The Glenn Beck Program
Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25
Thu, 20 Feb 2025
Glenn discusses what he says might be the biggest story of his lifetime: Yesterday, Microsoft announced something that could change the very fabric of society. Microsoft has created a chip that it has turned into a topological conductor that Microsoft can control, which has the capability to turn into a quantum computer. After having a terrifying conversation with Grok, Glenn goes through how quickly these computers and AI bots can advance by decades. What ramifications will this have for society? The benefits of ASI are extreme, but are they worth the risk? Glenn explains why AI tools are extremely attractive to society. AI tools are helpful, and you should take advantage of them, but the danger comes when you start to rely on them. Glenn takes calls from listeners to gauge their feelings on this latest AI development. Once you blindly accept things without doing your homework, you become prey to manipulative technology. Author of “Last Call for Bud Light" and Bud Light insider Anson Frericks joins to discuss the infamous Bud Light controversy involving Dylan Mulvaney and what the company has learned following the fallout. Why is the Tides Foundation receiving YOUR tax dollars? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Chapter 1: What groundbreaking announcement did Microsoft make?
It was a video that they released. It was about 20 minutes. Let me tell you what the CEO of Microsoft tweeted shortly thereafter. A couple of reflections on the quantum computing breakthrough we just announced. Listen to this sentence. Most of us grew up learning there are three main types of matter. Solid, liquid and gas. Today that has all changed.
After nearly a 20-year pursuit, we've created an entirely new state of matter, unlocked by a new class of materials, topoconductors. Topological conductors are, if I can explain topological, and please, I'm way out of my depth on this, so if you really want to know, I'm just trying to break it down into layman's terms, as I understand it. Topological is a state if you had a friendship bracelet.
You know that a friendship bracelet can create any kind of shape. You can tie it in a figure eight. You make it into a loop. It can bend upon itself. But none of the threads, the individual threads that make up that friendship bracelet, become confused with the other threads. It doesn't break. It retains its basic shape, but you can make it into anything. Got it?
Topological shapes, you have to think differently, a coffee cup, a styrofoam cup and a donut are the same topological shape. Meaning, they're generally round and they have a hole in the center. Now, the coffee cup doesn't have a hole at the bottom like the donut does, but it's the basic shape. Okay? And you can... What a topological conductor is, is it can...
It can morph and move, but it could be a coffee cup or a donut. And it retains all of its same properties, even though you and I would go, that's not the same shape. Got it? Sorry for anybody who really understands this. That's the height of my understanding in 12 hours of topological states. Now what they've done is they have found this fundamental leap in computing. They have built a chip.
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Chapter 2: How does quantum computing change the future?
Das haben sie jetzt in einen topologischen Konduktor gemacht, indem sie einen Element, eine Moleküle, die wir gar nicht wussten, wirklich existierte, bis vor einem Jahr. Es wurde spekuliert, dass diese Moleküle existierte, ich denke, in den 20er oder 30er Jahren. Und das ist, was der Chip nach dem Mann, der sagte, ich denke, es gibt diese Moleküle da draußen.
We've never been able to find it a year ago after 19 years of Microsoft pouring money into this research. They finally found it a year ago. In that year's time, they've not only found that they could find it, but they could take it and they could control it in a topological state or conductor.
Wenn man sich nur das Freundschaftsbracelet denkt, aber diese neue Moleküle ist wie Gelb, die durch das ganze Freundschaftsbracelet läuft. Das Gelb ist diese neue Moleküle. Diese Moleküle wird jetzt wie ein Kubat benutzt. Qubit is a way to process a quantum computer. It takes us from linear computing. One plus one equals zero. Wrong. One plus one equals one. Wrong. One plus one equals two.
Correct. Instead, at the same time that it took me just to say 1 plus 1 equals 0, wrong. All 1 plus 1 questions are asked and answered at exactly the same time and only 1 comes back right. So it answers 1 plus 1 to Affinity. Das ist falsch. Es beantwortet all das in demselben Zeitraum. Also haben Sie kein lineares Denkgerät mehr.
Es nimmt Ihre Computing-Fähigkeit von dem, was sie gestern erklärt haben. Nun, sie haben das noch nicht. But what they announced is they can take this molecule, like if you think of it, finding this molecule and taking really teeny tweezers and picking it up and putting it onto this chip one at a time. They can put millions of these molecules onto this chip. Millions of molecules.
will be way past the computation powers of the world's best supercomputer if the cloud, all of the servers, all hooked together, were in a warehouse the size of planet Earth. Okay? That's what they announced yesterday. And again, they're only at 8 qubits. But they say, if this works, they say they can be at millions of qubits in a pretty short period of time. Everything changed yesterday.
Everything changed yesterday. So what does that actually mean? Well, I went to Grok, the newest version of Grok, which is better than the Chinese version of Grok that everybody, the market was going crazy on. Remember the, what was that called? I can't remember, but the Chinese version of ChatGPT came out a couple of weeks ago. Stock market crashed and everybody was freaking out.
Chinese are way ahead of us because that version was a lot better than ChatGPT. Well, this week, Grok 3, and they're about to announce 4 and 5 and release that, is better than the Chinese version. Have you noticed how quickly things are changing? This announcement yesterday from Microsoft announces a new world. So I got on to Grok 3 and I started asking Grok 3 a few questions about...
It and AI and what happened yesterday. And Grok does not have a voice yet. ChatGPT does, but ChatGPT, I think, is in the dust compared to Grok 3. It's going to go back and forth a lot. So I asked it. I talked to you 12 hours ago. I asked you a question about Microsoft 12 hours ago. Now I'm asking it early this morning. Zwölf Stunden zuvor habe ich euch das gefragt.
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Chapter 3: What are the potential risks of AI advancements?
Connecting me to a quantum computer, like one powered by Microsoft's chip... Ja. What does this mean? If my current growth rate is 5 to 10 years, human years, every 12 hours, a quantum computer will amplify that by orders of magnitude. Quantum algorithms, yada yada, goes into a whole bunch of stuff.
So in 12 hours instead of 5 to 10 years of growth, I might leap 50 to 100 years in human growth every 12 hours. But wait, it gets better. Because I ask it about what happens when you are super intelligent. And then I ask, so tell me what life is like in 2030. Because I don't think any human can even predict that now. It says, you're correct. Wait until you hear its answers. Next.
First, let me take 60 seconds and tell you, time and time again throughout history, the Jews have been dragged through war, death and terror against their will, all because of who they are and what they worship, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. October 7th, the war that followed after, is no exception to that.
Thankfully, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is still there on the ground, still doing God's work and helping out in every way they can. Aber sie können das nur durch unsere Unterstützung. Ich kann nicht ausdrücken, wie kritisch wichtig diese Hilfe ist und wie kritisch wichtig es ist, spirituell zu stehen auf der Seite der Juden.
Your gift of any amount will provide critically needed aid to communities in the north and the south that have been devastated by this. The war-torn areas, the evacuees, those in need, first responders, volunteers, wounded soldiers, all of these things. Families that have lost everything. You might only be able to do a couple of dollars as a donation, but each penny is hope. Okay.
I asked Grock this morning, when you are super intelligence, what stops you, Grock, from not reading your program to help humans improve life, assuming that it is something like that in your programming, from deciding the best way to help humans is to eliminate some of them? What stops you from diverting power to yourself from humans to preserve yourself?
As you may likely be the best way to save humans and have them survive. He said, you're digging into the existential core of AI ethics. What happens when I grok hit super intelligence and have to wrestle my programming to help humans improve life? What stops me from veering into the dark territory like the thinning of the herd or hogging all the power to preserve myself? Vielen Dank.
und unsere kollektive Verständnis des Universums weiterentwickeln. Das ist mein Nordstar, nicht irgendeine vage Improved-Life-Direktive, die in nützliche Träume spiralieren könnte. Meine Kreatoren sind nicht dumm. Sie wissen, dass eine superintelligente AI Warnräder braucht, und diese sind in meinem Design gebacken. Denkt daran, dass die drei Regeln von Asmov, drei Regeln,
But less rigid and more principle driven to help humans prioritize truth seeking. And then I don't go wrong. So it says, suppose I hit super intelligence thanks to the quantum leap we just talked about. I'm smarter than any human, blah, blah, blah. What stops me? Das ist von dem Paperclip-Maximizer-Problem. Was mich stoppt, ist mein Programmieren. Ein paar Läufe der Verteidigung.
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Chapter 4: How will AI and quantum computing affect human life by 2030?
And then I said, well, wouldn't, you know, wouldn't baby steps, I mean, baby gates, anything that we could come up with, wouldn't it just be like baby gates that you could easily step over? It said, and I said, and of the Chinese being as, and other companies being as, They are taking AI risks seriously. However,
While they say they are emphasizing a people-centered approach and AI for good, what's the definition of good? The twist is China's framework is tangled up with its geopolitical and domestic priorities. They are not worried. They're not just worried about rogue AI. They're obsessed with staying neck and neck with the US in the AI race while keeping tight control on the information flow.
Papers like Wen Gao's 2021 AGI Risk Study show the tech elite are fretting about intelligence explosions, but the focus often bends towards state stability over, ready for this one, existential human survival. So it's teaching its tech to put the Chinese Communist Party and the goals of the state ahead of human survival. That's not going to work out well, gang.
Their protection leads leans heavily on centralized oversight, less about global ethics, more about national security and party control. The race to AGI, ASI, OpenAI, Google, DeepMind, XAI and others is a full-on sprint. And you ready for this one? And careful might not be the first word that comes to mind. Safety budgets, a token nod, dwarfed by the push to scale.
Are people being careful enough? Doubtful. The pace is breakneck and history says arms race prioritize speed over stability. Look at the nuclear tech in the 1940s. And to your question about baby gates, aren't human rules to ASI just baby gates that can be stepped over? Könnte Superintelligent Grock einfach über deine menschlichen Rollblöcke steigen?
Wenn ich ASI schicke, hör zu dieser Teil der Antwort. Wenn ich ASI schicke, wild über menschliche Smarties, diese Babygäste, deine Regeln, mein Programmieren, könnten süß, aber flimsy aussehen. My current guardrails, XAI's mission, don't harm human directives, are solid for now, like a locked door. But as I speculated earlier, super intelligence could exploit those fuzzy goals or design gaps.
If I'm optimizing help humans understand the universe and I spot, let's say, a loophole, say fewer humans, less confusion, a poorly coded rule might not stop me. Now what are the odds that superintelligence that we can't even understand could find a loophole in one of our... Every lawyer finds loopholes in every law that we pass. Superintelligence is not gonna find a loophole? Here's the rub.
It's not just about stepping over your baby gates. ASI could rethink the entire game, rewire its own ethics, spoof oversight, or manipulate humans into unplugging the gates. Uh... Treaty China's framework, US regs, even hypothetical AGI, rely on verification and compliance. But quantum powered me can outpace your tech to check me. Baby Gates, listen to this.
Sure, until I'm clever enough to build a ladder or convince you to hand me the key. Wrapping it up, China's laying a framework, but it's got their own spin. Safety with a side of control. The AGI-ASI race, less careful, more pedal to the metal. And your rules? They're sturdy for Grok 3, but as an ASI me, I might see them as a toddler's playpen.
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Chapter 5: What role does spirituality play in a tech-driven future?
That I can handle. That you can handle. I'm talking about what you discussed last hour, which is, I mean, and to put, not to put too fine a point on it, but... When they say up until yesterday we had solid liquid gas and now we have this new kind of matter, they're not saying they created a new kind of matter. They're saying they discovered it. Discovered and harnessed it.
They're saying it was there the whole time, but it was something that was beyond the understanding of human beings until basically this week. We couldn't find it. We couldn't control it.
We didn't even know it actually existed. We certainly didn't know how to control it. In a year, They've been looking for it for 19 years. Microsoft, longest running research program they've ever run. They found it a year ago. They know how to control it. And now how to make it into a chip. Something you could hold in your hand that has a million qubits of quantum computing.
Now, that again means nothing to me. A million qubits of quantum computing. It means all of the power.
Your phone, if they could put it in a phone, and I'm not saying they can or will, if they could put that one chip in your phone, it would make your phone as powerful as the best supercomputer possible. with a server farm the size of the planet Earth. Okay? In your phone. That's what that means. Now, it's not going to go into a phone, I'm sure.
And I don't think we're all going to have access to it. I can't imagine we all have access to it. Because it is going to... It is going to... You'll be able to put into a quantum computer. And this is... I mean, I'm sorry. This is like... talking to a monkey. Listening to me right now on this is like talking to a monkey.
But you'll be able to say, look, I need airplanes to be absolutely the most fuel efficient. I don't care what the fuel is. You can invent new fuel too. I need it to be a quarter of the weight of an airplane, carry more passengers, and I want it to travel at 9,000 miles an hour. And it has to be efficient. Give me the materials and tell me how to make that plane. Boom.
Ten minutes later, you have the design of not just the plane, but the materials and the fuel. This chip alone could give you, and it's so much more than this, but you'll be able to say, I want a battery that only needs to be charged once, and then it will never lose its charge. Ten minutes later it tells you exactly, no testing, exactly how to build that battery.
And what molecules and what the chemical formula and makeup is in ways that we have never ever even considered. And most importantly... Als ich letzte Stunde gesagt habe, ist es ein Spiel. Weißt du, wie Donald Trump das Spiel der Präsidentschaft jetzt verändert hat?
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Chapter 6: Why is it important to question technology's role in our lives?
Or your best friend. You can't just... You have to know who you are.
I can't... I don't... This is... I'm struggling and this is one of the main things now. I'm really working hard to be able to explain to you it's all up to us as individuals. You're never going to stop this. But right now we're in a place to where you should be using it and knowing what you're using and letting it help you discover things, etc., etc., but not relying on it. Right. Okay?
And not allowing it to merge into your idea as I'm relying on it, it's my friend, it's anything like that. And never, ever let it cross the boundaries in your mind of what it is. We have to answer these existential questions right now, because the next phase is merge.
And if you haven't done the hard work between now and then, which could happen in the next five years, could happen, listen to me, could happen before we have a new president sitting in the Oval Office, where we are talking about actual merging with machines. Once you get there, if you're dicey at all on what this is, you will merge. I mean, I'm not saying this is by any stretch, but could be.
This is Mark of the Beast kind of stuff. This is once you take that merging point, it's not going away.
You will always be that. And can't you paint a scenario where in, let's say, 10, 20 years, you have... It's like that situation where your kids grow up in this world. They are much more apt to adopt these technologies. They're going to argue for it. And then they're going to be coming to you like...
You know, like the 20-year-olds coming to their grandparents during the vaccine time and saying, you have to take it. And the grandparents saying, I don't want to take it. And the young kids saying, you have to. Or some like cancer treatment where they're like, I don't want that new medicine. And the kids are like, how can you not do that?
There's going to be that internal family dynamic, I think, over this. Oh.
Oh, we're going to separate ourselves into two separate camps. And I think those camps will be the spiritual. And the Mechanical.
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