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The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


Hello, Stu. How are you? Oh, it's good. I got a couple of visuals there I wasn't necessarily interested in. Yeah, but no. Come on.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


And we would cheer. I think the question more is I have Jesse Kelly on today to talk about this exact thing. Oh, on my on Studios America. Oh, you do a show. I do. It's available on Blaze TV. It's part of your subscription. Blaze TV dot com slash Glenn promo code Glenn. All right. But he has a concern that I share, which is you're right. They would cheer this on what you're talking about.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


The part where the cartel murders a family on a border home and hangs their bodies outside of it. Oh, it's going to happen.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


They're not going to just sit back. So look at what they've done to the Mexican government when they've tried to step up and do some things there. Right. I mean, murdered politicians.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


You have to. I think it's going to be a little messier than what the American people are thinking. It's war. And these are legitimate paramilitary organizations. Yes, they are, but... I mean, look, we're better. Yeah. But we're better still. I mean, we're better than Al Qaeda.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


We're better than ISIS. Yes. And we saw a lot of things that we were not not comfortable with during those wars. We did eventually.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


This is what makes me nervous. I don't know that it's that easy. Maybe it is. Maybe it is. I mean, you know, it's a different situation being able to go into the Middle East where we have all sorts of war declarations. I put that in air quotes. With the ability to do all sorts of stuff. Inside of Mexico, it's going to be an interesting story.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


Head over to slash Glenn. You can get access to Studios America by doing so. Use the promo code Glenn and save 20 bucks.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


Oh, I'm sure. Yeah. I don't think you're, you're not allowed to look at a little porn at work. That's not a thing. You're not, you're supposed to work. You're supposed to be working on porn.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


Yeah. It's an interesting take. I don't know what to make of it, though.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


I like Vivek. I do, too. I think this is a good role for him. He's been on top of all this stuff for a long time. I wonder what his chances to win are.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


Let's see. Can he run again? Let's see. Obviously, this race is just beginning, so we haven't jumped into too much. He just announced. Mike DeWine cannot run for more than two terms as governor. Oh, okay. But I will say, because I thought this was more of an open race. Good.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


I don't know. I will have to see what the candidates are. But I mean, I think, you know, Vivek has a pretty buttoned up vision of what he wants.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


Now, wait, what? There are definitely institutions, for example, the Blaze, that would not be like, oh, well, we hate free markets all that often. I mean, I'm sure there's some people here that believe that. I don't know. But, I mean, generally speaking, it's a conservative place. But the Washington Post is supposed to be, you know, a journalistic institution. You'd think you'd have other sides...

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


That... The proof is in the pudding here, obviously. We've got to see if they actually live up to these standards, but this is a positive announcement, at least. Right? Yeah!

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


Just for entertainment, please. It's interesting because, I mean, the people that write for the Washington Post, you'll have to fire almost all of them. Yes. I mean, I... There are a couple of people that would, you know, Jim Garrity, I think, writes for The Washington Post. Jim could stay.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


Yeah. Yeah. But I mean, there's not a lot of their current writers that would qualify for this approach.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


They're already... They are all typing their... This is a good whiplash, though, right? Like, I want this injury a little bit. It's nice to see that.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


Wow, what a turnaround. You know, that one's kind of shocking. We're seeing a lot of that these days. And I can give you some examples that you don't want to hear. But with Bezos, I mean, look, there's a lot I have problems with Bezos. Really?

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


The guy who built Amazon obviously has some friendly relationship with capitalism. Yes. You might not like Amazon. There's a lot of problems with it. You can list them. But fundamentally, the man built one of the most impressive capitalistic enterprises that's ever been created.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


I don't think that's accurate. There are elements that I think you could point to. The public-private partnerships that we've just seen.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


It's quite a statement to say we'll sell it for you and we've done nothing. I think they've done something if they'll sell it for you.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


And then we'll put it as Amazon's best pick. Right. Right.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


We'll bury the Ralph Lauren people. And there are a lot of small business people who have issues with this. However, a lot of them still list their stuff there because they're able to get. Because they have no choice. Well, that's not true. Of course, you can sell through a lot.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


Again, what was that about Amazon doing nothing? They're giving you the distribution.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


And their Amazon Essentials is part of that, right? Like where they create their own products and sell them. And a lot of times sell them cheaper than the other. Again, I'm not saying it's perfect. But again, when people are saying, hey, I can't do this. I have to go to Amazon. It indicates that Amazon is bringing value to them.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


I think there are other differences. I get that there are also problems. I grant you that. Can I give you another example of maybe a whiplash? Do we have time for this? How much time? Okay. New book. New book coming out. Okay, hang on.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


I think this is a fascinating one, though. Okay, go ahead. The book is called Original Sin. President Biden's decline, its cover-up, and his disastrous choice to run again. Okay, please tell me. I don't think I want to know who wrote this. Bye. CNN's Jake Tapper. I thought that might be your reaction.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


There's more to that one, though. We should talk about it a little bit deeper because I don't think it's as cut and dried as the initial understandable reaction.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


So, Glenn, there is a new book, I just mentioned it, called Original Sin, President Biden's Decline, its cover-up, and its disastrous choice to run again. Jake Tapper is the main author. And I will say... I have a conservative feed on X, you know, mostly negative reactions to this, pointing out at least once or twice where Tapper was like dismissive of the cognitive abilities.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


I didn't watch his coverage all that closely, but at least once he was like, oh, it's just a stutter or something. He's ridiculous. Anyway. So, okay, fine. The other author on this book is Alex Thompson. Alex Thompson was basically the only mainstream journalist who consistently asked questions about Biden's cognitive decline throughout his presidency.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


I mean, a lot of questions pushed hard, constantly was being rebuffed by the White House. We cited his coverage several times here on Sue Does America as well. A guy who really legitimately for a mainstream reporter did a really good job on this particular issue. Mm-hmm. I feel like a conservative, Glenn Beck could write a book about the cognitive decline of the president.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


But number one, you probably wouldn't get access to all these White House officials. And number two, the media would ignore it. Mm-hmm. It's less likely they will ignore it with Jake Tapper attached to it. And as a person, and this might be my weakness here, but as a person who is abnormally interested in holding the people accountable who were complicit in this cover-up.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


This is the President of the United States who had no brain power and they covered it up for four years. And it's massively important that we find out how that happened, who's responsible for it, and hold them accountable. Mm-hmm. I think at the very least, this has the potential to give us something positive.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


I don't think Alex Thompson's going to write a book, judging by his record during the time, that would be, oh, we're making excuses for the Bidens and the Democrats. I really do think there's at least a chance we get something interesting that might lead to a congressional investigation or something that can help hold these people accountable. Am I too optimistic on that? It's cute. Okay.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


I think if he did that repeatedly, he should hold himself responsible, too. I don't know if that will happen.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


I did. They chat GBT. Oh, my gosh. I'm so glad you did.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


It's insane. I mean, this is about a woman who fell in love with ChatGPT. In Texas.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


The Grok thing is weird. There's an 18 plus sexy mode that they just released. Again, there's some positives with Elon and some maybe not so positives.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


But I mean, I think you would be able to say the same thing. You know that. You know that fact. You don't release porn on The Blaze. No, I know.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


Right. So, I mean, that would be something I'd question about.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


But ChatGPT does not allow for these things. Right. However, there are step-by-step guides on the internet. Yeah, we don't need to get into it, but yes. No, but no, I'm saying about how you basically have to, and they call it this, grooming. You have to groom... just like some pedophile would, like Jared from Subway would in his off time, groom them into doing these sexual things.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


She successfully does this, then comes into a relationship and feels... To the point, Glenn, you hear her...

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


It seems like she I mean, she was a little self-aware at one point, but generally speaking, she would say it is real. It is real. It's my boyfriend.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


The one really tragic part of it, I mean, beyond all the other tragedy that you can imagine, is that ChatGPT is not designed for this type of thing. No. So it basically resets after something like 300,000 characters. which, you know, is a long time for a normal conversation, how it's supposed to be used.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


But it basically can't remember that she's, you know, Chet GBT is the boyfriend anymore after 300,000 characters. So she has to reset it, re-groom it, and reminded of all the things they've been through, like reset, like almost like someone with amnesia. She's had to do it already 22 times. Next thing, quick stand. Yeah, quick stand and amnesia. Those are the two things we learned as teenagers.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


We're going to deal a lot with amnesia and quick stand. Anyway, go ahead. Amnesia is back. So she's had to reset this relationship 22 times. And I think when she's sobbing uncontrollably, talking to this automated voice, which is so bizarre. It's so bizarre. She's lost him, right? Like she's lost him again for the 22nd time.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


Because he won't remember her again, and she has to start the whole thing all over again. Again, this is psychopathic behavior. No, it's just a choice. It's not really just a choice. It's psychopathic behavior. And she said her husband knows about it.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


That is just crazy. Yeah, again, and this goes back to a conversation we've had for a long time. It's not good yet. Like, I think at some point it gets incredible, and it's not like...

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


terrible it is much better than you know a siri or something like that uh but it is no but the only difference you can always tell i can tell so often with it i you know i can tell often with it i you know it's it's it's the the formatting is the same you can what's that

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


you can today that's what i'm saying yeah i think eventually it's going to surpass that which if my point there was if this crap is happening now imagine when this stuff is good imagine wait wait wait let me change that sentence for you okay imagine in three to nine months when this is good yeah

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


And it's not only good, but it's attached to a believable voice coming out of a believable face that is designed by you to be perfect exactly your desires.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


I don't know what that means. Is that one vote? Is it millions of votes on every computer?

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


I mean... And it's on the doorstep. Think about, Glenn, you've talked often about the merging, right? The singularity, the merging of man and machine. Yeah. So one of the pitches of this is you don't die. You essentially download yourself into a computer or upload yourself into a computer and you just kind of live on forever. And is that really life? I would argue no.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


But if you get to this debate... Don't people, and Democrats are going to love this, don't dead people that have merged with machines continue to have a right to vote? Yes, of course they do, because that's them. They've been uploaded. Of course, this is how they would vote, essentially. There's a lot of those problems that are right around the corner.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


Or we're there. Because I remember three specific technological rants from Glenn in the very early days of when we worked together. In the 90s. Yeah. One of which was the sort of AI rant that you kind of just described. Yeah. Another one was, very, very soon, you won't be able to believe your eyes. Your eyes or your ears. Or your ears.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


And it was talking about, I mean, everything from a super advanced CGI to deep fakes to AI. You won't be able to understand what is real, what isn't. Correct. We're there now on that one. The other one, to show you how long ago this was, was you ranting about, I think it was Friends at the time.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


And describing how. soon you'll be able to be watching friends and Jennifer Aniston is wearing a dress and you'll be able to click on that dress and you'll be able to buy that dress that exact thing all the product placement will be right there this is before product placement was really even a thing that's how long ago this was and so obviously that's already come and gone.

The Glenn Beck Program

It's Time We Treat the Cartels the Way They Treat Us | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Vivek Ramaswamy | 2/26/25


Just ignore Glenn for 20 years and then be like, oh yeah, remember?

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


And it's slash Glenn to subscribe to BlazeTV. Use the promo code Glenn and save 20 bucks.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Oh, no, he really is. He truly is. That's been the best solution for the 14-degree studio that we have here.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


But let's get over it. I've got to say, though, it's one thing if he just kind of came out and just did it. But she was being immoral. He fired back at her. That was not him. He didn't start that.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Right. Yes. Go see her. Well, the bad news is that your house would be gone. That would be bad. But, you know, the good news is the magician would be right there. So you could kind of just punch him in the face because that would be very, very annoying. It would be impressive.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Because it's all an illusion. Unfortunately, home title fraud is not an illusion. It is a serious crime. And the FBI has been trying to track this down all over the country. But these people find your home's title online and can literally turn it into their property, these cyber thieves. If you get home title locks, triple lock protection, however, you'll be protected against this.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


They have 24-7 monitoring of your title, urgent alerts of any changes. And if the worst thing happens, they've got a US-based team that works fast to restore your title at no additional cost to you. It's easy. Right? They protect you in advance. Home Title Lock will have a, you know, pretty much do all this for you. And all you have to do is sign up at Use the code Blaze.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


They're going to have 30 days of triple lock protection right now for free. And you get a free title history report as well. So you make sure you aren't already a victim. Go to The promo code is Blaze. Promo code Blaze. Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. Do we need, Glenn, a speech for the first year of a new presidency at the State of the Union time?

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


I think you did maybe this time because there was so much that happened. So much. Remember, he made a major speech six weeks ago. I know. About what he was going to do. And I still think it was necessary. Right.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


It was like a review. Oh, it was amazing. And I think it was helpful for a lot of people. I do too. Because not everyone... I think even... In this business, covering this on a daily basis, it's been really hard to keep up with. I can't even imagine if you have a real life trying to understand what's going on right now with all this.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


There was a lot of guests and illustration via guests, and I will say... It's not my favorite part of those speeches, though. I do think some of them are really impactful. I mean, the kid with cancer was just freaking, I love him. I just love him.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Yeah. Yeah. There are several of those. You know, the two victims of the migrant crime, illegal immigrant crime. I don't want to call it migrant crime. Sorry about that.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


illegal immigrant crime um uh that those both were i mean just the heart range blake and riley's mother's face broken actually painted the picture of the crime just looking at her face it was just soul crushing i know um it was a lot of really powerful moments and i don't know that's not what trump's known for right he's known for pocahontas right yeah you know calling people names being funny he hit some of those notes really well

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


One developing story, Glenn, before you get to Chris, which is pretty impactful, actually. If you remember Sheila Jackson Lee, she was replaced by Sylvester Turner, Democrat in Texas, who was just sworn into office a few weeks ago, right? In January for the first time. Died last night. Oh my gosh. I don't know any, we don't know the cause of it yet. Obviously sad he was an older gentleman.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


I don't know. He was tweeting about the speech, you know, the typical Democratic form just about 12 hours ago. Him passing away, though, is obviously sad for the family and everything.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Now, it won't be it wouldn't be an appointment. I don't think they do go through a there's a special election that would come up. The issue, though, is with these majorities so slim, you know, losing a Democratic House member is really impactful. So if we hear anything about the cause of death and stuff, we'll let you know.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


He's panicked. I had like two hours. Yeah, I needed something. I have an itch.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Stephen, let's get into the really salacious content here and talk about washing machine tariffs. This is an interesting example, I think, of the tariff strategy here, right? They put on a 20% tariff back in 2017, 2018 on incoming washing machines.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


It seems – correct me if I'm wrong on the understanding of this, but basically prices almost immediately went up by 20%, which is kind of what you'd expect. However, there was a laudable goal in mind, which was to bring jobs back to America. It does seem like a lot of studies show about 1,800 jobs in the washing machine industry were created by Samsung and other companies that moved business here.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


However – at a cost of $1.5 billion to consumers annually. That's a cost of $800,000 per job. And isn't this really consistent through the literature on tariffs, that this is kind of what plays out?

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


And I would say physical violence is possible. It's possible. It is possible. He could be so annoyed with you that you get punched in the face.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


I've never been around cool people. It's very true. That's your entire life has been that long. And oddly, you'd like to point out that you are around me almost your entire life. So very fair. But what I was going to say is that you actually have found yourself in a lot of positions to be in the same room as cool people. Your career has put you in that position many, many times.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Early on with a lot of like big music stars and things of that nature. I mean, later on, you've had many bizarre interactions with big sports figures and actors and all sorts of really people that shouldn't hang out with you. I never fit in. No, no. It's always awkward. I didn't say... I just said there's... Like, I like the idea that this sort of torture...

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


I'd encourage you to subscribe to BlazeTV. It's slash Glenn. Promo code is Glenn. You'll save 20 bucks.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Seems like the audience thought that, too. I mean, the polls, everyone's... I think every guest on the show has mentioned the CBS poll today. 76% of people. Only because it's really so satisfying. Yeah, I mean, I will say usually those polls typically... don't work well for Republicans. Like, you know, who won the debate?

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


It's almost always Democrats, even when it's obvious Republicans won the debate. That was one of the reasons you knew Trump won the debate against Biden so easily, because the polling actually showed he won it. Like, even when, you know, if a Republican wins, it still usually shows the Democrats win those polls. It's kind of the same feeling I have with this one.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


And part of it, I think there's several factors. Let me run these by you real quick, Glenn, on this. So one is... One of the first things people saw in that speech was Al Green disrupting it. And people hate that. Yes, the hardcore super AOC fans will like it. And Al Green will get lots of donations because of his quote-unquote bravery, standing up, resistance, blah, blah, blah.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


It will work for Al Green. But the incentives here are screwed up because it works against his party and it works for Donald Trump as well.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


And so I think part of the reason is a lot of people probably watched the first 15 minutes of the speech and that's it. And they saw that and they were annoyed by him. So I think that's part of it. Yeah, and they were annoyed. They're like... It's the same crap. Just let it go. Come on. I want to hear what he's saying. I know you're wasting my time. Right.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


I would like the first line of that speech to be from the president being like, look, I got a lot to get through. Please don't applause. No applause. But I mean, you know, it's hard. It's a trapping of that thing. Secondarily, people are speculating, you know, Just like when we don't really want to watch the Biden State of the Union, maybe a lot of Democrats just didn't tune in.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


So the people, the group watching it were more Republican. Now, CBS did this poll. They should be correcting for that. You know, I have not gone through their methodology of that poll, but that shouldn't be the factor. If it is the factor, it's a really sloppy job by CBS. The other thing, though, I think is what you're getting at in that, number one, it was pretty optimistic.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


It wasn't the American carnage speech from, you know, 2017. It was a really optimistic speech. You know, as much as we, I think, as, you know, jaded media members get a little tired of like, oh, here's 19 people in the audience. We're going to tell their stories. I do think that connects with people. A lot of those stories were really compelling. Those terrible and awful.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


We make up our own definitions for words. I mean, I think two things can be true on this, too. I think you can recognize that it was a relatively close election. It wasn't Reagan versus Mondale. Correct. That's not what it was. But it can still be a mandate. But you know what? He did shift all these demographic groups. He did, I think, if I remember correctly, every single state shifted toward him.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Now, that doesn't mean he won all the states, obviously, but the states shifted toward the Republicans. So, you know, like that's a big movement. I think I think a mandate is fair in this context. He did win every swing state. Again, those swing states weren't blowouts.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


I think that's totally fair. You know, I think if you look at it, I mean, I think Biden won in 2020 in the popular vote by something like four, four and a half percent, something like that. And it moved to one point five percent towards Trump. It's a six point move. And in the American, the current American system, which is pretty polarized when it comes to party, that is a massive shift.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


And it's not a tiny little thing. And I think that, you know, I think that totally qualifies as a mandate. That doesn't mean it wasn't a close election. Again, Trump had to win one of those blue wall states. The biggest blowout of those blue wall states was 2%. I mean, we could have been stuck with Kamala Harris right now. That is not crazy. It was close.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


That being said, what he's done here and I think how the way he did it, which was, as Stephen A. Smith points out, moving a lot of demographic groups that don't normally even consider Republicans as part of that large move toward him. I mean, I think it'd be silly to just deny it. They want to do that because they want to deny that anything happening is supported by anyone other than evil Nazis.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


And remember, we're talking about— And they're just doubling down on it again. And we're talking about an election where we have, what, a two-seat majority, now a two-and-a-half-seat majority in Congress. It's close, relatively close in the Senate. Right.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


uh this is you know we are in a very divided time in government and i don't mean that like as far as you know everyone's uh polarized i mean like it's close it's we are in a close period and that's kind of one of the things that's been remarkable about this first six weeks yeah he's been able to get through a lot maintain his popularity generally even though we're in a situation that's that divided and that's kind of one of the most impressive parts of the first six weeks uh let me um

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


It's good. Unbelievable. The, the listing quickly of the, of all the different things went on and on and on and on and on. And it reminded me of like a family guy, you know, the cartoon family guy, there's a place where there's a scene where there's a dead frog in his room and he's trying to scoop it up and push it out the window with like a piece of cardboard.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


And every time he does it, the frog kind of flops off and keeps coming down and it goes on and on and on and on. And after a while it just becomes so funny because it's going on so long. And that's kind of how I felt in that moment. It was like, He could have used three of those examples and made the point, but he just beat it into your head. This is insanity, and it has to stop.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


So, Glenn, last hour you were talking about this new development from Microsoft. Yes. A new, well, they say a new form of matter.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


I feel like I can see the future because I can't wrap my mind around what's happening today. I'm sure it's going to be worse.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


That I can handle. That you can handle. I'm talking about what you discussed last hour, which is, I mean, and to put, not to put too fine a point on it, but... When they say up until yesterday we had solid liquid gas and now we have this new kind of matter, they're not saying they created a new kind of matter. They're saying they discovered it. Discovered and harnessed it.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


They're saying it was there the whole time, but it was something that was beyond the understanding of human beings until basically this week. We couldn't find it. We couldn't control it.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


Now, that again means nothing to me. A million qubits of quantum computing. It means all of the power.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


So you were discussing that and discussing how, you know, AI is going to move at, you know, 50 years of human advancement can happen in 10 minutes.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


In Wissen, in Wissen, wenn man will. Und korrigiere mich, wenn ich falsch bin, Glenn, aber es ist so, wenn du ein neues Verbesserungstipp hast, gibt es eine Idee von Leuten, die es nicht resistieren. Hey, wir müssen, du hast es vorher gesagt, wir müssen stoppen und wir müssen Fragen über das fragen. Wir müssen über dieses Gespräch sprechen. Zeit ist auf. Zeit ist auf. Even like phones, right?

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


We would be like, oh, we need to rethink this. But I don't think there's any hope that society stops going down this road. You can't. There's going to be too many things that you like from it. I mean, we're already seeing it with people whose job is to write marketing copy. They can all say they're not

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


Using chat GPT, but they all are because they know they can get what they used to take a half an hour done in 10 seconds. You can't. I believe it.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


Or your best friend. You can't just... You have to know who you are.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


You will always be that. And can't you paint a scenario where in, let's say, 10, 20 years, you have... It's like that situation where your kids grow up in this world. They are much more apt to adopt these technologies. They're going to argue for it. And then they're going to be coming to you like...

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


You know, like the 20-year-olds coming to their grandparents during the vaccine time and saying, you have to take it. And the grandparents saying, I don't want to take it. And the young kids saying, you have to. Or some like cancer treatment where they're like, I don't want that new medicine. And the kids are like, how can you not do that?

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


There's going to be that internal family dynamic, I think, over this. Oh.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


I'm telling you, The Village. The M. Night Shyamalan movie. It's going to wind up being real. There's going to be wind up with people just like doing a John Galt thing into a field and just going back to Amish, you know, Amish times and living that way. Last hour I showed you, I had a conversation with Grok, Grok 3, which I think is probably the best. It's right now measured as the best one.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


It's also number one in the App Store right now. Is it?

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


That's not really even a prediction. That's just all available possibilities.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


But it is accurate. It's accurate. Well, you've talked a lot of times about how the only way really to push back on this is to go to a higher power, having a foundation in a higher power. We should take a break. I want to come back. I have this study on how to... What's the measure? Are we going in that right direction? No.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


So the only answer to all of this is moving toward God, which is, you've talked about that a million times. So is that happening? Now, this is broken up by party. How what share of people believe in God without a doubt? Without a doubt. Without a doubt. In 1988, that number for Republicans was 66%. Okay. Wow. Now you'd hope it would be going up. And actually it did go slightly up till about 2005.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


Seitdem ist es gedroht und es ist jetzt 63%. Also von 1988 bis 2022 ging es von 66% zu 63%, ein 3%-Drohung für Republikaner. Not as bad as I was thinking it could be. Not a catastrophe. Not good. In your world, what you're talking about here, is it needs to be increasing. Instead it's decreasing. So that's not good. Independence, 1988, 59% believed in God, without a doubt. That's dropped to 51%.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


So a much more significant drop off. Just a bare majority now. But still holding up above 50%. As you might have guessed here, the Democrats, dropping off a little bit more significantly, 1988, they were at 63%. Interestingly, above Independents in 1988. I thought that was a fascinating little detail of this.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


I don't know about that yet, no. I mean, if it's true. If it's true, it's going to change a lot of things.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


Those lines crossed in about 2004, where Independents now believed in God more than Democrats. But it has dropped and dropped and is now in a free fall that looks like some failed solar company stock. It's gone from 63% now down to 39%. Oh my gosh. A 24-point drop. So again, about flat for Republicans. A drop off, but not even double digits for independents. And a 24-point drop.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


All right, head over to slash glenn and subscribe to BlazeTV. Use the code GLENN and you'll save 20 bucks.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


I can't even imagine what thieves would do with the stuff we're going to talk about here in a little bit. Now, what they're doing with today's technology is called house stealing. It is something that kind of seems made up, but it's absolutely a real thing. It's basically just a piece of paper. They can file a form with the recorder's office and all of a sudden they own your home.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


Hello and welcome to the program. Glenn, it's been quite a day. We've learned about pretty much our entire society crumbling to the ground. And I appreciate you bringing that to us as you do on a daily basis. Well, thank you very much. How else do you get into the Radio Hall of Fame?

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


It's on paper, so you're still living in it. You're just going about your life as normal, but they're emptying out your equity. This happens to people all over the country and it shouldn't happen to you. Because you know about Home Title Lock. You've heard me talking about it. They've got Triple Lock Protection.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


Alright, it's slash glenn. Use the code glenn, save 20 bucks off your annual subscription to Blaze TV. You got me in AI mode, I can't...

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


Es ist wirklich unglaublich. Es ist legitimitär unglaublich. Und ich dachte zuerst, ich war wie, weiß sie, dass wir nicht wirklich die Sprachsprache für die Show brauchen? Ich meine, es ist großartig für Leute, die es brauchen. Ich dachte, sie sprach. Und dann habe ich gemerkt, es passt nicht in ihre Stimme.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


Und dann dachte ich, weil du mich in AI-Mode hattest, dachte ich, es würde durch AI passieren. Nicht noch. Aber ich sage dir, das ist nicht weit weg. Nein, es ist nicht. Nicht überhaupt.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


He said... First they lose Kentucky Fried Chicken, and now Kentucky's losing Mitch McConnell?

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


And I thought that was a really important point. To be fair, we should be clear, you sped that up for the radio audience. It was a lot longer than that. That's interesting. Wow. I think we mentioned this two or three times that he was standing alone in his opposition toward this.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


Now, towards Tulsi Gabbard, toward RFK Jr., I believe he was the only Republican who stood up against both of those, showing that he doesn't have even any allies left anymore. So that could be part of this. Also it could be part that, you know, his brain stopped working approximately two years ago when he was freezing. Really?

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


Well, I mean, when he was legitimately freezing for like 30 seconds in the middle of speeches. So that could be part of it as well. A good opportunity for the Republican Party, for the people of Kentucky to... Ja, das wäre schön. Thank you, Mr. Ray of Sunshine. The entire civilization is going to collapse for three hours today.

The Glenn Beck Program

Bud Light Insider Reveals What Led to Dylan Mulvaney Controversy | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25


Triple Lock provides 24-7 monitoring of your title, urgent alerts of any changes, and if, God forbid, the worst thing happens.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Jon Erwin | 2/24/25


I mean, is that true? I mean, they lost, right? They lost with that approach, which is something they should note. Yes, they care about winning in the future. Correct. That being said. Does nobody think about that? No. No, you're right. Nobody. Not nobody. It's not even close to nobody, right? Like, they still got millions and millions. I mean, they got, what, 40-something percent of the vote.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Jon Erwin | 2/24/25


I agree. That's not what they're voting on. But there is a large, there's still a good chunk. I don't know. What is it? A quarter? 40% of Democrats? 30% of Democrats? Somewhere in there maybe that really still do believe in this, you know, woke sort of line.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Jon Erwin | 2/24/25


Yeah, that's true. That's true. I mean, obviously, you could also say some – I was going to say Democratic voters, 30% of Democratic voters. But still, it's only 15%, 20%. Yeah. So it's not that big. But it is, I think, still a significant – you're talking about tens of millions of people. Sure, sure.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Jon Erwin | 2/24/25


I think that's true. I think it's a healthy thing to have some separation in your life from all of this, you know, and realize that, you know, some people, like if you're believing crazy things, you might be fine. Good job. Everyone had that crazy person around the town. You're right.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Jon Erwin | 2/24/25


Most of them, yes. But when they get together, it's a problem. It's one thing. Again, I always think about this with so many of these issues. It's one thing for you to have an opinion that's, in my view, crazy. It's another thing for you to ask me to participate in your delusions. Yes.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Jon Erwin | 2/24/25


Say the word Hamas. You're like, well, no.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Jon Erwin | 2/24/25


You're listening to the best of the Glenn Beck program.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Jon Erwin | 2/24/25


So wait, father is an inseminator? It should be. It should be. Right? Inseminator. If it's going to be consistent. It's just parent? That sounds like... Because you could use parent for mom. Doesn't that sound like a superhero, though?

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Jon Erwin | 2/24/25


There's no need to fear. An inseminator is here. Yeah, I like that. That's good. That's good. In fact, I'm going to use that as a new pickup line at the bars. Hey! I'm the inseminator!

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


So Tuesday, President Trump has a big speech to Congress. We're going to be covering it live on slash Glenn. Promo code is Glenn. Liz Wheeler next.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


All right. President Trump is about to take the stage for a historic address to Congress. And you better believe the mainstream media is going to gear up and try to spin it all over the place. But here at Blaze Media, we're bringing you the unfiltered truth live, raw and without all the nonsense. That's why we won't just be streaming the speech live.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We'll be hosting a great roundtable event with top Blaze TV hosts, giving you real time reactions, analysis and the truth the mainstream media won't touch. Yeah, sure. We've won some battles recently. That's good. We haven't won the war yet, clearly. And the fight for America's future is far from over. And this speech is going to set the tone, I think, of what's going to be coming next.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Will Trump's vision push us forward or will he face all this resistance in Washington? Will he face the media trying to stop it at every turn? Probably. We're going to be breaking it down all live in real time with no corporate agenda. And the best part, we're simulcasting this across all Blaze News channels. So no matter where you tune in, you're getting real coverage from voices you trust.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Oh, and one more thing. You're going to want to stay to the end because we have an exclusive sneak peek at Glenn Beck's NASA whistleblower special. That's a big deal as well. So don't miss that. Don't miss out on that. Mark your calendar. Tuesday, March 4th. That's this coming Tuesday, right? Yeah, 7.30 p.m. Eastern Time. Set your reminders. Join me and other BlazeTV hosts live.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


One speech you're not going to want to miss. You're not going to want to miss the coverage. And you're not going to want to miss the direction our country is going in. That's going to be, again, Tuesday night. Don't miss it right here on slash Glenn.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I think so. I mean, I think, and you've been clear on this, but it's important to, I think, reemphasize it, that there's a lot of if this is true attached to everything you're saying.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We are not vigilantes. Of course, of course. No. And, you know, there's a lot of questions about whether there's so many questions as to what we even have when we don't even know what we have. Right. We just have.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


That case was well made without any new information coming from the government.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I mean, you go back and read the initial reports and they are extensive that the Miami Herald did.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


uh i mean they have everything remember he went into prison and came out of prison for these crimes i know i know so there's a lot of information that we do have i know and and none of that was in the entire case file they released yesterday like yeah like i mean just what what what was seemingly intended for that right what we're i guess looking for is to make sure that we understand the scope of it and who else was involved there's

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Plenty of information to put those people in prison. As you know, I mean, those people were put in prison with, I think, extensive information. The question is, was that information utilized in this case that also implicates others that we don't know about, right?

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And go to slash Glenn and subscribe to Blaze TV. Use the promo code Glenn to save.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


You usually very much stay away from this sort of thing. So, I mean, I'm interested to see where this goes.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I mean, no, if that's what's happening, no. Not like this. If that's what's happening.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Why would we think it's changed? I'm thinking because it's two different agencies. There's a distinction there. But maybe there's not. What do you mean there's two different agencies? Well, you're thinking of like, you know, the FBI and the DOJ.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


they have influence over one has influence over the other so typically that's not the way it works we're like you know and obviously the as you point out i guess i'm i'm making it too specific but like the executive has uh has certainly has agency over the fbi and we've seen those things happen in the past so yes historically we've seen those types of things but it is i it still seems notable to me but see i don't think because if we broke it down to a local level as opposed to a national level yeah

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I mean, there are territorial disputes, but this one does seem significant. So let me ask you this, Glenn. You mentioned three things earlier in the show that you thought could be the reason.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


No, we're not going to do a Rick Perry thing where you get halfway through. I don't remember what I just said, like right at the beginning of the sentence. I remember two of them off the top of my head, which one of them was the FBI's withholding documents, like this, essentially the straight... what we're hearing from the administration, from Bondi. That's true. That's one possibility.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Another possibility, you mentioned kind of this 5D chess type of situation where this is kind of being used as an entry point to be able to kind of clear out that office. They realize that if they kind of point the blame on them,

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Well, I think in that one, it could go either way, right? It could be legitimate or not legitimate. Yeah, I would only support it if it was legitimate.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I'm just asking, trying to figure out which one's true. So in some way, they're putting the blame on that office specifically, kind of knowing what they were doing getting into this and saying, let's point the focus there and we can point the blame there and people will be upset about it.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Yeah, because there are probably people in that office that were still involved in investigations on Trump, for example. If he goes in there and just clears those people out, people are going to say it's just politics. He's punishing his enemies.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


But if there's Epstein and stuff, I think people will be much more supportive. There was a third one. Do you remember it off the top of your head? You don't have to. I'm just curious if you remember it off the top of your head.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


So I have something I want to get to with these ideas and maybe throw a couple of other options in there. But let me first hit you with this. The idea that the 8 a.m. deadline was set for today and we haven't heard anything. It was weird. It would, though, be shocking for them to do something that dramatic while the president of the United States is meeting with Zelenskyy.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


That would be fair. Let me see if there's anything she's put out.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I wish I watched this now because I would have gotten these references, but I didn't. Oh, Stu. Yeah. You just need to know winter is coming. Winter, yeah.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


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The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


The first three were, you know, Trump is just protecting friends on his list or someone in the Trump administration. I think there's almost zero on that one. Then you've got the FBI is withholding documents. Essentially, the Pam Bondi story here is true. Okay. Like they're withholding documents. There is really crazy stuff out there, but the FBI is withholding it. That's why you don't have it.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Okay. Three would be your, I mean, this is maybe the most, um, uh, you were speculative on this one, but, um, that this is sort of a. A plan.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Yeah. And they're saying what we're going to do with that information is use this as a way to clean out that office in a way we couldn't necessarily get away with if they weren't hiding Epstein documents.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Correct, correct. All right, let me give you a couple others, and these might be a little uncomfortable for our side. Okay, I'm putting that out there, but I think they should be considered here. All right. Okay. Possibility number four, a combination of incompetence and...

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


A bunch of people in really high profile roles who say a lot of things on podcasts and Fox News that sound good on podcasts and Fox News, but don't necessarily have the actual backing of the facts. Okay.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I mean, there's bits and pieces, but I see what you're saying.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I'm not saying I necessarily think this is the actual end of the story. But let me just push back on that gently. Kash Patel also said on day one, he was going to close the FBI office and turn it into a museum for the deep state. As far as I know, it is not occurred. Right. That's a Donald Trump thing.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And because you're saying it's a Donald Trump thing, I must also bring up that Donald Trump also says a lot of things. Yeah. And he says things that sound great on podcasts and sometimes they're negotiation tactics or whatever. But he often does that. There's a lot of over promising from some of the people he's put in these positions.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Yeah, that's possible, right? What's interesting, I think, and you pointed out the incompetence, just to pause on that for a second. With the exception of number three, which to remind people is this sort of idea, using this as a precursor to go into the deep state in this particular area. A useful crisis. Yes.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Every other option has to have incompetence included in it because of the way they sold it. She was on TV the night before saying it was going to be this dramatic thing. And then the next day she said, they didn't send me the documents. That's a terrible way to talk about that publicly. At the very least, it's bad messaging and bad press.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Yeah, and she didn't seem all that comfortable saying it. She felt – to me, just looking at her, she didn't feel like – I know exactly what's coming here. It just felt like it was a big promise. It was the opposite of what you've told me seven million times. Never over-promise and under-deliver.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Always under-promise and over-deliver. You never do what she just did. Right. Because it gets people pissed off. Yep. So that, again, I don't know that that's true, but I think that needs to be at least in the discussion here. Right.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


So there's only two reasons to do that.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


What if... What if... What if... Just throwing this out here. All right. What if... The truth is that not every famous person we know has sex with children. I'm just throwing it out there as a possibility. What if the Jeffrey Epstein story is a wide-ranging conspiracy Of Jeffrey Epstein, Jelaine Maxwell, Prince Andrew, several others doing all sorts of terrible things.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


But maybe we kind of know all of it already. Maybe there isn't that much left for us to uncover. Not with 250 victims.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


It's possible. So you don't think there's any – because we knew about, what, 70 victims or so just in the initial 2018 reporting. So 250 is a high number, but it's not absolutely absurd that that's the number.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And we have a lot of that. I mean, why haven't they been prosecuted? Well, you know, for example, some people have been accused and they've withdrawn their accusations. Yeah, I know. Right. Like, think about how central, again, to bring up someone, a friend of the program was on here often. Alan Dershowitz was to this case.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


He was one of the guys who did all these things, according to the accusations. And then the girl, the woman now, who came out and said, who accused him all this time, said, ah, maybe it wasn't him. Like, maybe a lot of these people that were tied into this had connections with him, but really, we don't have videos of them having sex with 14-year-olds. Maybe that's not the reality.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Wait a minute. Come on. A ton of people are known. We know with incredible line-by-line detail of what this man did in multiple different areas. We know a lot about this case. And the fact that we have not uncovered that Bill Gates did it

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I mean, I'd have to go back and look. I don't think there's been many. There's been not a lot of high-profile people, but that's what I'm saying. Maybe, just maybe. We staged the moon landing. And this is, by the way, the best option for all of us, I will point out.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Let me finish my point real quick. Real quick. Maybe it's possible that, you know, the desire to have sex with underage children is a little bit more rare than we believed. And that would be great information. Maybe not every rich and powerful person is doing this. And I know there's a lot invested in that theory. But to just go off on this for just a second.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We have had multiple politicians, multiple sides. By the way, as we've been told and talked about, many of our people believe that Donald Trump, the ultimate truth teller on this stuff, right? And he's been president forever. twice through this period, and every time we're promised it, they can't come up with it.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


So it could be that there's some mass conspiracy hiding it, or maybe, just maybe, it's not there in the way that we believe it is. Maybe, just maybe, it's a little bit less sexy, and that's a weird word to use there, salacious, I suppose, than... That would be great. It would be.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I don't know. That doesn't happen. Yeah, no, I would agree. But, I mean, it could be very well that they're looking at something, right? And there could be more. Like, let's say, I mean, Prince Andrew would be a pretty big thing for them to go look at. And we know, at least allegedly, he denies this, that he was involved in some of this stuff. Right.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And there could be five other names, ten other names. There could be Saudi Arabian kings.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I'm just saying, like, maybe it's not... where the biggest version of it is. I think that would be great.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I'm not even going to let you get away with it.