Zach Mack's Father
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
Yes, I fully hoped that would take place before the end of 2024. But that has not taken place.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
I mean, I guess she would say that about you. Probably, and a lot worse. I continue to love your mom, but this is the irony. She sits in judgment of me and therefore judges me unworthy of being her partner and husband anymore. So she wants to walk away and terminate the relationship and move on. I mean, short of pretending to be somebody who I'm not, I don't see a solution.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
Yeah. Or simultaneously, it would take the three of you changing.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
Zach, I could never talk to you about this again, have great times with you, great conversations, and pretend I didn't believe any of this anymore.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
No, I don't think it's a solution. But that's what I feel pressured to do when I have these kind of conversations with you.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
I agree. And that's why I say for me, that's worth every dollar.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
Simultaneously, I would say to you that all three of you are judging me very harshly. And that's what's causing the rift. I can accept you and love you and have my beliefs and accept your beliefs. You can't accept my beliefs without judging me.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
Not at all. I love my daughter. I love Kira. I know that you do. I would never. I would never disown my daughter. I would literally. But you reject her sexuality. I reject her identifying herself. As lesbian or queer or whatever. But why? Because I don't believe that's a legitimate label. And I refuse to see my daughter only through that lens.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
Yeah, I get that. I get that. And I don't know how to convince her otherwise, but I will continue to try. Okay. It's not about rejection. See, that's how you guys label it, but it's not rejection. It's about looking at it from a spiritual viewpoint where this is not what God wants for her, right? And because I identify more with God, I take the same path.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
To continue to reach out to her and continue to reassure her that I love her and want to spend time with her and I don't sit in judgment of her and I don't look down on her and I don't think anything negative about her.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
I don't know. I have no idea. I have no idea, man. I can't even think that far ahead. Yeah.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
I figured you'd probably want small, unmarked bills. Yeah. Non-sequential. Yes. So did you bring a suitcase?
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
Yeah, well, because somebody pretending to be the Biden is in the White House. Okay.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
Hey, Zach, just wanted to check in with you, see how you were doing. And then also just wanted to say we just come from different points of view. And I hope that as we continue to talk here in 2025 and as you edit this program, you'll recognize that we just come from different viewpoints and we can still cohabitate, so to speak. even though we disagree on our worldviews. All right. Love you.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
I'm very happy that that didn't happen. And that's 10.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
I'm 0 for 10. So it can only go up from here. That's one way to put it.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
I want to have you say after each one of these is that, wow, Dad, you were right and I was wrong. Same goes for you then. And do you want me to say that 10 times?
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
Okay. All right. So I'm going to say to you sincerely and honestly and heartfelt that, wow, Zach, I was wrong. And you were correct. Thank you.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
Yes. Because however, just because this has not happened in 2024 doesn't make any of these less valid or less real. I guarantee you, you will see by the end of 2025 that all 10 of these have legs. And I still am 100% positive that all these are true legs.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
Let me just have it, too, so I can look at it and see if there's anything I can pretend happened.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
Wrong about 10 things. I'm going to admit I was wrong about the timeline on all 10 things. I've been wrong.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
Yeah, because I still believe the majority of these things are legitimate.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
Because I know they're true. Why am I going to abandon truth? Why would I believe a lie? Why would I give that up? And it's not an arrogant thing. It's a knowing in my soul and in my spirit. So, yeah, I mean, yeah, I can't abandon the truth.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
The majority do not, but I don't talk to them about it. I don't talk to Marty about this kind of stuff. But you do talk to Marty about it. I've interviewed Marty about it. Very, very small.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
Actually, none of them are saying that to me. None of them? None of them. Okay. Yeah, nobody, none of the people you've mentioned have told me that I'm going in the wrong direction. The only people who've said that are you and mom. So if all those people told you, would you hear them? I would listen to them. I probably... Wouldn't change, but I take it into consideration.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
You don't think that sounds like your dad? That aspect of it, yeah. But my dad had trouble living in reality. I don't have trouble living in reality. I would argue that you do.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
Well, yeah, you can point the finger at me and say it's because of your beliefs. That's partially true, but it's simultaneously because of the three of your beliefs, right? I understand your beliefs. But I don't believe that way. I'm not going to pretend I believe that way. And I know you guys don't want me just to pretend.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
You want me to embrace it and live it and think it and breathe it the same way you do. I can't do that. Therefore, it creates a wedge, right? Yeah. But it doesn't have to. And I think... The post-COVID years have really magnified and polarized people.
Alternate Realities: Facing the Facts
I can agree with that. I see that. I have made more significant changes in the past four years in terms of my own spiritual awareness and spiritual growth. Yeah. And that certainly, I know, feels and looks very radical. Let's talk about mom for a second. I think your mom... I don't know what I think about her anymore. I mean, I don't think negative about her other than she's lost and confused.
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Alternate Realities
All three of you are judging me very harshly. And that's what's causing the rift. I can accept you and love you and have my beliefs and accept your beliefs. You can't accept my beliefs without judging me.
Up First from NPR
Alternate Realities
When all these things happen, then you will realize that I'm not as big a crackpot as you think I am, and that these are not conspiracy theories.
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Alternate Realities
It's kind of like the old saying is, seeing is believing. But in the spiritual world, it's just the opposite. And by that I mean, you have to believe it first in order to see it manifest.
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Alternate Realities
So you really want to store up two months worth of food and water because they probably won't be able to pump water throughout the city because that's all controlled by computers and electronics, and the EMP is going to shut down everything electronic. I know, I know it sounds like conspiracy theory, but they're going to do this.
Up First from NPR
Alternate Realities
This is what they're planning, and I just want to have you be prepared, okay?
Up First from NPR
Alternate Realities
Okay. All right. So I'm going to say to you sincerely and honestly and heartfelt that, wow, Zach, I was wrong. And you were correct. Thank you.
Up First from NPR
Alternate Realities
Yes. Because however, just because this has not happened in 2024 doesn't make any of these less valid or less real. I guarantee you, you will see by the end of 2025 that all 10 of these have legs. And I still am 100% positive that all of these are true.