Hiiii GGB! In this episode, we journeyed through what it’s like to work through brokenness and it took us all over the place. The secret place, father wounds, dealing with the past / shame, how to deal with conflict in a way that leads to connection. And we had lots of tears, but what’s new! we love you SO much. Jesus loves you more. -Ang & Ari JOIN US ON GGB+ 🥹❤️ https://ggb.supportingcast.fm WE ARE ON THE OFFICIAL GIRLS GONE BIBLE LIVE TOUR! www.girlsgonebible.com/tour for the first batch of cities we have locked in :) WE LOVE YOU AND CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU!
Chapter 1: What health products are discussed in this episode?
You guys, have you ever experienced symptoms like the following? Low energy levels or brain fog? Yep, this is something I've definitely struggled with. Glow's ingredients support a multitude of different issues. Metabolism, energy levels, immune function, collagen production, inflammatory responses. This new year is all about fresh starts.
And what better way to kick it off than addressing your hormone health? Hormone fluctuations are a common experience for many women, and it's a topic I'm increasingly focused on. These hormonal shifts can influence our health in numerous ways, affecting everything from our menstrual cycles and skin to our energy levels and metabolism.
That's why I'm thrilled to introduce to you Glow by Beam, a product I've personally been using and absolutely loving lately. Glow By Beam is a hormone-balancing superpower for women, tailor-made to help balance women's hormones. It contains 18 comprehensive active ingredients.
Combined, they make a daily super powder that supports fluctuations in metabolism, immune function, collagen production, and more. Vitamins, minerals, and natural antioxidants, specially blended to synergize with each other and your body. No more guesswork in the vitamin aisle. Added electrolytes for a hydration boost.
And since it comes in the form of a tasty low sugar drink mix, it makes hydrating your body simple and delicious. You deserve to glow this new year. And with a daily dose of restorative ingredients, you will. Glow's benefits include supporting common hormone fluctuations, as well as fluctuations in metabolism, immune function, collagen production, and more.
You guys start the year off right when you get your daily dose of restorative ingredients that support inner wellness and outer glow. Glow supports a healthy inflammatory response. Get much needed support in this area from vitamin C and bromelain. Glow supports thyroid function. Vitamin A and selenium bring this benefit to the table. Improved sleep patterns.
Magnesium and ashwagandha are to thank for this major benefit. We all know that poor sleep has all sorts of nasty side effects. Your New Year's resolutions now include supporting your glow. And now for a limited time, you get up to 35% off when you go to shopbeam.com slash GGB and use code GGB at checkout. That's shopbeam.com slash GGB and use code GGB for up to 35% off.
This episode is brought to you by Glorify, the number one Christian daily devotional app. Do you guys want to grow in your relationship with God, but you don't know how? Or maybe you find yourself opening your Bible with no idea on where to start. I get it. I've been there. Luckily, that's where the Glorify app comes. Glorify is the number one Christian daily devotional app.
With Glorify, you can start your morning by reading the Bible passage of the day, diving into Glorify's daily devotional, and wrapping up with an immersive experience called Daily Walk with God. And if you need to take a few minutes to yourself in the or listen to their curated worship playlist for some quiet reflection.
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Chapter 2: How does Girls Gone Bible define its mission?
What's up, ggb? Oh, it feels like it's ggb plus because we're over here.
Chapter 3: What personal challenges are Ange and Ari facing?
I like it over here. I like it over here.
I like it over here. Hi, I'm Ange. And I'm Ari. And this is Girls Gone Bible. We are a faith-based podcast where we talk all things spirituality, mental health, everything to do with your everyday life, whatever problems may arise. And we like to put theological context around it because we love Jesus here. We love the Bible. You guys, I am so, so down bad. What's up, little chicken head?
What's up? So tell everyone what's wrong. Yeah, so there was some sort of devilish flu going around. And it hit me hard. And I'm not doing so well. But we overcome and we'll be okay. I'm like... I'm not one, truly. I mean, you might think I want to over-spiritualize things, but I try not to. But this is the first thing in a long time where I'm like, I genuinely feel so attacked.
Like, attacked, attacked. I've never been sick like this in my life. The fever that I've had consistently for, you know, days, and I just... I do. I get attacked through getting sick a lot because it just, I am like such a 100% go all the way all the time. I'm like type A, don't ever stop. And I really feel like, I feel like it's, my heart is in full surrender.
I'm just like, I feel like God is speaking so clearly and he's like, I'm not asking you to move as fast as you want. I know. It's like you have to relax. You really don't stop. I know, but I love it like that. I like living like that.
I do too, but I don't know. It's too much. It's too much. I like being on the go too, but even I ain't going like you, honey.
I know. My body is, it's done. I have to take care of myself. I'm going to burn out. I'm going to, if I don't relax. And I mean, we're going to be on tour for the next year, so we better figure out how to take care of ourselves.
We better.
How are you all?
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Chapter 4: How do Ange and Ari handle feelings of inadequacy during their tour?
Amen. That's so good. My favorite, I think one of my major moments of breakthrough this past weekend was like just the significance of the secret place, which I already like. I know the significance of the secret place. But I think sometimes, like, you know, we've heard pastors and people who are older be like, We've heard people that are older say, I still seek God today like I did when I was 20.
And I hope that I do even more when I'm 80. And we've also met older people who have said things like, I read the whole thing. I don't need to read it again. You know what I mean? And like, I never neglect the secret place, but there is a temptation when you have history with God to feel like you can rely on your history.
And you can in certain instances, like when you don't feel God or you feel like you're in the wilderness or you feel like you can't see him, you can look back on your history and be like, okay, but this is what I know about him. But you can't rely on like yesterday's secret place for today, right? Explain that.
So like the secret place, like for example, you slept at my house last night and we were both like having quiet time this morning and I went around the corner and I was sitting and I like gave you your space and we love praying together and everything. But the secret place is like the secret place where it's just you and Jesus.
And it's a time where you meet Jesus and nothing supernatural or crazy has to happen, but it's a time that's dedicated to being alone with God. And the both days, because I was sick both days, I didn't leave my hotel room. I didn't go out. We didn't go get our hair done. We didn't do anything. So I spent three, four hours with Jesus. And it was uninterrupted, undisturbed time with Jesus. And
Spent like three four hours, and I'm just communing with him. I'm sitting in silence. I'm reading a little bit I'm marching around worshiping. I'm sitting again. I'm replaying things in my head I'm preaching in my head, but like I'm just continually communing with him. He would take me on little journeys here and there and Then when I went on stage both times I knew
that I am not calling on Jesus when I get to the stage, but everything that is coming out of me is pouring out from my secret place in the day. And like, I know that, but sometimes like spending three, four hours with Jesus It just sounds excessive. It sounds religious. And for me, I'm just like, that's how I thrive.
Like hours of sitting there and you might not even know what's happening, but he is literally filling you head to toe. You don't need to pray the whole time, but it's this designated time where you just give him everything. You sit in silence. You do nothing. You just hang out. You hang out. And so I have never felt stronger, more confident, more powerful, more protected in my own mind.
Then, you know, times where I'm like, oh, I know he's with me.
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Chapter 5: Why is the 'secret place' important in spiritual practice?
But I'm like, I realized after that night, because you know, when you like close your eyes and he kind of takes you through things, I realized like laying there tired, like barely hanging on from the couple nights before after pouring out that me just laying there and just talking to him was enough. That was him pouring into me. And so, yeah, I think a lot of us just feel like,
I don't feel this crazy thing. Like, where is he? I don't, I'm not. And that's just not what it is. And he's again, like he's not this person who's going to send you these crazy encounters. It's just sitting there in peace with him and, and listening to worship music. It could be as simple as that.
I Bryce said something really really significant that hit me he said he was he realized he was treating Jesus as this dopamine hit and I've done that before where I know what it's like to encounter God I know what it's like to be touched by God I know what it's like to feel like Jesus walked in the room and you become like addicted to that and you realize like it's
you're trying to evoke something that gives you this feeling of power instead of just wanting to spend time with Jesus. And what I realized more than anything is being in the presence of God doesn't mean that something crazy has to happen, but it's continuously inviting Him in and saying things like... Fill me with your love. Fill me with your joy. Wash me in your peace.
Wash me in your loving kindness. Fill me with your spirit and just like continually inviting him in. And like he does a supernatural work, but the secret place is what you have to establish. It has to be this time of like by phone, by people. You don't let your phone anywhere near you. You don't let anybody have access to you in this moment. And like, And you just don't leave.
You have to linger and you have to stay. So anyways, my whole point in bringing that up was that the secret place is, it's what I'm most passionate about because it's where we find everything that we need.
And try it. If you think, if you're someone that's sitting there being like, well, I already read it and I already have him with me. Well, why don't you try it? Why don't you try changing up your routine and spending that whatever hours with him in the morning and then try it with others.
Try two hours.
Yeah. Start with an hour to whatever, whatever you feel. But, you know, it's not about hours. It's just about spending that time because it makes a massive difference. Totally. And I've done it. I've done it when I woke up and I didn't spend that time. And it's my my day is chaotic. My mind is everywhere.
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Chapter 6: What revelations have Ange and Ari had about vulnerability?
I'm like, I have a thing where you're really good about coming on and like in the moment being like, this is everything I'm feeling. And I just have, I'm like so different in my, the way that I approach things. I like in my mind, it's like, And I just, I wish I could be more like you in that way. I really do. Because you're, you're just like, here it is.
And it's okay if I don't have it figured out. My brain is like, I have to have it figured out. Otherwise there's no meaning to it and nothing good can come of it. Yeah, I think I've been so radically victim mentality my whole life, which is a good thing. Victim mentality is the worst thing you can do for yourself if you yield to the victim voice that speaks in your head.
You are giving in to lies like you really are because we're not victims. But I think for a long time I've gaslit myself into being like, You can't be a victim. You can't be a victim. You can't be a victim. And I feel like God is inviting me into a really sweet season of just being like, You're not a victim.
You're not a victim if you choose to, you know, lean into things that have gone wrong or have hurt. So, yeah, I think.
It's unbelievable watching you because I always felt like I was too vulnerable when I first met you because all I wanted to do was talk. And now this girl is helping me. It's like so funny how in relationships and friendships roles can reverse.
Yeah, I know. It's so crazy. I think... Can you just text her and tell her that we're okay? Sorry, Angie's mom? It's my mom. Call, answer me.
Hi, Mom. We're filming the episode. Everyone can hear you, but I love you. We're good, okay?
Oh, I love you, too. Thank you. Thank you for answering. Okay, love you. I love you, Ma. Bye, sweetheart.
Bye, Ma. But, yeah, it's, like, so weird. It's... It's just a weird time. It's a beautiful time. Does anybody else feel that way? It's a beautiful time. I'm happier than ever. I really am. And I'm also just like, I don't know. Like, I don't know. It's the best time of my entire life. And
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