The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
what's going on guys welcome back to another episode of the bryce carver podcast i'm bryce and today have an awesome guest had some interesting conversations off camera um i'm gonna expose him right now guys he takes a shot off the poop i take no it's like i take you yeah we just like you ever have those times where i can we just like start going into pooping yes we were talking about pooping but we got harry jowsey on today
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And I looked into everything and all of these things. It was just like either, you know, we'll talk about your dad a little bit where he's just like kind of goes all black. I had the same reaction you did. I was like, that's no fun. That makes me feel kind of crappy. Me, personally, to go like, nothing happens after this. It's lame. It's super lame.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
I'm awful. And a lot of these other religions, like all of them, you have to work for something. It's like in Islam, I respect all my Muslim friends because they give alms to the poor and they pray so much. They do a lot of things that Christians are supposed to do, and they do it significantly better than a lot of Christians do.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And they're super devout in their faith, but they're working to please their God. And Hinduism and Buddhism, it's like, let me do enough good to reach enlightenment. And
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
i was just at this point of self-reflection of going my heart's so broken and i live in this crazy world i could never in my life work to perfection if i can't even fix my broken heart right now so i just felt really hopeless and so when i was 17 i was planning on taking my life and not because i wanted to die but you know depression and anxiety it sucks feels like an incurable disease
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And so I went to Waffle House. Have you ever been to Waffle House? Dude, I got to take you. Is it good? Yeah, it's amazing.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Yeah, they can like, they're like literally like sneeze on your food and it tastes so good. Really? Yeah, it's kind of like. I love those places. It's kind of like, yeah, I don't even know how to explain it. There'll be like a motorcycle on fire in the parking lot and you just know you're at home. You know, it's like super awesome. So if you ever want to go, I'll take you. That's heaven for you?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Yeah, it is heaven. That is heaven, Waffle House is. And and so I went is the only thing open on Christmas, December 25th, 2020. I'm going and it's packed. And so I sit down with this guy and I'm just eating my last meal, essentially, like almost like a death row meal. And no one in there had anything to do with Christianity, had anything to do with God.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
This guy that I sat down with was complaining about his life. He's like, my wife's leaving me. She's divorcing me. She's taking my kids. I'm losing everything. And he's freaking out on me. This grown man, he's like double my age. And I'm sitting there thinking, I'm 17 years old. You're complaining to me. I came here to escape my problems one last time.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
I'm thinking like, you have no idea what's about to happen to me when I leave this building.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
and i wasn't listening to really anything he said and i just remember vividly he said i love my wife but she just does not feel the same about me there's no growth in a relationship if the love isn't mutual and when he said that it was like all of time just stopped and i had this supernatural understanding and all these bible verses were popping up in my brain
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Some that I had learned when I was a little boy in church, some I'd never heard before. And, and all of this knowledge that I gained just from being a good Bible student at my Christian school, which I take a Christian class. Uh, they were, it was like the, it was making sense to my heart.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
The brain, the 18 inches between my head and my heart were finally connected and it was understanding and things like that. So I start weeping and uncontrollably and everyone's freaking out. Cause it's like this old guys with this really young kid and he's crying and like, what's going on in this restaurant? What is, Yeah, like super crazy setting.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And I throw money on the table and I leave and I get in my car and I'm sitting there and I go, OK, Jesus, if you're really real, take away my anxiety and depression because I'm going to take my life. That's why I want to take my life. And I haven't had depression or anxiety since that day. Wow. And so that began my who is this Jesus guy?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Because that's who I asked to take it away and he took it away. And so then I began to read the Bible, not because I felt like God was going to condemn me, but because I wanted to get to know him. And so then my whole perspective of religion shifted of beforehand, it was Christianity as a cage of rules.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And now it's like the Bible isn't this cage of rules, but it's like a love letter God wrote to me to show me like how I can live my life. And a lot of my answers are in here and that God designed me for a purpose. I was made on purpose for a purpose. Wow. changed my whole perspective of how I saw myself and who Jesus really was.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And that's why I love Jesus compared to all these other pathways is because instead of me working my way to perfection, Jesus who is perfection, he humbled himself and became a human. And then he lived in the same crazy, wicked world that we live in. So when Bryce is going through a hard time, if anyone understands me, it's going to be God himself because he went through the same crazy world.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And then he died for me. Wow. And that's why I asked for like what your definition of love was, because the Hebrew word for God's love, it's like sacrificial love to lay your life down for someone. Wow.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And it changed everything because I thought love was a feeling or the chemical reaction in my body or the butterflies I get or or the booze that hits my system or the drugs that make me feel loopy and things like that. And then God's like, no, love is a choice. And I chose to lay my life down for you. Yeah.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
and so that was how my perspective of jesus changed it kind of threw off my course of love and he became my hope when i was hopeless so i think jesus offers a lot of hope to people that feel hopeless or that don't have a purpose and think that they're an accident and things like that and so
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Yeah, for sure. I think doubt's always going to come because I was telling Adam this when we were talking the other day. You can't prove to me that I love you, and I can't prove to you that you love me. We can't prove anything inherently. We just met. Right, right. We did. We did just meet, so I guess you're right. You just can't prove anything 100%.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So when people ask me, like, prove God exists, I'm like, I can't prove to you that God exists. Because he's a supernatural being, but there's evidence that points to truth. And so what is the overwhelming evidence that he exists? So there's this part of faith that's kind of logical. Okay, is Jesus really who he says he is? What does history say about Jesus? What does the Bible say about Jesus?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And then there's the other part of why people believe things because people believe things for logical reasons and then they believe it for experiential reasons. So I initially rejected Christianity because it was misrepresented to me. And I'm like, this sucks. God can't be this way.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And now that I'm a Christian, I kind of understand like, okay, like I can meet a lot of people in LA and they could tell me about Harry Jowsey. People would say, if anyone's bringing up my name, block your ears. Block your ears. Especially if it's a girl, I'll be in trouble. Well, I can tell you firsthand from the conversations that we've had, you're a very delightful human being. Oh, thank you.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And if I wanted to get to know Harry, your close friends could fill in the picture about you, people in LA, whatever, who it may be could fill in the picture. But I would never really know who Harry Jowsey is unless I sit down and hang out with Harry Jowsey.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
and it was like all these people were telling me who god was to them to the people that said they loved god and their actions didn't prove it god really didn't mean anything to them yeah and so i was like oh this is who god really was but then it was like let me see for myself who jesus is and so that's why i was reading the bible and reading these accounts so you have like the gospels matthew mark luke and john which are eyewitness accounts of jesus's life wait who are these guys where did they come from
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So they're his followers. They're his disciples. I was like, would you just know? Ask any questions you have, like clarify. I was like, damn, it's cool. So where it's like, you know, you have all these religions where it's like, you know, God spoke to me and I didn't want like God in flesh, Jesus. We believe that Jesus was both a human, fully human and fully God at the same time.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
which is super cool. So in a sense, like people tell Harry, I said, combine your first and last name. They tell Harry how to live his life and they don't do it themselves. You're like, that's kind of like hypocrisy. You're like, why would you tell me to do something you're not doing? Well, Jesus isn't trying to force Bryce or Harry to live something he doesn't do himself.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So when Jesus was on earth, he said out of his lips, he said, I didn't come to be served, but to serve. So Jesus shows us that the very thing that he calls us to do is possible. So he lives it. He serves people. He loves people. He challenges people. He does those very things. And that's a beautiful thing for me to know. Like, okay, there is a God who can do these things. So like super powerful.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
No, dude, thanks for having me. I'm super stoked. Um, I can't wait to dive into that. That's going to be awesome. Um, so aside from religion, like what was your family dynamic growing up? What was like your, what were your parents like? Um, what was it like growing up or some challenges you faced?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And on the day that Jesus is supposed to be betrayed, like think about this on your very last day, if you knew like today was your last day, what would you do? In my mind, I'd probably like go to Six Flags, hang out with loved ones, like eat some good food, whatever it may be. Well, Jesus washed the guy's feet that was going to hand him over to Rome to be crucified. He washed his feet?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
He washed his feet. He's got a foot fetish? What's going on? Well, I would do that, too. The feet were the dirtiest part of someone's body in that time period. So like to enter into a home, you had to wash someone's feet and clean their feet. And so Jesus, who is God in that time, he's a rabbi. He's a teacher. He's teaching the disciples. He's teaching people about the kingdom of God. Right.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
you would never ever in your life see. So Jesus was a Jewish man and Jewish rabbis, Jewish teachers. They would never wash anyone's feet because it was the dirtiest part of their body. But Jesus being a Jewish rabbi in that time period for him to wash the disciples feet, the people that he's teaching for him to wash their feet is a big deal in that culture.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So we have to understand the culture of this time period. Like the fact that the teacher essentially is washing the students feet, big deal. And it's the dirtiest part of their feet. And so if you, do you know anything about the story of Jesus? Like anything, nothing at all. I know you said you didn't grow up over on it, but.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
It's getting crazy over there. So you got, yeah, dude, it's like. Yeah, bro. So you got. We should write a book. So basically, so there's, you got like God, right? An all-powerful God. And he's existing and he creates humankind for himself.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
so he didn't need anyone but he chose to create man and female because he wanted us to worship him he literally wants to spend time but the respectful thing about god is he gives us a thing called free will which is he gives us the choice to follow him or not so when he creates adam and eve in the garden he gives them control over the animals creation everything but he's not forcing them to follow him
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So there's this moment in the garden. We have the creation story in the Bible, which basically tells us how everything went down, how everything came about, how the earth came about. We believe God created everything and he created male and female. He created animals. He created the trees, the ocean, everything.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And in this particular part of the story, Satan comes in the garden, and he's like, hey, if you eat from this tree God told you not to eat from, they had dominion over all of creation, but God said, just don't eat from this one tree, okay? And that's it. It's the knowledge of good and evil. And Satan goes, he doesn't want you to eat from that tree because you can be better than God. Wow.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And he plants it in their ear. And so Adam and Eve are like, dude, heck yeah. Yeah. Pride, first sin we ever see. They disobey God and because of disobedience to God, there's this curse over the world called sin. So that's why like stuff is crazy going on. That's why evil and suffering exists. That's why when Harry was four years old, no one taught Harry to be selfish and not share his toys.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
That was just in you. That was your nature. And so because of disobedience, because man in the garden initially said, I don't want anything to do with you. I want to be better than you. They fell for the trap and this curse called sin entered into the world. And sin separates us from God. And because of sin, we deserve death. It's like a justice system.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
If I murder Harry, I'm going to go to court and I've got to be held accountable for my actions. In the same way we disobeyed God, we're held accountable. And that may seem hopeless, but the beautiful thing about it is, is God loved us enough because he saw an infinite debt, like you're finite, limited, sinful human beings, and I'm perfect and you can't pay the price.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So I'm going to lay my own life down for you to pay the price. So that's why God humbled himself and became a man, Jesus, and he lived this perfect life. And so when you hear this story, I don't know if you've heard about Jesus dying on the cross, but that is a necessary thing because he is paying the price with his life. So because of sin, we deserve death. That's the punishment, death.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Well, we're all cooked. That's the thing. We're all cooked. Even you? Even I'm cooked.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
But there's a cool thing. It's like, there is hope. So it's not like, Harry's worse than me and I'm just this perfect saint. Like, I sin every day.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Does that, when you hear this stuff, does it make you feel like kind of, how does it make you feel? Does it make you feel nervous?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
For sure. Well, I think when you look at the Bible and you look at Christianity, it says that Jesus is the bridge. So he's the bridge. So we have direct access to God. And when Jesus dies on the cross, he pays the penalty. Like I said, we deserve death, but Jesus pays the price.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And so the prerequisite for heaven, essentially, or prerequisite for becoming friends with God is believing and putting your faith in Jesus. That's it. So instead of Bryce muscling up the strength to work to get into heaven, it's no, my fate's in Christ because he did all the work for me. Perfection paid the price. Boom. That's it. And when Jesus ascended into heaven, he defeated death.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
That's the important part of Christianity is if all Jesus did was die, he'd be the same as you and me. So what makes him super special? He resurrected from the dead.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
500 people saw Jesus in his physical body raised from the dead so he died on the cross Rome history I'll get to your question in a second they poked him in the side and water spilled out of his side indicating that he was dead that's what happens they literally buried his body so he went to the morgue essentially buried his body three days later his tomb's empty this massive rock that takes a bunch of people to move is just open and the guards like
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
What the heck just happened? Where'd this guy go? Raised from the dead. And 500 people saw Jesus raised from the dead in his flesh. So he defeated death. Wow. It's crazy. So there's like a lot of historical evidence, eyewitness accounts of Jesus did these things. And it's super cool. So when it comes to like the psychic mediums thing, it's...
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
god calls us to access his holy spirit so he doesn't leave us hanging when jesus ascends into heaven he says i'm going to return a second time and finish this once and for all but he goes i'm going to give you this thing called the helper the holy spirit and he basically teaches us things brings us conviction conviction is like i just did something i feel weird about doing that i probably shouldn't do that again let me change my actions let me change my mind things like that
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So the Holy Spirit teaches us things and brings us conviction. So anytime we access something outside of the Holy Spirit, it's like in rebellion against God. So essentially, like if like manifestation for something, for example, that's like your own willpower. Like I'm going to manifest something. This isn't that. And in my opinion, that's dangerous because.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
When I was little, I used to pray, God, give me an Xbox for Christmas, even though I hated God. God, please give me an Xbox for Christmas, please. I never got an Xbox. And partially like, come on, mom and dad. But the other part is like, why didn't God answer my prayer? No, not necessarily. God answers our prayers. Just sometimes he answers it in the way that we don't want it to be answered.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And I think I ask God for things that I want. But the Bible tells us that he always takes care of his children. So God will give me things that I need, not always that I want. So I think in manifestation, we might say, I'm going to manifest that I get a lot of fame and I get a lot of money, for example. And out of your own willpower, I believe that stuff will happen.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
But how do we know it's not going to crush you? How do we know the money is not going to kill you and things like that? And so I believe that like the Bible teaches us that anything outside of the Holy Spirit would be considered demonic, which is just essentially something in total opposition to God, to clarify the definition.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
I love to manifest and write down my goals. But to not scare you, like manifestation is like, you can basically manifest anything that Harry wants. But how do we know it's not going to crush you, kill your spirits and things like that? So if I had a lot of money, Bryce would be the most prideful guy on the planet. I'd be the greediest guy on the planet, things like that.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Now, money isn't inherently sinful. The Bible says that when you love your money more than you love God, big issue there. That's just an idol. And so...
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Uh, like manifestation is out of your own willpower. You're trying to force it to happen. When I pray, I'm basically asking God, like, Hey God. So, so Jesus gives us how to pray in the Bible. And he says, uh, in the Lord's prayer, it's not, you know, you don't have to pray every time, but he basically says your will be done.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And so essentially when I pray, I say, hey God, if it's in your will, like if this is okay, like can you let this be? If not, totally okay. And I think we have to live open-handed with those things. So when I pray, I thank God for who he is. I thank him for allowing Jesus to pay the penalty. Because if Jesus didn't die and resurrect, I wouldn't be able to be friends with him.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
I wouldn't be able to be in heaven with him. I thank him. I praise God. Like God, you're awesome. You're amazing. And then there are things in my life, okay, God, this thing happened. It really sucks. I'm having a hard time right now. Prayer doesn't have to be this lofty thing like, oh, God.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
I pray to God like we're talking. Oh really? Yeah. So I had some, so like, um, last week I had this awful thing happen and I did not handle it any way, any good way at all. But my wallet was stolen and I was like, I literally go, this is how I literally started my prayer. God, are you kidding me? This could not be happening right now. I've got a flight to catch in six hours. My ID's in there.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
I don't even care about the money. This is that blah, blah, blah. I'm getting angry. And I love that about God because he wants us to come to him with everything. I'm sad. Man, God, this thing's making me so upset right now. God, I'm super happy. God wants to be with us in the highs and the lows. But I thank God. I try to praise him and thank him.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
There's often times I pray and I go, God, are you kidding me? What the heck, man? Like, blah, blah, blah. And even in those frustrated, heated moments, I'm thinking more about myself than I am God. Like, I need my wallet now.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
I'm driving. I'm driving and I'm in my head.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Yeah, I'm just driving and praying in my head. Sometimes I pray out loud. I personally like to... Obviously, when I'm driving, I'm not closing my eyes. You should do it. Right, right. I close my eyes when I'm driving and praying. But in my bedroom, I like to close my eyes because I get distracted easy and things like that. And so I think that there's... What does it look like? Just talking to God.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
God is an all-knowing God, so he knows how you're feeling, so why not express it to him? That's a crazy thing. God knows everything, but he loves it when we share that with him. It becomes more personal. We become closer to him. But when we pray for things, we're not demanding for it to happen, whereas in manifestation, it's kind of like you're almost demanding it.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
It's like, I'm visualizing myself here. Okay, I am going to do this thing. I am going to have this. I am going to be this. It's like, okay, God, I desire this thing. Not all my desires are good. I recognize that. And so, God, please guide me in this thing. Do you trust me with this? OK, good. Do you know? Whatever. And let it be so.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And, you know, sometimes when I don't get what I want, I'm a little frustrated, but I don't understand. And, you know, like if I'm driving and I'm in a rush. And every red light I get to just turns red immediately and it's slowing my drive down and I get frustrated. I'm like, oh, what's happening? But what if God's protecting me from an accident that's happening a mile down the road?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And if I was in my rush and I ran the red light or things like that, or you know what I mean? So it's like it offers a different perspective to our life and things like that.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Dang. So you grew up in New Zealand and then what was like, dude, there's like so much going on back, but I, I just, so you go, so you go through school or whatever. Yeah. And I mean, I think it'd be safe to say, like, I think people know you a lot from these dating shows that you've been on. Yeah. What was the transition? Like, I mean, how does someone even get involved?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
yeah let's go let's go yeah yeah thanks thanks for coming on guys we're gonna start a debate like i i've never taken my shirt off to poop but apparently these guys get fully naked and i just want his audience to know that that there's some weird stuff going on over here in the house yeah we we uh no it's just like i feel like the guys would understand you what we're talking about they do and you were the only guy in the room that did not understand what we were talking about so maybe like you you just live under a rock
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And when I discovered that, like, oh, it just goes all black. To me, that makes me feel like my life had no purpose at all. And it's like, what differentiates me from Hitler, essentially? Like, you know, Hitler was insanely intense, did some awful things. And it's like, but it just goes black. So there was no purpose. And when I think of that, it kind of made me hopeless, essentially.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Were you, did you, was it right after high school? Did you try to go to college? And then you were like, got this opportunity. What was all that like?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So I think that makes Jesus offer the hope. When I became a Christian, there were some things that I've been doing a lot of my life and behaviors that were in total contradiction to what Jesus was telling me to do. And it's like everything that the world exalts, Jesus is like exalting the total opposite of that. And so I thought God's a cosmic buzzkill, man. He doesn't want me to have fun.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Yeah, what? But I realized like, oh, he's not a cosmic buzzkill. God created humans with an original design. And that original design was to love him and worship him. And Jesus says that the greatest commandment is to love God and love people. Love him first and then love the people that he created. And so I thought God was this cosmic buzzkill.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
But I realized like these things that I was doing all my life, they weren't benefiting me. They were things that I thought I wanted. They were not good. When I started living a life that was obedient to Jesus teachings and things like that, I began to live a richer, more fuller life is how it felt.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Um, when you talk about your dad, I want to kind of talk about that and kind of talk about your experiences with that. Um, I mean, losing a loved one. I mean, I, I, I can't, can't imagine how hard that was, how hard of a time that was.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Come on guys. Uh, do you feel like, How has suffering, just in general, seeing suffering or someone close to you like that, how has that affected you? And does that warp your perspective of a God that claims to be good?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
For sure. Yeah, I think I don't I don't know. I've never really known a lot about angel numbers, so I can't really like speak to that. But I think first thing is like there is spirituality is real. So there is a spiritual aspect to life. And my thing is, I think that the Bible tells us that God reveals himself throughout all of creation so that humanity is without excuse to believe in him.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And so I think that if anyone's gonna interact with us from outside of the dimension we call time, space and matter, it's gonna be God himself, because he's the ultimate powerful supernatural being. So I don't really know a lot about angel numbers. So I personally have never really believed in them and I can't like speak on them.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
But I think the beautiful thing about God revealing himself in the grandest way is when we see something like that and it was super traumatic for you and you watch your dad take his last breath, essentially. I watched my grandfather take his last breath. And that is a very hard thing to watch.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
to some extent the people that have never seen that you go you don't understand what that's like you'll never know how I feel and I'll never know how you feel because my dad's still alive and I've never lost my dad so first thing I want to say is like I'm sorry and that's hard and that sucks yeah and my like my my condolences go to you and your family but I think when I look at Jesus like he endured the suffering and
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And that's the grandest way that God reveals himself in literally becoming a human, so personal, and laying his life down for us. So Jesus took his last breath. So if anyone's going to understand how you feel, it's him. He literally took his last breath. He laid his own life down. He experienced the ultimate suffering on the cross.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And so that makes Jesus relate to us and empathize with us and give us peace. And so... I think where, you know, sometimes we try to find peace in other things, in life, in this thing. Maybe I'll distract it with sports. Kind of you said, I want to put it to the back of my mind. I want to do this thing. Because that's what we do naturally with traumatic things or things like that.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
The Bible tells us that Jesus will give us a peace that surpasses all understanding. Which means that like when we trust in Jesus, he gives us a peace that just doesn't make sense to our brain. It's crazy. So crazy. There have been moments of like high stress. So I hate airplanes. It's totally different than death. And do you take your shirt off when you go on the airplane? Yeah.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Yeah. And when I'm on the plane and the turbulence hits just a little bit, I freak out, dude. I freak out on the inside. And, uh, I travel all the time. And so a couple of flights ago, I'm like starting to freak out. And then all of a sudden I just go, God, I need you right now. Cause I don't like feeling this way and just immediate peace. Wow. Whoa.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Normally that stuff freaks me out, but immediate peace when I lost my granddad. God, this sucks, but man, thank you that you're the ultimate life giver. Thank you that you give hope to the hopeless. Thank you that you came to set the captives free. God, thank you that when we put our faith and trust in you, we are united with you. God, thank you. And just immediate peace.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And I'm not gonna lie, there are days that I wake up and I go, that was a sucky experience. And life gets hard. And we often reflect on things that are hard sometimes. But the Bible tells us that God really does give us a peace that just doesn't make sense to our brain, but heals our heart. And I think that's so sick.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So I lost both my granddads. I lost my first granddad when I wasn't a Christian, and I just proceeded to blame God for suffering. You suck. You killed my granddad, God. You're awful. Then I became a Christian. I realized God didn't kill my granddad. Cancer did. Cancer killed my granddad. And we can't blame God for suffering because God doesn't cause the suffering. So we have to understand that.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Then when I lost my second, my other granddad, it was hard. There was lots of tears, lots of days of confusion. I hope so. Yeah, lots of confusion, hardship. Because in that moment, I watched my granddad take his last breath when I was a Christian, and it just didn't make sense to me. I kind of stood there. And I was like, I've never seen anything like this before. Yeah.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And it was just kind of shock. And then later that night when I'm alone, I'm just crying and reflecting on memories and kind of same response. I don't want to see pictures. I don't want to think of memories. But aside from religion, like the cool thing about nostalgia is like you're thinking about things that you enjoyed. You're reflecting on good memories.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So like I encourage you to like keep remembering that stuff. That's awesome to have nostalgia and reflect on things that you enjoyed and reflect on moments that you enjoyed with your dad. Like, yeah, amazing. But it was hard. And there were days that I was confused and things like that. But the Bible teaches us to trust in God.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And sometimes when things just don't make sense, like my granddad was literally perfectly fine. And he had this, it was, it was basically like a tiny cancer spot on his like thing. And he, they just, my family was like, it was kind of annoying him. Like pain, pain wise was like kind of annoying him. And we're like, let's just go ahead and remove it.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And as soon as he got done, it was just in a month, everything went downhill. It's crazy. Out of nowhere. Yeah. And so I was confused, didn't know why, and don't understand. But what good can come out of something like that? Well, it drew me closer to Jesus, first of all, because he suffered. The second thing was it brought my family closer together.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Oh, man, we just came around and ended up loving each other. And my granddad was a man of faith. And through his life, I learned a lot of many things. I got to inherit his Bible that he had studied in for years. And just every page is shredded with information and floods of wisdom and all these beautiful things.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And he was a great example of what it means to be a man and what it means to love people well. And I learned that a lot and it challenged me. And I don't think I have a extreme antidote of how to like trust in God. Cause sometimes I still have a challenge. And you know, you said earlier, do you doubt?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Yeah, I have doubts sometimes, but you know, I think the overwhelming evidence is like Jesus really was who he said he was and in him, we can have faith and hope and, and be united with him in an eternal life.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Sure. Sure. I wish I've had a bird land on my arm. I wish I've had that stuff. Never had that happen. You gotta ask. I do need to ask now. Um, but, But there's four main ways God reveals himself to people. It's through his word. So like I said earlier, the Bible, we shouldn't think of it as a cage of rules.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Love later to us of how we were originally designed and how we should live and what sin does to us. Sin hurts us. Sin hurts God. And so when we live the way according to him, it's a beautiful thing.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
a lot of questions i have concerning god there's bible verses and scriptures that bring comfort that bring knowledge of okay this makes sense or i shouldn't do this i should do this his word i think god can use people right so you said i've never grown up around faith and man i'm super grateful that you were curious and wanted to talk and god's using me to hopefully bring some clarity about who he is and who jesus is to you
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So God could be speaking to you right now just through me, explaining who Jesus was, the necessity of his death and resurrection, creation, how everything came about, heaven and hell, whatever that is, whatever your questions are, through signs. I believe God does give signs. Now, God doesn't have to because the Bible says that we can look at creation or like this house.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And I can't say it wasn't here yesterday, but today it's here. You'd be like, stupid. Someone built it. Someone designed it. There's a maker behind it. So the Bible says we can look at creation go. There has to be an intelligent design intelligence. There has to be a maker. And then he revealed himself through through Jesus by humbling himself and coming here.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So how many dating shows have you been on in total? I think maybe like four or five.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And so whenever people say, if Jesus appeared to me right now, I'd believe in him. And I go, well, he did and people killed him. And so that's an interesting thing. So he probably doesn't want to do it again. And so it's cool. And through signs and people. And so I think those are ways that he can reveal himself and in supernatural ways as well because he's a supernatural being.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So those things are, you know, different ways. I haven't had anything like super crazy happen recently. I think Waffle House was like the most intense. I think that's a one of one. But like bring you encouragement. There's this guy named Tim Keller. He was like a super they called him a theologian, which is a fancy word for really smart at the Bible.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
wow yeah and what like so so you it seems like when you were going on these dating shows were you going on there now reflecting on now do you think all of those you were going on there to sincerely like you were on a quest for love or you were just like i'm just i'm just trying to like get famous no one on these shows is going there for love really that's an element of it like sure i like the first show you sign up for you like oh yeah
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
The more you learn about Jesus and the more you study, these are like guys that know everything about the Bible and things like that.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So like a priest would be considered like someone who is in like a pastoral role to shepherd and things like that. So that's in Catholicism.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
That's like a label. So a shepherd. It's like you lead people. You lead people. Pastors, priests, things like that. We are sheep. Literally. You know the Bible calls us sheep?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
That's horrible. Because it is, because sheep are stupid. And the Bible tells us that Jesus is our shepherd. Wow. And so it's like, without Jesus being our shepherd, we make knucklehead decisions, Bryce is stupid, I wander off, and essentially I'm lost. But it shows, there's this Bible story where it says, there's 100 sheep, and the shepherd loses one.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And I don't know about you, but in a crowd of like 100 people, and if one person was gone, I probably wouldn't notice. No idea. But it shows Jesus' intentionality. One leaves. And normally we would just count the cost and say, oh, it's whatever. We got 99. But Jesus, the shepherd says, no, I've got to go find the lost sheep.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So he searches high and low as the sheep wanders off and he finds the sheep and he picks the sheep up and he brings it back and he rejoices. He goes, thanks be to God for I found my lost sheep. And why is that? He's showing the 99 sheep how important one sheep is. Wow. So beautiful. We're valuable.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And then there's another story on the net where it's like, there's a woman who has 10 coins and she loses one coin and she searches high and low and sweeps the floor and dust and she finds the coin and she rejoices for she has found the lost coin. We're the coin and we're deemed valuable in God's eyes. It's a beautiful picture of who we are. So when Bryce thinks on his own, Bryce is stupid.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Bryce makes no good decisions. And I'm not going to make any assumptions, but I bet when Harry thinks on his own, you don't think you just do. We make a lot of stupid decisions. And so to know that I can access God who's good, perfect, just, and powerful, and he can help me make decisions, that's a beautiful picture. And I think that's super cool.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Yeah. Oh, my God, guys. Come on. I can't be reading this. So they call it the Bible, and they're like, oh, it's one book, but it's a collection of books. Oh, my God. And the Psalms is written by this guy named King David. Now, according to biblical context, King David was known as a man after God's own heart. Extreme title, right? Super cool.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
This guy's got great branding. You want to know the cool thing about David is he was known as a man after God's own heart, but he committed adultery and then killed the woman's husband. How could that guy be a man after God's own heart? I mean, come on. Like, really?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
You know, sometimes you gotta go after your woman. And can I be, like, real for a second? Like, man, like, if... If there was like a screen above Bryce's head of all the nasty things I've done, all the things I've thought of, all the things people would probably never talk to me again. Because in this society, people find out you're junk and they're like, I don't want anything to do with you.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And so I can't make assumptions. But I bet there's a lot of people that maybe know things about you or whatever it may be. And they distance themselves from you. And they're like, are you kidding me? And their perception of you. And that's who David is. And there's two Psalms that I love.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Psalm 23, where he basically is relating back to this story that Jesus tells of the lost sheep that we just said. And David says, the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He makes me lie down on green pastures. He leads me besides still waters. He restores my soul. God restores David's soul. And then he says this thing.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
He says, even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, when I go through hard times, when life sucks, when Harry's having a hard time, when Bryce is having a hard time, it says, I will fear no evil for you are with me. Your rod and staff, they comfort me. And that comforts me because oftentimes I'm like, God, take my problems away.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And the reality is, is God doesn't promise to take our problems away, but he promises to be with us through that, through the hard times, through the hardships. And so how does it feel when you go through hard times and your closest friends gather around you? Or you even described it earlier.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
It sucks when you have a family member, a loved one pass away, and the people that claim to be your friends just weren't with you in that hard time. And like God, who's an all-powerful God, is with us in those hard times.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And there's another psalm where it's called Psalm 51, where basically David is writing about how his actions, killing Bathsheba, which is the woman that he slept with, her husband, and committing adultery and doing all these nasty things. He's talking about how that sin, it crushes him and it makes him feel bad. But when he apologizes and confesses to God, God, I've sinned against you. I'm sorry.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Help me turn away from this. He says, my bones feel a pressure release and I feel this joy and I feel this peace and this comfort. And I acknowledge that I did something wrong, but like, praise God that you forgave me and that you love me. There's no human being that's too far gone. So cool. Yeah. Like forgiveness is on the table for everyone.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Even the Jeffrey Dahmers and the, and the most intense people of the world, there is forgiveness from them. And that's the truth of the word is if someone comes to themselves and goes, I need someone outside of myself, Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross. Thank you for forgiving me.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And God, I confess with my mouth and I'm believing my heart that you are Lord, that you really did die on the cross and resurrect. I believe in you. I'm putting my faith and trust in you. I'm going to listen to you. God, thank you. And that's a beautiful picture of redemption. Like throughout history, there's this guy named Saul who literally killed Christians. He hated Christians would kill them.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And then he had this life changing moment and he became a Christian. God encountered him. He became a Christian. And then he proceeded to die for the faith. Hmm. And I think it's powerful.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Sure. For sure. Yeah. I can't necessarily label someone as being inherently sinful or not because only God knows a man's heart. I've been to, I've seen and been to mega churches, like we call them mega churches, really big churches that are just absolutely incredible. And then I've seen and been to some that just kind of make me question some things.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And so Paul, the guy that I said used to kill Christians that became a Christian, he writes about this. He says, you know, there are people that preach for selfish gain and And there are people that preach because they love God. And he goes, regardless, whatever the motive is, praise be to God that the truth is being shared. And so I think there's always going to be wickedness.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
There's always going to be these things in the world, whether it's a church abusing people or manipulating people to get money and things like that, or whether it's someone preaching because they actually love God, you know, whatever it may be, praise be to God that the truth is being shared. And that even through the wickedness and through the crazy stuff, the gold can be found, which is Jesus.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And so I think that's a powerful thing. But I can't necessarily label someone as like, oh, this guy, this guy. I'm not going to do that. But that stuff is out there. Does it teach you to not have judgment? Because I feel like you're the least judgmental guy I've ever met. Well, thanks. That's encouraging. Well, God's the ultimate judge.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And so when people ask me, like, you know, how's God going to judge the earth? I have no idea. Like, I can't tell you that. Like, this is blah, blah, blah. Now, there's things in the Bible that says, like, this is obedient to him. This is not obedient to him. When we live our way, we live out of line of God's design.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Sin is doing anything in total opposition to God and his original design, things like that. But there's this thing called grace, which is a gift that is given that isn't deserved. And Jesus shows Bryce a lot of grace. And the grace is that It's okay. There's forgiveness. You can change. But Jesus doesn't tolerate my sinful actions. Like he's going, here's the grace. I paid the price for you.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
There's grace. There's forgiveness. But when you turn to me, you naturally leave these desires behind. And so I think, you know, God teaches me to, if you really are a Christian and you're following Jesus, God teaches you to see past the junk and look at the heart and believe the best in someone. So this is how the Bible describes love. Love is patient. It's kind. It doesn't envy.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
It doesn't boast. This is my favorite thing. Love keeps no record of wrong. Damn. So when Jesus Christ died on the cross, the ultimate representation of love, he cancels the debt of every wrongdoing I've done. But the thing about Jesus's sacrifice is it's a free gift. The Bible talks, calls it a free gift. We have to receive it. We have to receive the free gift.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So it's packaged with a nice bow on top that says to blank from Jesus. But in order for us to receive the forgiveness, we have to actually receive it. We have to open the gift. And I think that's a beautiful thing is that imagine like how much pressure, right? Harry feels, right? how people have seen him in the past, the knucklehead decisions he's done.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Imagine how much pressure I felt, all the knucklehead decisions I've done, things like that, blah, blah, blah. And Jesus says, I will wipe your slate clean as if you've never done it. If you put your faith and trust in me and receive my forgiveness. That's so cool. It was really cool. And so since I've done that, there are days where people still try to hold my past against me and things like that.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And sometimes it's hard. But to know that God sees himself in me rather than my junk because I've received his forgiveness is a powerful thing. Wow. So beautiful. Yeah.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
yeah man damn crazy crushing it ah well jesus loves you a lot do you like it's super cool yeah yeah it's it's super powerful do you uh have you ever heard of like i guess it's kind of like last thing i want to like cover it's like have you ever heard of heaven and hell is it scary do you have questions about that like i think you kind of explained it this thought like when religion was christianity was like christianity energy what am i saying
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
up for me yeah i gotta stay away from all this yeah because i might end up selling my soul and then there are these girls in high school that used to do witchcraft at my school and they were like they came up to me because they saw like a clip of david dobrik talking about people selling their soul and they were like did i sell my soul they were freaking out um but you can't sell something that's not yours to sell in the first place so when people say sell your soul this is how i think the bible describes the selling your soul is a copping out for things of the world rather than jesus
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So like compromising the morals of the Lord, the morals, the standards of God for the sake of yourself. So, you know, if, you know, as a Christian, I was saying, I love God. And then to go back to what you're saying, I'm going to manipulate the people that are his believers to give me more money so I can be rich and things like that.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
I'd be selling my soul, teaching them things that would twist their mind to give me more money. That's what I consider selling your soul. But you can't necessarily just sell your soul and there's no forgiveness for that. You can't sell something that isn't yours to sell. But with heaven and hell, a lot of people used hell as a fear tactic on me.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And there's a part of it that's kind of scary because it's like... We have to be honest and be like, okay, hell is separation from God. But hell is both a justice system and a choice. So it's kind of what I mentioned earlier at the beginning. Hell is a justice system in the sense that like we have to be held accountable for our actions. So Bryce murdered someone. Bryce goes to court.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
He deserves to go to jail because he murdered someone.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
but it's also a choice the thing with hell is because God's love because we love God out of genuineness not because he's forcing everyone to believe in him he says you have the choice to choose to follow me or not if we choose to follow Jesus it makes his heart glad praise God you follow me you love me I grant your wish heaven is an infinite amount of time with Jesus so amazing
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
But if we say, God, I want nothing to do with you. I want to live my life. I want to live my life how I want. Then it breaks God's heart. But God respects the choice that we make because he's not going to force anyone to follow him, force anyone to love him that doesn't love him because the love's not genuine.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
and he allows people to choose a choice he grants that wish and hell is an infinite amount of time separated from him and so at the same time justice system things like that this is a cool thing about the justice system imagine if all the things that you've done wrong stack against you on a list sheet and you're on trial i'm done and it's like this this that blah blah blah you deserve punishment yeah and then jesus walks in the courtroom and goes hey harry i'll do your sentence for you i got you you go be a free man
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
That's powerful. That's exactly what Jesus does. That's what his sacrifice, death and resurrection does, is it cancels the debt. That's what forgiveness is. So if Harry punches me in the face and I don't deserve to retaliate back and I forgive this, I'm canceling the debt. Wow. And so that's what the cross is. It's canceling the debt.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
But you have to receive the forgiveness or else you're held accountable. And so when Jesus dies on the cross, he pays for everything. And that's a cool thing. Have you ever even, have you ever heard anything about the story? Anything at all? Can I tell you really quick before we end? Yeah. So there's this like, so Jesus is, is a Jewish man.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Everything kind of takes place in Israel and they had this holiday every year in Jewish culture called Passover. And every year on Passover, they had a tradition where they would release a prisoner that was on death row and And so Jesus is arrested. And they got this guy who's popular in the Roman government. His name's Pilate. Sick name. These guys are crushing it.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So what do you think after this kind of self exploring self discovery of childhood, high school, college dating shows, what do you think your definition of love is?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
They're a super cool name, right? Pilate. Pilate's a cool dude. And he gets on the stage because they were trying to say that Jesus deserved to die for all this other stuff. And Pilate, he was just like, there's no evidence to kill him. Like, I can't just do this. So to honor tradition of the Jewish holiday, he stands on the stage and he says... All right, guys, we release one prisoner.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So here's your two options. You can release Jesus, son of God. And then you have this guy named Barabbas who had already been in jail. He was a rebel against Rome. He literally led a rebellion against Rome and Rome put him in jail because he was trying to overthrow the government. As you do. As you do. He was a murderer. There are some documents that said that he was a rapist. Wow.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
This guy's the worst of the worst. And if you got crucified in those times, it was because you were the worst of the worst of the worst. And so on this stage in front of the crowd, he's saying, who do you guys want? Do you want Barabbas, the thug, the rebel, the murderer?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
who's got a list of stuff that he deserves to die for, he deserves the crucifixion, he deserves the chance, or you want Jesus, all he's done is heal the sick, open blind eyes, open deaf ears, deliver people, set people free, and the crowd chants, we want you to free Barabbas. Kill Jesus. We want Barabbas. These people are cooked. They're cooked. So they go up, they unlock the chains.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Barabbas is walking down and all I can think about is like, you know, Barabbas walking down and going like, yeah, man, these people love me. Like going back to his thug friends and he's there. And all you can think is probably like the people set him free. But the people didn't set him free. The love of God set him free.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
the entire time that jesus being accused he just stayed silent if i was being accused of things i didn't do i would have tried to beat the case i was like that's not me i didn't do this this isn't that but jesus stayed silent because he knew that god had to treat jesus like barabbas so that barabbas could be treated like jesus wow and so this is what happens to jesus he gets beaten
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
39 times, and all the flesh on his back is ripped off. So just muscles, tendons, through his back. The Bible tells us, and historical records tells us, that Jesus' face was beaten so bad that he looked alien-like, that he was unrecognizable. He didn't even look like a human. And he was stripped naked, mocked publicly in front of everyone. And he stays silent the entire time.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
and he's got nails driven through his wrists onto a piece of wood through his feet and he's nailed and he's standing in front of people naked crucified ripped face face just mutilated and everything and he's staying there suffering and because he's god he could have gotten down at any moment And I think of Jesus, I go, you know, there's people that choose not to follow Jesus.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
There are many people in history that have chosen to reject Christ. And why didn't Jesus go, you know what, I'm done. You people are never going to follow me. There's nothing I could do. Why don't you do it? Why doesn't he get down? And the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ stayed on the cross because there was a joy that was set before him.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And when Jesus Christ mutilated, exhausted, flesh ripped off, crucified, all I can think about is Harry. All I can think about is Bryce and how if he doesn't do this, there is no gateway for me to be united with him. There's no way for me to have friendship with him. Wow. And he pays the price. And it's such a beautiful thing. He dies this death.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
The crucifixion is a picture of the death that we deserve because our rebellion and sin and wrongdoing and wickedness towards God. That's what we deserve. And he takes the price. And in that time period, like a guy like Barabbas, if you were being crucified, you would prepare your cross. So the wooden beams that Jesus was crucified to.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So imagine like Barabbas preparing his own electric chair, essentially. He's preparing it and things like that. And then Jesus steps in and takes the cross that Barabbas had prepared for himself. That's crazy. So the punishment I prepared for myself, Jesus died for. That's such a beautiful picture of love. No one's ever explained that. That's incredible.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Yeah, I'm super confident that if you... like if you attempted to like follow Jesus, essentially whatever that looks like, like praying to God, reading your Bible, aligning, I believe this isn't just for you. I believe anyone would do this. Someone that doesn't know Jesus or that's curious about Jesus. If anyone prayed to God, read their Bible and tried to align their actions with Jesus,
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
what Jesus says is right and stay away from things that Jesus says is wrong. I believe that anyone would experience transformation, would really experience who God is and things like that. Have you ever been to church? Never. Would you ever come to church if I invited you?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
yeah i'd be down yeah yeah if they don't beat me up they would never beat you up they would never beat you up that's so cool if i don't get thrown out as soon as i walk in there might be a invisible barrier like oh this guy's bad well i think that's the cool thing about jesus is like last thing i'll say is because like uh the people that were all super religious the pharisees the guys that supposedly knew everything about god those were the people that jesus was talking to the most
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Because they come up to him. There's this one time where Jesus is having a dinner with the tax collectors, the people that literally abuse their power for more money, prostitutes, sinners, the good old-fashioned law defilers, the things that God said was good, the ones that were in total opposition. Jesus is having a dinner with all these guys.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And the Pharisees show up, and Jesus doesn't go, oh, crap, where's the back door? He doesn't, like, get embarrassed. he's proud to be there and he looks at them and they're like, what the heck are you doing hanging out with these guys? And he looks at them and he says, the healthy don't need a doctor.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Like, when's the last time you've been healthy and you've called your doctor and going, hey doc, I need to come in, I'm feeling great. You never do that. No one ever does that. He's like, the healthy don't need a doctor, the sick do. And he was proud to be around those guys. He wasn't ashamed because he knew that being around those guys, they needed someone outside of themselves.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And that's a cool thing. So like, I promise you, like, there's no shame
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
no amount of thing that like if you came to our church everyone would just be so excited to meet you for just who harry is no strings attached same way your friend giovanni or gianni gianni yeah like same way gianni treats you like just no strings attached what can we do for you how can we you know anything so i think that's powerful damn it let's do it let's do it are there any other questions you got about jesus that are on your heart or nothing really
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Let's go, man. Yeah. Thank you so much. Dude, I'm super grateful you came on and like your vulnerability and honesty is super great. And, and, uh, you're a super genuine guy. You're amazing, humble, kind, and gracious. So I appreciate you. Thanks, man. I appreciate you. Yeah. Well, we did it. We did it again.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
You said you haven't had it in a while, but let me pray for you again really quick, if that's okay. And, uh, we'll just bow our heads and pray. Um, God, thank you so much for this day. Thank you for a great conversation. God, I just ask that you send people Harry's way that just represent your love correctly to him. God, would you just continue to send people his way that love him?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Well, God, thank you that you see all of us in this room and everyone watching and listening. You see all of us. with just no judgment other than like compassion and grace and wanting to see us know more of you. So God, would you allow us to know more of you? Would you bring more opportunities for us to know more of you? God, I bless Harry. I thank you for his life.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Continue to just move in his life. Reveal yourself to him. God, I pray that his curiosity continues to unfold and lead more conversations and discussions, things like that. God, just so grateful for Harry. Thank you for a conversation. God, we love you, and thank you in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Yeah, thanks for coming on. Dude, that was sick. Guys, thanks for watching. Appreciate you guys.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Like and subscribe. Appreciate you guys, and we'll see you guys in the next episode. Wow. Peace.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
I feel like if I was in your position and I was constantly going on these shows for me, because this is something I struggle with, maybe not to the degree, or maybe you didn't struggle with this at all, but in high school and middle school, I was trying to be a people pleaser. I struggled with a lot of depression and anxiety, crippling depression and anxiety.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Yeah, I actually do not eat super healthy, which I'm trying to learn how to eat healthier.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And like, it kind of the way you described these dating shows was like, you go on there to get something out of it. And you've been in so many of those environments. Like, how do you see yourself? I mean, do you feel like that people were just trying to use you a lot?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Sure. At the core, what do you think? How does that make you feel at the core? Aside from like, oh, man, you know, good business here, here, here and there, because I mean, I don't think anyone likes to feel transactional and everything nowadays is like, I'm only going to do something for you if you scratch my back. Yeah. And to me, that's, that's hard for me to wrap my mind around a lot now.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Thank God. I mean, I'm a Christian now, but beforehand that's how my life was. It was just, I'm only going to help you out if you scratch my back or things like that. Do you feel like that's affected the way you see yourself and view yourself?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
just try and be more of that as well for those people yeah dang that's super encouraging no strings attached yeah that's a nice that's a nice way to live and have friends yeah so i think you know i'm a christian yeah what do you think uh what do you think about jesus what have you heard about jesus what's your perspective of it i know you mentioned earlier you think there's something out there and you want to learn more and you you said you did spiritual retreats trying to find your way what do you think about jesus
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Yeah, yeah. You said you're from Australia. So you just had no, no, any sort of faith at all?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
Yeah. Well, I can tell you a hundred percent. He's got all the time in the world for you, dude. He's got all the time in the world for us. I think that's my favorite first appeal to Jesus as a whole, because we think that God is all powerful and all knowing, but he wants to spend intimate time with me. So all the millions of people in the world, and yet God is madly obsessed with me.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And it's the same way. That's the same perspective of view. There's millions of people in the world, but God's madly obsessed with Harry. So that makes me feel super special from a God that's super all powerful that inherently doesn't really need me. But he's like, I'm really obsessed with you and I love you and I made you for me. So that's my first appeal to Jesus is like, he just loves me a lot.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And that's what he is. And I think, you know, I grew up in the church and I grew up in a state where Christianity is a very dominant religion. I went to a Christian school But I had a lot of issues with Christianity and religion because the way that Jesus was portrayed to me was if you listen to God, he loves you. And if you don't listen to him, he hates you. Yeah. And that's it. Have fun.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And the same guys that were trying to force me how to live my life, they were doing the total opposite of what they were telling me to do. Yeah. And so I was just kind of like, what is going on? This is kind of crazy. So I just didn't like anything to do with it. And a lot of close people in my life that claim to love God, just their actions reflected that they didn't really know God.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
So I associated those actions with God's awful and he sucks. Yeah, I didn't like it. So I just lived a majority of my life just hating Christianity, hating God, hating anything to do with religion. But I think I mentioned earlier, I struggle with a lot of depression and anxiety. And so it got to a point where I was trying to figure out how do I solve this stuff? Yeah.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)
And a lot of people told me you need some religious structure in your life, Bryce, and maybe you'll find some satisfaction and your depression will get cured. So I was looking into everything. I was looking into Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, just whatever I could grab onto. Yeah. And nothing ever worked. And I have tons of friends that are Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, atheist, agnostic. It was great.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Yeah, keep pointing around. All right, I'll pray for us.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Jesus, thank you so much, God, for waking us up. Thank you for just a day to get to talk about you and exalt you, God. I just pray that every word that comes out of our mouth is from you, God. Any ounce of our flesh, just let it be squashed right now before we start recording. God, I thank you for each and every soul in this room, the ministry, and the trust that you've placed in them.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I really love you a lot. It's been a joy spending time with you. Yeah, Jesus, thank you so much for today, God. And we just thank you for our brother Ruslan. God, we just love him. God, I'll never understand the weight of what Ruslan and his family is going through. But God, we thank you that you share in suffering with us. God, we thank you that you understand.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
God, I just ask that the peace that surpasses all understanding just overflow in Ruslan and his family's life. God, we thank you for them. We thank you for their earnest pursuit of you. God, I just bless Ruslan and his family in Jesus' name and bring them the most peace and the most comfort that comes from the heart of you guys.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
So we thank you for Ruslan and his family, and we just pray the comfort of the Lord over them in Jesus' name.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
God, I bless each and every person in this room. I thank you for their life. I thank you for their obedience. God, use us mightily. Bless this episode. Bless George. God, thank you for allowing our schedules to align so that we could be in a room together. God, thank you for this day. We love you, Jesus. It's in your name we pray. Amen. Amen.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And just to add to what Ari is saying, at the end of the day, Faith is a choice. We have a choice in everything that we do. We partner with God. He doesn't force us to do anything. We have a choice. And we have a choice whether to sin or to follow Jesus rightly. And I think the issue that so many people have is that they think that sin is so powerful. And it is powerful.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But Jesus died to break and kill the power of sin in us. There is no sin or addiction coming from someone who's battled addiction. There's no addiction that is too big for Jesus himself to break. That's what he does. That's what he came to do, bind up the brokenhearted and set the captives free.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And Romans 6 says, well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace? Of course not. Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it? And then it says, we know that our old sinful lives are crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
For when we died with Christ, we were set free from the power of sin. And since we died with Christ, we know that we will also live with him. Like what Ari is saying, there's freedom and there's life in Jesus. And that freedom and that life is on the other side of a true relationship with him. And so it says in scripture that in him is light and there's no darkness in him at all.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
So if you continue living in spiritual darkness, you're lying to yourself, saying that you have fellowship with God. It's a choice. You make choices in life. You choose to give things up. You choose to stop sinning. And it's hard. It's really hard. There are things, like Ari said, where I would have never thought in a million years I could ever overcome.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But Jesus literally died for that reason, to empower us. And it feels discouraging. Sometimes to look at the sin before you, to look at the sin in your life, but be empowered, be encouraged to know that you in your own might and in your own strength, you probably can't do it. But Jesus literally came to give us that power from the Holy Spirit himself to overcome sin.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I feel like when I read 1 Corinthians, Paul says, no temptation has overtaken you that's not common to man. And so I know when Bryce struggles with sin, it makes me want to go isolate because no one's going to understand how I feel. There's the part of the human nature that goes isolate because no one understands how I feel.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And then there's the other part of the human nature that's selfish and says, let me isolate and protect my self-image. And he says, no temptation is overtaking that's not common to man because when we isolate, we think no one's going through it. So I think for Bryce is when I struggle with sin, I have to recognize that there's a whole lot of people that are actually struggling with what I do.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
So it doesn't make me feel alone in it. And then Paul finishes that out. I think it's 1 Corinthians 10, 13, where he basically explains that there is a backdoor to sin. There's no sin we can't say no to. And so when I read the epistles and the gospels, it tells us that temptation is inevitable. But when they write about sin, it always says, if we sin. If we sin, if we sin, if we sin.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Now, I'm a sinner. I struggle with sin a lot. But that gave me a lot of comfort, knowing that Paul says temptation is inevitable, but through the power and strength of his spirit, I can say no to it. And just to invite you into my personal life, 2024 was one of the hardest years of my life. Seriously. Growing with Christ, I felt like all of 2023, my life was filled with grace. So much grace.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
God loves me and it's amazing. Oh man, praise God, it's awesome. And I felt great. And I carried so much grace that when Bryce fell into sin in 2023 because I thought I was all sunshine and rainbows, I carried more guilt and shame that year than I've ever felt in my life. Then in 2024, I said, it's not about grace, it's just straight truth. So I got to press it in.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
So I was memorizing the scripture. Oh, I got to wield my sword of the spirit to combat this temptation. And I got it and I got it. And I was just crushing myself. I knew the verses. sin across the board, pride, anger, and lust would come my way, and it felt like that I knew the verses.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Bryce knew the verses, and I knew what to say in the moment, but for some reason, everything was so hard for Bryce to overcome, and I felt like my missing ingredient for the grace, too much grace, I was tolerating sin in other people's lives, and in my own in 2023, 2024, I was crushing myself the way I saw myself, and the missing ingredient for me was my love for Christ.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
knowing that, man, I love God so much that my sin is murdering him and hurting him, that my sin beat him and crucified him and ripped the flesh off of his back. Because when Bryce in 2024 was all truth, it was, oh, lust is in my way? Okay, Paul says to flee from it. He says, cut my hand off if it's causing me to sin. And I was picturing words on a piece of paper, which is true. There is true.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
We need scripture to combat that. But I wasn't picturing the face of Jesus and what my sin was doing to him. And all it was was just a piece of paper to Bryce. And so I started weeping. I started weeping in like November of 2024 of God, this sucks. I just want to see you and I want to know you. And I kind of understand it's either I'm going to humble myself before God or let this stuff humble me.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I can either humble myself and go, God, I need you. And that's why I love this. The last thing I'll say, Psalm 51, King David, man after God's own heart. One of the legends of the Old Testament. struggles with lust, sleeps with another woman, kills his best friend and her husband. So it's like, what the heck?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But I love that passage because like a lot of these Psalms, David is crying out to God in the midst of him struggling with sin. And he says, man, like when I keep this sin inside of me, it's like crushing my bones.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
It's making me feel heavy. It's weighing my body down. I can feel it in my bones. And whenever we hide that sin and we don't look for help and we isolate or whatever it may be, why ever we hide it or try to internally, you know, we try to white knuckle our sin, we hit sin for the dopamine hits that we can find with Christ or things like that. He's like, man, it's in me.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And you give the devil the license to use that sin against you and to bring that guilt and shame in your life. But he says, but when I confessed... The weight was off me. My bones weren't crushed. I humbled myself and said, God, I've sinned against heaven and earth. Thank you for forgiveness. And God, what's the strategy?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And so to invite people in, man, at the same time, I may be evangelizing and sharing Jesus because I love God. I really do, and I'm passionate about it. I'm also 21, and I'm trying to figure this thing out too. And the reality is it's like life sucks sometimes, and it's hard.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But when I started to begin and reimagine Jesus and my sin hurting him and beating him and ripping the flesh off his back and realizing Jesus is a real person. It's not just words on a screen. He's not some legend. He is real.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
it changed my perspective of how my sin hurts God, and it makes me ten times more likely to say no to that because there's no temptation that has overtaken me that's not common to man. And I can say no because it does hurt him, and it breaks his heart, and that's not God's original design for my life.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Well, I think scripture is really clear that we're saved by grace through faith, and it's not by our works. And it says that if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, your soul will be saved. And so the woman that you're talking about or anybody else who feels so much guilt that they think they might not be getting into heaven, you simply have a wrong narrative.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
You've been lied to, and there's like a theological misunderstanding that's happening. Jesus did not die on the cross. I've thought about this so many times because I wrestle with God so much. I have people I love who might not be going to heaven and it weighs on me so heavily and it breaks my heart and I wrestle with God.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And there are so many times where I'm asking him, but how, how, how is this going to happen? How does this person get, like, what are we going to do? And the only thing that really brings my heart comfort is knowing that Jesus did not die on the cross and in vain and making us jump through hoops to get to him. That is not the grace that he's given us.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
We do not have to, yes, he's called us to a lot. The standard is high. The standard is be holy as I am holy and lay down your life, pick up your cross and follow me. Like the call, that's why the way is narrow. and few find it because it's hard. It is, but it's so worth it. But what the misunderstanding is that we do anything that earns us our ability to get into heaven. We don't.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
You confess with your mouth. You believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord. You will find yourself with the Father in heaven. And then while you're on earth, If you believe in Jesus, it's because you love him and you're aware that he loves you. And so if you've not yet had that revelation, that's what you have to pray for. You have to say, Jesus, give me the revelation of how much you love me.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Show me your work on the cross. What did you do? Why did you do it? I'm opening myself up to you right now to receive that revelation. And, yeah, I always think about this. He's not making us jump through hoops. That's not who he is. He loves us so much.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
There are people out there who are severely mentally ill, who are addicted, who are unwell, who are unable to even get to the point of accepting him. And he has a plan for them. He came for them. He died for them. And so he's not making us work that hard. It's not like that.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Well, got there at 2 a.m., only booked it off things. And keep in mind, like, I pull up. It doesn't say hotel in the front. It says Moxie in cursive bright neon pink. And I look in there. There's no check-in desk. There's people drinking, which, you know, no problem with that. And there's a bartender in there. I'm like, all right.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I go in there, and the bartender, like, shakes the water off his hands. He goes, how can I help you? And I said, I need to check in my hotel. He's like, yeah, you check in with me. And I was like, okay. So we check in, and we go up there, and everything in the room was, like... Sexual, I guess. It was so interesting.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
It was like sexual language or there was like a window into the bathroom so you could see into the bathroom. Yeah. There was, and then the phone next to our thing, it said, dial this number for a sexual bedtime story, is what it said on the thing. And I'm sitting there like, I'm never, ever booking a hotel ever again. Straight Airbnb from now on. It was called the Moxie.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
It was built intentionally for like... Anything with a neon sign, my man, it's not...
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I like Hebrews 11 when he talks about this thing called the cloud room of witnesses, legends of the faith, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, all Old Testament legends of the faith, guys that keep the law, and then Rahab the prostitutes in there. And I love it because it's like, why are they in there? It's not because they're legends of the faith, because I love what Cliff said.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
They kept the law and the law is what got them into heaven. They were obedient to the law because they had faith in God. And it flows right into Hebrews 12. And then he goes, and now we look to Jesus Christ, who is the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him, he endured the cross. We were the joy. We were the reason that he endured the pain and suffering of the cross.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
If the bartender's checking you in. Yeah, it was crazy. But it was good.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And so the reason why, me personally, I got baptized is because it's an outward expression of an inward heart change. I'm outside of the water as my old self, baptized into death with Christ, resurrected into new life as Colossians teaches us. Old self goes down, new self comes up. And I think it's so encouraging because why wouldn't a Christian want to have that outward expression of faith?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
It's comforting to know that the thief didn't have to do that, didn't have to work to get into heaven. But I believe Jesus encourages it because he himself got baptized. So I love being a Christian that goes, this is an outward expression of what happened inwardly to me. My life was wretched, I was awful, and I was my old self, baptized in the water, and now I'm clean.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I'm clean through the blood of Christ. And I just, I love that symbolism. Even with the prodigal son, like you brought up earlier. You know when the son comes home, and the father meets him and hugs him, and he's like, get the fattened calf, we're gonna throw a party. And he goes, get the robe, get my finest robe. That's the father's robe.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Oh, absolutely not. Absolutely no bedtime story for me. But, you know, the good thing was we had a good conversation with the bartender when we walked in there. He laughed at my hoodie because I walked in there and he goes, oh, that's hilarious. And starts laughing because it said, crack the Bible, not drugs on it. And he laughed at it. And then I kind of like, should I laugh? Should I not laugh?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And I literally picture that as God clothes us in his righteousness. That's the robe we receive because he paid the price. He put the blood on the mercy seat. Mercy is withholding what we deserve. Grace, giving something that we don't deserve. Mercy, withholding what we do. And I feel like Jesus put the blood on the mercy seat. Here you go. I paid the price. And I love that.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Because Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, all these legends of the faith, keepers of the law, well, how did they get saved? They were justified by what? Their faith. But the reason they did the things was because they had faith. And then Jesus Christ is the author and perfecter of our faith. And I just love that. So...
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And he was like, wait, are you religious? And I was like, I'm a Christian. And he goes, oh, well, I'm agnostic, man. And we just kind of start talking. And I invited him out yesterday. He didn't come? He didn't come, no. He didn't come.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
That's like pretty crazy, dude. Oh, thank you for the encouragement. Yeah. Yeah. It was, it was good. Like we got to talk to people in there, but it was definitely, um, a shocking experience to say the least. for sure. But it's cool because you can be a light in those environments. That stuff can be around you but not affecting your covenant with God. Yeah, absolutely. You know what I mean?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
If our eyes are up and all this junk's down here, it doesn't have to affect our actions, thoughts, and emotions. And I love what you said yesterday. You said something that changed my life yesterday. when we were at the thing, because you were talking about your temper, and I'm like, oh my gosh, I struggle with my temper so much. And you said, you don't make me lose my temper.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I give you the power to make me lose my temper. And it just put a lot into perspective for me. I was like, oh my gosh, if I fall into sin, it's because I give that thing the power to control me. And it changed my perspective of everything.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Oh, sorry. I was just going to say, I think one thing that I would add to all of that with loving them and with being Christ-like and displaying the love of Christ through your life and your behavior, We underestimate the power of prayer so much. The prayers of a righteous person avail much. We have so much power through the prayers that we pray over the things that we say. And I come from...
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
a culture of Catholicism, and we're deeply, deeply, deeply Catholic, and we're loyal to our Catholic roots, and it's like a really hard thing to break, and it's something that like needs work, and it's something that's so deep-rooted, and that like oftentimes there's superstition, and there's like just deep spirituality that is, it's idolatry, and like there's so many things in so many different
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
So as funny as it is that I booked this low-key strip club for a hotel and had no idea, I could be a light in that environment and not give that environment the power to control my actions, thoughts, and emotions. That actually changed my life last night. So thank you for that. That was amazing. Keep going, brother. Keep going.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
areas of faith that seem innocent, that aren't right. And it's so hard when you're a Christian and you read the Bible and you know what the truth is and you're like, let me tell you right now and you better listen to me because I love you. I was like that too. I was like, you have to listen to me because I know what I'm talking about.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And what I learned is that the roots are so deep that you can talk all you want, but you need the Holy Spirit to move. It's only the Holy Spirit who opens eyes. It's only by the Holy Spirit that we declare Jesus as Lord. He's the one who takes the scales off. He's the one who opens our eyes and our minds. just pray.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I've gotten so much better because I used to be the little faith police, like being like, I gotta, I like, I thought it was my job to like make sure everyone was doing it, everything right. And I just did so much damage. And so many of my relationships, my voice became critical. No one wants to listen to that. So I just learned how to take a step back, pray, let God do what only he can do.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Thanks for standing up for me, Cliff. I need to give you a holy kiss. You owe me one, brother.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Yeah, come on, take us out. Be more presentable. No, thanks for sticking up for me yesterday. You bet, brother. And I appreciate that because I like looking at scripture as like, particularly like, so I became friends with these guys called the Hebrew Israelites. And when I had a conversation with them, they looked at me and said, Bryce, because of your ethnicity, you're going to hell.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And there's nothing you can do about it. Because Jesus came to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And you look pretty white to me, Bryce. So you're going to hell. That's what they talked to me about. And I like looking at scriptures. It was written to Jews for believers. Like there are some things in scripture, particularly like you look at Corinth.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Paul is writing in Corinth because they're being extremely wicked. They're running the church. They're sleeping with temple prostitutes. They're doing some interesting things. And Paul has written specific things like the cultural things in that time going, hey, you guys better watch out here. You guys are having some sexual impurity in the church. Women, you guys need to cover your heads.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
You need to do a little bit of this and do a little bit of that. But in the Gospels, when these Hebrew Israelites were saying, Bryce, Jesus came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. You're not the lost sheep of the house of Israel. No go. I looked at him and I say, well, Jesus can't be in Israel and Austin, Texas at the same time.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Jesus limited himself in his humanity to the Jewish people at the time. He was a Jew. He was in Israel. Okay, guys, I'm speaking to you. But the core principles apply to all believers. Deny your flesh, surrender to Christ, all of these things. And it was super encouraging for me to go,
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Okay, praise God that he humbled himself, became a man so close and personal to me, he became a human, limited himself and his humanity to the Jewish people at the time. And then you even look at Paul after Jesus Christ is resurrected and the Gentiles go, yo, okay, so are we supposed to do these things that the Jews are doing, these traditions?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And then the Jews are like, wait, are we supposed to stop doing these certain things like the tefillin that they wrap around their hands when they pray? Are we supposed to stop doing this and become like the Gentiles? And I love Paul's response. Jews keep being Jews. Gentiles keep being Gentiles. Amen. And they keep moving forward.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And that just brings me a lot of comfort to know that Jesus loves me enough to be in Western civilization and his sacrifice is sufficient enough for me in these times. And there's so many different things in scripture.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And that's why I like to watch a lot of Give Me an Answer and watch a lot of Johnny Chang and Girls Gone Bible and Ruslan and learn from you is because as someone that wrestles with things in the Bible, You guys all give me different perspectives and help challenge me and grow.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And aside from my entire For You page and YouTube recommended feed being on the couch, I use my library and Logos and all these beautiful things that help me go, oh, okay, when Jesus calls himself the Son of Man, he's not saying he's not God. He's referencing to Daniel 7, who said that the Messiah would call himself the Son of Man. He's not saying, I'm a human and I'm God.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
He's speaking the language to the Jews at the time. And so it's so cool that like we can access all these resources through a phone and through these things to understand these things. And to be honest, it brings me a lot of comfort, makes me enjoy and makes me learn more about him and Jesus's culture as a Jew and all these things.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And so it just brings me a lot of comfort and knowing that like there's a lot of freedom in that. And Cliff made me feel really comfortable yesterday sticking up for me. Like, sure, Bryce looks like a doodle board and has tattoos and like ear piercings and this thing.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But like, he encouraged me in my faith by sticking up for me and saying, just because Bryce's outward appearance looks like this doesn't mean his faith isn't genuine. And that really encouraged me. So thank you, Cliff, for doing that. You're welcome, Bryce.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I said it a little roughly, but you know. You're so well-spoken, Belle.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I always say this, the Holy Spirit raises your IQ, period. The closer you get to Jesus, the wisdom of God is something that you can't buy. No degree can get it for you. Like I'm telling you, every person that I know that develops a relationship with Jesus gets smarter.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Like it's incredible. He literally is just like the most...
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Oh, can I... Do you mind if I say something about that? Yeah. Again, grew up in a Catholic context, and so I grew up... I never really prayed to saints or anything like that, but I remember when I really started following Jesus... which is when I started reading the Bible. It's hard to follow Jesus and the teachings of Jesus when you don't read them.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Like Johnny said, you have to read the Bible because otherwise you have the ability to create all of these ideas in your head that aren't rooted in scripture. So for me, when I started reading the Bible, everything that I ever thought about God
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
just began to it was so easy to let everything dissipate and all that was left was the word and what he says and he makes it very clear the word teaches you how to worship him how to pray to him how to interact how to have intimacy with him like you we have everything we need in this book And I just want to read a little bit out of Romans 1.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
It says, Paul writes, and he says, " a result," or it says, "...yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship Him as God or even give Him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. And as a result, their minds became dark and confused. Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols." And so when you make up ideas about God and about Jesus and you have all these traditions and rituals and all of this religion that's not even based in Scripture, you will become dark and confused. Jesus is light. The way is narrow.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Satan, his number one thing that he wants to do is just get us a little bit off course. If he even so slightly gets our focus off of Jesus, he can literally wreak havoc in your lives. It's so easy for him to just because things seem innocent. It's not that big of a deal. It's not evil. But he is the focus. And you can't like...
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
times are tough it's crucial there's urgency we have to be as close to Jesus and as focused on Jesus as humanly possible you have to read the Bible everything that we've said today means virtually nothing if you yourself are not rooted in the word it's our source of life it's our bread living water everything we need
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Well, the Peter thing, when it says that when Jesus tells Peter that I'm going to build this foundation of the rock on you, Jesus is using symbolic language of saying, I'm trusting you with the system of the church. So for someone that struggled with Christianity growing up because there were a lot of hypocrites, it made me go, I don't need church. I'm good. I'm perfectly fine.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But then when I started reading scripture, I realized, no, the system of the church is a beautiful thing because when Bryce goes through hard times, I need the fellowship of brothers and sisters to come around me and encourage me, challenge me, pray for me. What a beautiful thing it is to have God trust a pastor to shepherd your soul. That's a beautiful thing.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And I know it can be confusing sometimes, for example, like the Peter thing, but he's using symbolic language of saying like, Peter, I trust you with this system I call the church to create it. I'm going to give you wisdom to build this structure. And then he goes, that's the same guy that said, I would never deny you, Jesus. Then he denies him three times.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And then we see something very amazing here. The same guy that denied Jesus Christ in Acts receives the gift of the Holy Spirit because Jesus ascends, the promise comes through, and what happens?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
The same guy that denied him through the power and strength of the Holy Spirit stands up and begins the system of the church in front of 3,000 brothers and sisters and says, you guys killed the author of life. but God raised him from the dead. And this is the way it is. And they go, yep, you're right. I love you so much. You're so good at this.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Yeah, that's a great question. I think I've probably spent a lot more time thinking about heaven than hell, so I'm not the most equipped. Don't make me feel guilty. No, no, no. No, I'm not saying that. Don't you make me feel guilty. No, no. How dare you? No, no, no.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I'm saying for myself I'm probably not the most equipped to talk about this but if I could give a perspective because I understand why people I lost my page I understand why people might be so confused as to when he gave us free will but it's not really free will and I think it's important to remember that if I could get back to Colossians just give me one sec okay am I on the right yeah right here I love in Colossians 1
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
It says, Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation. For through him, God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can't see, such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
He existed before anything else, and he holds all of creation together. So I think it's just important to remember, because that is such a difficult question, but it helps, I think, to remember that God didn't just create us and give us a life and then say, okay, now you better, you know, you better choose me. And if you don't, you're going to go to hell.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
From the very beginning of him ever thinking about us, it was, he created us for him to be in relationship with him. So it's not like he gave us life and then said, okay, this is the, this is what we're working with. Like from the very beginning, it's up to us to choose him. He created it. He is the one who holds all of creation together. And so he is the reason why we're even here.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And it's to be in relationship with him. You know, so it's not like this.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Well, I think you have to finish your verse. You brought up a verse. You said for the wages of sin is death. But what's the end of it? But the free gift of God is eternal life. Come on. You're a straight shooter. When we first went to dinner, you shot it straight to me, and you laid the odds on the table with some things in my life, and I appreciate you for that.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
So I don't think when you brought up the COVID vaccine example, if you don't get the COVID vaccine, you can't do this, you can't do that, you can't do that, but the option's on the table. I think Jesus is saying, here's the results of your options. So if Jesus forced everyone in this room... to love him. He's a cosmic dictator. The love's not genuine.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
So I think it's a beautiful thing that both God gives us the choice to choose him, but he lays the options on the table and says, here's the results of your decisions. So hell being not only a choice, but a justice system. That's what I love that you guys explained so well, is we have to be held accountable for our actions.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And when we stand before God on judgment day, I can't hide from God and say, I didn't do that. my actions and my words are going to testify against me. And I love the beautiful thing about it is Jesus doesn't leave us hanging and says, yep, here's how it is. Here's the things on the table. It's on top of that. On top of that is I paid the price for you. So here's the ticket, my life.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Basic economics, the value of something is the price you put on it. And Jesus put the value of me with his life. And so I don't think it's necessarily revoking a free will. I think it's God saying, you have the choice to choose me or not, but here's the results of your choices because I am God. I set the standard. I'm all powerful, all knowing, loving God.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And I set the standard and here's just the result of your actions.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I think we have to think of it like accountability. It's not like God's torturing us and it's like God is joyous that we're going to hell. When Jesus Christ, when we stand before God and in this lifetime we choose, I don't want anything to do with you, it breaks his heart. But he respects the decision that we made with our life and we have to own it.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I do think it's forever, and this is why. It's because I think Jesus is being extremely literal. When he comes into this earth and he says, repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, and he's talking about hell and he's talking about heaven, because I really believe that Jesus respects the choices that we make in this lifetime. And then he says, for the wages of sin is death.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
but the free gift of God is eternal life. Look, I wrestle with this too. I don't want to act like I don't know anything because there are people in my life, like when I worked in Florida, I had a coworker who was double my age. We were best friends, but he hated God every time I brought it up. And here's the thing though, is I told him so much about Jesus. His name was Mitch and he hated God.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I went to go visit him last year and he overdosed on drugs and passed away. And how hard it was for me to think, I didn't do enough. I didn't say enough. It wasn't my thing.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And I think this is where I look in the gospels and I see when Jesus sends them out in two and he says, when they don't receive you, dust, like wipe the dust off your feet and move to the next city because he's saying you respect the decision. And the reality was is that Bryce didn't necessarily not say enough because I presented the gospel many times to Mitch. But it was his decision.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Do I think it was right? I don't know. I'm not the judge. I can't say this is the thing.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And what's beautiful is that we have scripture that, you know, gives us the ability to not have to, not have to debate some things. And George, you spoke to like, just the idea that God is sending people to hell and that he's not giving people in an option or that he is, he knows about the people of other religions and other parts of the world that aren't
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
that aren't being given the gospel, that aren't watching our podcasts. And I just think like, first of all, we all know John 3, 16, for God so loved the world, the world, not just Christians in America, but Muslims and Hindus and Jews and people all over the planet. He loved them so much that he sent his son, Jesus. so that they would have everlasting life and that they wouldn't perish.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And then 2 Peter 3, 9 says, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but he wants everyone to come to repentance. This is the heart of Jesus. And 1 Timothy 2, 3-6 says, this is good and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to know the knowledge of the truth.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
that's his heart he wants everybody and I believe that he somehow someway gives everybody the opportunity to receive him I don't think that there's one person regardless of where they ended up on the planet what family they were born in I don't believe there's one person who was not given the gospel somehow they were given a chance to accept Jesus
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
George, can I just say, you should be like, Jesus is so incredibly proud of you. Your humility is something. It's beautiful. It's incredible. I see every clip, every like three clips that you guys post is you saying, hey, just letting you guys know I'm humbling myself for something. Yeah. Like nobody does that. You should be like, it's incredible. And you're having really insane conversations.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Everyone clenched up when you started talking about how nobody wants to talk about that.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I really am. I do not know. I do not know that. That's a great one.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Who wants the most anointed one? Go ahead, Cliff.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
He's, yeah, God is faithful. God is kind. I get to look at somebody that I'm dating and
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
you know he is a man of God and he is worth the wait and he is worth you know holding out for and that's what Ari and I we you know went through singleness season together and we encourage girls and guys who watch us to just hold out and to wait and that the world sends such a specific message on what you need and what you should look for and it's just so self-serving and it's
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
always valuing the wrong things, and Jesus speaks such a specific message of find somebody who loves me with all their hearts, because then they will love you so well. It's that simple. We really make things so difficult. We make faith so difficult, and I just feel like Jesus speaks so plainly, even though he speaks in parables. It's pretty plain, and so I prayed for a long time.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I got really specific on... I sought God's face. I sought Jesus' face. And Jesus' heart became my heart. And so my desires became his desires. And so I desired the type of man that he would want me to be with. I didn't know he was going to be 6'2 and cute, but...
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
but you know and so and he's faithful he's kind everything that I've ever like dealt with growing up all the brokenness I come from like major dysfunction so much brokenness I said it the other day he's like a prophetic picture of the redemptive nature of God in my life like everything I've ever been through in life he's he's like the redemptive work of God like the opposite the safety I've always longed for yeah
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Yeah, I mean, a lot. And it's hard to measure your relationship with God and everybody's story is different. And I think sometimes we send a message to people like, oh, you're single because you're just not ready yet, which could be the case. And we also don't know what God is doing and we don't know we don't know what's happening behind the scenes. So I think what I would say is.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Walking in purity, walking in true purity is something that's really important and I think is lost on people. You know, we value purity so much and I just think that becoming the person that you want to be with is crucial and just seeking God's face, being in the word, devoting yourself fully to Jesus, laying your life down, like truly doing all the things that we talked about during this episode.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And it's not like it's some ladder that you have to climb. We don't climb ladders. Jesus climbed down to get to us. We don't have to climb. But it's about a life laid down. Who has the affection of your heart? That's what it's really about. It's not about what you're doing or how much you're engaging. Who has the affection of your heart? Where's your heart? Who's on the throne?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Oh, man. Well, I think that kind of transitioned to the biggest thing God's taught me over that year is just, I don't know, everything kind of happened out of nowhere. And I knew that God using just my heart for souls in a unique way. God trusted me with that. I knew it wasn't out of nowhere.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But that's why I struggled a lot towards the end of last year from about June, July to probably November was...
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
my faith became, there's so much pressure on me right now, and I have to, I have to do this because of the pressure, and I felt like that there were just swords pointed at me from every angle, and I just, I'm like, not trying to make excuses, but I'm in my room, like I'm 21, I'm not even 21 at the time, I'm like, I'm 20, I'm just trying to figure this whole thing out, I'm still trying to figure my faith out, like challenging God, and
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
So I felt like every day I was struggling and not just like, oh, one day I struggled with anger and next day I struggled with lust. It felt like every day, every temptation was in my face and my faith became, let me learn as much as I can just so I can make this video, just so I can shepherd these people. And it was draining and it was hard and it sucked. And it was tough.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And I was having a hard time. And I love like the language in the prodigal son of like, I kind of finally came to myself. Like, I hate this. I seriously hate this. And it was hard because I felt this pressure and weight to be this perfect person and exalted and you know, the swords. And I didn't feel prideful.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I didn't feel like I was anything special, but everyone were making me out to be this special person and the pressure. And so I was just lost and confused. And my faith became solely intellectual. It was all logic. And I felt like I was solely based on how much knowledge I knew. And the more knowledge I knew, I was closer to God.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And I was building my own tower of Babel based on how much knowledge I felt. And Finally, I got to a point where at the beginning of this year, well, I took a lot of rest in December because I was like, I can't keep doing this. I got to take rest. And at the beginning of the year, I'm at a conference, and I look to my left, and there's a deaf section, six people, deaf.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And they're looking at an interpreter doing sign language, and they're on their knees crying to God. And it kind of stopped me and I started weeping and I just go, I just need my dad. In that moment, I'm weeping, and I'm like, I just need my dad. I can't do this anymore. Bryce can't keep micromanaging his faith because Bryce was a strong man in his faith and was struggling.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And my faith that was sustained through just this person of Jesus, and he's a real person to me, became dopamine hits of where can I get a dopamine hit to micromanage my faith and all of these things. And I felt so crazy, and I felt like it was all on me. And I just finally went exactly like the prodigal son of I just need my dad. There's no amount of books. There's no amount of people I can call.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Like they're not Holy Spirit. They're not Jesus. There's no library I can go to. There's no thing. And that's literally what my faith became was how much knowledge can Bryce make to micromanage his faith? And Jesus stopped me. It just wasn't real to me. It was just language. And I came to myself and I was like, so my prayer became, God, I want you to become more real to me than you've ever become.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And that's the most, all the weight fell off of me And so the grace to join you guys at ASU, for the first time, it felt like I was communicating about someone that was real to me. And it wasn't just this internal thing. Like I'm wielding my wisdom, like we talked about when we chatted.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I'm wielding my wisdom against these people and strongmanning them because I was trying to strongman my own fate. So I was just doing the very thing that I was doing. And it was like, finally, for the first time in a long time, It felt so real to me. And the pressure was off and the swords were off.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And I was like, I don't give a rip about the YouTube commentators and the clippers and the people that have anything to say about rice. They just got a view of me. They don't know me. And I'm just 21 and I just needed my dad.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And I called out my dad, and he responded to me. And that was where I've seen this beautiful transformation from what was this drought, this dry and thirsty land that David says in Psalm 63. It felt like a never-ending dry and thirsty land from July to November. And then just going like, dang, I just need my dad. And it was cool.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
So, last spring, I graduated from high school and I worked throughout the summer and then went straight to college due to some family issues. I didn't want to be home. And so I'm starting college. I'm past my first semester and I'm absolutely hating it. And I'm not sure I really want to continue going to college. And now I have debt and I don't know what to do.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
So. I took $3,500 in subsidized student loans and $2,000 in unsubsidized loans for just this year, plus some scholarships. So I have a total of $5,500 in student loans right now. It would more than double next year.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
Yeah, I get grief for it, but it's not really something I care about.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
No, I would leave everything and go do that.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
Um... Just oversaturated. There's a whole bunch of them, and I want something I can do full-time in a career, and they don't pay too good.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
Why is that attractive to you? I've been doing it for years. Five years, and it's something that my grandparents got me into, and it's just one of my favorite things.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
Yeah. Yes, it has to be? I would say so, yeah.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
I like being out in the woods, but everything I do, every time I see water or something, I just have a connection.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
So my wife and I, we graduated college. We both borrowed about $100,000 in student loans. And now each of us, like just over the course – of it, we've got about $200,000 each in debt. So we've got about doubled interest and just trying to, you know, see about, you know, like refinancing, just what options, you know, like just some guidance.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
Yeah, yeah. So it's, yep, that sounds right.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
So we got our associates, which took like, you know, like two years, and then finished a bachelor's, which like was two and a half, closer to like three years, just like how the semesters worked out.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
yep so over the course so i don't know exact like specifics of my wife's but um like myself and it seems like a bunch of people that i i know um they're in the same like yeah you know it's because your interest your payment isn't covering the interest and so your your loan is not moving you're you're paying payments but your loan is not moving the total right so i so my minimum my minimum payment is 2800 and something
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
and um that's only i like did the math and i'm only pay it's only 500 only 500 of that is going towards the principal yeah exactly okay 300 is is is going to interest tell me about your yeah listen this is a lot of debt we're going to help you out tell me about you guys's income because i'm hoping that you've got some jobs that are paying yeah so um i um I'm a pharmaceutical rep.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
I make, like my base, I make about $130. Okay. But I am projected I should make over $300 this year.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
My wife, she stays home with our daughter, and she's currently pregnant again. So she'll be just a stay-at-home mom with our children.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
She was an office manager for a dental surgeon.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
Probably like $45. Is that what her $100,000 degree was for?
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
um no we we rent i have a like a car yeah tell me about that like payment i just um it's i put zero down i have the good credit like yeah but tell me what do you own credit cards it's a uh what i owe on it i think i owe like 28 000 okay what about your wife's car it's paid for.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
Just student loans and then just my car.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
So I have 12. Is it 1200? different loans. I think I think I have 12 because I went, you know, like I would I went like spring, summer and fall. Yeah. But they're all different from 11. Yeah. Like they're anywhere from 11 to um, let's say 11 to like 14 and some change.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
Yeah, and knocking off the small ones, the bigger, the bigger.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
It just, you know, like the payment's so much that it's like, you know, if you don't pay more than just like the minimum payment of $2,800, you're going to pay on it literally forever.
The Ramsey Show
There’s Always a Way out of a Financial Spiral
Yeah, that's what I actually just talked to her about that. And, you know, just, you know, the irony of this is... She's a business economics guru, and I am an economics minor. And, you know, just going through, you know, school, we didn't qualify for any. Right.