Hiiii GGB! In this episode, we sit down with Craig Groeschel and explore his book 'The Benefit of Doubt.' "The strongest faith isn't a faith that never doubts," writes Groeschel. "Rather, it's a faith that grows through doubts." Written for individuals facing doubts about God and as an asset to reach loved ones struggling with doubts, each chapter of The Benefit of Doubt includes questions that lead readers to dive deeper into the reasons behind their doubt. Groeschel also provides resources at the end of the book for readers to re-engage their relationship with God as well as an appendix of encouraging scriptures for the days of doubt. A supplemental workbook will also release from Zondervan to complement The Benefit of Doubt. "I want you to know you can have both faith and questions at the same time. You can wrestle with God and embrace him," writes Groeschel. "While you will never have all your questions answered this side of Heaven, you can be sure of one thing. You can give God the benefit of the doubt." The Benefit of Doubt book and workbook release from Zondervan on February 18, 2025. Some questions we go dive into, but certainly not limited to— -Can you explain what deconstruction is and if it's ever good to deconstruct? -You share honestly about your doubts throughout your Christian walk. What have you learned by working through those doubts? -What do you say to someone who starts to doubt God because their prayers weren't answered? -Many people turn away from God because of hypocritical Christians. What do you say to someone who walks away from God because of a hurt or wound? -Christians believe Jesus is the only way to Heaven. What's your response to people who say that's arrogant? -Some people start to doubt God because they don't feel His presence. What would you say to someone who doesn't always feel God? -What encouragement do you have for someone who is struggling with doubt? All of Craig’s links: Website- https://www.craiggroeschel.com/ Benefit of Doubt book- Instagram https://www.instagram.com/craiggroeschel/ YouVersion Bible App- https://www.youversion.com/the-bible-app/ https://www.craiggroeschel.com/books/the-benefit-of-doubt Life Church- https://www.craiggroeschel.com/lifechurch we love you SO much. Jesus loves you more. -Ang & Ari JOIN US ON GGB+ 🥹❤️ https://ggb.supportingcast.fm WE ARE ON THE OFFICIAL GIRLS GONE BIBLE LIVE TOUR! www.girlsgonebible.com/tour for the first batch of cities we have locked in :) WE LOVE YOU AND CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU!
Chapter 1: What is the Girls Gone Bible live tour?
Hi, GGB. Before we get started on today's episode, we just have a few announcements. First, we want to tell you guys that we're on the Girls Gone Bible live tour. You can go to girlsgonebible.com slash tour to get your tickets and join us on these beautiful nights where we worship Jesus, we love on Jesus, and we... Preach the word of God because nothing is as important as the word of God.
Secondly, you guys know that we have GGB+, where we have basically behind the scenes, exclusive episodes and conversations that are so raw, real, more honest than we even get when we're sitting at this table, believe it or not. So you can go to girlsgonebible.com slash plus, and you can sign up and join GGB+. And last but not least, this is a new announcement.
Ari and I have our 31 day devotional out of the wilderness that is released for pre-order. You guys, Ari and I literally, this is our heart on paper, this devotional that we wrote. We, gave everything that we have into this devotional. We're so proud of it.
We're so grateful that Jesus would, first of all, do what he did in our lives and then give us the opportunity to write it down, to give to people, to show them how he can step in and rewrite your story as well. We'll put a QR code on the screen and then you can also go pre-order the book on girlsgonebible.com. Hi, guys. I'm Ange. And I'm Ari. And this is Girls Gone Bible.
And you guys can tell we're in a really different space than we usually are. And that's always a good sign that we have somebody really special on the podcast. I'm just going to say it. It's Mr. Craig Groeschel. Thank you, Jesus, for your life, Craig.
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Chapter 2: Who is Craig Groeschel and what is his role in Life Church?
Hey, thank you, Ange and Ari. I'm really, really excited to be with you guys. Your passion for Jesus shows in every single thing that you do.
That means the world coming from you. And we really mean that. You are the lead pastor of Life Church. You guys have 45 different campuses. I just learned that you guys are actually the creators of the YouVersion Bible app. What would we do without the Bible app? I can't believe that you guys started that.
Thank you. That was Bobby Grunewald who came to me years ago, and he said he was really kind of upset at the lack of Bible engagement. And a lot of it was, like he said, honestly, he said of himself. And so his kind of driving question was, what can we do to make God's Word more accessible? And so that was kind of the beginning of the questions we asked that led to something.
And what's really kind of hard to believe, but this year we're going to celebrate the Bible app being on a billion devices. So that'll happen sometime around October or November of this year. It's an unbelievable honor to get to give that away. And it's a lot of donors and a lot of hardworking people here make it possible.
And so it's hopefully it'll serve you all well because you're kind of the Bible girls, right?
Yeah, I mean, we are so grateful for the fact that so many billions of people around the world in countries where they probably can't even access physical Bibles. Do you understand what that means? The Bible is what saved our lives. Like we're not girls gone Bible for no reason. Like the word of God is everything.
You know, we grew up in a context where we knew about Jesus, but we didn't know him because we didn't know the word of God. There is like, you can't hold anything equal to the word of God. It is the most incredible thing in the world with the power to save, heal, transform. It's just incredible. So thank you. We're so happy to have you here.
You guys are amazing.
We're in Oklahoma right now. We have never been here before.
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Chapter 3: How did Craig Groeschel find faith in God?
Like Emmys and stuff, like Emmy Awards. Emmy Awards. Storm chaser, yes. What? Yeah, so you're in the room with a guy that doesn't want a tornado coming your way.
I'm just picturing you actually just chasing storms.
Yeah, 100%.
Wow, I get to see a video of that.
You watched the movies with him in it. That was him.
No way. You know I don't want a tornado, right? I was just kidding. Okay. Everyone's safe. Well, Craig, we adore you. Thank you. We really do. You and your wife, Amy, you guys are such an incredibly... Powerful couple. You guys are pure. Every single person that we talk to about you literally go, they are the real deal. They're pure. They're good. They love the Lord.
Everything that they do points to Jesus. And I was even talking to your team, and I noticed that even about the Bible app, that you guys don't brand yourselves. You don't even hear Life Church as this big branded thing. You don't see the Bible app as this branded thing. It's just, this points to the Bible. We point to Jesus.
And, like, nothing about you guys is self-serving or self-promoting, and I can personally really appreciate that. Thank you so much. Yeah. So, yeah, I think—what should we start with, R? Kick it off with how he found Jesus? Yeah. Just give us a little bit of how you got saved.
So it's pretty cool. My story mirrors yours in some way. I was in college. I was an athlete, fraternity guy, and fell into all the traditional stuff that is rough and sinful. And so my fraternity got in big trouble. We had four guys commit grand larceny, and we were in trouble at the school.
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Chapter 4: Why is it okay to have doubts about faith?
I was beating myself up. And so then I started reading the book. I just felt complete, like, Jesus, I felt like I could breathe again. I didn't feel alone. Yeah. I have a really hard time reading. I'm telling you, the whole plane ride home up until 1 in the morning, I read your whole book. I couldn't stop.
Your book is one of the most incredible books I have ever read, and I am so excited to dig in and talk about it. Thank you. Can we start off with the first chapter on doubt, please?
Yes, yeah. Well, I think what you're saying is so true and so sad that so often in the church, we almost shame people out of being honest, right? And we think if we have doubts, then we must be a bad Christian. Well, if you have doubts, it doesn't make you a bad Christian. It makes you human. And if you look at the way Jesus handled people that doubted, He didn't shame them.
He didn't push them away. He had grace for them. And if Jesus had grace, I mean, Martha doubted whenever Lazarus died and Jesus said, I'm the resurrection of life. And he healed. A guy questioned, could Jesus heal his son? And Jesus built his faith and healed his son. Peter walked on water and and sank in the water. And Jesus said, why'd you doubt?
What's funny is I always thought that was like an accusation. Like, why'd you doubt, you dumb guy? You have little faith. But when you think about it, Jesus was, he reached down, he pulled the guy out of the water. I think Jesus was saying like, why are you doubting me? I'm here, I'm helping you. You're walking on water, I love you. I'm pulling you out of water.
That he had grace for people to doubt it. So if he did, shouldn't we? And I've found, it's crazy, but as a pastor, I've had seasons I could tell you about, very distinct seasons of doubt. And by talking about them, I found that other Christians are both relieved and then learn that doubt isn't the enemy of faith. In many ways, kind of like what you're doing, it's an invitation to a deeper faith.
Yes. You don't doubt because you don't love God. You doubt because you do love God and you don't understand. Mm-hmm. And God is big enough to handle your questions. I think He wants them. He embraces them. And you see all through the Bible, people going to God going, why? I don't understand. Where are you? Why do the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer? And it's all over the word.
So if other people of God can go to God with questions, I think you can go to God with questions. And I think He welcomes it and will not push you away, but help you grow through it.
I know, and I love when you said in the Bible, they don't put the doubts in the Bible to convince you. Like to convince you, they put it in the Bible to show you that the disciples all had doubts. That was so comforting to read that.
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Chapter 5: What is deconstruction in faith and is it beneficial?
That's wrong. It's horrific. It's a nightmare. It's always wrong. It's demonic. It's horrible. And the church is still the bride of Christ. And Jesus is coming back for his church, and the church is still important. And so, yes, we have to name it and call it what it is, demonic, horrific, wrong, a nightmare, tragic, and still see that the Holy Spirit works through people in the church.
And it's all... God is still good and he's good. And then I could tell you all the stories about what happened to David through, he went in a bad place and then he rediscovered Jesus because of the church. And so you still see the hand of God in the pain because God is sovereign and he is working in all things, even the things that we hate.
We see a lot, like on TikTok and on Instagram Reels, there's a lot of content around deconstructing faith. And so can you just speak to people and tell them what deconstructing is and how it can actually lead to greater faith?
So, great question. And so, deconstruction, depending on who you ask, there's a lot of opinions about it. So, some of my peers as pastors would say, deconstruction is always bad. And the reason they would say that is because they have a limited view of what they've heard about it of people that might be
really hurting, genuinely hurting, and get with a group of people that basically says, forget all churches. I hate God. All Christians are bad. And they flip off God in the church and walk away. And so that does happen. But I would say that deconstruction done well it can actually be a form of discipleship.
Meaning that when you look at what Jesus did when he came, and see, five different times, he said, in the Sermon on the Mount, he said, you have heard it said, but I say to you. Your whole life, you've been taught this. But I'm going to tell you that's either incomplete or it's not true. And let me tell you what is true. So in a sense, what was he doing? He was kind of deconstructing.
And so here's the thing. The problem is, we all read the Bible with a bias. As much as we want to read it purely, we come to it with our own hurts, our own family backgrounds, from what country we're from, what type of church we're raised in. I could preach the same text. Another preacher could preach the very same text, and we preach it with a different tone.
I'm preaching on the love of God in the text. He's preaching on the judgment of God. And God is loving, and he's judged. He's both. And so there's different emphasis. So sometimes I tell people that everything you believe about God may not be true.
And you have to start there, that you might have grown up in a church that was too legalistic, or a church that was too full of grace, or a church that only talked about the judgment of God, or a church that only talked about the grace of God. And so what we have to do is, I would say, in a community, Look at what we believe.
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Chapter 6: How does church hurt affect faith and how can it be overcome?
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I love what you wrote about prayer because we have so many people who live right and do good and they've been praying for that child or praying for their husband to get better and then they just don't get better. And then you see somebody else that probably isn't doing the best thing and they're getting everything it seems, right? I want to just read a little bit.
Do you mind if I read what you wrote? It's just this little part I love. You said... Even though I know spiritually that life is about God's glory, God's will, and God's plan, not my own, my prayers don't always reflect that truth. When I'm honest about many of my prayers, I have to admit that a lot of my praying is an attempt to control God.
I tell Him what I want, what is best, and what He needs to do. But that's not the purpose of prayer. We need to embrace the reality that God is the star of the story. He does not exist to serve us. We exist to serve Him. The truth is displayed in the life of Jesus throughout the Gospels.
When we come to terms with that, we understand that the purpose of prayer is not going to get God to do our will. The purpose of prayer is to know God so we can do His will. I love that because so many of us miss that.
We do.
Can you talk about prayer?
I would love to talk about prayer for days. Yes. And the reason is because I always felt like I was not a good prayer.
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