PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
Mon, 03 Mar 2025
Patrick Bet-David reunites with Andrew Tate for a third interview. After visiting him under house arrest, Patrick now welcomes Andrew to Florida. Newly freed, he opens up about his wild ride—from legal fights to rebuilding his empire. Don’t miss this intense follow-up!------🖥️ THE MINNECT CIRCLES ANNOUNCEMENT: https://bit.ly/4hVTkPK📺 VOTE ON TRUMP'S FIRST 100 DAYS:https://bit.ly/4gXLioq👕 GET THE LATEST VT MERCH:https://bit.ly/3BZbD6l📕 PBD'S BOOK "THE ACADEMY":https://bit.ly/41rtEV4📰 VTNEWS.AI: https://bit.ly/3OExClZ🎙️ FOLLOW THE PODCAST ON SPOTIFY: https://bit.ly/4g57zR2🎙️ FOLLOW THE PODCAST ON ITUNES: https://bit.ly/4g1bXAh🎙️ FOLLOW THE PODCAST ON ALL PLATFORMS:https://bit.ly/4eXQl6A📱 CONNECT ON MINNECT: https://bit.ly/4ikyEkC👔 BET-DAVID CONSULTING: https://bit.ly/3ZjWhB7🎓 VALUETAINMENT UNIVERSITY: https://bit.ly/3BfA5Qw📺 JOIN THE CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/4g5C6Or💬 TEXT US: Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!ABOUT US:Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Chapter 1: Who is Andrew Tate and why is he back in the US?
Okay, so it's episode 555 with the one and only Andrew Tate. We did it once. The first time, I think, was in Madrid. Second time was in Romania. Third time is in the States. He's in the flesh. He's here on the set. Andrew, it's great to have you on. Bro, it's very good to see you. Yes, it's good to see you. It's been a while. What's it been, two years? It's been two years.
It's been two years since we did it last in Romania, which we came in right after your friendly... meeting you had with BBC, which was fantastic. They treated you royally.
You remember that whole setup? I do remember, yeah. I'm not sure if anyone remembers that reporter, though. I think she's fallen into insignificance. It's kind of interesting how they sit me down and try and grill me when no one even cares who they are.
That's actually a very good question. Where is she? I don't even know what she does.
Well, she vanished. I guess the USA money dried up, but she's vanished now. These people sit down. I was offended by her for various reasons. The first one being when I was in jail, they were begging me for an interview, promising to tell my side of the story and highlight how people in Romania can be locked up without charges.
And she said that she was going to ask these very interesting and pertinent questions about the Romanian judicial system. Turns out she hijacked me, turns up to my house with all these stupid hit piece questions instantly to get me when I got out of jail. I had nightmares. I could barely sleep. I sit down with this interview and was completely sidelined.
And that was her intention to get a gotcha moment. And then she sits down and talks to me like she has authority in my home. I don't even know who this person is, and nobody knows who she is, and now I don't know where she's gone.
Yeah, I don't either. But, folks, here's what I will tell you. We've got a lot of things to talk about. If you have seen part one or part two, you know we don't do one-hour podcasts. We're going to go. We're going to talk for quite some time. Here's what I would tell you. I don't know what's going to happen with YouTube. Share the video with everybody.
Text it to as many people as you know to make sure everybody gets the message. Tate said, push me, challenge me. Nothing's on the table. We're going to talk about a bunch of different things. But make sure you get this message to as many people as possible. Whether you're watching this on X or YouTube, let's make sure we do that. Okay, so opening question. Everybody's doing their thing.
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Chapter 2: What are Andrew Tate's views on the Romanian judicial system?
subconscious judging that they go through all of the time when you walk into a room you're subconsciously judged all of the time right and small little failures like that even the people who hate me even the people who dislike me and are happy he said something negative against me if you're going to collapse in the face of the abc or or nbc and people who do nothing but lie and start splouting garbage which you know nothing about how are you going to stand in front of putin
How are you going to stand in front of Xi? Like, you failed a competency test. I don't believe he's fit to run a country anymore. Thank God he's not president. That's what I think after I saw that. I'm not scared of what he said. I just literally think he failed a competency test. Now let's talk about why I was allowed back in America. Well, the first thing is I have a passport.
That's the first reason. Secondly, it's kind of amazing that I'm seen as the number one fugitive. I have no criminal record anywhere on the planet. I have no criminal record in the UK. I have no criminal record in Romania. I've never been convicted. I've never been convicted of anything in America. I have no criminal record ever. If you go down to the mall in Miami and walk around...
You're going to walk past 30% of people with convictions. You're going to walk around amongst criminals. I've never been convicted of anything ever. So it's amazing that I'm fugitive number one. That's the second point that's interesting. The third point, and this is what's kind of funny when they tie Trump into me being free. My case was dismissed in December under President Joe Biden.
The judge ruled that there wasn't enough evidence for it to go to trial in December under Joe Biden. The standard operating procedure in Romania and every other sophisticated judicial system is there's no indictment in the court. It was rejected by the court to go to trial due to lack of evidence or, in fact, in our case, it wasn't even lack of evidence. It was falsified evidence.
It was illegal evidence, which we can talk about. It was rejected, but for some reason our bail conditions were kept. And they were kept saying the prosecutor believes he might rewrite it and try again. Is this a judicial system?
Two years you keep me trapped in a country, you send an indictment to court, the court rejects it, and they keep you on bail so the prosecutor can spend another two years typing up garbage? Is this a judicial system? I ask all the Americans who are watching this, how much blood do you expect me to give to a foreign country's judicial system?
I gave them three years of my life, my reputation, missed my grandmother's funeral, didn't see two of my children, lost my money, lost my house, lost my cars, sat there, went to court on time, every single time. And it got rejected by the court. And now I'm kept on bail. And eventually they released it and let me fly. Am I supposed to do what?
How long am I supposed to sit there while this country decides to try and find charges on me? Have I not done enough? Have I not given enough to Romania? My bail conditions are that I have to return on the 23rd of March. And I'm going to make it very clear right now to everybody listening. I am going back. I'm going to fly back and obey my bail conditions.
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Chapter 3: Why does Andrew Tate criticize Ron DeSantis?
I can simply afford to have 14 kids. These kids are not abandoned in any way. I speak to them on the phone every single day. I see them all the time, two, three, four times a week. So this is just another attack vector that's used against me because, you know, it's hard to call me stupid and it's hard to call me broke and it's hard to call me unsuccessful.
So the easiest attack vector on me is to call me a bad person. So they simply say Andrew Tate's bad. Well, why is he bad? Oh, because he doesn't see his kids. How the fuck do you know? How the fuck do you know? Oh, because he hates women. Says who? Oh, I made a joke? Sure, I made a joke. I hate women. Well, how come I have so many women around me if I hate them and I'm such a bad person?
I'm so mean. Oh, but he was accused. Accused by who? Romania? Like, this is all garbage, right? There's nothing I enjoy more than being a father. I love being a father and I love raising my children. I think it's the most beautiful thing on the planet. I always say to people, there's nothing more important than having kids. I advocate for it all the time. And I would argue Elon does the same.
But I'm also a full-grown man with a mission to complete and I have lots to do. And sometimes I cannot be sitting at home with the kid, playing kid things. Cause I have to do big, important things. And my son will call me after he's finished karate and he's beat some kid's ass. And I'll say, good job. You're living up to the take name. Now I have to go beat the prosecutor's ass and we're warriors.
And I'll see you in two days. The jet will be waiting. See you soon, son. And everyone's going to attack me and insult me and that's fine. But is that very interesting? what your father said about who the man you are today, right? Can't you judge by results? Isn't that, isn't that how we're supposed to operate anyway? The whole scientific method is you do X, Y, Z. What is the outcome?
So your father did what he did to make you who you are. I saw my father about the same. And I am who I am. And I see my kids more than my dad saw me. And also, I have a lot more financial capability and fame and influence than my dad had. And he managed to raise me, one of the most influential people on the planet. So I'm very sure my kids will be fine.
And all my haters and detractors, the little pastor in Nebraska who thinks he's a tough guy, I would argue, and I state this, this is not hyperbole. I would argue that my sons will beat your sons in any competition you can name. My children are smarter than yours and they'll beat the shit out of your boys. And I fucking guarantee it.
And I'll also guarantee in 20 years from now, you're going to see the UFC roster. Take, take, take, take, take. So you can hate me all you want, but when the results are world champions, when the results are endlessly influential males, which continue to fight the matrix as I grow old, it doesn't matter what you say. What matters is the end result. And my children are being bred for war.
My sons don't do what your sons do, Mr. Pastor. My sons don't scroll YouTube aimlessly. My sons don't go to school and be programmed with garbage. My sons spend 12 hours a day every day preparing for their future life, which is going to be similar to mine. Nothing but heartache and stress and war. My sons are ready to go jail now at five. Let's not put the five-year-old to jail, Dane.
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Chapter 4: How does Andrew Tate defend himself against media accusations?
They say, well, white nationalists do what Hitler did because he was a white nationalist. So they say that when white people get together and are nationalistic, it's like the Nazis. When other people get together and they're nationalistic, it's not. Is this actually true? Is this the largest psyop in history?
I mean, World War II has had such a profound effect on our culture up until this point now. You know, World War II is the basis for all good and bad in the entire world. If I say to you, name the worst person in history, you'll probably say Hitler. You won't say Stalin who killed more because he was on our team. Or Mao. Or Mao who killed more. Now, I'm not sitting here sticking up for Hitler.
I'm just saying. that World War II has shaped the modern world. And they use it as an emotional trigger to prevent white people from sticking up for themselves. Guess what I saw in the car on the way here? A terror attack in Germany. A car attack. You see it? Yep, this morning. A Muslim ran over a bunch of white people in Germany this morning.
But the white people in Germany can't band together to fight against it because then they are what? Racists. Nazis. Nazis. Yep, for sure. So they use World War II. Let me ask you guys a question. If they use World War II to subvert white nationalism to the point of extinction, wouldn't it be truly treasonous if the story of World War II wasn't even true?
What if there's another story to World War II? Is it true, the story that we know, the version of events that we know? Hitler's just crazy and he just lost his mind. I'm asking questions because in my world, I understood that victors write history. Winners write history. Winners are always the good guys. Loser was always the bad guy. Loser had no point of view at all.
The winner had all the right thing and they were doing all the right things. So I'm just asking you, If this war is what's shaping the modern world and it is bringing on the ideology which is going to lead to the extinction of the white race, isn't it important we find out if the story we're told is even true? Let me apply this to modern time.
If you listen to the media and the story they tell you, Putin's crazy. Putin's nuts and he's lost his mind and he has no point of view at all. And he has no reason to invade Ukraine. There's no possible reason. If you research, you'll understand he actually has a pretty good argument. I'm not saying he's perfect. I'm saying that he has his beliefs. We have our beliefs, some right, some wrong.
There's no such thing as black and white. There are different varying shades of gray in every single conflict. But the Hitler story, the World War II story is black, white. because that's how the winners want to write it. And that's how it always goes when the war is over. And the story of Russia-Ukraine is black-white. Ukraine's innocent, we're innocent, Russia's nuts.
But if you actually analyze things and understand them really, you'll see it's not that way. So this is a very interesting thought experiment. And that's what I'm doing before the media attacks me. I'm not advocating for anything. I'm not saying anything. This is a thought experiment.
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