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Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts

Fri, 21 Feb 2025


Episode 3: After a year of waiting, the bet is finally over. Reporter Zach Mack takes stock of his father's predictions and confronts him about the future of the family. To listen to this series sponsor-free and get early access, sign up for Embedded+ in Apple Podcasts or at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy


Chapter 1: What is the premise of 'Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts'?

212.859 - 220.604 Zach Mack

So it was clear I was the winner. The whole deal was for you to convince me that you're right, but you're 0 for 10, so... Right.


221.284 - 228.029 Zach Mack's Father

I'm 0 for 10. So it can only go up from here. That's one way to put it.


230.991 - 235.994 Zach Mack

At long last, it was finally time to hear Dad say the magic words we agreed to a year ago.


236.394 - 249.43 Zach Mack's Father

I want to have you say after each one of these is that, wow, Dad, you were right and I was wrong. Same goes for you then. And do you want me to say that 10 times?


249.49 - 252.572 Zach Mack

I don't need you to say it 10 times. Just give me one good take.

252.932 - 264.557 Zach Mack's Father

Okay. All right. So I'm going to say to you sincerely and honestly and heartfelt that, wow, Zach, I was wrong. And you were correct. Thank you.

264.577 - 272.683 Zach Mack

I wish I could tell you that dad changed his mind and that the family was able to heal. However... You're really prefacing that.

273.203 - 297.104 Zach Mack's Father

Yes. Because however, just because this has not happened in 2024 doesn't make any of these less valid or less real. I guarantee you, you will see by the end of 2025 that all 10 of these have legs. And I still am 100% positive that all these are true legs.

299.79 - 305.792 Zach Mack

So your explanation for why these things did not yet come to pass is that you just got the timeline wrong.

Chapter 2: How do Zach Mack and his father confront the predictions?

488.408 - 490.23 Zach Mack

Turns out she had a pretty big update of her own.


492.051 - 492.352 Zach Mack's Mother



493.373 - 494.334 Zach Mack

Hey, how are you?


494.354 - 498.711 Zach Mack's Mother

Lots. gone on in the last 12 hours.


499.392 - 506.657 Zach Mack

She began to fill me in. The night before, she and dad were talking about his beliefs around Kira and conspiracies and religion, and if he was open to reconsidering.

506.977 - 520.748 Zach Mack's Mother

He said that he's not going to change his religious viewpoints. He's not going to change. And then I just said it. Then I just don't see, I don't see a path where this marriage can continue. I don't see a path for me.

521.648 - 522.289 Zach Mack

And what did he say?

525.473 - 527.574 Zach Mack's Mother

He sort of didn't really respond.

530.796 - 536.278 Zach Mack

After 40 years of marriage, Mom was done. They had agreed to separate and for my dad to move out.

Chapter 3: What were the outcomes of the father's predictions?

883.299 - 898.45 Zach Mack's Father

You don't think that sounds like your dad? That aspect of it, yeah. But my dad had trouble living in reality. I don't have trouble living in reality. I would argue that you do.


899.671 - 913.204 Zach Mack

At this point in the conversation, I began to struggle. I could feel my patience wearing down. I started to press it more. I mean, look at the state of our family right now. And I think we've gotten to this place in large part because of your beliefs.


915.145 - 941.093 Zach Mack's Father

Well, yeah, you can point the finger at me and say it's because of your beliefs. That's partially true, but it's simultaneously because of the three of your beliefs, right? I understand your beliefs. But I don't believe that way. I'm not going to pretend I believe that way. And I know you guys don't want me just to pretend.


941.953 - 968.046 Zach Mack's Father

You want me to embrace it and live it and think it and breathe it the same way you do. I can't do that. Therefore, it creates a wedge, right? Yeah. But it doesn't have to. And I think... The post-COVID years have really magnified and polarized people.


968.446 - 988.935 Zach Mack

Yeah. But I would say that's when you got radicalized. I don't think ultimately mom, Kira, and I have changed a lot ideologically since that time. I don't think you're in the same place. I think that's what's changed and we're reacting to that change.

989.884 - 1026.743 Zach Mack's Father

I can agree with that. I see that. I have made more significant changes in the past four years in terms of my own spiritual awareness and spiritual growth. Yeah. And that certainly, I know, feels and looks very radical. Let's talk about mom for a second. I think your mom... I don't know what I think about her anymore. I mean, I don't think negative about her other than she's lost and confused.

1027.623 - 1066.959 Zach Mack's Father

I mean, I guess she would say that about you. Probably, and a lot worse. I continue to love your mom, but this is the irony. She sits in judgment of me and therefore judges me unworthy of being her partner and husband anymore. So she wants to walk away and terminate the relationship and move on. I mean, short of pretending to be somebody who I'm not, I don't see a solution.

1067.68 - 1067.9 Unknown


1070.302 - 1079.613 Zach Mack

I agree. Yeah. I think it would take you changing, and it doesn't seem like you're really open to doing that.


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