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So what's really interesting is throughout this exchange, they kept trying to get Larry to go into the compound. Larry was just up, Larry's trying to get away. They're holding him up for two and a half hours. He wants to leave. And they're apprehending him. And they want him to go inside the compound.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
And Larry in this article in the Federalist seemed to suggest that he was afraid for his life in this moment. Because if you guys will recall, The embassy in Turkey was really infamously took in a journalist, who, and I believe it was an American journalist, who then never ever came out. And it was assumed, this was the Saudi Arabia embassy in Turkey.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
And so they are launching Silverlock, which is the next step to this vision you can go to. Silberloch.com, korrekt, Michael, wenn du es herausfinden willst, um mehr zu sehen über diesen neuen Launch, diesen neuen Kapitel dieser Firma. Während Dan von seinem täglichen Show steigt, wird Silberloch starke Stimmen im Konservatismus beeinflussen, um die der Kultur, die großartige Inhalte erzeugt.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
And this journalist had been really critical of Saudi Arabia. So, Michael, will you look that up? I believe it's an American journalist. Der Punkt ist, dass er Angst hatte, dass sobald ich da stehe, ich keine Ahnung habe, was mir passieren wird. Warum wollen sie, dass ich in den Komponenten komme? Warum versuchen sie, mich in den Komponenten zu zwingen? Das macht keinen Sinn.
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Und so war er wirklich Angst vor seinem Leben, abgesehen von dieser Geschichte. Und so dann, nach einigen Negotiierungen, gab es einen Anruf eines höheren Offiziellen, laut Larry. Und er und Mohammed wurden am nächsten Tag verabschiedet.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Egypt's secret police visited the car service that he used, they interrogated Mohammed about the rider's activities and searched the vehicle, but by then Larry had already left Egypt. He just got the hell out of the country. Larry writes in The Federalist, Oh, er ist ein Saudi-Journalist. Entschuldigung. Das war ein Saudi-Journalist. Entschuldigung, Leute.
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Er wurde in eine Embassy in Türkei für Saudi-Arabien gebracht. Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass er getötet wurde. Saudi-Arabien sagt, das sei nicht passiert. Er war hochkritisch für die reine Familie in Saudi-Arabien.
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Ich würde nur sagen, wenn ich sehr kritisch bin für eine Agentur oder eine Regierung und ich bin in einem freien Land, dann werde ich nicht in ihre Embassy gehen, wenn sie versuchen, mich in die Embassy zu drücken. Warum versuchst du, mich in deine Embassy zu drücken, oder in diesem Fall in deinem Komponenten, wenn du mich nicht magst und du nicht magst, wie ich arbeite?
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Das ist ein bisschen schrecklich. Und in dem Fall des saudi-arabischen Journalisten kam er nie wieder raus. This is basically the entire federal bureaucracy right now. I want you to watch this video of Representative Jasmine Crockett summing up the entire sentiment of this permanent state. Take a listen. Can you guys believe that she's a member of Congress? So trashy, so inappropriate.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
The bar is on the floor for class. And frankly, this applies to all Democrats. Remember Tom Fetterman showing up to the inauguration in gym shorts? Maxine Waters screeching that to Elon Musk, nobody elected your ass. Like, I'm sorry, like, you're an old lady. Like, why are you talking like that? It's just not appropriate. It's gotten out of control.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
And speaking of out of control, I have to share with you guys a cultural story. We'll come back to some politics in a second, but I have to share with you this cultural story. The hate surrounding Pamela Anderson right now is patently insane. If you don't know, Pamela Anderson is, of course, famous for playing CJ Parker in Baywatch. And she was also a Playboy model back in the 1990s.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Now, Pamela has made the decision to recently to go makeup free. She says she wants to feel more genuine and that includes embracing the natural aging process. And frankly, I actually kind of really respect her for this. In today's culture, older women are under just impossible pressure to stay youthful through surgeries and fillers and heavy makeup. It's kind of out of control.
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And I just think women should be allowed to age gracefully. So that's kind of what Pamela Anderson is doing. Okay, so what happens? Pamela zeigt sich auf den SAG Awards am Wochenende in ihren 50er Jahren und sie ist ohne Make-up und sie sieht absolut erstaunlich aus. Ich verspreche euch, es ist verrückt.
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Sie ist einfach glänzend und die News-Outlets haben sie rechtlich als etherellisch beschrieben. Ein Begriff, der typisch für etwas Angelisches, Außerirdisches und Schönes beschrieben wird. Und sie hat es gemacht. Sie sah etherellisch aus. Sie sah wunderschön aus. But now some leftists are angry at these news outlets and just regular people for saying that Pamela Anderson looked beautiful.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Das betrifft mich, aber auch Hayley, die den Nightly Scroll eröffnen wird, sehr, sehr bald. Und noch mehr, das noch nicht bekannt ist. Dan glaubt wirklich, und das ist es, worum es geht, er glaubt wirklich, dass Politik in der Kultur steckt. Und Silverlock ist darum, diesen kulturellen Einfluss zu schaffen. Und welchen Einfluss?
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Now why are they angry? Because apparently recognizing and appreciating Pamela Anderson's beauty is somehow racist and transphobic. Yes, take a listen.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
So essentially, commenting on how stunning and ethereal Pamela Anderson looks is somehow deemed problematic. Praising her natural beauty without makeup will make transgender-identifying men... apparently highlighting how beautiful a real woman is, is offensive to the people who view womanhood as a costume.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
And it gets even more absurd, because ethereal has now been labeled as a racially charged term, supposedly because it's associated with lightness, and therefore it's inherently anti-black. The term ethereal has been used for centuries to describe things or people of exceptional, delicate beauty. It has nothing to do with race.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Wir müssen nicht alles racialisieren, das hat nichts mit der Race zu tun. Aber jetzt, wenn man die Schönheit einer weißen Frau erkennt, wird sie als etwas Schreckliches gezwungen. Und das ist eine Reflexion darauf, wie tief wir uns auf die Bedeutung, Sex und Rasse konzentrieren. Weiß-straße Menschen können nicht einfach existieren, ohne dass es ein Problem wird.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Weiß-straße Frauen können nicht wunderschön und etherell sein. in this modern culture. And it's absurd. It's wrong. If it offends you that Pamela Anderson looks beautiful without makeup on, perhaps you're an anti-white racist and a woman hater. That's the conclusion I'm going to draw. Ja, das ist derjenige, der sagte, er sei nicht ethereal. Und irgendwie war das schlecht.
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Das betrifft die Glauben, die Freiheit, die Wahrheit, all die guten Dinge, all die Dinge, die Dan interessiert, die ihr interessiert. So this is just the beginning. Yes, a transition is happening, but the mission is going to continue in an even bigger way. And so just stay tuned for what's to come. This is a really exciting time for all of us. I just wanted to recap that.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Und ehrlich gesagt, Cynthia Erivo, es ist okay. Ich dachte, ihr Outfit war interessant. Es war süß. Ich weiß nicht. Wir müssen sagen, dass sie auch ethereal ist. Sonst sind wir alle rassistisch. Es ist einfach verrückt. Es ist wie, wenn ein Bulli in der Schule ist und jemand sagt, oh, du siehst wunderschön aus.
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Und dann fühlt sich diese wirklich unabhängige Person über das, weil sie bereits diese unabhängige Unabhängigkeit hat. Und so lachen sie aus und sind müde vor der Mädchen, die gesagt wurde, oh, du siehst wunderschön aus, weil sie sich schlecht fühlen. Niemand hat das über sie gesagt. Es ist nicht transphobisch, es ist nicht anti-black.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Du steckst deine Unabhängigkeiten auf Pamela Anderson und alle, die einfach gesagt haben, diese Frau ist wunderschön. Weiße Frauen dürfen wunderschön sein. Und es ist keine kontroversielle Sache und es ist nicht problematisch. Und wenn du es problematisch denkst, bist du wahrscheinlich selbst ein Rassist und gegen weiße Menschen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Okay, ihr wisst, dass die Medien unseren guten Freund Dan Bongino gerade trashen. Sie nennen ihn unqualifiziert, erheben seine extensive Erfahrung in der Gefängnisverwaltung, um seine Kredibilität als nächster FBI-Direktor zu verhindern. While yesterday, Caroline Levitt epically obliterated this entire media-construed narrative to discredit Dan.
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Okay, so, Mic Drop. I mean, she put it so perfectly. I could never have said it better myself. Dan is a patriot. He's dedicated his life to service. He's entirely qualified and capable of doing this job. And all the critics, really, like Carolyn Levitt said, hit the nail on the head, they're scared. That's what this is about. It's a dirty trick.
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If you're not in the club, then that inherently means you're unqualified. And this is what they've been doing to Trump for a decade now. Oh, he doesn't know anything about politics. He's unqualified. He can be president. It's what they do. They did to Pete, to my dad, to Tulsi, to RFK Jr. Literally everyone in this admin. By the way, speaking of the press room.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
I know Dan covered it yesterday, but I want all of my listeners to know as well that things are happening, things are changing. All right, yesterday we reported how CNN read an article essentially amplifying threats from anonymous intelligence agents. Essentially CNN became the mouthpiece for disgruntled CIA employees.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Caroline Leavitt hat gestern erwähnt, dass die White House Correspondence Association keine Verantwortung mehr hat, welche Ausländer in den Briefing Room und in die White House bekommen. Die White House Press Team wird nun die Rotationen and which outlets get access on their own.
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And this announcement just comes days after the Associated Press sued the Trump White House for denying the Associated Press access to the briefing room, Air Force One and other exclusive areas. Now, why did Trump exclude the AP? Well, because the AP refused to use Gulf of America instead of Gulf of Mexico.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
And so he said, well, if you guys aren't going to do that, you're just not going to have any access. Das hat die AP wirklich verärgert. Sie denken nur, dass sie den Präsidenten zur Verfügung stellen müssen. Ein Bundesverfassungsgericht hat also am Montag in Bezug auf die White House gewählt und gesagt, dass die White House Ihnen die Möglichkeit zur Verfügung stellen kann. Das ist ihr Recht.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Es scheint, dass niemand, kein Corporate-Media-Outlet, das Recht hat, das Entschädigung der White House zur Verfügung zu stellen. Es ist einfach kein Ding. Besonders über andere Journalisten. Hier war Caroline, die das erklärt hat.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Okay, so this is great news. The White House Correspondents Association is why no one for four years asked Biden a single tough question. As Molly Hemingway writes, the WHCA, White House Correspondents Association, conspired to keep their favorite outlets and reporters in charge of the narrative and to shut out any fresh reporters or outlets from their cartel.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
They are a massive reason why the White House Press Corp has been so unimpressive in the last few decades. This is excellent news. This is this admin taking back the narrative and saying, we're going to give alternative media, we're going to give right-wing media the ability to also have a seat at the table. And the corrupted...
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Corporate Media is no longer going to have a monopoly on access to this admin. Excellent, excellent news. It's also why we're able to discredit this already, this theory, oh damn, Bongino, he's not qualified.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Sean Duffy, Pete Hex, we're able to dismantle all of these narratives before they even get started, because finally we are allowing the democratization of information to flourish in this country, including at the White House with who has access to the president. All right, recall how yesterday we covered Dan Crenshaw threatening to kill Tucker Carlson. This is a crazy story.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
He was caught in a hot mic. And a lot of the tension between Tucker Carlson and Dan Crenshaw is centered around Dan Crenshaw's obsession, just like sick obsession, with sending more and more money to Ukraine. And Crenshaw really hates that Tucker Carlson would dare to disagree with him on this issue, that Tucker Carlson would dare not be a neocon.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
And the agents basically said that if Trump dares to carry out mass layoffs in the CIA, agents will sell out America to our foreign enemies. Again, like I said, a threat. There is mass insubordination throughout the entire executive branch. And I'm going to be honest with you guys, I'm worried. I'm worried for our friend Dan Bongino, as well as Kash Patel and Tulsi and Pam Bondi.
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So, Dan Crenshaw sagt, ich werde ihn töten, wenn ich ihn sehe. J.D.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Vance hat gestern einen unglaublichen Tweet geschrieben, der nicht um den Dan Crenshaw-Tucker Carlson-Spat, sondern ich denke, er ist wirklich pertenant zu diesem Spat und auch nur zu der Umgebung, in der wir uns gerade befinden, in der Mitte dieses verantwortlichen Tages, die die Kriegsverhandlungen zwischen Russland und der Ukraine betreffen. Hier ist, was J.D. Vance gestern geschrieben hat.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
He said, during my Senate campaign in 2022, I met a Ukrainian-American man in Ohio. He was very angry about my views on the conflict and my desire to bring it to a rapid close. Quote, you are trying to abandon my country and I don't like it. Yes. Yes, J.D. He goes on to write... One of the most important parts of assimilation is seeing your country as the USA. It's part of the bargain.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
If you're welcomed into our national family, you ought to look out for the interests of the United States. I know many immigrants who have the right perspective and I'm grateful for them. For example, I met many Ukrainian Americans during that campaign and since who agreed with my views or at the very least asked the right question. What is in the best interest of the United States? Was J.D.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
dort ausgesprochen hat, und er ist wirklich ein Denkerleiter der neuen Rechte, ihr Leute, er hat es wirklich runter. Das ist wichtig für Amerika zuerst. Was ist in den besten Interessen dieses Landes und seiner Leute? Das ist die wichtige Frage, die wir immer mit jeder Entscheidung, die wir gemacht haben, Das ist auch das Problem mit massiver Migration, massiver Amnestie.
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Es ist eine Verleihung, dass Menschen in diesem Land wählen und beeinflussen, wie wir die Dinge umsetzen. Und sie sind nicht absolut leistbar für Amerika. Und dieses Konzept von Nationalismus und Subsidiarität verursacht viel Verwirrung in Europa, weil sie nicht mehr westliche Werte halten.
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Und nicht nur das, ich denke, dass sie es als einfach diabolisch und schrecklich bezeichnen, wenn man in den Vereinigten Staaten ist, die Vereinigten Staaten zu starten. Britannien zu starten, Deutschland zu starten. Das ist eine schlechte Sache. Das erzeugt Emotionen aus World War II, beziehungsweise.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Und so haben sie eine große Aversion zu einer echten Diskussion darüber, was tatsächlich gut für ihre eigenen Länder ist. They are totally globalist. They're totally liberal. It's completely out of control. And this is a real article. I'm going to share with you. This is a real article from the UK-based Financial Times. The title is, The US is now the enemy of the West.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
We're the enemy of the West, you guys. And the article argues that the US is abandoning its historical role as a global leader of democracy and liberal values, essentially because America is prioritizing national self-interest over globalism and also promoting authentic Western values rooted in Christianity. Therefore, America is the enemy of the West, the enemy of Europe.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
The article reads, the US has decided to abandon the role in the world it assumed during the Second World War. With Trump back in the White House, it has decided instead to become just another great power indifferent to anything but its short-term interests, especially its material interests.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
So Europeans will need to create far stronger cooperation embedded in a robust framework of liberal and democratic norms. They're so lofty. Europeans are so morally superior constantly. It's really annoying. But you know what's not morally superior? Throwing people behind bars for thought crimes. Fueling a war in Ukraine that can't be won.
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We are fighting people at home and abroad who couldn't give a crap about what happens to the people in this country, the human beings who live here, our friends and our neighbors. They could care less. That's Dan Crenshaw. Ich bin viel interessierter, was in der Ukraine passiert, als die Leute, die auf Fentanyl sind, hier zu Hause.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
They are dealing with agencies made up of tens of thousands of hostile workers. Some of whom, poor CNN, clearly pose a national security threat because they're willing to go to China and Russia and sell out this country just because they hate Trump so much. I told you all two days ago that Dan is committed to radical disclosure and transparency. I heard this with my own ears. He told me that.
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Wir müssen die Grenzen der Ukraine sichern, aber es gibt nichts über uns zu tun.
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Und wir müssen diesen Nationalismus immer noch verteidigen. Wir müssen uns immer noch finanziell und kulturell verteidigen, wenn wir die Chance haben, den Weg des zivilisierenden Todes zu wechseln, den Europa aktuell aufbaut. Speaking of the culture, Kathleen Kennedy will be stepping down from her role as president of Lucasfilm. And to that I say, good riddance.
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NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
The Star Wars franchise has turned into utter slop since Disney bought the rights. There's no male leadership. The galaxy is basically just one big matriarchy because there's, again, no strong male characters. And by the way, several of those strong female leaders happen to all be, like, queer and they have gay people kissing and left-wing social commentary just baked into all the plots.
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It has gotten out of control. And it's been really hard on Star Wars fans. I really feel for them. I'm sort of like a peripheral Star Wars fan. I would not call myself like a Star Wars fan, but I have an appreciation for Star Wars. I'm able to recognize the kind of cultural impact that it's had and how good the George Lucas storytelling was at the time.
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So what gets me is that Star Wars really is... Like it or not, an epic piece of art. George Lucas elevated filmmaking to a brand new artistic medium with digital technology. It was a pioneering force. Why don't you listen to renowned feminist, cultural critic Camille Paglia on her take on the revenge of the Sith and George Lucas' movies bridging popular culture and high art. Take a listen.
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Sie macht den Punkt, dass es in der Literatur nichts passiert. Es passiert nichts in der Poesie, in der Farbe oder in der Skulptur. Wir haben diese Art-Medien verabschiedet. Und sie sagt, Star Wars ist die innovativste, die schönste und die tiefste. Und...
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Es macht Sinn, weil die ganze Kunstwelt von Propagandisten übernommen wurde, aber die echten Kreatoren, die echten Künstler, gravitieren nach der Technologie, nach Videospielen, Filmen und Fernsehsendungen. Polya geht auch in die emotionale Nähe dieser Filme. Anakin Skywalkers Transformation in Darth Vader. Sie sagt, es ist eine hervorragende Blende von Mythos und Emotionen.
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Sie bezeichnet es als klassische Dramatik mit ihren intensiven familialen Konflikten und moralischen Unabhängigkeiten. Sie sieht die Filme, die digitalen Visuale, als eine Verbesserung all dieser Geschichten, die den Charakters inneren Schmerzen einen witzigen, fast schmutzigen Hintergrund geben, der ihre Reise außerhalb von nur Film und in eine moderne Epik erhöht.
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But I'm worried. Why do I say that? Investigative reporter Michael Schellenberger wrote this on X yesterday. FBI Whistleblower at Go Backstool confirmed to me that a source inside FBI said FBI employees were destroying evidence on servers and that he informed Kash Patel and I hope he and at Pam Bondi, John Radcliffe, Elon Musk and Anna Polina Luna are preventing this.
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Und sie bemerkt auch das hier über George Lucas, das ist wirklich wichtig für unsere modernen Zeiten. Hört mal.
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Okay, also sie, in anderen Worten, die originalen Star Wars und die Prequels, wie alle guten Kunst, zeigen tiefe Wahrheiten über unsere Gesellschaft, über die menschliche Bedingung, über wie wir uns organisieren, wie wir uns als Menschen organisieren. Und all das, um zu sagen, dass die Propaganda, die schweren Kathleen-Kennedy-Iterationen von Star Wars, auf dieses Legasium schweigen.
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South Park hat einen Spoof darüber, wie Kathleen Kennedy Dinge bei George Lucas Films und Lucas Films läuft. Und ich muss sagen, das ist sehr akkurat. Hört mal zu.
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So the joke is, Kathleen Kennedy is just everything. Put a chick in it, make her gay. Like that's the ethos of Star Wars under Kathleen Kennedy. That's all she cares about. And it's just so tired. It's so ridiculous. We all know what she's doing. It's not art, it's propaganda. Wir leben in einer Zeit von großartigem sozialen Aufheben und Reform.
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Guten Morgen und willkommen zu Bongina Report, early edition. Federal agents are reportedly destroying documents related to Jeffrey Epstein as well as JFK, RFK, MLK. Tulsi Gabbard fires NSA employees involved in a transgender sex chat room that we covered yesterday. A journalist is detained by USAID in Cairo. Leftists accuse those who find Pamela Anderson attractive of transphobia.
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Wir nehmen unsere fehlenden Institutionen, Hollywood inklusive, und verwandeln sie. Wir reimaginen sie. Lucas' Geschichten, die ursprünglichen Geschichten, waren nicht ums Preisen, sondern um Archetypen und universelle Schwierigkeiten.
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Der Empire war nicht nur das Schlechteste, sondern auch die Bürokratie, die Stagnation, der dunkle Seite der unbeobachtbaren Macht, die echten Weltinstitutionen, wie die, die wir jetzt haben, that fail to lose sight of their purpose. Imagine Star Wars reclaiming that spirit now in 2025 as society wrestles with its own empire moments. Corrupt governments, broken media, cultural divides.
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We need a Star Wars in 2025 telling stories of flawed heroes rising against oppressive systems, not through lectures, but through epic, emotional, resonant journeys. Lucas' Digital Innovation could push boundaries again, blending cutting-edge tech with timeless myths to reflect universal truths about humanity.
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And who knows, maybe Kennedy's exit isn't just a magic bullet, it is a chance to hit reset. But Lucas' legacy proves Star Wars can be much more than just feminist fiction. progressive slop. It can be art that speaks to our moment. And let's hope that whoever takes the helm at Lucasfilm remembers that. And that's all I have for you guys today.
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As always, if you were listening on Apple or Spotify, make sure to check out this show and its video version rumble.com slash Evita. If you want to follow me on Instagram and X, my user is Evita Duffy underscore one. I will see you all. Yes, Mike. Oh. Haley's Nightly Scroll, Haley Karinia, beginnt um 6 Uhr östlich, fünf Tage pro Woche.
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Ich habe die frühe Edition, Bunting Report frühe Edition, das wird die Abend-Edition, die Abend-Show. Haben wir eine Datei, die Michael lautet? Also, tendenziell, frühe März, das wird wirklich spannende Neuigkeiten lauten. Also, bleibt dran, und wir sehen uns morgen.
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And then yesterday we had retired U.S. combat veteran and military TV analyst Douglas McGregor write this, breaking rumors now emerging that several generals are caught shredding documents and the FBI raided the homes of several CIA officers. So it's still unclear why Pam Bondi is holding up the documents that they do have on Epstein. Annapolina Luna was talking about this earlier in the week that
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Wir haben nur eine Status-Update auf die deklassifizierten JFK und Epstein-Dokumente gefragt. Wir können nicht mal eine Status-Update von Pam Bondi bekommen. Es ist wirklich unklar, was da passiert. Aber das ist der Grund, weshalb es wichtig ist, dass diese Dokumente sofort zur öffentlichen Plattform geliefert werden.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Je länger wir warten, desto länger sind diese Dokumente in Limbo, desto länger haben Sie die Möglichkeit, rogue Agenten zu zerstören. You don't want that. We don't want that. We just need to get this information that is declassified, that belongs to the American people, out in the open as soon as possible. Yesterday. We needed the information out yesterday.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
And there's a review process, but like I said yesterday, it needs to be minimal. These are declassified documents that belong to the people. Redact the names of some of the Epstein victims, perhaps. That's about all the censorship that I'm cool with, though, because otherwise it all should be public domain. We were promised radical transparency and we need radical transparency.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
By the way, I tweeted this yesterday. We need full transparency on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. You guys remember that this happened a while back. I was little, I was littler back then. And looking back on it, it's just a crazy situation. You have this airplane that essentially just goes missing. In the middle of the ocean, nobody knows where it is.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
And we're told there's this wild goose chase hunt to find the airplane. And they were unable to track it at one point. They just lost sight of it. And this is a really ridiculous assertion from our government. It makes no sense that a country with the most sophisticated global satellite surveillance technology just loses track of a commercial airplane. And not only did our...
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
government allegedly lose track of this airplane, but so did Russia, so did China, so did Malaysia. All these places that have global surveillance or at least had heavy surveillance in that vicinity of where the plane allegedly went missing, hatte die Möglichkeit, zu wissen, was da passiert ist. Und für irgendeinen Grund wurden wir einfach gesagt, ich kann es nicht finden, das Flugzeug ist weg.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Das ist etwas, was ich auf Erklärung sehen würde. Es gibt einige wilde Theorien darüber, was mit diesem Flugzeug passiert ist. Aber was ich weiß, ist, dass es unmöglich ist, dass dieses Flugzeug einfach weg ist. Und das US-Gewerbe hat keine Ahnung, was da passiert ist. Also warum lügen sie? Okay, wir nehmen einen kurzen Break.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Wenn wir zurückkommen, werden wir weiter über die hostile Bürokratie sprechen. Es wird immer klarer und klarer werden, dass dieser Kampf nicht nur um Firing the bureaucrats who are completely rogue and overtly political. This is much deeper and much more serious, I think, than any of us really even gave it credit for.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
This is going to be one of the greatest power struggles in the history of the federal government. Don't go anywhere. Susan from New Jersey wrote, and haven't come back. I love your product. I use it under my eyes, around my cheekbones and on my eyelids. GenuCell's Under Eye Cream is my go-to product and how I stay camera ready in the morning after late nights of show prep.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
With its immediate effects, you'll see results in just 12 hours or your money back. I guarantee it. Order now. Save big on GenuCell's complete skincare package for a limited time, including GenuCell for bags and puffiness treatment and immediate effects, all at about 70% off. Go to GenuCell.com Untertitelung des ZDF für funk, 2017
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
So many of us wake up in the morning thinking, I wish these bags under my eyes would just go away. Bags and puffiness under the eyes are a problem for millions of American men and women until now. Now you can help them disappear with Genucel Skincare's Under Eye Bags and Puffiness Serum. It's safe and risky procedure free. Susan from New Jersey wrote, I've been using Genucel for a couple months.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Carolyn Leavitt objects, obliterates, I'm sorry, to Dan Bongino's media haters. European globalists declare that America is now the enemy of the West. And Kathleen Kennedy will be stepping down from her role as president of Lucasfilms. All this on Bongino Report, early edition. I just want to quickly recap what Dan announced on his show yesterday.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
The puffiness around my eyes is gone. Even the crow's feet and small lines have disappeared. und nicht zurückgekommen. Ich liebe das Produkt. Ich benutze es unter meinen Augen, um meine Augenbrauen und auf meinen Augenblüten. Und es ist nicht nur Susan. Es ist mein Go-To-Produkt und wie ich mich für diese Frühstück-Morgen-Show vorbereiten kann.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Mit seinen sofortigen Effekten wirst du in den ersten zwölf Stunden oder dein Geld zurückbekommen. Ich garantiere es. Bestell jetzt. Säbe groß auf GenuCell's komplette Skincare-Package für eine unbegrenzte Zeit, insbesondere GenuCell's für Puffiness-Treatment. So, Tulsi Gabbard did something really epic yesterday. She just fired. Fired all of the perverts.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
in the NSA involved in that infamous transgender sex chat room. And just for a little recap, there was a chat room exposed by Chris Ruffo via some whistleblowers within the NSA where we just learned intelligence officials were discussing on government time and the taxpayers' dime polyamory fetishes, wie gut es ist, Sex nach Transgender-Castration zu haben.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Das sind völlig unnötige Gespräche, die sie als Verwirrte auslösen. Und das ist nicht etwas, was man in der Arbeit diskutieren sollte, vor allem bei den höchsten Regeln der Regierung. Das sind Leute, die hohe Sicherheitserklärungen haben. Und es geht weiter und weiter über verschiedene Fetische. Es war so wild unnötig. Und das wurde ermittelt, Unter der Begründung von DEI, übrigens.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Also, die News brach und Tulsi hat sich wirklich präzise, schwindelig, sie haben sie alle entfernt.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Good, good. This is exactly the kind of swift response that we needed. She fired over a hundred agents involved in this sex chat. And as Sean Davis writes, now the next step is to search their hard drives, charge and convict them. Let me just tell you guys, this story actually gets worse since yesterday.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
We actually found out that there were the NSA, DIA and Navy Intel officials had chat rooms blasting libs of TikTok as a effing monster, arguing that Ben Shapiro should be expelled from the tribe for constantly spouting hate speech. They also had slurs against Italian Americans and called them terrible people. For some reason, the intelligence agencies don't like Italian Americans.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
CIA-Afficials celebrated the death of Christian leader Pat Robertson. And Chris Ruffo says, a reoccurring theme in the NSA chat rooms was hatred against Christians, conservatives, Italians, heterosexuals. And of course, there was insubordination with American intelligence officials rallying for opposition against Trump's cabinet nominees.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
So, a completely corrupted, fully politicized organization that again... probably arguably more than any other part of the federal government, should be apolitical. These are our intelligence officials. These people have vast amounts, more than anyone, of unchecked bureaucratic power to target certain groups in this country. That's why they have to be bipartisan.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
That's why it's imperative that the intelligence apparatus is just committed to the truth and safety and security. That clearly is not the case. Chris Ruffo writes on X, there is a battalion of male to female transgenders within the American intelligence apparatus. They hate Americans and libs of TikTok. They fantasize about pseudo vaginas and butthole lasers.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
They are in charge of the most sophisticated spying machine in human history. And thank goodness that they're gone now. But this isn't
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
end of the story the rot is going to be really hard to root out this is a great place to start i love it obviously all those people in the sex chat room needed to go but there is still so much more to address i have to share with you all this wild story from egypt american journalist larry alex towton recently traveled zu USAIDs Cairo Outpost, welches sich auf dem Nile-River befindet.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Und man könnte denken, dass es nicht so viel passiert würde, wenn Trump die USAID-Vorschläge anbietet. Aber was Larry passiert, zeigt, dass es nicht so ist. Diese Geschichte ist verrückt, Leute. Larry war interessiert. about Cairo USAID's response to Trump's orders slashing USAID's activities. He's like, what are they doing here? I wonder.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
So Larry goes out to this outpost and he and his Egyptian driver encounter this militarized setup, completely devoid of any aid-related activity. And there's this tense exchange and refusal to show an ID. Again, Larry shows it to them. Then he asks about USAID and things get weird and they get really hostile. Und sie fragen, um seine ID zu sehen. Und um den Fahrer von Eva zu sehen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
I presume a lot of you have already heard this, but if you haven't, let's just do a little recap. Obviously, Dan is leaving for a time to become the deputy FBI director. And we are entering a new stage here at this company. Dan and his wife Paula want this operation to be bigger than just Dan himself, just the Bongino brand.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Und dann geht er weg. Er versucht, sich von der Situation zu entfernen. Eine Woche später geht Larry zurück. Die Sicherheit erkennt ihn, stoppt das Fahrzeug und dann entsteht ein 2,5-Hour-Stand-off mit der USAID-Sicherheit, der Kairo-Polizei und Ägyptens Geheimpolizei. Sie beurteilen Larry von Terrorismus, Spionage. He refuses to surrender his phone or his passport.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Deletes evidence after sending videos to contacts and contacts the embassy also to try and get some US embassy to try and get some help. But that doesn't do anything. I want to play for you guys this exchange. It is absolutely insane.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
NSA Perverts Caught & FIRED (Ep.148)
Er wird verhaftet. Sie stoppen meinen Fahrer.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Good morning and welcome to Bontina Report Early Edition. Trump signs a pro-IVF executive order. Teenage, so grown up, designer babies say that they need therapy. The U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops sues the Trump admin for cutting refugee settlement funding. Violent anti-police rioters receive, rioter, I'm sorry, receives a $7.6 million DOJ settlement.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
There are a lot of cases of people who have very disordered relationships because of the way it sets up parent-child relationships. The parent buys a child and it optimizes the genes and the child feels like a walking science experiment and that they aren't living up to the standards that their parents bought them for. Their parents bought them for this. It's very, very wrong.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
And of course, if you are somebody like Titan, can you imagine growing up that way? Can you imagine the kind of therapy you would need? Your parents paid tens of thousands of dollars to buy you for your pre-selected superior genes. There's a lot of pressure riding on that. Dozens of your siblings died all because you're number one. So of course this kid is gonna need therapy.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
And growing up, my mom, she did not, just so everyone knows, she did not genetically test me as an embryo. And she used to always say, I'm here to get you into heaven, not Harvard. And it highlights this phrase that she used to tell all of us. Her priority wasn't high IQ or musically talented or super athletic.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Sometimes we can praise President Trump for really good things that he does, and sometimes he makes really bad decisions. I would say not that often, but when he does, it's important that we talk about it and we handle everything that this admin does really objectively and honestly. It is IVF is a seriously unethical process. It is the conscious creation of countless excess human embryos.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
And although those are blessings and wonderful gifts to have from God, my mom's goal for her children was to create good moral humans, because that's what God calls all parents to do when he blesses them with children. There's a spiritual component to this. It's the same problem with, I think, taking Ozempic instead of eating right and exercising more.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
You are manipulating life at its origin with IVF, treating the symptoms of infertility rather than addressing the deeper natural complexities of human existence and attempting to play God by controlling the creation and selection of life. And it is... All right, let's talk about something that President Trump has done that is good, something that he is getting right, and that is the border.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Meanwhile, the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops has been on the right side of IVF and designer babies and the wrong side of the border security issue. And the bishops, the Catholic bishops, are now suing the Trump administration for cutting refugee settlement funding. Now, what is refugee resettlement funding?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
billions of taxpayer dollars on refugee housing, transportation, food, and even improving their credit scores. Now, per this lawsuit, the federal government has committed to providing $65 million to the USCCB for the immediate physical needs and integration of refugees into their
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
new communities but the lawsuit reads that now after refugees have already arrived and been placed in usccb's care the government is attempting to pull the rug out from under usccb's programs by halting funding so the bishops are saying you read to pay us you can't just stop now
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Per a USCCB spokeswoman, we are urging the government, meaning we the bishops, to uphold its legal and moral obligations to refugees and to restore the necessary funding to ensure that faith-based and community organizations can continue this vital work that reflects our nation's values of compassion, justice, and hospitality. And we don't know how this is going to play out in court.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
It's possible that Trump can't just cancel these contracts made with the U.S. CCB. But what I will say is that the moral thing, we want to talk about morality here. The moral thing for the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops to do is to close up shop. when it comes to the refugee programs. Stop paying for refugees and have the Trump admin handle these cases and eventually deport them.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
It is immoral for the taxpayers to continue funding the entire lives of non-Americans while our own suffer. We have veterans on the streets. We have... at Lahaina or the Carolinas that were victims to these hurricanes. We have problems here in the States and resources and funding is being taken from the taxpayers and allocated to illegal migrants instead of our own.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
There's something inherently disordered about that. And whatever happened to religious leaders raising money on their own, operating off of donations? Why are their charitable projects government-funded now? I think that this defeats the purpose of charity, which should be done out of the goodness of people's hearts, not ripped out of the pocketbooks of taxpayers.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
There's something really weird about the Catholic Church becoming an NGO, facilitating the illegal migrant crisis, all at the expense of the taxpayers. There's something very, very wrong with that.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
And speaking of waste and spending dollars, ripping funding out of the taxpayers' pocketbooks, President Trump decided to read aloud last night a list of some of the most ridiculous projects that the taxpayers have been funding. This is incredible. Take a listen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
So human lives only to be killed. Um, and these unborn children who were actually born treated like commodities to be bought.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Exactly. $10 million for circumcisions in Mozambique is wild. Why the heck were we funding that? How is that necessary? All of these that he just listed off, completely unnecessary. I also learned last night that the NIH funded studies at UNC Chapel Hill to research lesbian cigarette use. What? HIV stigma in Zambia and the immune systems of Latina mothers.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
This is not what the government should be funding. If Chapel Hill wants to fund bizarre studies about HIV stigma in Zambia and lesbian cigarette use, go for it. Be my guest. You guys do what you want to do. You guys can take enough of students' tuition dollars, but the government should not be paying for this crap.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
And the response to all this from the left has been fear-mongering about Elon Musk, of course, taking over the government. And Stephen Miller had an excellent television hit recently, and he was responding to this accusation on CNN that Elon Musk is taking over, and it's the fear-mongering around Doge. And he explains to the CNN anchor how government works just like she is a child. This is gold.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
It has been estimated that there are more than 1 million embryos frozen in storage in the United States following IVF that, and there may be, I guess, 93% of all embryos created through IVF that either die, they're left frozen, abandoned, destroyed due to eugenics, experimented on, miscarried. So this is a real ethical concern.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Take a listen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Okay. Well aware. Are you well aware? Because it doesn't seem like it. And you can tell she's embarrassed sitting there as he's just schooling her, giving her a lesson on how government works. And I hope this teaches her and others at the network a lesson that there are consequences to playing dumb and pretending like you don't know how government works to push Elon Musk derangement.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Either that or they're actually idiots. And in that case, there's no amount of government 101 crash courses Stephen Miller can give that will be enough for these people. All right, let's talk about Portland. This next story is truly an outrage. Donovan Labella, an anti-police Black Lives Matter writer, has just been given an over $7.6 million settlement from the DOJ, meaning our tax dollars.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Now, LaBella was injured by a U.S. marshal during the infamous 2020 BLM Antifa riots in downtown Portland. And he was shot in the head with a crowd control munition while participating in a riot outside the federal courthouse. Federal authorities said LaBella had thrown a gas grenade at police officers, which prompted law enforcement to fire additional rounds into the crowd.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
And one of those rounds accidentally struck LaBella directly in the forehead, His complaint, they say, left him with a condition called frontal lobe syndrome, which affects cerebral functions such as speech and social behaviors. Now, the U.S. I'm sorry, the deputy U.S. marshal reportedly aimed at LaBella's stomach accidentally, however, hit his forehead.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Here is the bystander standard footage from that night.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
The framing of this is so ridiculous, as if it was nonviolent. The guy's rioting with all these protesters. They're in the downtown area. They're throwing... smoke grenades at the law enforcement. And then he gets hit in the head by a non-lethal crowd control munition and he sues the government for millions of dollars. Portland saw incessant rioting for over 100 days.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
They destroyed this entire downtown area. And I don't know if anybody remembers Seattle where they had CHOP, right? This ridiculous... idea of a police officer free zone that was super lawless and dangerous. These people destroyed American cities. They ruined them.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Imagine that like millions of human lives created and they're just stuck, they're just frozen, they have no chance of life, and apparently the taxpayers are going to somehow subsidize this. If you are pro-life, the ethical ramifications are pretty self-evident. IVF separates the creation of life from the natural procreation process. It reduces human embryos to commodities.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
And Labella's $7.6 million settlement will be divided into an additional $3.5 million payment intended to go toward legal, medical, and housing expenses. And the remaining funds will go toward paying for his expenses over the course of the next 40 years of Labella's life. Looks like we have a problem, Michael. My background's freaking out. No worries.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
We're just going to keep going while Michael's dealing with that. Now, of course, there was unprecedented lawlessness and violence. Law enforcement was wildly inhibited from doing their job by the mayor and the governor. I saw this happen in Kenosha, Wisconsin when Michael and I were there, Tony Evers.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
would not send National Guardsmen to Kenosha, Wisconsin during the rioting, which meant that there was a lot more damage and police officers, local officers were really inhibited from doing their job because they didn't have the support they needed. And LaBella is actually one of many anti-police BLM Portland protesters who has received large government payouts.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
So we are paying the people who tried to destroy this country in 2020. Across America, there was billions in damages. People died. Businesses never reopened. It was an assault, not only on our civilization physically, but also ideologically, the mythos of who we are as Americans, our founding fathers, everything we stand for. It was under attack in 2020 by these people, by people like LaBella. And
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Now we're going to just reward them, apparently. People that caused all that chaos are becoming millionaires on the taxpayer's dime. It is infuriating. And as somebody who was witnessing these BLM riots on the ground, I can't tell you how frustrating and upsetting it is that these people aren't in jail. They should all be in jail.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
But still, I mean, they are total, and none of them really served sentences. You had Kamala Harris. fundraising to get them released, to pay for their bail.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
The whole thing is so disordered and backward and unjust that those who would destroy our communities, the infrastructure, the businesses, the good name of this country are now going to be rewarded by the taxpayers for their destructive, illegal, criminal, violent behavior. It's disgusting. Now somehow this next story actually upsets me even more than that one.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Cynthia Erivo, a black queer woman who just starred in the Wicked film, will play the part of Jesus Christ in the Jesus Christ Super Bowl, I'm sorry, Jesus Christ Superstar Hollywood Bowl musical. Here is Cynthia while promoting Wicked and describing who she is as a person. Take a listen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Okay, so not an appropriate Jesus at all. And I want to talk about Jesus Christ Superstar, the film, a little bit because I think it's important context of the story. Jesus Christ Superstar is a musical about the passion of Christ, and it was also adopted into a movie. in 1973, and I love this movie. It is one of my favorite films of all time. I've made him watch it a ton.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
It subjects them to selection, destruction, indefinite suspension, violating the inherent dignity of human life. Now, what President Trump is right about is that we are indeed experiencing an infertility crisis in this country. People can't have kids. It's a huge problem. And it is linked to the chronic disease, over-medication, and obesity crisis that we're also facing in this country.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
It's ridiculous how much I love this movie, especially around Easter. And the soundtrack and the dancing, it's incredible. And in that era of the 60s and 70s, everything was very irreverent and purposely subversive toward Christianity. And believe me, I am somebody who's really sensitive to that kind of thing, sensitive to people being irreverent and subversive of Christianity.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
You guys know you listen to the show. I care a lot about that. At the same time, Jesus Christ Superstar, I don't feel is disrespectful. Jesus Christ Superstar uses the hippie culture, rock opera, modern dancing, modern clothing, and yet somehow still manages, in my opinion, to be thoughtful and respectful. One of my favorite moments is when Jesus is brought to Herod.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
and Herod is this sort of flamboyant, overweight, decadent guy. It's actually very queer coded. You can see that this this sort of you get a sense that Herod is is a sexual heathen and kind of a glutton and he's portrayed as disgusting. And even the queerness around this musical number that he's in is viewed as pretty disgusting and not
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
not uh and immoral and he sings this mocking song with this theatrical flair and it's playful and yet it's also repulsive and i think this scene actually does an amazing job of creatively emphasizing the vapid emptiness of earthly authority which is rightfully presented as nothing but a literal joke in the face of god himself in the face of jesus christ
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
And there's another moment, Michael, we can throw this up there. There's another moment when Judas, the character who plays Judas, is running away from military tanks, representing his internal turmoil and desperation after betraying Jesus. Now, were there military tanks in 33 AD? The answer is no.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
The image of him running away in a modern, almost cinematic way contrasts sharply with the biblical account, but this woman, I think, powerfully captures his sense of guilt, of fear, abandonment. The tanks in our modern minds are a symbol of power and authority, and I think it highlights the crushing weight
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
the crushing weight of judas's decision to betray jesus and the irreparable consequences that follow so while the scene departs from traditional biblical imagery it keeps the emotional and spiritual core intact by portraying judas's internal struggle and the overwhelming sense of guilt regret that he feels leading eventually to suicide
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
The modern context and visual intensity, I think, enhances the emotional resonance of Judas's fall while still reflecting profound spiritual themes. What I'm trying to say is that Jesus Christ as a superstar bridges the gap between the ancient and the modern, making the biblical story feel accessible while maintaining the depth of its emotional and spiritual core.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
I really feel this way about this movie. Clearly, however, not what the latest musical rendition of Jesus Christ Superstar is trying to do by making Jesus a queer woman. There's a difference between creatively and respectfully retelling the passion and straight up subversion. The Jesus Christ Superstar movie doesn't aim to alter the core of the biblical narrative or its message.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
It uses modern elements like music and style to emphasize the emotional and the spiritual truths in a way that still honors the original narrative. But making Jesus a queer person or a woman shifts the focus away from the core message of the original biblical story
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
So why don't we focus our efforts on making America healthier instead of subsidizing a very expensive and unethical fix to a problem that can be addressed by diet and exercise? Here is Casey Means on the cause of PCOS, one of the leading causes of infertility in women. I want you to listen to what she says the cause of PCOS really is. Take a listen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
And it not only distorts the historical and theological context, but it also reduces the passion really to just woke social commentary. It is clearly aimed at stripping away the depth and the reverence. And ultimately, it is a form of deep disrespect. And it is a really upsetting story to me.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
It kind of shows you how disgusting Hollywood has become, how they are really truly set up to spit on biblical narratives and Christian people in this country. Because it's also meant... to, I think, purposely upset Christians in this nation. We're a group of people, Christian Americans, who are just constantly attacked by our culture. And I think this is perhaps even a lash out from Hollywood.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
They're angry at the way that we vote, the way that our country is turning more conservative and much more traditional. And they are, I think, trying to purposely infuriate and disrespect the Christian community in this country. I do think that. I want to end, and this is actually related, but I want to end with this story from the Atlantic.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
It's titled, How COVID Pushed a Generation of Young People to the Right. And this article reads that, in a few years, what we've grown accustomed to calling Generation Z may reveal itself to contain a subgroup, Generation C, a COVID-affected and, for now, strikingly conservative generation.
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
2016 voters aged 18 to 29 went for hillary clinton by 18 points in 2024 donald trump closed the gap losing voters by 30 but under 30 by a 51 to 47 margin and actually what's fascinating about that that statistic is there are other studies suggest other other surveys suggesting that Gen Z 25 and under, actually, President Trump actually won that cohort.
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
So it's only the 25 and older group that's sort of dragging down the numbers and showing that Donald Trump lost the under 30 vote. But actually, the younger you get, the more right-wing and pro-Trump you get. Really fascinating stuff. One recent CBS poll found that Americans under 30 weren't evenly split between the parties. They were actually more pro-Trump than boomers over 65.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
So they're saying that Gen Z is actually more right-wing than people over 65, which is an incredible statistic. And meanwhile, a 2024 analysis of Americans under 30 found the lowest levels of confidence in most public institutions since the survey began. So in the last decade alone, young Americans' trust in the president has also declined by 60% while their trust in the Supreme Court
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Wall Street and Congress has declined by more than 30%. So no trust in our institutions. They're trending rightward. What is going on? And the author theorizes, I think correctly, the pandemic played a huge role in this shift. Like I said, I agree. And yet nowhere in this article does the author attribute that distrust to our government lying to us.
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
He just doesn't acknowledge it, doesn't talk about it. He says, yeah, it's probably the pandemic, but also we're not going to talk about why people wouldn't trust their institutions after COVID-19. And you're seeing a lot of these articles pop up where Democrats want to diagnose why they're failing, why they're losing young people, but they don't want to authentically own up to their own mistakes.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Here's what the author writes. One cross-country analysis published by the Systemic Risk Center at the London School of Economics found that people who experience epidemics between the ages of 18 and 25 have less confidence in their scientific and political leadership. This loss of trust persists for years, even decades, in part because political ideology tends to solidify in a person's 20s.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
That's it. That's all we get. He cites a study, but doesn't dissect the why. Why is it that pandemics just make people distrust the government?
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Or did the government repeatedly lie to and gas at the public about everything from mass vaccines, the virus origin, weaponized mass censorship and social pressure, violated bodily autonomy, got people fired and expelled for noncompliance during those years?
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
It's like, yeah, we heard that pandemics can have this effect on people, but then they don't talk about, well, why would it have that effect on people? It's like, look what just happened. But there's no acknowledgement of that in the article. And I think this is actually the same issue with artificial intelligence.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
reproductive technologies like IVF, it's completely avoiding the central issue, which in IVF's case is infertility. It skips curing the underlying issue and instead just works around it. And like I said, there's a spiritual element to this too. How much of the changing political landscape is a result of a thirst for spiritual fulfillment? No one's going to
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
accuse the 70s of being super respectful. But compared to what Hollywood is doing now, 1973 Jesus Christ Superstar could have been produced by St. Paul himself. To truly grasp the weight of the shift we're seeing, it's essential to recognize that we're not just dealing with policy changes or ideological battles.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
We are witnessing a deep moral and spiritual crisis and awakening of the people who are recognizing the crisis. Whether it's the ethics surrounding IVF, the government's handling of the pandemic, or the attempts to distort sacred traditions like the portrayal of Jesus Christ, we're constantly asking moral questions of ourselves as a society.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
And this political transformation is more than political. It is really, truly existential. The obsession with technological fixes to deep-rooted human issues like infertility demonstrates a detachment from the natural and moral order.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
The same forces that distill life into a transaction or use religious authority for woke social commentary are the ones that disconnect us from a deeper understanding and purpose. And as the pandemic shifted young people's political leanings, it also presented them with an opportunity to redefine what they stand for. What is Gen Z? What are we for? What are we about?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
What kind of society do we want to build? The generations that lived through disorienting years saw firsthand how easily the truth was bent and how our institutions lied to us, lied to our faces.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
And I think the next generation is going to continue to experience a great cultural battle that won't just be fought in Congress or in protest on the streets, but in the hearts of each individual in this country, trying to make sense of the world that we've inherited. And I think that is something to be really, really optimistic about. And that's all I have for you guys today.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Thank you, as always, for tuning in. I'll be here tomorrow, 9 a.m. Eastern Time, as usual. If you want to listen to the show in its video version, go to rumble.com slash Evita. If you want to follow me on Instagram or X, my user is EvitaDuffy underscore one. That's all I have for today.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
A black queer woman is cast as Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar. And Democrats admit COVID red-pilled Gen Z. All this on Bongina Report. Early edition. President Trump signed an executive order yesterday calling for policy recommendations to expand access to an affordability of in vitro fertilization, or more commonly known as IVF.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Somebody comments, for people that cannot have babies or are struggling to get pregnant, IVF is a lifesaver for them. People cannot access this because of the cost. This is a good thing that Trump has done. And I understand that sentiment. I'm pro babies, I'm pro family, I'm pro life. You have to think about this.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
and separate it from that issue, from the issue of just having children, because there are deeper moral and ethical concerns here. Just because the outcome is good, right, you have a baby, doesn't mean that there are other issues that come with it. I'm going to get into exactly why this is really problematic. This isn't just about being pro-life and having more babies.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
There is an infertility crisis in this country, first of all, which Casey Means talked about, I'm sorry, her brother's Callie, that can be addressed with lifestyle changes, with dietary changes, exercise. We aren't handling that. We aren't addressing that in any way for some reason. Our healthcare industry isn't interested in the underlying lifestyle issues behind chronic conditions like PCOS.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
One way to deal with infertility is naturally with restorative reproductive medicine, but there isn't a multi-billion dollar industry behind restorative reproductive medicine like there is with IVF. Restorative reproductive medicine treats the root causes of infertility. That's what we should be doing.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Reproductive disorders through methods like hormone optimization, surgical correction of conditions like endometriosis, cycle tracking rather than using artificial reproductive technologies, this is the way to go. IVF and all artificial reproductive technologies are bringing the brave new world book to real life here in the United States.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
And it turns life into really a laboratory controlled process where embryos are created, they're selected, and then they're just discarded based on viability or desirability. It is dehumanizing. It is the definition of eugenics. And yes, it might be one baby from it, but what about all the frozen embryos? What about all the embryos that are destroyed?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
If you believe that life begins at conception, there is no way that this can possibly be viewed as an ethical process. So to the point of some of you commenting, saying, I disagree. We want to have more babies. Some parents can't have kids. You can't justify killing or leaving a bunch of real human lives frozen or killed just because you want to have a baby.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
The desire for having a child does not justify that evil act. We're going to take a quick break. When I come back, we're going to talk about more in depth about designer babies, parents selecting for the traits of their children via IVF in a really, like I said, dystopian process. Don't go anywhere. There's only one mattress I have in my home right now, and it's Helix.
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Helix Sleep is an award-winning mattress brand that has been the essential reason why I wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. No more tossing and turning or sleepless nights. If you're dealing with snoring, back pain, sleep apnea, or even if you sleep too hot, Helix has a mattress option for you. Helix sent Michael and I a mattress.
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We have never slept on a more comfortable bed in our lives ever. I can't tell you how grateful I am to Helix for sending us this mattress. Michael says, there is new favorite sponsor. We're both just blown away by how much better we are sleeping. Visit helixsleep.com slash Evita, that's E-V-I-T-A to get started. You know a good night's sleep is one of the best ways
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to have a better quality of life. And Helix mattress can help figure out which mattress will work best for you. I know it's been helping to give me the energy and strength I need to get through my busy days. Once you get your mattress delivered, you can finally get some comforting sleep. And right now, get Helix's best offer available, exclusive for my listeners, 27% off site-wide.
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That's right, just visit helixsleep.com slash Evita, that's E-V-I-T-A, to get 27% off site-wide. Once again, that's helixsleep.com slash Evita.
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
are you still sleeping on that same old uncomfortable mattress let me tell you about the best night's sleep i've ever had on a helix mattress no more tossing and turning helix can help you if you have minor pains if you snore even if you sleep too hot so many of my listeners are sleeping on helix now and it's making a huge difference in their lives
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
helix sent me a mattress and michael and i have never slept on a more comfortable bed ever i can't tell you enough how grateful i am to helix michael says this is his new favorite sponsor we both are just blown away by how much better we're sleeping on our helix mattress helix mattress can help figure out which mattress will work best for you
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Caroline Levitt wrote on X that the order directs policy recommendations to protect IVF access and aggressively reduce out-of-pocket and health plan costs for such treatments. So we're not exactly sure what this entails, but the president is obviously beginning the steps of potentially making IVF more affordable.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
At the end of the long workday, I always look forward to sleeping on my Helix mattress and right now get Helix's best offer available exclusive for my listeners. 27% off sitewide plus two free dream pillows with any mattress purchase. And with any Lux or Elite mattress order, you can get a free bedding bundle that includes two Dream Pillows, a sheet set, and a mattress protector.
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
That's helixsleep.com slash Evita, E-V-I-T-A, for 27% off site-wide plus two free Dream Pillows with any mattress purchase. And with any Lux or Elite mattress order, you get a free bedding bundle that includes two Dream Pillows, a sheet set, and a mattress protector. helixsleep.com slash Evita. Michael just brought up an excellent point. He also said, and what about adoption, right?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
If you can't have a child, which is one of the most devastating things that can ever happen to a person, I totally understand that. I know people who have gone through it. Adopt. There are tons and tons of children in this country, in your own community, who are going through foster care, who don't have a family to go back, who are open for adoption, and you are just...
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
I don't know, pouring millions, pouring hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands of dollars down the drain for IVF, potentially destroying other human lives in the process and not giving a child who actually needs a home a chance at life. Perhaps if you can't have children and you really can't and you've tried the natural ways of trying to optimize your fertility, explore adoption.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
It's a beautiful thing. Now, There are consequences, not just for the embryos destroyed or left frozen, but even for the children who survive and are actually born via IVF. This is fascinating. IVF can be used by parents to literally design their children to select for certain traits
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
But understand that even people who are trying to have a tall, high IQ child, they are engaging in eugenics, but so are the people who are creating embryos just for... infertility purposes, right? You're creating embryos and then implanting the one that has the most viability. So in that case, you are still selecting for human health and discarding the other.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
So even if you are doing it for an infertility purpose, IVF is still very eugenic at its core, but it can also be much more explicitly eugenic where parents are saying, I want a child with brown hair and is
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
five feet around five feet taller so they can actually try to select for those traits which becomes even more explicitly dystopian although like i said it's all very eugenic and dystopian so right wired recently ran an article on parents who use ivf for more explicitly designer baby purposes and it's titled designer babies are teenagers now and some of them need therapy because of it
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
And this piece delves into how parents will screen embryos, meaning their children, for disease-causing genes, selecting their future baby's sex, and picking egg and sperm donors to influence their child's traits. One startup actually claims to help parents pick embryos with the highest predicted IQ.
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Now, this order follows up on Trump's campaign, Trump's campaign promise to establish a new federal entitlement to IVF if elected, whether through direct subsidy or insurance mandate, we're not sure. And this is a President Trump L, in my opinion. I do not agree with this at all. We have to be honest about that. We have to look at this admin objectively.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Now today, a lot of those designer babies are teenagers, and some parents are discovering that their children feel like walking science experiments.
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
i kind of i kind of get it because they because they are walking science experiments and the parents feel that they didn't get what they paid for in many cases which is often an exorbitant amount of money when their child doesn't turn out exactly how they wanted maybe they aren't high high high iq maybe they aren't super tall maybe they don't have brown hair in other words ivf
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
is creating extremely disordered parent-child relationships. And Vice did a fascinating story on a Pennsylvania couple, Malcolm and Simone Collins, and their third child, Titan Evictus, who as an embryo was selected for implantation based on the results of an implantation genetic test.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
So in other words, the parents chose to birth and raise Titan over dozens of his other siblings, all of their siblings' embryos, because the parents believed that Titan's genes were superior. Take a listen.
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Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
Okay, somebody left the comments, is this a lesbian couple? And the answer I believe is no. I think that that is, it's a man and a woman and they were just creeps and they wanted to, make sure that their child had the most optimized genes, like total freaks, total brave new world creepiness. Somebody else said in the comments, oh, I have a daughter who used IVF and they have a happy family.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)
And listen, I'm not saying that every family is disordered and horrible as a result of this, but there are always ethical concerns with IVF and any sort of process of this nature. And We have to address that. And sometimes, like I said, you might have a really positive experience with it. It turned out great.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Und wir werden mehr brauchen als einen Trump-Admin, aber einen anderen rechten Admin, der sich einfach nur auf diese Wurzel ausruhen will. Wir behandeln einen Leviathan, eine bürokratische Monstrosität, die größte menschliche Organisation aller Zeiten. Hier ist, was ich meine. Gestern hat CNN diesen Artikel veröffentlicht.
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Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Es heißt, wie die Bewegungen, die Trumps Regierung kutzt, die CIA-Geheimnisse auslösen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
I want you guys to pay attention to this. The article is actually from CNN a threat. I'm going to read an excerpt of it to you guys.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
As the CIA weighs staff cuts, current and former intelligence officials say that mass firings could offer a rich recruitment opportunity for foreign intelligence services like China or Russia, who may seek to exploit financially vulnerable or resentful former employees.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
And the piece goes on, it says, on the CIA's seventh floor, home to top leadership, some officers are also quietly discussing how mass firings and the buyouts already offered to staff risk creating a group of disgruntled former employees who might be motivated to take what they know to a foreign intelligence service. As Molly Hemingway tweets, so quiet that CNN heard it and broadcast it.
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Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
And just to recap, CNN just stated that Trump should keep everyone employed in the intelligence apparatus, because if he doesn't, former CIA agents will spill US secrets to our enemies abroad. What do we call that chat? What is that? That is called a threat. Now, why is CNN delivering this threat? Well, as Beth Relia, I hope I'm saying your last name right, and The Federalist reported,
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Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
If Trump fires CNN's sources, it will be harder for the media to collude with the intelligence community to craft propaganda to sell to the public. The connection between CNN and the deep state has been too cozy for too long. So of course, CNN isn't on this. They stand to lose just as much as these fired former intelligence officials.
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Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
And just to recap, you guys know the role that CNN played in promoting the Russia collusion hoax. Und Beth hat tatsächlich dieses Artikel entdeckt und herausgefunden, dass CNN Informationen zu ihren anonymen roguen CIA-Sourcen 18-mal erteilt hat. In anderen Worten, sie haben 18-mal Propaganda-Assertionen gemacht. Ich werde euch nur einige von diesen lesen.
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Eine Suche, die sich mit der Sache interessiert, sagte CNN. Einige Offiziere. Eine Suche, die sich mit der Sache interessiert, sagte. Vorher-intelligente Offiziere sagten. Sagte ein früherer CIA-Offizier, die hypothetisch spricht. Ein US-Offizier sagte. Vorher-Offiziere bemerkten, aber sie sehen die Spiele, die sie spielen. These are career propagandists promoting government propaganda.
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Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
So that they can continue profiting off of said propaganda. And by the way, this is different from the Chris Ruffer report, where the whistleblower has provided him with evidence. He's reporting on the chatroom messages that he saw with his own eyes.
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Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Und ich denke, was er am besten bei Fox News und heute noch mit unglaublichem Talent gemacht hat, ist, dass er die Ideen des neuen Rechts nehmen kann, Sie ist oft sehr jung und die Ideen kommen oft von Social Media und Reddit und X. Und er kann diese Ideen zu älteren Publikationen übersetzen.
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Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
All these intel guys who participated in the CNN piece are treasonous weasels. They need to be rooted out. They have no loyalty to this country, clearly.
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Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Okay, so online leftists have interpreted this as an act of protest against the Trump admin on behalf of the army. Und es ist nicht schwer zu vorstellen, warum. Dies sind einige der Lieder von dem Song, den sie gesungen haben. So, einige Leute, und das stört mich wirklich, sagen, dass Les Mis ein Symbol der Revolution ist. Das ist nicht wahr.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Demokratischer Repräsentant Jim McGovern hat das getwortet. They picked Les Mis, a musical about standing up to tyranny. They protested you, meaning President Trump, at your own event and you were too stupid to get it. Okay, well Mr. Jim McGovern, Representative McGovern, is too stupid to get the point of Les Mis. Les Mis is actually a story
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Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
about how collectivist uprisings like the June Rebellion, which is what Les Mis is about, can lead to the destruction of individual humanity and moral integrity. It highlights the chaos and violence of these movements, emphasizing how collective ideals can justify really evil things. The protagonist, John Valjean,
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Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
ist ein guter Mann, weil er persönliche Verdächtigkeit und Zufriedenheit gegenüber politischem Dogma wert ist. Das ist die Botschaft dieses Novels und Films. Der Autor von Les Mis, Victor Hugo, kritisiert die Idee, individuelle Leben für abstrakte politische Ziele zu versorgen. Denn echte Veränderung liegt wirklich in der Revolutionierung des Herzens der Menschen.
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Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Die Menschen werden bessere Menschen. rather than blind adherence to revolutionary political ideals. Aber leider wurde Les Mis von der Kultur, vom Publikum, von den Linken, oft als dieses revolutionäre Novel, Spiel und Film. Und jetzt ist jeder verwirrt. Und so hat es kolloquialerweise ein Symbol für eine politische Revolution geworden.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Speziell diese Song, die man hört, die die Leute singen, ist ein Symbol für eine Revolution geworden. Also ist es möglich, dass der Direktor des US-Armee-Korusses das als eine Akt der Verwirrung gemacht hat. Es ist möglich. The song hasn't been officially perceived that way by the White House. And the White House does approve the set list. So the intent here is unclear.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Ich denke, er hat die Grenze zwischen Generationen verbunden und uns auf der politischen Rechten verbunden. Ich gebe dir ein Beispiel. Meine Großmutter und mein Großvater waren Neokons. Meine Großmutter liebte George Bush so sehr, dass sie ihre Katze George genannt hat. Und 2015 waren sie wirklich traurig von Präsident Trump. Sie haben ihn damals nicht ganz bekommen. Es macht nicht viel Sinn.
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Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
I don't think maybe that she, I hope that she didn't mean it that way. But Trump does like the song. So it's possible that he was totally fine with it. I'm sensitive to the issue though. Because it's being perceived within and outside the government as an act of defiance. And that's a problem.
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Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Das kann eine ermutigende Sache sein für die Leute in unserem Regierung, die schlechte Dinge tun wollen und diesen Admin verletzen wollen. Und wir wissen, dass es gerade eine große Insubordination in der Regierung gibt. Und wir müssen das nicht nur als Insubordination an Trump, sondern auch an die amerikanischen Leute beurteilen.
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Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Wir haben Trump gewählt und die Bürokratie kämpft gegen den Leiter, den wir ausgewählt haben. And on that topic, televisions within the Department of Housing and Urban Development recently displayed AI footage of Trump kissing Elon Musk's feet. And the video display reads, Long live the real king, meaning Elon Musk.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Ein ungenannter HUD-Mitarbeiter, der mit dem Video, das ich gerade spiele, mitgebracht hat, sagte, dass die föderalen Arbeiter sich gezwungen haben, jedes Fernseher automatisch aufzulösen, um das Video auszulösen. Also vermutlich hat jemand in HUD, in der Agentur, das auf den Fernsehern gelegt. Nun wiederum, warum würde jemand in HUD das tun?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Nun, ungefähr 4.000 HUD-Mitarbeiter sind erwartet, durch Kutsche, die von Doge implementiert werden. So they're angry. They're angry at Elon. They're angry at Trump. They're insubordinate. I think whoever is responsible for the video needs to be found and fired. There is a disrespect for President Trump, but also for us.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
We covered yesterday Jasmine Crockett in Nahon Omar, saying half the country is stupid and doesn't read or listen to facts, says the people who can't interpret Les Mis, I might add. But this is how they view us. They don't believe in democracy or the will of the people. These are agents of chaos.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Left-wing social activists mixed with snobby bureaucrats who feel above the law and accountability and election results. They're totally rogue. By the way, here... Our CNN hosts claiming that it was abusive for Elon Musk to email all federal workers, requesting five bullets of what they accomplished that week. Take a listen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
You guys might not know this. Maybe Dan's mentioned it before on his show. I haven't mentioned it on this one, though. The Bonginos just hired a manager at this company. Her name is Jasmine. She's a very nice lady. Very kind woman. And when Jasmine was hired, the first thing that Jasmine did... ist, uns alle ein E-Mail zu senden, das sagt, gib mir eine Liste, was du diese Woche machst.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Er ist bumbastisch, ungewöhnlich und er sagte Dinge wie, wir sollten nie in der Irak-Wahl gewesen sein. Das war ein Fehler. Das war wirklich radikal zu hören, back in 2015. Und das ist verständlich. Es war, als Tucker Carlson that helped them start to evolve and to identify less with establishment Republicans and more with the populist Trump brand of politics.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Was ist dein Schedule? Sag mir, was dein Job ist. Was tust du? Michael sagt, dass wir einen HR-Report an Jasmin über Jasmin verabschieden sollten, weil das total abstrichend war, dass Jasmin uns fragt, was wir hier bei Bongino tun. Nein, es ist nicht abstrichend. Sie ist die Managerin. Dan Bongino hat sie verabschiedet. Okay, also werde ich dir sagen, was ich diese Woche gemacht habe.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
So war es mit Michael und Guy und Jasmin. Das ist, was wir tun. Das ist, was die Mitarbeiter tun. It's not abusive. What? Who acts like... This is what's so crazy to me. These guys just act completely rogue. They have no accountability whatsoever. All of us in the private sector, this is normal. If your manager asks you, what did you do this week? You tell them. But...
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Du hast diese Mitarbeiter in der federalen Regierung, die ihre Nase öffnen und sagen, oh, es ist furchtbar, zu fragen, was ich hier tue. Lass mich nicht fragen, was ich hier tue. Es ist wie, was meinst du? Was meinst du, dass das nicht etwas ist, was du tun wirst? Ich meine, es ist einfach so eine andere Meinung von diesen Bürokraten.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Als jemand, der die meisten von uns hört, kommen Sie wahrscheinlich aus der Perspektive des privaten Sektors. Wir schauen uns das an und wir sind einfach so wie, sind diese Leute verrückt? Was passiert in der Regierung? How are they even operating with completely unaccountable rogue employees?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
So these Democrats and bureaucrats are fearmongering about Elon Musk having too much power in the government. That's really ultimately what a lot of this is about. Corporate capture, billionaire control. Und kann ich nur sagen, wie riesig das ist? Diese Woche haben wir gelernt, dass der ehemalige Vorsitzende der FDA unter Biden, Patricia Cavazzonia, jetzt der Chefmediziner für Pfizer sein wird.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Mehr Beweise der Korruption in unseren Organisationen, speziell in der Gesundheit. Es ist ein schreiender Konflikt der Interessen. War Patricia die Anmerkung, den zukünftigen Job bei Pfizer zu sichern? Wir wissen, dass die COVID-19-Vakzine chronische Krankheitsprobleme verursachen kann, das haben wir letzte Woche gelernt.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Und das wird einfach auf die Liste der möglichen Krankheiten, die die Forced-Jab verursacht hat, aufgeführt. Das wurde mit der Aufmerksamkeit unserer Gesundheitsorganisationen überprüft. Und übrigens, wir sollen CNNs fehrmongerende Warnungen über die Führung von föderalen Arbeitern verhindern, wenn Tausende von Tausenden von föderalen Arbeitern über COVID-19-Vakzine-Hesitanz gefeuert wurden?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Ich glaube nicht. The FDA is full of pharma sellouts, not watchdog. Policy is warped. The rules tilt toward big pharma profits, not public safety. And again, they want us to be afraid of RFK Jr. Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker wrote this on X-Test yesterday. RFK Jr. 's views are dangerous, misguided and deeply disturbing. Frankly, his policies will hurt people.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
I will push back on any attempts to disrupt the health and safety of Illinoisans. Illinoisans? I don't know. This is coming from a morbidly obese man. Morbidly, morbidly obese man. J.B. Pritzker is not healthy. And now he's insisting that RFK Jr. is a threat to public health?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Yeah, RFK is one of the healthiest men I've ever seen in his 70s. It's incredible. I'm gonna take health advice from him.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
I've been thinking a lot about the incredible speech that J.D. Vance gave in Munich. As Notre Dame Professor Patrick Dunning wrote, Vance was offering Let me take a listen to this little piece of J.D. 's speech in Munich, just a reminder.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
And all this is to say that Tucker has been a massive force within the movement, an indispensable asset. Now probably a name that doesn't come to mind when I ask you who is a thought leader of the political right is Dan Crenshaw. Nobody says that. Maybe if I asked you who's the worst Republican representative in Congress, some might throw that name out. Who's the most hawkish?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
I love it. So much so, that I think America needs to fully practice what it preaches. J.D. Vance's Mentor, friend and previous financial backer Peter Thiel, is the co-founder of Palantir, a CIA-backed company developing predictive profiling algorithms to identify domestic terrorists from the left and right in the US before they commit any kind of crime.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Essentially, it's a way to target political dissidents, thought criminals, before they've committed any actual crime. According to a 2018 Bloomberg report, Palantir knows everything about you. It is a data mining company using war on terror tools to track American citizens. Palantir privatizes the government surveillance initiatives.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
It successfully circumvents the constitution while funding its efforts with US tax dollars to be used against US citizens as well as other foreigners. It's New World Order. It's Orwellian. It's terrifying. How can we restore America's role as a beacon of hope if people like Peter Thiel continue to embed themselves in the political right?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Going on podcasts, associating with right-wing thought leaders, maintaining Palantir a massive role in the federal government. I didn't hear J.D. Vance criticize Palantir once in that Munich speech. He did a great job. He criticized Palantir. Prolifers, who have been arrested in the UK for praying silently outside abortion clinics. That's so important. We need to talk about it.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
But we also need to talk about this. This is less overt than Germany banging on people's doors and stealing their devices because they promoted so-called hate speech online. This is not quite as explicit, but it's happening in the background and it needs to be addressed. We need to be consistent.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Wir müssen unserstellen, dass unsere eigenen Häuser in Ordnung sind, bevor wir nach Europa gehen und darüber sprechen, was dort passiert. Wir müssen unserstellen, unsere eigenen Häuser zu nennen. Ich will von Amerika Exzellenz. Ich will authentische Vermögen von natürlichen Rechten in diesem Land, von konstitutionellen Rechten, von Privatsphäre, von Sicherheit.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Anna-Paulina Luna das geschrieben. Am 11. Februar und am 19. Februar hat House Oversight eine E-Mail an den DOJ geschickt, um den Status des EPSIN-Files sowie des JFK-Files zu erläutern. Der DOJ hat nicht geantwortet. Wir können nicht auf X kommen, weil wir keine Antwort von der Staatsanwältin bekommen können. Was ist der Status der Dokumente? Diese Dokumente müssen deklassifiziert werden.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Ich glaube, das ist eine große Aufgabe. Aber Transparenz ist auch wichtig. Diese Dokumente müssen veröffentlicht werden. Der Prozess der Deklassifikation, um alles klar zu machen, betrifft einen Review-Prozess. Aber der Review-Prozess sollte minimal sein. An diesem Punkt sollten die Inhalte nicht zählen. Besonders im Fall von JFK, wo sich fast jeder beteiligt ist.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
The documents are declassified and they should be made public as soon as possible. A review shouldn't be a mechanism for selectively hiding, omitting or redacting information. And the longer this process drags on, the more suspect it appears. And to be clear, I'm not claiming that's what's happening.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
But when declassified documents remain out of reach and even members of Congress can't get a status update from the DOJ, that's a serious problem. Die Behandlung muss auf der ganzen Bühne anwesend sein. Es geht nicht um blinde Loyalität zu einem politischen Team. Es geht darum, dass diese Regierung die Ideen und Versprechen erhält, die wir ausgewählt haben, um sie zu gewinnen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Who loves foreign wars the most? Perhaps Dan Crenshaw takes the cake there. But certainly he is not a thought leader of the right. So you'd think dass ein Mann wie Dan Crenshaw, vielleicht ist er zu Tucker Carlson auf bestimmten Themen nicht zufrieden ist, aber er hätte ein bisschen Respekt für die Beiträge, die Tucker Carlson zu Konservatismus und Amerika gemacht hat in den letzten Jahren.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Und sie machen einen guten Job. Aber das bedeutet nicht, dass wir nicht kritisch sein sollten, wenn es notwendig ist. In diesem Fall, glaube ich, klingelt Pan Bonding und fragt, können wir nur eine Status-Update bekommen? Was ist mit diesen Dokumenten los? Das ist völlig fair. I'm really concerned by how long it's taking. It should not take that long. It shouldn't. What do we need to redact?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
What do we need to hide? What do we need to omit? And why?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
The reasons for that also are very suspect. Transparency isn't just a talking point. It is a fundamental expectation that needs to be met by this admin. Das war's für heute. Vielen Dank fürs Zuhören. Ihr habt fast 17.000 Zuschauer, was für uns groß ist. Vielen Dank fürs Zuhören. Ich hoffe, dass viele von euch zu diesem Show zutun. Warten Sie auf das, was wir tun.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Vielleicht, wenn Sie von Dan sind, Sie sind ein Flüchtling von der Dan Bongino Show, Sie kommen her, Sie hören zu diesem. Ich werde wirklich tolle Inhalte weitergeben. Ich mache meine Arbeit, ich recherchiere viel. Ich will die Beste für euch sein, besonders als Dan Bongino verlässt und dieses Vakuum in all unseren Leben kreiert. Ich freue mich, dass Sie mit mir sitzen. Hoffentlich bleibt ihr.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Und so wie Sie wissen, hat Dan wirklich große Nachrichten. Wir sehen uns morgen wieder.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Und du wärst falsch. Hier ist, was Dan Crenshaw gestern in eine Hot-Mic gesagt hat, während einer Interview mit GB News.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Okay, so, if you're listening, it might have been a little hard to hear, especially if you didn't have the subtitles at the bottom, but it was a hot mic, so a little bit difficult to hear, but he said, if I ever meet him, I'll effing kill him.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Good morning and welcome to Bongina Report, early edition. Dan Crenshaw threatens to kill Tucker Carlson. NSA's secret transgender sex chat room is exposed. Anonymous CIA agents threaten treason. HUD TVs feature AI footage of Trump kissing Elon Musk's feet. The former FDA head becomes chief medical officer for Pfizer.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
He doesn't want to send billions of more dollars on the taxpayers' dime to a foreign country for a war that we can't win? Here's what Tucker Carlson wrote on X in response. Why don't you come sit for an interview and we'll see how you do. I'll send you my address at Dan Crenshaw. That's what Tucker said. He invited him for an interview. And I'd love to see it.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
But I have a feeling that Mr. Crenshaw, Representative Crenshaw, is all talk. He doesn't like interviews where people push back on him. And let's just say I have really good reason for saying that. Trust me on this one. I have a personal reason for saying Dan Crenshaw does not like interviews where there is any remote sense of pushback.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
He is a prima donna who cannot handle tough questions from journalists. I know that. I can't tell you why. Trust me on this one. I don't think there's going to be a Dan Crenshaw, Tucker Carlson, Sedan interview. Here was Dan Crenshaw in this same GB News interview on why we should fund Ukraine's borders while our borders still are not secure.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
I've heard this argument remarkably often from people in the old right, the neocon, uniparty right wing of the Republicans. We can walk and chew gum at the same time. Can we? Because we're 36 trillion dollars in debt. And Dan Cranshaw just says, oh, we can afford it. Dude, what? What do you mean? We are in a really serious financial situation in this country.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
This is what Donald Trump is doing with Doge. We're trying to cut back on the waste. And Dan Crunch is like, we can handle it. And then he attacks the welfare state. And boy, you guys, let me just tell you, as an America-first conservative, is that enraging. And I'm going to be straight with you. The entitlement programs need massive reform.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
As a Gen Z-er, I'm coming from a different place with this one than many of you are who are in the chat, but... Everyone in my generation understands and is fully aware that we are going to be paying for older Americans our entire lives and never are we going to see that money for ourselves. Social Security is going to be insolvent by 2035. So I'm acknowledging that. There are problems.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
But I'm sorry, Dan Crenshaw. Older people in this country who aren't Gen Z or Millennials, who haven't spent their whole lives knowing that they're never going to see these entitlements, those are the people they rely on, the entitlements. They need them. vor der Retirement.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Why is the war in Ukraine supposedly, in Dan Crenshaw's eyes, coming before human beings in this country who are counting on those entitlements?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
The livelihoods of Americans who have spent their entire lives counting on this is patently insane. This country is financially out of control, entitlements need reform, but that doesn't mean therefore we should fund whatever foreign wars Dan Crenshaw is interested in.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
A war, by the way, that is pitting Russia further and further against the West, a war that never could have been won by Ukraine, a war that ultimately ist ziemlich unerlässlich für die Vereinigten Staaten auf der anderen Seite der Welt. Es gab keinen Grund, dass wir so viel involviert sind, wie wir waren. Und jetzt ist Dan Crenshaw verrückt, dass wir nicht mehr Geld in die Ukraine senden.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
And Representative Ana Polina Luna slams Pam Bondi for not releasing Epstein and JFK files. All this on Bongino Report, early edition. Wer würdest du sagen, ist einer der Glaubensleiter der Rechten? Wer hat den größten kulturellen Einfluss? Welche Stimme ist die größte Führungsstärke des Landes? Das ist keine rhetorische Frage, schreib einen Kommentar, gib mir deine Ideen. Wer denkst du es ist?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Und er suggeriert, dass wir von den Leuten, die auf sie zählen, Entschuldigungen nehmen, um mehr in die Ukraine zu finanzieren. Es ist eine verrückte Amerika-Last-Policy. Es ist wirklich ein Verlust für die Menschlichkeit, für die Menschenleben, für die echten Amerikaner hier.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
und eine Besonderheit mit der Kriegsmaschine, mit dem Militär-Industrie-Komplex, die ich, ehrlich gesagt, sehr schwierig zu verstehen habe. Wir nehmen einen kurzen Break. Wenn wir zurückkommen, habe ich die verrückte Geschichte mit euch zu erzählen über die NSA und ihre Geheim-Sex-Chats.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Ich verzeihe euch nicht, es sind Geheim-Sex-Chats und ich werde euch genau das lesen, was in diesen Sex-Chats war. Geht nicht irgendwo. We'll be right back. Trump is ushering in Maha Make America Healthy Again and Democrats have spent years forcing mandates and dictating how we manage our health while often lining their pockets with big pharma and big food cash.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
But Americans are now pushing back and taking control of our health That's why I'm reclaiming my own health with Field of Greens. We all know eating healthy is key to staying healthy. But life gets busy and sticking to a perfect diet isn't always realistic. Field of Greens makes it easy. It's whole fruits and vegetables. That's it. Just one drink and I've got my healthy head start on the day.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Field of Greens keeps me thriving in my daily food intake as nutrient-dense as possible. Every fruit and vegetable in Field of Greens is doctor-selected. Ich habe einen 20%-Discount, um dich zu starten. Geh zu fieldofgreens.com und benutze meinen Code EVITA.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
This next story, you guys, I promise you, this is one of the craziest things I have seen in the last few weeks. Is it the National Security Agency or are we going to have to rename it the National Sex Chat Agency? We might have to.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
I think we're gonna have to rename it because the NSA has just been exposed for having a secret transgender sex chat room in which NSA, CIA and DIA employees discuss genital castration, artificial vaginas, piss fetishes, sex polycules and gang bangs all on government time and the taxpayers' dime. This story is wild.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
So Chris Ruffo and Hannah Grossman obtained logs from this secret chat room from sources within the National Security Agency. One current employee and one former employee. And just before I get into this, understand that the intelligence community is one of the most powerful parts of the American National Security Apparatus.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
And the NSA specifically has been caught illegally surveilling US citizens for years. This is what Edward Snowden exposed to the public. And it has not stopped.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Just a couple of years ago, Tucker Carlson said that the NSA, speaking of Tucker Carlson, said that the NSA was spying on his communications, including his encrypted messages, related to him trying to set up an interview with President Putin. Allerdings. Es hat also nicht aufgehört. Wir wissen, dass es weitergeht.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Wir wissen, dass es weitergeht, vor allem unter § 702 von FISA, wo man freie Nationen überprüfen kann, aber dann, wenn sie mit einem amerikanischen Bürger kommunizieren, dann kann man auch auf diese Botschaften spionieren, die um die Verfassung gehen. Sie sind völlig verrückt.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Also, ich werde euch alle diese Geheimnisse, naja, nicht alle, aber einige von ihnen, all diese Geheimnisse in den Chat-Räumen von Menschen, die, glaubt ihr, mit top-geheimen Sicherheits-Erklärungen sind. So one popular chat topic was male to female transgender surgery, which involves surgically removing the penis and turning it into an artificial vagina.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Somebody said, one male who claimed to have a transgender reconstructive surgery said, mine is everything. I found that I like being penetrated, but all the rest is just as important as well. Another intelligence official boasted that genital surgery allowed him to wear leggings or bikinis without having to wear a gaff under it.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
These employees discussed hair removal, estrogen injections, the experience of sexual pleasure post-castration. Quote, getting my butthole zapped by a laser was shocking, said one transgender-identifying intel employee, who spent thousands on hair removal. Another about estrogen treatment said, Look, I just enjoy helping other people experience boobs.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
One of the weirdest things that gives me euphoria is when I pee, I don't have to push anything down to make sure it aims right, a Defense Intelligence Agency employee added. Per the NSA sources, the sex chat was legitimized as part of the agency's commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Und diese Leute haben den ganzen Tag gebeten, Aktivisten zu rekrutieren und Meetings zu halten, mit Titeln wie Privileg, Alli-Aufmerksamkeit, Frieden, Transgender-Kommunikation, Inklusion. Ich meine, das ist nur Wahnsinn. Und sie haben das mit vollem Unterstützung von NSA-Führung gemacht, die beurteilt hat, dass D.E.I. nicht nur missionkritisch war, sondern missionimperativ.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Chris Ruffo schreibt, dass in diesem Falle Diversität nicht ein Ausdruck für Rassismus war, sondern eher ein Euphemismus für Sex-Talk. Denn D.E.I. spricht nur über Sex mit seinen Co-Arbeitern. Letztes Januar haben Chat-Mitglieder die Praxis der Polyamorie diskutiert, also sexuelle Beziehungen mit mehreren Menschen auf einmal.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
The active source of the NSA claimed to have witnessed hundreds of sexually provocative discussions, which Rufo adds, occurred mostly on taxpayer time. In one chat, an NSA employee insists on using it, the it pronoun, in lieu of he or she pronouns. Das sind Leute, die ihre Macht verursachen. Sie spieren auf uns. Mit Top-Secret-Sicherheitsverkürzungen. Und sie wollen, dass man sie nennt.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Ich denke, es gibt mehrere, die sich erinnern. Mehr als eine. Tucker Carlson ist unverdauerlich, aber einer dieser Stimmen. ein ehrgeiziger Denkerleiter des politischen Rechts. Nun, er schreibt Thesen und Bücher, philosophisiert über die Zeiten, die wir leben. Das ist nicht der Art von Denkerleiter, den ich spreche. Aber er ist ein unglaublicher Kommunikator mit einer massiven Publikation.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Und sie sprechen über Polyamory und das Zerstören der Genitalien. Wie viele von euch könnten mit euren Co-Arbeitern über Sex und Fetische sprechen? Wenn ich hier in Bongino ein Sex-Chat-Raum aufstelle, würde Dan Apollo mich schießen. Das ist nicht geeignet. Warum ist es geeignet, wenn es um die höchsten Regeln der Regierung geht?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Unsere Intel-Agenzien scheinen voll von schrecklichen linken Aktivisten zu sein, die wirklich in der Gendarmerie in Berkeley gehören, nicht in unserem Regierung. Und auch einfach einfach mentale Schlechte. Und es macht dich so unsicher. Und ich bin froh, dass Trump da ist. Ich hoffe, dass er all das herausbringt. Am gleichen Zeit denke ich mir, ist das überhaupt möglich?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
Du hast so viele Leute, die sich ermöglichen, Teil einer Sex-Chat-Ruhe zu sein.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Crybaby Crenshaw’s Latest Meltdown (Ep.147)
And they're in charge of our security. Can we fire everyone? I mean, this is so entrenched. It runs so deep. I'm almost concerned it's not going to be possible to root out the rot. So pray for this admin. You can't fire, you can fire everyone in the sex chatroom, sure, but you won't be able to fix everything. I think that this is going to be probably decades in the making.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ich glaube nicht. die Art und Weise, wie Männer in der Gesellschaft gefoltert wurden. Die Idee, dass Masculinität toxisch ist. Und er spricht zu diesen verletzten jungen Männern. Und gleichzeitig gibt es echte Kräfte in diesem Land und in der Welt, die Dinge wie das große Reset promoten. Und du wirst Böse essen und du wirst Renteur sein. Und der Weltwirtschaftsforum.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ich glaube, wenn du einen Maske trägst, ist das für zwei Gründe. Du hast Angst vor Corona, was furchtbar ist.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ja, Silverlock, das ist ein guter Punkt. Das ist unser neuer Name hier, Silverlock. Also Hayley, ich denke, was ich wissen möchte, was der Publikum wissen möchte, ist, wie hast du Dan kennengelernt? Wie ist das so geworden?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Okay, ich habe Michael gesagt, dass er den kleinen Explodierer am Ende nehmen soll, aber er hat das nicht getan. Mikey, das ist okay. Ihr Leute, ich und Hayley, ich denke, dass diese Botschaft so stark ist. Ich habe es geliebt und ich fühle mich wie jeder Mann, der erzählt wird, dass er eine Maske trägt und und er legt es einfach auf. Ich glaube, es ist schiebel, ich glaube, es ist beta-männisch.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Es ist mir tieflich unangenehm. Und es gibt etwas wirklich Attraktives an einem Mann, der ziviler Unabhängigkeit hat. Er sagt, ich lege nicht diese Maske auf. Das Studium zeigt, dass es nichts für dich macht. Ich bin sehr attraktiv an diesem Sentiment, welches ich glaube, in unserer Kultur völlig verloren ist. Es scheint auch von einigen Konservativen zu werden. Und ich höre, was du sagst, Hayley,
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ich meine, ich weiß, dass Dan einige meiner Fotos gesehen hat, Dan war bei meinem Geburtstag, er ist ein Familienfreund, aber was ist deine Verbindung zu Dan Bongino und wie hat er dich als Talent gefunden und dir die unglaubliche Möglichkeit gegeben und gezeigt, dass du anfangen wirst?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
dass er keine traditionellen Werte hat. Natürlich nicht. Der Junge hat sich an einen Online-Pimp eingeladen. Er hat diese Camgirl-Websites gegründet, in denen er Frauen verabschiedet. Die Verbrechungen sind noch nicht beobachtet worden. Aber wir wissen, dass er bei Camgirls war. Er hat eine Geschichte, Ich glaube nicht, dass er traditionelle Beziehungen unterstützt.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Der Mann hat mehrere Freundinnen und Kinder mit vielen verschiedenen Frauen. Aber gleichzeitig sehe ich seine kulturelle Nutzung in diesem Sinne. Verstehst du, was ich meine? Ja, ich meine, das ist das, was ich vorher gesagt habe.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ja, und es muss etwas darüber gesagt werden, und ich glaube, er sagte diese Dinge, aber nicht heute, wo es total kompensativ war. Er war einer der ersten, es zu sagen. Und es gibt etwas darüber, das ich glaube, is really positive. To take a sledgehammer to the speech policers. To take a sledgehammer to the people who are trying to dictate what we say and what we think.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
And you need people to push those boundaries a little bit. I'll say, for example, that's what President Trump did. That's what he's done with cancel culture. This is a guy who has just... Jeder Kode, jede Norm, er hat sie zerstört. Und er ist in vielen Fällen ein unperfekter Wessel. Ich meine, das ist nicht ein Becken eines traditionellen Verheirats.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Er hat viele verschiedene Weisheiten und Verheiraten und Lockerungen gesprochen. Und er hat einen wirklich positiven kulturellen Einfluss gehabt. Und ich würde auch sagen, dass vielleicht einige der Leute, die ihn kritisieren, wie Ben Shapiro oder Ron DeSantis, es ist so, Are you guys driving culture? Do you know what I'm saying? But Haley, you might disagree with me. I don't know.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Maybe he is a net negative. I tend to view him as a net positive, though, for that reason.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Und das ist okay, es gibt ein großes Zeug, richtig? Ich mag Ihren Punkt über Südflorida, denn das ist ein Staat, das Jeffrey Epstein für eine sehr, sehr lange Zeit entfernt hat. Und jetzt werden sie potenziell nach Andrew Tate über Angelegenheiten in einem fremden Land kommen, die noch nicht beurteilt wurden. Und Rumänien ist ein sehr korruptes Land. Ich pausiere.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Und gleichzeitig bin ich auch Christin. Und ich bin jemand, der denkt, dass Andra Taits Ansicht auf Beziehungen und Frauen und Familie komplett enttäuscht ist und antithetisch zu traditionellen Christen ist. Ich bin jemand, der zu der latinischen Messe geht. Ich bin hartgeheiratet. Ich verstehe die Kritik, die ich in vielen von ihnen teile, aber ich kann auch seine Utilität erkennen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Er ist die rote Pille, die man trinkt und vielleicht ist er ein Gehweg zu etwas Besserem, aber er ist nicht der Endpunkt. Das ist nicht, was wir den Endpunkt sein wollen, aber er kann nützlich sein. Ja, das ist ein guter Punkt. Ja. Haley, ich mag es, dass du COVID-19 mitgebracht hast, weil ich denke, dass das für viele junge Menschen sehr radikal ist. Was war es für dich?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Du wartest in Nashville damals? Ich war in New York damals.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Which is hard to do in New York.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ja, ja, ich auch. Es ist mir nie vorgefallen, dass ich es nie nehmen werde. Aber ja, ich hatte eine sehr ähnliche dystopische Erfahrung in Chicago. Ich wurde fast ausgeschlossen, weil ich die Impfung nicht genommen habe. Meine ID-Card wurde ausgeschlossen. Ich konnte nicht ins Gym gehen. Wir könnten ins Gym gehen. Wir mussten die Maske anziehen, auf dem Treadmill.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Wenn du mit einer Maske über deinem Gesicht kardio machst, ist das eine sehr bizarre und schwierige Sache. Denk an all die Bakterien, die auf der Maske liegen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Das ist so schrecklich. Schlecht für deine Haut. Schlecht für alles. Und ja, es war schrecklich. Ich hatte einen Freund, der tatsächlich verabschiedet wurde, weil er den Booster verabschiedet hatte, nachdem sie die Impfung initial genommen hat und verletzt wurde. Und das wurde von Pfizer veröffentlicht. Wow. Und ihre Schule sagte immer noch, dass sie nicht zurückkommen kann.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Es gibt so viele solche Geschichten. Ich hatte einen Klassenlehrer, der sehr schmerzhaft war und die Lippen in der Schule nicht lesen konnte, weil der Maske war. Und sie würden keine Auszeichnung machen, dass in diesem Klassenzimmer, wir sind so weit entfernt, aber jeder muss seine Maske ausziehen. Und er wurde wirklich verletzt.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ich denke, dass Covid eine sehr radikalisierende Sache für viele junge Menschen war. Ich denke, dass auch die BLM so war.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Michael und ich waren in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Ich habe ein bisschen darüber gesprochen auf meinem Show, was auf dem Boden passiert ist. Hast du solche Erfahrungen gehabt, als du in New York warst? Wie war es während dieser Zeit?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ich denke, viele von uns waren an dieser Zeit sauer. Ich habe Freunde kennengelernt, die sahen, wie verrückt es war. Eigentlich war ich nie so ruhig. Aber zu Beginn war ich so ruhig, als George Floyd getötet wurde. Ich glaube, er ist gestorben. Denn niemand will als Rassist genannt werden. Und während der Pandemie wollte niemand als Großmutter-Mörder genannt werden.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Also es gab diese Namen, die man nennen konnte, die wirklich schmerzhaft waren, die die Leute im Saal verletzten. Und diese Art von Begrüßung oder Begrüßung in den Saal war wirklich, denke ich, radikalisiert für viele junge Menschen, die während des kürzten Jahres 2020 in der Lage waren, sich zu verabschieden. Sie sind jetzt dramatisch und politisch verändert, wie wir es nicht erwarten hätten.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Gen-Z-Männer sind radikal nach rechts gewechselt. Andrew Tate könnte Teil davon sein. Das ist auch der Grund, warum ich ihm sympathisch bin. Wie gesagt, er ist nicht perfekt, aber darüber muss etwas gesagt werden.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Du bist ein bisschen mehr wie ein Zillennial als ein Gen-Z-er, aber beobachtest du, dass es einen Weitschiff zwischen jungen Menschen gibt, den viele Menschen darüber sprechen und beobachten?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Millennial commitment issues?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ich meine, es ist unglaublich, ihr geht so weit zurück. Und ich liebe es, dass du gesagt hast, dass du Dan anrufen solltest. Das war nicht die Beziehung, die ich mit ihm zuerst hatte, aber es ist die Beziehung, die ich jetzt habe. Dan ist wirklich ein Mentor. Dan ist jemand, den du anrufen kannst für Lebensanweisung. Ich denke, das ist etwas, was ich wirklich vermisse, wenn er weggeht.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
So how old are you? 30. 30. Okay. Chat, you guys be the ones to decide. Is 30 a Gen Z or a Millennial? I'm 25 and Michael says that I'm a Millennial. I think you're Gen Z. I'm born in 99, so some people say the cutoff is 97 and some people say the cutoff is 2000. Michael sagt, dass es 2000 ist, weil er 2000 geboren wurde.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Warum ist es so krass, dass Menschen Millennials sehen? Ich weiß nicht, was es ist. Ich denke, es ist einfach... Ich weiß es nicht.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ich würde sagen, ich hatte einen kleinen Millenial-Segment. Wir haben keine Zeit für das jetzt. Wir werden es in einer anderen Zeit beobachten, ihr Jungs. Und das ist kein Hass auf die Millenialen in der Chat, weil wenn du in dieser Chat und du ein Millenial bist, bist du offensichtlich ein cooler Millenial, weil du in der Chat bist.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ich möchte es nicht zugeben. Ja, also sei nicht überrascht. Aber es gibt eine große Menge von Millenialen, die ich glaube, dass sie waren. von den Obama-Jahren, dass es so viel Aufregung gab im Jahr 2008, dass sie einfach nicht schlafen können, dass sie einfach eingeschritten sind.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Und es ist der Wokeism, es sind die Safe Spaces, es sind die Man Buns und die Beanies und die Indie-Musik und der Starbucks-Kaffee und alles, und dann überpreist Burger-Joints, die ich einfach finde, sind sehr cringe und sie sind eine sehr stunted Generation. Und sie befinden sich in dieser Obama-Ära, in der ich denke, Trumpismus und Gen-Z sind endlich aufgehört. Ja.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Was ist, ich meine, eine wirklich tolle Sache für uns alle. Ich bin wirklich froh, es zu sehen. Und es ist ein bisschen eine generationale Tensur, denke ich, wo jemand wie du, technisch ein Millenial, sagen wird, identifiziere ich mich als Gen-Z.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Und ich fühle mich schlecht für dich, weil du hier anfängst. Und er geht. Ich weiß, es ist wie, tschüss, tschüss, tschüss.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ja, und ich sehe das besonders mit Gen-Z-Männern, die sehr frustriert sind, denke ich, mit dieser oppressive Kultur. Ich denke, es ist eine Kultur, die für Frauen hergestellt wird. Frauen studieren auf viel höheren Raten. als die Männer diese Tage sind. Wenn ein junger Junge etwas zu aufregend ist, in der Klassenräume etwas zu laut, dann stellen sie ihn auf eine ADHD-Medikation.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ist das wirklich notwendig? Es ist also sehr stifelnd und ich denke, dass das etwas ist, das von jemandem wie Andrew Tate eingetappt wird, aber auch von Präsident Trump. Und wir sehen nicht nur eine Verweigerung von Wokeism, Aber etwas viel tieferer und schönerer ist, dass junge Menschen mehr oft in die Kirche gehen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Gen-Z-Männer, denke ich, sind für das erste Mal in der historischen Rekorde mehr in die Kirche gegangen als Gen-Z-Männer, was für uns wirklich interessant ist, weil wir junge Frauen sind.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Und wir sind, ich denke, wir sind nach rechts trendend, aber auf eine viel niedrigere Art und Weise als Männer, bis zu dem Punkt, wo es jetzt eine Dividende gibt zwischen jungen Männern und jungen Frauen, wo junge Männer oder junge Frauen sehr nach links kümmern. Und es wird sehr schwierig für uns, junge Männer zu verabreden, die auf dem völlig anderen Ende des politischen Spektrums sind.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Schon sind junge Menschen nicht verabredet oder verheiratet und diese politischen Unterschiede exacerbieren einfach das Problem.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Aber ich denke, viele left-winge Frauen fühlen sich auch über konservative Männer. Wir werden eine so polarisierte Kultur. Und ich stimme mit dir zu. Ich denke nicht, dass ich jemals einen linken Mann vertreten würde, weil er meine Werte nicht teilt. Und wenn junge Männer und junge Frauen so politisch dividiert sind, dann ist das wirklich, das verringert ihre Optionen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ja, und zu deinem Punkt habe ich viele linke Familienmitglieder. Meine Großeltern sind Burning Bros. Viele meiner Onkels auf meinem Vaters Seite, er ist einer von 11, viele große Familien sind Demokraten. Mein kürzester Cousin hat für Kamala Harris gewählt. Und du kannst diese Beziehungen haben mit Leuten, die politisch mit dir nicht zufrieden sind. Es hängt einfach davon ab, wer die Person ist.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Und in meinem Fall kommen all diese Leute aus Wisconsin. Und Wisconsin ist ein roter Staat. Und es gibt einfach viel mehr Toleranz. Und ich denke, wenn du zu einem Ort wie New York City gehst, zum Beispiel, oder Los Angeles, wo mein Bruder lebt, wird es viel weniger tolerant. Und ich denke oft, dass rechte Winger, obwohl wir vielleicht nicht
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
jemanden zu verheiraten, der auf der linken Seite ist, viel mehr offen ist, um Konversationen zu haben. Und das ist ein weiterer Grund, warum so viele junge Leute von der Linken nicht mehr so gut sind, weil wir einfach nur sprechen wollen. Junge Leute wollen einfach nur Offenheit. Ja, etwas, was ich gesehen habe, das so interessant ist.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ich liebe Kleidung-Influencern.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Das ist mir tatsächlich passiert. Ich bin nach Chicago gegangen. Ich wurde für den Oppositionssozialismus gecancelt. Die Geschichte ist egal. Es gab Masshate und Todesverletzungen. Ich musste in die Gefängnisberatung. Es war wirklich intensiv. Ich habe ein Op-Ed geschrieben.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
über diese Verabschiedung, über all meine Klassenleute und Leute, die in der Halle leben, die mir sagen, dass ich schmutzig bin und dass ich nicht wählen soll und dass ich nicht auf der Kampus bestehen soll, einfach schreckliche Dinge. Und ich habe ein Op-Ed gelesen, habe meine Ansicht nachgedacht und darüber gesprochen, wie verrückt diese Antwort war.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Seine Entscheidung, zu verlassen, ist wirklich ein Testament dafür, wie missionorientiert er ist. Er ist jemand, der tief über dieses Land kümmert und er ist bereit, von einem sehr lukrativen Medienempire, das er hier baut, wegzugehen und zu sagen, du weißt was, ich werde eine Pause nehmen, ich werde mein Land servieren, was er schon viele Male getan hat.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Well, my future boss at the Federalist read this article and offered me an internship. So it was a great piece and you should come work for us. And that kind of sparked my career in journalism. This piece in my school paper was the first one I had ever written. So there is some good that comes from cancel culture when you have the right...
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
um einander zu verteidigen und zu sagen, wir werden nicht daran teilnehmen und in der Tat werden wir diesen Menschen helfen, den du versucht hast, zu zerstören. Und manchmal ist es unangenehm, das zu tun. Vielleicht ist es so, dass du ein bisschen mit der Person, die gecancelt wird, nicht einverstanden bist. Und das ist tatsächlich, ich bringe nur noch Andrew Tate mit. Andrew Tate, ja.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Das ist der Grund, warum ich Andrew Tate mitbringe, weil ich nicht mit vielen Dingen, die er sagt, einverstanden bin. Und gleichzeitig werde ich diesen Mann verteidigen, weil ich in seinem kulturellen Ausdruck genügend Merit sehe.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Und ich glaube nicht, dass es richtig ist für Konservativen, die sagen, dass sie sich um Konzepte wie Innocent Until Proven Guilty kümmern, zu sagen, dass ein amerikanischer Bürger nicht ermöglicht werden sollte, zu Hause zu kommen, nur weil von Angelegenheiten unbefugt in einem sehr korrupten Land.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ich denke also, dass es wirklich wichtig ist, intellektuell konsistent zu sein und diesen kulturellen Schmuck, wo auch immer er auftaucht, zu verteidigen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Guten Morgen und willkommen zu Bongino Report Early Edition für eine wirklich besondere Episode, weil ich mit Hayley bin, die ein neues Show startet hier bei der Bongino Network, das heißt die Nightly Scroll. 6 Uhr östliche Zeit? 6 Uhr östliche Zeit, korrekt. Und das ist ein riesiges Thema, denn es geht nicht nur darum, Hailey zu begrüßen, sondern auch zu mir. Hailey und ich kennen uns ja auch.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Und das ist der Schlüssel, denke ich, Hayley. Es ist nicht nur so, dass wir pro Freizeit sind. Wir sind pro Freizeit. Und das ist der Grund für alles. Wir müssen nicht gegen schlechte Dinge sein. Wir müssen nicht Dinge ermöglichen, die moralisch repräsentierbar oder unterstützbar sind. Wir unterstützen Dinge, die im 1.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Verteidigungsgesetz berücksichtigt werden, während die Leftisten moralisch relativ sind. Wir müssen nicht moralisch relativ sein. Wir können sagen, man hat eine Sitzung am Tisch und kann sagen, was man will. Und gleichzeitig können wir für das, was gut ist, was wahr ist und was wunderschön ist, aufstehen. Und da gibt es einen Balanceakt dazu. Und ich denke, das ist das, was ich versuche zu tun.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ich denke, das ist wahrscheinlich das, was du versuchst zu tun. Hayley, erzähl uns ein bisschen darüber, was die Leute auf deinem Show erwarten können, bevor wir uns abschließen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Und an diesem Punkt, Hayley, was ist es, was dich bewegt? Du bist jetzt im Medien, Du wirst dein eigenes Show haben. Was können Leute von dir als Person erwarten? Was führst dich als Person dazu, Teil dieses Spaces zu sein, das, wie du es selbst erwähnt hast, sehr bewegungsorientiert ist?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Yeah, I think you're going to strike a great balance. And I'm really excited to watch this show. And there's a little preview. If you guys are watching this right now, there's a little preview to Hayley's show that you can watch. And more is definitely to come. 6 p.m. Eastern Time, five days a week. You have the early edition with me. You're going to have the nightly scroll with Hayley.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
You're going to have lots of new content coming from Silverlock, previously Bongino. And I'm really excited to see what you do, Hayley. Thank you and thanks for having me. Of course. Alright, if you guys are listening to this show, make sure to hit the like and follow button. Check out Hayley. Hayley, what's your socials?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Amazing. Alright, well thank you guys so much for tuning in and I will see you all tomorrow.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Die Politik ist ein Grundstück der Kultur. Und es gibt so viele kleine Geschichten von Leuten, die ich wirklich respektiere, in der konservativen Medien. Ich arbeite für die Federalisten. Ich habe für sie schon lange gearbeitet, seit ich in der Schule war. Und sie haben die Breaking News, die wichtigen News, was in D.C. passiert ist, und das ist großartig.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Aber einige der sozialen Medien Trends und die Dinge, die online passieren, die vielleicht die wir als geschätzte, wichtige Journalistinnen und Journalisten nicht beachten können, sind tatsächlich sehr bedeutend für das, was in der Kultur passiert.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Sie erzählen uns tatsächlich, wer wir als Menschen sind, in einer viel mehr realen und tieferen Art und Weise, als was wir sehen, als ein Gesetz, das in den Haus und in den Senat übernommen wird. Ich denke also, das ist es, was die Bongino-Viewer von dir erwarten können, Hayley.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Du wirst nicht das gleiche Bongino-Beispiel bekommen, wie einfach straight News, Hardcore-Kommentar, aber das bedeutet nicht, dass es nicht wirklich wert ist.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ja, und jemanden zu haben, der einfach auf ihrem Telefon scrollt und wirklich verbunden ist. Ihr wisst alle, wenn ihr hört, dass meine Mutter Sie arbeitet für Fox News und sie hat immer gesagt, dass die Produzenten dort die gruseligste Arbeit gemacht haben. Vor allem, wenn du zum Beispiel ein Morgenshow machst.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Meine Mutter ist bei Fox & Friends am Wochenende und sie sind alle Stunden der Nacht da und du bist wirklich eingeladen. Aber es bedeutet auch, dass du wirklich engagierte Geschichten suchst, die du weißt, dass sie gut zahlen werden, die du weißt, dass die Leute sie interessieren. Und das ist, was ich glaube, dass dein Hintergrund so wertvoll für die Zuschauer bei Silverlock sein wird.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Aber es ist auch das erste Mal, dass wir in einem neuen Studio sind, in einem jahrelang erwarteten, jahrelang in der Prozess-Studio. Und ich habe Michael darüber gesprochen, Hailey, aber es ist tatsächlich ein bisschen traurig, weil Dan schon so lange auf die Studie gewartet hat. Ich weiß. Für so lange. Und jetzt hat er diese Rolle bei der FBI akzeptiert. Und er wird es für eine Woche nutzen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ich denke, die Leute wollen auch wissen, und ich will wissen, wo hast du dich aufgewachsen, wie war dein Leben als Kind, erzähl mir ein bisschen über Hayley und woher du herkommst. Ja, also ich bin auf Long Island geboren.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ich wünschte, dass ich Figur-Skate machen könnte. Meine Eltern haben mich mehrere Male gespielt. Es hat einfach nicht geklappt. Zu viele Kinder nehmen verschiedene Orte.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Und wenn du mit Freunden ice skatest und du denkst, dass du der Boss bist. Du wirst überrascht.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Okay, dann machen wir das in Florida. Wir sind in Florida und es gibt kein Eis. Ich nehme dich Rollerbladern und versuche das. Und surfen, hast du gesagt. Ich kann nicht surfen, aber ich möchte es versuchen und es herausfinden. Ich habe ein Board und wir müssen zusammen gehen. Ja, wir werden es herausfinden.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Und ich bin eine Wisconsin-Frau, also bin ich nicht so gewohnt auf dieses Florida-Weather, das Ozean. Wir haben Läden in Wisconsin. Ja. Also wie Wakeboarding und Wasserskiing, aber kein Surfen. Richtig. Ja, ich habe noch nie gesurft.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Ja. Ich denke, wir wollen eigentlich ein paar Geschichten erzählen. Also, okay, ich will das nur kurz vorlesen, Hayley. Das ist ein bisschen kontroversial gerade, weil es einen kleinen Krieg vorliegt. Naja, ich würde eigentlich nicht sagen, dass es ein Krieg ist. Ich würde sagen, dass alle in einem Art und Weise ein Vertrauen haben, dass Andrew Tate auf das politische Recht gewechselt werden muss.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Genau, eine Woche und dann muss er vier Jahre warten, um zurückzukommen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Und er ist gerade hier in Florida, in Fort Lauderdale, gestorben, heute. Naja, eigentlich diese Woche. Also am Montag. Und er befindet sich in Rumänien immer noch mit Verbrechen von Frauen, mit sexuellen Verbrechen von Frauen, sowie mit seinem Bruder Tristan Tate.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Introducing Hayley Caronia (Ep.152)
Und es gibt viele Leute auf der politischen Rechten, die sagen, dieser Typ muss nicht nur aus den Vereinigten Staaten entfernt werden, sondern exkommuniziert von der konservativen Bewegung. Was sind Ihre Gedanken darauf?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
That's just a media narrative from the right wing and it's not real. One of the biggest purveyors of this disinformation campaign, telling the American public to not believe their own eyes on Joe Biden's mental and physical health, was CNN. So you'd think all the CNN hosts would be issuing apologies and bowing out of media for good after thoroughly discrediting themselves of this election cycle.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
And you would be wrong. Because yesterday we learned that CNN's Jake Tapper is publishing a book. A book that chronicles President Joe Biden's cognitive decline and his scandalous cover-up. And this is after Jake Tapper spent years participating and fueling and creating this cover-up.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
The book he's writing with CNN contributor Alex Thompson is titled Original Sin, President Biden's Decline, Its Cover-Up and His Disastrous Choice to Run Again. And I'm going to read you guys the description of this book because it's kind of unbelievable. Es schreibt, es schreibt, So what's happening here? What is the narrative here? Biden und sein inneres Kreis. Sie sind diejenigen, die lügen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Nicht wir, nicht Jake Tapper, nicht die Medien, nicht CNN. Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein. Can you believe that Jake Tapper would try to pull this? And he's going to say, well, I just, I didn't know. I wasn't part of this cover up.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
I had no idea. It was Biden in his inner circle. Will you guys decide for yourselves whether Jake Tapper was in on it? Take a listen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
He slammed Laura Trump for saying what's observably true to anyone, that this guy has a declining mental acuity. So he's guilty and he's going to write a book deflecting blame and help people stop associating him with the lies. By the way, Tapper's co-author also participated in the cover-up of Biden's cognitive decline in June of 2023. Thompson wrote a story for Axios titled Biden's Weird Words.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
And this article reads, Biden's quirky aphorisms are sometimes weaponized by Republicans to insinuate the 80-year-old president is in mental decline. But Biden has been using unique phrases for years. But even some of his aides aren't exactly sure what he means by them. So that... Nothing to see here. Nothing to see here. Total clowns. These guys are clowns.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Here is Savannah Hernandez exposing the mental decline cover-up months before any of this, confronting none other than Jake Tapper himself. Take a listen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Hier war Pam Bondi letzte Nacht.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Okay, I love that line. Michael woke up this morning, he was like, I just... I was putting the show together at 3 a.m. and I'm just laughing to myself at this line. Jake, not so much respected, but people still listen to you.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Sie ist unglaublich. Ich liebe diese Frau. Ich liebe sie. Und übrigens, das war bei der RNC. Das war das erste Mal, dass ich Savannah Hernandez in Person getroffen habe. Sie ist so flippend brav. Sie ist einer der bravesten Journalisten in den Medien generell, aber vor allem in den jungen, neuen Medien. Soziale Angst für Savannah Hernandez. Sie ist unglaublich.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Und übrigens, ich bin Biden's Cognitive Decline. Oh! Oh! So, if you're listening, you didn't get to see that. Melania, she's obviously always in heels. And she slips a little bit. And Trump kind of has his arm around her as they're walking. She trips a little bit. And then Trump just grabs her, picks her up, brings her in close to him, makes sure she doesn't fall.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Really actually a very sweet moment. But can you imagine if this was Joe and Jill? Joe would have fallen himself. Yeah, domino effect, for sure. It'd probably be more like Joe Biden tripping and then Jill Biden not being able to do anything about it. And by the way, Joe Biden did fall multiple times as president.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
The alpha energy and the control and just the difference between these two is so stark and really just, I think, highlights how bad this cover-up really was. Which, by the way, Jake Tapper was a part of and a massive purveyor of. All right. It's no secret Democrats are struggling to reach voters.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
And fortunately for Democrats, they have a wonderful solution to this problem because California Governor Gavin Newsom, he has a plan. Yes, Gavin Newsom is preparing to launch a new podcast. And I kid you not, this podcast is called This is Gavin Newsom. Das ist kein Witz. Das ist tatsächlich der Name, den er gekauft hat.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Ich hätte nicht gewünscht, dass ein klischee-kringer Podcast-Name für Gavin Newsom ausgelöst wird. Aber das ist Gavin Newsom. Das ist das, was er ausgelöst hat. Und dieser Podcast ist angemeldet, Maga-Voteure zu erreichen. Ja, hier ist Governor Newsom, der diesen Podcast veröffentlicht.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Zuerst einmal, wenn du zuhörst, sieht dieser Kerl einfach aus wie ein leckerer Steak. Ich weiß nicht, wie er es ausdrückt, aber er sieht einfach aus wie jemand, den du nicht vertrauen willst. Einfach in seinem Gesicht. Und warum startet er einen Podcast, wenn sein Staat im Schambus ist?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Human feces, all over California cities, homelessness, illegals, violence, wildfires, exorbitant cost of living prices. You would think this guy would have a lot on his plate. He should be busy, theoretically, running the state of California. And he should have no time for a podcast, but apparently he has time for a podcast. Babylon Bee posted this yesterday.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Gavin Newsom launches true crime podcast about how he killed California. That's a podcast that I might listen to. weil er tatsächlich California getötet hat. Es ist ein Symbol dessen, wie schlimm der Gouverneur ist, dass sein Staat in Schamble ist. Und er sagt, ich weiß, ich werde einen Podcast starten. Weil er wahrscheinlich nicht so viel Geld hat.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Das ist der Grund, warum das Staat in Schamble ist. Weil er komplett nicht effektiv ist als Gouverneur, als Leiter. Ich fühle mich schlecht für Kalifornierinnen. Ich hätte nie für einen Podcaster gewählt. who is courting MAGA-voters and smiling weirdly at the camera to run my state, especially while California is in the situation it's in right now. Especially these wildfires, like, come on, dude.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
You have more important things to be doing than launching a podcast. This is Gavin Newsom. And I don't know, drop a comment. Maybe you guys are going to watch this. Maybe you MAGA supporters in the comments and viewers of this show are going to tune in to Gavin Newsom. I doubt it though. We'll see. By the way, big changes are coming to the Washington Post.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Yesterday, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who happens to own the Washington Post, shared a letter on X that he sent to Washington Post staff. And I'm going to read you part of this letter. It says... I'm writing to let you know about a change coming to our opinion pages. We are going to be writing every day in support and defense of two pillars, personal liberties and free markets.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
We'll cover other topics too, of course, but viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others. There was a time when a newspaper, especially one that was a local monopoly, might have seen it as a service to bring to the reader's doorstep every morning a broad-based opinion section Untertitelung. BR 2018
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Freedom is ethical, it minimizes coercion and practically it drives creativity, invention and prosperity. And then Jeff Bezos goes on to say that the publication is in search of a new opinion editor. And he ends with saying, I'm confident that free markets and personal liberties are right for America. I also believe these viewpoints are underserved in the current market of ideas and news opinions.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
I'm excited for us together to fill that void. So, let's unpack what's happening here. Well, first of all, let me just ask, how many of you think that Jeff Bezos is a lover of personal liberties and free markets? How many of you guys think that's true?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Jeff Bezos verwendet seine Monopol-Kraft, um kleine Unternehmen zu zerstören, um intellektuelle Rechte zu stehlen und konservative Stimmen zu kensurieren. Speziell Amazon hat viele konservative Bücher aufgelistet. Amazon ist übrigens auch der größte Anbieter von H1B-Visas, was einfach riesige, günstige Außenarbeit bringt. Und
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
forces americans to compete with this foreign labor that they actually can't compete with limits the opportunities for native-born americans as well as devalues american labor jeff bezos is like the king of crony capitalism like capitalism with zero conscience that's jeff bezos and the guy doesn't like the free market he likes to be a monopolistic overlord he is a modern-day robber baron and like i said
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Just a few years ago, Jeff Bezos was totally chill, actually he still is, with blacklisting conservative books like Abigail Schreier's Irreversible Damage, The Transgender Craze, Seducing Our Daughters, and Alex Berenson's book, Unprecedented Truths About COVID-19 and Lockdowns. That's not allowed on Amazon. Oh yeah, that's, yep.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Amazon also canceled Parler off of their servers because it had violent content. It's just a platform, violent content. But now this guy is saying that he's just this beacon of free markets and personal freedoms. What do you think is more likely? That Jeff Bezos, the robber baron, speech policer, had a conversion?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Or that Jeff Bezos realized the most business savvy move and a Trump admin during a mass rejection of the woke mind virus is to virtue signal that he's one of us? I think more likely the latter. And look, if the Washington Post is going to stop posting garbage left-wing slop with zero regard for the truth, okay, that's great. That's fine by me. Love it.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
And it also signals to us that the vibe shift is real. The vibe that we're all sensing right now, it's real. We forced Jeff Bezos to start capitulating to the political right, frankly, just truth. Auch wenn es nur für Optik ist. Aber das ändert nichts daran, wer Jeff Bezos ist. Ein moderner Robber-Baron. Und in Jeff Bezos' Händen ist eine große Menge Macht konzentriert.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Er behauptet, seine Monopolien zu behalten, durch die Sicherung von Regulierungen, die Kompetenzen schaden, Lobbying für Regulierungen, und die Anwendung von finanziell finanzierten Zinsen. Also, verpasst euch nicht. Jeff Bezos still sucks. He's not a great guy. He doesn't like the free market. He likes crony capitalism.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
And frankly, I still think he's the enemy of the people, even if he's trying to capitulate to the political right in this time of social change and I think a mass awakening against left-wing orthodoxy. Alright, let's hop over the pond for this next segment.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Because yesterday, the Royal Family's ex-account posted this video of King Charles and Camilla packing dates for a pre-Ramadan celebration at a restaurant in London. Take a look.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
So a few things strike me about this. Why would the head of the Church of England be celebrating Ramadan? Als er geboren wurde, hat der König Charles einen heiligen Versuch gemacht, die christliche Glauben aufzuhalten. England ist selbst Christus beteiligt. Die englische Flagge ist St. Georges Cross. Und St.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Georges Cross wurde berühmt, als die Krusader die Heilige Lande zurücknehmen, für Christus von islamischen Verbrechern. Was jetzt in den USA passiert, ist furchtbar. Dekades of mass immigration from countries that do not share English tradition and values. And it sparked mass social upheaval.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Violence, crime, gangs of rapists targeting British women, no-go zones, wage suppression, strained public resources, the destruction of British identity.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Just a few weeks ago, we covered how the UK government to this day is protecting Pakistani Muslim rape gangs, targeting working class British women and girls, all because the government didn't want to seem all too racist or anti-Pakistani, anti-Brown. Es gab ein Buch, das 2012 in den USA veröffentlicht wurde, und es heißt The Unknown Warriors.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Und dieses Buch ist voll mit Reflexionen, die von britischen WWII-Veteranen seit Jahrhunderten nach der WWII geschrieben wurden. Und ich werde euch ein paar Exerpte lesen. Quote. Quote. Quote. I do feel now, though, that there is no longer a Great Britain.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Our country and what we fought Hitler for, freedom and pride in our country, it is now just a multicultural society who think they have no more right to our social services as a right even those who have never contributed to the system. They get better care financially than us oldies who have paid our national insurance and taxes all our life.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
So again highlighting the restraints on public services and the loss of identity by mass immigration. I'm going to read you one more. This veteran says, How do I feel about the country today? My two uncles gave their lives for this country. My father's health was broken from gas in World War I. I did my little bit. My brother did his national service in the Canal Zone in Egypt.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
But you want to know what I'm a lot more interested in? Back in 2017, former US Attorney of the Southern District of Florida, Alexander Acosta, was being considered for the position of Secretary of Labor by the Trump admin. And he was being questioned by Trump's transition team about why he gave Epstein such a lenient 2007 plea deal. This is kind of a reoccurring theme with Jeffrey Epstein.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
What has been a reward? Everything we fought for has been taken from us and given to foreigners. We are now third-rate citizens in our own country. Our enemies rule us from Brussels and we are being colonized in this country. There is not one political party that is prepared to stand up and fight for our country and the indigenous population. The Holocaust is now being carried out on us.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
What are my main regrets? That I didn't fight for Hitler. At least he was for his own people. Jetzt noch einmal, das sind die Worte von ehemaligen Veteranen aus dem Vereinigten Königreich, Menschen, die ihre Leben auf die Linie gelegt haben, Hitler zu kämpfen, zu kämpfen, gegen Faschismus und für Freiheit und die Gerechtigkeit der Nationen in Europa zu kämpfen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Menschen, die Freunde und Familie hatten, die dafür gestorben sind, in der 2. Weltkrieg zu kämpfen. Und sie sind deutlich außer Belief enttäuscht. Ich denke, das sind die Früchte des Multikulturalismus. Ich glaube nicht, dass wir soziale Kohäsion haben können, besonders ohne eine gemeinsame Religion, die die Moral einer Gesellschaft unterpinnt.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Das ist der Grund, weshalb King Charles' Umbruch des Multikulturalismus so offensiv ist. Er soll der Hauptmann der Kirche sein. Die Kirche der englischen Kirche. Und er feiert Ramadan mitten in einer Invasion von Migranten, die das Königreich, das er regiert, überbringt.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Charles infamously said, instead of the title defender of the faith, that he'd like to be the defender of faith, because he wants to be more, quote, inclusive. But can a nation be socially cohesive without a shared moral framework? Vivek Ramaswamy thinks so. Here's what Vivek said this week in one of his first remarks announcing his candidacy for governor in Ohio.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Vivek tweeted with that video this. He said, there are two competing views of national identity. One, I remember Vivek saying all this in defense of comments that he made before Christmas, where he was basically slammed. by the entire political right, we're saying that we need mass immigration from places like India because native-born Americans are lazy.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
And this mass immigration, like I talked about with Jeff Bezos and H-1B visas, is what's suppressing wages in our country, forcing American citizens to compete with people who are essentially receiving slave labor wages and und nicht wirklich mit den Amerikanern kompetent sind.
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Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Also sind die Amerikaner lausierter, dass wir in einem Markt untergebrochen werden, der sich auf die Frage stellt, ob amerikanische Bürger, nativ geboren Amerikaner, wachsen. Aber lasst uns nur für den Moment die Kommentare von Vivek an ihren Gesichtspunkten machen, anstatt zu den Intentionen von Vivek zu gehen, obwohl ich nur ein bisschen davon ausgesprochen habe, was sie sind.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Are a set of ideals like democracy and freedom enough to sustain and unify a civilization? That's the question that we need to be asking. Are all people from all parts of the world universally receptive to ideals like self-government? Is that possible? From everyone? Are all cultures compatible with the brand of explicitly Christian-inspired self-government established by our founding fathers?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Everyday Leftists are screeching into our ears constantly about freedom. They believe in freedom. Freedom for you to abort your unborn child or to undergo transgender surgeries. But Christians say freedom is the ability to pursue the good. Clearly, vague liberal ideals are not enough for consensus.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
And it seems more that we've descended into moral chaos, largely thanks to the mass dechristianization of this country. Und wir sehen auch weniger Freiheit im Wachstum. Elon Musk hat gestern geschrieben, er sagte, ich habe keine Probleme mit Trans-Adulten, lasse nur die Kinder allein. Hm. Sollten wir als Gesellschaft Doktoren ermöglichen, chemische Kastrieren in Menschen zu mutilieren?
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Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Bis zum Ende scheint er mit allem wegzukommen. Niemals aufmerksam zu sein, die Anzeichen immer runtergezogen werden, die am meisten lenienten Ziele aller Zeiten. Keine echten Auswirkungen auf seine Aktionen. Weißt du, was Acosta verurteilt hat? Er sagte, dass Epstein von der Intelligenz gehörte und es alleine verlassen sollte. Das ist verurteilt worden in der Daily Beast.
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Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Es ist okay, das zu tun, solange sie Ältere sind. Und all das to say, if you don't like the rot that is American culture and you're able to recognize that you don't think it's a good thing, we can't accept Vivek's vision for America. Die Ideen, die er völligerweise darstellt, sind gut zu stimmen, aber eine Nation ist nicht nur eine Proposition, sondern ein Volk, ein Ort, eine Heirat.
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Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Und Britannien ist eine Warnung. Seine Führer haben ihre kulturelle Seele für globalistische Plattitüden verweigert, leaving World War II Vets wondering if they fought for nothing. Amerika ist ein echtes Land, geforscht durch echte Verzweiflung, gefördert in Glauben und Erinnerung. Und wenn wir das vergessen, verlieren wir alles.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
By the way, speaking of Christianity, more than a dozen prominent Christians, including Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, are set to be included in President Donald Trump's National Garden of American Heroes project. This is some news that I can actually get excited about.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
national garden of america heroes project is a garden and sculpture park of american heroes now fulton sheen touched millions of listeners on the radio and viewers on television throughout the 1930s 40s and 50s this guy was just so famous i mean he was amassing millions and millions of viewers every single night with his programming and he was tackling
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Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
so viele Themen, die heute in unserem Leben wichtig sind, die heute noch mehr relevant sind, als sie es damals waren, als er über sie in den 50er und 40er Jahren sprach. Er hat alles über Moralverwirrung, Kommunismus und sogar einen Emmy gewonnen. Am wichtigsten ist, dass Fulton Sheen nicht nur gebetet hat, er gab Amerika ein Fenster, um seine Seele zu sehen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Ich möchte, dass Sie hören, was Fulton Sheen... Haben wir das Video, Mikey? Listen to Fulton Sheen preach about what was happening in the 1950s at a moral level and then compare it to what we're living through now.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
I think false compassion is one of the greatest problems that has festered for decades and become paramount in society now. I think false compassion is King Charles. Er artikuliert Fulton Sheen genau darüber, was wir durchleben. Letztendlich sind pakistanische muslimische Verbrecher über ihre Kindesvorschläge verurteilt und verteidigt.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Kompassion für Menschen, die Schicksal verursachen, weil das das Kind und Inklusive in der modernen Gesellschaft ist. Und ich wünschte, wir hätten einen Fulton Sheen, der die Amerikaner in 2025 leitet. Ich denke, es ist klar, dass wenn eine Nation seine moralische Grundlage verlässt, riskiert sie, die Fabrik, die sie zusammenhält, zu entfalten.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Ob es King Charles' Bezug auf Multikulturalismus ist oder die breitere globalistische Agenda. Wir beobachten die Auswirkungen der Priorität auf Inklusion über die Versorgung von Identität und Werten. Die Veteranen, die für ihr Land in der 2. Weltkriege kämpften, haben es nicht getan, um Britanniens Identität in Oblivion zu verbreiten.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Sie kämpften für eine freie, gewaltige Bevölkerung, die eine echte Identität hatte. Seine Testimonien, Jahre später, sind eine Erinnerung darauf, dass es nicht nur darum geht, eine Nation zu verteidigen, ihre Grenzen zu verteidigen. Es geht darum, ihre Werte, ihre Kultur und ihre Seele zu verteidigen. In Amerika befinden wir uns mit sehr ähnlichen Herausforderungen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Acosta hat es jedoch nie verurteilt. Was bedeutet denn das, dass er von der Intelligenz gehörte? I want to know who was pulling the Jeffrey Epstein strings. It's obvious to everyone that he was part of some kind of sexual blackmail operation. The question is, for who? Our intelligence? In other countries? In my opinion, it was probably more than one. That's what we want to know.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Herausforderungen, die uns fragen, was für eine Nation wir sein wollen. Sind wir nur ein paar vage Ideen? Ist Amerika nur eine Idee? Oder sind wir echte Menschen mit Geschichte, Traditionen und einem moralischen Kompass? The freedom our founding fathers envisioned was never intended to be an open-ended liberty that serves every individual whim.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
True freedom can only thrive when it is tethered to a shared sense of purpose and values. If we fail to honor that, I think we risk descending into moral chaos, more than we already have. Where anything goes and the very idea of the common good is lost. And that's all I have for you guys today. Thank you so much for tuning in. As always, hit the like and follow button. I'm here 9 a.m.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Eastern Time, five days a week. I will see you all tomorrow.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
The whole truth on Epstein would likely reveal a branch of statecraft involving manipulation and criminal activity, the exploitation specifically of minors in order to control powerful people. Epstein had documented meetings with CIA Director William Burns in 2014 and three scheduled encounters with Burns when he was Deputy Secretary of State. Why is that?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
At the time he was a known sexual offender. What reason could he have had to meet him? Beyond that, and what Acosta said, Jeffrey Epstein's girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, is the daughter of Robert Maxwell, who is widely believed, or was widely believed when he was alive, to have been an Israeli intelligence asset.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Former Israeli spy Ari Ben-Minaschi has actually asserted that Jeffrey Epstein worked for the Mossad to blackmail influential figures. And Epstein had frequent interactions with prominent Israeli figures like former Prime Minister Ehud Barak. We don't just want to know which rich and powerful people Epstein blackmailed. I mean, they did bad things, but
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
in the truest sense of the word, they really are probably victims of this blackmail ring. They probably did bad things, but they are victims of the blackmail ring. And we want to know who was behind Epstein, who helped him skirt the law, and who was organizing the blackmail ring. That's what we want to understand. And that's what true transparency is. Ich freue mich auf heute.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Aber wir wissen bereits, wer in Epsteins Kreisen läuft. Wir haben bereits diese Informationen. Wie viele Male war Jeffrey Epstein in der White House, um mit Bill Clinton zu treffen? Wie viele Male hat Bill Clinton mit Jeffrey Epsteins Flugzeug in der Lolita Express gefahren? Es gab viele Leute, knowingly connected to Jeffrey Epstein.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
What we don't know are the facts about who was behind Jeffrey Epstein. This is not some guy who was just acting alone for no reason whatsoever and just like his own personal sick interest in getting dirt on rich and powerful people. He's doing this for a reason. And evidence of that is the way that Jeffrey Epstein skirted the law for so many years. So that is...
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
ein essentielles Komponent für Erklärung. Und ohne das haben wir nicht die ganze Bildung und wir haben keine Erklärung. Das ist das, was ich heute suchen werde, wie auch durch den ganzen Admin. Das ist der Versuch, den wir gemacht haben. Und das ist der Versuch, der gehalten werden muss. Let's talk about Romania.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Last year Romania cancelled or I guess annulled its presidential election because apparently there was Russian interference. And how often, you guys, have we heard that? Russian interference. We've had that here in America. They discredit a certain political candidate. His name is President Trump. He's in office right now. So who won the first round of this annulled election last year? A guy named
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Colleen Georgescu, die ein rechterseitiger populistischer Kandidat und Kritiker der EU ist und ein Verein von Präsident Trump. Und J.D. Vance hat gesagt, was zu Georgescu passiert ist, als er in München lehrte, dass die Europäer komplett in den Liberalismus geraten sind. Hier war J.D. Vance auf der Annal-Elektion in Rumänien.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Nobody claps because everybody is so mad at him. Literally one person is clapping in that room. But he's so right. And he said that two weeks ago. So now what's happened in Romania? Well, this populist right-wing presidential candidate, he should be the president, the election wasn't old, George Escu has been taken into custody on his way to submitting his new candidacy for president.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
So they arrested him. The Romanian government also raided 47 addresses of people and associations connected to Georgescu.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Prosecutors said that the allegations against them included, and this is a quote, false statements regarding the sources of financing of an electoral campaign, illegal possession of weapons, and initiating or establishing an organization with a fascist, racist or xenophobic character. I'll tell you what it is. It's thought crimes.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
He's guilty and the people with him are guilty of thought crimes in Romania. Georges Q said on Facebook that authorities are looking to invent evidence to justify the theft of the election and to do anything to block...
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
According to former State Department official Mike Benz, the reason European elites are so opposed to George Skew is because he would stop the ongoing construction of NATO's biggest military base in Romania. This, of course, would be a massively antagonistic move. Hier ist Mike Menz.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Good morning and welcome to Bongina Report, early edition. Romania arrests its most famous populist leader, who also happens to be a Trump ally. Jake Tapper announces a book on the cover-up. of Joe Bidens mental decline. Gavin Newsom launches a podcast targeted at MAGA voters. Jeff Bezos dedicates the Washington Post editorial pages to free markets and personal liberty.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
NATO will nicht, dass Rumänien die Entscheidung macht, was mit dieser Basis zu tun hat. Denn NATO wird von unliberalen Kriegskriminalen geführt. Oder Hocken, sollte ich sagen. Die sind total entspannt, die Weltkrieg aufzunehmen. Es gibt keinen Bezug auf das menschliche Leben.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Und Georges Cus's Presidency threatens to derail NATO's plan to turn Romania into a forward operating launchpad against Moscow. Consulting Trump wrests control from the NATO war hawks and puts Romania's sovereignty back in Romania's hands. And understand that this isn't just about one man.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Das ist eine Proxy-Battel und ein größerer Konflikt zwischen populistischer Selbstdeterminierung und einer globalistischen Agenda, die sich auch mit der 3. Weltkriege verabschiedet. Und J.D. Vance versteht das. Das ist der Grund, warum er, zwei Wochen vor dem Sprechen in München, keine Worten verpasst hat.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Er hat die Verteidigung der Rumänischen Verteidigung oder Anomalie als Verletzung bezeichnet. of democratic values by a NATO-aligned elite, terrified of losing control. Now, with Dostoevsky in custody, the masks are off, NATO and its proxies aren't defending democracy, they're strangling it to preserve the status quo, which is their own power.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
And the irony is, in this crusade against Russian interference, oh, Russian interference, they've proved the European elite's supposed commitment to freedom is conditional at best. All right, we're going to take a quick break. When we come back, we have a lot more to talk about, including some big news from Jake Tapper. Don't go anywhere. Trump is ushering in Maha, make America healthy again.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
And Democrats have spent years forcing mandates and dictating how we manage our health. While often lining their pockets with big pharma and big food cash. But Americans are now pushing back and taking control of our health. That's why I'm reclaiming my own health with Field of Greens. We all know eating healthy is key to staying healthy. But life gets busy.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
And sticking to a perfect diet isn't always realistic. Vielen Dank. Even Healthy Weight Group. And Field of Greens promises at your next checkup, your doctor will notice your improved health or your money back. I've got a 20% discount to get you started. Go to fieldofgreens.com and use my code EVITA. That's E-V-I-T-A. fieldofgreens.com, code EVITA.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
The head of the Anglican Church, King Charles, celebrates Ramadan. And President Trump adds Archbishop Fulton Sheen to the National Garden of American Heroes. All this on Bongina Report, early edition. Bevor wir über Rumänien sprechen, möchte ich auf Epstein sprechen. Heute ist wahrscheinlich der Tag, an dem wir gesagt werden, dass wir eine echte Erklärung über Jeffrey Epstein bekommen werden.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Wisst ihr, dass unser Land vier Jahre lang am Wochenende bei Bernies White House Edition war? Und der Mann, der die Show gedreht hat, der Mann, der es alles an der Hälfte war, war im Grunde nur ein fliegender Körper. Wie war es nicht offensichtlich, dass der Präsident in einem schweren physischen und kognitiven Verlust war?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
Nun, die gesamte Maschine der öffentlichen Medien hat schamlos den amerikanischen Menschen verurteilt. Nein, er ist völlig in Ordnung. Das ist eine Verschwörung. He didn't just fall there, he just tripped. Like just crazy, like crazy, crazy propaganda on behalf of the deep state by the corporate media to lie to the American people about the reality of Joe Biden's health.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Epstein Files Drop Today-But How Much Will They Reveal? (Ep.149)
They told us any assertions that Biden was in cognitive decline was somehow this wild conspiracy. We saw him get lost on stage with Obama. Obama had to lead him away. Remember that? Right toward the end of the election? And the media said that this was a cheap fake. It's not real. Don't believe your eyes. The president didn't get lost on stage. It looks like that, but that's just a cheap fake.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
It was meant to combat communism during the Cold War, which, fine, that's an okay goal. But since then, it's become a vehicle for fraud and left-wing, frankly, demonic political activism. And those aren't American values. Those aren't American ideals. I'm cool with exporting American culture abroad, but it has to be authentic American culture.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Transgender operas and atheism in Nepal are not American ideals and values. We are the children. No, we are financially responsible now. That's what we are. You know, a big reason we have trouble properly exporting culture is because the cultural movers and shakers, Hollywood, the music industry, fashion, has been overrun by cultural Marxists. Their priorities are poisonous.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Here was actress, producer, writer, director, comedian, Natasha Leovan at the Spirit Awards over the weekend on what concerns her the most about the Trump admin.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Really, Natasha? That's what rips you apart? The 12-year-old girl who can't get an abortion? Chat. How do 12-year-old girls get pregnant? How do they get pregnant? Abuse. Sexual abuse. And this is the liberal brain rot that is abortion activism. Abortion only re-victimizes abuse victims, especially if you're a 12-year-old girl.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
And why is it Natasha's main concern that a 12-year-old was sexually abused? And they're constantly preaching like this all the time at all of their award shows, at every single interview. They just can't stop with the Trump derangement. But it's not just Trump derangement. It almost feels like a contempt.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
and say that operating without Dan at this bunch network isn't going to be hard. It's going to be hard. It's going to be hard for Dan as well. Without getting into too many details, you guys have to understand that this is a huge, huge sacrifice for Dan, for Paula, for his daughters, But he said to us when he told the team last week, he said, you know, I preach a lot on this show.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
And frankly, it is a contempt for the people who are supposed to be consuming the media that they're creating. a hatred of the way this country voted. And here's what I'll say about art and artists. They've lost their way. And it's been that way for a long time. This isn't a new phenomenon.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
This is not like, oh, really recently art and artists have started to become really poisonous and bad at their jobs. Ever since Friedrich Nietzsche declared God is dead, the modern world has had no central, transcendent, moral, or existential anchor. We don't know why we're here. Life feels meaningless, and art, which is supposed to imbue meaning, suddenly became meaningless too.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
There was a time, probably in the early to mid 20th century, where art was articulating this existential despair, chaos, nihilism, as global totalitarianism materialized in the most horrifying ways. I'm talking two world wars. Civilizational suicide of the West. But now we're not even trying to articulate the existential crisis we're in.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Now you just have bananas duct taped to walls and art galleries and selling for millions of dollars. That's not art. That's not an existential crisis. You're not articulating anything about the culture that we're in. Nothing. That is art. By the way, if you're looking, I'm just showing some Renaissance paintings right now. That's art.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Art right now is fragmented and confused without a philosophical framework to work off of. And instead of informing and guiding, it confuses. In the case of mainstream media, it's become straight up propaganda. Nothing is inspired. I'm talking movies, TV shows. Here's how you know they're transfixed on propaganda. This was Jane Fonda at the Screen Actors Guild Awards last night.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Our documentary moment, apartheid and civil rights, really? Really guys? It's so self-important to me. Like they just view themselves as like just the center of the universe. You can tell every time they open their mouths and they view their role in the country as the political police of the nation.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
They are the ones who can define our value system and we have to follow it to a T. And if we don't, if we dare vote, for a candidate that they don't pre-approve of, well, they're gonna make a documentary about it. They're gonna make a bunch of movies and TV shows and music decrying the culture that's not following their ethos in the elite circles of Hollywood and music industry.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Hunter Schafer, probably don't know her, but she's a very famous, sorry, him. He is a very, see, this is how they confuse you. Him, Hunter Schafer, is a very famous Gen Z transgender identifying man. And he just said this about Trump's passport rules, which have been updated to require your government issued passport or any ID to reflect biological reality.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
So here's what he had to say after finding out his passport says M for male now.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
I say things and I tell people what we should do and how we should be as a country. And and I have to be willing to to actually practice what I preach. You know, Dan tells people to donate to the Trump campaign. Well, that's because Dan donated to the Trump campaign himself. Dan isn't just here for the talk. He sincerely is doing this in service to his country.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Right. This new administration represents fascism. That's the message. More Trump is Hitler. More fear-mongering. And this man was made a celebrity by Hollywood for a reason. He's not some incredible actor. I watched Euphoria. Not that great. His identity is a political message that they want to amplify in Hollywood. That is the purpose. That's why he's in the position he's in. He's not a talent.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
That's not it. And what makes Trump so special is that he understands what he's up against. It's not just Joy Reid, whose show, by the way, was just canceled. He's up against an entire vapid, entrenched, and poisoned cultural landscape that's beyond just the corporate media, but everything. All the movers and shakers in culture.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
And this is why he appointed Sylvester Stallone, Mel Gibson, and Jon Voight as his ambassadors to Hollywood. Now, it's still unclear exactly what the ambassadors to Hollywood are going to do, but whatever it is, this is very on brand for President Trump. The stories we tell shape our reality. Stories are real. They matter. They answer the questions of who we are.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
I think if Trump's ambassadors stand a chance, they need to be Christian. It needs to be an essential component of how we imbue meaning back into culture and Hollywood and music and everything. But what I know for sure is that Trump is taking this issue seriously. More seriously than any Republican alive has taken the culture.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
I think for decades, Republicans have not cared about sincerely addressing the culture. They didn't get it. They didn't think it was important. I don't know what it was. President Reagan was known as the great communicator, thanks to his acting experience and his stage presence. But President Trump took it to a new level. He's enabled a team of communicators that surpasses Reagan's efforts.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
You're going to see a lot of criticisms of Dan, just like you saw from Pete and from my dad. as well as the entire Trump admin, questions about their past roles. How are they relevant to the current ones that they hold? Trump's not making picks like that. He's not going to pick somebody because of how long they've been in the bureaucracy. That's frankly not the experience he wants.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Not this time around. He's looking for competence, loyalty, and communication skills. Carolyn Leavitt, Tom Holman, my dad, Pete Hexeth, Dan Bongino, these are incredibly effective communicators, incredibly effective at advocating for the administration's agenda, dominating media coverage.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
As Jeremy Karl writes in The American Mind, Trump has created a new communications template for the GOP after decades of being famously inarticulate. The new look Republican Party is flooding the zone with breaking news and almost instantaneous responses to criticisms that the regime media cannot even begin to effectively counter. We have a message and a stride. And it is incredible to witness.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
And that's what his podcast is about as well, right? It's a service to this country. Dan was doing the Dan Bongino show, his podcast for years without a single sponsor. The guy made no money doing it. He just did it. This is why he's willing to step away from this empire that he's built for just a time, again, to make virtually no money for this country. He is doing it for this country.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
And you know, Dan Bongino is only going to enhance the transparency and communication efforts of this administration. This is incredibly positive news for the American people. He is a believer. He is a patriot. He's going to do the right thing. And he has experience in the federal government, by the way, important experience. This man has a career in law enforcement.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
And he also was going to be able to effectively reach the American people. And I think a way that is unprecedented. On the flip side of this, progressives are an absolute train wreck currently. Governor of Wisconsin, Wisconsin's where I grew up, Governor of Wisconsin, Tony Evers, has proposed a budget that replaces the word mother with the term inseminated person.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
as well as paternity with parentage, wife and husband for spouse, parent in the place of father, and parent who gave birth to the child also in place of mother as well as inseminated person. Who are they winning with this? Who are they winning with? They continue to clown themselves. Here is the number one most stupid member of Congress, and it's no, it's not AOC.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
We have on this, Dan Bongino has dubbed it AOC on this show, Bongino Report Early Edition. It is Jasmine Crockett through and through. Here is what she had to say about Republican voters and their ability to learn the facts.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Okay. How many of you think that Jasmine Crockett has read a book any time since graduating college? Did she even go to college? I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't. This woman has, I don't think, ever picked up a book recreationally. And she's going to tell Republicans that they're the illiterate ones? I mean, are we joking right now?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
And again, also demeaning to the voters that she's trying to court. Oh, they just don't read books. They don't understand the facts.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Oh yeah, remember she said that recently about the $5,000 refunds that President Trump may or may not give out to the American people for the waste, fraud, and abuse that they've uncovered? She said, oh, we're in the business of giving out money. Democrats are in the business of giving out money. What are you talking about, Jasmine? That's all you do.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
That's all they run on is handing out free money. And this isn't even free money. This is a refund for the American people who have been defrauded out of our tax dollars. Ilhan Omar had a really similar take. Here she was this week.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
And she's no joke saying this, coming from the party that wants us to use the term parent who gave birth to the child, an inseminated person instead of mother. Really?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
we're the stupid ones elitist condescending divorced from reality they become caricatures of themselves i think there's a lot of momentum behind us right now our message is great the public is fed up with the left and the zeitgeist is shifting it's shifting the art does need to catch up it does a moral and philosophical underpinning needs to be once again present
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
And that's why he was a police officer and a Secret Service agent. This man's life has been dedicated to service. So when he got the call from President Trump and Kash Patel, he acted not on what would be easiest, the most convenient, the most lucrative, but what would be the best for this country. Because he loves this country.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
And these battles that we're going to engage in for those long-term goals, they're going to suck. It all sucks. But we aren't on earth to be happy. It's this obsession with happiness and distractions and cheap, cheap dopamine hits that makes us unhappy.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
It's like Jan said, when you recognize that you're not going to always be happy and that's not the purpose of life on earth, that you really are able to enjoy the joys of life. And that's all I have for you guys today. Make sure to like and follow this podcast. My ex and Instagram is Evita Duffy underscore one.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
If you want to follow me there, we have an office meeting, a team meeting coming up right now. And we have really big things coming, more announcements ahead. Dan will have a lot more to explain to you all today on his show at 11 a.m. And like I just said before, We're going to keep plugging away. This show is going to continue. Haley's show is going to announce. More things are coming.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
And I just hope that you guys stick with us. The content is going to continue to be excellent and high quality. We're going to keep things running until Dan comes back. And I hope that you'll stick with us until then. And know that this is only going to make us stronger, I think. And that's all I have for you guys today. Thank you so much for bearing with me. I think we have a new record today.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Close to a new record. Based off of the election, post-election, we had a big audience too. So thank you all for tuning in. I hope that was enlightening. I'll see you all tomorrow. We're back. Dan Bongino is back here with us. You guys, this is huge news. And he wanted to have something to say while we're still having live on this show.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
and to have that time apart, but also to step away from this empire that you've built and the team that we've created here. But it's not going to end. We're going to get stronger from this, I think. And that's what it is. Dan, you talk about all the time the suck and how the best things in life are hard, and that's what we have to do right now. We have to do it for this country.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
We're going to sacrifice here at the network. You guys are going to with Dan not being part of your daily routine anymore, but he's going to come back, and I think we're going to be even better for it. Thank you.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
this is a man who would die for this country if he had to that was literally his job to take a bullet for the president and he was willing to do that for obama of all people if you're a listener of this show you know dan pangino was not the greatest fan of obama but he was willing to take a bullet for that man because his life has been dedicated to service and to sacrifice and is anyone surprised that he'd make this sacrifice now this is dan's view
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
on life in a nutshell. This is where he comes from with everything. Take a listen.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
We're just going to keep on winning. I love that clip. Last night, you guys, President Trump announced Dan Bongino will be America's new deputy FBI director. And right off the bat, I want to just clear the air. You guys know we are going to keep running things here at the Bongino Network. My show, Bongino Report Early Edition, will continue tonight. At the same time, 9 a.m.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
she'll do this i sit in 190 degrees for 30 minutes why do i sit in it because it sucks that's why this is gonna suck this is gonna be hard but anything worth doing is hard the reward requires work it is going to suck but suffering and this suffering in particular is not for nothing You know, when I started out this podcast, I didn't know anything about podcasting.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
It's really kind of weird to talk to. I mean, I'm talking to all of you, but really, in reality, I'm talking to a camera and it's odd to get used to. And Dan is the master of it all. And I had no idea what I was doing. Dan had just seen a few of my Fox hits and he said, you know, I think she's got some raw talent. And he took a chance on me.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
And Dan has had a million times more confidence in me than I've had in myself. But that encouragement, the risk-taking, the never-ending optimism, the work ethic that he modeled, that has made this show, I think, blossom and grow. And I'm so happy that all of you are here listening with me. I have learned so much about podcasting, but also about life from Dan.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
And I know that a lot of you are really disappointed to see him go for a time. Dan is a part of your routines. He's your news guy, but also he's kind of like your friend. Maybe he's your life coach. You probably have a kind of relationship with him, tuning in every day, listening, laughing, joking, but getting deep and serious too. He's been part of your lives.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
He's been part of my everyday life and Michael's everyday life. None of this is going to feel the same without Dan. But I hope that many of you will take a chance on Haley, on myself. This network isn't going anywhere. We're going to continue delivering excellent content for all of you. We're going to keep grinding. That's what the Banshino Network is all about. That's what this team does.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
And when Dan comes back, we'll be that much stronger. And it's not going to be forever. Think about it like a military deployment, right? He's going out. He's got a complete admission. It's going to take some blood, sweat, and tears, but he's coming back home. This isn't forever. He's doing this for America, for our country, for all of us. The FBI is a fully corrupted organization.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
I mean, how often are Dan and I talking about this? It feels like every day talking about how bad the FBI has become. This group has targeted half the country. I wouldn't be surprised if Dan himself was on a list Dan's been one of the FBI's greatest critics, arguably the most prominent critic in the entire country, and now he's number two with the agency.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
So you better believe that radical, radical change is coming. The political persecution is over, the weaponization done for. But not only that, the agency is going to finally start doing what it's supposed to do, which is rooting out the network of illegal migrant gangs operating across this country.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Homicides, robberies, human trafficking, child sex abuse, investigating the Trump assassination attempts. We know nothing about them so far. Still, we know nothing. And what we do know, really sketchy, really concerning, makes you wonder, Makes you wonder.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
So the FBI is in charge of investigating those assassination attempts, and you better believe that Dan Bongino is going to get to the bottom of both of them. The FBI is going back to its mission. I'm 100% certain of this. I also asked Dan this question point blank when he announced it to all of us. I said, because I had to hear it for myself, you guys.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Eastern, five days a week. This is a separate show from Dan, so we're going to keep operating. Haley Caronia, her new show, Bongina Report Evening Edition, will be launching really soon, 6 p.m. Eastern time, five days a week. That'll be happening really fast, coming up on us. And we have even bigger announcements to come, so just stay tuned. A lot of you guys want to know, will Dan...
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
I know what the answer is, but I had to hear it for myself. I asked him, are you committed to radical disclosure? Dan is committed to transparency with the American people. He told me that. This is what Trump promised, and this is what Dan and Cash are going to deliver to us on all these issues. Epstein, 9-11, MLK, JFK, all of it. Could any of us have dreamed of a better team to take on the FBI?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
I mean, Cash Patel and Dan Bongino, it couldn't be more perfect. So I know this is a really bittersweet moment for the Bongino Army. I know it is for me and for Michael and for Guy and Justin. It's going to be difficult. It's really bittersweet, but this is also a time to celebrate. This is incredible news for America.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
The work, the suck, it has just begun, but I think the reward is going to be massive. Let's take a quick break. So many of us wake up in the morning thinking, I wish these bags under my eyes would just go away. Bags and puffiness under the eyes are a problem for millions of American men and women until now.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Now you can help them disappear with GenuCell Skincare's Under Eye Bags and Puffiness Serum. It's safe and risky procedure free. Susan from New Jersey wrote, I've been using GenuCell for a couple months. The puffiness around my eyes is gone. Even the crow's feet and small lines have disappeared. and haven't come back. I love the product.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
I use it under my eyes, around my cheekbones, and on my eyelids. And it's not just Susan. It's my go-to product and how I stay camera ready for these early morning shows. With its immediate effects, you'll see results in the first 12 hours or your money back. I guarantee it. Order now.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Save big on GenuCell's complete skincare package for a limited time, including GenuCell's for bags and puffiness treatment. and immediate effects, all at about 70% off. Go to GenuCell.com slash news, GenuCell.com slash news. Order right now. Use my promo code news, that's N-E-W-S, for an extra 10% off plus free shipping. Go to GenuCell.com slash news, GenuCell.com slash news.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
I heard somebody just comment, his sacrifice is our sacrifice. And I know that maybe that sounds a little bit dramatic, but I do think it's true. Dan Bongino is a part of our lives. He's a part of our daily routines. It's going to suck. It's going to be hard. But he's coming back. We just have to get through this, like I said, deployment.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
And it's going to be so much better and stronger here at this company, but also for America. I'm so optimistic about this change. And I'm really proud to call Dan a colleague, a boss, a friend. It's really inspiring. Let's get to some headlines. Who remembers the horrible earthquake in Haiti back in 2010? It was just devastating.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
If you read Clinton Cash, you'll recall the amount of corruption around the aid raised to allegedly help the Haitians. The New York Post just came out with an excellent piece about USAID and its NGO partners like the Red Cross and the way that they botched this entire relief effort.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
I think a lot of us knew we had heard about it in the headlines, like the aid wasn't getting to the Haitians, but we weren't really putting the blame on USAID and the way that we are now because we have so much more information. $4.4 billion was sent to Haiti after the earthquake, and less than 2% of that reached Haitians. 56%, reportedly, lined the pockets of DC firms.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
The Red Cross raised $500 million, and they built six houses. Six houses. And what happens is that the money from donations and our tax dollars, they pass through these layers of connected subcontracts as well as administrative overhead. So by the time the money reaches the people in need, there isn't much left. But then there's also corruption and there's fraud.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
still have a show today the answer is yes today until i believe march 16th dan will be 14th i'm sorry dan will be running his podcast and radio show and then he will be stepping away and into his new role at the fbi things are going to be changing a lot we're going to have a lot more details like i said in the coming days but it is all good news this is good good news i'm not gonna lie
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
And all the opaqueness of USAID and its partners allows for that to thrive, allows for the corruption to happen. And there's been decades of USAID operating with virtually no oversight. They skim funds, they don't follow through. Do you guys remember when Michael Jackson put together that song with all the celebrities in the 80s? We are the world, we are the children. Let's play that, Michael.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
you go back and watch that video, at the very beginning, you'll see Michael Jackson, he's so impressed, unimpressed with Lionel Richie's vocal performance. You just look at him, you can see he's just like, watch the video, you'll see what I mean. But the point is that,
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
You have USAID, which was heavily involved in the Ethiopian famine relief efforts during the mid-1980s, which included the aid efforts tied to We Are the World and USA for Africa. And it was like all foreign aid operations, completely marred by mismanagement, inefficiencies, political entanglements, corruption. It was a disaster. It was a failure.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Same goes for when Justin Bieber and all those other celebrities decided to remake We Are the World for Haiti in 2010. Justin Bieber's very cute in that. He's cute, he's little, his voice is so sweet. Overall though, that video, that song, that remake was not as good as the 1985 version. I will say it was like all auto-tuned and bad. And I don't know, 2010's music, not as good as 1985.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
Either way though, 2010 and 1985, USAID and the entire government has gotten away with acting like all their foreign aid is Cindy Lauper and Lionel Richie and Justin Bieber are serenading us with, we are the world and it feels good and we're helping people. That's what it's supposed to feel that way. That's what it's been billed to us as.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
Dan Bongino is Leaving (Ep.146)
But USAID isn't about helping people, it's about statecraft. They've lied to us about their true intentions and goals. It's about influencing foreign governments. Really, I think it's about corruption and embezzlement and a lot of other things. USAID has a budget that is roughly triple the official size of the CIA. It's a left-wing slush fund.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Good morning and welcome to Bongina Report Early Edition. Happy Friday. America loses to Canada in the Four Nations Hockey Tournament. J.D. Vance crushes neoliberalism in one epic tweet. A 74-year-old Scottish woman is arrested outside an abortion clinic for silently holding a sign.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Yesterday, my dad, Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy, announced the launch of an investigation into California's high-speed rail project. And this project was announced in 2008. It has cost roughly 30, and it was supposed to cost roughly $33 billion. And it was also supposed to be completed in 2020.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
is now 2025 the project has cost nearly 16 billion dollars and remains unfinished with projected costs at over 128 billion dollars so just insane the investigation is aimed at uncovering how california has used and probably abused federal tax dollars meant for the long-delayed high-speed high-speed high-speed rail project now this press conference
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
At this press conference in California announcing the investigation, a bunch of left-wing protesters showed up and they were screeching, build the rail and just disrupting everything and being very obnoxious. And what's really weird about this protest is, is it my dad's fault that the rail hasn't been built? Is it Trump's fault? No, that would be the fault of... California politicians.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
And my dad is just actually calling for an investigation into why it hasn't gotten built. My dad's like, yeah, let's build the rail. Why hasn't it been done? He's trying to investigate it. And again, these people are still mad. I don't know if they're PSYOP. I don't know if they're stupid, what the deal is. But here was my dad yesterday actually addressing the protesters.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
This is a boondoggle. Incredible. And he's right. Go to Gavin Newsom if you want to know why your train, your rail hasn't been built. It's so obvious to me. And it's bizarre that they're protesting the people who want to have an investigation into why it hasn't been built instead of being mad at their own politicians. President Trump also had some thoughts on this rail.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Here's what President Trump said.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Yes, so President Trump is a builder. That's what he does. And actually, when he appointed my dad as Secretary of Transportation, the president told my dad something to the effect of, you know, if I wasn't president, this department, DOT, is what I'd want to lead. The Department of Transportation is infrastructure. It's a building. That's Trump's bread and butter.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
And that's why he's applying private sector standards to the government and saying, you know what? No, you guys can't just defraud the public like this. If you're a contractor, and you're given billions of dollars to complete a project and you don't do it, and there's no accounting for where the money is gone, you go to jail. There are consequences sued into bankruptcy, to oblivion.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
so you're just hearing the crowd is just like booing it's super negative and this is of course this was uh uh this game took place in boston so it was home turf there were a lot of americans in the stadium this is why when america played in montreal last week you had a lot of booing of our national anthem by the canadians who were overwhelmingly present in that stadium
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
You don't just get away with that. Why should it be any different when it's the taxpayers getting defrauded? There just seems to be an entire cohort of American leaders, politicians, who for some reason do not think it's their job to act in the best interest of the American people. It's pretty bizarre. Which brings me to Jasmine Crockett.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
And I know Dan always is insisting that AOC is the dumbest member of Congress. She's such an idiot. i think the boss needs to reassess because jasmine crockett has hands down beat aoc for the title of dumbest member of congress she's way worse drop a comment if you agree with me and tell dan it is not aoc it is jasmine crockett she is way dumber than aoc here is representative crockett
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Jasmine Crockett on Doge, potentially refunding Americans $5,000 each. And I want you to pay attention to the end here because she goes on a tirade about how the situation is somehow synonymous with the massive COVID handouts that the federal government gave. And it is not synonymous. This money was saved by Doge and is potentially going to be returned to the public. It's a different situation.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
It's not just a handout. So she's making these really dumb comparisons. But like I said, pay attention to what she says at the end.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
And she doesn't know what $5,000 will do for you. Okay, first of all, what do you mean you aren't in the business of giving out money? That is all Democrats do. They don't care about the economy or border security or preserving your national identity. None of that matters. but they win votes by buying them with crappy social programs. Giving out money is, in fact, all Democrats run on.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
It's their entire platform. And she's also pro-reparation, so literally just giving out money based on skin color. That's what Jasmine Crockett supports. just reparations for people based on how much melanin they have in their skin. But no, she's not in the business of giving out money, you guys.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Reparations and all these social programs, but she's not in the money, in the business of just giving out money. What a ridiculous statement from Jasmine Crockett. And second, how dumb do you have to be as a politician to tell Americans still suffering from the ramifications of Bidenomics, I don't know what $5,000 would do for you. The vast majority of people could use $5,000, Jasmine.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Now, I will say it was beautiful to see so many Americans just loud and proud belt out our national anthem last night. Let's take a listen to that. Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed This really is, hockey really is the most patriotic sport. They're the best.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Like, what? Girl, what? And like I said, dumbest member of Congress, you have to be an idiot to make such an out-of-touch, classist statement to Americans who are indeed still suffering from Bidenomics. All right, Kash Patel was confirmed as the director of the FBI yesterday by a narrow Senate vote of 51 to 47. And this is basically what's going on in the FBI right now. Take a look.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
That was from The Office. It's a great meme. Great meme template. But yeah, they're freaking out, I'm sure. I mean, this is the greatest thing to happen to the FBI. And then if you're in the FBI, probably the worst thing to ever happen to you. It is their greatest nightmare, Kash Patel.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
And this follows mass hysteria from Democrats who have used the FBI to go after their right-wing political opponents. Here was Senator Whitehouse before this confirmation.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
I think it's already been causing evil, Senator. Targeting pro-lifers, school board meetings, Catholics, January Sixers, President Trump, Russiagate, the Hunter Biden laptop cover-up, fostering the censorship industrial complex. It is an evil organization. That's why we need cash.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Now, Ben Weingarten had an excellent piece in The Federalist where he lays out why you all should be so excited about Kash Patel. And this piece is titled, Kash Patel is perfect for FBI director because he already fought the deep state and won. And this piece gives a great refresher on what Kash has been through.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
And I think it's relevant to just go over it as we look to this new Kash Patel and FBI. Ben writes, Kash Patel was the exposer par excellence of the Russia collusion hoax at its height while serving as a top investigator on the House Intelligence Committee.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
There, he helped lead the drafting of the Nunes memo that revealed the fraud perpetuated on the FISA court used to spy on the Trump campaign by way of advisor Carter Page, efforts he would later continue by working to declassify and release Russiagate documents under then acting director of national intelligence, Rick Grinnell.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Little could better illustrate Patel's courage and ability to take on a weaponized and hyper-politicized deep state. In the weeks before issuing the memo, former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein reportedly threatened to subpoena Patel's communications as well as those of his colleagues. Unbeknownst to the investigator, the Justice Department was already collecting those communications
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
records, communications records under subpoena per request covering data from as early as December 1st, 2016. The same DOJ whose misconduct Patel was investigating was spying on him and on absurd grounds as Inspector General Michael Horowitz would reveal. Here is Kash Patel himself explaining that he's the man for the job because he is the victim of the weaponized state.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
As Ben writes, Perhaps their most important shared trait between Kash Patel and Tulsi Gabbard is that they are not captured by the elites they would lead. Rather, they have the scars illustrating now those entities have strayed from their missions and the smarts and tenacity to restore them. I am really optimistic about this FBI. I have a lot of confidence.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
We're going to talk about that more later. All right, I have some Catholic news for you all. As many of you probably know, Pope Francis has been hospitalized. The Pope has double pneumonia, and the Vatican appears to be preparing Francis to pass away in the very near future. That means that the Catholic Church will need to pick a new pope.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
And the pope, if you did not know, is selected by the College of Cardinals through a secret ballot during a conclave. requiring a two-thirds majority vote. And LifeSite News published this fascinating article, given a potential upcoming conclave, that I really, I just have to share with you guys. The article is essentially a request to the Trump admin that they investigate whether the U.S.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
They're the great, I mean, I'm sorry, like the NFL where they're taking a knee every other day and racism in the end zone. I'm sick of it. This is awesome. I am loving hockey. And, you know, even though we lost last night, I did feel, and I think most of America did too, an energy, a patriotism that that me personally, I've never experienced in professional sports ever.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
government was involved in the sequence of events that resulted in the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on February 11th, 2013, and then led to the selection of Pope Francis as the pope. The article recounts how several news outlets reported that various Vatican officials were electronically surveilled by the U.S. intelligence agencies both before and during the 2013 conclave.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
So LifeSite is now requesting an investigation, not into the Catholic Church, but rather an investigation into activities of the Obama administration. The Obama admin, of course, as known for fomenting various coups and color revolutions to overthrow governments around the world.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
So the suggestion is that perhaps the Obama admin did the same to the Vatican and forced the resignation of a pope so that a new pope favorable to their agenda could be installed as pontiff. But here are a few of these specific questions being asked by LifeSite. To what end was the National Security Agency monitoring the conclave that elected Pope Francis?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
What other covert operations were carried out by U.S. government operatives concerning the resignation of Pope Benedict for the conclave that elected Pope Francis? International monetary transactions with the Vatican were suspended during the last few days prior to the resignation of Pope Benedict. Were any U.S. government official agencies involved in this?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Why were international monetary transactions resumed on February 12, 2013, the day after Benedict announced his resignation? Was this pure coincidence? What actions, if any, were actually taken by John Podesta, Hillary Clinton and others tied to the Obama admin who were involved in the discussion proposing the fomenting of a Catholic spring?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
What was the purpose and nature of the secret meeting between Vice President Joseph Biden and Pope Benedict at the Vatican on or about June 3rd, 2011? Really? serious suggestions here that the federal government may have been involved in somehow installing pope francis i'd never heard this before and here's where i'm at with it we don't know what our government is capable of doing.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Mike Benz has repeated that we've only scratched the surface of the corruption, the fraud, the abuse. I really hope this is just some wild, crazy conspiracy, that there's no basis for it. But the truth is, we can't know for sure without disclosure. And I think this admin needs to be committed to radical disclosure on this issue. as well as Epstein and 9-11 and RFK and MLK, all of it.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
This is what we need. This is what this country needs to heal and what is the right thing to do. And I have a lot of confidence, like I said, in Kash Patel and this FBI, in Tulsi Gabbard at DNI. I think that we're going to get exactly what we voted for. I have to ask your opinions on something, all of you guys.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
There are a lot of videos online of people, choirs and Broadway casts singing on airplanes. I guess the group gets together, they all want to sing together. And sometimes people on the airplane, they love it, they're into it. But it seems like most of the time, people hate it. Here is one example of that.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Okay, we're good with that. I love it. I think it's awesome. I think it's joyful. It's wonderful. But the comments don't say it's so great. Somebody said, is this a hostage situation? I hate people like this. That's my own personal hell right there. If people can't escape your singing, it's not time to sing. Someone else said, can passengers sue for this? This should be illegal.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
I mean, professional sports has in my memory been divisive and awful. Someone said it felt like post 9-11 where the whole country was just like finally coming together over something. President Trump, he called Team USA Before the game, he encouraged them. People were dressed like founding fathers.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Like there was very negative reactions to this. And actually I have another video. This is a woman getting yelled at by a flight attendant for singing on the airplane. She is a Grammy nominated gospel singer. Here's what that looked like.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Nobody answers. Oh, no.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
DOT Secretary Sean Duffy, my dad, announces a federal investigation into California's failed high-speed rail project. Jasmine Crockett is officially dumber than AOC. Kash Patel is confirmed as FBI director. And Catholics call for disclosure on whether the Obama administration helped install Pope Francis. All this on Bongina Report, early edition.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
I don't think that the Lord told her to start singing to the passengers. I don't think that that happened. But also, that guy was such a jerk. Like, I just thought he was mean. Like, oh, I don't want to hear it. It's like, does it really bother you that much, sir? Like, she's just trying to sing. I don't know. I don't get so upset about this. I do think that it matters how much...
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
people like the singing. So if you're a really amazing musical group, you probably will get a better reception from the plane than if you're not so great. And Michael's messing with my background, so I can't. Michael, let's just play that video of the last group that really is excellent at singing.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
I mean, it's good, you guys, right? Who would be upset about this? I just don't get it.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
So Michael and I got into an argument about this this morning. I had to add it to the show because I was like, Michael, why are people so mad about this? And he was like, I would be so mad about this. I would have my earplugs in. I would be giving them the side eyes, scowling at them. I just want to be in peace. I don't want to be dealing with an entire choir of theater kids
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
screaming singing in my ears i don't view it that way i thought it was lovely i think also because i'm not a good singer i just don't have that kind of musical talent that whenever i see somebody who does i'm like wow that's amazing you know like if you see somebody who's really good at art you're just trash at it you see a beautiful painting you're like that's incredible i think that's kind of what it's like so i have a lot of appreciation for people who have musical talent
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Molly Hemingway, my old boss, she wrote an ex of the game last week where the United States actually won against Canada. She said, by beating up the Canadian players after the booing of our national anthem at the first Four Nations game, the U.S. hockey team liberated the American sports world.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
And I thought it was a very joyful, beautiful thing, but people did not love that. So also start dropping some comments. Let me, if you guys have any questions, I can answer them at the end of the show. I kind of wanted to do that to take some audience questions. But like I said about this choir situation, Who can be upset?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
My dad used to say when I was little, he would say, you know, if you were kind of a teenager and you weren't so excited about things anymore, right? Teenagers kind of get that vibe. He would say, you've lost your sparkle. So I think all of you in the comments who say you don't like the singing on the plane or Michael, you guys have lost your sparkle. You have to take in the joys of life.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
I think you have to have some zest for life. Do we have any comments here, Michael, that I think we should read aloud? All right. Yeah. Somebody says, good morning, Michael. Can you please let Evita know that her hair looks fabulous this morning? I have a question for Evita. What is her fondest memory growing up with her family? I love that question. A fondest memory growing up with my family.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
You know, I will say it's not like a memory specifically, but my favorite thing every summer is going up and spending time with not just my immediate family, but my extended family in Hayward, Wisconsin. which is where my dad grew up. They have a little place on the lake and my siblings love to go tubing and water skiing and swimming.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
It's just like the most peaceful, wonderful, beautiful place in the world. It makes me so happy to be there and to be around all of my extended family. I think a lot of times people don't live near their extended family at all. I know I don't, but... It happens to be that most of my extended family on my dad's side all stayed in Hayward, which is not something that usually happens.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
So when I go back there, I see everyone and it's so exciting and it feels like the family is full and together again. And my dad is one of 11 kids. So there's a lot of cousins, a lot of aunts and uncles. And when, of course, I'm with my family, right, I'm one of nine. So big families are a blessing. I love them and I love just everyone
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Being together and thank you for saying that my hair looks good. I appreciate that. Do you have another one Mikey?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
We're getting used to this so if we don't have a lot of questions, that's okay We'll just we'll keep well next time you guys will know about it Friday We'll do another little Q&A and you guys can can be prepared to to ask me some questions But if we don't have any more all good with me Let's let's uh, let's let's close this out Mikey Oh, right. Oh my goodness.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
I'm just, I'm never going to end the show. We're just going to keep it going. Haley Carania is starting a new show with the Bongino Network, which I'm really excited about. I met Haley briefly. at Dan Bongino's birthday party. And she was a very sweet, very lovely, very beautiful girl. You can look at her. Look at her picture. She's a gorgeous girl. She's a gorgeous, gorgeous girl.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
So I'm going to continue to do Bongino Report early edition. And Haley will be doing Bongino Report evening edition at 6 p.m., Michael? 6 p.m. Eastern time. That'll be starting really, really soon. We have even more announcements coming for the Burgino Network that I am like dying to share with you guys, but I can't yet. So stay tuned. Dan is going to be the first one to break the news.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
from eight long and awful years of self-hatred, division, and kneeling, kneeling for the national anthem. And she's right. It's such a radical but beautiful shift from the hell that was this BLM 2020 America-hating movement. 2020 and 2021...
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
I'm going to keep keep amplifying whatever Dan says. But again, so excited for Haley to join us and for there to be an evening edition for this to start growing and getting bigger and for you guys to have even more content. And I think Haley is going to be a little more
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
cultural a lot of fun like more fun stories not quite as news heavy um and and and uh sometimes i can be a little bit of a debbie downer so hayley is going to be high energy super fun super joyful which i'm really excited to see how she handles this show all right that is all i have for you guys today thank you so much for tuning in for being here today on this friday i will see you all next week
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
were some of the scariest years in my life i think i thought i thought i have had a conversation with michael my parents about this i said i think we're gonna have to flee the country like i think we're all gonna be considered thought criminals and locked up thrown in jail killed something like i was it was terrifying to live during that time you saw this mass censorship people that i was friends with were booted off of social media you had this experimental vaccine um and last night really felt like
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
like america was back like it was rocky for it was miracle on ice like just the patriotism of it all the energy around it and that tends to happen you know when your president isn't a walking corpse and authoritarians aren't censoring speech or forcing you to take an experimental jab while flooding your country with illegals tearing down george washington's george washington statues it is
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
a really, really massive shift. So things are looking up. And even though we lost last night, I think it was a beautiful moment for America to actually come together around something. You know what else is back? Masculinity is back. And yesterday, J.D. Vance was asked about what message he has for young people, as well as especially young men. And he gave a perfect answer. Take a listen to this.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Well said. And this really is the year of the man, right? We were told this election was supposed to be all about women and abortion and reproductive rights and like the blue haired ladies standing up and screaming outside the Supreme Court about Roe v. Wade. That was what this election was supposed to be about.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
That's what the media was telling us was going to be the driving force for getting people to the polls. And it turned out that that was not the case. And actually, men turned out in really high numbers to the polls. And this was the year of the man, where men finally decided, we're going to start taking back agency in this country. Now, J.D. Vance also had an epic takedown of neoliberalism.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
And this was, I think... An incredible tweet. I'm going to read the whole thing to you guys because it's very relevant, I think, to leading with strength, but also being measured, of shaking away some of the mythos that has gotten involved in so many foreign conflicts, these never-ending wars. So he takes down... neoliberal Hoover Institute fellow, Niall Ferguson.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
And he's reacting to this Ferguson tweet. This Ferguson tweet is criticizing the Trump admin's facilitation of peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. And remember how I said yesterday, we talked a lot about this, there are a lot of people who have projected World War II onto every single conflict for nearly the last century.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Our leaders, the think tanks, the intelligence apparatus view Putin as Hitler, Ukraine as Poland. And this is completely ahistorical and a very dangerous way of thinking because it sets us up for constant escalation. Every single conflict is an existential threat to our civilization. And in fact, then we end up
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
slowly creating civilizational suicide by continuing to involve ourselves in these wars that never end, that have no objective to end. So Niall Ferguson, he wrote this on X. He said, this will not stand, this will not stand, this aggression against Kuwait. And he's quoting George H.W. Bush on August 5th, 1990 in that quote. And then Niall writes,
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
future history students will be asked why this stopped being the reaction of a republican president to the invasion of a sovereign state by a dictator so in this instance ferguson is comparing iraqi dictator saddam hussein's invasion of kuwait as the same as putin's invasion of ukraine and of course saddam hussein's invasion of kuwait has repeatedly been compared to hitler's invasion of poland so you see where all this is stemming from and what has that framework really even gotten us
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
u.s invasion of iraq countless u.s soldiers and iraqis dead the christian community in that region decimated and mind you this is one of the oldest continuous christian populations in the world dating back to the first century a.d it's just gone now it's done did you know that has adam hussein hussein was overall very tolerant of christians in iraq you know who wasn't and who isn't, ISIS.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
So Team USA did lose last night during the Four Nations hockey face-off. I was so hoping that they would win. It was the closest game ever. It was overtime. It was like, was it one goal the first quarter, Michael? Yes. So one to one first period, two to two second period. They lost in overtime. It was an incredible game. Both sides obviously were playing really hard.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Billions of tax dollars down the drain for that conflict. A power vacuum was created, gave way to ISIS. So here's how J.D. Vance responded to this tweet from Niall Ferguson to this, I think, really an ideology that is highly critical of Trump's handling of this war with Ukraine. So J.D.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
writes, This is moralistic garbage, which is unfortunately the rhetorical currency of the globalists because they have nothing else to say. For three years, President Trump and I have made two simple arguments. First, the war wouldn't have started if President Trump was in office. Second, that neither Europe nor the Biden admin nor the Ukrainians had any pathway to victory.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
This was true three years ago. It was true two years ago. It was true last year, and it is true today. And for three years, the concerns of people who were obviously right were ignored. What is Nile's actual plan for Ukraine? Another aid package?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Is he aware of the reality on the ground, of the numerical advantage of the Russians, of the depleted stocks of the Europeans or their even more depleted industrial base? Instead, he quotes from a book about George H.W. Bush from a different historical period and a different conflict. That's another currency of these people. Reliance on a relevant history.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Again, remember I was talking about this World War II narrative where everything is based off of that. President Trump is dealing with reality, which means dealing with facts. And here are some facts.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
number one while our western european allies security has benefited greatly from the generosity of the united states they pursue domestic policies on immigration and censorship that offend the sensibilities of most americans and defense policies that assume continued over reliance and we're going to get into the way they've rejected the ethos of the West by promoting censorship.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
We'll talk about that later. Number two, Russians have a massive numerical advantage in manpower and weapons in Ukraine, and that advantage will persist regardless of the further Western aid packages. Again, the aid is currently flowing. Number three, the U.S. retains substantial leverage over both parties to the conflict.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Number four, ending the conflict requires talking to the people involved in starting and maintaining it. Number five, the conflict has placed and continues to place stress on tools of American statecraft from military stockpiles to sanctions and so much else.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
We believe that continued conflict is bad for Russia, bad for Ukraine, and bad for Europe, but most importantly, it is bad for the United States. Given the above facts, we must pursue peace and we must pursue it now. President Trump ran on this, we won on this, and he is right about this. It is lazy, ahistorical nonsense to attack as appeasement every acknowledgment
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
that America's interests must account for the realities of the conflict. That interest, not moralisms or ahistorical illiteracy, will guide President Trump's policy in the weeks to come, and thank God for that. That was so incredibly well articulated. And that we're getting this from our vice president. How many times are we used to just getting these impersonal statements from our politicians?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
And he's just directly addressing the people. Oh, you want to talk about this mythos around World War II and Saddam Hussein? Every conflict is the same. Let me just take that down in an epic tweet. That is what J.D. Vance did. Now, Ferguson has responded to J.D. Vance, and he said something to the effect of, I just think President Trump is conceding way too much to Russia.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
And to that I'll say, I think that we've been conceding way too much to Ukraine. Billions and billions of dollars. It's absurd. And I love the way J.D. laid it out. It was, again, so articulate, perfect. It was actually him, not a PR person, not a staff that helped draft and write this tweet. Here he is explicitly stating that he actually writes all his own tweets.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
That was a good clip. That was not the clip I had in mind. That was my bad. Not Michael's fault. You guys don't get mad at him in the comments. But he actually does say in that interview that. I read all my own tweets. My wife told me, don't filter yourself. Don't have somebody else speak for you. You just speak for yourself. And I love that about JD. And you can tell it's him.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
And I love that he does it on social media, right? It's not impersonal. He's speaking directly to the people. No random impersonal statements. Biden just refused to communicate with the public at all. And J.D. is addressing the public where we're at, which is social media. And he's dismantling all the poisonous warmongering that has destroyed the West, destroyed this country for nearly a century.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
And back to what J.D. Vance was saying, I think Europe needs to, I think they need to pick a side. What side are you on, Europe? Do you continue down the path of neoliberalism, secularism, open borders, speech codes, declining birth rates, or are you going to start embracing national pride, the Christian heritage that once defined the West?
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
And that brings me to our next story, just days after J.D. Vance condemned assault on free speech in europe a 74 year old scottish woman was confronted by police for standing silently within the buffer zone surrounding an abortion facility while holding a sign that read Coercion is a crime. Here to talk only if you want.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
Presumably, she's saying, I will talk to you if you are somebody who wants to get an abortion. You're going into this facility for that reason. Now, buffer zones are areas around abortion clinics in the UK where you can't even silently pray because it could inhibit a woman from getting an abortion.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
So this woman was standing silently alone on a street, holding a sign, inviting anyone to speak to her on their own volition, and she was arrested. This is somehow a prosecutable offense in the UK. because the freedom to kill babies comes before freedom to speech, assembly, even silent prayer that can be seen. It is truly insane.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
And the UK has already arrested multiple pro-life activists for standing silently near abortion facilities. This is not like a random situation. This happens like very frequently. This is what they've come to. All those supposedly Western values down the drain. But I do think, I want you guys to be optimistic because I do think that all hope is not lost.
Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita
The FBI's Worst Nightmare CONFIRMED (Ep.145)
There are a lot of people in Europe who are expressing a sense of awe and respect of President Trump. And this is coming from the populace in Europe who are gaining momentum. They exist. There are a lot of reports that were inspiring them. And that is, again, something to be really optimistic about. Perhaps this will spark a global Western movement. All right.