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Domonique Foxworth


The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


No, it's absurd. But champ, that's the one thing that I knew that I witnessed in my first year. But from then on, I never really saw it happen much after that. Like every now and then someone would stay. If we played in their hometown, someone would stay to be with their family and then come back on Wednesday. By the Urban Meyer style, you're saying? Nothing Urban Meyer style.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


I think he got a Lunchable.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


He's not going to eat ham.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


We're talking girlfriends. So, like, I could understand wives not wanting to be with girlfriends, but we're not talking about wives and girlfriends of the same player. Yes, we are. Okay, yeah. No, I mean, we had that situation on our teams also in the travel secretary, but it's only eight home games. The travel secretary, you could... I mean, I remember guys...

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


having to put people in different spots and then that becomes an argument because there is one spot where you get access to friends and family like the little backstage area and then if you don't get access to that you recognize that you a side piece surprise surprise i'm in a 300 level customs stopped and i'm outside oh i don't get the wristband this week this is incredible dominique this is all true and i love that you're backing me on this and now picture 81 home games

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


We are far, far away from the building championship culture now, just staying afloat. Hopefully, we don't have a fight in the stands between wives and girlfriends. That is a lot. The biggest benefit, I think, to the star players was also a benefit to the team for us in football because football practice is intense. That was the thing that stood out where we were like, damn, must be nice.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


You ain't got to practice today. And it was one because they were had enough credibility. They knew they would be fine. But two, because their bodies were breaking down. So it was like it's kind of a special dispensation. But it also was like we need you on Sunday. So how about you chill out on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday? We give you some drugs on Sunday morning and you go play.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


And then you recover next week by watching film and not practicing.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


How prevalent is that in baseball? Because that to me sounds so... And again, it's about the length of the season, but it sounds so absurd to me in the football context. Like any player who did that, it would be like... it would feel like an affront to the team. This is a big percentage of your schedule. Yeah, guys would be so mad at a guy who showed, like, hey, we got to work.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


Like, you showed up to – I've been on teams where a guy had a drinking problem and showed up to practice drunk all the time. And we wanted him out more than the coaches did. Like, it's – our livelihood and safety, frankly, is dependent on – and I guess baseball is a very individual –

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


Which you got the tuna from a store.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


No, I really do, actually. Even though you snitched on him.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


He didn't get in trouble because he objected to that.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


Yeah, you're welcome.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


Yeah, I didn't realize that. I retract your previous criticism.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


I joke about how you have content brain all the time. But I'm not joking. This is the most content brain of all content brain. We can talk about it. It's fine. As long as David is comfortable talking about it.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


I know. This is not rehearsed. I've never heard this question before.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


I read the other article getting ready to talk about that, but I'm fine with this. Let's do it. I think we've talked enough about bodies. Yeah. Spoiler alert. And locker rooms.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


That's the worst, right? Not the best. That's the worst gift.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


as if he wasn't giving it the year prior. So I'm not a big gift guy. And so I... would guess that this is probably also consistent with other things that you felt. Because I don't really consider myself a great gift buyer. I don't really want gifts from anybody in my life. But I do consider myself a good friend, partner, parent.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


And I consider people around me good to me without giving me any good gifts. Because when you ask me that question, I go back to my childhood. And think about the Sega Genesis, which had no meaning to me, had no value. It's just like the happiest I remember being opening a present was like... a Sega Genesis that I really wanted.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


Most of the other times, I don't know, at a certain age, I don't really care about gifts, and it's really hard to find a gift that'll grab your attention, right?

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


Oh, my God. Do you give good gifts or have you over the course of your children's lives given them good gifts? No. It's funny because you recognize how much it hurts you and you're just like, yeah, do it to them too.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


But the goose is clearly not happy with it.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


Yeah, I don't think we do at all. Yeah, my kids always ask me what I want, and I always tell them, give me a hug. This year, my oldest daughter kept asking me, so I said, I would like you to put your clothes away every day from now until Christmas without me asking you. And she rolled her eyes at me. So I was like, I don't know. I don't... Like, write me a card.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


Tell me something. Tell me something happy, David. Something happy about your childhood. No, I mean, I just want to hear something happy about your childhood. Or something that, some experience with your children that you had that was, like, incredibly meaningful.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


I found out that the depths of Pablo's content brain know no floor. Mm-hmm.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


But I think the broader point that I think is probably interesting about this conversation is not this specific negotiation, but superstar treatment. And what I took out of this particular article was... I feel very strongly about organizational culture.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


And I think part of setting a culture of an organization, particularly in professional sports, is about making it clear what's acceptable and what's not acceptable. I tend to believe that those things are non-negotiable because once you start to bend on those things, you are a bit like compromising the culture.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


And I think I've defined organizational culture for a bunch of different people, a bunch of different times, because I think in sports, we talk about culture a lot and we rarely understand it.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


A no-trade clause is different from recliner. I think a recliner is a better example. But I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm saying, so first of all, I think it's important to define what culture is in an organization. And I think it's like the acceptable processes and behaviors. And those are different from organization to organization. And I think the recliner point is more interesting.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


The no trade clause, to me, doesn't bleed into the culture of an organization. That's just like, I mean, maybe you seem to disagree.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


And so maybe that's different in MLB than in football, but I didn't feel that way at all. But I mean, I think it's fair to say that all of your decisions and all of your actions impact your culture to some degree. Some of them are negligible and some of them are enormous. And I think you're willing to bend on the negligible ones for players who are worth it.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


The question is, are you going to bend on the big ones? That's where the rubber meets the road in a conversation about Juan Soto or about any organizational culture.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


On the outside, absolutely, yes. Having a whole roster spot reserved for your brother. But the funny thing is, anytime you talk to anybody about Thanasis Antetokounmpo, and I interviewed him for my show that's More highly rated than yours. How dare you.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


And anytime you talk to anybody about him, they talk about how he was the one who helped to instill and institute the culture of the team that was celebrated. When someone was slacking, even though Thanasis wasn't a high producer, he was the one that would call them to the carpet. When someone had to say something to Giannis, he was the one who did it.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


And even though he wasn't a great player, I find that incredibly interesting because I would see that as... The ultimate. Yeah, it's similar to like how right now people see the Bronny situation. Right. It's like, oh, well, this organization isn't serious about winning if they're giving a roster spot to a family member. But it's funny because obviously I'm not on that team.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


But anyone who you talk to who's been on that team and even guys who are gone now who have no reason to like protect him would say that, no, he was important to the culture of this team.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


Are you talking about making a sandwich? Do you call it a custom build? When was the last time you fed yourself?

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


Yeah, I mean, so football is kind of different in that there's the quarterbacks and then there's everybody else and there's the good quarterbacks and then there's everybody else. I never played on a team with like a Hall of Fame quarterback, but there is something about, and this is a broader cultural thing, there's something about the culture of football that's very different from basketball.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


I don't know baseball culture nearly as well or hockey culture, but basketball culture I feel like I know pretty well. And it's very, the hierarchy in basketball culture is obviously very clear and such that it's understood and not bucked against and there's no shame. It's almost like pride in being that guy who can subvert the rules and who can show up late.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


Yeah. So, I mean, I know that's a thing and you hear it about all types of great players who have success in football. On the other hand, I've been on teams where guys obviously had like some special treatment, but it was minimally special. Like they didn't have the suite in the hotel when we traveled. They didn't show up. They showed up to meetings five minutes early, just like everyone else.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


And there's a very like team oriented thing about football players where it's like the one thing I remember my rookie year. I'm sorry. Go ahead, David.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


No, but I mean, I know where everybody is staying. So there's a table put out with all the keys on it, with all the numbers on it. The team is pretty big. And then you end up on the same floor as certain guys. Like, I've had rooms next to the star players on the teams before, and we all get up and go.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


No, we never did a joining room slumber party.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


We didn't have that situation. I imagine that some people, and also that it didn't really care. I think that competitiveness wasn't there. And also, like I mentioned, there was bed check. That was one thing. Some people would have bed check. And we thought at first, when we first got there, everybody had bed check.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


But of course, nobody was going into the 32-year-old starting quarterback's room and saying, are you there at 11 o'clock? But they were there at 11 o'clock. It was like, we only travel but so many times. So those were the things that were slightly different. I will say that the big... Advantage that I remember was my rookie year.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


We were 13 and 3 we won in San Diego on New Year's Eve at the Chargers and We were headed to the flight headed to the plane because we fly back immediately headed to the plane to fly back home We'd won a division and it was New Year's Eve and champ was like we should go to Vegas This is champ Bailey greatest cornerback arguably of all time.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


Don't argue It is a fact and he was like we should go to Vegas and I was like, huh? Okay, tomorrow? He's like, no, from here. I'll go ask coach. I'll see if you can come too. And he said, I'll go ask coach. And so he got a private jet.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

PTFO - Share & Gift & Tell with Domonique Foxworth and David Samson


We went from San Diego to Vegas and celebrated New Year's Eve on the rooftop at Tao between the prime minister of a Caribbean nation and Britney Spears, if I remember correctly. Where's the button that I can press? That's great. There's no way that anyone else said, can I stay in this city or can I go to Vegas? That coach would have said, yeah, get your ass on that plane. Would any of us ask?