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The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


This is the issue I have with a lot of my Catholic friends. I don't know how big your audience is in Catholic stories. If they were, they're mad at me now. When did that start happening, by the way, the unalive yourself? Yeah, I've seen that a lot. Because they censor you. Unalive yourself? Because you get censored. Oh, wow. Okay.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


So anyway, they would say, anybody who unaligns himself is going automatically to hell. And that's just common across the board. Okay, I don't believe that. Not even close. If I die in road rage driving back to the hotel after this, and somehow somebody says, oh, he died in road rage, so his last action was he was ticked off. So, you died in anger?

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


That type of rage, you're sending you right to hell. No, that would be putting everything on works righteousness, saying that it's all about your simple works, good or bad, that are going to send you to heaven or hell. The unforgivable sin is not about one sin that's going to send you to hell. It's about exactly what Keira Knightley talked about when she said, oh, you Christians have it so easy.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


You can just say, hey, God, forgive me after I sin in the old time and I'm forgiven. Now, that's cheap grace, obviously. So what it's all about is the unforgivable sin is hypocritical living, which is saying I'm believing in Christ. I'm going to live for him. Yes. And it gets back to identity issues. I totally agree. It starts with that type of identity.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And once you have that identity, now you can say, I have real rest for the soul. We're both dads. We don't get much sleep. I think in order to have a healthy spiritual identity, you have to have an REM for the soul, rapid eye movement. I don't get that because I have three little girls who have REM frequently.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


But I truly believe that in order to be spiritually mature, you have to have a rapid eye movement for the soul out of Matthew 11, 28, where you're actually consistently going back and saying, I am a child of God. God is my father. And so I often have so frequently, you guys probably got it yesterday, university students will always say, oh, I feel so guilty for all these sins.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And this guilt will just ride on them. Okay, what I'll say to them is, it's an identity issue. Understand, our culture's either gonna say, no, go masturbate as much as you'd like. Go cheat on your wife, because it's all about getting rid of your depression. Or it'll go about me, and this is the devil, saying, I just feel guilty, guilty, guilty.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


But if you have the motivator to change and get out of that sin, which is the grace of Christ, now all of a sudden I sin, I feel bad for it, but you shouldn't feel guilty more than one minute. That guilt should push you right back to the grace of Christ on that cross who died for you. Now all of a sudden you're living out of his freedom, not out of a sense of guilt.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


Our sermons, the best ones, are the ones we preach to ourselves. Hogging it, bro? Come on, dude. Selfish, dude.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


That's exactly what I'm saying. I thought, he said the thing, so I'm a counselor, and he said the thing that I love the most right there. Don't trust Because everybody's coming to me in my office because they're trusting their thoughts. And my favorite passage in all of Scripture is quoted three times by King David because he's trusting his thoughts and he's realizing he shouldn't be.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


When he says in Psalm 42 and 43, why are you downcast on my I've heard you before say you can't have, what, gratitude and fear left at the same time. It's a light in the head. Yeah, exactly. Praise him, my Savior, he saved me and my Lord. So he's completely reorienting his whole identity and self to God rather than his own thoughts. Amen.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And the blood sprinkled on you.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


If it's repeated in the New Testament, then it's prescriptive. But in the Old Testament, so much of that is descriptive for the time period. So if you have ceremonial laws, cleanliness laws in the Old Testament, that's going to be contextual versus like the moral law, the Ten Commandments that are fleshed out as well in the New Testament, which are repeated, so it becomes prescriptive.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


My nephew does the holy kiss and he runs from him every single time he does. What's a holy kiss? What is that?

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


So beautiful. There's a reason why Paul is going around incessantly to all the churches talking about false teachers, the proselytizers, the super prophets. I'm going to be preaching on Sunday, 2 Corinthians 12. and how Paul literally calls these false teachers like Superman.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


So many of them are going around saying, I have all these different types of revelations, and these revelations prove that I am more spiritual than you. So I oversee our small groups at our church. I had somebody come in to one of our groups and say, I speak in tongues, so I'm going to be saved. None of you guys do, so you're not going to be saved. This person went that extreme.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And so there's all different types of false teachers. And so when Paul in 2 Corinthians chapter 12, you know, you get the thorn in the flesh. When he talks about this man who's caught up in a revelation in the third heaven, which is the actual heaven, for 14 years and has all this incredible experience. Bryce, I know you've talked about your experience. I've talked about mine.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


I'm sure everybody's had an incredible experience with the Holy Spirit. That's inexplainable, he says. He's not doing that to brag because he consistently talks about every person can have that in Christ.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


But people, unfortunately, whether it's the Eucharist, transubstantiation, whatever the issue might be, we view them as minors unless they're creating them into majors and saying you have to be saved in this kind of way. The reason why I like you going after it is because Paul goes after it all the time.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And yet at what point are we going to say, so my response to that one is always out of John chapter 6. When Jesus talks about eating my body, drinking my blood, he's not saying he's actually physically eating my body. from a molecular level, in the bread, in the wine. No, there's so many people who ran away at the time when he said that because they were tremendously offended.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


They're saying, who is this guy claiming to be God, this exclusive truth claim? They all would have understood it. They weren't saying, let's go grab his knee and start eating it. And you'd also have to say that Jesus would be eating himself as well if you're going to make that claim. And so every time somebody has said it to me, any of my after friends, I try and respond really gently.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


You're going to get clipped. You're going to get clipped.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


I feel like you want to... Wait, is this the deepest, darkest sin question or is this... No, no, no, no, no, no.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


I think mine is crucifying comfort. That's what I need to do. Our nation has held up the idol of comfort now more than it ever has. So you have to have perfect comfort when it comes to your psychology, perfect comfort when it comes to your relationships, perfect comfort when it comes to your career, or you're just falling apart and you're saying, whoa, what is life now?

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And so for me, I am too addicted. my wife to be perfectly comfortable in a new house. I need to be perfectly comfortable with praise I get as a pastor or a preacher or whatever it might be. And that's wrong. That's totally wrong. I think the Bible doesn't lift up masochism and self-harm, but the Bible definitely lifts up suffering in Romans 5.55.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


You grow through suffering, character, hope, perseverance, ultimate surrender to God. There's a reason why back to baptism, when Jesus gets baptized, what happens right after it? The Holy Spirit leads him immediately in the Greek to get tempted by the devil.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


That's a high to a very low low. And Paul talks about how God's great power is through your weakness. My weakness becomes great power, and it's offering up a type of glory to him, saying it's really your power, by your power that I'm becoming powerful through my weakness.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And so for me, when I see a thorn in the flesh, for example, I don't look at that thorn, hopefully, even though it's been a struggle, like I said, this year as a thorn that has, you know, it's like an email with an attachment, and that attachment is from the devil. Because it's not the thorn that bugs me.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


It's that attachment from the devil saying what it's saying about the thorn that really bugs me. Rather, the attachment has to be a message from God telling me that thorn, whether it's temptation, whether it's dealing with anger. Those are my biggest ones, dealing with anger, especially on the basketball court. How am I going to deal with a young buck, 21 years old, throwing an elbow to the chest?

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


Seriously, am I going to lose it or not? And so much of security, back to your point, if you're on that self-esteem roller coaster where you're really, really high and it's going to your head, and all of a sudden you're alone and it's going to your heart, it's the worst place to be because you're either egotistical or you're totally depressed.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


Getting off of that and saying, no, I can be secure in God. no comfort, even with no praise. That's where I want to be.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


This is the issue I have with a lot of my Catholic friends. I don't know how big your audience is of Catholics, George, but... So they'll say... If they were, they're mad at me now. I don't know the canceling process with YouTube, but if you unalive yourself, my Catholic friends say that's the unforgivable sin.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


So anyway, they would say, anybody who unalives himself is going automatically to hell. And that's just common across the board. Okay, I don't believe that. Not even close. If I die in road rage driving back to the hotel after this, and somehow somebody says, oh, he died in road rage, so his last action was he was ticked off. So you died in anger?

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


That type of rage, you're sending you right to hell. No, that would be putting everything on works righteousness, saying that it's all about your simple works, good or bad, that are going to send you to heaven or hell. The unforgivable sin is not about one sin that's going to send you to hell. It's about exactly what Keira Knightley talked about when she said, oh, you Christians have it so easy.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


You can just say, hey, God, forgive me after I sin in the old time and I'm forgiven. No, that's cheap grace, obviously. So what it's all about is the unforgivable sin is hypocritical living, which is saying I'm believing in Christ. I'm going to live for him. You know, Matthew 11, 28 is my favorite passage in Scripture. Come to me, all you. you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And it gets back to identity issues, I totally agree. It starts with that type of identity. And once you have that identity, now you can say I have real rest for the soul. We're both dads, we don't get much sleep. I think in order to have a healthy spiritual identity, you have to have an REM for the soul, rapid eye movement.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


I don't get that because I got three little girls who wake me up frequently. But I truly believe that in order to be spiritually mature, you have to have a rapid eye movement for the soul out of Matthew 11, 28, where you're actually consistently going back and saying, I am a child of God. God is my father.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And so I often have so frequently, you guys probably got it yesterday, university students will always say, oh, I feel so guilty for all these sins. And this guilt will just ride on them. Okay, what I'll say to them is, It's an identity issue. Understand, our culture is either going to say, no, go masturbate as much as you'd like.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


Go cheat on your wife because it's all about getting rid of your depression. Or it'll go about me, and this is the devil, saying, I just feel guilty, guilty, guilty. But if you have the motivator to changing it out of that sin, which is the grace of Christ, now all of a sudden I sin, I feel bad for it, but you shouldn't feel guilty more than one minute.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


that guilt should push you right back to the grace of Christ on that cross who died for you. Now, all of a sudden, you're living out of his freedom, not out of a sense of guilt.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


Our sermons, the best ones, are the ones we preach to ourselves. Hogging it, bro? Come on, dude. Selfish, dude.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


No, that's exactly what I'm saying. Johnny, I thought, he said the thing, so I'm a counselor, and he said the thing that I love the most right there. Don't trust your thoughts. Right. Because everybody's coming to me in my office because they're trusting their thoughts. Amen.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And my favorite passage in all of scripture is quoted three times by King David because he's trusting his thoughts and he's realizing he shouldn't be. When he says in Psalm 42 and 43, why are you downcast on my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God. Praise him, my savior and my Lord. So he's grabbing his heart. saying, why are you downcast? Why are you trusting these thoughts?

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


Why are you depressed? He's questioning himself, self-talk, preaching the gospel, put your hope in God, praise him, thanking God. I've heard you before say you can't have, what, gratitude and fear last at the same time. It's a light in the head. Yeah, exactly. Praise him, my Savior, he saved me, and my Lord.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


So he's completely reorienting his whole identity and self to God rather than his own thoughts. Amen.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And the blood sprinkled on you.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


If it's repeated in the New Testament... then it's prescriptive. But in the Old Testament, so much of that is descriptive for the time period. So if you have ceremonial laws, cleanliness laws in the Old Testament, that's going to be contextual versus like the moral law, the Ten Commandments that are fleshed out as well in the New Testament, which are repeated so it becomes prescriptive.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


My nephew does the holy kiss and he runs from him every single time he gets close. What's a holy kiss? He's just out of the room. He's coming for holy kiss.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


There's a reason why Paul is going around incessantly to all the churches talking about false teachers, the proselytizers, the super prophets. I'm going to be preaching on Sunday, 2 Corinthians 12, and how Paul literally calls these false teachers like Superman. Because so many of them are going around saying, I have all these different types of revelations.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And these revelations prove that I am more spiritual than you. So I oversee our small groups at our church. And I had somebody come in to one of our groups and say, I speak in tongues, so I'm going to be saved. None of you guys do. So you're not going to be saved. This person went that extreme. And so there's all different types of false teachers.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And so when Paul in 2 Corinthians chapter 12, you know, you get the thorn in the flesh. When he talks about this man who's caught up in a revelation in the third heaven, which is the actual heaven. for 14 years and has all this incredible experience. Bryce, I know you've talked about your experience. I've talked about mine. I'm sure everybody's had an incredible experience with the Holy Spirit.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


That's inexplainable, he says. He's not doing that to brag, because he consistently talks about every person can have that in Christ. But people, unfortunately, whether it's the Eucharist, transubstantiation, whatever the issue might be, we view them as minors unless they're creating them into majors and saying you have to be saved in this kind of way.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


The reason why I like you going after it is because Paul goes after it all the time. And yet at what point are we going to say, so my response to that one is always out of John chapter 6. When Jesus talks about eating my body, drinking my blood, he's not saying he's actually physically saved. from a molecular level, in the bread, in the wine.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


No, there's so many people who ran away at the time when he said that because they were tremendously offended. They're saying, who is this guy claiming to be God, this exclusive truth claim? They all would have understood it. They weren't saying, let's go grab his knee and start eating it. And you'd also have to say that Jesus would be eating himself as well if you're going to make that claim.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And so every time somebody has said that to me, any of my Catholic friends, I try and respond really gently. You're going to get clipped.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


You've given me something to think about.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


I feel like you want to... Wait, is this the deepest, darkest sin question?

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


I think mine is crucifying comfort. That's what I need to do. I think our nation has held up the idol of comfort now more than it ever has. So you have to have perfect comfort when it comes to your psychology, perfect comfort when it comes to your relationships, perfect comfort when it comes to your career, or you're just falling apart and you're saying, whoa, what is life now?

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And so for me, I am too addicted to that. I need my kids to be perfectly comfortable never getting bullied. I need my wife to be perfectly comfortable in a new house. I need to be perfectly comfortable with the praise I get as a pastor or preacher or whatever it might be. And that's wrong. That's totally wrong.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


I think the Bible doesn't lift up masochism and self-harm, but the Bible definitely lifts up suffering in Romans 5 through 5. You grow through suffering, character, hope, perseverance, ultimate surrender to God. There's a reason why back to baptism, when Jesus gets baptized, what happens right after it? The Holy Spirit leads him immediately in the Greek to get tempted by the devil.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


All right, that's a high to a very low low. And Paul talks about how God's great power is through your weakness. my weakness becomes great power and it's offering up a type of glory to him saying, it's really your power by your power that I'm becoming powerful through my weakness.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And so for me, when I see a thorn in the flesh, for example, I don't look at that thorn, hopefully, even though it's been a struggle, like I said, this year as, as a thorn that has, you know, it's like an email with an attachment and that attachment is from the devil because it's not the thorn that bugs me. It's that attachment from the devil that,

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


Saying what it's saying about the thorn that really bugs me rather the attachment has to be a message from God telling me that thorn whether it's temptation, whether it's dealing with anger. Those are my biggest ones, dealing with anger, especially on the basketball court. How am I gonna deal with a young buck, 21 years old, throwing an elbow to the chest? Seriously, am I gonna lose it or not?

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


And so much of security, back to your point, if you're on that self-esteem roller coaster where you're really, really high and it's going to your head, and all of a sudden you're low and it's going to your heart, it's the worst place to be, because then you're either egotistical or you're totally depressed.

The George Janko Show

The Christian Avengers | EP. 100


Getting off of that and saying, no, I can be secure in God, even with no comfort, even with no praise. That's where I want to be.