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"Sarah Paulson"

Mon, 13 May 2024


This week we fly-in the amazing Sarah Paulson, with whom we explore and examine the nooks and crannies of an English Muffin, a shared fear of flying, and how to eat air. So get ready, put on your bee-sized boxing gloves, and join us… for an all-new SmartLess. Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ to listen to new episodes of SmartLess ad-free and a whole week early. Start a free trial now on Apple Podcasts or by visiting


5.922 - 31.596 Jason Bateman

Well, what do I say? I don't know what I say. What do I do? All right, so I'm going to finish my peanut butter, which is probably really annoying to hear me chew a peanut butter sandwich. What might be a little better is... This is my apple juice. Guys, if this episode of Smart List is as delicious as my lunch is right now, you guys are fucking set. Welcome to Smart List. Smart List.

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48.962 - 56.208 Sean Hayes

I have a one 30, uh, pickup and a, uh, two o'clock crew call and two 30 shoot time.

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57.409 - 67.558 Jason Bateman

Um, so Jason's describing his first day of work, which is tomorrow at a fish market at two in the morning is to shoot and, and a real fish market that's smelly and stinky.

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67.598 - 94.44 Sean Hayes

And yeah, the hours of operation is two to 6 AM. So that's when we have to be there. And, um, You know, there was a time in my life when I enjoyed those hours of the day. Sure. But I don't anymore. So my first day is going to be, I'm going to try to be warm. I'm going to try to be welcoming. It's going to be rough. That's two in the morning is rough. Yeah, I don't know.

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94.521 - 102.493 Sean Hayes

I guess I'm going to go to sleep at 6 or something, try to sleep for a little bit. Or should I just stay up? Should I just go get a big fat bag of white and stay up all night, Will?

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102.573 - 107.641 Will Arnett

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Should I just start counting days again? No, let's just pump the brakes on that.

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107.901 - 122.785 Jason Bateman

Okay. So I said to Jay, he was thinking of opening the first day gifts or whatever, you know, start gifts. And last night, I was with Will, Jason, and I said to Amanda, I said, the cookie thing, there's like a new place in New York that makes pie cookies.

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122.805 - 124.625 Sean Hayes

Can you believe Sean knows about that?

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125.566 - 131.347 Jason Bateman

And they also make croissants stuffed with cookie dough. It's amazing. Jesus Christ.

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132.588 - 133.088 Sean Hayes


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133.188 - 135.269 James Burrows

Croissant stuffed with cookie dough.

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135.409 - 144.154 Sean Hayes

That's right. Yeah. And what do you think I said to that pitch as start gifts? Do you think it was a no or do you think it was a yes?

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145.135 - 150.198 Will Arnett

Well, I'm just trying to imagine your tone. I bet it wasn't considered friendly.

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150.811 - 154.273 Sean Hayes

No. It was very judgy.

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154.654 - 156.034 Jason Bateman

Yeah, it shut me down immediately.

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156.055 - 179.289 Will Arnett

Sean and I were talking on the weekend. We saw each other last night, JB. Yeah, that's what Sean just said. And we were with your wife, and I spent a lot of time with your wife last night. A lot of time. We started talking about... I've been freaked out this weekend. And, Sean, I mentioned this to you. We started talking about it because you read... I sent you the article.

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179.349 - 182.251 Will Arnett

JBI sent you the article about kids with smartphones.

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182.691 - 183.372 Jason Bateman

Yes. Yes.

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183.832 - 187.734 Will Arnett

And it's been freaking me out. And that guy, Jonathan Haidt, wrote that book, Anxious Generation.

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187.754 - 188.335 Jason Bateman

Yes, this is crazy.

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188.355 - 213.705 Will Arnett

And it's kind of... I spent the weekend, like, talking to my kids about it and, you know, what this smartphone has done to this young generation and, like, the super increased rates of... Depression. Anxiety. Anxiety. Even, sadly, suicide, of course. And it's like, it's really bummed me out. And I've just been like... What would the boys say about it? Well, I, you know what is funny?

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213.725 - 235.923 Will Arnett

Did you talk to them about it? I did. I talked to them a little bit about it. And I said, you know, what you got to remember is that these, some of these, these companies are trying to, there are people out there who knew that this stuff would be addictive to you guys. And they, and they fed it to you. Like big tobacco. Yeah. In a way, in a similar way. And I was like, how does that make you feel?

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235.943 - 256.59 Will Arnett

Like, do you feel angry? And they were like, yeah, I feel kind of pissed off. Because I feel duped. Look, we're all guilty of it. We were talking last night. Like, how many times you're talking to somebody and you've got your phone and you go, hang on, sorry, what? Like, your attention is divided. And so I do it as an adult. And imagine what that does if you're a teen. It's even harder.

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257.39 - 275.683 Will Arnett

And this is a moment where you're establishing your neural pathways. And I said to Sean, I go, the richest man, my 13-year-old, has the same phone as the richest man in the world. That's crazy. Yeah, they're all the same phones. I'm nervous about my kids, like...

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276.744 - 289.011 Will Arnett

going out or walking around the corner or whatever, and yet I'll let them get on their phone and go to the far, deep reaches of the Internet. I don't know. I've got to change. Anyway, that's been kind of dominating my thinking. Something to do, something to figure out.

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289.687 - 310.613 Sean Hayes

So I'm going to figure out... Well, how are they... Are they able to manage boredom? Like, do they have coping skills for, like, riding in an elevator and not doing anything except staring at the wall or sitting at a red light and watching traffic go by? You know, like, that's something we had no choice but to get comfortable with. And it has... I'm glad I have that skill.

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310.913 - 314.815 Sean Hayes

I would be very anxious without the skill of managing boredom.

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315.596 - 320.098 Will Arnett

And that boredom led to creative thinking, right? Thought, yeah, exactly.

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320.218 - 326.502 Jason Bateman

Do you want to hear my thoughts when I'm sitting at a red light? Can I guess? Yeah, you can guess. Is there a fart joke in here somewhere?

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326.602 - 336.905 Will Arnett

The thoughts are glazed or cake? Sprinkled or no sprinkle. Hot fudge, hot fudge, caramel, fuck it both.

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336.965 - 362.579 Jason Bateman

So I don't want a phone taking all that away from me. Hot fudge, caramel, fuck it both. Hot fudge, caramel, fuck it both. All right, anyway, look it. We're not going to solve it today, but it's food for thought. This is someone who's as delicious as glazed her cake. She is extraordinary. She is a hoot and a half, a real firecracker. She has a Starburst tattoo on her right foot. What? Yes.

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363.219 - 378.368 Jason Bateman

As an actress, her body of work is ridiculously vast, and yet she's still younger than any of us. Known in Hollywood for her transformative character work and strength on screen, you might be surprised to learn that her fear of flying... goes as far as needing to meet every pilot before takeoff to assess their skill set.

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378.788 - 386.292 Jason Bateman

When not in the cockpit, you could probably find her working on a Ryan Murphy project or 12 of them. It's the lovely and delightful and our good friend, Sarah Paulson.

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386.312 - 388.633 Sean Hayes

Sarah, get your ass out here.

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388.653 - 389.554 Jason Bateman

Sarah Paulson.

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389.674 - 392.075 Sarah Paulson

I covered the camera with toilet paper. Toilet paper.

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392.335 - 395.937 Sean Hayes

Sure you did. It would have been better if it was clean. By the way, use toilet paper.

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395.997 - 402.78 Sarah Paulson

It's not clean. Are you in the bathroom? I'm upstairs. I'm upstairs. Yeah, near a bathroom.

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403.317 - 405.38 Sean Hayes

You live in your apartment in New York?

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406.281 - 408.424 Sarah Paulson

I don't live in New York. I'm just here while I'm doing the play.

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408.884 - 413.19 Sean Hayes

But this is your apartment. We're visiting you in your apartment while you're doing the play.

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413.671 - 417.496 Sarah Paulson

I'm actually staying at a friend's apartment, renting that apartment.

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418.055 - 436.393 Sean Hayes

Gotcha. And the play, we should mention... It's at the Tabasco Theater, by the way. It's at the Spicy Tabasco Theater. That's really the Belasco. That's where Sean won his Tony. And Sarah's well on her way to hers. Tony, yes.

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436.413 - 436.593 Jason Bateman


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437.714 - 443.018 Sean Hayes

Yes. It's the golden touch of that theater, Sarah, I'm telling you. In her incredible play called Appropriate.

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443.458 - 445.68 Sarah Paulson

Everybody, if you're... No, no, Appropriate.

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446.02 - 455.267 Jason Bateman

Oh, really? Yeah, okay, so talk about that, because we were like, it's spelled the same, and I was like, oh, I didn't know this. It's true. So are we supposed to think that it's both appropriate and appropriate?

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455.347 - 466.955 Sarah Paulson

Well, I think at the beginning of the play, there's that sign, right? That sort of drop in front of the curtain that describes all of the various ways in which... The noun and the verb. Yeah, the noun and the verb. Yeah. What is Will doing?

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467.236 - 470.657 Sean Hayes

Hi. Sarah, I'm just saying... He's working on his smartphone.

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470.777 - 489.246 Will Arnett

Well, we don't really know you. No, I got some notification to verify that it's me on my Google. I don't know, but I was listening, and what I was thinking was... I mean, just exactly what we talked about. At least I listened more than you did. At least I listened more than you did when you were going to see her play Appropriate. Clearly. Thanks, Will. Both of you guys, you both missed it.

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489.346 - 494.408 Will Arnett

I missed seeing the play. Now, Sarah, I don't really know you like these guys do, so hi. Then hush.

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495.009 - 495.749 Sarah Paulson

Let us talk.

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496.109 - 498.13 Will Arnett

Yeah. Go ahead. Go ahead.

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498.49 - 505.353 Sarah Paulson

Weirdly, I wanted to talk to Will. I mean, I know you both. Great. Sean and I will take a tight five. More interested in that. Take a tight five.

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506.734 - 512.517 Sean Hayes

But why is it appropriate instead of appropriate? I think appropriate could work just beautifully for that play.

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512.537 - 523.222 Sarah Paulson

I think it could. And I think it's why he offers both options at the beginning of the play because all of it is applicable. But I think I did ask him directly. It is appropriate. Yeah.

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524.102 - 525.042 Sean Hayes

All right. I think he's wrong.

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525.503 - 526.843 Jason Bateman

I think he's wrong.

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527.083 - 527.623 Sarah Paulson

I'm going to tell him.

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527.983 - 547.928 Jason Bateman

Wait, so I want to do, so we went backstage. First of all, go see the play. It's amazing. You're phenomenal in it, especially that last monologue was incredible. You're standing on the stairs and it's like you're Scarlett whatever and you're just like, it's incredible. It's incredible. Thanks, Sean. It's really, really great. That's very kind of you, Sean. By the way, I love that thing too.

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548.768 - 551.109 Jason Bateman

People were like, you know, I was talking about it afterwards to friends and

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552.009 - 569.607 Jason Bateman

that thing about it's too long to go into what the whole play is about because it's about a lot of things but um your character with your two brothers go back to uh your the home where your where your father died and you're sorting out business and you find all of these um questionable things in his past like pictures of things and other stuff

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570.067 - 587.291 Jason Bateman

that bring up a bunch of questions about your family and your upbringing. And at the end of the play, I thought it was so profound when you were like, and please fill in the blanks, but you're talking to your two brothers and you're like, I'm the oldest of this family. I got to hold you and watch you and see all of the things that create your memories.

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587.772 - 590.712 Jason Bateman

But nobody's ever held me or was there for me.

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590.732 - 593.393 Sarah Paulson

Nobody's left in the family who's done that for me.

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593.533 - 595.233 Jason Bateman

For me, yeah. I thought that was really powerful.

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595.754 - 595.954 Sarah Paulson


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595.974 - 597.354 Jason Bateman

Well, it seems appropriate.

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598.675 - 601.477 Sarah Paulson

It's definitely not appropriate. This is why we hired Will.

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601.617 - 603.598 Will Arnett

Because that's a completely different meaning.

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603.819 - 608.362 Sarah Paulson

No, I mean, Jason has a lot of skills, but this one particular assessment is not one of them.

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608.742 - 615.467 Will Arnett

I tell you what, do yourself a favor. Don't ask either of them to define it because it'll be embarrassing for everybody. So moving forward.

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615.547 - 617.449 Jason Bateman

I want to talk about flying and your fear of flying.

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617.609 - 621.452 Sean Hayes

Sorry, before we move you on the play, Will, are you going to find some time to come see the play?

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621.872 - 622.012 Jason Bateman


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622.253 - 627.639 Will Arnett

I am. I'm going to see the play. What's the date? What's the date on that? Just so Sarah can be ready.

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627.739 - 629.441 Sarah Paulson

You know, I hate knowing when people are out there.

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629.501 - 633.326 Will Arnett

She hates knowing. Just give her a ballpark. I'd say it, but she hates knowing.

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633.506 - 634.527 Sarah Paulson

Yeah. All right.

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634.788 - 638.432 Will Arnett

I wanted to, because I was going to say, I was about to tell you, and then she's like, I hate knowing.

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638.512 - 655.988 Sarah Paulson

You've got until June 23rd, buddy, but I don't want to know. I don't want to know. I don't like to know when people are coming. I don't care if it's your dry cleaner. I don't care if it's your dentist. I end up thinking too much about whether or not it's my codependent, my kind of hypervigilant way of being in the world. You're listening for their laugh.

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656.008 - 660.712 Sarah Paulson

Yeah, I'm just wondering, like even any of my castmates, I don't want to know if your fourth grade teacher was there.

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660.872 - 666.337 Jason Bateman

I'm worried. I thought you were going to say, I don't want to know if you're in the play tonight. Well, that too.

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666.437 - 677.087 Will Arnett

This is how I ended up with three kids. Because people didn't want to know when I was coming. Listen, let me tell you something, Sarah.

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677.127 - 679.129 Sean Hayes

Let me tell you something, Sarah.

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679.149 - 688.459 Will Arnett

That's terrible. Sarah, let me tell you something. Here's what I'm going to do. I want to show you. And I have so much respect for you as an artist. Unlike these guys. I do too. Unlike these guys.

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688.479 - 689.54 Sarah Paulson

Jason's quiet, by the way.

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689.6 - 704.472 Will Arnett

I'm not going to tell you. I'm not going to tell you when I'm going to come to see this show. I'm not going to come and see the show, and I'm not going to tell you afterwards. So you won't even know I was there. Okay? Because I respect you.

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704.672 - 721.444 Sean Hayes

That works for me. Sarah, how is that at the end where, you know, for Tracy in Wisconsin, it is a practice, a habit, an obligation for anyone in the audience who knows a cast member, or even if you don't know them, you just happen to be famous. Yes.

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721.944 - 723.045 Jason Bateman

Jason's obsessed with this.

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723.205 - 740.832 Sean Hayes

You are obligated to go backstage and introduce yourself to the cast and visit for a bit. And if you don't, apparently that's tantamount to giving it a bad review. And so how do you like that dance there at the end where you're done with the play, you're exhausted, and now you've got to socialize?

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742.068 - 754.476 Sarah Paulson

It's not my favorite, although I will tell you, we've had a couple of fancy famouses come and not come backstage, and we all collectively discuss that we think it means that they didn't like it.

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754.757 - 755.277 Sean Hayes

Yeah, sure.

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755.377 - 771.788 Sarah Paulson

But then we sort of think, well, but think about it this way. So you're so famous, you think somehow that the cast, whom you do not know, wants you to come backstage and announce yourself to bequeath them with your great... It's arrogant. It's weird, so there's no way to win. Yeah, you can't win. But we have had discussions about,

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772.268 - 779.892 Sarah Paulson

you know, there was like some fancy person who came who had worked with someone in the play who didn't come back. And I was like, well, no, that is a communication that they just don't like you.

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780.713 - 781.333 Will Arnett


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781.413 - 783.774 Sarah Paulson

So can I ask you, if I... Maybe not the whole play, just you.

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783.794 - 809.686 Will Arnett

Yeah. If before June 23rd, I find myself at the Tabasco Theater. Yeah. And I've seen the play and I've enjoyed it. And I'm the first one to my feet and my hands hurt from all the clapping. And I'm just, and I'm hooting and hollering. And then there's the moment If you guys find out that I'm there and I don't come backstage, do you and your cast want me there? And there's a thumbs up.

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809.746 - 817.076 Will Arnett

I just want to really make a point of this. Do you guys, do you and your cast, do you guys want me there?

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818.065 - 827.791 Sarah Paulson

Yeah, I think we would discuss that we thought Will Arnett didn't like the play. Really? That's what we would discuss, yeah. What if he didn't like the play? This is all I want.

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828.611 - 842.76 Sean Hayes

What if he doesn't like the play and he comes backstage and he lets you know? He thinks he's got helpful notes for you. He says, yeah, yeah, no, I enjoyed it. However, like, has anyone come back there and popped off about how you can make it fucking better? Yeah.

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843.5 - 850.984 Sarah Paulson

That has not happened, although I would kind of welcome it, actually, just simply so I could discuss it with other people about the outreach.

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851.064 - 852.605 Sean Hayes

I did do a play once.

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852.645 - 874.498 Sarah Paulson

I will tell you, I did do a play once. My last time I was on stage, I did a play called Tally's Folly at the Roundabout. And thank you for the applause. And the actress, and I'm going to say this, and I'm not going to ask you to cut this out because I don't fucking care. This actress came to the play. What's her fucking name? Hi, Trish. Hi, Trish. Trish Hawkins came to this play.

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874.538 - 877.74 Sarah Paulson

Am I going to get sued? I don't care because I think this is outrageous. She came to the play.

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877.76 - 878.741 Will Arnett

If it's true.

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878.901 - 897.635 Sarah Paulson

And I proceeded. My mother brought her to the play. They were in some kind of like writing group together. And my mother thought it'd be great to bring Trish Hawkins to the play. I mean, this is a whole other conversation about my mom. Hi, mom. But she came to the play, proceeded to say. She looked at me and sort of up and down. And then she went, your dress is yellow. Mine was pink.

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898.436 - 898.836 Sarah Paulson

And I thought...

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899.256 - 901.938 Sean Hayes

Oh, she did the character before you.

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902.018 - 922.844 Sarah Paulson

Cut to two days later, I got an email that was six pages long of notes and a communication to me about what she had done when she had done the play. Jesus Christ. What she recommended I do. What? God. It was outrageous. Oh, my God. It was really outrageous. Trish Hawkins, I have not forgotten it, and I hope to see you never.

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923.104 - 924.845 Sean Hayes

You still have the letter?

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925.446 - 926.326 Sarah Paulson

I have it. I do have it.

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926.346 - 928.868 Sean Hayes

And did you talk to your mother and say, please delete her numbers?

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929.368 - 935.071 Sarah Paulson

I didn't. I sort of just, you know, put it back in the file of things my mother has done. That's good, though.

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935.091 - 939.934 Will Arnett

You need to save that. Sarah, can I just say, I need to say something. I need an interjection, if you don't mind.

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940.275 - 940.655 Sarah Paulson

Yeah, okay.

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941.181 - 951.711 Will Arnett

I don't know you as well as these guys, and I have a real feeling that you and I are going to be better friends than they could ever imagine. I love you for saying that so fucking much. Oh, yeah.

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951.731 - 954.554 Sean Hayes

No, you two would be inseparable.

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954.594 - 958.238 Will Arnett

Sarah, I have all the time when people, and when they fucking deserve it.

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958.318 - 980.752 Sarah Paulson

Now, by the way... But, like, this is the deal. You cannot come to... You want to... If you're my dearest friend and we go have a cocktail or, you know, a little bread basket, Jason, or some air that we might eat, Jason. But, you know, post the show, some air. She knows you. We might eat some air. Air is so tasty sometimes after a show, though. It's really wild how good it can be.

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981.072 - 993.861 Sarah Paulson

But if you are a person that I love and admire, and I say to you, tell me what you thought, really. And give me some... Right. Especially like early days previews or something. All right, thank God.

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994.221 - 995.062 Jason Bateman

Okay, so here it is.

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995.102 - 996.203 Sarah Paulson

So at the top of the show.

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998.585 - 1006.393 Will Arnett

But I would say this for Trish. I will say this for Trish, Sarah. Trish is here, by the way. She's staying in your guest house, right?

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1006.473 - 1010.076 Sarah Paulson

Yeah, my mom will probably trot her out. Try to bring her to the next play.

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1010.557 - 1014.321 Will Arnett

By the way, Sarah, I also have a mom who says a lot of inappropriate stuff.

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1014.861 - 1029.513 Sarah Paulson

What are you doing? We all do. My mom also, my mom's going to get so upset about this, but like Cate Blanchett came to the play the same night that my mother came, same afternoon that my mother came. And Margo Martindale came also. And all these people that I love and I have long relationships with and I've worked with Cate three times. I've worked with Margo more than once.

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1030.174 - 1043.705 Sarah Paulson

And I, of course, was really happy to see them. And I was, I'm not saying I wasn't happy to see my mom, but it was like maybe the range was a little like, oh my God, Cate. Oh my God, Margo. And it was like, hey mom. Hey mom.

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1045.635 - 1046.035 Sean Hayes

like that?

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1046.335 - 1066.404 Sarah Paulson

And I don't think she loved it. And I think her retribution is to just give me like a little less than I would hope for. Because I think I'm giving her... It's just got to keep me a little... Yeah. And she was like, I mean, I know we're supposed to go out. I don't know why I'm making my mom sound like this grand dame of Fifth Avenue or something. She's really like the grand dame of Woodstock.

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1066.504 - 1073.827 Sarah Paulson

She's like a tambourine playing. You know, hey mom, I mean, I'm really sorry. I'm just disparaging you for my own comedy interests.

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1074.307 - 1075.068 Sean Hayes

No, no, no, no.

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1075.368 - 1081.351 Sarah Paulson

But it's reality. It's my reality. I'm allowed to talk about my reality, right? Trish Hawkins, my mom, they belong to me.

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1081.411 - 1085.554 Sean Hayes

And poor Trish. Trish used to love Smartless. She'd listen to it every week.

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1086.154 - 1093.679 Will Arnett

And I tell you what, about 25 million listeners per month. Trish is about to get the bombardment she never knew she had.

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1093.699 - 1096.12 Sarah Paulson

She deserves, by the way. The one she deserves.

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1096.34 - 1099.042 Will Arnett

She brought it on. She's a fucking persona non grata.

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1099.062 - 1103.705 Sarah Paulson

I'll put that email on Instagram faster than you can say Trish Hawkins. We're going to put it in the chat.

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1107.232 - 1108.375 Sean Hayes

And we will be right back.

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1110.191 - 1113.352 Jason Bateman

Sarah Paulson, I want to talk about the fear of flying thing. You're my hero.

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1113.392 - 1117.773 Sean Hayes

Can I just say you're my hero? And you haven't even gotten into your shared fear of flying.

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1118.294 - 1124.756 Sarah Paulson

Oh, you have this too. Yeah, yeah, of course. Oh God, so we're best friends. When's your birthday? Hate to be, not to be too Amanda Anka about it, but when's your birthday?

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1124.996 - 1127.716 Will Arnett

So good, we're even better friends. May 4th.

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1128.257 - 1128.457 Sarah Paulson

May 4th.

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1128.497 - 1130.377 Will Arnett

May 4th, yeah. Okay. May 4th of May.

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1130.397 - 1136.379 Sarah Paulson

All right, so it's coming up. What sign is that, Taurus? I just want to know what your sign is. Taurus, I'm a Taurus. And what's your rising? Do we know what your rising is?

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1136.399 - 1138.62 Will Arnett

What's your rising?

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1138.64 - 1141.781 James Burrows

Gemini. Oh, yeah.

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1141.981 - 1142.481 Jason Bateman

What's your moon?

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1142.542 - 1147.624 Sarah Paulson

I'm a Sagittarius with a Virgo rising and an Aquarius moon. So, you know, do with that what you will.

💬 0

1147.664 - 1150.885 Jason Bateman

And you believe in all that stuff. I don't. I mean, I don't know enough about it.

💬 0

1151.406 - 1162.376 Sarah Paulson

I do kind of think it's a thing. But anyway, the fear of flying. is very real for me. There's a lot of weeping that happens if there's a tiny pocket of... Really?

💬 0

1162.816 - 1164.277 Sean Hayes

You'll go right into weeping?

💬 0

1164.317 - 1172.202 Sarah Paulson

Right into the crying. The grabbing the stranger next to me. I know you guys haven't been on a commercial airplane in a very long time, but if you do... That's not true.

💬 0

1172.683 - 1181.529 Will Arnett

I was on a Falcon last week. Is that not... He doesn't like the Falcons. The Falcons he thinks are beneath him.

💬 0

1181.889 - 1186.332 Sarah Paulson

The private planes are even scarier to me. I don't enjoy it. Okay, more room for us.

💬 0

1186.732 - 1205.741 Will Arnett

Wait, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, I want to talk. So here's my thing about pilots, and I love hearing that you like to meet the pilot before. What I do is I like to say to the pilots, how are we looking, right, for our journey? Because what I don't enjoy is if you get on a flight and you have a bunch of turbulence and the pilot doesn't say anything, he doesn't come over.

💬 0

1205.781 - 1208.543 Sarah Paulson

Correct. It's the lack of communication. I can't.

💬 0

1209.484 - 1212.468 Will Arnett

Just go, hey, we got some, it's run of the mill turbulence.

💬 0

1212.568 - 1223.501 Jason Bateman

It's not a big deal. We're all good. We're blah, blah, blah, blah. But you know, but Sarah, do you have this too? Because I have a little bit of this too. The second you hear that, and right before the pilot speaks, you're like, oh Jesus, what is this going to be?

💬 0

1223.521 - 1224.923 Sarah Paulson

Just the thought of it makes me sweat. Like,

💬 0

1225.003 - 1225.483 Jason Bateman

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

💬 0

1225.544 - 1227.165 Sean Hayes

They should come on beforehand, right? Yes.

💬 0

1227.185 - 1239.855 Sarah Paulson

We've got some bumps coming up. If they come on and they give you a lay of the land, which is why I like to talk to them because I say the same thing. How are we looking? They often pull up the iPad with the root and they show me where the pockets of potential weather. They show me how we're going to fly.

💬 0

1239.875 - 1241.657 Sean Hayes

This is there on Delta, United, American.

💬 0

1241.797 - 1242.818 Sarah Paulson

I like Delta. Delta?

💬 0

1242.838 - 1243.739 Jason Bateman

Delta's a sponsor.

💬 0

1243.759 - 1244.239 Sarah Paulson

Sorry, let's go.

💬 0

1245.66 - 1261.873 Will Arnett

Well, you know what it is? You know why? Because you know what it is? This is a relationship. And relationships really work with communication. So you need to have this communication. If you can't grow up, Sean, for a second, then take five, okay? Because Sarah and I are talking about relationships. You're back on a tight five.

💬 0

1262.353 - 1276.382 Sean Hayes

Sarah, why don't you invite... Wait a second. When's the last time you had a bunch of passengers stop by the cockpit and ask for... No, Jason, when you walk on the cockpit and you open, it's right there. Yeah, but if everybody stopped and asked to look at the iPad for the routing... I'm not asking to look at the iPad.

💬 0

1276.402 - 1289.089 Sarah Paulson

I'm asking how we're doing. And they often pull out the iPad as a way of saying, here's what we're doing. I ask them how the plane looks, who did the checkout, like who went around and checked out the plane. I want to know how long they've been flying. I want to know.

💬 0

1289.109 - 1292.573 Sean Hayes

Do you ask for a little hint as to what chair the marshal's sitting in just for fun?

💬 0

1293.114 - 1293.894 Sarah Paulson

Sometimes I've done that.

💬 0

1294.195 - 1298.199 Jason Bateman

What if it's Sarah? What if you're like, how long have you been flying? And some 20-year-old is like, I'm just flown for one week.

💬 0

1298.699 - 1307.729 Sarah Paulson

Today's day one. Well, I want you to know that it's literally every single pilot joke that is made to me every time I ask. I'm like, oh, today's my first day. I'm like, not funny at all.

💬 0

1307.749 - 1309.811 Will Arnett

Wish me luck, I just was lobotomized.

💬 0

1310.091 - 1316.495 Sarah Paulson

Yeah, and sometimes there are, you know, the young co-pilot has fewer years and fewer hours flying. How about this?

💬 0

1316.535 - 1328.703 Sean Hayes

How about I don't like to meet the pilots because if I meet the pilots, it becomes too human to me. And I don't like to imagine the fact that a human being is even possible. You can't fly a plane, right?

💬 0

1328.723 - 1331.985 Sarah Paulson

Do you trust a robot more than a human?

💬 0

1332.005 - 1338.429 Sean Hayes

Well, super human, intelligent people up there that wouldn't even spend a minute with me. Like they're doing adult work up there.

💬 0

1338.989 - 1355.125 Will Arnett

He sits down, he sits in his seat and he plugs a type C plug into the side of his head and it goes into the side of the plane and then he just... Power down. He started making... Don't power down, Jason. Exchange information. Just like a software.

💬 0

1355.145 - 1362.732 Sean Hayes

Reboot in five hours. So, Sarah, are you also a type of gal who likes to chat with the Uber driver?

💬 0

1363.444 - 1365.186 Sarah Paulson

Nope, don't want to talk to the Uber driver.

💬 0

1365.206 - 1369.089 Sean Hayes

You have that already clicked on your profile there? No chitty chat?

💬 0

1369.29 - 1371.652 Sarah Paulson

Oh, no, I did see that, but I thought that was rude.

💬 0

1372.132 - 1373.614 Jason Bateman

To click on it to make a point of it?

💬 0

1373.634 - 1375.516 Sarah Paulson

To click on it to make it like a rule for them.

💬 0

1375.796 - 1375.996 Jason Bateman


💬 0

1376.056 - 1379.88 Sarah Paulson

I'd rather just let my behavior and my demeanor communicate that.

💬 0

1379.9 - 1384.873 Jason Bateman

So if you got on the Uber and the guy started asking you a question, you would just stop him and say, check my profile. Yeah. Right?

💬 0

1385.213 - 1389.176 Sean Hayes

Well, yeah, no, exactly. I mean, think about the kind of vibe you got to kick out to him.

💬 0

1389.216 - 1389.797 Sarah Paulson

I guess that's true.

💬 0

1389.997 - 1395.701 Sean Hayes

To get him to be quiet is more rude than him being pre-warned that this person's not up for a conversation.

💬 0

1395.721 - 1402.445 Sarah Paulson

I guess I think I feel really uncomfortable in general in a car where someone's driving. I have to chat senselessly.

💬 0

1402.706 - 1405.868 Jason Bateman

What if there was a box for smart list and you just checked it? I'd rather not chat today.

💬 0

1407.928 - 1417.25 Will Arnett

So wait. If they try talking to me, I always go, why won't you talk? And I just go, sorry, man, my leprosy is flaring up. You know what I mean?

💬 0

1417.27 - 1417.77 Sean Hayes

Wait, Sarah.

💬 0

1418.09 - 1427.892 Jason Bateman

So I love this stuff because you're not only afraid of flying, but clowns, sharks, bees, and then you have, what is it? Bees? Trypophobia?

💬 0

1427.913 - 1449.366 Sarah Paulson

I have that trypophobia thing where I can't, I don't actually know how it's pronounced. Like Jason doesn't know about appropriate appropriate, but it's, It's trypophobia, trypophobia, I don't know. It's a fear of tryptophan. Is it fear of tryptophan? It's probably, no, it's not fear of tryptophan. It's fear of holes. It's fear of like... Holes. So like if... Like a group of holes.

💬 0

1449.446 - 1458.013 Sarah Paulson

So like if you, like a group, a grouping, a whole grouping. I've heard this before. Like a natural sponge makes me like actually, I have to, or a coral reef, not interesting.

💬 0

1458.053 - 1459.754 Jason Bateman

Wow, what about an English muffin?

💬 0

1460.775 - 1461.456 Sarah Paulson

No, it's not...

💬 0

1462.008 - 1464.11 Jason Bateman

I mean, those are nooks and crannies. Those aren't holes.

💬 0

1464.33 - 1467.812 Sarah Paulson

Those are nooks and crannies. Those are nooks and crannies, Sean.

💬 0

1467.832 - 1468.833 Sean Hayes

Swiss cheese wrecks your night?

💬 0

1470.185 - 1473.407 Sarah Paulson

No, because they're not close enough together. It's about when they're packed tight.

💬 0

1473.567 - 1475.309 Sean Hayes

Right. So a loofah. No, thank you.

💬 0

1475.369 - 1476.81 Sarah Paulson

I don't like a loofah at all.

💬 0

1477.45 - 1479.612 Sean Hayes

So what's the reaction?

💬 0

1479.792 - 1499.727 Sarah Paulson

It makes my skin crawl and I have to run away. And Ryan Murphy decided that this was so funny that he decided to make a season of American Horror Story about a character that I played who had this disorder. So then I was constantly all day long having to look at these things and run from them constantly. Clowns as well and things. That sounds like bullying.

💬 0

1499.947 - 1500.648 Will Arnett

That sounds like bullying.

💬 0

1500.908 - 1503.771 Sean Hayes

Exactly. To be honest. Did that get you past your fears or did it make it worse?

💬 0

1504.492 - 1514.443 Sarah Paulson

It just kept it at a steady place. It kept it on high. But the bee thing, you know, I've never been, not to bring up my mother again, but my mom.

💬 0

1514.824 - 1515.825 James Burrows

That's what this is about.

💬 0

1516.105 - 1517.186 Sarah Paulson

She locked me outside.

💬 0

1518.351 - 1519.452 James Burrows

She deserves it.

💬 0

1519.652 - 1541.069 Sarah Paulson

One day, my mother determined that the bees should be something I should get comfortable with because, you know, obviously they do a lot for our planet. They're wonderful. They're great. I had never been stung when I was... Yeah, exactly. Dirty hippie. And so I had not been stung at that point. And I still, at the ripe old age of 49, have not been stung by a bee. Because I will drop a baby.

💬 0

1541.109 - 1547.111 Sarah Paulson

I'm not kidding. I will... I will drop a baby, a tiny baby, and flee if a bee... I'm not kidding.

💬 0

1547.351 - 1548.772 Sean Hayes

Equally afraid of bees.

💬 0

1549.332 - 1550.392 Sarah Paulson

You are not. Are you really?

💬 0

1550.612 - 1550.872 Sean Hayes

Oh, yeah.

💬 0

1551.252 - 1552.013 Sarah Paulson

I really don't like them.

💬 0

1552.093 - 1553.793 Sean Hayes

That's my kryptonite. I'm allergic.

💬 0

1554.313 - 1555.254 Sarah Paulson

Have you been stung, though?

💬 0

1555.394 - 1558.514 Sean Hayes

I've been stung twice, I think. I'm not allergic.

💬 0

1558.534 - 1563.696 Sarah Paulson

See, I think I might be making it into something that is... Or I'm actually deathly allergic, and it's my...

💬 0

1564.336 - 1586.89 Sean Hayes

No, mine's gotten less as I've gotten older. But the thing for me is that you can't feel them when they land on you. And so the shock of the sting is just going to come out of nowhere as opposed to, you know, if I'm in a fight with a bee and he gets better at me, then I'm not going to be, you know, I'm going to get stung.

💬 0

1586.91 - 1589.992 Jason Bateman

What if you had super tiny boxing gloves on and they did too and you're just like...

💬 0

1590.672 - 1593.714 Sean Hayes

God, that's a great idea, Sean. You stupid fucking dick.

💬 0

1593.994 - 1611.942 Will Arnett

You guys want to hear my ultimate kink? My ultimate fantasy? I do. Uh-oh, here we go. It's I'm getting stung by a bee while I'm sitting on a big sponge going through turbulence. With clowns. Going through turbulence, yeah. With a clown pilot. With a clown for a pilot.

💬 0

1611.962 - 1616.044 Sarah Paulson

Yeah, you go up there and you go, how are we looking?

💬 0

1616.064 - 1616.725 Will Arnett

He goes, pretty good.

💬 0

1616.785 - 1617.345 Sarah Paulson


💬 0

1621.087 - 1623.188 Sean Hayes

All right, Sean, start your fucking questions.

💬 0

1623.528 - 1623.988 Will Arnett

I got some.

💬 0

1624.029 - 1627.13 Sean Hayes

We're 40 minutes into this thing. You haven't answered a question yet.

💬 0

1627.15 - 1631.832 Will Arnett

You're the worst interviewer ever. You've got nothing. I've been trying.

💬 0

1631.872 - 1645.599 Jason Bateman

No, I want to talk about it. But I like this stuff more interesting because everybody knows who you are. Everybody knows your work. And I want to talk about that. But I want to talk about your tattoos first because you have a lot of them. And I want to know. I did not know this. We've got a little freak on our hands, huh?

💬 0

1645.639 - 1652.045 Sarah Paulson

I like a lot of tattoos. She's all tatted up. I got tats everywhere.

💬 0

1652.185 - 1662.517 Will Arnett

I was just saying yesterday, I was just saying, nothing says don't hire me like a neck tattoo. Yeah.

💬 0

1662.637 - 1664.319 Sean Hayes

Well, she doesn't have them on the neck.

💬 0

1664.339 - 1665.661 Sarah Paulson

I have them on the back of my neck.

💬 0

1666.161 - 1678.487 Will Arnett

That's okay. It's the face forward. It's the face tattoos and the neck tattoos. It's like, and I'm sure there are people like, the comments like, neck tattoo saved my life. I don't care, but.

💬 0

1679.127 - 1686.59 Jason Bateman

Neck tattoo saved my life. But on your right forearm, it says, I love this. This is a Stephen Sondheim lyric.

💬 0

1686.67 - 1688.131 Sarah Paulson

I know that Jason's going to make fun of this.

💬 0

1688.631 - 1689.552 Jason Bateman

Okay, but I love it.

💬 0

1689.572 - 1691.733 Sean Hayes

Does it say, I'm just a storyteller?

💬 0

1692.413 - 1694.215 Sarah Paulson

No, but it's not that.

💬 0

1694.255 - 1697.237 Jason Bateman

You're safe. You want to say what it is?

💬 0

1697.918 - 1698.819 Sarah Paulson

You want to say it?

💬 0

1698.839 - 1707.466 Jason Bateman

I want to say it because I love it. It's from Sunday in the Park with George, right? Five, six, seven, eight. Anything you do, let it come from you, then it will be new.

💬 0

1715.207 - 1719.67 Sarah Paulson

See, Jason hates it. I love it. Can I punch it up a little bit?

💬 0

1720.03 - 1720.831 Sean Hayes

Is it too late?

💬 0

1721.351 - 1726.655 Sarah Paulson

Well, he's dead, so he might have an opinion. No, it's not temporary.

💬 0

1726.695 - 1728.216 Will Arnett

It's on the box. Can I add to it?

💬 0

1728.436 - 1734.7 Sarah Paulson

I could add to it, but there was actually a line that I took out of it because I thought it was too pompous.

💬 0

1735.12 - 1736.16 Will Arnett

What's that? What was it?

💬 0

1736.2 - 1739.601 Sarah Paulson

Which was give them more to see as if I could do something like that.

💬 0

1739.701 - 1741.642 Will Arnett

So how would the quote have been?

💬 0

1741.722 - 1758.384 Sarah Paulson

It would have been anything you do, let it come from you. Then it will be new. Give them more to see. This is a musical about George Seurat, the painter. Mandy Patinkin played, Bernadette Peters did. And it's basically her singing to him. It's from a song called Move On.

💬 0

1759.044 - 1761.465 Will Arnett

Get out of your sort of... That is a beautiful quote.

💬 0

1761.485 - 1763.125 Sarah Paulson

Get out of your artistic rut.

💬 0

1763.425 - 1771.228 Will Arnett

That's nice. If you want to sort of take it away a little bit so it doesn't seem too pompous, you could just put comma JK.

💬 0

1775.872 - 1788.986 Jason Bateman

You know what I mean? All right, let's get into Sarah Paulson and how you started. Sarah, I'm so sorry about your decision today to be with us. Florida, right? We're in Florida.

💬 0

1789.166 - 1789.927 Sarah Paulson

Tampa, Florida.

💬 0

1790.327 - 1792.189 Jason Bateman

You were born? And how old were you when you moved to Maine?

💬 0

1792.209 - 1797.534 Sarah Paulson

I was born in Tampa, Florida. We moved to Maine when I was in the, how old were you in the second grade?

💬 0

1797.914 - 1798.675 Jason Bateman


💬 0

1798.795 - 1804.18 Sarah Paulson

Seven. So I moved there in second grade. But we moved to New York first. It was New York when I was five.

💬 0

1804.661 - 1805.922 Jason Bateman

And then Maine and then back to New York?

💬 0

1805.942 - 1812.093 Sarah Paulson

And then Maine and then I went back to Florida and then back to New York where I moved a lot of places. Oh, Lord. My mom was a young mom.

💬 0

1812.413 - 1816.416 Jason Bateman

This is fascinating. Your mom worked at Sardi's on Broadway, which is right next to the Hayes Theater.

💬 0

1816.436 - 1819.539 Sarah Paulson

That was her first job when she moved to New York. That's crazy. Wow.

💬 0

1820.099 - 1821.42 Jason Bateman

I mean, was she an actress as well?

💬 0

1821.781 - 1822.561 Sarah Paulson

No, a writer.

💬 0

1822.581 - 1824.303 Jason Bateman

Oh, wow.

💬 0

1826.885 - 1833.269 Sarah Paulson

She had me at 21 and my sister at 23. So, you know, we can kind of forgive the Trish Hawkins situation because she doesn't know what to do.

💬 0

1834.47 - 1836.972 Sean Hayes

And Daddy, if you don't mind me asking.

💬 0

1837.292 - 1840.175 Sarah Paulson

Dad, also a young dad. No, in the picture, still in Florida.

💬 0

1840.745 - 1840.945 Sean Hayes


💬 0

1840.965 - 1841.425 Sarah Paulson

You know?

💬 0

1841.885 - 1843.266 Sean Hayes

Were they ever married?

💬 0

1843.966 - 1849.287 Sarah Paulson

They were married. They were married very briefly. Divorced by the time I was two and my sister was 10 months old.

💬 0

1849.767 - 1854.988 Will Arnett

Still could have been your fault, though. Sorry. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, if you were colicky or something like that.

💬 0

1855.728 - 1859.689 Sarah Paulson

Yeah, he was like, God, this colicky baby always wanted to sing these Annie songs.

💬 0

1860.229 - 1865.03 Jason Bateman

Uh-huh. Wait, so Sarah, so telling me about that story about your mom singing?

💬 0

1865.05 - 1870.151 Sarah Paulson

Telling me about the story. Telling me about the story. Telling me about the story. Telling me about the story.

💬 0

1871.165 - 1877.373 Jason Bateman

About your mom seeing a psychic at some point and telling what? And saying what? I knew you were going to say that. No, your mom when you were a kid.

💬 0

1877.734 - 1888.666 Sarah Paulson

My mom went to a psychic when she was... When I guess I was young. And she said something like, you know, your daughter's going to live a really... non-traditional life.

💬 0

1888.986 - 1889.206 Jason Bateman


💬 0

1889.366 - 1891.347 Sarah Paulson

And she's not going to do things sort of by the book.

💬 0

1891.687 - 1893.688 Jason Bateman

And did she tell you that's what the psychic said?

💬 0

1893.969 - 1903.253 Sarah Paulson

She told me that, but after I was older and fell in love with a woman and then she was like, well, I have the psychic tell me that this was going to happen. Because to her, that was sort of living a non-traditional life.

💬 0

1904.133 - 1905.074 Jason Bateman

Not the acting part.

💬 0

1905.094 - 1907.135 Sarah Paulson

Not anymore. Not the acting part. Yeah, exactly.

💬 0

1907.896 - 1911.778 Jason Bateman

Not anymore. But you knew at such a young age, because you went to the Fame School. Fame.

💬 0

1911.818 - 1915.039 Sean Hayes

Wait, didn't Aniston- Aniston went there, yeah, she did.

💬 0

1915.14 - 1916.18 Jason Bateman

Were you guys in the same class?

💬 0

1916.24 - 1916.4 Sean Hayes


💬 0

1916.86 - 1917.841 Sarah Paulson

No, she graduated a little later.

💬 0

1919.73 - 1920.27 James Burrows

Oh, snap.

💬 0

1920.29 - 1923.151 Sean Hayes

Oh, snap. We will cut that out. We will cut that out.

💬 0

1923.191 - 1928.432 Will Arnett

Are you kidding? Cut it out. We're going to fucking loop it, and we're going to send it to Jen immediately.

💬 0

1928.452 - 1937.174 Sarah Paulson

Jen, it's just, these are just the facts. This is not, you know, it's not a, I mean, nobody looks better than Jennifer Aniston. That's a fact. That's a fact. That is a fact. So, you know.

💬 0

1937.714 - 1943.755 Jason Bateman

So, wait, Sarah, so your mom, but your sister's a casting director. You're an actress.

💬 0

1943.815 - 1954.3 Sarah Paulson

Brothers and sisters? I have another sister. My dad remarried. I have a half-sister named Rachel. We don't know what she does. Okay, but why... She actually teaches acting classes that she... I mean, I'm literally... Is this true?

💬 0

1954.98 - 1957.362 Sean Hayes

We can cut the whole episode. Okay, Sarah.

💬 0

1957.382 - 1958.163 Will Arnett

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

💬 0

1958.183 - 1971.293 Sarah Paulson

I mean, everybody's involved. Everybody... Come on, everyone gets it. So I moved to LA. There we go. And then my sister... So here's the truth. And everybody has this in a family, I think, to some degree. I mean, I don't know what your stories are. And frankly, I don't care, but I... Don't get me started.

💬 0

1971.313 - 1972.294 Will Arnett

My family's normal.

💬 0

1972.574 - 1981.08 Sarah Paulson

But I'm just saying, I... I wanted to be an actress from the time I feel like when I was in utero. Like, it feels like I came out of the womb wanting to do this.

💬 0

1981.381 - 1981.621 Sean Hayes


💬 0

1981.721 - 1997.353 Sarah Paulson

My siblings, I think, had more, I think, less of a clear idea about what that particular passion was and are probably better at a lot of things, whereas I have one thing that I can do, you know, whereas my sister's great at math and all this other shit that I can't do.

💬 0

1997.673 - 1998.654 Sean Hayes

Right, right.

💬 0

1998.714 - 2003.978 Sarah Paulson

But, I mean, I don't think it's that strange, is it? Or maybe it is. Like, are all of your siblings, like,

💬 0

2004.657 - 2007.438 Jason Bateman

None. I have three other brothers and a sister.

💬 0

2007.458 - 2010.12 Sarah Paulson

But did they all know what they wanted to be, whatever it was they wanted to do?

💬 0

2010.14 - 2016.083 Jason Bateman

Well, my sister kind of had a... Yeah, my sister did a little bit. She knew she wanted to be a cop. She was. Are you kidding?

💬 0

2016.123 - 2017.583 Sarah Paulson

Your sister's a cop? Yeah, she was a cop.

💬 0

2017.603 - 2020.405 Jason Bateman

And she is a cop. Well, she was. She's not anymore. She'll kick your ass.

💬 0

2020.625 - 2042.48 Will Arnett

She'll kick your ass, yeah. By the way, Sean's sister yesterday got a... I want to say this to Tracy. Tracy lives in Wisconsin. Tracy, listen up. A beautiful red... Beautiful red golf shirt. Beautiful Wisconsin Badgers golf shirt. Yeah. which was very generous and with a beautiful note that was so nice. She's a very nice person, Sean.

💬 0

2042.5 - 2048.425 Sean Hayes

I don't know why she deserves what you're saying behind the scenes always.

💬 0

2049.306 - 2053.55 Will Arnett

Clearly, you got her wrong. You have her wrong. Tracy is a wonderful person.

💬 0

2053.81 - 2061.255 Jason Bateman

You should give her another shot, Sean. So, and by the way, Sarah, do you play golf? If you play golf, I'll have my sister send you a shirt.

💬 0

2061.695 - 2061.955 Sarah Paulson

I don't.

💬 0

2062.135 - 2063.076 Jason Bateman

I don't play golf. Okay, great. Moving on.

💬 0

2063.096 - 2064.316 Sarah Paulson

I still want the shirt. Is that bad?

💬 0

2064.336 - 2065.037 Jason Bateman

Yeah, no, that's okay.

💬 0

2065.177 - 2065.537 Sarah Paulson

I still want it.

💬 0

2065.557 - 2065.957 Jason Bateman

I sleep in it.

💬 0

2066.277 - 2066.697 Sarah Paulson

Okay, great.

💬 0

2068.498 - 2094.565 Jason Bateman

And now, a word from our sponsor. So wait, I want to know about... about Holland the love of your life well it's wedged just north of Belgium just south of Denmark considered part of the Benelux countries I want to know the fun story because I know a little bit of it but you were at a dinner party and you hoped she wouldn't be sat next to you or something and then

💬 0

2094.565 - 2118.586 Sarah Paulson

Yeah, you know, I went to this dinner party that a friend of mine hosted where it was really kind of for Buck Henry, who was there. Wow. Yeah, it was a wild night. And I was at this dinner. It was a long, long table. And there was one empty seat. And Holland Taylor comes sort of, you know, bustling in and her hair, just like throwing her hair back and just, oh God, sorry I'm late.

💬 0

2118.606 - 2141.682 Sarah Paulson

Which, you know, late people, when they're really that late, it does end up making it sort of all about them when they arrive, you know? So she was really doing a like, kind of grand, oh, I'm so sorry I'm late. And I looked up and I thought, that is really a very beautiful person. And I found her to be intimidating. She's really smart and has a kind of formidable presence.

💬 0

2141.982 - 2142.543 Sean Hayes

She, yeah.

💬 0

2143.304 - 2162.511 Sarah Paulson

And she's incredibly talented. And I just, I was young at the time, guys. I was 35, 36. Wow, wow. And she sat down next to me, and I thought, oh, God. And then, you know, we just chatted a little while and then really never saw each other again except for on the back lot where I was doing Studio 60 at Warner Brothers, and she was shooting Two and a Half Men.

💬 0

2163.572 - 2188.38 Sarah Paulson

And she rolled her window down and said, hey, Blondie, do you need a ride? Oh, boy. That's what she said to me. I didn't know that. Right. And I was like, oh, no. I'm okay, I can walk to stage 19 myself. And we never saw each other again. And then we ended up doing a little PSA for Martha Plimpton's abortion. This is not going well, guys.

💬 0

2188.4 - 2207.748 Will Arnett

This is not going well. By the way, I know this is the story about how you and Holland got together. But for me, it's the details of it are the fucking meat. They're really the meat of it. Because the Buck Henry dinner and the Martha Plimpton abortion. This is like the fucking Olympics for me. This is incredible.

💬 0

2209.048 - 2226.225 Sarah Paulson

She has an organization called A Is For, which is an abortion reproductive rights organization. And she asked us to do this PSA. So Holland and I happened to arrive on the same day. Holland was getting ready to come to New York to do her production of Anne, which she wrote that was going to be done at Lincoln Center about Governor Ann Richards.

💬 0

2226.645 - 2228.907 Sean Hayes

That was the prequel to Annie, was it not?

💬 0

2228.947 - 2233.112 Sarah Paulson

Yeah, well, it was probably Annie, like when Annie is finally...

💬 0

2234.114 - 2235.135 Jason Bateman

A grown-up. She grows up.

💬 0

2235.395 - 2236.716 Sarah Paulson

Grows up to be Governor of Texas.

💬 0

2237.036 - 2238.657 Jason Bateman

It was a really hard-knock life before that.

💬 0

2238.677 - 2257.521 Sarah Paulson

Yeah, exactly. Hard-knock life. Yeah, and we saw each other there, and then we followed each other on Twitter, and I literally DM'd her when I was shooting in New Orleans. Yeah. I slid into Holland Taylor's DMs. Wow. Wow, look at that. And then I sent a picture of her to a friend of mine, and I was like, can I date... a 70-year-old woman.

💬 0

2257.921 - 2258.162 Will Arnett


💬 0

2258.862 - 2275.076 Sarah Paulson

And my friend was like, absolutely not. And I'm just kidding. She was like, yes, you can. She was like, fuck no. Are you insane? And I was like, I think I'm going to do it. I think I'm going to fucking do it. Why not? And so I did it. And you guys have now been together for how long? Almost 10 years. Over nine years. That's so awesome. That's amazing. That's so cool.

💬 0

2275.096 - 2275.857 Will Arnett

Did you say 19 years?

💬 0

2276.357 - 2279.58 Sarah Paulson

No, nine years. I'm 66. Okay, I don't know.

💬 0

2279.6 - 2281.061 Jason Bateman

I'm not paying attention. And she's 110. She's 110. Okay.

💬 0

2284.124 - 2290.309 Sean Hayes

I love being around you guys too. You can just tell how like comfy you guys are with each other.

💬 0

2290.369 - 2290.849 Sarah Paulson

Very easy.

💬 0

2290.93 - 2297.075 Sean Hayes

One plus one making three. It's just you're both individuals, but you got the overlap. Yeah, we don't live together.

💬 0

2297.135 - 2298.316 Sarah Paulson

That's the sort of secret.

💬 0

2298.336 - 2300.498 Will Arnett

You know, Sean's married to a man.

💬 0

2301.138 - 2301.678 Sarah Paulson

I do know that.

💬 0

2302.119 - 2304.68 Will Arnett

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure is. They don't sleep together either.

💬 0

2305.02 - 2310.524 Sarah Paulson

Holland and I, we spend plenty of time together, but we don't live in the same house.

💬 0

2311.044 - 2322.011 Will Arnett

Now, talk to me a little bit about that. Are you serious? Tell me about that a little bit. And again, okay, this is, I'm divulging too much, but I said to Alessandra recently, who also, you'd like her tattoos. She has a lot of great tattoos.

💬 0

2322.511 - 2323.192 Sean Hayes

On her neck, right?

💬 0

2323.932 - 2346.061 Will Arnett

No, on her arm. She does have one on the back of her neck. And I said to her recently, we started talking about the idea of separate beds. Jesus Christ. And somebody wrote this, not in the same room. Somebody wrote this thing. She sent it to, she sent me this article because I kind of joked about it. Because sleep is so important. We're big sleepers. We're 9-15 in bedders. And so, yeah, yeah.

💬 0

2346.661 - 2361.322 Will Arnett

And that's why I am 65. Yeah. It looks so incredible. And I'm taking the words out of your... I feel like I'm cutting you off. No? No, she didn't say how great you look. Okay, okay. But sleep and hookers. Keeps you young.

💬 0

2362.062 - 2374.308 Will Arnett

No, but we start talking about this idea, and so then we made a joke, and we're not going to do it, but this joke about living separately, living in another house, there is a certain wisdom to it on some levels, right?

💬 0

2375.424 - 2381.666 Sarah Paulson

I mean, we've been together for a long time now. And I think part of it has to do with we're together when we want to be and we're not when we don't.

💬 0

2382.486 - 2393.31 Jason Bateman

But instead of just challenging it, instead of living in separate dwellings, what about just living together but then sleeping in separate rooms? Right.

💬 0

2393.43 - 2405.393 Sarah Paulson

No, because my favorite thing to do, we fall asleep holding hands, Holland and I. We sleep holding hands. We're very, I don't, I like to sleep near her. I don't want to be around her the rest of the time.

💬 0

2405.413 - 2407.634 Sean Hayes

Just kidding. Sure. It's the daylight hours.

💬 0

2407.654 - 2429.663 Sarah Paulson

You know what I mean? It's the daylight hours where I'm like, you can go. But no, I mean, I think we both, you know, Holland before me had not been in a ton of long-term relationships, whereas Holland is my sort of third partner. you know, more than five year relationship. So I tend to do that and have more experience doing that. Holland has it.

💬 0

2429.743 - 2445.116 Sarah Paulson

And so her life and to get to be her age and sort of not having really cohabitated with someone for a long time, I think it was a lot to sort of all of a sudden have me and all my me-ness in her space.

💬 0

2445.336 - 2449.901 Sean Hayes

But if you live separate days, you've got something to talk about, right?

💬 0

2449.921 - 2452.283 Will Arnett

Where in Canada are you from? If you live separate days...

💬 0

2454.265 - 2467.112 Sean Hayes

I think that, you know, like I spent a bunch of time away as you guys do as well when you're working and it's kind of, it's nice to be able to fill your partner in on that which they have not experienced with you. It gives you something to fucking talk about.

💬 0

2467.132 - 2469.253 Sarah Paulson

I thought you were going to go somewhere else with that, but yeah.

💬 0

2469.333 - 2473.656 Will Arnett

Honestly, it's my, one of my favorite things is to come home after a long time and fill my partner in.

💬 0

2474.276 - 2485.79 Sarah Paulson

I was going to make the same joke, and I just want you to know that that was the joke I was going to make. And I appreciate you, Will, and I appreciate that I'm not the only one with the mind. Of course not. The size of a tiny pea.

💬 0

2486.371 - 2504.687 Sean Hayes

Now, Sean, I will recommend to you something that Amanda and I do, is that we do share the same— We do share the same bed, but we have two different duvets. Therefore, when she rolls over or I roll over, there's not a duvet drag that wakes up the other person.

💬 0

2504.707 - 2513.632 Jason Bateman

That's what I'm doing. That's great. But, Jay, my thing is snoring. Do you snore or Scotty snores? He could bring down a building. Right. And I snore a little bit.

💬 0

2513.652 - 2522.218 Sean Hayes

Do what Amanda does. You just slide your hand underneath the shoulder just a little bit, create a little bit of a wedge, and they roll over. You get that guy on his stomach, and he's not going to snore.

💬 0

2522.478 - 2524.039 Sarah Paulson

What about earplugs?

💬 0

2524.099 - 2526.3 Will Arnett

Nobody gets a guy on his stomach like JB.

💬 0

2528.461 - 2530.802 Sean Hayes

Hey, you know what?

💬 0

2531.583 - 2536.425 Will Arnett

You know what? The snoring is a real thing. Does Scotty have a CPAP machine?

💬 0

2536.845 - 2544.249 Jason Bateman

No, he's going to get the newest, the greatest latest. He's going to try it. But he also has what we call the pot of life on his arm because of diabetes. What's that?

💬 0

2544.289 - 2545.77 Sean Hayes

So what, that means he can't roll over?

💬 0

2545.99 - 2547.691 Jason Bateman

Well, then he's like, it's on his shoulder.

💬 0

2547.731 - 2551.813 Will Arnett

Hey, do they not have lemon laws in California? What's going on?

💬 0

2552.99 - 2562.381 Sean Hayes

You still got the receipt on that guy, right? Fuck, man. That's not really funny. That's not funny.

💬 0

2562.661 - 2565.284 Jason Bateman

Anything else on the list, Sean? Anything else about my career?

💬 0

2565.304 - 2566.686 Sean Hayes

Well, let me check it with Will.

💬 0

2566.706 - 2568.488 Jason Bateman

Will, can I move on to the career or no?

💬 0

2568.768 - 2571.911 Will Arnett

Hey, wait. Sarah's not done alienating more people in her personal life.

💬 0

2574.131 - 2578.333 Sean Hayes

You've got a minute, 20 seconds left to ask a fucking question, Sean.

💬 0

2578.833 - 2588.377 Sarah Paulson

Wait. No, we're just getting started, Sarah. I'm here all day, right? I've got a ration of food here. We bought a double booking.

💬 0

2588.477 - 2592.019 Will Arnett

If this interview is over, I'm FaceTiming you because this cannot end.

💬 0

2593.059 - 2608.323 Jason Bateman

Wait, I want to know, like, I was going to go through all your stage stuff, like you did the Glass Menagerie opposite Jessica Lange. You were in a show with Jessica Lange. That's so amazing. And did Ryan Murphy see that and that's how he cast you in American Horror Story or did he see you in something else?

💬 0

2608.343 - 2613.684 Sean Hayes

Yeah, what's going on with you and Ryan? What kind of stuff do you have on him and will we ever see it?

💬 0

2613.904 - 2619.506 Sarah Paulson

I got nothing on Ryan. Ryan's an open book, man. Everything I got on Ryan, you know about Ryan, you know?

💬 0

2620.071 - 2621.352 Sean Hayes

You know, I've never met him. I'd like to meet him.

💬 0

2621.372 - 2622.033 Sarah Paulson

You've never met him?

💬 0

2622.053 - 2622.614 Sean Hayes

No, never.

💬 0

2622.634 - 2624.576 Jason Bateman

I don't think I have either. I met him maybe decades ago.

💬 0

2624.836 - 2625.997 Sarah Paulson

You're keeping him all to yourself.

💬 0

2626.017 - 2628.179 Sean Hayes

Why don't you share him with us for Christ's sake?

💬 0

2628.399 - 2652.254 Sarah Paulson

I share him, but I love him. He's, you know, he's been very, very good to me. Like the first person in my working life I felt who really... He saw me, you know, like he continued to say, I'm not, I don't know why I always use sports analogies when I don't watch any sports, but he continually threw me the ball just always and thought I could do things I didn't even know I could do.

💬 0

2652.335 - 2657.036 Sarah Paulson

And so for me, he's just an absolute hero in my life, both as a friend and a professional.

💬 0

2657.156 - 2658.597 Will Arnett

And so you really felt seen.

💬 0

2658.917 - 2661.658 Sarah Paulson

I really felt seen well. Did you feel?

💬 0

2662.158 - 2670.221 Jason Bateman

But then like Nicole Wallace in Game Change. Fucking phenomenal. Absolutely incredible in that. Wait, Nicole Wallace?

💬 0

2670.661 - 2677.023 Sarah Paulson

I played Nicole Wallace before Nicole Wallace was the MSNBC lady. She's my hero. Yeah, I played her in Game Change.

💬 0

2677.043 - 2680.985 Jason Bateman

You got to see Sarah Player. She's an unbelievable performance. Incredible.

💬 0

2682.266 - 2688.871 Sarah Paulson

It was when Julianne Moore played Sarah Palin. This was that HBO thing where Ed Harris played McCain and Julianne Moore played Sarah Palin.

💬 0

2688.891 - 2690.393 Sean Hayes

You literally played Nicole Wallace.

💬 0

2690.713 - 2691.073 Sarah Paulson

I did.

💬 0

2691.394 - 2692.414 Sean Hayes

No way. Did you ever meet her?

💬 0

2693.155 - 2694.176 Sarah Paulson

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

💬 0

2694.536 - 2699.24 Sean Hayes

No way. I'm such a big fan of hers. I watch her every single day.

💬 0

2699.28 - 2704.565 Sarah Paulson

It was a very, very traumatic thing that happened. I mean, you should watch them. You should watch. Sean's right. You should watch. It's amazing.

💬 0

2704.645 - 2705.105 Sean Hayes

What's it called?

💬 0

2705.125 - 2706.006 Sarah Paulson

Game Change. Game Change.

💬 0

2706.86 - 2708.082 Sean Hayes

Okay, got it.

💬 0

2708.102 - 2711.987 Sarah Paulson

She was really traumatized by the whole thing, the Sarah Palin thing. It was really- Yeah, I'll bet.

💬 0

2712.008 - 2712.208 Sean Hayes


💬 0

2712.408 - 2717.73 Sarah Paulson

Yeah. So much so that she didn't vote for her own candidate. She didn't vote for John. She couldn't vote because of it.

💬 0

2717.77 - 2717.93 Jason Bateman


💬 0

2718.05 - 2718.991 Sarah Paulson

It was really wild.

💬 0

2719.271 - 2724.073 Jason Bateman

And then when you played Marsha Clark, phenomenal, in the O.J. Simpsons thing.

💬 0

2724.673 - 2727.254 Sean Hayes

You know, actually, I've got a couple of notes on that one.

💬 0

2727.574 - 2729.175 Sarah Paulson

You've got a couple of notes. You've got a couple of notes on that.

💬 0

2729.435 - 2732.597 Sean Hayes

Yeah. Are you guys locked on that? Because if so, I won't give you the notes.

💬 0

2732.657 - 2732.937 Sarah Paulson


💬 0

2733.017 - 2741.902 Sean Hayes

You should probably not because it's already here. I think I can safely say you've never sucked. Ever. Yeah. No. Never been bad, yeah.

💬 0

2742.022 - 2748.785 Sarah Paulson

I got a couple of things in my closet that I think you'd be like, meh, this wasn't... Probably on three-quarter inch tape, right? Yes.

💬 0

2748.825 - 2750.705 Sean Hayes

Not even in the days of... VHS, VHS.

💬 0

2750.725 - 2750.905 Sean Hayes


💬 0

2751.346 - 2769.712 Will Arnett

Fucking guys, can I just get a little bit of credit? You got to go? No, I didn't jump in when I was teed up with sucked and in the closet, and I didn't say a fucking word. Yeah, you didn't do it. I didn't either, so I bought it. I didn't say a fucking... I just sat here like a good fucking student. It's a cheap gay joke, you know, but you refrained. No, I didn't say anything.

💬 0

2770.412 - 2777.336 Jason Bateman

Sarah, I read that after the OJ thing, Marcia Clark, you couldn't watch yourself anymore. Is that true and why?

💬 0

2777.496 - 2777.816 Sarah Paulson


💬 0

2778.436 - 2778.636 Jason Bateman


💬 0

2779.217 - 2788.201 Sarah Paulson

Yeah, I can't watch myself now. Well, I actually decided to... I think for me, the Marcia Clark thing was the first time I had done anything where I felt...

💬 0

2790.121 - 2812.211 Sarah Paulson

so much connectivity to Marcia, the person, and so much, it just was the first time there felt like a real creepy actressy kind of melding of like, almost like a visitation where you've been sort of embodied by a person you don't know, I mean, how it happened. I'm waiting for your joke, Will, about being embodied by, you don't got one? Okay. He's writing it. He's slow. Just be patient.

💬 0

2812.651 - 2813.632 Sean Hayes

He'll get there. He'll get there.

💬 0

2813.692 - 2829.319 Sarah Paulson

All right. That's okay. It's just an opportunity missed. It's not a big deal. But it was the most connected I ever felt to anything I'd ever done professionally. And I thought, if I watch this... And also, it was in conjunction with the most celebrated I had ever been about my work.

💬 0

2829.459 - 2846.865 Sarah Paulson

And so I think I thought, if I watch this and everybody thinks it's great and I hate it, I'm going to sort of ruin my experience that I'm having that has never happened to me before of feeling really... Yeah, I understand that. You know what I mean? Like I just thought I'm going to go in there with my hypercritical way and tear this apart.

💬 0

2847.285 - 2856.351 Sarah Paulson

And that would be a shame because this is the first time I feel like anyone is giving a shit about my work or what I'm doing. And so I thought I should try to enjoy it. And then I just kept it.

💬 0

2856.691 - 2864.557 Will Arnett

You should check it out. It's pretty fantastic. All of it. And you should also remember that nobody is going to be more critical about your work than Tricia.

💬 0

2865.444 - 2870.49 Sarah Paulson

Trish Hawkins. I'm surprised I haven't gotten an email from her. Like everything that's ever come out, I'm just shocked.

💬 0

2870.71 - 2873.353 Sean Hayes

So is that still your policy is to not watch your work?

💬 0

2874.034 - 2881.656 Sarah Paulson

Yes, except for when I have been EPing things, I do watch it, but I try to watch it in a kind of... Right. A way where, you know, because I'm giving notes.

💬 0

2881.676 - 2885.499 Sean Hayes

Well, you're depriving yourself of incredible performances, but that's just me.

💬 0

2885.86 - 2904.216 Jason Bateman

That's really nice, Jason. I have one last thing and then we're all going to let you go. So, Nicole Wallace, Marcia Clark, and then Linda Tripp. Crazy transformation. Incredible. Look, you completely disappeared as Linda Tripp. That was... And so, are you... I'm watching your career from outside going, oh, she's so phenomenal at...

💬 0

2905.297 - 2909.939 Jason Bateman

at playing as a character actress, is that your go-to comfort zone?

💬 0

2910.6 - 2937.295 Sarah Paulson

I feel like the vanity component of this industry, particularly for women, but for all of us, I feel so hyper-focused on this shit, the face and the body and the hair and the weight and the thing and the wrinkles and all this shit, that I definitely feel a kind of freedom when I can hide behind these other things, whether it's Marsha's wig or Linda's, the prosthetics to play Linda.

💬 0

2937.335 - 2947.246 Sarah Paulson

And I can, I can hide. It's a, it's a way of hiding that I, that I think ultimately. She died. She did die. She died right before we started. No way. Yeah. Wow.

💬 0

2947.707 - 2956.729 Jason Bateman

Wait, Wait, Sarah, before we go, before we go, I just want to know, because you're a creature of the theater like I am, super fast, funny, tragic theater story, anything happen either in this play or another one?

💬 0

2956.749 - 2971.812 Sarah Paulson

Funny or tragic theater story? I mean, I don't know if there's a more tragic story than getting notes from an actress who played a play 30 years ago. Okay, fine, that's your story. There you go. Like something going wrong. Well, two things happened recently, which is, you know, in the play, which you guys saw, we can discuss this later. Sure, sure.

💬 0

2971.832 - 2988.806 Sarah Paulson

In the first act of the play, I am having an argument with the black sheep of the family played by Michael Esper. The great Mike Lesper. The great Mike Lesper, who I think he's incredible. And the great Corey Stoll. And he's the great Corey Stoll. And I leave the room in a big huff, and I'm very upset, and I've just blown up and screamed at everybody.

💬 0

2988.826 - 2995.193 Sarah Paulson

And I leave the stage, I slam the door, and his line is, what happened to her? And someone from the balcony went, you...

💬 0

2997.774 - 3000.315 Sean Hayes

Oh, it's a balcony for you.

💬 0

3000.636 - 3013.082 Sarah Paulson

Yeah. And then the other thing that happened that was kind of cool the other day, which is I'd never experienced that. And I don't know if you ever have either, Sean, but we had an actress get sick in act one and then the understudy went on for act two. That's never happened, but I've always wondered about that.

💬 0

3013.102 - 3018.025 Sarah Paulson

It was like days of our lives or something where like someone was decapitated in season four and in season 10, they came out with a different thing.

💬 0

3018.045 - 3020.306 Jason Bateman

Did you have to make an announcement or you just did it? Yeah.

💬 0

3021.327 - 3039.024 Sarah Paulson

Yeah, they make an announcement and everyone just clapped. And there's something very special about the theater where like people are willing to believe anything you do up there as long as you kind of commit to that world. And you like a good pilot, let them know what the fuck is going on. Not to bring it full circle for you guys, but I got to say. That is incredible.

💬 0

3039.064 - 3041.907 Sarah Paulson

It's a relationship between you and the audience.

💬 0

3041.927 - 3043.088 Will Arnett

It's a relationship.

💬 0

3043.228 - 3046.352 Sarah Paulson

It's a relationship. You've got to communicate. It's the key to everything, you guys.

💬 0

3046.372 - 3055.282 Jason Bateman

Listen, lady, early congratulations on your Tony Award. Yes, exactly. Incredible performance. We love you, and thank you for even showing up today.

💬 0

3055.322 - 3056.984 Sarah Paulson

Will, I just met you, but you're my favorite.

💬 0

3057.305 - 3059.287 Jason Bateman

Now you're my favorite. That's all the time we have.

💬 0

3059.307 - 3063.05 Will Arnett

What an absolute... What a delight, Sarah.

💬 0

3063.07 - 3063.61 Jason Bateman

She's the best.

💬 0

3063.63 - 3064.91 Will Arnett

I've never been so delighted in my life.

💬 0

3064.93 - 3082.895 Sarah Paulson

Oh, my God. Thank you. And I really do want you to come. Also, at the Tabasco Theater, Sean, you live on there. I think, have I told you this? Like, first of all, your poster is down in the room. Did you talk about this on the show at all? No. The elephant room? The elephant room under the Tabasco Theater. Did you talk about this? Am I boring? Everybody's already talked about this. You say it.

💬 0

3083.135 - 3091.963 Jason Bateman

But there is, I mean, it's really cool. They call it the elephant room because Houdini, right, used to have this massive room underneath the stage that could hold an elephant.

💬 0

3092.143 - 3095.166 Sarah Paulson

Because he was going to do a big trick where he was going to disappear an elephant.

💬 0

3095.206 - 3097.788 Jason Bateman

Yes, where he raises the elephant from the thing. So they call it the elephant room.

💬 0

3097.808 - 3100.631 Sarah Paulson

And so that's down there and there's a big poster of Sean down there.

💬 0

3100.651 - 3101.772 Jason Bateman

So you're calling me an elephant, yeah.

💬 0

3101.852 - 3118.157 Sarah Paulson

Well, I'm just saying, like, there are a lot of posters that are not down there. There's two posters down there, and yours is one of them. And also, every night when I walk backstage to get to my entrance, there is a cork board on the right-hand side that the prop guys have up, and it just says Oscar Levant on it. Oh, I love that. So I sort of think about you every day when I'm there.

💬 0

3118.358 - 3124.58 Jason Bateman

I love that, honey. That's very sweet. Thank you. And I'm so glad you're there, and I'm so glad we saw it, and I can't wait to root you on. You were really great.

💬 0

3124.6 - 3135.124 Sarah Paulson

I really appreciate it. You wrote me a lovely text. I didn't hear from you, Jason, but... No, check your spam. No one's in there. I'm confident I will hear from you, Will, when you come backstage or when you don't.

💬 0

3135.265 - 3140.127 Will Arnett

I had a terrible joke, and I didn't say it. I just had another terrible one.

💬 0

3140.167 - 3142.868 Sarah Paulson

I saw your whole thing. I want it. Please give it. Get it out.

💬 0

3142.888 - 3151.493 Will Arnett

Get it out. And it's fucking killing me. And I said that Houdini was going to do the trick with the elephant. It was too long, so they asked him to truncate it.

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3151.533 - 3153.094 Sean Hayes

Fuck you guys.

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3153.114 - 3159.345 Will Arnett

Fuck you. Fuck you. Look what you made me do. Look at you. You did this.

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3159.946 - 3170.29 Sarah Paulson

Look, I'm in shorts. Strangely, I have to go. I mean, I just have to go now. You gotta rest your voice. I gotta rest my voice. We love you. Sarah, love you. Thank you, guys. Bye, honey. Goodbye.

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3170.63 - 3172.211 Jason Bateman

Goodbye. That was great.

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3173.339 - 3181.803 Sean Hayes

That'll start your week. Happy Monday, everybody. You have great Sarah Paulson to give you a nice little jolt of love and energy. She is the best.

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3181.843 - 3183.925 Will Arnett

Is she something else? She's funny.

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3183.985 - 3192.169 Jason Bateman

And by the way, and everything she's done, like you said, Jay, she doesn't, I know we say it a lot about a lot of people, but never terrible. Never terrible.

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3192.529 - 3197.353 Will Arnett

She's one of those people who's always good no matter what she does. Yeah, she's so great. No matter what she's in.

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3197.373 - 3209.683 Sean Hayes

She's also just like, just to be around is, as you can see, it just makes your day, makes your night. And you put her and Amanda Peete together, a couple of best friends there, you know, you're just flying for a week.

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3209.703 - 3231.474 Jason Bateman

Are they old school best friends, she and Amanda Peete? Yeah, you watch them, it's like a ticket to a free show. They just like go, go, go, and it's fun and engaging and charming. Yeah, it's great. Well, I know. I said it already to her, but I'm really excited about her and the award shows coming up for her in New York. I think she's going to kill it, and I'm so glad she was here.

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3231.494 - 3232.975 James Burrows


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3233.135 - 3234.935 Jason Bateman

Are you waiting for a vibe? Oh, sorry. No, no, no.

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3235.015 - 3240.937 Sean Hayes

Usually when you take the initiative, you've got a head full of steam going towards the vibe, but not today.

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3241.217 - 3244.278 Will Arnett

And then it was just an absolute peer out. Yeah.

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3244.718 - 3253.323 Jason Bateman

Just a fucking... Oh, is there an elephant one? No, no, no. Yeah. I was like, ba-da-da-da. Let's see. Let's see. Let's see.

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3254.044 - 3269.098 James Burrows

So we think with the Tonys, Trish, and then that one, let's see, Trish. Monaco, Lewinsky. Nothing about the elephant, right? How about movies versus theater?

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3270.319 - 3284.091 Sean Hayes

She's with Ryan Murphy. Well, she's on New York. She's in New York. She's also in Los Angeles often, so maybe she's bi-coastal. Oh, yeah. We've done it a few times. We've done bi-coastal quite a bit. We've done it a few times. We've done Biden. Have we done a Biden?

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3284.131 - 3286.993 Will Arnett

Yeah, we've done a Biden. We did.

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3287.013 - 3293.799 Sean Hayes

You know, I know one. Okay, go ahead. Hey, Sean. Hey. So, what's up? What's up?

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3294.281 - 3299.462 Jason Bateman

Hey, Sean. Hey. You know, the theater, the Tabasco Theater that she's in is actually.

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3299.482 - 3300.582 Sean Hayes

It's actually the Belasco.

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3300.863 - 3323.408 Jason Bateman

Yeah, the Belasco, sorry. The Belasco Theater she's actually in isn't one of those big theaters like where you. No? Yeah, you can see everything in close. You don't need to sit in the back with one of those opera, you know, things, those, you know, what do they use to see real far in a theater? You can pull up. Oh, like binoculars. Binoculars. Wow, Will is really low on the binoculars.

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3336.335 - 3344.997 Will Arnett

SmartList is 100% organic and artisanally handcrafted by Michael Grant Terry, Rob Armjarv, and Bennett Barbico.

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