Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Speaking of thought crime the internet one of the internet's sort of positive things is at least there's a paper trail for all this shit yeah like yeah jesus christ yeah you know what's crazy you were saying so so that part of the clip is is scrubbed from the internet where oprah asks their size It is very hard to find.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
It was more just what I was trying to, what I was curious about was like, cause in the last episode, we watched a clip of Joan Rivers doing a version of this to Oprah.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Yeah. It's like, it's, it's, It is wild for Oprah to have been upset by the Joan Rivers version of this and then... I mean, it's not surprising, but it is really like remarkably unselfaware or unempathetic.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
There's someone's parents have this on VHS somewhere. Next time you're home for any holiday, check the tapes. Yes.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Yeah, yeah. I mean, I think it's a little bit too speaking of the political that like because she's a black woman, we make assumptions of what her like politics and values are that don't have to be true. And we see this in like the actual questions and like the editorials. Yeah.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Which is like fine she's obviously allowed to have those opinions but it's I think there's there's a big like we build up as a culture like who we think Oprah ought to be and and the bastard he happens in the difference between those two things.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
The reason we use them is because they make the coolest G.I. Joe toys.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
It's also like even in the absence of the perversions of it, just the simple act of doing it in public or as a performance, even if it were otherwise largely fine, which it isn't,
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
That's like medieval layman's understanding of the world. That's just like burn the witch type shit.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Yeah, it turns therapy into like telekinesis. Magic, yes. Yeah, at sort of best, where it's just like... And I guess to me, it's like all this shit, it's like... Do you never consider the counterfactual of any of this? Like, just like, oh, sorry, kid. Sorry about all your cancer. You should have had a better attitude. Like, it's so fucking disgusting when you think about any failure case of this.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
And it's, oh, I don't know. It's so hard to argue against, but it's just like, it's so gross for that reason to me.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Yeah. Well, because because there's like a germ of truth, like speaking of like Jordan Peterson, I did have a moment where I was like, you know, most of these boys that listen to him really could clean their room more like that would immeasurably improve their lives. And then getting some sunlight might help. Yeah.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
But then once once the little amount of information, like actual value of value that they've imparted has paid off, everything subsequent to that is complete bullshit. Yeah. And it's just like the line of like how valuable this is, is But even as we're talking, you see how you lose this argument. Because it's like, well, okay, some of this works, but not all of it.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
But I can't prove that none of it works. And you become a dithering idiot in the face of all you have to do is be positive. A simple lie is always going to be better than a laborious refutation.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
It's just a big old scramble and you just wish it works. And also it's such a insidious grift because it's so easy then when it doesn't work for you to point out that you did it magic hard enough in various ways.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Yeah. Yeah. You know, as we're talking, I just had the realization that like what kind of – what Oprah offers is kind of like those like right-wing pregnancy crisis centers near like abortion clinics because it's like – It's a simulacrum of the thing that you actually need. And it just serves these horrible ends. I guess those are at least...
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
directed and intentional and full of lies and throughout all this i will say the thing that is like still kind of there is like it doesn't it still doesn't seem like oprah is being intentionally eve or anyway there's enough plausible deniability here oh yeah yeah i mean there's there's a ton of it and like it's important not to as we kind of litigate bastardism
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
But even what you're describing, like among her peers, she at least will acknowledge things like affirmative action. Whereas like every single billionaire got to where they are with – immense like moments of chance they high rolled many times in a row and like the overarching like common commonality between most of them is they believe that none of that was chance
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Oprah at least has a little bit of giving deference to someone else.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
So, you know, I don't know where we want to go there. I mean, it is sort of that like... Not mudslinging because it's factual. That's like... I mean, again, we're barely past the era of... Or not even. We're still within the era of... men on the internet being like, oh, I can't wait till they're, you know, XYZ, like, young woman is 18.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
It's a little bit of that, like, this shit was definitely happening. By the way, definitely is happening. And there's whispers about it, but, like, you kind of just, like, there's a limit to what you can do. So, like...
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Yeah, it's that kind of thing where like every time like like Democrats go after Republicans and they're like, oh, you wouldn't want this turn back on you like, oh, we're going to we're going to go after your heroes. And it's like truly like, yes, they're all fucking horrible people. Get them all out of there.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
If you've done crime, I don't care what political party or like who you are in the culture.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Or it's like Hollywood in that, like, you heard a bunch of stuff.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Actually, that felt pretty coherent. That felt just like lag. It didn't feel like you were having a stroke. It just felt like there's just a wee bit of a transmission problem, but it's fine.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
I mean, the other just like heuristic way to look at it is if these fucks had concrete evidence on a black woman, you sure as fuck, we would know about it. Yes.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
There'd be no need for insinuation if any evidence existed.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Yeah, that's why, you know, and then also the other big portion of it is in the fucking church itself.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
But, you know... Those guys are still doing... I would say whoever the sponsor is, high chance some South African racist has a stake in that company.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Yeah. It's the same reason, like, Batman is a bastard. Because Batman-ing is by far the least effective use of your billions to keep crime down. Yeah. Like, it's vanity. And it's just like, it's not bastard-y, but it's like, come on. How dumb are you?
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
For all, like, the billionaire classes railing against the inefficiencies of bureaucracy, like, their own vanity and hubris is so much more wasteful and disgusting and damaging, and there's no way to make them see it. I mean, part of what, like, is here, it's like there's... Because I was almost going to say, like, you know, what is the comparison between what happened at the Oprah Academy and...
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
a baseline when you realize there is no baseline. There's nothing to compare this to. Like, nothing like this exists for a good reason.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Well, because it's partially my guess is that like everyone's like, well, I've been to school. I've been a student before.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Or how difficult it is, like, oh, I was fucked up by this. But, like, you're not aware of the choice that had to be made. Like, it's a little bit like being like, oh, I've eaten at a restaurant before, therefore I can be a chef. Like, what the fuck are you talking about?
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Also, it's like making one perfect school is something you can do. Making a dozen pretty good schools for the same money.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
They're looking for child trafficking. Here it is. They just don't like it because it's Christians.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
It's really, like, pretty impressive how easily, like, everyone is fooled, I think, by this. Like, the difference between authentic and authenticism is, like, it seems big to me. Maybe, am I just an idiot? Like, I'm just like... This is still very fake, guys.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
This really is just I mean, at least now we're really getting into like having having gotten the early biography out of the way. It's like, oh, Jesus Christ.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Yeah. This is the behind the bastards I'm used to.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
My podcast is Yo, Is This Racist? I don't know. Do whatever you want. People have been finding me on Blue Sky. It's nice.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Oh, well, great. That might have been off of Daily Like Ice appearance, but definitely someone did. Excellent.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
But I would just argue that, like, every child I know with a phone knows the difference between use this pick, not this pick.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Which is the exact same thing. Yeah. Like, oh, I look good in this one.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
But just like like the alternative would be a what? Three sixty spherical constant surveillance, which is, I believe, a form of torture.
Behind the Bastards
Part Six: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
I like the website. It's just
Behind the Bastards
Part Six: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
God, why? That is nonsense. That is complete and utter bullshit.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
Robert is interviewed on one of the parts. Ooh.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
It's beautiful. Anderson likes it too.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
I enjoyed that thoroughly.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
Yeah, I can also buy that from, like, Toys R Us or whatever children's store has survived.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
I really hate that you have power of any kind.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
Great pick for the non-bastard holiday episode.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
Yeah. And speaking of somebody people should know about. I adopted a second dog.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
I did. This is Anderson's sister, Truman. She's learning how to be a dog, but she's a good girl.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
Yeah, especially a herding dog.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
Yeah. You're a good girl. Yeah. Yeah. I guess just to say, happy holidays, everyone.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
We'll be back in the new year or the first week of the year. We'll have a couple of Q&A episodes.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
Any final thoughts, Magpie? Anything you want to plug?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
It will be the week after we'll be releasing that.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
Well, that'll do it. That'll do it for us for year 2024.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
More or less. More or less. All right. Yeah. Be well. Bye-bye. Behind the Bastards is a production of Cool Zone Media. For more from Cool Zone Media, visit our website, Or check us out on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Behind the Bastards is now available on YouTube. New episodes every Wednesday and Friday.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
Subscribe to our channel, slash at Behind the Bastards.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
I actually think you would be a... No.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
You'd be better than what?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
Yeah, you'd be chaos monster.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
You're better than the nine we have, you know?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
Before we jump into this, though, I want to plug something really fast, if that's okay.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
I just want to plug a series that our colleague and my dear friend, Jamie Loftus, has been doing on her podcast, 16th Minute of Fame. Ever heard of it? About the Manosphere. I think the On the Bastards audience would really enjoy it. Jamie has worked very hard on it. The writing is incredible. Yeah. So check that out on 16th Minute of Fame.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
Call zone media.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
You don't have anything on you right now, Paul. I got my machete right here.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
So naturally, Rush was furiously not into it.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
Not a fan of that introduction. This is behind the bastards.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
That is inaccurate. Feel free.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
Oh, for fuck's sake. That's such bullshit. It's very frustrating.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
Speaking of explosives.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
I don't know.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
To criticize athletes. I bet he couldn't even do like a jog.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
Rush, bitch, come on.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
That's right. It's horrible.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
I like that you went into your Shapiro voice for that quote.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
I'm concerned at how good that was of an imitation.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
Yeah, stay in their lane, bro. Like, the meter was terrible.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
No, it was rest in piss. Yeah.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
Rest in piss brush.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
Bye, guys. Behind the Bastards is a production of Cool Zone Media. For more from Cool Zone Media, visit our website, Or check us out on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Behind the Bastards is now available on YouTube. New episodes every Wednesday and Friday. Subscribe to our channel, slash at Behind the Bastards.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
Ew. Disgusting. Not a fan.
Behind the Bastards
CZM Rewind: Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins
Young Rush.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Yeah, for me, it's a two-part answer. The first part is that I genuinely give a shit about everything that we put out. And what we do is not really... While it is a job, it matters so much. And the second part is if I don't do my job, the amount of people's lives that that impacts... He's a lot of fucking people. And I give a shit about each and every one of them.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
So I'm going to keep doing my job so that everybody else can keep doing their job. And maybe we make a difference in this world, this fucked up, crumbly world. Robert, did you have anything to add? You were speaking and then I talked. Did I have did I already not give an answer? You gave an answer. That's why. But you were starting to speak.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Great. Next. What episode or episodes were your favorite this year to make or otherwise? Hmm.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
My favorite this year were definitely James' series from The Darien Gap. That was an incredible series. I'm so unbelievably proud of it. James had been trying to do that work for a long time. And I'm happy that we were able to fund it. And James was able to do the incredible reporting that he did. I'm also quite proud of Robert Garrison and I surviving the RNC and DNC series.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
I had a great time. Fooling the worst people in the world.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
The DNC was really a huge bummer. And then Mia's covered some of the most important labor stories that like nobody covers.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
And like without those genuinely like nobody covers like small labor stories or big labor stories. And she's always on top of that beat. And yeah, I also really just like Robert's Don't Panic episode. Something. Yeah. Some great writing, my friend. I answered. Now everybody else has to. I'll start with Mia.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Jesus. Jesus motherfucking. Is this going to be coming out after that?
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
The amount of places that Garrison and I snuck into at the RNC. A time.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
An experience, to say the least. Any thoughts on the proposed 2028 general strike? How are people feeling about that? I'll start with Mia.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
And lastly, do each of you have, you know, a movie or a book or something you would like to recommend?
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
drove directly into it like JFK's head into that bullet oh my god wow we spent a lot of time with each other
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Awesome. I just have one movie to recommend, and it's one of my favorite movies of all time. The original 1973, 72, 73, 73, The Wicker Man. Not the fucking Nicolas Cage version, the original version. And if you have a local theater that plays old movies, a lot of times they'll play it in theaters, and I highly recommend that experience. It's really fun, especially at the end.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
I see it in theaters or watch it at least once or twice a year and vibes are good. Yeah, that's it for our Q&A episode. Thanks for submitting and goodbye.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Welcome to It Could Happen Here. This is our 2025 predictions episode. We were starting to bicker off about what we predicted last year and I was talking about the things we predicted. And one of the things I predicted early on, I was like, I think Kim Kardashian will be part of the Trump cabinet. And like, honestly, goals. Yeah. At this point.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
But I'm not that far off, though, because essentially what he has done is he's basically tried to go for people that are good on TV. It's true. It's true. And like going off of that reality TV energy.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
God. All right. Mia Wong's here. I was hoping to bring Garrison's here. James Stout's here. And the dishonorable Robert Evans is also here.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
So far, trust me, she did all those things when Trump was elected the first time where all of a sudden she was like with other lawyers trying to get people out of jail by utilizing Trump.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
That's the Kardashian way, distant and talkative. Yeah.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
God, I haven't thought about Kanye in so many months. It was really nice.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
My dictator slash world leader prediction is that this might be Netanyahu's. I was thinking.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
In a year, I really fucking hope. I really fucking hope I'm right.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
And we are back. All right, Garrison, what's next?
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
So long. Farewell. Auf Wiedersehen. Goodbye. Mitch McConnell.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
So long. Farewell. Auf Wiedersehen. Goodbye. Elon Musk.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
All right, this is the It Could Happen Here Q&A episode. We've got, what are we calling you now, Robert Evans? What's your title?
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
I tried to make Robert watch that on the way to, oh, was it the DNC or the RNC? I don't remember. But he wouldn't watch it with headphones. And so it was just on, on the plane. I think it was the DNC. That's terrible.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
A prediction that I have is that Trump basically tries to move a lot of the main time he spends to Mar-a-Lago versus the White House. I feel like he's going to make Mar-a-Lago some national monument type shit so that he can take whatever the fuck documents he wants from the White House to Mar-a-Lago and spend as much time there as he wants and make that a national residence or some shit.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Before we go to a break, I just want to say the price of eggs will go up.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
I have seen Hook. I liked Hook. Of course, of course.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
We will make this happen at some point. It's necessary.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Can I just do one that might not be a prediction, but like a Sophie hope? Sure.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
We've got Mia Wong, Garrison Davis, James Stout, and the dishonorable Robert Evans. And Sophie Lichterman. Oh, yes. It me. Yeah. We're going to do some questions. We posted it on our Blue Sky. If you're not following us on Blue Sky, we are on there.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Netflix paying Jake Paul billions of dollars to fight 900-year-old Mike Tyson and then Jake Paul coming in on a vintage car and spraying his product and it having higher streaming numbers than the Super Bowl. Is that real?
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Rancid Super Bowl. This cannot... This cannot be.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Yeah, all of us were hoping that Mike Tyson was not, in fact, 60 years old, but he is 60 years old. So, yeah. God.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Something. Something's got to give. Oh, and there won't be a left wing Joe Rogan. Thank you so much.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
I really hope that's not true because that's really embarrassing.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
But he has him sitting next to his family at Thanksgiving. Totally. Yeah.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
I'm just going to throw out some of the questions we received online. I'm not even going to say the name of the app again because I'm afraid being labeled as an old Garrison's embarrassed by me, I can tell. I didn't say that. But you thought it. But you thought it. I didn't think that. You did. Any advice for someone with a desire to do some hobby or freelance journalism in the coming few years?
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Yeah, if he tries to get rid of the fucking polio vaccine, it's going to be a real quick trip to the unemployment line for Bobby boy.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
But if RFK Jr. could get the wheat ingredient out of the McDonald's fries, I'd be most obliged.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
All right. I'm going to go pet some dogs. So the podcast is over. Happy New Year, everyone.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
I'm holding my Project 2025 in my arms right now.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Your new dog. I adopted Anderson, a sibling, and her name is Truman. Lovely.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
After not the greatest U.S. president. I would never name a child of mine after our president.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
It's very, very funny. And I feel like we should end on that note. So ha ha ha ha ha. To Matt Gaetz. Anyways, Anderson, Truman, let's get the fuck out of here.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
I want to actively fight for equality. Also, thank you for your questions, everyone.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Cool. What is the consensus on what the next Trump administration will do on the first day or first week? All of us just look like we're in pain. Ugh. Oh, fuck knows.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
That was my answer to it. It is the internet, so no. Although it can run without the internet. So I'm like, oh.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
I had my annual physical today because otherwise our insurance screws us over. And my doctor was like, you should try to get as many prescriptions filled before the end of the year, before things come up, just in case. There you go. And, you know, that's not terrible advice.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Somebody's getting fired the first week. Probably first day.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Okay. Several of you have asked about the Android ad-free version subscription channel, and I want you all to know that it will happen next year. I have been trying to get this to happen for two years now, and... For unforeseen reasons, it just keeps getting roadblocked. But it is happening. We're just waiting on a couple final things to get into place.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
So that will be happening hopefully very soon into 2025. I will update everybody as soon as that's possible. And I'm so sorry it's taken so long. I want you to know I have worked so unbelievably hard on this. Miserably hard.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 164
Anyways, here's ads unless you have an iPhone and subscribe to Cooler Zone Media on Apple. All right, we're back. How do you each motivate yourself to write or do your jobs? I get asked that question all the time, but I'll let each of you tackle it. While this is a communally hosted show, I feel like each of you do very different things. So your answers are going to be all over the place.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 167
Welcome to It Could Happen Here. We decided every week we were going to do an episode called Executive Disorders White House Weekly, where we report the news. And today we are going to start that episode. We have the entire full-time team here. We have Mia Wong, Garrison Davis, Robert Evans, James Stout, and I am the voice in your ears, Sophie Lichterman.
Behind the Bastards
It Could Happen Here Weekly 167
It Could Happen Here is a production of Cool Zone Media. For more podcasts from Cool Zone Media, visit our website, or check us out on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts. You can now find sources for It Could Happen Here listed directly in episode descriptions. Thanks for listening.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
I thought you were going to say you know what else is your mom. That's where I thought you were going with that.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
We're back. So we've all just agreed that Matt is very funny. That was the discussion over the break.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
So we always put lies on my name and saying that I turned down his ideas. That's just not the case.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
That is so weird. I'm sorry. That's so weird. That made me so uncomfortable to just listen to.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
He's like, I don't eat or drink anything that I would enjoy. You're welcome.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
It does bring me joy that Prince Charles got fucked with because fuck Prince Charles.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
To be honest, a sleepy time brownie. Delightful. I would be very down.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
If Ambien brownies exist, I would love one. Thank you very much.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
But man, that is... I'm like, gets to sleep and also got a brownie. Sounds awesome.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Apparently. Am I remembering this correctly, Robert? But wasn't the eye chill, like the bottle and the marketing, like similar style to like an energy drink, similar to like a five-hour energy? That was like the aesthetic.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
It was everywhere when that came out. It was at literally not just like bed, bath and be everywhere. It was everywhere.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
I don't think his podcast publishes anymore. The one that he was doing. I don't see any new episodes. That's 2019.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
I'm not for legal reasons. I'm not going to answer that question.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
He also mediates the reunions of Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 and 16 and Pregnant and causes damage to lots and lots of young minds all the time.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Okay, dad. Child Dr. Phil looks like adult Chris Cuomo.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
I love that for you. I could see that for you. I was going to say, take it back up.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
I was captain of the varsity basketball team and I'm really, really short. Holy shit. So I'm the most athletic of our bunch.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Send pics. Oh, there are pics, Jamie. I will personally send them to you.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
That was the most amazing thing I've seen in such a long time.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
He's got all the grift. He's got all the like the strong grifters.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
He loves to do the like fake ad thing. And then he thinks I can't help it.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
50 minutes, 40 seconds before editing. Good timing.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
for sure yeah that's great but fuck him like she went on to like have a successful like she's 18 she's she was nominated for an american music award oh she was i didn't know that yeah well good i'm glad there's a happy ending because i don't know much about bad baby she's 18 uh now and like she's you know signed a record label i mean yeah
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
And she is standing up for for what happened to her, which we're about to get into that.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Yeah. Paris Hilton and actually Danielle Bregoli by Baby are involved right now with going against Dr. Phil about this exact place.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Behind the Bastards is a production of Cool Zone Media. For more from Cool Zone Media, visit our website, Or check us out on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Behind the Bastards is now available on YouTube. New episodes every Wednesday and Friday. Subscribe to our channel, slash at Behind the Bastards.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
God, I hope a Dr. Oz ad comes on during this episode.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
I mean, Robert, you want to take an ad break real quick?
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
They both wear diapers. Like, let's talk about that situation. They're not out here like bench pressing. Yeah. Yeah.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
And if they have a problem with what I'm saying, they can come after me.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
I feel like that's high, Robert. I feel like it's probably lower. Maybe, maybe.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Andrew, do you have anything you want to plug after that really just uplifting conversation you just had?
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Do they also oath to be bad guest hosts on Jeopardy because he sucked? And I didn't enjoy it.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Sounds like a fun guy would hang. Yeah. I mean, this.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Jesus, that sounds horrible. I know, it sounds like a fucking nightmare.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
So see, my brother is a doctor and knew he was going to be a doctor from that. He's my older brother, too, from the time that he was like seven. So like and I and I'm like, no idea. Yeah.