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Girls Gone Bible

A Servant’s Heart: Serving Others Like Jesus | Girls Gone Bible

Fri, 28 Feb 2025


Hiiii GGB!   In this episode, we dove into what it truly means to serve others—not for recognition, but as a reflection of Jesus' love and sacrifice. We talked about having a heart that desires to meet the needs of others, being an ear for those who need it, and building people up.   we love you SO much. Jesus loves you more. -Ang & Ari   JOIN US ON GGB+ 🥹❤️   WE ARE ON THE OFFICIAL GIRLS GONE BIBLE LIVE TOUR! for the first batch of cities we have locked in :) WE LOVE YOU AND CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU!


Chapter 1: What does it mean to serve others like Jesus?

420.206 - 441.395 Ange

I can't believe we haven't taken that down. And I go... Oh, you want to be a good man. Like, who was I talking to? The first few relationships episodes, like, it sounded like I went through a really bad breakup or something. I used to yell at the camera and be like, Christ love. You're supposed to love your wife like Christ loved the church. And you know what Christ did? He died.


441.675 - 463.682 Ange

Like, who was I yelling at? Who have we been yelling at? Can we talk about it? We still do. I know. Let's calm down. Nah. All right, guys. So we love you, GGB, so, so much. We are so excited today. I feel like we haven't sat at the table and really dove into a topic in a while.


463.742 - 469.144 Ari

Yeah, we haven't. I mean, it's been so great. I love talking on the couch.


469.244 - 492.71 Ange

I'm ready to go in today. We love the things of God. We love topics. centered around Jesus. And today, you guys, we are so excited to talk about servanthood, what it means to have a heart like Jesus that serves. We're just so excited. This is really fun. We have so much scripture that we want to read.


492.73 - 517.354 Ange

I think before we get into today's episode, we just want to remind you guys that we are on the Girls Gone Bible live tour. We are having the time of our lives on tour. You the entire country and tell people about what Jesus did in our lives. And we cry and we laugh and we preach the word of God. And everybody says that it's like nothing like what they would have expected.

517.374 - 533.991 Ange

It's a live podcast tour, but Ari and I go up there, and we just preach our faces off, and we tell people how much Jesus loves them. And it's like such a night of healing, and we've seen so many testimonies. So please get your tickets at slash tour.

534.331 - 574.321 Ari

Guys, GGB Plus is... so special and near and dear to our hearts because you are our best friends, but it's a time where we can go so much deeper and more intimate. And it's like being with our best friends on the couch and just talking about stuff that we wouldn't normally talk about on here. Yeah. So we would love to have you guys go to slash plus.

578.612 - 595.796 Ari

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596.016 - 613.587 Ari

It's high in antioxidants like polyphenols and flavonoids, which help fight free radical and oxidative stress in studies that have found it to have antibacterial properties. anti-inflammatory effects, in addition to its ability to fight germs through its antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

Chapter 2: How do Ange and Ari introduce themselves and their connection?

2246.38 - 2270.97 Ange

to be served but to serve yeah and so as a follower of jesus that's the approach that we take and it can get really messed up when you think that your gifts are important that your presence is important and you are precious to jesus And if God himself came down, he makes literally the world his footstool. That's how powerful Jesus is. And he came to serve.


2271.371 - 2290.825 Ange

How much more should we be serving one another and not looking to be the most powerful or the most important or the most like, you know what I mean? I just, we are supposed to serve the least of these. If you and I walk into a church and we have power and influence, we must be on the ground washing feet. Yeah. That's the point.


2290.905 - 2320.205 Ari

It's true. It's really true. Thank you for saying that. That's so beautiful. Yeah, I just... I can't tell you when I was in my lowest time of depression. And it wasn't when I got a job or booked something. It wasn't any of these things. It's when I put my problems aside to set somebody else. Look at what you did for me. You were in a bad place, all right? You were just as...


2321.005 - 2340.191 Ari

I mean, maybe you weren't as depressed, but you were going through some really bad things when you met me. But you put your stuff aside to be at service to me. You were a servant to me. And didn't that help you through your stuff? Yeah. Because some of us are really struggling financially. And some of us are just like, I want to help, but it's really hard.


2340.292 - 2366.227 Ari

And I just want to let you know that God sees that and He's... He doesn't look at how much you can give. I just wanted to read this little part. It's Mark 12, verse 41. And a poor widow came and put two small copper coins, which make a penny.

2366.867 - 2388.865 Ari

And he called his disciples to him and said to them, "'Truly I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all of those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she, out of her poverty, has put in everything she had.'" I'm so and she had to live on.

2388.885 - 2424.177 Ari

And like, it makes me so emotional because like, I just hope we can all like help one another more. And I just see so many people like I don't know. So many people are broken and suffering and, and it's not a lot of people. It's just not their fault. Like they, especially these kids, they're just, they come from such broken homes and I just, I don't know.

2424.197 - 2449.124 Ari

I just, I have been praying so much about this. I think it's, it hits home for me so much because I'm seeing so many people at our shows and stuff. And This is the core of Jesus's mission. It's to be of service to people. It's just serve sacrificially. What does scripture say? It says, you love those who love you. Okay. Even sinners do that.

2449.405 - 2471.119 Ari

But when you love sacrificially, when you love, when you don't have much, when you give, when you don't have a lot to give, even if it's just like buying someone a coffee, holding the door for someone. I have numerous things in my mind that I can say off the bat that when I was struggling, it got me through. I was at the bank one time, right? And I held the door.


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