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Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita

Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)

Thu, 27 Feb 2025


In this episode of Bongino Report: Early Edition, Evita covers Romania’s arrest of a Trump-friendly right-wing leader, Jake Tapper announcing his new book on the “cover-up” of Biden’s mental decline, and Jeff Bezos dedicating Washington Post editorial pages to defending free markets and personal liberty. Check out our amazing Sponsor -Field Of Greens - Go to and use my code EVITA for 20% off Jake Tapper Tries To Make Millions Exposing Biden’s Cognitive Decline After He Spent Years Hiding It Vivek’s Plan To Turn Ohio Into Silicon Valley Shows He Doesn’t Understand My State At All Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Chapter 1: What are the latest headlines covered in this episode?

66.118 - 93.117 Evita

Good morning and welcome to Bongina Report, early edition. Romania arrests its most famous populist leader, who also happens to be a Trump ally. Jake Tapper announces a book on the cover-up. of Joe Bidens mental decline. Gavin Newsom launches a podcast targeted at MAGA voters. Jeff Bezos dedicates the Washington Post editorial pages to free markets and personal liberty.


93.217 - 131.543 Evita

The head of the Anglican Church, King Charles, celebrates Ramadan. And President Trump adds Archbishop Fulton Sheen to the National Garden of American Heroes. All this on Bongina Report, early edition. Bevor wir über Rumänien sprechen, möchte ich auf Epstein sprechen. Heute ist wahrscheinlich der Tag, an dem wir gesagt werden, dass wir eine echte Erklärung über Jeffrey Epstein bekommen werden.


131.583 - 133.005 Evita

Hier war Pam Bondi letzte Nacht.


133.065 - 141.654 Pam Bondi

Du hast letzte Woche gesagt, dass du die Epstein-File auf deinem Tisch hast. Wann können wir sie sehen und was dauert es so lange, sie zu veröffentlichen?


150.145 - 150.125 Security Guard


Chapter 2: What new information is expected from the Epstein files?

150.185 - 174.844 Jesse

Also wir haben, weit über, über 250 tatsächlich. Also müssen wir dafür sorgen, dass ihre Identität geschützt wird und ihre persönliche Information. Aber außer dem, denke ich, morgen, die persönliche Information der Gefühle. Other than that, I think tomorrow, Jesse, breaking news right now, you're going to see some Epstein information being released by my office.


174.884 - 184.791 Pam Bondi

What kind? Are we going to see who was on the flights? Are we going to see any evidence from what he recorded? Because he had all of his homes wired with recording devices.


185.367 - 191.57 Jesse

So we're going to see some Epstein information today. A lot of flight logs. All right.


213.16 - 241.674 Evita

But you want to know what I'm a lot more interested in? Back in 2017, former US Attorney of the Southern District of Florida, Alexander Acosta, was being considered for the position of Secretary of Labor by the Trump admin. And he was being questioned by Trump's transition team about why he gave Epstein such a lenient 2007 plea deal. This is kind of a reoccurring theme with Jeffrey Epstein.


241.954 - 272.373 Evita

Bis zum Ende scheint er mit allem wegzukommen. Niemals aufmerksam zu sein, die Anzeichen immer runtergezogen werden, die am meisten lenienten Ziele aller Zeiten. Keine echten Auswirkungen auf seine Aktionen. Weißt du, was Acosta verurteilt hat? Er sagte, dass Epstein von der Intelligenz gehörte und es alleine verlassen sollte. Das ist verurteilt worden in der Daily Beast.

272.413 - 305.762 Evita

Acosta hat es jedoch nie verurteilt. Was bedeutet denn das, dass er von der Intelligenz gehörte? I want to know who was pulling the Jeffrey Epstein strings. It's obvious to everyone that he was part of some kind of sexual blackmail operation. The question is, for who? Our intelligence? In other countries? In my opinion, it was probably more than one. That's what we want to know.

305.782 - 332.465 Evita

The whole truth on Epstein would likely reveal a branch of statecraft involving manipulation and criminal activity, the exploitation specifically of minors in order to control powerful people. Epstein had documented meetings with CIA Director William Burns in 2014 and three scheduled encounters with Burns when he was Deputy Secretary of State. Why is that?

333.271 - 353.907 Evita

At the time he was a known sexual offender. What reason could he have had to meet him? Beyond that, and what Acosta said, Jeffrey Epstein's girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, is the daughter of Robert Maxwell, who is widely believed, or was widely believed when he was alive, to have been an Israeli intelligence asset.

354.821 - 380.488 Evita

Former Israeli spy Ari Ben-Minaschi has actually asserted that Jeffrey Epstein worked for the Mossad to blackmail influential figures. And Epstein had frequent interactions with prominent Israeli figures like former Prime Minister Ehud Barak. We don't just want to know which rich and powerful people Epstein blackmailed. I mean, they did bad things, but

Chapter 3: Why was the Romanian election annulled?

465.714 - 490.168 Evita

Last year Romania cancelled or I guess annulled its presidential election because apparently there was Russian interference. And how often, you guys, have we heard that? Russian interference. We've had that here in America. They discredit a certain political candidate. His name is President Trump. He's in office right now. So who won the first round of this annulled election last year? A guy named


491.301 - 517.823 Evita

Colleen Georgescu, die ein rechterseitiger populistischer Kandidat und Kritiker der EU ist und ein Verein von Präsident Trump. Und J.D. Vance hat gesagt, was zu Georgescu passiert ist, als er in München lehrte, dass die Europäer komplett in den Liberalismus geraten sind. Hier war J.D. Vance auf der Annal-Elektion in Rumänien.


518.752 - 544.585 J.D. Vance (quoted)

Now we're at the point of course that the situation has gotten so bad that this December Romania straight up cancelled the results of a presidential election. Based on the flimsy suspicions of an intelligence agency and enormous pressure from its continental neighbors. Now as I understand it, the argument was that Die russische Uninformation hat die rumänische Wahl infiziert.


544.605 - 558.293 J.D. Vance (quoted)

Aber ich würde meine europäischen Freunde fragen, um eine Perspektive zu haben. Sie können glauben, dass es falsch ist, dass Russland soziale Medien anbietet, um Ihre Wahl zu beeinflussen. Das tun wir sicher. Sie können es sogar auf der Weltlage verurteilen.


558.313 - 566.998 J.D. Vance (quoted)

Aber wenn Ihre Demokratie mit ein paar hunderttausend Dollar von digitalen Anbietern aus einem freien Land zerstört wird, dann war es nicht sehr stark zu Beginn.

569.928 - 593.475 Evita

Nobody claps because everybody is so mad at him. Literally one person is clapping in that room. But he's so right. And he said that two weeks ago. So now what's happened in Romania? Well, this populist right-wing presidential candidate, he should be the president, the election wasn't old, George Escu has been taken into custody on his way to submitting his new candidacy for president.

593.515 - 601.54 Evita

So they arrested him. The Romanian government also raided 47 addresses of people and associations connected to Georgescu.

601.58 - 643.477 Evita

Prosecutors said that the allegations against them included, and this is a quote, false statements regarding the sources of financing of an electoral campaign, illegal possession of weapons, and initiating or establishing an organization with a fascist, racist or xenophobic character. I'll tell you what it is. It's thought crimes.

643.517 - 657.021 Evita

He's guilty and the people with him are guilty of thought crimes in Romania. Georges Q said on Facebook that authorities are looking to invent evidence to justify the theft of the election and to do anything to block...

Chapter 4: How is Jake Tapper involved in the Biden cognitive decline discussion?

743.039 - 752.525 Mike Benz

Das ist eine zivilisierte Entscheidung der gewählten Regierung Rumäniens, die von den Herzen und Geistern der Votierenden der rumänischen Bevölkerung entschieden wurde.


754.245 - 771.804 Evita

NATO will nicht, dass Rumänien die Entscheidung macht, was mit dieser Basis zu tun hat. Denn NATO wird von unliberalen Kriegskriminalen geführt. Oder Hocken, sollte ich sagen. Die sind total entspannt, die Weltkrieg aufzunehmen. Es gibt keinen Bezug auf das menschliche Leben.


772.404 - 795.147 Evita

Und Georges Cus's Presidency threatens to derail NATO's plan to turn Romania into a forward operating launchpad against Moscow. Consulting Trump wrests control from the NATO war hawks and puts Romania's sovereignty back in Romania's hands. And understand that this isn't just about one man.


795.828 - 814.045 Evita

Das ist eine Proxy-Battel und ein größerer Konflikt zwischen populistischer Selbstdeterminierung und einer globalistischen Agenda, die sich auch mit der 3. Weltkriege verabschiedet. Und J.D. Vance versteht das. Das ist der Grund, warum er, zwei Wochen vor dem Sprechen in München, keine Worten verpasst hat.


814.065 - 838.114 Evita

Er hat die Verteidigung der Rumänischen Verteidigung oder Anomalie als Verletzung bezeichnet. of democratic values by a NATO-aligned elite, terrified of losing control. Now, with Dostoevsky in custody, the masks are off, NATO and its proxies aren't defending democracy, they're strangling it to preserve the status quo, which is their own power.

838.174 - 861.684 Evita

And the irony is, in this crusade against Russian interference, oh, Russian interference, they've proved the European elite's supposed commitment to freedom is conditional at best. All right, we're going to take a quick break. When we come back, we have a lot more to talk about, including some big news from Jake Tapper. Don't go anywhere. Trump is ushering in Maha, make America healthy again.

861.724 - 881.653 Evita

And Democrats have spent years forcing mandates and dictating how we manage our health. While often lining their pockets with big pharma and big food cash. But Americans are now pushing back and taking control of our health. That's why I'm reclaiming my own health with Field of Greens. We all know eating healthy is key to staying healthy. But life gets busy.

881.713 - 920.954 Evita

And sticking to a perfect diet isn't always realistic. Vielen Dank. Even Healthy Weight Group. And Field of Greens promises at your next checkup, your doctor will notice your improved health or your money back. I've got a 20% discount to get you started. Go to and use my code EVITA. That's E-V-I-T-A., code EVITA.

922.458 - 945.871 Unknown Speaker

Was ist, wenn die Lösung für unsere Probleme dort lauert, wo Menschen normalerweise gar nicht hinkommen? Ein Schatz aus der Tiefsee, Millionen Jahre alt, den es aber wirklich gibt und den manche jetzt heben wollen. Der Kampf um die Tiefsee, der hat längst begonnen. Das ist Enten, Land unter, von Andan und dem Futurium. Ab sofort auf Spotify.

Chapter 5: What is the controversy surrounding Jake Tapper's new book?

970.486 - 992.945 Evita

Nun, die gesamte Maschine der öffentlichen Medien hat schamlos den amerikanischen Menschen verurteilt. Nein, er ist völlig in Ordnung. Das ist eine Verschwörung. He didn't just fall there, he just tripped. Like just crazy, like crazy, crazy propaganda on behalf of the deep state by the corporate media to lie to the American people about the reality of Joe Biden's health.


993.625 - 1016.43 Evita

They told us any assertions that Biden was in cognitive decline was somehow this wild conspiracy. We saw him get lost on stage with Obama. Obama had to lead him away. Remember that? Right toward the end of the election? And the media said that this was a cheap fake. It's not real. Don't believe your eyes. The president didn't get lost on stage. It looks like that, but that's just a cheap fake.


1016.45 - 1039.904 Evita

That's just a media narrative from the right wing and it's not real. One of the biggest purveyors of this disinformation campaign, telling the American public to not believe their own eyes on Joe Biden's mental and physical health, was CNN. So you'd think all the CNN hosts would be issuing apologies and bowing out of media for good after thoroughly discrediting themselves of this election cycle.


1039.964 - 1058.497 Evita

And you would be wrong. Because yesterday we learned that CNN's Jake Tapper is publishing a book. A book that chronicles President Joe Biden's cognitive decline and his scandalous cover-up. And this is after Jake Tapper spent years participating and fueling and creating this cover-up.


1058.517 - 1127.074 Evita

The book he's writing with CNN contributor Alex Thompson is titled Original Sin, President Biden's Decline, Its Cover-Up and His Disastrous Choice to Run Again. And I'm going to read you guys the description of this book because it's kind of unbelievable. Es schreibt, es schreibt, So what's happening here? What is the narrative here? Biden und sein inneres Kreis. Sie sind diejenigen, die lügen.

1127.134 - 1158.313 Evita

Nicht wir, nicht Jake Tapper, nicht die Medien, nicht CNN. Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein. Can you believe that Jake Tapper would try to pull this? And he's going to say, well, I just, I didn't know. I wasn't part of this cover up.

1158.393 - 1167.277 Evita

I had no idea. It was Biden in his inner circle. Will you guys decide for yourselves whether Jake Tapper was in on it? Take a listen.

1167.796 - 1174.519 Laura Trump

I think what we see on stage with Joe Biden, Jake, is very clearly a cognitive decline. That's what I'm referring to.

1174.579 - 1179.362 Jake Tapper

It makes me uncomfortable to watch somebody on stage search for questions.


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