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589: Blame the Tools using the Tools
Deeply personal in a way we never could have anticipated.
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589: Blame the Tools using the Tools
Off kilter. There's a certain unsettling awareness that we can't shake. Like looking at a reflection that suddenly... Not you. Not quite right.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
Correct me if I'm wrong. I think it came out of the political arena or what. I don't know, but it's really disconcerting. But do you have a sense when it started or when it came about?
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
So, you know, it's underlined and, and Maddie, you, you, you touched on this. Um, underline all this are our personal values. So for instance, you know, we value certain things, but yet we might look at the other side just to see what, what's going on.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
Like for instance, Matt, you said you, you watch, you know, CNN, you know, because you're more on the, on the, on the liberal side and you adhere more to their thinking. However, When would you watch Fox News, for instance? Well, it wouldn't be to compromise your values. It would just to see how the other ones are coming across. So that's one thing I think we do.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
But hopefully, I'm hoping that accurate information... is the call of the day. And that should never compromise our values for sure. Let's talk a little bit about all these different kinds of methods of getting information. So like Facebook, for instance, outpaces all other social media sites as a news source for Americans. Facebook.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
So now, you know, if you were to ask Clarence or I, you know, let's just go back 20 years ago, if we were to ask that same question, first of all, it certainly wouldn't have been Facebook. It would have been, you know, I don't know, New York Times, Washington Post, major, you know, even news broadcasts on major television networks. That would have been the answer. But not today.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
30%, you know, this is from our background research here, 30% of US adults saying they regularly get news from Facebook.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
Yeah. And here's some more information. 86% of Americans get their news on their smartphones. Yeah. Okay. So think about how... how you get the, it's almost like news bites. You don't, you really wonder what percentage of that 86% digs deep into the actual written discussion about it. Or do they just read these headlines?
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
Right. And, and it's kind of like, you, you wonder whether or not all of this is related to how fast paced we are without the, the ability to really slow down. You know, one, you brought up the idea of, you know, being critical. I remember actually, of course I took in, you know, for my, my doctoral work on how to ask the right questions and,
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
So, and we would use, we would read particular research articles and we were taught how to be critical thinkers and how to ask, you know, what this means or, you know, dig deeper into subjects. I'm not so sure, you know, I hope, you know, certainly, you know, at the doctoral level that, you know, people still are critical thinkers and learn how to ask the hard questions.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
So, all right, let's link it back to health a little bit here. We are seeing, the research is starting to come out that patients suffer from News related stress.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
Okay. And, you know, I'm sure, you know, I can certainly say that, you know, I can, I can relate to that, you know, you get to a certain point where you can't hear, you don't want to listen to it anymore. Okay, it's just like, I can't, I can't, I can't hear any more about that particular subject.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
Let me give you a for instance, you know, there are wars that are going on as we speak in Ukraine, and in the Middle East and Israel. And You keep hearing about it and there's only so much that you can listen to or get involved with before you get stressed out yourself. And stress is a major health issue. So we have to balance.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
Hello, everybody. Welcome to Health Chatter. Today's topic, interesting one. Of course, all our topics are interesting, but this one, fake news. And it's a good follow-up to our last show when we talked about health and politics. So we should see how this one plays out. We've got a great, great crew who I love to recognize. Maddie Levine-Wolf, who's helping us today doing the recording.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
We have to learn how to balance the information that we get at the individual level for sure.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
Correct. And I think that there's a level of engagement at the personal level and at the community level that I think we have to also keep in balance.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
Again, for our listening audience, this is really interesting. Obviously, we were getting ready for this show, and in today's Star Tribune, Minneapolis Star Tribune, the editorial in today's paper, August 2nd, 2024, A Bright Spot Amid Vax. vaccination disinformation. So listen to this. A new study from George Washington University yielded surprising yet hopeful findings.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
In an area in which disinformation, which we talked about a little bit ago, has undermined the public's confidence in vaccines, researchers documented good news about one important immunization, the hepatitis B vaccine for newborns. The parental refusal rate previously recorded in a study at 12.1% in 2017 plummeted, ready, to 3.5% in 2022, meaning more parents are taking the responsible step
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
and getting their children vaccinated. This development is an encouraging one. So in other words, all right, you know, at some point, you know, we might have been involved, certainly during COVID, vaccination overload, and it might have had an effect on other vaccinations that we need to get. It's like, oh my God, you know, I can only get poked in my arm so many times, okay?
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
Or my kid can only get poked in the arm so many times. But that doesn't mean that there wasn't accurate information out there. So in this case, the disinformation was basically put aside and we're seeing positive impacts of the information and people acting appropriately.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
Yeah, and who makes the judgment? Whether... And it's just kind of overwhelming when you think about it. It's just like when, certainly when I was growing up, and it's you too, it's like when you think about this, it's like news. You think of news as being accurate and factual and truthful.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
You know, I agree. You know what struck me is like information. Where do people go to get health information? So for instance, if you're diagnosed with a particular disease, that you know nothing about. And all of a sudden you're thrust into, you need to know. And so it's like, where do you go for trusted information? Not misinformation, but trusted information.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
And like, for instance, if you go to the Centers for Disease Control to look up something, was the center or has been the Center for Disease Control disease control, has their information been compromised? The trust been compromised because of some things that have come out in fake news or information overload that people don't trust at any given time. And so now what happens?
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
Correct. So, Maddie, I've got a question for you. You know, obviously you're a player tonight. We grew up in a... in a generation where we had newspapers, I mean, that were really sources of information, even though they have them today, but people aren't relying on them as much, news broadcasts, et cetera. What do you, Maddie, what do you embrace as far as, I guess, trusted news?
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
But now it's kind of like this standard deviation away from that where then we as the public have to make judgments about accuracy and whether it's truthful or whether it's verifiable. It puts kind of the onus on us where It doesn't seem like that that was the focus of what news was all about, whether it be in newspapers or in the social media world, etc.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
And finding the balance. You know, it's like we have enough to do just personally our own balance, but then all of a sudden you're barraged with all this information, disinformation, misinformation. Yeah.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
You bring up an interesting point about processing. Again, if I reflect on when we received news 20 years ago, we didn't have to process. We really didn't have to, in our mind, we didn't have to determine whether this was good, bad, indifferent, whatever. It was news. You would listen. You would just listen and take it in. Now you have to listen and process it
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
good, bad, or indifferent going forward. Do you think that's an accurate statement, Clarence?
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
I don't know, Clarence, what do you think? I don't think they were as intense as they are today.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
But... You know, I think we're also attracted. I think we're attracted to negative news.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
You know, I mean... You know, if it's positive, okay, fine and dandy. But negative, whoa, what? You know, it's kind of like... It kind of really hits us more. And I think the news... the news companies know that.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
The title Fake News is kind of almost like a tagline that certainly in the political realm has been embraced. But I think it's going to be around. So I think going forward for all of us, we have to discern truth and make healthy judgments based on the information that's given to us.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
I think chatting. is good. I really do about this. Yeah. I mean, this is, you know, you can talk about it with your neighbors, your friends, whatever. And so that, you know, together you can come up with it, you know, a comfort level too. So you don't feel like you're doing this by yourself. Anyway, interesting, interesting subject.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
We have a great next show coming up and that's going to be on toxic relationship. So stay tuned for that as well. We hope you enjoyed this show. And to everybody, keep health chatting away.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
Yeah, and you know, it seems to me that... if indeed you don't agree for whatever the topic happens to be, and we'll get into health in a second here, but whatever it is, if you don't agree, then it's fake. It automatically is, is fake. But, and anyway, all right.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
Aaron Collins, Deandra Howard, Matthew Campbell, Sharon and Nygaard are all second to none and really, really help to make Health Chatter successful. Clarence Jones and I do these shows together. Great colleague. And Clarence is involved with his community organization, Human Partnership, who sponsors Health Chatter. And we greatly appreciate that. You can check them out at
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
You know what I think it is about this fake news stuff? Even if you don't, even if you know it's wrong, I think it, To a certain extent, it's almost like a form of entertainment. You know, when you get to the point where you say, geez, that's totally counter to what I think. God, this is kind of different. And so it's like people kind of gravitate to it because of that.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
Entertainment and or trying to maybe get a handle on the other side of the equation. You know, it's kind of like, OK, maybe I should just listen to this, whatever it may be, just to see what the hell's been they're saying here, just so I can I can make. more of a personal judgment on it. But anyway, for our listening audience, here's some interesting stuff.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
All right, so what's the difference between misinformation and disinformation? All right, so listen up. Misinformation is false or inaccurate information. Disinformation is is false information which is deliberately intended to mislead. Intentionally misstating the facts. So now I'm gonna link us a little bit with health here. I think, you know, and Maddie and Clarence chime in on this.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
I think we were really deep into fake news during the COVID pandemic. And I really think, you know, I'm sure there'll be research on this or information about this coming out, but I think it was detrimental. And I think it hurt us. I think it really, really hurt us. And it got to the point where the public was saying things like, what am I supposed to believe here?
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
And you can check us, Health Chatter, out at for all the different shows. And you can check in on all the research that's done for all of our shows as well. Check us out. Today, fake news. So it's going to be Clarence and I and Maddie are going to be discussing this topic. Boy, I'll tell you, I don't even know when the concept, Clarence, of fake news hit the scene.
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
I know. It's just like, At what point do you embrace truth as best as you can? At what point do you embrace... as best we can at the time, research and medical science in order for us as the human race to get through as best we possibly can with minimal negative effects. And a lot of that was compromised. It was just insane. So Manny, I want to pull you in on this one. Do you think that...
Health Chatter
Fake News and Health
Fake news really came to be because of all the social media. Do you think that that's what really drove it? Or what do you think, in your estimation, drove this whole concept of fake news?
Office Ladies
Bonus Christmas Episode with Brian Baumgartner
Oh, wow. Okay. Oh, it has chopsticks too? Okay, describe it. Okay, so it is a glass Christmas ornament. I have a tradition on my tree of only food ornaments. Yes. Are these buns?
Office Ladies
Bonus Christmas Episode with Brian Baumgartner
Yes, that's the word I couldn't think of. Dumplings, yeah.
Office Ladies
Bonus Christmas Episode with Brian Baumgartner
I'll have to total up this year's calories of a tree each year I total it up.
Office Ladies
Bonus Christmas Episode with Brian Baumgartner
It's a 35 millimeter camera. Yes. Oh, this is awesome. Thank you.
Office Ladies
Bonus Christmas Episode with Brian Baumgartner
Okay, good. I won't throw it away. Don't throw it away.
Office Ladies
Bonus Christmas Episode with Brian Baumgartner
Sure. I go back to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and my brother and I go get a fresh-cut Christmas tree for his family. And there's two dogs at the Christmas tree lot that we always look forward to seeing that are there every year.
Office Ladies
Bonus Christmas Episode with Brian Baumgartner
I think Bing Crosby's White Christmas does it for me.
Office Ladies
Bonus Christmas Episode with Brian Baumgartner
Wow. I believe it also hasn't not been on the charts since it came out.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
So the headquarters of the Greyhound Trust Charity are in Peaksport Lane, Hawley, since 2022. And at any one time, we've got up to 20 dogs looking for a home. And we'll try and match to an interested family's circumstances. And we also welcome people to volunteer at events such as today, where Johnny and I are at the carnival. Foster families are often needed as well.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
The two I have at home run around the front room for five minutes but then they're exhausted, mad moment and then they'll fall asleep and you don't hear from them again. They do want to see who comes into the house but they are not in any way aggressive to visitors to the house. The Greyhound Trust have a website which is
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
Thank you very much, David.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
The Ramsey Show
Are You Ready To Go Scorched Earth on Your Debt?
Good, good, good. I do have a, I've got a question. It's in regards to my 401k. So I have a 401k from a previous employer with about just a little bit shy of 500k in it. Haven't worked for them for about five years. But my question is, I'm thinking about possibly rolling it into a Roth IRA to avoid the taxes when I retire. And I'm just kind of wondering what kind of tax penalties am I looking at?
The Ramsey Show
Are You Ready To Go Scorched Earth on Your Debt?
And is it even worth doing at this point?
The Ramsey Show
Are You Ready To Go Scorched Earth on Your Debt?
Well, it's kind of half and half. So I've got traditional 401k, and then the other half is straight company stock. So, I mean, the return on that stock has actually been really good. Last year alone, I've reaped a 25% increase in it just because of the stock split that we've actually had.
The Ramsey Show
Are You Ready To Go Scorched Earth on Your Debt?
No, I could definitely cash it out. Okay.
The Ramsey Show
Are You Ready To Go Scorched Earth on Your Debt?
And I'll just have to pay taxes after or when I get ready to retire as I withdraw, correct?