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The Joe Rogan Experience

#2284 - Ian Carroll

Wed, 05 Mar 2025


Ian Carroll is an independent researcher, entrepreneur, and host of "The Ian Carroll Show" on YouTube. Go to to get 4 months free! Don’t miss out on all the action - Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using or with my promo code ROGAN. GAMBLING PROBLEM? CALL 1-800-GAMBLER, (800) 327-5050 or visit (MA). Call 877-8-HOPENY/text HOPENY (467369) (NY). Please Gamble Responsibly. 888-789-7777/visit (CT), or visit (MD).21+ and present in most states. (18+ DC/KY/NH/WY). Void in ONT/OR/NH. Eligibility restrictions apply. On behalf of Boot Hill Casino & Resort (KS).1 per new customer. $5+ first-time bet req. Max. $150 issued as non-withdrawable Bonus Bets that expire in 7 days (168 hours). Stake removed from payout. Terms: Ends 3/16/25 at 11:59 PM ET. Sponsored by DK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Chapter 1: Why do people love conspiracy theories?

18.775 - 29.606 Joe Rogan

Why do we love conspiracy so much? Because I fucking love them. Dude. I love them. I love finding out the dirty little tactics and secrets and how the government does things and what the fuck's really going on.


29.966 - 44.281 Ian Carroll

Why is it so exciting? I think it's something like deep down in humanity. It's like we love storytelling. Yeah. And these days, conspiracy theories are like... I mean, 10 years ago, conspiracy theories were fringe and they were... Tell me about it. Right?


44.841 - 48.464 Joe Rogan

I was a conspiracy theorist way back in the day when you were a fucking nut.


48.484 - 51.267 Ian Carroll

Dude, you were a conspiracy theorist when I was not even here yet.


51.287 - 56.752 Joe Rogan

I was arguing with people about the moon landing on the radio before there was any podcasts.

56.932 - 69.262 Ian Carroll

I mean, maybe there's some of the mystery element. But the thing is that so many of them are, it's a knowledge. It's a thirst for knowledge because some of them are total bullshit. But some of them are clearly there's something there. Clearly. Right? Yeah.

69.502 - 78.346 Ian Carroll

And realistically, if you had like the journalists of integrity from 1960s era alive today and they hadn't been bought out and shot in the head and whatever else happened.

78.647 - 89.654 Joe Rogan

Dude, I think even in the 60s they were compromised. Well, they were getting bought out. The big one is Woodward with the Watergate story. Oh, yeah. Did you see Bill Murray when I had Bill Murray in here?

89.674 - 90.875 Ian Carroll

I haven't watched it yet, no.

Chapter 2: What are the theories surrounding JFK's assassination?

1093.509 - 1109.626 Joe Rogan

That one's very unlikely, which means they were killing witnesses. Someone was killing witnesses. I think there was people shooting from the back and the front. I think Lee Harvey Oswald. People want to say it's one or zero. I think Lee Harvey Oswald was in on it. I think Lee Harvey Oswald probably didn't shoot the president though.


1110.914 - 1121.824 Joe Rogan

Uh, but he might've, he might've hit him in the back because there was a shot in the back too. You know, the whole reason why they had to call this a tracheotomy is the same reason why they had to come up with a single bullet theory. Exactly. Yeah. So you're, you gotta explain it.


1121.904 - 1125.527 Ian Carroll

Well, I'm not, I'm, I'm as deep as the ricochet underneath the overpass.


1125.627 - 1126.007 Joe Rogan



1126.407 - 1134.775 Ian Carroll

Yeah. Like I'm deep enough to know the basics, but there's so many layers and you have to read the books. You have to watch the films. You have to like, you gotta talk to interviews. Exactly.

1134.835 - 1136.436 Joe Rogan

Oliver Stone just goes all.

1136.496 - 1139.479 Ian Carroll

And that's why I was curious to hear your takes, because you've actually talked to these people.

1139.559 - 1147.929 Joe Rogan

Oliver Stone's the best, because he's been studying this for fucking ever, and he can tell you exactly what's going on with Dulles.

1148.269 - 1154.677 Ian Carroll

And he's not just been studying it forever, he's been studying the actual primary source documents themselves, and reading the real archives that are released.

Chapter 3: How are intelligence agencies connected to organized crime?

4469.029 - 4488.135 Ian Carroll

And they've gotten quite good at kind of weaving those narratives through their operations that they've either covered up or exposed what they wanted to in various ways to kind of steer our narrative around what we know. But when you actually read the history, it's like, holy shit. It's crazy how much- Did you ever read Smedley Butler's War as a Racket?


4488.195 - 4498.338 Joe Rogan

Oh, yeah, dude. So that was 33. So in 33, it was still going on like that. And he was waking up to it as he was leaving his military career. Pull that up, Jamie.


4498.358 - 4501.44 Ian Carroll

Do you know about the business plot, about what they tried to do with him? No.


4501.88 - 4504.382 Joe Rogan

Oh, yes, I do. The Nazi coup? Yeah, he wanted to take over the country.


4504.462 - 4506.263 Ian Carroll

No, he saved the country from it.

4506.283 - 4510.605 Joe Rogan

Right, but not that he wanted to. All the industrialists wanted to. They wanted him to be a part of taking over the country.

4510.625 - 4530.156 Ian Carroll

Yeah, there was almost a Nazi coup in the 30s where we almost got taken over by our own military and became Nazis because Prescott Bush and a bunch of his other buddies were on Team Nazi. And it's because they were all funding the Nazis, and they wanted us on that team. And they tried to recruit Smedley Butler to be the lead of this. And take over the country.

4530.176 - 4541.019 Ian Carroll

I suspect, I'm always kind of forming my understanding research by research, but I suspect that it was World War I where they realized how much power you can have if you're funding both sides of a war.

4541.319 - 4557.472 Joe Rogan

Look at this quote. I spent 33 years in active military service, and during that period, I spent most of my time as a high-class muscle man for big business. for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. Smedley Butler, 1935.


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