Nathan W. Bingham
Renewing Your Mind
Holiness and Justice
And aren't we thankful for the mercy of God and His long-suffering? That was R.C. Sproul on this Wednesday edition of Renewing Your Mind from his classic series, The Holiness of God. Have you listened to this series or read the book before? If you have, when was the last time you went back and studied it? R.C. Sproul sought to help people know who God is, and we need this reminder often.
Renewing Your Mind
Holiness and Justice
This week, when you give a donation of any amount in support of Renewing Your Mind, we'll send you a limited edition 40th anniversary copy of the Holiness of God so that you can read this landmark resource that the Lord has used to awaken countless people to His holiness. We'll also unlock both the original and extended editions of the Holiness of God teaching series and its study guide.
Renewing Your Mind
Holiness and Justice
So call us at 800-435-4343 or visit to give your donation and receive this limited edition book, While Supplies Last. There's also a convenient link for you in the podcast show notes. So thank you for supporting Ligonier's mission to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God in all its fullness to as many people as possible.
Renewing Your Mind
Holiness and Justice
Which theological giant from church history is sometimes accused of being insane? Find out tomorrow here on Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Holiness and Justice
During family worship, I read a passage from 2 Kings and the destruction of those who worshipped Baal. Naturally, the conversation led to a discussion of God's justice and the seeming severity of God's punishment. But as you just heard from R.C. Sproul, no one is owed mercy by God.
Renewing Your Mind
Holiness and Justice
And today, Dr. Sproul will remind us why we shouldn't be surprised by God's judgment, and instead, we should be surprised by God's long-suffering. Welcome to the Wednesday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
Holiness and Justice
This week, you're hearing messages from Dr. Sproul's classic series, The Holiness of God, as we give thanks to God and mark the 40th anniversary of when the landmark book, The Holiness of God, was first published. You can learn how you can request a special 40th anniversary edition of that book at But I'll be sure to tell you more about that after today's message.
Renewing Your Mind
Holiness and Justice
Well, here's R.C. Sproul on God's mercy, His holiness, and His justice.
Renewing Your Mind
Introduction to Galatians
Amen. That was R.C. Sproul on this Wednesday edition of Renewing Your Mind, introducing us to the Apostle Paul's letter to the churches in Galatia. This early series from Dr. Sproul is 11 messages, and you can have digital access to it, plus his series, Pleasing God, when you give a donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
Introduction to Galatians
When we think of the writing of the Apostle Paul, the book of Romans often comes to mind first. But we mustn't miss the significance of his letter to the churches in Galatia and the serious attack on the gospel that was taking place. Hi, I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and I'm thankful that you're with us for this Wednesday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Introduction to Galatians
In addition to digital access to those series, we will also send you R.C. Sproul's expositional commentary on Galatians. So make your donation today at or by clicking the link in the podcast show notes. Renewing Your Mind is a listener-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries, so thank you for your generosity. How should we respond to those who preach a distorted gospel?
Renewing Your Mind
Introduction to Galatians
Galatians clearly outlines the Apostle Paul's theology and lays out the good news of the gospel against the distortions of the gospel that were beginning to enter the church. It's a letter to read, to study, and to meditate upon. And you can be helped to do that when you request not only R.C. Sproul's series on Galatians, but also his hardcover expositional commentary.
Renewing Your Mind
Introduction to Galatians
You can request this week's resource bundle when you give a gift of any amount at Well, here's Dr. Sproul to introduce us to Galatians and the battle Paul was fighting.
Renewing Your Mind
The Grace of God
What an incredible gospel we believe, such good news, and a message that we have the privilege to proclaim to the nations. You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, and this is the Wednesday edition. Michael Reeves has recorded a number of teaching series with us at Ligonier Ministries and this one is titled Reformation Truths.
Renewing Your Mind
The Grace of God
It's eight messages and you can walk through those messages with the study guide when you give a donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343. Perhaps use this series to encourage your family to cherish the truths that were rediscovered during the Reformation in time for Reformation Day next Thursday.
Renewing Your Mind
The Grace of God
While you wait for the DVD to arrive, we'll unlock the series and study guide in the free Ligonier app. So give your gift today by using the link in the podcast show notes or when you visit But don't delay as this offer ends tomorrow. We'll conclude our time in the Reformation Truths series tomorrow as Michael Reeves considers the doctrine of justification.
Renewing Your Mind
The Grace of God
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. We sing of God's grace, but do we marvel often enough at just how amazing it is? As Michael Reeves just said, the good news is that we can rely entirely on Christ for salvation. Welcome to the Wednesday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
The Grace of God
Clarifying the depths of our sin yesterday really prepared the way for today's message. Where does a wretch turn? To the amazing grace of God. Before we hear from Michael Reeves, remember that you can own this series and add it to your collection when you give a donation of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
The Grace of God
Well, here's Dr. Reeves, the president and professor of theology at Union School of Theology on the grace of God.
Renewing Your Mind
The Interpreter’s House
In John Bunyan's day, people were afraid of sin and of falling away from the faith.
Renewing Your Mind
The Interpreter’s House
And that is why the Pilgrim's Progress is such an incredible help to us as we continue our own journey through life. And I think it really does help us to answer the sobering question, are we really ready to battle to the end, to stand firm and not compromise? Today on Renewing Your Mind, you heard a message from Derek Thomas' series on the Pilgrim's Progress.
Renewing Your Mind
The Interpreter’s House
It's a 19-message series, and we'll send you the DVD set and unlock digital access to all the messages and the study guide when you give a donation of any amount in support of expanding the reach of Renewing Your Mind at or by calling us at 800-435-4343. With the help of the included study guide, this would be a wonderful study for your family or small group.
Renewing Your Mind
The Interpreter’s House
As we read the pilgrim's progress, we can't help but be reminded of our own fallenness and the issues and struggles in our own lives. And important questions are raised, like how can we overcome pitfalls and obstacles in our life? And what, if anything, must we do in this life to make it to the next? This is the Wednesday edition of Renewing Your Mind. It's great to have you with us.
Renewing Your Mind
The Interpreter’s House
Generations of Christians have been helped by reading The Pilgrim's Progress, both by being provoked to think through questions like that, but also by gaining biblical answers and comfort. So be sure to request the entire 19-part study when you give a donation of any amount at before this offer ends tomorrow.
Renewing Your Mind
The Interpreter’s House
Well, here's Derek Thomas as we continue his behind-the-scenes guided tour of the Pilgrim's Progress.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
Paul is saying, Moses teaches us that we are saved by faith, which leads to love, which leads to obedience, which leads us to see that we're still a sinful people and that we need a Savior.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
learned the wrong lesson, namely that they thought they could save themselves by their righteousness, which was not what the law was given to teach them. And going on into chapter 10, "'Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved, for I bear witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.'"
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
So he says, "'I know Israel's working really hard at pursuing something.'" But they're not really pursuing God because they don't understand His covenant. They haven't correctly understood His law. For being ignorant, verse 3, for being ignorant of the righteousness of God and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God's righteousness.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
There's God's righteousness revealed in the whole Scripture, which is always a righteousness that comes through faith. that recognizes sin, that looks for a Messiah, and then there's their own righteousness that they're trying to establish. And this is the irony of life, isn't it?
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
That either Israel was completely indifferent to obedience and became disobedient, or they were so eager to be obedient but turned their obedience into self-righteousness. And it's a good thing that never happens to the church, right? No, regrettably, it does happen to the church.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
And as he reviews the history of God's dealings with them to remind them of the mercies of God, the blessings of God that have attended them regularly as they left Egypt and came through the wilderness and are now on the verge of the Promised Land, But then there's a very interesting verse, verse 4.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
In the history of the church, often we see people who are just disobedient, don't care about righteousness, and then people, on the other hand, who become self-righteous and hope to establish and merit their standing with God. And Paul's saying here, that misses everything. That messes everything up.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
And then he goes on to say, for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness for everyone who believes. Now, Christ is the end of the law in a variety of ways, isn't he? He's the end and fulfillment of the symbols of the Mosaic economy so that we're not bound by lots of them. But He's certainly not the end of the law as a moral guide for us to holy living.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
But what Paul is particularly saying here is Christ is the end of the law, the fulfillment of the law, the perfection of the law for everyone who looks away from merit and believes in Him. In other words, he's saying to the Jews, let Christ be the end of your self-righteousness. Let Christ be the end of your self-righteous use of the law, because He's the Savior of everyone who believes.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
And Paul is expressing there his passion for the salvation of Israel. And then I think… We have to interpret verse 5 as Paul saying, for Moses writes about the righteousness that is based on the law, that the person who does the commandment shall live by them. I think how we have to interpret that is that Paul is saying, for Moses writes as they suppose, as they misunderstand.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
And it's not just because of what Paul has said above in Romans 9.32 that we have to read verse 5 that way, but I think we also have to read verse 5 that way because of what Paul goes on to say, because he goes on immediately, but the righteousness based on faith, the righteousness based on faith, not this legalistic righteousness the Jews have been pursuing, the righteousness based on faith says, and there's a quotation there,
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
Where's the quotation? From Deuteronomy 30. So Paul has said, they think Moses says, but now let me tell you what Moses really says. Now you might say, well, couldn't you have made it a little clearer? Well, maybe you could have made it a little clearer. I don't want to criticize the Apostle Paul. I don't think you should either. So I think it really is pretty clear if you read it in context.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
The trouble with some theologians is they like to take verses out of context, and verses out of context can be made to say a variety of things. The 16th century Protestant commentators always used to say, we mustn't make of the Scripture a wax nose. I think kids used to play with wax and make noses. You can make a big nose. You can make a crooked nose. And Scripture is not a wax nose.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
You can't make out of it anything you want. And so Paul says, what Moses really says is, do not say in your heart who will ascend to heaven. That is to bring Christ down. Christ has ascended. Christ is raised. Christ is victorious in heaven. Don't bring Him down by unbelief. or who will descend into the abyss, that is to bring Christ up from the dead. Don't minimize the death of Christ.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
Not that all verses aren't interesting, but some are a little more interesting to me than to others. And verse 4 says, as Moses is looking back over the history of God's relationship with this people, "...but to this day God has not given you a heart to understand or eyes to see or ears to hear."
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
Don't fail to see the significance of the death of Christ for you. That would be to bring him up from the abyss. But what does it say? Now, what does it say? He's going to quote who? Moses. So this is what Moses really says. What Moses really says, the word is near you, in your mouth, and in your heart. And then Paul says, which is the word of faith we proclaim? What Moses said is what I'm saying.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
There's no distance there. There's no separation there. And he goes on to say, if you confess with your mouth… that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. And that's just what Moses had been talking about in chapter 30.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
So here we see how concerned the apostle was that we understand Moses correctly, that we avoid the Jewish misinterpretation of Moses that makes Moses a teacher of meritorious works. And that's not true, Paul says. I think Paul says it really pretty clearly. But since other people don't see it that way, I'm a little nervous, but arrogant enough to teach you anyway.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
I really think it's pretty clear that Paul is saying, Moses teaches us that we are saved by faith, which leads to love, which leads to obedience, which leads us to see that we're still a sinful people and that we need a Savior.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
That's the great point here, so that the Word draws us to Christ, the Christ who went down into the abyss for us in His death and is now gloriously raised into heaven for us, but has left His Word near to us. And that Word says, believe. That word says, trust me and you will be saved.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
So Deuteronomy really is very important, not just as a renewal of covenant to the people of Israel, but to help us understand the work of Christ, to help us understand what salvation is really all about, what the covenant of God is about, and to get it right, to see that the law is important, But it was added 430 years, as Paul says in Galatians 3, after the promise. So the promise is primary.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
And the promise never goes away. And the promise is supported by the adding of the law because the law helps us see our sinfulness. Paul says in Romans 7, doesn't he, I really wouldn't have understood coveting if the law hadn't told me.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
It's not that the sin of coveting might not have been in his heart, but he wouldn't have understood it without the law as a mirror reflecting back to him his sinfulness. But the function of that is not so we'll become meritoriously obedient.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
The function of that is that we might believe that we need a Savior, and only in the power of the Savior will our hearts be circumcised and we'll live for God.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
That was W. Robert Godfrey from his series Discovering Deuteronomy on this Wednesday edition of Renewing Your Mind. Today we were helped as Dr. Godfrey explained what the Apostle Paul was teaching as he quoted Moses from Deuteronomy. And all through this 21-message series, he points out the relationship between what we learn in Deuteronomy and the Christian life.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
You can take your study even deeper when you use the companion study guide. We'll give you digital access to that study guide, all the messages, and send you the series on DVD when you give a gift of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
This reminds us that there is a delicate interplay between God's sovereign purpose and plan and between human responsibility. We'll come back to look at that a little more later on. But you notice here God calls the people to faithfulness and obedience and then He reminds them that He's not given them a heart to be obedient yet.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
And that reminds us that God's sovereign blessings are necessary for good to come But if He doesn't provide that blessing, it doesn't make us any less responsible. He needs to change us if we'll be better, but if we're not changed and not better, it's still our responsibility. We're the ones who plunged ourselves into sin. And some people will say, well, that doesn't make sense.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
I remember believing as a new Christian that people in the Old Testament were saved by their obedience to God's law, and that now in the new covenant, that's done away with, and we're saved by grace through faith. So as we consider the warnings of Moses in Deuteronomy, was he teaching salvation by works? You're listening to the Wednesday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
And maybe it doesn't entirely make sense, but it's what God has revealed. And that should be our guide. I always find it an irony that some people accuse Calvinism of being a kind of logic-driven religion. And nothing could be farther from the truth. Calvinism is a Bible-driven religion. The Bible says we're responsible for our sins, and God must change us to escape from sin.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
And that maybe isn't entirely logical, but it's clearly what the Bible says over and over again. We'll come back to that to see it again even in a little more detail later. But then at verse 9, Moses says, therefore keep the words of this covenant and do them that you may prosper in all you do. There's the great call. Be faithful to the covenant.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
And then warnings about what happens if you're not faithful. And one of those warnings I think is particularly intriguing down in verse 9. where he says to the people, "...beware lest there be among you a root bearing poisonous and bitter fruit." Beware of letting grow up in your heart a rebellion against God that is poisonous and bitter.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
A poisonous fruit, a bitter fruit is going to be destructive, isn't it? It's going to lead to death. And then he goes on in verse 19, " who, when he hears the words of this sworn covenant, blesses himself in his heart, saying, I shall be safe, though I walk in the stubbornness of my heart." There's a really serious warning.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
that some people deceive themselves into thinking that they're safe even while they're stubborn. And God said, that's not true. That's not true. So beware lest there be a poisonous and bitter fruit. That bring anything to mind? I'm thinking of a verse, Hebrews chapter 12, where this verse is quoted and We start down in Hebrews 12 at verse 12.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
He's speaking to Christians here who've been discouraged, who've gone through a time of weakness. Stand up. implicitly stop complaining. Make straight paths for your feet so that what is lame may not be put out of joint, but rather be healed. Strive for peace with everyone and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God, that no root of bitterness springs up and causes trouble. This is an appeal in Hebrews 12 to covenant faithfulness, and it's covenant faithfulness that is the same as what we're finding in Deuteronomy 29 that the Lord appeals to. And so, the great warning again, verse 24, about idolatry, Deuteronomy 29, 24.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
When the curse comes upon you, all the nations will say, why has the Lord done this to this land? What caused the heat of this great anger? Then the people will say, it is because they abandoned the covenant of the Lord, the God of their fathers, which he made with them when he brought them out of the land of Egypt and went and served other gods and worshiped them.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
See, right back to worship as the focal point, faithfulness to God, devotion to God, waiting on God. And then we come to that famous verse at the end, one of the verses that John Calvin liked in particular, "'The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.'"
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. This week, the chairman of Ligonier Ministries, W. Robert Godfrey, has been teaching us about the warnings that Moses gave the Israelites at the end of Deuteronomy. But that means we jumped ahead to chapter 26. So I encourage you to request the complete 21-message series, Discovering Deuteronomy, so Dr. Godfrey can take you through the entire book.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
This verse may mean a wide variety of things, but in this context, what it specifically means is don't try to read the future, don't try to divine the future, don't try to understand the secret things of God and His eternal plan. Look at what He's revealed in His Word. That's what you're to do. And what He's revealed in His Word is that you're to be a people of faith and love and obedience.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
That's what you should focus on. That's what you should concentrate on. and leave the rest to God. And he goes on then in this next chapter to really talk about how these things will come about. Remember we'd said there's some difficulty in knowing where he moves from the possibility of curse to the prophecy of curse.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
But chapter 30 reminds us that there certainly is a prophecy of curse because it begins, and when all these things come upon you, the blessing and the curse. So Israel will live in the land of promise for centuries, experiencing many blessings. And then the curse will come upon them, and there will be exile and loss. And what will happen after the exile?
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
Well, the glorious prophecy here is not just possibility, but prophecy here is that the Lord will bring them back. The Lord will restore them, which we know He does. There is a post-exilic period in Israel's history. It isn't all they'd hoped for because they ought to be looking forward to the new heaven and the new earth, but there is this promise fulfilled.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
And there we find at verse 6 this matter of the heart again. And the Lord your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring. So the Lord hadn't changed the hearts often in history, but he promises he will change the heart in the future.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
And again, it doesn't relieve them of responsibility because in Deuteronomy 10, 16, you all remember that the Lord said, circumcise your own hearts. You have a responsibility to do what's right. But ultimately, that'll happen only when the Lord does it, when the Lord comes in power to do it. And that's what he stresses here. Now,
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
We come then to a really intriguing part of this chapter and of Deuteronomy as a whole, and a key point of trying to figure out how we understand the Mosaic economy. And we read there in chapter 30, verse 11, "'For this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you, neither is it far off.'"
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
It is not in heaven that you should say, Who will ascend to heaven for us and bring it to us that we may hear it and do it? Neither it is beyond the sea that you should say, Who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us that we may hear it and do it? But the Word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart so that you can do it.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil. Does that ring bells? This is Romans 10. This is what Romans 10 quotes, and it introduces that question of how do we understand Moses? Moses here says, here I've said before you, life and death, choose life. So what does he mean there? Well, is Moses an Arminian? Is our Moses saying, exercise your free will?
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
No, I can assure you that Moses is not an Arminian. But what does it mean? Does it mean choose life and merit it? No, it doesn't mean that either, although if we look at Romans 10, some people have suggested that Moses really is teaching an economy that is driven by works, and they appeal to
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
Request your copy when you give a donation of any amount at, but be quick as this offer ends at midnight. Well, here's Dr. Godfrey to consider the words and warnings of Moses and their relationship with what Paul teaches in Romans 9 and 10.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
to Romans 10 verse 5, where we read, For Moses writes about the righteousness that is based on the law, that the person who does the commandments shall live by them. So, have we been wrong in our whole approach? Maybe we have to start this whole series over and re-record it. What is Paul saying here? Or something somewhat parallel in Galatians 3 verse 12 where Paul says, the law is not of faith.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
The law is not of faith. The law that was added 430 years after the promise to Abraham is not of faith. what is going on here? And this is why I said the theological issues can become a little complex and have been interpreted somewhat differently by different people, and it's good to know that, and it's even better to be here and be told what Paul really says and what Moses really means.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
I say that in all humility. what's really going on here? And I think, again, we have to see what Paul is saying in context in Romans 9 and 10. In Romans 8, Paul has listed some of the great promises that we find anywhere in Scripture, right? We return again and again to Romans 8, to promises that encourage us and direct us and surround us.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
And then it's as if Paul ponders and says, but somebody might think Are these promises in Romans 8 really reliable? Because didn't God make promises to Israel, and then didn't those promises to Israel fail? And if the promises to Israel failed, then might not the promises to the Christians fail?
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
And that's really, I think, the big question Paul is answering in Romans 9 through 11, and his point is made very clear in Romans 9 verse 6, but it is not as though the Word of God has failed. Because what happened to Israel was prophesied, is his basic answer. And it was always prophesied in the Old Testament that not all Israel are Israel. That is, not all physical Israel are spiritual Israel.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
Not all who are ethnic Israel are spiritually reborn as the people of God. That's Paul's broad answer. Then he, down at verse 30 of chapter 9, says, having talked about how the Gentiles will be included and some of Israel is not really Israel, he then asks the question, what shall we say then? The Gentiles who did not pursue righteousness have attained it. That is a righteousness that is by faith.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
That is, God sovereignly came to them when they weren't looking for Him or for righteousness, and He gives them righteousness which they receive by faith. But that Israel, who pursued a law that would lead to righteousness, did not succeed in reaching that law. So, Israel is pursuing a law that would lead to righteousness, and Paul says, why did they not succeed?
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
Well, we're continuing to look at this section of warnings in which Moses is sort of pulling out all the stops to try to get the people to see the seriousness of the issues that are before them and to lead them to obedience and blessing rather than disobedience and curse.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
Because they did not pursue it by faith. You see, his argument is they should have pursued it by faith. They were called to pursue it by faith, but they misinterpreted the law. Why? Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as if it were based on works. That's the crucial interpretive verse, I think. But as if it were based on works.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
Paul is saying, Israel turned the covenant, which was a covenant of grace and of faith that leads on to love and obedience, into a covenant of merit and works righteousness. That's not what Moses taught. That's not what Moses intended. And it was a perversion. of what God had given to Israel. They turned it in to a works righteousness law.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
They acted as if it were based on works, and they have stumbled therefore over the stumbling stone. As it is written, behold, I am laying in Zion a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, and whoever believes in him, believes in him, will not be put to shame. They ought to have seen that the law was given to faith, and particularly to faith in a coming Messiah who would save them.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Obedience
And Paul explains why all of this is true when he says, why was the law added? We have the promised Abraham, so why was the law added? And he answers that very clearly. He says it was added to teach us sin. It was added to teach us how sinful we are. But Israel, instead of learning the right lesson that we're sinful and need a Savior,
Renewing Your Mind
The Glory of Christmas
That gives us an urgency this Christmas season, doesn't it? We need to go quickly and follow the one who was born that first Christmas night. This is the Wednesday edition of Renewing Your Mind. And this week you're hearing messages from R.C. Sproul's series Messiah is Born.
Renewing Your Mind
The Glory of Christmas
The coming of Jesus is the most important birthday ever celebrated, and his life is the most important biography in history. We're making this entire series available to you. Just contact us today with a year-end donation of any amount, and we'll provide you with lifetime digital access to the series. We'll also unlock R.C. Sproul's series and the study guide for What Did Jesus Do?,
Renewing Your Mind
The Glory of Christmas
In 12 messages, Dr. Sproul explains what it means for Jesus to be the second Adam and why his perfect life is an essential part of our salvation. Plus, we'll mail you his book, The Work of Christ. Request all four of these resources, that's two teaching series, a study guide, and a book, when you give your donation at or when you call us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
The Glory of Christmas
Because Jesus lived a perfect life, He fulfilled the offices of prophet, priest, and king. Let's listen to a sample of Dr. Sproul's series, What Did Jesus Do?
Renewing Your Mind
The Glory of Christmas
It's so important for us to understand that it isn't just Jesus' death and resurrection that save us. It's His life as well. We refer to that as His active obedience. And to study that further, we'll unlock all 12 messages from Dr. Sproul's series, What Did Jesus Do?, and its study guide.
Renewing Your Mind
The Glory of Christmas
We'll also mail you the book, The Work of Christ, and give you digital access to the series that you've been hearing all week on Renewing Your Mind. Request this resource bundle at or by using the link in the podcast show notes.
Renewing Your Mind
The Glory of Christmas
And as we near the end of December, please keep in mind that your year-end financial gifts not only sustain, but can help expand the outreach of Ligonier Ministries in 2025. With a focus to reach the next generation and serve global pastors with resources like the Reformation Study Bible, your generosity is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Renewing Your Mind
The Glory of Christmas
Join us tomorrow as Dr. Sproul continues his series, Messiah is Born, here on Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
The Glory of Christmas
The angels appeared and lit up the sky. As a society, we set aside a day in December to celebrate that event. But many get lost in the hustle and bustle of the season and forget that Christ, the God-man, came to save His people. I think we can all learn an important lesson from the shepherds who were in Bethlehem that first Christmas night.
Renewing Your Mind
The Glory of Christmas
Hi, I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and thanks for joining us for this Wednesday edition of Renewing Your Mind. As we continue R.C. Sproul's series, Messiah is Born, don't forget that this week you can request digital access to this series, the 12-message series, What Did Jesus Do?, and its study guide, plus we'll send you Dr. Sproul's detailed yet accessible book called The Work of Christ.
Renewing Your Mind
The Glory of Christmas
When you give a year-end donation in support of Renewing Your Mind at Without the continued support of listeners like you, this outreach would not be possible. So please know how thankful we are for you. Well, here's Dr. Sproul as he looks back to those eyewitnesses who were the first to witness the glory of Christmas.
Renewing Your Mind
The Roman Catholic View
Two radically different understandings of the gospel, one good news and the other bad news.
Renewing Your Mind
The Roman Catholic View
As we approach October 31st, the anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany, we're considering the history and theology surrounding these events so that we are each reminded of the beauty of the gospel and why we must take a bold stand in our day, like Luther did,
Renewing Your Mind
The Roman Catholic View
not to compromise, but to boldly and compassionately proclaim the whole counsel of God. To better help you do that, you can work through the complete 10-part study, Justified by Faith Alone. Walk through the study guide and read the book, The Legacy of Luther, when you give a gift of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
The Roman Catholic View
If you, as a Christian, commit a mortal sin and die, you go to hell? That doesn't sound like good news, but that is part of the Roman Catholic view of salvation and one of the matters that Protestants were protesting during the 16th century Reformation. This is the Wednesday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
The Roman Catholic View
When you examine the official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church compared to the teaching of Scripture, it really is a contrast between bad news and good news. And that's why the Reformers pursued Reform, a return to the clear teaching of the Word of God. In the series that you're hearing this week from R.C. Sproul, he unpacks further the history and theology of the Reformation.
Renewing Your Mind
The Roman Catholic View
You can own the series, study guide, and the hardcover edition of The Legacy of Luther when you give a gift of any amount in support of Renewing Your Mind at Well, to help us better understand the Roman Catholic view, here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Zeno
That was R.C. Sproul on this Wednesday edition of Renewing Your Mind. You can hear Dr. Sproul's love and fascination for the study of philosophy in each of these messages, and that only serves as an aid for you or your family as you work through the complete series, whether for personal study or in a small group.
Renewing Your Mind
Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Zeno
Our family uses this teaching as we're homeschooling our children, and it's helped them in their study of philosophy. So I recommend the series to you. You can request this 35-message series on nine DVDs for your donation of any amount at or by using the convenient link in the podcast show notes.
Renewing Your Mind
Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Zeno
This week's offer is also a special edition set with a bonus disc that's not available in the Ligonier store. You'll receive digital access to the messages and the study guide, plus we'll send you the companion book so you can watch, read, or listen to the teaching. Give us a call at 800-435-4343 or donate online at
Renewing Your Mind
Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Zeno
Whatever is, is. Why did that statement from an ancient philosopher have such an impact on R.C. Sproul? And how can it help us further appreciate the revelation of who God is in Scripture? We're surveying some of the history of human thought and its consequences this week on Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Parmenides, Heraclitus, and Zeno
There are echoes of these Greek philosophers all around us, and most unbelievers don't stop to ask why it is they think the way they do. But as Christians, that should be our habit as we seek to renew our minds according to the Word of God. Here's Dr. Sproul as he introduces us to some philosophers that were wrestling with the question of being.
Renewing Your Mind
Meekness and Self-Control
May God help each of us demonstrate such restraint. And that's why we're featuring this series on Renewing Your Mind, because we all need God's grace and enablement to produce the fruit of the Spirit. And a series like this is both confronting and practical. The same is true for Dr. Sproul's book, Growing in Holiness. The subtitle is Understanding God's Role and Yours.
Renewing Your Mind
Meekness and Self-Control
We'll send you this practical book from R.C. Sproul when you request a copy at or when you call us at 800-435-4343. All we ask is for a year-end donation of any amount to help fuel the reach of Renewing Your Mind in 2025 and beyond.
Renewing Your Mind
Meekness and Self-Control
To further help you and to show our gratitude for your support, we'll also unlock all 12 messages in this week's series and the study guide in the free Ligonier app. So respond today at or by using the link in the podcast show notes. But be quick, as this offer ends tomorrow. How does a Christian maintain a childlike faith and at the same time grow to maturity?
Renewing Your Mind
Meekness and Self-Control
For most people, meekness means weakness. But those in Scripture who model meekness for us are anything but weak. Hi, I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and this week we've been considering the fruit of the Spirit and what it means to develop Christian character. This week's messages are from a 12-part study with R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
Meekness and Self-Control
Sproul, and you can have lifetime digital access to all 12 plus the study guide when you show your support of Renewing Your Mind with a year-end donation of any amount at To further express our gratitude for your support, we'll also send you Dr. Sproul's book, Growing in Holiness. Tomorrow is the final day for this resource offer, so respond while there's still time.
Renewing Your Mind
Meekness and Self-Control
So what is meekness then, biblically speaking? Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
When Bitter Becomes Sweet
Hi, it's Nathan W. Bingham here, host of Renewing Your Mind. Before we get to today's episode, I wanted to remind you that if you'd like to listen to today's message again or easily share it with a friend, you can do so by visiting or by following the podcast edition wherever you listen to podcasts.
Renewing Your Mind
When Bitter Becomes Sweet
Have there been doctrines that you really wrestled with? Doctrines that you perhaps fought against until the Spirit of God took what may have been a hard saying, a hard truth, and made it sweet? Thanks for joining us for this Wednesday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm glad you're with us. All week, we are considering some of the hard sayings found in the Bible, and R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
When Bitter Becomes Sweet
Sproul is helping us see the sweetness of these truths that may at first appear difficult. And all week, we are offering Dr. Sproul's book, Hard Sayings, understanding difficult passages of Scripture when you give a gift of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
When Bitter Becomes Sweet
I hope you've been seeing the sweetness of these hard sayings as we're making our way through this study this week on Renewing Your Mind. Today's message from R.C. Sproul was from his Hard Sayings of the Prophets series.
Renewing Your Mind
When Bitter Becomes Sweet
This series, along with the hard sayings of the Bible, the hard sayings of Jesus, and the hard sayings of the apostles, can be yours for a donation of any amount at In addition to lifetime digital access to four teaching series, we'll send you R.C. Sproul's hardcover book, Hard Sayings, Understanding Difficult Passages of Scripture.
Renewing Your Mind
When Bitter Becomes Sweet
This is a popular book based on Dr. Sproul's teaching through the hard sayings of the Bible, and it can be yours when you give a gift of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343. Your generosity helps keep Renewing Your Mind freely available, including the weekly Spanish edition of Renewing Your Mind. Thank you.
Renewing Your Mind
When Bitter Becomes Sweet
When you visit, simply scroll to the bottom and find links to our trusted teaching in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Urdu. None of this could be possible without your regular and generous support.
Renewing Your Mind
When Bitter Becomes Sweet
Today, Dr. Sproul visits the Old Testament and a hard saying that came to the prophet Ezekiel, an unusual request with an unexpected outcome. Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
When Bitter Becomes Sweet
When you listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, there's often bonus content, whether an extended sermon, conference message, or interview. So go deeper and listen longer when you subscribe to the free Renewing Your Mind podcast. And while you're there, browse the growing podcast library from Ligonier Ministries, whether it's Ultimately with R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
When Bitter Becomes Sweet
Sproul, where we've found short moments of insight, little nuggets of teaching from his years of ministry, and we release that three times a week. Or Five Minutes in Church History with Stephen Nichols, where every week he introduces you to a person, a place, or an object from church history, really introducing you to your family history as a Christian. At another podcast I host, Ask Ligonier.
Renewing Your Mind
When Bitter Becomes Sweet
where every episode I put one of your biblical or theological questions to a guest teacher to help you better know what you believe and why you believe it, and many more. So I encourage you to search Religionary Ministries wherever you listen to podcasts. Now on to today's episode.
Renewing Your Mind
The Will of God
I hope you found that helpful, understanding the difference between God's perceptive will and His hidden will. That was R.C. Sproul on this Wednesday edition of Renewing Your Mind. You know, it seems like we've lost our grasp on theology these days in the church, or at least an emphasis on it. And that's why Dr. Sproul taught this series.
Renewing Your Mind
The Will of God
Across 60 messages and over 22 hours of teaching, you'll learn how the truths of Scripture relate to each other in perfect harmony. Contact us today with a donation of any amount and we'll send you this DVD set and unlock the series and study guide for you for life in the free Ligonier app. Give your gift when you call us at 800-435-4343 or at
Renewing Your Mind
The Will of God
If you prefer to read and slowly mull over these topics, today's resource offer also includes his book, Everyone's a Theologian. So give your gift at or by using the link in the podcast show notes. When we consider the will of God for our lives, the question arises, how does God accomplish His will? Join us tomorrow as R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
The Will of God
When we find ourselves in difficult situations, we sometimes cry out with a little bit of panic, what should I do now? And we wish that God would just answer us. But when we consider the will of God, we need to make a distinction between God's revealed will and His hidden will. These kind of distinctions are vital, and that's why this week's series can be so beneficial.
Renewing Your Mind
The Will of God
It's a 60-message overview of systematic theology to help you know what you believe, why you believe it, how to live it, and how to share it. Don't forget that you can own this series on a special DVD set and receive R.C. Sproul's book, Everyone's a Theologian. And you give a donation of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
The Will of God
And I'll tell you more about this resource offer at the end of today's message. Well, here's Dr. Sproul on the will of God.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
Stay tuned as after the message, Chris Larson will put me in the hot seat to give you a behind-the-scenes look at how I came to serve at Ligonier Ministries and be the host of Renewing Your Mind. Well, here's Dr. Sproul with a message from his classic series, Knowing Scripture.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
That was R.C. Sproul from his Knowing Scripture series. Before I introduce a guest who is joining us in the Renewing Your Mind studio, I do want to remind you that for this special week of episodes, you can request lifetime digital access to six classic series from R.C. Sproul, their study guides, and a copy of his popular overview of theology, Everyone's a Theologian.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
when you give a donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343. Your support this week will not only help sustain the outreach of Renewing Your Mind, but will also help expand its reach and all the media efforts of Ligonier Ministries. For example, this week we have launched a new Renewing Your Mind YouTube channel for those who prefer to listen there.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
Show your support with a gift of any amount at or by using the link in the podcast show notes. Well, we are joined by a very special guest who is a regular here in the Renewing Your Mind studio, the president and CEO of Ligonier Ministries, Chris Larson. Chris, it's so good to have you with us for this 30th anniversary week.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
Well, Chris, I'm happy for you to turn the tables, but I already answered that question about 10 years ago as we were celebrating the 20th anniversary of Renewing Your Mind. We were in the studio with Lee Webb, yourself, R.C. Sproul, but pay attention because I'd only been in the U.S. for two years and my Australian accent was much thicker.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
So how did I first discover Ligonier Ministries and then come to serve here in the U.S. ? That's a great question and an interesting journey that the Lord took me on. And it began with a journey from Pentecostal theology to Reformed theology.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
And as a self-identified geek, as I was searching for biblical answers, it made sense to me to go on the Internet and to begin digging deeper into the Scriptures. And it wasn't long before... I discovered the ministry of Dr. R.C. Sproul, and my wife and I in Australia subscribed to the podcast, began listening to the Renewing Your Mind broadcast.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
And the Lord used that to ground us in His Word and to convince us of the truthfulness of the historic Christian faith, Reformed theology. But there's a flip side to that. Not only did the Lord use technology to strengthen my faith and encourage us in His Word, He also used that to introduce me to the team here at Ligonier Ministries. It was through Twitter.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
As I was preparing at that time for pastoral ministry, I had experience in social media, was heavily engaged in the Christian internet community, and I was offering my services and put a tweet out there, and Chris Larson and Burke Parsons from Table Talk magazine both read that tweet, and that began a dialogue more than four years ago, which resulted in early 2012, my wife and I with three children, five or under,
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
selling everything we owned, getting on a plane with 10 suitcases and flying halfway around the world and meeting the team here at Ligonier and Dr. Sproul for the first time.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
And it's just been a wonderful privilege and opportunity to be able to serve alongside Dr. Sproul and the team here to help other Nathans that are on the internet searching for truth, hopefully discovering the podcast and other resources from Ligonier Ministries.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
I can remember being so nervous in that interview, Chris, but very thankful to be able to share that story.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
Yeah, I did not grow up in a Christian home and was taught from a young age that evolution was true and that there was no heaven or hell. And I can remember even mocking Christians, thinking that those who believed that God could just forgive you for your sins, that this was just a crutch to help you get through life and never gave it any serious thought.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
But a lot of people died in my life during my teen years. And so I really wrestled with the question, what happens to you after you die? I couldn't accept the fact that that was it. There had to be more. I longed for there to be something more, and I explored and looked into other religions, even New Age spirituality.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
But I remember being in seventh grade, and I had a Pentecostal teacher who preached the gospel to me, and then I had another professed Christian who was actually part of a cult who was encouraging me to read the Bible. And he was encouraging me to read the King James Version of the Bible. And I can remember buying my first ever Bible at age 13, King James Version Bible.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
And they were both asking me, are you reading the Bible? You're reading it every day. You're reading it every day. And I was trying to understand what I was reading. I was unregenerate. I didn't understand the language, just not being written in modern English. And I got really kind of stressed out about what do I do here? And so I can remember praying and saying to the Lord,
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
If you're real, can you come back into my life when I'm 18 and I'm more mature to be able to make a decision? I didn't know who to believe, this Pentecostal person, this other individual. I'm just like, I can't deal with this. I will have to address it when I'm 18. So I prayed that prayer, wrapped that Bible up and put it in the top of my closet.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
I can remember one night I was with a friend and it was late into the night, early into the next morning. And he said to me, do you want to go to church with me tomorrow? I said, go to church with you? I had no idea that this individual professed to be a Christian. And he said, yeah, I play in the worship band. Like, we can go tomorrow. And I said, well, I don't know about that.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
And he said, well, if you don't go and you die and you stand before God, you can never say you didn't have an opportunity. And I can remember at that moment, remembering this prayer I prayed when I was 13. I looked at my watch trying to figure out, am I 18? Like, how old am I? And realizing I'm 18.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
And so I went to church that next day, and that began a serious exploration into the Christian faith. And the Lord did graciously save me, and very, very thankful for that. The sad news of that story is... is within about two months of being invited to go to church by that individual, he no longer professed faith. And to this day, I believe he is an ardent opponent of the Christian faith.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
But the Lord used him as one of those means to draw me to himself.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
I think my favorite part is learning along with the listeners. I'm not in the studio just reading a script. I spend time in those messages. I'm learning along with them and really thinking about why should a listener take 25, 26 minutes out of their day to hear this message.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
and reflecting on it, and having the opportunity to be able to sit under the teaching of Dr. Sproul and other trusted teachers week in and week out as we prepare and produce and distribute Renewing Your Mind is just an incredible privilege and opportunity, and thankful every day that the Lord has given me the opportunity to do that.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
Yes, yes. We really are going behind the scenes for our listeners. But I can remember we'd been talking about this for a couple of months, that perhaps this would be the next chapter for my season here at Ligonier Ministries. And we were thinking through, would this work? Is there a way that I could juggle these responsibilities along with some other responsibilities?
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
And I recall talking to you, Chris, and saying, you know, I actually think this could work. And the next day I got onto a plane and I went to California and we had a conference there and met with Ligonier friends. And before coming home, was involved in a serious car accident. I wasn't driving, someone else was driving, and a young man, recklessly driving, hit us head on.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
And as a result of that, I had several months out of the office and then several more months recovering. And so we put a pause on whether or not I would be the next host. We didn't know, could I be the next host? What was going to be the outcome after that accident? But I'm thankful to report that... The Lord was so gracious, so kind.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
I'm healthier today than I was before the accident, and thankful that this door remained open. But it did bring clarity, and I can remember in the days, weeks, and months after that accident being so settled in the reality and the truth that I had another season of service to the Lord. And that is true for everyone listening today.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
If you have breath, it's because the Lord has a purpose for you on this earth. And so I was just reminded through that trial that I do have another season of service, and I didn't know whether it would be renewing your mind at that time.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
But I am so overjoyed to be able to serve the Lord with gladness, to come into the office every day, come into the studio every week, and steward Renewing Your Mind and help other people hear the truths of God's Word. If it wasn't for R.C. Sproul and his instruction in my life regarding the sovereignty of God, going through trials like that would have been so much more challenging.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
But knowing that through those great moments, those difficult moments, those painful moments, that the Lord is in control, that He's working all things together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose, just brings great comfort. I think it was Charles Spurgeon who said, the doctrine of God's sovereignty is the pillow upon which the believer lays their head.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
And so, as we go through trials in life, as our listeners do, it is knowing who God is, and R.C. Sproul communicated that so clearly and so well, that takes us through those seasons. So I almost didn't become the host, but the Lord was in control and brought me through that season and thankful to be sitting here in the studio today.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
It's a really good question, Chris. I would remind our listeners... that in some sense, there is nothing special about renewing your mind. A lot of people in podcasting and radio are trying to think, what is the latest gimmick, fad? How can we get this episode trending or go viral?
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
And what Dr. Sproul started 30 years ago and this ministry has maintained ever since is just proclaiming the Word of God and allowing God by His Spirit to work through that Word and with that Word to encourage His people to build them up. So the success that Renewing Your Mind has seen has been thanks to the Lord blessing His Word taught and preached. And we're not changing.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
If the Lord tarries and people are sitting in their studio in 30 years' time celebrating 60 years of Renewing Your Mind, it will be because they've been faithful to the mission and have maintained that clear focus to proclaim and teach the Word of God.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
The Bible is far from being a dry book. Many of the stories are dramatic, and they are stories of real men and real women. I'm sure you could hear the passion in R.C. Sproul's voice in the preview of today's message. Dr. Sproul would teach his seminary students, future preachers, to always find the drama in the text.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
And today, on this Wednesday edition of Renewing Your Mind, he'll explain why that principle can help us as we read and study the Word of God for ourselves. All week, we are celebrating 30 years of Renewing Your Mind, and you're hearing select messages from some of Dr. Sproul's classic series.
Renewing Your Mind
Reading the Bible Existentially
When you give a gift of any amount in support of Renewing Your Mind, an outreach that has been listener-supported for three decades will unlock six teaching series, the study guides, and send you Dr. Sproul's book, Everyone's a Theologian. Thank you so much for your generosity and for keeping Renewing Your Mind freely available to so many around the world.
Renewing Your Mind
Righteousness Revealed
It is a marvel and should often be on our lips. Hopefully this week's messages on Renewing Your Mind will help you in future conversations about the gospel and what you believe as a Christian, because we should not be ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.
Renewing Your Mind
Righteousness Revealed
Another resource to help you reflect on the marvel of the gospel is a new hardcover year-long devotional from R.C. Sproul in Romans. Spend 2025 in Romans with Dr. Sproul as your guide and with additional application given with each reading.
Renewing Your Mind
Righteousness Revealed
It's called The Power of the Gospel, and you can request your copy when you give a gift of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343. When you do, we'll get this resource to you as our way of saying thank you.
Renewing Your Mind
Righteousness Revealed
The good news is that it is possible for unjust people, like you and me, to stand before a holy and just God, thanks to the redemption that can be found in Christ alone. And it's that good news, and specifically the righteousness that Christians receive so they can stand before a just God, that R.C. Sproul will explore today on Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Righteousness Revealed
For all the resources that Christians have in the West, books, Bibles, study Bibles, surveys show that biblical literacy is on the decline. It's why we revisit these key truths of the Christian faith again and again, like justification and imputation. So keep listening as Dr. Sproul will preach with his trademark passion from Romans chapter 3.
Renewing Your Mind
Righteousness Revealed
But perhaps this is a message you could share with a friend or a loved one. Find it on our new YouTube channel by searching for Renewing Your Mind and share the video to help more people hear the good news of the gospel. If you have your Bible with you, open it to Romans 3, beginning at verse 21. Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
The Trauma of Holiness
That was R.C. Sproul on this Tuesday edition of Renewing Your Mind. Over the decades, the Lord has used this series and the companion book to awaken people to His holiness, and He continues to use them to this day. Consider making a donation to accelerate the spread of this teaching around the world and also to the next generation.
Renewing Your Mind
The Trauma of Holiness
And when you do make a donation, either at or when you call us at 800-435-4343, we'll send you a brand new limited edition copy of The Holiness of God, published to celebrate this year's 40th anniversary of its first publication. We'll also grant you lifetime digital access to the original and extended editions of The Holiness of God teaching series and the study guide.
Renewing Your Mind
The Trauma of Holiness
If you already have a copy of this landmark book, this anniversary edition is a wonderful title to give away to introduce someone to Dr. Sproul and this important topic. Visit to make your donation or use the link in the podcast show notes. Thank you. Tomorrow, R.C. Sproul will help us understand the difference between justice and mercy.
Renewing Your Mind
The Trauma of Holiness
So join us Wednesday here on Renewing Your Mind. Renewing Your Mind
Renewing Your Mind
The Trauma of Holiness
How often do you think about the holiness of God? When was the last time you heard a sermon on it? As you heard yesterday, God's holiness in Scripture is elevated to the superlative degree. Yet we often prefer to speak about His love or grace. But why? This is the Tuesday edition of Renewing Your Mind, and I'm glad you're with us as we hear messages this week from R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
The Trauma of Holiness
Sproul's classic series, The Holiness of God, and celebrate this year's 40th anniversary of that book's first publication. Today you'll hear why we tend to shy away from God's holiness, as Dr. Sproul considers the trauma of holiness.
Renewing Your Mind
The Trauma of Holiness
But before he does, remember you can request a limited edition 40th anniversary copy of The Holiness of God when you give a donation of any amount at or by using the link in the podcast show notes. But when the prophet Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up, he cried out, Woe is me, for I am undone. Here's Dr. Sproul to explain why. Now think of Isaiah.
Renewing Your Mind
Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees
That was R.C. Sproul from his series, Pleasing God, on this Tuesday edition of Renewing Your Mind. This series from Dr. Sproul addresses the goal of the Christian life, our need to pursue righteousness, and our battle with the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Renewing Your Mind
Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees
And we'll give you lifetime digital access to this series, along with Dr. Sproul's series on Galatians, when you give a gift of any amount at, or when you call us at 800-435-4343. When you give your donation in support of Renewing Your Mind, we'll also send you the hardcover edition of Dr. Sproul's expositional commentary on Galatians.
Renewing Your Mind
Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees
So request this resource bundle today at or by clicking the link in the podcast show notes. And remember that Ligonier's ministry partners receive exclusive discipleship resources and have access to the Pleasing God series and hundreds of others in the free Ligonier app.
Renewing Your Mind
Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees
The Christian life is one of growth. Theologians call that sanctification. But are we as Christians as concerned about pursuing righteousness as we ought to be? Do we take seriously Jesus' warning that unless your righteousness succeeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven? You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, and I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees
The question is not only, do we take Jesus' warning seriously? The question is also, how do we understand his warning in light of the truth that we're justified not by our works, but by faith alone? Well, here's Dr. Sproul on the Christian's pursuit of righteousness.
Renewing Your Mind
The Sinfulness of Man
A humbling and sobering message from Michael Reeves, reminding each of us that our hope is not found within ourselves. You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, and today's message is from Dr. Reeves' series, Reformation Truths. You can continue to work through this eight-message series in time for Reformation Day when you give a donation of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
The Sinfulness of Man
And once your donation is processed, we'll unlock the series and study guide for you in the free Ligonier app while you wait for the DVD to arrive. If you prefer, you can also call us at 800-435-4343 and we'll be happy to help you get the app installed and access the series. After 30 years, Renewing Your Mind is still a listener-supported outreach.
Renewing Your Mind
The Sinfulness of Man
We don't like hearing bad news, and we don't like giving bad news. But when it comes to explaining the wonderful news of what Christ has done for sinners, it requires that we explain that we are, in fact, sinners. Hi, I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and you're listening to the Tuesday edition of Renewing Your Mind. Next week, we'll celebrate what is often called Reformation Day.
Renewing Your Mind
The Sinfulness of Man
And so we are featuring teaching series that were recorded to unpack the truths that were rediscovered and reaffirmed during the 16th century Reformation. And not so we can merely be more knowledgeable about church history, but so we may give thanks to God for the clarity of the gospel and the abundance of trusted teaching that we enjoy today.
Renewing Your Mind
The Sinfulness of Man
Michael Reeves is today's teacher, and he will clarify what the Bible says about sin and how many in the 16th century and even the 21st century get it wrong. Here's Dr. Reeves.
Renewing Your Mind
The Wicket Gate
Amen. Amen. Amen. knowing that all the powers of hell cannot withstand the triumph of His Church. Join thousands of like-minded Christians for three days of warm fellowship and rich teaching as we explore the promise of Jesus Christ to build His Church and consider how Christians are called to evangelism, missions, discipleship, and worship all to the glory of God.
Renewing Your Mind
The Wicket Gate
Today on Renewing Your Mind, Derek Thomas takes us behind the scenes of this literary masterpiece. Here's Dr. Thomas.
Renewing Your Mind
The Wicket Gate
That was Derek Thomas on this Tuesday edition of Renewing Your Mind, helping us see the incredible depths in John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress. This book has been a beloved companion for generations of Christians, and it brings into sharp focus the trials we face as believers. But it also reinforces the great hope that we have in Christ.
Renewing Your Mind
The Wicket Gate
And Dr. Thomas' series, The Pilgrim's Progress, covers the entire book in 19 messages. and we'd like to send you the DVD set, plus give you digital access to the messages and study guide. Simply request your copy when you give a donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343. This is a wonderful resource for parents and grandparents.
Renewing Your Mind
The Wicket Gate
It has certainly helped me, as this study will better prepare you for deeper gospel conversations with your children or grandchildren when you read them The Pilgrim's Progress. Request this DVD set and lifetime digital access when you give a donation of any amount at or by using the link in the podcast show notes.
Renewing Your Mind
The Wicket Gate
Learn more, explore this year's speakers, and register by visiting slash 2025. That's slash 2025. Now on to today's episode. Before he wrote The Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan was embarking on his own journey.
Renewing Your Mind
The Wicket Gate
The Pilgrim's Progress is a classic. Even if you haven't read it, you're probably somewhat familiar with the story of Christian and his journey to the celestial city. But what you may not know is that many of the challenges Christian faces parallel Bunyan's journey through life, and perhaps your own. You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, and I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
Reformed theology quite right says that any individual who has true faith, any individual who has been regenerated by the Spirit of God, will be preserved by God to everlasting life. But while that's true of individual Christians, that same promise has not been made to congregations.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
Again, that's a verse that reminds us that this relationship between God and His people was never intended to be simply a legal relationship. God is not the great accountant in the sky. Nothing against accountants, but God… wanted a personal, loving relationship with His people. He loved them. He acted for them. He wanted them to love Him. This is the relationship.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
He wanted them to be joyful and glad for all the good things that they brought into their lives instead of just ignoring Him. And You know as well as I do that the history of Israel is so often that when things go well for Israel, they forget the Lord, and when things go badly for Israel, they complain against the Lord.
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Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
And I fear that's a human pattern beyond just Israel, that when things go well, we just assume that's all right. Of course things will go well. I'm an American, I'm a Christian, whatever, things... have to go well. When things don't go well, then I complain. I'm always amazed Probably shouldn't say this, but anyway, I'll say it anyway.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
I'm always amazed when personal tragedy strikes an individual. Maybe somebody dies in the family unexpectedly. Somebody dies in the family young. Some terrible accident happens. Some terrible disease comes. And people say, well, I just can't believe in God anymore. Now, I don't want to be...
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
too hard-minded or hard-nosed, but I always want to say, maybe it's the historian in me, maybe it's the theologian, I always want to say, so you've lived all these years, you've seen all these tragedies happen to other people, and it didn't particularly bother you. And now if it happens to you, it really bothers you.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
Now, I understand if it happens to me, it bothers me more than if I see it happen to you. I mean, that's human nature, isn't it? But to look at human history and say, oh, I can't believe in a God that let that happen to me, even though I can believe in him if he lets it happen to all sorts of other people, is a very peculiar conclusion, isn't it?
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
As far as I can see as a historian, the death rate amongst humans is pretty close to 100%. You know, what can we think of? Three exceptions. You know, I don't want to ruin your day, but the likelihood is we're not going to be one of the exceptions unless the Lord comes in glory. That's our hope. That's part of why we pray, come quickly, Lord Jesus. But...
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
And these closing sections of the book, we might say, the warning section and the history section, these closing sections in a way are clearer in their meaning You know, as we were looking through some of the laws, we scratched our head a little bit and wondered exactly what the laws meant. Why are we not allowed to weave with linen and wool together to make clothes?
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
The reality is the human condition has fallen and misery comes into our lives. There's struggle and difficulty in the life. And the Lord is warning about that. The Lord is reminding us that we can't avoid that in a profound sense. But here he's saying to his people, it will go better for you if you're faithful to the covenant.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
And particularly, it will go better to you in remaining in the land that I'm giving you as a symbol of the new heaven and the new earth that I'm going to bring to pass. course, one of the questions we might ask at this point is, do these blessings and curses apply to the church, or is this unique to Israel? These blessings and curses are
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
often related specifically to the land and the possession of the land, and since the church doesn't have a land, since the church is not a nation in the sense of possessing territory to govern politically, except for the Pope and the Vatican, but in general terms, the church is not a nation in that sense, so are these curses and blessings really relevant to us? Do they really apply to us?
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
And I think what we have to say is, yes, they do. Yes, they do. Certainly, in the coming of Christ, in the new covenant, there is a greater emphasis on joy and blessing and faithfulness and preservation. But there remains in the New Testament clear warnings, and clear warnings specifically about the possibility of faithlessness in the church.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
Now, our Reformed theology quite right says that any individual who has true faith, any individual who has been regenerated by the Spirit of God, will be preserved by God to everlasting life. But while that's true of individual Christians, that same promise has not been made to congregations or to denominations. In fact, it's kind of hard to find denominations in the New Testament.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
I think the Dutch Reformed are there, but I… But what we see in the book of Revelation, near the beginning, don't we, both in the letters and in the vision of Christ walking in the heavenly temple amongst the land stand, is serious warnings to churches that as congregations they may prove faithless. Now, the church as a whole will be preserved by Christ. The church as a whole will never fail.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
There will always be faithful congregations. But there is a serious warning to Christians, very much in the spirit of Deuteronomy 28, that congregations can lose their faith. They can lose their first love. They can be removed as lampstands from the heavenly temple. And we have to take that very seriously. And one of the
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Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
The dangers for the church, as for Israel, is to say, oh, God has made His promise. He stuck with us. And God always wants to say to His people, I'm not stuck with you. I keep my promises, but my promise is I'm going to keep the lampstand in the temple for congregations that are faithful. And that ought to cause us to be serious and reflective in looking at these matters.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
So again, while these things relate… in profound particular ways to Israel, they continue to have a significance for us and call us to a serious reflection on the Christian life. Moses goes on then in chapter 29 to renew the covenant. Very specifically, this comes as the moment in which he again reviews their history. I love that Moses is a historian. He loves history.
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Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
And we tried to find the meaning there. In this section, it's not so much that the meaning is in doubt. The question more is theologically, what is the significance of this? And particularly theologically, what is the significance for us today? it's fairly easy to see the significance for them. But how does this continue to apply for us?
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Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
That should encourage us all to read more history. But he reviews the identity of Israel and then says so. You need to keep covenant, so you need to be faithful. So today is the day of honoring and recommitting to the covenant of God.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
You're listening to the Tuesday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. The Old Testament can be hard for us to piece together, especially if we didn't grow up in the church or haven't been taught the history of the Old Testament, the Israelites and their leaders.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
That's one reason why a series like Discovering Deuteronomy with W. Robert Godfrey can be so helpful as you learn not only the history of God's people in the Old Testament, but also see how this book relates to the Christian life today.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
So I encourage you to request the entire study with Dr. Godfrey when you give a gift of any amount at or by using the link in the podcast show notes. We'll send you the series on DVD, plus give you digital access to all of the messages and study guide. The study guide includes discussion and reflection questions, review quizzes, and more.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
So that's part of what we're going to be looking at as we go along. And it's very much about responsibility before the Lord. It's very much about the future the Lord has planned for His people. And the interface of Israel's responsibility with the Lord's sovereign plan is one of the interesting things that we'll be trying to figure out what's being taught as we go along.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
What we see in the book of Revelation, both in the letters and in the vision of Christ walking in the heavenly temple amongst the land stand, is serious warnings to churches that as congregations they may prove faithless.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
We're at chapter 28 of Deuteronomy, and in chapter 28, the Lord, having given this symbolic moment of one tribe on Mount Gerizim and one tribe on Mount Ebal, blessings and curses, having displayed that visibly in a ceremony, the reality of a future of blessing or a future of cursing, the Lord now develops that theme in chapter 28.
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Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
And he begins by talking about the blessings for an obedient people. One of the things we'll be discussing as we go along in these sections is, what is exactly the nature of that obedience that the people are called to? Is it an obedience that will earn for them the blessings, or is it an obedience that flows out of faith?
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
and it raises questions about the fundamental nature of the Mosaic covenant. Is the Mosaic covenant fundamentally a covenant of works, or is the Mosaic covenant fundamentally a covenant of grace? And how do these things interact?
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Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
And it's interesting, if we were to review, and you'll be thankful we won't, but if we were to review the history of Reformed reflection on the covenant with Moses, we'd see there's quite a variety amongst theologians. And when you find quite a variety among good theologians, you can conclude the issue must be a little complicated.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
And the Westminster Confession of Faith summarized what the Puritans and the general view of the Reformed was when it said, the Mosaic economy is an administration of the covenant of grace— with a legal character to it. So it's two things at once. It both has a strongly legal flavor, but it is an administration of the covenant of grace.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
And you'll be glad to know I agree with the Westminster Confession, and we will be proceeding to analyze it in those terms. So the obedience called for here is not, I believe, a meritorious obedience. The Lord is not saying, you have to earn my blessing. But what He is saying is that to receive my blessing, you must live out the grace I have worked in you as my people.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
Therefore, obedience, I think, here always ought to properly be understood as the effect of faith. This is not setting obedience against faith, but this is looking at obedience as an evidence of faith. I think that's what's happening here, and we'll return to that as we go along. But here is laid out, then, the blessings the Lord will give.
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Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
give to His people as they enter this promised land, remembering that the promised land itself is a symbol of God's plan for all of history to restore to Israel and to His people, His covenant people that will include Gentiles in the future, to restore to them the world that He originally created for them.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
Yesterday, we began looking at the warnings Moses gave to the Israelites in the final chapters of Deuteronomy. And as we continue our study of these warnings, detailed and lengthy warnings, it raises the question of how they are relevant, if at all, for you and me living in the 21st century.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
Now, sometimes we get into big eschatological debates about the future, and people talk about the promises of a restoration of Israel to the land. How is that to be fulfilled? And there are legitimate differences. Well, not legitimate. There's only one right opinion. But there are differences which we can understand between people equally committed to the Bible.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
And some people say, well, if you don't believe Israel… will be restored to the land. You don't really believe the promises, but the great land promise is a new heaven and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. That's what we always have to keep in mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
So the promised land in the Old Covenant is always pointing forward to that state of holiness in the new heaven and the new earth when Christ returns in glory. So all of those things have to be kept in mind. I'm already confused. I hope you're not too confused. as we go along and look at these things. So here's the blessing, and it's a comprehensive blessing.
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Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
Every area of your life, the Lord says, I will bless if you live in covenant faithfully with me. I'll bless your family, I'll bless your work, I'll bless your crops, I'll bless your flocks, I'll bless your politics. Everything will be blessed by me if you are a faithful people. That too is a picture, isn't it, of the new heaven and the new earth.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
We know we're never going to see fully the fullness of God's blessing until Christ comes again to make all things new. But there's an anticipation of that in the life of the people of God. So we have these blessings in the first part of Deuteronomy 28 and 28. Verse 13 says, And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail, and you shall go up and not down.
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Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
If you obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, being careful to do them. That was a theme we heard regularly in these opening sections. Be careful, be careful, be careful. And here it comes back again. We're to be a careful people. We're to be a thoughtful people. And that's not just an Old Testament command.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
You remember Paul in Ephesians 5 also, be careful how you walk, he says to Christians. So there too is a point of continuity. The Christian life is not a thoughtless life. It's not an undisciplined life. It's a careful life. And so we listen to this command. And then verse 14, the end of the blessings section here of chapter 28. And if you do not turn aside from any of the words that I command.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
So here is a reminder of the fullness, the breadth and depth, the extent of the covenant as God has given it governing all of life. All the words that I command you today to the right hand or to the left hand to go after other gods to serve them.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
That's one of the questions W. Robert Godfrey will address on this Tuesday edition of Renewing Your Mind as you get just a little taste of his extensive series, Discovering Deuteronomy.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
Again, we're right back where we began in these opening sections that the focus of obedience to God, the focus of covenant keeping to God is always to be found in worship. Worship is where we look directly to God. And if we can't be faithful in the moments we give consciously to God, what kind of faithfulness will there be in the rest of life? That's sort of what's being said here.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
And again, a theme at the early part of the book is faithfulness. picked up again here, you see Moses is a good preacher. A good preacher always has to repeat himself. And a good preacher recognizes that what you said early in the sermon may not be remembered at the end of the sermon. So here we are with themes.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
Now you might have been saying, well, if Moses had only had an editor, this book could have been about half as long. And there's a certain truth to that. There's a lot of repetition in this book. But what I have found, and I hope you'll find as you ponder this book in the future, that repetition is really helpful because we really do forget things.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
We really do fail to keep the balance that we ought to keep in understanding God and His ways. And this repetition then is helpful that way. Then in verse 15 of chapter 28, he turns to the other side. If you obey, you'll receive blessing. If you disobey, you'll receive curses. And the curse is really serious and extensive. All the areas of life will be cursed.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
Just as all areas of life were promised blessing, so all are cursed. You'll be cursed in your family. You'll be cursed in your work. You'll be cursed in the field. You'll be cursed in your politics. Everything will suffer the judgment of God. It will lead to sin. all sorts of confusion and frustration, as we see there in verse 20.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
Tomorrow is the final day that we'll be in this series, so don't forget that if you'd like to own Discovering Deuteronomy, you can request it online at or by using the link in the podcast show notes when you give a donation of any amount in support of Renewing Your Mind. Thank you.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
The Lord will send on you curses, confusion, and frustration in all that you undertake to do until you are destroyed and perish quickly on account of your evil deeds because you have forsaken me. It's a horrible thing to contemplate, isn't it? Confusion, frustration, destruction—it's not a future that you would have thought anyone would want to look forward to.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
And they don't look forward to it, of course, but they don't take the Word seriously enough. And one of the intriguing things here is the Lord says, I'll do this on you quickly. But in point of fact, the Lord is remarkably patient. It's hundreds and hundreds of years that Israel survives until the Lord finally loses patience and brings judgment.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
But at most of the points through that history, the rebellion, the stubbornness, the confusion of Israel is rather manifested. So this strong warning is not listened to. Verse 25, The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies. You shall go out one way before them and flee seven ways from them, and you shall be a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
That too had been a warning at the beginning. Don't become a byword. Don't become a proverb. You know, Proverbs are brief ways of reminding ourselves of our history and what has happened. My wife, I may have mentioned before, is Hungarian. And the Hungarians suffered a great defeat in 1526. You all remember that.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
The Hungarians suffered a great defeat at the hands of the Turks in 1526 on the plain of Mohacs. And the Hungarian king and much of the Hungarian nobility and all of the Hungarian bishops were killed in the Battle of Mohacs. And the Turk moved through and occupied the country. And to this day, there's a proverb amongst Hungarians, and if something really bad happens...
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
The Hungarians will say, more was lost at Mohacs. So, you know, it's sort of Calvinist comfort. Cheer up. Things could be worse. But Proverbs work that way. And what Moses is saying here, you don't want to be a proverb and have the nations say about you, Israel was destroyed. Israel was punished. Israel was abandoned.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
You know, if something bad happens, you don't want people saying, well, it's not as bad as Israel's punishment. We don't want to be a proverb. We don't want to be a horror. We don't want to be a byword. That's the warning that the Lord brings here. And then in verse 27, he says, the Lord will strike you with the boils of Egypt, with tumors and scabs and itch of which you cannot be healed.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
What a horrible thing to contemplate that Israel... might experience the same judgment that had been visited on Egypt. What Moses is really saying here is, beware lest in your disobedience God turn you into Egyptians as the object of His wrath and of His punishment. This would be the loss of everything. So you can see how serious this all becomes as a warning.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
Well, here's Dr. Godfrey in chapter 28 of Deuteronomy, continuing his study of these warnings for God's people.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
And while the blessings are 14 verses, the curses go on and on and on. And the curses are articulated at length because the Lord knows Israel needs that warning. And the Lord knows, of course, that in the long run, they will not heed the warning. And it's interesting as you read the curses. It begins very much in terms of a possibility. I lay before you blessings and curses.
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Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
I lay before you life and death, choose life. So there's a covenant possibility, in some ways at least an open-ended history laid before them. But it's somewhere along the line of the curses, it shifts to not being just a possibility, but being a prophecy.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
And I think we begin to see that at verse 36 of chapter 28, the Lord will bring you and your king whom you set over you to a nation that neither you nor your fathers have known. So here's a prophecy of curse leading to exile, of curse leading to the loss of the promised land. Think how dramatic that is. Here they are standing at the very moment of entering the promised land,
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
Well, we're looking at the section in Deuteronomy that we're calling Warnings, a section parallel to the warnings at the beginning of the book, a reminder about the seriousness with which God takes His covenant with His people. and the call to faithfulness that God issues there.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
And already Moses has to warn them seriously that they may lose this promised land if they are not careful in their service. And this too had been said back in Deuteronomy 4. There too there had been this warning, really prophecy of exile that's being articulated here. So it's a bleak picture that begins to be painted here.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Call Us to Faithfulness
This is Moses' intention, that these people would think about the horror that awaits them, would be confronted by it. Down at verse 47, we see an interesting contrast. This is going to happen, verse 47 says, because you did not serve the Lord your God with joyfulness and gladness of heart because of all the abundance of things he gives you.
Renewing Your Mind
Mary: the Messiah’s Mother
That was so clarifying today from our teacher, R.C. Sproul. This is the Tuesday edition of Renewing Your Mind, and all week we're concentrating on his series, Messiah is Born. And as the week progresses, we're learning how the birth of Christ affects not only our redemption, but all of history. It's an important series for your family as you seek to understand the real meaning of Christmas.
Renewing Your Mind
Mary: the Messiah’s Mother
We'd like for you to have access to the entire series. Just contact us today with a year-end donation of any amount, and we'll unlock it for you in the free Ligonier app. We'll also unlock Dr. Sproul's series, What Did Jesus Do?, and its study guide. That 12-part series shows us why Jesus' life was so important.
Renewing Your Mind
Mary: the Messiah’s Mother
And Dr. Sproul explains what it means that Jesus is the second Adam and what this means for believers today. Plus, we'll send you Dr. Sproul's book, The Work of Christ. Request these four resources. That's two teaching series, a study guide, and a book when you give your donation at or when you call us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
Mary: the Messiah’s Mother
I think many of us understand the importance of Christ's atoning sacrifice and the significance of his resurrection, but we may not realize the significance of the life that Jesus led before his death and resurrection. I recall it being transformative to my own thinking. Let's listen to a sample of what you'll hear in Dr. Sproul's series, What Did Jesus Do?
Renewing Your Mind
Mary: the Messiah’s Mother
We'll unlock all 12 messages of What Did Jesus Do and its study guide in the free Ligonier app, send you the Work of Christ book, and provide you with digital access to the series you're hearing this week. Request this resource bundle at or by using the link in the podcast show notes.
Renewing Your Mind
Mary: the Messiah’s Mother
2025 is almost here, and as you heard last Friday, we have bold outreach plans for the new year. Your year-end support is vital to meeting the global demand for resources from Ligonier Ministries and to expand the reach of Renewing Your Mind. So thank you in advance for any additional support that you can provide before December 31st. Dr. Sproul will continue his series tomorrow. Here's a preview.
Renewing Your Mind
Mary: the Messiah’s Mother
Can you imagine that, being visited by an angel? It must have been terrifying and amazing. The message Gabriel brought was good news. Mary would be the mother of Jesus. It's for that reason that some have elevated her beyond what the Bible teaches. So how should we understand the role of Mary? Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
The Ninety-Five Theses
And may we stand boldly for the truth of the gospel and not be tossed to and fro in our generation. That was R.C. Sproul on this Tuesday edition of Renewing Your Mind, a daily outreach of Ligonier Ministries that has been broadcasting truth for 30 years.
Renewing Your Mind
The Ninety-Five Theses
If you'd like to own this series, Justified by Faith Alone, working through it at your own pace and using the accompanying study guide, you can request lifetime digital access when you make a donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
The Ninety-Five Theses
When you make your gift, not only are you helping spread the truth of God's Word, we'll also send you the hardcover edition of The Legacy of Luther— This book has contributions by R.C. Sproul, Sinclair Ferguson, W. Robert Godfrey, Stephen Nichols, Derek Thomas, and more.
Renewing Your Mind
The Ninety-Five Theses
Whether or not Martin Luther intended his posting of the 95 Theses to be a big public issue, God did, and he used this moment to fuel reformation and the rediscovery of the gospel. This is the Tuesday edition of Renewing Your Mind, and it's great to have you with us.
Renewing Your Mind
The Ninety-Five Theses
Between now and October 31st, the day that Luther posted those 95 theses, we are spending time considering Luther, his life, what led to his bold stand for truth, and the great truths of the Reformation that we mustn't forget. Yesterday, R.C. Sproul recounted a number of crises in the life of Luther, but left the story before we got to Wittenberg, Germany, and the nailing of those theses.
Renewing Your Mind
Monism and Pluralism
That was R.C. Sproul from his series, The Consequences of Ideas, and you're listening to Renewing Your Mind. We're right at the beginning of this series, but in the complete 35-message overview, Dr. Sproul will also introduce you to Augustine, Aquinas, the Enlightenment, and even modern philosophers.
Renewing Your Mind
Monism and Pluralism
So add this resource to your library when you request your copy with a gift of any amount at In addition to digital access to the series and its study guide, we'll send you the messages on a special edition DVD set.
Renewing Your Mind
Monism and Pluralism
As I work through a study like this, I continually come away grateful that by God's grace, I have the answers to these fundamental questions that have been debated for millennia. So I encourage you to request your copy at or by calling us at 800-435-4343 or by using the link in the podcast show notes.
Renewing Your Mind
Monism and Pluralism
And for those who prefer to read, we'll also send you the companion book, also titled The Consequences of Ideas. In a debate, have you ever heard of reducing your opponent's position to its absurd logical conclusion? You'd be saying, if your position is correct, that would mean you believe this, and therefore this, and then this. Well, that method comes from a man named Zeno.
Renewing Your Mind
Monism and Pluralism
To study the history of human thought, the work of philosophers, is often to observe what R.C. Sproul just called the pursuit of God. It's to see people seeking to make sense of the world, and many times, sadly, doing it outside of a biblical worldview. But that's not something reserved for philosophers or ancient history. People do the very same thing today.
Renewing Your Mind
Monism and Pluralism
Hi, I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and you're listening to Renewing Your Mind. Ideas have consequences, and this week R.C. Sproul is tracing the history of philosophy and the consequences of those ideas. You can study this topic further when you request the Consequences of Ideas special edition DVD set and book with your donation of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
Monism and Pluralism
I'll tell you more about those resources after today's message. Yesterday we met Thales and his idea that water was ultimate reality. While many others would follow him and disagree and come up with their own interesting answers to that question. Here's Dr. Sproul as he introduces us to these ancient philosophers.
Renewing Your Mind
Counting It All Joy
Hi, Nathan W. Bingham here. Before we get to today's episode, I wanted to make you aware of an upcoming travel opportunity with other listeners of Renewing Your Mind and friends of Ligonier, a Caribbean study cruise that sets sail next February. I'll be there, and Dr. Derek Thomas and Pastor Ken Jones will be our teachers as they lead us through the rich theological truths of Galatians 3.
Renewing Your Mind
Counting It All Joy
and His promises are trustworthy. This is the Tuesday edition of Renewing Your Mind, and that was R.C. Sproul from his series, Joy. R.C. Sproul said today that when he was afraid or fearful, he would have a conversation with himself to remind himself of the truths he taught us today.
Renewing Your Mind
Counting It All Joy
So this series is one I expect you may want to return to again and again to be reminded of the promises of God and the duty to have joy in the midst of sorrow. You can unlock digital access to this series. Plus, we'll send you his title, Can I Have Joy in My Life? and his Christmas devotional, The Advent of Glory, when you give a donation of any amount in support of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Counting It All Joy
Simply call us at 800-435-4343, visit, or use the link in the podcast show notes. Respond early to get the devotional in time for Christmas and know that your support makes Renewing Your Mind possible. Give today at Thank you. Before we go, I'd like to invite you to a free event on Thursday night. It's in Dallas, Texas on November 14.
Renewing Your Mind
Counting It All Joy
It's called Renewing Your Mind Live, and it's an opportunity for us to thank you for listening. and to give thanks to God for 30 years of broadcasting truth through Renewing Your Mind. Stephen Nichols and Derek Thomas will be joining us to teach on Romans 12.2, the verse where we get the name of this program.
Renewing Your Mind
Counting It All Joy
We'll have a Q&A session so you can ask your biblical and theological questions or questions about Renewing Your Mind. Mrs. Sproul is planning to attend, and you'll have the opportunity to meet other listeners. Meet me, plus there'll be giveaways. This is a free event, but due to limited capacity, registration is required. You can learn more and register at slash Dallas.
Renewing Your Mind
Counting It All Joy
And I hope to see you on Thursday night or in other cities across the United States throughout 2025. We'll be sure to let you know when future dates are announced. And again, thank you for listening to Renewing Your Mind as we celebrate 30 years of broadcasting truth. Next time, R.C. Sproul will ask a simple question that has a profound answer. How do you spell joy?
Renewing Your Mind
Counting It All Joy
Enjoy eight days of teaching, refreshment, and fellowship when you travel with us on this Caribbean study cruise. You can learn more and register at I hope to see you there. Now on to today's episode.
Renewing Your Mind
Counting It All Joy
Although there are many moments in life that are filled with great joy, there are also moments, even seasons perhaps, that can be filled with grief, sorrow, and pain. So how do we count it all joy and have this fruit of the Spirit in those seasons? Hi, I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and welcome to the Tuesday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Counting It All Joy
The world pursues pleasure, whereas the Christian is a person of joy, even in the midst of what could seem like unbearable or hopeless circumstances. How is that possible, and how can we cultivate that joy? Well, here's Dr. Sproul to remind us that we are to count it all joy.
Renewing Your Mind
For Those Whom the Father Has Given
How comforting that truth is. You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, and that was R.C. Sproul from his Hard Sayings of Jesus series. This week only, you can request lifetime digital access to the hard sayings of Jesus, along with the hard sayings of the apostles, the hard sayings of the prophets, and the hard sayings of the Bible, when you give a gift of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
For Those Whom the Father Has Given
To thank you for your donation in support of Renewing Your Mind, in addition to access to those four series, we'll send you R.C. Sproul's hardcover book, Hard Sayings, Understanding Difficult Passages of Scripture. So call us today at 800-435-4343 or visit to add these resources to your library and grow in your knowledge of God's Word.
Renewing Your Mind
For Those Whom the Father Has Given
As you continue to study the Bible, don't forget to make use of the free Ligonier app, Renewing Your Mind and other podcasts from Ligonier are in there along with hundreds of sermons from R.C. Sproul. So I'd encourage you to download the Ligonier app from your preferred app store. Tomorrow, Dr. Sproul will consider a hard saying that came to Ezekiel the prophet.
Renewing Your Mind
For Those Whom the Father Has Given
The words of Jesus in John 17 bring the believer such comfort to know in this prayer of Jesus that he prays for his sheep. He prays for us. Yet these words of comfort are also hard because they reveal to us that there are some people that Jesus doesn't pray for. There are some for whom Jesus did not lay down his life. Welcome to the Tuesday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
For Those Whom the Father Has Given
I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. All week, R.C. Sproul is tackling some of the hard sayings of the Bible. And today, he examines a hard saying of Jesus. When Christians discuss the doctrines of grace, Reformed theology, if there's disagreement, it often happens when the subject of the atonement comes up. For whom did Christ die? For whom does he pray for and intercede as their high priest?
Renewing Your Mind
For Those Whom the Father Has Given
Although the answers to these questions can seem hard at first, we mustn't ignore the plain teaching of Scripture. They are, in fact, sweet gospel truths. Here's R.C. Sproul in John 17.
Renewing Your Mind
How to Deal with Guilt
It amazes me that when R.C. Sproul describes the revolution of the 1960s, it sounds as if he's describing the time in which we live. We need a renewed understanding that guilt is real, but true guilt is defined by God. That was R.C. Sproul on today's edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
How to Deal with Guilt
Whether it's guilt, suffering, anxiety, or determining the will of God for our lives, there are difficult things that each of us have to deal with in this life. And that's why Dr. Sproul recorded this series of messages to help you navigate life in a fallen world.
Renewing Your Mind
How to Deal with Guilt
Request lifetime digital access to the entire series and its study guide and a copy of his practical book, Surprised by Suffering, The Role of Pain and Death in the Christian Life. When you give a donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343. Your support fuels the spread of biblical truth around the world in many of the world's most spoken languages.
Renewing Your Mind
How to Deal with Guilt
We can be masters of rationalizing our sin and seeking to hide our guilt. We also live in a time where we're made to feel guilty for believing things or doing things that are not even sinful. So how do we deal with our guilt, and how do we know when guilt is real? I'm glad you're with us for this Tuesday edition of Renewing Your Mind, as R.C. Sproul is helping us deal with difficult problems.
Renewing Your Mind
How to Deal with Guilt
Guilt is real, and the whole world stands guilty before God. It's important for Christians to understand guilt biblically, knowing that we are forgiven. But the reality and the presence of guilt can be a powerful tool when you're having a conversation with an unbeliever. Here's Dr. Sproul to explain.
Renewing Your Mind
Communicable Attributes
And we can praise Almighty God for that. We are naturally foolish and unwise, as R.C. Sproul pointed out, but God, in His mercy, gives us wisdom. You're listening to Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. This week you're hearing messages from Dr. Sproul's series, Foundations.
Renewing Your Mind
Communicable Attributes
In 60 messages, Dr. Sproul covers the origin and authority of the Bible, God, the Trinity, man, salvation, and other essential doctrines. There's more than 22 hours of teaching in this DVD set, and we'll send it to you, along with unlocking digital access to the messages and study guide in the free Ligonier app when you call us at 800-435-4343 with a donation of any amount.
Renewing Your Mind
Communicable Attributes
To further thank you for your generosity, we'll also send you his book, Everyone's a Theologian. So you can take this journey through systematic theology by watching or listening to the series or by reading the companion book. You can give your donation and request this resource bundle by calling us at 800-435-4343, visiting, or by using the link in the podcast show notes.
Renewing Your Mind
Communicable Attributes
In the Bible, we are commanded to do many things. But when we look at that list, there are some things that seem, well, impossible. For example, can we really be holy as God is holy? Today on this Tuesday edition of Renewing Your Mind, R.C. Sproul examines the attributes of God, focusing on those attributes that God has given us the ability to display.
Renewing Your Mind
Man’s Radical Fallenness
You're listening to Renewing Your Mind as we celebrate 30 years of broadcasting truth. That was R.C. Sproul from his classic series, Chosen by God.
Renewing Your Mind
Man’s Radical Fallenness
This series, along with Dust to Glory, Knowing Scripture, both editions of The Holiness of God, and What is Reformed Theology, along with their study guides, can be yours when you give a 30th anniversary donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
Man’s Radical Fallenness
In addition to lifetime digital access to those resources, we'll send you Dr. Sproul's book, Everyone's a Theologian. Thank you for helping fuel the next 30 years of Renewing Your Mind. So what does it mean to renew your mind? Here's R.C. Sproul's answer when he was interviewed on the 10th anniversary of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Man’s Radical Fallenness
This is about redemption. So if you've never contacted us before, we would love to send you R.C. Sproul's new title, The Great Rescue, for you to read or share with someone who needs to know the good news. Visit slash rescue and we'll send it to you for free. Join us tomorrow as you'll hear another classic message from R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
Man’s Radical Fallenness
The Apostle Paul reminded the church in Ephesus that before someone becomes a Christian, they are dead in trespasses and sins. Since unbelievers are spiritually dead, how can anyone come to Christ? This is the Tuesday edition of Renewing Your Mind. And 30 years ago this month, this daily outreach was launched by R.C. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
Man’s Radical Fallenness
Three decades later, we also have a global podcast audience and we've just launched a new YouTube channel. So be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications. All week we are giving thanks to God for 30 years of broadcasting truth. And if you have never contacted Renewing Your Mind or Ligonier Ministries before, we have a free gift for you.
Renewing Your Mind
Man’s Radical Fallenness
Simply visit slash rescue and we'll send you a new book from Dr. Sproul, The Great Rescue. And stay tuned after today's message to hear R.C. Sproul's reflections on what it means to renew your mind. Here's Dr. Sproul on the radical fallenness of man.
Renewing Your Mind
The Insanity of Luther
And what good news that is! You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, and that was R.C. Sproul on Martin Luther from his series, The Holiness of God. This series and its companion book have been used by the Lord over the decades to bring transformation and renewal as individuals and families have discovered who God is and heard the good news of the gospel.
Renewing Your Mind
The Insanity of Luther
This year, 2025, marks 40 years since The Holiness of God was first published, And we'd like to put a copy in your hands so that you can read it yourself or put it into the hands of others. Request a limited edition 40th anniversary copy when you give a donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
The Insanity of Luther
When you respond, we'll put a copy in the mail and also unlock lifetime digital access to the original and extended editions of the companion teaching series, plus the study guide. So that's a book, two teaching series, and a study guide when you give a donation of any amount at or when you use the link in the podcast show notes.
Renewing Your Mind
The Insanity of Luther
Was Martin Luther, the 16th century reformer, insane? Some have suggested he was, or perhaps he understood the law of God and the demands of the law and just how far he fell short of it. This is the Thursday edition of Renewing Your Mind as we spend a week reflecting on God's holiness and marking the 40th anniversary of the publication of R.C. Sproul's landmark book, The Holiness of God.
Renewing Your Mind
The Insanity of Luther
Today, R.C. Sproul considers Martin Luther, what led to his perceived insanity, and then Luther's discovery of the good news as he read the Book of Romans. Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
False Prophet
And don't we each want to be known as servants of Christ too, not pleases of men? You're listening to the Thursday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. You can hear R.C. Sproul's passion for the gospel in today's message. And this passion to proclaim and defend the gospel that is by faith alone was evident throughout his entire ministry.
Renewing Your Mind
False Prophet
I count it such a blessing that my family was able to call him Al Pastor and sit under his preaching for almost six years. And each week he faithfully proclaimed the word of God and the gospel. His preaching and teaching ministry formed the foundation of his expositional commentaries.
Renewing Your Mind
False Prophet
And until tomorrow, you can request his commentary on Galatians when you give a donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343. When you do, we'll also give you lifetime digital access to his series on Galatians and his series titled Pleasing God. So visit or click the link in the podcast show notes before this offer ends.
Renewing Your Mind
False Prophet
Both Jesus and the Apostle Paul used strong language against those who would pervert and distort the gospel. Attacks upon the gospel have been present in every age of church history, so we must always be diligent, proclaiming the truth with clarity and without compromise. Welcome to the Thursday edition of Renewing Your Mind, as R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
False Prophet
Sproul reminds us of this reality as he continues his examination of Paul's letter to the churches in Galatia. Galatians makes it clear that we cannot add to the saving work of Christ. You can study Galatians in more detail when you request Dr. Sproul's hardcover commentary along with digital access to this series and Pleasing God.
Renewing Your Mind
False Prophet
Simply give a gift of any amount at and we'll send you the commentary and unlock access to those series in the free Ligonier app. But be quick as this offer ends tomorrow. Well, here's Dr. Sproul on Paul's message to false prophets who add to the gospel.
Renewing Your Mind
Justified by Faith
how transforming the biblical gospel is, and how grateful we are that this message was rediscovered and proclaimed by men like Martin Luther during the Reformation. You're listening to Renewing Your Mind on this Thursday. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. These great Reformation truths are explained further in Michael Reeve's series, Reformation Truths.
Renewing Your Mind
Justified by Faith
Today is the final day that you can request this eight-message series when you call us at 800-435-4343 with a donation of any amount or when you give your gift at And while you wait for the DVD to arrive in the mail, we'll unlock the series and the study guide in the free Ligonier app.
Renewing Your Mind
Justified by Faith
The study guide is designed to help you go deeper and to remember what you learned with its discussion and reflection questions, quizzes, and even prayer suggestions to help you if you lead a small group through the series. This offer ends today, so give your gift at or by using the link in the podcast show notes while there's still time.
Renewing Your Mind
Justified by Faith
We've been talking a lot about Martin Luther as we approach October 31st, often referred to as Reformation Day. Luther famously wrote, "...the love of God does not find, but creates that which is pleasing to it."
Renewing Your Mind
Justified by Faith
And today on Renewing Your Mind, you'll hear how he came to say that, as his mind was renewed according to the Word of God, and he finally understood the gospel and the truth that we are justified by faith alone. Today is the final day that you'll hear from Michael Reeves and his series, Reformation Truths.
Renewing Your Mind
Justified by Faith
So if you'd like this series on DVD, along with digital access to the messages and study guide, make sure you give a donation of any amount at before this offer ends at midnight. Here's Dr. Reeves.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
Before the judges, there was great strength in Israel and then gradual spiritual weakening in Israel. And that's when God instituted the office of the judges to help the people in their spiritually declining and compromised state.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
Will you prolong your anger to all generations? Will you not revive us again that your people may rejoice in you? Show us your steadfast love, O Lord, and grant us your salvation. So here's sort of the pattern, you know, spiritually up, spiritually down, spiritually up, spiritually down, praying that they might go up again. are according to God's steadfast love, according to his covenant love.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
Remember us, O Lord. Don't abandon us in our sin. Deliver us. And so we see this up and down in Israel. And one of the important questions, I think, for us as New Testament readers of the Old Testament, does that up and down apply to us? Or is the life of the church of Jesus Christ just always up, up, up?
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
Well, if you're tempted to think that the life of the church of Jesus Christ is always up, up, up, I have a series on church history to commend to you. No, the history of the church has just been sort of constant ups and downs, hasn't it? But we see that already in the New Testament, don't we? Look at Paul's letter to the Corinthians.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
It's always such an encouragement to me that I'm not a Corinthian. I'm bad, but maybe not that bad. What a mess the Corinthians are in, having heard the Apostle Paul himself preach to them and convert them, and then down they go, and Paul writes to them, and they come sort of back up. But it reminds us that just because Christ has come, it doesn't mean that his people all of a
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
that there's never going to be any spiritual up or down again. And certainly the letters to the seven churches in the book of the Revelation make the same point, don't they? That churches sometimes are better and sometimes are worse. Now, we mustn't be hyper-Calvinists and assume we're always worse, but there's ups and downs, and that's important to bear in mind because it means everything.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
we may need to be a repentant people. We need to see our own sin. We need to turn to the Lord and plead the way the psalmist pleads here in Psalm 85 so powerfully. Will you not revive us again that your people may rejoice in you? Show us your steadfast love, O Lord, and grant us your salvation. You know, you look at Europe today, you look at parts of America today, and you say,
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
Don't they need to pray like this? I'm struck again as a historian, I always have a strange look at things, but I can't help but think Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, the great Puritan foundations of America, where some of the purest religion in the history of mankind was practiced.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
But again, when we stand back from the book of Judges as a whole, we discover something kind of intriguing, I think. And that is that the book of Judges is not just about judges. You'd think if you're going to name a book the book of Judges, it ought to be about judges from beginning to end, but it's not. Probably 25% of the book is not about judges.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
Colonies founded to be a light on a hill to the rest of the world so that they might know Jesus Christ. The errand into the wilderness so that God's word could be followed. And now, in many of those places, the most unchristian parts of the country. And where is the pleading that the Lord would send His Spirit?
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
You know, I think a really important moment for us as Christians in our time is we not allow ourselves to be angry culture warriors. but we become prayerful, loving, concerned people that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ might be known far and wide. Because that's all that's really going to change things. We have to plead, as the psalmist is showing us how to plead for that.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
And what's encouraging then is he shows us in this pattern where the solution will be. Verse 8, "'Let me hear what God the Lord will speak.'" For he will speak peace to his people, to his saints. But let them not turn back to folly. The word of grace is never a word that says, okay, you're now forgiven, so it's fine with me if you live any way you want. That is not the way the Lord operates.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
He never operates that way. The Lord said, I'm willing to forgive you your sins, but you need to recognize they're sins. And sins are folly, and folly leads to disaster. And that's why our Reformed tradition has been equally adamant in saying we must get justification right and God's free grace, but we must also get sanctification right, that we need to pursue holiness. God is holy.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
If we want to know Him, we need to pursue holiness. And so this altar calls us to that. And then the wonderful promise, steadfast love and faithfulness meet, verse 10 of Psalm 85. Righteousness and peace kiss each other. Faithfulness springs up from the ground and righteousness looks down from the sky. That's what's promised. Peace is going to come.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
Faithfulness is going to come, and it's going to be linked to righteousness. God's going to accomplish that for His people. And how does He accomplish that? Well, I think we're told that over in Psalm 80, which is a very similar psalm to Psalm 85 in terms of the pattern of ups and downs. But in verse 15, God speaks very personally to Israel. He says, this is Psalm 80, 14 and 15.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
Turn again, O Lord of hosts. Look down from heaven and see. Have regard for this vine, the stock that your right hand planted. He's talked about how Israel was a vine dug up in Egypt and brought to the promised land and planted there. Have regard for this vine, the stock that your right hand planted. For the son whom you made strong... for yourself. Israel is God's son. Israel is God's firstborn.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
He's concerned about that people as his child. And then he goes on, intriguingly, verse 17, "...but let your right hand be on the man of your right hand, the son of man, whom you have made strong for yourself." So the son, Israel, the son is only going to be saved when God raises up the son of man, the man of his right hand, the man who will be strong. This is the pattern.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
So the first chapter and a half of the book of Judges, there are no judges. The institution of the office of the judge is established by God only in the middle of chapter 2 of Judges. And then even more intriguingly, after the death of Samson at the end of chapter 16 of Judges, there are four more chapters about the history of Israel when there are no judges.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
God raises up strong men throughout the Old Testament, but none of them strong enough. It's only Jesus as he comes who is strong enough to bind the strong man who's been the ruler of this world. And so the Psalter is showing us this pattern, this hope, this direction, and who is the strong man that we're going to look at?
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
Who is the strong man that God is raising up here at the end of the list of judges in the book of Judges? It's Samson. And it's a good point to close here, that Samson we usually think of in the first place as what? As a strong man.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
That was W. Robert Godfrey, the chairman of Ligonier Ministries, introducing us to the concept of judges in Israel and the arrival of Samson. Hearing judges describe their time as everyone doing what was right in their own eyes sadly sounds like a fitting description of today as well.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
So I appreciate Dr. Godfrey's reminder that in response, we should become prayerful, loving, and concerned people, that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ might be known far and wide. If you'd like to go deeper in your study of the life of Samson, you can request this series from W. Robert Godfrey when you give a gift of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
To thank you for your donation in support of Renewing Your Mind and the global outreach of Ligonier Ministries, we'll send you the 10-part series on DVD and we'll also give you lifetime digital access to all the messages and the study guide. This study will not only introduce you to Samson, but will help you better understand the book of Judges and some of the history of Israel.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
And so we have to recognize that while the book of Judges is 75% about judges, the judges are only part of the story. And that story is important, as we'll see, in that before the judges, there was great strength in Israel and then gradual spiritual weakening in Israel. And that's when God instituted the office of the judges to help the people in their spiritually declining and compromised state.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
And then when things have declined even further through the judges, so that by the end, Samson is no better than the people, even though he's a judge. Then we really see the mess that Israel is in after Samson dies. The stories in the last chapter of Judges may be the most disturbing in the whole Bible.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
Have you read the book of Judges lately? Spending time in Old Testament books can sometimes be a challenge, as we might be less familiar with the context. But it's worth the study, because the Old Testament is not only the inspired Word of God, but it has so much to say for God's people today. You're listening to the Thursday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
It is the kind of Bible text you're not sure you want to read to your grandchildren after dinner. It's horrifying and hideous what happens after And the text itself makes very clear the big point it's making. And the big point is this. Everyone did what was right in their own eyes because there was no king in Israel. And that's a real key to the whole meaning of the book of Judges.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
The whole meaning of the book of Judges, if we want to summarize it very briefly, is the people of God need a faithful leader. And the judges failed in that leadership. The judges could not provide the leadership the people needed. The people didn't need just regional judges. The people needed a king.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
And of course, if we were to extend this study into 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, what we discover is the kings didn't always do such a hot job either. And so again, when we get into the life of the kings, the people needed a king, a judge wasn't enough, then they get a king, and what do they discover with a king? Well, the kings aren't enough either. And why is that?
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
Because they need a perfect king, an obedient king, a faithful king, a king after God's own heart who obeys him in all things. So all of this is preparing us to see our need of King Jesus. And that's why this is so helpful. But we can't just say, now you don't need to read Judges and the historical books anymore because the only message is you need King Jesus.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
They help us see all kinds of particular ways in which we need King Jesus. And so that's what we're going to find, I think, in a way that's helpful and encouraging. I hope in the long run, this will be encouraging for us. And so God, in the need of his people, institutes the office of judge. Now, the word judge is perhaps not the happiest translation.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
The Hebrew word is a kind of common word and sort of means decider, right? It's not a technical term. It's nothing really like a judge in a court, as we understand a judge today. It's just kind of a leader, and a leader who makes the decisions for the people. It's a rather common Hebrew word, and so we have to get out of our minds that this is some judicial activity.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
It's a leader who's going to lead the people against their sins, but usually also against their enemies. Because what's been happening in Israel is that when Israel sins, God punishes his people by bringing enemies to oppress them.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
And it's as if God is saying to his people, if you will ignore me, if you are going to violate my law, if you're going to embrace sin, then I'm going to show you what it's like to be controlled by sin. And I'm going to do that by bringing in pagan enemies to oppress you. And so the judges are regularly described as deliverers. They're deliverers from sin and deliverers from enemies.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
That's their important function. In a real sense, they are saviors of Israel. They're not the savior. They're not the perfect savior, the complete savior, but they are pointing to the people's need of salvation. That's what's happening over and over again in the book. In particular, This book is showing us the need of a deliverer, a leader, a savior in the great period between Joshua and Saul.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
Because that's the period at which there is no common leadership. Now, the ending of the book of Joshua is particularly important for setting the scene for the book of Judges. And one of the most intriguing things that Joshua says near the end of his life, and he says a number of things that sound very much like Moses at the end of his life.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
Today and tomorrow, W. Robert Godfrey is still with us, but we'll be introduced to Samson. You've probably heard of Samson and Delilah, but who was Samson? The messages you'll hear this week are from Dr. Godfrey's 10-part study on the life of Samson.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
is basically calling the people to faithfulness, to law keeping, warning them about the dangers of breaking the law. He particularly warns them against idolatry, the besetting sin of Israel, which is spiritual adultery against the Lord.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
He warns them against intermarriage with the nations, and that will be an important warning for us to keep in mind when we come to Samson, because Samson himself fails to remember that warning. But he makes a particularly interesting statement, Joshua does, in chapter 24 of Joshua, verses 19 and 20. And Joshua says to the people, "'You are not able to serve the Lord.'"
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
Now, that's a really intriguing statement, isn't it? He's been laboring for chapters on how they need to serve the Lord and how to serve the Lord. And then he says, you are not able to serve the Lord, for he is a holy God. He is a jealous God. He will not forgive your transgressions or your sins.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
If you forsake the Lord and serve foreign gods, then he will turn and do you harm and consume you after having done you good. That's a very solemn warning. Very solemn warning. Now, what does he mean when he says, you are not able to serve the Lord? Well, he may be functioning just as a Calvinist and saying you're all totally depraved. That's perfectly possible.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
It may be part of what's going on here. But I think there's something more going on here. I think he's saying, after my death, you will not be able to serve the Lord because you will not have a leader. you've had Moses, and you haven't served the Lord perfectly under Moses, but Moses kept after you. And then you've had me, Joshua's the successor of Moses, and I've kept after you.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
And now the Lord's taking me away, and he's not establishing someone to rule the whole nation. He's not establishing someone to rule the whole nation. But he's going to raise up judges, one here, one there, one now, one another time. But you're not going to be able to serve the Lord. because you're not going to have a leader.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
And so right from these last words of Joshua, the people of God are being prepared for the need of a king. And that's why this book is so important transitionally from the days of Moses and Joshua to the days of Saul and David, when a whole new unity and deliverance is being given to the people of God. And for all of David's sin, We're constantly told he's the man after God's own heart.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
So go beyond the introduction to Samson and request the entire series on DVD with digital access to the messages and study guide when you give a gift of any amount at Samson was the last of the 12 judges, but have you ever asked why Israel needed judges? Here's Dr. Godfrey to begin our two-day look at Samson.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
He's the man God put on the throne to lead the people. He's the sweet singer of Israel who gave to Israel her songs about God and deliverance. He's the one who is held up as the model from whom Messiah would come. Who is Messiah? He's David's son. He's great David's greater son. That's Messiah. And so this role of kingship is being highlighted through the book of Judges.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
And we need to always keep that in mind. We need a king. Now, we're going to develop this a little more in the last lecture. And I don't want to give it all away. But having taught for 43 years now, I know that by the time I get to the last lecture, you'll all have forgotten this lecture. So I can mention it briefly here. Israel not only needs a king, but it needs a king from the tribe of Judah.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
Now, what does that say to you? What alarms does that set off? It should remind you that a bozo from Benjamin can never be a good king. That's Saul. Saul is the bozo from Benjamin. I'm How does Judges begin? It begins showing the leadership of the tribe of Judah in faithfulness, opposing the enemies of God. So Judah is highlighted as the faithful leader at the beginning of the book of Judges.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
And then, after the death of Samson, we find the spotlight turning to the tribe of Benjamin. And what we see is the growing sinfulness, horror, gross behavior of the people of Benjamin, particularly the people of Benjamin from the city of Gibeah. Never in the whole history of Israel has anything so vile happened as what happened in the city of Gibeah. And who was born in Gibeah? Saul.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
It's like this whole book is written so that when we read later in the history of God's people that the people wanted Saul as king, Saul of Gibeah, Saul of Benjamin, everyone would cry out, "'No, not anybody from there! How can you be so stupid?' And so, in a certain sense, the book of Judges is a tract for the house of David.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
I'm pretty sure its final form was written in David's day, or at least under the successors of David. This is all a way of saying, you don't want Benjamin, you don't want Saul, you want Judah, and you want David. But of course, It's a political tract from the hand of God. It's God saying, it's David and it's Judah that are the tribe that I choose.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
God had already prophesied about that through Jacob, talking about the rulership of Judah. God has known what he's doing always. We can always come back to that as a settled, confident point we can make. God knows what he's doing, and what he's doing through this book is showing us how much Israel needs not only a king, but needs a king from Judah, and specifically needs David of Judah to be king.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
And so it's wonderful to see this big context. You know, sometimes I think we get the idea that books in the Bible are just one book next to another. They don't make a lot of difference how you read them. But, you know, there's a reason that Judges comes between Joshua and Ruth. you know, what's the book of Ruth all about? Well, it's about the family of David and how he gets born.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
And so here we are. God is preparing us for this lesson and preparing us particularly through what he is doing in the various judges culminating in Samson. Now, I thought it might be useful just to pause a minute and look at the way this is sort of the pattern that God does things throughout the Bible.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
Only when we see what the book of Judges is about as a whole and Samson's role in that book are we really going to be able to achieve the maximum profit out of Samson. He's one of the 12 judges. He's the last judge, and he's the judge about whom we're told the most. So clearly there's a kind of building up to Samson in the book, and so Samson is a kind of culmination of the book.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
And I think we see that in the Psalms, and I want to read just a little bit from a couple of Psalms, because I think what we see, first of all, is the pattern that God has to deal with of Israel's ups and downs. And then we see the promise God makes to his people of salvation. And then we see the person designated who's going to bring that promise to fulfillment.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
So if we look at Psalm 85, let me read the first seven verses there, because here you get this sense of Israel's ups and downs spiritually. And the psalmist writes, Psalm 85, Lord, you were favorable to your land. You restored the fortunes of Jacob. Now, if the fortunes of Jacob were restored, they had to have gone downhill, right? So here's an up. You were favorable because there'd been a down.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Judges
You forgave the iniquity of your people. You covered all their sins. You withdrew all your wrath. You turned from your hot anger. So that's looking back. There was an up, there was a down, now there's an up. And now the prayer is, restore us again, O Lord. There's another down. Restore us again, O God of our salvation, and put away our indignation toward us. Will you be angry with us forever?
Renewing Your Mind
The Advent of Christ
Christmas is traditionally a joyful celebration of the birth of Christ, God with us. But as we've heard today on Renewing Your Mind, Christmas could also be celebrated as a commemoration of the promise-keeping nature of God. He promised a Savior in Genesis and through the prophets foretold the Messiah's coming. Christmas should cause us to stop and think and praise God.
Renewing Your Mind
The Advent of Christ
All week here on Renewing Your Mind, we're making our way through R.C. Sproul's celebration of the birth of Christ. And the series is called Messiah is Born. And we'd like you to have the entire series. Just contact us today with a year-end donation of any amount, and we'll give you lifetime digital access. We'll also unlock Dr. Sproul's series, What Did Jesus Do?, and its study guide.
Renewing Your Mind
The Advent of Christ
That's a 12-part series that shows us why Jesus' life was so important. His obedience prior to his death and resurrection shows us what it meant for Christ to be the second Adam and what this means for believers today. Plus, we'll send you his book, The Work of Christ. Request all four resources at or when you call us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
The Advent of Christ
We're grateful for your financial support, especially at this time of the year. Gifts in December make up a large portion of our entire outreach budget and have a significant impact on the outreach that can be accomplished in the year ahead. And if you're planning on giving a year-end gift to Ligonier, remember that your mailed-in gifts need to be postmarked by December 31st.
Renewing Your Mind
The Advent of Christ
We're grateful for your generosity. Well, before we go today, Dr. Sproul has a final thought for us.
Renewing Your Mind
The Advent of Christ
God's promises are trustworthy, and they are true. Hi, I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and I'm glad you're joining us for this Thursday edition of Renewing Your Mind. As we approach Christmas this week, you're hearing messages from R.C. Sproul's series, Messiah is Born.
Renewing Your Mind
The Advent of Christ
Even though many people can recount aspects of the Christmas story, angels, a star, Bethlehem, not many really understand the true significance of the coming of the Messiah. And that's a message we need to proclaim clearly and boldly. Here's Dr. Sproul to trace the Old Testament promise of the one who would crush the serpent's head all the way to the first advent of Christ.
Renewing Your Mind
Defining Our Terms
That is good news on this Thursday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and I'm thankful that you're with us today as we continue to celebrate 30 years of broadcasting truth. Is there someone you know who needs to hear today's message from R.C. Sproul? It's easy to share a link to today's episode at or from your favorite podcast player.
Renewing Your Mind
Defining Our Terms
Thank you for helping spread the good news of the gospel and the truth of Scripture. This series, Justified by Faith Alone, is actually 10 messages, twice as many messages than you'll hear this week.
Renewing Your Mind
Defining Our Terms
So if you'd like to complete this study and take advantage of the companion study guide to help you, you can request lifetime digital access at or by calling us at 800-435-4343 when you give a donation of any amount. This is a wonderful study for a small group or a family to help keep you grounded in these foundational and vital truths.
Renewing Your Mind
Defining Our Terms
It is Christ's righteousness and His righteousness alone that justifies us. Now that's good news, and that'll be our topic today on this Thursday edition of Renewing Your Mind. The gospel is always under attack. Distortions seek to creep into the church. Pressure from the world seeks to force us to downplay the exclusivity of Christ or the reality of sin.
Renewing Your Mind
Defining Our Terms
When you read Galatians, even then in the early church, the Apostle Paul was fighting false teaching and attacks upon the gospel. So series like the one you're hearing this week from R.C. Sproul are so needed to help us not forget the purity of the gospel and to help us take a stand against error. As Protestants, we believe in justification by faith alone. But what does that really mean?
Renewing Your Mind
What Manner of Man Is This?
That was R.C. Sproul on this Thursday edition of Renewing Your Mind, helping us think through the biblical portrait of Jesus, the one who is holy. This week's study is from Dr. Sproul's series, Fear and Trembling.
Renewing Your Mind
What Manner of Man Is This?
If you'd like to complete this study and work through the study guide, you can request digital access when you make a donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343. In addition to digital access to the Fear and Trembling series, we'll send you his popular book, The Holiness of God.
Renewing Your Mind
What Manner of Man Is This?
I recently asked Stephen Nichols, the president of Reformation Bible College, what advice he would give to freshmen starting college. And his answer, read the holiness of God. So request your copy when you give a donation of any amount at or when you click the link in the podcast show notes. But be quick as this offer ends tomorrow. God is holy. He's also just and merciful.
Renewing Your Mind
What Manner of Man Is This?
It's common for people to think of Jesus as merely meek and mild, nothing like the portrait of God found in the Old Testament. But when people encountered Jesus during his ministry, their responses might not be what you would imagine. You're listening to the Thursday edition of Renewing Your Mind as we're spending a week in R.C. Sproul's series, Fear and Trembling.
Renewing Your Mind
What Manner of Man Is This?
Today, Dr. Sproul directs our attention to Jesus. We've seen already that the holiness of God is often downplayed today, resulting in a distortion of the character of God. Well, the same is true when we consider God the Son, the Lord Jesus. Many people have created a Jesus in their own image.
Renewing Your Mind
What Manner of Man Is This?
So here's Dr. Sproul to examine several key moments in Jesus' ministry and the responses of those around him.
Renewing Your Mind
Jeremiah’s Temple Speech
A hard saying from the prophet Jeremiah and a warning for us today. That was R.C. Sproul on this Thursday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. To help Christians better understand God's Word, R.C. Sproul recorded four teaching series covering the hard sayings of the prophets, of Jesus, of the apostles, and the Bible.
Renewing Your Mind
Jeremiah’s Temple Speech
When you give a donation of any amount at in support of Renewing Your Mind, we'll give you lifetime digital access to all four of those series. Plus, we'll send you Dr. Sproul's hardcover book, Hard Sayings, Understanding Difficult Passages of Scripture. So call us today at 800-435-4343 or give your gift securely online at
Renewing Your Mind
Jeremiah’s Temple Speech
Not only will you gain access to four teaching series and be sent a copy of Dr. Sproul's hard sayings book, your generosity is helping more people in more places and languages gain a better understanding of God's Word. Give your gift today at Thank you. Have you tried our daily Bible study magazine?
Renewing Your Mind
Jeremiah’s Temple Speech
It's called Table Talk, and it's read by over 250,000 people around the world every month. There are daily Bible studies to aid you in your devotional reading, and every month, gifted teachers write on a specific topic or theme to help your Christian growth. You can try it risk-free for three months when you visit or read it online and learn more at
Renewing Your Mind
Jeremiah’s Temple Speech
In response to the hypocrisy and unfaithfulness of the people of God, the Lord used the prophet Jeremiah to deliver a warning and a message that R.C. Sproul called the hardest message a prophet ever had to give. And it's that message that we'll consider today on Renewing Your Mind. R.C. Sproul recorded four teaching series surveying many hard sayings that we find in the Bible.
Renewing Your Mind
Jeremiah’s Temple Speech
The message you'll hear today is from his Hard Sayings of the Prophets series. And until tomorrow, you can request access to all four of those series, plus Dr. Sproul's hardcover book simply titled Hard Sayings, when you give a gift of any amount at So what was this hard saying from the prophet Jeremiah? And how can his strong message serve as a warning even for people today?
Renewing Your Mind
God’s Sovereignty and Our Sin
You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, and this is the Thursday edition as R.C. Sproul is teaching from the Westminster Confession of Faith. The way the Westminster Confession is structured makes it a helpful way to read through a summary of biblical Christianity.
Renewing Your Mind
God’s Sovereignty and Our Sin
So if you've never heard of this confession before, or if you have but you've never read it, I would encourage you to take the time to work through it. And to make that task even easier, Dr. Sproul can be your guide when you request Truths We Confess, which is his commentary on the confession.
Renewing Your Mind
God’s Sovereignty and Our Sin
When you support the daily outreach of Renewing Your Mind with a gift of any amount, we'll send you the hardcover edition of Truths We Confess as our way of saying thank you. So call us at 800-435-4343 or give your gift at and we'll put a copy in the mail. This substantial resource could make for a great Christmas gift for a pastor or Christian leader in your life.
Renewing Your Mind
God’s Sovereignty and Our Sin
When we think about the theological questions surrounding the sovereignty of God, His providence and evil in the world, we typically think about Adam's sin and the fall of mankind. But what about how God's providence relates to your sin and to temptation in your life? This is the Thursday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
God’s Sovereignty and Our Sin
The providence of God is a significant and important area of theology, which is why we're spending this week considering it and why the writers of the Westminster Confession of Faith needed seven sections just to summarize it.
Renewing Your Mind
God’s Sovereignty and Our Sin
So far we have considered the question of where God is when tragedy strikes, God's use of means in providence, how the providence of God relates to the origin of evil, and today Dr. Sproul will consider God's providence, temptation, and our own sin. Well, here he is in section 5 of chapter 5.
Renewing Your Mind
The Otherness of God
And it was a lifelong pursuit, and the Lord used R.C. Sproul to help others better understand who God is. This is the Thursday edition of Renewing Your Mind, and today officially marks 30 years of broadcasting truth through this daily outreach launched by Dr. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries in 1994. And don't forget to subscribe to the newly launched Renewing Your Mind YouTube channel.
Renewing Your Mind
The Otherness of God
When you subscribe, also turn on notifications and perhaps share the channel with a friend. R.C. Sproul is well known for teaching on the holiness of God. But did you know that in addition to the original series, there is a 15-message extended edition? We're offering both of those series, plus four other classic series from R.C. Sproul, their study guides, and his book, Everyone's a Theologian.,
Renewing Your Mind
The Otherness of God
when you give a donation of any amount in support of the next 30 years of Renewing Your Mind. Help extend the reach of Renewing Your Mind by making this teaching available in more places and on more platforms. So give your gift today at by calling us at 800-435-4343 or by using the convenient link in the podcast show notes.
Renewing Your Mind
The Otherness of God
When Renewing Your Mind turned 10 years old, we asked R.C. Sproul why the holiness of God was so central in his teaching and ministry.
Renewing Your Mind
The Otherness of God
On October 3, 1994, Renewing Your Mind was officially launched by R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries. For three decades, truth has been broadcast on stations and signals around the world, and today, also downloaded millions and millions of times every year. Over those 30 years, this daily outreach has only been possible thanks to you, our generous and faithful listeners.
Renewing Your Mind
The Otherness of God
So as we thank God for 30 years of broadcasting truth, we also give thanks to God for you. Today, on the episode that officially marks 30 years of Renewing Your Mind, you'll be hearing the message that was first broadcast over the airwaves in 1994 and the dramatic events that changed the course of R.C. Sproul's life and ministry. Here's Dr. Sproul on the otherness of God.
Renewing Your Mind
Dead in Sin, Made Alive in Christ
What amazing grace that is, that while we were dead in sin, God made us alive. I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and this is the Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind. You just heard a message from R.C. Sproul that he gave at St. Andrew's Chapel in Sanford, Florida, and it was Dr. Sproul's preaching and teaching that formed the basis of his expositional commentary on Ephesians.
Renewing Your Mind
Dead in Sin, Made Alive in Christ
This hardcover commentary is the latest in his expositional series. You can request your own copy when you give a donation of any amount at Consider the riches of this wonderful letter from the Apostle Paul at your own pace. Request this commentary today using the link in the podcast show notes before this offer ends at midnight.
Renewing Your Mind
Dead in Sin, Made Alive in Christ
Join us next Sunday as we move ahead to verse 11 and are again reminded of who we were outside of Christ. Join us then here on Renewing Your Mind. Renewing Your Mind
Renewing Your Mind
Dead in Sin, Made Alive in Christ
Most of us are familiar with Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 8, for by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing. It is the gift of God. But this good news is so good and so memorable in Ephesians chapter 2 because of the bad news, the bleak condition of humanity that Paul describes earlier in that chapter.
Renewing Your Mind
Dead in Sin, Made Alive in Christ
And that's what we'll be considering today on this Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind. Every Sunday we feature the preaching and teaching ministry of R.C. Sproul. And today we begin a short series in Ephesians, beginning in chapter 2, which means that we'll start our time together with Dr. Sproul considering the fallen nature of man.
Renewing Your Mind
Dead in Sin, Made Alive in Christ
Before we turn to chapter 2, if you'd like to study the entirety of Ephesians, be sure to visit or use the link in the podcast show notes to request Dr. Sproul's hardcover commentary on Ephesians with your donation of any amount. Here's Dr. Sproul beginning in Ephesians chapter 2.
Renewing Your Mind
The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up
And what good news that is. This is the Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind, and that was R.C. Sproul concluding a short series in the Gospel of John. If you'd like to study the Gospel more or get a resource to share with a friend, you can request a free copy of Dr. Sproul's book, What is the Gospel? at slash gospel.
Renewing Your Mind
The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up
2024 has almost come to a close, which means we're about to usher in a new year of gospel outreach, and we need your support. We have plans to expand the reach of Renewing Your Mind, get more study Bibles into the hands of global pastors. Did you know that 95% of global pastors have no formal training?
Renewing Your Mind
The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up
And continue producing resources to serve this next generation so that they're grounded in the truth of God's Word. When you give a gift or an additional gift, large or small, at, we'll send you Dr. Sproul's line-by-line commentary through John's Gospel as our way of saying thank you. This is the final time we'll be offering this volume.
Renewing Your Mind
The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up
You have heard that complaint, haven't you? That it's not fair that there's only one way. That it's arrogant for the Christian to make that claim. But it's not arrogant. It's the truth. And it's a loving thing to tell a fallen sinner. Hi, I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and welcome to the Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up
As we come to the final sermon in this short series from John's Gospel, we continue Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus, in which he tells him that the Son of Man must be lifted up. And we come to the famous and often misunderstood text, John 3.16. As this is the final time that we'll be in, John, it's also the final day that you can request R.C. Sproul's commentary on John.
Renewing Your Mind
The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up
Before midnight tonight, give a year-end gift of any amount in support of Renewing Your Mind at, and we'll get this hardcover volume to you as our way of saying thank you. Every gift between now and December 31st makes a difference and will be used to help fuel the global outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Well, here's Dr. Sproul in John chapter 3.
Renewing Your Mind
Healing of the Man with the Unclean Spirit
That was R.C. Sproul on this Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind, where each week we feature his preaching ministry. We'll continue in Mark's gospel next week, but if you'd like to take your time through this fast-paced gospel and explore more than you'll hear in this short sermon series, I encourage you to request Dr. Sproul's expositional commentary on Mark.
Renewing Your Mind
Healing of the Man with the Unclean Spirit
It's filled with biblical insight and thoughtful theological reflection and can be of help both for devotional reading and in-depth study. Visit to request your copy when you give a donation of any amount to help fuel this listener-supported outreach that has been broadcasting truth for 30 years. Thank you. Next week, R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
Healing of the Man with the Unclean Spirit
In the Old Testament, the idea of demonic possession is rare, as it is also throughout church history. But during Jesus' earthly ministry, demons and even Satan himself were everywhere. Welcome to the Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind. It's good to have you with us. We're starting a new series this week in the Gospel of Mark.
Renewing Your Mind
Healing of the Man with the Unclean Spirit
We'll consider some of the extraordinary moments in Jesus' earthly ministry, like His healing of the man with the unclean spirit. And as it's a new sermon series, it also means we have a new expositional commentary available for you when you give a gift of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
Healing of the Man with the Unclean Spirit
All of Dr. Sproul's sermons in Mark form the basis for his commentary on this gospel, so request your copy before this offer ends at midnight. Well, here's Dr. Sproul beginning in Mark chapter 1.
Renewing Your Mind
Jairus’ Daughter
That was R.C. Sproul on this Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind. Thanks for being with us. If you listen to Renewing Your Mind often, would you please consider sharing a link to today's episode online and encouraging your family and friends to subscribe to the podcast.
Renewing Your Mind
Jairus’ Daughter
This really does help spread the reach of Renewing Your Mind, and you can find links in your favorite podcast app or at Today's sermon was the final sermon from this short series in Luke's Gospel, but you can study Luke in greater detail when you request R.C. Sproul's expositional commentary with a donation of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
Jairus’ Daughter
We always need Jesus, but sometimes the Lord uses suffering and trials in our life to remind us of our dependence upon Him for all things. Have you experienced that in a season of suffering? Welcome to the Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
Jairus’ Daughter
As we read the accounts of Jesus' earthly ministry and the miracles and healings He performed, we learn things about Him and His character, and we're reminded of our need, not merely for physical healing, but for the salvation of our souls.
Renewing Your Mind
Jairus’ Daughter
The two moments that we'll hear about today are the final accounts that we'll look at in Luke's Gospel, which means today is the final time that you can request R.C. Sproul's commentary on Luke with a donation of any amount at Respond before this offer ends at midnight, as it won't be repeated next Sunday.
Renewing Your Mind
Jairus’ Daughter
Here's Dr. Sproul on Jairus' daughter and the woman with the issue of blood.
Renewing Your Mind
And aren't we thankful for God's mercy and grace? It honestly leaves me speechless sometimes as I think about the sovereign mercy and grace in my own life. Today's message on Renewing Your Mind was a sermon from R.C. Sproul that he preached while he served at St. Andrew's Chapel, a Presbyterian church in Sanford, Florida.
Renewing Your Mind
And these sermons in John were the beginning of a project to produce a commentary on John's gospel. You can walk through this popular gospel, often the first one to be read by new believers, with R.C. Sproul as your guide when you request his hardcover commentary with your year-end donation of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
Your support this month is vital to help fuel the outreach of Ligonier Ministries in 2025 and the expansion of Renewing Your Mind. So let me thank you in advance for your generosity. Every gift makes a difference.
Renewing Your Mind
If you'd like to know more about our strategic plans for the new year, you can go back and listen to the December 13th episode of Renewing Your Mind wherever you listen to podcasts to hear a special discussion about how, with your support, we are seeking to equip global pastors and the next generation.
Renewing Your Mind
Make your donation before midnight tonight, and we'll get this commentary on John's gospel in the mail as our way of saying thank you and to help you dig deeper into this gospel. Jesus continued his conversation with Nicodemus and told him that the Son of Man must be lifted up. Find out what he meant next Sunday, here on Renewing Your Mind. Renewing Your Mind
Renewing Your Mind
One of the most famous conversations recorded for us in the Bible is the conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus at night in John chapter 3. And what they discuss is of vital importance for each and every one of us. I'm glad you're joining us for this Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm Nathan W. Bingham. Each Sunday, we feature the preaching ministry of R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
Sproul, the founder of Ligonier Ministries and the first minister of preaching and teaching at St. Andrew's Chapel. We're still in a short sermon series in John's Gospel, which means that until midnight tonight, you can request the hardcover edition of Dr. Sproul's line-by-line walk through the Gospel of John when you give a year-end donation of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
So what did Jesus mean when He told Nicodemus that people need to be born again? And is it ever proper for us to call ourselves born-again Christians? Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
The Unsearchable Riches of Christ
That was R.C. Sproul on this Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind. Today's message was given at St. Andrew's Chapel in Sanford, Florida, where Dr. Sproul served as the first minister of preaching and teaching. All of his study and teaching in Ephesians was brought together to form his expositional commentary, released earlier this year.
Renewing Your Mind
The Unsearchable Riches of Christ
And you can own this hardcover volume when you give a donation of any amount at For 30 years, Renewing Your Mind has been listener-supported, and your support today will help fuel the spread of trusted teaching around the world through Renewing Your Mind. Use the link in the podcast show notes or visit to make your donation.
Renewing Your Mind
The Unsearchable Riches of Christ
But be quick as this offer ends at midnight, and it won't be repeated next Sunday. Join us next time as we start a new sermon series with R.C. Sproul here on Renewing Your Mind. Renewing Your Mind
Renewing Your Mind
The Unsearchable Riches of Christ
Who is God? What are the unsearchable riches of Christ that Paul mentions in Ephesians chapter 3? That's what R.C. Sproul will consider on this Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind. We have spent the last few weeks in Ephesians chapter 2, and R.C. Sproul has unpacked the bad news of our condition outside of Christ and the good news of the unity Christians have in Christ.
Renewing Your Mind
The Unsearchable Riches of Christ
Well, today we'll conclude this series as R.C. Sproul teaches from chapter 3. If you'd like to study Ephesians further, today is your final opportunity to request the hardcover edition of R.C. Sproul's expositional commentary when you give a gift of any amount at This offer does end at midnight, and it won't be repeated next Sunday.
Renewing Your Mind
The Unsearchable Riches of Christ
Well, if you have your Bibles with you, turn to Ephesians chapter 3. Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
God’s Wrath
If you're listening today and you've never wrestled with the question of what you'll do with your guilt, I pray that you'll ponder that question today and request R.C. Sproul's free booklet, What is the Gospel? at slash gospel so that you can learn the only true remedy for true guilt.
Renewing Your Mind
God’s Wrath
This is the Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind, and each week we feature the preaching ministry of R.C. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
God’s Wrath
These sermons eventually became Dr. Sproul's line-by-line commentary on Romans, and we'd love to send you the hardcover edition of that commentary when you make a donation of any amount in support of Renewing Your Mind at or by using the link in the podcast show notes.
Renewing Your Mind
God’s Wrath
You'll only hear the early sermons from his Roman series, so study the entirety of the book when you request R.C. Sproul's expositional commentary today at But respond now, because this offer ends at midnight. So how do we deal with our guilt before God and God's wrath? Or better put, how did God provide a way to save guilty sinners?
Renewing Your Mind
God’s Wrath
The Book of Romans makes a powerful statement about the state of lost sinners. They are culpable for their sin, whether they want to admit it or not. Welcome to the Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. Today, R.C. Sproul continues his short sermon series in the opening portion of the Book of Romans.
Renewing Your Mind
God’s Wrath
You can, of course, have Dr. Sproul as your guide through the entire epistle when you request his line-by-line commentary with your donation of any amount at before midnight tonight. In today's sermon, R.C. Sproul explains that each of us needs to find a solution for our sin because the wrath of God is revealed against our unrighteousness. Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
Jesus wasn't killed because he was bad. He was killed because he was holy. That's from today's sermon by R.C. Sproul, preaching from Luke chapter 8. Thanks for being with us for this Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
Dr. Sproul had an incredible ability to retell the narrative accounts of Scripture, and you find that ability on display in his commentary on Luke. As you read it, he shares insights from decades of ministry and study with theological precision and pastoral care.
Renewing Your Mind
Request the hardcover edition of this commentary for your library when you give a gift of any amount at or by using the link in the podcast show notes. This commentary can serve you well in your study of Luke, but many people also use it as part of their daily devotional reading, slowly walking through this gospel line by line.
Renewing Your Mind
And when you make a donation, your support is fueling the reach of Renewing Your Mind around the world. So give your gift today at, but don't delay as this offer ends at midnight. Next week will be the final time in Luke's Gospel, so be sure to join us to hear R.C. Sproul preach on another miracle of Jesus. That'll be Sunday, here on Renewing Your Mind. ¶¶
Renewing Your Mind
In Luke chapter 8, we read an interesting account of Jesus casting out demons into some pigs, liberating a man from his bondage. And what is surprising is not that Jesus would bring freedom and liberty, but the response of those who saw this incredible event. Hi, I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and you're listening to the Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Each week we feature the preaching ministry of R.C. Sproul, and we're currently in Luke's Gospel, considering a few of the miracles he records from the ministry of Jesus. If you'd like to study Luke in greater detail, you can request Dr. Sproul's line-by-line expositional commentary with your donation of any amount at, and we'll get a copy in the mail for you.
Renewing Your Mind
But be quick, because this offer ends at midnight. So what was going on in this demon-possessed man, and how did the crowds respond when he was freed? Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
Cleansing of the Temple
You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, and that was R.C. Sproul from a sermon he preached at St. Andrew's Chapel in Sanford, Florida. Each Sunday we feature the preaching ministry of Dr. Sproul, and these sermons and all of his study form the basis of his expositional commentary series.
Renewing Your Mind
Cleansing of the Temple
You can continue building your commentary library when you give a year-end donation of any amount at When you do, as our way of saying thank you, we'll send you the hardcover edition of his line-by-line commentary on John. This commentary is suited for both study and devotional reading, so be sure to request yours while there's still time.
Renewing Your Mind
Cleansing of the Temple
One of the more dramatic moments in the ministry of Jesus is when He went up to Jerusalem, made a whip of cords, and drove the animals and money changers out of the temple. But why did Jesus do that? Stay with us as R.C. Sproul will explain on this Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind. We're presently in a short series in John's Gospel.
Renewing Your Mind
Cleansing of the Temple
With only a couple of sermons left, be sure to respond today while there's still time to request your copy of Dr. Sproul's line-by-line guide through the Gospel of John when you give a donation of any amount at If you have your Bible with you, open it to John chapter 2. Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
Unity in Christ
What an incredible truth and a reminder of why it's vital to gather together as the people of God. Today's message on Renewing Your Mind was from R.C. Sproul, the founder of Ligonier Ministries. It was 30 years ago this month that Dr. Sproul launched Renewing Your Mind and brought trusted and deep Bible teaching into the homes and into the vehicles of Christians thanks to radio.
Renewing Your Mind
Unity in Christ
Today, that reach has extended globally thanks to the rise of podcasting. And all of this is possible through your generous and regular support of this program. Today, when you give a gift of any amount at or by using the link in the podcast show notes, we'll send you R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
Unity in Christ
Sproul's expositional commentary on Ephesians so that you can continue studying this letter from the Apostle Paul. Use it to further enrich your devotional reading or use it to deepen your study of God's Word. Give your gift at before this offer ends at midnight. Next time, R.C. Sproul will conclude our study in the book of Ephesians.
Renewing Your Mind
Unity in Christ
Ephesians chapter 2 paints a very dark picture of the state of humanity. We're dead in our trespasses and sins. Unbelievers are said to follow the prince of the power of the air and that by nature we are children of wrath. But Ephesians chapter 2 also features good news, in fact the best news. That's what R.C. Sproul will consider today on this Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Unity in Christ
We're currently in a short series in Ephesians, messages R.C. Sproul gave at St. Andrew's Chapel in Sanford, Florida. These messages, along with all of his teaching on Ephesians, form the basis of his expositional commentary. And if you'd like to add this hardcover volume to your collection, you can request a copy with your donation of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
Unity in Christ
Well, here's Dr. Sproul on the unity that Christians have in Christ.
Renewing Your Mind
Healing the Paralytic
If that describes you, can I encourage you to visit slash guilt to request a free copy of R.C. Sproul's booklet, What Can I Do With My Guilt? No donation is required, so please request your free copy today. You're listening to the Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
Healing the Paralytic
We're currently considering some of the early moments in Jesus' earthly ministry, but you can study all of Mark's gospel when you give a donation of any amount in support of Renewing Your Mind at or by using the convenient link in the podcast show notes. As our way of thanking you for your support, we'll send you Dr. Sproul's hardcover expositional commentary.
Renewing Your Mind
Healing the Paralytic
Jesus' healing ministry was controversial and upset the religious leaders of the day. Why? Jesus healed on the Sabbath. As we heard last Sunday, he touched an unclean leper. And today, not only will he heal a paralytic, he'll be accused of blasphemy because he claims to have the authority to forgive sin. Thanks for joining us for this Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Healing the Paralytic
I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. R.C. Sproul served as the first minister of preaching and teaching at St. Andrew's Chapel in central Florida. And this sermon series in Mark's gospel was preached there.
Renewing Your Mind
Healing the Paralytic
Although we'll only spend a few weeks in Mark, you can study the entire gospel when you request Dr. Sproul's hardcover expositional commentary with your donation of any amount at Thank you for your support as you make it possible to keep renewing your mind freely available to countless Christians around the world every single day.
Renewing Your Mind
Healing the Paralytic
If you have your Bible with you, turn to Mark chapter 2. Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
Brought Near by the Blood of Christ
You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, and that was R.C. Sproul in Ephesians chapter 2. Simply search for Ligonier in your favorite app store or visit app. Today's message in Ephesians 2 and all of Dr. Sproul's teaching in Ephesians over the years form the basis of his expositional commentary on Ephesians, the latest in his commentary series.
Renewing Your Mind
Brought Near by the Blood of Christ
You can add this hardcover volume to your collection when you give a donation of any amount at or when you use the link in the podcast show notes. Read Dr. Sproul teach on the gospel, our unity in Christ, and the armor of God when you request this commentary on Ephesians. Visit to request yours before this offer ends at midnight.
Renewing Your Mind
Brought Near by the Blood of Christ
That's a bleak picture. Outside of Christ, we are a hopeless people. Remembering who we were outside of Christ should fill us with gratitude and produce humility. It should also lead us to praise as we remember the greatness of what is ours in Christ. This is the Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind, as each week we feature the preaching and teaching ministry of R.C. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
Brought Near by the Blood of Christ
We're currently in a short series beginning in Ephesians chapter 2. You can own Dr. Sproul's complete study of Ephesians when you request his hardcover expositional commentary with your donation of any amount at And know that your generosity today is helping take the truth of God's Word to the nations.
Renewing Your Mind
Brought Near by the Blood of Christ
Paul had bad news to share with us last week, and as Dr. Sproul begins at verse 11 of chapter 2, Paul again reminds us of who we once were. Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
Romans: Paul’s Magnum Opus
Amen. That was R.C. Sproul preaching from Romans 1 on this Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind. The teaching of Romans has sparked reformation and revival throughout church history whenever people have grasped the Spirit's message through the pen of the Apostle Paul. And in sermons preached at St. Andrew's Chapel, Dr. Sproul preached and taught through Paul's magnum opus.
Renewing Your Mind
Romans: Paul’s Magnum Opus
Those sermons eventually became his expositional commentary. And until midnight tonight, we'll send you this hardcover volume when you give a donation of any amount at Better grasp the theological truths and practical applications of this epistle with R.C. Sproul as your thoughtful guide, line by line, through Romans. Request your copy today at
Renewing Your Mind
Romans: Paul’s Magnum Opus
And thank you for your generosity, which is being used to extend the reach of Renewing Your Mind and fuel the global outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Dr. Sproul will continue his series next Sunday. Here's a preview.
Renewing Your Mind
Romans: Paul’s Magnum Opus
As Christians, you and I have been called out of the world. We have received the grace of God. And this was also true for the Apostle Paul. He shared this truth and his incredible privilege to be called as an apostle in the opening verses of the Book of Romans. Hi, I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and this is the Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind, where each week we feature the preaching ministry of R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
Romans: Paul’s Magnum Opus
Sproul. Romans is a significant book of the Bible, not just for the truths it communicates, but also for the way the Lord has used it throughout church history. And over the next few weeks, Dr. Sproul will introduce us to Romans and some of the key early truths found in this epistle. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Here's Dr. Sproul to start this series in Romans chapter 1.
Renewing Your Mind
The Duty of Pursuing Assurance
That's an important question, so I do hope that you'll join us each Saturday as R.C. Sproul continues this study on Renewing Your Mind. This series, The Assurance of Faith, is six messages and has a study guide filled with Scripture readings, further reading, study and discussion questions, and more.
Renewing Your Mind
The Duty of Pursuing Assurance
We'll send you the DVD and grant you digital access to all of the messages and that study guide when you make a donation of any amount in support of Renewing Your Mind at We'll also send you R.C. Sproul's title, Can I Be Sure I'm Saved?
Renewing Your Mind
The Duty of Pursuing Assurance
That's a series, a study guide, and a short book when you donate today at or when you click the link in the podcast show notes. But don't forget, this offer ends at midnight. How does having assurance help us as Christians? Why did Peter command us to make our calling and election sure? Find out next Saturday here on Renewing Your Mind. ¶¶
Renewing Your Mind
The Duty of Pursuing Assurance
The Apostle Peter commands us to make our calling and election sure. Jesus warns that there would be those who address him as Lord, Lord, but Jesus will say that he never knew them. So it is vital and very practical to know for sure that you are a Christian. That will be our topic over the next several weeks on Renewing Your Mind, so be sure to join us each Saturday.
Renewing Your Mind
The Duty of Pursuing Assurance
You can also study the Christian's assurance of salvation more deeply when you request this Saturday series on DVD, along with the digital study guide and a copy of R.C. Sproul's title, Can I Be Sure I'm Saved? We'll send you the book and DVD and grant you access to the study guide when you give a donation of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
The Duty of Pursuing Assurance
Well here's Dr. Sproul to begin this series as he discusses our duty to pursue assurance.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
He believed it was possible by faith for Christians to become perfect. And not everyone was persuaded that Wesley had made it. But this stress upon holiness did seem to be somewhat linked to aspects of Arminian theology and did serve to alienate Wesley from Whitefield. Wesley went on to be very successful as an organizer. He had great organizational abilities.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
And he established all over England Methodist societies. He didn't call them churches. He was still in the Church of England. To the day he died, he remained a minister in the Church of England. He established societies that met...
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
uh... it looked a lot like worship but he said it wasn't worship because they did not compete with the church of england the societies never met at the same time as the church of england but he was setting up really kind of a church within the church and uh... even more importantly he established what were called classes class meetings where ten fifteen methodists would gather together regularly to study to pray
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
Have you heard of the Great Awakening? It was a time of great religious interest that began in New England and spread throughout the American colonies. That will be our focus on this Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind. On Saturdays, you're hearing highlights from W. Robert Godfrey's six-part monumental study series on church history.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
and to be disciplined by a leader of the class meeting. So not only were there societies that looked a lot like congregations, but there were cells or classes within the society that led to real discipline, real conversation. How are you praying? How is your spiritual life going? How is your sanctification going? There was accountability.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
And all of that would come to make the Methodist movement a very powerful movement. And almost immediately after Wesley's death, these Methodist societies separated from the Church of England. It was really only Wesley individually that was keeping them in the Church of England. They separated and established the Methodist Church.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
And although the Methodist Church in America was very small in the 18th century, it grew rapidly in the 19th century. And by the middle of the 19th century, the Methodist Church had become the largest church in America. And so the success of Methodism in 50 years in America is a story we'll talk about later, but a very remarkable story.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
So Wesley brought all of his own abilities as a preacher, but even more as an organizer to the formulation of an Arminian Methodism. Whitefield would call himself a Calvinistic Methodist. And by that he meant, I believe in method, I believe in discipline, but I don't believe in Arminianism. But Whitefield was the greater preacher and the not-so-good organizer.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
And so Whitefield did not leave as big an organization behind him as Wesley did. But in the Great Awakening in America, Whitefield remained really a very central figure as a preacher. But he was not the only figure. There were others as well. Jonathan Edwards preached significantly during the awakening. His preaching was greatly blessed.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
And, of course, an indelible impression was left on history by his preaching of his famous sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, which created a great response. What's usually not remembered is the great response came the second time he preached that sermon. The first time he preached that sermon in his own congregation and nothing much happened.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
Preachers are aware of that kind of phenomenon. It was the second time in a friend's congregation that he preached that sermon where there was the huge response. And that points to a very important part of the Great Awakening. The Great Awakening, by and large, was driven by preaching but by the preaching of ministers to congregations other than their own.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
the great fire of the great awakening seemed to fall where ministers were visiting other congregations or preaching in other places and this is important from a historian's point of view because it again points how the awakening was beginning to disrupt the old order beginning to undermine the settled pattern of parishes and um...
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
That comes to expression most powerfully in a very important sermon that was preached during the Great Awakening by one of the famous preachers of the era, actually a man by the name of George Tennant. He was actually a Presbyterian. Tennant was one of those who was very successful in his preaching. His father had been a preacher. He had brothers who were preachers.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
He's taken us to the early church, the Middle Ages, and the Reformation. And today we're visiting the 18th century, and he'll introduce us to the Great Awakening. If you'd like to continue studying this time in church history, really our family history, you can add part four of this overview of church history to your library when you make a year-end donation of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
And Tennant was one of those also traveling around preaching in different places. And he preached a very famous sermon called The Danger of an Unconverted Ministry. And in that sermon, he talks about unconverted ministers and what a bane they are on the church. He says they are like caterpillars, crawling around, seeing to eat up everything green.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
Wherever they saw any life, they wanted to destroy it. That's the danger of unconverted ministers. And many people have read that sermon and said, wow, you know, that's a really inflammatory sermon. That's a revolutionary sermon. And I respond by saying, no, that's not the revolutionary part of the sermon.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
To say there are a bunch of unconverted ministers is no problem unless you start naming them. There was another preacher, James Davenport, that did some of that. That was problematic, that you could pretend to know who are the unconverted and unregenerate ministers. What's really...
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
revolutionary in Tennant's sermon is he said to the people to whom he was preaching and you need to decide if you have an unconverted minister and if you do you need to go to a congregation where there's a converted minister. This was a revolution in thinking. Up to this point the attitude of probably all Christians, certainly all Protestants was, I'm just a lay person.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
I don't have a right to decide who's converted or not converted. I don't have a right really to decide if the minister's doing a good job or not. He's the minister. He's supposed to know whether he's doing a good job or not.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
I remember as a young minister preaching in a Dutch Reformed congregation, and at the door a young man shook my hand and said, thanks for the good sermon, even though I know I shouldn't say that. I said, why shouldn't you say that? He said, oh, we were taught if you compliment the sermon this week, you might criticize it next week, and that's not our business.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
I thought, I have a brief momentary experience of life before the Great Awakening. before what has come to be called the triumph of the laity. And we live in a world where the laity is triumphed.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
That was W. Robert Godfrey from part four of his six-part complete overview of church history. Hi, I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and you're listening to the Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
I've greatly benefited from Dr. Godfrey's series on church history, and I love the way that he's able to make these time periods come alive as we see the ups and downs, ebbs and flows of the Christian's family history throughout the centuries. If you'd like to add this fourth installment covering 1600 to 1800 A.D.,
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
You can request a copy on DVD when you give a year-end donation in support of Renewing Your Mind and the global outreach of Ligonier Ministries at Every day we hear stories of minds renewed and lives transformed thanks to the Lord's blessing upon the teaching resources that you enable to be produced and distributed.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
And to thank you for your generosity, we'll send you the DVD and unlock lifetime streaming access to this 12-message installment. Well, here's Dr. Godfrey, the chairman of Ligonier Ministries on The Great Awakening.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
So as our way of saying thank you, in addition to the DVD, we'll unlock lifetime digital access to this series and its study guide as well. If you're planning to give a year-end gift to Ligonier Ministries by check, remember all checks need to be postmarked by December 31st. Thank you. Are science and Christianity opposed to one another?
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
Well, in a sense, we have been talking together about revolutions, revolutions in thinking about society and the way it's put together and about truth as it began to emerge in the Enlightenment in the late 17th and on into the 18th century. And now we've begun to look at revolutions in religion.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
It's hard for us who are attached to the Reformation to realize how much religion has changed since the 16th century. Not the doctrine, but the whole notions of how church relates to society, how church relates to state, how toleration should or should not exist in the world. And part of the revolution that came in to the world of religion came in through religious events in the 18th century.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
When I was first introduced to Ligonier Ministries, I felt like I found something that I had been searching for, which was good Bible teaching.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
And that's what we've started to look at when we were looking at how Wesley and Whitefield began to emerge as great preachers against a dead established religion.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
and how the Lord began to use them to really work in the hearts of people to bring them out of a situation in which they felt they had to, some of them, wait forever to come to the Lord and had to be part of a state church that was increasingly in trouble. So there are these...
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
These rumblings, these beginnings of change, and those rumblings were not just taking place in England with Wesley and Whitfield as young men, but they also began to take place in New England. The clearest example of that was in the case of Jonathan Edwards.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
Now, we're going to talk in the next lecture primarily about Jonathan Edwards, but here it's appropriate just to say that Edwards was a rather young minister in Northampton. He had gone to Northampton to be the assistant minister to his grandfather, Solomon Stoddard, who had been a strong supporter of the halfway covenant and the idea of the Lord's Supper as a converting ordinance.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
These are the stories of people like you, men and women around the world who have been awakened to the holiness of God through the faithful teaching of His Word. Dr. R.C. Sproul founded Ligonier Ministries with a singular vision to flood the world with knowledgeable and articulate Christians. And we strive to reach as many people as possible with God's life-changing truth.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
His grandfather had died in 1729, And Jonathan Edwards had taken over as the senior minister there in Northampton. And he had begun to preach as the senior minister. And he experienced late in 1733 and early in 1734 what he called the stirrings of the spirit or the beginnings of an awakening there in Northampton. He saw an unusual responsiveness there.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
to the preaching taking place in the congregation. And it's interesting, he was preaching on justification by faith. That would be an interesting study, how many people have been converted by hearing sermons on justification by faith alone. But he began to see this in his own congregation.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
Now, the Puritans, like Jonathan Edwards, and Edwards is certainly a late Puritan, they used the word awakening as a very technical term. And what they meant was that sometimes you saw in a congregation or in several congregations or even more broadly sometimes, a responsiveness, an unusual responsiveness to the preaching of the gospel.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
But they all remembered the parable of the wheat and the tares. They knew that it was possible for the sound doctrine of the word to fall on ground where it appeared there was response, but in fact weeds soon choked it out. And so they were hesitant to say we're having a revival, or they were hesitant to say we're seeing a lot of conversions. What they would say is we're seeing an awakening.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
People are interested. People seem responsive. And we hope it will lead to sound conversion. But they were very cautious in their evaluation. They didn't leap to the conclusion of conversion. They said, it's an awakening, and we hope it will lead to conversion. That's what Edwards said. observed in Northampton in 1734 and in the local region a little bit around him.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
And he wrote an account of this because he and others like him believed that it was very important to be in communication about what God was doing. in the hopes that the word about what God was doing in one place could be taken to another place, and that God might use that to begin an awakening even more broadly.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
And so Edwards wrote the first of his revival treatises entitled, A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God. And this account actually was very widely published and became very influential. So we're beginning to see stirrings of the Spirit, it appears, to awaken the church, to cause new life and faith to come into the church.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
And this would ultimately come to be called the Great Awakening in America, or the Great and General Awakening, as the Puritans would have said, because what they experienced was not an awakening just in a few locations, but now an awakening spreading through New England and even to other colonies as well. And the chief catalyst of that was George Whitefield.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
Will you join with Ligonier at year's end to reach even more people in 2025? Make your gift today at slash donate or at Thank you.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
Whitefield actually came preaching to New England in 1740. And when Jonathan Edwards heard him there preaching, Edwards sat and wept because he felt this was the man sent by God. This was the man God was going to use. He thought there was such power in that preaching that certainly God would honor it and bless it.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
And Edwards could look around and see what dramatic response there was taking place to the preaching there in 1740. New England. And it was dramatic. It was amazing. Whitfield was still quite a young man. And to a certain extent, it may be that this remarkable success went to his head a little bit.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
Whitfield, I think, was only 26 at the time, and saw this remarkable response to his preaching and the praise of other ministers labeled upon him. And he did comment of his preaching tour through New England, "'Dagon falls daily before the ark.'" So he compared himself to the Ark of God. It was maybe a little much, but it was true that there was just this remarkable response wherever he went.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
And he said rather boldly that the great problem in New England was that dead men were preaching to dead men. Now that criticism of the clergy became a rather repeated element of the Great Awakening. And we'll come back and talk about that more later.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
But here it's important to say that although there was criticism of the clergy, it was always in the context that it wasn't all the clergy that were to blame. And as long as the preachers like Whitefield weren't blaming all the clergy, then you could always conclude as a clergyman they weren't talking about you, they were talking about others.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
But certainly a criticism of the settled ministry, a criticism of the old way of doing things. Because remember, in New England, just as in England, there was a parish system in place. If you were a churchgoer, you went to your nearest church building. You didn't pick and choose. You were part of a parish, and the parish was established by where you lived, not what preacher you wanted to hear.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
You should all think, what church would you go to if you went to the nearest building to you? You might not want to be there at all. But it was a parish system. And to attack the clergy was suddenly to begin to raise questions about the validity of the parish system. But in any case, this great awakening began to shake America.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
They used the word awakening as a very technical term. And what they meant was that sometimes you saw in a congregation or in several congregations or even more broadly sometimes, a responsiveness, an unusual responsiveness to the preaching of the gospel. But they all remembered the parable of the wheat and the tares.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
There was great anticipation that had been waiting for God to do something, and at last it seemed God was doing something absolutely remarkable, absolutely unheard of, never really experienced before. And one of the observers said, this is the greatest working of the Spirit of God since Pentecost. Now, that's a big claim.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
But there could be no doubt that something very dramatic, very important, something that would change society as well as religion in America was taking place, and George Whitefield was at the center of it. Now, it's interesting. In the days of Whitefield and Wesley, they were preachers who would come and preach in a place and then move on.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
was really only in the 19th century that you began to get what today we would call revival crusades, where the preacher would come and stay and preach for a week or two and build up excitement and build up interest. In these days, they would preach maybe once or twice in a place, and then they would move on. And the very responsiveness to that movement
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
way of proceeding was part of what convinced them that the Spirit of God was really at work. They just preached once, and there was all of this response. They did not have altar calls. That's also a 19th century invention. But they could see, as Whitefield saw when the tears came down people's cheeks, they could see the response.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
And sometimes when Whitefield preached in New England, the emotional response was so great that people surmised screamed or people fainted. They couldn't contain themselves. And when Whitfield was criticized about that, they said, no one complains when you cry at a funeral. Why should we complain if people are weeping over the death of souls?
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
But it was one of the charges brought against some in the Great Awakening that it was too emotional, that there was too much reaction. Whitefield was not troubled by that, but he waited. He believed that people were being awakened, but he waited to see, are they really being soundly converted? Now, It was not just Whitefield, of course, who was the preacher of this awakening.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
The awakening, we can say, roughly lasted from about 1739, when the general awakening began to manifest itself, down to about 1744. So for about... Five years, rather intensively, awakening was taking place all over the American colonies. There were things going on in Scotland and England as well, but we're concentrating a little more in the colonies. didn't stay the whole time.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
He left and returned to England in 1741 and thought he ought to return and help Wesley with some of what he was doing there in England because Wesley was seeing great fruit to his labors there. And it was a very... difficult and sad return for Whitfield because one of the flaws of Wesley manifested itself when Whitfield returned.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
And that flaw was Wesley really could not cooperate with people very well. He was great at running the show. He was great at being in charge. But he was not good at cooperation. And when Whitefield returned and wanted to go back to preach in some of the coal mining regions where he had started the work, Wesley told the people there not to listen to Whitefield.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
They knew that it was possible for the sound doctrine of the word to fall on ground where it appeared there was response. But in fact, weeds soon choked it out.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
Now, the excuse offered, maybe more than excuse, maybe that's a little hard on Wesley, but the excuse offered, I don't mind being a little hard on Wesley, the excuse offered was that Whitefield had become too much of a Calvinist in New England. And it's fairly certain that the influence of Edwards and others in New England had clarified Whitefield's theology in a more Calvinistic direction.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
But it's also true, I think, that Wesley was very contented to use that theological difference to justify his refusal to cooperate as equals with Whitefield. And it's really from that time Wesley became much more self-consciously an Arminian.
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
I don't think Wesley cared overly about theology, but what we do see is that from that time on, one of the root concerns of Wesley came ever more to the fore, and that was a concern for holiness. Now, a concern for holiness is a good thing, but Wesley's theology was
Renewing Your Mind
The Great Awakening
flexible enough, thin enough, that he had trouble, I think, balancing a sound Protestant doctrine of justification with a sound concern for holiness. And sometimes when he talked about holiness, he seemed to do that almost in a way that compromised his commitment to justification by faith alone. And then, too, as his life went on, he developed this strange notion of Christian perfection.
Renewing Your Mind
Gaining True Assurance
That was R.C. Sproul on the theological foundation of gaining true assurance. One of the most common questions that we are asked during Q&A sessions at conferences and other events is, can I be sure I'm saved? R.C. Sproul answers that question in his short booklet, Can I Be Sure I'm Saved?, as well as in the six-message series you heard from today.
Renewing Your Mind
Gaining True Assurance
You can own both along with a digital study guide when you give a gift of any amount at This outreach has been listener-supported for three decades, and your generosity today will help Trusted Teaching get into the hands of Christians around the world who otherwise would not have access to it. So click the link in the podcast show notes and give your donation today.
Renewing Your Mind
Gaining True Assurance
Theology is not merely theoretical, as what you believe informs how you live. Right doctrine should lead to right living. And so when it comes to gaining assurance of our salvation, we need to ensure that we understand what the Bible teaches about salvation and why we can have assurance. Welcome to the Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
Gaining True Assurance
Our feelings can deceive us because our feelings change, but the promises of God, the Word of God, remain the same. And on today's edition, R.C. Sproul will consider the doctrines of election and salvation to help us grow in our assurance.
Renewing Your Mind
Gaining True Assurance
Before we get to today's message, don't forget that you can own this entire series, plus Dr. Sproul's title, Can I Be Sure I'm Saved?, when you give a donation of any amount at in support of the daily outreach of Renewing Your Mind. Well, here's Dr. Sproul on election and gaining true assurance.
Renewing Your Mind
God and Nakedness
That was R.C. Sproul on this Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind from his series, The Intimate Marriage.
Renewing Your Mind
God and Nakedness
If you'd like to study the complete six-part series, you can request lifetime digital access to the messages and study guide, along with the series on DVD, when you give a donation of any amount at in support of Renewing Your Mind and the proclamation of biblical truth like you heard today.
Renewing Your Mind
God and Nakedness
The study guide contains discussion questions to help you foster conversations as you work through this series with your husband or wife. And know that your generosity today fuels the spread of truth and the development of new resources. So receive this resource bundle as our way of saying thank you for your donation at or by using the link in the podcast show notes.
Renewing Your Mind
God and Nakedness
Marriage is a gift from God, not a burden, a precious gift providing a relationship, companionship, where, as you'll hear today, a husband and wife can be naked and unashamed. And it's also a gift because it paints the beautiful picture of God's covenantal relationship with His people.
Renewing Your Mind
God and Nakedness
This makes today's distortions of marriage even more grievous, and it should motivate us all the more to pursue a godly marriage. Welcome to the Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. On Saturdays, R.C. Sproul is helping us have a biblical understanding of marriage.
Renewing Your Mind
God and Nakedness
If you'd like to go deeper in your study of this topic, you can request the DVD of this series titled The Intimate Marriage, along with digital access to the messages and study guide when you give a donation of any amount at before midnight tonight. Well, to continue our series, here's Dr. Sproul on God and nakedness.
Renewing Your Mind
Providence and Prayer: If God Is Sovereign, Why Pray?
What a great truth to remember as you're walking through a trial. God cares, and He will listen. I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and this is the Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind. Thanks for being with us. For six Saturdays, we've considered the topic of prayer. R.C. Sproul has helped us learn an acrostic to guide us in prayer.
Renewing Your Mind
Providence and Prayer: If God Is Sovereign, Why Pray?
He's walked us through the Lord's Prayer, and today he addressed the question of the sovereignty of God. You can own this entire series on prayer to revisit it time and time again when you give a donation of any amount at or when you click the link in the podcast show notes.
Renewing Your Mind
Providence and Prayer: If God Is Sovereign, Why Pray?
You can give the DVD to a friend or perhaps donate it to your church library because you'll also be able to stream the series in the free Ligonier app. So donate today at before this offer ends at midnight and it won't be repeated next Saturday. Beginning next time, R.C. Sproul will consider the Christian's assurance of salvation.
Renewing Your Mind
Providence and Prayer: If God Is Sovereign, Why Pray?
Have you ever asked the question, what's the point in praying? If it's true that God is sovereign over all things, that there isn't even one maverick molecule, then why pray? That's the question Ursi Sproul will tackle today on this Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Providence and Prayer: If God Is Sovereign, Why Pray?
Prayer is part of the Christian life, so it's vital that we understand prayer biblically and address the relationship between God's sovereignty and our prayer lives.
Renewing Your Mind
Providence and Prayer: If God Is Sovereign, Why Pray?
But before we get to this final message in Dr. Sproul's series, please know that today is the final day that you can request this series on DVD with digital access to the messages and study guide when you give a gift of any amount at And remember, this offer won't be repeated next Saturday. Well, here's Dr. Sproul on providence and prayer.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
Calvin is passionate to say there are promises, promises that you can trust, and everyone who trusts those promises will be saved.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
It's necessary to bring us to repentance. It's necessary to guide us in the Christian life. But the preaching of the law does not bring faith. Faith comes from hearing the promises of the gospel. That's very much the spirit of John Calvin. Faith is knowledge, knowledge particularly of the promises of gospel, knowledge particularly of God's will to save us in Jesus Christ.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
Calvin had a passion that people have confidence in Christ as their Savior. And this is, again, so at odds with the sort of general reputation of John Calvin as this gloomy, doubt-invoking preacher. Calvin's reputation was enormous. done great harm by Max Weber. Max Weber was a great German scholar, and he wrote about the origins of capitalism in the spirit of Calvinism.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
And he said in there that Calvinists were so uncertain of the possibility of salvation because of this awful doctrine of election that hovered over them that they worked hard to earn money because money would be evidence to them that God loved them. Now, every point there is wrong, but he was profoundly influential. It's the exact opposite of what Calvin teaches over and over again.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
on the Protestant movement that the Roman Catholic Church brought to bear by its insistence that it was the absolutely reliable source of truth. Satellito, in his letter to the Genevan Church, Cardinal Satellito had made that point. He said, the church alone is inerrant. It never makes a mistake. And therefore, you can rest your soul on the church and its teaching.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
God's will for us is that we have life in Jesus Christ. And God's will is that we come and have refuge and confidence in Jesus Christ. We need to know that love of God in Jesus Christ. Calvin's favorite verse, I think, by the way he repeats it and uses it in his writing over and over, is John 17, verse 3.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
"'This is eternal life, that they know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.'" I think a lot of people wouldn't think that would be John Calvin's favorite verse. Nothing about election in there, although election is always implicit everywhere. But it's his passion that people will know eternal life by knowing the true God and knowing the true Jesus.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
So we have to have knowledge if we are to have faith. And secondly, we have to have trust. Faith is trust. If God has said something to us, do we trust it? Do we rely on it? Jesus said, come unto me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Do we trust him to keep that promise?
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
Now, there's some people in the history of the Reformed tradition who've said, you know, I'd really like to come, but I don't think Jesus will receive me. I'm such a sinner. Calvin would have said to that person, you're not trusting the promise of Jesus. Jesus said, come and I'll receive you. Come and I'll give you rest. You see, it's not Arminian to say come.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
That's biblical and apostolic and reformed. What's Arminian is to say, you can come on your own. That's not biblical. Jesus says, come and I will give you rest. If you say then to Jesus, I'd like to come, but I really can't, your theology, Jesus, is somewhat defective. If you were more reformed, Jesus, you would know I couldn't come. I don't think Jesus is hearing that from you.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
I don't think Jesus wants his theology improved by you. And this is not real Calvinism. This is a kind of hyper-Calvinism. Calvin is passionate to say there are promises. promises that you can trust, and everyone who trusts those promises will be saved. There's no doubt about that. There's no uncertainty about that.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
And that's why, in addition to trust, Calvin goes on to say, and therefore inherent in faith is assurance that I can know I am the child of God. Now, later Reformed theology will debate that point. And some Reformed theologians will say assurance is not part of faith, but it should be added to faith. And other theologians will say, no, Calvin was right in the first place.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
Assurance is of the essence of faith, although there can be an infallible assurance added to that fundamental assurance. This is getting ahead of the game, but if you are familiar with Westminster Standards, I can say to you that Westminster Standards are a carefully crafted compromise to contain both those points of view. If you're not familiar with that, shame on you.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
Go home and read the Westminster Confession, but don't worry about it overly. But here we're talking about Calvin, and what Calvin is stressing is that Right in the essence of faith, there ought to be assurance in your heart that Christ is for you. That Christ is for you. Psalm 56, David says, this I know, God is for me. And every Christian ought to be able to say that with David.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
If they know the promise, if they trust the promise, there ought to be that assurance. Because for Calvin, it was so crucial that there be that assurance. that essential assurance and confidence. Now, I want to just say a word about Calvin as a teacher of the reform of worship. Calvin was very concerned about worship. And what he was concerned about in worship was that it be simple and biblical.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
Saddle Lady even went so far as to say, if the church were wrong and you believed the church, God would not hold it against you because he's commanded you to believe the church and whatever it teaches. And so they said the only safe path, the Roman Catholics said, the only safe path is to follow the church correctly. completely unwaveringly.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
He wanted worship to focus on the Bible. He didn't want distractions. For that reason, he wanted a plain building, no distractions in artwork. He wanted no music except human singing, no musical instruments for God. He wanted almost all singing to be the Psalms so that people would learn the Word of God. and he wanted faithful preaching and exposition of the Word.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
Can Christians have assurance of their salvation? What is saving faith? And how do we know that the Bible is the Word of God and is authoritative? These are just some of the questions that John Calvin and other Reformers wrestled with and brought clarity against the backdrop of the Roman Catholic Church. You're listening to the Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
It was that simplicity of worship that brought people in connection with the Word that was so crucial for Calvin, and that was carried out then far beyond Geneva. His vision of worship was carried into France, it was carried into the Netherlands, it was carried into Great Britain, and it was carried to where almost all Reformed churches were built.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
And not all Reformed churches followed him in every detail of his vision. But the basic Reformed principle was adopted everywhere, that worship should be simple. and it should be biblical, and the Word needed to have center place. And so as we conclude this all-too-fast run through Calvin and his life in theology, I hope you see what a wonderful pastor he was.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
That's a Calvin I think people need to start with, who wanted people to be certain that they could rely on the Word of God, that they could be certain they were loved in Jesus Christ, and that they would continue to grow in the knowledge of the Bible as they met God in worship.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
Was that the image of Calvin that you had before today's message? Just like you and me, the Reformers were far more complex than the caricatures that can come to mind. And that's why we need church historians to help us more fully understand the people and events of our family history.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
You're listening to Renewing Your Mind on this Saturday, and that was W. Robert Godfrey from Part 3 of his complete overview of church history. This 12-message installment covers the 16th century Reformation, and you'll learn more about Calvin, Martin Luther, the events surrounding the Scottish and Dutch Reformation, and more.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
We'll send you this series on DVD along with digital access to the messages and study guide when you give a year-end donation of any amount at or by using the link in the podcast show notes. Hear the Reformation stories of these men who dedicated their lives to proclaiming the truth of God's Word. Request your copy before midnight tonight at
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
And Calvin wrestled theologically with the question, how do we find assurance apart from this church that is absolutely authoritative? And of course, the Protestant answer was, we find that in the Bible. But Rome says, first of all, how do you know that the And secondly, how do you know what's the right interpretation of the Bible? Now, those are fair questions.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
And the Reformation as a whole answered that rather simply. They said, first of all, we believe the Bible is true. Now, the Roman Catholic Church agreed with that. The Bible is true. It is God's Word. It is God's revelation. God was successful in revealing Himself truly in His Word. Secondly, the Reformation said the Bible is sufficient.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
This is where the Reformation and Roman Catholicism parted company. Because Rome says the Bible is true, but it needs to be supplemented by holy tradition. And the Reformers said, no, the Bible is sufficient. It contains all we need to know for faith and life. for the life of good works. It doesn't tell us who we're supposed to marry.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
It doesn't tell us how to get an A in the chemistry test in high school. But it tells us everything we need to know about God and how to serve Him. So the Bible's true. The Bible is sufficient. And thirdly, the Reformation said the Bible is clear. This, too, is a point of contention with Rome. Rome said, well, the Bible's true, but you can't understand it. The church has to explain it to you.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
If you read the Bible on your own, you may get all confused. In fact, they found when people read the Bible on their own, they tended to become Protestants. That's really confusing. And so the church says the church has to interpret the Bible for you. This became so serious that in the middle of the 16th century, the Roman Catholic Church actually forbade lay people to read the Bible.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
But the Reformation said, no, the Bible is clear. Now, when the Reformation said that, it was not saying that every person can pick up a Bible and turn to any verse and understand it. That's not what the doctrine of perspicuity means. Doctrine of perspicuity means that any person with an ability to read and understand can look at the Bible and find the great message of salvation there.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
And that's what the Reformation wanted to insist on. And that's where Calvin and Luther and all the great reformers stood. And Calvin teaches that with great clarity to bring assurance to the people of God that they have access to the Word. And Calvin said, we need to submit to the Word.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
In fact, in responding to Saddleado, he wrote, we hold that the Word of God alone lies beyond the sphere of our judgment. Now, that's a very important statement worth pondering a minute. The Word of God alone lies beyond the sphere of our judgment. That is, Calvin says, the Word of God always comes and stands over us, teaching us and judging us. We never stand over the Word of God judging it.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and I'm glad you're with us. On Saturdays, you're hearing messages from W. Robert Godfrey's monumental church history study series. So far, he has taken us back to the early church. We've seen the Middle Ages. And today, in part three of that series, we're in the time of the 16th century Reformation.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
Well, that... seems right, doesn't it? If it's God's Word, it is authoritative, and we need to be submissive. Just as we would say, if God is God, He needs to be in charge, and we need to be submissive. The theological question that remains is, how do we know it is the Word of God? If we can't judge it, then how can we know it?
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
don't we at least have to stand outside the Word of God and look at it to know that it is the Word of God? And Calvin tackles that question in a very interesting way in chapters 7 and 8 of the first book of his Institutes. So if you want to check out whether I get this right, you can go and read those chapters.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
In chapter 8, Calvin takes the rather traditional approach to knowing the Bible is the Word of God. He says, you know, by the age of the writings in the Bible, by the agreement of the different authors over so many centuries, by the miracles that accompany the Word of God, by the acceptance of the church, all of these support our recognition of the Bible as the Word of God.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
So Calvin in chapter 8 of book 1 of the Institutes is saying there are plenty of reasons to believe the Bible is the Word of God. Our faith is never a leap in the dark. Our faith is never an active irrationality. There are abundant reasons and evidences to believe that the Bible is the Word of God. But you notice that's chapter 8. It's not chapter 7.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
This is the kind of thing students pay a lot of tuition money to learn, that chapter 7 of the Institutes comes before chapter 8. Calvin makes use of evidences, but secondarily. What does chapter 7 say about our knowing that the Bible is the Word of God? Well, this is where Calvin brings into play his idea that we never stand in judgment of the Word of God.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
So, it's not in the first place evidences that convince us, But Calvin says we immediately recognize the voice of our Father in the Scriptures. There is an immediate recognition of the voice of the Father in the Scriptures. He says it's just like the way a baby can tell the difference between something that's sour and something that's sweet. A baby doesn't reason about that.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
A baby recognizes it immediately. And Calvin says that's the way it is with our recognition of the Bible as the Word of God. Now, this statement of Calvin has been rather controversial through the years. One rather Reformed scholar said this is just mushy mysticism. Not everybody will agree with Calvin at this point, but I think it's a very interesting point that he makes here.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
You can add this 12-message installment on the Reformation to your collection when you give a gift of any amount at When people speak of Reformed theology, they sometimes use the shorthand or nickname Calvinism after the Reformer John Calvin. So what did Calvin believe? Here's Dr. Godfrey, the chairman of Ligonier Ministries, on the theology of John Calvin.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
It is in part controversial. His doctor of the Holy Spirit at work, he knows that not everybody recognizes the voice of God in the Scripture. Why do some people recognize it and some don't? Because of the Holy Spirit opening our eyes, opening our ears.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
He is not making a kind of psychological point, namely that everybody in their individual experience comes to recognize the Word of God immediately. He knows that some people wrestle with the question of whether the Bible is the Word of God or not over a long period of time.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
There may be a variety of factors, including the use of evidences, that brings someone finally to accept the Bible as the Word of God. But what Calvin wants to say is, essentially, at its very heart, we recognize the Bible to be the Word of God the way you recognize the voice of some beloved relative when you pick up the telephone.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
Now, if someone says to you, how did you know that was your sister? You could say, well, the timbre of the voice, you know, and the accent, and you can come up with all sorts of evidences. But you didn't need any of that evidence to recognize immediately that it was the voice of your sister. And that's what Calvin is saying.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
At the very core of our recognition of the Bible, we simply know God is speaking there. You know, one scripture passage that might be relevant here is when Jesus says, my sheep hear my voice and follow me. They recognize the good shepherd. Now, is there danger of mushy mysticism? I don't think so because of chapter 8.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
But what Calvin, you see, wants to stress is, in the end of the day, we don't establish the Bible as the Word of God. God establishes the Bible as the Word of God in our hearts. He's already established it as His Word by His inspiration. It's objectively His Word, but we accept it because of the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. And this is all part of the
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
certainty that Calvin wants us to have and, of course, the submission that he wants us to have. I'm amazed as I read works of theology how many theologians feel perfectly content to stand outside the Bible and say, well, this part is true and this part is problematic. And, you know, if you just take out this verse, the whole thing makes better sense.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
And now, this is not conservative Protestant scholarship, obviously, but I'm amazed how often they miss the whole point of a passage after they've stood in judgment over it so learnedly. Whereas if you submit yourself to it and say, every part here has its purpose. Every part is speaking to us. The Bible takes on a whole new richness and character. And that's what Calvin understood.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
And that's why Calvin was such a powerful teacher of the Bible, because of this profound submission of his mind and his will to the Scriptures. He wrote a catechism for the Church of Geneva. It's not one of the great Reformation catechisms because it's kind of long. He wrote it very quickly.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
And in fact, the printer would send a runner over from the press to take the latest pages that he had written and run them back to the press to set them in type. So, you know, Calvin literally had someone breathing down his neck. He had no opportunity to revise this catechism. And in light of that, it's really quite good. But it's several hundred questions long.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
although occasionally Calvin is the friend to the catechist because there'll be a long question and the answer required is just so. So, you know, that was a point of sort of resting in the middle of your catechism lesson. But question 303 was, how should the Scripture be used to obtain profit from it? How should we use the scripture to be profited?
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
And the answer was, if we lay hold on it with complete heartfelt conviction as nothing less than certain truth come down from heaven, if we show ourselves teachable under it, if we subdue our wills and minds to his obedience, if we love it heartily, if
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
if having it once engraved on our hearts and its roots fixed there so that it bring forth fruit in our lives, if finally we be formed to its rule, then it will turn to our salvation as intended.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
Well, we return in this lecture to our friend John Calvin. I hope maybe having gotten this far, you see he's a little more human and friendly than some people have made him out to be. But I want to return to this subject of certainty or assurance at the heart of Calvin's theology. I think he felt the pressure to
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
Well, that's not a brief answer or a very memorizable answer, but it's a great answer in terms of talking about how complete our submission to the Scripture needs to be and then how complete the blessing to our spirits the Scripture will be. But do you feel something of the vitality of Calvin as a pastor there?
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
He's concerned that people will accept the Word and the Word will make a difference in their lives. Let me look at one other theological issue for Calvin, and that's the matter of faith. Faith, too, was an area where Calvin wanted to stress the importance of certainty and Calvin wanted to say to his people, faith is knowledge. In order to believe, you have to know something.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
Faith is not just an emotion. Faith has content. And for Calvin, the stress of the content was always the promises of God. Some of you will know this is the 450th anniversary of the writing of the Heidelberg Catechism. And if you don't know that, shame on you. And the Heidelberg Catechism was one of the great Reformation catechisms.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
It's a catechism that breathes the spirit of Calvin in an amazing way. If you want a really good summary of Calvin's theology, I don't think you can find a short summary much better than the Heidelberg Catechism, even though he didn't write it. But question 65 of the Heidelberg Catechism says, where does true faith come from? Where does true faith come from? It's a great answer.
Renewing Your Mind
The Theology of John Calvin
Question 65 says, true faith is worked in our hearts by the Holy Spirit through the preaching of the Holy Gospel and is confirmed unto us by the Holy Sacraments. Holy, holy, holy. The Holy Spirit, the Holy Gospel, the Holy Sacraments. But what I want you to particularly notice there is it's the preaching of the gospel that that works faith. The preaching of the law is necessary.
Renewing Your Mind
False Assurance
That was R.C. Sproul on this Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind. And may it be true of you that you're trusting in Christ alone for your salvation and not your own works or anything else. If you're unsure, please visit slash gospel and request Dr. Sproul's short booklet, What is the Gospel? Understanding assurance is not only important for those who have false assurance.
Renewing Your Mind
False Assurance
It's also important to help encourage and strengthen the believer. What is the source of assurance and how can we gain it? Request this entire series on DVD along with digital access to the messages and study guide when you give a gift of any amount at and go deeper in your study of this important topic with Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
False Assurance
In addition to the series, we'll also send you his title, Can I Be Sure I'm Saved? Request these resources for yourself or a friend when you click the link in the podcast show notes or when you visit But be quick, as this offer ends at midnight. Our feelings can deceive us because our feelings change. So how do we gain true assurance of our salvation? That'll be R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
False Assurance
The reality of that coming judgment is a sober reality. People can try and suppress it or ignore it, but that day will come for each of us. So it is a tragic thing for someone to falsely believe that they are saved, when in reality they will face the just judgment of God. This is the Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. It's such a serious matter.
Renewing Your Mind
False Assurance
Eternal life and eternal death hang in the balance. So why is it that there are some who believe they'll be saved when they won't be? People who have false assurance. Here's Dr. Sproul to explain.
Renewing Your Mind
The Lord’s Prayer: Relying on God
That was R.C. Sproul on the Lord's Prayer. You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, a listener-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. We're featuring this series on Saturdays to help you in your prayer life, and that's also why we're making the entire series and the study guide available to you for your donation of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
The Lord’s Prayer: Relying on God
In addition to helping fuel the spread of truth through Renewing Your Mind, you'll receive this series on prayer on DVD, and you'll have lifetime digital access to all of the messages and study guide. This offer ends at midnight tonight, so give your gift today at or by clicking the link in the podcast show notes. Thank you.
Renewing Your Mind
The Lord’s Prayer: Relying on God
Prayer is an act of humility as we acknowledge our dependence upon God, that He is the Creator and we are the creature, that God is, as R.C. Sproul just reminded us, the one who is absolutely sovereign, king over all things. And we'll continue our study of prayer today as Dr. Sproul concludes our time in the Lord's Prayer. Hi, and welcome to the Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
The Lord’s Prayer: Relying on God
I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. Prayer is part of the Christian life. We're called to pray without ceasing, yet it is an area where we all have room to grow. R.C. Sproul has taught us a simple acrostic, A-C-T-S, Acts, to aid us in our prayers, and he's now in the middle of unpacking what Jesus taught us in the Lord's Prayer.
Renewing Your Mind
The Lord’s Prayer: Relying on God
But before we get to that message, don't forget that you can own this entire series on DVD and digitally when you give a gift of any amount at Well, here's Dr. Sproul on the second half of the Lord's Prayer.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
Crusade was a French word that meant the way of the cross. They saw themselves sacrificing themselves as Jesus had, taking up a cross, taking up self-denial to recapture the holy city for an eschatological purpose.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
In 1187, the Muslims who by that time had regrouped and re-strengthened themselves were able to recapture the city, but the ideal in Europe did not go away. and there were some five major crusades in the Middle Ages to try to recapture the city.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
We can't go into all the details of all of them, but we might mention briefly the Third Crusade, which is probably the one that has inspired the imagination of the West the most. It had the most glittering leadership. It was launched right after the fall of the city of Jerusalem, It was launched in 1189 and went on for about some three years.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
It was led by the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa from the Holy Roman Empire, King Philip Augustus of France, and Richard the Lionheart of England. So here are these three really prominent monarchs from Europe leading the crusade to try to recapture Jerusalem, opposed by Saladin, the noble Muslim leader in that part of the world.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
And it's in that context of the third crusade that some of our favorite stories as children have emerged, the story of Robin Hood. It's while King Richard was away at the Crusade that wicked Prince John was on the throne and that Robin Hood had to rob from the rich and give to the poor to try to defend the interests of the realm against Prince John and all of his failings.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
What was the importance of the Crusades? Why were there Crusades? It's interesting that as famous as the episode of the Crusades is in medieval history, there's still a fair level of controversy as to exactly How it happened. How did this come about? Why did it happen? What did it really mean? What were the driving motives behind it?
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
So that living sort of legend, there probably was a real Robin Hood on the throne, Not with all of the things we think we know about him today. But that living legend, you see, has cast such a long shadow. Almost a thousand years later, we're still talking, still thinking of the drama, something of the romance of this third crusade and its effort to capture the holy city.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
The third crusade was a failure. They failed to capture Jerusalem. They had to return home in some disgrace, but not abandoning the crusading ideal. And only really a few years later, in 1200, a fourth crusade was being mounted, a fourth crusade that would sail from Venice and would attack with a mighty navy on the coast near Jerusalem and recapture the city.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
The Venetians perhaps did not fully share in this crusading zeal and seemed to have been in it more for the money. There was a lot of money to be made by shipping large armies to the east. Venice not only saw money to be made, but also saw another political opportunity.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
Venice became aware that there was great confusion in the city of Constantinople, still the capital, 1200, of the Eastern Empire. There was a fight going on there over the succession to the throne. And Venice thought, well, maybe I can get some money from the emperor
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
that we side with so that the emperor will cooperate with us, we'll make money, and the crusaders can march through his territory down to Jerusalem.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
The Venetians thought they had a deal, and then the emperor, who was on the throne, a weak man, couldn't deliver, and the crusaders were livid, and they sacked Constantinople the way they had sacked Jerusalem in the first crusade, weakening Constantinople in a way that, in a sense, it never quite recovered from.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
And if you want to see the treasures of Constantinople today, the place to go is Venice. If you've ever been to Venice or ever seen the glorious San Marcos Church on the famous piazza there, the central piazza in Venice, and you look at that church and you see its splendors, rather eastern-looking splendors, and you see... pillars of stone decorating all the front of this church.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
Every one of those pillars was stolen from Constantinople. And when you see the great bronze horses, the four bronze horses on the balcony of San Marco, those were bronze horses that Constantine had taken from Rome to Constantinople. And then the Venetians stole in the Fourth Crusade and brought back to Venice.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
And you can go into San Marco and see all sorts of gold and cloisonne and other jewels that were pirated from Constantinople to Venice in the Fourth Crusade. It was a tragedy for Christendom, although maybe if those treasures had stayed in Byzantium, they would all have been lost. Who knows in the curious times. of history.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
But this sacking of Constantinople and then the establishment of what came to be known as the Latin Kingdom of Constantinople that lasted for about 60 years, this was an offense that the Eastern Church has never forgiven the Western Church for. because there is still a Latin bishop of Constantinople, in addition to the Greek Orthodox bishop of Constantinople.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
So we'll try to look at what happened and think a little bit about how this could have happened in this lecture today. The Crusades are a radical break with anything that had happened in Christian history up until that point. Up until that point, Christians had gone to war, but Christians had always gone to war in support of the state to pursue some political objective.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
And the competition between these competing clergy's never was really overcome, never really reconciled. And as I say, the Fourth Crusade greatly weakened Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire. The last crusade we'll talk about, the Fifth Crusade, led by the Emperor Frederick, negotiated and actually recaptured Jerusalem through negotiation, which he was able to hold only for about 15 years.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
That was the last time the West was able to hold Jerusalem. But the ideal, the ideal of the Crusades continued for centuries thereafter. There were still efforts to mount crusades in the 15th and the 16th century to recapture Jerusalem.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
It's a curious moment, a curious development in Western experience and a major shift in attitude that it might be right to take the sword and shed blood to advance the church of Christ. Not just Christian states, but the church and the Christian cause. And it has left, I think, a very dark wound on Christianity in the mind of many, and especially, of course, in the mind of Muslims.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
They tend to see Christianity as every bit as much cultural and political as religious, because, of course, that's the way they understand their own religion. And so it is a battle of cultures for them, not just a battle of religions. And as battles of cultures, there's no real way to ultimate toleration in that battle.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
So the Crusades both illustrate and cause a lot of problems that we still face today.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
A dark period indeed for the Church, and an example of why studying Church history is important. These are complex matters with many contributing and evolving factors. You're listening to the Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind as we spend the next several weekends visiting different periods in church history.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
You can keep studying church history by requesting part two of this monumental study series, which covers the thousand-year period between 500 and 1500 A.D., Your support helps extend the reach of Renewing Your Mind and helps take Ligonier's extensive teaching library and make it available in the world's top 20 spoken languages.
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The Crusades
So request this 13-message series covering the Middle Ages when you give a donation of any amount at or by using the link in the podcast show notes. Don't forget that this offer ends at midnight tonight and it won't be repeated next Saturday.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
Perhaps more familiar to many of you is the time of the Reformation, and that's where we'll be next Saturday as we consider the theology of John Calvin here on Renewing Your Mind. .
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
They may have felt that their state was a Christian state and that therefore in going to war for the state, they were doing something that was good in the eyes of God, but they had never gone to war for the church.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
They had always, in fact, believed that part of the separation of church and state was that the state was given power by God to protect the nation and to promote peace, whereas the church had a spiritual mission on earth. But with the coming of the crusading ideal in Europe, that idea began to change.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
And Christians began to think that it was legitimate to use force to advance the church and the cause of Christ, not just to protect and to defend the state. There's a very interesting recent book, came out just last year, on the subject of the Crusades, written by J. Rubinstein, which probably means he's not a Christian apologist, but is a very fine historian.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
The Crusades. If you have had in-depth conversations with an atheist, you've likely had this topic come up as a reason why the church, the Christian faith, cannot be trusted. So what should we think about the Crusades? How do we respond? And what really happened? This is the Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
And he entitles his book, Armies of Heaven, The First Crusade and the Quest for Apocalypse.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
And he argues in there that while to be sure under the surface there were many causes of the Crusade, there are a number of factors that could and should be taken into account to understand the Crusades, that at the deepest level the Crusades were not an economic or political phenomenon in its deepest meaning. Let's not say there weren't economic motives for some people.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
There weren't political effects of the Crusades. But he says when you go back and you study the records... and you look at what people were saying about their own motives at the time, it was not political or economic in the first place. In fact, he says over and over again, you can see people who acted against their political and economic interests to become involved with the Crusades.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
He also says that people did not join the Crusades to earn the forgiveness of their sins. The church would come later to teach that people could receive time out of purgatory or forgiveness of sins for participating in the Crusades. But he says that's not the initial motive. That's not what drove people initially to become interested in the Crusades and to participate in the Crusades.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
He says what was going on in the minds of many people was an apocalyptic expectation. Say that three times fast. Apocalyptic expectation that the world was coming to an end, that the end of time would center in Jerusalem, and that it was time for Christendom to rally around the needs of Jerusalem and perhaps hasten the coming of Christ and the end of the world. I think that's very important.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
I think it's very insightful. I think it's probably what was happening. After all, the crusading ideal began to emerge just before the 1100s. Christendom had been thinking about time. Christendom had been thinking at least a little, maybe not overwhelmingly, but a little about a millennium coming to an end, a thousand years. Christians had been thinking about time back in the early 700s.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
The Venerable Bede, an interesting historian in England said, The Venerable Bede, in his ecclesiastical history, for the first time said, we should establish a calendar that begins with the birth of Christ. And we ought to call the time after the birth of Christ the year of our Lord, Anno Domini, A.D., And the time before Christ we'll call before Christ, B.C.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
So it was the Venerable Bede in about 700 or so who really changed the way we thought about calendars and thought about time. And so time was on the mind of Christians. Time was a reality that Christians took seriously knowing that there would be an end of time, that Christ was coming again.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
Last week, you heard a message from part one of W. Robert Godfrey's six-part study series on church history. Today, we fast-forward to the Middle Ages, the era that part two of his series covers. And you can add part two to your collection when you give a donation of any amount at You'll receive the DVD, plus have lifetime digital access to the messages and study guide.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
And now Christians began to say, perhaps we are leading up to that moment and we begin to contemplate that the infidel holds Jerusalem. Now we might say, well, the infidel had held Jerusalem for centuries. Why all of a sudden would Christians begin to think that this was so traumatic, so significant? Well, in part because in the ten hundreds, Christians began to be more interested in pilgrimages.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
They began to be more interested in traveling to holy sites. They began to become convinced that this was a way to become more holy, to go to holy places. And one of the places the really hardy wanted to go to was Jerusalem, to see the place where Jesus had died and where Jesus had been raised from the dead. And the really hardy, because it was a long and difficult trip, expensive trip,
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
The hardy knew that there was the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem built by Constantine's mother based on a vision that she had where the crucifixion had taken place. And they wanted to see those holy sites. They believed it would be a blessing. It would make them more spiritual to be physically near to these holy sites. And so they wanted to travel there.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
And rumors began to come back to Europe that the Muslims were hassling and making difficult the pilgrimage of Christians to Jerusalem.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
It's difficult to know whether that's actually true or not, but that was increasingly the conviction of Europeans, that the Muslims were interfering with Christian efforts to visit the holy places, and that began to build this sense that Christians ought to be going, ought to win again the holy sites where Christ had lived and died and been raised, and that this would have...
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
eschatological significance to recapture the holy city and so in response to the preaching particularly of Pope Urban II right at the end of the ten hundreds about 1095 suddenly there burst out this energy and this passion to travel and to recapture Jerusalem for the Christians and there is a kind of Mystery in history. I think we saw it. We talked very briefly about the rise of Islam.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
Why was it all of a sudden, all of this energy amongst the Arabs, all of this expansionism amongst the people that had been very sort of quiet and not all that, you know, expansive before? Or we go back further to the Romans themselves. If you go to Italy today, it's a little hard to think of the Italians being eager to go out and have an empire of the whole of the Mediterranean basin.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
There seems to sort of come a moment in history, and I'm not sure we can always understand all of the mystery that's involved there, that suddenly there's a level of energy that's never seen before. That seems to be what happens with the Crusades. All of a sudden,
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
Common people and nobility, great and small, rich and poor, powerful and insignificant, were gripped by this vision of doing something for Christ, doing, they thought, something really important for Christ by traveling to Jerusalem to capture it for Christ. Now, some have said, and no doubt truly, that the popes were glad to divert the nobility.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
This is just the time that's leading up to the investiture controversy that we already talked about. And it might be that the Pope thought it'd be nice to have an emperor or two out in the Far East, or for them, the Far East, as opposed to being here in Europe. But that doesn't seem to have been the principal motivation. There seems to have simply been this ideal.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
So what motivated the Crusaders? What gave rise to this violent time in church history? Well, here's Dr. Godfrey with an overview of the Crusades.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
And they didn't initially call it crusades. That was a word that was adopted later. maybe as much as a century or two later, but crusade captures the sense of it because crusade was a French word that meant the way of the cross. They saw themselves sacrificing themselves, as Jesus had, taking up a cross, taking up self-denial to recapture the holy city for an eschatological purpose.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
It doesn't seem primarily to have been getting even with the Muslims for having attacked Europe, although as late as 841, St. Peter's in Rome had been sacked by Muslims. who had invaded from North Africa up through Sicily into Italy. So the Muslim presence had been real, but after all, 841 was hundreds of years earlier. It's not primarily revenge. It's this ideal of doing something for Christ.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
And it is estimated that perhaps as many as 100,000 Europeans headed east from Europe in that first crusade to try to regain Jerusalem. And the amazing thing is, they succeeded. In the providence of God, the crusade, the first crusade, went forth at a moment of a great deal of internal dissent and weakness in the Muslim world. And the crusaders were able to enter Jerusalem on July 15, 1099.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
So the goal of the crusade was in this most remarkable way realized. And it seemed then a validation of the vision, of the expectation, of the hope. And the capturing of Jerusalem was a terrible thing. The crusaders slaughtered people. The streets ran with blood. And the Muslim world has never really...
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
We come now to our second lecture on the wondrous century, the amazing time of sort of high point culmination of many themes that were leading to the height of the Middle Ages. We're looking at the broad theme of church and society, and we come to one of the most well-known and controversial elements of medieval experience, and that is the Crusades. What were the Crusades?
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
recovered from that vision of Christians slaughtering Muslims, but also slaughtering Jews and others in Jerusalem, other Christians in Jerusalem. Again, this mysterious energy giving vent to this horror there in the city. Now, of course, it seems to me in the interest of historical fairness,
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
even though no one is actually interested in historical fairness, that it ought to be observed that after all, the Muslims had captured the city from the Christians in the 600s. But they had not been as vicious and as violent as the Christians were when the Christians recaptured the city. We have to recognize that.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
But to hold the Crusades purely against the Christians as if the Muslims had never raised the sword in the proclamation of their faith is a little bit inconsistent, it seems to me. And I have been tempted to say, although I'm too smart to say it, except to you, just amongst ourselves,
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
That if they're really opposed to crusading, I suppose they ought to give Istanbul back to us, since they took it after the Crusades from the West were over. But reason never gets you anywhere in history. Now, the history of Jerusalem had been a very curious history.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
In the second century, after the Jews had revolted against Rome, Rome put down the Jewish rebellion and forced all Jews out of the city of Jerusalem and renamed the city, Aelia Capitolina, after a minor Roman goddess. And Jews were not permitted for a long time to live in Jerusalem. And only with the coming of Constantine was Jerusalem reconstituted as Jerusalem,
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
so that he could build the Church of the Holy Sepulchre there, and it became then a predominantly Christian city until it fell in 638 to the Muslims. So Jerusalem had had quite a checkered history, and it had great varieties to it, and now it was in Crusader hands. And the Crusaders determined that one of the leading noblemen who had fought in the Crusade should be named King of Jerusalem.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
And that man's name was Godfrey de Bouillon. Uncle Godfrey, we call him in the family. He was actually from Belgium, and he was so pious that he said to be named King of Jerusalem was inappropriate for anyone except Jesus, and he wanted simply the title Baron of the Holy Sepulchre.
Renewing Your Mind
The Crusades
So, that Crusader kingdom was established in several areas of the eastern Mediterranean, and the Crusaders held Jerusalem until 1187, so not quite a hundred years. But in those days, it passed into Crusader hands and was the first sort of holy war that the Christians had fought.
Renewing Your Mind
Four Kinds of People
That was R.C. Sproul on this Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind, discussing assurance and the four kinds of people in this world. For 30 years, Renewing Your Mind has been supported by listeners like you, making it possible for every day's episode to be available for millions of people around the world.
Renewing Your Mind
Four Kinds of People
And when you give a donation of any amount today, continuing that support of Renewing Your Mind, we'll send you Dr. Sproul's title, Can I Be Sure I'm Saved? and the DVD edition of The Assurance of Salvation. You'll also have digital access to all the messages and the study guide.
Renewing Your Mind
Four Kinds of People
When it comes to having assurance of our salvation, there are four kinds of people in this world. The most terrifying of the four is the one who believes that they're a Christian, that they're saved, when in fact they're unconverted. Stay tuned to this Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind as R.C. Sproul considers those four kinds of people to help us determine which category we belong in.
Renewing Your Mind
Four Kinds of People
Doubting your salvation can be debilitating for the Christian, but it's actually a good thing for the individual who isn't truly saved. In this series, Dr. Sproul does examine both false assurance and how a true believer can have assurance. If you'd like to own the series, both digitally and on DVD, plus receive Dr. Sproul's title, Can I Be Sure I'm Saved?
Renewing Your Mind
Four Kinds of People
Give a donation of any amount at We'll get those resources to you as our way of saying thanks for supporting Renewing Your Mind. So who are the four kinds of people in the world when it comes to assurance? Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
I think Dr. Machen really put his finger on something. He said, those who want to change our church are not going out publicly and saying, these are the changes we espouse. What do you think of them? They were working in the background. They were working behind the scenes. They were working in ways that most of the laity didn't observe in the life of the church.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And he had famously preached there a sermon entitled, Shall the Fundamentalists Win? Fairly in-your-face sort of title. And Fosdick was insistent that the fundamentalists must not be allowed to win, but the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church was equally insistent that Baptist liberals ought not to be telling Presbyterians what they ought to believe.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And so the General Assembly, again, reiterated its commitment to conservative principles. And then something very important happened. Well, I think everything I've been saying has been pretty important. But in 1925, the General Assembly met again, and the General Assembly was confronted again by what was going on in New York.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And word got around in the General Assembly where there was a conservative majority that that maybe it was time to really admonish and discipline the Presbytery of New York for tolerating what it was tolerating in its churches. And the Presbytery of New York pretty well made clear that if the General Assembly criticized them, they would leave the Presbyterian Church.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And Dr. Minchin's opinion was, good, leave, go. But the General Assembly, conservative leadership, decided that they ought to give it one more chance, that they ought to be patient, that they ought to be turning the other cheek. And so they did what churches so often do in difficult times. They appointed a study committee. And the idea was, what harm can it do?
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
Let's have a committee spend a year studying the condition of the church, and then the committee will bring what we can really defend as a well-researched analysis back to the General Assembly next year, and then we can do what needs to be done. What no one could know at that time is that there would be an event in the summer of 1925 that in fundamental ways would change American attitudes.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
Up until 1925, most American churches and most Americans and most reporting on the state of American churches was more sympathetic to the fundamentalist side than they were to the liberal side. But in the summer of 1925, There was a trial that took place that came to be known in the press as the monkey trial. A trial that took place in Dayton, Tennessee.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
A trial of a nice young biology teacher in the Dayton Public High School who had violated the laws of Tennessee by teaching the theory of evolution in school. And he was put on trial. And the media flocked to this trial. And many people sensed this was going to be a very important trial.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And so the defense of this high school teacher hired Clarence Darrow, one of the most accomplished trial lawyers in the country, to lead the defense of Mr. Scopes. And the prosecution thought it had made a brilliant choice by choosing William Jennings Bryan to lead the prosecution. William Jennings Bryan was one of the most famous men in America. He had served in the cabinet of presidents.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And we've illustrated up to this point this polarization in terms of Presbyterian experience. And I want to go on doing that by looking with you at the experience of J. Gressom Machen. Machen is important on several fronts.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
He'd been a nominee for president by the Democratic Party. He was well known as being one of the most accomplished orators in America. And he was a Bible-believing Presbyterian elder. And they thought, who could we get that could possibly be better? But William Jennings Bryan was an old man. He was tired. He was not well. He was not an accomplished trial lawyer.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And Clarence Darrow sort of ran circles around him. And as many of the newspaper folk said, Darrow set America laughing at fundamentalism. Darrow made Bryant look ridiculous. And some of the media there, led by H.L. Mencken, a notorious unbeliever, but a very effective writer and witty man, used the Scopes Trial to launch a full-scale attack against fundamentalism.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
Only in Bible Belt Tennessee could you have a law forbidding the teaching of evolution. How ridiculous, how unfair, how un-American. And so the whole notion of freedom, the whole notion of tolerance, the whole notion of niceness was brought out by the press and America was set laughing at fundamentalism. And the mood of the nation changed. The mood in the Presbyterian church changed.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
Things were dramatically different after that, and increasingly the press became critical of fundamentalism as being intolerant. There's nothing worse in America than being intolerant. And when the General Assembly met in the next year, 1926, the committee reported that everything was fine in the Presbyterian Church. There was no theological problem in the Presbyterian Church.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And indeed, anyone who would suggest there was a problem in the Presbyterian Church, there's something wrong with them. And at that meeting of the General Assembly, a recommendation was present to make Professor Machen, Professor of Apologetics at Princeton Seminary, General Assembly had always just rubber-stamped those kinds of recommendations coming from seminaries.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
But the decision was made to establish a study committee to study what was going on at Princeton. What's wrong at Princeton that they're causing all this trouble in the Presbyterian church? And so, as we come to an end today, we see how quickly things can turn. how quickly things can be reversed. There was never a conservative majority at a Presbyterian General Assembly after 1925.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
That was W. Robert Godfrey helping us see the state of the Church in the early 20th century and the role of J. Gresham Machen in drawing a dividing line between true Christianity and theological liberalism. So what happened next? Request part six of Dr. Godfrey's overview of church history and study the rest of the story.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
He illustrates something of a character and role of Presbyterianism in America, but more importantly, he was recognized as the single most effective scholarly voice on the fundamentalist side of the controversies that were emerging in America in the first half of the 20th century.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
When you give a gift of any amount in support of Renewing Your Mind and the global outreach of Ligonier Ministries, a ministry committed to the proclamation of theologically and biblically faithful teaching. We'll send you this series on DVD, and we'll unlock the series and the study guide in the free Ligonier app.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
The easiest way for you to request your copy is to give your donation at, or you can find a link in the podcast show notes. This is the final time that we'll be featuring this overview of church history on Saturdays, and it's the final day to request this sixth installment.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And Dr. Machen in that regard helps us to see that fundamentalists in the early part of the 20th century were not at all what fundamentalism came to mean later when it was used in a derogatory way. Fundamentalist today is often used to refer to uneducated, stubborn, ignorant, uncultured sorts of people, and Dr. Machen was none of those things.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
He was not always entirely comfortable with the label fundamentalist, but not because he thought it was too negative or too critical a label, but because he felt it was important for Christians to have a fuller theology than that represented by the fundamentals alone. And so Dr. Machen was a Westminster confession of faith man. He wanted the whole confession, not just part of it.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And that was his only reservation about fundamentalist. In fact, he came to be known by some as the doctor fundamentalist, the fundamental doctor, because he was seen as such an important voice in America in the 20s and 30s in defense of conservative Protestantism. Dr. Macher was born in 1881. We can't quite get out of the 19th century altogether.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
He was born in Baltimore, Maryland, which means he was a southerner. Maybe you didn't know that, but Baltimore remained well into the 20th century a very southern city. And President Lincoln knew that. He knew that, left to itself,
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
Maryland would probably have seceded from the Union, but President Lincoln seemed to think that he could not tolerate Virginia and Maryland seceding from the Union and leaving the federal capital completely surrounded by rebels. But the ethos, the life of Baltimore was very much that of a southern city, and Machen's mother, the Gressens, were from Georgia, from Macon, Georgia.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
Still, there's a little museum of the Gressen family in Macon if you visit there. And The Machen family were from Virginia, and their old home had been in the middle of the battlefield of the Battle of Bull Run. So the Machens had deep southern roots, and Dr. Machen's father was a very distinguished lawyer in Baltimore. It was a family of some wealth and some social connections.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
The 20th century, in many respects, contains the best and the worst of human history. And a significant figure in the life of the Church in the 20th century was J. Gresham Machen, and he's the man you'll learn about today.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
Machen's father was quite a good friend of Woodrow Wilson's, and so the Machens were a prominent family and were members of the Southern Presbyterian Church. His mother was a very devout woman, sought of the catechesis of her children. His father was also a very devout Presbyterian.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
Dr. Machen studied at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and then was sent, as the son of a rather important family, on a tour of Europe. We should all be sent as young people on tours of Europe. I think it's a very good thing. Dr. Machen really loved Germany.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
He kind of fell in love with Germany and things German, and he said German would be almost perfect if these Germans would only learn about the Sabbath and about football. And he felt they were somewhat deficient on both points. He did write home at one point to his father,
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
and say that he was running a little short of money, and his father wrote back and said, the pecuniary question need not bother you. I can assure you on that point. I'm still waiting to receive a letter like that. Don't worry about the money. We'll take care of that. So as a brilliant student, he was able to study at Johns Hopkins University, and then he went to Princeton Seminary,
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
the most prestigious of the Presbyterian seminaries. And then he went on to study for a time in Germany to do post-seminary work. And his letters show that he's wrestling. And some people have said, well, maybe Dr. Machen had something of a crisis of faith in Germany. That doesn't really seem to be the case. What he seemed to have was a crisis of calling. Dr. Machen had such broad interests.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
He liked sports. He liked hiking. He liked outdoor life. He liked scholarship. And I think he was a little afraid that if he entered the ministry, the life of a Presbyterian minister was maybe a little confined. People had expectations that there were all sorts of things ministers didn't do, like play football. And Dr. Machen was not sure he was really quite...
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
Welcome to the Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind, as we conclude our Saturday series, Dipping Our Toes into Church History, from W. Robert Godfrey's monumental six-part study series.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
ready to live that kind of a life, and so wrestled with the question of calling, but did go off despite that to teach at Princeton Seminary and was immediately recognized as a remarkably gifted scholar and teacher, and in due course he was ordained into the ministry. only at that point actually joining the Northern Presbyterian Church.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
So most of his life, the majority of his life, he was a Southern Presbyterian. And only on being ordained at Princeton did he become a member of the Northern Presbyterian Church. And he was recognized as an outstanding teacher by the students, most of them. But Dr. Machen recalled that already students were beginning to complain that there was too much academics and not enough practical theology.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And Dr. Machen had no sympathy for that point of view at all. He believed that ministers needed to be carefully and thoroughly educated. They needed to be able to engage in a lifelong system of learning. He said, some of these young students just want to be told everything they'll need to know for the rest of their ministry. And he said, I pity the congregations they're going to be sent out to.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
A minister has to stay in touch with the world as it's developing around him in the course of his ministry. He complained once in 1912, instead of making our theological seminaries merely centers of religious emotion, which is what he thought some of the students wanted, we shall make them battlegrounds of the faith. We're helped a little by the experience of Christian teachers.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
Men are taught to fight their own battle. where they come to appreciate the real strength of the adversary, and in the hard school of intellectual struggle, learn to substitute for the unthinking faith of childhood, the profound convictions of full-grown men. And he said, we must never be afraid of studying and learning what the enemy has to say.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
If you have sought to build the complete collection, all six installments, today you can add this final installment on the 20th century to your library when you give a donation of any amount at Perhaps the name Machen is familiar to you. That could be because 2023 marked the 100th anniversary of his watershed book, Christianity and Liberalism.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
If we just bury our head in the sand and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist, we are really not worthy of Christ. He said we cannot believe without knowing that our belief is true. And if the cost of faith is not to know what's true, then we're not real Christians anyway. His mother had actually written him when he was in Germany.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
She was afraid he was being too influenced by those liberal Germans who were very nice to him. And she said, come home, I don't want you influenced by those people. And he said, mother, I can't come home and hide from reality. If the cost of being a Christian is hiding from reality, then we're not real Christians. So he was a man who plunged in to the reality of the world in which he found himself.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
His biggest single scholarly book that he would write was entitled The Virgin Birth of Christ. And it was a careful, scholarly, thorough study, not just of the Bible, but of everything that had been written in modern theology on the virgin birth. And he, with the greatest care as an exegete, showed what the scripture actually taught about that.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
Then as a theologian, reasoned about why that was important, that those scriptural teachings were true, and then answered one by one all of the objections of liberal scholarship to the idea of the virgin birth. It's a big fat volume. It is. If you have a little trouble sleeping, it might be good, some of the chapters.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
But it was hailed as a remarkable scholarly achievement, and the young Rudolf Bultmann, of all things, read the book and said, this is a very impressive work of scholarship. So Machen believed that there had to be a continuing scholarly dialogue between conservatives and liberals, and he was able to do that in a most effective sort of way.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And he believed that Princeton needed to go on being that place, not of emotion, not just of pious practice, although he was all for pious practice, but that it would continue to be a place of really serious scholarship that would help the church, that would lead the church, and would ensure that the church was able to be faithful in the work to which it was called to do.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
As time went along, Machen was more and more called into an involvement in the ecclesiastical life of the church. He became more and more concerned, not just about what students at Princeton were thinking, but what was going on in the church as a whole, what the church as a whole was thinking.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And that's why in 1923 he produced this little popular book, Christianity and Liberalism, because he was concerned about what was going on in the church. He wanted to be an influence in the life of the church. He wanted to be sure that influence would be genuine and healthy.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And he would look around the church, and part of his concern he expressed in this term, already as early as 1915, he wrote, "...the mass of the church here is still conservative, but conservative in an ignorant, non-polemic, sweetness-and-light kind of way, which is just meat for the wolves. I do not mean to use harsh phrases in a harsh way, and my language must be understood to be biblical."
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
Now what's he really saying there? It's that the church still felt conservative. The church still felt comfortable with conservative practices and ideas, but the church no longer really understood why these things were important. The church no longer could defend these things in the face of an onslaught, and that seriously troubled Dr. Machen and worried him about what the future would hold.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And we featured teachings surrounding that book on renewing your mind to mark the anniversary. Well, today, Dr. Godfrey will consider what was happening leading up to that book's release and what happened after. Here's Dr. Godfrey.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And as he analyzed the forces with which he disagreed in the life of the church, he felt those forces needed to be exposed for what they were. He wrote at one point, " as elsewhere the destructive forces have been content to labor for the most part in the dark." I think Dr. Machen really put his finger on something.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
He said, those who want to change our church are not going out publicly and saying, these are the changes we espouse. What do you think of them? But they were working in the background. They were working behind the scenes. They were working in ways that most of the laity didn't observe in the life of the church. And Dr. Machen thought there was a dishonesty about that.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
Again, he would write in Christianity and liberalism, honesty is being relinquished in a wholesale fashion by the liberal party in many ecclesiastical bodies today. By the equivocal use of traditional phrases.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
by the repetition of differences of opinion as though they were only differences about the interpretation of the Bible, entrance into the church was secured for those who are hostile to the very foundation of the faith. Again, as the very title of the book said, you are free to be a liberal. You're not free to call that Christian. That's not honest. That's not fair.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
and Dr. Machen all his life remained what I would call a southern gentleman. He was always charitable to his opponents. He always tried to represent them fairly. He was never mean-spirited. Well, I can't say he was never, but he was largely not mean-spirited or nasty in the way in which he conducted himself. In fact, if anything, maybe he was a little too
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
trusting of the other side to also behave like gentlemen. And they didn't. They were nasty and mean-spirited, some of them in reference to him. And he would write about that too. He wrote at one point, what is thoroughly evil, what leads to strife, bitterness, hypocrisy, and every evil thing is a unity of organization which covers radical diversity of aim.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And that's what he became concerned was more and more characteristic of what was going on in the Presbyterian church in his day. They were still all Presbyterians. They all insisted they were evangelical. But in fact, the theological differences were becoming immense and increasingly separating different people in the church. These issues began to come to the General Assembly increasingly.
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
We've been looking at the growing divide in American Protestantism in what had been a united evangelical Protestant front through much of the 19th century, watching how Protestantism is polarizing into fundamentalist and modernist wings, still in the early 20th century, largely united in the same denominations, but increasingly finding life together difficult and traumatic,
Renewing Your Mind
J. Gresham Machen
And as I said before, in 1923, the General Assembly once again reiterated its commitment to the five fundamentals. And this decision was particularly directed against Harry Emerson Fosdick. Now, Harry Emerson Fosdick was a Baptist. one of the liberals amongst the Baptists in the 20s, but he had been asked to be stated supply preacher at a congregation in Manhattan in New York.
Renewing Your Mind
The Bread of Life
That was R.C. Sproul on this Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind, teaching from John's Gospel. Who is Jesus? That's a question that many have tried to answer, some inventing a Jesus of their own imagination. But who we need is the Jesus of Scripture. And in this series, Knowing Christ, Dr. Sproul walks through how Jesus describes himself using eight of his I Am sayings from the Gospel of John.
Renewing Your Mind
The Bread of Life
This series comes with a study guide and will grant you lifetime digital access to it and the messages, send you the series on DVD, and send you Dr. Sproul's title, Who is Jesus?, when you give a gift of any amount at Renewing Your Mind before midnight tonight. Your generosity today is helping expand the reach of Renewing Your Mind and produce more teaching that is faithful to God's Word.
Renewing Your Mind
The Bread of Life
In the Gospel of John, Jesus uses several metaphors to describe himself, including the bread of life, the light of the world, and the Good Shepherd. But what do they teach us about Jesus? Welcome to the Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind. And over the next few weeks, R.C. Sproul will walk us through several of these I Am sayings of Jesus from John's Gospel.
Renewing Your Mind
The Bread of Life
These messages are from Dr. Sproul's Knowing Christ series, and we'll send you this series on DVD, along with digital access to the messages and study guide, plus his title, Who Is Jesus?, when you give a donation of any amount at to help fuel the reach of Renewing Your Mind, an outreach that has been listener-supported for three decades.
Renewing Your Mind
The Bread of Life
Well, here's Dr. Sproul on why Jesus said that he's the bread of life.
Renewing Your Mind
Assurance Enhances Sanctification
You're listening to the Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind, and that was R.C. Sproul from his series, The Assurance of Salvation. As you heard today, our assurance is immensely practical as it relates to the fruit in the Christian's life and not just whether we feel like we're Christians or not.
Renewing Your Mind
Assurance Enhances Sanctification
And given the reality that false assurance can exist, it is worth it for the believer to consider their salvation and truly make their calling and election sure. Continue your pursuit of assurance when you study all six messages in this series using the study guide as well. And when you read Dr. Sproul's short book, Can I Be Sure I'm Saved?
Renewing Your Mind
Assurance Enhances Sanctification
We'll send you that title and the series on DVD and give you digital access to those messages and the study guide when you make a donation of any amount in support of Renewing Your Mind and the global outreach of Ligonier Ministries at
Renewing Your Mind
Assurance Enhances Sanctification
Doubting your salvation can be debilitating. Anxiety and restless nights might creep in as you doubt whether or not you have been saved by Christ. But why are we commanded to make our calling and election sure? Peter's reason? To help us be fruitful Christians. This is the Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
Assurance Enhances Sanctification
Last week, we began a new Saturday series on the topic of assurance. And R.C. Sproul reminded us of our duty to pursue assurance and the terrifying reality that there can be false assurance. Well, today, he will consider assurance again and explore the Apostle Peter's reason why we're told to make our calling and election sure.
Renewing Your Mind
Assurance Enhances Sanctification
Before we get to that message, don't forget that you can own the entire series, along with its study guide and Dr. Sproul's title, Can I Be Sure I'm Saved?, when you give a gift of any amount at Well, here's Dr. Sproul on assurance.
Renewing Your Mind
Knowing Each Other
Sometimes it can seem that we've exhausted the depth of our spouse's stories. But Dr. Sproul will give you tips today to help you push deeper to continue to pursue greater intimacy in your marriage. Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
Knowing Each Other
That was R.C. Sproul from his series The Intimate Marriage. You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, a listener-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. If you'd like to support Renewing Your Mind, an outreach serving Christians in English and Spanish, You can give your donation at or by using the link in the podcast show notes.
Renewing Your Mind
Knowing Each Other
And to say thank you, we'll send you this series on DVD and grant you lifetime digital access to all of the messages and the study guide in the free Ligonier app. So please give your gift today at But respond before this offer ends at midnight. When discussing challenges in marriage, the topic of sexual problems is often high on the list, and R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
Knowing Each Other
If you're married, do you really know your spouse? Do you know their cares and concerns right now? What keeps them up at night? Their desires, aspirations, and needs. It's intentionally seeking this kind of understanding in marriage, R.C. Sproul will say, that helps to promote a flourishing and intimate marriage. It's good to have you with us today for this Saturday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Knowing Each Other
Whether you've been married for 50 years or you're newly married or about to be, this series was designed to help you think biblically and practically about marriage. And until midnight, you can have lifetime streaming access to this series, its study guide, plus we'll send it to you on DVD when you give a donation of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
Knowing Each Other
Thank you for supporting the spread of truth to the nations. My wife and I recently celebrated 20 years of marriage. And after knowing each other for over two decades, it's such a joy to hear a story about my wife's childhood that I haven't already heard several times before. And I'm sure if you have been married for a while, you can relate as well.
Renewing Your Mind
Covenant with Abraham
That was R.C. Sproul on this 30th anniversary celebration week of Renewing Your Mind. When Renewing Your Mind celebrated 10 years of broadcasting truth, we invited Dr. Sproul into the studio to reflect on those early days,
Renewing Your Mind
Covenant with Abraham
But before you hear some of that conversation, don't forget that you can own the digital editions and study guides for Dust to Glory, Chosen by God, Knowing Scripture, the original and extended editions of the Holiness of God, and What is Reformed Theology? when you give a donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
Covenant with Abraham
Plus, we'll send you Dr. Sproul's book, Everyone's a Theologian. Your gift today will help extend the reach of Renewing Your Mind and all of the teaching that we distribute over the air and online, including Renewing Your Mind's newly launched YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe today and turn on notifications.
Renewing Your Mind
Covenant with Abraham
And if you've never contacted Renewing Your Mind or Ligonier Ministries before, we'll send you a new title from R.C. Sproul called The Great Rescue. Request your free copy today when you visit slash rescue. Well, here's Dr. Sproul on the beginning of this daily outreach called Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Covenant with Abraham
When Renewing Your Mind launched in 1994, not only was theological instruction rare on the radio, so was the content of his teaching, Calvinism, Reformed theology. So we asked Dr. Sproul what it was like to teach something that at the time was relatively unpopular.
Renewing Your Mind
Covenant with Abraham
Thirty years ago this week, RSC Sprawl launched this daily outreach, Renewing Your Mind. And for three decades, by God's grace, the truth of who God is and what happened on Calvary has been proclaimed to millions of people around the world.
Renewing Your Mind
Covenant with Abraham
Hi, I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and I'm thankful that you're joining us for a special week of episodes as we give thanks to God for how He has used Renewing Your Mind in countless lives over these past 30 years. You'll hear classic messages from R.C. Sproul's series and bonus material as we feature clips from old interviews with Dr. Sproul, as well as new interviews with Mrs. Vesta Sproul and even me.
Renewing Your Mind
Covenant with Abraham
And you'll have the opportunity to own six teaching series, five study guides, and a copy of Dr. Sproul's book, Everyone's a Theologian. Simply visit to give a donation in support of the next 30 years of Renewing Your Mind. And this resource bundle will be yours as our way of saying thank you for helping this listener-supported outreach.
Renewing Your Mind
Covenant with Abraham
And if you've never contacted Renewing Your Mind or Ligonier Ministries before, I'll let you know about a free gift we have for you after today's message. Well, here's Dr. Sproul from his series, Dust to Glory, on God's covenant with Abraham.
Renewing Your Mind
Why Study the Bible?
And why would we neglect the study of the Bible when we have access to the very Word of God, the One who made us, who knows us and this world and the world to come better than anyone? You heard a message today on renewing your mind from R.C. Sproul's very popular series, Knowing Scripture.
Renewing Your Mind
Why Study the Bible?
And this 12-message series, along with seven others, is available on a special collection titled Bible Study Basics. Not only will Dr. Sproul help you understand how to study the Bible, he'll also model it for you as he teaches through the parables of Jesus and visits other Old Testament and New Testament books.
Renewing Your Mind
Why Study the Bible?
Call us at 800-435-4343 or visit with a year-end donation of any amount to request your copy of this 8-series special collection. To further express our thanks, we'll also give you a year-long subscription to Table Talk magazine. It's our monthly devotional and Bible study magazine that is read by over 250,000 people every month.
Renewing Your Mind
Why Study the Bible?
Plus, any gift you give before midnight tomorrow will help us reach our year-end fundraising goal to help ensure we don't need to pull back from any of our outreach plans for 2025. Thank you so much for your generosity.
Renewing Your Mind
Why Study the Bible?
We live in a time in which access to the Word of God has never been easier, particularly for those living in the West. In addition to the many copies that you likely have on a bookshelf or on your nightstand, our computers and smartphones can instantly search multiple translations and even drill down to the original languages. This is an incredible stewardship, a blessing from God.
Renewing Your Mind
Why Study the Bible?
And as you'll hear today from R.C. Sproul, we shouldn't be content with simply reading the Bible. We should study it in depth. You're listening to the Monday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. Today, R.C. Sproul will be providing helps and principles to aid you in your study of Scripture.
Renewing Your Mind
Why Study the Bible?
I'll also tell you later about a special edition DVD and MP3 set featuring eight series from Dr. Sproul to help you go deeper in your own study of God's Word, plus a year-long subscription to our Bible study and devotional magazine, Table Talk. And of course, you can learn more or respond to today's offer at
Renewing Your Mind
Why Study the Bible?
To help us see the importance of the diligent study of God's Word, here's a message from R.C. Sproul's Knowing Scripture series titled, Why Study the Bible?
Renewing Your Mind
The Just Shall Live by Faith
That was R.C. Sproul on this Monday edition of Renewing Your Mind, Preaching from Romans. This sermon was preached at St. Andrew's Chapel in Sanford, Florida, and these sermons have been presented in a new year-long devotional called The Power of the Gospel. Spend 2025 studying Romans with R.C. Sproul as your guide and with additional application given for each reading.
Renewing Your Mind
The Just Shall Live by Faith
This new hardcover resource begins shipping in just a few weeks, so be one of the first to receive a copy when you give a donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343. This could also be a great gift for your pastor or a church leader. So respond today at or by using the link in the podcast show notes.
Renewing Your Mind
The Just Shall Live by Faith
Getting the gospel right is essential. R.C. Sproul said it many times, when the gospel is at stake, everything is at stake. And this is why the Reformation of the 16th century was so important, as it marked light shining into the darkness, a rediscovery of the gospel. Welcome to Reformation Week on Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
The Just Shall Live by Faith
The book of Romans is a significant book in the history of the Reformation. It was as Martin Luther read Romans that a light bulb, as it were, went on. Or as Luther himself described it, the doors of paradise swung open and he walked through. All week, you'll hear sermons from R.C. Sproul in Romans, and you'll have the opportunity to be one of the first to receive a new resource from R.C. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
The Just Shall Live by Faith
It's called The Power of the Gospel. It's a daily devotional that lets you spend a year in Romans with Dr. Sproul as your guide and with special applications from each reading. Secure your copy today when you give a gift of any amount at and we'll send you this new hardcover devotional when it begins to ship in just a few weeks. Well, here's R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
The Just Shall Live by Faith
Sproul on the gospel and the verse that changed everything for Martin Luther.
Renewing Your Mind
The Importance of Holiness
we'll send you a limited edition 40th anniversary copy of The Holiness of God. Perhaps respond multiple times this week as you consider who you could give this landmark book to as your way of spreading the truth of who God is. Well, here's Dr. Sproul on the importance of holiness.
Renewing Your Mind
The Importance of Holiness
That was R.C. Sproul on this Monday edition of Renewing Your Mind. And you can hear Dr. Sproul's passion and his giftedness in communication so clearly in this series, can't you? Today's message is from R.C. Sproul's series, The Holiness of God. But did you know that there are two editions, the original series plus an extended edition?
Renewing Your Mind
The Importance of Holiness
And we'd love to give you lifetime digital access to both and the study guide as our way of saying thanks for your donation of any amount at And to celebrate this year's 40th anniversary of the release of the book, The Holiness of God, we'll also send you a limited edition copy.
Renewing Your Mind
The Importance of Holiness
So that's a 40th anniversary copy of The Holiness of God plus two teaching series when you call us at 800-435-4343 with your donation of any amount or when you give online at or by using the link in the podcast show notes. Not many people teach on the holiness of God today. In fact, most of us would prefer not to think about it. But why? Join us tomorrow as R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
The Importance of Holiness
The holiness of God is central to everything we do at Ligonier Ministries and on Renewing Your Mind. R.C. Sproul founded Ligonier Ministries in 1971, and our mission is to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God in all its fullness to as many people as possible. Welcome to the Monday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
The Importance of Holiness
The messages you'll hear this week are from R.C. Sproul's classic series, The Holiness of God. Even today, it's this teaching from Dr. Sproul that is often referenced as people's first exposure to R.C. Sproul and the ministry of Ligonier. So consider who you'll share today's episode with, inviting them to listen all week. 2025 is a milestone year for the holiness of God.
Renewing Your Mind
The Importance of Holiness
It was 40 years ago this year that the Holiness of God book was first published. So when you give a donation of any amount this week at in support of the proclamation, teaching, and defense of God's holiness, in addition to digital access to both the original and extended editions of the Holiness of God teaching series,
Renewing Your Mind
The Goal of Christian Living
Isn't that your desire, to please, honor, and obey our King, the King of Kings? That was R.C. Sproul on this Monday edition of Renewing Your Mind, and I'm glad you're with us. Even though we may desire to please God, why is it that we can stumble and get distracted? It may be that we've forgotten the goal of the Christian life, or that we don't understand the weapons of our warfare.
Renewing Your Mind
The Goal of Christian Living
And in this series, Pleasing God, Dr. Sproul outlines the battle plans for our battle with the world, the flesh, and the devil, as he seeks to help each of us, by the grace of God, to live lives that please God.
Renewing Your Mind
The Goal of Christian Living
You can request this entire series, his series on Galatians, and the hardcover edition of his expositional commentary on Galatians when you give a donation of any amount at or when you click the link in the podcast show notes. When you do, we'll unlock both series for life in the free Ligonier app and get that commentary in the mail.
Renewing Your Mind
The Goal of Christian Living
Without a goal, without clear direction, it is easy for us to go off course. And that's why it's vital as Christians for us to know the goal of the Christian life, to know the challenges that might come our way, and how God instructs us to combat those challenges. Welcome to the Monday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. This week you'll be hearing messages from R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
The Goal of Christian Living
Sproul's series, Pleasing God, and messages from his series on Galatians. And when you give a donation of any amount in support of Renewing Your Mind, we'll give you lifetime digital access to both of those series, plus we'll send you the hardcover edition of Dr. Sproul's expositional commentary on the book of Galatians. So head on over to and make your donation today.
Renewing Your Mind
The Goal of Christian Living
So what is the goal of the Christian life? And with what vigor should we pursue pleasing God? To start this new study, here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
The Authority of Scripture
Firm faith can only thrive on the foundation of God's Word. That was Michael Reeves on this Monday edition of Renewing Your Mind. We don't study the Bible and theology simply so that we can grow in knowledge. By God's grace, right doctrine leads to right living and should lead to worship. And one thing that was evident during the Reformation is that words matter.
Renewing Your Mind
The Authority of Scripture
And in this series, Reformation Truths, Michael Reeves unpacks those key doctrines, key areas of disagreement, shines light on what the Bible says about those areas, and helps us see how those truths impact the Christian life.
Renewing Your Mind
The Authority of Scripture
You can own this series on DVD and have lifetime digital access to all the messages and the study guide when you give a donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343. The study guide contains reflection and discussion questions, quizzes, and even prayer suggestions to help you if you're leading a small group through this eight-part series.
Renewing Your Mind
The Authority of Scripture
Give your gift today at or by using the link in the podcast show notes, and you'll be helping take the truths of the Reformation to the nations. To say thank you, we'll unlock this series and study guide for you and send you all the messages on DVD. No one likes bad news, but we need to understand sin biblically.
Renewing Your Mind
The Authority of Scripture
When we think about the debates during the 16th century Reformation, we typically think about what we heard last week, the doctrine of justification by faith alone. But what was being protested and the reform that the reformers sought was more than merely a right understanding of the gospel. This is the Monday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
The Authority of Scripture
This week, Michael Reeves will consider four Reformation truths to help us as we prepare for Reformation Day on October 31st. This series from Dr. Reeves is eight messages, so I do encourage you to request all eight, both on DVD and digitally, along with the study guide, when you give a donation in support of Renewing Your Mind at
Renewing Your Mind
The Authority of Scripture
So what do Protestants believe about the Bible? What about Roman Catholics? Here's Michael Reeves, the president and professor of theology at Union School of Theology on the authority of Scripture.
Renewing Your Mind
The City of Destruction
Before John Bunyan wrote The Pilgrim's Progress, he was deeply convicted of his own sin, and for more than a year.
Renewing Your Mind
The City of Destruction
Well, as so many Christians have discovered throughout the centuries, this is a story filled with beautiful pictures of our own desperate need for a Savior and of God's grace. You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, and this week Derek Thomas is with us to begin a guided tour through the classic book, The Pilgrim's Progress. You possibly have a copy on your shelf at home.
Renewing Your Mind
The City of Destruction
Maybe you've read it or read it to your children. But have you studied it to mine this allegorical tale for all of its riches? Dr. Thomas can help you do that when you request his series, The Pilgrim's Progress. Call us at 800-435-4343 with a donation of any amount or give your gift at
Renewing Your Mind
The City of Destruction
And when you do, we'll unlock digital access to the entire series and its study guide, plus we'll send you the DVD as well. This means you can stream the series in the free Ligonier app and perhaps donate the DVD to your local church library or pass it on to a friend who would appreciate it. Donate today at or by using the link in the podcast show notes.
Renewing Your Mind
The City of Destruction
And know that your support is fueling the global outreach of Ligonier Ministries, which includes the English and Spanish editions of Renewing Your Mind, the English and Spanish editions of Five Minutes in Church History, Things Unseen, Ask Ligonier, Ultimately with R.C. Sproul, and more.
Renewing Your Mind
The City of Destruction
These outreach efforts would not be possible without your support, so thank you for your generosity at Did you know that 2.5 billion people use YouTube every month? And to further spread trusted teaching, Renewing Your Mind is now available every day on the Renewing Your Mind YouTube channel.
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The City of Destruction
So if you use YouTube, can I ask you to please subscribe to the new channel by searching for Renewing Your Mind, giving episodes a thumbs up and a comment. The more you engage with Renewing Your Mind on YouTube, the more YouTube will push the teaching you love to new people. Thank you. I mentioned the podcast, Ultimately, with R.C. Sproul earlier.
Renewing Your Mind
The City of Destruction
Well, if you have not listened, here's a preview of that podcast.
Renewing Your Mind
The City of Destruction
Each episode of Ultimately with R.C. Sproul is a nugget of truth from the vast library of Dr. Sproul's teaching. So for distilled moments of insight, wisdom, and theology, follow Ultimately with R.C. Sproul wherever you listen to podcasts. Well, tomorrow, Derek Thomas will take us to a stop along the way called the Wicket Gate. What is the Wicket Gate, and what does Christian find there?
Renewing Your Mind
The City of Destruction
And the answer is because Christian's journey traces the real journey that John Bunyan himself followed. And because of that personal connection, this literary masterpiece has been the traveling companion of believers for more than 300 years.
Renewing Your Mind
The City of Destruction
This week on Renewing Your Mind, Ligonier Teaching Fellow Derek Thomas will begin his guided tour through the classic allegorical tale, The Pilgrim's Progress. This is a story with powerful lessons for Christians, whether young or old, seasoned or a new believer.
Renewing Your Mind
The City of Destruction
So be sure to request both the DVD and digital access to the series and study guide when you give a gift of any amount at Well, let's get acquainted with John Bunyan, Christian, and his journey. Here's Dr. Thomas.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
God's people sometimes so magnify the grace of God that they think obedience is completely unimportant. Or they so magnify obedience that they lose sight of the reality of God's grace. And believing in justification by faith alone does not mean you stop believing in sanctification.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
And so we read in Deuteronomy 11 at verse 26, "'See, I'm setting before you today a blessing and a curse.'" The blessing if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and the curse if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way that I am commanding you today to go after other gods that you have not known.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
And when the Lord your God brings you into the land that you are entering to take possession of it, you shall set the blessing on Mount Gerizim and the curse on Mount Ebal. So there's the word. When you get across the Jordan, then you're to do this. You're to do this ceremony. And now we have more details about the ceremony. They're not there yet, but this is what Moses is instructing them to do.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
Verse 8 of Deuteronomy 27. Then Moses and the Levitical priests said to all Israel, keep silence and hear, O Israel. This day you have become the people of the Lord your God. Now that's one of those statements that's sort of peculiar, isn't it? This day you've become the people? I think what it means is this day you are consecrated as the people.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
This day you're seeing that fulfillment of having entered the promised land and crossed the Jordan. You shall therefore obey the voice of the Lord your God, keeping his commandments and his statutes, which I command you today. And that day Moses charged the people, saying, When you have crossed over the Jordan, these shall stand on Mount Gerizim to bless the people. And he named six tribes.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
So chapter 26 doesn't begin, and now the warnings, but it begins with, "...when you come into the land that the Lord your God is giving you for an inheritance and have taken possession of it and live in it, you shall take some of the first fruit of the ground." So chapter 26 begins to talk about firstfruits.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
So, six tribes are to stand on Mount Gerizim on one side of the valley, and six tribes are to stand on Mount Ebal on the other side of the valley. Mount Gerizim will represent the blessing that God speaks to His people if they keep His covenant, and Mount Ebal represents the curse that will fall upon them if they fail to keep the covenant.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
Now, it's not that the six tribes are blessed on the one side and the six tribes are cursed on the other. It's to make them think about the choices that are before them as people. But it is interesting as we look at this that on Mount Gerizim, on the mountain of blessing, he puts amongst others Levi, the tribe of priests, Judah,
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
the tribe from which will come the kings, Joseph and Benjamin, both beloved of Jacob, These are tribes that have a kind of positive history in Israel. And then on Mount Ebal, you have Reuben, Gad, Asher, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali. These are not all bad tribes, but Dan becomes one of the most rebellious tribes. And so there is a little proleptic looking at the future in this arrangement.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
And then something very peculiar happens. Levi, standing on the mountain of blessing, is instructed to speak 12 curses. Now, you'd have thought... Symbolically, the curses ought to be spoken from Mount Ebal, but they're not.
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Warnings That Protect Us
It does certainly reinforce the leadership role of Levi as priest, and it also reinforces that in these last chapters of Deuteronomy, there will be often more stress on the curse than on the blessing. more stress upon the danger of the negative outcome of disobedience than on the blessings likely to come to them. And so, here are declared 12 curses. Now, you're a smart group. Twelve.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
What does that make you think of? Makes you think of the 12 tribes of Israel. So, in a certain sense, this is a warning. Curse can fall on each of the tribes and all of the tribes together. And There's no corresponding twelve blessings.
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Warnings That Protect Us
There are blessings that we'll get to, but it's as if God wants to say, now as you stand on the threshold, having entered the Promised Land, and as you've been symbolically separated to think about blessings and curses, I want you especially to think about the curses, because it's so dangerous for you if you're not My people.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
And the curses, as we've seen in the laws that we've looked at before, are both predictable and sensible, sensible in quotes, the way we look at things, but also surprising. And so the first curse is, cursed be the man who makes a carved or cast metal image, an abomination to the Lord, a thing made by the hands of a craftsman, and sets it up in secret.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
And all the people shall answer and say, Amen. So the first curse is a curse about loving God. The first curse is about serving God. The first curse is about the second commandment. You shall not make any graven images. Curses 2 through 11 are all about the second table of the law, about loving the neighbor. And they are interesting things.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
This at least tells us that we're entering into a somewhat different subject because firstfruits were part of the laws for the love of God. discussed in the earlier part of the book. The first fruits or the feast of weeks was one of the three annual feasts where Israel had to go up to Jerusalem to worship God. So we're moving out of laws to love the neighbor into a new
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
Verse 16, straightforward, cursed be anyone who dishonors his father or his mother. That's clearly the fifth commandment. Cursed be anyone who moves his neighbor's landmark. That's the eighth commandment, stealing. You're stealing. Fourth commandment, cursed be anyone who misleads a blind man on the road. Now, that's a terrible thing to do.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
If we followed our Puritan forebears who linked all ethics to one commandment or another, what commandment might this be? Well, it might be the ninth commandment, bearing false witness, misleading somebody, telling them a lie that leads them into trouble. The fifth curse is, cursed be anyone who perverts the justice due to the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
Here's this concern about the weak, the helpless. Could this be the Tenth Commandment? You perverted justice out of coveting. Or could this be the Eighth Commandment? You're stealing. Or could this be the Ninth Commandment? You're bearing false witness. Or maybe all three.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
But you see, all of these curses, while getting very particular in some ways, are illustrating the general principles of the Ten Commandments. And then curses 6 through 9 are all about the seventh commandment, are all about sexual sins. Again, as we said before, representative, I think, of the relationship between God and His people. And then the 10th and 11th curses seem to be about murder.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
Cursed be anyone who strikes down his neighbor in secret. Cursed be anyone who takes a bribe to shed innocent blood, sixth commandment. And then the 12th is a summary. Cursed be anyone who does not confirm the words of this law by doing them. So there's a curse coming, not just for particular and individual sins, but there's a curse coming if you don't keep the covenant as a whole.
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Warnings That Protect Us
And all the people shall say, amen. Now, what does it mean to say amen? Well, it's really calling down judgment on yourself if you fail to do what the Lord has called you to do and what you have now promised to do.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
That was W. Robert Godfrey in the book of Deuteronomy, beginning a study of the concluding warnings given by Moses. This is Renewing Your Mind, and over three days you'll hear messages from Dr. Godfrey's series, Discovering Deuteronomy. Did you know that Deuteronomy is one of the most frequently quoted books in the New Testament? And this book points us to the Savior who would and who has come.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
You can learn how the lands, laws, and leaders of Deuteronomy connect to the Christian life when you request the entire study at or when you call us at 800-435-4343. Simply give a donation of any amount and we'll send you the series on DVD and grant you lifetime streaming access to the messages and study guide.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
part that we'll see is about warnings, and the warning begins with, you need to keep the laws about loving God, which includes the law about the firstfruits, which is a requirement that you take the firstfruits up to Jerusalem annually to offer them to the Lord. And this is a crucial part of who you are to be so that you'll remember
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
We make jokes in our time about identity in a variety of ways, but God is very clear that the Israelites' identity was to be constantly reasserted in terms of their history. We see that here. When you go up to Jerusalem, verse 5, to offer the firstfruits, And there he became a nation, great, mighty, and populous. And the Egyptians treated us harshly and humiliated us and laid on us hard labor.
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Warnings That Protect Us
Then we cried to the Lord, the God of our fathers, that the Lord heard our voice and saw our affliction. our toil and our oppression. And the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with great deeds of terror, with signs and wonders. And he brought us into this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
The book of Deuteronomy features the final speeches of Moses to the Israelites before Joshua would lead them into the land of Canaan. And over the next three days, W. Robert Godfrey will consider the warnings given in the final chapters of Deuteronomy and what that teaches us about God, His covenant, and His faithfulness. You're listening to the Monday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
And behold, now I bring the first of the fruit of the ground, which you, O Lord, have given me." and you shall set it down before the Lord your God and worship before the Lord your God. You shall rejoice in all the good that the Lord your God has given to you and to your house, you and the Levite and the sojourner who is with you.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
So here's the pattern and here's the picture that's being given to these Israelites by the Lord in terms of their annual service to the Lord, a service which is not just to support the temple and to support the priesthood. It's not just a... a requirement so that they have the fellowship of all coming together three times a year in Jerusalem. Those are important things.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
But fundamentally, it's to reinforce their identity. And identity is shaped by history, this is saying. Who are you as the people of God? We were the people who were wanderers, who went to Egypt, who were enslaved, and then were delivered by God, and not only delivered from slavery, but given this wonderful land of promise.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
I think that's something Christians probably need to recapture more than they have, because when you read that passage, did you think, this is my history? See, I think we're tempted to think that's their history. But no, this is our history because Paul in Ephesians chapter 2 says God is tearing down the wall of division between Jews and Gentiles.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
And what's the effect of tearing down that wall of division? It's that the Gentiles are brought into the covenants of Israel. It's not that the covenants of Israel are set aside. It's not that God's people are no longer the Old Testament people. It's that Gentiles are now included. That's the wonderful thing. And so, we ought to be able to recite this as our own history and then go on to say,
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Warnings That Protect Us
And that picture of redemption that we have in the Old Testament is now brought to fulfillment in the New Testament. So not only were we brought out of Egypt, but even more gloriously, we were brought out of the grave by our Lord Jesus Christ when He died for us and was raised for us. That's who we are because that's our history.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
Some of you may know that my wife for many years taught American history in high schools, a variety of high schools. And so one of the most discouraging moments of her life used to be watching Jay Leno go out and examine people on the street about how much history they knew. She would occasionally turn to me and say, why am I wasting my time?
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
Well, it was very funny to see how utterly ignorant people were up to a point. But then you see, if Americans don't know their own history, what identity will we have? Who will we be as a people? I think a big part of the struggles we're having politically today is not knowing enough history. So what did we used to say?
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Warnings That Protect Us
We used to say that it doesn't really matter whether your people have been in this country one generation or 20 generations. What matters is, do you identify with the history of America? So when you hear about Washington crossing the Delaware, did he cross the Delaware for you? That is, did he cross the Delaware to win your independence?
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
So as I say, whether you've been in this country many generations or only a few generations, do you identify with what is the essential character of America in terms of what was expressed in its Constitution, for example? And if you don't know the history and you don't know the Constitution, how can you possibly identify with it? And that's why the teaching of history is so important.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. We shouldn't neglect the history of the Israelites in the Old Testament. As Christians, this is our history too. And in his 21-message series, Discovering Deuteronomy, Dr. Godfrey walks us through this book that covers the events that took place between the book of Numbers and Joshua.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
As Martin Luther said so insightfully, historians are the greatest of men. We cannot praise them too much. I wish he'd gone on to say we cannot pay them too much, but he didn't go on to say that. But this is what creates us as a people. You know, I spent some time in Germany when I was…
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Warnings That Protect Us
college student back in the 60s, and it was interesting to talk to Germans, and I've talked to other Europeans, it's the same thing. Being a German is an ethnic thing as well as a national thing. Being a Norwegian is an ethnic thing as well as being a national thing. And so, in the minds of one Norwegian I was talking to, he wasn't He wasn't bigoted at all.
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Warnings That Protect Us
He just said, well, you can live in Norway forever, but if you're not a Norwegian, you're not a Norwegian. That's never been true of America. America has never been defined ethnically. Now, we've had plenty of ethnic problems, but our definition is you're an American if you're an American citizen. But for that to really work, we have to have a history that's defining.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
I think we sort of understand that when we think about it. And Deuteronomy is saying the people of God have a history. They are defined by their history. They need to know their history to appreciate what God has done for them. That's the great thing, what God has done for them.
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Warnings That Protect Us
And because what God has done for them, they present the firstfruits annually, they present a further tithe every three years that's talked about here. And then you have this wonderful sort of conclusion to chapter 26, which is a warning, but is also an assertion of the character of God's covenant.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
Deuteronomy 26, verse 16, "...this day the Lord your God commands you to do these statutes and rules." You shall therefore be careful to do them. There's the warning. You shall be careful to do them. Remember how often we heard the call to careful observance back in the warnings at the beginning of the book? Here it is again.
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Warnings That Protect Us
You shall be careful to do them with all your heart and with all your soul. So the careful response to God's covenant is not just external. but it's heartfelt and loving as well. So we talked about how the law can appear to be simply external, but here's the call for the engagement of the heart.
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Warnings That Protect Us
You have declared today that the Lord is your God and that you will walk in His ways and keep His statutes and His commandments and His rules and will obey His voice. And the Lord has declared today that you are a people for his treasured possession. You see, the Lord is engaged emotionally, if we can put it that way as well. The Lord cares for us. The Lord loves us.
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Warnings That Protect Us
The Lord is motivated by his love to preserve us. You are his treasured possession as he has promised you, and you are to keep all his commandments. and that he will set you in praise and in fame and in honor, high above all the nations that he has made, and that you shall be a people holy to the Lord your God, as he promised. Think of that.
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The Lord has promised to set us on high as his honored people before the world. And what a promise that is. What a glory that is. And what a reminder we have here of the character of God's covenant. God's covenant... is first of all His initiative to save, but also His call upon us to respond.
Renewing Your Mind
Warnings That Protect Us
You can get better acquainted with Deuteronomy when you request the series on DVD along with streaming access when you give a donation of any amount at Here's W. Robert Godfrey, the chairman of Ligonier Ministries, to begin a series on the warnings found in Deuteronomy.
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Warnings That Protect Us
And that's beautifully expressed, and I mention this for those of you who have lived outside the parameters of the Dutch Reformed world, this is beautifully expressed in the baptismal form for the baptism of infants that was adopted by the Dutch Reformed churches in the 16th century.
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Warnings That Protect Us
So this is an old form that expresses confidence, and this form first talks about God and His love and His action, and then it goes on to say, " all covenants there are contained two parts. Therefore are we by God through baptism admonished of and obliged unto new obedience." Namely, that we cleave to this one God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
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Warnings That Protect Us
That we trust in Him and love Him with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, with all our strength. That we forsake the world, crucify our old nature, and walk in a godly life. See, I think that's exactly what's being said here in Deuteronomy. The Lord has loved us, and now the Lord wants us to love Him. And the warning is going to be, that's harder than you think.
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Warnings That Protect Us
That's harder than you think, and you're gonna have more trouble with that than you think. That's why the warning comes so powerfully and is so severe. But this is the nature of the covenant, and the nature of the covenant hasn't changed. And this is always the struggle for God's people. God's people sometimes so magnify the grace of God that they think obedience is completely unimportant.
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Warnings That Protect Us
Or they so magnify obedience that they lose sight of the reality of God's grace. And believing in justification by faith alone does not mean you stop believing in sanctification. The Lord calls us to both things. He wants us to understand justification by faith alone, so we'll say that salvation is all His work.
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Warnings That Protect Us
But He wants us to think about sanctification to realize that part of His work is working to change us, to make us different. And I always like to say, every Christian ought to occasionally step back and ask, am I different from what I would have been if I weren't a Christian? Has God's grace made some difference in me? And I think every Christian ought to be able to say, yes, it has.
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I may not be all that I want to be, but... I can see evidences. Now, you have to look first to Christ by faith, and then you dare look at yourself. And when you look at yourself, you can say, yeah, I see evidence that God has made me different. Not as different as I hope to be one day. but still different, and that's part of what's being said here.
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Warnings That Protect Us
And then God gives, we might almost say, sacramental expression to that reality, to that covenant, to that warning, when He talks about moving into the land of promise, and He wants them to set up stones when they cross the Jordan, set up stones and They're to put plaster on these stones and they're to engrave on these stones the words of the book of Deuteronomy.
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Warnings That Protect Us
Well, we're into a section of Deuteronomy that I've labeled warnings and warnings It begins perhaps with a surprise. I think we could almost say that's the character of Deuteronomy. It's surprising us. This is why it's kind of hard to figure out exactly what's going on sometimes.
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Warnings That Protect Us
I think there had to be several stones or they had to be very big stones. But that's what's to be done. And why is that important? We don't know what percentage of those people could read. Well, it's important symbolically because it says as we cross the Jordan, we didn't come here by our own strength. We didn't come here in our own wisdom.
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Warnings That Protect Us
We came here by the blessing of God, because he had made of us a covenant people. And to be a covenant people, we want to keep covenant, and so we're raising these stones so we'll remember the covenant, we'll remember that we are a covenant people, we remember that we have a covenant God, and we'll honor him. And that's always the function of sacraments, to bring us back to the heart of things.
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Baptism says to us, you're a dirty people who need to be clean. And the Lord's Supper says you're a starving people who need to be fed. And it's Jesus who cleans us. It's Jesus who feeds us. That's what our sacraments say to us, bring us back to the very heart of things. And that's what is true here.
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Warnings That Protect Us
And then we have a ceremony, a really rather remarkable ceremony on Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal, mountains west of the Jordan into the Promised Land. And God had... told the people. You remember, don't you, what I taught you about Deuteronomy 11? Yeah. In Deuteronomy 11, God is already saying that He's going to do this.
Renewing Your Mind
It’s Christmas!
The wonder of Christ is that God came to be with us. That's an amazing thought, isn't it? Well, I'm glad you're with us today for this Monday edition of Renewing Your Mind, a week we're featuring R.C. Sproul's celebration of the birth of Christ, and the series is titled Messiah is Born. Every day this week, we'll learn what Christmas means and how it affects not only our lives, but all of history.
Renewing Your Mind
It’s Christmas!
and we'd like for you to have access to this entire series so that you can return to it again and again. Simply make a year-end donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343, and we'll unlock the series for you in the free Ligonier app. We'll also unlock his series, What Did Jesus Do?,
Renewing Your Mind
It’s Christmas!
a 12-message series that helps us understand what it means that Jesus is the second Adam, along with its study guide as well. Here's a sample from that series.
Renewing Your Mind
It’s Christmas!
Well, again, that's from R.C. Sproul's series, What Did Jesus Do? And in addition to lifetime digital access to that series and study guide, we'll send you the companion book titled The Work of Christ. So please give your gift at or by using the link in the podcast show notes and continue reflecting on the wonder of the incarnation and the work of Christ.
Renewing Your Mind
It’s Christmas!
I hope you'll join us tomorrow as R.C. Sproul continues his series, Messiah is Born.
Renewing Your Mind
It’s Christmas!
Celebrating the incarnation today on Renewing Your Mind. Welcome to the Monday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm Nathan W. Bingham. Christmas is just around the corner, but unfortunately, many people aren't thinking about what really happened 2,000 years ago there in Bethlehem.
Renewing Your Mind
It’s Christmas!
There is, of course, the busyness and the stress of the season, but for many people, stories like Christ's birth are simply myth and fable. Well, to help you better understand why we celebrate, in addition to featuring R.C. Sproul's series, Messiah is Born on Renewing Your Mind, we're offering four resources this week.
Renewing Your Mind
It’s Christmas!
The digital edition of this series, the series and study guide titled, What Did Jesus Do?, plus we'll send you Dr. Sproul's book, The Work of Christ. when you make a year-end gift in support of proclaiming the message of Christ through this daily outreach at, or when you call us at 800-435-4343. Well, here's Dr. Sproul to remind us why we celebrate, because Christ is born.
Renewing Your Mind
Martin Luther
So who was Martin Luther before he nailed his 95 theses? Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
Martin Luther
Thankfully, Martin Luther's story doesn't end with no peace, no hope, and no sense of redemption. This is the Monday edition of Renewing Your Mind, as we begin a series of episodes to celebrate the work of God in the Protestant Reformation. Today's message is from R.C. Sproul's 10-part series, Justified by Faith Alone.
Renewing Your Mind
Martin Luther
This historical and theological look at Martin Luther and the doctrine at the heart of the Reformation is one we as Protestants should return to again and again so that we don't forget what it was that we were protesting, so that we can contend for the gospel and the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints in our generation.
Renewing Your Mind
Martin Luther
You can own it along with the study guide when you call us at 800-435-4343 with a donation of any amount. You can also give your gift at When you do, we'll also send you the hardcover edition of The Legacy of Luther, edited by R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
Martin Luther
Sproul and Stephen Nichols, with contributions from Dr. Sproul and Dr. Nichols, as well as Sinclair Ferguson, W. Robert Godfrey, Derek Thomas, and others. Give your donation today at or by using the link in the podcast show notes and know that your support is helping spread the truths of the Reformation to the nations. Thank you.
Renewing Your Mind
Martin Luther
October 31st is a significant day in the history of the Church. It's the day that Martin Luther, a towering figure in the 16th century Reformation, nailed his 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany.
Renewing Your Mind
Martin Luther
As we approach that day, typically celebrated as the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, we will focus our attention on the life of Luther, the gospel that was rediscovered, and other important Reformation truths. Hi, I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and welcome to this Monday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Martin Luther
Whether we know it or not, Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation reshaped Europe, redirected Christian history, and recovered the truth of God's Word. We proclaim the good news of justification by faith alone, a glorious truth that Luther rediscovered in his study of Romans. This week, you'll be introduced to Luther, and R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
Martin Luther
Sproul will unpack that doctrine of justification by faith alone. You'll also have the opportunity this week to own the complete series, Justified by Faith Alone, its study guide, along with the hardcover edition of The Legacy of Luther, a book edited by R.C. Sproul and Stephen Nichols, when you give a gift of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
Don’t Worry: Be Joyful
What a needed reminder today from R.C. Sproul, as worry can easily seem to be around every corner. Today's message on renewing your mind is from Dr. Sproul's series on joy, and you can unlock lifetime digital access to this series when you give a donation of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
Don’t Worry: Be Joyful
To thank you for your generous support of Renewing Your Mind, we'll also send you his title, Can I Have Joy in My Life? and his Christmas devotional, The Advent of Glory. Call us at 800-435-4343 or give online at to request this resource bundle today. Remember, there's always a convenient link in the podcast show notes as well.
Renewing Your Mind
Don’t Worry: Be Joyful
Since Scripture commands us to rejoice, joy is a duty for the Christian. But how can that be, especially when Scripture also commands us to weep with those who weep? Joy will be our theme this week on Renewing Your Mind, so be sure to listen every day.
Renewing Your Mind
Don’t Worry: Be Joyful
To help you study the topic of joy further and prepare for the Christmas season, when you give a donation of any amount at, we'll send you Dr. Sproul's title, Can I Have Joy in My Life?, and his Christmas devotional, The Advent of Glory, while also giving you lifetime digital access to this series on joy.
Renewing Your Mind
Don’t Worry: Be Joyful
So give your gift today at or by using the link in the podcast show notes. In an anxious world, how can the Christian have joy and obey the command to rejoice always? Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
The Unpardonable Sin
May we all seek to honor God with our lips and not take His name in vain. You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, and today's message by R.C. Sproul was from his Hard Sayings series.
Renewing Your Mind
The Unpardonable Sin
You can request access to all four of these series, plus we'll send you the hardcover edition of Dr. Sproul's book, Hard Sayings, Understanding Difficult Passages of Scripture, when you give a gift of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
The Unpardonable Sin
You can also call us at 800-435-4343 to give your gift, and we'll get these resources to you quickly so that you can continue your study of the hard sayings of the Bible. Visit and request this book and access to four teaching series. Another tool to help you understand the Bible is the Reformation Study Bible. R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
The Unpardonable Sin
Sproul served as general editor, and there are over 1.1 million words of commentary and theological explanation. Call us at 800-435-4343 or visit to learn how you can order a copy of this landmark resource. Tomorrow, R.C. Sproul will consider some hard words of Jesus from one of his prayers where we learn that Jesus is not praying for everybody.
Renewing Your Mind
The Unpardonable Sin
Where are you right now in your Bible reading? Wherever you find yourself in Scripture will inevitably bump into a passage that's either hard to understand or hard to believe. And they're the kinds of passages, hard sayings, that R.C. Sproul will be examining all week on Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
The Unpardonable Sin
If you'd like to study all of the hard sayings taught by Dr. Sproul, you can request a hardcover copy of his book, Hard Sayings, Understanding Difficult Passages of Scripture, for a donation of any amount at We'll also give you digital access to all of the messages in his Hard Sayings of Jesus series, Hard Sayings of the Apostles, the Prophets, and the Bible.
Renewing Your Mind
The Unpardonable Sin
Well, here's R.C. Sproul on a challenging text and an often controversial topic among Christians, the question of the unpardonable sin.
Renewing Your Mind
Incommunicable Attributes
Studying the attributes of God should cause us to worship Him. He is mighty and supreme and worthy of all honor. And as we continue hearing from R.C. Sproul's series on systematic theology this week, you'll hear more and more of God's greatness. Thank you for joining us for this Monday edition of Renewing Your Mind. I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham.
Renewing Your Mind
Incommunicable Attributes
For the donation of any amount, or when you use the link in the podcast show notes. along with access to R.C. Sproul's series, Foundations, we'll send you a copy of Everyone's a Theologian. Short chapter by short chapter, Dr. Sproul will walk you through an understanding of systematic theology.
Renewing Your Mind
Incommunicable Attributes
And it's been compiled in such a way that you could use this as a daily read to help you think God's thoughts after him as you move through the year. give your donation at or by calling us at 800-435-4343. And we'll get this book and DVD set in the mail for you. And thank you for helping take the truth of who God is to the nations. R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
Incommunicable Attributes
To know who God is, we must study his attributes. He shares some of his attributes with us, like his love, goodness, and kindness. And we call those his communicable attributes. But today, on this Monday edition of Renewing Your Mind, R.C. Sproul will focus on those attributes that God alone possesses.
Renewing Your Mind
Incommunicable Attributes
This week, you'll be hearing messages from Dr. Sproul's Foundation Series, a series designed to give you a solid foundation for your beliefs. Over 60 messages, it gives you an overview of theology to help you know what you believe and why you believe it. You can request this series in a special edition DVD set, along with digital access to the messages and study guide.
Renewing Your Mind
Incommunicable Attributes
Plus, for those who'd prefer to read this overview of theology, we'll send you his book, Everyone's a Theologian. Simply give a donation of any amount at Well, to start this week's study, here's Dr. Sproul on the incommunicable attributes of God.
Renewing Your Mind
The Meaning of Holiness
That's a convicting message, isn't it? How easily we can fail to mirror and reflect the character of God. This is Renewing Your Mind on this Friday, and we're closing a week celebrating four decades since R.C. Sproul's book, The Holiness of God, was first published. Who do you know who needs to hear these messages?
Renewing Your Mind
The Meaning of Holiness
Share the Renewing Your Mind podcast with them by searching for Renewing Your Mind wherever you listen to podcasts and encourage them to go back and listen. Or you can request a copy of the Holiness of God for them by responding today at with a donation of any amount or by giving your gift when you call us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
The Meaning of Holiness
You'll receive this special 40th anniversary edition of the Holiness of God, plus we'll unlock lifetime digital access to both the original and the extended editions of the Holiness of God teaching series. Whether you prefer to watch, read, or listen, there's a resource here for you in this anniversary resource bundle. But don't delay, as this is while supplies last.
Renewing Your Mind
The Meaning of Holiness
and this offer ends at midnight tonight. Call us at 800-435-4343, visit, or use the link in the podcast show notes to secure the special 40th anniversary edition of The Holiness of God. And thank you for supporting this daily outreach of Ligonier Ministries. We've spent this week reflecting on God's holiness.
Renewing Your Mind
The Meaning of Holiness
What is the meaning of holiness, and how should understanding it change the way that we live? Hi, I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and welcome to the Friday edition of Renewing Your Mind. By God's grace, as our minds are renewed, our lives are transformed. Things we once delighted in become sins we now seek to mortify. Things we once hated or found boring we now love and find joy in. Today, R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
The Meaning of Holiness
Sproul will consider the meaning of holiness and the impact that should have in the life of a Christian. But before you hear the final message that will feature this week from Dr. Sproul's popular series, The Holiness of God, don't miss your opportunity to own a special 40th anniversary edition of this series' companion book, The Holiness of God.
Renewing Your Mind
The Meaning of Holiness
This is a limited edition title available to mark four decades since this book was first published. and to thank God for the impact that this teaching has had on countless Christians around the world. Respond before midnight tonight with your donation of any amount at to secure your copy. Well, here's Dr. Sproul on the meaning of holiness.
Renewing Your Mind
Paul’s Authority
With the noise of today's world, we need frequent reminders like today's message on the centrality of the gospel. That was R.C. Sproul on this Friday edition of Renewing Your Mind from his series on Galatians.
Renewing Your Mind
Paul’s Authority
If you would like to hear the rest of this series on Galatians, you can request lifetime digital access until midnight when you give a gift of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
Paul’s Authority
And to thank you for your generosity, in addition to this series, we'll unlock Dr. Sproul's series, Pleasing God, and we'll send you his hardcover expositional commentary on Galatians as well. Only hours remain for this offer, so click the link in the podcast show notes or make your donation at while there's still time.
Renewing Your Mind
Paul’s Authority
Not only was the gospel under attack by the false teachers in Galatia, but Paul's authority was also under attack. Who was Paul to boldly declare what the true gospel was? And in our portion of Galatians today, Paul outlines his authority and why he was so bold in his defense of the gospel. I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and this is the Friday edition of Renewing Your Mind. Thanks for being with us.
Renewing Your Mind
Paul’s Authority
There are many issues and causes that can attract our attention today, but central for the Christian should be the faithful proclamation of the gospel. Galatians so clearly reminds us of this, so I recommend that you request R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
Paul’s Authority
Sproul's series on Galatians and his hardcover expositional commentary that walks through this letter line by line when you give a gift of any amount at before this offer ends at midnight tonight. Here's Dr. Sproul on the credentials and passion of the Apostle Paul.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
Today on Renewing Your Mind, a special conversation with Stephen Nichols on a vital topic.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
So what was the impact of the Chicago Statement?
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
Dr. Nichols, when we think back to 2015, when we released the revised and expanded edition of the Reformation Study Bible, I remember Dr. Sproul saying that although we call it the Reformation Study Bible, what he wanted to see was a Bible study reformation. Why is it so important for us to not only read the Bible, but to study the Bible?
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
these doctrines. I would say it's just as important today when we think about the inspiration of Scripture and the authority of Scripture. I'm thinking about Ligonier's State of Theology Survey, where we take the theological temperature of the U.S. We have done it in the U.K. as well. And there's one statement there in the State of Theology Survey, which is the 16th statement.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
And this is the statement. The Bible, like all sacred writings, contains helpful accounts of ancient myths, but is not literally true. Now, you would think if you posed that statement to a Christian, they would all say, strongly disagree. It is literally true. It's not an account of ancient myths. But when we surveyed the U.S.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
population, and then we just pulled out those who would call themselves evangelicals, the 2022 results showed us that 26% of professing evangelicals is stating that the Scriptures are not literally true.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
And what makes it worse is if you go back to 2020, when we put this same statement before evangelicals, it was 15%, which was shocking. But to see this change going from 15% to 26%.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
So what is it, just to remind us again, that we are affirming when we talk about the doctrine of the authority of Scripture?
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
What I hope our listeners hear today, Dr. Nichols, is that Dr. Sproul's defense of this doctrine was not merely an argument amongst theologians purely for academic reasons, but he was convinced and recognized that the authority of Scripture, that it's inerrant, that it's inspired,
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
is so practical in the life of the Christian, and that if we are to flourish and be faithful Christians, we need to believe this, to know this, and defend it ourselves.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
Hearing the context to the Ligonier statement, the Chicago statement, it makes me go back to the quote from Dr. Sproul that we shared at the beginning of this conversation when we released the Reformation Study Bible and him saying, we call it the Reformation Study Bible, But what we want to see is a Bible study reformation. And that for him, this was not a throwaway line.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
This summarized his entire ministry, all the battles that he fought outside the church and even within. So, Dr. Nichols, thank you so much for this conversation, sharing some of that history and the context. It really has been great to be with you here in Chicago. Oh, you're quite welcome. It's been my pleasure.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
That was Stephen Nichols in Chicago discussing the inerrancy, inspiration, and authority of Scripture in the 1978 document, The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy. As you heard today on Renewing Your Mind, R.C. Sproul wanted Christians to not simply read the Bible, but to study it.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
And although we call the Reformation Study Bible the Reformation Study Bible, what he hoped we'd see is a Bible study reformation. If you show your support today with a donation to help fuel the spread of God's Word and trusted Bible teaching around the world, to say thank you, we'll send you a copy of the Reformation Study Bible.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
It contains more than 1.1 million words of verse by verse and topical explanations to aid you in your study. And R.C. Sproul served as the general editor. With theological notes from Dr. Sproul and creeds and confessions from church history, this really is a theological library in one volume.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
So call us today at 800-435-4343 or visit to make your donation and we'll rush a copy to you. This is a one-day only offer to help accelerate the gospel outreach of Ligonier Ministries and Renewing Your Mind. So visit or use the link in the podcast show notes before midnight tonight and while supplies last. Thank you.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
Ligonier Ministries exists to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God in all of its fullness to as many people as possible. If there is one subject that R.C. Sproul is known for, it's the holiness of God. And this year marks 40 years since his landmark book, The Holiness of God, was first published.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
So join us beginning Monday as you'll hear messages from that series and learn about a new anniversary edition of the classic book. That's next week here on Renewing Your Mind. ¶¶
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
really throughout our lives. You said the key word authoritative. When we think of the authority of Scripture, what are those key doctrines that we need to remember?
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
The Word of God and the authority of God's Word have been under attack from the earliest pages of the Bible as we read of the serpent in Genesis 3, asking Eve, did God actually say? And these attacks have continued in every generation, including in the 20th century.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
At Ligonier, we talk about the Reformation a lot, and one of the major issues during the Reformation was the question of the authority of Scripture. But has the authority of Scripture come under attack since then in other ways?
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
How do you respond to those who say that those Princetonian theologians that you just mentioned, that they invented the doctrine of inerrancy?
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
And today on Renewing Your Mind, we'll learn more about what we believe concerning the Bible's authority and what a group of theologians did, including R.C. Sproul, to respond to those attacks in the 1970s. Welcome to Renewing Your Mind. I'm Nathan W. Bingham and I'm glad you're joining us today.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
So the Princetonian theologians, that's the early 20th century, J. Gresham Machen, 1920s, 1930s. Right. What happened in the 1960s?
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
Stephen Nichols is a Ligonier Ministries teaching fellow and he's also the president of Reformation Bible College. I was traveling with him and while in Chicago, we used that as an opportunity to sit down and discuss a vital topic on a significant event in church history that took place in that city. But before you hear that discussion, to help place the Word of God into the hands of more people,
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
Well, a response to that came in 1978. And I'm sure our listeners can tell we're not sitting in the studio today. We are not. We are in Chicago right now. And they can hear a little bit of the city. It's a bustling city. What happened in Chicago in 1978?
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
Now, Dr. Sproul signed that document. You said he was a leader and played a significant role in that. But the story of Dr. Sproul's influence on the Chicago Statement precedes 1978, doesn't it?
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
along with trusted notes and commentary until midnight tonight. You can request your very own copy of the Reformation Study Bible with your donation of any amount at I'll be sure to remind you of this offer and tell you more about that study Bible at the end of today's episode. So here's my conversation with Stephen Nichols.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
I love one of those final words, unreservedly.
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Upholding the Authority of Scripture
There is just a complete and full commitment, no wavering.
Renewing Your Mind
Upholding the Authority of Scripture
You had the opportunity to write Dr. Sproul's biography and in your research for that you came across some of his notebooks and different writings and there was just a few lines that you found that I think you'd like to share with our listeners.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
The judges have become progressively weaker, and the judges themselves have become progressively more sinful. And the fruitfulness of their deliverance has become shorter term. And so we can almost anticipate what's going to happen with this next judge who's about to come.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
And so we are introduced to a family in Israel that expresses the character of Israel in these days as pretty hopeless, pretty cast down, pretty despondent. And then, as so often happens in the Bible, in our worst moments, in our worst moments, the Lord intervenes. The Lord acts. The Lord surprises us. And that's what we have in verse 3. And the angel of the Lord appeared to the woman.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
Now, you know the Hebrew word for angel, angel is actually a Greek word, and both the Hebrew word and the Greek word mean the messenger of the Lord. Angels are always messengers of the Lord. They bear a word from the Lord. That's why they come. That's their function.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
And of course, we also know that among angels, there's a special angel that most scholars believe, most conservative scholars anyway, believe is a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ. This is the eternal second person of the Trinity who takes on a form that can be seen to communicate the message of God to people in the old covenant.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
So here comes the angel of the Lord who appeared to the woman and says to her, Behold, you are barren and have not born children, but you shall conceive and bear a son. you shall conceive and bear a son. That sounds vaguely familiar, doesn't it? Here is the promise, a proto-messianic promise. You're going to bear a son.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
And it's interesting as we read along here that Samson's mother initially seems to think that this appearance to her is a man. She thinks he's a prophet. So he clearly doesn't have wings. This is not an angel that looks obviously angelic. No sign on his chest that says angel.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
And that's sort of intriguing, too, that we find that a number of times in the Old Testament, that angels appear, but they appear in the form of a man and are initially appraised as being a human being. But a little further in the text, we're told that the appearance of was awesome, although literally in Hebrew it sort of was very scary.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
And that too, it regularly accompanies the appearances of angels in the Bible, doesn't it? What are the first words that angels frequently speak? Fear not, because they're very scary, whether they just look like very impressive human beings or whether they're actually perceived to be angels from their first appearance. But this angel appears with a promise.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
Now, that's a perfectly good translation, but in light of what's going to happen in this story and happens in other stories in the book of Judges, we might have left it just a little more literally because literally what it says is, and the people of Israel again did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord. Now, that's important because eyes are very important in this story.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
This woman who has been barren and has not born a child will conceive and will bear a son. And so this has to have been news of great joy to this mother, along with a huge surprise And then comes further words to the mother that are tremendously important for our whole consideration of this story and why I think the Bible gives so much attention to the parents before Samson comes on the scene.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
The angel says, So the word judge is not used here. But the notion of deliverer is used here. And so from this first word of the angel, it's very clear that the son to be born will be a judge, will be a deliverer, will be a savior to the people of Israel. He won't be the last savior. He won't be the complete savior. He's only going to begin to save Israel from her enemies.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
But that's his commission. That's his task. And so there's this sort of double promise, this double blessing, this double joy that has to have come into the heart of Samson's mother. She'll have a child, a son, and he'll be a judge. So in the midst of this depressed resignation and hopelessness comes a double promise of encouragement. But there comes also a very specific instruction, isn't there?
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
An instruction both for mother and for child. There's a very specific instruction that his mother is not to drink and his hair is not to be cut. And these are not just random directions from the Lord. This is a reminder of the Nazarite vow described in number 6. And in number six, we're told that some in Israel will be called to a special consecration.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
will be called to a special separation from the world and its practices. Not because drinking or cutting hair is wrong in and of itself, but they will mark their, we might say, radical dedication to the Lord, their hyper-consecration to the Lord, by giving up things that would be all right in other people. And it'll be a mark of how completely their lives are set aside to the Lord.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
And this in Numbers chapter 6 is called a Nazarite vow, which is another case of just not translating Hebrew words. You know, if the word angel is just a Greek word for messenger, why don't we translate it messenger instead of angel? Well, Nazarite in Hebrew is simply the word for separated, right? So the Nazarite vow is a separation vow or a consecration vow. And so this is really important.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
It's going to very much revolve around what Samson sees and what Samson does in relation to what he sees and how at the end Samson loses his sight. So the theme of sight is introduced here by the author right at the beginning. It's not only going to be a story about Samson's eyes, it's also going to be a story about the Lord's eyes. And this is set down right at the beginning.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
This is at the heart of who Samson is. He's to be separated unto the Lord. He's to be consecrated to the Lord. His life is to be different. His life is to have a special dedication to And so he's not to cut his hair, not because there's anything magic in not cutting your hair, but because it's a constant sign to him that his life is different.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
If it's something special not to cut your hair, then it must have been common to cut your hair. And so whereas a lot of other men will have cut hair, he will have uncut hair. And this will be a constant reminder to him and others that he's different, that he's separate, that he's consecrated. And This is crucial, I think, as we conclude this look for the need of Samson.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
What does Israel need in Samson? It needs him to be separate. It needs him to be consecrated. It needs him to be holy. That's one of the meanings of holy, set apart. We think of Samson as strong. God wanted us to think about Samson as separated. And the tragedy of the story of Samson is his failure to be separated.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
You're listening to the Friday edition of Renewing Your Mind, and that was W. Robert Godfrey. If you'd like to continue your study of Samson, you can request the 10-part series and the study guide when you give a donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343. Your donation will help fuel the spread of Renewing Your Mind in English and Spanish
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
and help teaching series like you heard today be translated and distributed in the world's top 20 languages. Samson was God's instrument to rescue Israel from the Philistines during the era of the judges. And you can learn more about him when you give a gift of any amount at or by clicking the link in the podcast show notes.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
Again, the people did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. Now, you notice there's no great detail given here about what that evil was. And our expectation is that almost certainly it was just like the evil that had been done in earlier times in the book of Judges. And the most detailed statement of Israel's faithlessness is found in chapter 10.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
in the description of what happened before Jephthah was raised up as the judge in Israel. And at Judges chapter 10, verse 6, we read, "...the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, or in the eyes of the Lord."
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The Need for Samson
progressively weaker, progressively more sinful. That's the pattern of the judges and makes for a compelling narrative. I think why many of us are at least somewhat familiar with the story of Samson, the last judge. Welcome to the Friday edition of Renewing Your Mind as we turn our attention today to Samson. These messages are from W. Robert Godfrey's series, The Life of Samson.
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The Need for Samson
"...and served the Baals and the Ashtoreth, the gods of Syria, the gods of Sidon, the gods of Moab, the gods of the Ammonites, and the gods of the Philistines, and they forsook the Lord and did not serve him. So the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he sold them into the hand of the Philistines and into the hand of the Ammonites."
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The Need for Samson
So here's the description of what was at the heart of the evil that Israel did in the eyes of the Lord. They went after false gods. And if you turn back, for example, to Deuteronomy chapter 4, a grievously neglected book in the Old Testament, I think Deuteronomy is the third most quoted book in the New Testament. Jesus knew Deuteronomy backwards and forwards.
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The Need for Samson
If you look at Deuteronomy chapter 4, Moses is pressing the claims of the covenant on the people of Israel, and he's making the point that The single most important point of the covenant, which is the sign of fidelity and everything else, is whether you're an idolater or not.
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The Need for Samson
And in Deuteronomy chapter 4, he makes at great length the point, when you were at Sinai, and the Lord your God came to make covenant with you, and the Lord your God spoke to you, and like no other people in the history of mankind, you heard the voice of your God speak to you, you saw no form.
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The Need for Samson
And therefore, you are not to make images of anything in the heavens or anything in the earth, anything in the skies, anything in the waters under the earth, because when the Lord came to you, you saw no form. And this is to be a test for Israel. After all, if you can't do this one simple thing, namely not make an image, he's not asking even that you do something positive.
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The Need for Samson
He's saying, just don't do this. If you can't discipline yourself enough to avoid this one external action of disobedience, how can we have any assurance that your heart is connected to the Lord? And so here, Israel is showing the heartlessness of her relationship to God because she cannot avoid idolatry.
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The Need for Samson
Not even, I mean, she's worse than the idolatry in the wilderness, because at least initially the idolatry in the wilderness was making an image of the Lord God. I mean, the golden calf was an image of the Lord God, and the Lord showed his anger about that. But this is much worse because these are images of false gods. And you see sort of the comprehensive way in which this is described.
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The Need for Samson
The people did evil in the eyes of the Lord and served the Baals and the Astaroth, the male and female gods of the peoples that surrounded him, the gods of Syria in the north. the gods of Sidon in the northwest, the gods of Moab in the southeast, the gods of the Ammonites in the east, the gods of the Philistines in the west.
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The Need for Samson
You see, they've played the harlot with the gods all around them in every direction. This is the grossness of the betrayal. And this is why the Lord says here that he crushed and oppressed the people of Israel that year. For 18 years, they oppressed all the people of Israel. So they're sent into an oppression by the enemies for this sin for 18 years.
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The Need for Samson
Well, now we turn back, and that's sort of the context in which to read they again did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. It must be that again they had become idolatrous. And we know that this story will end in the temple of Dagon, right? Well, it doesn't quite end there, but it nearly ends there. And it's clear that Israel has been going after the gods of the Philistines.
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The Need for Samson
Over ten messages, Dr. Godfrey highlights vital theological lessons from Samson's life and explores what this judge tells us about Christian living. We'll send you this series when you give a donation of any amount at, but don't delay as this offer ends at midnight. So who was Samson, and specifically, who were his parents?
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The Need for Samson
That's what the again means, I think. This idolatry is back in their life. And so what happens? So the Lord gave them into the hands of the Philistines for 40 years. Now think how dramatic that number is for 40 years. We've been in the land of promise. God has brought us to the land flowing with milk and honey. He's blessed us by giving us this land.
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The Need for Samson
And now it's like we're right back in the wilderness. It's almost like we're back in the slavery of Egypt because the enemy has oppressed us this protracted period of time, 40 years. Forty years. And it's a sign, it's a symbol of how far they have fallen, that it's as if they've been taken out of the promised land. And of course, that's ultimately what will happen to Israel, isn't it?
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The Need for Samson
They'll be exiled after centuries of kingship, but already it's all being anticipated here. They're enslaved in their own country. Forty years. Think how long that is. And here is the tragedy that is besetting Israel. And what's the solution? Well, the solution has to be that God will raise up a judge again. And God has been doing that. But the judges have become progressively weaker.
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The Need for Samson
And the judges themselves have become progressively more sinful. And the fruitfulness of their deliverance has become shorter term. And so we can almost anticipate what's going to happen with this next judge who's about to come. But that's the background now for the need for Samson, for Samson to arise. And now we get to the Samson story. But of course, as we look, we discover we don't get Samson.
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The Need for Samson
25% of the Samson story is about his parents before he's born. So again, we're a little bit surprised by how this story is told. I think most of the time in Sunday school when we talk about Samson, we don't spend a lot of time on his parents. But 25% of the story is given to the story of his parents before his birth.
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The Need for Samson
And so, clearly, the Lord intends that this be a preparation for us to really think about Samson and the context in which he's born, the task that the Lord is giving to him, and As we're going to study and as we're going to see, this story is very intricately told, very carefully thought through. And I think one way of thinking about the whole Samson story is a story in four acts.
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The Need for Samson
It's almost a play, a story in four acts. Act one is the parents of Samson and the preparation for his birth as we find it in Judges chapter 13. And then Act 2, which is his marriage to the Philistine woman and the disastrous consequences of that, which really take up chapter 14 and 15. And then Act 3, which I think is Judges 16, verses 1 through 3. I think Act 3 is just three verses.
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The Need for Samson
I'll explain that as we go along. And then the fourth act, maybe the most famous, Samson and Delilah, chapter 16, verse 4 to the end. So here we have four acts. We could also say maybe four snapshots. We've seen snapshots all through the book of Judges. Four snapshots, four acts out of his life. Judges Israel were told for 20 years, which is a relatively long time.
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The Need for Samson
And yet these snapshots we have, these acts of his life are really very short, right? The few days around his marriage to the Philistine woman and the tragic consequences of that, maybe another week or two. The one day of Act 3, those three verses. the beginning of chapter 16, and then the Samson and Delilah story, which is maybe another few weeks.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
We're going to turn to the need for Samson himself as it's presented to us in the book of Judges, beginning at Judges 13, verse 1. The Samson story takes up four chapters in the book, chapters 13 through 16. Of course, we know these chapters are all added later, but still they're helpful for us today to find out where we are and orient ourselves.
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The Need for Samson
So out of 20 years, we really only have the story of a few weeks in his life. But obviously, these are the things that the Lord wants us to know. These are the highlights. These are the spiritually key factors in the life of Samson. And it's intriguing that each of these four acts in the life of Samson revolves around a woman. Now, this is part of the key to Samson.
Renewing Your Mind
The Need for Samson
Women are important in the life of Samson, more important maybe than they ought to be. But each of these four acts revolves around a woman. Act one is about his mother, a pious woman we'll see. Act two is about his Philistine wife. Act three is about a Philistine prostitute. And act four revolves around Delilah.
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The Need for Samson
So, women are very important in the life of Samson, and part of what's being said, as is being said in the whole book of Judges, women are very important in the history of redemption for good, as is the case with his mother, or for evil. as is the case particularly with Delilah, but with the other two Philistine women as well. So, this is a very intricately told story.
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The Need for Samson
It's very thoughtfully put together, and its intentionality is going to help us see what is the message the Lord wanted to have for his people through this. So, let's begin Act 1. There are several scenes in this act. if we want to continue the theatrical image here.
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The Need for Samson
And scene one tells us there was a certain man of Zorah, that's the town, of the tribe of the Danites, that's the region not far from the Philistines, whose name was Manoah. So Manoah is the father of Samson. And his wife was barren and had no children. Now, what's interesting here is that as we think about the women in the life of Samson, the first three are nameless.
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The Need for Samson
His mother is not—she must have had a name, but we're not told the name of his mother. We're not told the name of his Philistine wife. We're not told the name of the Philistine prostitute. It's only Delilah who has a name in the story. We'll talk about her name when we get to her. It's an interesting name. But here is a mother who is nameless, and as we look at her, what are we told about her?
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The Need for Samson
we are told that she was barren and had no children. And we know that in Israel, barrenness was seen, not always rightly, I think, but was seen as a curse of the Lord. Not to have children meant the family wouldn't continue. Not having the family continue meant not only that family property might be lost, but the line of Messiah might die out in Israel. So at the end of the book,
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The Need for Samson
There's a panic because it looked like the whole tribe of Benjamin might die out. So the dying out of families in Israel is a very serious matter. And so here, clearly, the parents of Samson are being presented to us as participating in the kind of judgment and chastisement of the Lord upon his people. And you get a sense, I think, that they are very... fatalistic about this. They're resigned.
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The Need for Samson
They've given up. Samson's mother, it seems to me, stands in marked contrast with Hannah. You know, when Hannah was not able to have children, what do we read? She pled with the Lord. She prayed. She begged the Lord. She offered vows before the Lord. She You know, she just was engaged in the Lord coming to her need. This woman seems not engaged in that at all.
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The Need for Samson
And there we find the book of Judges declaring in verse 1, "...and the people of Israel again..." And that certainly is the case. It's again, this is the fourth or fifth or sixth time this is said in the book of Judges. And the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.
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The Need for Samson
Neither she nor Manoah seem to be praying about this situation. And there's this sense throughout the Samson story that... sort of the life has gone out of Israel. The hope has gone out of Israel. It's almost after 40 years, they're not even looking for the Lord to act anymore. They're resigned to their fate.
Renewing Your Mind
The Consolation of Israel
And that's the key, isn't it? To see and recognize that Jesus is the one who was promised, the Savior, the Messiah, the consolation of Israel. What a fitting message as we prepare for Christmas next week. I'm glad you're with us for this Friday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
The Consolation of Israel
Our C. Sproul series, Messiah is Born, has been our focus all week, and we've learned how the birth of Christ affects not only our redemption and salvation, but all of history. And you can own this series along with three other resources when you give a year-end donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
The Consolation of Israel
You'll receive the digital edition of this series plus Dr. Sproul's series, What Did Jesus Do? and its study guide. And we'll send you his popular book, The Work of Christ. Request this resource bundle today at or by using the link in the podcast show notes before this offer ends at midnight.
Renewing Your Mind
The Consolation of Israel
If you're looking for last-minute Christmas gift ideas, don't forget that you can give a year-long subscription to Table Talk magazine easily at And when you give one subscription, you can get up to nine more 50% off. So visit today. As we count down to Christmas next week, you'll hear special sermons from R.C. Sproul and the Gospel of Luke.
Renewing Your Mind
The Consolation of Israel
As a nation, Israel had suffered. Throughout its existence, war and insurrection plagued the people. A Messiah, a Savior had been promised, and the people longed for His coming. Today on Renewing Your Mind, R.C. Sproul looks at the second chapter of Luke and considers an old man who had eagerly awaited this consolation of Israel.
Renewing Your Mind
The Consolation of Israel
Before we hear today's message, don't forget that you can request four resources to help you better understand who this Messiah is and what he accomplished for his people. You give a year-end donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343. We're grateful for your support as it fuels proclaiming the Savior to the nations.
Renewing Your Mind
By Faith Alone
That was R.C. Sproul from his series, Justified by Faith Alone, helping prepare us for Reformation Day on October 31st. As Protestants, it's important to remember what it was we were protesting in the 16th century Reformation, because as you heard today, if you get the gospel wrong, eternal life hangs in the balance.
Renewing Your Mind
By Faith Alone
You heard five messages this week from this series, but the complete study is actually ten messages. You can own the entire series and study guide when you give a donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343. In addition to lifetime digital access to the series, we'll send you the hardcover edition of The Legacy of Luther. It's edited by R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
By Faith Alone
Sproul and Stephen Nichols. So whether you prefer to read or listen, there's a resource here for you in this Reformation bundle. This is the final day for the offer, so visit or use the link in the podcast show notes while there's still time.
Renewing Your Mind
By Faith Alone
Eternal life does hang in the balance, which is why we must be so clear in our proclamation of the gospel and vigilant in our defense of it. Welcome to the Friday edition of Renewing Your Mind, as we conclude a week of R.C. Sproul unpacking for us the theology of the Protestant Reformation and presenting a clear explanation of the biblical gospel.
Renewing Your Mind
By Faith Alone
This week's series is called Justified by Faith Alone. And today is the final day that you can request lifetime digital access to this series and study guide, along with a hardcover edition of The Legacy of Luther, edited by R.C. Sproul and Stephen Nichols, when you give a donation of any amount at So request these resources today before this offer ends at midnight.
Renewing Your Mind
By Faith Alone
We are justified by faith alone, but what is true saving faith? Here's Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
I'm sure you can see how that doesn't align with the biblical view of the body and how helpful a series like this is to identify the errors and influences of philosophy and other ideologies. You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, and that was R.C. Sproul from his series, The Consequences of Ideas.
Renewing Your Mind
This week we've examined several pre-Socratic philosophers, plus Socrates himself and one of his students, Plato. But this really is just the beginning, so I recommend that you request the entire series and also learn about Augustine, Aristotle, and some more modern thinkers.
Renewing Your Mind
Today is the final day to request this special edition DVD set that also comes with lifetime digital access to all 35 messages and the study guide. Plus we'll send you the companion book to add to your library and to aid you in your study.
Renewing Your Mind
So visit or call us at 800-435-4343 with your donation of any amount and take a journey through the history of human thought and the influences that these thinkers still have today. Only hours remain for this offer, so visit or use the link in the podcast show notes while there's still time. Have you read the book, The Pilgrim's Progress?
Renewing Your Mind
Ideas have consequences. We've seen that all week, and unfortunately, sometimes those ideas even creep into the church. I'm Nathan W. Bingham, and I'm glad you're joining us for the Friday edition of Renewing Your Mind. Yesterday we met Socrates. Well, today we'll meet a famous student of his, Plato, who is considered one of the twin giants of Western philosophy.
Renewing Your Mind
His influence has been significant, impacting the church in the Middle Ages and even some in the church today. So what did Plato teach? Here's R.C. Sproul to explain.
Renewing Your Mind
Cosmic Treason
That was R.C. Sproul on the justice of God and the cosmic treason of mankind. You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, a daily outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Dr. Sproul often reminded us that we all need to know who God is. And that's why it is so helpful to go back and revisit teaching like you heard today to ensure your thinking is in line with God's revelation of who He is in His Word.
Renewing Your Mind
Cosmic Treason
And whether you prefer to listen or to read, we have two resources to help you as you continue to reflect on the character of God. First, the Fear and Trembling series and its study guide. And second, the Holiness of God book,
Renewing Your Mind
Cosmic Treason
When you give a donation of any amount at or by calling us at 800-435-4343, you'll receive streaming access to Fear and Trembling and we'll send you the Holiness of God book. This is the final day of this offer, so be quick and give your gift at or by using the link in the podcast show notes.
Renewing Your Mind
Cosmic Treason
Have you ever had a conversation with a non-Christian, and after explaining the reality of sin, the justice of God, and hell, their response is essentially, if there is a God and I meet Him when I die, He'll forgive me because that's what God is like. That's terrifying and fatal thinking, totally misunderstanding grace and mercy. This is the Friday edition of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Cosmic Treason
I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. As we close out this week's study, R.C. Sproul will help us understand the gravity of our sin and the difference between God's justice and His mercy. But before we hear today's message, don't forget that you can own this series and Dr. Sproul's book, The Holiness of God, when you give a gift of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
Cosmic Treason
This offer does end at midnight, so be quick. Here's R.C. Sproul with a message titled, Cosmic Treason.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
Dr. Godfrey is the only grandfather here in the studio. When you think about passing on the truth to the next generation, how important is that?
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
Well, it's absolutely critical for the sake of the souls of the next generation. I mean, that's our first concern. But also, as I look at my grandchildren and look at the history of the church in America, one of the really sad things is all the effort that goes into evangelism through churches to watch one generation come into the church and another generation leave the church.
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
The church should give at least as much attention to keeping the generations in the church from generation to generation as it does to reaching out to bring new people into the church. And so I think it's very exciting to see carefully prepared, reformed curriculum that can be used in homes and in churches and in schools
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
to be sure that our, our children are really from early ages introduced to the Christian faith. We know how now, of course, my grandchildren are a lot smarter than most grandchildren, but, um, of course, of course, of course, that's, Every grandparent says that. But it's absolutely staggering how quickly little children can learn and how much they can learn.
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
And to waste those years and not to fill their minds and hearts with the truth of God's Word would be a terrible waste. So I think this is a much-needed project and a very exciting one. We know that education far and wide in our country and globally the last decades has been watered down and dumbed down.
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
And to think that we're having really thoughtful, carefully prepared curricula that can lead students into the word in a way that teachers can manage is very exciting, I think.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
We have some wonderful updates to share about the Lord's work through Ligonier globally. But while we're still talking about the next generation, Chris, could you just share with us the latest updates from Reformation Bible College, our friends just across the pond?
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
Yeah, so my oldest daughter joined Reformation Bible College full-time this year. And when I joined Ligonier Ministries, the college was about a year or so old. And so more than a decade later, I've seen that college grow. But to have my own daughter attend, I'm getting another glimpse into the faculty, the student life.
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
And it's just been so tremendous to see how the Lord has used the faculty to encourage her. I've honestly never seen her so happy and to have such godly friends that she is surrounded by peers her own age that are just as passionate about learning the truths of Scripture and have a faculty that not only academic,
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
and wanting to pass on the knowledge of Scripture and theology and church history, but they're committed to the discipleship of the students in their classroom. And the faculty have been such a blessing. Dr. Nichols, such a blessing to her. And so I continue to pray for her, praying for the school, and excited to see what these next four years bring.
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
But I am certainly an even greater advocate for Reformation Bible College since my daughter has attended, and just very, very grateful and thankful. We're also joined by JD Bridges. He's our Vice President of Global Outreach. And JD, I'm excited that you're in the studio because you're typically on an airplane, either going somewhere or coming home.
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
So could you tell our ministry partners about some of your travels this year and how their support is helping take our trusted library of teaching to the nations? Gladly.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
So this year marks 30 years of Renewing Your Mind. So we're taking it out on the road, as you said. We're in Dallas last week. And it was just so wonderful to be with ministry partners, listeners to the broadcast. And we had Dr. Stephen Nichols with us, Dr. Derek Thomas. And we looked, of course, at Romans 12, 2, that verse that inspired the name of the program. It was just a wonderful evening.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
So if you're a Renewing Your Mind listener, and I trust you all are, you'll hear some of those cities and dates in 2025. And we hope to be able to see you in person. And of course, if you can't come to one of those events, we would love to see you at our national conference next April. And if you haven't registered, you can do that at slash 2025.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
Well, we're also joined by the chairman of Ligonier Ministries, one of our teaching fellows, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey. And Dr. Godfrey, this week, we're hosting Ligonier's board meetings. And as you're gathering with members of the staff, are you encouraged by what you're hearing about how the Lord is growing this ministry through the provision of our ministry partners?
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
Just to put that $25 in context, J.D., to get one of these study Bibles into the hands of one of these pastors, you've shared before that for one of these pastors serving in Africa, that may be the equivalent of one to two months' salary.
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
So a study Bible in and of itself is out of reach for them just from an expense perspective, but also as you think about the Reformation study Bible, it is a theological study.
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
library in one volume, that if you were to break out the commentary, the notes, the theological notes, the creeds and confessions, this could be $100, $150, $200 worth of resources that we've been able to condense into one volume.
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
A special edition of Renewing Your Mind as we discuss a significant new resource and how the Lord has blessed your support of Ligonier Ministries in 2024. The Lord is at work building His church, and one of the ways He is strengthening His people around the world is through the global outreach of Ligonier Ministries.
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
It's just so exciting to think about the impact that this may have as the Lord blesses a pastor who now has these resources and may be preaching to 500, 1,000 people on a Lord's Day, just the generational impact. So thank you to our ministry partners for the way that you support this outreach. Study Bibles, as we're thinking about for 2025, study Bibles for the world.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
Well, Dr. Godfrey, our ministry partners often ask us, how can they pray for Ligonier? How would you answer that question? How can our ministry partners pray for this ministry in this season?
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
Well, I think in the first place, we need always to be supported in prayer that we'll be faithful to the Word of God, faithful to the Lord who inspired the Word. The history of the church is littered with organizations that started out well and did not continue well. And our great concern is that we would remain faithful. They can pray that if we're not faithful, we'd shut down. That's right.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
That is what Dr. Sproul would have asked us to pray for. Absolutely. So please pray that we'll be faithful to Christ and to the Scriptures. Pray that we'll have wisdom. You've heard something of the opportunities that are laid before us. We've heard so powerfully from J.D. about appeals made to us for help. Pray that we'll have wisdom to know how to proceed, what opportunities to pursue.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
As I get older, there are a lot of things to be discouraged about in life, but the hand of the Lord seems so evidently on Ligonier in the way it's being blessed, in the way it's being given opportunities to minister God's Word, especially the opportunity to support the churches and not only build up individual Christians, but to build up local congregations, which is where Christ is doing his primary work, to build his church.
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
where best to use our time and energy and resources. And then please pray that we'll have the resources to fulfill those wise plans. Our ministry partners know so well that we are dependent upon them for their prayers, but also for their financial support so that we can do the work the Lord is calling us to.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
And, you know, as a historian, I can't help but observe that John Calvin would be so smiling to think there's now a Reformation Study Bible in French. He devoted himself and his energies—we forget this sometimes as a pastor and as a preparer of missionaries to carry the gospel to France—
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
And they used to say at the Genevan Academy that their diploma was their death certificate because so many went and were martyred for the faith. And to think now that we have a study Bible that can reach millions and millions and millions of French speakers with the gospel, and we know it is the Word of God, it's the power of God to salvation.
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
And so I pray that we'll have the resources to fulfill those opportunities, and we're So thankful for all the ways in which the partners have prayed for us and helped us.
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
Chris, Dr. Godfrey mentioned resources, the provision that we are even praying for as a staff. Leaders across the ministry gathered yesterday, and we prayed for the Lord to provide as we enter this year-end season. Can you just speak to our ministry partners about what that need is?
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
And you, our dear ministry partners, the Lord is using you to take that gospel around the world. And so on behalf of all of the team at Ligonier Ministries, I want to extend our thanks to you for your support, for your prayers for this ministry. I'm grateful to you, Chris, Dr. Godfrey, JD, Dr. Parsons, for being able to share this time with our ministry partners.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
But I don't want to close without spending some time in prayer. So Dr. Godfrey, Would you close our time in prayer, pray for our ministry partners that are listening this afternoon, pray for the ministry here and also the church around the world?
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Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
I would be honored to do that. So let's join our hearts and our minds in prayer. Father, we acknowledge that you are able to do far more abundantly than we can ask or think. And so we come to you as the one with all power and all wisdom and with good plans to gather a people in Jesus Christ as a new humanity. And we thank you for such a great and glorious Savior.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
I've recently been studying Ephesians for my Sunday school class I teach at our church, and one of the things that has so impressed me in that study is the way in which Paul is calling Christians to know the truth. It's not enough to just be kind of a passive person. Christians are those who are eager to know the truth, to be growing in the truth.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
We thank you that we can know him who even now is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And we thank you, O Lord, that we can work to help him build his church, help as instruments, not to lay a foundation, not to do the hardest work, but to seek to be servants of Jesus Christ and of his church. And so we pray that you will help us. You'll help us in our weakness,
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
For we acknowledge we have many weaknesses and many needs, but we rejoice that Your Word tells us that Your power is made strong in weakness, that You accomplish Your purposes so often surprisingly. And we pray, O Lord, that You would surprise us and fill us with joy in what can be accomplished for you. And we pray for a world that is in such need.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
Some parts of the world have been privileged to have much access to your word and sometimes have been very neglectful. Soften hearts there, O Lord, and open the way for Christianity to be seen as the truth and the power that it is, not as something passe and irrelevant.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
And we pray, O Lord, for parts of the world who have not had much access to your Word or to the truth, that your Spirit would work there through the Word to accomplish great things for Christ. We pray especially for those who are being persecuted in parts of the world where your truth is so rejected that it must be violently opposed.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
And we pray that the blood of the martyrs would indeed always be the seed of the church. And so, O Lord, we look to you to help us. We pray that we would be faithful. We pray that we would have wisdom to know best how to serve you.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
We pray that every one of the study Bibles distributed might make an impact in the hearts and lives of pastors and of congregations and of those who do not yet know you. We pray for this new curriculum that is designed for children so that we might see the extraordinary blessing of the faith passed from generation to generation.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
And so we know these great opportunities and enterprises can only succeed by your power and your blessing. And so we pray that you'll hear us. We pray that you'll unite us. We pray that you'll keep the staff here at Ligonier safe in their travels and in their work, that you'll keep them faithful to you in every way.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
and that you'll unite us with our ministry partners in a great concert of prayer and commitment that Christ would be glorified and that he would be made known. So hear us as we bring these prayers for great things that you might, in all that we do, be glorified. For we pray in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
By God's grace, 2024 has been a significant year of outreach, and we're all looking forward to 2025, especially with the release of our new children's curriculum. You're listening to a special episode of Renewing Your Mind, as you just heard a recent call we had with Ligonier's ministry partners, updating them on the past year and our plans for 2025.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
Under God's blessing, none of this would be possible without your support. So thank you so much to those of you who pray and give generously. And as we approach the end of the year, if you'd like to make a year-end donation to fuel this outreach in 2025, you can do so at or by calling us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
Paul's prayer in the second half of Ephesians 1 is that they might be growing in a knowledge of how great Christ is and all that he is accomplishing, and then to know that he is accomplishing that in the church and for the church, and that Christ's great plan in human history is to create a new humanity in and through the church.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
If you're not a ministry partner but would like to join this special group of people, in addition to helping take the truth of God to the nations, like you heard about today, you'll receive a Reformation Study Bible, a monthly copy of Table Talk magazine, an exclusive message each month, have streaming access to our entire teaching series library, and other exclusive benefits.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
You can learn more and select the option to give monthly and become a ministry partner at or by using the links in the podcast show notes. With a significant goal of raising $7 million by December 31st, we're praying that many of you will respond with either an additional gift or by becoming a ministry partner.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
Paul is aware, as he writes to these Ephesian Christians, that they could easily feel that as Christians they had lost a great deal in becoming Christians, that they had lost power, they had lost influence, they had lost position in this world. And he's encouraging to know Christ is at work in the church.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
For all of the church's apparent and real weakness, nonetheless, that is where Christ is accomplishing his purpose and where he will be glorified. And at the very center of that epistle, we read, now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think. I'm always encouraged to talk to Chris Larson because he does abundant thinking and planning and has a lot on his mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
And to think that God is able to do more than even Chris Larson can anticipate or hope for. And Will is wonderful to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think according to the power at work within us. To him be glory in the church. To him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
So it's not only the present church, but it's a future church. We'll be able to talk about that importantly in the future. So I am tremendously encouraged with Christ and his work and his power and his plan and the opportunity that he has given us through the support of our ministry partners to be able to be part of the fulfilling of that plan.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
I've really appreciated that in a number of contexts you've described Ligonier as a fellowship of truths. Why is truth so important?
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
Well, because Christ is the truth. He's the way, the truth, and the life. We live in a world of lies. We live in a world of error. And you look at the history of the church, which I've spent a lot of my life doing, and we see how easily lies creep into the life of Christians and into the life of the church. And therefore, we have to be renewed continually in the truth.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
And it was striking to me to see the Apostle John in the short letters that we usually ignore, stressing the importance of that fellowship in the truth for the people of God.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
In the United States, we have just come out of an election. The world was watching. Dr. Godfrey, as we think globally and biblically about the role of government, do you have any words of wisdom for how Christians should think about the role of government?
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
Well, we have to remember that government is instituted by God, but it's instituted by God for a sinful world. So we shouldn't be surprised that there are struggles and disagreements. I'm becoming more persuaded that part of the reason disagreement has become so common kind of visceral and at times nasty in our country is that for too many people, politics has become their religion.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
People used to have another religion and realize that politics was quite subservient to more ultimate issues. But now for some people, politics is the only hope, the only ultimate issue. And I think we have to be confident that God is in charge. R.C. used to say that we should worry less about who's in the White House and remember more who's on the throne of heaven. That's a paraphrase.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
It is amazing to hear the reports day in and day out of how minds are being renewed and lives transformed. as the Lord blesses an episode of Renewing Your Mind, a copy of Table Talk magazine, a book we publish, or the teaching at one of our events, and today, in so many of the world's most spoken languages.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
But we should have that confidence that God is in charge. He's accomplishing his purpose. And he wants us to serve him, perhaps in politics, but for sure in the church and in making the truth known.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
Chris, how are we thinking about this moment and how it relates to Ligonier and our outreach?
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
Speaking of getting to work, we're also joined by Dr. Burke Parsons. He is our chief editorial officer and also one of our teaching fellows here at Ligonier. Dr. Parsons, you and I have had the opportunity to teach at our Always Ready Youth Apologetics events.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
And it's really a wonderful time as we see thousands of teenagers gathered together wanting to dig into the truth and to learn about apologetics. But there's a new discipleship resource that we're planning to unveil next year, pushing even younger than teenagers to serve this rising generation, Generation Alpha. Could you tell our ministry partners about that?
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
On today's special episode, you'll have the opportunity to hear a call we had recently with our ministry partners, giving them a behind-the-scenes look at what has been accomplished this year and some of our plans for 2025. If you'd like to join this special group of people, you can sign up to give monthly at and select the option to become a ministry partner.
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
As you think about this curriculum, what sets it apart from other curriculums that are already available?
Renewing Your Mind
Advancing the Truth of God’s Holiness
I'll talk more about that later in the episode, but for now, here's that call. We're joined in the studio by a number of special guests, and I'd like to begin by introducing Ligonier's President and CEO, Chris Larson. Chris, it's good to have you with us.
Renewing Your Mind
Vessels of Destruction
Don't forget that this offer also ends at midnight. The final hard saying that we'll consider this week is from the Apostle Paul. And R.C. Sproul says it's perhaps one of the most difficult texts in the Bible to interpret. Here's Dr. Sproul in Romans chapter 9.
Renewing Your Mind
Vessels of Destruction
A challenging text indeed, but one that fills me with gratitude, knowing that I'm an unworthy recipient of God's grace and mercy. This is the Friday edition of Renewing Your Mind, and I'm your host, Nathan W. Bingham. Today you heard a message from R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
Vessels of Destruction
Sproul's Hard Sayings of the Bible series, one of four series that Dr. Sproul recorded covering hard sayings from Jesus, the apostles, the prophets, and other places in Scripture. These four series, along with his hardcover companion book covering these hard sayings, can be yours when you give a donation of any amount at or by calling us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
Vessels of Destruction
The book, Hard Sayings, is only available while supplies last. It's been very popular since its release. So I encourage you to visit while there's still time. If you haven't subscribed already, I encourage you to follow Sinclair Ferguson's weekday devotional podcast, Things Unseen. Simply search for Things Unseen wherever you listen to podcasts.
Renewing Your Mind
Vessels of Destruction
You and I are made in the image of God, but it does seem that due to our fallenness, sinful man seeks to create a God in his own image, a God of our own fancy, to quote Martin Luther. You're listening to the Friday edition of Renewing Your Mind as we conclude a week-long study of some of the hard sayings of the Bible.
Renewing Your Mind
Vessels of Destruction
Our task is not to create an idol, a version of God that we like or prefer, but instead to submit to what the one true God has revealed about Himself in Scripture. And that's one reason why we must be very careful when we come to hard sayings in the pages of Scripture, handling and interpreting them with care. Throughout his ministry, R.C. Sproul didn't shy away from these hard sayings.
Renewing Your Mind
Vessels of Destruction
And in fact, he recorded four teaching series covering the hard sayings of the prophets, of Jesus, of the apostles, and the Bible. Well, today is the last day to request access to these four series when you give a donation of any amount at And when you do, we'll send you Dr. Sproul's companion hardcover book outlining and explaining these hard sayings.
Renewing Your Mind
The Prince’s Poison Cup
Today on Renewing Your Mind, R.C. Sproul reads his children's book, The Prince's Poison Cup. Here's a preview.
Renewing Your Mind
The Prince’s Poison Cup
What a great story. It's beloved in my family and in so many others as well. You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, and that was R.C. Sproul reading his children's book, The Prince's Poison Cup. Don't forget to request your hardcover copy for your family or as a gift when you make a donation of any amount at or when you call us at 800-435-4343.
Renewing Your Mind
The Prince’s Poison Cup
It's beautifully illustrated, and you'll return to it again and again, perhaps even night after night. So give your gift and request your copy today only at or by using the link in the podcast show notes. Stephen Nichols is the author of R.C. Sproul, A Life. It's the biography of Dr. Sproul.
Renewing Your Mind
The Prince’s Poison Cup
He's also the host of Five Minutes in Church History and the president of Reformation Bible College, the college that was founded by Dr. Sproul. Well, Dr. Nichols, we just listened to him read The Prince's Poison Cup. And as we consider all of his children's books, they're really a reflection of Dr. Sproul's overall ministry, aren't they?
Renewing Your Mind
The Prince’s Poison Cup
It also reminds us that we're really never too young or too old to learn, right?
Renewing Your Mind
The Prince’s Poison Cup
Yeah, it makes me wonder how many parents as well, as they're reading these books to their children, and seeing the parents section at the end of the book, how many of them gained insights that they had not considered before about the atonement?
Renewing Your Mind
The Prince’s Poison Cup
You're the author of a number of books yourself, Dr. Nichols. And as I mentioned earlier, even Dr. Sproul's biography. I wonder, did you ever have the opportunity to talk with Dr. Sproul about writing books?
Renewing Your Mind
The Prince’s Poison Cup
Absolutely. Years of study and teaching. Well, thank you, Dr. Nichols. If you'd like to own your own copy of The Prince's Poison Cup, you can request one by giving a donation of any amount at or by calling us at 800-435-4343. If you already have one, you know that it would make a wonderful gift. So request another copy with your donation at R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
The Prince’s Poison Cup
Since you listened to Renewing Your Mind, you know that R.C. Sproul was a gifted communicator, and the Lord used him to proclaim and explain truth to Christians at every age and stage of the Christian life. Yes, he taught in seminary classrooms, but he also helped children understand the importance of the gospel and the Bible as the final authority for faith and life.
Renewing Your Mind
The Prince’s Poison Cup
And we see that masterful ability in particular with the children's books that he wrote. You're listening to Renewing Your Mind on this Friday, and today you'll hear one of those children's books, The Prince's Poison Cup. You can request your own copy of this beautifully illustrated title today only when you give a donation of any amount at
Renewing Your Mind
The Prince’s Poison Cup
If your family is nearby, invite them to join you as R.C. Sproul will be reading The Prince's Poison Cup, which is a gripping allegorical tale to help each of us appreciate Jesus' willingness to drink the terrible cup of the Father's wrath at great cost to himself. Here's Dr. Sproul to introduce and then read this family favorite.
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
My confidence is not in my ability to persevere, but in the power of Christ to sustain me. Amen. What a great truth to end this 30th anniversary week. We have two special guests joining me in the studio, but before I introduce them, today is the final day to request six teaching series, their study guides, and Dr. Sproul's book, Everyone's a Theologian,
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
when you give a donation of any amount at, or when you call the team at 800-435-4343. Your gift will help keep Renewing Your Mind on the airwaves and on devices around the world while also accelerating the building of a new studio and the spread of this teaching in other places and on more platforms.
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
So please prayerfully consider giving a 30th anniversary gift to help broadcast truth for the next 30 years. Well, we do have two special guests in the studio, Mrs. Vesta Sproul and her and Dr. Sproul's daughter, Sherry Sproul-Dorodiak. And we're so grateful that you both could stop by the studio today to talk about renewing your mind. So thank you for both being with us. Thank you.
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
Well, Mr. Sproul, when Renewing Your Mind began three decades ago, we heard earlier this week Dr. Sproul reflecting on that time period and him saying he was unsure whether theological instruction would work on the radio because he was so used to teaching in a classroom setting. But it did work, didn't it?
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
And what has the response been like over the years as you've met with friends of Ligonier?
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
I think it's remarkable, you're commenting on Dr. Sproul being in the studio with a studio audience recording these messages in the 90s, that some of those messages, like the holiness of God, are going out around the world today, and we read the testimonies of people who this is the first time they've ever heard that, three decades later, and they're just beginning their journey into Reformed theology, the historic Christian faith, they're just discovering Dr. Sproul's teaching for the first time.
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
And as you said, the translation of Renewing Your Mind, we have a Spanish language edition. And those supporters that are helping Renewing Your Mind be on the airwaves and on devices in people's pockets around the world, they're helping fuel, take Ligonier's library, this deep library of teaching, and bring it into the world's top 20 languages.
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
He gave us a clear mission. So the team here know what we're about, and our hand is on the plow. And it really is a team effort, as you say, and so many people behind the scenes helping get the Word of God out there through Renewing Our Mind and our other outreaches.
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
And you know, as we talk to people at conferences and other events, it can be easy to be discouraged sometimes with the state of the world, even the state of the church.
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
But as we speak to listeners of Renewing Your Mind, as we read comments and reviews they leave on podcast platforms, it is so encouraging to realize there really are people around the world who are hungry for the truth of God's Word. And it reminds us of the reality that Jesus is building His church.
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
And so we're not doing anything novel with Renewing Your Mind, just faithfully proclaiming the Word of God. And there are Christians around the world hungry for that, and they're responding and they're telling us day after day.
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
You're in a unique position because you are R.C. Sproul's daughter. And so what is it like growing up as R.C. 's daughter and being able to hear and see your dad everywhere as he was just so prolific in his recording and writing?
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
You mentioned that you traveled a lot with Dr. Sproul when he would speak. As we were talking about Renewing Your Mind early this week together before this time in the studio, you said that one of the places that you very rarely went was in that studio audience for Renewing Your Mind recordings.
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
And it really does feel when you listen to Renewing Your Mind that he is talking to you, that he's instructing you. And so we're grateful for all the time that he spent in the studio and just thankful for the incredible legacy that we have of his teaching ministry.
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
Well, for those that are, say, perhaps first-time listeners to Renewing Your Mind, maybe they're tuning in for the first time today, but then also those that have regularly supported Renewing Your Mind. They've donated, they've listened for decades. What would you say to each of those audiences?
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
That's so true. And this is a Renewing Your Mind family, and we're thankful that they're part of this family and can listen every day. Well, Mrs. Sproul, Sherry, thank you so much for being here. We're thankful for these 30 years and looking forward, Lord willing, perhaps to the next 30 years of Renewing Your Mind.
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
Once saved, always saved. Have you heard that expression before? Is that true? Is God actually saving people? Or is He attempting to save people, but some just don't make it? These are important questions. And for 30 years, R.C.
Renewing Your Mind
Perseverance of the Saints
Sproul and Renewing Your Mind have been answering questions like these to help you better know who God is and to better know His Word so that your mind is renewed and your life is transformed to the praise and glory of God. As we close out our special 30th anniversary celebration week, today you'll hear a message from Dr. Sproul's classic series, What is Reformed Theology?