In this video, Bryce interviews Harry Jowsey about his career, religious beliefs, and rise to fame.
Chapter 1: Who is Harry Jowsey and why is he on the podcast?
what's going on guys welcome back to another episode of the bryce carver podcast i'm bryce and today have an awesome guest had some interesting conversations off camera um i'm gonna expose him right now guys he takes a shot off the poop i take no it's like i take you yeah we just like you ever have those times where i can we just like start going into pooping yes we were talking about pooping but we got harry jowsey on today
yeah let's go let's go yeah yeah thanks thanks for coming on guys we're gonna start a debate like i i've never taken my shirt off to poop but apparently these guys get fully naked and i just want his audience to know that that there's some weird stuff going on over here in the house yeah we we uh no it's just like i feel like the guys would understand you what we're talking about they do and you were the only guy in the room that did not understand what we were talking about so maybe like you you just live under a rock
Yeah, or I'm just not eating the food that you guys eat over here.
Yeah, I actually do not eat super healthy, which I'm trying to learn how to eat healthier.
That's why you're getting naked when you have to poo.
Because you're stressed. Because I'm stressed out.
Your body's fighting back.
My body is fighting back.
it's good it's good well dude thanks for coming on no thanks for having me i really appreciate it i uh i'm excited to learn a little bit more about um all this stuff because yeah it's very interesting to me i didn't grow up with religion at all so um it's very i'm very curious about it now as i get older
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Chapter 2: What are Harry Jowsey's thoughts on religion and spirituality?
And they're super devout in their faith, but they're working to please their God. And Hinduism and Buddhism, it's like, let me do enough good to reach enlightenment. And
i was just at this point of self-reflection of going my heart's so broken and i live in this crazy world i could never in my life work to perfection if i can't even fix my broken heart right now so i just felt really hopeless and so when i was 17 i was planning on taking my life and not because i wanted to die but you know depression and anxiety it sucks feels like an incurable disease
And so I went to Waffle House. Have you ever been to Waffle House? Dude, I got to take you. Is it good? Yeah, it's amazing.
Oh, they make waffles?
Yeah, they can like, they're like literally like sneeze on your food and it tastes so good. Really? Yeah, it's kind of like. I love those places. It's kind of like, yeah, I don't even know how to explain it. There'll be like a motorcycle on fire in the parking lot and you just know you're at home. You know, it's like super awesome. So if you ever want to go, I'll take you. That's heaven for you?
Yeah, it is heaven. That is heaven, Waffle House is. And and so I went is the only thing open on Christmas, December 25th, 2020. I'm going and it's packed. And so I sit down with this guy and I'm just eating my last meal, essentially, like almost like a death row meal. And no one in there had anything to do with Christianity, had anything to do with God.
This guy that I sat down with was complaining about his life. He's like, my wife's leaving me. She's divorcing me. She's taking my kids. I'm losing everything. And he's freaking out on me. This grown man, he's like double my age. And I'm sitting there thinking, I'm 17 years old. You're complaining to me. I came here to escape my problems one last time.
I'm thinking like, you have no idea what's about to happen to me when I leave this building.
and i wasn't listening to really anything he said and i just remember vividly he said i love my wife but she just does not feel the same about me there's no growth in a relationship if the love isn't mutual and when he said that it was like all of time just stopped and i had this supernatural understanding and all these bible verses were popping up in my brain
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Chapter 3: How did Harry Jowsey transition from school to reality TV?
You know, sometimes you gotta go after your woman. And can I be, like, real for a second? Like, man, like, if... If there was like a screen above Bryce's head of all the nasty things I've done, all the things I've thought of, all the things people would probably never talk to me again. Because in this society, people find out you're junk and they're like, I don't want anything to do with you.
And so I can't make assumptions. But I bet there's a lot of people that maybe know things about you or whatever it may be. And they distance themselves from you. And they're like, are you kidding me? And their perception of you. And that's who David is. And there's two Psalms that I love.
Psalm 23, where he basically is relating back to this story that Jesus tells of the lost sheep that we just said. And David says, the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He makes me lie down on green pastures. He leads me besides still waters. He restores my soul. God restores David's soul. And then he says this thing.
He says, even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, when I go through hard times, when life sucks, when Harry's having a hard time, when Bryce is having a hard time, it says, I will fear no evil for you are with me. Your rod and staff, they comfort me. And that comforts me because oftentimes I'm like, God, take my problems away.
And the reality is, is God doesn't promise to take our problems away, but he promises to be with us through that, through the hard times, through the hardships. And so how does it feel when you go through hard times and your closest friends gather around you? Or you even described it earlier.
It sucks when you have a family member, a loved one pass away, and the people that claim to be your friends just weren't with you in that hard time. And like God, who's an all-powerful God, is with us in those hard times.
And there's another psalm where it's called Psalm 51, where basically David is writing about how his actions, killing Bathsheba, which is the woman that he slept with, her husband, and committing adultery and doing all these nasty things. He's talking about how that sin, it crushes him and it makes him feel bad. But when he apologizes and confesses to God, God, I've sinned against you. I'm sorry.
Help me turn away from this. He says, my bones feel a pressure release and I feel this joy and I feel this peace and this comfort. And I acknowledge that I did something wrong, but like, praise God that you forgave me and that you love me. There's no human being that's too far gone. So cool. Yeah. Like forgiveness is on the table for everyone.
Even the Jeffrey Dahmers and the, and the most intense people of the world, there is forgiveness from them. And that's the truth of the word is if someone comes to themselves and goes, I need someone outside of myself, Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross. Thank you for forgiving me.
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