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Harry Jowsey


The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Tell me, okay, there's going to be fairies and flowers. Just something would be cool. I think that was the most exciting thing about this, coming to see you, is that... I don't know. It would make me feel better. Even if it's not true or even if it is true, it would make me feel better knowing that my dad is somewhere. Sure. Better or worse. I don't know. He's probably an oldie boy.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Well, I am too.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


But it's also like I really appreciate it because now I'm free to be like, okay, well, maybe I like a little bit of this or a little bit of that. Like I believe that there's something. I just don't have a definition for it. And I don't have like a, hey, like, oh, I could put that there or whatever else. Like I went and did a few like spiritual retreats to try and figure it out.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


figure out what what i believe in but it's still like again i don't know i don't have like a by definition thing and i was recently in new zealand with my dad and he uh passed and that was the scariest conversation i guess that's why i'm so excited to talk to you is because the conversation with my dad when he was on his deathbed was that i'm like oh what do you think is gonna happen like surely it's gonna be like there's gonna be something fun and he was like no it's just gonna be darkness and black and i'm like well

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Was there any of a doubt like after that when you're like, oh, take away my anxiety, whatever else. Did you the next day, like what was the next day like? And was there at any point where you're like, oh, I don't know how I feel about this. Because obviously you grew up around it. Someone who hasn't had any experience in it at all.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


How could I be like, hey, because obviously my brain is like this. Like I haven't seen it. I don't know. Yeah. And I don't know what the signs are. Like when I was talking to my friend about it, she was like, Oh, you just have to listen and, and then talk inside you about it. And then he'll show up. And I'm like, so my intuition, she's like, no, no.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


So then I'm, I'm like, okay, well now I'm even more confused.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


I don't know what I'm looking for, but I'm trying to find it.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


well that's no fun for me yeah i want to believe in something like even if you don't think that there's anything over there so i'm yeah i was really excited to do this so thanks for having me

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


No, I just know there was some lambs and some stuff and now some dirty feet. Yeah, some dirty feet, man.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Dude, I was a little, uh, to be honest, put it the easiest way. Like I, uh, my brother was like really good at school and I was a little rat bag. Um,

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


my parents are awesome like they're very funny people um like for example i because obviously my mom like once my dad passed i was like going through old photos and stuff and did like i guess like the easiest way to like describe my parents is they're just so crazy like for halloween my dad dressed up i had a made a helmet with a bunch of like dildos on it and he called himself captain ed for halloween which is not even like a character

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


What does that mean? Have I already sinned? Like, how bad am I? Am I cooked?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Yeah, I hope he doesn't interview any of my ex-girlfriends because then I'm done. Then I'm definitely going to go join Satan.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


I just feel curious because it's like, I think, you know, you have so much passion and knowledge about this stuff. I don't know anything. So I'm just curious about it. And like, I had this guy, Tyler Henry, on my podcast. He's a psychic medium.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


i'm curious about your thoughts on those people that can connect is that is that real in your world or is that just like those people uh like how does it how does it work because i was talking to my a few of my friends who are religious and they were like that's that's scary stay away from that i'm like well he's a really good guy i love him yeah and it was a great conversation so like i and not him but it was more like mediums in general sure um what are your thoughts on that

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


yeah yeah but he like make made it up so that my parents are just kind of crazy like that and they're funny um and incredible but i was just just a little turd at school like i was blowing up toilets with like chlorine bombs uh what yeah i don't know it's just the thing and then we had like a fight club and then would make uh would make the younger kids make us like little firecrackers and would just throw them at the sister college and like bread rolls and stuff it wasn't good so no wonder why i got kicked out of schools in australia

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Yeah, I was like, that's a very scary word.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


But how do you like with prayer, though, if you're praying like, hey, I would love to reach more people. And is that not kind of manifesting as well? Because like when I manifest, I'm like, well, this is my goal. This is where I envision myself. Like I do a series like visualization, like I feel myself in that environment and then go from there.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


It's not like, hey, I need a new car tomorrow or whatever else. But isn't it kind of similar or is it not similar at all?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Yeah, how do you do it? How do you ease into it?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


But are you sitting down on your bed like this or are you running around the room?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


In your head or you're yelling it?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


And then I went to school in New Zealand where my sisters are. I've got four half sisters. But then I got kicked out of that school as well because apparently you're not meant to streak at the sister college.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


for sure um what so what what are like your what what are you do you have any concerns with jesus do you have any like issues with what anything i just think it's like the lack of knowledge and um that's i guess with anything right like going to the gym if you don't know what you're doing you're probably not going to enjoy it you're probably not going to be there right so i think my only the only thing i know is that like hey you have to go to church on sunday and

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


whatever else and i'm like well i don't know what i'm into so what i'm going to commit to this random church or this thing over here and commit to this friend and then what if i'm like uncomfortable because it's a little bit overwhelming sure whatever else i think that's just the biggest thing is i've just you see this massive book and people like oh you should read it it's the bible and learn these verses or whatever else i'm like that's just the commitment into something that i'm not sure if i know or i'm excited about is kind of scary i think yeah with i guess and that comes with anything right yeah like

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


even with reality TV or social media all this stuff it's like well if I don't know enough about it I'm a little bit scared a little bit like nervous that's why with my friends who are religious I just ask them questions because I don't I don't know when I'm ready or I guess when he's going to show up for me or when it's going to work like with the retreat that I did for to learn a little bit more about it like

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


my friend just told me like if it flows and if it happens it's meant to be and it'll be and that's kind of what happened and maybe that was a version of god showing up and being like well you're meant to go do this you're meant to connect because i had lost three friends to suicide at that point so i'm like i just need i need a reason to see them or i need a reason to talk to them and that was the best way to kind of disconnect from la and this crazy world and to to try and reconnect with them and reconnect with myself i guess but

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


I don't know. I think it's like a lack of knowledge and also a lack of understanding because when you're talking about prayer and whatever else, I've never done it. I've tried. And I remember, do I sit there like this? And then again, you're in your head and you're worried and you don't know. But to your point, no one's ever explained it to me like, hey, what's different for everyone?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


And it just has to make sense to you. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. Again, it's just a curious thing. That's why I'm here because I'm losing my dad. I'm like, I've got to believe in something because if I don't, what am I going to tell my kids? Because I remember when I was a kid and I was young, I'd always run into my mom's... Well, of course I was young when I was a kid. What an idiot.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Um, why am I, why am I talking though? I remember when I was young, I'd always run into my mom's room. I'd cry. I'm like, I'm so scared to die. Like, I'm so afraid. And she's like, well, you know, I'm going to go before you. I'm like, no, don't do that. I don't want to feel this.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


um so i guess yeah when i when i have a family i'm always just i'm just being mindful of the future and like what and because i like to be super optimistic and i like to be excited about things and i guess that's always been the thing that i'm not excited about because i don't know and i don't know what happens and for sure

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


um i guess yeah once my dad did pass there was like little signs and things and then i'm like well is is that him or is that god or is that am i just deliberately looking for angel numbers or this or that so yeah i think uh well i think when you said your dad was like it goes all black and we kind of had the same reaction we're like kind of what the heck yeah

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Does, uh, tell your parents and not die. Yeah.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


So I went, after I finished high school, I went and traveled for a year, saved up as much money as I could. And my mom was like, you just got to go figure out life. You got to go explore the world. And I think it was the best thing for me. And then once I turned 18, or just after I turned 18, was when I traveled. And then I applied for a university as an adult.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Keep it together, brother.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Well, I think the story with my dad was he went through with assisted dying. So he had bowel cancer and a magnitude of other things that was going on, and It was a really intense experience because we were all there and we all watched him go to the other side. Yeah. And it's only just hit two months since we were all there for that.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


And this last week has been very interesting because I've been sitting down with friends and the topic has come up and it's been really intense. Yeah. Um, and I haven't really thought about it and I got, it was really like tough because with that grief, especially with a loved one, I just like put it to the back of my brain and like, I don't want to look at photos. I don't want to think about it.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


I, I want to be on and I want to be happy and, and all this and all these good things 24 seven. But,

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


what i realized with this type of grief like when you lose a friend or whatever else like that that hurts that sucks like losing those people to suicide that was the hardest thing but then watching my dad die that was the most traumatic intense experience human experience i've ever ever encountered and it's weird and it's tough like how i explain it on my podcast was that it's kind of like you're standing at the beach and the waves the tide keeps going in and out the waves will hit you

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Some days the tide goes all the way out and you don't really feel it, but then at night the tide knocks you over. And that's how it's been. I just keep feeling these waves of emotion come over me. But watching someone take their last breaths, it was a beautifully sad situation. Yeah. I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else in the world, but I also didn't want to be there. Like I really did.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


The hardest thing was watching that. But the fact that I got to tell, like I had a whole speech that I told my dad, I was holding him. I was with him looking him in the eyes, crying, told him everything that I wanted to tell him before he went over to the other side. And then all my siblings and some of their kids and his friends got to say some stuff about,

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


The beautiful thing was my sister told me, she's like, if you hold their feet, you get all their magic powers. So I was holding my dad's feet. And I was like, okay, got to give me, come on, give me everything. Because you're not taking it because apparently it's going to go dark. So it's sausage. But I remember just sitting there holding his feet. And then because it's a drink, he took the drink.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


So there's two options with the sister dying. First option is an IV and they'll inject you with this stuff and it kind of puts your lights out within a minute. But the drink is meant to take 10 to 15 minutes. But because of the state that my dad was in and he hadn't been eating the past couple months, it kind of hit him pretty quick.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


So it's meant to be beautiful and they go to sleep and then they slowly stop breathing. But my dad snores.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


especially when he's sleeping that deep and that was the hardest thing because the snores were so loud and you really you don't want them to stop but you really do want them to stop and watching his head fall back and then the breaths get bigger and bigger and then slow down that was really really difficult but the beautiful thing about

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


And then I got into this university, like this random one on this stupid,

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


the new zealand culture and where we grew up was that uh my sisters had a whole spiritual ceremony for him again like we all we all have different beliefs we didn't know what we believe in we didn't we just know there's something there and yeah all we want to believe that there's something there because it's going to make us feel better for sure so when we're in the hospice um my sister and my brother washed his body they had an elder come in and put essential oils

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


on i guess good spots in his body i don't know where um hopefully not naughty spots but they they washed him got him ready and then uh myself my brother-in-law and a few other men came back and put his body in the coffin and that was that was top 10 hardest things ever because for sure this guy was just smiling and laughing with us yeah

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


I don't know I just was like whatever will take whoever will take me I'll just do it yeah I was doing like a double degree in like business and art and I thought it was like art like you know you get to see naked girls and paint their titties and stuff but it was like cultural studies and I'm like guys this is too intense for me I just want to see some boobs yeah and then I was at university for two and a half years and

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


and the hardest thing was like his oh actually i'll tell you the the you'll probably enjoy this and maybe you might have a definition for it or be able to help explain it a little bit better but when my dad was saying that hey like it's gonna go black well i came back to the body after a few hours and um my sisters and stuff and my brother let me just sit with him for a

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


And I remember just going to my dad like, dude, just tell me that there's something on the other side. I was like, can you make a bird hit the window? Can you blow out one of these candles? Can you have a tree fall over? I was yelling at him. I'm like, can you just make me believe that there's something? Because I don't know. But I want to have something. I want to know that you're here with me.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


And nothing happened.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


and so i laid on on his chest and i gave him a big hug and his the hardest thing is remembering just how cold his face was like yo you give your dad a hug and it's a warm you feel the stubble and i was remember just anytime i hug him i feel that warm stubble and then that hug it was just so cold yeah i was like oh this sucks there's nothing in it goes black but as i pulled off i checked my phone it was four four four

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


I'm like, oh, okay. Maybe that's something. And then I'm like, okay, I'm going to hold on to that. That was the first sign. So when my dad passed, so in New Zealand, they wear this greenstone. It's called Ponamu. And it has like a lot of, I'm going to butcher it and people in New Zealand are probably going to get mad at me, but it has like a lot of cultural...

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


meanings and heritage meanings and stuff. This is my dad's and he wanted to give it to me when he was going over the other side, but he obviously fell asleep a little bit too quick. So as he went back, my sister put it on me. But a part of the tradition is you have to go wash it in like running water, so like a creek or a river.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


And just wash the old energy off and get ready for new beginnings and a new chapter. But as we were going to do this, me and my brother-in-law, we just kept getting lost and we couldn't figure out how to get to... It's the second Maldi place. It's called the Rewaka Source is where we went to wash it. It was the coldest water that came out of a glacier. It was ridiculous.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


But we kept getting lost trying to get there. And then as we finally got on the right path, I think the... the navigation was, um, it was like 11, 11 and we're going to get there. And I remember going, okay, thanks dad. Like we're gonna, we're on the right track. And then I looked up and the number plate in front of us was like four, four, four.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


And then we passed something else that said four, four, four. So I don't know if, is that, what would you define that as? Because for me, I was like, okay, it's my dad's higher self or someone telling me that I'm doing the right thing. I'm on the right path. At least I was like the placebo of trying to look for something good and all this stuff.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


And it just wasn't that exciting. And my brother's best friend, unfortunately, committed suicide. And then it kind of put my life into a pivot where I was just like, well, I'm not happy. I know I'm funny. I know I can make my friends laugh. They're obviously not happy. And I can't call them every day and be like, hey, you're okay. And make sure that I'm there for them.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


All the time.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


How did you navigate losing your granddad and the loss and the grief with all that stuff with God?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


But what I can do is I can be a dad on TV. And then one of my friends... It was in like a couple of days of it. One of my friends had tagged me in a post on Facebook. And she's like, you'd be perfect for this. And I just sent in photos of me in my undies to just be like, hopefully you guys want me. And within like a couple of days, it flew me out to New Zealand.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


What about the most concrete ways that you think Jesus has shown up for you? Because you said at the start in your car, I want to get rid of this anxiety and whatever else. but is there any other ways that you were like, okay, this is, this is the proof. Like, this is everything that I ever needed right now. Like, were you like walking along? Like, I don't know.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Like, I just wish that this, I would get this or whatever else, or this would happen. And it just happened. And a tree fell over or a bird landed on your arm.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


And then I booked the first show, which was Heartbreak Island. And then after that, I was sending naked photos in to try and get on any show I could.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Damn, I want to be a theologian. That's cool.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Can I just brand myself that and know nothing?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


What's the difference between that and a priest then? I thought those guys knew everything.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


The shepherds now as well?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


What are they called Psalms? Is that what it is? Psalms, yeah. What one should I read if there's any specific for me or like if I just skip or do I have to go through all of them? No, I think Psalms is just like a quote in the book. So Psalms is a book of the Bible. It's by this guy. There's another one?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Dude, I need this title.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


I get it, though.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


hopefully i find my person it's not a real environment it's not there's no there's nothing real about these dating shows it's literally you just put on you're a normal person that has a normal life doing like living at home with your family and whatever else you get the blessing of a lifetime to go into a high production show everything's taken care of you have all these hot people around you you don't have to think you don't have to do you don't have your phone you're just like in it

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


What about the super churches? I've seen a lot of those guys who are flying in private jets and those priests. And I'm like, dude, this is sick. They make a crazy buddy. But I've had one of my friends, or actually an ex-girlfriend, she was the one who showed me this stuff.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


I want to know your thoughts on it because the super churches they look like there's a massive concert and then you see the priest or whoever's on the stage and they just have all this money out of nowhere and I don't know is that an abuse of power like how does this how does it work how do they have because I'm assuming it's from all these people donating I don't know enough about it but that's the only thing that I when my when my ex was showing me this stuff that was one of the only things I was thinking about it was like that's doesn't seem fair you know

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


and it's all heightened and then they're telling you that there's someone there for you. But at the end of the day, if it's televised, hopefully, the goal is hopefully I get something out of it. And then once I did the first show and I saw a little increase in social media following, I'm like, okay, there's a career here or there's business to be made.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


But like when it was like brought up to you and you were like, oh, kind of afraid. I think that's the only stuff that I've ever had to deal with was that if you do this wrong thing, like you're a sinner, you're bad, whatever else. I've done a lot of naughty things in my life. Like I've been a bit of a silly goose. But...

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


yeah so I think that was the only thing is just like always afraid and then it gets to a point where it's like okay well I don't want to believe in that because that's just too scary to deal with and I don't want to end up in a place I remember in high school there was these girls that they said they like sold their souls and like weird stuff like that and

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


So I think when people say that they go on these shows, especially if they've done two or three or whatever, saying like, oh, I'm here genuinely to find love, Sure. That's probably 20% of it, but 80% of it is the brand deals that you get after it. And to be like the coolest person in town. Cause like once the show is for that month, you're so cool.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


And I kind of believed it because like this one kid, he like sold a soul apparently to be like super popular at school. And he was the most popular guy. And then apparently he like bought it back after he left school. And now no one knows where he is or what he's doing. I don't know if you believe in any of that stuff, but that was the only thing growing up that I heard of.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


And I'm like, this is too funny.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Everyone wants to take you dinner, all this stuff. And then the next show is, and no one cares. Yeah. So it's kind of silly day.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


That's my guy.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


It's a really good question. I think definition of love is someone who is unapologetically there for you, no judgment, just in your corner no matter what, but also someone that will correct you in a nice way. And I think I didn't really know what that was when I was here and dating for the first few times. But once I recently went back to New Zealand and I felt the love that my sisters had for

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Yeah, I guess, and I never understood it, but everyone's like, oh, Jesus died for your sins and all that stuff. I'm like, okay. Yeah. That's incredible. Thank you for sharing.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


for their husbands or their partners. And to see all that, like no matter what, that they're just there for them. And I realized a lot of that stuff in LA, like I guess, you know, the hardest thing was like when my dad passed, a lot of the people that I was really close with didn't text or call or check in. They just like liked my posts on Instagram.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Yeah, or I'm just not eating the food that you guys eat over here.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


And I was like, okay, well there's, even if it's friendship, there's no real love. there and i just thought yeah i guess for me like my definition is just someone who's just going to show up no matter what and just be there with you and either correct you or inspire you and get you excited about life dang and sorry we're gonna get deep because i like to get deep yeah um

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


There's definitely an element of it. Like, and also I, I've learned recently that I just like go head first into things and like get super excited, whether that's a relationship or a friendship. Like when I meet someone new, I'm like, Oh, I just want to help and get, I get inspired by seeing my people get further along.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


That's why you're getting naked when you have to poo.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


and there's definitely an element of it but it's kind of wherever you go if you find success maybe in your workplace or in something niche or whatever else like there's always going to be someone there that may want that for themselves and try and get to that position so it definitely is an element of it but i don't let it like slow me down or like hold on to me because i'm me and yeah i'm the only one that's gonna say these silly stupid things and make a dick of myself on tv yeah and so like

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


I don't know. It's definitely a big element of it, but I think there's just so much abundance for everyone. So if you use me a little bit to get to where you want to go, then that's cool. That's fine. I'm sure I've used people to get to where I need to be. I'm sure of, hey, can I get a TikTok or can I have you on my podcast for this or whatever else?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


And maybe that's been seen in the element of potentially using someone. So I think it's always a push and pull, but there's definitely some people that are a lot worse than others, but it's also easier to clock it now, I think.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


it's good it's good well dude thanks for coming on no thanks for having me i really appreciate it i uh i'm excited to learn a little bit more about um all this stuff because yeah it's very interesting to me i didn't grow up with religion at all so um it's very i'm very curious about it now as i get older

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


Yeah, for sure. I think that when I first came to LA, there was a lot of that and I was super like blind to it. And I think now it's just, it's a part of growing. I think it's a part of growth is that if I didn't recognize that, or if you didn't recognize that, like you wouldn't be able to be like, okay, well, I don't miss, like, I don't want those people around me.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


You'd always just be inviting the wrong people around. Yeah. So I think that it's such an important part of growth and such a, like you got to fall, you got to stumble to figure out how to keep growing. So yeah, it definitely, it never makes me feel good. Like when, with these recent friends that I recently cut off,

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


like i remember i got them verified on snapchat i was helping them get brand deals i was making them a ton of money and getting them excited about social media and posting and taking it like moving forward with that stuff and then when they didn't text me or check in when my dad passed i was like oh you're actually that was the whole time was just transactional you just use me when you until the next good thing came along

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


and that's what sucks the most but I think now it's made me love being alone a lot more like being in my apartment and not going out and and also understanding that I don't owe people anything I don't want to give them my energy so now my my core group of dudes they're all they've all got their own abundance they're all like really good guys and they've all got their own things moving forward like my um one of my real real close friends this guy Gianni

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


i've never actually seen someone speak so highly of me in so many rooms that i'm not in and this has been like the most incredible eye-opening thing is like i just i was like oh i love doing that for other people and the fact that this guy will just go out of his way yeah like because i'm i've done a few movies now and i'm trying to move into acting and stay away from the reality show stuff because it is it's super toxic it's not doesn't fulfill me but

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


i told my friend gianni that he's a very successful actor and he just has gone into so many rooms and connected me with so many people that can help this dream with no like like nothing from me it's just like a friend and i'm like wow this is this is really special and also like he's the funniest guy i've ever met so like he's yeah he's definitely full life so i guess i'm trying to look for more people like that but also

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


I think that I don't know enough about any of it, to be honest. One of my friends, Hope, she's super religious and she was kind of telling me about it because I'm just curious. I'm like, how did you start? Because she only converted, I don't know if that's the right word, so don't pick me up, like a year ago. And I'm like, what do you do? How do you go into it? Because I'm...

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


i'm not like i was like i'm not gonna sit here and read a bible or quran or all this stuff if like i was like i don't know what i what i want and i also don't know what like interests me and she said we you know her words were jesus is like standing there at the door knocking you just have to open it and you just have to start those conversations whether that's like talking to yourself or trying to talk to him or whatever else so

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


No faith? Well, my, so what happened was my parents, when they grew up, they had it super forced on them. And when it was our turn to grow up, they were just like, we don't want you to believe in anything. We want you to just figure it out when you turn 18 and make up your own mind. Which is kind of like tough because you don't really know which direction to go.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Harry Jowsey Interview (EP 82)


I don't know. I don't know where he is or what he looks like or how he's hanging or if he's got any time for me, but I'm very curious to learn about it.