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Desi Lydic


The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Let's kick things off with the war in Ukraine. Donald Trump promised he could secure a peace deal within one day of taking office, which means he is now negative 34 days ahead of schedule. Good work, sir. As we know, the Ukraine war began in 2022 when Putin invaded Ukraine on three separate fronts while launching missile attacks on Ukrainian cities. Or as Donald Trump puts it...

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


man that last guy was so ready to get mad he didn't even wait for the answer i have a question you suck oh now look personally i'm glad to see people pushing back against doge but even if you support doge you have to acknowledge that seeing real people voicing their opinion to their elected representatives is a lot better than seeing Trump going to town on Elon's feet. Just disgusting.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


It's disgusting. And you will never see that video here. You won't. Instead, we're gonna have some serious analysis about this counter movement to Doge. So let's go to Doge headquarters with Michael Kosta. People are not happy with Doge.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Yeah, I see what you're saying. It's not what you cut, it's how you cut it.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Oh, tell me about it. I've been laid off before, and it is always too sloppy.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Absolutely. And I got to say, I have never seen you look more professional. Where did you learn so much about government? Was that at college?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Wait, hold on. So if one foot represents the federal government, what does the other foot represent?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Welcome back to The Daily Show. My guest tonight is a beloved comedic actor known for her work in Reno 911, Bridesmaids, and The Goldbergs. She now stars in St. Denis Medical on NBC. Please welcome Wendy McClendon-Covey.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


That's an interesting interpretation in that it's not what happened. In fact, it's the exact opposite of what happened. And this has set off alarm bells for a lot of conservatives, including Brian Kilmeade, Trump's buddy and the Joey Tribbiani of Fox & Friends. He tried to gently push back when Trump started to blame the destruction of Ukraine on President Zelensky.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


I'm so happy you're here. I'm so happy to be here. I'm such an enormous fan of yours everything you do I mean bridesmaids biggest.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


I mean, that was like a 20-year span. What is the... Isn't that crazy? Being that I'm so young. Impossibly. Yeah. But what is the secret? What's in the secret sauce for how to have such, like, great longevity with these projects?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


That's all you got to do, yeah. That's all it is. Well, no problem. Sign me up. No problem, you guys.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Well, maybe the secret sauce is you. That's probably the truth. Let's be best friends, okay. You you started at the ground like I did yeah, you're in the main company and the groundlings if you don't know is a famous improv theater that is responsible for breeding just the top comedy talent of us about everybody on SNL.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


And yeah. How did that training prepare you for your comedic journey, all these roles that you play?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


You had planned on doing that. Poetry.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


They taught stunt work at the Groundlings. I got to witness your improv skills on a tiny little project that we did many years ago that never saw the light of day.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Yes. You were a kitten. That's what we'll go with. Yes, no, she was so young. As were you. Right. But this project had, it was you and Jane Lynch and Sam Pancake, Jack Plotnick. It was all improvised, kind of like a Curb Your Enthusiasm. And it was only like two days of filming. But that was such a master class for me to get to watch you and Jane show up to the party.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


be a good improviser, a great listener, but show up with the goods. It really was like, that was probably such a nothing thing for you, but it was very impactful for me, so thank you.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


absolutely an angel because you came in at the 11th hour like literally she was cast at what nine o'clock at night and six in the morning you're on set with us yeah but that just shows that they were desperate i was that's when i got all my jobs and they were very desperate like let's just hire the next person that walks in the door okay fine she'll do okay can i tell you something embarrassing about that job

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


So they didn't talk about invest good investments at the ground. Yeah, that's too bad. It was a terrible show. Yeah. Terrible. It's no St. Denis Medical, I'll tell you that much. Perfect segue. Oh, yes, thank you. Yes, and. Yes, and. I truly, the show is so funny, and you're phenomenal in it. And I heard that you received the script the day that the Goldbergs ended.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


It shows. Incredible. It really shows in the show. One of the things that I appreciate so much about it, it's laugh out loud funny. It's very, very funny. But all of the characters have these huge blind spots for comedic reasons. But never are they completely inept at their jobs. And so it is sort of a love letter to health care workers.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Have you had anyone come up to you, any actual health care workers come up to you and say, thank you for making the show? I watch the show.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


One of my favorite things about your character that I notice is that she wears these, like, enormous brooches on her lapel. She'll wear, like, a breast cancer research pin. And then the next day, it'll be a giant hummingbird that's just slightly too large for the lapel. Yeah. It tells you so much about that character. She's very, like, front-facing. Was that something that you came up with?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Sometimes you just need a hummingbird. You know, there are some days. It softens a lot of blows. Softens the blows. Well, at this point, you have played a fake cop. Yes. A fake doctor, hospital administrator, a fake mom in the 80s. Mm-hmm. Knowing your track record, this show's going to last for 27 seasons. I hope so, Desi. We've got to get you in there. Yeah, sign me up. Come on.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


But what do you wish to do next for a fake job? Oh, for a fake job next?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


I really think I'd be good at it. Footwork or no footwork? We'll get to it. We'll get to it. Yes, okay, okay. Well, sign me up because I'd like to buy a boat. That's what I'm in for. St. Dennis Medical airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on NBC and streams on Peacock. Wendy McClendon Covey, everybody. We're going to take a quick break. We'll be right back.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


But before we go, Comic Relief is putting on a show to raise money to support the most vulnerable communities affected by the L.A. wildfires. The show is called Comic Relief Stand Up for L.A. It's on March 3rd. It's in New York City. I will be there. Jon Stewart will be there. Josh Johnson will be there. For more info and to buy tickets or to donate, please go to the link below.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Now here it is, your moment of zen.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


But this is how off the rails Trump is. His beloved Fox News is saying, Mr. President, you sound crazy, and I believe DEI causes tornadoes. And he's right. Not about the DEI causing tornadoes. We all know trans people cause tornadoes. But about this war. Under Donald Trump, America has fully taken Russia's side, which means, are we the bad guys now? Well, that didn't answer that.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


But I think we might be the bad guys. It's not just Republicans who are alarmed. The entire continent of Europe is freaking the f*** out. If the United States will help Russia take over Ukraine, who's next? Poland? Latvia? Slovenia? Slovakia? Albania? Estonia? Yeah, I got a 97 in AP Geography. Thank you. Thank you. I would have gotten 100, but I misspelled my name.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


So yesterday, Europe tried to get Trump back on its side by sending over its most charismatic Trump whisperer, Emmanuel Macron of France. And right from the start of that meeting, you could really see how he let his guard down.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Yeah, Trump just loves the French accent. Probably because it's the native tongue of his hero, Pepe Le Pew. Something about that pervert skunk that Trump finds so relatable. But Macron's accent gives him a lot of leeway to gently correct Trump every time he spews bullshit.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Look at him. Look at that smile. The guy is smitten. Usually, if someone confronts him about being wrong, he takes away their security detail. But he's letting Macron do whatever he wants. I think a sexy accent is his kryptonite. I assumed it was vegetables, but to be fair, it's not just Macron. Trump was swooning over anyone with a sexy accent.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Oh, oh, Italy. I love that restaurant with the grocery store attached. Oh, now... Love it. So good. Now tell me, which section are you from? Fromaggio? Produce? Self-checkout? By the way, Trump is the only person on earth who has ever asked an Italian person to talk louder. Of course, as we saw last week, not every accent does it for him. Sometimes it just confuses him.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Dude, come on. If you don't understand what someone is saying, don't be rude and dismiss them. Just laugh and go, oh, my God, that's so crazy, like a normal person. I mean, is Trump sure that he wants to be president? Because this is the worst job in the world if you don't understand accents. It's like working as an escort if you're still not 100% sure which hole it's supposed to go in.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Although, would that actually make you a great escort? Hmm. I guess we'll never know. By the way, if you're wondering how tough Indian accents are for Trump, he had to get a translator for it. Not for the language, for the accent.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


But if you do have to have a translator for accents, why does the translator also have an accent? Maybe the plan was to have a string of translators with slightly less of an accent until they finally got to something Trump could process. Eventually, it'll just be the word Bangladesh written across the boobs of a swimsuit model. Oh, now I get it. Anyway, back to Macron.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Now, you might think that it's not wise for Europe to hinge its survival on the seductive power of Macron's accent, but Trump himself admitted that it works.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Hold on. Hold on. Forget the accent. What was going on with that handshake? Are they doing the, no, you hang up, but with their hands? Before we figure out Russia and Ukraine, we need a peace deal for the world's weirdest thumbworm. So maybe this isn't going to come down to words at all, because if you've noticed how Trump and Macron interact, their hands alone tell a story.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


When we come back, we'll tell you who's being mean to Elon Musk, so don't go away.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Welcome back to The Daily Show. Let's talk about Doge. It's the reason an 18-year-old virgin has your Social Security number. But Elon Musk has been trying to find ways to fire as many federal workers as possible. And this weekend, he tried out his new method by sending an email that shouldn't have been a meeting or an email.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Ah, the hallmark of a good boss. He gives you busy work that also makes you scared. This is such an insane idea. Just for starters, let's say everyone does respond. Who the f*** is going to read 2.4 million emails? I say this as someone... I say this as someone who has an inbox with 2.4 million unread emails. It is too many emails to read.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


We've got so much to talk about tonight. Elon Musk gets marked as spam. Russia and America share friendship bracelets. And Trump sticks a foot in his mouth. But for once, it's not his own. So let's get right into it.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Hey, Pottery Barn, if you tell me about one more throw pillow sale, I will kill myself and the blood will be on your hands, also on your throw pillows. Don't test me. And I know you gave my email to William Sonoma. Anyway, as shocking as this may be, federal workers do not seem very happy about being sent threatening emails, and they're making their voices heard in unusual ways.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Look at how inappropriate this fake video of the president slobbering all over Elon Musk's foot knobs is. So inappropriate. And that is why we will never be showing this to you. It's called journalistic integrity. Thank you. Although it has to be said that making that video and hacking the screens took a lot of work.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


And I really hope whichever federal employee did it included that in their list of five accomplishments. I definitely feel bad for the guy in the HUD office who learned about his latent foot fetish in the worst possible way. Oh no! Oh no! And it wasn't just the rank and file who pushed back on Elon's ultimatum. Some of Trump's own cabinet members told their departments the email wasn't official.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Kash Patel told the FBI, don't respond to that email. Tulsi Gabbard said, don't respond to that email. Pete Hegseth responded to that email saying, you up? That was irrelevant. But all this infighting is confusing. Can someone please clarify the situation here? Mr. President, do people have to answer this email or not?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Yeah, that clears up everything. It's voluntary, but if you don't answer it, you're fired. Okay. At this point, the only thing more confusing than that email is that AI video that is totally inappropriate for television. I mean, they gave Elon two left feet. Weird and gross. And that's why we will not be showing it to you. It's called moral courage. Moral courage.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Elon's Email Ultimatum, French Accent Diplomacy, Feet Stuff | Wendi McLendon-Covey


Now look, you would expect some pushback within the federal government, but the surprising thing is there's also some pushback from outside the federal government.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Jon Stewart Challenges DOGE's Reckless Budget Cuts | Rupa Bhattacharyya


Well, John, I'll tell you what I won't be covering. President Trump wasting government resources to check in on the gold at Fort Knox. What a nothing burger. I mean, there is no need to investigate or count it or do an inventory on Vault 84C. He's unhinged. Unhinged.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Jon Stewart Challenges DOGE's Reckless Budget Cuts | Rupa Bhattacharyya


What are you, a cop? No, I... Just trust that all the gold is there, John. Every last bar.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Jon Stewart Challenges DOGE's Reckless Budget Cuts | Rupa Bhattacharyya


Yes. Yes, it was. But I brought that gold bar from home. All right.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


We've got so much to talk about tonight. Donald Trump is releasing a new line of hats for your weird uncle to wear. America's cover charge is about to go up and Elon Musk does hand stuff. So let's get right into it.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


So my guest tonight is a comedian, actor, and Emmy Award-winning writer for SNL. Her latest stand-up special for Netflix is called The Motherlode. Please welcome Rosebud Baker. Whoa. Warm up guy does his job. Yeah, right? Vince isn't a fool. He knows exactly what he's doing. Yeah. I am so happy to have you on. Congratulations on your special. Thank you. I enjoyed it so much.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


I was so excited to have you on to talk about it. So you filmed half of this special when you were eight months pregnant. Yes. and then half of the special after you had your baby, a year after. Yes. Right? So I guess my first question is, why not film for part of your set being actively in labor? I felt like I was missing something, you know?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


Today was a big day for Donald Trump. He had a meeting with every member of his cabinet, and he even invited the president. By the way, thanks for dressing up, Elon. Don't let us keep you from a blackjack tournament in 2006. But yes, Elon did have a seat at the table. Well, not an actual seat. He was more looming over it like an Ed Hardy Sith Lord.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


I couldn't agree more. It's so good. What was behind that decision to want to show that part of your journey, like those playing with the dichotomy of those two.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


You talk about your struggle. You labored over the decision of whether to have a child or not. Do you, now you have a... Like my pun. And now you have a one and a half year old daughter. Do you deeply regret it?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


I don't. I really wish that I had your special to watch when I was pregnant because I think so many women think like, oh my god, am I even going to be myself anymore?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


Am I going to change? Am I going to? And it was really cool to see you on the other side of it. you know, just brilliantly doing your thing. The thing that stood out the most for me, because I was looking to see your perspective change between pre-baby and post-baby, and you could see that you definitely see things with a different lens. Yeah. But...

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


But what was so awesome was that before you had the baby, you were this brilliant comedian who's a great storyteller with impeccable timing. And after the baby, you're a brilliant comedian who's a great storyteller with impeccable timing. And to see that visual representation, it dispelled the bullshit myth of, like, women lose their edge when they become mothers. Well, watch this f***ing special.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


Your husband is a good husband. Yes. And is also a stand-up comedian. And still an idiot. And he's the best. Yeah, but he's a good idiot. He's a good idiot. So he's a comedian, you're a comedian. Are you concerned that your daughter's at high risk for becoming a comedian?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


Well, if that's the case, then she's got a great role model to look up to. Thank you. One of the things that stands out so much about your comedy is that you just get right to the bone. Like, you are not afraid to talk about things that some might find hard to mine comedy from. You're very honest. You're very raw. You talk openly, like in the clip, about experiencing miscarriage.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


And some reporters wondered if that created tension with the actual cabinet members, given that he keeps trying to fire all of their staff.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


You talk about loss. You talk about grief, postpartum. Is that something that, is it helpful to process all of that stuff through comedy? No.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


If only we could replace RFK Jr. with Patch Adams. Yes. We could just do a little switcheroo. We'd be set, right? Wouldn't that be good? It'd be amazing. Oh, my God. You're incredibly busy as is. You're also an Emmy-winning writer on SNL. Yes. You write on Weekend Update, so you're in the trenches. Do you find it incredibly challenging to stay on top of just the pace of the news all the time?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


Pigeon. Yeah. Well, and with bird flu going around, I'm just, they kind of have it coming. You're saving lives. They have it coming. Yeah. Yeah. My God. Thank you for that. Well, you can see Rosebud kicking pigeons around New York City, but you can also see her special, The Motherload. It's streaming now on Netflix. Rosebud Baker, everybody.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


For tonight, before we go, please consider donating to I Support the Girls. They're an organization dedicated to providing essential items like bras and menstrual hygiene products for girls and women experiencing homelessness. If you can, please donate at the link below. Now here it is, your moment of zen.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


It's nice to know that someone gets a vote on whether Elon Musk should be running the country. It would have been awkward if someone started to raise their hand before everyone else started clapping. Me? Oh, no, I wasn't raising my hand. I was just about to do a Nazi salute. Phew, good save. So everyone is proud of the job that Elon is doing, and Elon agrees.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


I'm sorry, you accidentally, very briefly canceled what? I hate to be giving efficiency notes to the efficiency master, but perhaps next time we keep Ebola prevention going the whole time. I mean... Is Elon really asking for credit for only canceling Ebola prevention a little bit? It's like he dropped a baby and went, what? Look how fast I picked it up. Five second rule.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


I think we should be a little more careful, especially when we're already dealing with a measles outbreak. But don't worry, Elon is not in charge of that. RFK Jr. is.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


Quick question. When you say we have measles outbreaks every year, are you talking about America or, like, you? Right now, it sounds like you might take out that whole room, and that would be terrible, I want to say.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


But yes, RFK is overseeing the measles outbreak, and he has promised, promised that he will personally, if the hospital allows it, consume all of the corpses of those infected with it. So he's really seeing to it. And this cabinet meeting was kind of a waste of time, okay? But Trump has been getting some stuff done.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


For example, yesterday, he signed an executive order that forces hospitals to be transparent with their prices. And look, that seems like a good idea. And I am perfectly capable of admitting it. When Donald Trump did something good... When Donald Trump did something good... When Donald Trump did something good... I can't say it! I can't say it! Why is this so hard?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


Oh, thank God those don't come along very often. Of course, because it's Donald Trump, most people will never hear about this price transparency thing, because at the same meeting, he seemed more interested in doing stuff like this.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


Okay, first of all, that is way too much text, guys. If your hat needs a bookmark, it's not a good hat. And look, I hate to quibble with the hat, but Trump wasn't right about everything, okay? There were a couple of small things. I don't know. Haitian immigrants weren't eating cats and dogs. There wasn't $50 million worth of condoms sent to Gaza. Belgium is not a city.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


The 2020 election wasn't stolen. China doesn't... China doesn't operate the Panama Canal, nor does it. And the best taco bowls are not made at the Trump Tower Grill. But yes, other than that, Trump was right about everything. Now, I'm not trying to be a hater, but if you're gonna own a hat with a ridiculous lie on it, at least make it a fun, ridiculous lie, which is why I'm selling these.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


Garfield did 9-11 hats. Get yours today before he finishes the job. But obviously, Trump didn't bring everybody into the Oval Office just to sell hats. He was there to sell something much more fancy.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


Oh. Oh, green card privileges plus. See, I was still getting America with ads. Quick question. Quick question, if I'm unhappy with America, can I cancel my subscription after seven days? I am curious, what does this gold card do?

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Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


Did this guy just put a cover charge on America? It's $5 million to get in, but he'll waive it if you bring in three hot girls with you. I mean, I guess it beats the old way of becoming a citizen, which was to marry Donald Trump, but still. I feel like immigrant stories are going to be a lot less inspiring in the future.

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Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


My grandfather came to this country with nothing but $5 million and the clothes in his custom Louis Vuitton five-piece trunk set. Although I have to admit, I don't totally hate the idea of buying your way into a country. Hey, Canada. How you doing, girl? I'm just going to come out and say it. I want to be in you.

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Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


And listen, I don't have five million dollars, but I do have four dollars and a cough drop. And this orange hat. Let's talk about it. Now, you might be thinking, wait a second. If the U.S. is just going to put citizenship up for sale, doesn't that mean that any monster can buy one as long as they're rich? Well, according to Trump, mm-hmm.

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Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


It seems like Trump watched Anora and his takeaway from that movie was, we need to do more to help out that rich Russian teenager. He's so good at sex. But if you're letting Russians come into the country, you've got to be careful, OK? I don't want to engage in stereotypes.

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Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


But if you let a Russian in, then there's going to be a smaller Russian inside of him, and then an even smaller Russian inside of him, and on and on and on. There's always another. Bottom line, I'm not sure I like the idea of a special card that gives rich people unique access to America, but if we were going in that direction, we have an idea for how to market it.

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Trump's $5M Immigrant "Gold Card," Elon's First Cabinet Meeting, | Rosebud Baker


There's one thing we've learned about Elon Musk. It's that he's a very graceful man who's comfortable in his own body. But how did he get that way? Well, good news. We found the man responsible.

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Bras became an intrinsic part of fashion, with underwires and padding allowing women to emulate the stars of the era, like Marilyn Monroe and Jane Mansfield. An ample bosom was as synonymous with 1950s womanhood as not having a bank account or getting excited when you get a vacuum for your anniversary. And it wasn't just about the curves. Thanks to torpedo bras, it was also about the pointiness.

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which may look a little odd now, but at the time it was the Cold War, so it made sense to have extra missiles on hand in case Russia invaded. But while bras were supporting women, not all women were supporting bras. In fact, by the late 1960s, going braless became a fashion statement. Boobs were free to hang and move around and swing as much as all the couples at the party.

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It was a great time for boobs, except for all the polyester they were rubbing against for the first time. But contrary to popular belief, burning bras was never actually a thing. What did happen is that in 1968, demonstrators were protesting the Miss America pageant for being sexist, racist, and forcing women to solve world peace in 10 seconds. You need at least five minutes to do that.

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So protesters tossed symbols of their oppression into what they referred to as the freedom trash can, which also happens to be what I call the dumpster outside Whole Foods. And those symbols of oppression included bras, but they never actually set them on fire. That's just a myth. Like mild menstrual cramps or the male orgasm. I'll believe it when I see it.

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But by that point, bras were so ingrained in society that many people struggled with the idea that they could be optional. The idea took hold that not wearing a bra was somehow inappropriate or unprofessional. Like in 1990, when a woman in Arkansas was found in contempt of court when the judge said her breasts were obviously showing through her shirt. Objection, Your Honor.

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My right to a fair trial is up here. And only a few years ago, a Florida high school student was forced to put band-aids over her nipples at school. That's a trip to the school nurse that will also send you to the school psychiatrist. I'm just kidding. American schools can't afford those. But for those who want to wear them, it's a great time for bras right now.

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Bra designers are no longer telling women what they should be wearing. Instead, they're listening to what women want to wear. There are so many comfortable options now, from athleisure to sports bras. Women can live a life where they aren't being squeezed like an empty tube of toothpaste. And there's no telling what the future of bras will be like. Maybe 20 years from now, all bras will be NFTs.

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Who knows? Not me. I literally don't know what that means. But whatever form bras take, there's one thing that you can always count on. They will lose their shape in the dryer. But only if you wash them in the first place.

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It's when a woman is stimulated to the point of climax, causing a physical and neurological response that scientists refer to as bangtastic. And over the years, depicting female pleasure on screen is something that's changed more than the batteries in your vibrator.

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Let's start all the way back in ancient Greece. Plato may have been one of the greatest philosophers of all time, and he could definitely rock that casual tunic look like nobody's business. But when it comes to baby making, he was clueless. He thought the womb could literally wander around the body like one of those DVD screensavers. Whoa, is that an eyeball? I am definitely on the wrong floor.

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The first known female orgasm on the silver screen was in the 1933 German film Ecstasy, when Hedy Lamarr took the Bratwurst Express all the way to Pleasureburg. Turns out, the world wasn't ready for this. Everyone denounced it, from Hitler to the Pope. And if you ask me, the Pope has no place weighing in on sex scenes. He's celibate.

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As dumb as Plato's dumb ideas about women's anatomy were, they were accepted by male doctors for centuries. And doctors couldn't do their own research because for most of human history, male doctors refused to even watch a woman give birth. They avoided the delivery room like it was an idea a woman said in a meeting.

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In fact, in 1522, a curious German doctor decided to sneak into the delivery room dressed as a midwife. And guess what? He was burned alive for it. It's like the most extreme drag race challenge ever. So because men didn't have the balls to see a vagina, it was up to the midwives to deliver the babies.

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That is until the mid-16th century when men realized how much money they could make by doing it themselves. But even in the delivery room, men were still so squeamish about seeing lady parts that they made women lie on their backs and cover their legs to deliver. That's why lying on your back is still the standard delivery procedure today.

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Even though there are so many more comfortable and efficient positions a woman can give birth in, on her side, squatting, on all fours, or how I did it, standing in line to get into the Gucci sample sale. Fun fact, if you find a placenta stain on the scarf, they'll give you an extra 5% off.

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Aside from awkward positions, men started doing all kinds of things to women we never would have chosen ourselves. We all know what this is, right? Now, why do you think this was invented? To chop down trees? Hunt down unsuspecting hotties? Wrong. Originally, the chainsaw was invented to assist in childbirth. How horrifying is that? At that point, I'd rather just let the baby grow up inside me.

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It's no surprise male doctors would come up with the idea of chainsawing a baby out of a woman because a woman's pain was never really taken into consideration. Which is crazy because pain is the most traumatic thing about childbirth. Well, that and going on Maury afterwards to find out who the child's father is.

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But for a long time, men believed that women should feel pain during childbirth, that it was part of her destiny. So painkillers weren't even an option. In 1591, a woman from Edinburgh had the gall to ask for pain relief during the birth of her twins. And no joke, she was burned at the stake for it. Yeah, another one.

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Apparently, just telling someone no wasn't invented for another couple centuries. Painkillers were largely off-limits until the mid-19th century, when Queen Victoria used chloroform for the birth of her eighth child. She raved about it, which made it even more popular. She truly was the original mommy influencer.

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Thanks to Queen Victoria, drugging women during childbirth became much more acceptable. But after 100 years or so, the no drugs philosophy came back in style again, thanks to men like Dr. Grantley Dick Reed, the first modern physician to suggest women shouldn't get drugs at all, because he claimed that women's pain was all in their heads.

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In his defense, he was probably just trying to get revenge on his mom for giving him that name. Look, if women want drugs during childbirth, that's their choice. If they want to push a watermelon through a bagel hole without drugs, that's also their choice. The problem is when decisions are being made by other people without putting the woman first. And that's not just in the past.

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I mean, when we need your opinion on the best stain removers for white fabrics, then we'll call you. Unfortunately, being the first actress to climax on screen followed Hedy Lamarr for the rest of her career. She was typecast as the seductress, even though she was literally the smartest person in Hollywood.

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It continues today. There's OBGYNs who refuse to work with a doula, episiotomies being performed without consent,

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and unnecessary c-sections being pushed on women just to work around a doctor's lunch break which is honestly kind of weird because if you still have an appetite after cutting a person open then i need a new doctor and you need a shrink so to all the doctors and medical professionals out there please listen to the women who are actually pushing another human being out of their bodies

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take their concerns seriously, put their interests first, and for God's sake, please, no more burning people at the stake.

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Yeah, as her side hustle, she was a brilliant scientist who invented the basis for all modern wireless technology. Without her, no one would be orgasming, because we wouldn't be able to watch porn on our cell phones in the bathroom. And that was the last big on-screen female orgasm for a while, because around the same time, the Hays Code was enforced in Hollywood.

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This was a set of censorship guidelines that banned movies from explicitly showing or discussing sex. Even married couples had to be shown in separate beds, or as it's now called, the reverse chocolate factory.

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No one was getting off. The Hays Code finally ended in the late 60s, which, as timing goes, is like having your dry January end at an open bar in Cabo. America was embarking on a sexual revolution, so female pleasure came back on screen. Unfortunately, it was often treated as a novelty that existed for men's amusement, so you got scenes like the one in 1968's Barbarella.

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At the time, it was considered a campy, sexy thing, but looking at it now, it's a violation. Remember, everyone, if you're gonna put a woman in a machine that orgasms her to death, you need consent first. Another major moment came a few years later with the movie Deep Throat. It tells the story of a woman who keeps giving men oral sex because her pleasure zone is in her throat.

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That is not how it works. But Deep Throat became the first porno film to go mainstream and inspired both my uncles to become dentists. The female orgasms in Barbarella and Deep Throat were basically male fantasies about how women experience pleasure. So it was appropriate that the next on-screen orgasm to make a splash totally debunked those fantasies.

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1989's When Harry Met Sally famously includes an extended scene of Meg Ryan faking an orgasm in a deli to prove to Billy Crystal that maybe he wasn't the cunnilingus king that he thought he was. This scene was groundbreaking for a few reasons. It told all the women watching who had faked orgasms that they weren't alone.

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It taught men to try to be attentive to their partner's needs, and it catapulted Pastrami to become the top aphrodisiac of 1989. It also started a conversation about the performative nature of the female orgasm. Women face far too much pressure to satisfy their partner's ego instead of themselves. I mean, no one ever has to fake it for their vibrator.

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If they don't get the job done, they just go back into the drawer and they think about what they did.

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In the years that followed, female pleasure became more and more common on screen, but they were still often treated as punchlines, like Jennifer Aniston getting unexpected magic climaxes in Bruce Almighty, or Katherine Heigl accidentally orgasming at dinner when a little boy grabbed her remote-controlled vibrating underwear. Okay, there is so much wrong with this.

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It's non-consensual, it's a kid doing it, and it perpetuates the dangerous myth that vibrating underwear gives you anything but a five alarm electrical burn. And even when orgasms weren't meant to be funny, it could be hard to take them seriously. Like in 40 Days and 40 Nights, when Josh Hartnett makes his partner orgasm by caressing her with flowers. Which, believe me, is not that easy.

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Not to be a size queen, but you're gonna have to use at least a sunflower. The aughts weren't a step forward for orgasms, but they weren't a step back either. They still needed to step a little to the side. Now the other side. Then back and forth. Yeah, right there.

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Thankfully, in the present day, we're starting to see much more realistic and positive depictions of women popping their turkey timers. These days, you can hardly turn your TV on without seeing a woman getting off. And finally, movies and shows are doing this through the female gaze. And if you don't know what that would look like, then you haven't seen Bridgerton.

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It's a show about 19th century British society taking care of their little women. She's a Beth in the streets, but a Joe in the sheets. Thanks to Bridgerton, there haven't been this many female orgasms since, well, since everyone started watching Bridgerton. So that's the history on the female orgasm on screen. And who knows what the future holds?

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But it is important because the way women are portrayed on screen holds a mirror up to how they're treated in real life. And as all women know, sometimes holding up a mirror to something is the only way to get a good look and figure out how it works. A lot of people think America's first female soldier was Demi Moore in G.I.

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Jane, which is not true, although she was the first Marine to strip her way through West Point. The truth is, there have been women fighting wars since the beginning of America. During the Revolutionary War, Deborah Sampson was the first known woman to enlist. And to do so, she had to pose as a man, which had its ups and downs. On the one hand, she had to put herself in grave danger.

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On the other hand, she didn't have to wear a corset anymore, which, if you ask me, is worth risking your life for. And Samson didn't just fight in the war. She kicked ass. She led a raid that captured 15 men. That's right, a woman took down 15 men without the help of Ronan Farrow. In the Civil War, another woman named Melinda Blaylock also posed as a man to enlist.

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It's weird that America doesn't know her story, because she fought for the Confederacy. You'd think there'd be statues of her all over. But Blaylock was secretly a Union sympathizer, trying to desert the Confederates and escape up North. But before she could, she was shot in the shoulder and discovered as a woman by an Army doctor.

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That's a huge sacrifice, because as soon as your doctor realizes you're a woman, all your premiums go up. After Blalock was discharged for the crime of having a vagina, she escaped to Tennessee and joined up with the Union Army, helping it to win the Civil War, end slavery, and defeat racism in America once and for all. At least that's what my nephew's textbook says. He goes to school in Texas.

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By World War I, women didn't have to drag race their way into service. They were actually allowed to enlist. In 1918, Ofa Mae Johnson was the first woman to join the United States Marine Corps, along with 300 other women. And they came to be known as the Marinettes. Although, to their credit, Marine officials distanced themselves from that nickname.

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Probably because Marinette sounds less like soldiers and more like a dance troupe that does high kicks on the battlefield, which is really just giving the enemy unrealistic expectations of what their legs should look like. By World War II, women weren't just fighting on the ground. They were taking to the skies. America had a shortage of pilots, so women were trained to fly military aircrafts.

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These women were known as WASPs, which stood for Women Air Force Service Pilots, and not, as many believe, Wet Ass Service Pilots. This was just another example of women getting to step up during the war to do jobs previously reserved for men. Flying planes, playing baseball, women even had to fill in for mansplainers. See, the reason they call it World War II is because it's a second one.

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It's a math thing, you wouldn't understand. I gotta go hammer some shit. World War II saw another first for women when Charity Adams Early became the first African-American female army officer and led the first battalion of black women to be stationed overseas, which means without her inspiration, we never would have had Beyonce's Super Bowl halftime show.

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Early was given the daunting task of delivering airplane hangers full of undelivered mail to the soldiers fighting in Europe. And she did such an amazing job that she was eventually promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, which back then was the highest rank a woman was allowed to have, just above HBIC and Girl Boss.

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But not every woman fighting in World War II was as visible as Army officers and Air Force pilots. And in one case, that was on purpose. Virginia Hall was one of the Allies' most important spies. She recruited resistance fighters, directed them to the Allied invasion, rescued 12 fellow agents out of an internment camp, and she did it all with a peg leg. Are you kidding me?

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I take a sick day when I stub my toe. The Nazis called Hall the enemy's most dangerous spy, but she was more affectionately known as the Limping Lady of Lyon. And she gathered intelligence from everywhere, from nuns to brothel owners, basically anyone who spanks men with a ruler. Hall was truly a master of espionage, like James Bond without all the pouting and STDs.

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But it wasn't all sunshine and jet fuel for women veterans. The families of the women who died while serving didn't get any survivor benefits or burial expenses. And the women who made it through the war didn't even get veteran status until the late 70s, which is so messed up. Also, if you're not an official veteran, your dog doesn't get excited when you surprise him by coming home.

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barely even looks up. So this Veterans Day, we salute the women who have kept America safe. They paved the way for all the brave women fighting today and the ones who will fight in the future once the robot apocalypse kicks off. And they also inspired me to avoid the line for the women's bathroom.

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bras also known as brassieres or more formally over-the-shoulder boulder holders the histories of women and their bras have been pushed together and held there for as long as we can remember and you can always tell a lot about what's going on with women in society by how their breasts are being stored from the ancient romans wearing bandeau style sports bras for athletic competitions

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to the women of the early aughts who shot whipped cream out of their bras as a way to destigmatize public breastfeeding. When I was nursing, I could never quite get my milk to come out that frothy. One of the earliest versions of the bra was in the Middle Ages, when women could wear two fabric bags over their breasts inside their clothing. These ladies didn't have time for cute underwear.

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It was the 1300s. They were more concerned with finding new recipes for gruel and not dying from a paper cut. For a while, during the French Revolution and Victorian eras, bras took a backseat to corsets, which ever so gently molded a woman's body into that super desirable hourglass figure. because nothing is sexier than a woman who might be filled with sand.

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Luckily, by the end of the 19th century, a French woman named Herminie Cadal had designed the first modern bra by cutting a corset in two and sewing it into something that was then considered lingerie and would now be considered school clothes on Euphoria. It gave women more freedom than the traditional corset.

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but it was still impossible to take your bra off through your shirt in the locker room at Planet Fitness. Be right there! Don't start Zumba without me! Thankfully, in 1914, a 19-year-old named Caress Crosby invented a bra that ditched the corset altogether.

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Crosby wanted a bra to wear to her debutante ball that was actually comfortable, so she made one herself out of two handkerchiefs tied together with a ribbon. It turned out to be a huge hit at the ball, probably because in a corset bra, the only dance women could do was the robot. And no one likes the person at the party doing the robot, especially before robots were invented. She's possessed!

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Fetch Father Mulcahy! With her new bra, Caress Crosby and Women Everywhere were liberated. Except for the fact that they were still women in 1914. But aside from that, liberated! Crosby's bra was a hit, but it continued to evolve, and by the 1950s, new styles led to an all-out boob party.

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It's no secret that women's on-screen portrayals have evolved throughout history. We've gone from playing secretaries being saved by James Bond all the way to nuclear scientists being saved by James Bond. But I want to focus on one specific aspect of female depictions, the orgasm.

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Well, Trevor, during this month, I like to celebrate the stories of impressive women that have been overlooked. It's not his-story, it's his-story. Took me forever to come up with that.

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Okay, yeah, but you see, everyone pays attention to the women who did great things, but no one speaks about women who did bad things. For example, everyone's heard of Benedict Arnold, right? He was the general who betrayed America during the Revolution, the greatest treason in our history up until Tristan Thompson. But you probably haven't heard of Benedict's wife, Peggy Shippen Arnold.

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Being a woman can cost you apparently an average of $1,400 a year thanks to gender price discrimination.

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It's called the pink tax. I needed to investigate by testing some products. But I wasn't going to fall victim to price discrimination by actually paying for them. Two razors, one blue, one pink, otherwise identical. Does the pink one give a silkier shave? Only one way to find out. What? I'm a full-time working mom. What do you expect? Exactly the same. Could this be an isolated case?

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I continued my investigation. We need a patriarchy cleanup in aisle 13. Two painkillers, one marketed for lady cramps. Question is, which is more effective? Just as I thought, same active ingredient. This is bullshit. Why do products cost more for women than men?

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Oh, yeah. I had that surgery.

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Yeah. Same thing.

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Yeah. I mean, that's the whole point of the surgery. It went to my bottom line. But there's one lawmaker, Congresswoman Jackie Speier, who's been fighting gender discrimination for over 20 years.

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Now, she was actually the one who encouraged him to turn on America and help plan his treason with British officials. You know, it's like they say, the couple that betrays together stays together. And there is nothing hotter than treason sex, trust me.

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They should be paying you to get those haircuts, but that's not the point.

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I ran the numbers. An overcharged plus underpaid equals the square root of what the f***? It's so unfair. It's like when someone has blue eyes, everyone falls in love with them. But you get pink eye once, and suddenly you're kicked out of your neighbor's hot tub. It's 3 o'clock in the morning. What are they going to use it for?

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Oh, great. So while your little girl is learning how to walk, she'll also learn how to navigate the system that's exploiting her.

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These are two children's snorkels. $8.84, $16.22 for the pink. So women literally have to pay more to breathe. Sorry. 28 women's diapers for $15.98.

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And just like me, this system is full of shit. How can women afford to live in this world?

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Yeah, sure. If you think about it, it's just one extra step in a series of extra steps that women take every day to thrive in a man's world. Like how we get up a little extra early every morning to put on an outfit that looks professional yet accessible, but not too accessible because we don't want to be taken advantage of.

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Or how we walk an extra five blocks to work so that we can avoid the construction zone. because men like to tell us to smile more. And when we get to work, we want to make our voices heard, but in a way that's helpful and strong without being overbearing or shrill.

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You know, we do all of this without even an ounce of resentment, because resentment causes wrinkles, and society does not value aging women. Is there a men's wrinkle cream that you can recommend?

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Sure it costs less?

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there's gotta be a better solution.

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That's right. Spear is ready to give the pink tax some blue balls. But why stop there?

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Be outraged. Make our voices heard. Take it into our own hands. Until the repeal of the Pink Tax Act gets passed, I'm going to make up for all the shit we've already paid for with the help of my little pink friend. Perfect. Giving women their money back one item at a time. We'll call it Desi's Dick Tax. Strong enough for a man, but priced just for her.

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Oh, of course you didn't. You're a man. I didn't know either. I saw it on a Snapple cap at lunch today.

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TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


Yeah. Here's another one. We all know who Alexander the Great was, the ruthless king, bloodthirsty conqueror, sideburns aficionado. But he only got to do all of that because of a woman, his mom, Queen Olympias. She wanted her son to be king so bad, she had her husband and his other wife assassinated. She schemed so her child could have a better life, like a Macedonian Aunt Becky.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


You know, actually, Olympias inspired me to break into my son's school and destroy the other kids' science projects. Sorry someone trashed your volcano, Timmy, but I too am raising a king.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


Oh, wow. Trevor, you're gonna tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


Well, you know what else used to be a crime? Women voting, huh? Right, ladies? But you know what, I'm glad you brought up crime, because women can do that too. People always talk about Machine Gun Kelly, one of the most notorious gangsters during Prohibition. But nobody's ever heard of his wife, Catherine Kelly.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


She helped him scheme, she helped plan his kidnappings, she even gave him the gun he was named after. You know, before her, everyone called him Finger Guns Kelly.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


Yeah, and it's still happening today. Just look at Facebook. Fake news scandals, helping Russia spread propaganda. They even sold all her dick pics to Steve Bannon. And every time something goes wrong, people blame Mark Zuckerberg. But their COO, Sheryl Sandberg, deserves just as much credit. Everyone's dragging his name through the mud.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


I am so sick of people refusing to say something bad about women on the internet.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


I admire all women. But there is one woman I admire above all. She is my number one evil heroine. I mean, I guess heroine's the number one evil heroine, but this lady comes close. Trevor, when you think of pirates, you think of Blackbeard, Captain Kidd, or whoever's the captain now. But the most successful pirate of all time was actually a woman, Zheng Yisao.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


In the 1800s, she had 80,000 sailors, 1,500 ships, and took more pirate fortune than Johnny Depp's lawyers. But get this. When the Chinese Navy finally caught her, she talked her way out of jail, got amnesty, and then opened a casino. Boom! She went from being a criminal tyrant to a legal casino owner, a move historians call the reverse Donald Trump.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


So remember, everyone, Women's History Month isn't just about breaking the glass ceiling. It's also about throwing someone through it and getting away with it.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


I know a lot of men might think women's history doesn't affect them, but it turns out women throughout history have invented some of men's favorite things. For example, Trevor, what's the number one thing that men can't live without? I'll give you a hint. It starts with the B. You whip him out during spring break.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month



The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


OK. Well, beer is a $530 billion industry, mostly thanks to men. And who can blame them for loving beer with all those macho ads full of sexy women desperate to have sexy sex? Ooh, grandpa, your social security check is so big. But it turns out Mesopotamian women were the ones who invented this man juice. Wait, sorry. No, that doesn't sound right. Uh, this man flew it. Yeah, that's better.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


But it's true. 7,000 years ago, beer was considered a gift from a goddess, and only women were entrusted with making it, which is why I no longer pay for beer when I go out. You know, instead of signing my bar tab, I just write, you're welcome.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


Yeah. No, and that's not all. A woman helped create one of the things men think they can do when they're drunk, kung fu. You know, society has always told us that it's meant for men, you know, and pandas. But guess what? Bruce Lee, the most famous kung fu-er of all time, got his whole style of kung fu from a woman.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


In the 1700s, a nun by the name of Ng Moi developed her method after teaching a female student how to fight off a creepy guy. You know, these days, you can just swipe left. But back then, you had to literally swipe left.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


Yeah, well, I mean, it's not that crazy. Nuns are badass. Remember that nun in the 90s who took down one of Reno's biggest mobsters? And she still had time to teach her choir some Motown classics.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


Yeah, it's my favorite documentary. And speaking of fighting, it was this woman, Lisa Meitner, who discovered nuclear fission.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


Oh, my God. Seriously? Trevor, you don't know what nuclear fission is? I mean, everyone knows it's when you fission the nuclear. You know, whatever. The point is, her discovery of nuclear fission became the basis for all nuclear weapons. So without her, there are no nuclear bombs. And without nuclear bombs, world leaders would have no way of proving how big their dicks are.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Women's History Month


Listen, fellas, the next time you're butt-chugging a PBR or start a bar fight or drop a nuke, remember all of the women who made it possible and honor them by not doing any of that dumb shit in the first place.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Great, Big Bowls has my Social Security number. Now I feel better. I know we complained about our leaders being too old, but doesn't this go a little too far in the other direction? Surely there must be a middle ground somewhere between crypto bros and crypt keepers.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Not only that, Musk has been installing his big balls in a whole bunch of little-known agencies that are crucial in actually running the government, the GSA, the OPM, the OMB, the OC, and SVU. And, of course, the big question about this takeover and the question we'll be asking ourselves a lot over the next four years is, is this legal? Which brings me to our new segment, Is That Legal?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


To help us out, we go to our very own Troy Iwata. Troy, thank you for acting as our resident legal expert.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Perfect. Can you help us find out if it's legal for Musk and his lost boys to access the sensitive information of the federal government?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Oh, OK. Great. Well, we'll check back in in a minute. Thank you, Troy. Now, Elon Musk isn't just going to get full access to the federal government just to sit back and watch it function like he's some sort of cuck. No, he's going to jump in there and do some cutting.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Yes, the richest man in the world is cutting off aid to poor countries. Why can't you just be a normal billionaire and co-host Shark Tank or run an NBA team into the ground? I'm not saying there's not some cuts to be made in foreign aid spending. You just don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Or what's the expression I'm looking for?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


OK, we get it. We get the metaphor. You don't have to keep saying worms over and over again. You know, I have a metaphor, too. Elon Musk's charisma reminds me of a ball of worms. Of course, USAID was codified by an act of Congress. So if Trump thinks he can have Elon Musk kill it, he must have a strong legal reason for why he can do that without an act of Congress.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Or not. Why should he know? He's just the president. Fortunately, we have a legal expert who can help answer that question. Let's go back to Troy Iwata.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Troy, I got another one for you. Is it legal for the president to shut down USAID without an act of Congress?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Well, Troy, we kind of need to know this now. We have to keep up with Trump.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


No, do both first.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Thank you. Now, obviously, Republicans are standing by Musk for the most part. They say that Trump ran on cutting spending, and this is all just a part of that. But is there perhaps a senator who could make that point in the, I don't know, weirdest, creepiest way possible? I like omelets.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Did we really have to learn all about this guy's sex life just so he could get to a common expression? I can only climax when someone steps on my balls. Anyway, there's no use crying over spilt milk. Look, I don't know if I understand Senator Kennedy's metaphor, but I definitely understand why he's been banned from Denny's.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Anyway, if you're looking for Senator Kennedy's wife, she's the woman in the grocery store yelling at the eggs, you stay away from my husband, you cage-free slut! Well, I'm never... I'm just kidding. I'm sure she prefers eggs to having sex with him, too. But Elon Musk isn't the only one having people finger-banging their eggs Florentine with excitement.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Donald Trump is also reducing the government workforce, although his interests seem to be less about cost-cutting and more about sweet, sweet revenge.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


What the f***? These agents were doing their job enforcing the law, and now they're getting fired? That is not how it works. I cannot believe I have to explain firing to the star of The Apprentice. That was your whole fake job. And this is obviously just the beginning because Trump is going to be targeting everyone that's ever come after him. And I just want to say, I'm not scared.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


So, Mr. Trump, bring it on, okay? Bring it on. That's coming from me, Jordan Klepper. K-L-E-P-P-E-R. Now, obviously, of course, the big question over Trump firing the FBI agents is, is that legal? Troy? What? I'm still doing the other stuff. Don't worry about that stuff, but also finish that stuff and add on this new stuff.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Find out if the president's executive powers include the termination of officials ordered by the former attorney general to investigate the criminal actions of his accomplices.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


The truth is, practically everything Trump is doing these days is in a legal gray zone. Just today, he announced an executive order dismantling the Department of Education. He started a sovereign wealth fund. He's considering deporting U.S. prisoners to El Salvador, and he's ordered billions of gallons of water to be wasted in central California. Troy?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Is the sovereign wealth education citizen deporting water wasting legal? How many more questions are there going to be? Eight more every hour for the next four years. Jesus Christ!

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Well, is it? I don't know! Troy, look, I know, I know this is a hectic pace, but it's important that we find out the answers so we can be as informed as possible about whether this administration's actions are legal. Don't you agree? Troy? Wait. Where's Troy?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


What? Is that legal for Elon Musk to fire one of our employees?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Wait, who are you? Are you Big Balls?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


God damn it. Floppy Taint, everyone.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


We all know Donald Trump isn't a details kind of guy. We elected him to come up with big brilliant ideas like renaming the Gulf of Mexico. No one else could have thought of that or should have thought of that. But it's okay that he's not big on details because during the campaign he promised us that he knew a guy.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Don't take the bait, Desi. Don't take the bait. Be the bigger person. Be the bigger person. That's right, Elon Musk, the world's richest man and guy who cheers in the wrong parts of Saving Private Ryan. Trump promised us that he'd give Elon full access to the federal government. Pull it to the side and get all up in it. And unlike his wedding vows, this is a promise he kept.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Yeah. Yeah, Elon Musk has access to your social security number, and that is not cool. If you want our personal data, Elon, you go buy it off the dark web like everyone else, okay? Now, you might be thinking, I don't want white nationalist Tony Stark to have sole control of the inner workings of the federal government. But relax. It's not just Elon. He has a fully equipped team.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


So happy that you're here. Congratulations on the movie. Thank you. It's so much fun. You're incredible in it. And truth be told, there are a lot of great tips on how to commit crimes in this movie.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


The cast is incredible. It's insane. You, Bill Murray, Ed Harris, Jennifer Coolidge, who you saw in the clip, Pete Davidson. I mean, Lewis Pullman, Lewis Pullman.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


And I read that you all filmed everything in 22 days. Yes. Is that true? And mostly in one location.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


I mean, if you're going to be stuck in a house for 22 days with a cast, that's not a bad cast to be stuck in a house with.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Well, I have to say the movie's phenomenal and your work is phenomenal in it. So congratulations on that. We have a little something in common. Yes. Your first job ever was interning at a modeling agency. Yes. My first job ever was interning at a modeling agency. No way. Yes, but yours blossomed into an incredibly successful modeling career.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


I mean, you, absolutely adorable. And you had a booming modeling career at that time.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


You do these damn jobs? Of course. You sign up, and you're young, and you don't know any better. I don't want to flex, okay?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


But I, too, had a little bit of a modeling career.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Many years ago. So, DPM, do you have a picture? Yeah. Yes. It's the double loop. Not everyone would have done the double loop.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Yeah. Yeah, my modeling career started and ended with that photo, basically. Yeah. Same, same. Same, same. I am so impressed. You were incredibly outspoken about the deep inequalities that exist in the entertainment industry. What does progress look like to you?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


I wish more producers were like you. That's what separates you from a lot of people. And it's proven to be wildly successful. When you were starting your producing career, you talked about an experience that happened on the set of Deliver Us From Eva that changed the way that you looked at producing from that point forward. What was that?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Is this how white ladies protest now? I demand to dance for the manager. You know what? At least they're getting out there. And these are regular citizens doing their best. It's not their responsibility to block the Trump agenda. That's on the Democratic Party. They have the talent and experience honed from decades of asking me for money. They'll know.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


I love that story. Because that impacts and when it starts at the top, you know, when you set the pace when you're on set, when you're producing something or you're number one on the call sheet, you set the pace for everyone else.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


I want to talk about your daughter, Zaya, who was honored at the Out 100 event last year for her trailblazing in the queer community. What does it feel like as a parent to watch your daughter be so fearless in advocating for rights, especially right now in this moment in time when there's so much oppression, hate, fill in the blank from this administration?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


She has an excellent example in you to look up to as a mama. So I'm so happy you're on. Congratulations on everything. Thank you for being here. No, thank you. Thank you. Rip Ross is a winner. Congratulations. Gabrielle Union, everybody. We're going to take a quick break, but we'll be right back after this.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


They will know exactly the most effective way to fight Donald Trump.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Cool. California Governor Gavin Newsom is starting a podcast. I can't believe they rebuilt L.A. that fast. Glad you have the time. I mean, forgive me for not subscribing to the Gavin Newsom pomade hour, but I think the moment calls for a little more than polite conversation, although some Democrats are taking that very literally.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Ooh, okay. You guys kissed your lobbyists with that mouth? That's right, the Democratic strategy written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. Look, I get the spirit behind it, but cursing in politics doesn't exactly age well. The Gettysburg Address wouldn't have been the classic it became if it went four score and a f*** ton years ago. Not to mention dropping the F-bomb isn't really for everyone.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


I noticed Congresswoman Maxine Dexter had a little bit of trouble.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Oh, you are right. You don't swear in public very well. There are a thousand ways to say f*** you, and you found literally the only wrong one. I mean, unless she meant, we have to Trump. There's a sign-up sheet next to the stage. Suck him off. Suck him off. But not all Democrats are filling up the swear jar. Some have gone much more highbrow with a little resistance wordplay.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


All right. Okay. I see what you did there. I'm just glad that Maxine Dexter didn't join in. She'd be like, more like the Department of Glory-Holing Elon. Oh! So... All right. Shh. This is what happens when you're the party of liberal arts majors. MAGA stormed the Capitol, and Democrats are doing creative writing exercises.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Welcome to The Daily Show. I'm Desi Lydic. We've got so much to talk about tonight. Democrats can't remember where they put their riz. America whitewashes Black History Month. And Donald Trump loses a fight to a girl. So let's get right into it.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


But, hey, if clever acronyms aren't your thing, Democrats are also pulling out some timely pop culture references.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


I'm sorry, I became a Republican for a second. Look, I don't know how, but I think this congressman somehow just lost the beef for Kendrick. I do think, I do think, though, that every rap battle should end with, thank you, I yield my time. Let's all be fair, okay? Because not all of the Democratic messaging has been breaking the cringemeters.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Bernie Sanders has been on an anti-oligarchy tour, and his town halls have been drawing huge, huge crowds. Remember, he's been warning us about the oligarchy way before Elon Musk was wearing a MAGA hat, so this really feels like his moment. Too bad he'll be 87 years old by the time the next election rolls around, unless we can give him the substance... I'm halfway through that movie.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


I assume it all works out. I'll tell you one Democrat who took it to Trump face to face. The governor of Maine, Janet Mills. Last week, Trump held a meeting at the White House where he called her out for refusing to comply with his ban on trans athletes. And once he did that, she made it clear that she wasn't going to comply with any of his bullshit.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Yes! Andy Cohen will never make a show just as good as what I just watched. That's how you do it. Forget singing, forget dancing. This is how you confront Trump with tipsy ant energy. Define the issues and force the court to pick a side. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Stop that. Stop that. Get it out of here. Stop. For more on the Democratic resistance, let's go to Washington, D.C. with our very own Grace Kuhlenschmidt. Grace, it seems like the governor of Maine has the best strategy here for Democrats. Confront Trump and take him to court.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


I don't think that was actually an idea. I think she just accidentally misspoke. A lot of great ideas come from accidents. Silly putty, super glue, the Titanic movie. Grace, this is not a real idea. How is f***ing Trump going to work?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Since taking office, Donald Trump and the Republicans have been making a lot of big changes, in the same way that Godzilla made some big changes in Tokyo. But there's also been a liberal opposition growing over the past few weeks. People have started taking to the streets and making their voices heard.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Okay, forget it. But why would having sex with Trump be a good strategy?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Grace, that's not how volcanoes or the male body works. Yes, it is.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


No, Grace, come on. There are better ways to stop Trump than an orgy.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Well, they could just embrace a younger generation who can clearly make the case for a pro-worker, progressive America.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Forget it. Grace Kuhlenschmidt, everybody. February is Black History Month, but has the Trump administration changed the way we commemorate it? Josh Johnson hit the streets to find out.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


We'll fight Elon Musk. Which key are we on? Oh, sorry, but that sounded so bad I had to cleanse my ears with an RFK Jr. speech. Were there any protests that aren't just singing?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Democrats' Cringey Opposition, DEI Ban Black History Quiz | Gabrielle Union


Thank you, Josh. When we come back, Gabrielle Union will be joining me on the show, so don't go away. Welcome back to The Daily Show. My guest tonight is an actor, producer, and entrepreneur who stars in the new movie, Riff Raff. Please welcome Gabrielle Union. I'm very excited to see you, as am I. Oh, my gosh. So happy you're here.