The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Thanks for encouraging me. You know the singer? He said, a bar.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But he said, he's like, your glory always shines when I get rid of mine. Oh, wow. That's a bar. That's a bar.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But can I just say, like, on what you just spoke of, I have to say I've noticed that you do that with me, and I really do appreciate it. Yeah, I yell at her all the time. No, no, no. Like, giving good words.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Like, whatever it is that I'm doing around the house, if I'm, like, organizing, if I'm cleaning, if I'm cooking for him, or if we're working on something together, he always points out, like, the good in what I'm doing, and it feels, like, so validating and rewarding, and I know you do that to, like, feed me good words, and it helps so much because it only makes you want to, like...
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
do even more and do even better. Cause when you feel appreciated, you know what I mean?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Would you say, actually, and I'm just learning, but would you say that all these things, so like baptisms, the way that we fast, these things, they're just to deepen our relationship and our intimacy with God? Absolutely. Because I had just read that Jesus healed on the Sabbath, and so a lot of the religious were really upset that he healed on the Sabbath. Mm-hmm.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But then he said that I made the Sabbath for man, not the man for Sabbath. Wow. Right? Yeah. Would you say that correlates?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Right, because then we would be condemning ourselves. Like, let's say I'm doing a fast, and for some reason, you know, I break my fast. I fail, right? Then I would just be condemning myself. Like, oh, I failed, so Jesus is going to be upset with me because I told him I was going to do this fast, and I broke it.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But that wouldn't make sense because then we're looking at it in a legalistic way versus being disciplined for our love for God. That happens.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But you know, actually, if I may, this conversation kind of relates to a question that I had. When you guys are studying the gospel, how do you differentiate the difference between cultural context and... I'm so sorry.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
cultural context and biblical principles that are forever right because sometimes there are times i know in 1 corinthians 11 he says that we should be covering our head when we are praying to god but he was kind of appealing to the culture at that time so when we're reading these certain things how do we know okay this was just for the culture of this time and this is a teaching that jesus wants us to have forever yeah when does it when do we turn off the clock for that if
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But it was, at the time, it was to appeal to the- He's arguing.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
It was like, at the time, he was appealing to that culture because that culture, that was for them to cover their heads. But that's the New Testament. The same way that, you know, in times he says that you shouldn't be wearing, have braided hair and gold jewelry. But he's trying to say, like, you want to be modest. And now you have to take that and, like, what are modern times?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Braiding your hair, wearing gold jewelry is not very, like, it's not as, you know- sexual or crazy, but for our time, we'd be like, okay, we want to be a little bit more modest and not so showy, right?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Please, you're so well spoken. All of you are so well spoken.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
It really is like, I think it's such a gift that you see like as people get closer and closer with their faith, like God is really able to take your guys' tongues and you can really see that when you guys are speaking about something that you're really passionate about and that the Holy Spirit is really speaking through you, man, it just flows out of you guys.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And it's like, it's just the most beautiful thing to watch.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Did you say they're torturing and they're in agonizing pain? I have no idea.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I just think that it's really great because certainly in the position that you are in and that everybody is in, you guys are helping bring the word to people. And so through your own experiences and obstacles, you're able to relate so much more. And in the same way that yesterday when you were preaching to people...
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I think an example from your own life that you use a lot, you use your hardships, hardships you've had with your sister, hardships that you've had with your brother's daughter, right? So you use those very painful moments to be able to relate to other people and that unlocks something because then all of a sudden they see you up here because like, oh, he's so wise, he has so much faith.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And then when you relate with an obstacle, they're like, oh, okay, he's just like me, you know? So I think it's really honorable that you're able to look at yourself and be like, huh, I'm really comfortable and I need to not be because this will make a better difference.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Thanks for the encouragement. You know the singer? He said, Bart.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But he said, he's like, your glory always shines when I get rid of mine. Oh, wow. That's so beautiful. That's a bar.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But can I just say, like, on what you just spoke of, I have to say I've noticed that you do that with me, and I really do appreciate it. Yeah, I yell at her all the time. No, no, no. Like, giving good words.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Like, whatever it is that I'm doing around the house, if I'm, like, organizing, if I'm cleaning, if I'm cooking for him, or if we're working on something together, he always points out, like, the good in what I'm doing, and it feels, like, so validating and rewarding, and I know you do that to, like, feed me good words, and it helps so much because it only makes you want to, like...
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
do even more and do even better. Cause when you feel appreciated, you know what I mean?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Would you say, actually, and I'm just learning, but would you say that all these things, so like baptisms, the way that we fast, these things, they're just to deepen our relationship and our intimacy with God? Absolutely. Because I had just read that Jesus healed on the Sabbath, and so a lot of the religious were really upset that he healed on the Sabbath. Mm-hmm.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But then he said that I made the Sabbath for man, not the man for Sabbath. Wow. Right. Yeah. Would you say that correlates?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Right, because then we would be condemning ourselves. Like, let's say I'm doing a fast, and for some reason, you know, I break my fast. I fail, right? Then I would just be condemning myself, like, oh, I failed, so Jesus is going to be upset with me because I told him I was going to do this fast, and I broke it.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But that wouldn't make sense because then we're looking at it in a legalistic way versus being disciplined for our love for God. That happens.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But you know, actually, if I may, this conversation kind of relates to a question that I had. When you guys are studying the gospel, how do you differentiate the difference between cultural context and... I'm so sorry.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
cultural context and biblical principles that are forever right because sometimes there are times i know in 1 corinthians 11 he says that we should be covering our head when we are praying to god but he was kind of appealing to the culture at that time so when we're reading these certain things how do we know okay this was just for the culture of this time and this is a teaching that jesus wants us to have forever yeah when does it when do we turn off the clock for that i have
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
But it was, at the time, it was to appeal to the- He's arguing.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
It was like, at the time, he was appealing to that culture because that culture, that was for them to cover their heads. But that's the New Testament. The same way that, you know, in times he says that you shouldn't be wearing braided, have braided hair and gold jewelry. But he's trying to say, like, you want to be modest. And now you have to take that and, like, what are modern times?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Braiding your hair, wearing gold jewelry is not very, like- It's not as sexual or crazy, but for our time, we'd be like, okay, we want to be a little bit more modest and not so showy, right?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Please. You're so well-spoken. All of you are so well-spoken. It really is like...
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I think it's such a gift that you see like as people get closer and closer with their faith, like God is really able to take your guys' tongues and you can really see that when you guys are speaking about something that you're really passionate about and that the Holy Spirit is really speaking through you, man, it just flows out of you guys.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And it's like, it's just the most beautiful thing to watch.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
Did you say they're torturing and they're in agonizing pain?
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I just think that it's really great because certainly in the position that you are in and that everybody is in, you guys are helping bring the word to people. And so through your own experiences and obstacles, you're able to relate so much more. And in the same way that yesterday when you were preaching to people,
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
I think an example from your own life that you use a lot, you use your hardships, hardships you've had with your sister, hardships that you've had with your brother's daughter, right? So you use those very painful moments to be able to relate to other people and that unlocks something because then all of a sudden they see you up here because like, oh, he's so wise, he has so much faith.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
And then when you relate with an obstacle, they're like, oh, okay, he's just like me, you know? So I think it's really honorable that you're able to look at yourself and be like, huh, I'm really comfortable and I need to not be because this will make a better difference. So beautiful.
The George Janko Show
The Christian Avengers | EP. 100
When he said that, I was like, okay, you're going to marry me, you know, but.
The Ramsey Show
Go Slow: Never Invest in What You Don’t Understand
So we bought a home in May of 2023, and my biggest goal has been to just pay off our home. I took your class when I was in high school, so about seven years ago, and it's stuck with me ever since. We are only $20,000 away from paying it off.
The Ramsey Show
Go Slow: Never Invest in What You Don’t Understand
And I should be able to make that payment next month.
The Ramsey Show
Go Slow: Never Invest in What You Don’t Understand
We bought it for $340, and we had to do stuff to it, but it should be worth close to $500.
The Ramsey Show
Go Slow: Never Invest in What You Don’t Understand
It really varies. Like, right now we're sitting at $200 to $280, depending on our situation that we're in. Good for you guys. That's awesome. We're in a really unique situation. Like, we're contractors for the state, and it just depends on, like, how busy we are.
The Ramsey Show
Go Slow: Never Invest in What You Don’t Understand
Um, so I remember in the class that I took in high school, it was talking about mutual funds. And if you start earlier, it's better longterm than someone who starts later with a bigger initial investment. And I remember having a job. I was working at Wendy's at the time and I was like, okay, I'm going to start doing this when I'm 17. Um, and I asked the teacher, where do I, how do I do this?
The Ramsey Show
Go Slow: Never Invest in What You Don’t Understand
What do I, what mutual funds do I look into? Um, she was just like, I don't know. I'm like, you don't do this and you're a teacher. You're making 50,000 a year. Why don't you do this? Cause she said, yeah, unfortunately she didn't have any research resources for me. And I'm still in that place that I was when I was 17.
The Ramsey Show
Go Slow: Never Invest in What You Don’t Understand
And I still don't know what to do with, we're going to have a lot of extra money once the house is paid off.