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Chapter 1: What is the 'Man on Water' Tour?
Yo, I am so pumped that I get to say this for the very first time. I've actually dreamt about saying this. We're going on tour and tickets are now out and available for you guys. Man on Water Tour starts in September, but make sure you guys get your tickets now because I guarantee you they are going to go out. To get tickets, go to thegeorgejangoshow.com for tickets right now.
I'm so happy I get to say this. Let me list you guys off where we're going. Oregon, Washington, Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Texas, Georgia, Tennessee again, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Massachusetts, New York City.
Yo, I am so unbelievably overwhelmed and joyful that I get to come and see you guys in your home states, give you guys hugs, get to hang out with you, tell some jokes, have some great conversations, have amazing special guests for you guys. It is going to be a night I know for a fact I'm not going to forget, and I pray that you guys come. Bring your family and friends.
I love you guys, and I will see you guys on the road. Enjoy the number 100th episode with my good friends, the Christian Avengers.
Should we pray?
Yeah, that would be great, actually.
Who wants to... The most anointed one.
Go ahead, Cliff.
Pardon? I am not the most anointed one.
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Chapter 2: How do the Christian Avengers approach prayer?
So it wasn't that you were like angry, flipping God the bird. You just hadn't gotten that revelation yet. And then when... No, but I did.
So say what happens if I do? What happens if I... And you keep practicing it?
And that's the thing. It's just like an addiction or something like... Thank God I am not a slave to pornography anymore. But I know a lot of good men that love their wife, but they're a slave to pornography. Great husbands, great fathers, but they are just...
but here's another thing is like they can convince themselves it's no big deal but what happens to the guy like me where I straight up know I'm doing something wrong and that's what scares me the most is that I know it's easier for that guy because he doesn't really know but I know I literally will have a great conversation with you guys and then not anymore but I would have rolled up a J right afterwards and just smoked it and you knew it was wrong I knew it was wrong yeah I would say God disciplines those he loves you know and that's a scary place to be like if we're in the process of practicing sin knowing it is sinful then
God's going to deal with that.
Does that break the salvation?
No, I don't think so.
So, okay. So let's think, let's like kind of draw this out. This is how I was thinking about it. And let me see if like my brain is right. Your sin will separate you from God and God's glory and God's blessings. Not saying that it's going to ruin your salvation because we're all sinners. But if a man is drunk but loves God, right?
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