Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
in and took care of him and the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper saying take care of him and whatever more you spend i will repay you when i come back which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers he said the one who showed him mercy and jesus said to him you go and do likewise
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
That isn't a perfect story of being a servant. One thing that I really, I actually, I was in a Bible study with a friend and we were reading through and we read verse 31. It says, now by chance, a priest was going down that road. And when he saw him, he passed by to the other side. And we were talking, we were like, wow, a priest. And how many...
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
how many people, Christians, preachers are preaching the word to you or are Christians who love Jesus, but they aren't servants. And I was like, wow, that right there is like, and it's Yeah. And I just it's I love this story, too, because at the end when he says, take care of him and whatever more you spend, I will repay you. And we oftentimes do things and we expect things from others.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And that's where we've gone wrong. And we just have to do things and not expect things back.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Servanthood is just... Oh, gosh, it's just I'm so happy we're talking about it today. It's so needed because we are praying for things and we are hurting and all these things. And before anything else, it's about being a servant. It's about that is what the ultimate thing that Jesus wants for us. I... I think about I'm just so blessed because my mom and dad were just their hearts.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
They taught me since I was a little girl, like you always you always help others. You even like when I was a kid in school and I love that we're talking about this right now, too, because. there's so many young kids that even listen to us and it all starts even when we're at school. And I just remember them always being like, you help those kids.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And even me, I think about things that have always stayed in my heart. And it's the moments where people have served me when I needed it and helped me when I needed it. I remember being in school and I had so much anxiety, I didn't want to get on the bus. Like, I wouldn't get on the bus with the kids. I had anxiety because I had nowhere to sit, like these little things.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And so I would walk an hour home from school, and this girl, she... She had a servant heart. She would come and she'd be like, Arielle, she drove me home every single day. And she didn't have a lot of money. Her mom, like, was sick, but she still took that time to drive me home every day. And just, like, kids in school, too, like... He watches these little things that you do.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Hi, I'm Ange. And I'm R. Okay, real quick, before we introduce ourselves, there's something when people call me R that it's like a whole nother level of friendship. I think it's because like what my dad and my best friends call me and my mom. So... I don't know. Ari, Ari, your choice. Ari loves to be called R. I do, right?
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
He watches how you treat people. Like you think that just preaching the word is enough. No, God watches all the little details and it starts with school, you guys. If you knew how many kids are hurting, how many kids come from broken homes, how many kids go home and feel suicidal because they feel like alone. And even like the lunchrooms and they're sitting there by themselves.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
So it's little things like that. Like go sit next to them. Go ask them if they need a friend. Go walk home with them. Go ask them if they need. You know, it's like these little things that is going to... It's going to change the world.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Like, if we all helped others and was at service for others, and we and you realize this, that the show is how broken, how afraid, how broken of homes people come from. And it's opened up our eyes so much. I mean, we come from, you know, broken places, but you don't realize how many people are hurting. And just giving someone a hug, a smile, holding the door, buying someone a coffee.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Um, I remember too, when I was in my depression and I would be at the Starbucks line and somebody had paid for my coffee in front in the line. And it was like, it just, these little things, these little acts of service go such a long way. So true. It's so true.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And you know what? As you were talking, because you come from an Albanian family, I always connect with... different cultures that come from you are not like you are for it you are you have like that mentality you really do because i'm gonna tell you what it is it's when you come from nothing yeah I have never, I used to grow up being so embarrassed of where I came from.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And I used to like compare myself to like the rich kids or the kids that would go to the private schools. I have never in my age felt so proud of how I grew up, where I come from, because we know what it's like to struggle. We know what it's like to suffer. We know what it's like. So that's why if you're listening right now and you're someone who's struggling or you come from a broken past,
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
I know it's so hard, but it's actually God's blessing because that is why you have a servant heart. That is why you can look in the eyes of others and be like, me too. Can I help you? How can I be at service for you? And that's why I connected so much with you. And I also even connect so much with people from South America.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
I'm always friends with South American people because they come from struggle. And so it's like we have that, you know what I mean?
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
So when her and I get in our little tiffs, I'll make sure I don't call her Angie. I go...
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
We all take supplements, or at least we know we should. But why are so many supplement companies charging ridiculous prices for products that really aren't that special? It's frustrating and quite frankly, it's unacceptable. That's why I want to introduce you to LiveGood, a brand that's turning the supplement industry on its head.
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
LiveGood believes that everyone deserves access to high-quality supplements without the insane markups. They offer premium products formulated by an industry-leading team of natural health experts and they cut out the middleman to sell them at lowest prices anywhere.
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
I recently got my hands on their collagen and skincare products and I chose them because my skin health is one of the most important things in my life and I'm always looking for improvement. And so since I started taking them, I have noticed an insane glow and overall improvement of texture and hydration. It's been an absolute game changer for me.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
They also have organic super greens, multivitamins, collagen, protein powder, creatine, detox, hormone products, skincare products, all of the highest quality products at prices people can actually afford. No wonder why they're the fastest growing supplement brand on the planet with over 1.5 million customers and counting. Ready to make the switch and start saving?
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
We'll make it even easier for you. Use our link and you can save an additional 10% off your first order on top of the already lowest prices. Just go to slash ggb to save 10% on your first order. That's slash ggb. Don't miss out on this opportunity to invest in your health without overspending.
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
ggb run don't walk olive in june is having the biggest sale of the year of my lifetime ever olive in june holiday deal consists of 25 off every product olive in june is such a good fit to give during the holidays and sometimes it can be so stressful trying to think of what to get your friends and family Olive in June has everything you need for a salon quality manicure in one box.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
You customize it with your choice of six polishes. And this polish doesn't chip and lasts seven days or more. And it breaks down to just like $2 a manicure. I love their award-winning cuticle serum, which is so helpful for my dry cuticles in the winter. And let's not forget their acetone-free polish and remover pot that makes removal so easy.
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
This really is the perfect time to stock up on your favorite O&J products because every product is on sale. It is the biggest sale of the year. The entire site is 25% off. Olive in June really makes the perfect gift to achieve salon quality manicures at home. Go check out their gift shop for perfect gifts at any price point.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
My mom hates going to the salon and actually already prefers to do her nails herself with the press on, so this is the perfect gift for her. Visit slash ggb25 for 25% off your order at Olive and June. That's O-L-I-V-E-A-N-D-J-U-N-E dot com slash ggb25 for 25% off your first Olive and June system. Selfish ambition is literally killing our generation. Thank you. I'm seeing it.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
It's like me, me, me. We're going to work, not even realize that your coworker might be having suicidal thoughts. One thing I'm learning in my journey, because I was even there at one point where I was so self-focused on making it or being something or being someone. And it's like, no, He gives us things not to have it for ourselves.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
He gives us things to be vessels, to work through us, to help others and serve others. And if we just trust God and know that... He's not asking us to give our whole savings account, but be at service to others. That's why he gives us the things. Everything he gives us, it's not for us. It's for him to serve him. That's why he says, seek me first, and then everything else will be added.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Seeking him means helping his people, helping his people, being at service for his people, being like this. How can I be at service for you? How can you work through me so I can help your sons and daughters? That is how our world is going to be better. It's the only way. You know what the most beautiful thing that I have seen lately is? when the fires happened in LA.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
I have never been more proud to live here. I used to hate living here. I was like, everybody is about themselves. These Hollywood people, oh no. The way people came to a place of humility, the way people came together was giving each other money, groceries. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. And I was like, this is what life is all about. If we can do this, Forget it.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
We're going to be a team. We need to be a team. I love that so much.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
It's true. It's really true. Thank you for saying that. That's so beautiful. Yeah, I just... I can't tell you when I was in my lowest time of depression. And it wasn't when I got a job or booked something. It wasn't any of these things. It's when I put my problems aside to set somebody else. Look at what you did for me. You were in a bad place, all right? You were just as...
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
I mean, maybe you weren't as depressed, but you were going through some really bad things when you met me. But you put your stuff aside to be at service to me. You were a servant to me. And didn't that help you through your stuff? Yeah. Because some of us are really struggling financially. And some of us are just like, I want to help, but it's really hard.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And I just want to let you know that God sees that and He's... He doesn't look at how much you can give. I just wanted to read this little part. It's Mark 12, verse 41. And a poor widow came and put two small copper coins, which make a penny.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And he called his disciples to him and said to them, "'Truly I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all of those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she, out of her poverty, has put in everything she had.'" I'm so and she had to live on.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And like, it makes me so emotional because like, I just hope we can all like help one another more. And I just see so many people like I don't know. So many people are broken and suffering and, and it's not a lot of people. It's just not their fault. Like they, especially these kids, they're just, they come from such broken homes and I just, I don't know.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
I just, I have been praying so much about this. I think it's, it hits home for me so much because I'm seeing so many people at our shows and stuff. And This is the core of Jesus's mission. It's to be of service to people. It's just serve sacrificially. What does scripture say? It says, you love those who love you. Okay. Even sinners do that.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
But when you love sacrificially, when you love, when you don't have much, when you give, when you don't have a lot to give, even if it's just like buying someone a coffee, holding the door for someone. I have numerous things in my mind that I can say off the bat that when I was struggling, it got me through. I was at the bank one time, right? And I held the door.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
I waited a couple minutes for this man to come out. He had a lot of stuff in his hand. And I held the door for him. And then I was in line. And this man came in the bank. And he goes, I just went to my car, but I had to come back and let you know that I was having the worst day today and you held the door and nobody's ever done that for me. And I just want to say thank you so much.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And he had tears in his eyes. And it's like these little acts of service of holding the door. What else? What else can you think of? Holding the door, smiling at someone, letting someone go on the road, giving somebody a compliment, giving someone your seat on the train. Like, I know these seem like little things, but these are actually sacrifices that you make for someone else.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Maybe you're having such a hard day and you're in a hurry, but if you keep your eyes open and you look around, someone may need you. And if you're someone that's in a depression right now or you're struggling, let me tell you something. your depression is going to fall off. There is no more great reward than when you help someone and be at service for someone. It's truly the most rewarding thing.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And I always tell people that if you are someone that really is in a tough time, help someone else. It will get the focus off of you.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
That's a great point that you just made about even being at a red light. And if you see someone that is struggling or it's hard for them to walk, start praying for them. These are also acts of service that you can do for people.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Okay, so my family's first ski trip was supposed to be so exciting, but the stress of carrying everyone's skis, the snowboards, and winter gear through the airport was so overwhelming. I was constantly worried about something getting lost or damaged. Now, we use ship skis to streamline our journey. They handle the equipment, so we just focus on family time and fun on the slopes.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Ski airport stress and costly airline fees with complimentary insurance, real-time tracking, dedicated support, and on-time delivery. Just schedule your shipment, attach your label, and Shipskis handles the rest, delivering your gear directly to your destination. Shipskis offers white glove shipping for ski and snowboarding gear. Travel worldwide without luggage.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Shipskis delivers to 180 countries for a hassle-free, gear-free journey. Shipskis is trusted by thousands of skiers and travelers, rated 4.8 out of 5 on Trustpilot and featured in Forbes, Travel & Leisure, Free Skier, and Inc. Right now, Shipskis is offering our listeners 20% off your first shipment when you go to and use the code GGB.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Okay, Ari. A servant heart, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. You guys have no idea.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Go to and use the code GGB to get 20% off your first shipment and save yourself the hassle-free this ski season. That's S-H-I-P-S-K-I-S dot com. Make sure to use the code GGB so they know we sent you.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Oh, don't you, dear.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And that's who Jesus was. And I'm telling you, like I was praying and I just had a picture of Jesus. If Jesus was here right now, he would not be hanging out with the cool kids. He'd be on his knees, helping people, holding their hands, the people on the street, the sick kids. Like this is the core of Jesus' mission. He served and he helped sacrificially.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
That should be our core to help God's people. And we're just all, including that I was one of them, just so self-focused on how I can get from A to B to make this money. But it's not until we go like this and start serving and not being, again, like I said, if we only are helping the people that we love, what good is that for us?
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
But when we start opening our hands and helping others that need it, not just the people we love, that's when abundance comes. Abundance doesn't come from self. It comes from being in the posture of a servant. Exactly.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Yeah. You know, I want to read this little part because it goes back to what you said about, what did you say earlier? You said something so good about not lead, like going into church and being a leader, but not. And I read this the other day and it, It's in Matthew 16, verse 32. It says, And so when you read this, you say they've been with him. He's been teaching them.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
He's been preaching to them. But he refuses to let them go away hungry. So this is like Jesus right here saying that I refuse to let anyone go away hungry. When I'm preaching the word, yes, but those who are hungry, I refuse to let them. And we should take this and apply this to our own lives. We can preach to people. We can pray to people. But those who need us, who need... Help.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
We need to be at service to them like Jesus. I love what it—can you read it to me one more time, what it says?
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And I think too about like, you know, I used to think that confidence was in what you wear and what you do and how big you are on Instagram. No, I will tell you one thing. If you guys are lacking confidence in your life and you're just, you don't really feel like you have an identity, that's okay. Serve people.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
help people be at service for people go help someone you don't know where to help someone go drive down the street there is someone in a grocery store in a bank i always talk about the grocery store because i always be talking to people in the grocery stores but there is always someone that you can help that is where we get our confidence that is where true confidence comes from having the posture of a servant heart helping others when it's sacrificial for you
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And the reward that you will feel when you see their depression go to happiness because you served them well, there is no other confidence that you can possibly feel in this world than that. There is nothing more fulfilling that you can feel when you help someone. I just want us all to do this, and especially the kids. I just want to say it one more time.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Kids, people in high school, people in college, if you only knew how broken your peers are, Sit with them. If you see them alone, help them. If you're at work in an office, talk to someone. Get to know someone. Help them. Give them a helping hand, please, for the love of God. You have no idea how much people are going through. And one more thing I'll just say.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
your prayer life, let's try to change the language to our prayer life. Why don't we say in the morning, how can I serve you? How can I be a service for you? Jesus, what do you have for me today? Who can you put in my corner that I can see? Can you help me keep my eyes open? Can you keep me alert so then... When somebody comes my way, I'll know what to say. I'll know how to pray for them.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And I'll know how to steward the money to give them or how to help them or how to serve them. This is what we need to be doing. This is what's going to change our world, change our relationship, change us as people. Depression is going to fall off. This is the most important thing above all else. I'm telling you guys. It's the most important thing. It's the most important thing.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And that's what me and you did. That's what me and you did when we really lost everything. We just started serving others. And then everything else was added. I wish.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Why are we like this? Why are we fighting ourselves for the bill? I don't know, but I'll tell you one thing. I'd rather be the one that's offering than the one that's sitting back. I do feel, though, that... God has a way of always providing when you are at service and you aren't so fickle with your money. Yeah. Fickle. I don't know if I've ever said that word.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
I wish you guys could have seen her. I'll never forget it. Sometimes like... You do do that. I'm sorry.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Even no matter what you do. And I had a girlfriend tell me today that she's like, she's discipling people by just getting her eyelashes done. Ministry starts at your hair salon job, at your office. It's like ministry is not... is not because of this or a platform. It isn't. It starts at anywhere, out at a store. I'm telling you, there is a revival coming. And we see all you guys at the shows.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And it's like, you guys are getting built to be disciples. Amen. Make disciples, Jesus. He is building you guys up to be disciples. And it starts in the home, and then it starts in your office. But you don't need a platform to have a ministry. Amen. It all starts in anywhere, anywhere. And can I be honest?
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
What a fickle guy. Did I say fickle? You're so fickle. Is that an insult? I don't know. I don't even know what it means. I don't know where it came from. I don't know where I am. Did I use it properly? Fickle.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And then, like, reading that, doesn't that just make you be like, I want to be a better person? Yeah. That's the most beautiful thing about relationship with Jesus and Christianity. It makes you a better person. It's not easy because we've got all this ego and pride and selfish ambition and all these things. But he starts to, like, prune you and take off the branches, right?
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
He just starts to like strip you and it just, it pushes you to be the best person you can be. Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses. This is how important being at service and having your hands open and not being all about yourself and living to glorify God's children before thinking about ourselves all the time.
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
I want to encourage you guys to keep hearing this thing in my head. I've said it one episode, but I know I say it a lot. There are so many children who need homes. I am so big with adoption. I feel that it may be in my future, but there are so many children who need homes. I'm seeing so many women with infertility issues. And so I don't know.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
I don't know why I keep saying this, but this is also part of being a servant, giving children homes. so many kids need homes. And so many of us are like, but I want children. Well, maybe that is what God wants you to do. I don't know. I just, I keep hearing this the whole episode. I want to encourage you guys this week to Try to help someone.
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And then if you could write in the comment box of how it actually felt when you did that for somebody else. Could you guys do that for us? Let's start a comment chain and help someone. Even if it's the smallest act of kindness, I want to hear how it made you feel. And I want to hear, we want to hear how it made them feel. So let's start a chain of kindness and helping others.
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
That's such a good idea. That's a really good idea.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And just like we've read in the widow story, you know, some of you guys really don't have a lot of money. And it's that small little bit that you could put makes such a huge difference. And it's he sees it all. He sees it all.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
I remember that, yeah. And I told... You made fun of me for so long. Well, no, that was the episode where I said, if you want to live with someone, just go ahead.
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
That really means a lot to me.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Well, the way you serve me is a completely act of selflessness every single day. You're my favorite person to serve. You know what Angela does?
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Angela is literally the most selfless person. Everybody just calls her all day and she's got to be the tough girl and just helps everybody and she... You too. You have no idea. I mean, you do guys have an idea because I've said... I mean, you've served me in a way that I will never... What you've done for my life is an act of complete selflessness.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And you do it for my family too and everyone in your life. Oh, no. I love you so much. And you bring people to salvation every single day. And you're slaying demons all day.
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
I love you so much. You're going to see her. We're at Dry Bar. I go, Angela, where are you?
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
I feel like we used to have the moves. We just... Baby, we never had the moves. We didn't? What about when I used to do...
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
That's beautiful. I love that.
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It is a comment box.
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
What is the call? The YouTube box? Just the comments? What do you Gen Zs call it? I think I might be Gen Z. You guys keep me young. Keep me young. My little... You guys are like... I don't know if they're like your kids because you're a little younger, but I think they're my kids and your brothers and sisters. Are you guys my brothers and sisters or my kids? No, they're our kids.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
We just pray that for a heart of a servant that we can all be servants. Amen. We just pray. We pray for servant heart that tomorrow morning you would hit your knees and say, God, what do you have for me? How can I serve you? How can I be a servant to your kingdom? Let me soften my heart and not let me make it about myself, but of you. How are you, Jesus? I love you.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And may I serve you in this day. Can we all get down on our Saturday morning and pray that prayer? We hope you guys have the most incredible day. Joy of the Lord weekend, and we love you, and we thank you for all you do, and thank you for serving us the way you do.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Yeah, we haven't. I mean, it's been so great. I love talking on the couch.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Guys, GGB Plus is... so special and near and dear to our hearts because you are our best friends, but it's a time where we can go so much deeper and more intimate. And it's like being with our best friends on the couch and just talking about stuff that we wouldn't normally talk about on here. Yeah. So we would love to have you guys go to slash plus.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Beekeepers Natural's mission is to reinvent the medicine cabinet. They merge modern science with natural medicine to create clean, effective products that actually work. Propolis is the defender of the beehive, a powerful combination of plant and tree resin and enzymes made by bees.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
It's high in antioxidants like polyphenols and flavonoids, which help fight free radical and oxidative stress in studies that have found it to have antibacterial properties. anti-inflammatory effects, in addition to its ability to fight germs through its antimicrobial and antifungal properties.
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Defend your immune system, support whole body health, and fight oxidative stress with antioxidants and propolis. Why Beekeepers Naturals? Their commitment is to bring you the most potent bee products. No other propolis comes close to this level of identification, consistency, and standardization of bioactives.
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
I don't know if I ever was.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
I found the best and yummiest way to soothe a scratchy throat and keep my immune system strong. Beekeeper's Natural Soothing Lozenges. I never get sick anymore after using this product daily. And Beekeeper's Natural Day and Night Cough Syrups is all natural and nurses me back to health so quickly when I'm under the weather. Today, Beekeeper's Naturals is offering you an exclusive offer.
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Go to slash ggb or enter code ggb to get 20% off your order. That's b-e-e-k-e-e-p-e-r-s-n-a-t-u-r-a-l-s dot com slash ggb or enter code ggb. Beekeeper's natural products are also available at Target, Whole Foods, Amazon, CVS, and Walgreens. I am testing with Function throughout the year and can't wait to share with you what's going on for me.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Function is an all-in-one health platform that starts over 100 advanced lab tests covering your entire body, heart, hormones, liver, kidneys, thyroid, autoimmunity, cancer signals, toxins, nutrients, and more. Function Health is about taking control of your health through data. Instead of guessing what's happening inside your body,
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Function helps you know for sure, providing access to 100 plus advanced lab tests. These tests include insight into thyroid function, hormones, liver health, heart health, autoimmunity, kidney function, nutrient levels, heavy metal toxicity, immune system, electrolytes, and more. Moat Traditional Annual Checkups
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A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
only cover 19 biomarkers function health goes five times deeper giving a comprehensive view that allows you to catch potential issues early and take proactive action you guys lifespans are decreasing chronic conditions are rising and cancer is becoming more common in younger people Knowing what's happening inside is key to prevention, which is why comprehensive testing is so important.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Function includes tests to master stress, optimize hormones, increase motivation, and boost your metabolism, and so much more. Function currently has a waitlist, but they are offering our audience the chance to skip it. Head to slash ggb or enter code ggb when signing up to skip the waitlist. Beautiful girls.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Do you know how you were saying to me that you really meditate on one story? Like you used to like fly through the Bible. Yeah. I have been going through that too where I'm like, okay, one story, did it. And then I go on to the next. And so I really took your advice. And I read this story that we're going to read today. And I've been reading it every day for eight days. Wow.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
Thank you for that advice because I tell you guys this a lot, but I'm a really slow learner. Like it takes me a while to process things. And so this has been the greatest advice you could have given me because every single day I'm learning something new in this.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
story and it's such a short what seems simple story but I had so many revelations each time the eighth time that I read it I have tears streaming down my face because I learned something new so thank you for that and I would just encourage you guys to there's just so many little treasures in these little stories that That's why it's like, don't just read it once. Read it.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
You will have a new revelation. I've read stories millions of times and it's as if it's the first time I'm reading it. So I would just encourage you guys to really soak in a story and read it like many, many times because it's insane these revelations that he will speak to you through the story.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
What are we reading today again? So we're going to read Luke 10, verse 25, the parable of the Good Samaritan. And one more thing, you guys, I know it's so hard, even like it's different in Bible studies than when you're watching podcasts. It's so easy to kind of go through your phone while you're listening. It's hard sometimes, you know, and I even do that when I'm watching sermons.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
But if you guys could just put away your phones and try to just take this time to really listen and read through with us, it will make a huge difference.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
I'm guilty of it sometimes when you watch sermons. Yeah, for sure. And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, Teacher, what shall I do to inherit internal life? He said to him, What is written in the law? How do you read it?
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
And he answered, You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your strength and with all of your mind and your neighbor as yourself. And he said to him, You have answered him correctly. Do this and you will live. He, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, Jesus replied, Now by chance a priest was going down that road.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, And who is my neighbor? And Jesus replied, A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers who stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half dead. Now by chance a priest was going down that road, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
Girls Gone Bible
A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible
So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion. He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal and brought him.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
It's like we to think to be so ignorant, to think we can go through the day without spending time with him is like, yeah. We're robbing ourselves.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
And that's how he speaks to us. Yeah. I just thought about the time when I was feeling so much shame about sin, and I just was like, I just feel awful. And I just, would you comfort me in your love? And I opened the Bible, and the first thing I looked down at the Bible, and it says, if I kept a record of your sins, who could stand? And I just thought, like, these are the things that...
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
You guys start the year off right when you get your daily dose of restorative ingredients that support inner wellness and outer glow. Glow supports a healthy inflammatory response. Get much needed support in this area from vitamin C and bromelain. Glow supports thyroid function. Vitamin A and selenium bring this benefit to the table. Improved sleep patterns.
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
He does through his word. This is how he speaks to us. So if you feel like I don't know where you are, it's in his word. Like that's how he speaks to us every single day. So it's just such a gift.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
You know what? We had a whole episode planned. Yeah, we did. We had a whole episode planned, but sometimes God directs it in a different way. How do you feel like you're overcoming these days? Let's just get into your heart. You know Angela's been, you know Angela's, are you feeling seen?
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
We've had a revelation that I'm vulnerable, but I'm also extremely avoidant.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
So I'm... Yeah, my dad is so sensitive, but he... he will always be like, oh, it's fine. You're a good kid. Let's get over it. It's fine. It's like, yeah, we're fine. Well, that's how Albanian, Ari and I have such similar. It's like, actually, it's insane. I was thinking about this in the car.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
You guys, my family's ski trip was supposed to be so exciting, but the stress of carrying everyone's skis, the snowboards and winter gear through the airport was so overwhelming. I was constantly worried about something getting lost or damaged. Now, we use ShipSkis to streamline our journey. They handle the equipment, so we just focused on family time and fun on the slopes.
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Go to and use the code GGB to get 20% off your first shipment and save yourself the hassle-free this ski season. That's S-H-I-P-S-K-I-S dot com. Make sure you use the code GGB so they know we sent you. Winter is in full swing. Sometimes it can be hard to get up and go in the a.m. or get outside for a morning walk because of the cold.
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AG1 ensures I'm still hitting my health goals every day with just a single daily health drink. Valentine's Day isn't just about showing love to others, it's about self-love too. Starting your day with AG1 is an act of self-care. Not to mention, AG1 makes a thoughtful gift for someone looking to prioritize their health.
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And AG1 is offering new subscribers a free $76 gift card when you sign up. You'll get a welcome kit, a bottle of D3K2, and five free travel packs in your first box. So make sure to check out slash ggb to get this offer. That's slash ggb to start your new year on a healthier note. Okay, how's your heart? Well... What did you ask?
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
It's not that I'm avoiding. I've never had this before. I'm like... I'm like, why am I? Is something wrong? I'm like, I'm good. Do you want to check in? Let's do a heart check-in.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
This episode is brought to you by Glorify, the number one Christian daily devotional app. Do you guys want to grow in your relationship with God, but you don't know how? Or maybe you find yourself opening your Bible with no idea on where to start. I get it. I've been there. Luckily, that's where the Glorify app comes. Glorify is the number one Christian daily devotional app.
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
It's unbelievable watching you because I always felt like I was too vulnerable when I first met you because all I wanted to do was talk. And now this girl is helping me. It's like so funny how in relationships and friendships roles can reverse.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
Hi, Mom. We're filming the episode. Everyone can hear you, but I love you. We're good, okay?
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
With Glorify, you can start your morning by reading the Bible passage of the day, diving into Glorify's daily devotional, and wrapping up with an immersive experience called Daily Walk with God. And if you need to take a few minutes to yourself in the or listen to their curated worship playlist for some quiet reflection.
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
I know. I know. It's like you go... It's like so weird going around these... Just being in the Christian world and being around all these families and it's like you can't help but...
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
compare or what is it you can't help but like it's so confrontational of what you don't and then you just yeah and you just had so many moments of like feeling less than of like being like I wish I could be like that totally 100 percent um yeah yeah that's been one of the biggest battles I think for us both like we almost feel like we don't belong
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
To end the day, enjoy Glorify's sleep meditations to help you wind down and put your mind and heart at ease. Whether you're a committed Christian or simply curious about faith, the Glorify app has something for you. Join over 20 million people who have downloaded the Glorify app and deepen their relationship with God. Visit slash ggb right now to download the Glorify app for free.
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It's miraculous, the growth I've seen in you. It's a year. Sometimes I don't know who I'm looking at.
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
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So give your cat the gift of great cat food this holiday season. Head to slash GGB and use promo code GGB at checkout for 50% off your first order plus free shipping. That is the best offer you'll find, but you have to use my code GGB for 50% off your first order. One last time, that's promo code GGB for 50% off your first order plus free shipping.
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
I like it over here. I like it over here.
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
I mean, it is. Why can't we film it? I know. It is gold. I know because I know so many of you guys must go through this. And then the easy way out is to say, you know what? I have to set boundaries. I know. Thank you for saying that. And that is what I believe is... It's so far from the truth, but that's what they say to do. Oh, set boundaries. Oh, take time away. No, work through it.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
Don't give up on each other. Understand that. I can't even tell you how many phases of my life I've been through. How I haven't been myself. How I have been nasty and avoided and just said things that weren't of me. Same. Yeah. And it's like...
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
and like same with my mom same with my dad and you see families and the kids don't talk to the moms because they you know they disrespected them like we go through so much and you know the only way to have everlasting relationships friendships anything is understanding that we're human beings that we fall short that we're not perfect and um Yeah, it's like you don't give up on each other.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
I mean, obviously there's circumstances where it's beyond bad, but... Abuse, cheating, neglect. Yeah, abuse, cheating, these things. But it's like that was such a beautiful moment that we had.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
Disgustingly honest and disgustingly kind. Yeah. And forgiving. And I know that sometimes you're like, no, they don't deserve it. But you don't understand the reward. Like what does scripture say? Turn the other cheek when someone slaps it. Like that is there for a reason.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
Because when you truly... I just had an incident with somebody who 2012 Ariel wouldn't have taken that talk, but... I just, I constantly have the thoughts now of, wow, for them to say that means that they are really hurting. They are really not in a good place because I think when I speak like this, it's because I feel so sad inside. Something isn't right. I'm hurting. I'm broken.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
It's all a projection. Right. Anytime we act nasty or we come from a place of anger, it's a projection of how we feel. And so instead of saying, wow, that's how they feel about me, they're treating me bad, think, man, they must – something is wrong. So then it softens your heart and – you back off instead of reacting.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
And then it gives them a chance to think when you don't come back to them, they're like, wait a minute, they have nothing to keep fighting with you about. So then they're able to take a step back and think and process and then say, oh man, what I just did wasn't right. And then you let them come to you. And that happened to me the other day. I took the high road. I would just suggest...
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
And what better way to kick it off than addressing your hormone health? Hormone fluctuations are a common experience for many women, and it's a topic I'm increasingly focused on. These hormonal shifts can influence our health in numerous ways, affecting everything from our menstrual cycles and skin to our energy levels and metabolism.
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
I would suggest you guys always take the high road, even if it's hard. And even if you have that anger inside of you, you just take a step back. You take a deep breath because it's so rewarding when you don't fight back. It's the most rewarding thing. And that's how Jesus was. Just like listening, just sitting there listening, being like, I'm so sorry you feel that way.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
Like things like this soften the heart of people. And they're like, wow, I feel heard. And even if it's something that you don't agree with, really just like that's what you and I, I feel like we do. We're like, I'm sorry you feel like that. And really listen. Don't try to just defend, defend yourself. Because people have... I have a reason why they feel a certain way.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
And sometimes maybe we are doing something that we don't even realize we're doing. There's been times when Angela has come to me and told me things that I didn't even realize I was doing. And typically, I will have pride and be like, no, I don't do that. No, I'm not like that. But I'm like, wait a minute. Let me just hear her out. And what can I do to change it? And how can we work through this?
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
And that's how you have lasting relationships because, guys, friendships are truly – they are everything. They've kept us – kept me and you standing. They're everything. And a way to have a lasting friendship is you don't give up on each other.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
When I feel heard, when you aren't like trying to defend and combat and like all this stuff, and even if you feel like you're right, when you sit there and you listen and you're like, okay, like that is what completely softens the whole situation.
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
And when you're like, I hear you and I'm sorry you feel that way and what can I do to make – like I'm telling you, these things, like saying these little things is going to alter the whole –
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
conversation in the situation and when people feel heard it diffuses the whole situation but if you just are in constant defense mode and you have a hardened heart and you have constant ego and pride then your heart posture is not in the right place and that's when you really need to sit in a secret place and you need to start reading james
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
I remember I read, I remember it was, I had read James and it was right before I had an argument and I was in such peace because that scripture.
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
Like when you – like even when you were upset the other night and you still – We're like, wait a minute. No, no, no. Sit down. Do you know how much that meant to me? I'm telling you, I will never forget that. I really will never forget when you did that the other night. Because I can't imagine... I said, we're going to get better.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
Listen, when she starts crying, I don't care if she punches me in the face. It's so weird. It's like... You remind me just of like my little sister. Because my little sister is like my daughter. I know I share that with you guys. But my little sister, she can do no wrong. Like I've given my – I've put her before myself her whole life because she's just everything to me.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
And to meet someone else that I feel that way with, like – I look at Angela like that. Like she's like my little sister. Like I, the minute I see a tear, I'm like, okay, I got to protect her. Like you're just like my world. Like it's, it's insane. I love you. Yeah, let's read. Let's just read a little bit of James.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
In James 1, verse 19, hearing and doing the word, know this. Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger. For the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Therefore, put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
For if anyone is a hearer of the word and is not a doer, He will be blessed in his doing. If anyone thinks he is a religious and does not brittle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this, to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
Wow, we were going to talk about this today, about...
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
Servanthood. But I'm really excited to talk about this next week. But growing up on the East Coast is you're just like raised a different way. You're just like, I don't know. So it's just like you got to grow up a little tough. Like you don't really talk about feelings. You're just like in fight or flight a lot in survival mode. Like that's how we grew up. And yeah. Yeah.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
I think having the Bible as like a roadmap to learn how to be and how to act and how to be patient and how to be slow to anger instead of being in defense mode, it's like saved our lives. It really has. It's like, okay, is this what I do? Let me go here. I don't have to. It's parenting. The Bible has been a parenting guide.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
Yeah. And so, you know, just that's why they're like, well, what do you got? What do I need the Bible for? Because it's it's our roadmap to life and it's changed our life and it's made us better people and it's made us kind and and help us communicate and be better people and help us serve well.
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Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
And he's teaching us too, that we, because we didn't come from Christian families. And so I think our minds were that we have to be these perfect Christians. There's been a little bit of religious OCD that we have to be so perfect and all this stuff. And so I don't know, I'm just going to speak for myself. One of my things that I've been learning through my journey is God's love and God's grace.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
That's been difficult from coming from such darkness and then walking into the light and feeling like I have to be perfect all the time. And we all fall short. We all do. And so just like for me, like understanding God's grace, like He really has so much grace. And so, yeah, I've been learning that a lot lately. Because... That's been tough to...
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
It's exhausting to try to keep up and try to be this perfect person because none of us are. And I think a lot of us go through this, right? That's honestly why I think what drives a lot of people out of Christianity because they don't really understand God's grace and God's love. And I truly, I see it all the time.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
That's why people are like, I don't want to come to faith because how am I going to live up to this standard? And what I'm realizing is it's, It's not like that. It's just not like that. And so I think this is a journey we're on right now.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
I do too, but I don't know. It's too much. It's too much. I like being on the go too, but even I ain't going like you, honey.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
After the past couple of shows, like I was, I think I said to you guys, I was dealing with such a lack of joy for like a very long time. And I feel like I've been so persistent of being like, Jesus, I just, I'm praying for joy. I really want nothing more than joy. And he really gave me back my joy. I, we got off the, the last show was Nashville and,
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
And we both looked at each other, and we felt so filled in our hearts. And it was just a happiness that I had been praying about for a while. So I'm just feeling really good. But life is just like this. And that's why you just can't get too down. You just have to know that it's going to be like this, and you just have to ride it. Ride it with Jesus. 100%.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
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Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
I just had been battling in my mind before the Nashville show. And, um... And I wasn't really telling Angela, but I was just like really in my head, I was like having these battling thoughts. I'm like, am I going to be okay on there? Is everything going to be okay? And all of a sudden, Angela comes up to me. She looks me in my eyes.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
She said, I receive it in faith. But that's what it is, right? It's like when you just like have that little bit of faith of like, I know I can't feel you and I know these thoughts, but I have faith that you will show up and you will be with me. There he is. It's like when Peter was in the storm. Yeah. You just have to keep your eyes on him. Don't look other ways. He will show up.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
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Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
Yeah. Well, you think about after, like, Jesus would do everything he did. He'd go and help and serve and pour and pour into the swan. And then what did he do right after? He always went into the secret place.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
And, like, this is for... like everyone like mothers this is for people who are exhausted like if Jesus had to do that how much more do we need to get poured into it's like that is how we get filled by being in the secret place and it doesn't have to be this extravagant thing I know even when we were in our hotel room I was like okay, where are you?
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
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Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
But I'm like, I realized after that night, because you know, when you like close your eyes and he kind of takes you through things, I realized like laying there tired, like barely hanging on from the couple nights before after pouring out that me just laying there and just talking to him was enough. That was him pouring into me. And so, yeah, I think a lot of us just feel like,
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
I don't feel this crazy thing. Like, where is he? I don't, I'm not. And that's just not what it is. And he's again, like he's not this person who's going to send you these crazy encounters. It's just sitting there in peace with him and, and listening to worship music. It could be as simple as that.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
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Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
And try it. If you think, if you're someone that's sitting there being like, well, I already read it and I already have him with me. Well, why don't you try it? Why don't you try changing up your routine and spending that whatever hours with him in the morning and then try it with others.
Girls Gone Bible
Working Through Brokenness | Girls Gone Bible
Yeah. Start with an hour to whatever, whatever you feel. But, you know, it's not about hours. It's just about spending that time because it makes a massive difference. Totally. And I've done it. I've done it when I woke up and I didn't spend that time. And it's my my day is chaotic. My mind is everywhere.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
Yeah, through your doubt, you show up. And you talk about that a lot with Thomas. I loved that you broke that down with doubting Thomas because I had a hard time understanding that.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
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Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
It has been a game changer from healing from a heartbreak to unpacking things that I didn't even know I was harboring in my heart. They have been able to put words to what I'm feeling on the days when I didn't even know what I was going through. It's helped me so much. It's been one of the biggest parts of my healing journey. And I just encourage you guys to do it. Just try it.
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Visit slash Girls Gone Bible today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp, H-E-L-P dot com slash Girls Gone Bible. Can we talk about why should I believe God is good? I love this chapter. Can you speak on that?
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
Yeah. Yeah, because, I mean, even especially where I grew up, we just see so many people, why should I believe God? Look at what I went through. Why should I believe God? You know, look at all these hypocritical Christians. Like, I hear that so much.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
I even love how you broke it down with Peter, how he needed to deconstruct Peter.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
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Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
I love what you wrote about prayer because we have so many people who live right and do good and they've been praying for that child or praying for their husband to get better and then they just don't get better. And then you see somebody else that probably isn't doing the best thing and they're getting everything it seems, right? I want to just read a little bit.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
Do you mind if I read what you wrote? It's just this little part I love. You said... Even though I know spiritually that life is about God's glory, God's will, and God's plan, not my own, my prayers don't always reflect that truth. When I'm honest about many of my prayers, I have to admit that a lot of my praying is an attempt to control God.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
I tell Him what I want, what is best, and what He needs to do. But that's not the purpose of prayer. We need to embrace the reality that God is the star of the story. He does not exist to serve us. We exist to serve Him. The truth is displayed in the life of Jesus throughout the Gospels.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
When we come to terms with that, we understand that the purpose of prayer is not going to get God to do our will. The purpose of prayer is to know God so we can do His will. I love that because so many of us miss that.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
I'm just picturing you actually just chasing storms.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
Yeah. And they want to have faith as little as a mustard seed, but some people are so mentally ill, they can't have the faith as small as a mustard seed. So it's like, what do you do in that case? I think that's the question Angela and I are constantly wrestling with. Some people just can't get there.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
Thank you. I love the chapter where you talk about Jesus is the only way. But some people can be so arrogant to that. And there's so many different cultures. And you hear people all the time say, oh, well, we'll all get into the same God. You talk about that so much in the book. And I just love how you broke that down. And so I would love for you to talk about that.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
And I love what you said, too. You said in your book, you were like, and honestly, in ministry, my whole life is connecting to God. And you've probably had, what was it, nine?
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
And then you realize you're not alone because David all throughout the Psalms was doing that. God, where are you? It's like you feel less alone because this is what his disciples went through too. Yeah, the Bible saved our lives. So powerful. It's been a roadmap to how to live. It's cured our mental health. It's insane.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
For someone who was told that they'll never be cured of anxiety and depression and his words started healing my mind.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
That really means a lot to us. Thank you.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
We can't stop saying it. Perfect peace. We're going to put the book in the description. It is going to bless you and change your life. I will tell you because it blessed me so much.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
Yeah. I love it. I want to talk about your book. So I have a story for you. We... have been on tour. We came from St. Louis to here. And right before I got your book, the day we left for tour, I didn't even get a chance to look at it. I just put it in my bag. We were in a rush to go. After the St. Louis night, I got off stage really unwell. When we did an altar call,
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
You know, I'm just two years saved. I'm new to all this. I'm leading people while still trying to figure things out. You know, that's just the truth. And so I'm ministering to these girls and I have one girl in my arms who has a brain tumor and she's crying and she's looking in my eyes with such desperation. Mm-hmm.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
And I'm praying for her and I'm coming boldly to the throne of grace and I'm praying in faith. But I get off stage and I just felt so unwell. And I get back into my hotel room and I almost had a rage and anger in my heart. And I didn't know what was going on. And I didn't feel like I could even go to Jesus. In my head, He knows everything we're thinking.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
But in my mind, I'm thinking, I can't call anyone right now because what will they think? I just talked about how Jesus saved my life, but I'm so angry at Him right now. Why did that girl have to suffer? Why do I have to watch at every single show how tormented these kids are? I am so sick of it. I'm pacing back and forth in my hotel room.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
I'm on the floor crying, being like, no, I'm not going to go to Him. Because what will God think? He's probably going to be like, why are you questioning me? Why are you questioning me when I saved your life? So all these thoughts are ruminating around my head. And I'm just so unwell. And I remember even somebody told me before, they were like, don't you ever question God.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
So that was in my mind of like, OK, yeah, I can't. And so I'm harboring all these feelings. I'm at the airport. And I just can't stop thinking about this girl. I start crying again. I'm thinking, how can I even go interview him right now? I'm like, whatever. Let me just start reading this book. I take the book out of my bag. The Benefit of Doubt. I looked down.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
It was, you know, those God moments. And it was one of those moments. And I was like, oh my gosh, that's what I'm going through right now. I'm doubting God. And the first thing, I opened the book and it was a note from you. And this is why I love you so much. You have been such an impact in my life because... You are your realness and you just don't sugarcoat things.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
You are so real about anxiety and depression and what you go through. And I just want to let you know how much of an impact you've had on my life.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
And the first thing you wrote was, I believe everyone, whether a long-term committed Christian or a long-term committed atheist, struggles with doubts. It seems more Christians today are struggling and questioning or deconstructing their faith. And I looked up and I said, thank you, Jesus. I'm not alone. It's okay to have doubts. I felt I was like, I'm not a good Christian.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
I was beating myself up. And so then I started reading the book. I just felt complete, like, Jesus, I felt like I could breathe again. I didn't feel alone. Yeah. I have a really hard time reading. I'm telling you, the whole plane ride home up until 1 in the morning, I read your whole book. I couldn't stop.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
Your book is one of the most incredible books I have ever read, and I am so excited to dig in and talk about it. Thank you. Can we start off with the first chapter on doubt, please?
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
I know, and I love when you said in the Bible, they don't put the doubts in the Bible to convince you. Like to convince you, they put it in the Bible to show you that the disciples all had doubts. That was so comforting to read that.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
Yeah. But it's important to just not sit there and harbor, to come to Him with your questions. He sees it.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
I felt at peace. I felt like it was okay. But when I harbor things in and I don't come to him, when I always hide from him, I always feel worse. But when I come to him with the question, he reveals. And it was funny because I love in your book, you say, well, why? What do you think the reason why? You have to distinguish why you feel like this.
Girls Gone Bible
Doubting God w/ Craig Groeschel | Girls Gone Bible
And there's like four different things you have in the book. And mine is because I see so much, like I see so much sickness.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
We just spoke telepathically. That was crazy.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And just to add to what Ari is saying, at the end of the day, Faith is a choice. We have a choice in everything that we do. We partner with God. He doesn't force us to do anything. We have a choice. And we have a choice whether to sin or to follow Jesus rightly. And I think the issue that so many people have is that they think that sin is so powerful. And it is powerful.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But Jesus died to break and kill the power of sin in us. There is no sin or addiction coming from someone who's battled addiction. There's no addiction that is too big for Jesus himself to break. That's what he does. That's what he came to do, bind up the brokenhearted and set the captives free.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And Romans 6 says, well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace? Of course not. Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it? And then it says, we know that our old sinful lives are crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
For when we died with Christ, we were set free from the power of sin. And since we died with Christ, we know that we will also live with him. Like what Ari is saying, there's freedom and there's life in Jesus. And that freedom and that life is on the other side of a true relationship with him. And so it says in scripture that in him is light and there's no darkness in him at all.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
So if you continue living in spiritual darkness, you're lying to yourself, saying that you have fellowship with God. It's a choice. You make choices in life. You choose to give things up. You choose to stop sinning. And it's hard. It's really hard. There are things, like Ari said, where I would have never thought in a million years I could ever overcome.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But Jesus literally died for that reason, to empower us. And it feels discouraging. Sometimes to look at the sin before you, to look at the sin in your life, but be empowered, be encouraged to know that you in your own might and in your own strength, you probably can't do it. But Jesus literally came to give us that power from the Holy Spirit himself to overcome sin.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Well, I think scripture is really clear that we're saved by grace through faith, and it's not by our works. And it says that if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, your soul will be saved. And so the woman that you're talking about or anybody else who feels so much guilt that they think they might not be getting into heaven, you simply have a wrong narrative.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
You've been lied to, and there's like a theological misunderstanding that's happening. Jesus did not die on the cross. I've thought about this so many times because I wrestle with God so much. I have people I love who might not be going to heaven and it weighs on me so heavily and it breaks my heart and I wrestle with God.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And there are so many times where I'm asking him, but how, how, how is this going to happen? How does this person get like, what are we going to do? And the only thing that really brings my heart comfort is knowing that Jesus did not die on the cross and in vain and making us jump through hoops to get to him. That is not the grace that he's given us. We do not have to.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Yes, he's called us to a lot. The standard is high. The standard is be holy as I am holy and lay down your life, pick up your cross and follow me. Like the call, that's why the way is narrow. And few find it because it's hard. It is. But it's so worth it. But what the misunderstanding is that we do anything that earns us our ability to get into heaven. We don't. You confess with your mouth.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
You believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord. You will find yourself with the Father in heaven. And then while you're on earth... If you believe in Jesus, it's because you love him and you're aware that he loves you. And so if you've not yet had that revelation, that's what you have to pray for. You have to say, Jesus, give me the revelation of how much you love me. Show me your work on the cross.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
What did you do? Why did you do it? I'm opening myself up to you right now to receive that revelation. And, yeah, I always think about this. He's not making us jump through hoops. That's not who he is. He loves us so much. There are people out there who are severely mentally ill, who are addicted, who are unwell, who are unable to even get to the point of accepting him. And he has a plan for them.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
He came for them. He died for them. And so he's not making us work that hard. It's not like that.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I was just going to say, I think one thing that I would add to all of that with loving them and with being Christ-like and displaying the love of Christ through your life and your behavior is, we underestimate the power of prayer so much. The prayers of a righteous person avail much. We have so much power through the prayers that we pray over the things that we say. And I come from...
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
a culture of Catholicism, and we're deeply, deeply, deeply Catholic, and we're loyal to our Catholic roots, and it's, like, a really hard thing to break, and it's something that, like, needs work, and it's something that's so deep-rooted, and that, like, oftentimes there's superstition, and there's, like, just deep spirituality that is, it's idolatry, and, like, there's so many things in so many different
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
areas of faith that seem innocent, that aren't right. And it's so hard when you're a Christian and you read the Bible and you know what the truth is and you're like, let me tell you right now and you better listen to me because I love you. I was like that too. I was like, you have to listen to me because I know what I'm talking about.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And what I learned is that the roots are so deep that you can talk all you want, but you need the Holy Spirit to move. It's only the Holy Spirit who opens eyes. It's only by the Holy Spirit that we declare Jesus as Lord. He's the one who takes the scales off. He's the one who opens our eyes and our minds. just pray.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I've gotten so much better because I used to be the little faith police, like being like, I gotta, I like, I thought it was my job to like make sure everyone was doing everything right. And I just did so much damage. And so many of my relationships, my voice became critical. No one wants to listen to that. So I just learned how to take a step back, pray, let God do what only he can do.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I always say this, the Holy Spirit raises your IQ, period. The closer you get to Jesus, the wisdom of God is something that you can't buy. No degree can get it for you. Like I'm telling you, every person that I know that develops a relationship with Jesus gets smarter.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Like it's incredible. He literally is just like the most...
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Oh, do you mind if I say something about that? Yeah. Again, grew up in a Catholic context. And so I grew up, I never really prayed to saints or anything like that. But I remember when I really started following Jesus, which is when I started reading the Bible. It's hard to follow Jesus and the teachings of Jesus when you don't read them. Like Johnny said, you have to read the Bible.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Because otherwise you have the ability to create all of these ideas in your head that aren't rooted in scripture. So for me, when I started reading the Bible, everything that I ever thought about God just began to, it was so easy to let everything dissipate and all that was left was the word and what he says. And he makes it very clear.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
The word teaches you how to worship him, how to pray to him, how to interact, how to have intimacy with him. Like you, we have everything we need in this book. And I just want to read a little bit out of Romans 1. It says, Paul writes, and he says,
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And so when you make up ideas about God and about Jesus and you have all these traditions and rituals and all of this religion that's not even based in Scripture, you will become dark and confused. Jesus is light. The way is narrow. Satan, his number one thing that he wants to do is just get us a little bit off course.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
If he even so slightly gets our focus off of Jesus, he can literally wreak havoc in your lives. It's so easy for him to just, because things seem innocent, it's not that big of a deal. It's not evil, but he is the focus and you can't like... Times are tough. It's crucial. There's urgency. We have to be as close to Jesus and as focused on Jesus as humanly possible. You have to read the Bible.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Everything that we've said today means virtually nothing if you yourself are not rooted in the word. It's our source of life. It's our bread, living water, everything we need.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Yeah, that's a great question. I think I've probably spent a lot more time thinking about heaven than hell, so I'm not the most equipped. Don't make me feel guilty. No, no, no. No, I'm not saying that. Don't you make me feel guilty. No, no.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
No, I'm saying for myself, I'm probably not the most equipped to talk about this, but if I could give a perspective, because I understand why people, I lost my page. I understand why people might be so confused as to when he gave us free will, but it's not really free will. And I think it's important to remember that if I could get back to Colossians, just give me one sec. Hey, am I on the right?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Yeah, right here. I love in Colossians 1, it says, Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation. For through him, God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can't see, such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Everything was created through him and for him. He existed before anything else, and he holds all of creation together. So I think it's just important to remember, because that is such a difficult question, but it helps, I think, to remember that God didn't just create us and give us a life and then say, okay, now you better, you know, you better choose me.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And if you don't, you're going to go to hell. From the very beginning of him ever thinking about us, it was, he created us for him to be in relationship with him. So it's not like he gave us life and then said, okay, this is the, this is what we're working with. Like from the very beginning, it's up to us to choose him. He created it. He is the one who holds all of creation together.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And so he is the reason why we're even here. And it's to be in relationship with him. You know, so it's not like this.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And what's beautiful is that we have scripture that, you know, gives us the ability to not have to not have to debate some things. And George, you spoke to like just the idea that God is sending people to hell and that he's not giving people in an option or that he is. He knows about the people of other religions and other parts of the world that aren't.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
that aren't being given the gospel, that aren't watching our podcasts. And I just think like, first of all, we all know John 3, 16, for God so loved the world, the world, not just Christians in America, but Muslims and Hindus and Jews and people all over the planet. He loved them so much that he sent his son, Jesus. so that they would have everlasting life and that they wouldn't perish.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And then 2 Peter 3.9 says, He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but He wants everyone to come to repentance. This is the heart of Jesus. And 1 Timothy 2.3-6 says, This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to know the knowledge of the truth. That's his heart. He wants everybody.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And I believe that he somehow, someway gives everybody the opportunity to receive him. I don't think that there's one person, regardless of where they ended up on the planet, what family they were born in. I don't believe there's one person who was not given the gospel. Somehow they were given a chance to accept Jesus.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
George, can I just say, you should be like, Jesus is so incredibly proud of you. Your humility is something. It's beautiful. It's incredible. I see every clip, every like three clips that you guys post is you saying, hey, just letting you guys know I'm humbling myself for something. Yeah. Like, nobody does that. You should be, like, it's incredible. And you're having really insane conversations.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Everyone clenched up when you started talking about how nobody wants to talk about that.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I really am. I do not know. I do not know. I love that. It's a great one. I do not know.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
He's, um, yeah, God is faithful. God is kind. I get to look at somebody that I'm dating and, you know, he is a man of God and he's worth the wait and he is worth, you know, holding out for.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And that's what Ari and I, we, you know, went through singleness season together and we encourage girls and guys who watch us to just hold out and to wait and that the world sends such a specific message on what you need and what you should look for. And it's just so self-serving and it's,
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
always valuing the wrong things, and Jesus speaks such a specific message of find somebody who loves me with all their hearts, because then they will love you so well. It's that simple. We really make things so difficult. We make faith so difficult, and I just feel like Jesus speaks so plainly, even though he speaks in parables. It's pretty plain, and so I prayed for a long time.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I got really specific on... I sought God's face. I sought Jesus' face. And Jesus' heart became my heart. And so my desires became his desires. And so I desired the type of man that he would want me to be with. I didn't know he was going to be 6'2 and cute, but...
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
but you know and and so and he's faithful he's kind everything that I've ever like dealt with growing up all the brokenness I come from like major dysfunction so much brokenness um I said it the other day he's like a prophetic picture of the redemptive nature of God in my life like everything I've ever been through in life he's he's like the redemptive work of God like the opposite the safety I've always longed for yeah
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Yeah, I mean, a lot. And it's hard to measure your relationship with God and everybody's story is different. And I think sometimes we send a message to people like, oh, you're single because you're just not ready yet, which could be the case. And we also don't know what God is doing. And we don't know what's happening behind the scenes. So I think what I would say is,
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
walking in purity, walking in true purity is something that's really important and I think is lost on people. You know, we value purity so much and I just think that becoming the person that you want to be with is crucial and just seeking God's face, being in the Word, devoting yourself fully to Jesus, laying your life down, like truly doing all the things that we talked about during this episode.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And it's not like it's some ladder that you have to climb. We don't climb ladders. Jesus climbed down to get to us. We don't have to climb. But it's about a life laid down. Who has the affection of your heart? That's what it's really about. It's not about what you're doing or how much you're engaging. How, who has the affection of your heart? Where's your heart? Who's on the throne?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Can we please pray for him right now? Yeah. It's really heavy on my heart. Yeah, please go ahead. Take it away, bro.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Just for me, just hearing you, it just relates because I'm a new Christian and I felt that same way. I didn't want to come to Christianity because I thought there were all these rules and I thought I'm in this place in my life. Why would I lay down how I've been living my whole life? And then when I got to see God, when I really got to understand his love, like I got to see him as father.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
which caused me to have this love in my heart to say, you love me so much. You have loved me through every single foolish moment. You even gave me Girls Gone Bible when I was reading the Bible and I knew your word, but I was still continuously falling. But you still loved me so much. That then caused a love in my heart to be like,
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I love you so much and I respect you so much that I'm going to lay my life down for you. You are worth everything. I'm done. I lay it down for you. I respect you so much. And so when you get that encounter with him, that real encounter of reverence, When we all start to look at it like it's rules and laws, it then shows you that, no, this is actually freedom.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
When I decided to lay down the things that I thought I could never give up, that was freedom. I come from the world. I wasn't raised in Christianity. I didn't have mentors. So him, me following this thing and laying down everything that I thought I could never give up, was freedom in my life. I never thought I could have rest in my life like I do. I never thought I could have this peace.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I grew up in chaos, dysfunction, hell, my whole life since I was a little girl. And I start following this thing and it starts healing my mind. It's freedom. And so when you get that revelation and that encounter of respect for him and you decide to lay it down and follow him, you realize that none of that stuff matters. This is true life, you know?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
No, it's so true. Like praying for them and praying
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
with them and for them I had a moment where because my parents don't come from faith at all and my mom was really struggling and so I just went to bat for her every morning Lord please please and then all of a sudden she calls me one day she goes you won't believe this I feel so good today and I just went to church and it was that's how powerful the power of prayer is and also you know everyone is bearing some kind of
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
something in their lives. And so nobody is going to reject prayer. And so simply being like, can I just pray for you? I also had a moment with a family member. And you sit with them in love. I love how you guys say that. And you just pray for them. And then you just see the light come in their eyes. So I love that you mentioned that. Because prayer is everything. It's changed my family's life.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
It really has. Yeah, so that's the one thing, like every morning in your prayer, don't ever forget to pray for the people you love. Changed my life.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
That's a great question. You like that question, do you?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
You know why you have that peace? Because it's a peace of God because you came honestly. Like that's when I always have peace is when I come honestly and raw. It's not when I have a facade up. It's when I bring it to his feet with honesty. Because the truth is, is I'm curious about that too. And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm proud of you.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Cause I know you're going to treat her right.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I just passed your sister. She was Italian. Yeah, yeah. She's like, no. We look like Italian or Greeks.