Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Love On The Rocks
I'm calling an XL. It'll be fine.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Love On The Rocks
Bro, this is at least endearing. Come on. She's just trying. It's not working. We get it. She's cute. She's cute.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Love On The Rocks
After hearing everything she tried, I'm surprised it wasn't the first option. I think he had to get away from her, it sounded like.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Love On The Rocks
Oh, nice. That sounds good. It sounds like you're both into it. So how did it end then?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Love On The Rocks
Is there no one else on the trail?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Love On The Rocks
Oh, okay. Okay. Were you able to reach someone?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Love On The Rocks
No, we always say this, but this is another cute story where if things work out for you, it's kind of like, yeah, you sprained his ankle our first date.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Love On The Rocks
Good lighting of the ankle.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Love On The Rocks
Did you call them just strippers? They showed up naked, like firefighters?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Love On The Rocks
Maybe that's where she comes in. Uh-oh, Brooke's going to roast him.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Love On The Rocks
Oh, come on. He's not going to expect that. Yeah. Or drag him down. I don't know.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Love On The Rocks
She can sense that, but that's what she wants to know why.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Love On The Rocks
Well, what are we all wrong? Well, sorry. I'm just kidding.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Love On The Rocks
Obviously, you couldn't walk. You couldn't even hobble, bro. So it was really bad.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Love On The Rocks
An Uber. Hold on. Is she kidding to make you laugh? That's something I would say if someone was hurt.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Okay. Well, the good news is it sounds like if you guys ever got married, he definitely wouldn't be the type of person to try and hide money from you or keep secrets until they came up years later. Yeah. Calm down with American stuff.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Well, so instead of asking him, first I'm going to ask Cassie, would you like to see Derek again, despite what you've heard here on this show today?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
And you'll have to come up with a new name for that plant if Derek says yes to the second date, because we will pay for it, Derek. It's up to you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Okay. The plant murderer's daughter is a good place to start.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Three-part series coming soon to Amazon. Get your orders in now. By the way, by the way, how's Leif Erikson doing?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
That's the murder mystery. Leaf killed Gertrude.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
And collected the insurance money for himself.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. I think we were all kind of leaning heavy into the drama of what happened there when Derek's plant fell off the car.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
I know. We were being dramatic. The good news is that clearer heads did prevail in the end. Yeah. And Cassie was, I don't want to say like able to get over Gertrude because we never will. Right. She's always going to be in our hearts and in our compost bins.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
But to Gertrude, we just want to say you were a bright light in this world and in all of our lives and in the lives of all of our listeners taken from us far too soon.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Yeah, but now I'm getting back into it. Okay. Because I know, Gertrude, you are smiling down at us from plant heaven right now, watching over all of us and blessing our show with your good green vibes.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Gertrude, we love you, okay? Do well up there. And text in 78592. Email the show. If you need help for a second date update, we'll call that person who's not calling you back.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
We are in the month of love right now. That's kind of fun. And because of that, today we're going to do this entire second date update in the language of love, French.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Jose, we're trying not to scare all of the women off from listening to this show. Just a couple of the unwanted ones.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Maybe we just stick to American-style English for this when we talk to our listener, Cassie, today. Cassie, I'm sorry. Are you okay if we do this in English? Cassie!
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Seriously, you keep talking like that, you're not going to be single for long. Tell us about this guy that you went out with recently. What's his name?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
You don't have to tell us about upscale malls.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
That sounds like it could be fun, something to do, things to look at and talk about.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
We just got a brilliant business idea to launch. Sponsored by Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
We got the discount bin over here for the ones that have been in the store for too long. We have the whole business plan ready, but sorry.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
So he obviously doesn't trust that you're able to maintain it, which is why he bought you a super easy plant.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
So how did you tell him that you didn't like the plant that he bought?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
You could be a jerk. I'm just saying that's always on the table. You could slap the plant down out of his hands and be like, try again.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Is anybody worried here that maybe the plant joke went on a little bit too long?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
I'm actually a little bit more concerned about getting your guys's plants back together because I feel like Maybe they had the real love connection. You don't want a separated family Well, you know, but also you don't want like plant parents hooking up with the plant kids. You know what I mean?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
You know what? Fine. We're going to call Plant Daddy Derek and see why he isn't arranging another date with you when we do your second date update right after this.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Cassie and Derek have been on one date and already have two kids together.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Plant children that they picked out for each other at a nursery during their date. They even named their plants Gertrude and Leaf Erickson.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Brought their plants to the restaurant together, put them in high chairs with little bibs on. I mean, you can assume. You can assume that they're good parents like that.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Yes, cut them up for them nice and tiny. I mean, pretty normal first date as far as we've heard.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
The crazy thing is most of the plant-thusiasm was actually led by Derek, which I didn't expect. So it is weird that he is not initiating another meetup. The thing is we never asked Cassie how many days has it been since that all happened.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Oh, that's four decades in plant years. So you can only imagine how your children must feel.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
So you are in communication.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
I just need your help in figuring this out. All right, yeah, well, let's call this deadbeat plant dad and figure out what his problem is.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
I mean, at least we hope so.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
I don't like that he's not talking to you, Cassie, so let's call him. We'll see if he picks up, okay?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
All right. Plant therapy maybe, too. Here we go. I'm calling right now. Hello. Hey, is this Derek? Yeah.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Sorry to barge into your day here, but you're on the radio right now with Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
I don't think most people do. You're in the general population with that one.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Oh, maybe you're an afternoon radio guy. That's fine.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Yeah. It's a segment we do called Second Date Update. I don't like that. All right.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
So, yeah, you're right. There is a girl that listens to our show who said she went out with you recently named Cassie.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Kind of, but not kind of? Okay. Well, that's pretty clear.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Well, I hope you don't mind if we dive a little bit deeper into that and ask you why. I just need some more time.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
We won't say. None of us here will say anything to her. Yes.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Yeah. Right. Yeah, it seemed kind of like cute and movie-ish.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Yeah, Derek, she was supposed to wait, but that's Cassie wanting to talk to you on the other line.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
What did you do with Gertrude afterwards?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
You mean with the same exact plant?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Yeah. You were going to pass off the new plan as Gertrude and try and trick Cassie into thinking it was the same one.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
And then disposed of the body.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
He hasn't driven over his own plant child before.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Cassie, can you see what he's saying? Only a good guy would go through all of that effort to hide the evidence of destroying your plant baby together and try and cover it up with a different plant.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
She's learned sit, stay, but not back down as one of the commands yet.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
She takes it very, very seriously.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Is that something that would be appealing to you, Michael, in a relationship? Because if it is, we would offer to pay for another date with Natella. Or actually, maybe I should ask her first. Natella, is that something that you'd be up for?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Natalia, are you a furry? Do you do that?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
I'm very well groomed, if you're asking. That's not... That's not close to the question. What? But now I'm afraid to ask you anything else.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Yeah, we will fund this new date if you want to do it. Michael, would you care to bark back your approval to her?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
That's just going to make her want to chase after him even more. Hey, Michael, I'm like so turned on right now. Oh, God. Oh, my goodness.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
I think we all got to go. So, Mattella, I think it's a no this time.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. Man, they say that there's somebody out there for everyone. And this call just makes me wonder, is there really?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Are we sure? Because I'm scared for what guy matches perfectly with that.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Behaving like a dog most of the time. Right.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
I just know I've never recoiled more than when she said, I'm well-groomed, if that's what you're asking.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
That was not even close to the question that I was asking.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Too much. Just it's calls like these that make me think God is going to do another biblical flood soon and start the human race over from scratch. We're getting to that point. All right.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
You know, if you ever want some help with your dating life, with your love situation, email the show. We can call that person who's not calling you back and go check out all of our second dates. They're up on podcast wherever you get yours at Brooke and Jeffrey.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Is it okay to request something on a first date?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Like some girls may want to request you pay for the Uber home. Or guys might request that you split the bill with them. And I know I always request complete and total anonymity. That's why I wear a Lucha Libre mask when I meet them at the gas station. Because I will not be sharing my real identity with you. And you have to be okay with that.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
The thing is, everybody has their thing. And our listener, Natella, not Nutella, Natella, says she has a request in her dating profile and isn't sure if maybe it caused a problem with her getting another hangout. So let's welcome to the show, Natella.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Well, yeah, there's a part there that you can put your voice prompt and you can record your answers. Yeah, instead of just like typing it out, they can actually hear what you sound like.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Okay, so you don't like being stabbed in the mouth with somebody's facial hair.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
So that was the request that you made of him before your date started, is you cannot have a beard when we meet up.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
And he actually did it. He did.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
I know women usually don't get the say over a man's entire look and appearance in wardrobe until like a year or two into the relationship.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
But the fact that he did that before the date even started, that speaks a lot.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
So what else happened on the date?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
So I guess a lot of the date was talking about your dating profile then?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Well, he just shaved his beard, so hair length is very top of mind for me.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
All the guys are buying up all the shaving equipment, so there's nothing left so that they can go out with Natella here. I'm surprised he's not calling you back because most of our pharmacy-centric dates that we've had before on the show, they always work out.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
So how did you and Michael leave it?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Well, let's see what he has to say when we call him. I don't know if he's going to pick up, but if he does, we're going to ask him some very important questions.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
I can't do a golden retriever, though, in my Lucha Libre mask, so I have to figure out a different golden retriever move I can pull. Let's figure that out when we come back, and call Michael for your second date update right after this.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
It's the question every man is dying to hear at the end of a first date.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
So, you want me to give you the golden retriever? And then she rubs her wet nose all over your soft, beardless cheek.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
But that's what our listener Natella actually did on her first date with a guy named Michael. It was supposed to be like a playful, humorous thing because in her dating profile, she describes herself as a human golden retriever.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
We don't know. The nose rub move could be the reason Michael's been a little avoidant. But, Brooke, you're usually rubbing stuff in the first five minutes of meeting a guy. Does anything else stand out to you?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Maybe he has intimacy issues, and that was too fast. Like, he doesn't kiss until the third date.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
And the nose rubbing, it went a little bit quick.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
I'm just saying, everybody has different standards when it comes to physical touch and intimacy. So let's call him. We'll see if he answers, and we'll pick his brain a little bit, okay? And I don't mean that sexually, Brooke, so get that out of your mind, okay?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
All right, here we go.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Hello? Hey, is this Michael?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Hey, man, my name is Jeff from a radio show called Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning. And the whole show is here.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Yeah, like normal people. But look, Michael, we're doing a segment on our show. It's called The Second Date Update. I don't know if you've ever heard of that before.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Well, if you know who's doing that podcast, let us know so we can do a cease and desist because that's not okay.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Okay, but I'm calling you because one of our listeners said that she went out on a date with you and hasn't had a follow-up since then, and she's kind of bummed about it. Wants to know if there's a reason. I'm talking about Natella.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Yeah, what about it was weird to you? Because when we heard it, it all sounded very, very normal.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Yeah. I mean, she told us that she likes to joke about herself as being like a human version of a golden retriever. Oh, yeah.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
What's her tail wagging to behind her? Like, I don't understand. Like, how far did this golden retriever joke go?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
See, that was the part that we had heard and we thought it was good.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
She's in good health.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
She took the golden retriever joke a little bit too far. But I don't think that should take away from the connection that you guys had. Did they have a connection?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
She said that she liked him. I can't hear her panting on the other line, so I don't know how much exactly. But she is waiting to talk to you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
No, I forgot to tell you she's listening on the other phone.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Natel, are you there? Hi. Hi. Hi. Coming in pretty normal.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
She doesn't have to be embarrassed.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden
Natella, he was saying that you maybe took the golden retriever stuff a little bit too far for his liking.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
What is going on? Hey, Veronica, you're on the radio right now with a show called Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
i'm on the radio yeah yeah uh jimmy is one of our listeners and he asked for help doing this thing called the awkward tuesday phone call it sounds like you have a history of yeah is there any job openings where you work yeah do a lot of people work sounds actually like more fun than where we were no you guys you shouldn't be doing this
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Oh, Veronica. This is not the reaction that I was expecting at all. I thought she'd be upset or disappointed.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
If anything, she sounds turned on. I mean, Jimmy, this isn't really what you were going for, was it?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
yeah yeah that's a lot it was a really bad mistake that he made one night and it kind of just got out of control and that's why he didn't know how to reel it back in that's why we're here to help him and you know i called the radio show and they gave me this really bad advice and that's why we're here right now guess what jimmy it was free okay you didn't pay for it all right
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Did he mention that he also has a second family that he abandoned overseas? It's too late. We're hanging out. Wow.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
I mean, I guess. I don't know. It sounds like you're going to get a promotion at this job. I don't know about that.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
She has had enough of you, Brooke.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Yeah, something is so antiquated. This is the modern working world, Brooke.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Jimmy, it sounds like your boss isn't going to give you much of a choice here.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
You've got two special ladies in your life now, a work wife and an out-of-work wife.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
You know, our show really is all about bringing people together.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Against all odds. That's what we try to do. Getting a 10 to agree to slum it with a 2.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Convincing a woman to give her ex-boyfriend one more chance.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Yeah, he promises he'll never make out with your mom again. Four times, that was enough.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
So, again, we're all about bringing people together. That's why one of our listeners asked us for help turning a woman down. It was a little flummoxed. Although I do have to reject Brooke's advances every day. So maybe this is actually right up our alley.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Whoa, Brooke. Wow. Hunting up the heat a little bit on the conversation. But it is important for him because if he can't do this, his job is going to be on the line. You're going to hear why when we do your brand new Awkward Tuesday phone call right now.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Jose recently mentioned on the show how excited he was when he received a text message from me outside of work.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
God, it's so embarrassing. Oh. i try to never text people outside of the workplace especially when i'm drinking because i know that anything that i say might come back to haunt me later just like it did on the show i know don't remind me don't remind me don't send me into the dark place again yeah i thought that was normal i was not making
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Look, we all hit rock bottom at a certain point, and that was mine. But it's a good lesson to remember because I know our listener, Jimmy, wishes he had kept his phone in his pocket during a Saturday night out. Uh-oh. So, Jimmy, welcome to the show. Tell us how this whole ordeal started for you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
We're all one and done people on this show, so we can't relate.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Hey, they must have been so happy for you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
So this is called the Awkward Tuesday phone call. Where does this story turn awkward?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
You never, ever tell a woman that. No point in your life should that be revealed.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Please tell me you did not admit that to her. Well... I decided to text her this.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Okay, but like Brooke said, who hasn't been there and texted their boss drunkenly and confessed their true feelings for them?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Maybe she got like squinty stern emoji with that one.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
That you have a whole PowerPoint presentation ready to share her feelings back to you?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Okay. My God. So we got one thing.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Thanks to Jose, we might have some hope because we're going to call your boss and let you talk to her to say, hey, I didn't mean to say I loved you in a text the other night. Try to get stuff back to normal with your job.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
We'll let you make your Awkward Tuesday phone call to your boss right after this. We don't have an HR department here anymore.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
But even with zero repercussions for our actions, we still know not to say I love you to our boss.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
That's not me trying to put blame on our listener, Jimmy, because he did that accidentally during a night out drinking with his buddies. And he meant to send it as an I love you text message confession to the new girl that he'd been seeing, but instead it went to his boss who shares the same first name. And the worst part is the boss is actually into it. Yeah.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
So, Jimmy, I didn't even ask you. What is your boss's name? It's Veronica. Veronica. Okay. So we're going to call your boss, Veronica, here and let you make this call. First, we need to get you some advice. So, Jose, what are you thinking?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
OK, you know, you're not telling her that message wasn't for you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Okay, okay. Lightly stepping away. Brooke, what do you think?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
He still has to work with her, though. She's going to lose all respect for him.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
Jimmy, how do you feel about those pieces of advice? Are you leaning towards either one? I mean, I guess if I had to choose, I'd probably go with the Jose one.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
I love how Brooke describes honeymooning in the Bahamas as a bad thing. It is a bad thing, Jeff. Well, I don't know. That could be sounding kind of nice. That was funny. We're going to step away here, Jimmy. We're going to dial your boss, Veronica, for you and let you make your awkward Tuesday phone call.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: I Don't Love My Boss
We'll jump in if you feel like you need a little help. Here we go.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
We'd like to offer to send you guys out one more time, and we would pay for it. Oh.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
It's true what they say. What do they say, Jeff? You can build this love together. Some things do last forever. Nothing's going to stop us now. Except we're running out of time to do the second date update, so we've got to stop it.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Months ago, we convinced them to give it another try, and it sounds like they did because both Rob and Maggie are back with us today on the show.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Let's find out. Rob, were you able to step up the romance for Maggie?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
And I didn't want that. Oh, no. You said he wasn't trying hard enough when we had you on the phone before.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Be perfect. Okay, sure. Rob, were you able to do that?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
It's kind of hard to calibrate here. He's trying not to come on too strong with his affirmation.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
There you go.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Sometimes in the dating world, you realize the ideal person that you have built up in your mind isn't necessarily the ideal person for you in real life. Rip that right out of Brooke's wedding vows to her husband. What? Jeff. That could be the case for our listener Rob today.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Well, you said him. Who says he met a different type of woman than the one he would normally go for. And he described her in the email as someone who doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, is 100% vegan, and must be in bed every night by 8.45 p.m. Dang.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
How did you let this party animal slip through your fingers?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
No, not at all. It could be an opposites attract sort of situation where you like mesh together over time.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Well, what'd you guys do when you guys went out? Well, it was weird. We went on two dates back to back over a weekend. Well, that makes sense because she has to be in bed by 845, so there's not very much time for that first one.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
I mean, ew to me, but for her, that's great.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Sure. Yeah, and it actually tasted pretty good.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
It can be scary. Like, I'm a foodie, and even someone going to a vegan restaurant, it's kind of intimidating. Well, maybe it's like the ice cream shop where they have the one vegan option for the people. They have one meat plate for the meat eaters.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
No. Off-menu, we have a really bloody stage.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Okay. Yeah. Your first two dates sound like they went great. So what's happened since then?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
we built this dream together nothing lasts forever nothing's gonna stop us right yeah the old guy in the room that's a good song no i know that song yeah everyone knows that she trying to like force a couple's song already oh yeah like what have we built we were on two dates wait did you say that to her
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Yeah, you slammed her taste in music.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
But you said that changed things between you two. Yeah, I mean, I wasn't trying to put her down.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Man, we're back to the 1980s again.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
The Decade of Love. 16 Candles. Dirty Dancing. Ghost. All the best love movies. I can honestly say that we built this thing together. Nothing lasts forever. Who's going to stop us now? Unless Maggie doesn't answer the phone, then that would kind of stop us and we'd be screwed.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
This is the song from the 1980s that kind of soured the relationship. After Rob went on back-to-back dates with Maggie, both of which went great, but this Spotify song ruined it because Rob said, eh, I'm not really a fan.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
But Brooke had a good point. He was trying to say, I don't really like this song. Maybe Maggie took it as he doesn't like my love. He's rejecting our relationship.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
But that's not the case. That's why Rob has reached out to us, hoping we can re-spark this, get this going again, maybe do a little ghost love scene situation. Right, Rob? That's right.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
That would be perfect. Shirtless, though, and you have to be behind her back.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Okay, cool. Well, we don't know for sure if she took it that way. That's just Brooke's opinion, and you know how valuable that is.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
I'm just saying, we don't know. That's all I'm saying. That's totally what you're saying. Let's find out once and for all. I'm going to call it right now. Here we go. Hello. Hi, is this Maggie?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Who is this? We gotcha. Don't yell. We gotcha. Sorry. I mean, I'm happy that you answered is what I meant to say. We're a radio show. We're called Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. And we've been dying to talk to you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
I mean, why? What's going on? Because we're doing a segment here called A Second Date Update, and it's where we try and help out our listeners if they've kind of stalled out in their dating life with somebody. We're trying to help somebody named Rob.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
He actually told us that he felt really good about it. How did you feel?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
You like grand romantic gestures. That's what you like. Yes, exactly. That's totally fair. It could be a lot, though, for some guys to process that after just one weekend hanging out, you know? And not a lot of guys are romantic at all. Well, they should be.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Oh, really? It's on your profile.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Got it. OK. And you feel like Rob was not fulfilling those needs for you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
So we did hear about that text and the song being sent to him. Honestly, here is what I worry about for you, Maggie. Along the way in your life, you've come up with this idea for a fairy tale romance in your mind.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
I see. It's totally OK to have these ideals in your head, but you have to be able to adjust to other people. Because no one is going to match up perfectly with everything that you've set out for yourself.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
But she said the problem was he didn't like one song.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
But the thing is, that's the conversation. You have to go off of the two great dates that you guys had together. That is not easy to do in the modern dating world. We never hear about that. That's special, and that's something that you should actually hold on to. Not that he didn't like a song that you texted him one time. Do you know what I mean?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
It's too easy for people to just ghost right now on these dating apps over one dumb little thing. You have to remember, two great first dates. Hold on to that. Cherish that.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Brooke, I don't need your love hate right now. I'm trying to build a love tower. And that's why.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
That's why I need to tell you, Maggie. Rob is on the phone right now. You like a grand romantic gesture. Here it is.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Delivered. Hey, Maggie.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Brooke's been saying that same thing to her husband for the last 10 years. Try a little harder?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update UPDATE: We Built This Thing Together
Yeah. I think that's after Maggie leaves him.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
He's growing. She just said no eight times while you were talking.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
I will say it sounds like he really does care for you and love you. He lit his leg on fire with Axe body spray.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
I support you with silence.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Oh, I always thought people were doing other people when they took time apart.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Yeah, you're going to be fine. He's going to be celibate.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Hey, we got a special treat for you today. Welcome to the Second Date Update podcast. It is, of course, Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. And we asked you yesterday, I did a poll on Spotify. Sorry, it's the only, you know, podcast. Platform we can do polls on. Yes, yes, thank you, Alexis. And asked, say yes to the ex is a special episode where we help a listener attempt to get back with their ex.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Would you like to hear it on this pod? Two options, yes, post that drama, or nah, second date's only here.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
I feel like we need a drum roll, but I don't have one. No, we really do listen to what you want to hear so we're gonna give you a Little special treat today with a brand new say yes to the X awesome sit back enjoy pretty soon They're gonna like the whole entire show
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
And let us know in the comments if you like this type of content. So we'd love to hear your feedback, good or bad, if you're not too mean. All right, show starts now.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Lex is like 20th chance.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
No. Wow. That doesn't go well, Jeff.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Arrested immediately.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Was it four and seven he went back to? I thought it was three and five.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Why was it like a one night stand?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
My sister and her boyfriend at the time broke up for five days and then got back together and they got married. It was a very hard five days. In that time, he got a tattoo and joined the Navy. He was quick. He was dealing with some things. I don't know what happened. Six weeks for this guy. Should have been a red flag to your sister.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Oh, she dumped you. Okay.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Okay. And so she wrote you what sounds like a letter, I'm guessing. Did you guys talk in person ever?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Are you sure she's not your landlord and trying to evict you?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
I mean, that's got to be hard to take, man.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
I mean, if she's writing a list of mean things, she's mad. She's mad mad.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
No, no. I mean, is it one specific thing? Did you cheat on her or something?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
We'll make flyers and put it on doors around the city.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Selfo? Singular plural masculine would be... Are you that worried about your masculinity that you think adding an IE to the end of a word is going to... All true?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
I don't think that's grammatically correct at all, sir. I don't think you could find that on any dictionary.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Are you blind right now, or can you see?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
If they add up enough of them, yeah. If they add up enough. But one or two, no men would ever have a relationship. I mean, how many pages do we have here?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
You sound like an annoying little brother. I would totally get along with you, brother.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Oh, no, you pulled your back. Yeah.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
You're constantly trying to prove your manliness.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
I think you're right.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
So it's not that you learned anything from the letter she left.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
I'm just going to let you know. How does this work again? Does he ask her back out, or do we do it for him?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Let's not use any of that sentence, that you need to relax, you need to calm down. Yeah, that's good advice. Just some hot advice there.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Just trying to see if you can use the word selfie in a sentence.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
I don't know that I like you talking for all of us, but okay.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Yeah, because then it's just going to be her getting angry at him all over again.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
That is the most adult thing that Jeffrey's ever said.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Have you had any growth in the last six weeks, Landon?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
See, that's good. I like that. That's a good sentiment, you know? That's really mature, man. You know, can we ask her real quick? Is she dating right now or is she just single, single? Have you heard? Well, she better not be dating. It's only been six weeks.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Yeah, I think after two weeks you're fine. You guys do not like your significant others. That's why we broke up with them.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand
Don't punch any ex-girlfriends.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
It doesn't matter.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Carter, are you single or are you not? You didn't tell us that piece. What the heck?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Maya, have you met his maybe, maybe not girlfriend?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
He has, like, the worst friend group ever.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Did you say no to Rick then, Maya? Is that what you're saying?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Okay. I mean, Carter, you didn't do a very good job of explaining your feelings to her. I was nervous. Okay.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Is there anything you want to tell her now?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
That's a good one. That's not bad. She's not saying no forever. She's just saying give her some space for right now. How does that feel to you, Carter?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
She's not going for him. At least Rick was fully single when he asked.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Just keep her away from the rest of your friends. Yeah, bro.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Hey, you found it, the home of the Second Date Update. It's Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. And thanks for being here on the weekend with us. Seriously. Welcome to our home. And I know we have a lot of new listeners from all over the world since we've been in the top 10 charts of podcasts. Yes. Which is awesome. And if you don't know, we actually are a full radio show. I know.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Radio still exists and we are talking on it. Yeah. It does. And we do a brand new full hour episode every day on our main feed, Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning. And we just thought, you know, y'all seem to like relationship drama. We're kind of experts on it. And we do a lot of other segments, including this one, Awkward Tuesday phone call.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Seriously. It's not necessarily always a romantic relationship with these.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
So sit back and enjoy your awkward Tuesday phone call on Sunday. Totally makes sense. It starts right now.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Is that a real question? I mean, there's a lot of variables here.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
It's a divorce? Wait, I didn't know there was a divorce. They're still married.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Just got a text from my mom. She is excited.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
It's just when you emphasize make love instead of make love happen. It came off like my mind was some... Okay, now we're back.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Absolutely, I would.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Oh, I love love. Let's do this, Carter.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Okay, vote of confidence right from the beginning. Dude, I'm so excited to hear about this.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Love shouldn't make you feel those things. Guilt, shame, like you're starting in a dark place.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
I know. That's where we're going. All right. All right, so he's like a buddy who hangs out in the group of your friends.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Whoa. That's a big statement, sir.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
How do you know her? Just through him?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
So for three years, I mean, you met this woman, and now you've gotten to know her, and your feelings, I'm guessing, have only deepened. Is that what you're saying?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
They got engaged.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Oh, way better.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Do you I mean, do you know, was it a messy breakup or was it just like, hey, we tried this for three years. It's just not going to work.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
I do think so, because if Eric cheated on her or did something terrible like that to end the relationship, then I don't think Eric gets a say anymore. That's my opinion. It's like, you screwed that up bad, man.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
I do think he has a good point to call her first before he even brings it up with Eric. Because it's like getting a new job, right? You don't necessarily need to tell your old job until you know for sure the new job wants you. That's true.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
He'd probably be friends with her.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
That's a friend's old thing. Oh, my God. So we're going to call her?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
And then next week we call Eric.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
I know, but so worth it.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Oh, boy. I didn't get the vibe that he would say it like that. Yeah, I don't know.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
What do you do, Brooke? I don't disagree. So here's the thing. I think because especially because you don't know how her relationship ended with your buddy, I think you just don't mention him at all. Like you say that, hey, you heard through the grapevine that she's single.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Just pretend like you don't know anything about her past relationship because you really don't.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Dude, the worst thing that can happen is that you're right back to where you started. Where you like her and she doesn't like you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
We're rescuing you from that.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
Yeah. Neither do we, honestly. He did not do a very good job of explaining it.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya
He's had a crush on you and wanted to ask you out. But what is this, Carter?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Need to let you know that you're on the radio right now with a show called Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning. This is called Awkward Tuesday Phone Call.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
And Julia listens to us and asked for help today because she saw that interaction between you and your hairstylist.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
But it's not genuine flirting.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
I don't know. I could get behind that. What's this hairstylist place that you go to, Harry? Because I could lay that on.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
It doesn't really matter what I believe. It's what Julia, this is her marriage.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
You have no romantic interest in actually getting together with the star? No, no.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
The economy is tough these days. I'm getting my 10%. Harry, your wife is clearly uncomfortable with this interaction. No matter how much money it saves, she doesn't like it. So, Julia, what would you like to see Harry do going forward? Ooh.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
It's kind of like, what do you want from him at this point?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
You don't want him to switch stylists. You're cool with him still going to her?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
I don't need any more laughing gas. Anyway, Harry, are you comfortable? Are you able to change ever so slightly to make your wife happy?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Women can change a man. I didn't realize that.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
All right. Well, you know what? I think we're in a better place now than we were when we started this phone call. Barely. Good luck to you two. Your marriage sounds perfect.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Let's play a round of Is It Friendly or Flirty?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Our first contestant is Alexis. Alexis, can you tell me, does this sound friendly or flirty?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Even worse, Brooke said that at her child's PTA meeting, so it doesn't look great for her.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
No, not in a flirty way. The thing is, one of our listeners overheard her husband saying something even more suspicious and cringy than that. Really? And now she's wondering if she's just being paranoid or if something actually weird is going on. You're going to hear it in your brand new Awkward Tuesday phone call. That's coming up.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Hey, how you doing? Control yourself. We're doing it right after this.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Ladies, if you're ever curious about what your husband or boyfriend is doing when he's not with you, just slash his tires and offer to give him a ride. Tire slashing is one of the pillars of a strong, healthy relationship. As long as he doesn't find out you're the one doing it.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Brooke, your husband's cars are constantly in trouble, and you're saying you're not the one behind it? Just so you could spend more time with him?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
But now, our listener Julia didn't go that far as to slash her husband's tires.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
But she did give him a ride recently and apparently found out something very interesting. What? So interesting. She needs our help. So, Julia, welcome to the show. Hi.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Tell us what's going on. Why'd you email us?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
And you're freaking out with something involving your husband. What's his name?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Did he agree to let you drive him?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Okay, objectively a little strange.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
That's what you want. It would feel good to have somebody who's really, really beautiful styling you. You don't want, like, Rumpelstiltskin coming in.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
We're going to chop this off like a tree.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
You have a point. I would think it's okay.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Not to defend what they're doing at all, but sometimes stylists will be extra friendly and extra nice in order to get a better tip.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
It would have been nicer if he had been like, hey, don't say nice things about me. I'm married, okay? Just cut my hair and shut up.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
So this is what we're doing? Have you booked an appointment with that stylist to see if she's equally flirty and touchy with you?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
But that's going to be step two in this process. Step one is getting our advice in a few minutes here before we let you make an awkward Tuesday phone call to your husband to ask what is going on between him and the hairstylist.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
I mean, Brooke, that all depends on your advice and if it's actually good for once.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
We'll find out when we call him and do your Awkward Tuesday phone call right after this.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
After you get married, is there anybody that you are still allowed to flirt with? Brooke wanted me to ask that question. I'm not really sure why.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Would you get mad if you caught your husband flirting with your Alexa?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Some people may be okay. Definitely not with your hairstylist, though. That needs to be off limits.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Yeah, and that's why our listener Julia has reached out because she caught her husband flirting and laughing with the pretty woman cutting his hair, sent up some red flags for her. So she wants to confront him about it, but doesn't want to get too weird and defensive. So before we call Harry, Jose, what's your advice for her?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
What do you think, Julia? Are you able to give the hairstylist a compliment?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Where do you know her from?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Awkward Tuesday: Cut, Color & Flirt
Brooke does have the best lies to her significant others. Out of anybody that I know, she knows how to twist the truth. Is that helpful to you, Julia? Are you comfortable lying to your husband right now?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Is your grandma still alive? Because you never know. Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. Wow, who knew 50 bucks on a soulmate psychic picture could work not once, but twice. Talk about value, getting your money's worth.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
You really could. If you think about it, Zoe was just the breadcrumb that led Steven to his eventual destiny.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Ten. Perfect. Perfect. I mean, what if, I know we're all skeptical, but what if they really are meant to be? Would that second date update update be the most anticipated one we ever did on this show?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
I heard it's a hot, and I like that. It truly is. And we can turn your life hot, too, if you email us for help with your dating life. We'll call that person who's not calling you back. Go and check out all of our Second Date podcasts, wherever you get yours, at Brooke and Jeffrey.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
I saw something on Instagram recently that basically sums up what I think a lot of our listeners are feeling with the online dating apps. It was a guy who says, I think my favorite part of online dating is when you match with someone and you're talking and it's going great.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
And three weeks later, someone somewhere loses interest, and you just never talk to them again, and you just keep doing that over and over and over until you're 90 and you're single and you die alone.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Brooke, aren't you upset that you got married and missed the peak era of dating apps?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Well, we have a guy on the phone who says he also has become pretty frustrated with the online dating experience. His name is Steven. So, Steven, welcome to the show, man.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Probably just closed his Tinder app right now before he got on. So it's not going so well for you, huh?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Okay. What does that mean?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Oh, that's like a sketch of them?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
If you see them out in the world, you could just hold up this photo and be like, we're soulmates.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Brooke already doesn't believe in your soulmate before she even knows anything about it.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Well, we don't even know what the story is. So you actually signed up and did this? I did this 20 minutes later. I get the sketch email to me.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
But she's not asking for a physical description of your perfect woman. She's trying to get to know you. Yeah, exactly. Okay.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
So what did you think of the picture? She's very pretty.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Well, that's very lucky for him. I'm sure she draws a lot of ugly people for other people. But what did you do with the photo? I put it on my refrigerator. Oh. Okay.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Now you're thinking, Brooke. Okay.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Well, did anything come of it?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Yeah. Well, now you must feel the pressure on you. So what do you do?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Brooke, why aren't you awing yet? This is happening.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
I am excited for you. And what did she say when you asked her to dance?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
It's happening. So now you've opened the door for true love to step through. But the big question is, did you tell her about the soulmate photo that was sent to you? Oh.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
I want to know what the caption was when you texted the photo. The caption was, isn't this crazy? This looks just like you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Or are you still waiting for a reply?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
So looking back on the events that unfolded, do you feel like maybe you shouldn't have sent her the picture? Maybe.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
So at this point, where are you at now?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
So did you call the psychic lady again and have a new picture drawn up?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Did we ever get the girl's name, by the way? Her name is Zoe.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Well, we're going to come back and call your soulmate Zoe and try and get you your second date update right after this.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
You believe in love at first sight?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Okay, so yes from Jose and from the girls. What about love at first sketch? Because months ago, one of our listeners, Stephen, paid a professional psychic to draw him a photo of his future soulmate. Before he's ever met her, he hung it up on his fridge. And wouldn't you know, just a short while later, he ends up meeting a woman who looks just like that photo when he was at a wedding.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Her name was Zoe, and they danced and got to know each other. Everything was on the up and up until he got home and texted her the soulmate sketch picture. She really cooled off after that. It got me thinking, though, like, how could we help him when we get her on the phone? And maybe we could say that he drew the picture after he met you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Just from memory, he's a really good artist, that it's not like a soulmate thing.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Yeah, that's your answer to everything. The man should apologize for what he did.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
It just came to him in a moment of inspiration, you could say.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Sadly, though, Stephen is back on the dating apps now looking for older women and long distance stuff, whatever he can get because he's so dejected.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
But we won't bring that up. I'm just saying his mind is still wondering, though, what about my soulmate Zoe? Isn't that right, Stephen? It's true. You've never forgotten about her.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Well, I'm glad that we're going in with a positive attitude on this.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Nobody in this room is going to believe in love except for me and Jose. So we're going to do our best. Let's call Zoe and see what she has to say.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Here we go. Hello. Two rings, she answered. I knew it. Zoe, thank you for answering the phone right now. This is Zoe, right?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
That was luck on that one. But Zoe, you're on the radio right now with a show called Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Well, some might say it's fate that brought us to you today, but others would just say it's one of our listeners named Steven who asked us to call you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Wow. Guys, that picture really worked, I guess. Yeah. So, Zoe, we're doing a segment here called the Second Date Update where we're trying to help Stephen get in touch with you again because it's been a while since you've chatted since the wedding.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
I mean, maybe to you it's clear, to him it's not. We don't know what you're thinking.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Hold on. This is a lot. What we know is that you guys met at a wedding. You guys danced and had a good time. After the wedding, he texted you a photo that looked a lot like you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Are you thinking that he went and like matched with her on purpose?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Okay, well, we don't know everything about how stuff happened the way that it happened. The only person who has the answers to that would be Stephen.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Because he didn't mention anything like this when we talked to him, but he is on the other line right now waiting to speak with you, Zoe. What? Why? What? That's how the segment works. Stephen, are you there? This is awkward. Sorry.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
You didn't say you went just one generation up.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
She believes in herself.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Okay, so you two need to talk about this clearly.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
We exchanged the messages. Okay. Is a date going to happen between you and Zoe's mom? Is that on the books? Well, I didn't want to ruin things with Zoe and I. Oh, well, he's prioritizing you, Zoe. Isn't that nice?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
I'm not going to make that mistake again. No way.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
So you're saying you ship the relationship with your mom and Steven.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
I don't know. I mean, I'm going to default to the love expert on the show, Alexis. What do you think that we should do in this situation?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
That's perfect. Great idea.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Well, she probably should because soon Stephen could be your stepdad. We have to be around a Thanksgiving table together.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
I mean, we would normally offer to send Stephen out with Zoe, but I guess Stephen will offer to send you out with Zoe's mom on the first date.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Soulmate Psychic
Zoe's already turned him down. He's a free agent. He can date whoever he wants.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
That's so, I mean, devious, cunning.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
I'm shocked. I didn't see this coming because, I mean, what is the history of the guitar? Whose guitar is it? It's my ex's, yeah.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Some women hold, like, onto the sweaters from their ex-boyfriends and cry. He holds onto his ex-girlfriend's guitar and cries into it.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
And you're not even mad hearing about this, like, elaborate plan to get the guitar back out from under your nose.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Well, he doesn't. Sounds like he doesn't play. Yeah, it's more his girlfriend's thing. But is there still, like, was there ever a romantic connection between you two, Megan and Michael?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Isn't that the goal of this call?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
I'm happy I didn't make a move. So, okay. Well, clearly there's no connection between the two of you, but Megan, Michael did want to get some dating advice out of this segment. Do you have any that you want to share with him to maybe help him out going forward?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Just assume every girl you meet wants to steal something from you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Your first date, Michael, back in the dating world after a year. It's a setup to get your guitar out of your apartment. Lesson learned here. Yeah.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
not sure if you remember this but a few months ago one of our listeners named michael did an awkward tuesday phone call because he had this female friend who was complaining to him about how lonely she was all the time yeah so he wanted to convince his best friend to date her just to get miss sad face out of his hair i do remember this i can't remember how it turned out but i remember it doesn't really matter i guess we did a good enough job helping him with that situation that michael now trusts us completely
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
So much so that almost a year later, he wants us to do a second date update for him. Michael, it's good to have you back on the show, dude. Hey, it's great to be back. Thanks for having me.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
It is our honor and privilege to be able to assist you with your love life today, Michael. So tell us what's going on.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
It's so romantic at the grocery store, especially when they have the thunder over by the produce section. Oh! Set in the mood in the rainstorm?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
One hand on the pepper spray. All right.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Wow. Well, that must make you feel really confident after, like you said, you went through that tough breakup for like a year ago. Oh, yeah. Finally going out into the world and meeting somebody that you connect with instantly.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
I'm going to be trying. Did it lead to an actual date? It did. Yeah. Wow.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Look how jaded we all are in this room. Like, you really met again? Oh, my God. No way.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
She stole Brooke's line. I think it's a very good sign. So how did it go?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Okay, this isn't like Brooke's hangout.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
I really would. You literally dip out.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
It's a little concerning, though. Did you reach out to her afterwards?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
But it's weird that there's no explanation for why. Yeah, exactly. After she invited herself to hang out at your apartment?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
If there's something wrong that you're doing, it's good to know it up ahead of time. So let's come back. We're going to call Megan for you, Michael. Oh, so weird. Brooke's husband and Brooke's best friend's name. Don't think about that when we do our next call here.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
She's going to be mad.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Second date update right after this. Hold on.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
It was the comeback after the romantic setback, followed by a slight drawback. Because our listener Michael finally got back into the dating game after going through a tough breakup about a year ago. Didn't find his match online, though. Found her in the grocery store, holding two big cantaloupes. That's Jose's dream of how they met.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
But her name was Megan, and eventually they arranged a little Netflix and chill night back at Michael's apartment, which went really well.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Things kind of fell apart, though, when she said she had to grab something from her car and never returned.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Was the had to grab something from the car thing a lie Alexis says yes from experience, but we don't know that Yes, we do. We don't know anything for sure. We do know. It's not a good sign She didn't want to be there Okay, that would mean that she lied.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
But again, we don't know. We just know it's not a good sign. Also not a good sign. Megan texted him days later confirming it's not going to work.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
We need to be impartial people in the middle here. Isn't that right, Michael?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
It's sweet that you think you can get better. Yeah. Okay. Well, we're all going to try our best for you here, Michael. Let's call Megan for you and see if she answers and what she has to say. Here we go.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Hi. We're looking to talk with Megan.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
I don't know if you realize you're on the radio right now with a show called Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
are you serious yes welcome to the show megan oh hi guys i guess thanks for answering okay i don't know how to deal with this positivity on the other end we don't normally get this we've got two positive people that we've talked to today that's true um you don't know this megan but earlier the other positive person we spoke to was a guy named michael that you went on a date with are you serious yes yeah we
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Well, because we're doing something called a second date update. We're trying to help him figure out if when you two hung out and did Netflix over at his apartment, if something went wrong during that night.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Well, we don't know what the problem was, if it was on your end, if it was something he did.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
We're on a limited time, so we need to have you believe sooner. So start to believe you're on the radio now.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
We're really just trying to help out Michael because he's really concerned feeling like he did something wrong on the date.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Alexis says that on the first date, too. I know that.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Yeah. He said you guys like randomly kept bumping into each other kind of multiple times in the store.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
At least that's what she says. Is this what really happens at book club? You don't read any books?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
And then you plot revenge against all of your exes for the rest of the time?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
I know that's like another 20-minute long story that we don't need to get into.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
The important thing that we need to get to here, Megan, is letting you know that Michael is actually on the other line right now listening to this conversation.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Well, it kind of ruins your plan.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update Classic: Secret Mission
Michael, are you hearing this? Yeah. I do not know what to say right now.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
She's very upset that she got cat catfished.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
You did cat catfish me.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
You're very sorry, right? Tell her how sorry you are for doing that.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Brooke is basically saying, team Rhett, team Rhett, and so we would like to offer to send you out on another date with him, and we would pay for it. I don't know. Two cats, three cats, one cat, no cat, whatever. However many cats you want or don't want on it.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Yes. You went through all this effort to make this happen, and we're running out of time here, so what do you say? Christina, one more date with Rhett. I need a yes or a no.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Yes, we should take all the credit for this.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
You know what really makes me happy? Hearing someone regrettably agree to go out on a date again.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Fine. They're going to look back and listen to this on their wedding day right before Christina turns to the pastor and is like, fine, I do.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Yeah. It's a good reminder that everybody values different things in their relationships. And for Christina, she values honesty about your cat's real age. That's number one on the relationships.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
It still mattered to her, just not quite as hot.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
And we know that now. So whatever is important to you, we will call that person who's not calling you back, email the show so we can help, and go check out all of our Second Aid podcasts, wherever you get yours, at Brooke and Jeffrey.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Where's the worst place to take a woman on a first date?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
It's Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning, home of the second date update.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
I mean, crematorium comes to mind.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Especially if you talked about having barbecue already that night.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
But there is something that might be worse than that.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Well, I was going to say Chernobyl, but you know what? Let's talk to our listener, Rhett, because he thinks he may have taken his date someplace pretty regrettable.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Before we find out about this woman, just tell us the place that you took her.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
It's good that you realize that, but let's go back and start from the beginning. Where did you meet this woman and what's her name?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Let me guess, you reached for the same cashew in the bag of trail mix and your eyes locked?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Like come up behind her and knead the pizza? Like grab her hands and show her how to toss it?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Yeah, it sounds like a great setup to go over to your ex's house. How does that come into the picture?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
That is a lot to tackle, both pepperoni and cheese. So I can understand. Your head was totally full. I still don't get, how did you end up at your ex's house?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
You brought Christina over to your ex's house? Oh, no.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Okay, so you guys all spent the night at your ex's house, and then when you left the next morning, how did that go?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
If it's a finger that I'm thinking of, then it could be a good thing.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
I'm very eager to hear how Christina felt the experience went.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
We don't know. We're going to call her. We'll see how she's doing when we do your second date update right after this.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
What went wrong on Rhett's first date?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Because there was pizza.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
There was cute cats. And the one tiny mistake, and when I say tiny, I mean like minuscule, there was kind of a fight at his ex's house that involved him, his date, and his ex-girlfriend, resulting at the end in a certain finger being pointed at Rhett when he dropped Christina off at home.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
And I don't necessarily think you're the one who needs to apologize. It sounds like your ex-girlfriend owes her more of an apology for not being cool about that.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Clearly, Rhett is somebody that wants everybody to get along, feels like you should be able to move past ex grievances. The ladies, I don't know why you guys are holding on to this like it's a big deal.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
But we don't know the whole story. We have a hunch of what went wrong. We need to get Christina's angle to really understand the full scope of this.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Well, let's find out what that is. I'm going to dial her right now. Hopefully she has nothing but good things to say about you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Okay, we'll see how this goes. I'm dialing her right now.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
We won't be able to see it. We'll be able to feel it, though. Here we go.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Hey, is this Christina?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Hey, Christina. Good morning. We've all been very eager to talk to you. We're a radio show called Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. And I don't even know where to begin.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Confusing. We know. This is a radio show, and we're doing a segment trying to help out one of our listeners that you went on a date with recently. His name is Rhett.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Because we heard about your guys' hangout. We won't rehash the whole story.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
He emailed us. Why is he doing that? Well, obviously because he likes you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Oh, I've fallen for that one before. Yikes. We all have, Jeff. Yeah. Okay.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Okay, we did not know that part of the story.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Look, I know that we all feel terrible about that. Rhett feels sorry for even making the decision to bring you over there.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
Like about bringing you over there to introduce you to his cat?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
That is diabolic. That was worse to you than the argument that broke out between the three?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
I mean, we do hear a lot of people lying about their age on dating apps to impress somebody. Not usually lying about their cat's age to impress each other, but...
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Date Night Detour
I really hope you would, because we need to tell you, Christina, that Rhett's been on the other line listening to this call, wanting to clearly speak.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
You don't believe me? I don't believe that he's really like a famous dad. You don't believe me that I'm rich and famous?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Okay, okay. Exactly. No, it fits the profile. He doesn't like to be caught on camera. He doesn't like to be seen in big crowds. He wants to go to places that are under the radar so that nobody knows who he is.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Aria, you should really rethink your decision here. I would like to offer to send you out on another date with mysterious Ethan to find out who... Hey, hey, hey.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Oh, no. Oh, my God. Oh, God, he hung up. What just happened?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
What just happened is you lost your chance with Ben Stiller's son. God dang it.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. I don't want to get mad at people for saying no. I mean, that's totally their right. But sometimes you need to pull a brook and drop your morals and just say yes to someone that you don't even like just for the story.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
How many basement boys and homeless folks did you go out with just to come into the radio and tell that story?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
I know. Now we're never going to know who the NDA guy really is, and that is going to haunt all of us for the rest of our year and probably the rest of our lives.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
If you can't get a date, NDA or not, you can always reach out to us. We'll call that person who's not calling you back. And if you want to go check out all of our second date updates, they're available on podcasts, wherever you get yours, at Brooke and Jeffrey.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Well, I'm saying like the same TV shows, same sports teams, same mom. I don't know if I really trust that line of thinking. One of our listeners says he was drawn to a woman based on what they both hate. And that actually sounds healthier to me.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
So, I don't say this often, but let's spread the hate today and talk to Ethan and learn about his date. Ethan, welcome to the show.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Before we do that, I like that idea for that exercise. First, let's talk to Ethan about what he hates and how that bonded him to the girl that he met. What's her name, by the way?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
And where did she say that line? Oh, it's on her dating profile. Ah. Okay. So you saw that and you were like, this is my type of woman. Exactly.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Every office has at least one of those people, but that's cool to bond over that.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Well, not for everybody. Some people all bond over how much they hate humor.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
But okay, you guys end up meeting up for a date?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
I think the positive, though, is quiet, and you get a little bit more intimate time.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Okay. Well, it's nice that you got exactly what you wanted. How did it go?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Okay, we have a lot of things that you hate so far.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
So far you hate people that microwave their fish, you hate big crowds, and you hate cameras.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
I feel you, though. The people at the radio station use my image on stuff all the time, and it's really annoying.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Yeah, pictures everywhere around here. It's on the cars. It's on the flyers. Give me some space.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
I'm with you, though, bro.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
He's thorough, Brooke. He does his research and decides if he likes a place before he takes it. I think that's a good thing.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Yeah, yeah. What do you think, Ethan? You think she was being honest with you that she really had to go work the next day?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Well, let's find out what made her change her mind and decide to turn around halfway over to your place. We'll get you your second date update with Aria right after this.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
We're talking to Ethan, who we learned is not a fan of microwaved fish, large crowds, or security cameras.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
But good news is he is a big fan of Aria, the woman that he went out with the other night. And it went great until the very end of the evening when she changed her mind on the walk over to his place and said, actually, never mind. I need to get home and sleep because I have to work tomorrow.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Yeah, because that was eight days ago, and I don't know what she does for work that could keep her occupied for eight straight days and nights, but it seems like something is up.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Or she, like, works on a submarine out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. There's just no service out there.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Yeah, an astronaut of some sort.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Do you think we're close on any of these guesses, Ethan? That's a good question. I think he could be.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
I'm just kidding. I think she's in marketing. Okay. Marketing submarines and marketing rocket ships. So that's totally different. But I don't know.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Translation, if this doesn't work out, Brooke is interested. No, that is not. She finds you very impressive specimen. she normally hates all the men let's call this lady and see if she's willing to give you another shot here we go thank you yeah we got you hold on hello hi we're looking to speak with aria that's me oh oh aren't you pleasant wow hi aria
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
It's nice to talk to a friendly person on this every once in a while. We're a radio show. We're called Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. I don't know if you've heard of us. Uh-oh. No, don't worry. We're not doing a bad thing, I don't think.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
We're doing this thing on our show called the Second Date Update, and we're trying to help out one of our listeners that you met up with about a week ago, a little bit more than that. His name's Ethan. Oh, my gosh. Wait, actually?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
We spoke to him. We got that impression, too. So I guess I can understand why you're a little bit surprised that he would come through a radio show to reach you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
I feel like he maybe is a sweet guy. He's also a confused guy right now because it's been eight days since you hung out. And he doesn't really have an explanation for why the two of you haven't met up again.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
So why did you need to use an excuse?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Now we're interested. Yeah, you got to tell us.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
We don't like laughing on this show. No, I love laughing.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
You said NDA like a non-disclosure agreement?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
And that didn't make you want to sign the NDA even more just to, like, figure that out?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
We didn't mention to you before, but that is Ethan, who's been waiting on the other line wanting to talk to you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Yeah, he's being honest.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
I don't think the criminals really do that.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Well, I think you're kind of selling it to yourself there because all of the best parties and events that I've ever been to made me sign NDAs.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Claus For Concern
Well, I would tell you more, but I'm technically not allowed to speak on that.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Are we going to hear a serenade? Yeah.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Go for it. That loving feeling. Oh. Whoa, that loving feeling.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
We'll pay for it. Remember, Bethany, if you say yes, the date's on us.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Zach, you're her kryptonite. Every time that she's around you, she goes weak.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
It's the perfect combo. It's all leading you towards Zach. So it might be a no from you now, Bethany, but it could be possible next month at Sienna's bachelorette party.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Finally the sixth time she goes, I'll go out with him again. We will call you 100 times until you agree to it.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Get your Uber app open, Bethany. He's going to dial it for you. Oh, my God. Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. So, yeah, when it comes to Bethany and Zach, we are 0 for 2.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
That's the thing. 0 for 2 is not three strikes, you're out. Zach is still in this game for a couple more swings.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Brooke, I was so proud of you during this segment.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
I really thought in part one, you were not very on board with Zach trying again after the rejection. I think you called him sad and desperate.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Something like that. But by the end, you were really on board with Zach pulling for him.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
You know, I don't need to say any more. Brooke, you are my MVP of today's phone call. Even if it did end in total utter failure, you can take the MVP on this one.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
And remember, Brooke can be the MVP for you if you email the show. We'll call that person who's not calling you back, no matter how many times you've run out to them and they've said no.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
No negative attitudes here. And you won't find any negative attitudes on our podcast either. You'll find them wherever you get yours at Brooke and Jeffrey.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Out of all the second dates we've done, we're talking hundreds or thousands even.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
I know every once in a while I say, this is a first.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
But this one really is.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
No, I mean it those other times, but this time I really mean it.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Because we have a return caller. His name is Zach. And you might remember he was on the show a while back, told us about his mobile bartending business.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
that he does for parties and events oh like weddings and stuff and he made pretty good money doing it exactly last time that he was on he wanted us to call a woman named bethany that he had met at one of those parties well now he's back and he wants us to call that same woman bethany again again what but she knows us how did the last time go that we called her i don't think it went well zach are you okay did you hit your head because we already did this and she turned you down right is that what
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
If you go out with the same girl two times, that's considered two separate dates.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
I didn't realize there's like a statute of limitations, you know, where after a certain point it like cancels, it resets.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
OK, but for those of our listeners who don't know what happened the last time or who might not remember Bethany, could you jog our memory just a little bit?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Yeah. What happened the first time?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
So it didn't work out the last time you were on the show, but now you're saying you ran into her again recently. Yeah. What happened in the second meetup?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Okay. So what happened when you and Bethany saw each other at this new bachelorette party?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
How did the interaction go?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Well, the sparks are just flying between you two right now. The romance is getting hot.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Just open 20 beers and leave them on the counter. Yeah. You got to make out.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
I did. I got a make-up. Of course she did, because she'd been drinking, and you pointed out how lonely she is.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Yeah, go into the details for Brooke. How much time...
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Yeah. So you're saying that she's not responding to you after your second bachelorette party makeout.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
And that's what's funny. That's what makes this an actual first. We have two of the exact same people that are being called on the second date update and hoping that the second time goes better than the first.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Yeah, I mean, we'll just see if she even answers because she has our number, too, from the last time that we called.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
We're going to find out. We're going, for the very first time, a second date update redo.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
It's coming up. We'll make that call right after this. The great Yogi Berra once said, I'm getting deja vu all over again. And I think that's what I'm feeling right now.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
You guys are so embarrassing to work with. You don't know anything. The thing is, I'm having that deja vu feeling because we're having the exact same two second daters back on again. So you'd think the title of this would be third date update, but not according to our listeners, Zach.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
If you remember Zach, he's a mobile bartender who met a woman named Bethany at a joint bachelor-bachelorette party he was working. Bethany said no to us the first time that we called her.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
But fast forward months later, they meet again at a different bachelorette party, end up making out, and now she's not texting him back.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Making out is pretty close.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
It's interesting the things that you choose to brag about.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
I wonder how Bethany is going to feel when we call her. And if she answers, she hears our voices again. Like Zach, doesn't this feel weird to you at all? You seem so calm.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
And Brooke makes out with chill guys all the time without knowing their names.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
We'll see. Let's just call her. We'll see if she picks up. Here we go.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
No, Bethany, you have no idea what we're even calling about.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Bethany, look, I hear you. I really want to respect your wishes, but we have a job to do on this show. Just like a certain strapping hunk of a man who was doing his job serving you drinks recently at a bachelorette party.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Because it is interesting that the two of you keep randomly running into each other when you're at your most vulnerable, Bethany.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
but it was like the tiniest i mean the teeniest the tiniest okay well we want to talk to that teeny tiny little part of you and reintroduce that tiny part of you to zach who you know is already listening and desperately wants to talk to you oh my god i forgot that was how it works zach you there
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
I mean, Bethany, what we were just talking about before we called you is stuff like fate and destiny. Things happen for a reason.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
I mean, Zach, you're the one who has been calling us all these times wanting to connect with her. I'll give you 20 seconds here to say your piece. Convince Bethany to meet up with you one more time.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: First Date Redate
Is that a selling point for you, Bethany? I'm not really sure.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Why are you complaining about people bringing you alcohol out of anybody's room?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Brooke, stay in your lane and keep not tipping people after they give you great service. Just shut up and talk on the radio, lady.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
This is about Jordi. Jordi, she's concerned that you're too free and you're too available. Prove to her that that's not true.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Show her how busy and how much you got going on.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
You know what? The thing is, we made him do it.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
He didn't even want to be here.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
But he was kind enough to take a little bit of time out to do this with us just so that I could ask you if you would like to see Jordy one more time and we would pay for that date. I don't even know if he's free, honestly. Jordy, are you even free? Not anymore. I'm all booked up for a while now.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Look in the mirror, sweetie.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Talking like Brooke now. This is not good.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
This is going bad. Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. Got a text into 78592 that says, with that outlook, I hope she's ready to die alone.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
And the outlook that I think they're referring to is the theory that if a guy says he's available to hang out with you multiple nights in a row, that means he's a loser and must have absolutely nothing going on.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
It also matters what you're busy doing.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Guys, just give up. It's going to be easier if you just quit. Because actually, they're going to feel more attracted to you that you've given up on them.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
She speaks for all women, and now we know how it works.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
who saw that coming but you know what if you need help with your dating life go ahead email the show we'll call that person who isn't calling you back and go check out all of our podcasts we are the home of the second date update wherever you get yours at brooke and jeffrey brooke and jeffrey in the morning 45 years ago a virginia soul band called the edge of daybreak recorded their debut album behind bars record collectors consider it a masterpiece
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Second date update. The results are in. It's Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. Because recent studies have shown about 50% of couples now meet online compared to just 22% only five years ago.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
So now going forward, Brooke, if you want to spice up the relationship with your husband, you're going to have to make him a dating profile.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Well, I think joke's on you. He already has one.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Apparently you guys are looking for a third right now, according to him. And we're not going to go into that because I want to talk right now to Jordy, the listener who wrote into our show, because apparently he met a girl out in real life, bucking all of the latest trends.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Jordy, good work. Welcome to the show. Hey, guys.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
It's like you toss these big colorful balls onto a field, and then you try to toss other balls towards the balls.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Yeah, okay. So you said her name was Harper? Yeah, yeah. And she was actually a waitress there.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Oh. I assumed that she was going to be like playing in the stall next to you or something like that.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Yeah, totally. If you have good friends. If anything, it probably makes you look kind of good, Dirt, because you seem like a responsible guy.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
I know, Brooke tries to get them to be the third in her relationship, and then it's so annoying.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
But again, sorry, that is a conversation for another day. Tell us, how did you work Harper? That's not the right way.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Is that your only meetup or did you guys actually have a date? No, no, we had a date.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Okay, so you've had a solid first date. You kissed her at the end of it. She's the one saying, I can't wait to hang out again.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
It's been like 10 days or so.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
But what's happened in those 10 days? That's a long time. Have you asked her? Like, what have you done? Yeah.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Okay. Well, we can reach out to Harper for you and see if she agrees to going out with you one more time. If not, then you might have a backup option because Brooke and her husband, you know. But in the meantime.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Oh, that's right. Oh, yeah.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Yeah. You need to be able to keep some distance.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Sorry. But you know what? We'll work on Harper first and try and get you your second date update right after this.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
We're in the middle of a second date update with our listener, Jordy. And Jordy likes cute waitresses at German bocce ball bars. He likes to mispronounce Keish Lorraine just to seem vulnerable and flawed.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Yeah, something. You said quickie? What did you say, Jordy? I said Quickie Loran. Quickie Loran.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
And he really likes to receive texts saying, I can't wait to see you again. Because that's exactly what his date Harper said to him after they went out. So why is she not jumping at the chance to hang out again?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Jordi, you think there's another guy who mispronounces French words even worse than you do? Maybe that's her thing. Yeah, maybe.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Yeah, a lot of good guys insist how good they are.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
So we're just going to trust you on that, and we're going to call Harper. Let's see if she answers, okay? I don't know you. I mean, you seem nice from a little bit of what we've spoken.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Hello? Hey, is this Harper?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
We're a radio show calling called Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
That half of the room isn't very excited to talk to you, obviously, but... I don't think she's excited to talk to us. This half of the room is.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
What are you calling for?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
We're working. This is something we do called a second date update, and one of our listeners named Jordy asked us to reach out to you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
We're just trying to help him out because according to Jordy, he says he's been putting in a lot of effort trying to figure out a good time that would work for you to meet up just because he felt like you guys bonded, connected.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
You're calling him a loser because he gave you multiple options of times where he wants to hang out because he likes you?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
It sounds like he's doing it for you because nowadays we hear from a lot of women who tell us guys don't put in enough effort. They want the easy thing. They don't really care. But Jordy sounds like the total opposite, like he's willing to do whatever just to see you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
But he's too available for you.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Okay. That was a red flag. Okay.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
I don't want to tell you this because it's not that he's like super available to talk to you at any time. That's not what this is.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
Just in the middle of his extremely hectic day, he's taken a little bit of time to jump on the phone right now to talk to you. Because Jordy's there. Hey, Harper.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Red Flaggy Much?
So you've been on the phone?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
I do tag him in every photo.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
Maybe the promise was that she'll never take it off. Yeah. It doesn't have to be like another promise that we're thinking.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
She's going to have like 10 rings after the end of all this.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
Ooh, that'll burn.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
No, we're not buying it. We can barely afford the date, bro.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
Yeah. There it is.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
I am like, why not?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
She's obviously still caught up on her ex.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
So what if they all have dates and times on them? Yeah.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
I actually like it. Once you take over the world, I don't think you have to go to work anymore. So it kind of would be helpful for everyone.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
Yeah, I lost a bunch of weight, and I'm super buff now.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
I don't know anyone that even calls himself a tenant. Good for you. And funny.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
In a good way?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
That is a silly, stupid hobby. Blame stupid. Who does karaoke?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
It is cute.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
I wonder if it is the ring. Like, just knowing someone's... I think it's not staying blonde. Yeah.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
I only see green. I see all green. But you know what's good about red flags? You can cut little red hearts out of them.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
Is that your motto?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
I can turn that into love.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
Yeah. Yeah.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
She's our friend.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
Is that bad? Sounds like a nice one, though.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
Yeah, that's true.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
So it's like his way back in someday.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
Yeah, it feels like it, right?