My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Especially not after we have a good catch in the hold. Start plotting us a course back to Portsmouth. Hopefully we'll manage to stay just ahead of the storm.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Will was the guy who ran off.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Yeah, that was Wyatt is the one who stabbed the captain. And he was like, look, OK, I don't fucking know. I don't care. I just want this to be done immediately, please.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
You guys have got to come out and come to the party. You'll see you've been afraid for no reason. Everyone here is so damn nice. Trust me, it's so much better than going back to the world you came from. Then the woman, Diana.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
You have no idea the wonderful things you'll see. It's bloody beautiful.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Isaiah, I have a question. Do you think he's going to scream and run at any point in this?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
There'll probably be chills up his spine, though.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Doing this is the worst idea in the long, sad history of bad ideas. We don't know what they'll do if we try and set the place on fire. Andrew's nostrils flared. I don't give a fuck what they think of us burning their precious ocean liner to embers. We're doing it. Now get the fuck out of my way before I make you move.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
It's like I'm traversing the Atlantic Ocean because it's so chilly.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I'm frozen still. I keep feeling these chills up my spine. Why don't you put on a jacket, dude?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I'm just so meekish and vulnerable right now.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Well, I'm not thinking right because I'm so chilly.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I will say, I like the setup so far. Like the idea of being on a vessel and then having to...
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
What if he sat down and he was like, I could tell the movie was old because it was a Disney movie. Sandra Bullock, The Blind Side. I could tell it was old because it was appropriate for Sandra Bullock to play a Southern woman taking in an inner city youth and stealing from him.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Have you heard that, that, that story that that guy, that guy has come out and he's just like, yeah, they fucking stole money.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
not only that but in the movie yeah they're like like oh well we'll help him get like in the in real life i think that like first off i don't think that he was a fucking moron and then also too you think he was he was a big kid athletically gifted to where i think that they just saw this kid and they're like oh you want to just live with us and we'll just like basically like i i seriously feel like he could have gotten into like those schools without their help
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Blindside? The real Blindside?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
What if we decide he didn't know anything? Now, Michael, I'm going to take 20% of your revenue for the rest of your life. But then also, we're going to make a movie about you and you're basically going to be radio. But I'm not like radio.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Well, yeah, they make him seem like a fucking mutant. He sticks his fucking arm out like, I don't know, the thing.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Yeah, exactly. Where I'm like, what the fuck are you saying about this kid? He's like the elephant man. He's like a freak of nature.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
If I was on a 1940s British cruise liner, a ghost cruise liner. And then I went in and the only movie that played was blindside. I'll tell you right now, my spine would be officially chilled.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I have no idea where you pulled that from. I wonder when blindside isn't on my mind. You know what I think? I think of Sandra Bullock's Southern accent a lot. I think that's what I think.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
You're going to Alabama State, Michael.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
He's like, I want to go to Ole Miss. She's like, you're going to Bama. Something like that. I don't fucking know. Also, I was just thinking, I'm like, that movie was just insufferable. I was like, what is it, Tim McGraw or somebody? It's either Tim McGraw or Keith Urban. It's like another country music star just plays the dad, and he's just like, all right. Really? Sure, I guess.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Yeah, I'm 100% positive. Here, let me look it up. Yeah, Tim McGraw, he's sitting there. He's just like, Sandra Bullock comes home. She's just like, by the way, this boy is staying with us. He's going to live with us forever. And he's like, okay. You're the boss, man. You're like, wow, that's some interesting conflict for the story. You know what? Happy wife, happy life. Whatever you say.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
What the hell? Are we just going to let this random stranger live with us? You realize he's going to go to Ole Miss here. He's going to go Bama.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
You know, I think still one of my favorites is God's Not Dead. Don't, don't get me started. I love, I love that film.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
mean i don't know it's just like one random kid standing at the back i mean it's just a guy other than their depiction of jesus but it's literally just a guy yeah exactly it's just a uh it's just a guy like a science teacher just being like that's why i think it's kind of cringe if you believe in god and like a kid in the back stands up and he's just like
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
That was me. I was the guy. I was the guy persecuting people. I said, hey, freak, get out of here. That's what I said. You what? And I'd be like, everybody, let's pants this guy. Let's rip off his diaper is what I would say.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I will say it would have been, I'm like, it would have been the lawsuit should have happened. But he's just like, no, I'm not going to, I'm like, go and sue this man immediately.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
You just, you just got a massive payday, my friend.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
now i wonder when he screamed though did did he officially uh did did you know did his spine get officially chilled did he get a chill did he get a chill did he straight did he stop another scream while letting out this one i was starting to get my scream i started to get a chill i stifled the did he think about running he could have yeah he's like my fight or flight kicked in and i began to run out of the theater it was her the woman who will had spoken about in the restaurant
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Actually went to the big film festival in Cairns because of it. I felt on top of the world.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Of course, I didn't realize that that was the highest I'd ever bloody be. He said bloody in every sentence.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Wills told me a lot about you, you know. Said a lot of good things.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Your friends are making a big mistake with their plan. Them trying to set fire to the ship isn't going to work.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
You think the past just dies? It doesn't. It just melts away into what I can only describe as another reality. A beautiful one. Where nothing ever ages. Nothing ever changes. One where we all stay. Where everything as it was stays. She closed her eyes, shaking her head slowly. But it gets lonely for all of us. The only bad thing about nothing ever changing is that we never see any new faces.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
He likes to talk to himself. He likes to scream out loud. That's what he likes to do.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
All of you, get below and help Stroxy find this source and either patch it or seal it. Then start the pumps to get the water in the boat out.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
It's literally he is literally doing the fucking the Fred Flintstone yabba dabba doo and like running in place and dead sprinting off. If Nathan at this point ate an eight foot tall sub and one bite, I would not be surprised. I'm going to I'm going to ask you something. Do you think in the story you think there is going to be a Scooby snack ask item that gives him courage to stand his ground?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Is that what the whole thing they do with Scooby-Doo? They basically lace fentanyl with Scooby snacks.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Him. The captain of the ship. He was dressed in an old captain's outfit. He wagged a finger at us and said it wasn't worth trying. That all we do is make them do it to us. What they did to Wyatt. So we lit and threw a bottle at him at the floor. Spencer spoke up. Nate, it did nothing. It hit the floor and lit up for a second and then it, well, it was, it was as if it reversed.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
The flame disappeared. And then he said he was angry. His eyes turned black and we ran.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Yeah, here's your crumb, peasant.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Yeah, I would just say, Captain, put a bullet in me head.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
And that finishes off our story of my crew and I are stuck aboard an abandoned ship.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I think. having it be a ghost ship and everything is fine. I think like even the thing of like a crew that's, I think that needs, if I had any, I think all the critique that you gave is good.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I think that if you were going to do another draft, I think building out the character, Nathan Moore, uh, to resemble somebody who's maybe, uh, like how do you tie in the idea of like, like basically wanting to be complacent forever as a character arc, uh, is basically what you're saying here.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
By being stuck on this thing where now everything is beautiful and he doesn't have to worry about anything anymore, how do you parallel that with who he is at the beginning of the story?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
ending I think is fine but I think establishing those core values I think just like the general theme of like how did the other people on the ship also contribute to that theme and how they play and how do they play off of it as well I mean I mean the story kind of set that up because he talks about like how tragic it was his aunt died like three times and
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
It's the arc is supposed to be like the ability to not like the inability to move on or process that. I think that in a way it should feel a bit more bittersweet at the end when, uh, He basically rejects the idea of moving on, and he basically, like, finds permanence and stagnation of that, of, like, basically living in a fantasy world. I think that's got to feel, I think, kind of bad, right?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
As a character arc, I would say that's something where it's, like, the... I guess the... What am I saying here? I guess the distraction or the fake reality of being like, yeah, I'm totally fine. This is exactly what I wanted. It needs to, I guess, either hit harder that that's what you think is a positive or a negative approach.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Because right now, I feel like it's a positive, even though I don't know if them...
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
being on this thing and being like tricked it's almost like somebody like giving you heroin and you're like i feel great it's like do you want to be on heroin you know maybe what so uh i don't know i mean all in all like i said i think that like as a fun scooby-doo kind of story i think it's cool takes elements of the shining and it reminds me a bit of a welcome to dead house by goosebumps story.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
A little bit about like, you know, a town of people being like, you know, we just have to eat you and then you can be one of us. And we're super stoked that you get to stay here forever with us or whatever. I think that there's that some fun psychological stuff, but yeah, I mean, all in all, I think that it's a fun place and like, you know, and if you put into a book, get rid of the no sleep.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
filter stuff at the beginning like you were saying Isaiah and I think if anything if you do that as well maybe just explore the characters a bit more so we just get more who they are to where whenever people get picked off or they do that it feels like I don't know the domino effect feels a bit crazier so all in all I thought it was fun
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
reach out to us if you hear this or we'll try to reach out to you as well and we'll also try to get something set up to see what you think for your cover and we'll make sure and help you get that funded for sure yeah yeah we got you we got you covered it was fun and you certainly have a talent as if you watch this you certainly have a talent as an author keep keep working at it you keep making stories that's all you can do baby that's all I can do
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
All right, guys. Thank you so much. Thank you for all the people who listened on Spotify or Apple Podcasts as well. Be sure to leave us a good rating there. It does help. Until next time, guys, we will see you in the next one.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I wouldn't mind if he got a little Lovecraftian in nature, is what I would say. And I'll tell you something else too.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Starboard is still running, but barely. Our main generator is dead, and the backup is running everything at full capacity.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Go down below and tell the men to gather all the emergency supplies they can. Food, water, first aid kits. Have them bring the life raft up and set it down. We'll stay with the ship as long as she'll take us. Then we'll abandon ship into the raft. Wyatt began to speak.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Andrew, try the radio and send out a distress call.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Will the author be knighted by the end of this story?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Gabe, right now, there isn't much of an alternative.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
No, I mean, that's what they sound like. I mean, not every word is going to be so colorful.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I'm still in my accent. I'm still doing it. It's just, yeah. Sometimes you sound like that. Not everything is some fruity, delightful piece of ginger. I don't know what else to tell you.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Fucking hell, Nate! Are you really that afraid of the Queen of England?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
All right, everyone. Change into dry clothes and break out the sleeping bags. Then get some sleep. This has been one of the worst days of our lives. We need to rest. Tomorrow, we'll take stock of the ship and figure out what to do next.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Oh! Well, by golly, we caught ourselves a live one, haven't we?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
It's very nice. I like that it's also setting it up to where I feel like it's setting up a paranormal angle, potentially ghost ship kind of thing. You even get some fun, you know, it could go any direction, which I think is fun. Paranormal, monster, you know, whatever. It could go in so many different directions and I'm excited to keep unveiling the story.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
They're on a ghost ship at the moment, right?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
It did give some Harry Potter vibes there for a moment.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
You know what? How about we go one farther? If we love this story, me and Isaiah will chip in to get the cover art done for your novel.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
You know what happened wasn't your fault, Gabe. Kenny was above us.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
These people can't be right, right? There's no way the ship they're talking about is the same one we're on board with. Wyatt answered him.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Or they're thinking of another ship. We're not in some early 2000s horror film. I shot a look at the captain. Cap, you're the oldest of us.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
We need to be getting on to more realistic and pressing matters, though. We need to find a way to get power going. Without it, we have no way to operate the radio to send out a call for help.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
All right, so I have to stay in character.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I don't see why not. I wouldn't want to try and use one of those to get back to shore.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Hey, who knows? Maybe they took all the TVs off the walls for renovations or something. Or maybe it's one of those ships that deliberately doesn't have any in order to keep the passengers from not taking part in the activities.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Yeah. Who's staying on the ship, you know?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Hey, Captain, you're not going to like this, but the others quite literally abandoned me and ran off to god only knows where. I'm trying to find them, but they're completely fucked off. Any advice on what I should do? Over.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Captain, do you read me? I'm alone. The others have run off. Over.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
One minute you were talking about going to check out the other areas of the ship. The next you suddenly yelled and ran to the window.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
You didn't respond to anything we said.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I must have gotten less sleep last night than I thought. The stress in the sleep must have made me, I don't know, fall asleep standing up or something?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
We have only about an hour or so of daylight left. Let's try and make our way to the radio room to see if we can send out a distress call. After that, we'll figure out where to go from there.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
He looked at his watch again.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
We should head back to the lounge, get some food and water in our systems, and get some sleep. We've done a good job today. And finding our way through the ship now that she has power is going to be much easier.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Yeah, I know that it gets a bit, it takes some creative liberties here and there, but actually it's, you know, I believe if I remember correctly, they wrote the entire show off of sailors' diaries, based off of diaries they found from the sailors, but I could be wrong.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I like the music, the movies, the celebrities, the cars. Between you and me, bro, I like it a hell of a lot more than the 21st century. If they invented time travel in my lifetime, I'd go back there in a heartbeat and never come back.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
There's no way. Monkey Paul's wish.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
End of part two. You know, I love that it's going this paranormal route, like a ghost ship. In theory, I feel like a ghost ship from a forgotten past sounds kind of corny, but it's working really well here. I think also just showing that each person, each person kind of goes into their own hell when they basically experience these, these phenomenons, these like ghosts almost, right?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
So it seems like, Nathan, our main character, he experienced it and so did Captain is what I think.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I think the setting is fun, but I think what's important here that makes the story not go into a super cheesy or corny area is that it's good characters. If you don't have good characters in your story that you care about, no one's going to give a fuck. So if you have likable characters, then that's all you need to really have to make a compelling story, to make it more emotionally tied in.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I don't know what you mean. Isaiah, at this point, I'm at my own point of no return.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
And right now, I like all the guys. I think all of the... All of the characters seem to be, I don't know, just well-crafted. I like Nathan and Gabe are captain a lot.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
It'd be a hell of a lot more comfortable than another night on the floor. The captain rubbed his beard, thinking. We may have a point.
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Oh, come on, Vin. Nothing weird happened yesterday. The captain said so.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
i don't know man all i know is we were down there working like crazy to get the boilers up and running when i looked over at captain he stopped in the middle of us giving he stopped in the middle of giving us directions i had no idea what to do next saw the big man shiver slightly before continuing he had the creepiest expression on his face it was like he'd been hypnotized or something the lights were on but no one was home then he just snapped out of it
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Oh, man. My, this is quite the debacle. I found myself in, not sure why, but I believe this was British.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
He looked absolutely terrified for half a second, then seemed to remember what was happening and kept going. Wyatt cut in. That's because he didn't get much sleep last night. He literally told us that when you asked him what was up. I swear to God, Vinny, you're making a mountain out of a molehill with this dude.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Now, nothing like that. Nothing besides accidentally tripping over an overturned chair.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Well, I thought that he was already going to say that. He's like, oh, if anybody brings it up, I'll tell them. I wonder why he just didn't outright say, yeah, it happened to me too.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
That must be where you drop off any paperwork you need to travel aboard. Along with valuables you want locked in the ship's safe.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
He let out a laugh. Hm. You think there's anything valuable still in there? Jewelry, cash, shit like that? I turned to him, feeling a bit astonished. You're joking, right? Hey, we're alone aboard on here. If you took anything, I don't think anyone would know. He said, grinning slightly. Yeah, until the ship gets brought back to dark and the owners discover shit missing from there, dumbass.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I think I might have looked into a backstory of a different author's story in our episode recommendations. Well, this makes... Well, you know, I'm a seaman, so I'm really a civilian of the world. So New Hampshire, Port Town, that's fine. I'm still British. I'll have to be...
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Yeah, sorry about that, guys.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I don't even want to imagine what it must have cost to eat in here.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
All right, cross your fingers we find something, guys.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Look, man, if they were at port when the storm ripped her away, it stands to reason there might not have been much in the restaurants. We still have the holds and the meat lockers to go through. At least we found some things.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Oh, yeah? That's always just like you, Vin. You've always got to try and cheer people up when you're not talking shit about things that have no merit.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Hey, fuck you, man! At least I'm not the dumbass who thinks about robbing a ship when we should be searching for food.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Well, maybe we get a deviant artist to do the art.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
That might save, you know, I don't have to dig too deep into the trousers to find that.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Wherever your team is, get the fuck up to the radio room now!
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
So you're telling me that none of you managed to get inside the radio room and rip out the microphone?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
No, no! None of us would ever do that! Not when we want to get off this ship!
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
So you expect me to believe that while we went to hunt for these, that the room just happened to unlock itself and the microphone just happened to tear itself out and walk away? Vinny spoke up.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
What the hell are you talking about, Spence? He rolled his eyes at me. Oh, come on, dude. Don't give me that confused look bullshit. The captain raided you and said we found the keys. When you asked him if you four should meet up right away, he said yes.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Nate asked the question, all right, but when the captain replied, he told us to keep going and search the restaurants for food and supplies.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Nobody ever said anything about restaurants to me. I just said to try and find some food and supplies.
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From mental health to dental health, eye care to skin care, and much, much more! Probably dick and ball stuff, boys.
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As much as I wish I didn't, I think I do.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
We're going to gather it up and lower one of the lifeboats. We're going to row the fuck away from the ship as fast as we can. And we're going to pray we make it back to land.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
End of part three into part four. Definitely taking a shining route for sure, which I'm enjoying.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
It feels one by one is what I'm thinking. But what I think is that, yeah, it's going to lure you in, and I think it's going to make you... not want to leave. Like it's going to basically, uh, yeah, it's going to tantalize you to stay. Like I'm guessing all these other souls were, uh, there's an example.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Uh, I mean, it's a form of purgatory because what I'm reading at right now is that I think that maybe they died, uh,
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
That's what I'm... Maybe they just died on the ship. That's kind of what I've been thinking, in that this is like the ferryman, basically, is like they're on it, and now that they're on it, now it's going to start moving, you know?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
It's been a long time since I've seen Pirates of the Caribbean 3, so I'm not really sure.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I don't. The only thing I really remember about that series is Will Turner continuously saying, that's my dad. That's Bootstrap Bill.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
yeah no i think it's a lot of fun i think once again it's just strong characters good conflict that's happening that's keeping us engaged and i think that it's like the the the cherry on top is the paranormal ghost ship that's happening like that's the thing that is making it so sweet but really at its core it's a fun isolated uh basically desert island kind of uh
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
meme, you know, people stuck together, you know, fighting for survival. There's fear building anticipation. And now one of them has gone absolutely mental.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Oh, man. This isn't the last we'll see of him, though, I think. You think it'll be a ghost or something like that? I think so. I think it's going to be a Jack Taurus situation, like the Shining, or whatever the fuck his last name is in that movie. A book?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
thank you for the writing tip thank you you really did give me a light to be guided by yeah yeah no i mean i you know for the context of this um story and it being on no sleep it's fine but i always just wish these weren't in this i just wish it would just get me in more you know
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I think that... But now, after we've done so many, I'm just like... I just... I don't know. I'm more compelled by the story than it is to keep up the visage that this is, like, real.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
You know, to be fair, I mean, the no sleep rule guidelines for posting here are like...
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Cap, looks like they have the same idea you do, about either taking control of the ship or straight up sabotaging the engines.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
We head first back for the bridge, and if that doesn't work, the engine room. He gazed seriously around at all of us. From now on, we don't split up from each other at all. It'll mean things will be done slower, but in my personal opinion, it just might be safer.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I mean, I would say it's got to be the under, right? No, I mean, probably the over. I think that more than likely that's going to happen. I agree.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
But it's either try the cap or go home broke.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
And fuck all of you dead ancient last century ass ghosts!
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
also watched the perfect storm am i wrong i mean like what do you mean he's the one who jinxed you you're on a boat called the point of no return and you've watched the fucking mark walberg and george clooney movie the perfect storm notorious that's a really good movie i haven't seen in so long and it's it's yeah notorious uh ship going you know things go a little mucky on the sea on a boat kind of movie um
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
So, just want to say, can't put it all on the captain.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Yeah, just, uh, I just needed a few moments to collect myself after that. I mumbled through my fingers. Then he replied after a moment. I get that, but you shouldn't split up from us. It's not safe. You know that by now.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I mean, come on. Eternity on board a classy ocean liner surrounded by people who just want others to join them? It can't be all that bad, right? You get to party forever after all.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
No, I don't think so. I think that they probably got him and they're imitating him now.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I'm guessing that everybody can see them, but I think there's, because we're through the POV of the narrator, that it's just more prominent. Yeah, it's the way he sees it, yeah. But we've seen, or we've heard that the captain also went into like a trans-like state as well, or hypnotic state, so I'm guessing that everybody's feeling it, but I don't think everybody is fully...
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
You know, that also, I think it's a matter of, uh, I think if you admit it, you believe it. So I think by trying to not admit it, I think that you also are just trying to deny its plausibility and keep yourself a bit sane and not scare yourself.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Yeah, our narrator is definitely the kind of guy to run in place for a couple seconds before being able to actually move.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I mean, he's definitely, he feels the most manic out of all of them so far.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Makes me think that Nathan's going to kill the captain is what makes me think. Oh, I didn't even think about that.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Well, that's the thing is that if he kills him, if he kills the captain, another person who like if he does it and the other person who stays alive doesn't realize that he's done it. And even Nathan himself doesn't realize he's done it.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I've had it with these fucking, with these fuckers dicking us about and trying to drive us insane before they kill us. You fuckers want to get out, uh, you fuckers want to get it on with me?
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Come on out, you 20th century shitheels.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
We can't let him get too far away from us.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
I didn't know it was him... I ran into the lounge, and I was completely surrounded by them. They said they were going to kill me, torture me for eternity for thinking about stealing from the purser's office. They called me a coward for crying and breaking down, dared me to attack them.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
All I know is I was at my station looking around, one minute I don't see it, and the next... Trailed off, I followed the man back into the wheelhouse as he walked to the radar display.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
He gestured to the screen. The stupid radar must be on Fritz again. It doesn't show the storm on the radar at all.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
So, Oh, I plan. I've broken. Have you? I think I have. Yeah.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
You know, you could, you could say that being, being in the same kind of paradise, like a party is a fun thing. That's like, but here, okay.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Yeah, I think that it's disguised as a lavish forever. It shouldn't be too bad, but I think the mundane nature of it, it would get boring very quickly unless you restart every day and you don't realize that you've died or something.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Yeah. I mean like the current stuff and the speed of what you're doing, but I mean, I don't know. I mean, I'm at this spot now where I'm just kind of like, I would rather just die than, than I guess just be like tormented. Yeah. Well, yeah, I guess I don't hate the idea of just being like, fuck it.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Then at least I feel like at least I know that I tried something other than just sitting there waiting for something to kill me.
My Crew And I Are Stuck Aboard An Abandoned Ship | Creep Cast
Yeah, at least I fucking tried something. My body's on the ocean floor right now.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
Oh, same with pedophilia. This is me, Andrew. I'm dead serious. If you are caught sexually assaulting a young kid, you're 100% castration. That part is fine. I mean, that I think more people are. Easy, Tate. Easy, guy.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
But he's in a massive... Hold on, hold on.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
Vinny. The threat of. Anything else for you?
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
I don't see you being fully there. Do you know how many Americans die just from fentanyl by drug dealers every single year? Do you know the number? Hundreds of thousands. Hundreds some thousand. You kill one freaking, and I'm with you, Andrew. You kill one of these freaking guys, and I'm telling you right now, that shit would slow down immensely.
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Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
And when he's talking about conscription, you guys know what they're doing there, right? There's videos, Andrew, and Pat, I sent them to Rob. They're literally pulling up in vans, guys walking his dog, and they're grabbing him and throwing him in a van and bringing him into the front lines to die. Is that not dictatorship as a leader? What's his video here? Look, this guy's walking his dog.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
There's volume. They run up on this guy. They snatch his ass. They leave the dog. They throw him in there, and they literally put him in the front lines to die. This is what J.D. Vance was talking about. He's like, you're losing this war. And the soldiers, Andrew, don't want to fight. They're tired. They're done. They know they're going to freaking lose.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
So they grab the dude, and they put him in the van, and he's done. He's in the front lines, and he dies.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
He said he had dinner with him at Trump Tower. He said he likes him. He goes, he's a liberal.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
He's geeking out all the time.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
Andrew, I know, Pat, you want to wrap up, but one of your favorites, Destiny, the streamer, he's getting sued for cyber sexual harassment. I know you know he's one of the biggest proponents of pointing at everybody, shitting on everybody, him being a cuck and all that stuff.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
What are your thoughts on him being all the shit talking that he's talked about, and then now he's dealing with the stuff where he's allegedly taking photos of girls, sending them to other people, and all that stuff is going online.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
Oh, sorry. Henry Kissinger is dead. I want to make sure we... Kissinger was a very heavyweight guy.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
Wow. Wow. That pause, I know that he pictured that moment with his friends and his dad just going, peace out.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
56% receive mental health treatment.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
The guy from the Taylor Swift concert. Correct. But his father was from Rwanda, but his father had some crazies.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
So I got a question, Andrew, when you were talking about, you know, the UK and I mean, we do so many stories that and you even mentioned that it's fallen when it comes to the was it the Pakistani rape gangs? Yep. The Pakistani rapists are doing their thing in Germany. I remember we reported on this. A bunch of guys raped that 15 year old girl in the park.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
And then the girl that went after the attacker on WhatsApp or Instagram, whatever they want, and they put her in jail. And then Keir Starmer and all these guys, it's as if this group is protected. They're covering it up, and they don't want it to come to light. Why would they hide the fact that these guys were Pakistani?
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
Why are they putting in jail the girl that's going after the guy, the Muslim guy, that raped the girl and not the guy?
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
I'm about to say. I got you. Get the yarmulke in here right now. There is no discount.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
Put them back on. I can go.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
I can fucking do whatever the fuck I want. Pop that collar, Tate.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
Wake up. Andrew, because it started on the Epstein list. So we were promised the Epstein list was going to come out. Trump said he's going to release it. Cash myself said day one I was going to release it. Business working days were on day six. I tweeted it today. And, Andrew, you kind of mentioned it because they're all involved.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
What type of – who is the type of people or group that can literally make phone calls and say, don't you freaking dare put that shit out because we're all on it and we have footage on all of you and we're on it as well? Who – because I know you're smirking because I know you kind of know, but who has that power? Andrew, don't get in trouble. But who's up there, Andrew, that's calling them?
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
Because, Andrew, they're calling. Like, think about it. It's reaching Pambandi. It's reaching Kash Patel. And Donald Trump promised it to us, and we're still waiting. We're waiting, which I don't think it's ever going to come out. Who's up there? Who's up there? Who's making that call? Well, I could say the Jews and get some favor with the Internet.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
FBI informant and a Mossad agent. So there was... He worked for everybody.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
I don't think so. And going off of what you said, Angel, my thing is, and we're obviously, we're not those, the people that are just like, I just want, my thing is the young, because we don't know the ages, but there was young children, and you guys have children, me and Adam don't, Young children that were flown there that were potentially raped. And you know what? That's a big-ass island.
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
Murdered, killed because these people have no homes. They're nobody. We can just get rid of them. Probably cremated over there. And now those people are just walking around. And I get it, bro, because as a Christian, God is going to pay them back. You know what's interesting?
PBD Podcast
Andrew Tate Tells America: “I’M BACK!” – The Interview They Tried To Stop | PBD Podcast | Ep. 555
I would probably do the same. I think Michelle would whoop Obama's ass.