The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Cote's Michael Jackson Leg Kick (feat. Pat Forde)
Wed, 26 Feb 2025
Pat Forde has done some tremendous reporting on the gambling scandals across sports happening right now, and he joins the show to break down the details of his reporting. Then, Taylor has been producing purposefully bad content, including our take line, and Michael Kay blew Dan away with his killer dance moves in an elevator. Plus, we play the first rendition of Chris Cote's new game: "Patriotic or Annoying?" Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Chapter 1: What are the recent sports gambling scandals?
And he just reported with Michael Rosenberg the latest news inside a gambling ring that will look to me from where I'm standing. This could be a monster story here. And it seems like it's becoming something that will become larger in days and weeks. But Pat joins us now with some of his fresher reporting.
And, Pat, why is it that people aren't paying attention to some of the things you're paying attention to here that has, you know, federal and NCAA authorities investigating something in a way that feels like a more relevant investigation than the average NCAA investigation, which can be pretty useless. And thank you for joining us, by the way.
Yeah. Hey, happy to be with you. And yeah, this is an interesting one that could get significantly more interesting. I agree. Why aren't people paying as much attention? Well, for one thing, you know, John T. Porter, first of all, is a bit player in the NBA who's been banned. So he's past tense.
Terry Rozier has kept playing to the surprise of some, but there's an investigation underway there into one game in particular when he was at Charlotte. The college stuff is generally speaking with lower level
Chapter 2: Who are Shane Hennon and Marvis Fairley?
schools that are under investigation and I think it's easy for people to tune out what may be happening at Eastern Michigan or North Carolina A&T or Mississippi Valley State or even Temple and some others so you know I think it's one of those we're gonna the more this kind of succeeds upon itself and and builds upon itself the more people are going to be forced to pay attention
We're coming up to March, Dan, when people really start to lock in on college basketball. And I think there's going to be reason to worry and wonder how many schools have gambling problems.
All right, Pat, let's talk about this, though, because I do believe that these uneasy tensions between so much of the gambling money and being responsible for floating what's happening in sports right now. And you can get in bed with lower level schools and make yourself money in a way that really threatens the integrity of what it is that we're watching.
So just take us through some of your humanizing investigation of the characters involved here, because this is, You're doing reporting here and you're meeting basically these gambling characters that of course are going to be kind of from the underworld and know how to get in bed with kids who want to make a few extra thousand dollars.
Yeah, not exactly choir boys involved in this as you would not be surprised to find out. The two characters that we honed in on the story, one is named Shane Hennon, a gambler who was arrested at the Las Vegas airport last month as he was attempting to go to Colombia on a one-way ticket. He has been linked to the Porter gambling ring.
And then another guy named Marvis Fairley from Mississippi, his name has not come out publicly, but he has been described by Shane Hennin himself as my partner. And both these guys have gambling tout services. They also have lengthy criminal records. Shane Hennin has described been involved with cocaine trafficking, an assault, violations of parole, and then again was just arrested last month.
Marvis Fairley was up on a murder rap, which he ended up did not get convicted or due time for, but has had several brushes with the law himself. And as you alluded to, the schools that we're talking about here, first of all, Yeah, there's not a lot of players that are flush with NIL money. There's not a lot of guys that have NBA futures that they need to protect.
So could they be more vulnerable to being compromised? Yes, they could. The other thing, these are largely bad teams at lower levels. The University of New Orleans came out today from Jeff Goodman that Four of their top five scorers have not played since January during a gambling investigation.
Does anybody notice if New Orleans has a gambling problem, if their players are sitting out, if Eastern Michigan does, if Mississippi Valley does? These are the worst programs, generally speaking, in Division I, and there's just not a lot of attention being paid to what's happening there.
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Chapter 3: How are investigators uncovering gambling issues in sports?
Yeah, it's a good question, Jessica. And really, it comes back to the gambling watchdogs that we have in place now to monitor legal wagering are much more attuned to who's doing the betting, where and how. And so this goes back, you know, the Porter stuff, that was discovered in and of itself.
But the Temple thing in particular, there was a game March 7th last year against UAB where the first half line shot
out of the stratosphere and so all of a sudden it's like what's going on there and people notice and they may be able to track who is betting and where and i think some of this stuff originates with offshore wagering and offshore books that are kind of saying wait a minute something's not right here and they will alert integrity monitors and then those people will start watching and when you had the the temple uab game last year all of a sudden
they're putting out an alert nationwide to regulators saying, take the game off of your books. And so then you start there and it's just kind of peeling back layers of an onion. One thing leads to another, needs to another.
What are the dumbest things you uncovered?
Well, I would say the most unusual, not bets that have actually been tied to game fixing, but Shane Hennon bet a first half line on a Big South Conference quarterfinal between Longwood and Campbell. Why would you do that unless you thought you had a pretty good amount of insight on that? He bet $300,000 on an ACC tournament game. That's a lot of money. Now, it's a high-profile game, but $300,000?
I talked to some bookmakers who said we wouldn't even take a bet that big.
The reason I bring it up is because you've got something that is truly amateur. That is like many of these point fixing scandals in the history of sports at the very least do us the courtesy of having criminals who have some sort of ability to conceal these things. What you're talking about here could potentially become a seismic gambling sports scandal that starts with real stupidity.
Yeah, it starts with greed or recklessness or whatever. I mean, we are dealing with, and I've talked to people when we were going through the reporting of this, it's like, what kind of people are doing this? So like gambling addicts, adrenaline addicts, people who can't keep quiet, people who can't get a big score and then keep it to themselves, they got to brag about it.
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Chapter 4: What is the role of federal and NCAA investigations in gambling?
Come on.
I'm here to make friends with everybody. Not Hennon. No.
And not his friend who you just outed either, his partner. You outed his partner, and he didn't have anything. He wasn't even in this paperwork.
I think that there potentially is more at the NBA level. I think that's being looked at. I am sure there is more at the college level that's being looked at. How big does this get? I can't tell you. Are we going to have 50 schools under investigation? Probably not. One thing that's interesting here, I mean, I've heard names of a half dozen other schools, most of them on the lower levels.
There's a lot of eligibility cases where if it's just players who are gambling, The NCAA doesn't even release eligibility rulings. So there might have been guys that sat out six games, 12 games, a whole season that nobody knows why for sure. So it's kind of going to be hard, I think, to quantify this. But I also talked with a gambling expert just before the show here who said,
It's inevitable that this gets to the Kansas-Kentucky stage. Now, I'm not saying specifically Kansas, Kentucky, but the big-name programs could eventually get exposed for having gambling issues.
So if something like that were to happen and then a player would go into the pros and it would be revealed that they were part of something like this, is there like recourse the NBA can have on suspending a player for this type of behavior too?
I don't know. I'm not sure what the retroactive situation could be, but I think the NBA, has gotten a little bit of a black eye over this between Porter and at least the Rozier investigation, even if that has not yet yielded anything, that I think they'd be pretty hypersensitive to having players that in any way fixed a game or threw their own personal props or anything like that.
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Chapter 5: Why is the Dan Le Batard Show's take line underperforming?
Thank you.
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That back row is bringing it today. This is the Don Levitard Show with the Stugatz.
Five, four, three, two, one. Five, four, three, two, one.
This episode of the Dan Levitard Show with Stu Gatz is presented by DraftKings. DraftKings, the crown is yours.
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Chapter 6: What are some bold takes from the audience?
I meet people all the time who have been listening to our show for 20 years, and those people know how embarrassing it is that this creative community that used to compete to be funny has shriveled down to Taylor can't take more than two minutes of what you're doing on the other line. 305-486-GOTS is the number. We've got a purchased phone line. G-O-T-Z is the number.
We went out and got a phone and a line so that you can do this.
The Boost Mobile Boldest Take from the Week is presented by Boost Mobile, the newest 5G network in the country. This is very exciting, Dan. We got 90 seconds here. The best of the best.
Of the last 10 days or so. That's right. Of our creative community shriveled down to this. That's right.
I think the way we demonized the chef in Ratatouille seemed a little bit too much. I also would not be eating food from a rat. How good would the food have to be if the entire kitchen were rats? What is the obsession of America with bagels? Bagels, overrated. Yeah, this is Brian out of Columbus. I got a hot take for you. Every Bob Seger song is one minute too long.
Yo, it's your boy P representing Southwest Florida. My bold take is any candy with the word candy in it is trashed. Cotton candy, candy corn, candy cans.
Hey Dan, Mike in Arlington, Virginia calling. My bold take is that restaurants should not have menus. So instead they just make one or two dishes for whatever meal it is. And then you sit down, and the waiter tells you what you're having. They can even post it online, what they're making that day, so you know not to go if you don't want what they're making.
It's kind of a plato del dia situation, but all they have is el plato del dia.
this is jack on a mobile in california my hot take is that the monsters would have beaten michael jordan in space jam if they had any kind of good roster makeup okay they had larry johnson they had charles barkley sean bradley and mugsy bogues and patrick ewing he's right they have no one who can guard michael jordan at the point of attack he's right they have all these bigs just waiting in the paint for him to get dunked on this is space jam he can
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Chapter 7: How does Michael Kay surprise Dan with his dance moves?
Another great take by a listener. That was a good take. At the end of the day, when Amin wants the ball, you give him the ball.
305-486-GOTZ is that telephone number. Do better. Some scouts and some spies have sent me a video of my friend Michael K. from New York. I don't know if you guys have ever been surprised by one of your friends, how well they dance. sometimes I get surprised by my friends. So just put that in the lower right-hand corner, please, of somebody who just sent me a video of Michael K. dancing.
Carrot Top surprised me when I saw Carrot Top, and he was more shredded than I thought he would ever be. And it surprised me when I learned that Michael K. here was this good of a dancer. Have any of your friends surprised you with how well they dance? Cougs, yeah. Kugler surprised us the other day. But have you guys ever been surprised?
Like if Darren Revell all of a sudden or David Sampson were just killer dancers, wouldn't that surprise you? If they were really good dancers?
I know we're talking Kugler, but I've often gotten this. People are sometimes surprised by how I can move.
You're a rhythmic dancer?
Yeah, you know, I can do my thing. You're jealous of Kugler? I'm just saying, I would have thought I would have been mentioned first, but we can say Coogler.
I imagine you as Kevin, James, and Hitch, where someone really has to tell you to just kind of keep it in a real specific box. I do the Michael Lims are flying everywhere.
I do the Michael Jackson kick a little too often.
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