Accidental Tech Podcast
605: Manage the Moisture Situation
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Buffeting or whatever.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
And everybody was worried it was too dry, and then some is too wet. It's the old too wet, it's too dry, and I still want a free hat. Yeah. But, yeah, the equilibrium of just being – You know, we always love those rains that aren't, I remember you called me one day, Corey, he's like, this sucks, turn the damn water off, we're ready to go. Water's good, but too much of it was bad.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
There was a happy medium in the middle.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
How much of this is you just, as you said, dorking out on it? Or does it make any more money? So when I look at it, I don't have a whole lot more time. So I'm like, all right, what is everybody doing? What's the basics? And just do the basics. But we've got the opportunity to interview hundreds of people that all have a different way to make two more bushel, two more something.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
I don't know if we stopped doing this, but if you're not, make sure you like, rate, review. We need the reviews. Give us five stars on whatever comment you want.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
Is this you just really like the science of it?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
And you get the tax write-off for R&D. That's funny. That show's not out yet.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
So you were thrown into this. It kind of sounds like when your father passed and you were going a different direction. Are you happy you went back this direction or are there other things you want to chase? Landscaping, marketing, something new?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
I think you just got to hit that time right because I think back to LaserDiscs. they were way more space than a CD or a Blu-ray or a DVD, but they might have been ahead of their time, and by the time we needed that much space, well, then direct downloads were there or SSD hard drives were there. That's in the technology space as an example of what that looks like. Even think of Redbox.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
I mean, I remember thinking, like, It finally went down. Yeah, it finally went down. They had a vending machine. I'm like, who's going to do this and bring it back? And then it just kind of took off. But they pivoted, you know, and it's more Netflix-ish. And now look at Netflix. So they just happened to hit it right at the right time and know when to pivot.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
If I take you back to social media wise, there's not a lot of people on social media that show their mistakes. So we just talked about meat and then didn't pan out. We might have lost money, but we broke even maybe or something in that nature. Being first time farmer, I've tried to show some mistakes online because it's not all peaches and cream.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
And nobody at the coffee shop says, oh, man, my yield is just, you know, I mean, they don't say that. What's the reception from the rest of the world if you posted some of this stuff? as far as failure. Yeah. Everybody loves like, okay, you got a hundred and you know, whatever bushel beans. Hey, that's fantastic. Oh great.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
He's doing that over there, but nobody really says I'm going to lose 80 grand this year.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
Well, this is a Farm for Fun episode without the drinks. So rather than talking crops the whole time, if you were an animal, what would you be?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
Join Corey. You boys want some popsicles?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
We should do it. We just set up a golf tournament at every farm show. Farm Progress this week. You guys could go to Farm Progress or come to our golf tournament. What's your handicap? Do you know?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
And I've always known you on social anyways. The short amount of times we've met is innovation. You know, always looking for the next idea. And I think that's kind of what spurred Constant Canopy, correct?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farm4Fun - Jason Mauck - Constant Canopy
So we've been on a train. We've been on a plane. Been now on a trailer. In a hotel lobby and on a trailer on the flatbed.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
These Nebraskans are trying to get us Iowans to stay here because now we have no cell phone reception. Nobody's going to have any idea how to get out of here because you can't use your GPS on your phone. We are all in SOS mode, so we had to Morse code in order to get him to find us. the booth itself.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
So that also means we don't have any music. Corey gets to do his intro without music.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
They look at you running a sprayer and it's a massive piece of equipment. Yeah. Yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
I'm going to be a big brother. Yeah. And then you'd be 10 years old, so you'd be in fifth grade. Yeah. You know a little bit more. My little brother, yeah. Same thing. Hey, I got another.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
You didn't come out of Walmart with the brother. No. No, no, no. You came out of Walmart and got the call. That was CSI.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
That's cool. Yeah. That's right, because she hates gravel.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Everything about me just... Put it in the comment section.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Also, apparently, pick on me. Yes. We do like to pick on Tanner. So now I'm ready. Oh, my God. I don't know why you're telling me you're ready.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
I want to know, why do people follow you? What's the big deal? That's a tough question. I don't know. Because you're millions, and you do it over and over and over again.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Yeah, exactly. Five years ago, the three of us probably wouldn't take comments the same way that we take them now. Yeah. Now we're calloused. Yeah. And we bring it on. Yeah. If you say whatever you want to say, great, thanks. This is helping the algorithm. Yeah. Keep coming at us. Awesome.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
I mean, I love history podcasts, so, you know, a lot on the Oregon Trail. But then the Gold Rush is always fascinating to me, too. And there's two routes to get to the Klondike. And they were both deadly. It's just, did you want to die in the first two weeks, or did you want to die two months into it? It's kind of like... pick your poison, how you were going to get there.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
But then when you got there, you still weren't guaranteed to be leaving there as a gold, with pockets full of gold, and just the amount of balls that would have taken. Have you guys seen 1890?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
No, he watches after he's had three vodka Red Bulls at 1 o'clock in the morning. Yeah, you just go all day long. Yeah, and your heart's about to explode out of your chest. Ding dong. He's like, I have to watch something that makes me not hear my heart. Don't talk about vodka Red Bulls, dude.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
No sugar. We had ice cream before we went to bed Monday night when we got out here. And poor Corey never went to bed because that was just too much sugar. I just sat there and just had a bunch on my mind.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Oh, yeah. Oh, the ladder. The salmon ladder or whatever it is.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Yeah. Warped wall or whatever they call it. In jeans and dudes. And dudes, too. That's impressive.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
I usually slop around in dudes. I put them in four-wheel drive.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
That's got to be one of the most injured track sports. I was going to say, we are all three not going to be able to walk into this place tomorrow. Yeah. If we try to pole vault tonight.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
My jumping would be better with the pole vault. We'd have to go TikTok live and we'll just see who can do the high jump the highest. We just did it. TikTok live juggling.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
sounds like he's uh watched us before or listen listen to it that's right when we do it right yeah well maybe five actually now i've started putting it out at midnight oh yeah really and we get it's fascinating we'll get you know seven eight hundred people before five o'clock in the morning hell yeah that's when i answered every freaking email this morning alarm went off you guys showered i freaking went to business yeah dave still stinks
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Yeah, it is. Okay. I'm very glad you got that right. Well, did you look at the sign out front when you pulled up? Uh-uh. Because I put you as TikTok's greatest farmer. That's pretty accurate. It's pretty close. It's pretty accurate. It's pretty close. But he says you're TikTok's favorite farmer.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
yeah yeah right from the fan i haven't showered yeah i haven't showered in two weeks it's great yeah you look you look fantastic dry shampoo must be dry shampoos it's working pretty nice yeah you you look like pig pen you can just see the little lines of stink coming off from charlie brown yeah has it grown for you like yeah obviously the worth in it yeah because it's it's weird when we say a podcast is a lot of work but it can be
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Try transferring off of three SD cards. Yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
That's what I'm going to do, but I haven't done it yet. That's what I played a lot of Oregon Trail on was the old big Mac colored back.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
I forget. Well, I know there's like 17,000 pieces of artifacts on the shelf. I got some more stuff to bring in. These guys brought all their awards into the studio. Not all of them. If I brought them all in. If you think that's all of our awards.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
No, I just picked out the livestock ones. Uh-huh. Hmm. He says he's got athletic awards all over the place, but I just don't believe it. I gave them to the neighbor's kid. I bet you did. I did. I'll believe it. I did. His mom was pissed. So you live in the farmhouse by yourself or you got roommates?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Well, thank God, because if you had roommates, you'd probably have them pull the stunt that Corey pulled on me this morning. We're staying at the Airbnb. Girls on the first floor, guys on the second floor, and it's got a bathroom and a futon and a bed, and then it's like a nook. You got a duck to go into the doorway, and then I'm sleeping on a trundle bed in the kids' toy room of this Airbnb.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
There's a fan to push all the air into this little nook. Right, because it's hot as balls the first night we got there. Turned the split unit. What do they call them? The AC unit? Mini split? Mini split. Turned that on, and I needed to get air into there. So there's a fan blowing air from the outside room. A series of fans. To another fan that blows it in there so I don't die when I sleep.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
And you like it cold. Corey, I get up, take a shower this morning, go back in there, fill in my pockets, and I turn around to Corey with the fan to his ass, and he farts into the fan and fills the room.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Ike ran out of the room. He started gagging. He did. And then I couldn't go back. I still wasn't done.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
A 22-year-old grump. Yep. There's the next TikTok name. Well, you know, just a Jackson thing, he's 63 years old, and in a 9- or 10-year-old's body, you're just going to be 63 years old in a 22-year-old body.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
If we end up back at the John Deere Classic, we should see if we can get him to come over, too. Talk to the grounds crew there. That was fascinating.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Golf courses go out of business, and he buys their crap. He buys their crap and puts it into his fleet. I'm in a group that's golf maintenance equipment for sale.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
What, you want to play a game? Yeah. Okay. We're going to play start, bench, cut. So just like sports team, you've got three people that you have at tryouts. You're going to pick one to be your starter. You're going to pick one to put on your bench. And the one that's your least favorite, you're going to cut from the team. Understood. John Deere, Case, New Holland.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Yeah. I like him. I thought you were going to say some people mistake you for Steph Curry.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
How many times have you been to Hawaii?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Now when you go back, find yourself a cute Hawaiian girl and ask her what it means. I'll have to ask what it means, yeah. But either way, I just wear it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
So out of the three of us, which one of the three of us do you think has tattoos? I'm going to go with you. You have no tattoos. I do not.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Yeah. How many? I just have one. I just have one. At the family crest on my shoulder. Oh, that's cool. On the back or front? On the back. Yeah. Sweet. Does that feel good? So it's seven colors. It was a four and a half hour setting. Yeah. It was pretty cool because I told every girl that I knew that it was happening and they could come watch it happen.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
So I was just laying there face down on the table and everybody just feeling in, feeling out, bringing food, bringing something to drink.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
I go through phases with everything. I think we should fundraise and get to a certain level for some charity somewhere for Corey to get a tramp stamp. A tramp stamp. That would be funny. I should call it, sorry, we don't want to get canceled, a lower back tattoo. A lower back tattoo. Like a Loch Ness Monster.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
What about a still start bench cut? TikTok, Instagram, YouTube.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Almost the right direction to God's country, but just not there yet.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
We've got nothing else to do. Yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
I knew when I walked in. Big girth guy. Yeah. Out of the three of us, which one do you think?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
And I eat like a bird. Higher metabolism. I wonder how a 22-year-old's going to... We try to ask the same question over a period of three, four, six months. Yeah. And compile answers together to let our listeners, one, know that they're not alone in something, or we're just damn curious. Man, now it's therapy. Let's go. It kind of is.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Fair enough. That's all it is. Or make videos and drink. And drink.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
We know that it's hard for farmers that work a lot and have families to get over the thought in their head that they aren't there as much as they should be as a parent. So we've been asking people, how do you juggle work and personal life?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
The observation that we've picked up on asking this question for a couple of months now is 92 to 95% of the people start the answer off the same way. Well, I don't do it very well. Yeah. And that's what we're trying to help is you do. You do what you can do. It's not a balance. No. Don't think you're not doing it well. You're doing it the way that it works for you.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
I'm glad we got to do this. Yeah. Yeah. I'm glad that we got to have a conversation with you, and hopefully it made you feel more comfortable than you were when you were freaked out about getting here. Yeah, I was a little bit. Needless to say, we weren't ready for you anyway, so you didn't miss anything. It worked out. It did. I appreciate it. Appreciate you. It's wild. I can't.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
This is our pleasure. Corey, what do you tell the audience? Crack a cold one.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
So is that the typical government job where there's four of you to do one person's job, three of you watched it? Yeah, four of us watched it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Beatrice. Beatrice. So you did Precision Ag there and you made it to... Spring break. Spring break. Yeah. Just never came back after spring break.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
What a fascinating time it is out here at Husker Harvest Days. Listeners, we appreciate you joining us again. This is a guest who has been on the podcast before. Yeah, I say that in my intro. Don't steal my thunder. Well, I'm reading your intro for you, right? Oh, nice.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
When I was on Vance's Ag Tribes report, I said that I still think every farm kid needs to go to college. But I think you need to go to college with a different mindset. You're not going there to learn anything except for business sense. HR, you know, being able to communicate with people and manage because most of these farms now it's not family.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
It's, it's other types of workers and you have to be able to, to effectively communicate and then be input in and around people that you don't agree with. If you, if you just went and had like an ag understanding degree, that's what you went in there to do is just how can I get along with people and how can I run a business? That's probably all you need to take out of it. Yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
Go make some friends, go meet your spouse, uh, Go back to the farm.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
No. So why aren't you TikTok's most eligible bachelor instead of TikTok's favorite farmer?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
I thought about it. I gave my nephew some of that advice last fall. He was riding with me, and I said, just go talk to the pretty girl. Yeah. Worst case scenario, you never see her again. She never talks to you again.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
This is how a professional podcast gets started. Oh, yeah. Just so you know.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
I've done one of those. Taking a girl to the formal and then she leaves with the ex-boyfriend that I was apparently just a jealous token for her.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Richert - TikTok's Favorite Farmer
The poor guy's been standing here for an hour waiting for us to get started.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
Tanner and I won't be very present.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
The ground that is being expanded into, because you did say you have a lot of potential ground there. It's not in production right now.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
So the farmland you're expanding on is mainly rangeland. that is like pasture, right?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
I always thought about the whole Amazon. They're slashing the Amazon for more farmland. And it's like, I don't know if I would want to do that. Have you seen the documentaries with the snakes? How big the snakes? Everything in there wants to kill you. Right. They can eat a human. There's frogs. You touch the wrong frog. Mm-hmm. It'll kill you. Like, I don't want that stuff coming out in my field.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
You stay in the Amazon and I'll stay out here.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
Yeah, you dated her, right?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
He dumped her, yeah, for his wife. Yeah, so your wife is much hotter, right?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
Because he didn't have one. Right, right. Well, I mean, I knew we needed to talk.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
The reason I think that it's so much older here is it takes so much more capital or a lot of capital. I'm not going to say more because I can't compare, but are they making good money as farmers in Brazil?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
So, like, when you say states and we're looking at, you got Uruguay.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
That's why, you know, John is so good at marketing, and they have been for so long. And this summer, they kind of stubbed their toe, right? Like, every news article that came out was laying off people or then their chief tractor officer, and people, like, on social media were really... kind of coming after them. And they're so good at marketing. It almost felt on purpose.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
Like, hey, we can't win all the time. Let's set ourselves back here a little bit. It's almost like it was strategic.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
Let's get a lay of the land by his hometown. How did you say that? Curitiba.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
Well, and then the people that don't even like meat, where do you get your protein? You know, whey powder and edamame, tofu.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
And I think if you can break that, there's that undertow of, like, we think you're a competitor, right? Brazil's a competitor to us because, yeah, you're producing the same thing that we are. But when you start thinking about the technology that's going down there, it's the same thing of, like, well, I can't get any more land up here because the big farmer just takes it from me.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
And it's like, well, what good is complaining going to do about it? Figure out how to make it work, right? Create the technology to send down to Brazil. Right. Send...
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
Is that because you haven't maximized your acres yet? Because here, there's not 25 million more acres that we can go grow corn on or soybeans or any other crop. We kind of got to this full. We're full. Now we have to do more with what we have. Right. Right? So that's where I think the technology and innovation comes from. It's like, okay, now we've got to do this better.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
Well, yeah, because the low-hanging fruit for you is like, can we grow it? We can just go get that other section up there and turn that into soybean ground.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
So it's like agroforestry or what do they call that here? We have a name for that of growing livestock in forests and things of that nature.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
So I would think the pastures and the forages would do a lot better. You'd have shade for the cattle. And then a lot of that stuff can really take advantage of the shade and then the sun. Whereas us around here, we grow corn. And if it's by trees, usually... It's a big hit to yield because of the tree roots and the shading. Right. So it gets shaded a large portion of the day.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
Then you plant a tree that produces nuts like an acorn or something like that.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
Well, you can cut the tree and make money, but the livestock can use it as they drop. I was growing some Berkshire hogs, and we were thinking about acorn trees. Like a lot of over in Europe, they'll finish hogs on acorns instead of corn.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
I don't know if anyone says the USDA is that successful.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
Do you guys have to have emissions on your diesel engines, on your John Deere tractors? Like a deaf diesel exhaust fluid and all that, the particulate filters? Probably just like here. Really? Yeah, I would say... Because in Australia, you don't have to. Yeah, you don't?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
No, there's a lot of countries that you don't have to.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
I was just curious because that adds so much cost to tractors and, well, and just downtime because extra sensors and all this crap that...
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
So, let's see. Where would you have been from? Were you in town?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
I mean, that was an interesting story that you told us at coffee. Is that something you can share about how John Deere came to Brazil?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
I wonder if Neil Dahlstrom would have any of this information, too. He's head of... What do you call that? John Deere Archives. The Archives. Yeah, he probably knows all of that. So it had a Mercedes engine in... What year was that? Built in Brazil. I lost the years. Sorry, I'm taking notes at the same time.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
It had a Mercedes engine before it went to John Deere on the last year that it... That's what it says there, right? I wonder if John Deere took any of your guys' technology in tractors or combines back... with them to the United States.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
I just wondered if there's any... sort of that they did something different on their tractor or, you know, a technology of some sort.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
And really, when the seed companies decided to go south to you guys and get those extra growing seasons, it allowed them... Because technology only took them so far in the States, right? Because they only had one growing season a year. Now they could actually...
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
expedite the process of doing all these hybrids and variety trials and traits and actually so i've grown soybean seed before that had to come from south america right and i came on a boat or a plane was flown in you know so i could plant it on june 5th and i was done planting on may 5th you know but it's it's crazy that that is is available to us now yeah it's cool
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
So that's what your company was based on, was travel?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
No, I had some other stuff going on. I have hog feed I have to order before 10, and it's 10.09. That was not on the clock, right?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
And that's based because generally people in ag want to see how ag is in other parts of the world.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
There's places you don't go in St. Louis and Chicago. Right.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
That was a bad move by Tanner.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
Yeah, there's going to be a lot more shows, I think, based on this. What do you say, Corey? Crack a cold one. You deserve it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
So most of your clients was probably more the corporations, the John Deere's, the seed companies, or even like the soybean growers or the corn growers, right? Because every time I've been offered a trip or seen someone go on a trip like that, it was never the individual that was paying. It was, well, I'm going with the soybean associations.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
I mean, you came here and you have access to Harry Stein and the Summit Group and all that. Like that's... A lot of people from here don't even have access to those type of people. That's pretty cool.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
So, listeners, welcome to the show. This is a Farm for Fun show that was not planned at all. Tanner and I went to coffee with an amazing person this morning. His name is Julio, not Julio. Bravo. And you are from Brazil. And I'm going to let you introduce yourself and what part of Brazil you're from. And just go through your whole story of how you came to the United States.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
Yeah. You can get up into the North once.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
You're going back for something and you're coming back. And everything that you do, just give us the 30,000-foot view.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Julio Bravo - A Look Inside Brazilian Agriculture
Really? Yeah, well. We can do this in Spanish.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
How much of that like relates back to farming and agriculture? Like you set up your combine just right so that it's, you know, and then you set up your car just right. I mean, is it equal? No, it's totally different. Just as much time or less time? Oh, way more time than setting up a combat. All right. Fair enough.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
You're making me... You're making me think of the interview we did yesterday with Sync, which is a new powered by Sukup. Basically, if you don't know yet, Zach, there's like a whole suite of technology that they're on. They said phase one. They couldn't tell us a whole lot, but you have to get signed up. They got a QR code to sign up, learn all about this like new special tech that's coming.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
Is that when it was? He probably knows. He was just at Sukup at the dryer class.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
Hey, guys, maybe we even start before you, Corey. Let me interject. We would just like to thank our partners. And Sukup is where we're at today. and what a great guest to have here. For all of you that are in the live audience, thank you for being here. One of our proud partners is Sukup Grain Bins and Sukup Grain Handling.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
It just keeps raining. Guys, one of the things, you were talking safety. I'm missing John this year. John Wasukup retired. He made the safety door. So if you do get to the bottom of that bin, you might need to actually use that.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
If you are a next generation farmer, make sure that you're putting this brand stuck in your head, okay? It's one of the best brands out there. If you are a current farmer and you're just listening and says, who are these guys here? Grab one of the people in the green shirts that are around. They're all black and today. They won't kill you. They're really nice guys.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
So we talked about the economy a little bit. It's just a different market right now with corn being down and interest rates up and whatnot. You got any tech tips for the audience or tech tips for the listeners down the road of something that the Millennial Farmer is going to do this year to try to be more profitable? Man, I don't know about that. Specific tech tips?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
Tanner's smiling over there. He's a freak in the sheets. What do you use? Excel documents. Excel document sheets, that is, as a banker.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
They're not overbearing salesmen. If you have questions, I love to ask them questions. Just do that. Great resource.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
He's a great guy. Some people are. Last time we talked, you were talking about maybe expanding a little bit. Did that ever go down, if I can ask? Did you get any more land since I sell land?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
Manage the expectations. We educate sellers, not buyers. Buyers know what they want to give. They know what they can afford and what the bank will loan them on.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
I think we know what table that came from. So you have a podcast. It was Off the Husk. Is it still a thing? Does it still exist? You used it to raise money and then...
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
We should have followed suit with you. We started on YouTube, and now as we switch sides. Yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
Did you get the sweet YouTube plaque that's like gold or silver? Yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
That could be. So non-farm related, do you have YouTube people that you follow, like Mr. Beast or somebody that might be bigger than what your presence is? I don't follow anybody too closely.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
So I just saw some of the local trap shooters come in right here at this table that are near me. Have you ever shot a perfect trap score? No, I'm not that good. What's your highest?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
Have you, Dave? No, I haven't. I haven't. Has anybody on the trap team shot a perfect score? There's a couple of them that got up into the 80s, maybe 90s over there. But it'll come quick.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
I always see the girls do a little better. They don't get frustrated as much. The guys get mad when they miss one, and the girls are like, whatever, I'll shoot the next one.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
Work doesn't sound good. Tanner gave him a phone number for a free Uber, so now all he's got to do is call it, and he's got to drive you to Minnesota.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
We need a racetrack here. You know, you were talking about a wrestling arena. How about a racetrack, and we'll get Jackson, and we'll just like the tractor pull. Inside. The CTO, we'll get Millennial Farmer. You do that, and they're not going to have any room for their displays.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
I'd like to see all you guys just go out to where they're parking, and everybody grab a horse, and we'll make a contest out of it. That sounds fun, too. I've never drove a horse. You've never drove a horse? No. You've never rode a horse? No.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
Ride, drive. Dave, what do you do? Do you drive a horse? I guess you could say drive. I mean, you tell it direction. You give it cues of left or right.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
Well, in the auction industry, we say sell it with a ride and drive. So now you can just use both.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
So speaking of hockey, if you had a choice, you get to start, you get to bench, you get to cut one of these. Baseball, football. You've played that game with us before, right? No, I never have.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
For what? Start, bench, cut. What's your favorite? Bodies of water. A river, a lake, or an ocean.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
Planting and harvest. I'm starting the planting corn. That's my favorite thing to do. You have a new planter too. We do, yeah. With some cool stickers on it. What happened to our stickers? They took them off.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
And I was on the hitch right up towards the front. I'm like, you're hooking this up. So if you guys don't know that's in the crowd, while we were at Commodity Classic, we kind of added a little swag to his new planner that he got and waited to see if he would find them. But apparently they cleaned that planner up before they gave it back to him.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
Since we're talking about family, one of our questions we've been asking everyone at the end, we try to put a compilation together at the end, how do you juggle work and family together?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
Honey Creek. Honey Creek. Yeah, that's where they said they were going. I thought it was a creek. Just when I thought you had influence of just like eight-year-old girls on YouTube, my neighbor, who's like 75, who's a hay guy, is like, have you ever met this guy, the Millennial Farmer guy? And I was like, okay, his swath is a little bigger than I thought it was.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
Shaping the minds of the next generation. Oh, I hope not. Not too much. That's hard to think about if you really start thinking deep.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
Have you been to a farmer coffee shop? They know everyone who lived here, there, then, and when, and where.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
And it always ends with, a good time was had by all. The Carol B. See, we still have that in our little paper.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
David would know that. You need to advertise. Yeah, right. You need to advertise birth announcements. You've got the hall for 300 people. People can break their clay and it can give a color. There's your next idea. We might need to bring you on.
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
So I know we talked about this last time and how much it's growing. I have a different question for you. What's your favorite gun?
Farm4Profit Podcast
F4F - Zach Johnson - Millennial Farmer
Not necessarily just shotguns either. Are you brand loyal, like Remington or Weatherby?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
Ladies and gentlemen, farmers, ranchers, and distinguished guests, thank you for listening to the Farm for Profit podcast, where we discuss the latest ideas, methods, trends, and techniques available to help your farm achieve higher levels of farm profitability.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
Remember, if you aren't farming for profit, you won't be farming for long.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
Farm4Profit Podcast
Revolutionizing Ag Equipment: Behind the Scenes with Strobel, Terraplex, and Brandt
Very good.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
And Brad McDonald. Brad McDonald, head of farm in Delaware County. And yeah, I'm also COO of Continuum Ag out of Washington, Iowa as well. Just a row crop operation on the home farm. Also have pigs that my dad and brother operate together. If you ever saw the big boars at the Iowa State Fair, we had three of them, three winners.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
If so, Big Mac, Big Buck, or Itty Bitty, that came from the McDonald farm. So happy to be here.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
We let the FFA chapter pick the last one, so Itty Bitty was from the Delaware County. Do you have one going down this year? Was that? Do you have one going down this year? No, nothing this year, but yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Well, yeah, I mean, even just from all perspectives, I'm an economist by education, so the definition of the economy would be the allocation of limited resources. To me, technology is the enhancement of that allocation. So in layman's terms, getting more with less is really how I view technology. And when it comes specifically to Continuum Ag,
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
We're helping farmers improve their profitability through improved soil health and have a lot of new mechanisms to help with that through technology to just enhance that profitability to Scott's point is to basically help farmers get more from less.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Yeah, you can run the gamut. I mean, agriculture, I think, has a bad reputation of being late to the game when it comes to technology. And I think in a lot of ways that can be warranted, but oftentimes isn't warranted at the same time. I think of our friends on the coast. The hot item is autonomous vehicles, self-driving vehicles. We've been driving self-driving tractors for over a decade, right?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So in some ways, we are very advanced. But in others, I think that we definitely can be looking for what's the next thing. And some are better than others, right? And so you're always going to have those early adopters, people who are late to the party. I think you're going to see that in every industry, but agriculture in general.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I think is very advanced when it comes to looking for the future, almost by necessity, you know, if you're not growing, you're kind of dying. And that's the way of agriculture, unfortunately. And the people who are those early adopters are the ones that are going to keep growing.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
And Brad. Yeah, so I'll lump data into technology there as far as what I try to do is I try to take the emotion out of farming. I think that that sometimes can be a barrier and let the data speak for itself. One thing that I've tried that I never thought I would try in a million years is this whole regen thing, putting cover crops and doing no-till on my own ground. And the first year I did it,
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
My grandparents were still alive and they saw me planting into a green cover crop and they looked like they were about to have a heart attack because I'm planting into a weedy field. But I think that you just got to try these different things and let the data speak for it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Whether that's right for your operation or not, try to remove the heart attack you're planting into a weedy field and see what the data tells you. Turns out that we ended up having record yield that year on those fields, not necessarily because of the cover crop, but at least we proved that the cover crop didn't hurt the farm through the data.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So now I can participate in a low CI grain that we also do at Continuum Ag because I'm not afraid to try these different things. And so I guess it's just an evolution. And yeah, I love that point as far as if we have 40 shots at this, You want to get your best at bad every year, right? And I think you just have to be open-minded to do that.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Yeah, I mean, we talk to farmers that ask that same question every single day. Literally, that is the number one thing preventing farmers from trying these things. It's not just the emotional, but also, well, what about my yield this year? And they understand that there can be that yield drag in the first three years.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Fortunately, we live in a time now where, financially at least, we have a lot of things available to overcome those yield drags, particularly low CI at this point. So what we try to do is just let's let's put pencil to paper here and actually look at what does this look like financially for your operation.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So when I did this cover crop in 2022, I put pencil to paper and I found out that, OK, I'm going to apply for an equip program. If that doesn't work out, I'll do a state cost share program to help pay for my cover crop seed.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
and also I'm going to sign up for this carbon program that pays $25 an acre, I found out that I could afford a yield drag of about 25 bushels and still come out breakeven, compared to if I was just doing normal conventional practices. So in my mind, now I'm just, again, letting the data kind of drive the decision here.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I thought, you know what, I could probably survive putting out a cover crop and trying no-till, and I think that I can do better than 25 bushel yield drag. I think I can do that. And so I think every farmer's just got to go through that process and that journey, whatever that looks like to them, and we help farmers do that every single day.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
But yeah, I mean, since it is such an emotional thing to try this region, we really try to point to the potential, Like, hey, yeah, there is risk, but farming is risk. Whether you do or you don't, you are taking a risk every single time you're putting seed in the ground.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So now let's look to what the potential could be if you were to implement these practices, the improvement of soil health, and then also now participating in these brand new markets to increase revenue at the same time. And oftentimes when we kind of walk through that journey, farmers tend to end up seeing the white, I guess, if you want to call it that, and being willing to try it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Yeah, so CI, carbon intensity, basically means your carbon footprint. So whether you want it or not, no matter where you're at politically, every single farmer has a carbon intensity score associated with their crop. And really what it comes down to is there's now this brand new revenue stream.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I guess it would be in the form of tax credits through biodiesel or ethanol where they can get tax credits from the U.S. government if they can lower their carbon footprint. So think of from an ethanol plant standpoint. I've got a carbon footprint and most of that is made up from the corn that's going through my facility.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So us as farmers can help the ethanol industry lower their CI score by producing a low CI grain. How do we do that? Cover crops, no-till, and manure instead of synthetics. If you do those three things, that's the trifecta to lower your score. And now I'm providing a brand new value to the ethanol industry that I should be compensated for.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So at the end of the day, it's all tied to what is your actual score of the practices that you're implementing on your farm. In my case, I mentioned I signed up for a carbon program, a carbon credit program that paid $25 per acre. That same exact crop, when I tie a CI score to it, would have been providing over $450 per acre to the ethanol industry.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So if I was able to sell my corn that year to the ethanol industry, I would be providing this brand new value to the ethanol industry. And yeah, maybe I'm not going to get $450 per acre, but even if I get half of that, that's way more than anything else that I would have been able to sign up for. So it's just this brand new thing.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
starting in 2025, that you can score your 2024 crop going into the 2025 season, that the ethanol industry would hopefully be able to pay farmers based on your CI score.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So by law, it is. Because we're waiting for... We are waiting for guidelines from the USDA recommending to the IRS on how do they actually facilitate it. So by law, it starts, the clock starts Jan 1, 2025, by law. So then the question is, how the heck are these ethanol plants actually going to get tax credits? Yep. And that has not been defined yet. Yep.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Yeah, I just used drones for the first time this year. So got the fungicide on with drones and that was pretty cool. But I... I will say this, I'll add the caveat, I probably sound like this regen hawk, but at Continuum, I'm probably the biggest skeptic when it comes to regen farming.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
The technology that I'm most excited for is getting to reduce my nitrogen application, because now I'm getting to that year three, four, five, that I should be able to see that organic end picking up, and so I should be able to reduce my nitrogen.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I don't know if that's implementation of technology that you're looking for, but I'm really looking forward to pulling back on my end costs by utilizing that.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Honestly, you have to identify who are the people who are actually open-minded to doing these new things. But then also, we're not trying to upset the apple cart here by necessarily going directly to the farmer and saying, hey, you should be doing this. We actually work with a dealer network that is working with the farmer.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So we have trusted people as dealers who know the vision of what we're trying to do, and they have a farmer network that they can then have that confident conversation with all of their network, basically, to be an advocate on our behalf, right?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So I feel like a lot of the guys who are just trying to go in and disrupt and just go and say, you know what, the old system is old, don't use it, go right to the farmer, you're not going to have very good success. And we've seen a lot of companies... try and fail pretty massively when it comes to that approach, you don't want to disrupt that. You want to still have those farmer relationships.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
They're there for a reason. Utilize that. Utilize those relationships because if you are able to get those dealers and people on your side as champions, they're the ones who are going to be the most effective at carrying that message to the farm gate.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So we definitely see differences, right? You're going to have different yield drags on different soil types going through that process, depending on what your soil is like. That said, we have yet to come across a farmer that just completely failed and abandoned ship when it comes to let's try what you're comfortable with first, get your toe in the water, and then build from there.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So a lot of time, I like to say strip-till is the gateway drug. Let's start there. And if you're not comfortable with all of your acres, try some of your acres. And then build that confidence and then move on from there. If you go whole hog and fail the first year, that's the fastest way to never try again, right?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
And so I strongly recommend we meet the farmer where they're at with the comfortability because there is that emotional part of it, right? And so we want to meet them where they're at, what they're comfortable with, and then build upon that year after year.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Yeah, so agriculture overall, I guess I'll describe what I think the problem is and then how technology might be able to help with that. It has a problem with narrative more than anything that I'm seeing. So I went to college with a bunch of city folk, ended up living with city folk. And I was viewed with the last name McDonald as either an angel or a devil. That's how I like to call it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
They either thought of me as an 1800 old McDonald farmer, right? A wholesome person going out there with a pitchfork. And they love that story. Or they saw Monsanto and I'm spraying everything with chemicals and I'm killing their kids. Right. So and it's real. It's a real perception problem.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
And so I think that it really comes down to providing that visibility and letting people know, hey, we don't farm like we did in the 1800s, obviously. But we're also not trying to kill your kids by spraying chemicals. And so it's really important, I think, for the industry overall to adapt traceability and just be open about what our practices are and why we're doing them.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I think that can help go a long way with the change in perception of the American farmer.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Brett? Yeah, I'll come at it with a continue mag perspective here. I think that the reason why ethanol, I mentioned as far as low CIs, has to go through ethanol because that's how the law is written. That's where the tax credits are going. It's only available to ethanol.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I like to think that the reason why ethanol is the only one is because they had the best lobbyists when they were making the law. So it just so happened that they were able to get it in. Ten years from now, I think everything's going to have a CI score. I think you're going to have low CI pork chops in the grocery store. I think you're going to have low CI steaks. I'm going to
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I'll bet that that's going to be the new organic, if you want to call it that. So you're going to see this new demand for low carbon everything. And all these claims of saying we've got to be carbon neutral or carbon negative or whatever the hot thing is at the moment. But that's where I think this is going. The puck is that everything, not just ethanol, is going to have a CI score attached to it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
I'm sorry that I offered you a beer. No, that's really fine.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
But she's got to like you a lot better now. Absolutely.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
I think it's just you just don't drink.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
I'd just say I cut back. There you go. Exactly. I mean, I drank a lot in college, and I've cut back this summer. That's how I've lost some weight, you know, doing that. But I could do more, but... I still like the social aspect, but I've never had the, I drink 30 beers in a day or a bottle of this or that. Unless we're on a trade show trip.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
No, I mean, even then, like I probably had six or seven yesterday from three in the afternoon. Sure. Maybe, maybe 10 after, cause I forgot that we started so early, but like.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
He didn't drink, okay, I want to test this theory here. He didn't, 27? 27, I think. He didn't drink until he was 27. Wow. Is he trustworthy? Well, like he didn't even, he wasn't even like, because this isn't part of your childhood or like coming up, like you're experimenting. Stealing beer from dad once in a while. Right, yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
What is the – there's a coach for, like, not the weightlifting and training, but, like, the actual art of, like, how you move your body, like, efficiently. Is it, like, kinesiology or something like that? Oh, yeah. Yep. Do you think something like that would possibly – Yeah, it might not hurt because – Like, hey, you know, don't push so hard.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
Most consistent podcast out there.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
That's what we say. We're not the best. But you're most consistent. If we work the hardest and if you're the most consistent. Quality, timing, all that kind of stuff.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
I think we could have a show every day if we had the time.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
People have asked that. Yeah. I get asked probably once a week that we should do that. It's usually dairy farmers.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
I think you're thinking you've got a little bit of backyard-itis going on here. We've had too much rain in Central Iowa, but I think a lot of people have gotten good rain, especially out east. A lot of places in Nebraska that didn't get hailed out had a lot of good rain that they normally don't have. So I think we have a good crop coming.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
But for our particular backyard, we will be disappointed with our yields. Okay. I think.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
Yep. So I have three things. Okay. Real quick. Do you still hunt? I do. Awesome. You still hunt with that same gun? I do.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
I was curious if you were sitting there, like, I might just grab that gun.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
Second thing, you've got to be thinking about doing a book if you're not hungry.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
You know, buy a book or something like that. So I think that would be a great addition to your services. Oh, absolutely. They can patronize you on beef, though, as well. So how do they find you on the beef?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
Is it red Angus because you have red hair?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
I think you should slap the label on there. Raised with one leg.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
Yeah, we're not there yet. I just want to say thank you. This is going to sound bad. I'm glad you shot yourself in the foot.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
And I'm also glad that you picked up the speaking thing because I do know, you know, we can't maintain – Olympic status for all of our life, right? And I would hate to see what happened if you lost that.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
If you ever do get into long running, hook us up or hit us up because our good friend Michael Bergen, who's in Tokyo right now, would normally be here. He was an ultra marathoner.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
Those guys are insane. He could pace you and do all that kind of stuff. They're nuts.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
Nike contract. Farm for profit. Sponsored. Could be.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
There you go. Barstool athlete. It doesn't pay very well, but hey, we're the first.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
today. You're the speaker today. That's right. Tanner needs to introduce our guest here. That is our guest that you just heard. Before you do that, I want to say a big thanks to Cody Vanderholm for lining this up.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
Yes. Okay. I said that key. Yes. Yeah, you did. You did. Okay. We've got some fingers, maybe. I would say he's also the best looking ginger on the podcast. I appreciate that.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Overcoming Adversity: Kevan Hueftle "Flea Speaks"
It's just a mustache is all it is. I do like a good mustache.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
Yeah. But Dominican Republic is a little closer to the equator.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
I'm guessing, yeah. And I was like 100 SPF all day, every day. Huh.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
So we've talked, you know, foreign trade, global economy. What we haven't talked is local economy. So we have a presidential election coming up, and we're talking about what prices might do in the future. We've kind of talked that they're down now, and we know that. How is who gets elected going to affect our fertilizer?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
We've recently in the U.S. seen layoffs at Kinsey, at John Deere, at other manufacturing facilities. They're predicting or their advisors are telling them the economy is not going to be as good. Do you think they were just ahead of it and made less?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
Do you think if they, so a lot of marketing companies or sales company, they give you a reason to buy it right now. So to avoid the standoff, as you say, Josh, if they would say, let's, whatever, lower the price to where it incentivized guys like, crap, I got to go now. I got to buy this. But it's, hey, buy today or buy it before you leave and we'll give you this much of a discount.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
If they did that right now and incentivized it 20%, would you think farmers... 20% would be huge. Would farmers be out there dumping the clutch even if they think it's going to be bad years in 24, 25, 26? The problem is they did this.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
So what's your thought on this? The only thing I got in my head is sustainability. We have this buzzword in agriculture, sustainability. We've talked with a gentleman out in California that said his sustainability is, can I make ends meet next year? I'm listening to this, and I'm like, why are we relying on everyone else to dictate our decision-making capability where we farm?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
So I'm thinking to myself, sustainability, why the hell don't we make all this stuff ourself? And I know I'm a million-dollar question here, but why are we relying on the rest of the world to make decisions for our... I mean, as a businessman, I rely on other people. other software companies, etc. But I normally vet them that they can't break on the background. This sounds like stuff's breaking.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
You know how fast we could build that hospital if it wasn't for OSHA? Right. See?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
and politics stepping in and most farmers do it they don't rely on somebody to clear the road when there's snow we all buy our own snow plows anymore we don't rely on somebody to come in and uh you know grade the road or whatever whatever it may be we try to solve our own problems even we'll have backup generators because we're non-reliant we're self-sufficient if you will and we're non-reliant on all we do but we have backups in place to cover our backsides because we have to
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
Okay. So what do we have in the United States that the rest of the world needs from us? Seems like we need a lot of stuff from everyone else. Pigs. Pigs.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
Let's go back to your per acres. We don't care how much it costs. Are you willing to give 50 acres or 50 bushel to buy this much or 100 bushel? So any good company knows what it takes to do business. So if they know that the average farmer is willing to do 50 bushel and they're willing to go there, as their price went down, let's say their paycheck just got cut in half.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
If their paycheck got cut in half, eventually you'd think that the people that sell them the supplies have to also take that into consideration and say, hey,
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
50 bushels is not 50 bushels anymore now you know it takes it takes this much and that they would adjust with the market otherwise guys are just going to back off because they just can't afford it so if you take the price of a truck brand new truck for an analogy and take it to eighty thousand dollars and you cut my paycheck in half i just don't have the money to buy an eighty thousand dollar truck anymore so when do they say we still need to sell some crap let's lower the price of the truck when does that happen
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
If you're buying this on an operating note, interest rates are three times what they are. Just adds to it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. It's a barter system. So, Tanner, money's made in the margins as everybody battens down their hatches. Okay? Okay. All I've heard over the past months is we're going to back off. It's not in the cards this year. We're not going to put tile in. We're not going to do that.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
Is fertilizer ever in the discussion that that's the card we pull out of the deck that we say we're not going to do?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
best to them i don't think that's the right advice so it happens i want to leave it on a positive note because we've given a whole lot of negative people were already negative that uh the market sucks and we kind of just told them it's going to suck some more so what's the positive here what's the what's the pull away i think going to tanner saying you know throwing that blanket statement of oh they're mining the soil and all that
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
I can go to soybeans and be fine. And if markets are cyclical, then we're gambling, as we always do, that it's going to come back the other direction, and then we'll make up our margin then.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
Other than selling assets, we've seen some dealerships that are liquidating some of their on-site inventory to take debt off the books. How do farmers take debt off the books? Other than selling assets? Other than selling assets. File for bankruptcy? Sell land. Well, that land's an asset.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
Okay, so do they sell more corn at a lower rate just to take the debt away so they don't have to borrow money on an operating note?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
Because nobody ever said interest rates are king. It's always cash is king.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
One thing you're going to have to preface with this one from a guy that's in the same spot as Josh works a lot. I wonder if your job depends on this question. And the reason I say that, having been a firefighter, I could shut the mind off on firefighting immediately. But now working a job in sales where you eat what you kill, If I don't kill it, family doesn't eat.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
It changes that perspective of how much I want to work. And I've had others that are realtors that I've tried to book deals with, and they're like, my client wants to do a call on Sunday afternoon. He's like, I don't make calls on Sunday afternoon. I'm like, well, I need to because this is a $4.2 million deal, and I need it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
And so respecting others' boundaries of where they are, I was very frustrated. Like, dude, we need to put this together. He's like, I don't make calls on Sunday. I get it. But then him also respecting my side of, I need this because I still got to feed the family. So there's a fine line there in the middle.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
So, non-related to fertilizer, question for you. I did a charity auction last night. And when we're all talking doom and gloom, and I hear a lot of that chatter coming in this way, that market's bad, market sucks, etc. I did a charity auction last night, and we raised a half a million dollars in less than an hour. And it's the highest amount they've ever raised.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
And people just freely gave, here's 20 grand, here's 30 grand, here's 10 grand, et cetera, et cetera, like it's nothing. There's a lot of money out there. You know, I always say markets are emotion. Their emotion was great. They're ready to give. The emotion in agriculture right now just stinks. How do we change the emotion?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
Oh, we could.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
Write in and let us know what their answer to that is. I think Farm for Profit is going to come up with mini crystal balls, except they're going to be cloudy. And we'll just sell them to you. And if anybody asks what we're supposed to do, here you need one of our swag gifts.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
Really? What? Yeah. Yeah. You've got to YouTube it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
How do you know what bale is better than the next? There's order buyers just like cattle, but Google Sandy Houston. Sandy Houston, world champion tobacco auctioneer, and they draw out everything. It's like, oh, American, Sean, Sean. It's different. It's different, but... Let's get back on task.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
Let's do a whole show on that. Tanner, Corey came out to my farm the other day. We were doing some yield estimates, and we were talking about the state of the economy right now. And, man, our farmland price is coming down as number one. I wish our table had a crystal ball right here because that's what everybody wants.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
We need one. We need one. And mine's just as blurry as everybody else. We started talking even next year already and decisions for what we're going to do next year. And that got us right into the conversation of where our prices for seed, where our prices for fertilizer. And Corey, you mentioned to me that it was trending that fertilizer isn't backing off. What are cash rents going to do?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
You know, we made comments about that. It's getting tougher. We are backwards.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
I know I made the argument with a lot of people last year. They said, Oh, we should lower cash rents because commodity prices came down. But the counter argument as a farm manager was, well, the fertilizer and input prices are down as well. So although commodities came down, it was, you know, fractional together. So we just kept cash rent the same.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
Now next year, I've already heard people talking about lowering cash rents. Well, we're,
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
So help me understand, Josh. I thought, going back as I was studying Russia, Ukraine, that we get some from them, but the U.S. has all the capabilities to produce this. They just don't because of some kind of government sanctions. Maybe we did a podcast on that. Did we not? I don't know how close we got to that. That there were some government sanctions, but basically we could get it out of Canada.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
And Dave's in the studio.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
Oh, I was on vacation for a little while.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
And for those that don't know myself, what happened?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Josh Linville - Fertilizer Market Breakdown: Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash
All summer long. That's all you do is just vacation all summer. Hey, that's what the farmers do.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
As we do these segments in the fall, that doesn't mean that this is the only time or the best time for your operation to apply your nitrogen, right?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
So if our listeners want to learn more about Instink and Inserve, how best do they do that?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Thanks for joining us, Taylor.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Right, we get to have an exciting conversation about innovation in agriculture, and I think that's one of the things that is the important reason we're here with John Deere.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
We get to have these conversations, provide us the opportunity to share with our listeners some of the latest maybe tips, tools, techniques that are going to help their farm either make more money or protect them on the downside. And I'm excited here to introduce who's become a friend of mine over the last couple of months, Mr. Billy Rose.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
He is chairman and CEO of a company that I think is going to become a household name within most of these farm households. Welcome to the podcast.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Especially at today's prices. So Randy, if our listeners don't remember who you are, why don't you give a little bit of background as to who Randy is?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Ties back to Iowa. I thought you were going to say, lo and behold, he didn't build the manufacturing plant, he built a ball diamond.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
That was Billy's field of dreams. Yeah, there is your tie to agriculture right there.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Yeah, there you go. Plead the fifth. Oh, that's cool. So that's the base. But then how did you grow up and get into the business and entrepreneurial spirit that you're in?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
So you have had this passion from the beginning as you've built all these companies.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
So, Dave, you're first field, right? You picked a hybrid because one of your friends told you to plant that hybrid.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Well, it potentially would if everybody starts doing the same thing. But that means everybody's got to be doing that. That's the same thing as this technology curve you've seen in hybrid selection. But if we have 10% of the farmers running the yield optimizer, 10% of the farmers are going to have the yield advantage based upon this model. But I did like your question.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
What a great feeling you would have is if you dropped your pin, pulled up their tool, and all of a sudden your seed guy gave you the best hybrid option within that. How much more confidence do you have in that partner? Correct.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Yeah, that would handle a lot of grain and provide a lot of options, too, because we've talked about the profitability that elevators have when they have the ability to blend. And Corey's already given a testament to what it's done for his farm, having the ability to blend as well.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
It's finding it hard to lose. I mean, I understand this is a cost service that our listeners are going to, if they're interested in using, it's going to be an additional cost. But it comes with that backstop, the ability to guarantee that yield gap. And also, you just talked about a dividend. So just like you said, if I wanted to test and maybe switch hybrids on a field, I now have the data.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
And maybe I do more than 20 acres and I put it into 80, which ends up being a better investment for me. And I end up doing it in 300 of my 1,000 acres because I've got the test plot data. I want to go back to how you talked about the test plots because that's the data that's going to matter. Dave says it all the time.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Data is the currency, and you can't have funny money when you're trying to make decisions.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Well, Corey, we had Todd Dillon here from Estes Concaves to talk to us about getting our combine set for wheat harvest, small grains. Yep. Let's do the same thing for soybean.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
If our listeners want to learn more about the XPR3s and what you guys have in store, how best do they look you up?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
I didn't know you had access to that.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Yeah, that's the fun part when we got to talk to you down at Tech Hub Live. Corey was trying to shoot holes in it too. We're both very good at challenging. Dave's almost better than we are at challenging the process. And so far, I appreciate the answers that you've given because one of the things that we were talking about is how wet this spring was. Oh, mercy.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
And if you were planning on planting corn and it just didn't end up working for you and you had to go get a bean hybrid, just like you said, The seed dealer might not have access to all the bean hybrid choices you did at the beginning of the order season.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Say it again because that is amazing.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
So have you had customers pairing this with different crop insurance guarantee levels? Sure.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
So, Tanner... I want to keep staying on the crop insurance topic for my next question, that we could buy up to 85%. Have you had clients that are buying lower crop insurance coverage... And use you for more. Because of... This, being able to partner with it, are they able to buy down to 70% or 75%?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Yep. Dropped to 75%. All day long. Might still only have 10% risk. A little band. Out there. Right. But I've insured another 25 on top of that. Or 15. I'm sorry, 15 on top of that.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
So that could be a way for our listeners to save a little money and not give up a lot of risk protection.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Absolutely. If you can guarantee revenue, you're going to get credit for it. If you've already got bushels sold, I'm going to give you the sold price versus the current market price, whether the price is higher or lower. At least that's the way I would operate to make sure that we had an accurate depiction of what your crop was valued at.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
There's probably going to be a lot of financing questions, Billy, coming up here in the next six months.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Having some AcreShield protection is going to be beneficial in those conversations.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Yeah, I've had this conversation with Billy a couple of times, and Corey's had it once before. So I appreciate your perspective on trying to make sure our listeners who get their first exposure to AcreShield have a good base knowledge as far as this goes. But I've known Billy longer than just AcreShield, and he's constantly innovating. So I want to know what's down the pipe.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
What's coming down the road?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
And what has the least amount of research unbiasedly associated with it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
We get it. It's the most requested of us. The number of companies that want to advertise with Farm for Profit that are a biological company by nature.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
I know. Oh, yeah. Yeah, we've turned them all down.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
So in your 24 years, is this something that you've seen happen over and over? They find a product that gets used on a frequent basis and want to add their touch and bring that quality of service to the customer?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Well, considering you're talking to a man who built and sold a crop insurance company, I think he knows that's a competitive advantage.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Yeah, how could we do that appropriately? I don't know. Well, Billy, this is something that you and I have talked about doing for quite a while. And I'm glad we got to do it in the environment that we did. The energy here is second to none. whether the audience sat and stayed forever or it's 95 degrees outside. Yeah, not quite 90 degrees yet. Still warm.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
So put you literally on the hot seat, and we're going to do that with our last question. We like to frame up and try to put a summary together to help our audience with things that they're struggling with, and one of that is knowing that they are doing okay as a family man or just in life in general. So how do you juggle the activities of work and personal life?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
That's why this question doesn't have the word balance in it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
we've chosen to use the word juggle because i don't feel it needs to be 50 50 no it does not work and it might be 60 40 for one person and flip to 60 40 for the next so you only juggle two you got two in the air at same time i got i'm juggling like 45 i mean there's like there's a bunch in the air because i only got two hands that's right but do you do you ever let me ask you guys a question do you feel like this is work not today
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
We'll be at the same time. All right. We're there. That's good. Thanks again for hanging out with us. If they want to learn more about you guys, how do they do that?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Yeah, that's the same thing we ask of our listeners. We appreciate them at all times. They can always send us guest ideas just like you, Billy, and we encourage them to tell their friends, so. Thanks again for hanging out with us.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Yeah, integration's definitely leading in agriculture right now. It is. Yeah, it is. One thing that I was jealous of, having sat at the booth for years with you, is the paddle sweep. Because I've swept...
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Hey, listeners, welcome back to the Farm for Profit podcast. It's great to be back with some representatives from Sukup. We've got Randy here, the material handling sales director, and we're going to dive deep into the title just to make sure everybody is clear as to what he understands. But, no, it's a pleasure to have you back on the podcast. Welcome back, Randy.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Yeah, it is. It's something, like I said, when I first mentioned it, I'm very jealous of because no matter it seems like if it's in January or it's in June, that's still a job that sucks.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
But Corey, it's a testament. It's not just commercial use only. This is for a regular farm.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
What a beautiful day to have an interview to learn more about what's available, what's cutting edge and new for farmers this fall when it comes to grain handling. But material handling in the title means it's not just corn and soybeans that souk up. equipment handles, right?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
So I've tapered into that triple run conveyor because that to me sounds like a misleading title. It doesn't move three different directions, right?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
That sounds like the common issue our listeners have, just like you, Corey. You get an upgraded combine, but then you have to size everything else after the combine to make sure that that extra capacity is being utilized.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Remember, you're going to go stand next to the paddle sweep, and you're going to work on commission there.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
That's right. So if our listeners want to inquire about products, how best do they look you guys up?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
Yeah. It's time for a Nitrogen News Minute. I'm happy to have Taylor Ferguson here, Nutrient Maximizer Strategic Account Manager. Welcome.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
I love how you're bringing benefits to our audience. You are trying to maximize their nitrogen application, making sure that it's all going to be here next spring. We've already talked a little bit about what applications we can include the products in on. You last gave us a little tip on how we are going to make sure our equipment's ready and what weather we need to be paying attention to.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Closing the Yield Gap: Protecting Farmers’ Profits w/ Acre Shield
What do we need to think about next?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So, Corey, to make decisions on your farm for next year, I'm looking at what we did last year and how the product was last year. And then we make decisions on how we can change on your farm. What is something you want to change next year in your decision-making?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Well, I think moving forward, back to your dad, saving $18,000, we only can make so much product. So when we try to make more money, we have a couple ways to do that. Make more product, which I think we're there where we're making it. It might be reduced on the other side or become more efficient. So that's where your dad was becoming more efficient with the things that he could control.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
I didn't. I still didn't understand it. All right.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
You know how they always have seed coating? Why don't they just coat it in fertilizer?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So you guys talked about management. Let's talk about managing money. Corey's told me it's cheaper to put anhydrous on in the fall than to split it up. But to keep nitrogen in my soil, we're thinking of splitting it up and putting multiple passes. Any advice for a grower?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
that is trying to be cognizant of money because, man, I'd like to go with what seems to be proven and a little bit more cost effective, but to go the other way.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
But there's listeners in the same boat as me.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Not to derail us at all, tell me if we're going off pace. You said that bacteria can sometimes hinder that stabilizer product. But some people are putting microbiologics and bacteria on the field. Is it, being a pharmacist here, is using two drugs together bad? I mean, if we use... If we're using microbiologics and we're using a stabilizer, is that bad together?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
See, I think I was making decisions when we realized that we were losing nitrogen last year. When we realized that, I was already trying to take corrective actions of how do we fix that from drain tile to do we do different decisions for anhydrous? So the decision-making process for 2025 actually started for me before we even harvested the blooming corn.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
I'm probably anomaly there. Cause I bet you 90% of our listeners slash growers, uh, they, they're, they're as big or bigger in equipment than you.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So they, they're probably going to have the, so now you go Corey's way, then you're putting it two by two by two. Is there any, something else that Corey can do? Oh, yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
What does date night with you look like? What was that word?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
I don't even know.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So you had a bunch of college kids come out. Do you think you do a better job doing it yourself than... Than a bunch of college kids?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
That came out and sprayed.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Both, both.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
No. Well, I'm going to say even though the – I'm just saying if it's attention to detail, yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
That's corn and soybeans. What about wheat, canola? Um, I said typical corn and soybeans. I know. I'm just curious. Do they, do they do products like that?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
How many passes have you made now? Five? Well, you're pre-
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
I was hoping to learn by the end what all this technology is, because we keep using the word technology. Well, there's technology in this, okay? And every time I want to ask a question, well, stop, hold on. What does it do? What does it do? And tell me why it's good. So hopefully through the process of the partnership, we can answer that for all the listeners, is not just another product, but...
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Hey, there's technology in it. I keep hearing this word. That's great. Does the technology make me money? We're farm for profit. I need to be profitable. So I want to correlate the profit to the technology.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Stay tuned.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Maybe a cat. Maybe not.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So this is episode one of tailgate talks with Corey. Okay.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Oh, man, right there.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Corey's here. And Dave's in the studio as well.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
No, it's the tripod.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
You can do that on Spotify. You can go in a lot of different directions. One and a half X. How do you say that word, concierge? Concierge? Concierge. You are the content concierge. That's what you are.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
He's the guy that makes sure all the partners. He's the guy that direct connects to all the partners. You're the concierge.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
There's a G in there.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
With an E. With an E. Okay.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
You go past five and I'm getting a headache.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Awesome. And yeah, we ran across this article from you talking about architecture and microservices and stuff, which is funny because I think on JavaScript Jabber, we did an episode on micro front ends about three weeks ago. We recorded it anyway. We're a little more ahead on that, so it's probably going to come out in a few weeks.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
But it's just interesting because people are talking about this and how to break up application logic and stuff like that. And of course, in Rails, we all talk about the beautiful monolith and you know, how that all kind of comes together to put it all in one app. And so yeah, I'm kind of interested because I don't know that I necessarily got the breakdown on where you come down on this.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And I remember early in my career, like SOA, service oriented architecture was a big thing. And I think I gave a whole bunch of talks and gave a whole bunch of bad advice, because it was the cool thing to do. And I was really in love with the idea. But you know, been built a few apps and took it way too far. And it was like, you know, a lot of this stuff really does belong in its own app.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Yeah, I want to move us back toward microservices here for a minute because I just remember the nightmares I went through moving stuff to microservices back in the day. And I can kind of imagine scenarios that are somewhat obvious, right? I mean, you know, you can move your
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
authorization right over to microservices and then you just you know maybe do some permissions checks or you know authority checks validate that somebody's actually who they say they are against their identity on the machine or on the other service right and so that's kind of a
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
an obvious one to me, but I remember we tried to split our app up into services and things were pretty tightly coupled together. It's because the concerns blended from one thing to the next, from one step to the next or stage to the next as things move through the system. And so there really wasn't a clear cut, a clear place to cut.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And so when we picked one, because it's like, oh, well, this is stage one and this is stage two. So we're just going to cut it between stage one and stage two. Well, it turned out that stage one and stage two still have a lot in common. And so, you know, there's not that clear delineation. And so it gave us problems.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And, you know, I'm thinking about some of the apps that I'm working on now, and a lot of them have that same problem. And that's why this monolith idea works really nicely, right, is because all of those concerns that kind of span the entire app are all in there. So how do you start to really think about, okay, you know, this is a good option for microservice.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And this maybe does belong in a monolith.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And then some of this stuff, it started, okay, some of this stuff belongs in workers and some of this stuff actually, you know, may belong in its own service, you know, microservice. And so, you know, I kind of have gone back and forth as to how much you want to peel off into different parts and,
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And so I'm kind of curious where you come down as far as, okay, what do I break off into microservices? What part do I keep in the monolith? What part do I, you know, and how do I break that up? And then I also saw some stuff about containerization. So we can, I guess, dive into that next. But yeah, how do microservices kind of fit into Ruby these days?
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
I guess the other end of that, right, is how big does it have to be to warrant putting it into a microservice as opposed to putting it into a delayed job sidekick rescue worker or just sticking it in like lib or app services or whatever as just a library that just does a thing, right? And then just gets called out somewhere.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Yeah, that's funny because when I was a kid, we had two dogs. We had a Cocker Spaniel and you know, so she was kind of a little dog and then we had a miniature Chihuahua and she was a littler dog, a much littler dog. She weighed about a pound and a half. Oh, wow. Yeah. She was tiny. And we, the Cocker Spaniel couldn't get out of the backyard.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Of course, now we both show up, and Luke and John can't make it, so... One of these days. We also have a special guest, and that's Darren Bromer. Did I say that right, Darren?
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
but she could dig holes deep enough for the Chihuahua to get out of the backyard. And there was nothing we could do to stop it. And so, and that, I guess taking that metaphor to the next level, that's the other thing that you find is if everybody, if you share the backyard, somebody is going to find a way to dig a hole to let people out. That's a great point.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Anyway, yeah, it's definitely interesting to think about, but... At the end of the day, I mean, we're just trying to solve problems, right? And it's interesting too, because I keep having the conversation with my coworkers and it's, you know, I shouldn't suggest this because this is work that I don't want to have to do, but this is probably the right solution to this problem.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And, you know, that's what we're in it for, right? We're in it to solve these problems, right? And so sometimes it's going to be microservices is, you know, a terrific way to solve the problem. And sometimes it's going to be, hey, you know, we need to keep all this stuff together so that it kind of all moves and works together in this way.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And sometimes we're going to be in a situation where we just have to make a judgment call. And so I like that that's where this conversation has gone, where it's, hey, look, these are some of the trade-offs that come in this way or that way. And these are some of the considerations you're going to want to make in.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
I should point out, so the app that I work on primarily these days for my full-time job, it was written to replace another app that was written in another framework in another language. And essentially, it was written very quickly by some very talented engineers, but it was written very quickly and they threw a lot of best practices out the window just to get it out the door.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And so we're dealing with the fallout of that stuff right now, right? Because we're now in the second year, we're coming back around to essentially another iteration of what this thing does. And so we're coming into, okay, we've got to deal with this, and we've got to deal with this, and we've got to deal with that, and we've got to deal with these other things.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And it's, yeah, you know what Dave's saying, it's just not pretty. And it really does, in a lot of cases, come down to your discipline and your willingness to look at these problems and identify where these things are going to come up.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And so whether or not you use one architecture or the other, whether or not you make these decisions one way or the other, what it really comes down to is your discipline in implementing them and approaching these problems in a way that is going to solve the problem in the long term. And Rails does a lot of things that makes it really easy for you to approach this from the majestic monolith.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
I kept saying beautiful monolith at the beginning because I couldn't remember the word that DHH used in his blog article. And I have the article up now in front of me. So I'll put a link in the show notes. But, you know, and that's his approach. And so that's the approach that he takes from Rails. But as Darren pointed out, you know,
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
There are a lot of things in there because it's built on rack that it does exceptionally well that allows you to break it out into services if you need to. And so because of that, it makes it really versatile in your approach. And so, you know, find the approach that works for you.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And then just be disciplined in the way that you approach it so that it does the work that you need it to do to solve the problem that you need to solve. And that's like Darren said, this is the really great part is that we get to go in and we get to figure out the pieces to the puzzle. It's like playing a video game, except at the end of the day, it's not the prescribed path through the level.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
It's the, hey, at the end of the day, we got the problem solved and we get to do some really cool stuff along the way to figure it out.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Yeah. So real quick, I'm going to throw out a couple of resources and then we'll get to picks. One is you mentioned machine learning and AI. And I have to say, we have a machine learning podcast. You can go check it out at Adventures in Machine Learning. Just go to devchat.tv, click podcasts up at the top. And it's right there, Adventures in Machine Learning.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Or you can find it in your favorite podcast app. Just do a search, Adventures in Machine Learning, you'll find it. It's got kind of a face and some artwork. Anyway, it looks really cool. And I'm very proud of it. And yeah, one of the hosts, he's a really good looking guy. And yeah, Miguel's pretty cool too.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
The other one that I'm going to throw out there, and you know, because we're talking about discipline and practices and things like that. I had a really terrific conversation with Bob Martin about clean craftsmanship. And he talked about practices and Oh, man, I'm going to blow this so hard. Practices, there were three levels to it. The third one was ethics. Practicals, I think it was disciplines.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Principles, was it principles? Anyway, go listen to it because he breaks it down. And the first level was, he talks about TDD, pairing, you know, those kinds of things where, you know, like you're talking about, the code reviews kind of falls under pairing, right? And then testing of some kind, right?
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
under TDD, you know, and some of these other things where you're just doing these practices that get you to where you need to go. And then you have standards, right? That's what it was. It was standards. And so what are your code standards, right? That make the code the kind of quality that you have to do. And then the ethics were
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
you know, the kinds of things where it's, and he has the programmer's oath is what he calls it. And we kind of talked through that. We have another episode where we talked about that on the Clean Coders podcast. But he talks about, you know, hey, you know, am I making the code base better? Am I delivering for the company that's paying me for my time?
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Am I delivering code that meets the kind of standards? Am I improving my skills so that I can deliver for my team? And Things like that. Anyway, it was really, really interesting conversation. And that's the kind of thing that we really need to be talking about too within our teams and with the people that we work with.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Because at the end of the day, it's not just, hey, here's the technology and the technical approach that we use to solve the problem. But it's, yeah, what are we doing to make sure that it's the right solution to the right problem? What are we doing to make sure that the code meets the standards that we have for the kinds of solutions we deliver?
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And what kinds of things are we doing day to day in order to make sure that we are delivering for the company that we work for, delivering for the team we work with, delivering for the world at large, and things like that. So anyway, terrific conversation. I'll put both of those links in the show notes. And yeah, let's go ahead and do picks. I'm going to push it to Dave first.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Dave, do you have some picks for us?
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Nice. Very cool. I'm gonna have to... Is that a punch card? It is.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Fair enough. Fair enough. Yeah. All right. I've got a couple of picks I'm going to throw out there. The first pick that I have is I've been using this tool. I'm really liking it. It's called ClickUp. Now, if you have used Notion, Notion.so, I've picked it on the show before. Notion is kind of an all-in-one, how do I put it? It's supposed to be kind of a wiki slash Trello slash to-do list slash.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Anyway, it does not have any kind of automation available. And it doesn't integrate with Zapier. And so I quit using it eventually because I just couldn't do with it what I wanted to, right? Well, ClickUp has all that stuff built in. And what it doesn't have built in, it actually integrates with Zapier. So I'm really, really loving this tool.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And so I'm actually moving as many of the workflows for devchat.tv over to it as I can. A lot of the stuff's still on Trello. And that's where I wound up moving a lot of this stuff to. So it's going to take some time to move it over. But I am really, really looking forward to some of this stuff. I can actually include some of the other folks from devchat.tv on it.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And so I'm looking at instead of, for example, we have some automation that's built into Zapier that's supposed to like pick things up and send out a calendar invite and set up a Google Doc and do all this stuff. And I'm hoping that I can move all of that into ClickUp and then just invite our podcast guests as guests on the tasks. That's the only part of it I can't.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
guarantee will work because I haven't double checked on that. But for the hosts and everybody else, I can actually go in and do that. And I'm hoping to be able to automate all of that stuff so that then it comes back after the episode and says, because we manually have to follow up. Hey, can we get a description for the episode and a title for the episode? Because I'm not on all the shows.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And so I'm kind of the backup on the shows that I show up for. But if I'm sick or if I'm just not on the show like adventuresin.net, I'm practically useless on that show anyway, right? I can kind of make it up and go look up the terms I don't know, but realistically, right? If they're talking about like some deep library in C Sharp, it's like, okay, what is this thing, right?
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And I have to go do some research. So that's what I'm looking at doing is just automating the crap out of that. And so I'm pretty excited about that and working through it. But if it lets me automate all of that stuff, I'm going to be one happy dude. And so I'm going to pick that. The other thing that I am also going to pick is dev influencers. So devinfluencers.com.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
You've heard me talk about dev heroes. That's now dev influencers. So if you're looking at kind of that next stage, or if you're in a position like Darren, where you're a developer evangelist, or you're trying to gain some kind of audience, where you're trying to get noticed. I'm putting together basically a coaching program. And I currently have five people in there.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
where I'm coaching them every week on, okay, here's how you build an audience. I'm focused on podcasting. So here's how you build an audience. Here's how you build your podcast. Here's how you get people to listen to it. Here's how you grow it. And then from there, it's here's how you build it into... Some people want to do speaking. Some people want to teach live training.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Some people want to do courses. Some people want to do... I mean, there are all these options. Build their freelancing practice. Get a better job. All of those things are things that I have done out of... podcasting while I'm working on the course. But all the other things are things that I've done out of it, right? I have a book that I've written that I've sold off at the back of the podcast.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And so if that's something you're interested in, you can go check it out. But if you want a podcast about it, I'm putting that out too. So go check it out, devinfluencers.com slash podcast. And you can check that out there. You can also go to devinfluencers.com slash apply and And you'll put your email and name in.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
And that's just so that some people, for whatever reason, they hit the thing on their phone, the application, and then for whatever reason, they don't get the information in. That's so that I can just remind them, hey, look, I'm filled it out. Can you come back, right? And then I'm planning on sending some emails out and some other stuff, putting some other stuff together there.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
But yeah, devinfluencers.com. That's where all that stuff's going to be for the podcast. And I'm going to be talking about how to advance your career. A lot of people, they get stuck at senior developer. That's the other thing. And they're like, I don't want to be a manager. I don't really want to go architecture or whatever. I want to keep writing code. And this is a way you can do that.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
So anyway, devinfluencers.com. That's kind of my thing. And that's not an April Fool's joke. Darren, do you have some picks for us?
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
We usually ask you to at the end where people can find you.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Awesome. All right. Well, and then I'm assuming you're also on Twitter and Facebook, or Facebook, Twitter and GitHub.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
All right, cool. All right, well, thank you for coming. This was really, really fun. Yeah, thanks so much for having me. This was great. Yeah, it's fun to argue about architecture, right? I love it. I love it. This is what it's all about. All right, folks. Well, until next week, Max out.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
So do you want to introduce yourself, let people know who you are, why you're important and famous and all that cool stuff?
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
Hey, everybody, and welcome to another episode of the Ruby Rogues podcast. This week on our panel, we have Dave Kimura. Hey, everyone. I'm Charles Maxwood from devchat.tv. Dave, it's nice to do a podcast with you again. It's been a while, hasn't it? I know. I keep winding up, showing up when you can't make it, and then you show up when I can't make it. Yeah.
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
So one other thing that I'm wondering about, because Dave was like, well, how do you deal with the database level? I'm thinking, how do you figure out traffic coming in, right? I mean, do you have subdomains? Do you have like Varnish or something on the front that
Ruby Rogues
Architectures and Microservices with Darren Broemmer - RUBY 657
you know, figures out this path means this microservice, or do you have them talk to each other through, I've seen like RabbitMQ, which I've also seen be a headache. I mean, how do you work all that out?