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Chapter 1: What is the 'Man on Water' tour all about?
Yo, I am so pumped that I get to say this for the very first time. I've actually dreamt about saying this. We're going on tour and tickets are now out and available for you guys. Man on Water Tour starts in September, but make sure you guys get your tickets now because I guarantee you they are going to go out. To get tickets, go to thegeorgejangoshow.com for tickets right now.
I'm so happy I get to say this. Let me list you guys off where we're going. Oregon, Washington, Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Texas, Georgia, Tennessee again, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Massachusetts, New York City.
Yo, I am so unbelievably overwhelmed and joyful that I get to come and see you guys in your home states, give you guys hugs, get to hang out with you, tell some jokes, have some great conversations, have amazing special guests for you guys. It is going to be a night I know for a fact I'm not going to forget, and I pray that you guys come. Bring your family and friends.
I love you guys, and I will see you guys on the road. Enjoy the number 100th episode with my good friends, the Christian Avengers.
That's lovely, George. I love it for a real gift to be around. That was awesome. That's a very good question. I love you guys.
You've given me something to think about.
Should we pray?
Yeah, that would be great, actually.
Who wants the most anointed one? Go ahead, Cliff.
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Chapter 2: Who are the Christian Avengers?
I think the Bible teaches that when we put our faith in Christ, we're totally forgiven. We are, in a sense, perfect in the sense that we're covered by the blood of Christ's death on the cross. So we are perfect standing before God. But no, we don't live perfect lives. Paul writes in Romans 7, the good I want to do, I don't do, and the evil I don't want to do, I do.
Wretched man that I am, who's going to deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. So no, I struggle with sin. Every day I sin, and every day I have to ask for forgiveness, and that's part of the process of growing.
So in one sense, yes, I'm perfect before God in the sense that Christ's death covers me, and I'm going to heaven because of God's grace. But in another very real sense, no, I'm far from perfect. I'm at work in progress.
This video is sponsored by Daily Wire Plus. And you guys have already heard me speak highly, highly, highly about Dr. Jordan Peterson's The Gospels. This is the next chapter that Dr. Jordan Peterson dives into the Bible, following his groundbreaking work with Genesis and Exodus. But what makes The Gospels super unique is the conversations behind it.
This isn't just a bunch of Christians sitting around and discussing things that they already know. This is a very, very deep and dynamic conversation full of Jewish people's perspective, scientists' perspective, people that doubt the Bible's perspective. This is just all coming together to dissect it in a way that you've probably never heard it before.
Like Jacob wrestling with God, they wrestle with some questions that you might also wrestle with. Did these events actually happen? What's the history behind all of this? And what does the stories and the gospels and the prophecies, what do they mean to us today in modern times? You can watch the first episode for free right now on Daily Wire Plus.
And if you want access to the full 10-part series, use my code JANKO30 to get 30% off your subscription. And if this excites you guys, don't wait. Hit the link in my description to transform your perspective. What if you know you're going to sin? I always thank God for things that he's given me.
And then I also say, God, thank you for the things that I'm not wise enough to thank you for that are like actively something I should have been thanking you for. And then I also apologize for moves that I don't know that I'm doing that hurts your heart.
Because every day, like for example, when I was doing the episode of the Girls Gone Bible, I really don't think that sinning, like it was cussing was like cursing. I thought it was like, if you curse somebody, but then when I really dove into it, I was like, oh, I need to really watch my mouth and clean my mouth. I'm still actively trying to do that.
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Chapter 3: How do the speakers view forgiveness and sin?
But there is that one bigger sin in your life where if you remove that mountain, a lot of things could start blossoming. But how do we do it? Okay, Jesus is the answer. Putting it away is the answer. But somebody's going to probably be on their phone being like, dude, get out of here. I don't even, like, I wasn't even thinking about Jesus trying to get rid of this.
How is Jesus going to come down like an angel? What is he going to do? How can I get rid of this sin? I'm addicted. My father was addicted. His father was addicted. This generational curse has been on our family. I'm I'm depressed. A lot of people hold on to their hurt because they don't want to get rid of it because sometimes it's like they earned it.
It's like, no, do you have any idea how much I've suffered in this? And they don't want to let go. How does a man let go of the sin? What's the first action of it?
I feel like when I read 1 Corinthians, Paul says, no temptation has overtaken you that's not common to man. And so I know when Bryce struggles with sin, it makes me want to go isolate because no one's going to understand how I feel. There's the part of the human nature that goes isolate because no one understands how I feel.
And then there's the other part of the human nature that's selfish and says, let me isolate and protect my self-image. And he says, no temptation is overtaking that's not common to man because when we isolate, we think no one's going through it. So I think for Bryce is when I struggle with sin, I have to recognize that there's a whole lot of people that are actually struggling with what I do.
So it doesn't make me feel alone in it. And then Paul finishes that out. I think it's 1 Corinthians 10, 13, where he basically explains that there is a backdoor to sin. There's no sin we can't say no to. And so when I read the epistles and the gospels, it tells us that temptation is inevitable. But when they write about sin, it always says, if we sin. If we sin, if we sin, if we sin.
Now, I'm a sinner. I struggle with sin a lot. But that gave me a lot of comfort, knowing that Paul says temptation is inevitable, but through the power and strength of his spirit, I can say no to it. And just to invite you into my personal life, 2024 was one of the hardest years of my life. Seriously. Growing with Christ, I felt like all of 2023, my life was filled with grace. So much grace.
God loves me and it's amazing. Oh man, praise God, it's awesome. And I felt great. And I carried so much grace that when Bryce fell into sin in 2023 because I thought I was all sunshine and rainbows, I carried more guilt and shame that year than I've ever felt in my life. Then in 2024, I said, it's not about grace, it's just straight truth. So I got to press it in.
So I was memorizing the scripture. Oh, I got to wield my sword of the spirit to combat this temptation. And I got it and I got it. And I was just crushing myself. I knew the verses. sin across the board, pride, anger, and lust would come my way, and it felt like that I knew the verses.
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Chapter 4: How can prayer influence one's life and struggles?
Chapter 5: What are the diverse perspectives on baptism?
I just wanted to talk to Jesus. I don't understand why you had to talk to the middleman. Like, I didn't like that. And even at a younger age. But I just wanted to be relatable for them. But there's people that I love that do that. But I just felt like I was lying there. And I don't want to lie.
But praying to saints, I have a lot of people that I love that they do that, so I don't want to look like I'm harping on this. But Jesus says there is nobody that goes to the Father but besides me. If you want to talk to him, talk to me. And then there's another Bible verse that says do not talk to the dead, right? And then there's some people that are like, well, are they dead?
Because the thief on the cross said that today you'll be with me in paradise, so there might be some people that are alive. That kind of threw me for a little spin. I'm not going to lie. But... I just want to know that when I'm praying, I find it more valuable to get in my prayer closet alone and speak to my king.
And then also go to people that correct me and teach me and say, hey, Cliff, I've done this a lot. Cliff, could you pray for me? And every time, by the way, if you ever got off the phone with him, he says a prayer for you. So I'm going to put his number in the description. But I have brothers and sisters pray for me because they're here. And a lot of priests would come up to me.
They're like, do you have your mother pray for you? Why would you not have... Peter pray for you or Mary pray for you. And my example was, I'm like, well, they're alive right now. And we're here as a community and as a church, we're united. So I think that's the reason one.
And I'm like, two, my example would be if the disciples were there, why wouldn't they tell them to pray to Isaac or David or Abraham? Why would they, they weren't told to do that. So I don't want, that's all my opinion, right? But that's meaningless. My heart could be wrong. What does the gospel say about praying to saints and who should you pray towards?
Everybody's like, I'm gonna hang out on this one. And Stuart or Clint. Let me just say this. You did a great job of steel manning our Orthodox and Catholic brothers and sisters. It's not that they pray to saints, it's that they ask the saints to pray for them. So we want to be fair and charitable and actually represent them.
And by the way, these men have great hearts. These women have great hearts. They're the ones that are out there feeding the homeless, being with the widows. I am not putting my finger in their face and saying, you guys are wrong. Which, by the way, I did. And that's why I was quarrelsome. And that's why my parents and loved ones are like, dude, this guy ain't it. It was my actions.
It's not that their hearts are like, we need Mary, we need this. But they're truly are like, they're looking at it as like... Kind of like how we are. If I want to meet you, but you know him, I'm like, hey, Andrew, could you talk to him for me? I really, really want to speak to him. They're not doing it in a satanic way.
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Chapter 6: How should one approach interfaith family dynamics?
right, so if I'm trying to teach trigonometry, right, just because I'm Asian does not mean I'm good at math, okay, I wasn't one of those guys, I was a bad Asian, don't like anime, all right, so if I want to teach trigonometry, I have to at least study it, right, I have to at least put in the work and the hours, and this is why God tells us to be in our word, because if you're not in your word, then you're in your feelings, and then you're in your interpretations, and
No manner of scriptures for interpretation, as they say. So it's important for us to understand that as you read the context, as you continuously read the Bible, it gives you the actual context. And it basically is a byproduct of it.
That was an amazing question, Belle.
Such a good question.
I said it a little roughly, but you know. You're so well-spoken, Belle.
That's right. You're very well-spoken.
I'm super encouraged when you speak.
Please. You're so well-spoken. All of you are so well-spoken. It really is like...
I think it's such a gift that you see like as people get closer and closer with their faith, like God is really able to take your guys' tongues and you can really see that when you guys are speaking about something that you're really passionate about and that the Holy Spirit is really speaking through you, man, it just flows out of you guys.
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Chapter 7: What role does prayer and belief play in faith?
So from this day forward, instead of remembering these days and celebrating it, you shall break bread and drink and remember this lamb that has been sacrificed. Then I go to the chapter in Acts where they bring up church for the first time. Nobody went around the bread and the wine as if it was the body and the blood of Christ, but it was more of a celebration for what our God just did.
Absolutely. So how do I get this in a biblical sense? And then Cliff, I wanted to ask you this. Where's the line? Where do we stick to the Bible but also listen? Because it is good to listen to somebody. But is there stuff that isn't written in the Bible that we should be listening to popes or bishops or people that have passed down knowledge
because the pass down of teachings, it was by word of mouth. So I can't knock them for that. Where's the line? And what point could a man lose his salvation if he goes in the route that he's going?
He has two questions, right? I'm the second one. So what was the first question?
What is the difference of like, okay, can a man have more teachings than the gospel? So should there be things that are not in the gospel? Or is the gospel perfect from cover to cover? This is my way to Christ. This gospel will teach me and help me with my salvation. Or is it a man and the Bible?
Well, the main point of the book of Galatians is it's Jesus alone. It's not Jesus plus circumcision. That's in Galatians. In Colossians, it's Jesus alone, not Jesus plus a particular philosophy, a particular fulfillment. I'm really fulfilled, filled up in Christ. And then they would add to it. So it's Jesus Christ alone.
So if anybody contradicts the Bible or if any teaching contradicts the Bible, I'm sorry.
We're part in company. But if it's not in contradiction to the Bible, if it's a different interpretation, let's be real careful. And that's why, brother, I appreciate the way you handle the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic distinction. You're right.
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Chapter 8: How to differentiate cultural context from biblical principles?
Yeah, that's a great question. I think I've probably spent a lot more time thinking about heaven than hell, so I'm not the most equipped. Don't make me feel guilty. No, no, no. No, I'm not saying that. Don't you make me feel guilty. No, no. How dare you? No, no, no.
I'm saying for myself I'm probably not the most equipped to talk about this but if I could give a perspective because I understand why people I lost my page I understand why people might be so confused as to when he gave us free will but it's not really free will and I think it's important to remember that if I could get back to Colossians just give me one sec okay am I on the right yeah right here I love in Colossians 1
It says, Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation. For through him, God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can't see, such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him.
He existed before anything else, and he holds all of creation together. So I think it's just important to remember, because that is such a difficult question, but it helps, I think, to remember that God didn't just create us and give us a life and then say, okay, now you better, you know, you better choose me. And if you don't, you're going to go to hell.
From the very beginning of him ever thinking about us, it was, he created us for him to be in relationship with him. So it's not like he gave us life and then said, okay, this is the, this is what we're working with. Like from the very beginning, it's up to us to choose him. He created it. He is the one who holds all of creation together. And so he is the reason why we're even here.
And it's to be in relationship with him. You know, so it's not like this.
I agree. I agree 100 percent. But that's not a free choice.
Well, I think you have to finish your verse. You brought up a verse. You said for the wages of sin is death. But what's the end of it? But the free gift of God is eternal life. Come on. You're a straight shooter. When we first went to dinner, you shot it straight to me, and you laid the odds on the table with some things in my life, and I appreciate you for that.
So I don't think when you brought up the COVID vaccine example, if you don't get the COVID vaccine, you can't do this, you can't do that, you can't do that, but the option's on the table. I think Jesus is saying, here's the results of your options. So if Jesus forced everyone in this room... to love him. He's a cosmic dictator. The love's not genuine.
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