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Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!

WWDTM: Roy Wood, Jr.

Sat, 01 Mar 2025


This week, special guest Roy Wood Jr. joins panelists Tom Bodett, Helen Hong, and Paula PoundstoneLearn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy


Chapter 1: Who is hosting this episode of Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me?

28.527 - 52.64 Bill Curtis

From NPR and WBEZ Chicago, this is Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me, the NPR News Quiz. I'm back, bitches. I'm Bill Curtis, and here is your host at the Studebaker Theater at the Fine Arts Building in Chicago, Illinois, Peter Sagal.


Chapter 2: Where has Bill Curtis been for the last six weeks?

52.7 - 68.714 Peter Sagal

Thank you, Bill. Thanks, everybody. But just to say it again, thank you, Bill. We're so glad to have you back. Now, a lot of people have actually gotten in touch to ask, maybe with some concern, where you've been these last six weeks. Can you reveal it?


69.195 - 75.021 Bill Curtis

I can't reveal much, but let's just say this Brazilian butt lift didn't happen on its own.


Chapter 3: How can listeners participate in the show?

77.813 - 98.98 Peter Sagal

Well, it's great to have you back, and we're also delighted that comedian Roy Wood Jr. will be joining us later to play our games, and mainly we are delighted that you folks listening can also call in to play. The number is 1-888-WAIT-WAIT. That's 1-888-924-8924. Let's welcome our first listener contestant. Hi, you're on Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me. Hey. Hey, who is this?


99.68 - 120.861 Peter Sagal

This is Adam from Kansas City. Oh, it's a great town. We were there just a few months ago. What do you do there? I'm a musician and I do mortgage loans. So you're a musician, but like on nights and weekends you do mortgage loans because that's your true passion. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Something's got to pay the bill.


120.901 - 127.562 Peter Sagal

Yeah, you sit there gigging, you know, doing your music, and you're thinking, wow, tonight I get to originate a mortgage.


128.022 - 130.003 Advertisement

You nailed it.


130.243 - 139.745 Peter Sagal

Yeah. Well, welcome to the show, Adam. Let me introduce you to our panel this week. First, a comedian who will be performing at Cobb's Comedy Club in San Francisco on March 23rd. It's Helen Hong.

139.885 - 141.545 Helen Hong

Hi, Adam. Hi, everybody. Hi.

143.263 - 167.292 Peter Sagal

Next, he is a humorist, a tool impresario, and the founder of Hatch Space Community Woodworking Shop and School in Brattleboro, Vermont. It's Tom Bodette. Hey, Adam. And a comedian who will be in St. Paul, Minnesota on March 21st at the Fitzgerald Theater. You might have heard of that. It's Paula Poundstone. Thank you. Hey, Adam. Hey. So, Adam, welcome to the show.

Chapter 4: What are the humorous headlines from this week's news?

167.312 - 185.22 Peter Sagal

You're going to start us off with who's Bill this time. I'm so pleased to say Bill Curtis, back with us, is going to read you three quotations from the week's news. If you can correctly identify or explain just two of them, you'll win our prize, the voice of anyone from our show. You might choose on your voicemail. You ready to go? Yes. All right.


185.28 - 189.943 Bill Curtis

Let's do it. Here is your first quote. List five things you did last week.


195.618 - 195.859 Corbin Weir (Listener Contestant)



197.621 - 203.168 Peter Sagal

Wasn't it supposed to be every government employee? Yes, every federal employee. Wow.


205.01 - 206.131 Helen Hong

Including some in this room.

206.191 - 227.113 Peter Sagal

Including somebody in the audience, yes. Employees at every federal government agency received an email from the Office of Personnel Management over the weekend requiring them to list five things they had accomplished that week or they would lose their jobs. This is part of Elon Musk's crusade to fire as many government workers as he can.

227.154 - 232.997 Peter Sagal

You know, the people who waste taxpayer money doing useless, busy work like keeping planes from running into each other.

233.957 - 236.619 Helen Hong

I think this would be hard for anybody in any industry.

236.719 - 243.084 Peter Sagal

Well, that's the thing. I mean, I couldn't do it. I can't think of three things I did in my life.

Chapter 5: What is the impact of technology on baseball umpiring?

243.905 - 252.831 Helen Hong

I can think of one thing. I'm a stand-up comedian, so my first thing was think of a funnier word than spatula. And then it just devolved from there. Right.


253.011 - 254.753 Peter Sagal

Is there a funnier word than spatula?


254.813 - 260.417 Tom Bodett

No, not that I could find. I'm self-employed, so I knew the note was coming.


268.545 - 270.247 Peter Sagal

Who sent it? Did you send it to yourself?


270.267 - 272.37 Paula Poundstone

I did, yes.

272.51 - 276.655 Peter Sagal

You were like, it's time to see what that Poundstone woman does to earn her keep.

276.796 - 280 Tom Bodett

I'll tell you something. Sometimes I see that look in my eye, and I know.

281.561 - 293.626 Peter Sagal

Heads are gonna roll. But apparently, you know, some people, like, got it and copped an attitude. You want five things I did last week? Your mom, your mom, your mom, your dad, and your mom.

296.015 - 298.476 Helen Hong

That was definitely from someone at the DMV. Probably.

Chapter 6: What is the strange side effect of the new birth control?

414.356 - 445.297 Peter Sagal

But that's when we talk about it. I see. Adam, your last quote is a headline from The Economist. Amazon gains a thrilling new asset. What thrilling and handsome new asset did Amazon just acquire the rights to? Oh, my gosh. Can you give me a clue? I can give you a hint. Like, instead of one-day delivery, it'll be 007 days delivery. Oh, God. The James Bond series. James Bond.


445.337 - 447.899 Peter Sagal

Yes, they bought the rights to James Bond.


449.53 - 456.513 Tom Bodett

I hope when you give me hints, they're a lot like that last one, because that was all but packaged for Adam.


456.713 - 475.9 Peter Sagal

Yeah, it's true. Amazon has bought the rights to the James Bond franchise, which is good. I guess they'll make more movies, but it will not be the same when Q is like, I know you're used to carrying a Walther PPK 007, but Amazon's choice is an Omidra seven-shot handgun with carrying case.


477.523 - 499.567 Peter Sagal

Yeah, and of course, they haven't announced exactly what they're gonna do with him, but they have said in the first Amazon-made Bond movie, he'll be fighting a true global supervillain, local bookstores. And I thought he was dead. And of course, it's not just going to be movies because they own the whole IP, as the saying is.

499.607 - 516.57 Peter Sagal

They could make a 007 sitcom where James Bond lives in Brooklyn with his quirky waitress roommate trying to make ends meet. They could make a kid's version. James Bond babies. Jimmy Bond. Exactly. Where he fights like Gold Pinky. No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to cry.

519.91 - 523.171 Helen Hong

Do you think Jeff Bezos just bought it because he was like, pussy galore? Yeah.

526.399 - 540.49 Peter Sagal

No, he did ask people, once he bought it, he did ask people on Twitter who they thought the next James Bond should be, because Daniel Craig has retired, you know. Also asking, can James Bond be bald? And should it be me? Bill, how did Adam do in our quiz?

540.99 - 548.256 Bill Curtis

The name is Bond, and he did very well. Three in a row. Congratulations, Adam. Well done. Cheers.

Chapter 7: What are some bizarre clothing-related studies?

586.446 - 591.03 Peter Sagal

Yes. She really, really, really wants to know if you'll still need him when he's 64.


592.832 - 594.654 Helen Hong

Being obsessed with Paul McCartney?


594.694 - 596.696 Peter Sagal

Specifically, yes. Worrying about him dying.


597.541 - 601.462 Tom Bodett

What? That's a side effect of a birth control?


601.562 - 602.402 Peter Sagal

Yeah, birth control.

602.422 - 604.523 Tom Bodett

That's really specific. That's so specific.

604.663 - 625.148 Peter Sagal

I know, it's very strange. It's a little weird, that's the thing. I mean, because all women know that birth control is a scientific marvel. It can protect you from pregnancy and make you cry at every TV commercial, right? I mean, the avocados came all the way from Mexico? That is so beautiful. Anyway, but this woman... Says that she experienced a very strange symptom.

625.208 - 641.696 Peter Sagal

She went on a new kind of birth control. She cannot stop worrying about Paul McCartney dying According to the woman quote every time I think of him I start weeping Doctors are you know concerned? It's not serious, but still they're trying a new prescription. It has different side effects This one for example makes you want to murder Paul McCartney

643.209 - 648.573 Helen Hong

I was going to say, how did she know that it was specifically that? She got off it and she was like, oh, screw that guy.

Chapter 8: Who is Roy Wood Jr. and what is his latest project?

1118.059 - 1124.025 Sarah Hashemi

It kind of goes against our understanding of fish as, like, maybe not the smartest creatures. Yay!


1125.356 - 1137.725 Peter Sagal

That was Sarah Hashemi, who is a science journalist at the Smithsonian Magazine. Congratulations, Samara. You got it right. You earned a point for Tom, and you've won our prize, the voice of your choice in your voicemail. Congratulations, Samara.


1137.945 - 1141.808 Samara (Listener Contestant)

Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


1153.578 - 1177.35 Peter Sagal

And now the game where we ask famous people about obscure things. It's called Not My Job. Roy Wood Jr. became famous in the last decade or so on The Daily Show, but he's been doing stand-up since he was 19. He's got a new stand-up special now out on Hulu, Lonely Flowers. And he's also the host of Have I Got News For You on CNN, which is, of all things, a comedy quiz show about the week's news.


1178.451 - 1183.994 Peter Sagal

What an idea! LAUGHTER Roy Wood Jr., welcome to Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me.

1184.394 - 1188.057 Roy Blount Jr.

Hey. This is a nice concept.

1188.117 - 1204.948 Peter Sagal

Yeah, it's like, yeah. We've had comedians on the show. We've had podcasters on the show. We've had game show hosts on the show. We've never had anybody who has exactly my job on the show. So it's a lot harder than it looks, isn't it, Roy?

1205.048 - 1214.957 Roy Blount Jr.

It's very hard. Yeah. This is very difficult. I don't have smooth Bill Curtis making everything feel better. Look at the smile on his face, Peter.

1215.017 - 1218.58 Tom Bodett

You can tell it's not hard for him at all. He's just trying to get you off his back.


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