not Iran, but, you know, we're looking into it. We're doing our part. We've got some intel. Pentagon?

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All I want to know is we're the greatest country in the world. We have the best FBI. You know who said we have the best FBI? You know who said that? What conservative recently said, and I'll go down and say it again. We have the best, you know. Conservative said this? They're definitely not telling the truth. We have the best intelligence. I'll find out exactly who it was.

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If we have it, let's find out what happened. If you can find a person missing $50 on their tax return, but you can't find out what the hell this drone is coming from, stop it. Adam, final thoughts and then we'll move on to the next one.

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$400 billion ain't what it used to be. It's just not, though. It's not. They say the Saudi royal family is actually the first trillionaire. Right, that's right. But the family is, not an individual.

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So this is what I just, Rob, I'm glad you posted this. Okay, so mystery drone spotted over New Jersey, Staten Island. So look at the locations it's going over. Arsenal Military Base, Trump International, National Golf Club, Bedminster. Okay, New York, Burlington, all that area, right? That area's got a lot of information there.

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Right, right. These are Adam's friends that we never meet. But 50 Cent Trolls, Jay-Z and Diddy, with AI-generated arrest video after the child rape lawsuit. 50 also made comments about Luigi Mangione. He made a comment saying, this is my kind of a guy. You won't understand it. I may do a documentary on him. And he came out in another clip yesterday that went viral screaming at people.

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But, Rob, do you know when was the first drone sighting that started in Jersey? Do you know when it happened? When was it? So, Rob, do me a favor. Go to Google and search the following. First sighting of New Jersey drones. You will be surprised by what comes up, and I hope I'm wrong. November 18th.

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The drones, which some residents say appear larger than hobbyist drones, those used for recreational purposes have been spotted almost every night flying over northeastern U.S. states since November 18th. Four weeks. Almost four weeks. Guys, this is not just a few days. November 18th, and we're initially... cited near Picket Knee Arsenal, a U.S.

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military base research and manufacturing facility since November 18th. You're telling me since November 18th you've known about this? Can you open up that article, Rob, to see where it goes, Al Jazeera? So zoom in a little bit to see what else it's going to tell us about the dates. Go a little lower, Rob, if you could. Okay, perfect.

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Go a little lower, see if there's anything else to read or is that it? Okay, so December 4th, cautioning residents of... Florham Park Borough in Jersey about the drones. Chief of Police Joseph Orlando wrote over the past two weeks, the drone sightings have been occurring nightly beginning just after sunset and lasting well into the early morning hours.

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He described the appearance of the drones as nefarious and nature go a little lower. He also noted that the drones are flying above critical infrastructure such as water reservoirs, electric transmission lines, train stations, police departments, and military installations. On December 5th, Jersey Governor Phil Murphy wrote that on social. There is no known threat to the public at this time.

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Yesterday, I covered a briefing with Mallorca, senior officials, DHS and members of congressional delegation to discuss. I don't know, man. Listen, November 18th, you own a property. You own an office. You see something that you typically don't see in your office. What do you do? How long does it take you to investigate what's going on? What if nobody does something about it?

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Do you just sit there and take it and that's it? I don't know about this. This is...

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Well, wait a minute. Listen, they're making laws about deep fakes.

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If you take someone's daughter and you make deep fake porn, they want to make that a crime, right? Right. Okay. So this is the speed of crime. When we ran an insurance, I was talking to a lawyer yesterday. When we ran an insurance company, I'm still the CEO of the company. I had a meeting with them last week with a bunch of different things that's going on.

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Every insurance executive, CEO, big ones came in. We sat down. We had a two-day meeting with them. One of the things you have no choice but to get very good at in insurance is compliance. And when we're in 50 states, including Puerto Rico, and I think we're the third or second largest in Puerto Rico, and we've licensed 60,000 agents in 50 states. You deal with every single department of insurance.

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You pay taxes in every one of those states. I don't know how many states we pay taxes in, Tom. Honestly, you know how my CPA would come. He's like, here's this much for this state, this much for that state, this much for this state. Every state we're paying taxes in that we have to. Pretty much, if we had to, we paid it. You'll learn about compliance.

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And what happens is you learn new ways that people commit a crime. So what's the old school way of crime and sales? You're a realtor. You go, you do a loan 1003. The client forgets to sign one thing. What's the old school method of sales that people do? That you screw up and you lose your license. What is it? Ah, shit, I don't want to go back 40 minutes to meet the client. Let me just do what?

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You're a dummy. You know what's another one? Oh, you know what? I'm a better salesperson than my wife. My wife's the broker. I don't have the license. I'll sell it. I'll go there. I'll fill out the paperwork. Hmm. Then we would investigate and find out this guy out of Carolina who was selling to somebody while the wife wasn't there, and the wife's the licensed one.

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We called every one of the clients that day. It took us one day to realize she doesn't sell. He sells. How long did it take us until we terminated this guy? 24 hours. Oh, yeah, less than that. We made the decision immediately. But you know what happens? Then comes social media. Then comes Zoom. Then comes every time we have to accelerate the process of the threat to

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And how people try to take advantage. You're supposed to move quickly. Right now with us in Viettel and BDC, we're going through it right now. You investigate quickly. Whoa, you're using that for this? Really? What? You were doing this? Interesting. Well, that's double dumb, but guess what? It's a crime. Here we go. We got to do what we got to do. If you want to go, you go through it.

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But you're telling me for something like this? They need to put a law. Where I'm going with this is if you think deep fake of a girl that she's not in it, but she's being used in porn should be a crime, which I agree. If you're going to do that, it should be a crime. Guess what? What's the new crime that we want to put with drones? It needs to be a crime.

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Can't wait. The famous twin realtor brothers arrested amid sexual assault allegations. And the mugshot doesn't look good. It just doesn't look good. We'll talk about that as well. A few other things that's going on at the same time. Trump, a new name for Justin Trudeau. is officially out there and it's going viral. He's calling Justin Trudeau Governor Trudeau. He wants Canada to be a state.

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It needs to be a crime if it's either crime or you shoot it down. If it's not our drone. And we don't know whose it is. No one's taking ownership. Shoot the shit down. Don't sit on it since the 18th.

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By the way, if you're watching this, I'm curious, whether you agree with me politically or not, because there's about 15% of you that watch this that you watch it because you don't agree with us, which you have no idea how important you are, and I love it. You tell me, left, right, center, wherever you are.

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I want one person to tell me a good argument on why you're okay with the drones being up there and the U.S. government telling us they don't know what it is and we're not shooting those things down. Tell me one person, aside from safety reasons, which I agree with you on where it crashes, aside from safety reasons, give me one reason why those drones shouldn't be shut down. Why not?

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Do you have one? You don't have one. I don't have one. the hell are we doing? What are we doing? And where? In an area that's the financial capital of the world? Bedminster president? This is... Anyways, we got to go to the next story because this is really just very annoying. Security is your number one job as a man and a husband and a father.

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Security is your number one job as the FBI director, the president. The current president is Biden. VP Kamala, that's your job to protect me, you, us, our families. You're not doing it. What the hell are you waiting for? It's a basic phone call. Two hours, call every head of state. What the is going on here? Is this you? Because I'm shooting the shit down.

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And I swear to God, if I find out it's you, it's over. Do you understand me? You think I'm playing with you? We're not. What do you want to do? It's ours. Take the shit down right now. Out. And whatever you have, give me every single file. And if you don't, public scrutiny and 200, 300% of tariff coming your way and sanctions on your country for one year.

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I swear to God, the fear of death is coming your way. Closest thing to it. This is like... Anyways, let's go to the next story. Freaking very annoying to me. People in Jersey, average day-to-day families, you want me to have my kids go to school, and I'm worried about what's going to happen with these things? Are you out of your freaking mind? Are you out of your mind?

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In two of our most special states in America, Jersey and New York, how rich are those people, personalities that come out of those places? Anyways, let me go to the next story before I freaking turn off the podcast today. All right, let's go to the next story. Not bad for a first topic for people to get fired up. Let's go to the next story.

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Let's go to a little bit more of a different kind of a story here. So what do we got here? All right, let's talk about Alex Jones. Judge rejects sale of Alex Jones InfoWars to The Onion in dispute over a bankruptcy auction. So is this kind of like a spoof that Onion wants to buy them to kind of put them out of business and say, hey, we bought them and we used our money and we closed them up?

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Is that kind of what they're trying to do, Rob? Is that what this is? Because Onion is a liberal left. Onion is the old school watered down Babylon Bee. Is that fair to say that? Because Onion is what they wish they were Babylon B, but they can't be because they're just not as talented and creative as the guys at Babylon B are. It's not even close, by the way.

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Let me read the story to you, and then let's go to this. Okay, here we go. Page 13. So, a federal judge on Tuesday rejects the sale of the conspiracy... Who wrote this article? New York Post. Okay. Of the conspiracy platform InfoWars to the onion satirical news outlet after Alex Jones claimed that a recent bankruptcy auction was fraught with illegal collusion.

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The onion was named the winning bidder on November 14th over a company... Affiliated with the Jones, U.S. bankruptcy judge Christopher Lopez. Decision made. Jones can stay at InfoWars in Austin, Texas. The Onion have planned to kick Jones out and relaunch InfoWars in January as a parody. Okay, so they're trying to mock him, right?

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At the end of a lengthy two-day hearing in a Texas courtroom, Lopez criticized the auction process, flawed. And said the outcome left a lot of money on the table for families of victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. You got to scratch and claw and get everything you can from them. Lopez said, Rob, is this a clip from who? Is this the lawyer or who is this guy here?

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I'll play the Cleo. He doesn't know what to do with himself. Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon says Trump's very pro-growth agenda to boost deal-making. That's good. Deal-making can be translated into IPOs, raising money, a lot of different things, which is good. More than 75 Nobel laureates urge Senate to, ready, reject RFK Jr.

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You don't think that that's fair? I'm sorry, Onion. Tom, can you do me a favor and pull up? Like, is there a way to track traffic going to the Onion versus Babylon Bee and measuring the two together for the last three years? I am begging you to find this. There used to be a site called Can you please find the two together?

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I don't know the data, by the way, so I could be wrong, and Onion's been crushing it. But from what I see, I am willing to bet Babylon B's traffic versus the Onion, they're destroying the Onion. And Onion wishes they could be Babylon B. You know what would be funny with this entire part? This is who, by the way. This is who, Rob, that you just put in. Organic traffic. And this is on what website?

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Okay. And they showed up as what, 273? Can you do me a favor? Just copy-paste the link. And just open up a new window. So don't close it. So we can compare the two together and put up a new window. And on this new window that you do, put Babylon B in there and let's see what it's doing. The same way you just did it. I don't know what, oh, it doesn't let you do two at a time.

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Yeah, I would be very curious to know because this guy had a play where he wanted to publicly humiliate. He said conservative podcasters. What did he call them? He says these other traffic.

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We're trying to find out if these 75 are related to the 51 Secret Service intelligence agents that said there's nothing in that laptop. Well, who knows? We'll find out. Border Czar Tom Holman mourns that opposing ICE is a result you don't want. Biden, Trump's tax and tariffs plans are a major mistake. U.S. Treasury turns frozen Russian assets into $20 billion loan for who? Ukraine.

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According to this website. Can you do me a favor? Find out when did Babylon Bee start and when did The Onion start? When did Babylon be started?

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That was a newspaper. Babylon be started eight years ago. Okay, when did Onion start?

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That's where the University of Wisconsin is. Right, so 88, 2016 is what? 28 years before Babylon Bee started, right? Now, Musk is a big fan of Babylon Bee. So these guys are buying Infowars to try to humiliate what do you call it, Alex. And by the way, is there the dollar amount, Rob, that we have in an article? Because I think the number, when I asked you yesterday, was like $1.75 million.

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Less than $2 million. And they're giving $700,000 to, what do you call it, to the family and all this other stuff. Can you go to that, Rob, real quick?

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So give or take $2.5 million to buy InfoWars. Correct. This is nothing. Elon has that in his pocket right now. Does the lawsuit come with it?

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So let's just say somebody wanted to buy InfoWars. And but the company that wanted to buy them, they wanted to buy them minus the liability that comes with it. Right. Meaning I don't want I want to be held harmless of the lawsuit. I want to be held harmless of all the prior debt. Could you do that or no? Out of the bankruptcy, because are you buying it out of bankruptcy or no?

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In April 2024, Collins announced that the CEO of Global Tetrahedron, a company that has purchased Onion. So Onion was officially just sold six months ago.

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Wait till you see KJP talk about $50 billion, I thought she said, instead of $20 billion. Rob, if I'm not mistaken, did she say $50 billion yesterday instead of $20 billion? I don't know why I thought I saw $50 billion. But we'll show that. On top of that, $20 billion is going to Ukraine. Iran's getting another $10 billion in sanctions relief days after Trump's won election.

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Did you know that, Tom? I did not know that. Onion was bought by Global Tetrahedron. Yeah, can you see what they paid for it? Because I just looked up what they did. They used to have 500,000 subscribers at their peak. And then it just fell off according to one of the articles I just read.

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The purchase originated from a post by Collins on Blue Sky after news broke that the then-GO was looking to offload the magazine amongst other titles, and Collins won the assets of the website InfoWars at auction despite the family's own. The federal judge... Yeah, interesting. Interesting to see this guy's background and where he's at now.

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I tell you, I actually think it's a great move on the left to buy InfoWars and dump it. I think it's a great move on the left to buy InfoWars and dump it. Strategically, it's like Elon Musk buying MSNBC. The opposing side will be celebrating that. I think it's a great move to do that. But if it's only for $2.5 million, there's nobody else that's willing to buy InfoWars for $3 million?

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For $3.5 million? All the content, it's going to be used later on in documentaries and stuff. I don't know. I think there's something there. You don't have to agree with it or not, but that's going to be something that could be used for many, many years to come.

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What a noble thing for Biden to do to give another $10 billion to Iran. And we got a bunch of stories on the UnitedHealthcare CEO. Phil Mickelson issues the golfer. Praise to Daniel Penny on Random Thoughts Twitter post. CNN panel goes off the rails after Scott Jennings calls Daniel Penny one of the good guys. Ron DeSantis invites Daniel Penny to Florida to get his life back.

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It's a mess. That's the person. Yeah, see, that's personal. Insane.

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If you type in the onion top line revenue, do you know what it is? Top line revenue. I know at one point Trump was, I'm sorry, Musk was interested in buying the onion digital media with $21.8 million in top line revenue with 389 employees. It's not a big number. No, it's a small number, since 1988. If that's the right number. Chicago, Illinois. Here, Rob, if you want to.

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Well, I mean, this is the part, if you want to show this, Rob. This is where I found the article from, No, just look at the link I just texted you. Because shows how big these guys are. And they're buying InfoWars. Interesting. Interesting. All right. It's not really them buying InfoWars. It's who bought them is buying InfoWars. Zoom in a little bit. There it is.

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The Onion, $21.8 million on Rev, 389 employees, 159 on Rocket Reach, founded in 1988. I don't know how accurate this number is, but those are the numbers that you got. So it's a small company since 1988 that's still doing $21, $22 million a year that was bought out.

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All right, let's go to the next story. Let's talk about UnitedHealthcare. So, Rob, do you have the clip of his outburst outside the Pennsylvania courthouse? If you have that, let me just read this while you're looking for it. So, oh, you have it. Okay, let me just read this real quick.

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Luigi Maggioni, the man charged with the murder and the death of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, broke his day of silence with an outburst as he was escorted into a Pennsylvania courthouse where he challenged his arrest. It's completely out of touch and an insult to the intelligence of the American people.

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In its lived experience, Mangione shouted, prompting his detail of about 10 officers to hurry him inside. Dressed in orange jumpsuit, Mangione appeared unfazed. He was seen whispering with his attorney, Thomas Dickey, great last name, glancing at reporters and mumbling to himself at the Blair County Court hearing around 2 p.m. Prosecutors say he has $8,000 in U.S. cash.

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And $2,000 in foreign cash masks a passport on him in addition to a ghost gun and a silencer resembling the weapon killed to kill Thompson when he was apprehended by police in Altoona on Monday. Go ahead, Rob.

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We'll talk about the drones. Joey Reed from MSNBC says conservatism itself justifies, ready, violence. They elect it. The Joker. Well, so does looting, Joy. So let's talk. Joy Les Reed. Her name is Joy Les Reed. Trump is sending a message to supporters to use violence and commit crimes. And this is from MSNBC's Vance. We talked about Ray stepping down.

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Complete insult to the intelligence of human kind. Can you play it again on what he says? Did you catch what he said, Rob, or no?

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And their lived experience. Yes. Right, and their lived experience. So I got something here yesterday that was sent to me that I was reading, and I kind of showed it with you guys with Tom. Okay, Rob, I'll text this to you if you don't mind showing this. I'll keep reading it so the audience can see it as well on the timeline of what happened here. Okay? So it was interesting reading this.

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The story says, it says, born into a wealthy family, attends a $40,000-a-year private school, becomes valedictorian, earns a bachelor's and master's in computer science by 26, no criminal record, no behavior red flags, clean slate, sharp dress, photogenic, active on social media, vacations abroad, post-polished photos,

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looks like he's thriving, lands internship and builds a resume that screams success, spends free time exploring AI mushrooms and self-optimization trends, writes a Goodreads review on TED case sprinkles and safe edgy, joins the professional world, follows the system scripts perfectly, no sign of instability, just another rising star in tech scene, disappears with friends for three months, then he kills the CEO.

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What happened for those three months? Who are the friends? What do we know about them? Now, while this is going on, 50 Cent posted something. Rob, if you don't mind pulling this up on 50 Cent. 50 Cent posted this on Instagram. On Instagram, he posted a picture of Luigi. And then he said something like, you won't understand me posting this. Do you see it?

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Or maybe he's not a guy that would take it down. He posted something and said, you won't understand this. But I made the 50 Cent, Luigi Mangione. He said something about, I don't know, I kind of like this kind of killer. Right there, zoom in. Do you see it right there? Zoom in a little bit. I don't know. I kind of like this killer. I'm sorry that this is going this way since deleted the post.

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Makes sense. I'm sorry this is going this way. It is. But I'm doing a documentary on him. He is special. I apologize in advance for anyone who doesn't understand. 50 Cent said this about the guy. So, Vinny, what do you know so far about what's going on since the last podcast?

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There's an article here from SFGate, San Francisco Gate. America's obsession with California failing. California failing. Trans pedophile, okay? Flashes penis after being moved to women's prison. By the way, this was Tom's choice. He wanted to react to the story. We're going to go to Tom. Tom actually wanted to show you the video. We said no.

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He's saying, could somebody have taken him during those 90 days to shape his mindset to take out and do something like this?

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That didn't look like... So why don't we do this? Why don't we do this? Why don't we do this? Okay. Can we do this? Can we map out what the possibilities are? Okay? From the logical one to the wildest one. Okay. Let's kind of go through it. One.

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Yeah, that's right. You know, whatever it is. It's called a shiv. Yeah. CDC warning drug 100 times more potent than fentanyl is on the rise. Turkish cities offer refugees one-way tickets back to Syria. Microsoft shareholders vote against investing in Bitcoin. This story, we have to cover this one. Judge rejects sale of Alex Jones InfoWars to opinion in dispute over bankruptcy action.

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The surgery that happened on his back, Rob, if you can pull up the surgery on his back, the pictures of the surgery on his back, you know which one I'm talking about. There's a picture right there, right? That's him. Can you see? Newsweek. Okay. So did Luigi Mangione's back pain surgery go wrong? Click on the story. Let's see what that is. Go wrong. What we know about this story. All right.

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Zoom in a little bit, so let's read this. Mangione was facing charges. Okay, got it. Since the shooting, December 4th, significant speculation on motivation. The bullets killed time. Okay. Back pain. According to reports from Forbes, Mangione posted on Reddit that pain in his back in the months before the shooting, writing, my... Spundy went bad on me last year.

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It was completely devastating as a young athletic person. According to WAPO, Frenzel Maggioni said that the reason he moved to Hawaii, which is his registered last address, was to get better health. Maggioni posted on his X-ray of his spine on social media with the image appearing to indicate a case of...

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spondylolisthesis, okay, a condition caused by vertebrates slipping out of place, which can cause chronic pain. In analysis of the image, neurosurgeon Tyler Cole said that the surgery Mangione received appeared to be suboptimal. and that he would likely have continued to experience nerve pain after the operation. Go a little lower.

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That's right. So the lack of good ALIF, along with the subsidence, likely worsened the L5 radicular pain by not restoring disc height and causing neuroforminal compression. You can fuse with continued misalignment as long as disc height is restored and foremen are open. But the overall point is valid. Looks like suboptimal surgery. Okay, so the doctor speaking in the doctor language.

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In the analysis of the X-ray, Grunt said this potentially could mean he even suffered from... Failed spinal fusion. A failed spinal fusion could lead to chronic back. Okay, individual. Okay, very aware of this. I totally understand this part.

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I take care of these kinds of patients all the time, and it is a constant battle with an insurance company trying to get patients what they need to help them deal with their pain. Okay, so simple. Hey, man, you did the surgery. My pain is worse. You and I, we talk about this all the time, right? And you go to the doctor. There's three things we can do. We can do surgery. No, you can do the PRP.

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All right, whatever. You can do the steroids or you can do the stem cell. Here's one thing you can do. Stem cell out of your joint, the bone that puts it, the marrow, and that's the high quality. We can improve it. All right. I don't recommend. We can burn the nerve. That's what they want to do with me now.

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We burn the nerve, and it kind of alleviates some of the pain every year, and then maybe you'll burn it again and burn it again and burn it again. But almost everybody you talk to is, don't do a surgery on your back. 90% of people say, if you don't have to do it, don't do it. All right, is that a reason to kill somebody? Maybe. Let's set that aside. One, speculation. Two, go...

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You know, 90 days, the story you said, they got to him, brainwashed him, whatever happened, prepared him to go out there and take him out.

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Okay. Three, bad friends, manipulation, hardcore, hating the government, hating insurance industry. Let's do something about it. Somebody told him, nobody will, I will take this guy out. That's four. Five. Brian Thompson is going to it. Somebody got this guy to go take him out because of whatever reasons that was going to happen. Okay, six. Brian Thompson, who had the highest percentage of what?

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Declined 32%? Highest percentage of declines, 32%. Maybe he was going to go in and recommend to say, guys, we got to kind of become industry standard. We're hated by everybody right now. We can't be doing this. And the investors are like, no, no, no. We can't do this. We got to take this guy out. I don't know if you guys have seen the movie The Accountant.

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Shout out to Kevin O'Connor, a phenomenal director. The accountant remembered that investigation he did, that he found that that was happening. They're like, wait a minute, you got to get the hell out of here. You're getting a little bit too deep into this stuff. I mean, what else could it be outside of that, Tom? Vinny, what else could it be outside of that?

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But that's not the case. We read yesterday, Tuesday, families are very, very well-off family. 37 grandkids. He's one of the 37 grandkids. The rest of them are doing apparently fine. And he's the guy that kills the CEO.

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Then we'll talk about Jamie Foxx. We'll talk about Caitlin Clarke. Which drives me insane that she did that. You know what? I was ready to go all in until this comment was made. I was going to buy a jersey. I'm actually not playing with you. She still has skill set. Relax. No, she's nasty. Women are getting... And by the way, this is not a new product.

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Did you see the other picture, the picture with the eyebrows, the fact that the eyebrows don't match? They don't match. Have you seen that one, Rob? Luigi Mangione, you type in eyebrows, and everybody's talking about, not that one, it's the other one right there. No, there's one that's... One that's a better one that shows the eyebrows just don't match.

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You know, one eyebrow, the eyebrows were more divided in that picture. Yeah, well, I don't know if it's that one or not. Anyways.

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Because I'm a transition to products, I don't want to confuse you. This is not our product.

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Almost mocking the fact that... I said I didn't find it on their Twitter account.

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Can you explain why you put that? Why did Burger King say we don't snitch?

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As they should if a man on the run. And when they did, what ended up happening is Google, that McDonald's got so many negative reviews that Google had to pull the negative. Is this the card, Rob?

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Disclaimer, so people are not going out there saying, I didn't see it on Women are getting designer nipple fillers. For perkier bosoms. Tom's. Not something to hide anymore. Again, Rob, can we confirm that? That's not our product. We're not selling. It's not. It doesn't say future looks bright. And there's like, it's not. Nipples look hard.

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We've done so many episodes on hospitals ripping people off per night that they're staying there. Health insurance. I left the health insurance industry specifically because of how it was half the time. Like every single time you wanted to use something for the services, well, you know, this is going to be this. Well, I don't know about this. And well, I don't know about this.

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Well, I don't know about this. And then you watch John Q and John Q was a movie where it's like, dude, like this is a little out of control. And then you see the number of declines. Like, the reason why I like life insurance, you know what life insurance does? Like, you have a two-year incontestability clause, right, that they came up with. Yeah, which means, guess what?

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If I buy life insurance and I don't tell you I have AIDS and, you know, all of a sudden you die in six months and it's like, oh, $2 million, what? What happened? You just only paid $600 a premium, and I got to pay $2 million? I'm going to investigate it in contestability clause. No, we're not doing this. You didn't disclose that to us. Boom, you used somebody else's blood when they tested you.

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This isn't you. We're not paying the $2 million. Insurance companies can do that for two years to protect them. Happens all the time. After two years, guess what? Hey, it is what it is. We have to pay the premium out. Life, then PNC. Right now, the problem with auto insurance is auto insurance companies are not making money right now. So they're leaving states. I remember.

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Property and casualty companies are leaving states like Florida, and they're leaving states like California, and they're leaving states where there's a lot of theft with cars being stolen. New York, some of the places. Like, dude, it's just not profitable to be there, right? Health insurance, man.

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Those guys are freaking, you know, on Big Pharma, what they do with a medicine that you can sell for $5, they sell it for $2,000 because they can't. There's a lot of that going on, and that's the part that you're hoping Bobby and some of these guys do something about. But at what cost? To celebrate killing a CEO?

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Yeah, that's right. That's not our product. So we got a lot of things to go through. But before I get into it, I can't tell you how many DMs I got from people telling me, Pat. I want my Christmas hat. Where is it? Well, the reason it wasn't shipped yet is because we sold 1,000 more than we had, and that hat just arrived yesterday. We just shipped out 1,000 of these, I think, today.

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Guys, it just happened recently. What was the guy's name? Not Wade Phillips. Wade Wilson. Now, Wade Wilson, this guy. Who's this guy? Girls were crazy about this guy.

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Yeah. Let's go to the next story. Let's go to the next story. All right. So next story I want to go to is, the acquittal of Daniel Penny that just happened. Phil Mickelson, while this is happening, Phil Mickelson, some call him one of the greatest golfers of all time, goes on Twitter and says the following, random thoughts, Mike Tirico, Chris Collinsworth are great in the booth.

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Day of the Jackal is an incredible show. If a deranged individual threatens to kill you, let's hope there's a Daniel Penny around. Phil Mickelson. Good for him for saying that. Then on CNN, the great Scott Jennings goes off again and watch what happens when he says this. Just be ready for it. They're going to lose their mind in three seconds. Go ahead.

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That's going out. And by the way, for those of you that wanted that you didn't get it because it was gone, we got a few hundred more for you to get, and if you order before the 15th, You can gift this to a family pre-Christmas. People are buying five, 10, 15 of these at a time to gift somebody because it says Merry Christmas.

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Because the statistics say that. No, no. You need it to be about race. Hang on. Hang on. Back up. You have to hear what he says here. Back up. You have to hear what he says here. Very important. Go ahead, Rob.

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It says Future Looks Bright, Valuetainment here, and Future Looks Bright here. These are, if you're somebody that's church going and you like the actual word, Christ, Merry Christmas, these are here as well. Limited supply left just for this season. And then these sweaters, I saw Chris Mono. Shout out to Chris Mono. The happy holidays crossed out Merry Christmas.

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Because I thought dear was more polite than crazy bitch. Sorry. Sue me. How's your dear girlfriend doing?

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All right, let's go to the next one. So, folks, with the last few weeks left until inauguration, Joe Biden decides to give Iran $10 billion in sanctions relief days after Trump won election. And at the same time, the U.S. Treasury turns frozen Russian assets into $20 billion loan for who? Ukraine. Rob, if you can play the clip of KJP talking about the money they're giving out.

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Incredible quality sweaters are here. You can go to VT Merch. And last but not least, these hoodies, okay? These hoodies that Tom works at at Equinox late at night. These ugly sweater hoodies. We have officially, Valuetainment is on there as well on If you place the order now, you will get it pre-Christmas. We're shipping these things out again for Christmas gifts. Get these out.

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It's become a big hit. Future looks bright combined with Merry Christmas. Okay, all right, so let's go into the first story. Rob, can we pull up these clips with these drones? I really want to find out what's going on with these drones. A congressman even came up and he commented on it. But first, Rob, let's show. Okay, go for it. You can play this.

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When they're going and meeting with Trump at all these meetings, and Trump's shaking Macron's hand and almost breaks his shoulders. I love it. I love it. He looks like he's breaking his shoulders. There's one part where Macron says, hey, can you hug Zelensky's hand? I don't know if you saw that clip or not. And then he comes back. Have you seen that clip? You have to see Macron's handshake.

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There's another one, Rob. This guy's famous for his handshakes on what he does. Go back a little bit. When he gets out of the car. Can you type in Macron and Zelensky? Just type in. No, no. Right there. Just add Trump, Macron, Zelensky handshake. Let's see if they have it. It's hilarious. That's the middle one right there. He's like, hey, you mind shaking Zelensky's hand?

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What's Trump telling him? What's Trump telling him? He's saying, hey, just so you know. The money's done. It's done. It's over, bro. Get as much as you can. When I'm here, you better get your act together and go start dancing again. Yeah, go put on a suit, little jerk. Go start dancing again. Anyways, the greatest fundraiser of all time. You got to give him some kind of credit on what he's done.

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As a matter of fact, let me just read a little bit about it and then we'll go to these stories. That we have, you know, folks in Jersey, they're like, Pat, I'm seeing this stuff and people are actually worried. Is this Iran? Is this us? How the hell does our own government not know what it is? So New Jersey Senator John Bramnick, is that the video you have, Rob, or not? I have Jeff Andrew.

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Okay, so let me read this one here. Issue the press release urging the state to issue a limited state of emergency banning all drones until the public receives... An explanation regarding these multiple sightings following reports of large drones flying over President-elect Trump's Bedminster golf course. Give me a flip and break. You think that's accidental?

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Tom's got Vinny's back. Did you catch that? Tom's trying to say, I got you, Vinny.

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Can I make a comment on the Russia-Ukraine thing real quick? So the part about the Russia-Ukraine thing that's kind of technical when you go through the history where Putin wants to join NATO.

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No, no. He goes to Clinton and says, I want to join NATO. Clinton calls back eight minutes later. He says, not right now.

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No shit, Sherlock. But what I'm saying is Putin's asking to join to say and give a message to the world, I also don't want war. That's what Putin's saying to Clinton. Then why... Who does Clinton call... to call back and says, not right now. Why? Is it because if all of a sudden we seem that everything is under control and good, then they can't be expanding west? They can't be expanding more east?

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Is that what it is? When he wanted to kind of figure things out, how come they were doing that? By the way, here's the other part that they did, which I kind of love. Putin's move here was phenomenal, and I hope we do it in America. When all the protesting was taking place in Ukraine and Russia, you know what he blamed? He blamed the protest.

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particularly from the U.S., accusing Western-funded NGOs of inciting unrest, which, by the way, you know what he did in 2012? A law passed in 2012 in Russia requiring NGOs receiving foreign funding to register as foreign agents. Would we not love that in America, by the way, if you're getting NGO money from somebody else?

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If Soros is doing what he's doing, hey, man, I just want to let you know, I'm XYZ. And then afterwards... When that's taking place, he wants to find a way to make things happen. Hey, let's make this work. No, we're going to get closer. No, we're going to go east. Of course the guy's going to be pissed off.

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And near military research sites in New Jersey, Governor Phil Murphy noted 49 reports of drones Sunday alone, acknowledging that some could be possible sightings. and potentially the same drone being reported more than once.

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So in regards to the other stuff with the taxes you were talking about, we already talked about that, on the fact that the income taxes being unconstitutional as of 1894, 1913 becomes income taxes. then Federal Reserve, then we're okay with people taking money out of our pockets. I just am excited to see what will happen if we decide to cut a lot of our expenses.

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But anyways, let's go to the next story here. Next story I want to go to is, Rob, if you want to pull up Joy Reid, and then we got Caitlin Clark, and then we should wrap up. Joy Reid from MSNBC says, conservatism itself justifies violence. Matter of fact, I think she can do a better job saying it than I just said it. Go ahead, Rob.

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White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated, we are certainly aware, the president is aware, so we are closely tracking the activity and coordinating closely with relevant agencies, including DHS and FBI. To continue investigate these sightings, incidents, she confirmed the drones are not foreign. How do you know that, by the way? If you know it's not foreign, then what is it?

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


But she said she did not have anything else to share regarding the investigation. If you want to play the clip, Rob, with the reaction of this senator, I think it's a congressman that had an insider share something with him. Go ahead, Rob, play this clip.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


Well, let me read this next story here to you. Caitlin Clark is named Time Athlete of the Year. 22 years old. She had a record-breaking season with the Indiana Fever. In the WNBA, she shattered six rookie records for points and assists, four franchise records, and multiple all-time NBA records, including the most assists in a single game, 19.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


Reflecting on her impact, she stated, I've been able to captivate so many people that have never watched women's sports. and then turned them into fans. Before joining the WNBA, Clark became the highest scorer in college basketball history at Iowa, drawing a staggering 18.9 million viewers for March Madness finale. And... Against South Carolina's second most watched women's sporting event in U.S.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


history, Times, Sean Gregory wrote, good luck naming another player who altered the trajectory of the entire sports scene within five months on the job. And Kaitlyn Clark responds with the following. Adam, I'm going to come to you first.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


She says, acknowledged her privilege as a white person in a league built on the contributions of black players. In her time interview, she stated, I want to say I've earned every single thing, but as a white person, there is privilege. The more we can elevate black women, that's going to be a beautiful thing.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


She also credited black basketball icons like Lisa Leslie, Maya Moore, for paving the way for success during an appearance on SNL. Despite her unprecedented accomplishments, including all the records that she had, So rookie season, criticism arose over her popularity. Golden State suggested that her stardom reflects the great white hope syndrome. Okay, that's what they called her.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


And while the three-time MVP Aja Wilson claimed Clark's race was a huge contributor to her popularity, it doesn't matter what we all do as black women. We're still going to be swept underneath the rug. Adam, I'm going to come to you first.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


That's coming from a winner. That guy won the World Series. And it's not going to work. Here's what I'll say. I just got a couple thoughts, and then we'll wrap up, because... We got certain things we got to do. So, you know, I actually do want to see WNBA succeed, you know, because there's nothing wrong with girls competing with girls, right? There's nothing wrong with that. I actually like it.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


I think it's great if that's when you have four kids, they all have different dreams. All you care about as a parent is, hey, what's your dream kid? Let me help you get to it, right? And I'd love if Brooklyn or Senna, they're like, hey, Daddy, I want to be a basketball player. So, you know, Saturday, Sunday, I would send her.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


She's shooting baskets, and we go back and forth to record that she's made six shots in a row. Nice. It's a cool little moment that we have together. I enjoy it. Does she like playing basketball? No. We just do it as a form of exercise that we have. I don't mind this winning. I actually want to see WNBA do well.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


But what she just did is exactly why I haven't watched a minute of an NBA game this year. I'm done. I'm unattracted.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


When NBA did the BLM thing and all this stuff in their NBA field said BLM, BLM, BLM, and they were bitching about everything that's going on and DeSantis is a bad guy, yet you did your NBA playoffs in Orlando, where it's the only state that would allow you to do it, and then you want to bitch about bad policies of Florida? You came to Florida. I was done with the NBA.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


LeBron James destroyed a great game, and a lot of people can say stuff about him. I still put him as a second greatest. I was hoping Caitlyn would stay and say, look, I respect everybody. I've earned to be here. I've worked very hard. But to go to the victimhood mentality place, so disappointing, so unattractive, that I couldn't even sit there and have my kids look up to her as a hero.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


That's the part. I want to find a kid for my daughters to look up to. We don't agree with victimhood mentality. Because we're Middle Eastern. Can you imagine us like, oh, we don't have white privilege. Their daddy is as Middle Eastern as it gets. We don't believe in that stuff. My dad was a cashier at a 99 cent store in Inglewood. The man never complained about hard weeks.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


82 years old, about to turn 83. Good luck hearing this guy complain about his health and the pain and all this stuff that he has. We don't have any kind of privilege about white people have it over us. I've never felt it that way before. I've never felt it that way with, well, this community is this, that community is this, this community is this. What an unattractive acceptance speech.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


What an unattractive acceptance speech by a 22-year-old that's been fed all this stuff. Such a big turnoff. I'm so disappointed. I was wanting to take my girls to an Indiana Fever game this year, courtside, to watch her play. I'm done. I'm so upset and disappointed with this. You and me both. Why can't you just not make a comment like that? Just play the game. You're playing a game.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


WNBA, would you like conservatives to watch the game? Of course they would. Would you like capitalists to watch the game? Yep. Would you like libertarians to watch the game? Would you like independents? Would you like Republicans to watch the game? You don't want them to watch the game? And you want to keep using them? No problem. Go ahead. Just have your liberal audience watching WNBA. Go ahead.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


No, it's not the point. Your point when you were saying you and I, our debate was that the WNBA doesn't have a shot at being profitable. You know when you say $50 million to $40 million to this? The biggest, for many years, Amazon was criticized because they weren't making profits. And everybody is like, listen, if you're not comfortable with this, don't buy our stock.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


Don't expect dividends for years. But if you're thinking long term, you're eventually going to make a lot of money. He made people a lot of money. In an interview last week, he said something very interesting. The guy says, how does it feel having a net worth of $200 billion? He said, actually, don't look at it that way. He says, how do you look at it?

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


He says, well, Amazon is worth roughly $2.4 trillion. He says, yeah. He says, I look at it as I've helped create $2.2 trillion of wealth for other people. That's the milestone I celebrate. So I hope these guys figure it out. I want businesses to do well. Every time a business goes out of business, I don't like it. But I cannot stand to the core when we hear these messages about victimhood.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


It's so unattractive. It's so annoying. And a parent like myself doesn't want to applaud someone like that. Right now we had a meeting this week about, you know, hey, Pat, what's the next book you want to write? Next book I want to write the next, you know, two to four years. We're looking at what it is because it takes a lot of time every time we go through this.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


You know, it's either something to do with business, but a lot of people are asking about fatherhood. Here's the thing. If I write a book on fatherhood, first chapter, you know what it's going to say? Read this book at your own risk. Don't look at me as a great father. We'll know if I'm a good father or not in 40 years. But if you want to apply, this is how I raise my kids. You want to do it?

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


Great. You don't? I totally get it. It's such an unattractive thing. It's just not attractive.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


I disagree. We have no interest. Adam, it's very hard to pull. The proof's in the pudding. No, it's not. No, no. Wait a minute. Isolate concerns. It's all a shit show. None of it is working. You don't get 18.9 million viewers in a college championship game. That's more than the NBA Finals.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


You know why you get it? You know why you get it? Why? It's because the world is obsessed with competition. Reese against Kaitlyn, all that stuff. They love competition. No. Manufacturing. For me, she screwed up. Big time. Big time. Kaitlyn's comments just got me to have this much interest in what's going to happen in this sport. I'm out. It peaked. You know how they say it peaked? WNBA.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


You keep going back to make yourself feel like, It's two different stories. She effed up because she could have brought a new audience to the WNBA, but she effed up because she caved. And the people in WNBA, the executive team, thinks they did the right thing. They just effed up. They had a half of the population. You know what a CMO should have done? Should have been like, hey, please.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


Say what you say. Try to say something to the American. I love America. Greatest country in the world. That's all you have to say. Oh, wow. Okay, good. She loves the country. She loves America. I'm willing to support. You want to say, yeah, but I have white privilege? Dude, we're out. So you just lost that part.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


Succeed. Come at me. This is why I want to recognize somebody. Do you know when I said to you we had a few of these hats left to order? So shout out to Brian Crowes from Michigan. This guy ordered 21 of them. 21 hats? 21 of these for Christmas for his family. Oh, man. And by the way, the first 100 orders, we're getting the new Future Looks Bright Mugs that we just got that came in.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


So again, Christmas, December 15th, we have all this Christmas gear. This has got to be shipped. They just came in. A thousand of these are being shipped out here today. But this badge goes. And once it goes, we're not ordering again until next year. So go place your order. We will not sell these after Christmas. They're out because the season is out. So go place your order.

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


Put it as a gift for a loved one for Merry Christmas. Anyways, Rob, do you have anything else tomorrow? We don't have anything because tomorrow is Business Planet Workshop, right?

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


Holy moly. Well, God bless everybody. Have a great weekend. Take care. Bye-bye, bye-bye.

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New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


All right, folks, if you're ready, we got a lot of stuff going on today. By the way, Zuckerberg, who came out and wrote a letter to Honorable Chairman Jim Jordan about the $400 million he helped out and how Biden and all those guys came out and he shouldn't have done that. It was on him. You know who he just gave a million dollars to for his inauguration party?

PBD Podcast

New Jersey Drones, Luigi Magione's 90-Day Mystery, Alex Jones InfoWars Win | PBD Podcast | Ep. 520


Are you serious? Did you hear about this? No. Just this morning. News came out. Yes. We got a few other things that's going on that's interesting. You got, for those in Jersey, you know how many people from Jersey told me they're actually concerned, like, what is going on with these drones? What is it? Is it Iran? Is it FBI? We're asking the FBI. They're like, we don't know what it is.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Oh, my God. Listen, that is so exciting. You know, so when Doge is taking place, we've been talking about the concept of tariffs for a few years. And you saw Mark Cuban coming out and said, well, you know, here's what you got to be careful with tariffs and, you know, protectionists. And that's not the right way to go. And we need free trade.

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And this is why this and by the way, this conversation goes back to some people that are very big pro Nixon. Nixon was one of the greatest presidents of all time. And he did all this stuff. I mean, The argument could be a 50-50 argument. There's days that I sit there and I think Nixon did great, and there's days I sit there and I debate my own self saying, wait a minute, he strengthened China.

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We got off of gold standard. We got into a bunch of debt because it was kind of like the U.S. dollar. So you can say the good, bad, and the ugly, and I'm sure I'm going to get a call from Roger Stone, hey, you know, don't you ever talk about my Nixon like that. But here's where I'm going with this part about this story with Doge.

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So I sit there and we have our research team pull up the history of tariffs. Just about 140 years ago is where the U.S. revenue, 100% of the U.S. revenue that came in, the government got it from tariffs. That's what it was. We paid for everything through tariffs, right? We did that for many years. And then what happened?

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All of a sudden, under a few, you know, whether you want to call Wilson or Truman, I mean, we'll go to Wilson. Some of the presidents all of a sudden, like, hey, 1913. Let's introduce taxes. Let's introduce Federal Reserve. Let's introduce this. Next year, it's war. Hey, let's allow the American people to agree to take their taxes out of their payrolls. People will never agree to that.

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Americans are not dumb enough. No, I think we can. Who was the one that thought that was a good idea? You ready for this one? A guy that's in my painting of my house. Milton Friedman later on says, one of the biggest mistakes I made supporting an idea that was a horrible idea. Taking taxes out of my payroll. Why would I agree for the government to do that? You would get all the money.

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End of the year, you would pay your taxes. Now you're letting the government get 11 months advance on your money that you could have made that interest investing it somewhere. Yes. Well, how the hell do we agree to this? Watch this. Everyone talks about tariff, tariff, tariff. Do you know? Roughly, the amount of business that we do, that we tax on tariffs, is around $3.7 trillion.

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Let's say $4 trillion. Do you know what the average revenue, do you know how much U.S. government, I'm asking the listeners and the viewers, if I was to ask you right now, how much income did the U.S. revenue come in last year just from tariffs? You know what that number is on the $4 trillion? Only $80 billion. Mm-hmm. What do you mean by 80 billion?

The Charlie Kirk Show

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That's all we're getting because the average is 2%. By the way, if we right now are spending our $4 trillion and we have to find a way to lower taxes to 0%, now watch what we could do. Here's a couple of things to be thinking about. Number one, if we made the average tariff on everybody 25%, that's a trillion dollars that we would get. You don't have a choice. Guess what? Here's what we're doing.

The Charlie Kirk Show

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It's going to go up to a trillion dollars. It's 25% across the board for everybody. Really? Yes, we need that income.

The Charlie Kirk Show

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They can say that all they want. What if we can increase some of the prices? The question the average person needs to ask is, are you willing to entertain the idea of prices on goods going up 25, 50% while taxes going to zero? Would you entertain that idea? Let's just kind of ask the question. Would you entertain that idea?

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


By the way, this guy named Elon Musk, when he bought Twitter, you know what he did? They went from 7,500 employees to next week he fires half of them, 3,750. The 3,750 that quit called another 1,250 to quit. The guy went from 7,500 employees to 2,500 employees in around a month. So do you not think he, Bobby Vivek, can take the amount of employees we have and say, listen, guys.

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All this stuff we're paying you, go find a job in the real world like everybody else. Look, I'm just happy the fact that we're looking at cutting spending and how we do that. I don't even know if we need 800 military bases around the world. Why? Why do we need 800? There's so many ways to cut it. The right people are leading it. I'm curious to know what their next 5, 10, 15 moves are going to be.

The Charlie Kirk Show

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But whatever we're doing, cutting spending is coming. And that's only an argument for us to be able to lower taxes for you and I.

The Charlie Kirk Show

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Well, I like what Vivek said about two, three weeks ago where he said we're going to need Congress, right? But think about it right now with what Elon showed just in the last few months with the amount of money that he put in different PACs.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Imagine him, the stories you hear about that he stayed in Pennsylvania, I think you said for 45 days, I don't know what it was, whether I heard it from you or somebody else. This guy went and realized Pennsylvania was the state and he stayed there. How many people lived in Florida for the last few months just to make sure this election was going to be done with?

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I remember Tulsi saying she hasn't been to Hawaii since April. That's what I remember her saying in an interview. We have plenty of true believers there, but they're going to need Congress. So guess what? These are some of the things we're working on. A part of it is a little bit, you know, leverage game. This is purely a leverage game.

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You want to get, you know, you want to go through the next phase of favor and additional things you're going to need. You want to be sponsored. You want to be able to get endorsed for your next one. We don't mind doing that. But look, you got to play ball. Here's what we want to do. These are ideas. FYI, Congress, left, right or center, specifically right. This is what America voted for.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Well, let me tell you, I loved the event so much last year that I'm trying to find a way to bring my 12-year-old

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


America voted for these policies. We won on these policies. Do you want to get reelected? I do. Well, then guess what? Do what American people voted for to win those seven battleground states. We didn't win five out of seven, not three out of seven, not two out of seven, seven out of seven. So every time Congress or somebody doesn't support that and say, listen, you voted American people.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


This person does not support what you put us in here to do. He's getting in the way. If you want us to keep continuing to do this, you have to make sure this person is going to prevent us from making this country more efficient. If you want us to get more efficient, you got to get somebody else to replace this house job seat that is an XYZ place. There's going to be a lot of power plays, Charlie.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


But the reality, American people told you what they want. Every single Congress senator, everybody I talked to, I'm going to tell them, don't forget what American people said. And if you actually go back and think about the sequencing of Elon, you look at him right now, every time he retweets a video or something he posts, all he has to say is very interesting. 28 million views, 22 million views.

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with me to your event this year and the reason why it's complicated is because i have to so this is what i'm doing by the way this is i'm only doing this for you and you'll know when i tell you the story my wife says babe i don't know how the hell you're gonna make this work with christmas to get away with the family tomorrow i'm traveling taking my family to the destination where we're gonna be at christmas i'll tell you when i'm with you

The Charlie Kirk Show

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A bad one is 17 million views. Big one, 200 million views, 100 million views, 80 million views. The amount of influence he has with X, I think he's the most powerful man in America. I know I'm talking to an audience with a lot of folks that are... And I understand Trump and all that. I totally get it. I understand politically. I understand that. But Elon is going to be around for 20, 30 years.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


OK, this game is not changing. He's going to be around for a while and he has access to maybe the most important news station out there called X. So a lot of these Congress guys, you know, they're going to need to they're going to need to play ball or else the American people are going to say we need to find somebody else to do your job for you.

The Charlie Kirk Show

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Yeah, you know, it's a great question. This happened to me many years ago when I had a call with a lawyer. We had a seven-minute call. The guy billed me for 30 minutes. I said, why are you billing me for 30 minutes? He says, you know, minutes roll up. I said, I want to pay you by the minute. He says, there's no such thing as paying me by the minute.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


I said, I'd like to build an app or something that I get to pay people by the minute to connect. So do you have a minute to connect? Let's connect. And connect, what it does is if you send a cold email to anybody right now, less than 1% response rate. If you send a DM, 3%. X LinkedIn, 5% to 8%. On Manect, there's a 91% response rate because you're paying for a response.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Everybody's time nowadays is valuable. If you want a response from Charlie, you got to pay for it. If you want a response from so many different influencers that are on Manect right now, you can get a hold of them. You can do a 15-minute call with them. You can do a... Video response, text response. But the app has become one of the best networking apps worldwide right now. We're in 46 countries.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


By the end of the year, we'll be at 180 countries. But it's grown exponentially.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Then from there, first thing in the morning, I have to get on the jet, fly over to you, hoping I can get my son to come with me. Then right after that, when I'm done, I'm going to get on the jet to get back to spend the Christmas time with the family. But I do this because I have so much respect for what you're building. I'm so...

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


pbd that is so powerful let me tell you i'm gonna tell you a crazy story here so i'm i'm starting insurance agency i'm in a room and there's two different people debating whether you should be accessible to your insurance agents or whether you should seem like you're so busy that you're not accessible to create the aura of oh my god he's so busy you can never get a hold of him because this book called 40 allows a power and there's a heated debate going on

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


One girl says, nope, you got to be accessible. The other guy says, don't be accessible. You will spoil them because they can always get a hold of you. I went to the girl and I said, listen, man, I just think this is the right philosophy. We chose the philosophy of being accessible. Do you know how many opportunities you miss out on if you're not accessible? You know what's crazy?

The Charlie Kirk Show

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When I had Dwayne The Rock Johnson at our event at the Palm Beach Convention Center, We're going back and forth. I'm inviting him to the event. He's calling me on a Sunday. We're texting back and forth, talking about the terms. And I said, I've dealt with a lot of celebrities that you bring to events. There is no way you're going to have a direct layer. He was a direct layer guy.

The Charlie Kirk Show

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Mark Cuban, love him or hate him, had him on the podcast nine years ago. And when we spoke, he was not a hard guy to get a hold of. You don't have to like the guy, but you have to respect the guy that can get a hold of him. One of Trump's biggest gifts,

The Charlie Kirk Show

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is that he's not afraid he'll pick up the phone and tell you no but he's not afraid and fyi when when vanity fair or a lot of these guys were calling us and asking us questions and saying what do you think about this manosphere podcast bros baron trump all of this stuff that he's doing you know why would somebody go and campaign on podcasts isn't that like almost beneath him and i'm almost listening to this guy saying

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


You're the problem. Look how pompous you sound. Look how arrogant and conceited you sound. This is why the American people is sick of you. They're sick of it. Right. And this guy is willing to go talk. She's telling the story and you can tell the guy to her left or right is on the left. And he's like very sarcastic and condescending about it. But guess what? He picks up Kamala Harris.

The Charlie Kirk Show

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Oh, Rogan, why don't you come to us? No, you're in Texas. Come by. No, no, no. You know, we just, you know, we're too busy right now. You think you're busier than Trump? Do you really think you're busier? Trump has an event going on, I believe, in Michigan, if I'm not mistaken. That's right. He goes to Boston. That's right. There you go.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


So he does the podcast with Rogan for three hours, flies to Michigan, gets there, I don't know what time, 10, 11 at midnight. And he still gives his talk. And he's 78 years old, Charlie. He's 78 years old.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


optimistic about the future, that there is a place being built where fathers can send family, they can send their kids somewhere to say, go learn some of these values. And guess what? You're going to meet potentially a girlfriend, a boyfriend, a friend, somebody to do business with.

The Charlie Kirk Show

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Listen, I do like that Susie Wiles. I believe she said, if you're going to let me do my job, you can't have an open-door policy with the White House, and you have to let me kind of protect it a little bit. So I do think there's extreme measures to that as well. So I kind of like the fact that there's a part of the strategy where some people do need to be filtered because –

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


They're wasting your time and they just want to take a picture and go back and say, hey, you know, so you need to do that part. But let me go to the other side. I said this to Jesse last night, maybe two nights ago. There's something very unique about a man who has been around many attractive women his entire life. Donald Trump.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


I'm so glad something like this exists with a guy like you that, you know, the stuff you did the last 12 months, I put you as a top five MVP because For 2024 election. I said that to you on the podcast and I'm saying it here. So, yes, I mean, listen, if you've never been, do whatever you can to go to it. It's a life changing event.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


What's powerful about that is your knees don't buckle when you're around beautiful women. You've seen many, okay? Number two, there's something very powerful when you have money and you've had to find your thing. The weird things like this door is made out of gold, like weird stories that just kind of like doesn't make any sense, right?

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


And a penthouse I sold to Bocelli, $45 million and you know, blah, blah, blah. partying with Salma Hayek and all these other people that you're being invited, being in movies like Home Alone and rappers, Tupac talking about you. Listen, you made the money. So nothing's going to, you know, hey, if you do this, we're going to give you a book deal.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


And then number three, you've met so many people, you're not enamored by anybody. Who hasn't he met? Who's going to embarrass, you know, impress him? So even with that, you don't have any layers. Anybody I work with, Charlie... That always fake acted like, you know, the whole act as if you're busy, act as if you're rich. I totally agree. What was that movie?

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


The movie about the the movie about the stockbrokers, J.T. Marlin. I don't know what the movie is called, but it's a movie with Vin Diesel and a couple of these other guys. Boiler Room. That's what the movie was. It's the act as if mentality. Sometimes in life you meet someone that doesn't act as if he is. Kamala had to act as if. Biden had to act as if. Everybody on that set had to act as if.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


There is no act as if. You want to talk to me? You can get a hold of me. It's a sign of a tough guy. I'm not afraid of you. What do you want to talk about? No.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


In a major way. Major way. He said the other day over 100 world leaders called him. He's spoken to already over 100 world leaders. How many meetings is he having every night on Mar-a-Lago? Imagine if somebody else would have won. They would have been in Hawaii for three weeks celebrating. This guy's already working and everybody's coming to him. This is a very different story.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


By the way, the biggest factor with this... I'm not worried about the next four years. I'm I'm looking at this as the next 20, 30, 40 years. OK, my hope is that the next guy or gal, while they're studying this case study of 2024, what they realize is it. Nikki Haley, we invited on the podcast, never showed up. OK, never. Why? She's above us.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Governor DeSantis, after God knows how much bullying we did, he finally showed up. Because it's like, well, well, well, finally you show up, right? President Trump showed up to our podcast, drove up with 36 different Secret Service helicopter, all this stuff. He showed up. But how many people didn't? Why didn't they show up? How many times did Bobby come and do a town hall with us?

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


How many podcasts did Vivek do? I just hope the takeaway from this isn't just that we have better ideas and policies. I hope the case study from 2024 has got to be, you've got to work your ass off, drive, go everywhere, be accessible. You have to earn every vote. You can't just think because you're better at your student.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


I agree. You made a very good point. No, he played offense. I think 2020 was a little bit upset. 2020 was kind of like it's not fair. I can't believe they're doing this. I think what happened to 2020, everybody at one point has a rough patch. You go to season like while you know you're right and you're trying to tell everybody you're right. And it's sometimes it can work against you.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


It's unattractive. Right. But I think 2023, 2024 in 2024, he was in flow state. It was done. When he went into flow state, it was done.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Yeah, so look, you'll find a lot of guys in business that are just brilliant, and so they make money because they're extremely intelligent and brilliant, right? And then you'll have guys that are brilliant, extremely intelligent, and they were offended, and they have a certain drive to go to tell somebody, hey, I'm more successful than you.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Then there's those guys that are strategic that are in rooms and they can hear everybody talking aboard and they'll say, I think we need to do this, this. What do you think, Johnny? Johnny, what do you think about what Billy just said? Billy, do you agree with Johnny? I don't. Can you tell us why you don't marry? Whose side are you on? Those types of people behind closed doors, but it can do that.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Then you got the connectors, the Charles Schwab type of guys that know how to go shake hands and build a relationship and raise billions of dollars of money. Those are all good strengths that you have. But there's one thing that is by far, Charlie, the most intimidating quality of an entrepreneur, founder, CEO, businessman, athlete, anybody you want to talk about.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


There is not a quality more intimidating than this. Not one quality more intimidating than this. When you know you're going to compete with somebody. The person here who knows they have this quality, they know they're not going to stop. In business, I learned you can outwork people and you'll win. Then most people read 50 books, 100 books. They take a few courses.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


You can out-improve them, but eventually most people settle. You can out-strategize people and learn strategies on how to scale, grow, compete, technology, marketing, storytelling. Great. All of those three you can do, you still won't be the top 1% of 1%. The last one is the outlast. President Trump is the epitome of outlast. He's not going to stop.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Charlie, what you've done is incredible here.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


The game of business, look how many people are sitting there watching Elon saying, you're worth $400 billion. How much more money do you make? People don't understand. Elon's not doing it because he needs another $400 billion and he just wants to go buy a house or big watch or a car. That's been out of his system for 20 years. He's on a mission. He's got a vision he's pursuing. President Trump

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


has the stamina that scares the hell out of everybody else on the other side. In the business world, anytime you have someone, the leader at the top that has stamina, I'll never forget the interview. This is very interesting, by the way. The former CEO of Starbucks said, was a former McKinsey guy, and I believe he was a Pepsi guy. He comes to Starbucks. They hire him.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


He's doing an interview with Forbes, and he says, if anybody calls me after 6 p.m., I ask them, why are you calling me after 6 p.m.? Don't call me after 6 p.m. Let's talk about it tomorrow. I'm watching this interview. I'm like, you're running a $110 billion company called Starbucks, give or take. What the hell do you mean don't call me after 6 p.m.?

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


So at the time when this guy's the CEO of the company of Starbucks, $110 billion, he's only a CEO for 18 or 19 months. Somebody can correct me on this, but it's 18 or 19 months. Do you know in his time of being the CEO of Starbucks, Starbucks valuation went from $110 billion, give or take, to roughly $70 billion. He lost $40 billion of valuation of Starbucks.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Starbucks goes and hires a guy from a company called Chipotle. The CEO of Chipotle, this guy's a freak. I think his name is Brian Nickel. The CEO of Chipotle, who's been there for six years. During his six years there, he takes Chipotle from $7 billion in valuation to $71 billion in valuation. Nearly 10x, over 10x in the valuation of Chipotle.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


The day Starbucks hires and announces the new CEO, I think his pay package was like almost $200 million. Everybody's like, oh my God, what a highly paid CEO. Why would Starbucks pay this Brian Nickel guy $200 million? He's not worth it. In one day, Starbucks' valuation went up $20 billion in one day. They pay this guy $150, $200 million. Somebody can verify it on this.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


That day, Starbucks goes up $20 billion. Why? You need a leader that's running 24-7 that burden most people don't want. Most people are trying to be a president to kind of put it on their resume and checklist. Look who I am. I'm the president. They're going to make books and history books. They're going to write about me. Every once in a while, somebody's like, listen, man, I'm the president.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


I think this is if we listen every once in a while, you're going to have an opportunity ahead of you. That doesn't happen all the time. There was a roaring 20s that a lot of people took advantage of. There are certain times this happens with Oklahoma land rush. It happens in real estate. It happens in investments. It happens with technology. It happens. There's eras that come.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


I'm a government employee that gets paid 450 grand a year, whatever the number is, which I give back to charity anyways. I love my country. It's America first. And I'm a tough guy, and I'm not going to let them do anything to my country. That outlasting your peers is so intimidating, and that's what Trump's got.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


You know what it's like? Let me kind of give it to you from this standpoint. A lot of us have been defending Trump for eight years. Where it was not cool to do so, okay? Like, I remember when I first started doing it, my channel was Valuetainment. Still till today, we have, you know, six and a half million subscribers. It was mainly business. I was talking business.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


And one day I'm like, I can't help myself. I want to talk politics. My life is a little weird. I want to talk about politics. So we start PVD Podcast. We start talking about politics. Everybody said, oh, Pat's done. His stuff is going to die. These guys, your biggest mistake. You don't go from being the number one YouTube channel on entrepreneurship to not talking about it. He's done.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


I'm like, no, I disagree. I think people want to talk about the topics you're afraid to talk about. I'm comfortable talking about it. No, you're screwing it up. You shouldn't be doing this. Some of us did this early on. There was a lot of guys that were afraid of talking about this. Some started four years ago. Some started two years ago. Some started a year ago. Some just started.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Some people started saying pro-Trump stuff after Trump won. So, for example, when Elon Musk is at the White House or Mar-a-Lago and Zuck shows up and you see the clip about Elon kind of like barking a little bit at Zuck, why is he barking? I think what Elon's trying to say is, where have you been? Huh? Where have you been? I put my on the line two years ago and look what they try to do to me.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Now you want to show up and you write that letter to honorable chair Jim Jordan. The fact that Biden and his administration bullied you a little bit and you take responsibility for it. Now you want to say it, which, by the way, I understand Elon's argument and it's fine. He needs to be that guy to push these guys around. But the other part of it as well is I don't mind it.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


I don't mind the fact that Altman is giving a million dollars to inauguration. And Altman and Musk don't like each other because we know he went from a nonprofit to a for-profit and Elon's not having that, right? That's why he started a different company right now to compete directly with...

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


open ai i don't mind that zuck wrote that open letter that's humiliating for the democratic party i don't mind that he gave a million i don't mind that bezos is now coming and bezos you know elon tweets on and says hey did somebody tell me that bezos was doing this and then bezos responds back to elon and says that's not true i don't mind that elon is pushing his weight and checking everybody and getting all of these guys to get in line and you know being held accountable

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


But it's also okay for some people to realize and say, look, I effed up. I messed up. I was wrong. I'm here. You were right. What can we do to make this relationship better moving forward? By the way, Tim Cook, I'll put him as a complete outside. He was the first openly gay CEO of a Fortune 100 company. Tim Cook, he was the first guy that came out and said that.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


And these eras are typically followed during a season of hard times. We've all read The Four Turning. We know these different seasons that come about that happens. But here's the thing. There's something very different about President Trump right now.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Do you know his relationship with Trump has always been good? They asked him, they said, hey, why is it that you have a relationship with Trump? He says, because whenever I called him, he'd pick up. Obama and others wouldn't pick up. Obama is a liberal. Tim Cook.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Very when you watch him in these interviews that he does, he is very poised the way he's answering, calculating, but very calm, respectful, not offended, doesn't nothing gets under his skin, but he's very quick to hold the person accountable. And it's just a very different style of what he's doing. Very, very different style of what he's doing.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Where everybody has to find a way to get through the system, you have to be America first. I don't care who you are. If your name is Justin Trudeau, you're visiting Mar-a-Lago, you better be America first or else next week you're going to be resigning and being afraid that maybe a guy named Pierre is going to take over your job.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


And so he's calling you governor and saying, hey, Governor Trudeau, it was great to have you here. Why don't you become the 51st state and join us? If you're anybody, when he said 100 people called him. So let's kind of process this together from financial values and principles. We can do both. Okay. So where's my confidence comes from values and principles.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


When you're around a lot of bullies, here's the profile of bullies. Bullies will typically bully lower level people. And they'll gradually try to climb up to bully tier two people. And then when they graduate tier two, they'll do tier three. Like, wow, we were able to convince these guys that fully aligned. All right, let's go and go bully tier fours and tier fives.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


And then eventually, when you start getting a little bit higher, the guys that specialize in bullying bullies, they sit there and all of a sudden they say, listen, man, you just crossed the line. You woke my up. You wake the wrong people up. And then when those guys. You wake up, here's what you do. Those guys are all living their own lives. They don't need anybody.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


They're making their own money. They're in their own industries. They have their own cliques. They have their own gangs. You bullies, what you did... The last eight years, you all of a sudden created the possible greatest gang ever put together. You did this. You got a liberal Elon Musk to align with Trump. And just a few years ago, they were talking smack about each other. You unified them.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


You got Joe Rogan who said he'll never have President Trump on his podcast now sounding like he's 100% Trump on his podcast when you listen to it. You did that, the bullies. You got Tulsi Gabbard who ran as a liberal, then all of a sudden just because Hillary Clinton didn't like her. She talks trash. You forced her out.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


You got one of the greatest last names of all time called Kennedy, and you started calling him Cuckoo and all these other things. You forced him to come up at an AMFEST event, your event on stage, which was one of the most electrifying moments of 2024, captured by Turning Point USA. You did that. The bullies did that.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


And now you got all the brains, all the guys with guts and gals who are like true believers in America. Bullies did that. So for me, my confidence comes from the business model of bullies has a timeline. Eventually, the right people wake up now financially on the other side.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


I think if you think about what the enemy is going to be doing, you got to sit there and think about what the enemy and Obama's and the establishment and the guys behind closed doors, the guys that the faceless leaders that we don't know about. Those guys are going to have to find a way to pin J.D. Vance.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


against eric and laura because they're another power couple that could maybe one day run against vivek against uh elon against trump against the family they're playing behind closed doors trying to find ways to be ways of getting under trump's skin hey you know elon musk bought the presidency he's the puppet master they're gonna try to play these games and if that doesn't work

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


I think you could see 12 years of presidency of Trump and J.D. Vance or others being here, and that 12 years could be a historic 12-year run that will go on.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


predict your book is the next five moves what do you think is the democrat party's next move sure listen you hope they double down please double down go ahead do it go ahead and double down and not learn from you from your mistakes that's kind of like you got a seven game series you're playing against another team in the world series or basketball and you see what plays they keep playing you double down game two you double down game three you double down game four you get swept it's double dumb to do that

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


I don't think they're going to do that. But I think the one person that screwed the whole thing up for Democrats is the great Barack Obama. He's the one that destroyed the whole thing.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


So if you think about what happened the last 18 months with the conservative movement, just kind of go through... 18 months ago puts us June of 2023. OK, June of 2023 is two months after DeSantis comes out with his book. And the conservatives were second guessing Trump. That's kind of seen different factions. They're like, hey, you know, Trump is done.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


We got to move on and we got to go with DeSantis. No, we got to go with this. And now, you know, the establishment. No, no, no. Nikki Haley. If you guys really get Nikki Haley, I'm all in. I know we got to go with this person. And what does Trump do? He's like, I'm sorry, what are we doing? I'm the guy.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


But the thing that the establishment left and the establishment right and mainstream media did is they went after the head of the party. The Republican Party, which was Trump, the right move, by the way, because if they take him, if they take him out, everybody else collapses.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


There's a massive division in the Republican Party because now they can use the terms to say, hey, look at the Republicans. They're broken up. They're all over the place. You have the Romney team. You have the Haley team. You have these guys and you have those guys and you have the Vivek and you have the America and you have this. They are scrambling, trying to figure this thing out.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


They try to do it. What does Trump do? He stands tall. And slowly but surely, he wins everybody over on the right. Very, very important. Not easy to do. It was very, very hard because the DeSantis movement was very strong at the early stages of it. And we had him on the podcast and we had great conversations with him there. Now flip it on the other side. Peter Thiel is on the Barry Weiss podcast.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


They're having a conversation. I love what Peter Thiel said in this podcast. He says, you guys don't realize how important 2024 was because he says, I remember when Musk said, I believe 2024 will be the most monumental election of our lifetime. And he says, Peter's like, look, when I hear stuff like that, I'm kind of like, give me a flip and break. He says, so I called Elon. He's telling the story.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


And he says, I told Elon, you can't tell me it's a most monumental election. How can you say that? He says, let me tell you, here's why it is. And then he says, the more time went by, he says, the more I realized this was monumental. And here's why. Listen to what he said. Powerful. He says, imagine if Kamala won. You know what Democrats would be able to say today?

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


He says if Kamala won, they would be able to say Trump just got lucky. That was a fluke. MAGA is not real. There is no people out there that want these types of policies. That was a guy that just got lucky one time. It'll never happen again. And they wanted to destroy this entire movement. And by the way, within the movement... You would have Turning Point USA.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


They would have tried to destroy and divide everybody. You got the MAGA. You got everybody. But what happens? Trump wins. So Trump winning, what was a fluke? Oh, the 2020 election was a fluke. That's right. So that was a fluke. And by the way, who chose Biden over Hillary to be the person for 2020? This guy named Barack Obama and Barack Obama to the left is the black Jesus. That's their God.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


That's their MJ. That's the guy that walks on water in their eyes. Right. And then you see him on stage and his voice no longer has credibility. What? You see him on stage, he doesn't sound like himself anymore. Are you kidding? This is the 2004 DNC, one of the greatest speeches ever given in political history. That guy lost it.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


He was able to go and sit down with Leno, Letterman, Kimmel, Fallon, anybody, and oh my God, look how amazing he is. You know, the energy that he has. That guy had the biggest loss of his career, the biggest public humiliating loss of his career. What do Democrats do now? They're allowing AOC to be now a story of this guy. You know, hey, she may run for office in 2028.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


So then you have Obama now is sitting there allowing AOC to come in. So let's just kind of play with the games. Like they need their own Elon Musk. We need our own Elon Musk. No, you had your own Elon Musk. No, we need our own Rogan. Who's going to be the Rogan? You see some guys right now seeing this as an opportunity that they're going after Rogan.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


And there are guys that were on Rogan four or five times. I won't say their names four or five times that now they're turning against Rogan and trashing Rogan. But the same people that were trashing Rogan were the same people that supported Bernie Sanders. But now Bernie Sanders supports Elon Musk. So what the hell? Who is your God now? They don't have anybody right now.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


Look, this is not a small loss, Charlie. This is if the conservatives, if Trump and the folks that are working closely together, if they can stay united and fight privately, disagree privately, if they can do that... This is a 12 year run. They don't have a solution right now. Their ideas suck. Family ideas they had suck. Hey, you can go get pure puberty blockers to kids.

The Charlie Kirk Show

How Barack Obama Ruined The Democrats ft. PBD


And, you know, are you kidding? Like common sense is sinking in and bad policies got exposed in 2024 in waves we've never seen before. And by the way, that's what happens when you try to bully people. They're eventually going to be like, I'm out. I'm not with you anymore.