Lights Out
235: The Most Shocking Sleepwalking Murders
But regardless, if he was, you know, guilty or not, he still is capable of committing that crime, his sleep. So there still is a danger there potentially. Right. Either way, he is a danger to the people around him. Right.
Lights Out
235: The Most Shocking Sleepwalking Murders
I haven't slept walked, but my brother slept walked once when I was a kid. My mom woke me up in the middle of the night because she was kind of confused what was going on too. And I'm sure you probably were around your brother when he was sleep walking. It's kind of weird. They're in like a trance. Yeah, it's kind of scary. They're not responsive normally.
Lights Out
235: The Most Shocking Sleepwalking Murders
And they're just kind of like, they'll look at you, but they don't see you. They look straight through you. It is kind of scary. It is. But we ended up just sending him right back to bed. He went back to bed and everything was fine.
Lights Out
235: The Most Shocking Sleepwalking Murders
I just wanted to chime in really fast. I'm sure we've all heard the myth about how you're not supposed to wake a sleepwalker, right? And the myth is saying that it's going to cause them some form of like
Lights Out
235: The Most Shocking Sleepwalking Murders
medical issue like a heart attack or something like you i'm sure as kids you probably told josh that if you wake your brother up something bad's gonna happen to him right i think it's gonna be bad for his health i just yell at him from across the room yeah joel what are you doing I'm here to debunk that myth. It's not true. You can wake someone who's sleepwalking.
Lights Out
235: The Most Shocking Sleepwalking Murders
The only danger with it is that they might be in a frightened state when you do wake them up due to confusion. You don't know why they're there. And that's where that danger can come from is because they're going to wake up in a fight or flight mode. So it's not usually recommended to wake someone up who is sleepwalking. Just if you can guide them back to their bed and they'll go to sleep.
Lights Out
235: The Most Shocking Sleepwalking Murders
You only should wake them up if they are potentially going to cause harm to themselves or others.
Lights Out
235: The Most Shocking Sleepwalking Murders
So I actually kind of want to trigger warning about the cat, but I kind of want to bring the cat back to that first case. So I'm a cat owner. And if I was being, you know, aggressive towards my cats like that, they would attack me. They would scratch me. They would yell. And if that didn't wake me up, isn't it kind of also possible that your wife screaming wouldn't wake you up? True. Right.
Lights Out
235: The Most Shocking Sleepwalking Murders
Yeah, it's like plastic. The term Twinkie defense is an umbrella term that, in the most general sense, refers to an unconventional defensive argument, as we know. The term originated in the 1979 trial of Dan White, a San Francisco politician who was charged with first-degree murder.
Lights Out
235: The Most Shocking Sleepwalking Murders
A testifying psychiatrist pointed out that White's consumption of sugary foods, such as Twinkies, could lead to diminished capacity.
Lights Out
235: The Most Shocking Sleepwalking Murders
I mean, like I said earlier, I think Scott was innocent. I do think it's a legitimate defense. I'm probably on the same line as Austin where it's going to be extremely rare for it to be, you know, legitimate and it's going to get abused and it's going to be insanely hard to prove. But I do believe that it's real. There's science to back it up.
Lights Out
235: The Most Shocking Sleepwalking Murders
Unlike a lot of the other things that I'm very, you know, Are you talking about the paranormal? I was going to bring it up, but yeah.
Lights Out
235: The Most Shocking Sleepwalking Murders
I think it depends on the evidence to back it up. If they have no history of sleepwalking, that'd be, that'd be a little difficult.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Dems Need to Stand Up — Then Wake Up
What you want to know the craziest part? Because my mom, babes, me and my brothers all together. And out of nowhere, I locked up. And then my dad was calling my name, and I started going to the slow thing. And he said, stop playing with me. And I started to act slow. And then as soon as he said that, we was speeding all the way, running lights, going to the hospital.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Dems Need to Stand Up — Then Wake Up
And then next thing you know, I was seizing on the table. They said, no, we're going to have to go on his brain tonight. Ever since then, I had 13 brain surgeries. And that's how many times my personality has changed. And that's something that you don't hear from a terminally ill child. They have five months to live. I'm going to keep on going into my gas tanks right now.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Dems Need to Stand Up — Then Wake Up
And that's when God calls you home. You never know when God's going to call you home. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my dad. I know he's pretty proud of me, and I'm pretty proud of him, too. And I'd like to thank President Trump, because if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here today.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
Thanks, Charlie. I'm delighted to be on. Elbridge Colby is one of the few people in sort of advanced and elite Washington, D.C. circles who has actually been a friend of the Donald Trump program from the very beginning, especially in foreign policy.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
And he's someone who's seen as a threat by a lot of other insiders in Washington, by those who want to see America kind of return to the unsuccessful foreign policy of Joe Biden and Barack Obama and indeed George W. Bush.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
So Bridge Colby is someone who can sort of act as an intellectual axle to bring together these sort of different components of the machine to advance President Trump's foreign policy and America First foreign policy. And there are people who want to prevent that from happening.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
They want to throw spanners in the works, basically, and prevent Colby from being nominated to the number three slot in the Pentagon. And they want to fill the Trump administration to the extent they can with neoconservatives and people who are going to be trying to foil Donald Trump's plans. And unfortunately, Senator Tom Cotton has gone along with this to some degree.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
And I have to credit you, Charlie, for being the first person to speak out on X and basically call out Senator Cotton for doing the bidding of people like Bill Kristol.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
Well, he would be the undersecretary for policy, which, as the name suggests, is responsible for a lot of the formulation of exactly how America, how our defense apparatus is going to approach other nations around the world. It's a very important strategic role. And so you can see why there is a great deal of scrutiny being applied to Bridge Colby.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
And, you know, you can also see why people who don't like the president's agenda and don't like what Bridge Colby represents, why they think that if they can sabotage this, they'll actually score a lot of points and be able to really cripple what Donald Trump's trying to do in reorienting American foreign policy towards America's national interest.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
So it's a critical policymaking grand strategy kind of position. And Bridge Colby is exactly the right person for it. And there's an awful lot of pressure, however, being brought to bear sort of behind the scenes. There's this whispering campaign against him, putting out all sorts of just nasty rumors because there's no honest case to be made against this gentleman.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
He really is someone who comes from a patriotic family. He's someone who has, again, sort of withstood all the pressures to conform within Washington. And now the question is, will this whispering campaign now being led perhaps by Senator Cotton, succeed in derailing this gentleman who would be a true asset to President Trump's agenda.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
Speak to that. Yeah, you know, the difference between Trump 1 and today is that Trump 1 had so many of these disloyal staffers who were able to restrain the president and keep his foreign policy from going in the direction where he wanted to take it. President Trump really does have, first of all, an America first view, yes. but also an America's first view.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
He sees the strategic importance of our own hemisphere as being paramount, which is why Secretary Rubio spent his first trip going to the Caribbean and to Central America. It's why we've been talking about Greenland so much. We have to defend our own hemisphere, keep the influence of people like China. from reaching into our own backyard.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
When it comes to Europe, what's absolutely essential for Europe's own defense is that the Europeans themselves be the primary providers, that they be fully invested, not only in terms of the money they spend for the military that they have, but also that they should be willing to be the first line of defense of their own continent and their own borders. Right now, that's not the case.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
Right now, they are expecting America to to pay for their defense. And they're expecting ultimately if their borders are attacked by Russia or anyone else, that it's American lives that are going to come out and save them.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
So you've got a Europe that's actually become steadily weaker over the past 30 years since the end of the Cold War because of their over-reliance on America and their unwillingness to pony up either the men or the moral commitment in order to defend themselves. So Trump is changing all of that.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
He would have changed it back between 2016 and 2020, except there were so many people within his own administration, including even in the Defense Department, even in the Secretary of State's offices. that wanted to prevent Trump from going in this direction.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
They wanted to keep America basically with this consensus, bipartisan foreign policy that we're getting from everyone from George Bush to Barack Obama, ultimately to Joe Biden. So Trump is trying to really reorient our foreign policy for the first time since the end of the Cold War. And to do that, he's going to need a team that is loyal to him and that has the right ideas.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
And Bridge Colby is certainly someone who fits that description.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
Well, the Monroe Doctrine is, of course, sort of the cornerstone of American foreign policy going back more than 200 years. And the Monroe Doctrine basically says that we're going to prevent other kinds of imperial powers from reaching into our hemisphere. And certainly that's one of the questions where Greenland comes up. It's where the Panama Canal comes up.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
The Panama Canal is being very directly influenced right now by China. They have a certain economic stake in it, and there's a risk that they're going to have have more economic sway and more political sway over the canal, which is absolutely vital to our interests. Then with Greenland, right now, America's already basically responsible for providing for Greenland's defense.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
So it's kind of silly that we're paying the price for defending Greenland, but we don't actually have a kind of formal relationship between our nation and Greenland. Instead, Greenland is still controlled by Denmark.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
In the long run, however, there's a danger that Greenland, because of its strategic position in the Arctic, is going to be heavily influenced by other powers that want to be involved in Arctic politics. And certainly, Russia increasingly looks to the Arctic as a place to expand its power.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
There is a danger that even though China is not directly in the Arctic, they may want to be able to use their expanding naval power and their expanding financial influence to influence a small, in fact, a tiny country like Greenland. Greenland's a huge island, but its population is only about 50,000 souls or so.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
And so you can see how they could be susceptible to any great power that comes after them, which is why it's very important that America be the great power that is providing for their protection, rather than have the Chinese or someone else be able to come in and influence them. So all of this is about defending America's national interests
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
It's not about trying to export democracy to far off lands and transform other cultures into models, replicating our own. That's the imperial project that America had been embarked on since the end of the Cold War, basically. This is instead focusing on America first, which also means focusing on our neighborhood first, and that is the other Americas and the rest of the Western Hemisphere.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
The neocons are really smart, and I point this out in my essay for Compact Magazine on why Bridge Colby is so important. The neocons realize that if they go to the American public, if they go straight to the voters, the voters won't take them up on the kind of imperial democracy-promoting agenda that the neocons want to endorse. The voters just won't go for it. So they don't do that.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
And they also realize that, you know, if you try to elect a pure on, you know, sort of pure neoconservative like Bill Kristol, try to send him to the Senate or, you know, nominate him for president, that's not going to work.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
You may recall, Charlie, that back in 2016, Bill Kristol had the lunatic idea that he would get David French to run for president and that David French would somehow be the neocon candidate to stop Donald Trump. It's just ridiculous. They can't win elections and they can't serve in office.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
But what the neocons are very clever about doing is instead insinuating themselves into the staff and into the offices of office holders.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
So in other words, you don't have to win elections if you're the guy, if you are responsible for the staffing positions of the office holders, because the office holders themselves are often choosing from a menu of policy that has been written up by their staff or that has been sort of spun by ideologues and think tanks and magazines.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
That's where the neocons have a chokehold on American policy and on the American right. And that's where they're really concerned they're going to lose that chokehold and that grip if Bridge Colby gets into the Pentagon.
The Charlie Kirk Show
How Our Elites Destroyed Ukraine + Winning the AI Race ft. David Sacks
Yeah, you can find me on Twitter at the unusual handle of Tory anarchist, which is a nice sort of fun phrase I use. And then online, you can find me on the Internet at www.modernagejournal.com.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Ask Charlie Anything 210: Deport Fauci? Vivek Leaving DOGE? Revive the SAVE Act?
Hi, Charlie. Can you hear me?
The Charlie Kirk Show
Ask Charlie Anything 210: Deport Fauci? Vivek Leaving DOGE? Revive the SAVE Act?
OK, so I want to ask about election integrity legislation, because this is something that, you know, obviously here with the fraud that we saw in 2020 and in 2024, that we can codify some of these things into law. The SAVE Act. I believe was reintroduced in the new Congress, but I haven't heard it go anywhere. Is there a plan for it or what are your thoughts about that?