The Ramsey Show
Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later
Sure. So we have about $100,000 in cash, which includes our emergency fund. We have retirement funds that are worth about $2.8 million. We have mutual funds, which includes a college fund for our son and a small charitable trust that we recently started. That's worth about $500,000. Okay.
The Ramsey Show
Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later
We have paid for real estate, including rental property worth about 2.2, 2.3, depending on how you measure it. We have some passive business investments worth about $500,000. And then other assets, a couple of cars and some collections and things that make up the rest. Good for you. How old are you guys? Well, I'm 54. And I'm 42. Okay, cool.
The Ramsey Show
Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later
We inherited about $70,000 from my parents when they passed away about four or five years ago.
The Ramsey Show
Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later
So our best year, we were a little north of a million dollars. Our worst year is probably right now. Neither one of us is working at the moment. Dan was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago. So we decided that we had the ability to step back and focus on that and focus on each other. So we did. But I'd say, you know, our entry level, you know, my entry level is probably around 30,000 a year.
The Ramsey Show
Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later
I started as an accountant and then became a consultant and ultimately just an executive. Dan, you want to talk about your background?
The Ramsey Show
Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later
Yeah. Well, I'll tell you, we've been big fans of the Ramsey show and Dan went through financial peace when he was in the military. But we've only decided to call in now for that reason, because we did want to share that. I mean, you know, when we paid off our house a few years ago, that felt amazing.
The Ramsey Show
Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later
And the freedom that we had then to really, you know, do some things that were a little more risky and, so that we could create even more wealth at that point was incredible. But it's kind of nothing compared to the freedom to say, okay, we know exactly where our money is. We know exactly what we need to have coming in every month. to be able to sustain ourselves.
The Ramsey Show
Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later
And we don't have a bunch of debt hanging over our heads and big payments on things. We can actually choose to spend this time together and to fight this battle together. It wasn't even a second thought. We just made that decision and moved forward.
The Ramsey Show
Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later
Yeah, 100%. And you don't even think about it. It's incredible. You didn't even think about it. No, didn't even think about it.
The Ramsey Show
Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later
I'm sure Dan has some other thoughts about the freedom and the security.